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4,8 3

of particles, revolving at the diftance 0 A of the

remota point A, ass is to unity.
It is well known, that the centripetal face, where-
by any body is made to revolve in the circumference
of a circle is leach, as is futhcient to generate all the
motieecin ;he body, in A time equal to tits t, wherein
the body deferibes an arch of die circumference,
alual in length to the radius. Therefore, if we here
take the arch AIkaeOA, and airtime NI to exprefs
the time, in which that arch would be uniformly
defordied by thc point A, the motion of a particle
of matter at A (whole central force is repretinted
by,f) will be equal to that, which might bc uniformly
generated by the form", in the time and the
non of as many particles (revolving, all, at the fame
nillance) as are esprellid by re (which, by hypothe-
(t, is equal to the momentum of the whole body),
will, confequently, be equal to the momentum, that
might be generated by the force ,fs n, in the fame
time m. Whence it appears, that the momentum of
the whole body about as ace Pp is in proportion to
the momentum generated in a given particle of time
by the given farce F. in the direftion A L, as
nti on is to Fscei, or, as amity to 2./
--re- (be-
mule the quantities a rnction produced by unequal
(mom in unequal times, are in the ratio of the (orces
and of the times, conjunetly): La, therefore, AL be
taken in proportion to AM, as 4yx is to airy
(fuppoling A M to be a tangent, to the circle ABCD
in A), and let the parallelogram A M NL cam-
pleated ; drawing alfo the diagonal AN then, by

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