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" -

r: ,l\ P P ::? T' I C-; . :.; ' .• -;: y :..; D~\ l\ 11 Y

·:'::r:JJ:tR AVE,
!: ., f\ ~ :: RT. ~, P.\ • :OUR NARBERTH, PA" THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1945, ~I PRICE FIVE CENTS

Vol. 30-No, 16 ,


WOMEN IN SERVICE Narberth Club For'ced To Move ----------------
r, \Restrict Gasoline Rations \;\'ounded \7 eteran Arri"es In Phila,
Ask Councilmen For
10f 6 Main'Line Motorists; I
Jersey Justice Is Evidence
Permanent Home In
Harman Presides at Hearing in Ardmore;
Car Owners Charged With Exceeding
Community. Building
35 Miles An Hour; All -Out-of-State Teen-Age Group Has Had To Move Six Timel
Convictions In 15 Months~ Equipment Now Stored 111
New .Ter~e~' ju:-;tice i~ being u~ed a:; eddence in cllrtail-
Garage; Girls Will Have Say
l\Tclll1 LlIle motnrl~b accused of
illg tlw ga:;o]lI1c rallOn-- of The Narberth Bo~ ~ Club, "hleh ha~ l)(>cl1 bounced from
I ~peedlJ1g, Tlw "al'tll11e ~peed hmlt, fixed b~' Federal 0 PA ']Jlllnr to P()~t :-Illee It" ol'galllzatlOll I,') 11l()llth~ ago, was "on
Iregulatioll';:, IS :~5 mJ1e~ an hour. I the town" agalll thi", "eek
AnnOllllcenwnt that ~IX l11()tOl'l~t~, one a phy:,dclan, had
I)!!' SIIS',111 B Gallaohel ' I f tl 1 t' k
l\T()llda~' llight the chaIrman 01 the adult {;ommlttee di.
:'~:.lgl~ttlgJ ~~~~IO~;ailpGa~~7=
Fllght Offil PI FI I f' ,on 01 Lt ,. ~ I beell deprl\ ec 0 leu' ga~o lIle ratIon or Ollf' wee • "as
made by thl' Ardmore War Price and RatlOllIl1g Board Tues- l'eltIl1g the b()\!'i' actl\ltle,; appe,IIPd hef'orp the Karbedh
Borohgh CotllH:il and asked 101' 11<'lp in ()btalllln~ a perm. .
MI ann MIS Henl \ A FI,t' of
115 W\ nl1f'dalp RCl N,lI bellh
has completl'd 111S LI all1lug' II1
helth IS attac!1Pd to the Plllla- da\,
odpllla Na\ al Hospital In tile '
fOlC-IVle- G Hears 11ellt headqua !'tel'S for the bc)\'s.
Tpxas and IS spcndmc hiS leale
'\Ith hIS palPl1b m Ilw POC0110S
t \\ 0 bl olhpi also\('als she SI'I-
m the
IllP Pfc ThlJ1n,ls Il1 Gelmanv
has 'sppedmg
All of In
Jel SI'V
Cases of all SIX were heald
- A
. .- arberth T
-- - - - ----- - + \Vpc!lIPsda\ t hc bm s had to \110-
catp all <,mpt\ Siore at 33 N Nal-
Hp all 1\ ed last Sunda) P\ pnll1g
At lhf' I nrl of IllS flllIOIJ!2'll Ill'
and Cpl Flank a pat!<'nt m a Hpl1lv M Hl\Iman challman
110sPltal 111 CallfolnHl Ano~her I the Aldmoll' bOUld 1\ Ilh MIs
R xtenslon gent Op,belth A\e "hl(h thpv had be'en

\\lllleprJlt back to "Il'xas fOI ns·

'Igl.m<,nl ii' a nal1~ntor
blOtllPI Jamp" P \\ as I ec ently IT Dalglcl'h c11all man of thl'
dlS( halgl'd IIIlh 120 poullS : ~Jg:;gSld:l~~~:l~: nJ,~~eJ, sltilng
B Cynwvd Narberth
i BondQuota 220%: I USlI)!! as a mel'tll1g place,
TllP11 J~;7:~h~~n~;:~a~~1f1 sports
Sl:"t. I:d\\,lld BlIIgl'Ss, J]lh A'· Nalbrllh, IS spend1l1g a fi\p da'i AccOldmg 10 OPA legulatlOnb
Ipal f' at home aftPI 1ptln nmg I on pi ocedml' 'a panel conslstll1~'- oJ·
I I'QlIIpmpnt nO\1 ha b I t
s ec 1 S OlP
rt i
I R tari ns B g'n
Illol'f'd DI\ ISjon of Hall1pnpn A' r- flom Bplgllun Hb blothel Lt lot one 01 mOle boald ml'mbl'ls
nup, 1~ stal10ned at StC\ lC1ll1t111J Challps 1\f EI,lIlS and MIS E,al1Sl:,hollld be dpS11~natl'd to SUpl'lVISe
condlHt hpallnf~s but the final
a e I
Ne\v Club Year
° !Bond Sales Total
,a galol!2'r 01\ Iwd b\ Robpi t Hob-
son tlcaSUICl of the bo"s' com-
Atlstlla Ilple also \I('ckeno gllPS1S Lt
'EI ans l' nOI\ ,ta tlOnl'd at the Mld- I deCISion 111 ('\ PI \ case shall be I I' PJc '1 homa, StoddaIt 20 son 01 Ml and MIS JosepI1 Stod- $6,513,225; 'Drive ,mIltpl'
\VIt hm t hr l"j months of 11.;
I.t. v, GlpS', dlelO\ln Alm\ An Base
Is homp on 3D,
' It IS plPsllmed that decislon~ m '
'made thl' panel" Phlladf'lphl~'
Challes Hallowell'
<iall of 3 W Athl'n~
Ale AldlllOl' labove Ilghtl lS SllO\\n talk- Huge Success IPxIstPl1Ce thr bms ha\l' beetl
'\fOlC'Cc! to Challgp hcanqUl\rtcls
Lane leale aftcI tl\O Jeals 111\ 'l/Sgt. .Jaml's p, Gallagher. son I t!le casl'S of the SIX motollsts \\l'le Icountv Extl'nSlOn lePlesentatlvel mg to a blldd\i JI1 tile Pl1lladelp111" Nal'a! Hospital aftel hiS al- I ---- aboul 'IX t1l11f'S
days ()f MIS ;\1~l'\ ,Gallagher of 108 t b\ thp Aldmole gasolllle la- of Pl'nnsy1\al11a Stnte COllpfP 11\al herl' Monc!a\ Stoddall \\ho lc<t I11S Iptt leg aftPlbell1,\lllt 'l\VlIhatotalof3172<ubseIIP-'MpmbplShI P of thE' Nalbplttl
,al b CI tl1 \\a, dIS _ t'onll1g p~llcl
Itllly, madP b' al t 11IPI \ fill' 111 Ok 111 a wa on Ma \ 15 I).ls"pd thlOI1g11 Al dll1oIt'
• 1\1 (liOn .,\(' h N spoke to thp Bala-Cvn\\vd.Nal- !lIons fOI b on d s T"01\ PI 1\1PllOn-1 B ens CI 11) I lpplespnls thf' tren-
Flh:"ht Offi('l'r II PIII \ \, 11\1',,«1 110m I11C U S Aln1\ 011 A((0Id1l1g 10 Il1fOlmatlOn ob- ' I o n 11Is IVa\ to the hospItal A blothel, JOSppil JI, IS also selymg N,tlbpltl1 sold 220 PI'I cent of thPll lage glOUlJ \\Ilh ilg~~ lllnnlll~ flom
JI .. 115 W,nnrdalp ROMi fll" ,JI,np 7 '\1111 120 pomts O\clSeaS I talJ1f'd flom olhel Mam L1I11' IR- bel til Rotalv Club luncheon on m thl' Malllle COlPS Ilal bond qllota \\llh ,al( s ,1;) to 18 \ <,al " lIlCltlSllp Tl1~
alllOlll11111g to So 513 22;) m t,w 1,01lm~C'1 olgp ~IOUIJ a sppal~te
fl'ol11 Tpxas 18,1 Sun(\,1\ ano " thlPP 'P,Il, !lc had b,'pn m the I tlonmg boalo" PpnnS\!\anIa po- Tuesdav at the OlelblOok COlln-
SpenOlng hi' 1<,,1\ p \\ ltL hI' p,U _ "nl \ II r 101\1 \ p~1 S ,ppm\( i1CllOn III P ill e not 110\\ fOI,\aldlllg names' tl\ Clllb
ents m thf' Poconos 'm thf' Afllcall (dmp<.llgn Fance of motollSli' allc,tprl fOl speedmg I He told the glOIlP of the pXtCI _
Tltree Ll-ttle F:res P,ll OZlt '-'
SP\ pnth \Val Loan Dill p It \', s Ibl ant h of Ill(' Bo\S Clllb l1a<; bpf 11
announcpd b' Tl10mas B;lln('s II IlI1l'etll1~ 111 tile AI11Plj( an Lf'l'lO'l
,to OPA offlnals Most of tIw slon \Iolk bell1g donp IhIOll~h()lIt ~cn<'la! (hfllllll,1l1 of th(' dllle

LL John E. O,ltlS 11IJ"1)~11(1 of
Betl\ GIllep OaU' of 200 S Na,-
Gcnnal1\" and Slllh

C t' D' , l1all1l'< ICCPIIPd flom outSIde statl'~ Ihe statp and dellmed a gl~fl-
eonw flom Nc\\ ,JplSe\ lsellice lS ~IVel1
to tl1f' faJmPIs 1111
B y 31 F·lrell1e't lIt
· 42 M·lIt. Boll nps lPIJOI tpc! that 111 plnc- BIUlrl1l1_
lH.1llv all ('as(" thf' dlslllci (ha' -; HpaoqlwltP1S
Iloom of the N,ubelth Commull'ty

hrllh A\PIJUp 1S le,lll11~ ,,01' 011 aglous Isease I PollC\' 111 handlll1g casps of mo- helpl11g them to clllt1\ate bpII,,) I .., Illpn c1ld an oUhtandlllg IOh flOl11 ,h,IIP hpcollll' so Ullcpltalll fnl : lP.
Clo' Is !'Ie\\ "lcxlco fOI B-2:) Cases Reported ,tOlI'lS 100'llltpd of spped\ng ,al-,clops Ihlollgh betlpI s('ientl::c tile filst lllPPtll1g 111 latp 1\1.1' Ilppn-ng( glOlljJ that th<'\ h"1'~
t1all1llW '- lps sl1alph hom thai of Ihl' Ald- mf'thods At the NalbC'lth BOIollgl1 ' tlw hllllclmg C0ll11l111ter' st.lIPc! I\lwn rac11 ch,lIlm,ln slatprl j"s,l.lkf'n tn bU\I1l_ 10ll"pSlblr l'qlllP-
1"111 thc \\Pl'k (nalJln Julv 6 12'molP lal1On1l1g boalc! Othf'l sUb- F II I t lk d t II COllnell mpf't1l1£ MOllda\ lll!~ht • Illat ll1lpf' blilldll1~ PPIll1lt~ I\CIC dptel1l1111atlon to Pili IllS (l1sll1 ,1lH'nt Thp\ n,l\(, fnlc!lI1:! ))11'::
_ Illban lallon boalCIs conlaltpd ale '0 O\\llW liS a • a 10lin a)·' , 1""II('d at a co't of So \llIh Ihc OIPI the top 10 till' glauhll1g 12- Dong and pool Iflbl('s lhflt ran be
1.1. .Ius<,ph IJllug-hf'1 I' i\1m 1- nPI\ (asPS of ('onlagIOu" C1,~easI'S 1101' unpo"lI1g ~n\ pf'nahups fm dlscus<lon \\as held Chlpf I
EIJgll1el'1 Albpli M(Nulty s blllldll1£ cost1l1g SI22fi :;lIlt:; CIPltpd 01 tak('n dO\\n at a mo-
gompl\ ('Olll t An:1'll1wnl< Is hOll'" \\('Ie lepollpd b\ Rol)Pll Tl.01l1as thc filst offensp 1\1al1\ lallOn of- \'VlIham S Ho\\ald Ilho \\,', 1110ntllh lepOlt 'tated lhal It I Labol pXPPl1SPS of the BOiOUgh I ---------- l11f'nt S l1ull(p
on 30 oa's lea\e flom thr Souln hpalth OITIlf'1 of I:'e LO\\Pl MCI- filial' fpf'1 that It 1< 'unfau to'dll1stallleo as thkP C'lllbs l1e\\ PIp<I" took a total of 31 filPmpn onh I fot the month of June amounl- 11~~~,,\~:;:I,~:ItI;I~: ~;;"'.'~lIg\~ Gills to H,np S~\'
PaCIfic, ' I ,on Bo,uo of H('allll lJ11POS(' illlesteo
c!11\eIS qasolllle 111 leStI.JctlOns on pnt ast \\ee' pieSI d I'd at th(' i 42 nllnutps to pxtmgulsh thlcP
Np,\ JpIsp"lmeetmg pa 10 S1392 fm 1621 \\olklllg ,,,b,.rtllllOn IlIIola 10' IlIm«11 0 110 B DUPI Nillhplth mil;::'~-
('1)"~,,alJ1< ;\Iat~ HOn,ll( :\1, Nl\\ la'es ll1(ludp fOUl of' lu(k- I P 1 I files The IC'POlt pIPsellted b\ hows lpPOltHI Walici A Fox d"rtn~ tI" Sc\l'nlh \\.tr 10,In tlatp ,1l1rl (halll11an of thp bo' '
E'ans <O~1 of 1\11 anel MI' P G 'pn pox 10111 of mumps ana four \\ lpn I'nn S\ \anla po He alP not I Othel OffiCP1S \\ho ha'f' bpc'l' \Vdllam P DallPS 111 the ab- ~,',:;,""I~~O'~'I\t;~,e";'Il:j'::1~~,'.' .~r':~~ comnlltlee nskpo tI'p CouncIl fo1'0

Challl11all of lhp \\,IIPI llght

E\am: 'of 111<' A'ol1 Apaltmcnts 'ot I\hoopmg cough'

_ 11)
«,[PUll) ]['1\g n
i fOlAIO\~l11dg ,!1l1' ,amp II)lOCl'dllle
[(01 l.,g to thp ('!!al dl'palt- Rav WIlliam,;
ment of tJ1f' OPA office 1IJ Phlla-' Hel"
lI1stallprl fOI the comll1g vpal il"', ~en['e of Flankhn C Hutchlll'
lIce plesldelll , son challmall of the pubhc
Kellll tleaSlllnl alld 1)1 ~,Ifel\ cOml1llttpp a Iso statl'O I 1)agf' (ompI
and l1f'al1h comml\tl'( Robclt
M Call1CIOn stated Ihat 14 £,11-
alllts d o l
\\rlC IC,'pI\l'
h' ron"~ Ih,'1 dill 10 II" IHt',,",r
dr,ole h"'"11'" Ihe III h.d htl'n
o"le",an "n"hll
lIllie 10 the 10
'I,O,I'I'.I'r " 1'1"',1 It 011 ,rc" "dll~I,hl'''' (,I,I,I,~II',tl ~n"
Pl'll1llSSlOn to usp a \\In:! of 111
I om nllll1 Il
II1lC'ptlng \ BUllCill1C
pl.lU' to! tltpasbO\s
11\ 1I1g IS I1'PO nO\\ b\ thl' Womal. S
a leguln:'

M PUI SP as seCI ptal \ ThE that thpI e \1 PI e no fil e dlllis dUIlIl(! Ill<' 11l0nt h DlIll11g that

Conltllllcd all Page Two
_ CD ~ .Jl = club s nl'\\ dll P' tOl sail' Rlchal d I dUllI]'g JlIne tll11e 33 st I ect lights \\ ('I C 11'- 0"" Ih. 100 'h. ~lt'r,on 'II~ ,nl,- ICOllll1l11l11l \ Clilb ami t hp GlIl
M GdIls \Valla(e Smllps and I LOlli:; A Young (hallman of pOltpd OUI 'flll".1 lor $1;nO'1H '" hond, lor ISlOuts Illlh thl gIllS hal"l:::;

WIlham Shaff(,1
COlllll1lttPP lllallJl1l'n half' befn
IlPp0ll1ted b\ PIPsldpnt HOI\ald to
T·Ighten IJ Con troIW-II-
p I lam P'DaVles
- h,m" II
BalllP~ pOll1tpd OUI hO\I ('\ I , Ilw pIOp,l!\ ({)1ll1l1111r< \\hlch has
pllUl1I, Ildlls
\VlllJa1l1 P Dl\lrS (h,1I1I11an flf

Did Notice This Sleeper, ,Sf'l VP dWll1g t1lP comll1i>( rlllb j'C'): ' • I that tlw: f' \\['1 P m<.lln Ul1sPLI IllllSdlct lOll u\t'l ! tIl' COflln II III I ,

Latest Release?
In l\hJ(h the ('lub \\llIlllalk lL<
20th veal of ol~anlzatlOr! Thcs n
10l11mltt~e Challll1l'n ale the R(\ I
of Ealng
t' PIaces GetS APPoin
- tmen t I ,hands th"t hp!PNl pllll th"1 Bllllclmg toloD\ll'l he ,Iouirldl,-
111f'lght He stated 11Ult m ll1all\ I(\ls_ the 1ll,1l1l1 111th GlIl Srollt
rll~tIlCts tlw cl1allmPlls 1\1\1'1 011 ,(1,11, 11 It \Ias !\j:!t(pablr to
We oont KIlO\\ \1110 ClOps Ille 1110'1 \\lllIng flll R<,pllb1lcal1 Stale
Challman M Hal'\'I Til\lOI O! \\)Iptlll'l H~IIP\ takes tll11e to lPad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = Blvant ~aYll10n
IsenlcP, l KllkJa£dwcommllnlt'l atIous ll,-I I I \'ho kppt m,1n\
1,1llS\lPIPd tla(k oftl'lpphonc SUIlS(llptlOll' thon ,1110 \\Tolll,lns
(:III- 1\1111111(' IJHj(' 1101, Club no lw(onfllct
mel hIs o\\n Icll'oI'e~ 1 ,tC'lnatJOllai SE'IIICP WIlham SI1.\1- I ano look 011 til(' lolp of b,t1"; c,ll(cl ]JtllnIS'lon \\ould l)( _Iantfr:!
Hal \1'\ sial C',1 C1C"j, \\ Ilil ,In "lin' lllll IIIH'1ll III" 1 H,11 I P\ , f{p- De,11 Em leI I
,0utl1 sel I Ice .J Bcclfol eI, Lower l\leriol1 Starts I' N(,"Je
.arherth Counciln13
' n tllP mf'SSf'ngC'1 s --11 nt tlllg monp, \II
i\lpl'tlng sLlltIng ,II 7 ,10 P ill,

ploglalll 10 (OUlltpI,ll! tnc thleat pf !olelQn " Isms ,al"

TIl(' \\pilthf'1 O\pl thp ""pkrl,(1 VVoo]p,
PlI bI I' an P ,11 t\ 01 P PIlI!'\ !\anl,l Is lJjannll1~ a\1 ail-ollt polItical actiOll "a, )1\'1 fe('1 No 1am fOl a I han!!p.,I R Ie 1lal"-' 1\1 GIl
1" 11 0 t to 0 11 0 I \' It I1 a b lCC uttnndanl,n
Rot aI'

('In, GeOI"n
7 ,.,,-
ml01matl l,n,
I IS f CII 0\1 SI11P all( II
" KllklallC!
I nspec t'Ion f 118
° t 1
s N e'" P t'Ion At
lEI t'
h<lnk and kf'ppm!.. tI,Hk 01 "I'~ Il(lcl nlOl\ 1IJ',cl,11 1)\ ',11">
'\lInS! hal <IS onr "Ife "aId II a, Bo\
I f 1II11lpnllW
I '
0 ~ s Clull B, 11\ I'pn 2) aJld 30
, ,

I>O\s alllll(l I'l1f11 a( IIIII('S als

111('n 1Ip Ul<'S 011 10 ".1\ Ithlo\\n 1ll f01 good I11pi1S1llp ll1a!..,17JlW Wallall' Sllllle~ bUllp'l aces I "Jenera ec rIC ,
Spv\,lal rllslJllls "Ilh sub,rll'l- ,llpll\l'PCt b\ .1 (0ll1111Ittl'P lit oldo}'
\"'p 11111'1 alOl!"e CIPI\ (llIZ"n III tlIP rI,tll~'!' of 11<1110nal I ' So 111,1\1\ ppopl( arp al\n\ t'l' tIll, ana Ra\ Wllha111~ dub se' 'I ---- -----
I~m' pd~ D~n':'
'lions lunnll1g 11110 man\ hllll- mPlI (OllsIS!lllg oj ])IIPI (Iltllmall
Whl( 11 '1'1'111' ,on'hl PJlt 'I It n Hal \ e sOCIa· I \ Illagp' SPP111S SOli of dpSl'l t I'd i \lC e and pl ogl al11 chaIl man I LOll PI 1\1Pllon TO\\ nsl11P s plIb- \Vd1lolll1 P Dol I IPS 3 \Vmrl,ol 01 had I P('Ol d Ch,1l1 111('n \\ \1'1 ,John Nf I'h I \I f -I n" 11I11iln
s \\a, of th1l1kulg ,Thp Bond Booth c!oSeCl ~~tllJd3 Al tilt' Il1slallatlOn of llel\ of- ('heLken paell sllb'UlptlOll a'lL ,tlcl Run SCC!Pldl\ Hob"oGll.
Thfn 1Il Ihc final pal a~! alJh not to open aga1l1 lint II Sf'pt ell' _ 1I fil'Pl S HPl \ie\ KPII1l Ietlllllg pI '" I· IIc l'a tin'! and dl1l1kmg plac es AI cnur Nal bpI th ,IIPPIlIll PllO"I,1 I II,n,IlI('1 HO\I,"n Halfidd, a111-

ateer to PIay II
Conll1lucd on Pafjc 1wo
Tlw Rpd CIOS' I\OIk 100111 drnt p01l1ted Ollt that slI((essJlIl mllst C0l1fOl111 to Ilglrl hpa1t11 and of SPI\Ilf' ~hops of the Gpnr1al
Thc lun" has (Ol11P to lallonc,I'/p 111l' pOllt,(al s1l1l.l1101l as II bpI
10Cla\ T 1(' Pi ('sri \ allOn of 11 l'e gOI ('I nll1C'nt depends enlll el\ tembpi 13 Thp MedIa DIII~
\1 III bp elo,ed ,Juh 3{) until se p C!lIb) managpmpn~_ IS seompal able ~anltal \ stanClal ds If tllc\ \\ ant' Elpl'lllC COl11\Ml1\ of Phl 1acll'!pl I liM
to p ofitable bll,lIles 01 gal1lZ,I. to obtall1 hren~l's
to opelatr I tOl ~5
\ p 11' l1\s been a) Olll ('(II
lplif ClIltlllJl ,lllri Chadp', !lcts
',lno Pat IIC k i\1,11I,lno n1C'l11bCIS of
t hI' exec 1I11\ P l Ol11ll1tl tp"
IIpon the" 111 111 !..l1l'SS of lllP AIllPllcan people to dp( Ide pubh( QlIe~llOnS Stot e closes PI pl' PI pn,ng at {;' t Jon and said th(' f01l1 pomts t,l A sell(',", of 1I1 Lpeetlons pll'pal-'
con~lCl- plann:n~
' " IP l

on the baSI, of gpnPlill nallonal \\t'11ale--not on the nallO\\
elatIOns of 1Il0l110llol1 01 glOIlP splfhll1ll's' Which dopsnl Ollnci 01- d,n
'o(lock ilI1d IS closed all cla' SlI!I_'be conslaeled 111 P10ll'CL
The All,lella Re~talllant 1'1
r 1 ,tlospd SlInda\s bllt t1Jpn 1'011 (all s,tle to sl~ll the plan and to fOI- Assembl\ Ma\ 23 ahead\i l1as,the
alOlI to thl' ('nIOJ(pnwnl of a 11P\\ Ilrll'lllll sllPpllntcnclent 01 SPI\JCP
1".1'1(' to find the fa~ts to plan tl1l' Stalp 1,111 passpd b' thr Gpn('lal shops HIS tPllltOI\' \I,ll 10\"1
I\tIlntH St{IPS mrlud l'
n Tourney
Rals('{1 l\Iunf\
Till' bo\S h,IIC c!('IP]OlJpO a ICll-
alollllCl 1«1(.111011 plO~lalll of 111-
~lstCnt \\Ith thp PI('\IOIh statpment III 1IIIh Hal\p\ S \\a\ of tIllnkllll' ahla\s , l1a\p SlInd'I" , dmnPI at tl," ' , 10\\ t1l1ough been stalted by the LO\\el MCllon',Ppl1nS\" 1\ anl,1 D(,Ia\\ al e VlJ glnll~. • noOl ancl olllcinOi a( lllilips La""
We bl'llc\e Hal\p\ S "host \llltt'1 \lllked n sl<'epPI 111 that final Wll1dSOl Essf'x Inn flom 12 ~O, - - --- - Hpalth B o a l d ' )C',II thp N,IlI)Plt'l Bo\s C'ub
palaiU apll Wc bplIpI e 11f' t1lckpd 1 !!I pat llllth Il1 1he 1plea'e tl1at until 7 0 cloc k The" 1pall" sel' P
H Id b 1 I I I a c1pllllOlIS dl11nPI Yoll knol\ tl"I
H dO RitesS Willd Leadll1g up to stllctel l'nfol ce- WI'S! Vll g1l11" and NpI\ ,Jel S\,\
l!1('nt a C\I1\\\d delIcatessen o\\n-I MI D,l\lpS \\as b011l 111 Talll,·
t\rdl11ore Manor Youth I tc ,Ims 1\ Ill' IllnnPl -Ill' 111 tils
i\j,lln LII1P Jllll101 BasPball and
evrn al\p\ \\Oll I' lall Pllt to 1111(\,lst,lllC
It IS bPlall'p AlllPIIla IlilS IJpel1 fr,llecl to takp gOIPlnmpnt aetlon ,Mal
,gol('lnment IPtlllllPd tlll'll Cal)' I
hotel ll'Cpntl\ and th'
Be el n atur ay PI has bf'en'alJest('d and fil1f' dl ton SomP1S('t Co England :l1<'1'
bpcause 01 unsallltall condItIons t tl U d st I 191"' 'Vins T,vo TennIS
, BaskelIJ,tll LlaUl<s
TllloU!..l1 \)Illptus l.lmr~ a.ld
"on tl1(' baSiS of gpnpla] natIonal \lpllalP that rletncnb of so-called 1 Ballen Housp' IS open agalll
IThp\ halP bpen tamous fOl Ye,"S D('ckl'l
FI~nclul50 Selll(eS
former 1l'Sldpnt 0' Hpalth Ofli(el Robelt J Tho-lIn London he s('I\pd ,\~ plecL!ll'
for Allen B ]Jd:'\'alllllg 111 hIS stOle \(ame 0 1(' !lItf' a ps 111 v I Titles ~L\t
Cyn,,,yd 1110m plll,llp oonallon, tI1(\ l<ll~~cl
S13:>.0 ClIIlIl1!2' III( 111'1 Ip,11 rue
nallonal sOllallsm ,ue 1ll,1l11t"~ll1H~ t1l(lll'pl\p~ 111 WaslJllwton toda\ If01 tlll'Il f'xlPll('nt (ll1~;nl" Bala 1\111 be held 011 Satlildav mas ,aid ,pstPlda\ that the LO\\_,nIP('lmlclldpnt of London UnIlt'I' mOI1(,\ hois bll'll SPl'lIt fo! alhlpll;:
It IS hf'callse tllt' sLUP, IIPIP falltm dOI\n and the old publIc chall-, You \;nO\\ thE' 111c!fPpnd,ont al~:!noOn at 2 odock at Fl~7;P1 • PI Ml'llon boald \\as sull ,1\\alt- Rml\I'1\s He stnllNI \Iolk 1\ III If'hl MalePI lan!!\' Alclmolp ('ql1lPlllcllt 'flll'\ hollP ootalJ1ed
Ile< lail111g to fUllll101l th,lt the Fl'drlal COlplnlllC'l1t had to stpp 111 stOles Rl\Ul\S elosp \Vpclnpsda' at lIcks Funelal PallOl on L\C1'1I1.1 11'~ sp('(1flr dIlPCtl\es flom the IGH1('lal Elpctlll at SclwnC'('lad' D h 11as b~rn "rlp(tf'Cllsulb 101 Joolll,1l1 ,1nfl basc'lad
' Inoo dUllll" th(' Sll 111 11Wl months A\E' RoxbOlO and lI1telmpnt Illll S t b f I t II I'd and sp('nl a \('al ll1 Cannda 1'1 Manol \OUI , squads (On"iSlllll! of ~O pla\ '1"
\\It h pails f OII<'lr
I f anc!\\ol k jllOI"(,S 11 \Iason 1,1PSe'\ll1 gs 0f P O-IThls ,pal K1i1xsMalk('tlst!osE'd be111tlwWp",tmll1stl'l Cemetpll tal' eo~e j(PlSI'S"el~I~S'nd (lImgl' oj lI1stall,ltlOlls ot POII(1 tlHt a, a IPptpspnLIl1le of tillS dl'" p,l£h
lItlCall'ndl'a\oJ that tlIe NC'I\ Dp,11 \'a, \)OIn illl d<l' MOllda, lllsteaa of wed-I FOlmPIlv emplo\'t'd bv the filln The IICl'l1S(~ '~I1II~~t ~ ~lllaA
Ull _ SUbst.{llOlls In 1\1alCh 1917 \'1 I to COl11prtl' Il1 Ihp ,natIonal 'I III N,Ilbl'ltl B"\~ Ouh IS a
Hallp\, lC!c,lSt' IS qUllc lOII('(( InE'sda, of DaVIS a11cl Dunlap. archltp(h \\111 bp gloo 1 o~ 0 PI a\e bpezi~p- D,l\IPS (amI' to Phllddl'lphlo1 .1' llllLiOJ tel1l11S rhamplOn 11lPk~ atf lll'lllb( I o! l'IC 1\1.1111 Lillf' !-'CC!lCla-
as chief dlaltsll1an he helped catIons 01 lcel se' 1, e UI) Iintelld('llt f sn \1 n I1C) Kalamazoo Mlch the \\ce 0 J
Hp I' also (01 I CI t 11l Sd \ In"~ tlUlL Ih("e qllpsUoll, Il1U't bf' rlelloed llblal\- F OUl1 d f Olll l1e\1 b oo·S k III tl1r 1Idla\\ UP the plans fOI thl' Bal;;· CPl\ ed ft omI Lo\\ d CIk Mellon"bl sl 118 sundf' 111 APll1 of that 0 ,I
\ealI, bNalMs J. J' I 30
Ill, ' 'Jon
IMIPS 01111 BOIhps Club" il nn loot
\)nskpt!),11l PillllCI-
•• 'on Ihp basIs of ~l'npl.11 n,I~lollai \ eitalp Hlld not n thl' nallO\\, The DOllblp Agent' Hlldpf!ald( cvn'\\d ,JUlllol Hlgh School ('atU1g am 1111 1I1g esta 1 l-'a clltzpn of the UllltPc! ~:>tatps H' MatpcI Illpmbpl of EPI,lopal ,1110 b,l ,'IJ"l1lp<I~ue ,!alllps o( ~11P.
C01l',lr!plallons of ll1dll1Cl1lal 01 ,,101/1) "clfi,IJIlP<S," Tohman TpIlllPt Set 111 F'1.ln(" I WhIle a ll'sldent of Bala he \\oS ments 'll~mas ~~ld Ih,IS SP1\f'd as SUPPlllllpnopnt of AlacJen1\ s \:llslt, l'1ll1cher! th~ Fe(\clat!"n
"inn 01 lOW ghost 1\l1IPI llale ,,\If, a 101 H.lIIP\ Do \OU Il1P311 to III'" aftpi thp clpfpat of Gpll1laJn la mrmbl'l of the Bala-Cvl1\\1 i 1 P t Ivel~ eal'l~fll NOle111_I~elllcP shop fOI thp past 28 \P,I' Ilgl1t to (halll'ngp fot nali;lI1'\
IIllS ('X( It lI1n spv StOI v Iplb of tl' II Amell( all LegIOn Post, nnd a I 10PIIP 01 S la I P U , A I pSldent of N,1l bel t h 10: ~8 h1l101' 1\ hpn hp \\ on illS 1 1II<
,tl('k to It" Not 1\1't cil,l\\ the !lId I(c! lll'111l1" allOSS the lJaJlallrl <\mCllcnns ft~Pll1g fOl IhplI II'PSlmembpl of the EplsCOPA.1 ChUl(h ,bn 23 to obtam Ilcpnses
tl1('11 gil fishlnu: '\Ith thc big fillan',- ho\' on til(' sldpry Alp \ou lPI\II\ lnto till' \\lld 111gh cOllnWv of thp' SlIl\l\lI1g al(' hIS I\lfl' the fth-
g01l1g to fighl tJlP It1dl\HiI,als allrJ ,,10\1]J' \\110 alp fjghtlllg 'genelRI Mas'lf Cpnllal . , ' Inlpl MISS Man Da\lS a son AI- local health boal
'len JI,\\hoIS\\IththcAIII1\'ln'lf'c ta UU\11t o\\nCIS complf'
',pal" MI Da\les \las ]Jlpsldl'nt lind fOllltl1 tIllp:; of the spasOll
Thomas sald It J\as \lp cto Itl1e of the TpnJ1ls Clllb 111 1930 h;" Insl "Ppk
to Ispd t1~t'bern a IlIPmbrl oj C011l1C11 fOl '1,
\\11 H'l\lS <lnd hiS !2'IPatl'st hobb\ IS Jpr.tpd Ed Da\ls Bollon RO\1ge
Hp slO!cd allllpspl \\hPll hr dr-
Hears Report
On Conference
0) , , ' ,

natlOni11 Ilrlfalf' Who .11C nlOle Inlplcslcel Il1 plofit< than ]JpoplpJ .. 34 Cl1alllon Rrnl' KUllI.l :Gelman\ and a blolhel WIllll\111 I tl,e IPRlIlatlOns of thc Statp act colf BC'sldes hiS 1\lf<' MI D.11 CO 1a 8-6 6-1 6-1 to \\1l1 the slatp
\Vl1o all' onl\ ooubJp talk1l1~ abollt fllll pll1plo\'lllcnt ,md Ilould ilkc A_,lln st fa ItrlI1lNlf'-ll1e~~0\\kcd back- H Deckpi assessor fOI Lo'\P: ond addItional 1l'gulatlOn, passed h.1s a son Edwald P Dal'l('s aho J\lI'lOl title at the C\I1\\\d Cluh
glOun 0 0 1'\\ xOl' IS WIll· 1\6 Tid I Ib t1e AO\I,OlV Hcalth Boald ' d' I Gil " d 0 F rl 1\6 t pi
to I'ef' 1I1l1IlPei Cl11plO\111ent and hall'pCll'd Iabol UlllOIlS and JO\\el ten a d,tOl\' of a famllv who l1a\c 'lellon 01\nS11p an a III pm lei ' I , COllnecte \llt1 enCla Epltll, ]"st '1huls al n II a' ,.a P
wag!'s" IIled fOI genelatlOl1s at 34 Chad. o,f the Lo\\cr Mellon Boald u! I\\l'en It II1rt on June 20, and tlllPI' Qlandrl1lldlen \\ho If al,d DallS te.lmpd up to \\111 thl' -----
~ gOIl1~ ~ ~t
Educatlon of Bala Ablaham pomerantz "ho opel-Isldp at 110 Bentley A,enue CYI.- doublps CIO\ln 111 thp same to\ll- ,
If YOH do Hal \ el ou al e to hal e to sacllfice a lot of OUI ton Stl bl F " Do I - - •• - - flIps the C\l1\\ yd DelIeatl'ssen on wyd, I , IW' b\ ,pIllll1f! thf' BallllnOi P Mrs, .J acohs GIyes Her
present pla~'maIPs ,Jal:ps R~b~lt~ T:~I~' StOlY 1~~,11~ Building Sold I Levelll1g 1\1111 Rd was ~nl'd at a -~--.- I ' f S
Or lS this, OUl ghost \\ Illcr talkmg" c'el ns a woman and the man\
If so 1111\ not lun hIm for till' next COl el nOl of thp Common- \\ a\S 111 \\ hl('h 101 e I eshapes hel INOI theast (01 nel of Lan( Rsl' I I
TI1e L meo InB UI ld Illg a t t) w I COllflllllCd on Page Four
G S M 1
I Hearl'n g Is Set
' Ic
I tf'"m of Ted Rubm and M,l!colm
I mplOn f01 smel
M I~
6-2 Mlddlp
1-6 6-~ Atlantic, In
EPl~C ~pa! AI'l'
F pressIOn
' , M t' an
~ ranCISCO ee Ing
• \\That he savs-csppelalh that (oncludlllg palaglaph-makl's eXpt'lIences Cicallon 1I1tO Inpanll1g andland SlatlonfOUl
Ilontall1111g A\PSstOll'S 111 Aldmolt',
and 141...' roups ay' p ponsor
t' datp Juh011 11tIl('has lwalm~
bpPll on spt tllp
101 lIa(,
I"l: el(lIl', R\P\\on aT\P t le O\s
b ,
~1l1g l'es go \;n M Y - II- - J b 1
tl"'ISerVICemen s ar les CI' ~
t ~
sensl' Malta ot Muscol''','' Phil apal'tm('nts has bpI' II solei b'.' lof lanel ploposl'd fOI tlw Ro", b\ u]Jsctl!n" Ja(k 5'Ya6tels b 11'1\\ IS alll,l ,1£0 S
St TI f' b I ' Jf • G I 'I C t t 1 mont S( hool 1 he l>pl IlIon \\ p" Chase i\I<1 0-6 7- • lit lP If'.1del 1p]JOl INIon hCI Impl:?S-
General 'Hal')' A,l'llold ill the ~RlIsslas
long 11' .1 lI()U~
filst f'mpIPSS
Ie 01 1 HalC lUSt
IL01IIS Melsk' tOl $90000
0 IUS l'es '1
T'lt 1lI1tt'P
The Cllnp ano Hospital c0111-1 1
the Mall1 Lll1e'Blanch1liPd 011 Junp 2:J an
- d G
d Y t \ Pi lIPS('t bl Bill FOI- SIOIlS of Ihf' S,H1 Flallclseo Con·
,1?S I l'l "h i1nd Malun fP1PIICP oil a I11pl'Ung at Ha\'er-
Congressional Record 1m g01l1g 011 a 110USP palty at fout·stol\ PIOpplty OCl'lIPlpS a lot 01
A\alol1 thiS \\pek expect to holl"166xl00 leet ~ale
AI1H'lIUlIl Red CIO'S has B~~c1~ ~VtlPn
i\I COII1t'll ;111.1 bl'\
aPPOlJ1tN~" IIIlamf'1
Lall~~o\\I1~ll~il~ 7'5 fi 7' 7-5 fOld Collpge '1Illllscla\ ~ftClnocn.
1'111 111('lllllL- lIn," S SI)011'0Ied b,v II'~"
'dll l lThe O U \\,IS lmall"
1 l r l l tl 1<1 t "'1\ 1n II
1 LIIle CIIIC'\tl II 11 If tile) I \\l'lt'
I lh(' bO\ sPS rloublps final -, ,-
TI M alll L mp, glP.lll'sl S1l1g
Gelll'lalH H Alnold \lho\\asbOlI1111GIadll\lle-
1E' contll b 1It101l to thiS \\al has bl'l'n
a lot of fUll

S· · R d B k t
tlUOlWh Donnell\
· Workers HIM


epa keTilt Olgalll7.olt,ons

- - - - - ---------'Stllll1~ palue:; fOI :;ellll'l'l11<'11 In
l1ltelp,tl'd 111 SPOIl-
1(' J~_O _1)('\(' S __ ~ _ _ \VonH'l1s Inlrln,llIolloll lcague 8S
,1Jlllltpglal palt of Illl' Amellra'"

wlmmlog ecor s ro en a th!r~~~gh ,t~~;n\7t~;~lltt~;0\ldeS C

Rerognltlon 01 the stllbboJl1 d,'telml11atlOn \\ltl1 Ilhl,11 Gel1ela! IOCHI mlillal\ hospllal ma\ do so FIll'lleis :';pllltC Commlttpp's 16th
Aillold sougllt 10 pH'pale Ihls (Olllltl\ fOl till' battles to rome I\ele I

C0 IOnla
· I V-II I B' H' the' of Tntrlnatlonal

I age on July 4th Narberth's Ju y 4' 19 It

\\ nttpn 1l1to the C01lg1 p"siollal Rrco' (\ lh(' 01 hel da\ b\ COllgu'ssman , PutCl t all1l11ent the Moto! COl ps i\11 s J,u IIlls SPI \ <'rI l :lt t 11(' con-

Carl Hll1.'ihall of Caillotnw It I\a' rt Ilrl\Spappl eOllll111l lw M<llqlUs I Plo\ldps thc llanspoltatlOn and rPIPIl(C' n' ,I lP\llcSpn ,lIllp of the
ChIlds of 7 that a(IOlrlmg to (OllgICSsm<111 Hmsh111 , palrl Gcn- I thp Cantpcn COIPS
,1P[leshmenl_'i To cl,ltpPlo"leics
PaIt!p:; HIethc UlJll('rI NatIOns
rlllp!JI,1 ,h(' I~ of
of \\I1I(hCoul1cll Plllhl-
!'ral AlllOld tl1f' tllbllt(' he elpsrlled 'c!1cclulcQ thlollu:h NO\C'll1bpl 0, - _. 8nrl ch<1lllllall of Ih( 11l1f'llultllILJ.
'DIUll1~ Illr past \\('ck ',,1\S '!I" <lltlrl(' Grlll10llJ lipId 111,\lsl1,II,.
Elaine Rutledge of Ardmore SWloms 25 Yard
?nd ll1dll:stll,11Ist' hall' tpsllfird l'I,lt II "as Ottl all POI\Pl \dllrl11
~1.ltC Great Success
hO d b H d
y ar
hut an~ OIg,\Illzatlon "lsl11l1g tn
sPOil SOl \l<llllI'S
COIl1J1lIIIl(' Slw IS illso ~ IllPI11-
ma\ conta('t MIS ilftPI
Rus,rll that
B C.1I1- bl!hool
S( llf IIIPnnc! Bn,lld"
1I1<' of
• blasted a\\a\ thl'll hope of IICtol\ be!o!p alilcd fOlct's hl\aclt'd thC: Free Style IOn 20 Seconds,. Also Wlons FIOrst Work and Effort on Parts of
\\ 111 ll1i1ke tile necessal~ ,111 nllge-
non (ommItlec cho111111nn \\ho F'011lJ1l
'" eontll1el1l. ,
"The a\lthm of tll,lt de,tllletlOll GCllel,11 AllIold Hc Ilad the , Honors In. Junior GirIs Diving Many Borough Resl·dents
Shc ',Ild \\ f' f('l'l Ill" S<!ll
I mel1ts
T\lO 01 fOUl ll'plcsentatnes!('IPIHl'
c!l'fillllp fOl\\,llcl Il1 1l1>!lks B
rOUl'age to £0 all out on a plOgla\ll 01 figlltl'1 und bombl'l t'o!1S11UC-' ! flom an\' sponsollng Olganlzallon tlOnal 1"lallOn, tllat tile gloUI,d-
tion that III Its lncept Ion sCflnled ft~ntastlc He bullied that pI ogt atn I I 111 a v attend the pal ties and cost ------- \\ O} k of a P(,~H (11 ut "oIld IS beiug
through Hc Ilsked e\pnthll1g on 11, SIICCC'S TllIce ne\\ lecOlds \IPle Sl't and thp old malk held b\ Dana Lall1blot sponsolll1g a p,ulY IS bf'twl'cn TIIP tll'lIll'ndous succPss a(\;II'I-1 St Andlel\ s booth 1\lmh ofirl- 1,lld no matt"l 110\\ pall1fullL ana
L:~~ d~!:'a~~1:s(1I I~ wlf'~l ~l~~: ~e
onl' \\as tied \\hen \outhful sub- or Wa\ne MiSS Rlllll'd"e also took I $60 und $70 ed b\ thl' FOlu th of Jul\ Com· cd ('ole slall \Ias 111 (halgl' of MiSS I til tl tt t d
" "On Alnold s Judgmf'nt bllllons upon bllhons 01 dollal s \1 Pie lU ban sWllllllll'l s gatllt'l pd at the III sL honol S 111' JUnIor "gUIs' d l v m g ' !ll11ttt'P 111 NUl bpltll 1\ as tilt' I pSliIL M,ll gall't AIlllOlil aSSisted bl MiSS ho
thrown mto the 1'0!1structlOn of B·17s and fighter bOlllbl'lS, If lhev ColollIal Villuge S\\Imllllng Club linel second plaee III the 25 YRld til' • Ch h (' ro Pa vs
Up III no sm,111 p,lIt 01 till' tllne unci 1"1,\llc'es AIll10Ul ,II t' onl\ head(Od 101 tlouble wlth
com~, ra~d~\~U~I;~d~I~I:~~r~i\l~t\~lff~~~ th~1~:l~p~t:~~I~ 0~1 ::;a~'ns~co~~~~ ~~~1011\~rral~1 ~1:~~;e ~:Is~;:~~ ('~:I\I~ ~~~u~e~/llltll~;1~1l'~~~I\~~~11l1b~h~~~1 ta~i1~h::tl\1;~~s~J~:~ll~~e~~~~e~Yd:l~:
had faIled thl'n the blanw \\ould 113ve lalll'll on AlIlOld 1t would hale 0'1 Jull' FOlllth, b'ellst Mloke 101 guts of any age oJ'" l'1101t eXllenclPd b\ those PPlsO!1S MiS E W Ml'lkpI ,JI \las 111 RUSSia Il! otllPl POIIPIS '
down on hIm Ilk!' a ton of hllck. k 0 ff $2,50() Mortgage
• Genela\ AIl101d has bel'n pellPltly 1\1'11 allale of that It \\as I sH'onds to I'lll,e the ple\lOUS
one reason \\ 11\ he sometimes "el'1l1pd to be bOl\st 1ul and bl RslI That I
was a defen"l\'e 1 nctlOn '
k 01 40 3 seconds set bv Ml,S
mul Sloan of C\'I1\\\C! cllulIli! the
l!t'ld 1)\ Al \'VIlson 01 C\n \d I
s(~J.lOr boYS c. a
The ReI Howald WaHle Sllllth \\olkl'd (,ullng tl)(' d.11 111 the K,1I1 WillIams MIS Wilham Hal.
1I ( 50 'UI d 11 ee st\ Ie 1\\Cl' f III I has anlJulIncpd t hat the 11101 tgage I ,allOUs boollis and IOml'''Swns lIS Ml s C,lI loll 8tl'I ens MIS
0 lun tlll- PIOP"lt\ plllcilaLlt! b\ tile' TIlt' LuthelHll ChUllh bOOlh 'Wi1ltel Gloll Hnd MIS Malgaet
gallon had no Nl'glo member,
W(' ha \ P It'lt I he (onfpIl'nce can-
\1l1led th,lt one 01 thp most un-
, P,
Thcn too he lIaS constanth' brtl1lllg tllP skep\lcism and doubt tl k fi:;P,lt,oln
co IS
lOnOIS III ~P1l101 gn,
1 (]
[lSI ~tl1ltl'l 0 I
lllla \\1'11'
" I '
, hId If
, Malll LlI1e Fedellltion of CllIll rhe< ,,\ lilt h had dUll gP 01 \111' sail' of HIli
tllPI l(SUts III thp \\atPl CRI-,I(lI,lllJll 11,1, bun }J.11r1 off lollldlPS ,Ina }lP,lllUts \\as ulldpl
tl ABC I I f l\. J C 1'1
l\Iuthl'l'S Ht>lpl'IS
G 18 lit II I t I
POItlillt asppl'ts of the glcat
III till A\1H 11\<111 p(ople IS 10 tl'2
of the
tl OIdlllal\ JIldl\ldual l\\ho
l' slnwl\ could not takf' III the mf'ilnl1l~ dl\lllg and t1lf' 25-,ald " bleast JUI1IOI l'IIS"., bo" 2"v ,VUld lIne \lIt
~ SI10p Ull s lelPllec
Inslll.ll1Ce on 10m 1('
the title allcl tV,\l1
lC Cil,lllll1,lIlS
Np\\kuk Ill' n !VII"
assl~t('d bl MIS motlwl Ie s u 1lf'lpels
10 s 111 ( 1 <1[' ec and
~Hlesgnls as "ulel 01 111111" ,1111('I,ltIOll"" '-11e
c, sal'o,
o f lIS nc\\ \\ l'apon. Intp H!enl e I "p111 ts sho\\ec\ \\ hat" as ilappenll1!!' ~tl okl' I Hl'e to contllltll' hl'r.lea,d all angements IChl\1les W<,st1l1An MISS Jan!' Os- ~el \}( e ehaull1an \\('1 c unclel I Ill'

• but thCl f' 1\ l't e fl'l\ "ho could ('I p,ilt t ilO~~ I eJlOl l~ SOI11Ptll11es ,dlen 111 the la('e fOi the PI e~ldent s
st \ Ie Thomas Fostel Stlal- othl'l Pi otectlve
101 d sel'ond Slim RI~h, Wa\ ne: ha, I ,11"(1 bc( n ( 11111 pic Icd and planll nI'l and tlw Luthelall Lp,lgue dll pctlan 01 Ml s Samucl Re,ld
All lUl'olog\ must be df'1 eloped
on tile IMlt 01 l'\C'1 V Amelican
t <\',jmmll1~ ('humplOnslllP,
met With hIm 111 off-the-I pCOI d spsslons GCllpral Arnold hlustel l'd Iloph, S\ mbohc of the Club s
JUlllor lla<s bo\ s, dlVlll~ fil ~I el tv hal e bf'l'n 01 dCI pel
thud SkIPP\ EIlts Wa\lle, 1 fOI outSide I PPUll S on the PIOP- The MethodIst Chlll ch booth o\sslsted bv MI s W,\!t1'1 GIOIT
\\ I11Ch off PI cd colIee SUl.:al and Tl1e\ \\ PI e ilSl-ilstl'rl b\ G\\ en
(Il1Zl'll 111\ 01\ 11111 the oneness of
11 Llma nkuHl Pin SIC allv OUI wor.d
a U~. TCI1-,pal-olel Elal11c Rutledge SkIPPY Elns, Wavnc, sl"cond Tom' He also announccd tlMt MISS ('I cam, \\RS 111 cilalf!e or M1S I Hun<!ekel CaJOlp Gf'lald Jp,ln IS onf', Amell(lin~ gpl11"lally rec-
'1 tan undel~tanct that nO\\, WI" I\ple stIll b~t'k III thE: of Aldl110le al~(J spt a nl'W malk Fosler. StlafIOId, third, Hugh, HRl'I'let Shel' has 101l1erl the Fed- Flank StIefel a"lsteo bv MIS, L, J'lGIRhnm, Anl1e CRlltllRn, Maltha Ol!IlIZf' that raet todav, Whllt
prealr age. We COUldn't belle\ I" "hat this bl" man "'lth the bellicose 1\ hen she \\ ent 25 yards free st, Ie CoUsins 51. DaVids, elation ..taft' fOi the summer 1('- CowIe Ml s Ralph Hoyle, MIS. Mpt.z~(,l, Bal bAI a John~on, Ann t I1py clo not leCO'mIZf', hovc'F'vet, is
look was telling U!l II 111 the 1ecord time of 20 secOIlds JUlllor l'la~ ~lrls, 25 hVds .. free I placin!l Miss Stelzner who is away Robl'rt compton and Mrs, Hal'l'~' Snydel, Patricia FelSe, Betty Jane ItIle sl'lentlflc fact that htuna.n-
• which WM 4,3 seconds better than Conlftltl~d on Tree Ion leave. ' M06teller. Contmued on Two kl1ld ts also one."

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