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Transforming Lives

by sharing the love of Jesus

Gospel Rescue Ministries of Washington, DC
CFC/ United Way #8919 Volum@ 6, Issue 3, Spring 2OO5

7OO Years,,.and many more to come!

\\'ith .r 1.:-. :-i:rtbc'r ,rt <tur tiiends Plison F.-liou'sl:lp irr pri:-
::la iii' iilrf s lr rtte ndanCe, \\-e
S Oner re-entn Scn-iCcS. \
celebrared the start oi GR*\I's 100th special plaque \\'as pre-
vear of service on Mav 20. After sented to the V'orld Bank
1;g, '1:l:Z::11 ,)'.11' SIrcCi.fl gllcStS .ltltl irr r',:c,,grriri, 111 oi their pill'f-
:,,rillc speclri :-il-::-C. C :l:r'-::-:^.:, :- :tcr-;1- '.-. t::-- GR\l , rr-gr the
remil.rks \\-ere mrd. a.. T, ,::: \l '-. ci. past Se\-aa -, -lf S lil lfr 1., f de
Business )Ianirser of \\'\\- \. rrnd en-rplor-ment opporrunities to man\'
David Treadu-eil, Esecutir-e Direc- GRM program graduates.
tor of Central Union Mission.
John Jackson read a letter from
A brief history of GRM was pre- Ma1'or Anthonv Williams, congratu-
:nted, and members of the Pren- lating GRM on its faithful service
ce famill' were introduced. Har for 1,00 1'ears. Mr. Lafa)'ette Barnes
\-e\- Prentice, Jr., former Director of represented the Ma1.or's Office and
th. Mission and successor to his added his words of congratulations
father who was Superintendent and encouragement. It was a spe-
trom 1925-1,960, provided some cial celebration and inspired all of I tt/,t,,t1./r I)tt)'t/t-i, Dir.
insieht into the histon'and heritage Han'e1' Prcttlire,.lr.
the GRM familv to u'ork e\-e n ,,r .'1,, O.iitr
,,' tit, lp-; qt-
of GR\1. harder to provide the r-ieedecl help. P,; t-.; li

hcrrlir-rg and l-rope t() man\- pers()ns C r,i ii :-, D, t r lofi ur tt /

Don \lchin highlightrcl lh.' <11o11{ spiritLr,il f,,r-rir.l.t- .\-trf r[u trcxt lt tt t 1-g"11s'
tion. ;1s s-.-11 rts tl'lc grls-tlt , rf GR-\l iir lhc .lrc;1 ()t so-
cial sen-ices o\-er tire pasr 12 \-ears, and then pre-
isiun fior ttre-100th year and ber.ond. 'I ryqald like to take this opportunitv to commend Gospel
Don mentioned ()Lrr prlrtncrship s-ith thc S;rhrrrior-r -\fittlsltit,r .fitt' rearl.tlrry orrl u'iilt lot'e, (0il/p{titi0//,
and nerr/rd socia/ stn'ices to those u,ho bat,e /osl hope. Gos-
-\rmr- tor enlarged trrrnsirion;rl housing. our enhanced
pe/ Rescae t\Iinisties has eniched our conattltifi, attd tltls
atlercare supportir-e se n-ices pr()gram, ne\\- transi-
celebration profoand/1, denonstrates Jlar ribranq and
tional housing tbr u-omen, our plan to expand the
strength. " Antlton1, A. II'-i //i ans
Readv to \\'ork program and our plan to partner with

$100,000 MercHrNG GneNr

As we celebrate 100 i'ears of sen'ice to homeless and need)'men, women, and
children, we are eternallv grateful for the donor who has demonstrated care
and compassion with this generous matching grant. Your gifts during the
summer months will continue to be matched 1,00o/o up to a total of $100,000.
When )'ou make a gift, please check the box on the response card requesting a
copy of A Historj' oJ-Gospel Rescue Ministries, / 906-/ 946, which features personal
Rtody to Vork, one of tlte rta/!, ntirtislries
helped lry yar donatiotts.
accounts and photographs, and describes the selfless generosirl' of those who
helped to keep the mission functioning during the early years.

I Celebrations galore! page 2I SHOUT OUTS page 3* The School of Tomorrow page 4
Senator Dole's Birthdav Partv - Jtly 22"d
5'enator E/iTabeth Dolei Ol/icr, tht' Dirksen Building

To celebrate Senator Bob Dole's birtl-rdar- on -Tr-rh- ??nd.

;rrrcl,;r l-llzibu-it D ,^-'. ::-----:--. :- _i-.-. I , t--,
Doles decided to include GRNI in the f-estir.ities. Sen. E.
Dole's office invited GRM program participants, 20
men, 9 women, and 5 staff, to come and celebrate. The
Doles gave each Fulton Hc>use woman a quilt, a blanket,
:rnd a set oi tos'els. s'hilc TI-\l lnen received a gift card
tiom \\ :rl-\lrrt. \\ c g, )t t( ) llcct rlncl sperrk u-itl-r both
Senet.lrS. ;rS s-cll ;rs thc ScorltorS' Strltt I'loc] othcr C:rpitttl
Hill s-orkers. \\-e had 11 territlc lttc'rooon. shrtring ceke
and ice cream, and gettlng t(, prrucip:rc in .r \-en'special
event. Thank \'olr to lc'n;ltorS B,,b r.,d Elizrbcth Dole ,
tor the rr tlioughttllncss .rird g.n.r, isrn I

Graduation - Saturd"y, June 4'h Coitttltlrtt Baptist Cbarch, I Street

Fir-e men graduated from Gfu\I's Transforming Lives Ministn, rvl.rile men and rvomen in all phases
moved up to the next level of their r€coyeq'. The School of Tomorrorv awarded certificates to WorkNet
program participants, and others who had completed work training programs. Second Chance performed
fot the ceremonl', and staff members were there to prat for and lal' hands on our graduates, honoring
their successes. Attendance frrr the event \\'as grert. s'ith er-crr or.rc cnjolinrg fixrcl and fellos'ship in the
GRM chapel following the service. Our next gtaduation be on September 1U,". \\ e s'ouid
love for vou to come and share in this iovful occasion.

Cookout & Concert by Green Acres Baptist Youth Choir Jr/J, 12tlt, CRM dy I Street Park

Wearing bright blue shirts that said "I Belier-e!", 100 r'outh
from T1'ler, Texas treated GRI\,I and the s-tder communitv to a
spirit filled evening. Startins with a summer cookollt on the
steps of GRM, followed bl' a fantastic concert in the park, the
evening was fulfilling for all rvho attended.
Cars were stopping on the street, and peo-
ple were hanging out of their windows to
listen to the celebration. But the most in-
spiring part was when the vouth ministered
to the communiq' follou,'ing the concert,
showing God's love to all thel'met.
Tlte inspiirg ntinisttl o.f Crtert ,lnvs Baptist Clturch.
We would like to send
to the following people and groups
for partnering with us in ministryl
Three cheers for our summer r-olunteer groups! The u-ork r-ou Thank you to Joni Miller, volunteer ar
do - cleaning, painting, org niztnp, and serving meals - is GRM, for spearheading a new project.
inr-aluable to our ministq'!
She is exploring how to encourage small
Crestw,ood Elapdsr CIrurcfi - - busrness
entrepfeneurs to sponsor or-
Mt Carmel Baptist Church g ntz?trons like Gospel Rescue Minis-
SERIry DC tries. Tl-r:rnk r-ou also to Suzannah
Grcen Acres Baptist Church Stolba and the Pari Spa of Frederick,
Fo urth Pres bytedan Church MD tor committi.g r-, portion of their
Youth Gtoup sales to our ministn. ,iiter being encour-
Fairfax Church of Chdst aged bv Joru.
Urban Hands
South Shore Baptist Church
(Jrban Hatds

Thank you
to Calvaq, United Methodist Church for
hosting our annual picnic on June 19th. Worship
was followed bi, a festive picnic of hot dogs and hamburgers.
GRM and cLrMC competed in our now traditional sottball same.
All rvho attended were *-inners, h'*-er-er, enjor-ing grear
tellos-sl-rip u-ith one anorhcr.

CR1I t':. CL-)IC

T1r:tuk \ ()u L() Llrc Arnerican Association for the
Advancement of Science ior donatins health [teracr-
books to the School of Tomorro\\,.
Thank \-ou to the state Education Agency for donating
Thank you!
computers. fr'r-t*e1tfartAfu
Thank you to all individual donors ior in'esting in the lives of GRM men
and women. WffFAffiF
Thank you to the American Indian Hedtage Foundation for the donation alrrrrttffltl0S
of hundreds of children's books, games, and toys. We have taken great de-
light in distributing them to the communiq,.

rd as always, to our Chutch parmers, thanks for yout ptayer, volunteer,

gifts-in-kind, and financial support.
- May-pod keep you and b_les-s you
_all. We pray that you woutd
continue to reap that which you have sojan,
Transforming Lives, page 4
School of Tomorrow works for certification
Congrats to the entire staff of SOT tor s-orking ions hours to complete the ACCET
(Accrediting Council for Continuins Education and Training) re-accreditation applica-
tion. ACCET requires prosrams to har-e standards of excellence rvithin 8 categories,
including mission, management, tinancial practices, curricula, methods, personnel, ad-
mission practices, and er-aluation. Chrystal Jones, Director of SOT, savs that this proc-
ess is designed to determine the strengths and weaknesses of an educational facility, and
to promote excellence. Though this application process was long and tedious, Chrystal
The :nri/itr.q 5'O7- :ra.ll
stated that it is an honor to be accredited bl' ACCET, for it indicates that we are an ex-
cellent program, providing the finest sen'ices to our students.

SOT is working with Project Intermediate Advocates eIA) and the American Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Science (.\AAS) to establish a Web-based Health Literaq'
Training program, to bring health education to tl-re p()()r ancl unclerserr-ed. Chrvstal cs-
pressed her behef that "it ts irresponsible to teach people to read, write, and how to use
a computer without teaching how to take care of vour health." It is our hope that this
progfam will feed into vocational training, for those interested in medical careers.

SOT is also exploring w21r5 to expand its GED prosram, as g'ell as partnering with local
charter schools to encourage more parents to commit to education.

Lives are being transformed by the power of God's love!

Lisa Jackson l-rer tl-rat was specral, and stuck with Lisa sar-s that before GR-\I, her
l-rer through rough times. GRM rvas ligion u-as fake to her. But the pro-=-
Lisa is rr shininq able to help Lisa focus, to start s-ith gram forced her to qet honest rvith
example of hos- her own heart, to humble herseli and herself and to har-e a real rclation-
lives are changed realll, look at her life ancl *'hat she ship u-ith God, sr;methins she had
GR*\I. Lisa wanted to do and to be.
came to Fulton
ne\-er had betore.

House oi Hope in And look she did!Lisa enrolled in 'I're beerr c/osed up, brl rrot'I lore lkiilg
September,2004. She had been at GED classes at the School of To- fee. I'ue neuer liled like iltis b(bre.t"
a cross-roads in her life, struggling morrow, and finished a t,ear long
with addiction and all that sub- prosram in onlr'4 mr>nths. Chn'stal
stance abuse brings with it - anger, Joncs statcd, "[hcr--c isn't ani'thing Ron Freeman
fear, aggression, deceitfulness. Lisa that Lisa couldn't accomplish." 'EL,en iltough I broke
fi/atu, nr/es, f il
says that she had tried other pro- C1'nthia Morris says that "Lisa has
ltad not been for ya and olbet" ttoJf
grams 1,7 in fact, but that this reallv focused on what she had to
ruenbers of CRM, I haue no idea ul.tal
time, she got scared. She'uvas in a do, and she has done it rvith gre^t
or where I woald be now,. \-ot /te/ped
life and death situation and made success." Lisa completed the DC me to belieue tltere is truly 6 God and I
the decision to lir-e...and to live Central Iiitchen certificate program,
do be/ierle. I'nt .qetting nanied soon and
clean. a 90 dav intensive culinarv and food
I'ru so ltappy, lui iJ-it ltad not been for
service training program. Currentll'
J"dy Ashburn, Cl.nthia Morris, and she is exploring transitional housing -you teaclting ne alsotrt Cod and lteing
Mrry Gordon at Fulton House pro- around s0 t//att)t spiritaal/1 grounded
options and thinkirg about enrolling
vided Lisa with a program that peop/e, I'n nol surc wltere I'd be."
in college in the future. Lisa is
worked for her, as well as the sup- v'orking on repairing her famill, rela-
port and care that she needed. She Ron is a TLM graduate, workir^.-_,
tionships, including her 24 year old
sa1's that it was challenging, but that as a St'stems Administrator for a
the Fulton staff saw something in large computer compan)'.
Transforming Lives, Page 5
--rrnual Board / Staff Retreat - Jun s /{th'/$th
Otprtl Point Retreat Center, Rolal Oak, ItD

!--i rl I ll:l l:il:::l

rr11 rrr E'tiin g.ffi

Staff members and board members of GR-\I met and tellou-shipped to-
gether in the picturesque setting of Osprer- Point on the Eastern Shore.
Our first or-ernight retreat, s'e enjor-ed tl-re e\tra time to qet to knos' one
another better s-hile sharing excellent tood and a dme oi relasation, and
exploring the pier and the grounds of the Center. A productir-e meeting
5-as held on Saturdav morning, sh:rring past accon-rplishments and ftrture
plans of GRII' A great dme *-rrs hrrd b'all' Tl-rrrnks t(') ()Lrr b"'11c| lllelll-
ber Jeti \\'right for arranging our r-enue!

A GRM Wedding!
On July 9'h, our own Antonio
Otero and Esther Mcl(innon,
\oth graduates of GRI\{, were
eed in matrimont' her
^,.rother's house in DC. Cariton
\\-hite, Assistant Intake IIan-
rrger tor TLN,I performed the
ceremon)', and there wefe
about 75 attendees who en-
joyed the sen'ice and the receP-
tion afterwards. Esther is Plan- Antonio b E stlter sltare tlteir first dance.

ning to complete cosmetologl' school this month, rvhile Antonio is the

Case Manager for GRM's Readv to \\'ork pfogfam. V'e s'ish them all
the best in their nerv lif-e together!


u ,fsjjjjyilJ ":}r|


{; a -..
Luls Pereu Steven
Third Dav Idrk Franklin Taci

Saturday, October 8th, The National Mall
Wra:a i&rj 3,-.
A free, famill'-friendll, celebration featuring top Christian music artists, VeggieTales


kids area, Lirrin'It action sports demos, food courts, prof am sports zone, Operation
I1' ,-

Compassion communiry sen'ices, and a gospel message from world evangelist Luis
rGt Palau. GRM staff have been working to support this event, so plan on spending a
d"y on the Mall filled with fun and gte^t music! For more info, check out
- t
Transforming Lives, p"ge 6

Gosppr Rnscus
A Message from the Director of lYashington, DC

810 5.h Sreeq NIf

Vashington, DC 20001
t-l tt I'rt tli L_-
, _: Q02)842-r73r
+l :i Fax: (202)898-0285
*,i Volume 6, Issue 3
*1 i

Dear Friends and Partners.

John Jackson
We continue to be excited about what the Lord is doing here at GRII. As vou
can see, we have been very busy during this quarter. Fun mixed with hard work
Don Melvin
gives the staff and the program men and women a sense of accomplishment on
the journey. Boano op TRusrnes
David Van Duzer
\X/e thank you for your faithfulness in support of the work of this ministry. Chainnan
Your prayers, financial contributions, and talents are all gready appreciated. Jane Bond William Harper
Because of 1'our faithfulness we are closing in on claiming the $100,000 match-
John Jackson Albert Manola
ing gift challenge, but we are not there yet. However, there is still time to make
it by September 31,2005. Rudolph Pruden Chades Robinso'

Al Lawrence Donald }Ieh-in

Thanks again to all the men who come on the 4th Saturday of the month to
fellowship with the men of our recovery program, )rour presence encourages Jeff Wright Deborah Dar-idson
them to trust the Lord and to lean not to their own understanding.

Come visit us to see first hand how you are helping to bring hope, help and
healing which transform the lives of the hurting men and women we minister to
here at GRM. Jesus said "when you have done it unto one of the least of these M@R
my brethren you have done it unto me". Matt. 25:40
S7e arelooking forward to seeing you at one of the upcoming e\rents rx,'e haye
planned for the rest of this year.
The staff and I will continue to pray for all of you. Please continue to pray for
us. Feel free to email me,,afly pnyer request, we would be
hrppy to agree with you in pr^yeL www.gtm.otg

In Christ, If you have questions ot comments

the newslette4 or anything
else about GRM, please send us an

Transforming Lives, page 6

Gospnr Rnscun MrNrstnre

A Message from the Director of lVashington, DC

810 5.t Street, NW

rWashinEon, DC 20001
li, il_ , (202)842-1737

J **
Fax: (202)898-0285
Volume 6, Issue 3
il 1**t

Dear Friends and Partners.

John Jackson
\\-e continue to be ercited about s-hat the Lord is doine here at GR*\I. \s vou
can see, we have been very busy during this quarter. Fun mixed with hard work
Don Melvin
gives the staff and the pfogram men and women a sense of accomplishment on
the journey. Boano or Tnusrs,es
David Van Duzer
We thank you for your faithfulness in support of the rvork of this ministry. Chairman

Your prayers, financial contributions, and talents are all greath'appreciated. Jane Bond \{'illiam Harper
Because of your faithfulness \\-e are closing in on claiming the $100,000 match-
ing gift challenge, but \\:e are not there r-et. Hou-er-er, there is still time to make _JohnJackson Albert ]Ianola

it by Septemb er 31, 2005. Rudolph Pruden Charles Robinso'

Lau'rence Donald Melvin

Thanks rn to all the men s'ho come on the 4th Saturday of the month to
^g \{'right
fellowship with the men of our reco\-en- program, )'our presence encourages Jeff Deborah Davidson

them to trust the Lord and to lean not to their o\vn understanding.

Come visit us to see first hand how vou are helping to bring hope, help and
healing which transform the lives of the hurting men and women we minister to
here at GRM. Jesus said "when you have done it unto one of the least of these,
my brethren you have done it unto me". Matt. 25:40
\Xte are looking fonvard to seeing 1'ou at one of the upcoming e\rents q-e have
planned for the rest of this year.

The staff and I will continue to pta.y for all of you. Please continue to pral' for
us. Feel free to email me, , any prayer request, we would be
h^ppy to agree with 1'ou in prayer. www.gtm.otg

In Christ, If you have questions ot comments

regarding the newsletter, ot
else about GRM, please send us an
Don Melvin
Executive Director

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