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Sebi Abdula Bd. Tomis nr.285, bl. T11, sc. A, et, 7, ap.

27 900438 Constanza ROMANIA

Milan, 17 January 2011 Re: Foreign consulting contract With this contract, produced in duplicate, valid to all legal effects as a public instrument, between LA FABBRICA srl, with main offices in Milan, Via Mascheroni no. 29, V.A.T. registration no. 12620050158, in the person of its legal representative Ing. Alberto Merlati, and Sebi Adula resident in Constanza (Romania), Bd. Tomis nr.285, bl. T11, sc. A, et, 7, ap.27, passport no. ............., the following is hereby agreed and executed: WHEREAS Mrs. Sebi Abdula has declared that he performs his work in Romania and is subject to taxation in said country, the two parties to the agreement DO HEREBY DECLARE that they establish a consulting contract under the following terms and conditions: 1. La Fabbrica srl does hereby entrust to Mrs. Sebi Abdula the assignment of performing his work for the development of a network of schools and institutions for involvement in the PlayEnergy project, on behalf of the client Enel Spa, in the territory of Romania, with no constraint of a hired labour relationship; 2. This contract shall be in force from 17 January 2011 through 30 June 2011; 3. According to the assignment, Mrs. Sebi Abdula is willing to travel, with documented expenses to be borne by La Fabbrica srl. The payment for the service is established, in agreement between the parties, as totalling 3.025,00, not subjected to tax withholding pursuant to art.25 of DPR no. 600/73, since the service is performed abroad. 4. For the purposes of verifying the performance of the assignment, Mrs. Sebi Abdula guarantees the preparation of weekly reports on the work carried out. 5. Payment is at the end of the month when bill is received.

Alberto Merlati (La Fabbrica S.r.l.) _____________________

Sebi Abdula



Milano 20145 via L. Mascheroni 29 - tel. 02-48541.1 r.a. - fax 02-48541.208 Torino 10138 - Francia 99/3 - tel. 011-4330434 fax 011-4350450 Cod.Fisc. - Part. IVA 12620050158 - Nr. Reg. Imprese 252860 - Nr. REA 1572758 Capitale sociale - 10.000 int. vers.

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