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Fear is the absence of LOVE

hen you meet a stranger, in the first four minutes, you form an impression of that person. You decide in the first four

From the Founder


minutes what you like or dont like. These decisions are based on facial features, tone of voice, cologne scentand most important, your own past experiences stored in your memory bank.
Your reactions to other people, however, are really just barometers for how you perceive yourself. Your reactions to others say more about you than they do about others. If you accept that, then every human encounter becomes a gift from God for you to learn about yourself. Others are mirrors. What you see in others is only a projection of yourself. So learn. What irritates you in that person? His pride? His rigidity? His selfishness? Look deep inside, and you will find the same things in a slightly different form or shape. Every time youre irritated by someone--when he makes you angry, when he hurts you ask: what gift is being given to me? This person is a mirror. What is he teaching me about me? I was in a meeting with a man whom I perceived to be disorganized. He didnt come prepared for our meeting and it was though nothing much was going to happen. As I continued to judge him, I hit the pause button. I searched deep inside: Did I hate my own disorganization? And the answer was: yes!

For there are many times when I lack planning, and I lack sitting down and thinking things through So this irritation I was feeling wasnt about this man. It was about me! If you dont love yourself, how can you love others? If you dont accept your own weaknesses, if you dont accept the validity of all your emotions, positive and negative, if you dont respect yourself, you wont respect others I repeat: Fear comes from an absence of love. When your heart isnt filled with love, youre filled with fear. And fruit of fear is impatience, envy, and bitterness. Today is a special day. Because God will fill our life with love. And perfect love will cast out all fear. Have a fantastic Feast today! May your dreams come true,

A Catholic Prayer Meeting of the Light of Jesus Family


how it is expressed and spoken

What is the language of (your) LOVE?

ow do you say and want to hear I Love You? (Labsyu. LuvYa. WuvYu. Mwah)

September 04, 2011

Let me share with you how I Love You is spoken with affection in some languages: Ilocano: Ay-ayaten ka Indonesian: Cinta kamu Ifugao: Penpenhod cha-a French: Jetaime, Je tadore Kapngpangan: Kalurugan da ka Spanish: te amo, te quiero English: I Love You Bicolano: Namumuot ako sa imo German: Ich liebe dich Waray: Pinaura ko ikaw Chinese: Gua ai di Cebuano: Hinigugma ko ikaw Tagalog: Mahal Kita Ilonggo: Palangga ta ka

From the The Feast Builder Love, no matter how you say it, will always soothe the heart and If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and Iif I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned but do not have love, it profits me nothing... But now faith, hope, and love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is Love. 1Cor 1-3; 13
give comfort I believe that each of us has a language of love that comes from the heart The best language of love tho, is love expressed not just in words but in action As expressed by our Lord Jesus, who stretched His hands on the cross to speak and express His love and redeem us to be with Him in heaven forever What is the language of your love to God? How do you express it? Let us speak and express our love to each other well in Christian spirit and holiness. Engjoy HiM Engjoy LiFe Have a fantastic Feast! In Christ, Bro. Eng (wag uulitin) PS 1. Well have an LOJE (Light of Jesus Encounter) for those who are into Trim CG Come and know more how you can express your Love to our God thru the Feast 2. Well start our new series HEROES next weekLet your love be in action as you bring your family and friends to the feast!


In celebration of the success of our Feast and the success of our other Feasts, we are launching the Feast Time Capsule. This will serve as an inspiration and a blessing as well to the Feasters of the future. So answer these three questions: What is the Feast to you? How has the Feast blessed your life? and How do you see the Feast in the future? Submit your answers to this email ad:

The Feast Valenzuela is a weekly prayer gathering of the Light of Jesus Family held at the Cinema 1 of SM Valenzuela, every Sunday, from 1:30 to 4:00 pm. For questions and concerns, contact Danny Aonuevo @ 09178275755 or email us at

.. by Larrie Bryce Baysan

Our latest series has ended. The real score has been revealed. Love. By being patient, not envious and forgiving; you can give off to others the so-called love which was for real. Hence, you cannot give off things you do not have. First thing first, and that first thing is to love yourself. In broader sense, be patient with yourself, be not envious through yourself, and forgive yourself. So often is it said that everything in our lives depends on our attitude. If we think we will succeed, we will definitely not, whether in life, business, sports or even in love. As proverb 23:7 says, As he thinketh in his heart, so is he. Thus allow me to reconnect the so-called finish strong attitude in all aspects in our lives (especially on love) to make a difference in this world. And since you have reached this part reading this article, I believed that you were moved and been so blessed by our latest series. But the desire for being blessed even more and moreover, blessing the world is undeniably the reason you are here in the feast right now. Right?(because if not, why you are still here if you no longer yearn to be blessed? ^^,) The real score, truly, is love. Thus, to have that real score in you, with all those points, is the requirement to act upon. And so it was, the secret of being even more blessed; To practice what you have learned with actions, not just with thoughts.

Today, I receive all of Gods love for me Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of Gods universe Today, I open myself to Gods blessings, healing, and miracles. Today, I open myself to Gods Word so I would become more like Jesus every day Today, I proclaim that I am Gods beloved, I am Gods servant, I am Gods powerful champion. And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world in Jesus name. Amen.

Novena to Gods Love

at last weeks feast

The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of the strong -mahatma ghandi

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God does not called the qualified. He qualifies the called...

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REV FR. EFREN BASCO celebrated the mass while Bro Glen Orea led the worship
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The Love Sign

In the english sign language, this sign is called the I LOVE YOU SIGN its a combination of I+L+Y

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