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Weekly Friday Newsletter

Term: 1 Week: 5
28 Feb-4 March 2011

Upcoming Dates in
Term 1:

Education Review Office

(ERO): Visit 15th March

Monday 28 Feb Kauri and Kahikatea City Library visit 10.50 a.m.- 12.30 p.m

Tuesday 1 Mar
Wednesday 2 Mar Technology Year 7/8
Terms 1 Ends:
Thursday 3 Mar School Assembly Practice Hosts: Jack, Selina, Anna, Dougal
Friday 15 April 2011
New Dowse Gallery trip-full school
Friday 4 Mar Sandra relieving in Kauri-Jenny away
Artist Tony Drawbridge visiting the school

Christchurch Earthquake: Our thoughts go out to all the families who have been affected by the events in
Christchurch this week. It has been a very difficult time for many families and we hope over the next weeks and
months we can offer some support to those communities who have felt the impact of this tragic event. Yesterday
we received an email from our Sister-School in Mexico on behalf of the educational community, expressing their
concern and deepest sympathy.
CTMS Civil Defence Centre: As many of you are aware, CTMS is one of the Civil Defence centres for central
Wellington. Last year the Welling ton City Council built a supply shed on our school site, reviewed our equipment
and replenished supplies. Additional to these supplies we are asking parents to provide an icecream container,
clearly labelled on the outside with your child’s name. Please include two muesli bars, a small box of juice, a change
of underwear and any emergency medication that your child might require. We are also asking parents to discuss
their ‘emergency plan’ with their child and to let them know who the designated person is who has been nominated
to collect them from school in an emergency (many of our students did not know who this contact person was).
Please include this information on a piece of paper with their contact details and put inside the icecream container.
Woodwind classes at CTMS: Please complete the flyer or contact Olga Speranskaya if you are interested in
taking up this offer.
New Dowse Gallery visit: On Thursday, the school will be visiting the exhibition at the New Dowse Gallery in
Lower Hutt- White Cloud World exhibition. We will be transported by bus and will leave school at 9:30am. We
require a number of parent helpers for this trip, so please get in touch with your home-group teacher by Monday
afternoon if you are able to assist. The bus will be returning to school by approximately 1:00pm.
Tony Drawbridge: CTMS has been invited to participate in an instillation as part of Footnote Dance Company’s
Arts Festival presentation. The children will be designing leaves with an environmental message and these will be
displayed at the festival. Tony Drawbridge will be providing the motivation for this experience on Friday.
Baby Sitting Service available: Caring, compassionate responsible and available during working hours to fit you
needs. Please call Anamika Juneja on 022 6510969. Terrace location.
Entertainment Books 2011: These are available to purchase from the office at $60.
Yummy Fruit Stickers: CTMS collects Yummy Fruit stickers for sports equipment. Please start collecting!
Wounds: We have noticed a number of children are attending school with open, weepy wounds. We are asking
parents to check that any open sores are attended to regularly and are covered until they are properly healed.
Attendance protocols: CTMS has an Attendance Policy and Attendance Protocols to comply with the Ministry of
Education requirements. We have attached an ‘abridged version’ outlining the key points and would appreciate it if
parents could take the time to read these. The Co Principals or BOT members are happy to answer any queries
related to attendance requirements.

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