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provinces to Peking. Here are likevefe curial.

manufadture of lima h or Chinch glafs, rich mer-
chants of women's ornaments, of gold, of the plant
gns rbeng fo much efteemed and fo dear here, of
varrefhed furniture, tea, fluffs of value, do. The
book.fellers Chops are alfo in this dry. It is to th
remarked, that the walls of the Chinefe city and
King robing do not run diredly north and fouih and
cart and weft, but decline towards the north-weft
2° 3o', and as mock knathytall. It is probable,
that the arthitrEts employed in direfiting the build-
ing of [Irk walls made tile of a compels and that
the dedinatiation of the needle was thee what is
mentioned above.
What I have faid of the walls of the city it
wife to be faid of the walls of Hang &bin and of
71r king.
At the time of building the city King robing, and
the Chine& city, the Chinefe altronomers very well
underftood, that the north and fouth of the compels
was not the north and fouth of the heavens at Peking
they knew, that the needle declined to the north-
wet! and fouth-eaft but that this declination was
not confiderabk.
Without the gates of the Chinefe city, and of
King erbing, I mark the fuburbs ; which are very
full of people and merchants, and like fo many cities.
In moll of theft fuhurbs there are hee temples of
The Sien 'song Inn in the Chieefe city is ahnoft
fur A in circuit. There three words fignify, The hill
of the ancient hufbandmen.
The emperor goes thither every year in the fpriog

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