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Model Digital Age Work and Learning

Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.
a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations

Audience My target audience is going to be teachers, administrators, and paraprofessionals of Sallas Mahone Elementary. Sallas Mahone has 3 administrators, 53 teachers (2 are Instructional lead teachers) and 12 paraprofessional. The ages range from 2356. Close to 80% of the employees are from Valdosta or grew up in areas nearby, the other 15% have spouses in the military. This 15% has lived in different states and countries, worked for several different systems and on average move every three years. Out of the 68 employees a minimum of an associates degree is required for paraprofessionals, a 4 year bachelors degree and teacher certification is required for teachers, and a minimum of a masters degree is required for administration. Out of 12 paraprofessionals 8 have their teacher certification. Out of 56 teachers and administers 33 teachers have furthered their education through a masters or specialist degree, 2 staff members hold doctorate degrees. All staff members work with computers daily. All have basic knowledge (turning it on, controlling the mouse, controlling speaker volume and components). However, when polling 20 teachers at random 75% said they have no clue how to set up a disconnected computer and check for internet connection. This video will best meet the needs of visual learners but can also reach kinesthetic and auditory learners. Through the flexible use of the video kinesthetic learners can unplug and reconnect their computer along with the video. Auditory learners can listen to the information as it is being presented. Sallas Mahone employees use their computers daily. Whether it is sending or receiving emails, submitting attendance, presenting information from the internet, printing materials for meetings, or surfing the web for ideas on upcoming lessons, all

employees have become reliant on computers. Also, each classroom has three student computers that are used for AR testing and Success Maker (software design to enhance students understanding of curriculum). When computers are disconnected obviously teaching and learning have to be adjusted but presentations, forms of communication, and availability to online resources are all affected as well. Several times throughout the year computers are shifted and disconnected by our technology department. Unfortunately, none of the city schools have a full time technology member consistently on campus during working hours. Technology staff hours and days vary depending on what school has the most problem tickets. All problems are to be submitted online through a problem ticket. Even after submission, fixing the problem could take several days. Helping staff members tackle the basic computer problems will help ease frustration and make for a more efficient day.

To grab my audiences attention my video will start out with a teacher walking down the hallway with a checklist (type and send an email, print off lesson for an administrator, pull up YouTube video for science lesson, review Accelerated reader data, create spreadsheet of students growth in Success Maker). In order to complete the checklist a working computer will have to be available. To make the information relevant the list will include ways most school employees use their computer and ways that are just specific for Sallas Mahone. To help gain confidence I will demonstrate how easy hooking up a computer and checking for internet connection can be by performing them in as few steps as possible. Through the use of an outline information will be presented in an organized manner. To ensure success I will do a quick test what you have learned segment at the end of the video. Staff members can take the quiz to determine if they need to go back and replay the video.

Objectives: Staff members will reconnect teacher and student computers independently.

Staff members will check for internet connection on teacher and student computers independently.

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