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Public transports

by Chiorean Delia

I. Definition:
Public transport (also public transportation or public transit) is a system of vechicles which operate at regular times on a fixed routes and are used by public. Public transports includes: buses coach train plane rapid transit ferry motorcycle pedicabs cabs cable-propelled transit

II. Negative aspects on the enviroment:

climatic changes air quality noise water quality soil quality biodiversity land take

III. Solutions:
If you want to help reduce global warming, let alone air pollution, one of the best things you can do is to get out of your car. Walk or ride a bicycle for short trips, or take public transportation for longer ones. Either way, you will significantly reduce the amount of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions you generate each day.
So the solutions according to the experts are: bicycles pedicabs biofuel electric vechicles ballon

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