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A Proposal For A (Music Video)

(Ed Sheeran- Grade 8)

Prepared by (Shaun Hayden)

(Attack Promo)



(AheM! Recording Co)

Copyright (2012)

Prepared by (Shaun Hayden) I will be making a music video which will last around 3 to 3:30 minutes. The purpose of making this music video is to help promote the artist to the target audience. The audience that the video will be aimed at are young people around 14-25 and will appreciate the music and the message of the music. The audience will also wear indie clothing and think of themselves to be quite fashionable and indie. To target my audience I will use different locations, and the costumes I use will allow the audience to connect as it will be similar to what they wear. The concept of my music video will be the idea that a girl is controlling how he acts and what he does. The lyrics talk about the girl strumming on my heart strings as if she is playing with him and controlling him. Then it talks about her being a grade 8, when learning to play an instrument grades are given to the skill level at which you play at. Grade 8 signifies that you are very skilled at the instrument. The song is telling the audience that she is very skilled at controlling him. I am thinking of having a small narrative which sees a girl playing with a doll which represents the artist, as she plays with it the real artist copies the actions that she does with the doll. The message of this video will be that love is strong and can control you if you are blinded by it. I will be filming in a studio, in a house; maybe a bedroom, and walking on the street. I dont want to use big flash expensive location because the audience wont be able to relate to them. By using these locations the audience will feel that the artist is an everyday person just like them. I will use different effects in the video such as slow motion; this is a convention that I have seen in many videos from the genre I have chosen. I will also use different coloured filters as this will help me tell the audience the mood that the artist is feeling. By using a darker filter it will give a sadder mood to the video. I wont need to change the locations to omuch as I want them to feel natural and it will be more effective if they are kept simple. The artist will appear in the music video; this will be the main focus of the video as the purpose is to promote him to his target audience. There will be background characters that will help the narrative/ concept of the music video. By having the characters in the video it will make it seem more professional. I will need to book some cast members so that they can help me with the making of the music video. I would like to have two of or three different people to help me out. This will be a good number as I wont have to rely on a lot of people and it is enough people to help me film a successful music video. I will be using different types of technology in the making of my music video. Camera, tripod and fig rig will be used. These will be used to film the music video, and then to edit the music video together I will use an apple mac and use final cut. Using final cut will allow me to make my music video seem professional and it will allow me to put in the effects that I need. The approximate budget for this video

will be around 10. This is because I already have the equipment to film and edit the music video, the money will cover the cost of any costume or props that are need which shouldnt be much as a lot of the costume and the props are already owned. End

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