So I Called A Business Today

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We Lost the Franchise, ya think ?

So I called a business in Nairobi today to get some information I needed. Id been researching their website so I was pretty excited about what they were listing. Since none of the 6 phone numbers listed on their website were working (?!?), I called their Mombasa office (still zealous)the receptionist answered the phone and I asked for a working phone number to the Nairobi office and explained that none of the numbers on their website was in working order. She laughed sheepishly and gave me two alternate numbers to call. I asked her if they are working. She replied that she didnt know and laughed again sounding embarrassed. I thanked her and let her know I would call her back if they were not working. She giggled, again. So then I dialed the number she gave me. The following is what took place: Ring Ring, Ring Ring (phone dialing) Answer: Yeesss? (Irritated, long drawn out female tone) Me: Hello? Is this XYZ business? Answer? Yeeessss! Me: Gulp (shock)okay, shouldnt you like be greeting me and asking me how you can help me? Answer: Yeahthis is XYZ business. We dont have power. Me: Huh?? *head scratching* (in my head: how the heck is that any of my business and how does it affect one answering the phone??). Maam, I dont know what they taught you or told you to do when you answer the phone, but heres something that will help your career. In the future when you pick up the phone, answer, Good morning/afternoon, thank you for calling XYZ business, this is so and so, how can I help you today? Answer: silencethenits true. Hatuja kuwa na stima so even this call imekuja na the back line. (We havent have electricity so even this call came through the back line). Me: (in my headseriously?)Yes, that may be because I got this phone number from your Mombasa office since none of the numbers listed on your website for your office are in working order. Okay, Id like to speak to someone about some items I saw listed on your website. Answer: We dont have power (electricity). And we havent had it all morning. Me: So, thats why your phone numbers are incorrect on your website? Have you checked your website? Answer: Eh? We dont have power. I dont know. Me: (If she says they dont have power/electricity ONE more timeI kid you not) Okay, can you get me someone to assist with my inquiry on the listed items I saw? Answer: Hold on for the sales department. HOLD MUSIC. Answer: Hello! (Hurried, fed up sounding lady answers phone) Me: Sorry, what? I was on hold for the sales department. Answer: This is sales.

Me: Okay, Im not sure if theres something going on over there but none of you seem to know how to answer the phone and receive customer enquiries. Shouldnt you first greet me, state your name then ask how you can assist me? Answer: This is Purity. In sales. We dont have power. Unaskia hiyo ni generator inaguruma? (Can you hear that is a generator humming)? Me: (My thoughtsIf theres a generator then that technically means there is electricity from the generator)Okay Purity, I guess its been a tough morning. You think you can still sell me your product without power/electricity? Purity: The phone came through and I was not ready. Niko na mtu hapa. Tunaelewana? (I have someone else here. Do we understand each other)? Answer: You know what Purity, thats enough. Clearly you are not in a place to serve me today with pleasure. So let me make it easy for you. Can you please transfer me to another sales person? Id really like to enjoy my time purchasing your stuff. Purity: GulpI dont know how the phone will transfer, we dont have power/electricity. Me: *&^%!?!..silence Purity: Wait, I will get up, walk to my colleague and tell him to take the call. Me: You go girl! I think you just solved my issue?!? Thank you! Colleague: Eeehherrow? Me: Yes, can you please give me information about the items a, b and c listed on your website? Colleague: Oh sorree (sorry), we rost (lost) the franchise and no roga (longer) have those items. This means the website has not been changed. Eeeehsorree (sorry) Me: (in a defeated slow breathe)You know whatthanks, justai, yai yai, thanks. Bye. Colleague: ooh yes, okay, bye bye. Me: (thinking) I wonder why they lost the franchise??? ---------

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