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Interview Transcript

Name of the student Nikita Bansal

PG Roll No: PG20112151

Submitted to Subject Submitted on Marks Allotted Remarks(if any)

Ms. Ruchika Jain WIN 15th March 2012


Interviewer: Nikita Bansal [Student] Interviewee: Miss. Kanika Bansal [ Market Analyst, OCP India ]

Start of the Interview Interviewer: GoodEvening Maam, For how long have you been working for OCP? Interviewee: Its been 2 years now. I joined in April 2010. Interviewer: What are your key responsibilities as a Market Analyst? Interviewee: Being a market analyst I have to be updated about every second about whats happening in market, how is it moving, what are the government initiatives. And OCP being a fertilizer mining sector I have to majorly focus on the news related to fertilizers like what are the fertilizer manufactures position, who are the competitors, what are their moves, what are the government policies and many other. Basically you can say its Primary and secondary research and then analyzing it. Interviewer: Thats Great maam! Is this your first job ? Interviewee: No its my second job. Initially I had worked for Britannia as a Quality Control Manager for 3 years. I found a better opportunity for growth in OCP so moved here. Interviewer: What is your educational background Maam? Interviewee: I have completed my graduation in Bsc. (h) Food Technology from Delhi University and then I did my post graduation in MBA Agriculture and Food Business from Amity University. Interviewer: What were the key issues during early phase of your career? And how did you overcome it? Interviewee: See during the early phase that is when I was in nestle I had a problem with adjusting with people their, facing the scolding of your boss even when its not your mistake. Since it was just the start so I faced these problems so I took time for myself, motivated saying that this is the part of every ones career graph where they have to face some problems it might take time but one can overcome them. So this is how I was able to adapt after that.

Interviewer: How will you rate networking or socializing on the scale of 10? What are your point of views on it? Interviewee: I would rate networking 9 on 10. As it is the most important part of anyones life. Not only on the career front but also grooming ones personality. If you from the time of kindergarten we start socializing starting from our home. We meet people, make friends, classmates, then collegues in offices and many other people we meet throughout our life. As far as career is concerned networking is very important as it grooms one personality. One can learn many thing from others. Interviewer: And how it has helped in your career? Interviewee: In my career chart when I was in Nestle I dint have much social life it was just restricted to people I already know from past and in my company. But since the time I have changed my job and my profile I have to deal with people every day. Dealing with people everyday is itself a new challenge. Because no two person are similar. It has made me from an extrovert from an introvert. Interviewer: How much time do you spend on social networking sites? Interviewee: After the job I do take out to visit social networking sites to check my friend messages or leave them a message. Its not only sites you know they are other medium like the cellphones, mails, letters, meetings etc. So I believe in keeping in contact with people whom I know. There is no specific time limit. Interviewer: Any suggestion you would like to give me on networking as I am about to start my work life? Interviewee: I would like to suggest you that be social as no one can live in isolation. Be it at work place or at home or in college. It allows you connect and interact with people with a view to forming or establishing various social networks. It aids in reducing the level of stress experienced in your daily activities. It builds constructive and positive relationships as a result of the networks formed. It lifts your mood and you receive so much encouragement from friends/family when you go through difficult moments. It provides the opportunity for you to explore new areas, such as different personalities, mannerisms etc. Socialising also improves your personal growth and development. Interviewer: Thank you so much Maam for you valuable time and and I will definitely keep in mind the suggestions given by you. Interviewee: The pleasure was all mine. And all the best!!

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