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Nucleus Golgi Bodies

pictured as fluid mosaic model.

cell which can protect the cell

substances to enter or leave

The cell membrane is often

from harmful substances.

It allows only chosen
The nucleus is covered with
a membrane that allows
material to pass in and out.

It’s often called the “control

center” of the cell because it
contains DNA.
The cell membrane is a semi-

molecules inside and outside

permeable membrane that
facilitate the movement of

The nucleolus is where the the plant or animal cell.

ribosomes are formed and this
structure can be found both in
plants and animals.

The cytoskeleton is a series of

fibers made from proteins. It
provides structure to the cell and
gives it its shape. It has three
components; Microtubules,
Intermediate Filaments and
and animals so that they remain in
jelly like material where organelles
are embedded. Its jelly like feature
The cytoplasm is a viscous fluid or
Cell wall is a rigid organelle

secures the organelles in plants

composed of cellulose that
gives plant cell its box-like
shape. It provides tensile
strength and protection
against mechanical and

osmotic stress.

The Mitochondria are called

the “powerhouses” of cells.
They produce much of the
energy a plant or animal cell
needs to carry out its
functions. They are the centers
cell. Vacuoles store water, food, and
A vacuole is the storage area of the

vacuole. photosynthesis have a big

producers through the process of
waste. Animals have a very small
of cellular respiration,
vacuole while plants as the
Chloroplasts are plant cell
organelles that convert light central
energy into relatively stable
chemical energy via the
photosynthetic process. By
doing so, they sustain life on
Ribosomes are the protein
factories of the cell. These are very
essential since all the functions and
processes in plant and animal cell
requires protein.

Golgi bodies receive proteins and

other compounds from the ER.
They package these materials and
distribute them to the plant and
animal parts of the cell.

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a

series of tunnels throughout the
cytoplasm. They transport proteins
from one part of the cell to another
that is why they are called as the
transport center of the cell.

Smooth ER - ribosome free and

functions in detoxification of lipids

Rough ER - contains ribosomes

and releases newly made protein
from the cell.

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