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Assignment of Cross Culture Understanding (CCU) Family Value

Name of Family : Johnson Family 1. Mohamad Rofi Ismanto as Adam Johnson (Father) 2. Tiamah as Shania Johnson (Mother) 3. Tutik Prihatiningsih as Martha Johnson (First Daughter) 4. Nita Silviana as Cindy Johnson (Second Daughter) Class : 3-F

1. WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT VALUE IN YOUR FAMILY? We think Honesty value is the most important value in our family. Because honesty is the key to face the society and life. Why we say honesty is the key because with applying honesty in our family especially to our children, it can teach our family to be honest and can be trusted by people in our society. And for children, honesty can help to build the character of children to be good and more confidence. Then honesty also can help the parents to know the childrens problem because generally the children always hide their problems from the parents and have an expert character. So with applying honesty value the children will tell the truth to their parents. 2. In our opinion the honesty value has advantages such as: - Keeps you burden free and tension free - Enhances your credibility - Enhances self- respect - Enhances self- confidence - People look up to you - You become inspirational and motivational - Everybody believes your goodwill - You can confront anybody without having any fear - You are blessed with tangible or intangible rewards - Enhances self- image and your image in the eyes of others.

3. How To Teach Our Children on That Value (Honesty)? These Following Steps will help you to teach your children to be honest Give them example of honesty. Dont ever lie to your children or if you lie to them, dont ever let them know about your lie, because if they hear you lie to them or to someone else, they will think, it is an acceptable behaviour. Always encourage your child to tell the truth and to share their thoughts and feelings with you. If they know they can be honest with you about whats on your mind without you getting angry or critical, they will see that honesty is the best approach. Avoid questions that make it easy to lie. Give the praise when your child tells the truth. Praise will raise their confidence and encourage them to be honest. Dont be angry when you know your children lie.take the circumstance and turn it into a teaching experience about the disadvantages of lie.

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