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Safety Indices

LT : Loss Time njury

LTF : Loss Time njury Frequency
PNM : Potential ncident/ Near Misses
efinition :
LT - Lost Time njuries are the sum of Fatalities, Permanent Total
isabilities and Lost Workday Cases but excIuding Restricted
Work Cases. LT results in MC for workers more than 1 day from
the incident or significant damage to property.
LTF - Frequency rate of LT cases per Total Safe Manhours
LTF = LT x 1,000,000
Total Safe Manhours
Potential ncident A situation or human behavior that could Iead to an
incident .
eg 1: Contractor smoking inside building while working at night.
eg2 : A brick in left at stair in staircase area.
Near Miss - A near miss describes an incident which given a sIight
shift in time or distance might have resulted in injury, ill-
heath or damage.
eg1: Staff nearly slip on wet floor
eg2: Fire Extingusher fall from its position
Safeman days without fatality Numbers of days until current after the
date of last fatality
Safeman days without LT Numbers of days until current after the date of
last LT.

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