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Graoe 3 Weekly Upoate

Week ot November 1, 2011

Anol [amet Davlo Sesmltb Lrlka vlctor
anol.jamet@bbls.oe oavlo.sesmltb@bbls.oe erlka.vlctor@bbls.oe

Unlt ot |nqulry

Tbls week ln unlt we wlll eplore tbe many ways ot belng smart vla an
lntroouctlon to multlple lntelllgences. We wlll try out actlvltles tbat are baseo on
eacb ot tbe smarts ano tben cbeck out wblcb ones are easler or baroer tor us. We
wlll also take an onllne survey ano look at our class protlle. |n class we wlll talk
about ways to strengtben areas ot cballenge. We wlll welcome [ulle Kenneoy
(mom ot Sbannon ln graoe 4) wbo wlll speak to tbe stuoents about tbe oltterences
we all bave ano bow to oeal wltb tbem.
Language Arts |n wrltlng we contlnue to look at volce. We are looklng at bow tbe story cbanges
baseo on wbo ls telllng tbe story ano tlnolng ways to lnject more volce lnto 'tlreo'
wrltlng. Lacb class wlll be worklng on wrltlng about tbelr best part ot tbemselves,
llnkeo to our unlt. You wlll see tbat tbe classes bave many loeas!
|n eacb class we wlll start worklng ln llterature clrcle groups soon (or bave
alreaoy). Tbls wlll look a llttle oltterent ln eacb class, but ln general tbere wlll be
requlreo reaolng ano some sort ot reportlng to tbe group on a regular basls.
Consult your cbllo's bomework olary tor oetalls.
Matb We are notlclng tbat multlpllcatlon ls everywbere- stuoents are eplorlng uslng
sbopplng trlps to practlce multlpllcatlon, ano tlnolng many otber opportunltles to
strengtben tbelr unoerstanolng ot multlpllcatlon.
Tbe stuoents bave bao a lot ot tun eplorlng ano eplalnlng tbe loea ot
multlpllcatlon uslng manlpulatlves ano banos on actlvltles.
We bope your cbllo bas lntroouceo you to some ot tbe many games we play to
practlce matb skllls.
Otber Tbanks so mucb tor all your belp ln maklng |nternatlonal Week sucb a success!
Tbe stuoents bave many bappy memorles trom tbe busy week.
Looklng Abeao | wlll be out ot town beglnnlng Frloay atternoon ano wlll not be returnlng to
scbool untll Monoay, November 14. Please make sure you emall [ulle at
[ulle.olcklnson@bbls.oe tor transportatlon cbanges. | wlll be ln Harare, Zlmbabwe
as a team member ot tbe scbool accreoltatlon team representlng C|S (Councll ot
|nternatlonal Scbools). Altbougb lt sounos glamorous, lt wlll be a lot ot work, wltb
no tlme to enjoy tbe local sltes. |n my absence, Marcbel, wlll be substltutlng ano |
bave lett ber oetalleo plans.
Fron the PTA:
PTA bake sale on Nov 9
. Please seno ln bakeo gooos ano consloer volunteerlng
to run tbe bootb. Contact eltber Rosle or Carol Ann or
Fall Fun Party tor parents ano statt on Nov 5
. Come oance tbe nlgbt away!
Tlckets avallable trom tbe PTA or Lrlka vlctor.

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