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fumtner folflice the emperor goes thither to (artifice

to the' earth on the hill. Many of the leuned men
at prefent diftinguilh this facrifire in the 77 tan from
the (artifice in the Tien tan. But, according to the
dortrine of Confucius, the facrifict to the earth has
the fame objed as the (artifice to heaven. In both
the fupreme Lord Chang ti is to be honoured. I do
net know, whether the emperor adheres to the pure
dodrine of Confucius and whether he does not pre-
tend to honour the earth,
' or fpitit of the earth, by
performing a (artifice, which originally had for its
objetzt the Clam ti, as we arc affured by Confucius.
The inclofure of T tan is a vaft one ; but is not at
all equal in beauty to the Tien tan.
Without the wellern gate of King robing, N°.
al 1, is rue tan, thc Hill of the Moon. At the
autumnal equinox the emperor fends thither a prince
or great man to honour the moon, or fpirit of the
moon. This ceremony is not very ancient. This
inclofure is neat onc, aod pretty large.
Between the two north gates of King Wing, N..
83 and 1813, is a valt efplanade for the exctrik of
the troops both horfc and foot.
To the north of this efplanade arc two beautiful
temples of idols for the lamas. There two more-
talcs are veryclegant. The emperor and the Tartars
Nan gem lay out great fums on their two monaflerics
and the two temples of the hmas.
In the year Ills bcfote Cbeift. Os twang, founder
of the dynafly 77bew, nominated his brother Takao
kong prince of rm. rem is the ancient name of a
pretty extentive country, in which Pebing (lands.
This ptince of ret built a city there, a league and
. . half

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