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[ 714
ing of all this was made at large, and then re-
duced to a fmallcr kale, as it appears here. I
will not undertake for the period exadnefs of it,
either in the meafures or the redudion. All this is
by a Chinefe hand. The foot made ufe al inthis
menfuration is to that of France as moo to lo16.
Soo of thefe fent make a By the kale to be
fern in the Snail plan, and from the dimenfions of
the fouth and call walls of King kbing, may bc de-
duced all the dimenfions. The circumference of
the walls of the Chinefe city has been formerly mea-
fund, and well, by kraal meafuns ; and the recoil
of them may be ken here by the kale.
The fouth wall of King ething is from eall to
well eleven ly and near a third. Thc aft wall from
north to booth is nine 0 and fome paces. So that
the city is not fcmare, as (enrol perfons have written.
The perfons employed by the emperor to weather
did not think of meafuring the fpace, which con-
tains the houfe and church of the congregation de
prapagandel file. This hook and chords are Gloated
to thc booth between number any and a falall bridge
so the well of number ma.
In the accounts fufficient mention has been made
of thc walls and gatos of the city of King kbing,
for which resins it is not wacelFary for me to fay
my thing concerning it.
In the year of our Lord I shy, the Tartar em-
peror Km/day ban (in Chinefe rn chi tfaa) built

Th< f ere are different in China ; but talcoo feet alwar nuke
According to tbe escalure of thcIaosilrl0 vedl be greater
or Infs.
3 the

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