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Singular pronoun: he, she, it was/wasnt Plural pronoun: I, you, we, they were/werent
*you can also use the specific names of people, animals or things instead of a pronoun

Affirmative pronoun + was/were + phrase Negative pronoun + wasnt/werent + phrase Questions was/were + pronoun + phrase? Short answers yes + singular pronoun + was no + singular pronoun + wasnt yes + plural pronoun + were no + plural pronoun + werent

AFFIRMATIVE SIMPLE PAST (REG/IRREG) Regular pronoun + (verb+ed) + phrase

*if it ends with -e- just add -d-

*if it ends in -y-change to -i- then add the -ed- (there can be exceptions) *consonant-vowel-consonant = double last consonant and then add -ed-

Irregular pronoun + past form + phrase NEGATIVE SIMPLE PAST pronoun + didnt +verb (base form, it DOESNT CHANGE!) + phrase SIMPLE PAST QUESTIONS Did + pronoun + verb (base form, it DOESNT CHANGE!) + phrase

WH- QUESTIONS WHO people, animals WHEN time WHY reason HOW method, explanation HOW MANY number PRONUNCIATION YES/NO QUESTIONS intonation goes up -WH- QUESTIONS intonation goes down DIALOGUES ASKING FOR IT *What did you? *Did you like/enjoy it? *Did you have a good/nice time? COMMENTING *I went to. *I watched. *Yes, it was cool/great/fantastic. *No, it was boring/awful/tiring.

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