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A m eas uri n g y l i n d e ri s fi l l e d ri i rh -:, -' :' ' I ' ,i ;i r' r.The c v o l u m ei s t h e ni n c r e a s etd l ( i : - . - - - . : :--.-:rbles o are put int o t he c y l i n d e r. a r . - , , ..

- - Wh ..l nteof one marble'J

S e b u a h s i l i n d e r D , 1 ' . . , , . . .:' padunvobertanibt;i:'''. diletakktrr nc ..,. .. '' guli ' Ar-

What is the name of the processthat has taken place Apakah nama proses yang telah berlaku? A Condensation C Diffusion Kondensasi Peresapan B Absorption D Dispersion Penyerapan Penyebaran Table I showsthe massand volume of substances, ( P. R and S . jisim dan isi padu bahan, P, Q, R Jadual I menunjukkan dan S. Type of substance Jenis bahun P

.....; padu purata sebiji

' ' . 1c m l lcml



I)..,-:., ,(.; .'

t ' - . .

.. , .1.. crfcell found in organisms, ,- - ii/r sejenis sel yang ditemui dalam

Mass (g) Jisim (g) 7.0 4,0 1.0 2.5

Volume (cm') Isi padu (cm')

10.0 25.0 t.0 3.0

Diagraml/Rajahl T h i se c l l Sel itti A des t r oy s a c te ri a n d g e rm s b a menghapuskan bakteria dan kuman B conveysmessages throughout body the menghantarmaklumatke seluruh badun C pr oduce s ffs p ri n g o ntettglusilkun attak D allowsr n o v e me n tsf th e b o d y o nrcnrbo hkan 1te rokun badan rge le Diagram2 showsstages cell organisation man. of in Rajah 2 menunjukkanperingkat-peringkat organisasi sel pada m anu s i a . R S

Tablel/Jadual I Which of the follow'ing substances the lowestdensity has i A ntaru bahan beri kut, \' ung manakah m t f ipunvdi ketumpatan teng pal i ng rendah' l




The following are some metalsand non-metals. Berikut ialah beberapa logam dan bukan logam. Magnesi um Magnesium Iron Besi S ul phu r Sulfur Carbon Karbon

->E* Tissue
Tisu DiagramZlRajah2


Which of the following classification correcr'l is Pengelasan yang manakahberikut betul? Metal Logam Non-metal Bukan logam Magnesium, carbon Magnesium,karbon Sulphur,carbon Sulfur, karbon Sulphur,iron Sulfur, besi Magnesium, iron Magnesium,besi

W hic h of t h e tb l l o w i n ga re e x a m p l e s f X and Y ? o Anktrcrt'angberikut,t'angmunakcth contcth dan Y? X

Sulphur,iron Sulfur, besi Magnesium, iron Magnesium,besi

Sperm Sperma Muscle Otot C Muscle Otot Sperm Sperma

Lung Peparu

Lung Peparu
Heart Jantung


Carbon,magnesium Karbon, magnesium Sulphur,carbon Sulfur, karbon

Muscle Otot

Diagram 3 showsthe experiment conducted show the to movement particles the water. of in Rajah 3 menunjukkaneksperimen)-ong dijalankon untuk menunjttkkanpergerakan zarah-zarah di dalurrt uir.

Which of the following differences composition of between inhaledand exhaledair is not correct? Antara yang berikut, .vangmanakahtidak benar tentang perbe:aan antara komposisi udara sedutan dan udara hembusan? Component of air Komponen udara Nitrogen Nitrog,en Oxygen Oksisen Carbondioxide Karbon dioksida Water vapour Wap air Inhaled air Udara sedutan 78Vc

t# ""1'-$'X:"' fnZool,",',"^',,',,;ll ;i':,;')
Startof experiment \wul eksperimen End of experiment Akhir eksperimen

Exhaled air Udara hembusan i 78(i

| -

l')o7^ /L


0.037c Less Kuran




More I-zbih


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