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Name : Vacuole Boy

Address : Animal or Plant or Fungal cell

Background : I am a membrane bound
organelle which is present in all plant and fungal
cells and some protist, animal and bacterial cells. I
am a essentially enclosed compartment which is
filled with water containing inorganic and organic
molecules including enzymes in solution, though in
Plant cell
certain cases I may contain solids which have
been engulfed. I am formed by the fusion of
multiple membrane vesicles and are effectively just
a larger form of these. I have no basic shape or
size, and my structure varies according to the
needs of the cell.
Uses : I can -
Animal cell
•isolate materials that might be harmful or a threat to
the cell
•maintain internal hydrostatic pressure or turgor within
the cell Source:
•maintain an acidic internal pH
•export unwanted substances from the cell
•allow plants to support structures such as leaves and
flowers due to the pressure of the central vacuole

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