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that count whole fluent, I k x co-CE
hn o 7, will confequendy be the total regrtfs of
the point E, in the time that the fun, by his apparent
motion, deferibes the arch HE or 2, which, on the
fun's arrival at the (once, becomes barely = fiX
/- xan arch of sees the quadruple where-

of, or + co-L E x 311o. 2fif;:4L.

o co-f. E x :he) is therefore the whole annual pre-
cellion of the equinox caufed by the', fun. This,
in numbers (taking p3.-:) con= oot st
Ty-7, x myty176 36c5 =11° 6"..
The soy ingnoioo, M. fftivabelle, in his effiy on .
this fubjeet. inlerted in the 48th volutne of the Phi-
lolophical Tranfallions, makes the quantity of the ars-
mat preceffion of the eqninox, muted by the fun, to
be the half, only, of what is here determined. Bur
this gentleman appears to have Fallen into twofold-
millake. BUS, in foxlingehe sernsma of rotation
of the terrellrial fpheroid, and of very (lender ring,
at the equator thereof ; which momenta hc refers
to an mis perpendicular to the plane of the fun's
dedination, -itIllead of the proper axe of rotation,
flantling at right angles to the plane of the equator.
The difference, indeed; arifing from thence, with
refpeet to the fpheroid (by melon of its near amoach
ir (phere) will be inconfiderable but, in the ring,
the cafe will be quite otherwife ; the e9ninoetial
ram thereof being made to recede jolt M. as fait'

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