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r 726

p. The Tartan Sirn pi, who came from the con.

fines of Ledo tong and Mongol or Mogol Tartary,
had hords named To pa. One of theft horde made
themfelves mailers of Tartary Lear tong, and of fe-
veral northern provinces of China. This Tartar
power has the fthinefe name of Oury. It has pro-
duced feveral great princes. The year of Chrill 386
is reckoned the firft of that dynaily n, which reigned
above ii3o years. I do not know why the rtigning
dynally has not _placed the name of any of there
emperors in the 71 twang mine.
6. If we fuppofe, firil, that all the books of the
hiftory of China fhould be loft,. or the contents of
them fliould not be known in Europe ; and fecondly,
that the catalogue of the emperors, who are men-
tioned in the Ti wrung Felon, fhould fall into the
hands of fome European critics; it is probable, that
fuch a catalogue would occalion many falfe maine-
ings with relation to the fucceifion of the emperors,
who have reigned in China.

Of which clyndly dine is extant very canoes harry.


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