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Francis de Sales (1567-1622)




Dedicatory Prayer MOST holy Mother of God !essel of inco"#ara$le election %&een of so!erei'n dilection tho& art the "ost lo!ely the "ost lo!in' and "ost $elo!ed of all creat&res( The lo!e of the hea!enly Father fo&nd its 'ood #leas&re in thee fro" all eternity destinin' thy chaste heart to the #erfection of holy lo!e to the end that one day tho& "i'htest lo!e his only Son )ith &ni*&e "otherly lo!e as he had done fro" all eternity )ith &ni*&e fatherly lo!e+ O Sa!io&r ,es&s to )ho" co&ld - $etter dedicate )ords on thy lo!e than to the "ost a"ia$le heart of the )ell-$elo!ed of thy so&l. /&t O all tri&"#hant Mother( 0ho can cast his eyes &#on thy "a1esty )itho&t seein' at thy ri'ht hand hi" )ho" for the lo!e of thee thy Son dei'ned so often to hono&r )ith the title of father ha!in' &nited hi" &nto thee $y the celestial $ond of a "ost !ir'inal "arria'e that he "i'ht $e thy coad1&tor and hel#er in the char'e of the direction and ed&cation of his di!ine infancy. O 'reat S+ ,ose#h( Most $elo!ed s#o&se of the )ell$elo!ed Mother ah( ho) often hast tho& $orne in thy ar"s the lo!e of hea!en and earth )hile infla"ed )ith the s)eet e"$races and 2isses of this Di!ine child thy so&l "elted a)ay )ith 1oy )hile he tenderly )his#ered in thy ears (O God )hat s)eetness() that tho& )ast his 'reat friend and his )ell-$elo!ed father+ Of old the la"#s of the ancient te"#le )ere #laced &#on 'olden lilies+ O Mary and ,ose#h Pair )itho&t #eer( Sacred lilies of inco"#ara$le $ea&ty a"on'st )hich the )ell-$elo!ed feeds hi"self and feeds all his lo!ers--ah( if - "ay 'i!e "yself any ho#e that this lo!e-)ritin' "ay enli'hten and infla"e the children of li'ht )here can - $etter lay it than a"on'st yo&r lilies )herein the S&n of ,&stice the s#lendo&r and $ri'htness of the eternal li'ht did so so!erei'nly recreate hi"self that he there f&lfilled the deli'hts of the ineffa$le lo!e of his heart to)ards &s. O )ell-$elo!ed "other of the )ell-$elo!ed Son O )ell-$elo!ed s#o&se of the )ell-$elo!ed "other( Prostrate $efore the feet of yo& )ho $ore "y Sa!io&r - dedicate and consecrate this little )or2 of lo!e to the i""ense 'reatness of yo&r lo!e+ 3h( - con1&re yo& $y the heart of yo&r s)eet ,es&s 4in' of hearts )ho" yo&r hearts adore--ani"ate "y heart and all hearts that shall read this )ritin' $y yo&r all #o)erf&l fa!o&r )ith the 5oly Ghost that henceforth )e "ay offer &# in holoca&st all o&r affections to his di!ine 'oodness to li!e die and li!e a'ain for e!er a"id the fla"es of this hea!enly fire )hich O&r 6ord yo&r son has so "&ch desired to 2indle in o&r hearts that he ne!er ceased to la$o&r and si'h for this &ntil death e!en the death of the cross+








:-:; ,<S=S+ 5 P>;F3?;+ T5; 5oly Ghost teaches that the li#s of the hea!enly S#o&se that is The ?h&rch rese"$le scarlet and the dro##in' honeyco"$ @15A to let e!ery one 2no) that all the doctrine )hich she anno&nces consists in sacred lo!eB of a "ore res#lendent red than scarlet on acco&nt of the $lood of the s#o&se )hose lo!e infla"es her s)eeter than honey on acco&nt of the s)eetness of the $elo!ed )ho cro)ns her )ith deli'hts+ So this hea!enly s#o&se )hen he tho&'ht 'ood to $e'in the #ro"&l'ation of his la) cast do)n &#on the asse"$ly of those disci#les )ho" he had de#&ted for this )or2 a sho)er of fiery ton'&es s&fficiently inti"atin' there$y that the #reachin' of the 'os#el )as )holly desi'ned for the infla"in' of hearts+ >e#resent to yo&rself $ea&tif&l do!es a"idst the rays of the s&nB yo& )ill see their #l&"a'e $rea2 into as "any different colo&rs as yo& chan'e yo&r #oint of !ie)in' the"B $eca&se their feathers are so fitted to dis#lay the li'ht that )hen the s&n co"es to s#read his s#lendo&r on the" a "&ltit&de of reflections are "ade #rod&cin' a 'reat !ariety of tints and 'lancin' colo&rs colo&rs so a'reea$le to the eye that they s&r#ass all other colo&rs e!en the ena"el of richest 1e)elsB colo&rs so res#lendent and so delicately 'ilded that the 'ildin' "a2es their o)n colo&rs "ore $ri'ht than e!erB for it )as this si'ht )hich "ade the royal #ro#het say -f yo& slee# a"on' the "idst of lotsB yo& shall $e as the )in's of a do!e co!ered )ith sil!er and the hinder #arts of her $ac2 )ith the #aleness of 'old+ @16A The ?h&rch is indeed adorned )ith an eCcellent !ariety of teachin's ser"ons treatises and s#irit&al $oo2s all !ery $ea&tif&l and #leasant to the si'ht $y reason of the ad"ira$le "in'lin' )hich the S&n of ,&stice "a2es of his di!ine )isdo" )ith the ton'&es of his #astors )hich are their feathers and )ith their #ens )hich so"eti"es hold the #lace of ton'&es and for" the rich #l&"a'e of this "ystic do!e+ /&t a"on'st all the di!ers colo&rs of the doctrine )hich she dis#lays the fine 'old of holy ?harity is e!ery)here s#read and "a2es itself eCcellently !isi$le 'ildin' all the science of the saints )ith its inco"#ara$le l&stre and raisin' it a$o!e e!ery other science+ 3ll is lo!eDs and in lo!e for lo!e and of lo!e in the holy ?h&rch+ /&t as )e are not i'norant that all the li'ht of the day #roceeds fro" the s&n and yet )e ordinarily say that the s&n does not shine eCce#t only )hen it o#enly sends o&t its $ea"s here or thereB in li2e "anner tho&'h all ?hristian doctrine $e a$o&t sacred lo!e yet )e do not hono&r all theolo'y indifferently )ith the title of this di!ine lo!e $&t only those #arts of it )hich re'ard the $irth nat&re #ro#erties and o#erations thereof in #artic&lar+ Eo) it is tr&e that di!ers )riters ha!e already handled this s&$1ectB a$o!e all those ancient Fathers )ho as they did lo!in'ly ser!e God so did they s#ea2 di!inely of his lo!e+ O ho) 'ood it is to hear S+ Pa&l s#ea2 of hea!enly thin's )ho learned the" e!en in hea!en itself and ho) 'ood to see those so&ls )ho )ere n&rsed in the $oso" of lo!e )rite of its holy s)eetness( For this reason those a"on'st the school"en that









disco&rsed the "ost and the $est of it did also "ost eCcel in #iety+ S+ Tho"as has "ade a treatise on it )orthy of S+ Tho"asB S+ /ona!ent&re and /+ Denis the ?arth&sian ha!e "ade di!ers "ost eCcellent ones on it &nder !ario&s titles and as for ,ohn Gerson ?hancellor of the =ni!ersity of Paris SiCt&s Senensis s#ea2s of hi" th&sF G5e has so )orthily disco&rsed of the fifty #ro#erties of di!ine lo!e )hich are descri$ed in the co&rse of the ?anticle of ?anticles that he alone )o&ld see" to ha!e ta2en #ro#er acco&nt of the affections of the lo!e of God+G Tr&ly this "an )as eCtre"ely learned 1&dicio&s and de!o&t+ 3nd that )e "ay 2no) this 2ind of )ritin's to $e "ade "ore s&ccessf&lly $y the de!otion of lo!ers than $y the learnin' of the )ise it has #leased the 5oly Ghost that "any )o"en sho&ld )or2 )onders in it+ 0ho has e!er $etter eC#ressed the hea!enly #assions of sacred lo!e than S+ ?atharine of Genoa S+ 3n'ela of Foli'no S+ ?atharine of Siena S+ Mechtilde. -n o&r a'e also "any ha!e )ritten &#on this s&$1ect )hose )or2s - ha!e not had leis&re to read distinctly $&t only here and there so far forth as )as re*&isite to disco!er )hether this $oo2 "i'ht yet find #lace+ Father 6o&is of Granada that 'reat doctor of #iety has #laced a treatise of the lo!e of God in his Me"orial )hich is s&fficiently co""ended in sayin' it is his+ Die'o Stella of the Order of S+ Francis "ade another )hich is !ery effecti!e and #rofita$le for #rayer+ ?hristo#her Fonseca an 3&'&stinian $ro&'ht o&t one still lar'er )herein he has "any eCcellent thin's+ Father 6o&is >icheo"e of the Society has also #&$lished a $oo2 &nder the title of The 3rt of 6o!in' God $y his ?reat&res and this a&thor is so a"ia$le in his #erson and in his $ea&tif&l )ritin's that do&$tless he is e!en "ore so )hen )ritin' of lo!e itself+ Father ,ohn of ,es&s Maria a discalced ?ar"elite has co"#osed a little $oo2 )hich is also called The 3rt of 6o!in' God and )hich is "&ch estee"ed+ That 'reat and cele$rated ?ardinal /ellar"ine has also lately iss&ed a little $oo2 entitledF The 6adder for 3scendin' &nto God $y his ?reat&res )hich cannot $e $&t ad"ira$le co"in' fro" that "ost learned hand and "ost de!o&t so&l )ho has )ritten so "&ch and so )isely in the ?h&rchDs $ehalf+ - )ill say nothin' of the Parenetic of that ri!er of elo*&ence @17A )ho flo)s at #resent thro&'h all France in the "&ltit&de and !ariety of his ser"ons and no$le )ritin's+ The close s#irit&al consan'&inity )hich "y so&l has contracted )ith his )hen $y the i"#osition of "y hands he recei!ed the sacred character of the e#isco#al order to the 'reat ha##iness of the diocese of /elley and to the hono&r of the ?h&rch $esides a tho&sand ties of a sincere friendshi# )hich fasten &s to'ether #er"its "e not to s#ea2 )ith #raise of his )or2s a"on'st )hich this Parenetic of di!ine lo!e )as one of the first sallies of the "atchless )ealth of intellect )hich e!ery one ad"ires in hi"+ 0e see f&rther a 'oodly and "a'nificent #alace )hich the >+ Father 6a&rence of Paris a ?a#&chin #reacher erected in hono&r of hea!enly lo!e )hich $ein' finished )ill $e a co"#lete co&rse of the 3rt of lo!in' )ell+ 3nd lastly the /+ Mother (S+) Teresa of ,es&s has )ritten so acc&rately of the sacred "o!e"ents of lo!e in all the $oo2s she has left &s that one is a"aHed to see so "&ch elo*&ence "as2ed &nder s&ch #rofo&nd h&"ility s&ch 'reat solidity of )it in s&ch 'reat si"#licityF and her "ost learned i'norance "a2es the 2no)led'e of "any learned "en a##ear i'norant )ho after lon' and la$orio&s st&dy ha!e to $l&sh at not &nderstandin' )hat she so ha##ily #&ts do)n to&chin' the









#ractice of holy lo!e+ Th&s does God raise the throne of his #o)er &#on the 'ro&nd of o&r infir"ity "a2in' &se of )ea2 thin's to confo&nd the stron'+ @1IA 5 3nd altho&'h "y dear reader this Treatise )hich - no) #resent yo& co"es far short of those eCcellent )or2s )itho&t ho#e of e!er r&nnin' e!en )ith the" yet ha!e - s&ch confidence in the fa!o&r of the t)o hea!enly lo!ers to )ho" - dedicate it that still it "ay $e in so"e )ay ser!icea$le to yo& and that in it yo& )ill "eet )ith "any )holeso"e considerations )hich yo& )o&ld not else)here so easily find as a'ain yo& "ay else)here find "any $ea&tif&l thin's )hich are not here+ -ndeed it e!en see"s to "e that "y desi'n is not the sa"e as that of others eCce#t in 'eneral inas"&ch as )e all loo2 to)ards the 'lory of holy lo!e+ /&t this yo& )ill see $y readin' it+ Tr&ly "y intention is only to re#resent si"#ly and naJ!ely )itho&t art still "ore )itho&t false colo&rs the history of the $irth #ro'ress decay o#erations #ro#erties ad!anta'es and eCcellences of di!ine lo!e+ 3nd if $esides this yo& find other thin's these are $&t eCcrescences )hich it is al"ost i"#ossi$le for s&ch as "e )ho )rite a"idst "any distractions to a!oid+ /&t still - thin2 that there )ill $e nothin' )itho&t so"e &tility+ Eat&re herself )ho is so s2ilf&l a )or2)o"an intendin' to #rod&ce 'ra#es #rod&ces at the sa"e ti"e as $y a #r&dent inad!ertence s&ch an a$&ndance of lea!es and $ranches that there are !ery fe) !ines )hich ha!e not in their season to $e #r&ned of lea!es and shoots+ 0riters are often treated too harshlyF the cens&res that are #assed on the" are 'i!en hastily and !ery often )ith "ore incorrectness than they co""itted i"#r&dence in hastenin' to #&$lish their )ritin's+ Preci#itation of 1&d'"ent 'reatly #&ts in dan'er the conscience of the 1&d'e and the innocence of the acc&sed+ Many )rite a"iss and "any cens&re foolishly+ The 2indness of the reader "a2es his readin' s)eet and #rofita$le+ 3nd "y dear reader to ha!e yo& "ore fa!o&ra$le - )ill here 'i!e yo& an eC#lanation of so"e #oints )hich "i'ht #erad!ent&re other)ise #&t yo& o&t of h&"o&r+ So"e #erha#s )ill thin2 that - ha!e said too "&ch and that it )as not re*&isite to 'o so dee# do)n into the roots of the s&$1ect $&t - a" of o#inion that hea!enly lo!e is a #lant li2e to that )hich )e call 3n'elica )hose root is no less odorifero&s and )holeso"e than the stal2 and the $ranches+ The fo&r first $oo2s and so"e cha#ters of the rest "i'ht )itho&t do&$t ha!e $een o"itted )itho&t disad!anta'e to s&ch so&ls as only see2 the #ractice of holy lo!e yet all of it )ill $e #rofita$le &nto the" if they $ehold it )ith a de!o&t eyeF )hile others also "i'ht ha!e $een disa##ointed not to ha!e had the )hole of )hat $elon's to the treatise of di!ine lo!e+ - ha!e ta2en into consideration as - sho&ld do the state of the "inds of this a'eF it "&ch i"#orts to re"e"$er in )hat a'e )e are )ritin'+ - cite Scri#t&re so"eti"es in other ter"s than those of the ordinary edition (the :&l'ate)+ For GodDs sa2e "y dear reader do "e not therefore the )ron' to thin2 that )ish to de#art fro" that edition+ 3h no( For - 2no) the 5oly Ghost has a&thoriHed it $y the sacred ?o&ncil of Trent and that therefore all of &s o&'ht to 2ee# to itF on the contrary - only &se the other !ersions for the ser!ice of this )hen they eC#lain and confir" its tr&e sense+ For eCa"#le )hat the hea!enly s#o&se says to his s#o&seF Tho& hast )o&nded "y heartF @1KA is 'reatly ill&strated $y the other !ersionF Tho& hast ta2en









a)ay "y heart or Tho& hast snatched a)ay and ra!ished "y heart+ That )hich o&r Sa!io&r saidF /lessed are the #oor in s#iritF is "&ch a"#lified and cleared $y the Gree2F /lessed are the $e''ars in s#iritF and so )ith others+ 5 - ha!e often cited the sacred Psal"ist in !erse and this to recreate yo&r "ind and on acco&nt of the ease )ith )hich - co&ld do it $y the $ea&tif&l translation of Philli# des Portes 3$$ot of Tiron+ This ho)e!er - ha!e so"eti"es de#arted fro"B not of co&rse thin2in' - co&ld i"#ro!e the !erses of this fa"o&s #oet (for - sho&ld $e too i"#ertinent if ne!er ha!in' so "&ch as tho&'ht of this 2ind oL )ritin' - sho&ld #retend to $e ha##y in it in an a'e and condition of life )hich )o&ld o$li'e "e to retire fro" it in case - had e!er $een en'a'ed therein) $&t in so"e #laces )here the sense "i'ht $e !ario&sly ta2en - ha!e not follo)ed his !erse $eca&se - )o&ld not follo) his sense as in Psal" cCCCii+ )here he has ta2en a certain 6atin )ord for the frin'e of the 'ar"ent )hich tho&'ht o&'ht to $e ta2en for the collar )herefore - ha!e translated it to "y o)n "ind+ - ha!e said nothin' )hich - ha!e not learned of others yet it is i"#ossi$le for "e to re"e"$er )hence - had e!erythin' in #artic&lar $&t $elie!e "e if - had ta2en any len'thy and re"ar2a$le #assa'es o&t of any a&thor - )o&ld "a2e it a "atter of conscience not to let hi" ha!e the deser!ed hono&r of it and to re"o!e a s&s#icion )hich yo& "ay concei!e a'ainst "y sincerity in this "atter - )arn yo& that the 18th cha#ter of /oo2 :--+ is eCtracted fro" a ser"on )hich - deli!ered at Paris at S+ ,ohnDs en GrM!e &#on the feast of the 3ss&"#tion of o&r /lessed 6ady 1672+ - ha!e not al)ays eC#ressed the se*&ence of the cha#ters $&t if yo& notice yo& )ill easily find the lin2s of their connection+ -n that and se!eral other thin's - had a care to s#are "y o)n leis&re and yo&r #atience+ 3fter - had ca&sed the -ntrod&ction to a De!o&t 6ife to $e #rinted "y 6ord 3rch$isho# of :ienne Peter de :illars did "e the fa!o&r of )ritin' his o#inion of it in ter"s so ad!anta'eo&s to that little $oo2 and to "e that sho&ld ne!er dare to rehearse the"F and eChortin' "e to a##ly the "ost of "y leis&re to the li2e )or2s a"on'st "any rare co&nsels he fa!o&red "e )ith one )as that as far as the "atter )o&ld #er"it - sho&ld al)ays $e short in the cha#ters+ For as said he tra!ellers 2no)in' that there is a fair 'arden so"e t)enty or t)enty-fi!e #aces o&t of their )ay readily t&rn aside so short a distance to 'o see it )hich they )o&ld not do if it )ere f&rther distantB e!en so those )ho 2no) that there is $&t little distance $et)een the $e'innin' and end of a cha#ter do )illin'ly &nderta2e to read it )hich they )o&ld not do tho&'h the s&$1ect )ere ne!er so deli'htf&l if a lon' ti"e )ere re*&ired for the readin' of it+ 3nd therefore - had 'ood reason to follo) "y o)n inclination in this res#ect since it )as a'reea$le to this 'reat #ersona'e )ho )as one of the "ost saintly #relates and learned doctors that the ?h&rch has had in o&r a'e and )ho at the ti"e that he hono&red "e )ith his letter )as the "ost ancient of all the doctors of the fac&lty of Paris+ 3 'reat ser!ant of God infor"ed "e not lon' a'o that $y addressin' "y s#eech to Philothea in the -ntrod&ction to a De!o&t 6ife - hindered "any "en fro" #rofitin' $y itF $eca&se they did not estee" ad!ice 'i!en to a )o"an to $e )orthy of a "an+ "ar!elled that there )ere "en )ho to $e tho&'ht "en sho)ed the"sel!es in effect so little "en for - lea!e it to yo&r consideration "y dear reader )hether de!otion $e not as )ell for "en as for )o"en and )hether )e are not to read )ith as 'reat attention









and re!erence the second ;#istle of S+ ,ohn )hich )as addressed to the holy lady ;lecta as the third )hich he directs to ?ai&s and )hether a tho&sand tho&sand ;#istles and eCcellent Treatises of the ancient fathers of the ?h&rch o&'ht to $e held &n#rofita$le to "en $eca&se they are addressed to holy )o"en of those ti"es+ /&t $esides it is the so&l )hich as#ires to de!otion that - call Philothea and "en ha!e so&ls as )ell as )o"en+ Ee!ertheless to i"itate the 'reat 3#ostle in this occasion )ho estee"ed hi"self a de$tor to e!ery one - ha!e chan'ed "y address in this treatise and s#ea2 to Theoti"&s $&t if #erchance there sho&ld $e any )o"an (and s&ch an &nreasona$leness )o&ld $e "ore tolera$le in the") )ho )o&ld not read the instr&ctions )hich are 'i!en to "en $e' the" to 2no) that Theoti"&s to )ho" - s#ea2 is the h&"an s#irit desiro&s of "a2in' #ro'ress in holy lo!e )hich s#irit is e*&ally in )o"en as in "en+ This Treatise then is "ade for a so&l already de!o&t that she "ay $e a$le to ad!ance in her desi'n and hence - ha!e $een forced to say "any thin's so"e)hat &n2no)n to the 'enerality and )hich )ill therefore a##ear "ore o$sc&re than they are+ The de#ths of science are al)ays so"e)hat hard to so&nd and there are fe) di!ers )ho care and are a$le to descend and 'ather the #earls and other #recio&s stones )hich are in the )o"$ of the ocean+ /&t if yo& ha!e the co&ra'e fairly to #enetrate these )ords )hich - ha!e )ritten it )ill tr&ly $e )ith yo& as )ith the di!ers )ho says Pliny see clearly in the dee#est ca!es of the sea the li'ht of the s&nF for yo& )ill find in the hardest #arts of this disco&rse a 'ood and fair li'ht+ Moreo!er as - do not follo) the" that des#ise $oo2s treatin' of a certain s&#ere"inently #erfect life so for "y #art - do not s#ea2 of s&ch a s&#ere"inenceB for - can neither cens&re the a&thors nor a&thoriHe the censors of a doctrine )hich - do not &nderstand+ - ha!e to&ched on a n&"$er of theolo'ical *&estions #ro#osin' si"#ly not so "&ch )hat - anciently learnt in dis#&tations as )hat attention to the ser!ice of so&ls and "y t)enty-fo&r years s#ent in holy #reachin' ha!e "ade "e thin2 "ost cond&ci!e to the 'lory of the Gos#el and of the ?h&rch+ For the rest so"e "en of note in !ario&s #laces ha!e si'nified to "e that certain little $oo2s ha!e $een #&$lished si"#ly &nder the first letters of their a&thorDs na"e )hich are the sa"e as "ine+ This "ade so"e $elie!e that they )ere "y )or2s not )itho&t so"e little scandal to s&ch as s&##osed there$y that - had $idden adie& to "y si"#licity to #&ff &# "y style )ith #o"#o&s )ords "y ar'&"ent )ith )orldly conceit and "y conce#tions )ith a lofty and #l&"ed elo*&ence+ For this ca&se "y dear reader - )ill tell yo& that as those )ho en'ra!e or c&t #recio&s stones ha!in' their si'ht tired $y 2ee#in' it contin&ally fiCed &#on the s"all lines of their )or2 are 'lad to 2ee# $efore the" so"e fair e"erald that $y $eholdin' it fro" ti"e to ti"e they "ay $e recreated )ith its 'reenness and restore their )ea2ened si'ht to its nat&ral condition --so in this #ress of $&siness )hich "y office daily dra)s &#on "e - ha!e e!er little #ro1ects of so"e treatise of #iety )hich - loo2 at )hen - can to re!i!e and &n)eary "y "ind+ 5o)e!er - do not #rofess "yself a )riterB for the d&lness of "y s#irit and the condition of "y life s&$1ect to the ser!ice and re*&ire"ents of "any )o&ld not #er"it "e so to $e+ 0herefore - ha!e )ritten !ery little and ha!e #&$lished "&ch less and follo)in' the









co&nsel and )ill of "y friends - )ill tell yo& )hat - ha!e )ritten that yo& "ay not attri$&te the #raises of anotherDs la$o&rs to hi" )ho deser!es none for his o)n+ 5 -t is no) nineteen years since that $ein' at Thonon a s"all to)n sit&ated &#on the 6a2e of Gene!a )hich )as then $ein' little $y little con!erted to the ?atholic faith the "inister an ad!ersary of the ?h&rch )as #roclai"in' e!ery)here that the ?atholic article of the real #resence of o&r Sa!io&rDs $ody in the ;&charist destroyed the sy"$ol and the analo'y of faith (for he )as 'lad to "o&th this )ord analo'y not &nderstood $y his a&ditors in order to a##ear !ery learnedB and &#on this the rest of the ?atholic #reachers )ith )ho" - )as #ressed "e to )rite so"ethin' in ref&tation of this !anity+ did )hat see"ed s&ita$le fra"in' a $rief "editation &#on the ?reed to confir" the tr&thF all the co#ies )ere distri$&ted in this diocese )here no) - find not one of the"+ Soon after)ards his 5i'hness ca"e o!er the "o&ntains and findin' the $aili)ic2s of ?ha$lais Gaillard and Ternier )hich are in the en!irons of Gene!a )ell dis#osed to recei!e the ?atholic faith )hich had $een $anished thence $y force of )ars and re!olts a$o&t se!enty years $efore he resol!ed to re-esta$lish the eCercise thereof in all the #arishes and to a$olish that of heresy and )hereas on the one side there )ere "any o$stacles to this 'reat $lessin' fro" those considerations )hich are called reasons of State and on the other side so"e #ersons as yet not )ell instr&cted in the tr&th "ade resistance a'ainst this so "&ch-desired esta$lish"ent his 5i'hness s&r"o&nted the first diffic&lty $y the in!inci$le constancy of his Heal for the ?atholic reli'ion and the second $y an eCtraordinary 'entleness and #r&dence+ For he had the chief and "ost o$stinate called to'ether and "ade a s#eech &nto the" )ith so lo!in'ly #ers&asi!e an elo*&ence that al"ost all !an*&ished $y the s)eet !iolence of his fatherly lo!e to)ards the" cast the )ea#ons of their o$stinacy at his feet and their so&ls into the hands of 5oly ?h&rch+ 3nd allo) "e "y dear readers - #ray yo& to say this )ord in #assin'+ One "ay #raise "any rich actions of this 'reat Prince in )hich - see the #roof of his !alo&r and "ilitary 2no)led'e )hich )ith 1&st ca&se is ad"ired thro&'h all ;&ro#e+ /&t for "y #art cannot s&fficiently eCtol the re-esta$lish"ent of the ?atholic reli'ion in these three $aili)ic2s )hich - ha!e 1&st "entioned ha!in' seen in it so "any "ar2s of #iety &nited )ith so "any and !ario&s acts of #r&dence constancy "a'nani"ity 1&stice and "ildness that - see"ed to see in this one little trait as in a "iniat&re all that is #raised in #rinces )ho ha!e in ti"es #ast )ith "ost fer!o&r stri!en to ad!ance the 'lory of God and the ?h&rch+ The sta'e )as s"all $&t the action 'reat+ 3nd as that ancient crafts"an )as ne!er so "&ch estee"ed for his 'reat #ieces as he )as ad"ired for "a2in' a shi# of i!ory fitted )ith all its 'ear in so tiny a !ol&"e that the )in's of a $ee co!ered all so estee" "ore that )hich this 'reat Prince did at that ti"e in this s"all corner of his do"inions than "any "ore $rilliant actions )hich others eCtol to the hea!ens+ Eo) on this occasion the !ictorio&s ensi'ns of the cross )ere re#lanted in all the )ays and #&$lic #laces of those *&arters and )hereas a little $efore there had $een one erected !ery sole"nly at 3nne"asse close to Gene!a a certain "inister "ade a little treatise a'ainst the hono&r thereof )hich )as a $&rnin' and !eno"o&s in!ecti!e and to )hich therefore it )as dee"ed fit to "a2e ans)er+ My 6ord ?la&de de Granier "y #redecessor )hose "e"ory is in $enediction i"#osed the $&rden &#on "e accordin'









to the #o)er )hich he had o!er "e )ho $eheld hi" not only as "y /isho# $&t also as a holy ser!ant of God+ - "ade therefore this ans)er &nder the titleF Defence of the Standard of the ?ross and dedicated it to his 5i'hness #artly to testify &nto hi" "y "ost h&"$le s&$"ission and #artly to render hi" so"e s"all than2s'i!in' for the care )hich he too2 of the ?h&rch in those #arts+ Eo) lately this Defence has $een re#rinted &nder the #rodi'io&s title of Panthalo'y or Treas&re of the ?rossF a title )hereof - ne!er drea"ed as in tr&th - a" not a "an of that st&dy and leis&re nor of that "e"ory to $e a$le to #&t to'ether so "any #ieces of )orth in one $oo2 as to let it deser!e the na"e of Treas&re or Panthalo'y $esides - ha!e a horror of s&ch insolent frontis#iecesF 3 sot or senseless creat&re )e hi" call



0ho "a2es his #ortal 'reater than his hall+ -n the year 1672 )ere cele$rated at Paris )here - )as the o$se*&ies of that "a'nani"o&s #rince Phili# ;"an&el of 6orraine D&2e of Mercoe&r )ho had #erfor"ed so "any $ra!e eC#loits a'ainst the T&r2s in 5&n'ary that all ?hristianity )as $o&nd to cons#ire to hono&r his "e"ory+ /&t es#ecially Mada" Mary of 6&Ce"$o&r' his )ido) did for her #art all that her heart and the lo!e of the deceased co&ld s&''est to her to "a2e his f&neral sole"n+ 3nd $eca&se "y father 'randfather and 'reat 'randfather had $een $ro&'ht &# #a'es to the "ost ill&strio&s #rinces of Marti'&es her father and his #redecessors she re'arded "e as an hereditary ser!ant of her ho&seB and "ade choice of "e to #reach the f&neral ser"on in that 'reat cele$ration )here there )ere not only se!eral ?ardinals and Prelates $&t a n&"$er of #rinces also #rincesses "arshals of France 2ni'hts of the Order @27A and e!en the ?o&rt of Parlia"ent in a $ody+ - "ade then this f&neral oration and #rono&nced it in this 'reat asse"$ly in the 'reat ?h&rch of Paris and as it contained a tr&e a$rid'"ent of the heroic feats of the deceased #rince - )illin'ly had it #rinted at the re*&est of the )ido)-#rincess )hose re*&est )as to "e a la)+ - dedicated this #iece to Mada" the D&chess of :endN"e as yet a 'irl and a !ery yo&n' #rincess yet one in )ho" )ere !ery clearly to $e reco'niHed the si'ns of that eCcellent !irt&e and #iety )hich no) adorn her and )hich sho) her to $e )orthy of the $rin'in' forth and ed&catin' $y so de!o&t and #io&s a "other+ 0hile this ser"on )as in the #ress - heard that - had $een "ade /isho# so that - ca"e here to $e consecrated and to $e'in residence+ 3nd at first there )as #ointed o&t to "e the necessity of instr&ctin' ?onfessors on so"e i"#ortant #oints+ For this reason )rote t)enty-fi!e instr&ctions )hich - had #rinted to 'et the" "ore easily s#read a"on'st those to )ho" - directed the"B since then they ha!e $een re#rinted in !ario&s #laces+ Three or fo&r years after)ards - #&$lished the -ntrod&ction to a De!o&t 6ife &#on the occasion and in the "anner )hich - ha!e #&t do)n in the #reface thereofF re'ardin' )hich - ha!e nothin' to say to yo& "y dear reader sa!e only that tho&'h this little $oo2 has 'enerally had a 'racio&s and 2ind acce#tance yes e!en a"on'st the "ost 'ra!e #relates and doctors of the ?h&rch yet it did not esca#e the r&de cens&re of so"e )ho








did not "erely $la"e "e $&t $itterly attac2ed "e in #&$lic $eca&se - tell Philothea that dancin' is an action indifferent in itself and that for recreationDs sa2e one "ay "a2e *&odli$etsB and - 2no)in' the *&ality of these censors #raise their intention )hich thin2 )as 'ood+ - sho&ld ha!e desired the" ho)e!er to #lease to consider that the first #ro#osition is dra)n fro" the co""on and tr&e doctrine of the "ost holy and learned di!ines that - )as )ritin' for s&ch as li!e in the )orld and in co&rtsB that )ithal caref&lly inc&lcate the eCtre"e dan'ers )hich are fo&nd in dancin'B--and that as to the second #ro#osition it is not "ine $&t S+ 6o&isDs that ad"ira$le 2in' a doctor )orthy to $e follo)ed in the art of ri'htly cond&ctin' co&rtiers to a de!o&t life+ For - $elie!e if they had )ei'hed this their charity and discretion )o&ld ne!er ha!e #er"itted their Heal ho) !i'oro&s and a&stere soe!er to ar" their indi'nation a'ainst "e+ 3nd therefore "y dear reader - con1&re yo& to $e 'racio&s and 'ood to "e in readin' this Treatise+ 3nd if yo& find the style a little (tho&'h - a" s&re it )ill $e $&t a !ery little) different fro" that )hich - &sed in the Defence of the ?ross 2no) that in nineteen years one learns and &nlearns "any thin's that the lan'&a'e of )ar differs fro" that of #eace and that a "an &ses one "anner of s#eech to yo&n' a##rentices and another to old fello)-crafts"en+ My #&r#ose here is to s#ea2 to so&ls that are ad!anced in de!otion+ For yo& "&st 2no) that )e ha!e in this to)n a con're'ation of "aidens and )ido)s )ho ha!in' retired fro" the )orld li!e )ith one "ind in GodDs ser!ice &nder the #rotection of his "ost holy Mother and as their #&rity and #iety of s#irit ha!e oftenti"es 'i!en "e 'reat consolation so ha!e - stri!en to ret&rn the" the li2e $y a fre*&ent distri$&tion of the holy )ord )hich - ha!e anno&nced to the" as )ell in #&$lic ser"ons as in s#irit&al conferences and this al"ost al)ays in #resence of so"e reli'io&s "en and #eo#le of 'reat #iety+ 5ence - ha!e often had to treat of the "ost delicate senti"ents of #iety #assin' $eyond that )hich - had said to PhilotheaF and - o)e a 'ood #art of that )hich no) - co""&nicate to yo& to this $lessed Society $eca&se she )ho is the "other of the" and r&les the" 2no)in' that - )as )ritin' &#on this s&$1ect and yet that scarcely )as - a$le to acco"#lish it )itho&t GodDs !ery s#ecial assistance and their contin&al &r'in' too2 a constant care to #ray and 'et #rayers for this end and holily con1&red "e to #ic2 o&t all the little "orsels of leis&re )hich she 1&d'ed "i'ht $e s#ared here and there fro" the #ress of "y hindrances and to e"#loy the" in this+ 3nd $eca&se this so&l is in that consideration )ith "e )hich God 2no)s she has had no little #o)er to ani"ate "e in this occasion+ - $e'an indeed lon' a'o to thin2 of )ritin' on holy lo!e $&t that tho&'ht ca"e far short of )hat this occasion has "ade "e #rod&ce an occasion )hich - declare to yo& th&s si"#ly and in 'ood faith in i"itation of the ancients that yo& "ay 2no) that - )rite only as - 'et the chance and o##ort&nity and that - "ay find yo& "ore fa!o&ra$le+ -t is said a"on'st the Pa'ans that Phidias ne!er re#resented anythin' so #erfectly as the 'ods nor 3#elles as 3leCander+ One is not al)ays e*&ally s&ccessf&lF if - fall short in this treatise let yo&r 'oodness "a2e #ro'ress and God )ill $less yo&r readin'+ To this end - ha!e dedicated this )or2 to the Mother of dilection and to the Father of cordial lo!e as - dedicated the -ntrod&ction to the Di!ine child )ho is the Sa!io&r of lo!ers and the lo!e of the sa!ed+ 3nd as )o"en )hile they are stron' and a$le to $rin' forth their children )ith ease choose co""only their )orldly friends to $e 'odfathers









$&t )hen their fee$leness and indis#osition "a2e their deli!ery hard and dan'ero&s in!o2e the saints of hea!en and !o) to ha!e their children stood to $y so"e #oor $ody or $y so"e de!o&t so&l in the na"e of S+ ,ose#h S+ Francis of 3ssisi S+ Francis of Pa&la S+ Eicholas or so"e other of the $lessed )ho "ay o$tain of God their safe deli!ery and that the child "ay $e $orn ali!eF--so - )hile - )as not yet $isho# ha!in' "ore leis&re and less fears for "y )ritin's dedicated "y little )or2s to #rinces of the earth $&t no) $ein' )ei'hed do)n )ith "y char'e and ha!in' a tho&sand diffic&lties in )ritin' - consecrate all to the #rinces of hea!en that they "ay o$tain for "e the li'ht re*&isite and that if s&ch $e the Di!ine )ill these "y )ritin's "ay $e fr&itf&l and #rofita$le to "any+ Th&s "y dear reader - $eseech God to $less yo& and to enrich yo& )ith his lo!e+ Mean)hile fro" "y !ery heart - s&$"it all "y )ritin's "y )ords and actions to the correction of the "ost holy ?atholic 3#ostolic and >o"an ?h&rch 2no)in' that she is the #illar and 'ro&nd of tr&th @21A )herein she can neither $e decei!ed nor decei!e &s and that none can ha!e God for his father )ho )ill not ha!e this ?h&rch for his "other+ 3nnecy the day of the "ost lo!in' 3#ostles



S+ Peter and S+ Pa&l+ 1616+ /lessed $e God+ @15A ?ant+ i!+

25 @16A Ps+ lC!ii+ 19+ @17A M+ ?a"&s+ 87 @1IA 1 ?or+ i+ 27+ @1KA ?ant+ i!+ K+ @27A Of the 5oly S#irit+ (Tr+) 85 @21A 1 Ti"+ iii+ 15+ T5; 6O:; OF GOD+ 97 /OO4 -+ ?OET3-E-EG 3 P>;P3>3T-OE FO> T5; 05O6; T>;3T-S;+ 95 ?53PT;> -+

T53T FO> T5; /;3=TO OF 5=M3E E3T=>; GOD 53S G-:;E T5; GO:;>EM;ET OF 366 T5; F3?=6T-;S OF T5; SO=6 TO T5; 0-66+ 5 =nion in distinction "a2es orderB order #rod&ces a'ree"entB and #ro#ortion and a'ree"ent in co"#lete and finished thin's "a2e $ea&ty+ 3n ar"y has $ea&ty )hen it is co"#osed of #arts so ran'ed in order that their distinction is red&ced to that #ro#ortion )hich they o&'ht to ha!e to'ether for the "a2in' of one sin'le ar"y+ For "&sic to $e $ea&tif&l the !oices "&st not only $e tr&e clear and distinct fro" one another $&t also &nited to'ether in s&ch a )ay that there "ay arise a 1&st consonance and har"ony )hich is not &nfitly ter"ed a discordant har"ony or rather har"onio&s discord+ Eo) as the an'elic S+ Tho"as follo)in' the 'reat S+ Denis says eCcellently )ell $ea&ty and 'oodness tho&'h in so"e thin's they a'ree yet still are not one and the sa"e thin'F for 'ood is that )hich #leases the a##etite and )ill $ea&ty that )hich #leases the &nderstandin' or 2no)led'eB or in other )ords 'ood is that )hich 'i!es #leas&re )hen )e en1oy it $ea&ty that )hich 'i!es #leas&re )hen )e 2no) it+ For )hich ca&se in #ro#er s#eech )e only attri$&te cor#oral $ea&ty to the o$1ects of those t)o senses )hich are the "ost intellect&al and "ost in the ser!ice of the &nderstandin'-na"ely si'ht and hearin' so that )e do not say these are $ea&tif&l odo&rs or $ea&tif&l tastesF $&t )e ri'htly say these are $ea&tif&l !oices and $ea&tif&l colo&rs+ The $ea&tif&l then $ein' called $ea&tif&l $eca&se the 2no)led'e thereof 'i!es #leas&re it is re*&isite that $esides the &nion and the distinction the inte'rity the order and the a'ree"ent of its #arts there sho&ld $e also s#lendo&r and $ri'htness that it "ay $e 2no)a$le and !isi$le+ :oices to $e $ea&tif&l "&st $e clear and tr&eB disco&rses intelli'i$leB colo&rs $rilliant and shinin'+ O$sc&rity shade and dar2ness are &'ly and disfi'&re all thin's $eca&se in the" nothin' is 2no)a$le neither order distinction &nion nor a'ree"entB )hich ca&sed S+ Denis to say that GGod as the so!erei'n $ea&ty is a&thor of the $ea&tif&l har"ony $ea&tif&l l&stre and 'ood 'race )hich is fo&nd in all thin's "a2in' the distri$&tion and deco"#osition of his one ray of $ea&ty s#read o&t as li'ht to "a2e all thin's $ea&tif&l G )illin' that to co"#ose $ea&ty there sho&ld $e a'ree"ent clearness and 'ood 'race+ ?ertainly Theoti"&s $ea&ty is )itho&t effect &n#rofita$le and dead if li'ht and s#lendo&r do not "a2e it li!ely and effecti!e )hence )e ter" colo&rs li!ely )hen they ha!e li'ht and l&stre+ /&t as to ani"ated and li!in' thin's their $ea&ty is not co"#lete )itho&t 'ood 'race )hich $esides the a'ree"ent of #erfect #arts )hich "a2es $ea&ty adds the har"ony of "o!e"ents 'est&res and actions )hich is as it )ere the life and so&l of the $ea&ty of li!in' thin's+ Th&s in the so!erei'n $ea&ty of o&r God )e ac2no)led'e &nion yea &nity of essence in the distinction of #ersons )ith an infinite 'lory to'ether )ith an inco"#rehensi$le har"ony of all #erfections of actions and "otions so!erei'nly co"#rised and as one )o&ld say eCcellently 1oined and ad1&sted in the "ost &ni*&e and si"#le #erfection of the #&re di!ine act )hich is God 5i"self i""&ta$le and in!aria$le as else)here )e shall sho)+










God therefore ha!in' a )ill to "a2e all thin's 'ood and $ea&tif&l red&ced the "&ltit&de and distinction of the sa"e to a #erfect &nity and as "an )o&ld say $ro&'ht the" all &nder a "onarchy "a2in' a s&$ordination of one thin' to another and of all thin's to hi"self the so!erei'n Monarch+ 5e red&ces all o&r "e"$ers into one $ody &nder one head of "any #ersons he for"s a fa"ily of "any fa"ilies a to)n of "any to)ns a #ro!ince of "any #ro!inces a 2in'do" #&ttin' the )hole 2in'do" &nder the 'o!ern"ent of one sole 2in'+ So Theoti"&s o!er the inn&"era$le "&ltit&de and !ariety of actions "otions feelin's inclinations ha$its #assions fac&lties and #o)ers )hich are in "an God has esta$lished a nat&ral "onarchy in the )ill )hich r&les and co""ands all that is fo&nd in this little )orldF and God see"s to ha!e said to the )ill as Pharao said to ,ose#hF Tho& shalt $e o!er "y ho&se and at the co""and"ent of thy "o&th all the #eo#le shall o$ey+ @22A This do"inion of the )ill is eCercised indeed in !ery !ario&s )ays+ @22A Gen+ Cli+ 97+ ?53PT;> --+ 5O0 T5; 0-66 :3>-O=S6O GO:;>ES T5; PO0;>S OF T5; SO=6+


27 3 Father directs his )ife his children and his ser!ants $y his ordinances and co""and"ents )hich they are o$li'ed to o$ey tho&'h they are a$le not to o$eyB $&t if he ha!e ser!ants and sla!es he r&les the" $y force )hich they ha!e no #o)er to contradictB his horses oCen and "&les he "ana'es $y ind&stry $indin' $ridlin' 'oadin' sh&ttin' in or lettin' o&t+ Eo) the )ill 'o!erns the fac&lty of o&r eCterior "otion as a serf or sla!eF for &nless so"e eCternal thin' hinder it ne!er fails to o$ey+ 0e o#en and sh&t o&r "o&th "o!e o&r ton'&e o&r hands feet eyes and all the "e"$ers to )hich the #o)er of this "o!e"ent refers )itho&t resistance accordin' to o&r )ish and )ill+ /&t as for o&r senses and the fac&lties of no&rishin' 'ro)in' and #rod&cin' )e cannot )ith the sa"e ease 'o!ern the" $&t )e "&st e"#loy ind&stry and art+ -f a sla!e $e called he co"es if he $e told to sto# he sto#sB $&t )e "&st not eC#ect this o$edience fro" a s#arro)ha)2 or falconF he that desires it sho&ld ret&rn to the hand "&st sho) it the l&reB if he )o&ld 2ee# it *&iet he "&st hood it+ 0e $id o&r ser!ant t&rn to the ri'ht or left hand and he does it $&t to "a2e a horse so t&rn )e "&st "a2e &se of the $ridle+ 0e "&st not Theoti"&s co""and o&r eyes not to see o&r ears not to hear o&r hands not to to&ch o&r sto"ach not to di'est or o&r $ody not to 'ro) for these fac&lties not ha!in' intelli'ence are not ca#a$le of o$edience+ Eo one can add a c&$it to his stat&re+ 0e often eat )itho&t no&rishin' o&rsel!es or 'ro)in'B he that )ill #re!ail )ith these #o)ers "&st &se ind&stry+ 3 #hysician )ho has to do )ith a child in the cradle co""ands hi" nothin' $&t only 'i!es orders to the n&rse to do s&ch and s&ch thin's or else #erchance he #rescri$es for the n&rse to eat this or that "eat to ta2e s&ch and s&ch "edicine+ This inf&ses its *&alities into the "il2 )hich enters the childDs $ody and the #hysician acco"#lishes his )ill in this little )ea2lin' )ho has not e!en the #o)er to thin2 of it+ 0e "&st not 'i!e the orders of a$stinence so$riety or continency &nto the #alate or sto"ach $&t the hands "&st $e co""anded only to f&rnish to the "o&th "eat






and drin2 in s&ch and s&ch a "eas&re )e ta2e a)ay fro" or 'i!e o&r fac&lties their o$1ect and s&$1ect and the food )hich stren'thens the" as reason re*&ires+ -f )e desire o&r eyes not to see )e "&st t&rn the" a)ay or co!er the" )ith their nat&ral hood and sh&t the" and $y these "eans )e "ay $rin' the" to the #oint )hich the )ill desires+ -t )o&ld $e folly to co""and a horse not to )aC fat not to 'ro) not to 2ic2 --to effect all this sto# his cornB yo& "&st not co""and hi" yo& "&st si"#ly "a2e hi" do as yo& )ish+ The )ill also eCercises a certain #o)er o!er the &nderstandin' and "e"ory for of "any thin's )hich the &nderstandin' has #o)er to &nderstand and the "e"ory has #o)er to re"e"$er the )ill deter"ines those to )hich she )o&ld ha!e her fac&lties a##ly the"sel!es or fro" )hich di!ert the"sel!es+ -t is tr&e she cannot "ana'e or ran'e the" so a$sol&tely as she does the hands feet or ton'&e on acco&nt of the sensiti!e fac&lties es#ecially the fancy )hich do not o$ey the )ill )ith a #ro"#t and infalli$le o$edience and )hich are necessarily re*&ired for the o#erations of the &nderstandin' and "e"oryF $&t yet the )ill "o!es e"#loys and a##lies these fac&lties at her #leas&re tho&'h not so fir"ly and constantly that the li'ht and !aria$le fancy does not often di!ert and distract the" so that as the 3#ostle cries o&tF - do not the 'ood )hich - desire $&t the e!il )hich - hate+ @28A So )e are often forced to co"#lain that )e thin2 not of the 'ood )hich )e lo!e $&t the e!il )hich )e hate+ @28A >o"+ !ii+ 15+ ?53PT;> ---+




25 5O0 T5; 0-66 GO:;>ES T5; S;ES=36 3PP;T-T;+ The )ill then Theoti"&s $ears r&le o!er the "e"ory &nderstandin' and fancy not $y force $&t $y a&thority so that she is not infalli$ly o$eyed any "ore than the father of a fa"ily is al)ays o$eyed $y his children and ser!ants+ -t is the sa"e as re'ards the sensiti!e a##etite )hich as S+ 3&'&stine says is called in &s sinners conc&#iscence and is s&$1ect to the )ill and &nderstandin' as the )ife to her h&s$and $eca&se as it )as said to the )o"anF /e &nder thy h&s$and and he shall ha!e do"inion o!er thee @29A so )as it said to ?ain that the l&st of sin sho&ld $e &nder hi" and he sho&ld ha!e do"inion o!er it+ @25A 3nd this $ein' &nder "eans nothin' else than $ein' s&$"itted and s&$1ected to hi"+ GO "an G says S+ /ernard Git is in thy #o)er if tho& )ilt to $rin' thy ene"y to $e thy ser!ant so that all thin's "ay 'o )ell )ith theeB thy a##etite is &nder thee and tho& shalt do"ineer o!er it+ Thy ene"y can "o!e in thee the feelin' of te"#tation $&t it is in thy #o)er if tho& )ilt to 'i!e or ref&se consent+ -n case tho& #er"it thy a##etite to carry thee a)ay to sin then tho& shalt $e &nder it and it shall do"ineer o!er thee for )hosoe!er sinneth is "ade the ser!ant of sin $&t $efore tho& sinnest so lon' as sin 'ets not entry into thy consent $&t only into thy sense that is to say so lon' as it stays in the a##etite not 'oin' so far as thy )ill thy a##etite is s&$1ect &nto thee and tho& lord o!er it+G /efore the ;"#eror is created he is s&$1ect to the electorsD do"inion in )hose hands it is to re1ect hi" or to elect hi" to the i"#erial di'nityB $&t $ein' once elected and ele!ated $y their "eans henceforth they are &nder hi" and he r&les o!er the"+ /efore the )ill consents to the a##etite she r&les o!er it $&t ha!in' once 'i!en consent she $eco"es its sla!e+





To concl&de this sens&al a##etite in #lain tr&th is a re$ellio&s s&$1ect seditio&s resti!e and )e "&st confess )e cannot so defeat it that it does not rise a'ain enco&nter and assa&lt the reasonB yet the )ill has s&ch a stron' hand o!er it that she is a$le if she #lease to $ridle it $rea2 its desi'ns and re#&lse it since not to consent to its s&''estions is a s&fficient re#&lse+ 0e cannot hinder conc&#iscence fro" concei!in' $&t )e can fro" $rin'in' forth and acco"#lishin' sin+ Eo) this conc&#iscence or sens&al a##etite has t)el!e "o!e"ents $y )hich as $y so "any "&tino&s ca#tains it raises sedition in "an+ 3nd $eca&se ordinarily they tro&$le the so&l and dis*&iet the $odyB inso"&ch as they tro&$le the so&l they are called #ert&r$ations inso"&ch as they dis*&iet the $ody they are na"ed #assions as S+ 3&'&stine declares+ They all #lace $efore the"sel!es 'ood or e!il the for"er to o$tain the latter to a!oid+ -f 'ood $e considered in itself accordin' to its nat&ral 'oodness it eCcites lo!e the first and #rinci#al #assionB if 'ood $e re'arded as a$sent it #ro!o2es &s to desireB if $ein' desired )e thin2 )e are a$le to o$tain it )e enter into ho#eB if )e thin2 )e cannot o$tain it )e feel des#airB $&t )hen )e #ossess it as #resent it "o!es &s to 1oy+ On the contrary as soon as )e disco!er e!il )e hate it if it $e a$sent )e fly it if )e cannot a!oid it )e fear itB if )e thin2 )e can a!oid it )e 'ro) $old and co&ra'eo&s $&t if )e feel it as #resent )e 'rie!eB and then an'er and )rath s&ddenly r&sh forth to re1ect and re#el the e!il or at least to ta2e !en'eance for it+ -f )e cannot s&cceed )e re"ain in 'rief+ /&t if )e re#&lse or a!en'e it )e feel satisfaction and satiation )hich is a #leas&re of tri&"#h for as the #ossession of 'ood 'laddens the heart so the !ictory o!er e!il eCalts the s#irits+ 3nd o!er all this "&ltit&de of sens&al #assions the )ill $ears e"#ire re1ectin' their s&''estions re#&lsin' their attac2s hinderin' their effects or at the !ery least sternly ref&sin' the" consent )itho&t )hich they can ne!er har" &s and $y ref&sin' )hich they re"ain !an*&ished yea in the lon' r&n $ro2en do)n )ea2ened )orn o&t $eaten do)n and if not alto'ether dead at least deadened or "ortified+ 3nd Theoti"&s this "&ltit&de of #assions is #er"itted to reside in o&r so&l for the eCercise of o&r )ill in !irt&e and s#irit&al !alo&rB inso"&ch that the Stoics )ho denied that #assions )ere fo&nd in )ise "en 'reatly erred and so "&ch the "ore $eca&se they #ractised in deeds )hat in )ords they denied as S+ 3&'&stine sho)s reco&ntin' this a'reea$le history+ 3&l&s Gelli&s ha!in' 'one on sea )ith a fa"o&s Stoic a 'reat te"#est arose at )hich the Stoic $ein' fri'htened $e'an to 'ro) #ale to $lench and to tre"$le so sensi$ly that all in the $oat #ercei!ed it and )atched hi" c&rio&sly altho&'h they )ere in the sa"e haHard )ith hi"+ -n the "eanti"e the sea 're) cal" the dan'er #assed and safety restorin' to each the li$erty to tal2 and e!en to rally one another a certain !ol&#t&o&s 3siatic re#roached hi" )ith his fear )hich had "ade hi" a'hast and #ale at the dan'er )hereas the other on the contrary had re"ained fir" and )itho&t fear+ To this the Stoic re#lied $y relatin' )hat 3risti##&s a Socratic #hiloso#her had ans)ered a "an )ho for the sa"e reason had attac2ed hi" )ith the li2e re#roachB sayin' to hi"F 3s for thee tho& hadst no reason to $e tro&$led for the so&l of a )ic2ed rascalF $&t - sho&ld ha!e done "yself )ron' not to ha!e feared to lose the life of an 3risti##&s+ 3nd the !al&e of the story is that 3&l&s Gelli&s an eye-)itness relates it+ /&t as to the StoicDs re#ly contained therein it did "ore co""end his )it than his









ca&se since $rin'in' for)ard this co"rade in his fear he left it #ro!ed $y t)o irre#roacha$le )itnesses that Stoics )ere to&ched )ith fear and )ith the fear )hich sho)s its effects in the eyes face and $eha!io&r and is conse*&ently a #assion+ 5 3 'reat folly to )ish to $e )ise )ith an i"#ossi$le )isdo" Tr&ly the ?h&rch has conde"ned the folly of that )isdo" )hich certain #res&"#t&o&s 3nchorites )o&ld for"ally ha!e introd&ced a'ainst )hich the )hole Scri#t&re $&t es#ecially the 'reat 3#ostle cries o&tF 0e ha!e a la) in o&r $ody )hich resisteth the la) of o&r "ind+ @26A G3"on'st &s ?hristians G says the 'reat S+ 3&'&stine Gaccordin' to holy Scri#t&re and so&nd doctrine the citiHens of the sacred city of Gods li!in' accordin' to God in the #il'ri"a'e of this )orld fear desire 'rie!e re1oice+G Oea e!en the so!erei'n 4in' of this city has feared desired has 'rie!ed and re1oiced e!en to tears )anness tre"$lin' s)eatin' of $loodB tho&'h in hi" as these )ere not the "otions of #assions li2e o&rs the 'reat S+ ,ero"e and after hi" the School d&rst not &se the na"e #assions for re!erence of the #erson in )ho" they )ere $&t the res#ectf&l na"e #ro-#assions+ This )as to testify that sensi$le "o!e"ents in O&r Sa!io&r held the #lace of #assions tho&'h they )ere not s&ch indeed seein' that he s&ffered or end&red nothin' fro" the" eCce#t )hat see"ed 'ood to hi" and as he #leased )hich )e sinners cannot do )ho s&ffer and end&re these "otions )ith disorder a'ainst o&r )ills to the 'reat #re1&dice of the 'ood estate and #olity of o&r so&l+ @29A Gen+ iii+ 16+ @25A -$+i!+ 7+ 25 @26A >o"+ !ii+ 28+ ?53PT;> -:+ 87 T53T 6O:; >=6;S O:;> 366 T5; 3FF;?T-OES 3ED P3SS-OES 3ED ;:;E GO:;>ES T5; 0-66 36T5O=G5 T5; 0-66 53S 36SO 3 DOM-E-OE O:;> -T+ 6o!e $ein' the first co"#lacency )hich )e ta2e in 'ood as )e shall #resently sho) it of co&rse #recedes desireB and indeed )hat other thin' do )e desire $&t that )hich )e lo!e. -t #recedes delectation for ho) co&ld )e re1oice in the en1oy"ent of a thin' if )e lo!ed it not. -t #recedes ho#e for )e ho#e only for the 'ood )hich )e lo!eF it #recedes hatred for )e hate not e!il eCce#t for the lo!e )e ha!e for 'oodF nor is e!il e!il $&t $eca&se it is contrary to 'ood+ 3nd Theoti"&s it is the sa"e )ith all the other #assions and affectionsB for they all #roceed fro" lo!e as fro" their so&rce and root+ For )hich ca&se the other #assions and affections are 'ood or $ad !icio&s or !irt&o&s accordin' as the lo!e )hence they #roceed is 'ood or $adB for lo!e so s#reads o!er the" her o)n *&alities that they see" to $e no other than this sa"e lo!e+ S+ 3&'&stine red&cin' all these #assions and affections to fo&r as did also /oeti&s ?icero :ir'il )ith the 'reatest #art of the ancientsF--G6o!e G says he Gtendin' to the #ossession of )hat it lo!es is ter"ed conc&#iscence or desireB ha!in' and #ossessin' it it is called 1oyB flyin' that )hich is contrary to it it is na"ed fearB $&t if this really seiHes it and it







feels it lo!e is na"ed 'rief and conse*&ently these #assions are e!il if the lo!e $e e!il 'ood if it $e 'ood+ The citiHens of the hea!enly city fear desire 'rie!e lo!e and $eca&se their lo!e is 1&st all their affections are also 1&st+ ?hristian doctrine s&$1ects the reason to God that he "ay '&ide and hel# it and s&$1ects all these #assions to the s#irit that it "ay $ridle and "oderate the" and so con!ert the" to the ser!ice of 1&stice and !irt&e+ The ri'ht )ill is 'ood lo!e the $ad )ill is e!il lo!eBG @27A that is to say in a )ord Theoti"&s lo!e has s&ch do"inion o!er the )ill as to "a2e it eCactly s&ch as it is itself+ The )ife ordinarily chan'es her condition into that of her h&s$and $eco"in' no$le if he $e no$le *&een if he $e 2in' d&chess if he $e d&2e+ The )ill also chan'es her condition accordin' to the lo!e she es#o&sesB if this $e carnal she $eco"es carnal if this $e s#irit&al she is s#irit&al and all the affections of desire 1oy ho#e fear 'rief as children $orn of the "arria'e $et)een lo!e and the )ill conse*&ently recei!e their *&alities fro" lo!e+ -n short Theoti"&s the )ill is only "o!ed $y her affections a"on'st )hich lo!e as the #ri"&" "o$ile and first affection 'i!es "otion to all the rest and ca&ses all the other "otions of the so&l+ /&t it does not follo) hence that the )ill does not also r&le o!er lo!e seein' that the )ill only lo!es )hile )illin' to lo!e and that of "any lo!es )hich #resent the"sel!es she can a##ly herself to )hich she #leases other)ise there )o&ld $e no lo!e either for$idden or co""anded+ She is then "istress o!er her lo!es as a "aiden o!er her s&itors a"on'st )ho" she "ay "a2e election of )hich she #leases+ /&t as after "arria'e she loses her li$erty and of "istress $eco"es s&$1ect to her h&s$andDs #o)er re"ainin' ta2en $y hi" )ho" she too2 so the )ill )hich at her o)n #leas&re "ade election of lo!e after she has chosen one re"ains s&$1ect to it+ 3nd as the )ife is al)ays s&$1ect to the h&s$and )ho" she has chosen as lon' as he li!es and if he die re'ains her for"er li$erty to "arry another so )hile a lo!e li!es in the )ill it rei'ns there and the )ill is s&$1ect to its "o!e"ents $&t if this lo!e die she can after)ards ta2e another+ 3nd a'ain there is a li$erty in the )ill )hich the )ife has not and it is that the )ill can re1ect her lo!e at her #leas&re $y a##lyin' her &nderstandin' to "oti!es )hich "a2e it dis#leasin' and $y ta2in' a resol&tion to chan'e the o$1ect+ For th&s to "a2e di!ine lo!e li!e and rei'n in &s )e 2ill self-lo!e and if )e cannot entirely annihilate it at least )e )ea2en it in s&ch a )ay that tho&'h it li!es yet it does not rei'n in &s+ 3s on the contrary in forsa2in' di!ine lo!e )e "ay adhere to that of creat&res )hich is the infa"o&s ad&ltery )ith )hich the Di!ine lo!er so often re#roaches sinners+ @27A De ?i!+ Dei Ci!+ iC+








?53PT;> :+ OF T5; 3FF;?T-OES OF T5; 0-66+


There are no fe)er "o!e"ents in the intellect&al or reasona$le a##etite )hich is called the )ill than there are in the sensiti!e or sens&al $&t the first are c&sto"arily na"ed affections the latter #assions+ The #hiloso#hers and #a'ans did in so"e "anner lo!e God the state !irt&e sciencesB they hated !ice as#ired after hono&rs des#aired of esca#in' death or cal&"ny )ere desiro&s of 2no)led'e yea e!en of $eatit&de after

death+ They enco&ra'ed the"sel!es to s&r"o&nt the diffic&lties )hich cross the )ay of !irt&e dreaded $la"e a!oided so"e fa&lts a!en'ed #&$lic in1&ries o##osed tyrants )itho&t any self-interest+ Eo) all these "o!e"ents )ere seated in the reasona$le #art since the senses and conse*&ently the sens&al a##etite are not ca#a$le of $ein' a##lied to these o$1ects and therefore these "o!e"ents )ere affections of the intellect&al or reasona$le a##etite not #assions of the sens&al+ 5o) often do )e feel #assions in the sens&al a##etite or conc&#iscence contrary to the affections )hich at the sa"e ti"e )e #ercei!e in the reasona$le a##etite or )ill. 5o) clearly )as sho)n at one and the sa"e ti"e the action of the #leas&re of the senses and the dis#leas&re of the )ill in that yo&n' "artyr "entioned $y S+ ,ero" )ho forced to $ear the attac2s of sens&ality $it off a #iece of his ton'&e and s#at it in his te"#terDs face. 5o) often do )e tre"$le a"idst the dan'ers to )hich o&r )ill carries &s and in )hich it "a2es &s re"ain. 5o) often do )e hate the #leas&re in )hich the sens&al a##etite ta2es deli'ht and lo!e the s#irit&al 'ood )ith )hich that is dis'&sted. -n this consists the )ar )hich )e daily eC#erience $et)een the s#irit and the fleshF $et)een o&r eCterior "an )hich is &nder the senses and the interior )hich is &nder the reasonB $et)een the old 3da" )ho follo)s the a##etites of his ;!e or conc&#iscence and the ne) 3da" )ho follo)s hea!enly )isdo" and holy reason+ The Stoics as S+ 3&'&stine re"ar2s @2IA denyin' that the )ise "an can ha!e #assions a##ear to ha!e confessed that he has affections )hich they ter" e&#athies or 'ood #assions or as ?icero called the" constanciesF for they said the )ise "an did not co!et $&t desired had not 'lee $&t 1oyB that he had no fear $&t only foresi'ht and #reca&tion so that he )as not "o!ed eCce#t $y reason and accordin' to reasonF for this ca&se they #ere"#torily denied that a )ise "an co&ld e!er $e sorro)f&l that $ein' ca&sed $y #resent e!il )hereas no e!il can $efal a )ise "an since no "an is h&rt $&t $y hi"self accordin' to their "aCi"+ 3nd tr&ly Theoti"&s they )ere not )ron' in holdin' that there are e&#athies and 'ood affections in the reasona$le #art of "an $&t they erred "&ch in sayin' that there )ere no #assions in the sensiti!e #art and that sorro) did not to&ch a )ise "anDs heartF for o"ittin' the fact that they the"sel!es )ere tro&$led in this 2ind (as )as 1&st said) ho) co&ld it $e that )isdo" sho&ld de#ri!e &s of #ity )hich is a !irt&o&s sorro) and )hich co"es into o&r hearts in order to "a2e the" desire to deli!er o&r nei'h$o&r fro" the e!il )hich he end&res. 3nd the )isest "an of all #a'anis" ;#ictet&s did not hold this error that #assions do not rise in the )ise "an as S+ 3&'&stine )itnesses sho)in' f&rther that the StoicsD difference )ith other #hiloso#hers on this s&$1ect )as $&t a "ere dis#&te of )ords and strife of lan'&a'e+ Eo) these affections )hich )e feel in o&r reasona$le #art are "ore or less no$le and s#irit&al accordin' as their o$1ects are "ore or less s&$li"e and as they are in a "ore e"inent de#art"ent of the s#iritF for there are affections in &s )hich #roceed fro" concl&sions 'ained $y the eC#erience of o&r sensesB others $y reasonin's fro" h&"an sciencesB others fro" #rinci#les of faithB and finally there are so"e )hich ha!e their ori'in fro" the si"#le senti"ent of the tr&th of God and ac*&iescence in his )ill+ The first are called nat&ral affections for )ho is he that does not nat&rally desire health his #ro!ision of food and clothin' s)eet and a'reea$le con!ersation. The second class of affections are na"ed reasona$le as $ein' alto'ether fo&nded &#on the s#irit&al










2no)led'e of the reason $y )hich o&r )ill is eCcited to see2 tran*&illity of heart "oral !irt&es tr&e hono&r the conte"#lation of eternal thin's+ The third sort of affections are ter"ed ?hristian $eca&se they iss&e fro" reasonin's fo&nded on the doctrine of O&r 6ord )ho "a2es &s lo!e !ol&ntary Po!erty #erfect ?hastity the 'lory of hea!en+ /&t the affections of the s&#re"e de'ree are na"ed di!ine and s&#ernat&ral $eca&se God hi"self s#reads the" a$road in o&r s#irits and $eca&se they re'ard God and ai" at hi" )itho&t the "edi&" of any reasonin' or any li'ht of nat&re as it )ill $e easy to &nderstand fro" )hat )e shall say after)ards a$o&t the ac*&iescences and affections )hich are "ade in the sanct&ary of the so&l+ 3nd these s&#ernat&ral affections are #rinci#ally threeF the lo!e of the "ind for the $ea&tif&l in the "ysteries of faith lo!e for the &sef&l in the 'oods )hich are #ro"ised &s in the other life and lo!e for the so!erei'n 'ood of the "ost holy and eternal di!inity+ @2IA De ?i!+ Dei Ci!+

15 ?53PT;> :-+ 5O0 T5; 6O:; OF GOD 53S DOM-E-OE O:;> OT5;> 6O:;S+ 27 The )ill 'o!erns all the other fac&lties of "anDs so&l yet it is 'o!erned $y its lo!e )hich "a2es it s&ch as its lo!e is+ Eo) of all lo!es that of God holds the sce#tre and has the a&thority of co""andin' so inse#ara$ly &nited to it and #ro#er to its nat&re that if it $e not "aster it ceases to $e and #erishes+ -s"ael )as not co-heir )ith -saac his yo&n'er $rother ;sa& )as a##ointed to $e his yo&n'er $rotherDs ser!ant ,ose#h )as adored not only $y his $rothers $&t also $y his father yea and $y his "other also in the #erson of /en1a"in as he had foreseen in the drea"s of his yo&th+ Tr&ly it is not )itho&t "ystery that the yo&n'er of these $rethren th&s $ear a)ay the ad!anta'e fro" the elder+ Di!ine lo!e is indeed the last $e'otten of all the affections of "anDs heart for as the 3#ostle saysF That )hich is ani"al is firstB after)ards that )hich is s#irit&alF @2KA --$&t this last $orn inherits all the a&thority and self-lo!e as another ;sa& is de#&ted to his ser!iceB and not only all the other "otions of the so&l as his $rethren adore hi" and are s&$1ect to hi" $&t also the &nderstandin' and )ill )hich are to hi" as father and "other+ 3ll is s&$1ect to this hea!enly lo!e )ho )ill either $e 2in' or nothin' )ho cannot li!e &nless he rei'n nor rei'n if not so!erei'nly+ -saac ,aco$ and ,ose#h )ere s&#ernat&ral childrenB for their "others Sarah >e$ecca and >achel $ein' sterile $y nat&re concei!ed the" $y the 'race of the di!ine 'oodness and for this ca&se they )ere esta$lished "asters of their $rethren+ Si"ilarly di!ine lo!e is a child of "iracle since "anDs )ill cannot concei!e it if it $e not #o&red into o&r hearts $y the 5oly Ghost+ 3nd as s&#ernat&ral it "&st r&le and rei'n o!er all the affections yea e!en o!er the &nderstandin' and )ill+ 3nd altho&'h there are other s&#ernat&ral "o!e"ents in the so&l --fear #iety force ho#e --as ;sa& and /en1a"in )ere s&#ernat&ral children of >achel and >e$ecca yet is di!ine lo!e still "aster heir and s&#erior as $ein' the son of #ro"ise since in !irt&e of it hea!en is #ro"ised to "an+ Sal!ation is sho)n to faith it is #re#ared for ho#e $&t it is 'i!en only to charity+ Faith #oints o&t the )ay to the land of #ro"ise as a #illar of






clo&d and of fire that is li'ht and dar2B ho#e feeds &s )ith its "anna of s)eetness $&t charity act&ally introd&ces &s into it as the 3r2 of alliance )hich "a2es for &s the #assa'e of the ,ordan that is of the 1&d'"ent and )hich shall re"ain a"idst the #eo#le in the hea!enly land #ro"ised to the tr&e -sraelites )here neither the #illar of faith ser!es as '&ide nor the "anna of ho#e is &sed as food+ Di!ine lo!e "a2es its a$ode in the "ost hi'h and s&$li"e re'ion of the so&l )here it offers sacrifice and holoca&sts to the di!inity as 3$raha" did and as o&r Sa!io&r sacrificed hi"self &#on the to# of ?al!ary to the end that fro" so eCalted a #lace it "ay $e heard and o$eyed $y its #eo#le that is $y all the fac&lties and affections of the so&l+ These he 'o!erns )ith an inco"#ara$le s)eetness for lo!e has no con!icts nor sla!es $&t $rin's all thin's &nder its o$edience )ith a force so deli'htf&l that as nothin' is so stron' as lo!e nothin' also is so s)eet as its stren'th+ The !irt&es are in the so&l to "oderate its "o!e"ents and charity as first of all the !irt&es 'o!erns and te"#ers the" all not only $eca&se the first in e!ery s#ecies of thin's ser!es as a r&le and "eas&re to the rest $&t also $eca&se God ha!in' created "an to his i"a'e and li2eness )ills that as in hi"self so in "an all thin's sho&ld $e ordered $y lo!e and for lo!e+ @2KA 1 ?or+ C!+ 96+ ?53PT;> :--+





D;S?>-PT-OE OF 6O:; -E G;E;>36+ The )ill has so 'reat a sy"#athy )ith 'ood that as soon as she #ercei!es it she t&rns to)ards it to deli'ht therein as in her "ost a'reea$le o$1ect to )hich she is so closely allied that her nat&re cannot $e eC#lained eCce#t $y the relation she has thereto 1&st as one cannot sho) the nat&re of )hat is 'ood eCce#t $y the affinity it has )ith the )ill+ For tell "e Theoti"&s )hat is 'ood $&t that )hich e!ery one )ills+ 3nd )hat is the )ill if not the fac&lty )hich $ears &s to)ards and "a2es &s tend to 'ood or )hat the )ill $elie!es to $e s&ch. The )ill then #ercei!in' and feelin' the 'ood $y the hel# of the &nderstandin' )hich #ro#oses it feels at the sa"e ti"e a s&dden deli'ht and co"#lacency at this "eetin' )hich s)eetly yet #o)erf&lly "o!es her to)ards this #leasin' o$1ect in order to &nite herself )ith it and "a2es her search o&t the "eans "ost #ro#er to attain this &nion+ The )ill then has a "ost close affinity )ith 'oodB this affinity #rod&ces the co"#lacency )hich the )ill ta2es in feelin' and #ercei!in' 'oodB this co"#lacency "o!es and s#&rs the )ill for)ard to 'oodB this "o!e"ent tends to &nionB and in fine the )ill "o!ed and tendin' to &nion searches o&t all the "eans necessary to 'et it+ 3nd in tr&th s#ea2in' 'enerally lo!e co"#rises all this to'ether as a $ea&tif&l tree )hose root is the corres#ondence )hich the )ill has to 'ood its foot is the co"#lacency its tr&n2 is the "o!e"ent its see2in's its #&rs&its and other efforts are the $ranches $&t &nion and en1oy"ent are its fr&its+ Th&s lo!e see"s to $e co"#osed of





these fi!e #rinci#al #arts &nder )hich a n&"$er of other little #ieces are contained as )e shall see in the co&rse of this )or2+ 5 6et &s consider - #ray yo& the eCercise of an insensi$le lo!e $et)een the loadstone and ironB for it is the tr&e i"a'e of the sensi$le and !ol&ntary lo!e of )hich )e s#ea2+ -ron then has s&ch a sy"#athy )ith the loadstone that as soon as it feels the #o)er thereof it t&rns to)ards itB then it s&ddenly $e'ins to stir and *&i!er )ith little thro$$in's testifyin' $y this the co"#lacency it feels and then it ad!ances and "o!es to)ards the loadstone stri!in' $y all "eans #ossi$le to $e &nited to it+ Do yo& not see all the #arts of lo!e )ell re#resented in these lifeless thin's. /&t to concl&de Theoti"&s the co"#lacency and the "o!e"ent to)ards or eff&sion of the )ill &#on the thin' $elo!ed is #ro#erly s#ea2in' lo!eB yet in s&ch sort that the co"#lacency is $&t the $e'innin' of lo!e and the "o!e"ent or eff&sion of the heart )hich ens&es is the tr&e essential lo!e so that the one and the other "ay tr&ly $e na"ed lo!e $&t in a different senseF for as the da)nin' of day "ay $e ter"ed day so this first co"#lacency of the heart in the thin' $elo!ed "ay $e called lo!e $eca&se it is the first feelin' of lo!e+ /&t as the tr&e heart of the day is "eas&red fro" the end of da)n till s&nset so the tr&e essence of lo!e consists in the "o!e"ent and eff&sion of the heart )hich i""ediately follo)s co"#lacency and ends in &nion+ -n short co"#lacency is the first stirrin' or e"otion )hich 'ood ca&ses in the )ill and this e"otion is follo)ed $y the "o!e"ent and eff&sion $y )hich the so&l r&ns to)ards and reaches the thin' $elo!ed )hich is the tr&e and #ro#er lo!e+ 0e "ay eC#ress it th&sF the 'ood ta2es 'ras#s and ties the heart $y co"#lacency $&t $y lo!e it dra)s cond&cts and con!eys it to itself $y co"#lacency it "a2es it start on its )ay $&t $y lo!e it "a2es it achie!e the 1o&rney+ ?o"#lacency is the a)a2ener of the heart $&t lo!e is its actionB co"#lacency "a2es it 'et &# $&t lo!e "a2es it )al2+ The heart s#reads its )in's $y co"#lacency $&t lo!e is its fli'ht+ 6o!e then to s#ea2 distinctly and #recisely is no other thin' than the "o!e"ent eff&sion and ad!ance"ent of the heart to)ards 'ood+ Many 'reat #ersons ha!e $een of o#inion that lo!e is no other thin' than co"#lacency itself in )hich they ha!e had "&ch a##earance of reason+ For not only does the "o!e"ent of lo!e ta2e its ori'in fro" the co"#lacency )hich the heart feels at the first a##roach of 'ood and find its end in a second co"#lacency )hich ret&rns to the heart $y &nion )ith the thin' $elo!ed --$&t f&rther it de#ends for its #reser!ation on this co"#lacency and can only s&$sist thro&'h it as thro&'h its "other and n&rseB so that as soon as the co"#lacency ceases lo!e ceases+ 3nd as the $ee $ein' $orn in honey feeds on honey and only flies for honey so lo!e is $orn of co"#lacency "aintained $y co"#lacency and tends to co"#lacency+ -t is the )ei'ht of thin's )hich stirs the" "o!es the" and stays the"B it is the )ei'ht of the stone that stirs it and "o!es it to its descent as soon as the o$stacles are re"o!edB it is the sa"e )ei'ht that "a2es it contin&e its "o!e"ent do)n)ardsB and finally it is the sa"e )ei'ht that "a2es it sto# and rest as soon as it has reached its #lace+ So it is )ith the co"#lacency )hich eCcites the )illF this "o!es it and this "a2es it re#ose in the thin' $elo!ed )hen it has &nited itself there)ith+ This "otion of lo!e then ha!in' its $irth #reser!ation and #erfection de#endent on co"#lacency and $ein' al)ays inse#ara$ly 1oined thereto it is no "ar!el that these 'reat "inds considered lo!e and co"#lacency to $e the sa"e tho&'h in tr&th









lo!e $ein' a tr&e #assion of the so&l cannot $e a si"#le co"#lacency $&t "&st needs $e the "otion #roceedin' fro" it+ 5 Eo) this "otion ca&sed $y co"#lacency lasts till the &nion or fr&ition+ Therefore )hen it tends to a #resent 'ood it does no "ore than #&sh the heart clas# it 1oin and a##ly it to the thin' $elo!ed )hich $y this "eans it en1oys and then it is called lo!e of co"#lacency $eca&se as soon as e!er it is $e'otten of the first co"#lacency it ends in the second )hich it recei!es in $ein' &nited to its #resent o$1ect+ /&t )hen the 'ood to)ards )hich the heart is t&rned inclined and "o!ed is distant a$sent or f&t&re or )hen so #erfect a &nion cannot yet $e "ade as is desired then the "otion of lo!e $y )hich the heart tends "a2es and as#ires to)ards this a$sent o$1ect is #ro#erly na"ed desire for desire is no other thin' than the a##etite conc&#iscence or c&#idity for thin's )e ha!e not $&t )hich ho)e!er )e ai" at 'ettin'+ There are yet certain other "otions of lo!e $y )hich )e desire thin's that )e neither eC#ect nor ai" at in any )ay as )hen )e sayF--0hy a" - not no) in hea!en( - )ish )ere a 2in'B - )o&ld to God - )ere yo&n'erB ho) - )ish - had ne!er sinned and the li2e+ These indeed are desires $&t i"#erfect ones )hich to s#ea2 #ro#erly - thin2 "i'ht $e called )ishin's (so&haits)+ 3nd indeed these affections are not eC#ressed li2e desires for )hen )e eC#ress o&r tr&e desires )e sayF - desire (,e desire)F $&t )hen )e si'nify o&r i"#erfect desires )e sayF - sho&ld or - )o&ld desire (1e desirerois) or sho&ld li2e+ 0e "ay )ell sayF - )o&ld desire to $e yo&n'B $&t )e do not sayF - desire to $e yo&n'B seein' that this is not #ossi$leB and this "otion is called a )ishin' or as the Scholastics ter" it a !elleity )hich is nothin' else $&t a co""ence"ent of )illin' not follo)ed o&t $eca&se the )ill $y reason of i"#ossi$ility or eCtre"e diffic&lty sto#s her "otion and ends it in this si"#le affection of a )ish+ -t is as tho&'h she saidF this 'ood )hich - $ehold and cannot eC#ect to 'et is tr&ly !ery a'reea$le to "e and tho&'h cannot )ill it nor ho#e for it yet so "y affection stands that if - co&ld )ill or desire it )o&ld desire and )ill it 'ladly+ -n $rief these )ishin's or !elleities are nothin' else $&t a little lo!e )hich "ay $e called lo!e of si"#le a##ro$ation $eca&se the so&l a##ro!es the 'ood she 2no)s and $ein' &na$le to effect&ally desire she #rotests she )o&ld )illin'ly desire it and that it is tr&ly to $e desired+ 85 Eor is this all Theoti"&s for there are desires and !elleities )hich are yet "ore i"#erfect than those )e ha!e s#o2en of foras"&ch as their "otions are not stayed $y reason of i"#ossi$ility or eCtre"e diffic&lty $&t $y their inco"#ati$ility )ith other "ore #o)erf&l desires or )illin'sB as )hen a sic2 "an desires to eat "&shroo"s or "elonsB--tho&'h he "ay ha!e the" at his order yet he )ill not eat the" fearin' there$y to "a2e hi"self )orseB for )ho sees not that there are t)o desires in this "an the one to eat "&shroo"s the other to $e c&red. /&t $eca&se the desire of $ein' c&red is the stron'er it $loc2s &# and s&ffocates the other and hinders it fro" #rod&cin' any effect+ ,e#hte )ished to #reser!e his da&'hter $&t this not $ein' co"#ati$le )ith his desire to 2ee# his !o) he )illed )hat he did not )ish na"ely to sacrifice his da&'hter and )ished )hat he did not )ill na"ely to #reser!e his da&'hter+ Pilate and 5erod )ished the one to deli!er o&r Sa!io&r the other his #rec&rsorF $&t $eca&se these )ishes )ere inco"#ati$le )ith the desires the one to #lease the ,e)s and ?Psar the other 5erodias








and her da&'hter these )ishes )ere !ain and fr&itless+ Eo) in #ro#ortion as those thin's )hich are inco"#ati$le )ith o&r )ishes are less desira$le the )ishes are "ore i"#erfect since they are sto##ed and as it )ere stifled $y contraries so )ea2+ Th&s the )ish )hich 5erod had not to $ehead S+ ,ohn )as "ore i"#erfect than that of Pilate to free o&r Sa!io&r+ For the latter feared the cal&"ny and indi'nation of the #eo#le and of ?PsarB the other feared to disa##oint one )o"an alone+ 3nd these )ishes )hich are hindered not $y i"#ossi$ility $&t $y inco"#ati$ility )ith stron'er desires are called indeed )ishes and desires $&t !ain stifled and &n#rofita$le ones+ 3s to )ishes of thin's i"#ossi$le )e sayF - )ish $&t cannotB and of the )ishes of #ossi$le thin's )e sayF - )ish $&t )ill not+ ?53PT;> :---+



053T 4-ED OF 3FF-E-TO (?OE:;E3E?;) -T -S 05-?5 ;Q?-T;S 6O:;+ 0e say the eye sees the ear hears the ton'&e s#ea2s the &nderstandin' reasons the "e"ory re"e"$ers the )ill lo!esF $&t still )e 2no) )ell that it is the "an to s#ea2 #ro#erly )ho $y di!ers fac&lties and different or'ans )or2s all this !ariety of o#erations+ Man also then it is )ho $y the affecti!e fac&lty na"ed the )ill tends to and #leases hi"self in 'ood and )ho has for it that 'reat affinity )hich is the so&rce and ori'in of lo!e+ Eo) they ha!e "ade a "ista2e )ho ha!e $elie!ed that rese"$lance is the only affinity )hich #rod&ces lo!e+ For )ho 2no)s not that the "ost sensi$le old "en tenderly and dearly lo!e little children and are reci#rocally lo!ed $y the"B that the )ise lo!e the i'norant #ro!ided they are docile and the sic2 their #hysicians+ 3nd if )e "ay dra) any ar'&"ent fro" the i"a'e of lo!e )hich is fo&nd in thin's )itho&t sense )hat rese"$lance can dra) the iron to)ards the loadstone. 5as not one loadstone "ore rese"$lance )ith another or )ith another stone than )ith iron )hich is of a totally different s#ecies. 3nd tho&'h so"e to red&ce all affinities to rese"$lance ass&re &s that iron dra)s iron and the loadstone the loadstone yet they are &na$le to eC#lain )hy the loadstone dra)s iron "ore #o)erf&lly than iron does iron itself+ /&t - #ray yo& )hat si"ilit&de is there $et)een li"e and )ater. or $et)een )ater and a s#on'e. and yet $oth of the" drin2 )ater )ith a *&enchless desire testifyin' an eCcessi!e insensi$le lo!e to)ards it+ Eo) it is the sa"e in h&"an lo!eB for so"eti"es it ta2es "ore stron'ly a"on'st #ersons of contrary *&alities than a"on' those )ho are !ery li2e+ The affinity then )hich ca&ses lo!e does not al)ays consist in rese"$lance $&t in the #ro#ortion relation or corres#ondence $et)een the lo!er and the thin' lo!ed+ For th&s it is not rese"$lance )hich "a2es the doctor dear to the sic2 "an $&t a corres#ondence of the oneDs necessity )ith the otherDs s&fficiency in that the one can afford the assistance )hich the other stands in need ofF as a'ain the doctor lo!es the sic2 "an and the "aster his a##rentice $eca&se they can eCercise their #o)ers on the"+ The old "an lo!es children not $y sy"#athy $&t $eca&se the 'reat si"#licity fee$leness and tenderness of the one eCalts and "a2es "ore a##arent the #r&dence and sta$ility of the other and this dissi"ilit&de is a'reea$le+ On the other hand children lo!e old "en $eca&se they see the" $&sy and caref&l a$o&t the" and $y secret instinct they #ercei!e they ha!e need of their direction+ M&sical concord consists in a 2ind of discord in )hich &nli2e !oices corres#ond "a2in' &# alto'ether one sin'le "&lti#leC #ro#ortion as the &nli2eness of #recio&s stones and flo)ers "a2es the a'reea$le co"#osition of ena"el and dia#ry+








Th&s lo!e is not ca&sed al)ays $y rese"$lance and sy"#athy $&t $y corres#ondence and #ro#ortion )hich consists in this that $y the &nion of one thin' to another they "&t&ally recei!e one anotherDs #erfection and so $eco"e $etter+ The head certainly does not rese"$le the $ody nor the hand the ar" yet they ha!e s&ch a corres#ondence and 1oin so nat&rally to'ether that $y their con1&nction they eCcellently #erfect one the other+ 0herefore if these #arts had each one a distinct so&l they )o&ld ha!e a #erfect "&t&al lo!e not $y rese"$lance for they ha!e none $&t $y their corres#ondence to)ards a "&t&al #erfection+ For this ca&se the "elancholy and the 1oyo&s the so&r and the s)eet ha!e often a corres#ondence of affection $y reason of the "&t&al i"#ressions )hich they recei!e one of another $y )hich their h&"o&rs are reci#rocally "oderated+ /&t )hen this "&t&al corres#ondence is 1oined )ith rese"$lance lo!e )itho&t do&$t is en'endered "&ch "ore efficacio&slyB for rese"$lance $ein' the tr&e i"a'e of &nity )hen t)o li2e thin's are &nited $y a #ro#ortion to the sa"e end it see"s rather to $e &nity than &nion+ The affinity then of the lo!er and the thin' lo!ed is the first so&rce of lo!e and this affinity consists in corres#ondence )hich is nothin' else than a "&t&al relation )hich "a2es thin's a#t to &nite in order to co""&nicate to one another so"e #erfection+ /&t this )ill $e &nderstood $etter in the #ro'ress of o&r disco&rse+ ?53PT;> -Q+ T53T 6O:; T;EDS TO =E-OE+



25 The 'reat Solo"on descri$es in an ad"ira$ly delicio&s "anner the lo!es of the Sa!io&r and the de!o&t so&l in that di!ine )or2 )hich for its eCcellent s)eetness is na"ed the ?anticle of ?anticles+ 3nd to raise o&rsel!es $y a "ore easy fli'ht to the consideration of this s#irit&al lo!e )hich is eCercised $et)een God and &s $y the corres#ondence of the "o!e"ents of o&r hearts )ith the ins#irations of his di!ine "a1esty he "a2es &se of a #er#et&al re#resentation of the lo!es of a chaste she#herd and a "odest she#herdess+ Eo) "a2in' the s#o&se or $ride $e'in first $y "anner of a certain s&r#rise of lo!e he first #&ts into her "o&th this e1ac&lationF 6et hi" 2iss "e )ith the 2iss of his "o&th+ @87A Eotice Theoti"&s ho) the so&l in the #erson of this she#herdess has $&t the one ai" in the first eC#ression of her desire of a chaste &nion )ith her s#o&se #rotestin' that it is the only end of her a"$ition and the only thin' she as#ires afterB for - #ray yo& )hat other thin' )o&ld this first si'h inti"ate. 6et hi" 2iss "e )ith the 2iss of his "o&th+ 3 2iss fro" all a'es as $y nat&ral instinct has $een e"#loyed to re#resent #erfect lo!e that is the &nion of hearts and not )itho&t ca&seF )e eC#ress and "a2e 2no)n o&r #assions and the "o!e"ents )hich o&r so&ls ha!e in co""on )ith the ani"als $y o&r eyes eye$ro)s forehead and the rest of o&r co&ntenance+ Man is 2no)n $y his loo2 @81A says the Scri#t&re and 3ristotle 'i!in' a reason )hy ordinarily it is only the faces of 'reat "en that are #ortrayed --it is says he $eca&se the face sho)s )hat )e are+ Oet )e do not &tter o&r disco&rse nor the tho&'hts )hich #roceed fro" the s#irit&al #ortion of o&r so&l )hich )e call reason and $y )hich )e are distin'&ished fro"







$easts eCce#t $y )ords and conse*&ently $y hel# of the "o&thB inso"&ch that to #o&r o&t o&r so&l and o#en o&t o&r heart is nothin' else $&t to s#ea2+ Po&r o&t yo&r hearts $efore God @82A says the Psal"ist that is eC#ress and t&rn the affections of yo&r hearts into )ords+ 3nd Sa"&elDs #io&s "other #rono&ncin' her #rayers so softly that one co&ld hardly discern the "otion of her li#sF - ha!e #o&red o&t "y so&l $efore the 6ord @88A said she+ 3nd th&s one "o&th is a##lied to another in 2issin' to testify that )e )o&ld desire to #o&r o&t one so&l into the other to &nite the" reci#rocally in a #erfect &nion+ For this reason at all ti"es and a"on'st the "ost saintly "en the )orld has had the 2iss has $een a si'n of lo!e and affection and s&ch &se )as &ni!ersally "ade of it a"on'st the ancient ?hristians as the 'reat S+ Pa&l testifies )hen )ritin' to the >o"ans and ?orinthians he says Sal&te one another in a holy 2iss+ @89A 3nd as "any declare ,&das in $etrayin' O&r Sa!io&r "ade &se of a 2iss to "anifest hi" $eca&se this di!ine Sa!io&r )as acc&sto"ed to 2iss his disci#les )hen he "et the"B and not only his disci#les $&t e!en little children )ho" he too2 lo!in'ly in his ar"sB as he did hi" $y )hose eCa"#le he so sole"nly in!ited his disci#les to the lo!e of their nei'h$o&r )ho" "any thin2 to ha!e $een S+ Martial as the /isho# ,anseni&s @85A says+ Th&s then the 2iss $ein' a li!ely "ar2 of the &nion of hearts the s#o&se )ho has no other ai" in all her endea!o&rs than to $e &nited to her $elo!ed 6et hi" 2iss "e says she )ith the 2iss of his "o&thB as if she cried o&tF--so "any si'hs and infla"ed darts )hich "y lo!e thro)s o&t )ill they ne!er i"#etrate that )hich "y so&l desires. - r&n-3h( shall - ne!er 'ain the #riHe to)ards )hich - &r'e "yself )hich is to $e &nited heart to heart s#irit to s#irit to "y God "y s#o&se "y life. 0hen )ill the ho&r co"e in )hich - shall #o&r "y so&l into his heart and he )ill #o&r his heart into "y so&l and th&s ha##ily &nited )e shall li!e inse#ara$le+ 0hen the 5oly Ghost )o&ld eC#ress a #erfect lo!e he al"ost al)ays e"#loys )ords eC#ressin' &nion or con1&nction+ 3nd the "&ltit&de of $elie!ers says S+ 6&2e had $&t one heart and one so&l+ @86A O&r Sa!io&r #rayed for all the faithf&l that they all "ay $e one+ @87A S+ Pa&l )arns &s to $e caref&l to #reser!e the &nity of the s#irit in the $ond of #eace+G @8IA These &nities of heart of so&l and of s#irit si'nify the #erfection of lo!e )hich 1oins "any so&ls in one+ So it is said that ,onathanDs so&l )as 2nit to Da!idDs that is to say as the Scri#t&re adds 5e lo!ed hi" as his o)n so&l+1 @8KA The 'reat 3#ostle of France (S+ Denis) as )ell accordin' to his o)n senti"ent as )hen 'i!in' that of his 5ierothe&s )rites a h&ndred ti"es - thin2 in a sin'le cha#ter of the De Eo"ini$&s Di!inis that lo!e is &nifyin' &nitin' dra)in' to'ether e"$racin' collectin' and $rin'in' all thin's to &nity( S+ Gre'ory EaHianHen and S+ 3&'&stine say that their friends and they had $&t one so&l and 3ristotle a##ro!in' already in his ti"e this "anner of s#eechF G0hen G says he G)e )o&ld eC#ress ho) "&ch )e lo!e o&r friends )e say his and "y so&l is $&t one+G 5atred se#arates &s and lo!e $rin's &s into one+ The end then of lo!e is no other thin' than the &nion of the lo!er and the thin' lo!ed+ @87A ?ant+ i+ 1+







@81A ;ccli+ CiC+ 26+ @82A lCi+ K+

@88A 1 4in's i+ 15+ @89A >o"+ C!i+ 16B 1 ?or+ C!i+ 27+ 5 @85A Of Ghent &ncle of the heretic $&t hi"self an orthodoC and estee"ed )riter+ (Tr+) @86A 3cts i!+ 82+ @87A ,ohn C!ii+ 21+ 17 @8IA ;#h+ i!+ 8+ @8KA 4in's C!iii+ 1+ 15 ?53PT;> Q+ T53T T5; =E-OE TO 05-?5 6O:; 3SP->;S -S SP->-T=36+ 27 0e "&st ho)e!er ta2e notice that there are nat&ral &nions as those of si"ilit&de consan'&inity and of ca&se and effectB and others )hich not $ein' nat&ral "ay $e ter"ed !ol&ntaryB for tho&'h they $e accordin' to Eat&re yet they are only "ade at o&r )illF li2e that &nion )hich ta2es its ori'in fro" $enefits--)hich &ndo&$tedly &nite hi" that recei!es the" to the 'i!er --that of con!ersation society and the li2e+ Eo) nat&ral &nion #rod&ces lo!e and the lo!e )hich it #rod&ces inclines &s to another and !ol&ntary &nion #erfectin' the nat&ral+ Th&s the father and son the "other and da&'hter or t)o $rothers $ein' 1oined in a nat&ral &nion $y the #artici#ation of the sa"e $lood are eCcited $y this &nion to lo!e and $y lo!e are $orne to)ards a &nion of )ill and s#irit )hich "ay $e called !ol&ntary $eca&se altho&'h its fo&ndation is nat&ral yet is its action deli$erate+ -n these lo!es #rod&ced $y nat&ral &nion )e need loo2 for no other affinity than the &nion itself $y )hich Eat&re #re!entin' the )ill o$li'es it to a##ro!e to lo!e and to #erfect the &nion it has already "ade+ /&t as to !ol&ntary &nions )hich follo) lo!e lo!e is indeed their effecti!e ca&se $&t they are its final ca&se as $ein' the only end and ai" of lo!e+ So that as lo!e tends to &nion e!en so &nion !ery often eCtends and a&'"ents lo!eF for lo!e "a2es &s see2 the society of the $elo!ed and this often no&rishes and increases lo!eB lo!e ca&ses a desire of n&#tial &nion and this &nion reci#rocally #reser!es and increases lo!e so that in e!ery sense it is tr&e that lo!e tends to &nion+ /&t to )hat 2ind of &nion does it tend. Did yo& not note Theoti"&s that the sacred s#o&se eC#ressed her desire of $ein' &nited to her s#o&se $y the 2iss and that the 2iss re#resents the s#irit&al &nion )hich is ca&sed $y the reci#rocal co""&nication of so&ls. -t is indeed the "an )ho lo!es $&t he lo!es $y his )ill and therefore the end of his lo!e is of the nat&re of his )illF $&t his )ill is s#irit&al and conse*&ently the &nion )hich lo!e ai"s at is s#irit&al also and so "&ch the "ore $eca&se the heart )hich is the seat and so&rce of lo!e )o&ld not only not $e #erfected $y &nion )ith cor#oral thin's $&t )o&ld $e de'raded+






-t )ill not hence $e inferred that there are not certain #assions in "an )hich as "istleto co"es on trees $y "anner of eCcrescence and o!er-'ro)th s#ro&t &# indeed a"on'st and a$o&t lo!e+ Ee!ertheless they are neither lo!e nor any #art of lo!e $&t eCcrescences and s&#erfl&ities thereof )hich are so far fro" $ein' s&ited to "aintain or #erfect lo!e that on the contrary they 'reatly har" it )ea2en it and at last if they $e not c&t a)ay &tterly r&in itF and here is the reason+ -n #ro#ortion to the n&"$er of o#erations to )hich the so&l a##lies herself ()hether of the sa"e or of a different 2ind) she does the" less #erfectly and !i'oro&slyF $eca&se $ein' finite her acti!e !irt&e is also finite so that f&rnishin' her acti!ity to di!ers o#erations it is necessary that each one of the" ha!e less thereof+ Th&s a "an attenti!e to se!eral thin's is less attenti!e to each of the"F )e cannot *&ietly consider a #ersonDs feat&res )ith o&r si'ht and at the sa"e ti"e 'i!e an eCact hearin' to the har"ony of a 'rand #iece of "&sic nor at the sa"e instant $e attenti!e to fi'&re and to colo&rF if )e are tal2in' earnestly )e cannot attend to anythin' else+ - a" not i'norant of )hat is said concernin' ?aesar nor incred&lo&s a$o&t )hat so "any 'reat #ersons testify of Ori'en --that they co&ld a##ly their attention at the sa"e ti"e to se!eral o$1ectsB yet e!ery one confesses that accordin' to the "eas&re they a##lied it to "ore o$1ects it $eca"e less for each one of the"+ There is then a difference $et)een seein' hearin' and &nderstandin' "ore and seein' hearin' and &nderstandin' $etter for he that sees $etter sees less and he that sees "ore sees not so )ellF it is rare for those )ho 2no) "&ch to 2no) )ell )hat they 2no) $eca&se the !irt&e and force of the &nderstandin' $ein' scattered &#on the 2no)led'e of di!ers thin's is less stron' and !i'oro&s than )hen it is restrained to the consideration of one only o$1ect+ 5ence it is that )hen the so&l e"#loys her forces in di!ers o#erations of lo!e the action so di!ided is less !i'oro&s and #erfect+ 0e ha!e three sorts of actions of lo!e the s#irit&al the reasona$le and the sensiti!eB )hen lo!e eCerts its forces thro&'h all these three o#erations do&$tless it is "ore eCtended $&t less intense $&t )hen thro&'h one o#eration only it is "ore intense tho&'h less eCtended+ Do )e not see that fire the sy"$ol of lo!e forced to "a2e its )ay o&t $y the "o&th of the cannon alone "a2es a #rodi'io&s flash )hich )o&ld ha!e $een "&ch less if it had fo&nd !ent $y t)o or three #assa'es. Since then lo!e is an act of o&r )ill he that desires to ha!e it not only no$le and 'enero&s $&t also !ery !i'oro&s and acti!e "&st contain the !irt&e and force of it )ithin the li"its of s#irit&al o#erations for he that )o&ld a##ly it to the o#erations of the sensi$le or sensiti!e #art of o&r so&l )o&ld so far forth )ea2en the intellect&al o#erations in )hich essential lo!e consists+ The ancient #hiloso#hers ha!e reco'niHed that there are t)o sorts of ecstasies of )hich the one raises &s a$o!e o&rsel!es the other de'rades &s $elo) o&rsel!esF as tho&'h they )o&ld say that "an )as of a nat&re $et)een an'els and $eastsF in his intellect&al #art sharin' the an'elical nat&re and in his sensiti!e the nat&re of $eastsB and yet that he co&ld $y the acts of his life and $y a contin&al attention to hi"self deli!er and e"anci#ate hi"self fro" this "ean condition and ha$it&atin' hi"self "&ch to intellect&al actions "i'ht $rin' hi"self nearer to the nat&re of an'els than of $easts+ -f ho)e!er he did "&ch a##ly hi"self to sensi$le actions he descended fro" his "iddle state and a##roached that of $eastsF and $eca&se an ecstasy is no other thin' than a 'oin' o&t of oneself )hether one 'o &#)ards or do)n)ards he is tr&ly in an ecstasy+










Those then )ho to&ched )ith intellect&al and di!ine #leas&res let their hearts $e carried a)ay $y those feelin's are tr&ly o&t of the"sel!es that is a$o!e the condition of their nat&re $&t $y a $lessed and desira$le o&t-'oin' $y )hich enterin' into a "ore no$le and e"inent estate they are as "&ch an'els $y the o#eration of their so&l as "en $y the s&$stance of their nat&re and are either to $e called h&"an an'els or an'elic "en+ On the contrary those )ho all&red $y sens&al #leas&res 'i!e the"sel!es o!er to the en1oyin' of the" descend fro" their "iddle condition to the lo)est of $r&te $easts and deser!e as "&ch to $e called $r&tal $y their o#erations as "en $y nat&reF "isera$le in th&s 'oin' o&t of the"sel!es only to enter into a condition infinitely &n)orthy of their nat&ral state+ Eo) accordin' as the ecstasy is 'reater either a$o!e &s or $elo) &s $y so "&ch "ore it hinders the so&l fro" ret&rnin' to itself and fro" doin' o#erations contrary to the ecstasy in )hich it is+ So those an'elic "en )ho are ra!ished in God and hea!enly thin's lose alto'ether as lon' as their ecstasy lasts the &se and attention of the senses "o!e"ent and all eCterior actions $eca&se their so&l in order to a##ly its #o)er and acti!ity "ore entirely and attenti!ely to that di!ine o$1ect retires and )ithdra)s the" fro" all its other fac&lties to t&rn the" in that direction+ 3nd in li2e "anner $r&tish "en 'i!e &# all the &se of their reason and &nderstandin' to $&ry the"sel!es in sens&al #leas&re+ The first "ystically i"itate ;lias ta2en &# in the fiery chariot a"id the an'elsF the others Ea$&chodonosor $r&taliHed and de$ased to the ran2 of sa!a'e $easts+ Eo) - say that )hen the so&l #ractises lo!e $y actions )hich are sens&al and )hich carry her $elo) herself it is i"#ossi$le that there$y the eCercise of her s&#erior lo!e sho&ld not $e so "&ch the "ore )ea2ened+ So that tr&e and essential lo!e is so far fro" $ein' aided and #reser!ed $y the &nion to )hich sens&al lo!e tends that it is i"#aired dissi#ated and r&ined $y it+ ,o$Ds oCen #lo&'hed the 'ro&nd )hile the &seless asses fed $y the" eatin' the #ast&re d&e to the la$o&rin' oCen+ 0hile the intellect&al #art of o&r so&l is e"#loyed in honest and !irt&o&s lo!e of so"e )orthy o$1ect it co"es to #ass oftenti"es that the senses and fac&lties of the inferior #art tend to the &nion )hich they are ada#ted to and )hich is their #ast&re tho&'h &nion only $elon's to the heart and to the s#irit )hich also is alone a$le to #rod&ce tr&e and s&$stantial lo!e+ ;lise&s ha!in' c&red Eaa"an the Syrian )as satisfied )ith ha!in' done hi" a ser!ice and ref&sed his 'old his sil!er and the 'oods he offered hi" $&t his faithless ser!ant GieHi r&nnin' after hi" de"anded and too2 a'ainst his "asterDs #leas&re that )hich he had ref&sed+ -ntellect&al and cordial lo!e )hich certainly either is or sho&ld $e "aster in o&r heart ref&ses all sorts of cor#oral and sensi$le &nions and is contented )ith 'ood)ill only $&t the #o)ers of the sensiti!e #art )hich are or sho&ld $e the hand"aids of the s#irit de"and see2 after and ta2e that )hich reason ref&sed and )itho&t lea!e "a2e after their a$1ect and ser!ile lo!e dishono&rin' li2e GieHi the #&rity of the intention of their "aster the s#irit+ 3nd in #ro#ortion as the so&l t&rns herself to s&ch 'ross and sensi$le &nions so far does she di!ert herself fro" the delicate intellect&al and cordial &nion+ Oo& see then #lainly Theoti"&s that these &nions )hich tend to ani"al co"#lacency and #assions are so far fro" #rod&cin' or #reser!in' lo!e that they 'reatly h&rt it and render it eCtre"ely )ea2+









/asil rose"ary "ari'old hysso# clo!es cha"o"ile n&t"e' le"on and "&s2 #&t to'ether and incor#orated yield a tr&ly deli'htf&l odo&r $y the "iCt&re of their 'ood #erf&"eB yet not nearly so "&ch as does the )ater )hich is distilled fro" the" in )hich the s)eets of all these in'redients se#arated fro" their $odies are "in'led in a "&ch "ore eCcellent "anner &nitin' in a "ost #erfect scent )hich #enetrates the sense of s"ellin' far "ore stron'ly than it )o&ld do if )ith it and its )ater the $odies of the in'redients )ere fo&nd "in'led and &nited+ So lo!e "ay $e fo&nd in the &nions #ro#er to the sens&al #o)ers "iCed )ith the &nions of intellect&al #o)ers $&t ne!er so eCcellently as )hen the s#irits and so&ls alone se#arated fro" all cor#oreal affections $&t &nited to'ether "a2e lo!e #&re and s#irit&al+ For the scent of affections th&s "in'led is not only s)eeter and $etter $&t "ore li!ely "ore acti!e and "ore essential+ Tr&e it is that "any ha!in' 'ross earthly and !ile hearts rate the !al&e of lo!e li2e that of 'old #ieces the "ost "assi!e of )hich are the $est and "ost c&rrentB for so their idea is that $r&tish lo!e is "ore stron' $eca&se it is "ore !iolent and t&r$&lent "ore solid $eca&se "ore 'ross and terrene 'reater $eca&se "ore sensi$le and fierceF--$&t on the contrary lo!e is li2e fire )hich is of clearer and fairer fla"e as its "atter is "ore delicate )hich cannot $e "ore *&ic2ly eCtin'&ished than $y $eatin' it do)n and co!erin' it )ith earthB for in li2e "anner $y ho) "&ch "ore eCalted and s#irit&al the s&$1ect of lo!e is $y so "&ch its actions are "ore li!ely s&$sistent and #er"anentF nor is there a "ore easy )ay to r&in lo!e than to de$ase it to !ile and earthly &nions+ GThere is this difference G says S+ Gre'ory G$et)een s#irit&al and cor#oral #leas&res that cor#oral ones $e'et a desire $efore )e o$tain the" and a dis'&st )hen )e ha!e o$tained the"B $&t s#irit&al ones on the contrary are not cared for )hen )e ha!e the" not $&t are desired )hen )e ha!e the"+G ?53PT;> Q-+





T53T T5;>; 3>; T0O PO>T-OES -E T5; SO=6 3ED 5O0+ 0e ha!e $&t one so&l Theoti"&s and an indi!isi$le oneB $&t in that one so&l there are !ario&s de'rees of #erfection for it is li!in' sensi$le and reasona$leB and accordin' to these different de'rees it has also different #ro#erties and inclinations $y )hich it is "o!ed to the a!oidance or to the acce#tance of thin's+ For first as )e see that the !ine hates so to s#ea2 and a!oids the ca$$a'e so that the one is #ernicio&s to the otherB and on the contrary is deli'hted in the oli!eF--so )e #ercei!e a nat&ral o##osition $et)een "an and the ser#ent so 'reat that a "anDs fastin' s#ittle is "ortal to the ser#entF on the contrary "an and the shee# ha!e a )ondro&s affinity and are a'reea$le one to the other+ Eo) this inclination does not #roceed fro" any 2no)led'e that the one has of the h&rtf&lness of its contrary or of the ad!anta'e of the one )ith )hich it has affinity $&t only fro" a certain occ&lt and secret *&ality )hich #rod&ces this insensi$le o##osition and anti#athy or this co"#lacency and sy"#athy+ Secondly )e ha!e in &s the sensiti!e a##etite )here$y )e are "o!ed to the see2in' and a!oidin' "any thin's $y the sensiti!e 2no)led'e )e ha!e of the"B not &nli2e to the ani"als so"e of )hich ha!e an a##etite to one thin' so"e to another accordin' to the 2no)led'e )hich they ha!e that it s&its the" or not+ -n this a##etite resides or fro" it




#roceeds the lo!e )hich )e call sens&al or $r&tish )hich yet #ro#erly s#ea2in' o&'ht not to $e ter"ed lo!e $&t si"#ly a##etite+ 5 Thirdly inas"&ch as )e are reasona$le )e ha!e a )ill $y )hich )e are led to see2 after 'ood accordin' as $y reasonin' )e 2no) or 1&d'e it to $e s&ch+ Eo) in o&r so&l ta2en as reasona$le )e "anifestly o$ser!e t)o de'rees of #erfection )hich the 'reat S+ 3&'&stine and after hi" all the doctors ha!e na"ed t)o #ortions of the so&l inferior and s&#erior+ That is called inferior )hich reasons and dra)s concl&sions accordin' to )hat it learns and eC#eriences $y the sensesB and that is called s&#erior )hich reasons and dra)s concl&sions accordin' to an intellect&al 2no)led'e not 'ro&nded &#on the eC#erience of sense $&t on the discern"ent and 1&d'"ent of the s#irit+ This s&#erior #art is called the s#irit and "ental #art of the so&l as the inferior is ter"ed co""only sense feelin' and h&"an reason+ Eo) this s&#erior #art can reason accordin' to t)o sorts of li'htsB either accordin' to nat&ral li'ht as the #hiloso#hers and all those )ho ha!e reasoned $y science didB or accordin' to s&#ernat&ral li'ht as do theolo'ians and ?hristians since they esta$lish their reasonin' &#on faith and the re!ealed )ord of God and still "ore es#ecially those )hose s#irit is cond&cted $y #artic&lar ill&strations ins#irations and hea!enly "otions+ This is )hat S+ 3&'&stine said na"ely that it is $y the s&#erior #ortion of the so&l that )e adhere and a##ly o&rsel!es to the o$ser!ance of the eternal la)+ ,aco$ #ressed $y the eCtre"e necessity of his fa"ily let /en1a"in $e ta2en $y his $rethren into ;'y#t )hich yet he did a'ainst his )ill as the sacred 5istory )itnesses+ -n this he sho)s t)o )ills the one inferior $y )hich he 'rie!ed at sendin' hi" the other s&#erior $y )hich he too2 the resol&tion to #art )ith hi"+ For the reason )hich "o!ed hi" to disa##ro!e his de#art&re )as 'ro&nded on the #leas&re )hich he felt in his #resence and the #ain he )o&ld feel in his a$sence )hich are 'ro&nds that to&ch the senses and the feelin's $&t the resol&tion )hich he too2 to send hi" )as 'ro&nded &#on the reason of the state of his fa"ily fro" his foreseein' f&t&re and i""inent necessities+ 3$raha" accordin' to the inferior #ortion of his so&l s#o2e )ords testifyin' in hi" a 2ind of diffidence )hen the an'el anno&nced &nto hi" the ha##y tidin's of a son+ Shall a son thin2est tho& $e $orn to hi" that is a h&ndred years old. @97A $&t accordin' to his s&#erior #art he $elie!ed in God and it )as re#&ted to hi" &nto 1&stice+ @91A 3ccordin' to his inferior #art do&$tless he )as in 'reat an'&ish )hen he )as co""anded to sacrifice his sonF $&t accordin' to his s&#erior #art he resol!ed co&ra'eo&sly to sacrifice hi"+ 0e also daily eC#erience in o&rsel!es !ario&s contrary )ills+ 3 father sendin' his son either to co&rt or to his st&dies does not deny tears to his de#art&re testifyin' that tho&'h accordin' to his s&#erior #art for the childDs ad!ance"ent in !irt&e he )ills his de#art&re yet accordin' to his inferior #art he has a re#&'nance to the se#aration+ 3'ain tho&'h a 'irl $e "arried to the content"ent of her father and "other yet )hen she ta2es their $lessin' she eCcites their tears in s&ch sort that tho&'h the s&#erior )ill ac*&iesces in the de#art&re yet the inferior sho)s resistance+ 0e "&st not hence infer that a "an has t)o so&ls or t)o nat&res as the Manicheans drea"ed+ Eo says S+ 3&'&stine in the Ith $oo2 17th cha#ter of his ?onfessions G$&t the )ill inticed $y different $aits "o!ed $y different reasons see"s to $e di!ided in itself )hile it is









#&lled t)o )ays &ntil "a2in' &se of its li$erty it chooses the one or the otherF for then the "ore efficacio&s )ill con*&ers and 'ainin' the day lea!es in the so&l the feelin' of the e!il that the str&''le ca&sed her )hich )e call rel&ctance (contrecoe&r)+G 5 /&t the eCa"#le of o&r Sa!io&r is ad"ira$le in this #oint and $ein' considered it lea!es no f&rther do&$t to&chin' the distinction of the s&#erior and inferior #art of the so&l+ For )ho a"on'st theolo'ians 2no)s not that he )as #erfectly 'lorio&s fro" the instant of his conce#tion in his !ir'in-"otherDs )o"$ and yet at the sa"e ti"e he )as s&$1ect to sadness 'rief and afflictions of heart+ Eor "&st )e say he s&ffered only in the $ody or only in the so&l as sensiti!e or )hich is the sa"e thin' accordin' to senseF for he attests hi"self that $efore he s&ffered any eCterior tor"ent or sa) the tor"entors near hi" his so&l )as sorro)f&l e!en &nto death+ For )hich ca&se he #rayed that the c&# of his #assion "i'ht #ass a)ay fro" hi" that is that he "i'ht $e eCc&sed fro" drin2in' itB in )hich he "anifestly sho)s the desire of the inferior #ortion of his so&lB )hich d)ellin' &#on the sad and a'oniHin' o$1ects of the #assion )hich )as #re#ared for hi" (the li!ely i"a'e )hereof )as re#resented to his i"a'ination) he desired $y a "ost reasona$le conse*&ence the deli!erance and esca#e fro" the" )hich he $e's fro" his Father+ /y this )e clearly see that the inferior #art of the so&l is not the sa"e thin' as the sensiti!e de'ree of it nor the inferior )ill the sa"e )ith the sensiti!e a##etiteB for neither the sensiti!e a##etite nor the so&l inso"&ch as it is sensiti!e is ca#a$le of "a2in' any de"and or #rayer these $ein' acts of the reasona$le #o)erB and they are s#ecially inca#a$le of s#ea2in' to God an o$1ect )hich the senses cannot reach so as to "a2e it 2no)n to the a##etite+ /&t the sa"e Sa!io&r ha!in' th&s eCercised the inferior #art and testified that accordin' to it and its considerations his )ill inclined to the a!oidance of the 'riefs and #ains sho)ed after)ards that he had the s&#erior #art $y )hich in!iola$ly adherin' to the eternal )ill and to the decree "ade $y his hea!enly Father he )illin'ly acce#ted death and in s#ite of the re#&'nance of the inferior #art of reason he saidF 3h( no "y Father not "y )ill $&t thine $e done+ 0hen he says "y )ill he s#ea2s of his )ill accordin' to the inferior #ortion and inas"&ch an he says it !ol&ntarily he sho)s that he has a s&#erior )ill+ @97A Gen+ C!ii+ 17+ @91A -$+ C!+ 6+ 85 ?53PT;> Q--+ T53T -E T5;S; T0O PO>T-OES OF T5; SO=6 T5;>; 3>; FO=> D-FF;>;ET D;G>;;S OF >;3SOE+ 97 There )ere three co&rts in Solo"onDs te"#le+ One )as for the Gentiles and stran'ers )ho )ishin' to ha!e reco&rse to God )ent to adore in ,er&sale"B the second for the -sraelites "en and )o"en (the se#aration of "en fro" )o"en not $ein' "ade $y Solo"on)B the third for the #riests and 6e!itesB and in fine $esides all this there )as the sanct&ary or sacred ho&se )hich )as o#en to the hi'h #riest only and that $&t once a year+ O&r reason or to s#ea2 $etter o&r so&l in so far as it is reasona$le is the tr&e te"#le of the 'reat God )ho there ta2es &# his chief residence+ G- so&'ht thee G says S+ 3&'&stine Go&tside "yself $&t - fo&nd thee not $eca&se tho& art )ithin "e+G -n this







"ystical te"#le there are also three co&rts )hich are three different de'rees of reasonB in the first )e reason accordin' to the eC#erience of sense in the second accordin' to h&"an sciences in the third accordin' to faithF and in fine $eyond this there is a certain e"inence or s&#re"e #oint of the reason and s#irit&al fac&lty )hich is not '&ided $y the li'ht of ar'&"ent or reasonin' $&t $y a si"#le !ie) of the &nderstandin' and a si"#le "o!e"ent of the )ill $y )hich the s#irit $ends and s&$"its to the tr&th and the )ill of God+ Eo) this eCtre"ity and s&""it of o&r so&l this hi'hest #oint of o&r s#irit is !ery nat&rally re#resented $y the sanct&ary or holy #lace+ For first in the sanct&ary there )ere no )indo)s to 'i!e li'htF in this de'ree of the so&l there is no reasonin' )hich ill&"inates+ Secondly all the li'ht entered $y the doorB in this de'ree of the so&l nothin' enters $&t $y faith )hich #rod&ces li2e rays the si'ht and the senti"ent of the $ea&ty and 'oodness of the 'ood #leas&re of God+ Thirdly none entered the sanct&ary sa!e the hi'h #riestB in this a#eC of the so&l reasonin' enters not $&t only the hi'h &ni!ersal and so!erei'n feelin' that the di!ine )ill o&'ht so!erei'nly to $e lo!ed a##ro!ed and e"$raced not only in so"e #artic&lar thin's $&t in 'eneral for all thin's nor 'enerally in all thin's only $&t also #artic&larly in each thin'+ Fo&rthly the hi'h #riest enterin' into the sanct&ary o$sc&red e!en that li'ht )hich ca"e $y the door #&ttin' "any #erf&"es into his th&ri$le the s"o2e )hereof dro!e $ac2 the rays of li'ht to )hich the o#en door 'a!e entranceF and all the li'ht )hich is in the s&#re"e #art of the so&l is in so"e sort o$sc&red and !eiled $y the ren&nciations and resi'nations )hich the so&l "a2es not desirin' so "&ch to $ehold and see the 'oodness of the tr&th and the tr&th of the 'oodness #resented to her as to e"$race and adore the sa"e so that the so&l )o&ld al"ost )ish to sh&t her eyes as soon as she $e'ins to see the di'nity of GodDs )ill to the end that not occ&#yin' herself f&rther in considerin' it she "ay "ore #o)erf&lly and #erfectly acce#t it and $y an a$sol&te co"#lacency #erfectly &nite and s&$"it herself thereto+ Fifthly to concl&de in the sanct&ary )as 2e#t the ar2 of alliance and in that or at least ad1oinin' to it the ta$les of the la) "anna in a 'olden !essel and 3aronDs rod )hich in one ni'ht $ore flo)ers and fr&itF and in this hi'hest #oint of the so&l are fo&ndF 1+ The li'ht of faith fi'&red $y the "anna hidden in its !essel $y )hich )e ac*&iesce in the tr&ths of the "ysteries )hich )e do not &nderstand+ 2+ The &tility of ho#e re#resented $y 3aronDs flo)erin' and fr&itf&l rod $y )hich )e ac*&iesce in the #ro"ises of the 'oods )hich )e see not+ 8+ The s)eetness of holy charity re#resented $y GodDs co""and"ents )hich charity contains $y )hich )e ac*&iesce in the &nion of o&r s#irit )ith GodDs )hich )e scarcely #ercei!e+ For altho&'h faith ho#e and charity s#read o&t their di!ine "o!e"ents into al"ost all the fac&lties of the so&l as )ell reasona$le as sensiti!e red&cin' and holily s&$1ectin' the" to their 1&st a&thority yet their s#ecial residence their tr&e and nat&ral d)ellin' is in this s&#re"e re'ion of the so&l fro" )hence as fro" a ha##y so&rce of li!in' )ater they r&n o&t $y di!ers cond&its and $roo2s &#on the inferior #arts and fac&lties+ So that Theoti"&s in the s&#erior #art of reason there are t)o de'rees of reason+ -n the one those disco&rses are "ade )hich de#end on faith and s&#ernat&ral li'ht in the other the si"#le ac*&iescin's of faith ho#e and charity+ Saint Pa&lDs so&l fo&nd itself #ressed $y t)o different desires the one to $e deli!ered fro" his $ody so as to 'o to hea!en )ith ,es&s ?hrist the other to re"ain in this )orld to la$o&r in the con!ersion of so&lsB









$oth these desires )ere )itho&t do&$t in the s&#erior #art for they $oth #roceeded fro" charity $&t his resol&tion to follo) the latter #roceeded not fro" reasonin' $&t fro" a si"#le si'ht seein' and lo!in' his "asterDs )ill in )hich the s&#erior #oint alone of the s#irit ac*&iesced #&ttin' on one side all that reasonin' "i'ht concl&de+ 5 /&t if faith ho#e and charity $e for"ed $y this holy ac*&iescence in the #oint of the s#irit ho) can reasonin's )hich de#end on the li'ht of faith $e "ade in the inferior #art of the so&l. 3s Theoti"&s )e see that $arristers dis#&te )ith "any ar'&"ents on the acts and ri'hts of #arties to a s&it and that the hi'h #arlia"ent or senate settles all the strife $y a #ositi!e sentence tho&'h e!en after this is #rono&nced the ad!ocates and a&ditors do not 'i!e &# disco&rsin' a"on' the"sel!es the "oti!es #arlia"ent "ay ha!e hadF--e!en so after reasonin' and a$o!e all the 'race of God ha!e #ers&aded the #oint and hi'hest #art of the s#irit to ac*&iesce and "a2e the act of faith after the "anner of a sentence or 1&d'"ent the &nderstandin' does not at once cease disco&rsin' &#on that sa"e act of faith already concei!ed to consider the "oti!es and reasons thereof+ /&t al)ays the ar'&"ents of theolo'y are stated at the #leadin' #lace and $ar of the s&#erior #ortion of the so&l $&t the ac*&iescence is 'i!en a$o!e on the $ench and tri$&nal of the #oint of the s#irit+ Eo) $eca&se the 2no)led'e of these fo&r de'rees of the reason is "&ch re*&ired for &nderstandin' all treatises on s#irit&al thin's - ha!e tho&'ht )ell to eC#lain it rather f&lly+ ?53PT;> Q---+ OE T5; D-FF;>;E?; OF 6O:;S+ 25 6o!e is di!ided into t)o s#ecies )hereof one is called lo!e of $ene!olence (or 'ood)ill) the other of c&#idity (con!oitise)+ The lo!e of c&#idity is that $y )hich )e lo!e so"ethin' for the #rofit )e eC#ect fro" it+ 6o!e of $ene!olence is that $y )hich )e lo!e a thin' for its o)n 'ood+ For )hat other thin' is it to ha!e the lo!e of $ene!olence for any one than to )ish hi" 'ood+ -f he to )ho" )e )ish 'ood ha!e it already and #ossesses it then )e )ish it hi" $y the #leas&re and content"ent )hich )e ha!e to see hi" #ossessed of it and hence s#rin's the lo!e of co"#lacency )hich is si"#ly an act of the )ill $y )hich it is 1oined and &nited to the #leas&re content and 'ood of another+ /&t in case he to )ho" )e )ish 'ood ha!e not yet o$tained it )e desire it hi" and hence that lo!e is ter"ed lo!e of desire+ 0hen the lo!e of $ene!olence is eCercised )itho&t corres#ondence on the #art of the $elo!ed it is called the lo!e of si"#le $ene!olenceB $&t )hen it is #ractised )ith "&t&al corres#ondence it is called the lo!e of friendshi#+ Eo) "&t&al corres#ondence consists in three thin'sB friends "&st lo!e one another 2no) that they lo!e one another and ha!e co""&nication inti"acy and fa"iliarity )ith one another+ -f )e lo!e a friend )itho&t #referrin' hi" $efore others the friendshi# is si"#leB if )e #refer hi" then this friendshi# )ill $e called dilection as if )e said lo!e of election $eca&se )e choose this fro" a"on'st "any thin's )e lo!e and #refer it+








3'ain )hen $y this dilection )e do not "&ch #refer one friend $efore others it is called si"#le dilection $&t )hen on the contrary )e "&ch "ore estee" and 'reatly #refer one friend $efore others of his 2ind then this friendshi# is called dilection $y eCcellence+ 5 -f the estee" and #reference of o&r friend tho&'h 'reat and )itho&t e*&al do yet enter into co"#arison and #ro#ortion )ith others the friendshi# )ill $e called e"inent dilection $&t if the e"inence of it $e $eyond #ro#ortion and co"#arison a$o!e e!ery other then it is 'raced )ith the title of inco"#ara$le so!erei'n and s&#ere"inent dilection and in a )ord it )ill $e charity )hich is d&e to the one God only+ 3nd indeed in o&r lan'&a'e the )ords cher chere"ent encherir @92A re#resent a certain #artic&lar estee" #riHe or !al&e so that as a"on'st the #eo#le the )ord "an is al"ost a##ro#riated to the "ale-2ind as to the "ore eCcellent seC and the )ord adoration is al"ost eCcl&si!ely 2e#t for God as for its #ro#er o$1ect so the na"e of ?harity has $een 2e#t for the lo!e of God as for s&#re"e and so!erei'n dilection+ @92A Meanin' dear dearly to endear+ The SaintDs ar'&"ent cannot $e 'i!en in ;n'lish+ -t rests on the connection $et)een cher and charitR li2e the 6atin car&s and caritas+ (Tr+) 27 ?53PT;> Q-:+ T53T ?53>-TO M3O /; E3M;D 6O:;+ 25 Ori'in says so"e)here @98A that in his o#inion the Di!ine Scri#t&re )ishin' to hinder the )ord lo!e fro" 'i!in' occasion of e!il tho&'hts to the )ea2 as $ein' "ore #ro#er to si'nify a carnal #assion than a s#irit&al affection instead of this na"e of lo!e has &sed the )ords charity and dilection )hich are "ore honest+ /&t S+ 3&'&stine ha!in' dee#ly )ei'hed the &se of GodDs )ord clearly sho)s that the na"e lo!e is no less sacred than the )ord dilection and that the one and the other si'nify so"eti"es a holy affection and so"eti"es also a de#ra!ed #assion alle'in' to this #&r#ose different #assa'es of 5oly Scri#t&re+ /&t the 'reat S+ Denis as eCcellin' doctor of the #ro#er &se of the di!ine na"es 'oes "&ch f&rther in fa!o&r of the )ord lo!e teachin' that theolo'ians that is the 3#ostles and their first disci#les (for this saint 2ne) no other theolo'ians) to disa$&se the co""on #eo#le and $rea2 do)n their error in ta2in' the )ord lo!e in a #rofane and carnal sense "ore )illin'ly e"#loyed it in di!ine thin's than that of dilectionB and tho&'h they considered that $oth "i'ht $e &sed for the sa"e thin' yet so"e of the" )ere of o#inion that the )ord lo!e )as "ore #ro#er and s&ita$le to God than the )ord dilection+ 5ence the di!ine -'nati&s )rote these )ordsF GMy lo!e is cr&cified+G 3nd as these ancient theolo'ians "ade &se of the )ord lo!e in di!ine thin's to free it fro" the taint of i"#&rity of )hich it )as s&s#ected accordin' to the i"a'ination of the )orld so to eC#ress h&"an affections they li2ed to &se the )ord dilection as eCe"#t fro" all s&s#icion of i"#ro#riety+ 0herefore one of the" as S+ Denis re#orts saidF GThy dilection has entered into "y so&l li2e the dilection of )o"en+G @99A -n fine the )ord lo!e si'nifies "ore fer!o&r efficacy and acti!ity than that of dilection so that a"on'st the 6atins dilection is "&ch less si'nificati!e than lo!eF G?lodi&s G says their 'reat orator G$ears "e dilection and to say it "ore eCcellently he lo!es "e+G Therefore the )ord lo!e as the "ost eCcellent has 1&stly $een 'i!en to charity as to the chief and "ost e"inent of all lo!esB so that for all these







reasons and $eca&se - intend to s#ea2 of the acts of charity rather than of its ha$it ha!e entitled this little )or2 3 Treatise of the 6o!e of God+ @98A 5o"+ -+ in ?an+ 5 @99A De Di!+ Eo"+ i!+ S 12+ The reference of co&rse is to 2 4in's i+ 26+ S+ Francis is caref&l to *&ote S+ Denis )ho &sed the Se#t&a'int teCt a'a#esis+ The :&l'ate does not "ar2 the difference+ (Tr+) 17 ?53PT;> Q:+ OF T5; 3FF-E-TO T5;>; -S /;T0;;E GOD 3ED M3E+ 15 3s soon as "an thin2s )ith e!en a little attention of the di!inity he feels a certain deli'htf&l e"otion of the heart )hich testifies that God is God of the h&"an heartB and o&r &nderstandin' is ne!er so filled )ith #leas&re as in this tho&'ht of the di!inity the s"allest 2no)led'e of )hich as says the #rince of #hiloso#hers is )orth "ore than the 'reatest 2no)led'e of other thin'sB as the least $ea" of the s&n is "ore l&"ino&s than the 'reatest of the "oon or stars yea is "ore l&"ino&s than the "oon and stars to'ether+ 3nd if so"e accident terrifies o&r heart it i""ediately has reco&rse to the Di!inity #rotestin' there$y that )hen all other thin's fail hi" -t alone stands his friend and that )hen he is in #eril -t only as his so!erei'n 'ood can sa!e and sec&re hi"+ This #leas&re this confidence )hich "anDs heart nat&rally has in God can s#rin' fro" no other root than the affinity there is $et)een this di!ine 'oodness and "anDs so&l a 'reat $&t secret affinity an affinity )hich each one 2no)s $&t fe) &nderstand an affinity )hich cannot $e denied nor yet $e easily so&nded+ 0e are created to the i"a'e and li2eness of GodF--)hat does this "ean $&t that )e ha!e an eCtre"e affinity )ith his di!ine "a1esty. O&r so&l is s#irit&al indi!isi$le i""ortalB &nderstands and )ills freely is ca#a$le of 1&d'in' reasonin' 2no)in' and of ha!in' !irt&es in )hich it rese"$les God+ -t resides )hole in the )hole $ody and )hole in e!ery #art thereof as the di!inity is all in all the )orld and all in e!ery #art thereof+ Man 2no)s and lo!es hi"self $y #rod&ced and eC#ressed acts of his &nderstandin' and )ill )hich #roceedin' fro" the &nderstandin' and the )ill and distinct fro" one another yet are and re"ain inse#ara$ly &nited in the so&l and in the fac&lties fro" )hence they #roceed+ So the Son #roceeds fro" the Father as his 2no)led'e eC#ressed and the 5oly Ghost as lo!e $reathed forth and #rod&ced fro" the Father and the Son $oth the Persons $ein' distinct fro" one another and fro" the Father and yet inse#ara$le and &nited or rather one sa"e sole si"#le and entirely one indi!isi$le di!inity+ /&t $esides this affinity of li2enesses there is an inco"#ara$le corres#ondence $et)een God and "an for their reci#rocal #erfectionF not that God can recei!e any #erfection fro" "an $&t $eca&se as "an cannot $e #erfected $&t $y the di!ine 'oodness so the di!ine 'oodness can scarcely so )ell eCercise its #erfection o&tside itself as &#on o&r h&"anityF the one has 'reat )ant and ca#acity to recei!e 'ood the other 'reat a$&ndance and inclination to $esto) it+ Eothin' is so a'reea$le to #o!erty as a li$eral








a$&ndance nor to a li$eral a$&ndance as a needy #o!erty and $y ho) "&ch the 'ood is "ore a$&ndant $y so "&ch "ore stron' is the inclination to #o&r forth and co""&nicate itself+ /y ho) "&ch "ore the #oor "an is in )ant so "&ch the "ore ea'er is he to recei!e as a !oid is to fill itself+ The "eetin' then of a$&ndance and indi'ence is "ost s)eet and a'reea$le and one co&ld scarcely ha!e said )hether the a$o&ndin' 'ood ha!e a 'reater content"ent in s#readin' and co""&nicatin' itself or the failin' and needy 'ood in recei!in' and in dra)in' to itself &ntil O&r Sa!io&r had told &s that it is "ore $lessed to 'i!e than to recei!e+ @95A Eo) )here there is "ore $lessedness there is "ore satisfaction and therefore the di!ine 'oodness recei!es 'reater #leas&re in 'i!in' than )e in recei!in'+ MothersD $reasts are so"eti"es so f&ll that they "&st offer the" to so"e child and tho&'h the child ta2es the $reast )ith 'reat a!idity the n&rse offers it still "ore ea'erly the child #ressed $y its necessity and the "other $y her a$&ndance+

15 The sacred s#o&se )ished for the holy 2iss of &nionF O said she let hi" 2iss "e )ith the 2iss of his "o&th+ @96A /&t is there affinity eno&'h O )ell-$elo!ed s#o&se of the )ell-$elo!ed $et)een thee and thy lo!in' one to $rin' to the &nion )hich tho& desirest. Oes says sheF 'i!e "e itB this 2iss of &nion O tho& dear lo!e of "y heartF for thy $reasts are $etter than )ine s"ellin' s)eet of the $est oint"ent+ Ee) )ine )or2s and $oils in itself $y !irt&e of its 'oodness and cannot $e contained )ithin the cas2sB $&t thy $reasts are yet $etter they #ress thee "ore stron'ly and to dra) the children of thy heart to the" they s#read a #erf&"e attracti!e $eyond all the scent of oint"ents+ Th&s Theoti"&s o&r e"#tiness has need of the di!ine a$&ndance $y reason of its )ant and necessity $&t GodDs a$&ndance has no need of o&r #o!erty $&t $y reason of the eCcellency of his #erfection and 'oodnessB a 'oodness )hich is not at all $ettered $y co""&nication for it ac*&ires nothin' in #o&rin' itself o&t of itself on the contrary it 'i!esF $&t o&r #o!erty )o&ld re"ain )antin' and "isera$le if it )ere not enriched $y the di!ine a$&ndance+ O&r so&l then seein' that nothin' can #erfectly content her and that nothin' the )orld can afford is a$le to fill her ca#acity considerin' that her &nderstandin' has an infinite inclination e!er to 2no) "ore and her )ill an insatia$le a##etite to lo!e and find the 'oodB--has she not reason to cry o&tF 3h( - a" not then "ade for this )orld there is a so!erei'n 'ood on )hich - de#end so"e infinite )or2"an )ho has #laced in "e this endless desire of 2no)in' and this a##etite )hich cannot $e a##eased( 3nd therefore "&st tend and eCtend to)ards 5i" to &nite and 1oin "yself to the 'oodness of 5i" to )ho" - $elon' and )hose - a"( S&ch is the affinity $et)een God and "anDs so&l+ @95A 3cts CC+ 85+ @96A ?ant+ i+ 1+ ?53PT;> Q:-+ 95 T53T 0; 53:; 3 E3T=>36 -E?6-E3T-OE TO 6O:; GOD 3/O:; 366 T5-EGS+









-f there co&ld $e fo&nd any "en )ho )ere in the inte'rity of ori'inal 1&stice in )hich 3da" )as created tho&'h other)ise not hel#ed $y another assistance fro" God than that )hich he affords to each creat&re in order that it "ay $e a$le to do the actions $efittin' its nat&re s&ch "en )o&ld not only ha!e an inclination to lo!e God a$o!e all thin's $&t e!en nat&rally )o&ld $e a$le to #&t into eCec&tion so 1&st an inclination+ For as this hea!enly a&thor and "aster of nat&re co-o#erates )ith and lends his stron' hand to fire to s#rin' on hi'h to )ater to flo) to)ards the sea to earth to sin2 do)n to its centre and stay there--so ha!in' hi"self #lanted in "anDs heart a s#ecial nat&ral inclination not only to lo!e 'ood in 'eneral $&t to lo!e in #artic&lar and a$o!e all thin's his di!ine 'oodness )hich is $etter and s)eeter than all thin's--the s)eetness of his so!erei'n #ro!idence re*&ired that he sho&ld contri$&te to these $lessed "en of )ho" )e s#ea2 as "&ch hel# as sho&ld $e necessary to #ractise and effect&ate that inclination+ This hel# )o&ld $e on the one hand nat&ral as $ein' s&ita$le to nat&re and tendin' to the lo!e of God as a&thor and so!erei'n "aster of nat&re and on the other hand it )o&ld $e s&#ernat&ral $eca&se it )o&ld corres#ond not )ith the si"#le nat&re of "an $&t )ith nat&re adorned enriched and hono&red $y ori'inal 1&stice )hich is a s&#ernat&ral *&ality #roceedin' fro" a "ost s#ecial fa!o&r of God+ /&t as to the lo!e a$o!e all thin's )hich s&ch hel# )o&ld ena$le these "en to #ractise it )o&ld $e called nat&ral $eca&se !irt&o&s actions ta2e their na"es fro" their o$1ects and "oti!es and this lo!e of )hich )e s#ea2 )o&ld only tend to God as ac2no)led'ed to $e a&thor lord and so!erei'n of e!ery creat&re $y nat&ral li'ht only and conse*&ently to $e a"ia$le and esti"a$le a$o!e all thin's $y nat&ral inclination and tendency+ 3nd altho&'h no) o&r h&"an nat&re $e not endo)ed )ith that ori'inal so&ndness and ri'hteo&sness )hich the first "an had in his creation $&t on the contrary $e 'reatly de#ra!ed $y sin yet still the holy inclination to lo!e God a$o!e all thin's stays )ith &s as also the nat&ral li'ht $y )hich )e see his so!erei'n 'oodness to $e "ore )orthy of lo!e than all thin'sB and it is i"#ossi$le that one thin2in' attenti!ely &#on God yea e!en $y nat&ral reasonin' only sho&ld not feel a certain "o!e"ent of lo!e )hich the secret inclination of o&r nat&re eCcites in the $otto" of o&r hearts $y )hich at the first a##rehension of this chief and so!erei'n o$1ect the )ill is ta2en and #ercei!es itself stirred &# to a co"#lacency in it+ -t ha##ens often a"on'st #artrid'es that one steals a)ay anotherDs e''s )ith intention to sit on the" )hether "o!ed $y 'reediness to $eco"e a "other or $y a st&#idity )hich "a2es the" "ista2e their o)n and $ehold a stran'e thin' yet )ell s&##orted $y testi"ony(--the yo&n' one )hich )as hatched and no&rished &nder the )in's of a stran'er #artrid'e at the first call of the tr&e "other )ho had laid the e'' )hence she )as hatched *&its the thief-#artrid'e 'oes $ac2 to the first "other and #&ts herself in her $rood fro" the corres#ondence )hich she has )ith her first ori'in+ Oet this corres#ondence a##eared not $&t re"ained secret sh&t &# and as it )ere slee#in' in the $otto" of nat&re till it "et )ith its o$1ectB )hen s&ddenly eCcited and in a sort a)a2ened it #rod&ces its effect and t&rns the yo&n' #artrid'eDs inclination to its first d&ty+ -t is the sa"e Theoti"&s )ith o&r heart )hich tho&'h it $e for"ed no&rished and $red a"on'st cor#oral $ase and transitory thin's and in a "anner &nder the )in's of nat&re not)ithstandin' at the first loo2 it thro)s on God at its first 2no)led'e of hi" the nat&ral and first inclination to lo!e God )hich )as d&ll and i"#erce#ti$le a)a2es in an instant and s&ddenly a##ears as a s#ar2 fro" a"on'st the ashes )hich






to&chin' o&r )ill 'i!es it a "o!e"ent of the s&#re"e lo!e d&e to the so!erei'n and first #rinci#le of all thin's+ ?53PT;> Q:--+ 5 T53T 0; 53:; EOT E3T=>366O T5; PO0;> TO 6O:; GOD 3/O:; 366 T5-EGS+ 17 ;a'les ha!e a 'reat heart and "&ch stren'th of fli'ht yet they ha!e inco"#ara$ly "ore si'ht than fli'ht and eCtend their !ision "&ch *&ic2er and f&rther than their )in's+ So o&r so&ls ani"ated )ith a holy nat&ral inclination to)ards the di!inity ha!e far "ore li'ht in the &nderstandin' to see ho) lo!a$le it is than force in the )ill to lo!e it+ Sin has "&ch "ore )ea2ened "anDs )ill than dar2ened his intellect and the re$ellion of the sens&al a##etite )hich )e call conc&#iscence does indeed dist&r$ the &nderstandin' $&t still it is a'ainst the )ill that it #rinci#ally stirs &# sedition and re!oltF so that the #oor )ill already *&ite infir" $ein' sha2en )ith the contin&al assa&lts )hich conc&#iscence directs a'ainst it cannot "a2e so 'reat #ro'ress in di!ine lo!e as reason and nat&ral inclination s&''est to it that it sho&ld do+ 3las( Theoti"&s )hat fine testi"onies not only of a 'reat 2no)led'e of God $&t also of a stron' inclination to)ards hi" ha!e $een left $y those 'reat #hiloso#hers Socrates Plato Tris"e'ist&s 3ristotle 5i##ocrates Seneca ;#ictet&s. Socrates the "ost hi'hly #raised a"on'st the" ca"e to the clear 2no)led'e of the &nity of God and felt in hi"self s&ch an inclination to lo!e hi" that as S+ 3&'&stine testifies "any )ere of o#inion that he ne!er had any other ai" in teachin' "oral #hiloso#hy than to #&rify "inds that they "i'ht $etter conte"#late the so!erei'n 'ood )hich is the si"#le &nity of the Di!inity+ 3nd as for Plato he s&fficiently declares hi"self in his definition of #hiloso#hy and of a #hiloso#herB sayin' that to do the #art of a #hiloso#her is nothin' else $&t to lo!e God and that a #hiloso#her is no other thin' than a lo!er of God+ 0hat shall - say of the 'reat 3ristotle )ho so efficacio&sly #ro!es the &nity of God and has s#o2en so hono&ra$ly of it in so "any #laces. /&t O eternal God( those 'reat s#irits )hich had so 'reat an inclination to lo!e it )ere all )antin' in force and co&ra'e to lo!e it )ell+ /y !isi$le creat&res they ha!e 2no)n the in!isi$le thin's of God yea e!en his eternal #o)er also and di!inity says the 3#ostle so that they are ineCc&sa$le+ /eca&se that )hen they 2ne) God they ha!e not 'lorified hi" as God or 'i!en than2s+ @97A They 'lorified hi" indeed in so"e sort attri$&tin' to hi" so!erei'n titles of hono&r yet they did not 'lorify hi" as they o&'ht that is they did not 'lorify hi" a$o!e all thin'sB not ha!in' the co&ra'e to destroy idolatry $&t co""&nicatin' )ith idolators detainin' the tr&th )hich they 2ne) in in1&stice #risoner in their hearts and #referrin' the hono&r and !ain re#ose of their li!es $efore the hono&r d&e &nto God they 're) !ain in their 2no)led'e+ -s it not a 'reat #ity Theoti"&s to see Socrates as Plato re#orts s#ea2 &#on his death$ed concernin' the 'ods as tho&'h there had $een "any he 2no)in' so )ell that there )as $&t one only. -s it not a thin' to $e de#lored that Plato )ho &nderstood so clearly the tr&th of the di!ine &nity sho&ld ordain that sacrifice sho&ld $e offered to "any 'ods. 3nd is it not a la"enta$le thin' that Merc&ry Tris"e'ist&s sho&ld so $asely









la"ent and 'rie!e o!er the a$olition of idolatry )ho on so "any occasions had s#o2en so )orthily of the di!inity. /&t a$o!e all - )onder at the #oor 'ood "an ;#ictet&s )hose )ords and sentences are so s)eet in o&r ton'&e in the translation )hich the learned and a'reea$le #en of the >+ F+ D+ ,ohn of S+ Francis Pro!incial of the ?on're'ation of the Fe&illants in the Ga&ls has recently #&t $efore &s+ For )hat a #ity it is - #ray yo& to see this eCcellent #hiloso#her s#ea2 of God so"eti"es )ith s&ch relish feelin' and Heal that one )o&ld ha!e ta2en hi" for a ?hristian co"in' fro" so"e holy and #rofo&nd "editation and yet a'ain fro" ti"e to ti"e tal2in' of 'ods after the Pa'an "anner( 3las( this 'ood "an )ho 2ne) so )ell the &nity of God and had so "&ch deli'ht in his 'oodness )hy had he not the holy 1ealo&sy of the di!ine hono&r so as not to st&"$le or disse"$le in a "atter of so 'reat conse*&ence. -n a )ord Theoti"&s o&r )retched nat&re s#oilt $y sin is li2e #al"-trees in this land of o&rs )hich indeed "a2e so"e i"#erfect #rod&ctions and as it )ere eC#eri"ents of fr&its $&t to $ear entire ri#e and seasoned dates--that is reser!ed for hotter cli"ates+ For so o&r h&"an heart nat&rally #rod&ces certain $e'innin's of GodDs lo!e $&t to #roceed so far as to lo!e hi" a$o!e all thin's )hich is the tr&e ri#eness of the lo!e d&e &nto this s&#re"e 'oodness --this $elon's only to hearts ani"ated and assisted )ith hea!enly 'race and )hich are in the state of holy charity+ This little i"#erfect lo!e of )hich nat&re $y itself feels the stirrin's is $&t a )ill )itho&t )ill a )ill that )o&ld $&t )ills not a sterile )ill )hich does not #rod&ce tr&e effects a )ill sic2 of the #alsy )hich sees the healthf&l #ond of holy lo!e $&t has not the stren'th to thro) itself into it+ To concl&de this )ill is an a$ortion of 'ood )ill )hich has not the life of 'enero&s stren'th necessary to effect&ally #refer God $efore all thin's+ 0here&#on the 3#ostle s#ea2in' in the #erson of the sinner cries o&tF To )ill 'ood is #resent )ith "e $&t to acco"#lish that )hich is 'ood - find not+ @9IA @97A >o"+ i+ 27+





@9IA >o"+ !ii+ 1I+ ?53PT;> Q:---+


T53T T5; E3T=>36 -E?6-E3T-OE 05-?5 0; 53:; TO 6O:; GOD -S EOT =S;6;SS+ /&t seein' )e ha!e not #o)er nat&rally to lo!e God a$o!e all thin's )hy ha!e )e nat&rally an inclination to it. -s not nat&re !ain to incite &s to a lo!e )hich she cannot $esto) &#on &s. 0hy does she 'i!e &s a thirst for a #recio&s )ater of )hich she cannot 'i!e &s to drin2. 3h( Theoti"&s ho) 'ood God has $een to &s( The #erfidy )hich )e co""itted in offendin' hi" deser!ed tr&ly that he sho&ld ha!e de#ri!ed &s of all the "ar2s of his $ene!olence and of the fa!o&r )hich he dei'ned to o&r nat&re )hen he i"#rinted &#on it the li'ht of his di!ine co&ntenance and 'a!e to o&r hearts the 1oyf&lness of feelin' the"sel!es inclined to the lo!e of the di!ine 'oodnessF so that the an'els seein' this "isera$le "an )o&ld ha!e had occasion to say in #ityF -s this the creat&re of #erfect $ea&ty the 1oy of all the earth. @9KA




/&t this infinite cle"ency co&ld ne!er $e so ri'oro&s to the )or2 of his handsB he sa) that )e )ere clothed )ith flesh a )ind )hich 'oeth and ret&rneth not @57A and therefore accordin' to the $o)els of his "ercy he )o&ld not &tterly r&in &s nor de#ri!e &s of the si'n of his lost 'race in order that seein' this and feelin' in o&rsel!es this alliance and this inclination to lo!e hi" )e sho&ld stri!e to do so that no one "i'ht 1&stly sayF 0ho sho)eth &s 'ood thin's. @51A For tho&'h $y this sole nat&ral inclination )e cannot $e so ha##y as to lo!e God as )e o&'ht yet if )e e"#loyed it faithf&lly the s)eetness of the di!ine #iety )o&ld afford &s so"e assistance $y "eans of )hich )e "i'ht "a2e #ro'ress and if )e second this first assistance the #aternal 'oodness of God )o&ld $esto) &#on &s another 'reater and cond&ct &s fro" 'ood to $etter in all s)eetness till he $ro&'ht &s to the so!erei'n lo!e to )hich o&r nat&ral inclination i"#els &sF since it is certain that to hi" )ho is faithf&l in a little and )ho does )hat is in his #o)er the di!ine $eni'nity ne!er denies its assistance to ad!ance hi" "ore and "ore+ This nat&ral inclination then )hich )e ha!e to lo!e God a$o!e all thin's is not left for nothin' in o&r heartsF for on GodDs #art it is a handle $y )hich he can hold &s and dra) &s to hi"selfB--and the di!ine 'oodness see"s in so"e sort $y this i"#ression to 2ee# o&r hearts tied as little $irds in a strin' $y )hich he can dra) &s )hen it #leases his "ercy to ta2e #ity &#on &s--and on o&r #art it is a "ar2 and "e"orial of o&r first #rinci#le and ?reator to )hose lo!e it "o!es &s 'i!in' &s a secret inti"ation that )e $elon' to his di!ine 'oodnessB e!en as harts &#on )ho" #rinces ha!e had collars #&t )ith their ar"s tho&'h after)ards they ca&se the" to $e let loose and r&n at li$erty in the forest do not fail to $e reco'niHed $y any one )ho "eets the" not only as ha!in' $een once ta2en $y the #rince )hose ar"s they $ear $&t also as $ein' still reser!ed for hi"+ 3nd in this )ay )as 2no)n the eCtre"e old a'e of a hart )hich accordin' to so"e historians )as ta2en three h&ndred years after the death of ?PsarB $eca&se there )as fo&nd on hi" a collar )ith ?PsarDs de!ice &#on it and these )ordsF ?Psar let "e 'o+ -n tr&th the hono&ra$le inclination )hich God has left in o&r hearts testifies as )ell to o&r friends as to o&r ene"ies that )e did not only so"eti"e $elon' to o&r ?reator $&t f&rther"ore tho&'h he has left &s and let &s 'o at the "ercy of o&r free )ill that )e still a##ertain to hi" and that he has reser!ed the ri'ht of ta2in' &s a'ain to hi"self to sa!e &s accordin' as his holy and s)eet #ro!idence shall re*&ire+ 5ence the royal #ro#het ter"s this inclination not only a li'ht in that it "a2es &s see )hither )e are to tend $&t also a 1oy and 'ladness @52A for it co"forts &s )hen )e stray 'i!in' &s a ho#e that he )ho en'ra!ed and left in &s this clear "ar2 of o&r ori'in intends also and desires to red&ce and $rin' &s $ac2 thither if )e $e so ha##y as to let o&rsel!es $e reta2en $y his di!ine 'oodness+ @9KA 6a"+ ii+ 15+ @57A Ps+ lCC!ii+ 8K+ @51A Ps+ i!+ 6+







95 @52A -$id+ 7+ T5; S;?OED /OO4+

T5; 5-STO>O OF T5; G;E;>3T-OE 3ED 5;3:;E6O /->T5 OF D-:-E; 6O:;+ 5 ?53PT;> -+ T53T T5; D-:-E; P;>F;?T-OES 3>; OE6O 3 S-EG6; /=T -EF-E-T; P;>F;?T-OE+ 17 0hen the s&n rises red and soon after loo2s $lac2 or hollo) and s&n2B or a'ain )hen it sets )an #ale and d&ll )e say it is a si'n of rain+ Theoti"&s the s&n is not red nor $lac2 nor 'rey nor 'reenF that 'reat l&"inary is not s&$1ect to these !icissit&des and chan'es of colo&r ha!in' for its sole colo&r its "ost clear and #er#et&al li'ht )hich &nless $y "iracle is in!aria$le+ /&t )e &se this "anner of s#ea2in' $eca&se it see"s s&ch to &s accordin' to the !ariety of !a#o&rs inter#osed $et)een hi" and o&r eyes )hich "a2e hi" a##ear in different )ays+ -n li2e "anner )e disco&rse of God not so "&ch accordin' to )hat he is in hi"self as accordin' to his )or2s $y "eans of )hich )e conte"#late hi"B for accordin' to o&r !ario&s considerations )e na"e hi" !ario&sly e!en as tho&'h he had a 'reat "&ltit&de of different eCcellences and #erfections+ -f )e re'ard hi" inas"&ch as he #&nishes the )ic2ed )e ter" hi" 1&stB if as he deli!ers sinners fro" their "isery )e #roclai" hi" "ercif&lB since he has created all thin's and done "any )onders )e na"e hi" o"ni#otentB as eCactly f&lfillin' his #ro"ises )e call hi" tr&eB as ran'in' all thin's in so 'oodly an order )e call hi" "ost )iseB and th&s contin&in' and follo)in' the !ariety of his )or2s )e attri$&te &nto hi" a 'reat di!ersity of #erfections+ /&t all the ti"e in God there is neither !ariety nor any difference )hate!er of #erfections+ 5e is hi"self one "ost sole "ost si"#le and "ost indi!isi$le &ni*&e #erfectionF for all that is in hi" is $&t hi"self and all the eCcellences )hich )e say are in hi" in so 'reat di!ersity are really there in a "ost si"#le and #&re &nity+ 3nd as the s&n has none of the colo&rs )hich )e ascri$e &nto it $&t one sole "ost clear li'ht s&r#assin' all colo&r and 'i!in' colo&r to all colo&rs --so in God there is not one of those #erfections )hich )e i"a'ine $&t an only "ost #&re eCcellence )hich is a$o!e all #erfection and 'i!es #erfection to all that is #erfect+ Eo) to assi'n a #erfect na"e to this s&#re"e eCcellence )hich in its "ost sin'&lar &nity co"#rehends yea s&r"o&nts all eCcellence is not )ithin the reach of the creat&re )hether h&"an or an'elicB for as is said in the 3#ocaly#seF O&r 6ord has a na"e )hich no "an 2no)eth $&t hi"selfF @58A $eca&se as he only #erfectly 2no)s his o)n infinite #erfection he also alone can eC#ress it $y a s&ita$le na"e+ 0hence the ancients ha!e said that no one $&t God is a tr&e theolo'ian as none $&t he can reach the f&ll 2no)led'e of the infinite 'reatness of the di!ine #erfection nor conse*&ently re#resent it in )ords+ 3nd for this ca&se God ans)erin' $y the an'el Sa"sonDs father )ho de"anded his na"e saidF 0hy as2eth tho& "y na"e )hich is )onderf&l. @59A 3s tho&'h he had saidF My na"e "ay $e ad"ired $&t ne!er #rono&nced $y creat&resB it "&st $e adored $&t cannot $e co"#rehended sa!e $y "e )ho alone can #rono&nce the #ro#er na"e $y )hich tr&ly and to the life eC#ress "y eCcellence+ O&r tho&'hts are too fee$le to for" a conce#tion )hich sho&ld re#resent an eCcellence so i""ense )hich co"#rehends in its "ost si"#le and "ost sole #erfection distinctly and #erfectly all other #erfections in a "anner infinitely








eCcellent and e"inent to )hich o&r tho&'hts cannot raise the"sel!es+ 0e are forced then in order to s#ea2 in so"e )ay of God to &se a 'reat n&"$er of na"es sayin' that he is 'ood )ise o"ni#otent tr&e 1&st holy infinite i""ortal in!isi$leB--and certainly )e s#ea2 tr&lyB God is all this to'ether $eca&se he is "ore than all this that is to say he is all this in so #&re so eCcellent and so eCalted a )ay that in one "ost si"#le #erfection he contains the !irt&e !i'o&r and eCcellence of all #erfection+ -n the sa"e )ay the "anna )as one "eat )hich containin' in itself the taste and !irt&e of all other "eats "i'ht ha!e $een said to ha!e the taste of the le"on the "elon the 'ra#e the #l&" and the #ear+ Oet one "i'ht ha!e said )ith still 'reater tr&th that it had not all these tastes $&t one only )hich )as its o)n #ro#er one $&t )hich contained in its &nity all that )as a'reea$le and desira$le in all the di!ersity of other tastesF li2e the her$ dodecatheos )hich says Pliny )hile c&rin' all diseases is nor rh&$ar$ nor senna nor rose nor clo!e nor $&'loss $&t one si"#le )hich in its o)n #ro#er si"#licity contains as "&ch !irt&e as all other "edica"ents to'ether+ O a$yss of the di!ine #erfections( 5o) ad"ira$le art tho& to #ossess in one only #erfection the eCcellence of all #erfection in so eCcellent a "anner that none can co"#rehend it $&t thyself( 0e shall say "&ch says the Scri#t&re and yet shall )ant )ordsF $&t the s&" of o&r )ords isF 5e is all+ 0hat shall )e $e a$le to do to 'lorify hi" for the 3l"i'hty hi"self is a$o!e all his )or2s. The 6ord is terri$le and eCceedin' 'reat and his #o)er is ad"ira$le+ Glorify the 6ord as "&ch as e!er yo& can for he )ill yet far eCceed and his "a'nificence is )onderf&l+ /lessin' the 6ord eCalt hi" as "&ch as yo& canF for he is a$o!e all #raise+ 0hen yo& eCalt hi" #&t forth all yo&r stren'th and $e not )earyF for yo& can ne!er 'o far eno&'h+ @55A Eo Theoti"&s )e can ne!er co"#rehend hi" since as St+ ,ohn says he is 'reater than o&r heart+ @56A Ee!ertheless let e!ery s#irit #raise the 6ord callin' hi" $y all the "ost e"inent na"es )hich "ay $e fo&nd and for the 'reatest #raise )e can render &nto hi" let &s confess that ne!er can he $e s&fficiently #raisedB and for the "ost eCcellent na"e )e can attri$&te &nto hi" let &s #rotest that his na"e s&r#asses all na"es nor can )e )orthily na"e hi"+ @58A 3#oc+ CiC+ 12+







@59A ,&d'es Ciii+ 1I+ @55A ;ccl&s+ Cliii+ 2K @56A 1 ,ohn iii+ 27+

97 ?53PT;> --+ T53T -E GOD T5;>; -S /=T OE; OE6O 3?T 05-?5 -S 5-S O0E D-:-E-TO+ 95 There is in &s 'reat di!ersity of fac&lties and ha$its )hich #rod&ce also a 'reat !ariety of actions and those actions an inco"#ara$le "&ltit&de of )or2s+ Th&s differ the fac&lties of hearin' seein' tastin' to&chin' "o!in' feedin' &nderstandin' )illin'B and the ha$its of s#ea2in' )al2in' #layin' sin'in' se)in' lea#in' s)i""in'F as

also the actions and )or2s )hich iss&e fro" these fac&lties and ha$its are 'reatly different+ 5 /&t it is not the sa"e in GodB for in hi" there is one only "ost si"#le infinite #erfection and in that #erfection one only "ost sole and "ost #&re actF yea to s#ea2 "ore holily and sa'ely God is one &ni*&e and "ost &ni*&ely so!erei'n #erfection and this #erfection is one sole "ost #&rely si"#le and "ost si"#ly #&re act )hich $ein' no other thin' than the #ro#er di!ine essence is conse*&ently e!er #er"anent and eternal+ Ee!ertheless #oor creat&res that )e are )e tal2 of GodDs actions as tho&'h daily done in 'reat n&"$er and !ariety tho&'h )e 2no) the contrary+ /&t o&r )ea2ness Theoti"&s forces &s to thisB for o&r s#eech can $&t follo) o&r &nderstandin' and o&r &nderstandin' the c&sto"ary order of thin's )ith &s+ Eo) as in nat&ral thin's there is hardly any di!ersity of )or2s )itho&t di!ersity of actions )hen )e $ehold so "any different )or2s s&ch 'reat !ariety of #rod&ctions and the inn&"era$le "&ltit&de of the effects of the di!ine "i'ht it see"s to &s at first that this di!ersity is ca&sed $y as "any acts as )e see different effects and )e s#ea2 of the" in the sa"e )ay in order to s#ea2 "ore at o&r ease accordin' to o&r ordinary #ractice and o&r c&sto"ary )ay of &nderstandin' thin's+ 3nd indeed )e do not in this !iolate tr&th for tho&'h in God there is no "&ltit&de of actions $&t one sole act )hich is the di!inity itself yet this act is so #erfect that it co"#rehends $y eCcellence the force and !irt&e of all the acts )hich )o&ld see" re*&isite to the #rod&ction of all the different effects )e see+ God s#o2e $&t one )ord and in !irt&e of that in a "o"ent )ere "ade the s&n "oon and that inn&"era$le "&ltit&de of stars )ith their differences in $ri'htness "otion and infl&ence+ 5e s#o2e and they )ere "ade+ @57A 3 sin'le )ord of GodDs filled the air )ith $irds and the sea )ith fishes "ade s#rin' fro" the earth all the #lants and all the $easts )e see+ For altho&'h the sacred historian acco""odatin' hi"self to o&r fashion of &nderstandin' reco&nts that God often re#eated that o"ni#otent )ordF 6et there $eF accordin' to the days of the )orldDs creation ne!ertheless #ro#erly s#ea2in' this )ord )as sin'&larly oneB so that Da!id ter"s it a $reathin' or s#irit of the di!ine "o&thB @5IA that is one sin'le act of his infinite )ill )hich so #o)erf&lly s#reads its !irt&e o!er the !ariety of created thin's that it "a2es &s concei!e this act as if it )ere "&lti#lied and di!ersified into as "any differences as there are in these effects tho&'h in reality it is "ost si"#ly and sin'&larly one+ Th&s S+ ?hrysosto" re"ar2s that )hat Moses said in "any )ords descri$in' the creation of the )orld the 'lorio&s S+ ,ohn eC#ressed in a sin'le )ord sayin' that $y the )ord that is $y that eternal )ord )ho is the Son of God all thin's )ere "ade+ @5KA This )ord then Theoti"&s )hilst "ost si"#le and "ost sin'le #rod&ces all the distinction of thin'sB $ein' in!aria$le #rod&ces all fit chan'es and in fine $ein' #er"anent in his eternity 'i!es s&ccession !icissit&de order ran2 and season to all thin's+ 6et &s i"a'ine - #ray yo& on the one hand a #ainter "a2in' a #ict&re of O&r Sa!io&rDs $irth (and - )rite this in the days dedicated to this holy "ystery)+ Do&$tless he )ill 'i!e a tho&sand and a tho&sand to&ches )ith his $r&sh and )ill ta2e not only days $&t )ee2s and "onths to #erfect this #ict&re accordin' to the !ariety of #ersons and other thin's he )ants to re#resent in it+ /&t on the other hand let &s loo2 at a #rinter of












#ict&res )ho ha!in' s#read his sheet &#on the #late )hich has the sa"e "ystery of the Eati!ity c&t in it 'i!es $&t a sin'le stro2e of the #ressF in this one stro2e Theoti"&s he )ill do all his )or2 and instantly he )ill dra) off a #ict&re re#resentin' in a fine en'ra!in' all that has $een i"a'ined as sacred history records it+ Eo) tho&'h )ith one "o!e"ent he #erfor"ed the )or2 yet it contains a 'reat n&"$er of #ersona'es and other different thin's each one )ell distin'&ished in its order ran2 #lace distance and #ro#ortionF so that one not ac*&ainted )ith the secret )o&ld $e astonished to see #roceed fro" one act so 'reat a !ariety of effects+ -n the sa"e )ay Theoti"&s nat&re as a #ainter "&lti#lies and di!ersifies her acts accordin' as the )or2s she has in hand are !ario&s and it ta2es her a 'reat ti"e to finish 'reat effects $&t God li2e the #rinter has 'i!en $ein' to all the di!ersity of creat&res )hich ha!e $een are or shall $e $y one only stro2e of his o"ni#otent )ill+ 5e dra)s fro" his idea as fro" a )ell c&t #late this ad"ira$le difference of #ersons and of thin's )hich s&cceed one another in seasons in a'es and in ti"es each one in its order as they )ere to $e+ For this so!erei'n &nity of the di!ine act is o##osed to conf&sion and disorder and not to distinction and !arietyB these on the contrary it #&r#osely &ses to "a2e $ea&ty fro" the" $y red&cin' all differences and di!ersities to #ro#ortion #ro#ortion to order and order to the &nity of the )orld )hich co"#rises all thin's created !isi$le and in!isi$le+ 3ll these to'ether are called the &ni!erse #erha#s $eca&se all their di!ersity is red&ced to &nity as tho&'h one said G&nidi!erse G that is one and di!erse one )ith di!ersity and di!erse )ith &nity+ To s&" &# the so!erei'n di!ine &nity di!ersifies all and his #er"anent eternity 'i!es chan'e to all thin's $eca&se the #erfection of this &nity $ein' a$o!e all difference and !ariety it has )here)ith to f&rnish all the di!ersities of created #erfections )ith their $ein's and contains a !irt&e to #rod&ce the"B in si'n of )hich the Scri#t&re ha!in' told &s that God in the $e'innin' saidF 6et there $e li'hts "ade in the fir"a"ent of hea!en to di!ide the day and the ni'ht and let the" $e for si'ns and for seasons and for days and years @67A --)e see e!en to this day a #er#et&al re!ol&tion and s&ccession of ti"es and seasons )hich shall contin&e till the end of the )orld+ So )e learn that as he s#o2e and they )ere "ade so the sin'le eternal )ill of his di!ine Ma1esty eCtends its force fro" a'e to a'e yea to a'es of a'es to all that has $een is or shall $e eternallyB and nothin' at all has eCistence sa!e $y this sole "ost sin'&lar "ost si"#le and "ost eternal di!ine act to )hich $e hono&r and 'lory+ 3"en+ @57A Ps+ cCl!iii+ 5+ @5IA Ps+ CCCii+ 6+ @5KA 1 ,ohn i+ 8+




97 @67A Gen+ i+ 19+ ?53PT;> ---+ 95 OF T5; D-:-E; P>O:-D;E?; -E G;E;>36+ God then Theoti"&s needs not "any acts $eca&se one only di!ine act of his all#o)erf&l )ill $y reason of its infinite #erfection is s&fficient to #rod&ce all the !ariety

of his )or2s+ /&t )e "ortals "&st treat the" after the "ethod and "anner of &nderstandin' )hich o&r s"all "inds can attain toB accordin' to )hich to s#ea2 of di!ine #ro!idence let &s consider - #ray yo& the rei'n of the 'reat Solo"on as a #erfect "odel of the art of 'ood 'o!ern"ent+ 5 This 'reat 2in' then 2no)in' $y di!ine ins#iration that the co""on)ealth is to reli'ion as the $ody to the so&l and reli'ion to the co""on)ealth as the so&l to the $ody dis#osed )ith hi"self all the #arts re*&isite as )ell for the esta$lish"ent of reli'ion as of the co""on)ealth+ 3s to reli'ion he deter"ined that a te"#le "&st $e erected of s&ch and s&ch len'th $readth and hei'ht so "any #orches and co&rts so "any )indo)s and th&s of all the rest )hich $elon'ed to the te"#leB then so "any sacrificers so "any sin'ers and other officers of the te"#le+ 3nd as for the co""on)ealth he deter"ined to "a2e a royal #alace and co&rt for his "a1esty and in this so "any ste)ards so "any 'entle"en and other co&rtiersB and for the #eo#le 1&d'es and other "a'istrates )ho )ere to eCec&te 1&stice f&rther for the ass&rance of the 2in'do" and sec&rin' of the #&$lic #eace )hich it en1oyed he arran'ed to ha!e in ti"e of #eace a #o)erf&l #re#aration for )ar and to this effect t)o h&ndred and fifty co""anders in !ario&s char'es forty tho&sand horses and all that 'reat e*&i#a'e )hich the Scri#t&re and historians record+ Eo) ha!in' dis#osed and arran'ed in his "ind all the #rinci#al thin's re*&isite for his 2in'do" he ca"e to the act of #ro!idin' the" and tho&'ht o&t all that )as necessary to constr&ct the te"#le to "aintain the sacred officers the royal "inisters and "a'istrates and the soldiers )ho" he intended to a##oint and resol!ed to send to 5ira" for fit ti"$er to $e'in co""erce )ith Per& @61A and O#hir and to ta2e all con!enient "eans to #roc&re all thin's re*&isite for the f&lfil"ent and s&ccess of his &nderta2in'+ Eeither stayed he there Theoti"&s for ha!in' "ade his #ro1ect and deli$erated )ith hi"self a$o&t the #ro#er "eans to acco"#lish it co"in' to the #ractice he act&ally created officers as he had dis#osed and $y a 'ood 'o!ern"ent ca&sed #ro!ision to $e "ade of all thin's re*&isite to carry o&t and to acco"#lish their char'es+ So that ha!in' the 2no)led'e of the art of rei'nin' )ell he #&t it into #ractice eCec&ted that dis#osition )hich he had "ade in his "ind for the creation of officers of e!ery sort and #ro!ided in effect )hat he had seen it necessary to #ro!ideB and so his art of 'o!ern"ent )hich consisted in dis#osition and in #ro!idence or foresi'ht )as #&t into #ractice $y the creation of officers and $y act&al 'o!ern"ent and 'ood "ana'e"ent+ /&t inas"&ch as the dis#osin' is &seless )itho&t the creation of officers and creation also !ain )itho&t that #ro!ident foresi'ht )hich loo2s after )hat is needed to "aintain the officers created or a##ointedB and since this "aintainin' $y 'ood 'o!ern"ent is nothin' "ore than a #ro!idence #&t into effect therefore not only the dis#osition $&t also the creation and 'ood 'o!ern"ent of Solo"on )ere called $y the na"e of #ro!idence nor do )e indeed say that a "an is #ro!ident &nless he 'o!ern )ell+ Eo) Theoti"&s s#ea2in' of hea!enly thin's accordin' to the i"#ression )e ha!e 'ained $y the consideration of h&"an thin's )e affir" that God ha!in' had an eternal and "ost #erfect 2no)led'e of the art of "a2in' the )orld for his 'lory dis#osed $efore all thin's in his di!ine &nderstandin' all the #rinci#al #arts of the &ni!erse )hich "i'ht render hi" hono&rB to )it an'elic and h&"an nat&re --and in the an'elic nat&re










the !ariety of hierarchies and orders as the sacred Scri#t&re and holy doctors teach &sB as also a"on' "en he ordained that there sho&ld $e that 'reat di!ersity )hich )e see+ F&rther in this sa"e eternity he #ro!ided and deter"ined in his "ind all the "eans re*&isite for "en and an'els to co"e to the end for )hich he had ordained the" and so "ade the act of his #ro!idenceB and not sto##in' there he in order to effect )hat he had dis#osed really created an'els and "en and to effect his #ro!idence he did and does $y his 'o!ern"ent f&rnish reasona$le creat&res )ith all thin's necessary to attain 'lory so that to say it in a )ord so!erei'n #ro!idence is no other thin' than the act )here$y God f&rnishes "en or an'els )ith the "eans necessary or &sef&l for the o$tainin' of their end+ /&t $eca&se these "eans are of different 2inds )e also di!ersify the na"e of #ro!idence and say that there is one #ro!idence nat&ral another s&#ernat&ral and that the latter a'ain is 'eneral or s#ecial or #artic&lar+ 3nd $eca&se hereafter Theoti"&s - shall eChort yo& to &nite yo&r )ill to GodDs #ro!idence - )o&ld )hile on this #art of "y s&$1ect say a )ord a$o&t nat&ral #ro!idence+ God then )illin' to #ro!ide "en )ith the nat&ral "eans necessary for the" to render 'lory to the di!ine 'oodness #rod&ced in their $ehalf all the other ani"als and the #lants and to #ro!ide for the other ani"als and the #lants he has #rod&ced a !ariety of lands seasons )aters )inds rainsB and as )ell for "an as for the other thin's a##ertainin' to hi" he created the ele"ents the s2y the stars ordainin' in an ad"ira$le "anner that al"ost all creat&res sho&ld "&t&ally ser!e one another+ 5orses carry &s and )e care for the"B shee# feed and clothe &s and )e feed the"B the earth sends !a#o&rs to the airB and the air rain to the earthB the hand ser!es the foot and the foot the hand+ O( he )ho sho&ld consider this 'eneral co""erce and traffic )hich creat&res ha!e to'ether in so #erfect a corres#ondence--)ith ho) stron' an a"oro&s #assion for this so!erei'n )isdo" )o&ld he $e "o!ed cryin' o&tF Thy #ro!idence O 'reat and eternal Father 'o!erns all thin's( @62A S+ /asil and S+ 3"$rose in their 5eCae"erons the 'ood 6o&is of Granada in his introd&ction to the ?reed and 6o&is >icheo"e in "any of his $ea&tif&l )or2s )ill f&rnish a"#le "oti!es to lo!in' so&ls #rofita$ly to e"#loy this consideration+ Th&s dear Theoti"&s this #ro!idence reaches all rei'ns o!er all and red&ces all to its 'lory+ There are indeed fort&ito&s cases and &neC#ected accidents $&t they are only fort&ito&s or &neC#ected to &s and are of co&rse "ost certain to the di!ine #ro!idence )hich foresees the" and directs the" to the 'eneral 'ood of the &ni!erse+ These accidents ha##en $y the conc&rrence of !ario&s ca&ses )hich ha!in' no nat&ral alliance one )ith the other #rod&ce each of the" its #artic&lar effect $&t in s&ch a )ay that fro" their conco&rse there iss&es another effect of a different nat&re to )hich tho&'h one co&ld not foresee it all these different ca&ses contri$&ted+ For eCa"#le it )as reasona$le to chastise the c&riosity of the #oet Tschyl&s )ho $ein' told $y a di!iner that he )o&ld #erish $y the fall of so"e ho&se 2e#t hi"self all that day in the o#en co&ntry to esca#e his fate and as he )as standin' &# $areheaded a falcon )hich held in its cla)s a tortoise seein' this $ald head and thin2in' it to $e the #oint of a roc2 let the tortoise fall &#on it and $ehold Tschyl&s dies i""ediately cr&shed $y the ho&se and shell of a tortoise+ This )as do&$tless a fort&ito&s accident for this "an did not 'o into the co&ntry to die $&t to esca#e death nor did the falcon drea" of cr&shin' a #oetDs head $&t the head and shell of a tortoise to "a2e itself "aster of the "eat )ithinF yet it chanced to the contrary for the tortoise re"ained safe and #oor Tschyl&s )as 2illed+









3ccordin' to &s this chance )as &neC#ected $&t in res#ect of the Di!ine #ro!idence )hich loo2ed fro" a$o!e and sa) the conc&rrence of ca&ses it )as an act of 1&stice #&nishin' the s&#erstition of the "an+ The ad!ent&res of ,ose#h of old )ere ad"ira$le in their !ariety and the )ay they #assed fro" one eCtre"e to the other+ 5is $rethren )ho to r&in hi" had sold hi" )ere a"aHed to see that he had $eco"e !iceroy and )ere "i'htily a##rehensi!e that he re"ained sensi$le of the )ron' they had done hi"F $&t no said heF Eot $y yo&r co&nsel )as - sent hither $&t $y the )ill of God+ Oo& tho&'ht e!il a'ainst "e $&t God t&rned it into 'ood+ @68A Oo& see Theoti"&s the )orld )o&ld ha!e ter"ed this a chance or fort&ito&s e!ent )hich ,ose#h called a desi'n of the so!erei'n #ro!idence )hich t&rns and red&ces all to its ser!ice+ -t is the sa"e )ith all thin's that ha##en in the )orld yea e!en )ith "onstrosities )hose $irth "a2es co"#lete and #erfect )or2s "ore estee"ed $e'ets ad"iration #ro!o2es disc&ssion and "any 'ood tho&'htsB in a )ord they are in the )orld as the shades in #ict&res )hich 'i!e 'race and see" to $rin' o&t the colo&rs+ @61A 3ccordin' to the o#inion not &nco""on in+ S+ FrancisDs day+ (Tr+) @62A 0isdo" Ci!+ 8+



@68A Gen+ Cl!+ IB l+ 27+ ?53PT;> -:+


OF T5; S=P;>E3T=>36 P>O:-D;E?; 05-?5 GOD =S;S TO03>DS >;3SOE3/6; ?>;3T=>;S 3ll GodDs )or2s are ordained to the sal!ation of "en and an'elsB and the order of his #ro!idence is this as far as $y attention to the 5oly Scri#t&res and the doctrine of the Fathers )e are a$le to disco!er and o&r )ea2ness #er"its &s to descri$e it+

87 God 2ne) fro" all eternity that he co&ld "a2e an inn&"era$le "&ltit&de of creat&res )ith di!ers #erfections and *&alities to )ho" he "i'ht co""&nicate hi"self and considerin' that a"on'st all the different co""&nications there )as none so eCcellent as that of &nitin' hi"self to so"e created nat&re in s&ch sort that the creat&re "i'ht $e en'rafted and i"#lanted in the di!inity and $eco"e one sin'le #erson )ith it his infinite 'oodness )hich of itself and $y itself tends to)ards co""&nication resol!ed and deter"ined to co""&nicate hi"self in this "anner+ So that as eternally there is an essential co""&nication in God $y )hich the Father co""&nicates all his infinite and indi!isi$le di!inity to the Son in #rod&cin' hi" and the Father and the Son to'ether #rod&cin' the 5oly Ghost co""&nicate to hi" also their o)n sin'&lar di!inityB--so this so!erei'n s)eetness )as so #erfectly co""&nicated eCternally to a creat&re that the created nat&re and the di!inity retainin' each of the" its o)n #ro#erties )ere not)ithstandin' so &nited to'ether that they )ere $&t one sa"e #erson+ Eo) of all the creat&res )hich that so!erei'n o"ni#otence co&ld #rod&ce he tho&'ht 'ood to "a2e choice of the sa"e h&"anity )hich after)ards in effect )as &nited to the #erson of God the SonB to )hich he destined that inco"#ara$le hono&r of #ersonal &nion )ith his di!ine Ma1esty to the end that for all eternity it "i'ht en1oy $y





eCcellence the treas&res of his infinite 'lory+ Then ha!in' selected for this ha##iness the sacred h&"anity of o&r Sa!io&r the s&#re"e #ro!idence decreed not to restrain his 'oodness to the only #erson of his )ell-$elo!ed Son $&t for his sa2e to #o&r it o&t &#on di!ers other creat&res and o&t of the "ass of that inn&"era$le *&antity of thin's )hich he co&ld #rod&ce he chose to create "en and an'els to acco"#any his Son #artici#ate in his 'races and 'lory adore and #raise hi" for e!er+ 3nd inas"&ch as he sa) that he co&ld in !ario&s "anners for" the h&"anity of this Son )hile "a2in' hi" tr&e "an as for eCa"#le $y creatin' hi" o&t of nothin' not only in re'ard of the so&l $&t also in re'ard of the $odyB or a'ain $y for"in' the $ody of so"e #re!io&sly eCistin' "atter as he did that of 3da" and ;!e or $y )ay of ordinary h&"an $irth or finally $y eCtraordinary $irth fro" a )o"an )itho&t "an he deter"ined that the )or2 sho&ld $e effected $y the last )ay and of all the )o"en he "i'ht ha!e chosen to this end he "ade choice of the "ost holy !ir'in O&r 6ady thro&'h )ho" the Sa!io&r of o&r so&ls sho&ld not only $e "an $&t a child of the h&"an race+ F&rther"ore the sacred #ro!idence deter"ined to #rod&ce all other thin's as )ell nat&ral as s&#ernat&ral in $ehalf of O&r Sa!io&r in order that an'els and "en "i'ht $y ser!in' hi" share in his 'loryB on )hich acco&nt altho&'h God )illed to create $oth an'els and "en )ith free-)ill free )ith a tr&e freedo" to choose e!il or 'ood still to sho) that on the #art of the di!ine 'oodness they )ere dedicated to 'ood and to 'lory he created the" all in ori'inal 1&stice )hich is no other thin' than a "ost s)eet lo!e )hich dis#osed t&rned and set the" for)ard to)ards eternal felicity+ /&t $eca&se this s&#re"e )isdo" had deter"ined so to te"#er this ori'inal lo!e )ith the )ill of his creat&res that lo!e sho&ld not force the )ill $&t sho&ld lea!e it in its freedo" he foresa) that a #art yet the less #art of the an'elic nat&re !ol&ntarily *&ittin' holy lo!e )o&ld conse*&ently lose 'lory+ 3nd $eca&se the an'elic nat&re co&ld only co""it this sin $y an eC#ress "alice )itho&t te"#tation or any "oti!e )hich co&ld eCc&se the" and on the other hand the far 'reater #art of that sa"e nat&re )o&ld re"ain constant in the ser!ice of their Sa!io&r --therefore God )ho had so a"#ly 'lorified his "ercy in the )or2 of the creation of an'els )o&ld also "a'nify his 1&stice and in the f&ry of his indi'nation resol!ed for e!er to a$andon that )of&l and acc&rsed troo# of traitors )ho in the f&ry of their re$ellion had so !illano&sly a$andoned hi"+ 5e also clearly foresa) that the first "an )o&ld a$&se his li$erty and forsa2in' 'race )o&ld lose 'lory yet )o&ld he not treat h&"an nat&re so ri'oro&sly as he deter"ined to treat the an'elic+ -t )as h&"an nat&re of )hich he had deter"ined to ta2e a $lessed #ortion to &nite it to his di!inity+ 5e sa) that it )as a fee$le nat&re a )ind )hich 'oeth and ret&rneth not @69A that is )hich is dissi#ated as it 'oes+ 5e had re'ard to the s&r#rise $y )hich the "ali'n and #er!erse Satan had ta2en the first "an and to the 'reatness of the te"#tation )hich r&ined hi"+ 5e sa) that all the race of "en )as #erishin' $y the fa&lt of one only so that for these reasons he $eheld o&r nat&re )ith the eye of #ity and resol!ed to ad"it it to his "ercy+ /&t in order that the s)eetness of his "ercy "i'ht $e adorned )ith the $ea&ty of his 1&stice he deter"ined to sa!e "an $y )ay of a ri'oro&s rede"#tion+ 3nd as this co&ld not #ro#erly $e done $&t $y his Son he settled that he sho&ld redee" "an not only $y one of his a"oro&s actions )hich )o&ld ha!e $een #erfectly s&fficient to ranso" a








"illion "illion of )orldsF $&t also $y all the inn&"era$le a"oro&s actions and doloro&s #assions )hich he )o&ld #erfor" or s&ffer till death and the death of the cross to )hich he destined hi"+ 5e )illed that th&s he sho&ld "a2e hi"self the co"#anion of o&r "iseries to "a2e &s after)ards co"#anions of his 'lory sho)in' there$y the riches of his 'oodness $y this co#io&s a$&ndant s&#era$&ndant "a'nificent and eCcessi!e rede"#tion )hich has 'ained for &s and as it )ere recon*&ered for &s all the "eans necessary to attain 'lory so that no "an can e!er co"#lain as tho&'h the di!ine "ercy )ere )antin' to any one+ @69A Ps+ lCC!ii+ 8K+ ?53PT;> :+



T53T 5;3:;E6O P>O:-D;E?; 53S P>O:-D;D M;E 0-T5 3 MOST 3/=ED3ET >;D;MPT-OE+ Eo) )hen sayin' Theoti"&s that God had seen and )illed first one thin' and then secondly another o$ser!in' an order in his )illsF - "eant this in the sense - declared $efore na"ely that tho&'h all this #assed in a "ost sin'&lar and si"#le act yet in that act the order distinction and de#endence of thin's )ere no less o$ser!ed than if there had $een indeed se!eral acts in the &nderstandin' and )ill of God+ 3nd since e!ery )ell-ordered )ill )hich deter"ines itself to lo!e se!eral o$1ects e*&ally #resent lo!es $etter and a$o!e all the rest that )hich is "ost lo!a$leB it follo)s that the so!erei'n Pro!idence "a2in' his eternal #&r#ose and desi'n of all that he )o&ld #rod&ce first )illed and #referred $y eCcellence the "ost a"ia$le o$1ect of his lo!e )hich is O&r Sa!io&rB and then other creat&res in order accordin' as they "ore or less $elon' to the ser!ice hono&rs and 'lory of hi"+ Th&s )ere all thin's "ade for that di!ine "an )ho for this ca&se is called the first-$orn of e!ery creat&reF @65A #ossessed $y the di!ine "a1esty in the $e'innin' of his )ays $efore he "ade anythin' fro" the $e'innin'+ @66A For in hi" )ere all thin's created in hea!en and on earth !isi$le and in!isi$le )hether thrones or do"inations or #rinci#alities or #o)ersF all thin's )ere created $y hi" and in hi"F 3nd he is the head of the $ody the ch&rch )ho is the $e'innin' the first-$orn fro" a"on' the deadF that in all thin's he "ay hold the #ri"acy+ @67A The #rinci#al reason of #lantin' the !ine is the fr&it and therefore the fr&it is the first thin' desired and ai"ed at tho&'h the lea!es and the $&ds are first #rod&ced+ So o&r 'reat Sa!io&r )as the first in the di!ine intention and in that eternal #ro1ect )hich the di!ine #ro!idence "ade of the #rod&ction of creat&res and in !ie) of this desired fr&it the !ine of the &ni!erse )as #lanted and the s&ccession of "any 'enerations esta$lished )hich as lea!es or $losso"s #roceed fro" it as forer&nners and fit #re#arati!es for the #rod&ction of that 'ra#e )hich the sacred s#o&se so "&ch #raises in the ?anticles and the 1&ice of )hich re1oices God and "en+ /&t no) "y Theoti"&s )ho can do&$t of the a$&ndance of the "eans of sal!ation since )e ha!e so 'reat a Sa!io&r in consideration of )ho" )e ha!e $een "ade and $y )hose "erits )e ha!e $een ranso"ed+ For he died for all $eca&se all )ere dead and his "ercy )as "ore sal&tary to $&y $ac2 the race of "en than 3da"Ds "isery )as to r&in it+








-ndeed 3da"Ds sin )as so far fro" o!er)hel"in' the di!ine $eni'nity that on the contrary it eCcited and #ro!o2ed it+ So that $y a "ost s)eet and "ost lo!in' reaction and str&''le it recei!ed !i'o&r fro" its ad!ersaryDs #resence and as if re-collectin' its forces for !ictory it "ade 'race to s&#era$o&nd )here sin had a$o&nded+ @6IA 0hence the holy ?h&rch $y a #io&s eCcess of ad"iration cries o&t &#on ;aster-e!eF GO tr&ly necessary sin of 3da" )hich )as $lotted o&t $y the death of ,es&s ?hrist( O $lessed fa&lt )hich "erited to ha!e s&ch and so 'reat a >edee"er(G Tr&ly Theoti"&s )e "ay say as did he of old G)e )ere r&ined had )e not $een &ndoneFG that is r&in $ro&'ht &s #rofit since in effect h&"an nat&re has recei!ed "ore 'races $y its Sa!io&r redee"in' than e!er it )o&ld ha!e recei!ed $y 3da"Ds innocence if he had #erse!ered therein+ For tho&'h the di!ine Pro!idence has left in "an dee# "ar2s of his se!erity yea e!en a"idst the !ery 'race of his "ercy as for eCa"#le the necessity of dyin' diseases la$o&rs the re$ellion of sens&ality --yet the di!ine fa!o&r floatin' as it )ere o!er all this ta2es #leas&re in t&rnin' these "iseries to the 'reater #rofit of those )ho lo!e hi" "a2in' #atience s#rin' fro" la$o&rs conte"#t of the )orld fro" the necessity of death a tho&sand !ictories fro" o&t of conc&#iscenceB and as the rain$o) to&chin' the thorn as#alath&s "a2es it "ore odorifero&s than the lily so O&r Sa!io&rDs >ede"#tion to&chin' o&r "iseries "a2es the" "ore $eneficial and )orthy of lo!e than ori'inal innocence co&ld e!er ha!e $een+ - say to yo& says O&r Sa!io&r there shall $e 1oy in hea!en &#on one sinner that doth #enance "ore than &#on ninety-nine 1&st )ho need not #enance @6KA and so the state of rede"#tion is a h&ndred ti"es $etter than that of innocence+ :erily $y the )aterin' of O&r Sa!io&rDs $lood "ade )ith the hysso# of the cross )e ha!e $een re#laced in a )hiteness inco"#ara$ly "ore eCcellent than the sno) of innocence+ 0e co"e o&t li2e Eaa"an fro" the strea" of sal!ation "ore #&re and clean than if )e had ne!er $een le#ro&s to the end that the di!ine Ma1esty as he has ordained also for &s sho&ld not $e o!erco"e $y e!il $&t o!erco"e e!il $y 'ood @77A that "ercy (as a sacred oil) sho&ld 2ee# itself a$o!e 1&d'"ent @71A and his tender "ercies $e o!er all his )or2s+ @72A @65A ?ol+ i+ 15+ @66A Pro!+ !iii+ 22+






@67A ?ol+ i+ 16+ @6IA >o"+ !+ 27+ @6KA 6&2e C!+ 7+

97 @77A >o"+ Cii+ 21+ @71A ,a"es ii+ 18+ 95 @72A Ps+ cCli!+ K+ ?53PT;> :-+

OF ?;>T3-E SP;?-36 F3:O=>S ;Q;>?-S;D /O T5; D-:-E; P>O:-D;E?; -E T5; >;D;MPT-OE OF M3E+ 5 God indeed sho)s to ad"iration the inco"#rehensi$le riches of his #o)er in this 'reat !ariety of thin's )hich )e see in nat&re yet he "a2es the infinite treas&res of his 'oodness still "ore "a'nificently a##ear in the inco"#ara$le !ariety of the 'oods )hich )e ac2no)led'e in 'race+ For Theoti"&s he )as not content in the holy eCcess of his "ercy )ith sendin' to his #eo#le that is to "an2ind a 'eneral and &ni!ersal rede"#tion $y "eans )hereof e!ery one "i'ht $e sa!ed $&t he has di!ersified it in so "any )ays that )hile his li$erality shines in all this !ariety this !ariety reci#rocally e"$ellishes his li$erality+ 3nd th&s he first of all destined for his "ost holy Mother a fa!o&r )orthy of the lo!e of a Son )ho $ein' all )ise all "i'hty and all 'ood )ished to #re#are a "other to his li2in'B and therefore he )illed his rede"#tion to $e a##lied to her after the "anner of a #reser!in' re"edy that the sin )hich )as s#readin' fro" 'eneration to 'eneration sho&ld not reach her+ She then )as so eCcellently redee"ed that tho&'h )hen the ti"e ca"e the torrent of ori'inal ini*&ity r&shed to #o&r its &nha##y )a!es o!er her conce#tion )ith as "&ch i"#et&osity as it had done on that of the other da&'hters of 3da"B yet )hen it reached there it #assed not $eyond $&t sto##ed as did anciently the ,ordan in the ti"e of ,os&e and for the sa"e res#ectF for this ri!er held its strea" in re!erence for the #assa'e of the 3r2 of 3llianceB and ori'inal sin dre) $ac2 its )aters re!erin' and dreadin' the #resence of the tr&e Ta$ernacle of the eternal alliance+ -n this )ay then God t&rned a)ay all ca#ti!ity fro" his 'lorio&s Mother 'i!in' her the $lessin' of $oth the states of h&"an nat&reB since she had the innocence )hich the first 3da" had lost and en1oyed in an eCcellent sort the rede"#tion ac*&ired for her+ 0hence as a 'arden of election )hich )as to $rin' forth the fr&it of life she )as "ade to flo&rish in all sorts of #erfectionsB this son of eternal lo!e ha!in' th&s clothed his "other in 'ilded clothin' s&rro&nded )ith !ariety @78A that she "i'ht $e the *&een of his ri'ht hand that is to say the first of all the elect to en1oy the deli'hts of GodDs ri'ht handF @79A so that this sacred "other as $ein' alto'ether reser!ed for her son )as $y hi" redee"ed not only fro" da"nation $&t also fro" all #eril of da"nation he 'i!in' her 'race and the #erfection of 'race so that she )ent li2e a lo!ely da)n )hich $e'innin' to $rea2 increases contin&ally in $ri'htness till #erfect dayli'ht+ 3d"ira$le rede"#tion( "aster-#iece of the redee"er( and first of all rede"#tions( $y )hich the son )ith a tr&ly filial heart #re!entin' his "other )ith the $lessin's of s)eetness #reser!ed her not only fro" sin as he did the an'els $&t also fro" all dan'er of sin and fro" e!erythin' that "i'ht di!ert or retard her in the eCercise of holy lo!e+ 3nd he #rotests that a"on'st all the reasona$le creat&res he has chosen this "other is his one do!e his all #erfect one his all dear lo!e $eyond all li2eness and all co"#arison+ God also a##ointed other fa!o&rs for a s"all n&"$er of rare creat&res )ho" he )o&ld #reser!e fro" the #eril of da"nation as is certain of S+ ,ohn /a#tist and !ery #ro$a$le of ,ere"ias and so"e others )ho" the Di!ine #ro!idence seiHed &#on in their "otherDs )o"$ and there&#on esta$lished the" in the #er#et&ity of his 'race that they "i'ht re"ain fir" in his lo!e tho&'h s&$1ect to chec2s and !enial sins )hich are contrary to the #erfection of lo!e tho&'h not to lo!e itself+ 3nd these so&ls in co"#arison )ith others are as *&eens e!er cro)ned )ith charity holdin' the #rinci#al #lace in the lo!e









of their Sa!io&r neCt to his "other )ho is *&een of *&eens a *&een cro)ned not only )ith lo!e $&t )ith the #erfection of lo!e yea )hat is yet "ore cro)ned )ith her o)n Son the so!erei'n o$1ect of lo!e since children are the cro)n of their father and "other+ 5 There are yet other so&ls )ho" God deter"ined for a ti"e to lea!e eC#osed to the dan'er not of losin' their sal!ation $&t yet of losin' his lo!eB yea he #er"itted the" act&ally to lose it not ass&rin' the" lo!e for the )hole ti"e of their life $&t only for the end of it and for a certain ti"e #recedin'+ S&ch )ere the 3#ostles Da!id Ma'dalen and "any others )ho for a ti"e re"ained o&t of GodDs 'race $&t in the end $ein' once for all con!erted )ere confir"ed in 'race &ntil deathB so that tho&'h fro" that ti"e they contin&ed s&$1ect to so"e i"#erfections yet )ere they eCe"#t fro" all "ortal sin and conse*&ently fro" dan'er of losin' the di!ine lo!e and )ere sacred s#o&ses of the hea!enly $ride'roo"+ 3nd they )ere indeed adorned )ith a )eddin' 'ar"ent of his "ost holy lo!e yet they )ere not cro)ned $eca&se a cro)n is an orna"ent of the head that is of the chief #art of a #ersonB no) the first #art of the life of this ran2 of so&ls ha!in' $een s&$1ect to earthly lo!e they )ere not to $e adorned )ith the cro)n of hea!enly lo!e $&t it is s&fficient for the" to )ear the ro$e )hich fits the" for the "arria'e $ed of the hea!enly s#o&se and for $ein' eternally ha##y )ith hi"+ @78A Ps+ Cli!+ 17+ @79A Ps+ C!+ 11+ 25 ?53PT;> :--+ 5O0 3DM->3/6; T5; D-:-E; P>O:-D;E?; -S -E T5; D-:;>S-TO OF G>3?;S G-:;E TO M;E+ 87 There )as then in the eternal #ro!idence an inco"#ara$le #ri!ile'e for the *&een of *&eens "other of fair lo!e and "ost sin'&larly all #erfect+ There )ere also for certain others so"e s#ecial fa!o&rs+ /&t after this the so!erei'n 'oodness #o&red an a$&ndance of 'races and $enedictions o!er the )hole race of "an2ind and &#on the an'els )ith )hich all )ere )atered as )ith a rain that falleth on the 1&st and &n1&st all )ere ill&"inated as )ith a li'ht that enli'hteneth e!ery "an co"in' into this )orldB e!ery one recei!ed his #ortion as of seed )hich falls not only &#on the 'ood 'ro&nd $&t &#on the hi'h)ay a"on'st thorns and &#on roc2s that all "i'ht $e ineCc&sa$le $efore the >edee"er if they e"#loy not this "ost a$&ndant rede"#tion for their sal!ation+ /&t still Theoti"&s altho&'h this "ost a$&ndant s&fficiency of 'race is th&s #o&red o&t o!er all h&"an nat&re and altho&'h in this )e are all e*&al that a rich a$&ndance of $enedictions is offered to &s all yet the !ariety of these fa!o&rs is so 'reat that one cannot say )hether the 'reatness of all these 'races in so 'reat a di!ersity or the di!ersity in s&ch 'reatness is "ore ad"ira$le+ For )ho sees not that the "eans of sal!ation a"on'st ?hristians are 'reater and "ore efficacio&s than a"on'st $ar$arians and a'ain that a"on'st ?hristians there are #eo#le and to)ns )here the #astors 'et "ore fr&it and are "ore ca#a$le. Eo) to deny that these eCterior "eans )ere $enefits of the di!ine #ro!idence or to do&$t )hether they did a!ail to the sal!ation and







#erfection of so&ls )ere to $e &n'ratef&l to the di!ine 'oodness and to $elie certain eC#erience $y )hich )e see that ordinarily )here these eCterior hel#s a$o&nd the interior are "ore efficacio&s and s&cceed $etter+ 5 -n tr&th as )e see that there are ne!er fo&nd t)o "en #erfectly rese"$lin' one another in nat&ral 'ifts so are there ne!er fo&nd any )holly e*&al in s&#ernat&ral ones+ The an'els as the 'reat S+ 3&'&stine and S+ Tho"as ass&re &s recei!ed 'race accordin' to the !ariety of their nat&ral conditionsB no) they are all either of a different s#ecies or at least of a different condition since they are distin'&ished one fro" anotherB therefore as "any an'els as there are so "any different 'races are there+ 3nd tho&'h 'race is not 'i!en to "en accordin' to their nat&ral conditions yet the di!ine s)eetness re1oicin' and as one )o&ld say eC&ltin' in the #rod&ction of 'races infinitely di!ersifies the" to the end that o&t of this !ariety the fair ena"el of his rede"#tion and "ercy "ay a##earF )hence the ch&rch &#on the feast of e!ery ?onfessor and /isho# sin's GThere )as not fo&nd the li2e to hi"+G 3nd as in hea!en no one 2no)s the ne) na"e sa!e hi" that recei!es it @75A $eca&se each one of the $lessed has his o)n a#art accordin' to the ne) $ein' of 'lory )hich he ac*&iresB si"ilarly on earth e!ery one recei!es a 'race so s#ecial that all are different+ O&r Sa!io&r also co"#ares his 'race to #earls )hich as Pliny says are other)ise called &nities $eca&se each one of the" is so sin'&lar in its *&alities that t)o of the" are ne!er fo&nd #erfectly ali2eB and as one star differeth fro" another in 'lory @76A so shall "en $e different fro" one another in 'lory an e!ident si'n that they )ill ha!e $een so in 'race+ Eo) this !ariety in 'race or this 'race in !ariety co"#oses a "ost sacred $ea&ty and "ost s)eet har"ony re1oicin' all the holy city of the hea!enly ,er&sale"+ /&t )e "&st $e !ery caref&l ne!er to "a2e in*&iry )hy the s&#re"e )isdo" $esto)s a 'race rather &#on one than another nor )hy it "a2es its fa!o&rs a$o&nd rather in one $ehalf than another+ Eo Theoti"&s ne!er enter into this c&riosity for ha!in' all of &s s&fficiently yea a$&ndantly that )hich is re*&isite to sal!ation )hat reason can any creat&re li!in' ha!e to co"#lain if it #lease God to $esto) his 'races "ore a"#ly &#on one than another. -f one sho&ld as2 )hy God "ade "elons lar'er than stra)$erries or lilies lar'er than !iolets )hy the rose"ary is not a rose or )hy the #in2 is not a "ari'old )hy the #eacoc2 is "ore $ea&tif&l than a $at or )hy the fi' is s)eet and the le"on acid --one )o&ld la&'h at his *&estion and sayF #oor "an since the $ea&ty of the )orld re*&ires !ariety it is necessary there sho&ld $e difference and ine*&ality in thin's and that the one sho&ld not $e the other+ That is )hy so"e thin's are little others $i' so"e $itter others s)eet the one "ore the other less $ea&tif&l+ Eo) it is the sa"e in s&#ernat&ral thin's+ ;!ery one hath his #ro#er 'ift fro" GodB one after this "anner and another after that @77A says the 5oly Ghost+ -t is then an i"#ertinence to search o&t )hy S+ Pa&l had not the 'race of S+ Peter or S+ Peter that of S+ Pa&lB )hy S+ 3ntony )as not S+ 3thanasi&s or S+ 3thanasi&s S+ ,ero"eB for one )o&ld ans)er to these in*&iries that the ch&rch is a 'arden dia#ered )ith inn&"era$le flo)ersB it is necessary then they sho&ld $e of !ario&s siHes !ario&s colo&rs !ario&s odo&rs in fine of different #erfections+ 3ll ha!e their #rice their char" and their colo&r and all of the" in the collection of their differences "a2e &# a "ost 'ratef&l #erfection of $ea&ty+ @75A 3#oc+ ii+ 17+









@76A 1 ?or+ C!+ 91+ @77A 1 ?or+ !ii+ 7+ 5 ?53PT;> :---+ 5O0 M=?5 GOD D;S->;S 0; S5O=6D 6O:; 5-M+ 17 3ltho&'h o&r Sa!io&rDs rede"#tion is a##lied to &s in as "any different "anners as there are so&ls yet still lo!e is the &ni!ersal "eans of sal!ation )hich "in'les )ith e!erythin' and )itho&t )hich nothin' is #rofita$le as )e shall sho) else)here+ The ?her&$i" )ere #laced at the 'ate of the earthly #aradise )ith their fla"in' s)ord to teach &s that no one shall enter into the hea!enly #aradise )ho is not #ierced thro&'h )ith the s)ord of lo!e+ For this ca&se Theoti"&s the s)eet ,es&s )ho $o&'ht &s )ith his $lood is infinitely desiro&s that )e sho&ld lo!e hi" that )e "ay eternally $e sa!ed and desires )e "ay $e sa!ed that )e "ay lo!e hi" eternally his lo!e tendin' to o&r sal!ation and o&r sal!ation to his lo!e+ 3h( said heF - a" co"e to cast fire on the earthB and )hat )ill - $&t that it $e 2indled. @7IA /&t to set o&t "ore to the life the ardo&r of this desire he in ad"ira$le ter"s re*&ires this lo!e fro" &s+ Tho& shalt lo!e the 6ord thy God )ith thy )hole heart and )ith thy )hole so&l and )ith thy )hole "ind+ This is the 'reatest and the first co""and"ent+ @7KA Good God( Theoti"&s ho) a"oro&s the di!ine heart is of o&r lo!e+ 0o&ld it not ha!e s&fficed to #&$lish a #er"ission 'i!in' &s lea!e to lo!e hi" as 6a$an #er"itted ,aco$ to lo!e his fair >achel and to 'ain her $y ser!ices. 3h no( he "a2es a stron'er declaration of his #assionate lo!e of &s and co""ands &s to lo!e hi" )ith all o&r #o)er lest the consideration of his "a1esty and o&r "isery )hich "a2e so 'reat a distance and ine*&ality $et)een &s or so"e other #reteCt "i'ht di!ert &s fro" his lo!e+ -n this Theoti"&s he )ell sho)s that he did not lea!e in &s for nothin' the nat&ral inclination to lo!e hi" for to the end it "ay not $e idle he &r'es &s $y this 'eneral co""and"ent to e"#loy it and that this co""and"ent "ay $e effected he lea!es no li!in' "an )itho&t f&rnishin' hi" a$&ndantly )ith all "eans re*&isite thereto+ The !isi$le s&n to&ches e!erythin' )ith its !i!ifyin' heat and as the &ni!ersal lo!er of inferior thin's i"#arts to the" the !i'o&r re*&isite to #rod&ce and e!en so the di!ine 'oodness ani"ates all so&ls and enco&ra'es all hearts to its lo!e none $ein' eCcl&ded fro" its heat+ ;ternal )isdo" says Solo"on #reacheth a$road she &ttereth her !oice in the streetsF 3t the head of "&ltit&des she crieth o&t in the entrance of the 'ates of the city she &ttereth her )ords sayin'F O children ho) lon' )ill yo& lo!e childishness and fools co!et those thin's )hich are h&rtf&l to the"sel!es and the &n)ise hate 2no)led'e. T&rn ye at "y re#roofF $ehold )ill &tter "y s#irit to yo& and )ill sho) yo& "y )ords+ @I7A 3nd the sa"e )isdo" contin&es in ;Hechiel sayin'F O&r ini*&ities and o&r sins are &#on &s and )e #ine a)ay in the"F ho) then can )e li!e. Say to the"F 3s - li!e saith the 6ord God - desire not the death of the )ic2ed $&t that the )ic2ed t&rn fro" his )ay and li!e+ @I1A Eo) to li!e accordin' to God is to lo!e and he that lo!eth not a$ideth in death+ @I2A See no) Theoti"&s )hether God does not desire )e sho&ld lo!e hi"( /&t he is not content )ith anno&ncin' th&s #&$licly his eCtre"e desire to $e lo!ed so that e!ery one "ay ha!e a share in his s)eet in!itation $&t he 'oes e!en fro" door to door 2noc2in' and #rotestin' that if any "an shall hear "y !oice and o#en to "e the








door - )ill co"e in to hi" and )ill s&# )ith hi" and he )ith "eF @I8A that is he )ill testify all sorts of 'ood )ill to)ards hi"+ 5 Eo) )hat does all this "ean Theoti"&s eCce#t that God does not only 'i!e &s a si"#le s&fficiency of "eans to lo!e hi" and in lo!in' hi" to sa!e o&rsel!es $&t also a rich a"#le and "a'nificent s&fficiency and s&ch as o&'ht to $e eC#ected fro" so 'reat a $o&nty as his+ The 'reat 3#ostle s#ea2in' to o$stinate sinnersF Des#isest tho& says he the riches of his 'oodness and #atience and lon'-s&fferin'. 4no)est tho& not that the $eni'nity of God leadeth thee to #enance. /&t accordin' to thy hardness and i"#enitent heart tho& treas&rest &# to thyself )rath a'ainst the day of )rath and re!elation of the 1&st 1&d'"ent of God+ @I9A My dear Theoti"&s God does not therefore e"#loy a si"#le s&fficiency of re"edies to con!ert the o$stinate $&t &ses to this end the riches of his 'oodness+ The 3#ostle as yo& see o##oses the riches of GodDs 'oodness a'ainst the treas&res of the i"#enitent heartDs "alice and says that the "alicio&s heart is so rich in ini*&ity that he des#ises e!en the riches of the "ildness $y )hich God leads hi" to re#entanceB and "ar2 that the o$stinate "an not only conte"ns the riches of GodDs 'oodness $&t also the riches )hich lead to #enance riches )hereof one can scarcely $e i'norant+ :erily this rich f&ll and #lenteo&s s&fficiency of "eans )hich God freely $esto)s &#on sinners to lo!e hi" a##ears al"ost e!ery)here in the Scri#t&res+ /ehold this di!ine lo!er at the 'ate he does not si"#ly 2noc2 $&t stands 2noc2in'B he calls the so&l co"e arise "a2e haste "y lo!e @I5A and #&ts his hand into the loc2 to try )hether he cannot o#en it+ -f he &ttereth his !oice in the streets he does not si"#ly &tter it $&t he 'oes cryin' o&t that is he contin&es to cry o&t+ 0hen he #roclai"s that e!ery one "&st $e con!erted he thin2s he has ne!er re#eated it s&fficiently+ /e con!erted do #enance ret&rn to "e li!e )hy dost tho& die O ho&se of -srael. @I6A -n a )ord this hea!enly Sa!io&r for'ets nothin' to sho) that his "ercies are a$o!e all his )or2s that his "ercy s&r#asses his 1&d'"ent that his rede"#tion is co#io&s that his lo!e is infinite and as the 3#ostle says that he is rich in "ercy and conse*&ently he )ill ha!e all "en to $e sa!edB not )illin' that any sho&ld #erish+ @I7A @7IA 6&2e Cii+ 9K+ @7KA Matt+ CCii+ 87 8I+ 85 @I7A Pro!+ i+ 27 21 22 28+ @I1A ;Hech+ CCCiii+ 17 12+ @I2A 1 ,ohn iii+ 19+ 97 @I8A 3#oc+ iii+ 27+ @I9A >o"+ ii+ 9+ 5+ 95 @I5A ?ant+ ii+ 16+ @I6A ;Hech+ C!iii+ 87+






@I7A 1 Ti"+ ii+ 9+ ?53PT;> -Q+ 5 5O0 T5; ;T;>E36 6O:; OF GOD P>;:;ETS O=> 5;3>TS 0-T5 5-S -ESP->3T-OES -E O>D;> T53T 0; M3O 6O:; 5-M+ - ha!e lo!ed thee )ith an e!erlastin' lo!e therefore ha!e - dra)n thee ta2in' #ity on thee+ 3nd - )ill $&ild thee a'ain and tho& shalt $e $&ilt O !ir'in of -srael+ @IIA These are the )ords of God $y )hich he #ro"ises that the Sa!io&r co"in' into the )orld shall esta$lish a ne) 2in'do" in his ?h&rch )hich shall $e his !ir'in-s#o&se and tr&e s#irit&al -sraelite+ Eo) as yo& see Theoti"&s it )as not $y the )or2s of 1&stice )hich )e ha!e done $&t accordin' to his "ercy he sa!ed &s @IKA $y that ancient yea eternal charity )hich "o!ed his di!ine Pro!idence to dra) &s &nto hi"+ Eo "an can co"e to "e eCce#t the Father )ho hath sent "e dra) hi"+ @K7A For if the Father had not dra)n &s )e had ne!er co"e to the Son o&r Sa!io&r nor conse*&ently to sal!ation+ There are certain $irds Theoti"&s )hich 3ristotle calls a#odes @K1A $eca&se ha!in' eCtre"ely short le's and fee$le feet they &se the" no "ore than if they had none+ 3nd if e!er they li'ht &#on the 'ro&nd they "&st re"ain there so that they can ne!er ta2e fli'ht a'ain of their o)n #o)er $eca&se ha!in' no &se of their le's or feet they ha!e therefore no #o)er to "o!e and start the"sel!es into the airF hence they re"ain there "otionless and die &nless so"e )ind #ro#itio&s to their i"#otence sendin' o&t its $lasts &#on the face of the earth ha##en to seiHe &#on and $ear the" &# as it does "any other thin's+ -f this ha##en and they "a2e &se of their )in's to corres#ond )ith this first start and "otion )hich the )ind 'i!es the" it also contin&es its assistance to the" $rin'in' the" $y little and little into fli'ht+ Theoti"&s the an'els are li2e to those $irds )hich for their $ea&ty and rarity are called $irds-of-#aradise ne!er seen on earth $&t dead+ For those hea!enly s#irits had no sooner forsa2en di!ine lo!e to attach the"sel!es to self-lo!e than s&ddenly they fell as dead $&ried in hell seein' that the sa"e effect )hich death has on "en se#aratin' the" e!erlastin'ly fro" this "ortal life the sa"e had the an'elsD fall on the" eCcl&din' the" for e!er fro" eternal life+ /&t )e "ortals rather rese"$le a#odesF for if it chance that )e *&ittin' the air of holy di!ine lo!e fall &#on earth and adhere to creat&res )hich )e do as often as )e offend God )e die indeed yet not so a$sol&te a death $&t that there re"ains in &s a little "o!e"ent $esides o&r le's and feet na"ely so"e )ea2 affections )hich ena$le &s to "a2e so"e essays of lo!e tho&'h so )ea2ly that in tr&th )e are i"#otent of o&rsel!es to detach o&r hearts fro" sin or start o&rsel!es a'ain in the fli'ht of sacred lo!e )hich )retches that )e are )e ha!e #erfidio&sly and !ol&ntarily forsa2en+ 3nd tr&ly )e sho&ld )ell deser!e to re"ain a$andoned of God )hen )ith this disloyalty )e ha!e th&s a$andoned hi"+ /&t his eternal charity does not often #er"it his 1&stice to &se this chastise"ent $&t rather eCcitin' his co"#assion it #ro!o2es hi" to reclai" &s fro" o&r "isery )hich he does $y sendin' &s the fa!o&ra$le )ind of his









"ost holy ins#irations )hich $lo)in' &#on o&r hearts )ith a 'entle !iolence seiHes and "o!es the" raisin' o&r tho&'hts and "o!in' o&r affections into the air of di!ine lo!e+ 5 Eo) this first stirrin' or "otion )hich God ca&ses in o&r hearts to incite the" to their o)n 'ood is effected indeed in &s $&t not $y &sB for it co"es &neC#ectedly $efore )e ha!e either tho&'ht of it or $een a$le to thin2 of it seein' )e are not s&fficient to thin2 anythin' to)ards o&r sal!ation of o&rsel!es as of o&rsel!es $&t o&r s&fficiency is fro" God @K2A )ho did not only lo!e &s $efore )e )ere $&t also to the end )e "i'ht $e and "i'ht $e saints+ For )hich ca&se he #re!ents &s )ith the $lessin's of his fatherly s)eetness and eCcites o&r so&ls in order to $rin' the" to holy re#entance and con!ersion+ See - #ray yo& Theoti"&s the #rince of the 3#ostles st&#efied )ith sin in the sad ni'ht of his MasterDs #assionB he no "ore tho&'ht of sorro)in' for his sin than tho&'h he had ne!er 2no)n his hea!enly Sa!io&r+ 3nd as a "isera$le a#ode fallen to earth he )o&ld ne!er ha!e $een raised had not the coc2 as an instr&"ent of di!ine #ro!idence str&c2 his ears )ith its !oice at the sa"e instant in )hich his s)eet >edee"er castin' &#on hi" a 'racio&s loo2 li2e a dart of lo!e trans#ierced that heart of stone )hich after)ards sent forth )ater in s&ch a$&ndance li2e the ancient roc2 s"itten $y Moses in the desert+ /&t loo2 a'ain and see this holy 3#ostle slee#in' in 5erodDs #rison $o&nd )ith t)o chainsF he is there in *&ality of a "artyr and ne!ertheless he re#resents the #oor "an )ho slee#s a"id sin #risoner and sla!e to Satan+ 3las( )ho )ill deli!er hi". The an'el descends fro" hea!en and stri2in' the 'reat Saint Peter the #risoner &#on the side a)a2ens hi" sayin'F 3rise *&ic2ly( So the ins#iration co"es fro" hea!en li2e an an'el and stri2in' &#on the #oor sinnerDs heart stirs hi" &# to rise fro" his ini*&ity+ -s it not tr&e then "y dear Theoti"&s that this first e"otion and shoc2 )hich the so&l #ercei!es )hen God #re!entin' it )ith lo!e a)a2ens it and eCcites it to forsa2e sin and ret&rn &nto hi" and not only this shoc2 $&t also the )hole a)a2enin' is done in &s and for &s $&t not $y &s. 0e are a)a2e $&t ha!e not a)a2ened of o&rsel!es it is the ins#iration )hich has a)a2ened &s and to a)a2en &s has sha2en and "o!ed &s+ - sle#t says that de!o&t s#o&se $&t "y $elo!ed )ho is "y heart )atched+ 3h( see that it is he )ho a)a2ens "e callin' "e $y the na"e of o&r lo!es and - 2no) )ell $y his !oice that it is he+ -t is &na)ares and &neC#ectedly that God calls and a)a2ens &s $y his holy ins#iration and in this $e'innin' of 'race )e do nothin' $&t feel the to&ch )hich God 'i!es in &s as S+ /ernard says $&t )itho&t &s+ @IIA ,ere"+ CCCi+ 8+ @IKA Tit&s iii+ 5+ 97 @K7A ,ohn !i+ 99+ @K1A i+e+ Footless+ @Tr+A 95 @K2A 2 ?or+ iii+ 5+ ?53PT;> Q+







5O0 0; OFT;ET-M;S >;P=6S; T5; -ESP->3T-OE 3ED >;F=S; TO 6O:; GOD+ 5 0o to thee ?oroHain )o to thee /ethsaidaF for if in Tyre and Sidon had $een )ro&'ht the "iracles that ha!e $een )ro&'ht in yo& they had lon' a'o done #enance in sac2cloth and ashes+ @K8A S&ch is the )ord of O&r Sa!io&r+ 5ar2 - #ray yo& Theoti"&s ho) the inha$itants of ?oroHain and /ethsaida instr&cted in the tr&e reli'ion and ha!in' recei!ed fa!o&rs so 'reat that they )o&ld effect&ally ha!e con!erted the #a'ans the"sel!es re"ained ne!ertheless o$stinate and ne!er )illed to &se the" re1ectin' this holy li'ht $y an inco"#ara$le re$ellion+ ?ertainly at the day of 1&d'"ent the Eini!ites and the %&een of Sa$a )ill rise &# a'ainst the ,e)s and )ill con!ict the" as )orthy of da"nationF $eca&se as to the Eini!ites tho&'h idolators and $ar$arians at the !oice of ,onas they )ere con!erted and did #enanceB and as to the %&een of Sa$a she tho&'h en'a'ed in the affairs of a 2in'do" yet ha!in' heard the reno)n of Solo"onDs )isdo" forsoo2 all to 'o and hear hi"+ Oet the ,e)s hearin' )ith their ears the hea!enly )isdo" of the tr&e Solo"on the Sa!io&r of the )orldB seein' )ith their eyes his "iraclesB to&chin' )ith their hands his !irt&es and $enefitsB ceased not for all that to $e hardened and to resist the 'race )hich )as #roffered the"+ See then a'ain Theoti"&s ho) they )ho had less attractions are $ro&'ht to #enance and those )ho had "ore re"ain o$d&rateF those )ho ha!e less occasion to co"e co"e to the school of )isdo" and those )ho ha!e "ore stay in their folly+ Th&s )ill $e "ade the 1&d'"ent of co"#arison as all doctors ha!e re"ar2ed )hich can ha!e no fo&ndation sa!e in this that not)ithstandin' so"e ha!e had as "any calls as others ha!e or "ore they )ill ha!e denied consent to GodDs "ercy )hereas others assisted )ith the li2e yea e!en lesser hel#s )ill ha!e follo)ed the ins#iration $eta2in' the"sel!es to holy #enance+ For ho) co&ld one other)ise reasona$ly re#roach the i"#enitent )ith their i"#enitence in co"#arison )ith s&ch as are con!erted. ?ertainly O&r Sa!io&r clearly sho)s and all ?hristians in si"#licity &nderstand that in this 1&st 1&d'"ent the ,e)s shall $e conde"ned in co"#arison )ith the Eini!ites $eca&se those ha!e had "any fa!o&rs and yet no lo!e "&ch assistance and no re#entance these less fa!o&r and "ore lo!e less assistance and "&ch #enitence+ The 'reat S+ 3&'&stine thro)s a 'reat li'ht on this reasonin' $y his o)n ar'&"ents in /oo2 Q--+ of the D?ity of God D ?ha#ters !i+ !ii+ !iii+ iC+ For tho&'h he refers #artic&larly to the an'els still he li2ens "en to the" in this #oint+ Eo) after ha!in' ta2en in the siCth cha#ter t)o "en entirely e*&al in 'oodness and in all thin's attac2ed $y the sa"e te"#tation he #res&##oses that one resists the other 'i!es )ay to the ene"yB then in the ninth cha#ter ha!in' #ro!ed that all the an'els )ere created in charity statin' f&rther as #ro$a$le that 'race and charity )ere e*&al in the" all he as2s ho) it ca"e to #ass that so"e of the" #erse!ered and "ade #ro'ress in 'oodness e!en to the attainin' of 'lory )hile others forsoo2 'ood to e"$race e!il &nto da"nation and he ans)ers that no other ans)er can $e rendered than that the one co"#any #erse!ered $y the 'race of their ?reator in the chaste lo!e )hich they recei!ed in their creation the other ha!in' $een 'ood "ade the"sel!es $ad $y their o)n sole )ill+












/&t if it is tr&e as S+ Tho"as eCtre"ely )ell #ro!es that 'race )as different in the an'els in #ro#ortion and accordin' to their nat&ral 'ifts the Sera#hi" "&st ha!e had a 'race inco"#ara$ly "ore eCcellent than the si"#le an'els of the last order+ 5o) then did it ha##en that so"e of the Sera#hi" yea e!en the first of all accordin' to the co""on and "ost #ro$a$le o#inion of the ancients fell )hile an inn&"era$le "&ltit&de of other an'els inferior in nat&re and 'race eCcellently and co&ra'eo&sly #erse!ered. 5o) ca"e it to #ass that 6&cifer so eCcellent $y nat&re and so s&#ereCcellent $y 'race fell )hile so "any an'els )ith less ad!anta'es re"ained &#ri'ht in their fidelity. Tr&ly those )ho #erse!ered o&'ht to render all the #raise thereof to God )ho of his "ercy created and "aintained the" 'ood+ /&t to )ho" can 6&cifer and all his cre) ascri$e their fall if not as S+ 3&'&stine says to their o)n )ill )hich $y their li$erty di!orced the" fro" GodDs 'race that had so s)eetly #re!ented the". 5o) art tho& fallen fro" hea!en O 6&cifer )ho didst rise in the "ornin'. @K9A 0ho didst co"e o&t into this in!isi$le )orld clothed )ith ori'inal charity as )ith the $e'innin' of the $ri'htness of a fair day )hich )as to increase &nto the "id-day of eternal 'lory. Grace did not fail thee for tho& hadst it li2e thy nat&re the "ost eCcellent of all $&t tho& )ast )antin' to 'race+ God did not de#ri!e thee of the o#eration of his lo!e $&t tho& didst de#ri!e his lo!e of thy co-o#eration+ God )o&ld ne!er ha!e re1ected thee if tho& hadst not re1ected his lo!e+ O all-'ood God( tho& dost not forsa2e &nless forsa2en tho& ne!er ta2est a)ay thy 'ifts till )e ta2e a)ay o&r hearts+ 0e ro$ God of his ri'ht if )e attri$&te to o&rsel!es the 'lory of o&r sal!ation $&t )e dishono&r his "ercy if )e say he failed &s+ -f )e do not confess his $enefits )e )ron' his li$erality $&t )e $las#he"e his 'oodness if )e deny that he has assisted and s&cco&red &s+ -n fine God cries lo&d and clear in o&r earsF Destr&ction is thy o)n O -sraelF thy hel# is only in "e+ @K5A @K8A Matt+ Ci+ 21+ @K9A -sa+ Ci!+ 12+ @K5A Osee Ciii+ K+



85 ?53PT;> Q-+ T53T -T -S EO F3=6T OF T5; D-:-E; GOODE;SS -F 0; 53:; EOT 3 MOST ;Q?;66;ET 6O:;+ 97 O God( Theoti"&s if )e recei!ed di!ine ins#irations to the f&ll eCtent of their !irt&e in ho) short a ti"e sho&ld )e "a2e a 'reat #ro'ress in sanctity. /e the fo&ntain e!er so co#io&s its strea"s enter not into a 'arden accordin' to their #lenty $&t accordin' to the littleness or 'reatness of the channel $y )hich they are cond&cted thither+ 3ltho&'h the 5oly Ghost as a s#rin' of li!in' )ater flo)s &# to e!ery #art of o&r heart to s#read his 'races in it yet as he )ill not ha!e the" enter )itho&t the free consent of o&r )ill he )ill only #o&r the" o&t accordin' to his 'ood #leas&re and o&r o)n dis#osition and coo#eration as the 5oly ?o&ncil says )hich also $y reason as - s&##ose of the


corres#ondence $et)een o&r consent and 'race calls the rece#tion thereof a !ol&ntary rece#tion+ 5 -n this sense S+ Pa&l eChorts &s not to recei!e GodDs 'race in !ain+ @K6A For as a sic2 "an )ho ha!in' recei!ed a dra&'ht in his hand did not ta2e it into his sto"ach )o&ld tr&ly ha!e recei!ed the #otion yet )itho&t recei!in' it that is he )o&ld ha!e recei!ed it in a &seless and fr&itless )ay so )e recei!e the 'race of God in !ain )hen )e recei!e it at the 'ate of o&r heart and not )ithin the consent of o&r heartB for so )e recei!e it )itho&t recei!in' it that is )e recei!e it )itho&t fr&it since it is nothin' to feel the ins#iration )itho&t consentin' &nto it+ 3nd as the sic2 "an )ho had the #otion 'i!en into his hand if he too2 it not )holly $&t only #artly )o&ld also ha!e the o#eration thereof in #art only and not )holly --so )hen God sends a 'reat and "i'hty ins#iration to "o!e &s to e"$race his holy lo!e if )e consent not accordin' to its )hole eCtent it )ill $&t #rofit &s in the sa"e "eas&re+ -t ha##ens that $ein' ins#ired to do "&ch )e consent not to the )hole ins#iration $&t only to so"e #art thereof as did those 'ood #eo#le in the Gos#el )ho &#on the ins#iration )hich O&r 6ord 'a!e the" to follo) hi" )ished to "a2e reser!ations the one to 'o first and $&ry his father the other to 'o to ta2e lea!e of his #eo#le+ 3s lon' as the #oor )ido) had e"#ty !essels the oil )hich ;lise&s had $y #rayer "irac&lo&sly "&lti#lied ne!er left off r&nnin' $&t )hen she had no "ore !essels to recei!e it it ceased to flo)+ -n the sa"e "eas&re in )hich o&r heart dilates itself or rather in the "eas&re in )hich it #er"its itself to $e enlar'ed and dilated 2ee#in' itself e"#ty $y the si"#le fact of not ref&sin' consent to the di!ine "ercy this e!er #o&rs forth and ceaselessly s#reads its sacred ins#irations )hich e!er increase and "a2e &s increase "ore and "ore in hea!enly lo!eB $&t )hen there is no "ore roo" that is )hen )e no lon'er 'i!e consent it sto#s+ 5o) co"es it then that )e are not so ad!anced in the lo!e of God as S+ 3&'&stine S+ Francis S+ ?atharine of Genoa or S+ Frances. Theoti"&s it is $eca&se God has not 'i!en &s the 'race+ /&t )hy has he not 'i!en &s the 'race. /eca&se )e did not corres#ond )ith his ins#irations as )e sho&ld ha!e done+ 3nd )hy did )e not corres#ond. /eca&se $ein' free )e ha!e herein a$&sed o&r li$erty+ /&t )hy did )e a$&se o&r li$erty. 3h( Theoti"&s )e "&st sto# there for as S+ 3&'&stine says the de#ra!ation of o&r )ill #roceeds fro" no ca&se $&t fro" so"e deficiency in the a'ent (ca&se) )ho co""its the sin+ 3nd )e "&st not eC#ect to $e a$le to 'i!e a reason of the fa&lt )hich occ&rs in sin $eca&se the fa&lt )o&ld not $e a sin if it )as not )itho&t reason+ The de!o&t /rother >&fin&s &#on a certain !ision )hich he had of the 'lory )hich the 'reat S+ Francis )o&ld attain &nto $y his h&"ility as2ed hi" this *&estionF My dear father - $eseech yo& tell "e tr&ly )hat o#inion yo& ha!e of yo&rself. The Saint ans)eredF :erily - hold "yself to $e the 'reatest sinner in the )orld and the one )ho ser!es O&r 6ord least+ /&t /rother >&fin&s re#lied ho) can yo& say this in tr&th and conscience seein' that "any others as )e "anifestly see co""it "any 'reat sins fro" )hich God $e than2ed yo& are eCe"#t+ To )hich S+ Francis ans)eredF -f God had fa!o&red those others of )ho" yo& s#ea2 )ith as 'reat "ercy as he has fa!o&red "e a" certain $e they e!er so $ad no) they )o&ld ha!e ac2no)led'ed GodDs 'ifts far









$etter than - do and )o&ld ser!e hi" "&ch $etter than - do and if "y God a$andoned "e - sho&ld co""it "ore )ic2edness than any one else+ 5 Oo& see Theoti"&s the o#inion of this "an )ho indeed )as scarcely "an $&t a sera#h &#on earth+ - 2no) it )as h&"ility that "o!ed hi" to s#ea2 th&s of hi"self yet ne!ertheless he $elie!ed for a certain tr&th that an e*&al 'race 'ranted $y an e*&al "ercy "i'ht $e "ore faithf&lly e"#loyed $y one sinner than $y anothor+ Eo) - hold for an oracle the senti"ent of this 'reat doctor in the science of the saints )ho $ro&'ht &# in the school of the ?r&cifiC $reathed nothin' $&t the di!ine ins#irations+ 3nd this "aCi" has $een #raised and re#eated $y all the "ost de!o&t )ho ha!e follo)ed hi" "any of )ho" are of o#inion that the 'reat 3#ostle S+ Pa&l said in the sa"e sense that he )as the chief of all sinners+ @K7A The /lessed Mother (S+) Teresa of ,es&s also in 'ood tr&th a *&ite an'elic !ir'in s#ea2in' of the #rayer of *&iet says these )ordsF--GThere are di!ers so&ls )ho co"e &# to this #erfection $&t those )ho #ass $eyond are a !ery s"all n&"$erF - 2no) not the ca&se of it certainly the fa&lt is not on GodDs side for since his di!ine "a1esty aids &s and 'i!es &s the 'race to arri!e at this #oint - $elie!e that he )o&ld not fail to 'i!e &s still "ore if it )ere not for o&r fa&lt and the i"#edi"ent )hich )e on o&r #art #lace+G 6et &s therefore Theoti"&s $e attenti!e to ad!ance in the lo!e )hich )e o)e to God for that )hich he $ears &s )ill ne!er fail &s+ @K6A 2 ?or+ !i+ 1+ 25 @K7A 1 Ti"+ i+ 15+ ?53PT;> Q--+ 87 T53T D-:-E; -ESP->3T-OES 6;3:; =S -E F=66 6-/;>TO TO FO66O0 O> >;P=6S; T5;M+ - )ill not here s#ea2 "y dear Theoti"&s of those "irac&lo&s 'races )hich ha!e al"ost in an instant transfor"ed )ol!es into she#herds roc2s into )aters #ersec&tors into #reachers+ - lea!e on one side those all-#o)erf&l !ocations and holily !iolent attractions $y )hich God has $ro&'ht so"e elect so&ls fro" the eCtre"ity of !ice to the eCtre"ity of 'race )or2in' as it )ere in the" a certain "oral and s#irit&al trans&$stantiationF as it ha##ened to the 'reat 3#ostle )ho of Sa&l !essel of #ersec&tion $eca"e s&ddenly Pa&l !essel of election+ @KIA 0e "&st 'i!e a #artic&lar ran2 to those #ri!ile'ed so&ls in re'ard of )ho" it #leased God to "a2e not the "ere o&tflo)in' $&t the in&ndation--to eCercise if one "ay so say not the si"#le li$erality and eff&sion $&t the #rodi'ality and #rof&sion of his lo!e+ The di!ine 1&stice chastises &s in this )orld )ith #&nish"ents )hich as they are ordinary so they re"ain al"ost al)ays &n2no)n and i"#erce#ti$leB so"eti"es ho)e!er he sends o&t del&'es and a$ysses of #&nish"ents to "a2e 2no)n and dreaded the se!erity of his indi'nation+ -n li2e "anner his "ercy ordinarily con!erts and 'races so&ls so s)eetly 'ently and delicately that its "o!e"ent is scarcely #ercei!edB and yet it ha##ens so"eti"es that this so!erei'n 'oodness o!erflo)in' its ordinary $an2s (as a flood s)ollen and o!erchar'ed )ith the a$&ndance of )aters and $rea2in' o&t o!er the #lain) "a2es an o&t#o&rin' of his 'races so i"#et&o&s tho&'h







lo!in' that in a "o"ent he stee#s and co!ers the )hole so&l )ith $enedictions in order that the riches of his lo!e "ay a##ear and that as his 1&stice #roceeds co""only $y the ordinary )ay and so"eti"es $y the eCtraordinary so his "ercy "ay eCercise li$erality &#on the co""on sort of "en in the ordinary )ay and on so"e also $y eCtraordinary )ays+ /&t )hat are then the ordinary cords )here$y the di!ine #ro!idence is acc&sto"ed to dra) o&r hearts to his lo!e. S&ch tr&ly as he hi"self "ar2s descri$in' the "eans )hich he &sed to dra) the #eo#le of -srael o&t of ;'y#t and o&t of the desert &nto the land of #ro"ise+ - )ill dra) the" says he $y Osee )ith the cords of 3da" )ith the $ands of lo!e @KKA and of friendshi#+ Do&$tless Theoti"&s )e are not dra)n to God $y iron chains as $&lls and )ild oCen $&t $y entice"ents s)eet attractions and holy ins#irations )hich in a )ord are the cords of 3da" and of h&"anity that is #ro#ortionate and ada#ted to the h&"an heart to )hich li$erty is nat&ral+ The $and of the h&"an )ill is deli'ht and #leas&re+ 0e sho) n&ts to a child says S+ 3&'&stine and he is dra)n $y his lo!e he is dra)n $y the cords not of the $ody $&t of the heart+ Mar2 then ho) the ;ternal Father dra)s &sF )hile teachin' he deli'hts &s not i"#osin' &#on &s any necessityB he casts into o&r hearts delectations and s#irit&al #leas&res as sacred $aits $y )hich he s)eetly dra)s &s to ta2e and taste the s)eetness of his doctrine+ -n this )ay then dearest Theoti"&s o&r free-)ill is in no )ay forced or necessitated $y 'race $&t not)ithstandin' the all-#o)erf&l force of GodDs "ercif&l hand )hich to&ches s&rro&nds and ties the so&l )ith s&ch a n&"$er of ins#irations in!itations and attractions this h&"an )ill re"ains #erfectly free enfranchised and eCe"#t fro" e!ery sort of constraint and necessity+ Grace is so 'racio&s and so 'racio&sly seiHes o&r hearts to dra) the" that she no)ays offends the li$erty of o&r )illB she to&ches #o)erf&lly $&t yet so delicately the s#rin's of o&r s#irit that o&r free )ill s&ffers no !iolence fro" it+ Grace has #o)er not to force $&t to entice the heartB she has a holy !iolence not to !iolate o&r li$erty $&t to "a2e it f&ll of lo!eB she acts stron'ly yet so s)eetly that o&r )ill is not o!er)hel"ed $y so #o)erf&l an actionB she #resses &s $&t does not o##ress o&r li$ertyB so that &nder the !ery action of her #o)er )e can consent to or resist her "o!e"ents as )e list+ /&t )hat is as ad"ira$le as it is !erita$le is that )hen o&r )ill follo)s the attractions and consents to the di!ine "o!e"ent she follo)s as freely as she resists freely )hen she does resist altho&'h the consent to 'race de#ends "&ch "ore on 'race than on the )ill )hile the resistance to 'race de#ends &#on the )ill only+ So s)eet is GodDs hand in the handlin' of o&r hearts( So deCtero&s is it in co""&nicatin' &nto &s its stren'th )itho&t de#ri!in' &s of li$erty and in i"#artin' &nto &s the "otion of its #o)er )itho&t hinderin' that of o&r )ill( 5e ad1&sts his #o)er to his s)eetness in s&ch sort that as in )hat re'ards 'ood his "i'ht s)eetly 'i!es &s the #o)er so his s)eetness "i'htily "aintains the freedo" of the )ill+ -f tho& didst 2no) the 'ift of God said o&r Sa!io&r to the Sa"aritan )o"an and )ho he is that saith to thee 'i!e "e to drin2B tho& #erha#s )o&ldst ha!e as2ed of hi" and he )o&ld ha!e 'i!en thee li!in' )ater+ @177A Eote - #ray yo& Theoti"&s O&r Sa!io&rDs "anner of s#ea2in' of his attractions+ -f tho& didst 2no) he "eans the 'ift of God tho& )o&ldst )itho&t do&$t $e "o!ed and attracted to as2 the )ater of eternal life and #erha#s tho& )o&ldst as2 it+ 3s tho&'h he saidF Tho& )o&ldst ha!e #o)er and )o&ldst $e #ro!o2ed to as2 yet in no )ise $e forced or constrainedB $&t only #erha#s tho& )o&ldst ha!e as2ed for thy li$erty









)o&ld re"ain to as2 it or not to as2 it+ S&ch are o&r Sa!io&rDs )ords accordin' to the ordinary edition and accordin' to S+ 3&'&stine &#on S+ ,ohn+ 5 To concl&de if any one sho&ld say that o&r free-)ill does not co-o#erate in consentin' to the 'race )ith )hich God #re!ents it or that it co&ld not re1ect and deny consent thereto he )o&ld contradict the )hole Scri#t&re all the ancient Fathers and eC#erience and )o&ld $e eCco""&nicated $y the sacred ?o&ncil of Trent+ /&t )hen it is said that )e ha!e #o)er to re1ect the di!ine ins#irations and "otions it is of co&rse not "eant that )e can hinder God fro" ins#irin' &s or to&chin' o&r hearts for as - ha!e already said that is done in &s and yet )itho&t &s+ These are fa!o&rs )hich God $esto)s &#on &s $efore )e ha!e tho&'ht of the" he a)a2ens &s )hen )e slee# and conse*&ently )e find o&rsel!es a)a2e $efore )e ha!e tho&'ht of itB $&t it is in o&r #o)er to rise or not to rise and tho&'h he has a)a2ened &s )itho&t &s he )ill not raise &s )itho&t &s+ Eo) not to rise and to 'o to slee# a'ain is to resist the call seein' )e are called only to the end )e sho&ld rise+ 0e cannot hinder the ins#iration fro" ta2in' &s or conse*&ently fro" settin' &s in "otion $&t if as it dri!es &s for)ards )e re#&lse it $y not yieldin' o&rsel!es to its "otion )e then "a2e resistance+ So the )ind ha!in' seiHed &#on and raised o&r a#odes )ill not $ear the" !ery far &nless they dis#lay their )in's and coo#erate raisin' the"sel!es aloft and flyin' in the air into )hich they ha!e $een lifted+ -f on the contrary all&red "ay $e $y so"e !erd&re they see &#on the 'ro&nd or $en&"$ed $y their stay there in lie& of secondin' the )ind they 2ee# their )in's folded and cast the"sel!es a'ain &#on the earth they ha!e recei!ed indeed the "otion of the )ind $&t in !ain since they did not hel# the"sel!es there$y+ Theoti"&s ins#irations #re!ent &s and e!en $efore they are tho&'ht of "a2e the"sel!es felt $&t after )e ha!e felt the" it is o&rs either to consent to the" so as to second and follo) their attractions or else to dissent and re#&lse the"+ They "a2e the"sel!es felt $y &s )itho&t &s $&t they do not "a2e &s consent )itho&t &s+ @KIA 3cts iC+ 15+ 87 @KKA Osee Ci+ 9+ @177A ,ohn i!+ 17+ 85 ?53PT;> Q---+ OF T5; F->ST S;ET-M;ETS OF 6O:; 05-?5 D-:-E; -ESP->3T-OES ?3=S; -E T5; SO=6 /;FO>; S5; 53S F3-T5+ 97 The )ind that raises the a#odes $lo)s first &#on their feathers as the #arts "ost li'ht and "ost s&sce#ti$le of its a'itation $y )hich it 'i!es the $e'innin' of "otion to their )in's eCtendin' and dis#layin' the" in s&ch sort that they 'i!e a hold $y )hich to seiHe the $ird and )aft it into the air+ 3nd if they th&s raised do contri$&te the "otion of their )in's to that of the )ind the sa"e )ind that too2 the" )ill still aid the" "ore and "ore to fly )ith ease+ ;!en so "y dear Theoti"&s )hen the ins#iration as a sacred 'ale co"es to $lo) &s for)ard into the air of holy lo!e it first ta2es o&r )ill and $y the senti"ent of so"e hea!enly delectation it "o!es it eCtendin' and &nfoldin' the nat&ral inclination )hich the )ill has to 'ood so that this sa"e inclination ser!es as






a hold $y )hich to seiHe o&r s#irit+ 3nd all this as - ha!e said is done in &s )itho&t &s for it is the di!ine fa!o&r that #re!ents &s in this sort+ /&t if o&r )ill th&s holily #re!ented #ercei!in' the )in's of her inclination "o!ed dis#layed eCtended stirred and a'itated $y this hea!enly )ind contri$&tes $e it ne!er so little its consent--3h( ho) ha##y it is Theoti"&s+ The sa"e fa!o&ra$le ins#iration )hich has seiHed &s "in'lin' its action )ith o&r consent ani"atin' o&r fee$le "otions )ith its !i'o&r and !i!ifyin' o&r )ea2 coo#eration $y the #o)er of its o#eration )ill aid cond&ct and acco"#any &s fro" lo!e to lo!e e!en &nto the act of "ost holy faith re*&isite for o&r con!ersion+ Tr&e God( Theoti"&s )hat a consolation it is to consider the secret "ethod $y )hich the 5oly Ghost #o&rs into o&r hearts the first rays and feelin's of his li'ht and !ital heat( O ,es&s( ho) deli'htf&l a #leas&re it is to see celestial lo!e )hich is the s&n of !irt&es as little $y little )ith a #ro'ress )hich insensi$ly $eco"es sensi$le it dis#lays its li'ht &#on a so&l and sto#s not till it has it all co!ered )ith the s#lendo&r of its #resence 'i!in' it at last the #erfect $ea&ty of lo!eDs day( O ho) cheerf&l $ea&tif&l s)eet and a'reea$le this day$rea2 is( Ee!ertheless tr&e it is that $rea2 of day is either not day or if it $e day it is $&t a $e'innin' day a risin' of the day and rather the infancy of the day than the day itself+ -n li2e "anner )itho&t do&$t these "otions of lo!e )hich forer&n the act of faith re*&ired for o&r 1&stification are either not lo!e #ro#erly s#ea2in' or $&t a $e'innin' and i"#erfect lo!e+ They are the first !erdant $&ds )hich the so&l )ar"ed )ith the hea!enly s&n $e'ins as a "ystical tree to #&t forth in s#rin'ti"e rather #resa'es of fr&it than fr&it itself+ S+ Pacho"i&s then a yo&n' soldier and )itho&t 2no)led'e of God enrolled &nder the colo&rs of the ar"y )hich ?onstantine had le!ied a'ainst the tyrant MaCenti&s ca"e )ith the troo# to )hich he $elon'ed to lod'e ni'h a little to)n not far distant fro" The$es )here he and indeed the )hole ar"y )ere in eCtre"e )ant of !ict&als+ The inha$itants of the little to)n ha!in' &nderstood this $ein' $y 'ood fort&ne of the faithf&l of ,es&s ?hrist and conse*&ently friendly and charita$le to their nei'h$o&rs i""ediately s&cco&red the soldiers in their necessities $&t )ith s&ch care co&rtesy and lo!e that Pacho"i&s )as str&c2 )ith ad"iration thereat and as2in' )hat nation it )as that )as so 'ood a"ia$le and 'racio&s it )as ans)ered hi" that they )ere ?hristiansB and in*&irin' a'ain )hat la) and "anner of life )ere theirs he learned that they $elie!ed in ,es&s ?hrist the only Son of God and did 'ood to all sorts of #eo#le )ith a fir" ho#e of recei!in' fro" God hi"self an a"#le reco"#ense+ 3las( Theoti"&s the #oor Pacho"i&s tho&'h of a 'ood nat&ral dis#osition )as as yet aslee# in the $ed of his infidelity and $ehold ho) &#on a s&dden God )as #resent at the 'ate of his heart and $y the 'ood eCa"#le of these ?hristians as $y a s)eet !oice he calls hi" a)a2ens hi" and 'i!es hi" the first feelin's of the !ital heat of his lo!e+ For scarcely had he heard as - ha!e said of the s)eet la) of O&r Sa!io&r than all filled )ith a ne) li'ht and interior consolation ha!in' retired a#art and "&sed for a s#ace he lifted &# his hands to)ards hea!en and )ith a #rofo&nd si'h he saidF 6ord God )ho hast "ade hea!en and earth if tho& dei'n to cast thine eyes &#on "y $aseness and "isery and to 'i!e "e the 2no)led'e of thy di!inity - #ro"ise to ser!e thee and o$ey thy co""and"ents all the days of "y life( 3fter this #rayer and #ro"ise the lo!e of the tr&e 'ood and of #iety so increased in hi" that he ceased not to #ractise a tho&sand tho&sand acts of !irt&e+











Methin2s - see in this eCa"#le a ni'htin'ale )hich a)a2in' at the #ee# of day $e'ins to stir and to stretch itself &nfold its #l&"es s2i# fro" $ranch to $ranch in its 'ro!e and little $y little )ar$le o&t its delicio&s )ood-"&sic+ For did yo& not note ho) the 'ood eCa"#le of the charita$le ?hristians eCcited and a)a2ened )ith a s&dden start the $lessed Pacho"i&s. Tr&ly this astonished ad"iration he had )as nothin' else than his a)a2enin' in )hich God to&ched hi" as the s&n to&ches the earth )ith a ray of his $ri'htness )hich filled hi" )ith a 'reat feelin' of s#irit&al #leas&re+ For )hich ca&se Pacho"i&s sha2es hi"self loose fro" distractions to the end he "ay )ith "ore attention and facility 'ather to'ether and relish the 'race he has recei!ed )ithdra)in' hi"self to thin2 there&#on+ Then he eCtends his heart and hands to)ards hea!en )hither the ins#iration is dra)in' hi" and $e'innin' to dis#lay the )in's of his affections flyin' $et)een diffidence of hi"self and confidence in God he entones in a h&"$ly a"oro&s air the canticle of his con!ersion+ 5e first testifies that he already 2no)s one only God ?reator of hea!en and earthF $&t )ithal he 2no)s that he does not yet 2no) hi" s&fficiently to ser!e hi" as he o&'ht and therefore he #etitions that a "ore #erfect 2no)led'e "ay $e i"#arted to hi" that there$y he "ay co"e to the #erfect ser!ice of his di!ine "a1esty+ /ehold therefore - #ray yo& Theoti"&s ho) 'ently God "o!es stren'thenin' $y little and little the 'race of his ins#iration in consentin' hearts dra)in' the" after hi" as it )ere ste# $y ste# &#on this ,aco$Ds ladder+ /&t )hat are his dra)in's. The first $y )hich he #re!ents and a)a2ens &s is done $y hi" in &s and )itho&t o&r actionB all the others are also done $y hi" and in &s $&t not )itho&t o&r action+ Dra) "eF says the sacred s#o&se )e )ill r&n after thee to the odo&r of thy oint"ents @171A that is $e'in tho& firstF - cannot a)a2e of "yself - cannot "o!e &nless tho& "o!e "eB $&t )hen tho& shalt once ha!e 'i!en "otion then O dear s#o&se of "y heart )e r&n )e t)o tho& r&nnest $efore "e dra)in' "e e!er for)ard and as for "e - )ill follo) thee in thy co&rse consentin' to thy dra)in'+ /&t let no one thin2 that tho& dra''est "e after thee li2e a forced sla!e or a lifeless )a'on+ 3h( no tho& dra)est "e $y the odo&r of thy oint"entsB tho&'h - follo) thee it is not that tho& trailest "e $&t that tho& enticest "eB thy dra)in' is "i'hty $&t not !iolent since its )hole force lies in its s)eetness+ Perf&"es ha!e no other force to dra) "en to follo) the" than their s)eetness and s)eetness--ho) co&ld it dra) $&t s)eetly and deli'htf&lly. @171A ?ant+ i+ 8+ ?53PT;> Q-:+






OF T5; S;ET-M;ET OF D-:-E; 6O:; 05-?5 -S 53D /O F3-T5+ 0hen God 'i!es &s faith he enters into o&r so&l and s#ea2s to o&r s#irit not $y "anner of disco&rse $&t $y )ay of ins#iration #ro#osin' in so s)eet a "anner &nto the &nderstandin' that )hich o&'ht to $e $elie!ed that the )ill recei!es therefro" a 'reat co"#lacency so 'reat indeed that it "o!es the &nderstandin' to consent and yield to tr&th )itho&t any do&$t or distr&st and here lies the "ar!elF for God #ro#oses the "ysteries of faith to o&r so&ls a"idst o$sc&rities and dar2ness in s&ch sort that )e do not see the tr&ths $&t )e only half-see the"+ @172A -t is li2e )hat ha##ens so"eti"es



)hen the face of the earth is co!ered )ith "ist so that )e cannot see the s&n $&t only see a little "ore $ri'htness in the direction )here he is+ Then as one )o&ld say )e see it )itho&t seein' itB $eca&se on the one hand )e see it not so )ell that )e can tr&ly say )e see it yet a'ain )e see it not so little that )e can say )e do not see itB and this is )hat )e call half-seein'+ 3nd yet )hen this o$sc&re li'ht of faith has entered o&r s#irit not $y force of reasonin' or sho) of ar'&"ent $&t solely $y the s)eetness of its #resence it "a2es the &nderstandin' $elie!e and o$ey it )ith so "&ch a&thority that the certit&de it 'i!es &s of the tr&th s&r#asses all other certit&des and 2ee#s the &nderstandin' and all its )or2in's in s&ch s&$1ection that they 'et no hearin' in co"#arison )ith it+ May - Theoti"&s ha!e lea!e to say this. Faith is the chief $elo!ed of o&r &nderstandin' and "ay 1&stly s#ea2 to h&"an sciences )hich $oast that they are "ore e!ident and clear than she as did the sacred s#o&se to the other she#herdesses+ - a" $lac2 $&t $ea&tif&l @178A --O h&"an reasonin's O ac*&ired 2no)led'e( - a" $lac2 for - a" a"idst the o$sc&rities of si"#le re!elation )hich ha!e no a##arent e!idence and )hich "a2e "e loo2 $lac2 #&ttin' "e )ell-ni'h o&t of 2no)led'eF yet - a" $ea&tif&l in "yself $y reason of "y infinite certaintyB and if "ortal eyes co&ld $ehold "e s&ch as - a" $y nat&re they )o&ld find "e all fair+ 3nd "&st it not necessarily follo) that in effect - a" infinitely to $e lo!ed since the 'loo"y dar2ness and thic2 "ists a"id )hich - a"--not seen $&t only half-seen cannot hinder "e fro" $ein' so dearly lo!ed that the so&l #riHin' "e a$o!e all clea!in' the cro)d of all other 2no)led'es "a2es the" all 'i!e #lace to "e and recei!es "e as his *&een #lacin' "e on the hi'hest throne in his #alace fro" )hence - 'i!e the la) to all sciences and 2ee# all ar'&"ent and all h&"an sense &nder. Oea !erily Theoti"&s e!en as the co""anders of the ar"y of -srael ta2in' off their 'ar"ents #&t the" to'ether and "ade a royal throne of the" on )hich they #laced ,eh& and saidF ,eh& is 2in'F @179A so on the arri!al of faith the &nderstandin' #&ts off all disco&rse and ar'&"ents and layin' the" &nderneath faith "a2es her sit &#on the" ac2no)led'in' her as %&een and )ith 'reat 1oy cries o&tF 6on' li!e faith( Pio&s disco&rses and ar'&"ents the "iracles and other ad!anta'es of the ?hristian reli'ion "a2e it eCtre"ely credi$le and 2no)a$le $&t faith alone "a2es it $elie!ed and ac2no)led'ed ena"o&rin' "en )ith the $ea&ty of its tr&th and "a2in' the" $elie!e the tr&th of its $ea&ty $y "eans of the s)eetness faith #o&rs into their )ills and the certit&de )hich it 'i!es to their &nderstandin'+ The ,e)s sa) the "iracles and heard the "ar!ello&s teachin's of O&r Sa!io&r $&t $ein' indis#osed to recei!e faith that is their )ill not $ein' s&sce#ti$le of the 'entle s)eetness of faith on acco&nt of the $itterness and "alice )ith )hich they )ere filled they #ersisted in their infidelity+ They #ercei!ed the force of the ar'&"ent $&t they relished not the s)eetness of the concl&sion and therefore did not ac*&iesce in its tr&th+ /&t the act of faith consists in this !ery ac*&iescence of o&r s#irit )hich ha!in' recei!ed the 'ratef&l li'ht of tr&th acce#ts it $y "eans of a s)eet yet #o)erf&l and solid ass&rance and certit&de )hich it finds in the a&thority of the re!elation )hich has $een "ade to her+ Oo& ha!e heard Theoti"&s that in 'eneral co&ncils there are 'reat dis#&tations and in*&iries "ade a$o&t tr&th $y disco&rse reasons and theolo'ical ar'&"ents $&t the "atters $ein' disc&ssed the Fathers that is the $isho#s and es#ecially the Po#e )ho is










the chief of the $isho#s concl&de resol!e and deter"ineB and the deter"ination $ein' once #rono&nced e!ery one f&lly acce#ts it and ac*&iesces in it not in consideration of the reasons alle'ed in the #recedin' disc&ssion and in*&isition $&t in !irt&e of the a&thority of the 5oly Ghost )ho #residin' in!isi$ly in co&ncils has 1&d'ed deter"ined and concl&ded $y the "o&th of his ser!ants )ho" he has esta$lished #astors of ?hristianity+ The in*&isition then and the dis#&tation are "ade in the #riestsD co&rt $y the doctors $&t the resol&tion and ac*&iescence are for"ed in the sanct&ary )here the 5oly Ghost )ho ani"ates the $ody of his ?h&rch s#ea2s $y the "o&th of its chiefs as O&r 6ord has #ro"ised+ -n li2e "anner the ostrich lays her e''s &#on the sands of 6i$ya $&t the s&n alone hatches her yo&n' onesB and doctors $y their in*&iry and disco&rse #ro#ose tr&th $&t only the $ea"s of the s&n of 1&stice 'i!e certainty and ac*&iescence+ To concl&de then Theoti"&s this ass&rance )hich "anDs reason finds in thin's re!ealed and in the "ysteries of faith $e'ins $y an a"oro&s senti"ent of co"#lacency )hich the )ill recei!es fro" the $ea&ty and s)eetness of the #ro#osed tr&thB so that faith incl&des a $e'innin' of lo!e )hich the heart feels to)ards di!ine thin's+ @172A Eo&s ne !oyons #as ains sel&e"ent no&s entre!oyons+


@178A ?ant+ i+ 9+ @179A 9 4in's iC+ 18+ ?53PT;> Q:+

25 OF T5; G>;3T S;ET-M;ET OF 6O:; 05-?5 0; >;?;-:; /O 5O6O 5OP;+ 3s )hen eC#osed to the rays of the s&n at "id-day )e hardly see the $ri'htness $efore )e s&ddenly feel the heatB so the li'ht of faith has no sooner s#read the s#lendo&r of its tr&ths in o&r &nderstandin' $&t i""ediately o&r )ill feels the holy heat of hea!enly lo!e+ Faith "a2es &s 2no) $y an infalli$le certit&de that God is that he is infinite in 'oodness that he can co""&nicate hi"self &nto &s and not only that he can $&t that he )illB so that $y an ineffa$le s)eetness he has #ro!ided &s )ith all thin's re*&isite to o$tain the ha##iness of i""ortal 'lory+ Eo) )e ha!e a nat&ral inclination to the so!erei'n 'ood $y reason of )hich o&r heart is to&ched )ith a certain in)ard anCio&s desire and contin&al &neasiness not $ein' a$le in any )ay to *&iet itself or to cease to testify that its #erfect satisfaction and solid content"ent are )antin' to it+ /&t )hen holy faith has re#resented to o&r &nderstandin' this lo!ely o$1ect of o&r nat&ral inclination --Oh( Theoti"&s )hat 1oy( )hat #leas&re( ho) o&r )hole so&l is thrilled and all a"aHed at the si'ht of so eCcellent a $ea&ty it cries o&t )ith lo!eF /ehold tho& art fair "y $elo!ed $ehold tho& art fair( @175A ;lieHer so&'ht a )ife for the son of his "aster 3$raha"B ho) co&ld he tell )hether he sho&ld find her $ea&tif&l and 'racio&s as he desired. /&t )hen he had fo&nd her at the fo&ntain and sa) her so eCcellent in $ea&ty and so #erfect in s)eetness and es#ecially )hen he had o$tained her he adored God and $lessed hi" )ith than2s'i!in' f&ll of inco"#ara$le 1oy+ ManDs heart tends to God $y its nat&ral inclination )itho&t f&lly 2no)in' )hat he isB $&t )hen it finds hi" at the fo&ntain of faith and sees hi" so 'ood





so lo!ely so s)eet and 'racio&s to all and so ready to 'i!e hi"self as the so!erei'n 'ood to all )ho desire hi" --O God( )hat deli'ht( and )hat sacred "o!e"ents in the so&l to &nite itself for e!er to this 'oodness so so!erei'nty a"ia$le( - ha!e fo&nd says the so&l th&s ins#ired - ha!e at last fo&nd that )hich "y heart desired and no) - a" at rest+ 3nd as ,aco$ ha!in' seen the fair >achel after he had holily 2issed her "elted into tears of s)eetness for the ha##iness he eC#erienced in so desira$le a "eetin' so o&r #oor heart ha!in' fo&nd God and recei!ed of hi" the first 2iss the 2iss of holy faith it dissol!es forth)ith in s)eetness of lo!e for the infinite 'ood )hich it #resently disco!ers in that so!erei'n $ea&ty+ 0e so"eti"es eC#erience in o&rsel!es a certain 1oyo&sness )hich co"es as it )ere &neC#ectedly )itho&t any a##arent reason and this is often a #resa'e of so"e 'reater 1oyB )hence "any are of o#inion that o&r 'ood an'els foreseein' the 'ood )hich is co"in' &nto &s 'i!e &s $y this "eans a foretaste thereof as on the contrary they 'i!e &s certain fears and terrors a"idst dan'ers )e are not a)are of to "a2e &s in!o2e GodDs assistance and stand &#on o&r '&ard+ Eo) )hen the #resa'ed 'ood arri!es )e recei!e it )ith o#en ar"s and reflectin' &#on the 1oyo&sness )e for"erly felt )itho&t 2no)in' its ca&se )e only then $e'in to #ercei!e that it )as a forer&nner of the ha##iness )e no) en1oy+ ;!en so "y dear Theoti"&s o&r heart ha!in' had for so lon' a ti"e an inclination to its so!erei'n 'ood 2ne) not to )hat end this "otion tendedF $&t so soon as faith has sho)n it then "an clearly discerns that this )as )hat his so&l co!eted his &nderstandin' so&'ht and his inclination tended to)ards+ ?ertainly )hether )e )ish or )ish not o&r so&l tends to)ards the so!erei'n 'ood+ /&t )hat is this so!erei'n 'ood. 0e are li2e those 'ood 3thenians )ho sacrificed &nto the tr&e God altho&'h he )as &n2no)n to the" till the 'reat S+ Pa&l ta&'ht the" the 2no)led'e of hi"+ For so o&r heart $y a dee# and secret instinct in all its actions tends to)ards and ai"s at felicity see2in' it here and there as it )ere 'ro#in' )itho&t 2no)in' )here it resides or in )hat it consists till faith sho)s and descri$es the infinite "ar!els thereof+ /&t then ha!in' fo&nd the treas&re it so&'ht for --ah( )hat a satisfaction to this #oor h&"an heart( 0hat 1oy )hat co"#lacency of lo!e( O - ha!e "et )ith hi" )ho" "y heart so&'ht for )itho&t 2no)in' hi"( O ho) little - 2ne) )hither "y ai"s tended )hen nothin' contented "e of all - ai"ed at $eca&se in fact - 2ne) not )hat - )as ai"in' at+ - )as see2in' to lo!e and 2ne) not )hat to lo!e and therefore "y intention not findin' its tr&e lo!e "y lo!e re"ained e!er in a tr&e $&t i'norant intention+ - had indeed s&fficient foretaste of lo!e to "a2e "e see2 $&t not s&fficient 2no)led'e of the 'oodness - had to lo!e to act&ally #ractise lo!e+ @175A ?ant+ i+ 19+








?53PT;> Q:-+ 5O0 6O:; -S P>3?T-S;D -E 5OP;+


ManDs &nderstandin' then $ein' #ro#erty a##lied to the consideration of that )hich faith re#resents to it to&chin' its so!erei'n 'ood the )ill instantly concei!es an eCtre"e co"#lacency in this di!ine o$1ect )hich as yet a$sent $e'ets an ardent desire of its #resence )hence the so&l holily cries o&tF 6et hi" 2iss "e )ith the 2iss of his "o&th+ @176A My so&l #anteth after thee O God+ @177A

3nd as the &nhooded falcon ha!in' her #rey in !ie) s&ddenly la&nches herself &#on the )in' and if held in her leash str&''les &#on the hand )ith eCtre"e ardo&rB so faith ha!in' dra)n the !eil of i'norance and "ade &s see o&r so!erei'n 'ood )ho" ne!ertheless )e cannot yet #ossess detained $y the condition of this "ortal life --3h( Theoti"&s )e then desire it in s&ch sort that as the hart #anteth after the fo&ntains of )atersB so "y so&l #anteth after thee O God( My so&l hath thirsted after the stron' li!in' GodB )hen shall - co"e and a##ear $efore the face of God. @17IA This desire is 1&st Theoti"&s for )ho )o&ld not desire so desira$le a 'ood. /&t it )o&ld $e a &seless desire and )o&ld $e $&t a contin&al tor"ent to o&r heart if )e had not ass&rance that )e sho&ld at len'th satiate it+ 5e )ho on acco&nt of the delay of this ha##iness #rotests that his tears )ere his ordinary $read day and ni'ht so lon' as his God )as a$sent and his ene"ies de"andedF )here is thy God. @17KA --3las( )hat )o&ld he ha!e done if he had not had so"e ho#e of one day en1oyin' this 'ood after )hich he si'hed+ The di!ine s#o&se 'oes )ee#in' and lan'&ishin' )ith lo!e @117A $eca&se she does not at once find the )ell-$elo!ed she is searchin' for+ The lo!e of the )ell-$elo!ed had $red in her a desire that desire $e'ot an ardo&r to #&rs&e it and that ardo&r ca&sed in her a lan'&ishin' )hich )o&ld ha!e cons&"ed and annihilated her #oor heart &nless she had ho#ed at len'th to "eet )ith )hat she so&'ht after+ So then lest the &nrest and doloro&s lan'&or )hich the efforts of desirin' lo!e ca&se in o&r so&ls sho&ld "a2e &s fail in co&ra'e or red&ce &s to des#air the sa"e so!erei'n 'ood )hich "o!es in &s so !ehe"ent a desire also $y a tho&sand tho&sand #ro"ises "ade in his 0ord and his ins#irations 'i!es &s ass&rance that )e "ay )ith ease o$tain it #ro!ided al)ays that )e )ill to e"#loy the "eans )hich he has #re#ared for &se and offers &s to this effect+ Eo) these di!ine #ro"ises and ass&rances $y a #artic&lar "ar!el increase the ca&se of o&r dis*&iet and yet )hile they increase the ca&se they &ndo and destroy the effects+ Oea !erily Theoti"&sB for the ass&rance )hich God 'i!es &s that #aradise is o&rs infinitely stren'thens the desire )e ha!e to en1oy it and yet )ea2ens yea alto'ether destroys the tro&$le and dis*&iet )hich this desire $ro&'ht &nto &sB so that o&r hearts $y the #ro"ises )hich the di!ine 'oodness has "ade &s re"ain *&ite cal"ed and this cal" is the root of the "ost holy !irt&e )hich )e call ho#e+ For the )ill ass&red $y faith that she has #o)er to en1oy the so!erei'n 'ood $y &sin' the "eans a##ointed "a2es t)o 'reat acts of !irt&eF $y the one she eC#ects fro" God the fr&ition of his so!erei'n 'oodness $y the other she as#ires to that holy fr&ition+ 3nd indeed Theoti"&s $et)een ho#in' and as#irin' (es#erer et as#irer) there is $&t this difference that )e ho#e for those thin's )hich )e eC#ect to 'et $y anotherDs assistance and )e as#ire &nto those thin's )hich )e thin2 to reach $y "eans that lie in o&r o)n #o)er+ 3nd since )e attain the fr&ition of o&r so!erei'n 'ood )hich is God $y his fa!o&r 'race and "ercy and yet the sa"e "ercy )ill ha!e &s co-o#erate )ith his fa!o&r $y contri$&tin' the )ea2ness of o&r consent to the stren'th of his 'raceB o&r ho#e is thence in so"e sort "in'led )ith as#irin' so that )e do not alto'ether ho#e )itho&t as#irin' nor do )e e!er as#ire )itho&t entirely ho#in'+ 5o#e then 2ee#s e!er the #rinci#al #lace as $ein' fo&nded &#on di!ine 'race )itho&t )hich as )e cannot e!en so "&ch as thin2 of o&r so!erei'n 'ood in the )ay re*&ired to reach it so can )e









ne!er )itho&t this 'race as#ire to)ards o&r so!erei'n God in the )ay re*&ired to o$tain it+ 5 3s#iration then is a scion of ho#e as o&r co-o#eration is of 'raceF and as those that )o&ld ho#e )itho&t as#irin' )o&ld $e re1ected as co)ardly and ne'li'entB so those that sho&ld as#ire )itho&t ho#in' )o&ld $e rash insolent and #res&"#t&o&s+ /&t )hen ho#e is seconded )ith as#iration )hen ho#in' )e as#ire and as#irin' )e ho#e then dear Theoti"&s ho#e $y as#iration $eco"es a co&ra'eo&s desire and as#iration is chan'ed $y ho#e into a h&"$le clai" and )e ho#e and as#ire as God ins#ires &s+ /&t $oth are ca&sed $y that desirin' lo!e )hich tends to o&r so!erei'n 'ood to that 'ood )hich the "ore s&rely it is ho#ed for the "ore it is lo!edB yea ho#e is no other thin' than the lo!in' co"#lacency )e ta2e in the eC#ectin' and see2in' o&r so!erei'n 'ood+ 3ll that is there is lo!e Theoti"&s+ 3s soon as faith has sho)n "e "y so!erei'n 'ood ha!e lo!ed itB and $eca&se it )as a$sent - ha!e desired it and ha!in' &nderstood that it )o&ld $esto) itself &#on "e - ha!e lo!ed and desired it yet "ore ardentlyB for indeed its 'oodness is so "&ch "ore to $e $elo!ed and desired $y ho) "&ch "ore it is dis#osed to co""&nicate itself+ Eo) $y this #ro'ress lo!e has t&rned its desire into ho#e see2in' and eC#ectation so that ho#e is an eC#ectant and as#irin' lo!eB and $eca&se the so!erei'n 'ood )hich ho#e eC#ects is God and $eca&se also she eC#ects it fro" God hi"self to )ho" and $y )ho" she ho#es and as#ires this holy !irt&e of ho#e a$&ttin' e!ery)here on God is $y conse*&ence a di!ine or theolo'ical !irt&e+ @176A ?ant+ i+ 1+ 25 @177A Ps+ Cli+ 1+ @17IA -$id+ 1 2+ @17KA Ps+ Cli+ 9+ 87 @117A ?ant+ !+ I+ ?53PT;> Q:--+ 85 T53T T5; 6O:; 05-?5 -S -E 5OP; -S :;>O GOOD T5O=G5 -MP;>F;?T+ The lo!e )hich )e #ractise in ho#e 'oes indeed to God Theoti"&s $&t it ret&rns to &sB its si'ht is t&rned &#on the di!ine 'oodness yet )ith so"e res#ect to o&r o)n #rofitB it tends to that s&#re"e #erfection $&t ai"in' at o&r o)n satisfaction+ That is to say it $ears &s to God not $eca&se he is so!erei'nty 'ood in hi"self $&t $eca&se he is so!erei'nty 'ood to &s in )hich as yo& see there is so"ethin' of the o&r and the &s so that this lo!e is tr&ly lo!e $&t lo!e of c&#idity and self-interest+ Oet - do not say that it does in s&ch sort ret&rn to o&rsel!es that it "a2es &s lo!e God only for the lo!e of o&rsel!esB O God( noF for the so&l )hich sho&ld only lo!e God for the lo!e of herself #lacin' the end of the lo!e )hich she $ears to God in her o)n interest )o&ld alas( co""it an eCtre"e sacrile'e+ -f a )ife lo!ed her h&s$and only for the lo!e of his ser!ant she )o&ld lo!e her h&s$and as a ser!ant and his ser!ant as a h&s$andF and the






so&l that only lo!es God for lo!e of herself lo!es herself as she o&'ht to lo!e God and God as she o&'ht to lo!e herself+ 5 /&t there is a 'reat difference $et)een this eC#ressionF - lo!e God for the 'ood )hich eC#ect fro" hi" and thisF - only lo!e God for the 'ood )hich - eC#ect fro" hi"F as a'ain it is a !ery different thin' to sayF - lo!e God for "yselfF and - lo!e God for the lo!e of "yself+ For )hen - say - lo!e God for "yself it is as if - saidF - lo!e to ha!e God - lo!e that God sho&ld $e "ine sho&ld $e "y so!erei'n 'oodB )hich is a holy affection of the hea!enly s#o&se )ho a h&ndred ti"es in eCcess of deli'ht #rotestsF My $elo!ed to "e and - to hi" )ho feedeth a"on' the lilies+ @111A /&t to sayF - lo!e God for lo!e of "yself is as if one sho&ld sayB the lo!e )hich - $ear to "yself is the end for )hich - lo!e GodB in s&ch sort that the lo!e of God )o&ld $e de#endent s&$ordinate and inferior to self-lo!e to o&r lo!e for o&rsel!es )hich is a "atchless i"#iety+ This lo!e then )hich )e ter" ho#e is a lo!e of c&#idity $&t of a holy and )ellordered c&#idity $y "eans )hereof )e do not dra) God to &s nor to o&r &tility $&t )e ad1oin o&rsel!es &nto hi" as to o&r final felicity+ /y this lo!e )e lo!e o&rsel!es to'ether )ith God yet not #referrin' or e*&aliHin' o&rsel!es to hi"B in this lo!e the lo!e of o&rsel!es is "in'led )ith that of God $&t that of God floats on the to#B o&r o)n lo!e enters indeed $&t as a si"#le "oti!e not as a #rinci#al endB o&r o)n interest has so"e #lace there $&t God holds the #rinci#al ran2+ Oes )itho&t do&$t Theoti"&sF for )hen )e lo!e God as o&r so!erei'n 'ood )e lo!e hi" for a *&ality $y )hich )e do not refer hi" to &s $&t o&rsel!es to hi"+ 0e are not his end ai" or #erfection $&t he is o&rsB he does not a##ertain to &s $&t )e to hi"B he de#ends not on &s $&t )e on hi"B and in a )ord $y the *&ality of so!erei'n 'ood for )hich )e lo!e hi" he recei!es nothin' of &s $&t )e recei!e of hi"+ 5e eCercises to)ards &s his affl&ence and 'oodness and )e o&r indi'ence and scarcityB so that to lo!e God &nder the title of so!erei'n 'ood is to lo!e hi" &nder an hono&ra$le and res#ectf&l title $y )hich )e ac2no)led'e hi" to $e o&r #erfection re#ose and end in the fr&ition of )hich o&r felicity consists+ So"e 'oods there are )hich )e &se for o&rsel!es )hen )e e"#loy the" as o&r sla!es ser!ants horses clothesF and the lo!e )hich )e $ear &nto the" is a lo!e of #&re c&#idity since )e lo!e the" only for o&r o)n #rofit+ Other 'oods there are )hich )e #ossess $&t )ith a #ossession )hich is reci#rocal and e*&al on each side as in the case of o&r friendsF for the lo!e )e ha!e &nto the" inas"&ch as they content &s is indeed a lo!e of c&#idity yet of an honest c&#idity $y )hich they are o&rs and )e si"ilarly theirs they $elon' to &s and )e e*&ally to the"+ /&t there are yet other 'oods )hich )e #ossess )ith a #ossession of de#endence #artici#ation and s&$1ection as )e do the $ene!olence or #resence or fa!o&r of o&r #astors #rinces father "otherF for the lo!e )hich )e $ear &nto the" is then tr&ly a lo!e of c&#idity )hen )e lo!e the" in that they are o&r #astors o&r #rinces o&r fathers o&r "others since it is not #recisely the *&ality of #astor nor of #rince nor of father nor of "other )hich is the ca&se of o&r affection to)ards the" $&t the fact that they are so to &s and in o&r re'ard+ Still this c&#idity is a lo!e of res#ect re!erence and hono&rB for )e lo!e o&r father for eCa"#le not $eca&se he is o&rs $&t $eca&se )e are hisB and after the sa"e "anner it is that )e lo!e and as#ire to God $y ho#e not to the end he "ay $eco"e o&r 'ood $&t $eca&se he is itB not to the end he "ay $eco"e o&rs $&t $eca&se )e are hisB not as tho&'h he eCisted for &s $&t inas"&ch as )e eCist for hi"+









3nd note Theoti"&s that in this lo!e the reason )hy )e lo!e (that is )hy )e a##ly o&r heart to the lo!e of the 'ood )hich )e desire) is $eca&se it is o&r 'oodB $&t the "eas&re and *&antity of this lo!e de#end on the eCcellence and di'nity of the 'ood )hich )e lo!e+ 0e lo!e o&r $enefactors $eca&se they are s&ch to &s $&t )e lo!e the" "ore or less as they are "ore or less o&r $enefactors+ 0hy then do )e lo!e God Theoti"&s )ith this lo!e of c&#idity. /eca&se he is o&r 'ood+ /&t )hy do )e so!erei'nly lo!e hi". /eca&se he is o&r so!erei'n 'ood+ /&t )hen - say )e lo!e God so!erei'nly - do not therefore say that )e lo!e hi" )ith so!erei'n lo!e+ So!erei'n lo!e is only in charity )hereas in ho#e lo!e is i"#erfect $eca&se it does not tend to his infinite 'oodness as $ein' s&ch in itself $&t only $eca&se it is s&ch to &s+ Still $eca&se in this 2ind of lo!e there is no "oti!e "ore eCcellent than that )hich #roceeds fro" the consideration of the so!erei'n 'ood )e say that $y it )e lo!e so!erei'nly tho&'h in real tr&th no one is a$le $y !irt&e of this lo!e either to 2ee# GodDs co""and"ents or o$tain life e!erlastin' $eca&se it is a lo!e that yields "ore affection than effect )hen it is not acco"#anied )ith charity+ @111A ?ant+ ii+ 16+




?53PT;> Q:---+ T53T 6O:; -S ;Q;>?-S;D -E P;E-T;E?; 3ED F->ST T53T T5;>; 3>; D-:;>S SO>TS OF P;E-T;E?;+



To s#ea2 'enerally #enitence is a re#entance )here$y a "an re1ects and detests the sin he has co""itted )ith the resol&tion to re#air as "&ch as in hi" lies the offence and in1&ry done to hi" a'ainst )ho" he has sinned+ - co"#rehend in #enitence a #&r#ose to re#air the offence $eca&se that re#entance does not s&fficiently detest the fa&lt )hich !ol&ntarily #er"its the #rinci#al effect thereof to )it the offence and in1&ry to s&$sistB and it #er"its it to s&$sist so lon' as $ein' a$le in so"e sort to "a2e re#aration it does not do so+ - o"it here the #enitence of certain #a'ans )ho as Tert&llian )itnesses had so"e a##earances of it a"on'st the" $&t so !ain and fr&itless that they often had #enitence for ha!in' done )ellB for - s#ea2 only of !irt&o&s #enitence )hich accordin' to the different "oti!es )hence it #roceeds is also of !ario&s s#ecies+ There is one sort #&rely "oral and h&"an as )as that of 3leCander the Great )ho ha!in' slain his dear ?lit&s deter"ined to star!e hi"self to death so 'reat says ?icero )as the force of #enitenceF or that of 3lci$iades )ho $ein' con!inced $y Socrates that he )as not a )ise "an $e'an to )ee# $itterly $ein' sorro)f&l and afflicted for not $ein' )hat he o&'ht to ha!e $een as S+ 3&'&stine says+ 3ristotle also reco'nisin' this sort of #enitence ass&res &s that the inte"#erate "an )ho of set #&r#ose 'i!es hi"self o!er to #leas&res is )holly incorri'i$le $eca&se he cannot re#ent and he that is )itho&t re#entance is inc&ra$le+ ?ertainly Seneca Pl&tarch and the Pytha'oreans )ho so hi'hly co""end the eCa"en of conscience $&t es#ecially the first )ho s#ea2s so feelin'ly of the tor"ent )hich interior re"orse eCcites in the so&l "&st ha!e &nderstood that there )as a re#entanceB




and as for the sa'e ;#ictet&s he so )ell descri$es the )ay in )hich a "an sho&ld re#rehend hi"self that it co&ld scarcely $e $etter eC#ressed+ 5 There is yet another #enitence )hich is indeed "oral yet reli'io&s too yea in so"e sort di!ine #roceedin' fro" the nat&ral 2no)led'e )hich )e ha!e of o&r offendin' God $y sin+ For certainly "any #hiloso#hers &nderstood that to li!e !irt&o&sly )as a thin' a'reea$le to the di!inity and that conse*&ently to li!e !icio&sly )as offensi!e to hi"+ The 'ood "an ;#ictet&s "a2es the )ish to die a tr&e ?hristian (as it is !ery #ro$a$le he did) and a"on'st other thin's he says he sho&ld $e content if dyin' he co&ld lift &# his hands to God and say &nto hi"F For "y #art - ha!e not dishono&red TheeF and f&rther he )ill ha!e his #hiloso#her to "a2e an ad"ira$le oath to God ne!er to $e diso$edient to his di!ine Ma1esty nor to *&estion or $la"e anythin' co"in' fro" hi" nor in any sort to co"#lain thereofB and in another #lace he teaches that God and o&r 'ood an'el are #resent d&rin' o&r actions+ Oo& see clearly then Theoti"&s that this #hiloso#her )hile yet a #a'an 2ne) that sin offended God as !irt&e hono&red hi" and conse*&ently he )illed that it sho&ld $e re#ented of since he e!en ordained an eCa"en of conscience at ni'ht a$o&t )hich )ith Pytha'oras he lays do)n this "aCi" -f tho& hast ill done chide thyself $itterly 27 -f tho& hast )ell done rest thee contentedly+ Eo) this 2ind of re#entance 1oined to the 2no)led'e and lo!e of God )hich nat&re can 'i!e )as a de#endence of "oral reli'ion+ /&t as nat&ral reason $esto)ed "ore 2no)led'e than lo!e &#on the #hiloso#hers )ho did not 'lorify God in #ro#ortion to the 2no)led'e they had of hi" so nat&re has f&rnished "ore li'ht to &nderstand ho) "&ch God is offended $y sin than heat to eCcite the re#entance necessary for the re#aration of the offence+ /&t altho&'h reli'io&s #enitence "ay ha!e $een in so"e sort reco'niHed $y so"e of the #hiloso#hers yet this has $een so rarely and fee$ly that those )ho )ere re#&ted the "ost !irt&o&s a"on'st the" to )it the Stoics "aintained that the )ise "an )as ne!er 'rie!ed )here&#on they fra"ed a "aCi" as contrary to reason as the #ro#osition on )hich it )as 'ro&nded )as contrary to eC#erience na"ely that the )ise "an sinned not+ 0e "ay therefore )ell say Theoti"&s that #enitence is a !irt&e )holly ?hristian since on the one side it )as so little 2no)n to the #a'ans and on the other side it is so )ell reco'niHed a"on'st tr&e ?hristians that in it consists a 'reat #art of the e!an'elical #hiloso#hy accordin' to )hich )hosoe!er affir"s that he sins not is senseless and )hosoe!er eC#ects )itho&t #enitence to redress his sin is "adB for it is o&r Sa!io&rDs eChortation of eChortationsF Do #enance+ @112A 3nd no) let "e 'i!e a $rief descri#tion of the #ro'ress of this !irt&e+ 0e enter into a #rofo&nd a##rehendin' of the fact that as far as is in &s )e offend God $y o&r sins des#isin' and dishono&rin' hi" 'i!in' )ay to diso$edience and re$ellion a'ainst hi"B and he also on his #art considers hi"self as offended irritated and des#isedB for he disli2es re#ro!es and a$o"inates ini*&ity+ Fro" this tr&e a##rehension








there s#rin' se!eral "oti!es )hich all or se!eral to'ether or each one a#art "ay carry &s to this re#entance+ 5 For )e consider so"eti"es ho) God )ho is offended has esta$lished a ri'oro&s #&nish"ent in hell for sinners and ho) he )ill de#ri!e the" of the #aradise #re#ared for the 'ood+ 3nd as the desire of #aradise is eCtre"ely hono&ra$le so the fear of losin' it is an eCcellent fearB and not only so $&t the desire of #aradise $ein' !ery )orthy of estee" the fear of its contrary )hich is hell is 'ood and #raise)orthy+ 3h( )ho )o&ld not dread so 'reat a loss so 'reat a tor"ent( 3nd this do&$le fear--the one ser!ile the other "ercenary--'reatly $ears &s on to)ards a re#entance for o&r sins $y )hich )e ha!e inc&rred the"+ 3nd to this effect in the 5oly 0ord this fear is a h&ndred and a h&ndred ti"es inc&lcated+ 3t other ti"es )e consider the defor"ity and "alice of sin accordin' as faith teaches &sB for eCa"#le $eca&se $y it the li2eness and i"a'e of God )hich )e ha!e is defiled and disfi'&red the di'nity of o&r so&l dishono&red )e are "ade li2e $r&te $easts )e ha!e !iolated o&r d&ty to)ards the ?reator of the )orld forfeited the 'ood of the society of the an'els to associate and s&$1ect o&rsel!es to the de!il "a2in' o&rsel!es sla!es of o&r #assions o!ert&rnin' the order of reason offendin' o&r 'ood an'els to )ho" )e ha!e so 'reat o$li'ations+ 3t other ti"es )e are #ro!o2ed to re#entance $y the $ea&ty of !irt&e )hich $rin's as "&ch 'ood )ith it as sin does e!ilB f&rther )e are often "o!ed to it $y the eCa"#le of the saintsB for )ho co&ld e!er ha!e cast his eyes &#on the eCercises of the inco"#ara$le #enitence of Ma'dalen of Mary of ;'y#t or of the #enitents of the "onastery called Prison descri$ed $y S+ ,ohn ?li"ac&s )itho&t $ein' "o!ed to re#entance for his sins since the "ere readin' of the history incites to it s&ch as are not alto'ether insensi$le+ @112A Matt+ i!+ 17+ ?53PT;> Q-Q+ 87 T53T P;E-T;E?; 0-T5O=T 6O:; -S -MP;>F;?T+ Eo) all these "oti!es are ta&'ht &s $y faith and the ?hristian reli'ion and therefore the re#entance )hich res&lts fro" the" is !ery la&da$le tho&'h i"#erfect+ 6a&da$le certainly it is for neither 5oly Scri#t&re nor the ?h&rch )o&ld stir &s &# $y s&ch "oti!es if the #enitence thence #roceedin' )ere not 'ood and )e see "anifestly that it is a "ost reasona$le thin' to re#ent of sin for these considerations yea that it is i"#ossi$le that he )ho considers the" attenti!ely sho&ld not re#ent+ Oet still it is an i"#erfect re#entance $eca&se di!ine lo!e is not as yet fo&nd in it+ 3h( do yo& not see Theoti"&s that all these re#entances are "ade for the sa2e of o&r o)n so&l of its felicity of its interior $ea&ty its hono&r its di'nity and in a )ord for lo!e of o&rsel!es altho&'h a la)f&l 1&st and )ell-ordered lo!e+ 3nd note that - do not say that these re#entances re1ect the lo!e of God $&t only that they do not incl&de itB they do not re#&lse it yet they do not contain it B they are not contrary to it $&t as yet are )itho&t itB it is not for$idden entrance and yet it is not in+ The )ill )hich si"#ly e"$races 'ood is !ery 'ood yet if it so e"$race this as to re1ect the $etter it is tr&ly ill-ordered not in acce#tin' the one $&t in re#&lsin' the other+ So








the !o) to 'i!e al"s this day is 'ood yet the !o) to 'i!e only this day is $ad $eca&se it )o&ld eCcl&de the $etter )hich is to 'i!e $oth to-day to-"orro) and e!ery day )hen )e are a$le+ ?ertainly it is 'ood and this cannot $e denied to re#ent of o&r sins in order to a!oid the #ains of hell and o$tain hea!en $&t he that sho&ld "a2e the resol&tion ne!er to $e )illin' to re#ent for any other "oti!e )o&ld )ilf&lly sh&t o&t the $etter )hich is to re#ent for the lo!e of God and )o&ld co""it a 'reat sin+ 3nd )hat father )o&ld not $e ill #leased that his son )as )illin' indeed to ser!e hi" yet ne!er )ith lo!e or $y lo!e. The $e'innin' of 'ood thin's is 'ood the #ro'ress $etter the end the $est+ 3t the sa"e ti"e it is as a $e'innin' that the $e'innin' is 'ood and as #ro'ress that #ro'ress is 'oodF and to )ish to finish the )or2 $y its $e'innin' or in its #ro'ress )o&ld $e to in!ert the order of thin's+ -nfancy is 'ood $&t to desire to re"ain al)ays a child )o&ld $e $adB for the child of a h&ndred years old is des#ised+ -t is la&da$le to $e'in to learn yet he that sho&ld $e'in )ith intention ne!er to #erfect hi"self )o&ld 'o a'ainst all reason+ Fear and those other "oti!es of re#entance of )hich - s#o2e are 'ood for the $e'innin' of ?hristian )isdo" )hich consists in #enitenceB $&t he )ho deli$erately )illed not to attain to lo!e )hich is the #erfection of #enitence )o&ld 'reatly offend hi" )ho ordained all to his lo!e as to the end of all thin's+ To concl&deF the re#entance )hich eCcl&des the lo!e of God is infernal li2e to that of the da"ned+ The re#entance )hich does not re1ect the lo!e of God tho&'h as yet it $e )itho&t it is a 'ood and desira$le #enitence $&t i"#erfect and it cannot 'i!e sal!ation &ntil it attain lo!e and is "in'led there)ith+ So that as the 'reat 3#ostle said that tho&'h he sho&ld deli!er his $ody to $e $&rned and all his 'oods to the #oor )antin' charity it )o&ld #rofit hi" nothin' @118A so )e "ay tr&ly say that tho&'h o&r #enitence )ere so 'reat that it sho&ld ca&se o&r eyes to dissol!e in tears and o&r hearts to $rea2 )ith sorro) yet if )e ha!e not the holy lo!e of God all this )o&ld #rofit nothin' for eternal life+ @118A 1 ?or+ Ciii+ 8+ ?53PT;> QQ+







5O0 T5; M-EG6-EG OF 6O:; 3ED SO>>O0 T34;S P63?; -E ?OET>-T-OE+ Eat&re as far as - 2no) ne!er con!erts fire into )ater tho&'h so"e )aters t&rn into fire+ Oet God did it once $y "iracle+ For as it is )ritten in the /oo2 of Macha$ees @119A )hen the children of -srael )ere cond&cted into /a$ylon in the ti"e of Sedecias the #riests $y the co&nsel of ,ere"ias hid the holy fire in a !alley in a dry )ell and &#on their ret&rn the children of those that had hid it )ent to see2 it follo)in' the direction their fathers had 'i!en the" and they fo&nd it con!erted into a thic2 )ater )hich $ein' dra)n $y the" and #o&red &#on the sacrifices as Eehe"ias co""anded )as )hen the s&n$ea"s to&ched it con!erted into a 'reat fire+ Theoti"&s a"on'st the tri$&lations and re"orse of a li!ely re#entance God often #&ts in the $otto" of o&r heart the sacred fire of his lo!e this lo!e is con!erted into the )ater





of tears they $y a second chan'e into another and 'reater fire of lo!e+ Th&s the fa"o&s #enitent lo!er first lo!ed her Sa!io&r her lo!e )as con!erted into tears and these tears into an eCcellent lo!eB )hence O&r Sa!io&r told her that "any sins )ere #ardoned her $eca&se she had lo!ed "&ch+ @115A 3nd as )e see fire t&rns )ine into a certain )ater )hich is called al"ost e!ery)here a*&a!itP )hich so easily ta2es and a&'"ents fire that in "any #laces it is also ter"ed ardentB so the a"oro&s consideration of the 'oodness )hich )hile it o&'ht to ha!e $een so!erei'nly lo!ed has $een offended $y sin #rod&ces the )ater of holy #enitenceB and fro" this )ater the fire of di!ine lo!e iss&es thence #ro#erly ter"ed )ater of life or ardent+ Penitence is indeed a )ater in its s&$stance $ein' a tr&e dis#leas&re a real sorro) and re#entanceB yet is it ardent in that it contains the !irt&e and #ro#erties of lo!e as arisin' fro" a "oti!e of lo!e and $y this #ro#erty it 'i!es the life of 'race+ So that #erfect #enitence has t)o different effectsB for in !irt&e of its sorro) and detestation it se#arates &s fro" sin and the creat&re to )hich delectation had attached &sB $&t in !irt&e of the "oti!e of lo!e )hence it ta2es its ori'in it reconciles &s and re&nites &s to o&r God fro" )ho" )e had se#arated o&rsel!es $y conte"#tF so that it at once reclai"s &s fro" sin in *&ality of re#entance and re&nites &s to God in *&ality of lo!e+ /&t - do not "ean to say that the #erfect lo!e of God $y )hich )e lo!e hi" a$o!e all thin's al)ays #recedes this re#entance or that this re#entance al)ays #recedes this lo!e+ For tho&'h it often so ha##ens still at other ti"es as soon as di!ine lo!e is $orn in o&r hearts #enitence is $orn )ithin the lo!e and oftenti"es #enitence enterin' into o&r heart lo!e enters in #enitence+ 3nd as )hen ;sa& )as $orn ,aco$ his t)in $rother held hi" $y the foot that their $irths "i'ht not only follo) the one the other $&t also "i'ht clea!e to'ether and $e inter"in'ledB so re#entance r&de and ro&'h in re'ard of its #ain is $orn first as another ;sa&B and lo!e 'entle and 'racio&s as ,aco$ holds hi" $y the foot and clea!es &nto hi" so closely that their $irth is $&t one since the end of the $irth of re#entance is the $e'innin' of that of #erfect lo!e+ Eo) as ;sa& first a##eared so re#entance ordinarily "a2es itself to $e seen $efore lo!e $&t lo!e as another ,aco$ altho&'h the yo&n'er after)ards s&$d&es #enitence con!ertin' it into consolation+ Mar2 - #ray yo& Theoti"&s the )ell-$elo!ed Ma'dalen ho) she )ee#s )ith lo!eF They ha!e ta2en a)ay "y 6ord says she "eltin' into tearsB and - 2no) not )here they ha!e laid hi" @116A $&t ha!in' )ith si'hs and tears fo&nd hi" she holds and #ossesses hi" $y lo!e+ -"#erfect lo!e desires and r&ns after hi" #enitence see2s and finds hi"B #erfect lo!e holds and clas#s hi"+ -t is )ith it as is said to $e )ith ;thio#ian r&$ies )hose fire is nat&rally !ery faint $&t )hen they are di##ed in !ine'ar it s#ar2les o&t and casts a "ost $rilliant l&streF for the lo!e )hich 'oes $efore re#entance is ordinarily i"#erfectB $&t $ein' stee#ed in the shar#ness of #enitence it 'ains stren'th end $eco"es eCcellent lo!e+ -t e!en ha##ens so"eti"es that re#entance tho&'h #erfect contains not in itself the #ro#er action of lo!e $&t only the !irt&e and #ro#erty of it+ Oo& )ill as2 "e )hat !irt&e or #ro#erty of lo!e can re#entance ha!e if it ha!e not the action. Theoti"&s GodDs 'oodness is the "oti!e of #erfect re#entance )hich it dis#leases &s to ha!e offendedF no) this "oti!e is a "oti!e only $eca&se it stirs &s and 'i!es &s "o!e"ent+ /&t the "o!e"ent )hich the di!ine 'oodness 'i!es &nto the heart )hich considers it can $e no other than the "o!e"ent of lo!e that is of &nion+ 3nd therefore tr&e re#entance









tho&'h it see" not so and tho&'h )e #ercei!e not the #ro#er effect of lo!e yet e!er ta2es the "o!e"ent of lo!e and the &niti!e *&ality of lo!e $y )hich it re-&nites and re1oins &s to the di!ine 'oodness+ Tell "e - #rayF--it is the #ro#erty of the loadstone to dra) and &nite iron &nto itselfB $&t do )e not see that iron to&ched )ith the loadstone )itho&t ha!in' either it or its nat&re $&t only its !irt&e and attracti!e *&ality can dra) and &nite to itself another iron. So #erfect re#entance to&ched )ith the "oti!e of lo!e is not )itho&t the !irt&e and *&ality thereof that is the "o!e"ent of &nion to re-1oin and re-&nite o&r hearts to the di!ine )ill+ /&t yo& )ill re#ly )hat difference is there $et)een this "o!e"ent of #enitence and the #ro#er action of lo!e. Theoti"&s the action of lo!e is indeed a "o!e"ent of &nion $&t it is "ade $y co"#lacency )hereas the "o!e"ent of &nion )hich is in #enitence is not "ade $y )ay of co"#lacency $&t $y dis#leas&re re#entance re#aration reconciliation+ Foras"&ch therefore as this "oti!e &nites it has the *&ality of lo!eB inas"&ch as it is $itter and doloro&s it has the *&ality of #enitence and in fine $y its nat&ral condition it is a tr&e "o!e"ent of #enitence $&t one )hich has the !irt&e and &nitin' *&ality of lo!e+ So Theriac&"-)ine is not so na"ed $eca&se it contains the #ro#er s&$stance of Theriac&" for there is none at all in itB $&t it is so called $eca&se the #lant of the !ine ha!in' $een stee#ed in Theriac&" the 'ra#es and the )ine )hich ha!e s#r&n' fro" it ha!e dra)n into the"sel!es the !irt&e and o#eration of Theriac&" a'ainst all sorts of #oison+ 0e "&st not therefore thin2 it stran'e if #enitence accordin' to the 5oly scri#t&re $lots o&t sin sa!es the so&l "a2es her 'ratef&l God and 1&stifies her )hich are effects a##ertainin' to lo!e and )hich a##arently sho&ld only $e attri$&ted to lo!eF for tho&'h lo!e itself $e not al)ays fo&nd in #erfect #enitence yet its !irt&e and #ro#erties are al)ays there ha!in' flo)ed into it $y the "oti!e of lo!e )hence it s#rin's+ Eor "&st )e )onder that the force of lo!e sho&ld $e fo&nd in #enitence $efore lo!e $e for"ed in it since )e see that $y the reflection of the rays of the s&n $eatin' &#on a "irror heat )hich is the !irt&e and the #ro#er *&ality of fire 'ro)s $y little and little so stron' that it $e'ins to $&rn $efore it has yet )ell #rod&ced the fire or at least $efore )e ha!e #ercei!ed it+ For so the 5oly Ghost castin' into o&r &nderstandin' the consideration of the 'reatness of o&r sins in that $y the" )e ha!e offended so so!erei'n a 'oodness and o&r )ill recei!in' the reflection of this 2no)led'e re#entance $y little and little 'ro)s so stron' )ith a certain affecti!e heat and desire to ret&rn into 'race )ith God that in fine this "o!e"ent co"es to s&ch a hei'ht that it $&rns and &nites e!en $efore the lo!e $e f&lly for"ed tho&'h lo!e as a sacred fire is al)ays at once li'hted at this #oint+ So that re#entance ne!er co"es to this hei'ht of $&rnin' and re-&nitin' the heart to God )hich is her &t"ost #erfection )itho&t findin' herself )holly con!erted into fire and fla"e of lo!e the end of the one 'i!in' the other a $e'innin'B or rather the end of #enitence is )ithin the co""ence"ent of lo!e as ;sa&Ds foot )as )ithin ,aco$Ds handB in s&ch sort that )hile ;sa& )as endin' his $irth ,aco$ )as $e'innin' his the end of the oneDs $irth $ein' 1oined and fastened to yea )hat is "ore incl&ded in the $e'innin' of the otherDsF for so the $e'innin' of #erfect lo!e not only follo)s the end of #enitence $&t e!en clea!es and ties itself to itB and to say all in one )ord this $e'innin' of lo!e "in'les itself )ith the end of #enitence and in this "o"ent of "in'lin' #enitence and contrition "erit life e!erlastin'+








Eo) $eca&se this lo!in' re#entance is ordinarily #ractised $y ele!ations and raisin's of the heart to God li2e to those of the ancient #enitentsF - a" thine sa!e tho& "e+ 5a!e "ercy on "e O God ha!e "ercy on "eF for "y so&l tr&steth in thee( Sa!e "e O GodB for the )aters are co"e in e!en &nto "y so&l( Ma2e "e as one of thy hired ser!ants( O God $e "ercif&l to "e a sinner(--it is not )itho&t reason that so"e ha!e said that #rayer 1&stifiesB for the re#entant #rayer or the s&##liant re#entance raisin' &# the so&l to God and re-&nitin' it to his 'oodness )itho&t do&$t o$tains #ardon in !irt&e of the holy lo!e )hich 'i!es it the sacred "o!e"ent+ 3nd therefore )e o&'ht all to ha!e !ery "any s&ch e1ac&latory #rayers "ade in the sense of a lo!in' re#entance and of si'hs )hich see2 o&r reconciliation )ith God so that $y these layin' o&r tri$&lation $efore O&r Sa!io&r )e "ay #o&r o&t o&r so&ls $efore and )ithin his #itif&l heart )hich )ill recei!e the" to "ercy+ @119A 2 Mach+ i+

15 @115A 6&2e !ii+ 97+ @116A ,ohn CC+ 18+ 27 ?53PT;> QQ-+ 5O0 O=> S3:-O=>DS 6O:-EG 3TT>3?T-OES 3SS-ST 3ED 3??OMP3EO =S TO F3-T5 3ED ?53>-TO+ 25 /et)een the first a)a2in' fro" sin or infidelity to the final resol&tion of a #erfect $elief there often r&ns a 'ood deal of ti"e in )hich )e are a$le to #ray as )e ha!e seen S+ Pacho"i&s did and as that #oor l&naticDs father )ho as S+ Mar2 relates 'i!in' ass&rance that he $elie!ed that is that he $e'an to $elie!e 2ne) at the sa"e ti"e that he did not $elie!e s&fficientlyB )hence he cried o&tF - do $elie!e 6ord hel# "y &n$elief @117A as tho&'h he )o&ld sayF - a" no lon'er in the o$sc&rity of the ni'ht of infidelity the rays of yo&r faith already enli'hten the horiHon of "y so&lF $&t still - do not yet $elie!e as - o&'htB it is a 2no)led'e as yet )ea2 and "iCed )ith dar2nessB 3h( 6ord hel# "e+ 3nd the 'reat S+ 3&'&stine sole"nly #rono&nces these re"ar2a$le )ordsF G/&t listen O "an( and &nderstand+ 3rt tho& not dra)n. #ray in order that tho& "ayest $e dra)n+G -n )hich )ords his intention is not to s#ea2 of the first "o!e"ent )hich God )or2s in &s )itho&t &s )hen he eCcites and a)a2ens &s o&t of the slee# of sinF for ho) co&ld )e as2 to $e a)a2ened seein' no "an can #ray $efore he $e a)a2ened. /&t he s#ea2s of the resol&tion )hich )e "a2e to $e faithf&l for he considers that to $elie!e is to $e dra)n and therefore he ad"onishes s&ch as ha!e $een eCcited to $elie!e in God to as2 the 'ift of faith+ 3nd indeed no one co&ld $etter 2no) the diffic&lties )hich ordinarily #ass $et)een the first "o!e"ent God "a2es in &s and the #erfect resol&tion of $elie!in' f&lly than S+ 3&'&stine )ho ha!in' had so 'reat a !ariety of attractions $y the )ords of the 'lorio&s S+ 3"$rose $y the conference he had )ith Politian and a tho&sand other "eans yet "ade so "any delays and had so "&ch diffic&lty in resol!in'+ For "ore tr&ly to hi" than to any other "i'ht ha!e $een a##lied that )hich he after)ards said to othersF 3las( 3&'&stine if tho& $e not dra)n if tho& $elie!e not #ray that tho& "ayest $e dra)n and that tho& "ayest $elie!e+






O&r Sa!io&r dra)s hearts $y the deli'hts that he 'i!es the" )hich "a2e the" find hea!enly doctrine s)eet and a'reea$le $&t &ntil this s)eetness has en'a'ed and fastened the )ill $y its $elo!ed $onds to dra) it to the #erfect ac*&iescence and consent of faith as God does not fail to eCercise his 'reatness &#on &s $y his holy ins#irations so does not o&r ene"y cease to #ractise his "alice $y te"#tations+ 3nd "eanti"e )e re"ain in f&ll li$erty to consent to the di!ine dra)in's or to re1ect the"B for as the sacred ?o&ncil of Trent has clearly decreedF G-f any one sho&ld say that "anDs free)ill $ein' "o!ed and incited $y God does not in any )ay co-o#erate $y consentin' to God )ho "o!es and calls hi" that he "ay dis#ose and #re#are hi"self to o$tain the 'race of 1&stification and that he is &na$le to ref&se consent tho&'h he )o&ld G tr&ly s&ch a "an )o&ld $e eCco""&nicated and re#ro!ed $y the ?h&rch+ /&t if )e do not re#&lse the 'race of holy lo!e it dilates itself $y contin&al increase in o&r so&ls &ntil they are entirely con!ertedB li2e 'reat ri!ers )hich findin' o#en #lains s#read the"sel!es and e!er ta2e &# "ore s#ace+ /&t if the ins#iration ha!in' dra)n &s to faith find no resistance in &s it dra)s &s also to #enitence and charity+ S+ Peter as an a#ode raised $y the ins#iration )hich ca"e fro" the eyes of his "aster freely lettin' hi"self $e "o!ed and carried $y this 'entle )ind of the 5oly Ghost loo2s &#on those life-'i!in' eyes )hich had eCcited hi"B he reads as in the $oo2 of life the s)eet in!itation to #ardon )hich the di!ine cle"ency offers hi"B he dra)s fro" it a 1&st "oti!e of ho#eB he 'oes o&t of the co&rt considers the horror of his sin and detests itB he )ee#s he so$s he #rostrates his "isera$le heart $efore his Sa!io&rDs "ercy cra!es #ardon for his fa&lts "a2es a resol&tion of in!iola$le loyalty and $y this #ro'ress of "o!e"ents #ractised $y the hel# of 'race )hich contin&ally cond&cts assists and hel#s hi" he co"es at len'th to the holy re"ission of his sins and #asses so fro" 'race to 'raceF accordin' to )hat S+ Pros#er lays do)n that )itho&t 'race a "an doos not r&n to 'race+ So then to concl&de this #oint the so&l #re!ented $y 'race feelin' the first dra)in's and consentin' to their s)eetness as if ret&rnin' to herself after a lon' s)oon $e'ins to si'h o&t these )ordsF 3h( "y dear s#o&se "y friend( Dra) "e - $eseech thee and ta2e hold of "e &nder "y ar"s for other)ise - a" not a$le to )al2F $&t if tho& dra) "e )e r&n tho& in hel#in' "e $y the odo&r of thy #erf&"es and - corres#ondin' $y "y )ea2 consent and $y relishin' thy s)eetnesses )hich stren'then and rein!i'orate "e till the $al" of thy sacred na"e that is the sal&tary oint"ent of "y 1&stification $e #o&red o&t o!er "e+ Do yo& see Theoti"&s she )o&ld not #ray if she )ere not eCcitedB $&t as soon as she is and feels the attractions she #rays that she "ay $e dra)nB $ein' dra)n she r&ns ne!ertheless she )o&ld not r&n if the #erf&"es )hich dra) her and $y )hich she is dra)n did not ins#irit her heart $y the #o)er of their #recio&s odo&rB and as her co&rse is "ore s)ift and as she a##roaches nearer her hea!enly s#o&se she has e!er a "ore deli'htf&l sense of the s)eetnesses )hich he #o&rs o&t &ntil at last he hi"self flo)s o&t in her heart li2e a s#read $al" )hence she cries as $ein' s&r#rised $y this deli'ht not so *&ic2ly eC#ected and as yet &nloo2ed forF O "y s#o&se tho& art as $al" #o&red into "y $oso"B it is no "ar!el that yo&n' so&ls cherish thee dearly+ -n this )ay "y dear Theoti"&s the di!ine ins#iration co"es to &s and #re!ents &se "o!in' o&r )ills to sacred lo!e+ 3nd if )e do not re#&lse it it 'oes )ith &s and 2ee#s near &s to incite &s and e!er #&sh &s f&rther for)ardsB and if )e do not a$andon it it








does not a$andon &s till s&ch ti"e as it has $ro&'ht &s to the ha!en of "ost holy charity #erfor"in' for &s the three 'ood offices )hich the 'reat an'el >a#hael f&lfilled for his dear To$iasF for it '&ides &s thro&'h all o&r 1o&rney of holy #enitence it #reser!es &s fro" dan'ers and fro" the assa&lts of the de!il and it consoles ani"ates and fortifies &s in o&r diffic&lties+ @117A Mar2 iC+ 28+ ?53PT;> QQ--+

17 3 S5O>T D;S?>-PT-OE OF ?53>-TO+ /ehold at len'th Theoti"&s ho) God $y a #ro'ress f&ll of ineffa$le s)eetness cond&cts the so&l )hich he "a2es lea!e the ;'y#t of sin fro" lo!e to lo!e as fro" "ansion to "ansion till he has "ade her enter into the land of #ro"ise - "ean into "ost holy charity )hich to say it in one )ord is a friendshi# and a disinterested lo!e for $y charity )e lo!e God for his o)n sa2e $y reason of his "ost so!erei'nly a"ia$le 'oodness+ /&t this friendshi# is a tr&e friendshi# $ein' reci#rocal for God has lo!ed eternally all )ho ha!e lo!ed hi" do or shall lo!e hi" te"#orally+ -t is sho)n and ac2no)led'ed "&t&ally since God cannot $e i'norant of the lo!e )e $ear hi" he hi"self $esto)in' it &#on &s nor can )e $e i'norant of his lo!e to &s seein' that he has so #&$lished it a$road and that )e ac2no)led'e all the 'ood )e ha!e to $e tr&e effects of his $ene!olence+ 3nd in fine )e ha!e contin&al co""&nications )ith hi" )ho ne!er ceases to s#ea2 &nto o&r hearts $y ins#irations all&re"ents and sacred "otionsB he ceases not to do &s 'ood or to 'i!e all sorts of testi"onies of his "ost holy affection ha!in' o#enly re!ealed &nto &s all his secrets as to his confidential friends+ 3nd to cro)n his holy lo!in' interco&rse )ith &s he has "ade hi"self o&r #ro#er food in the "ost holy Sacra"ent of the ;&charistB and as for &s )e ha!e freedo" to treat )ith hi" at all ti"es )hen )e #lease in holy #rayer ha!in' o&r )hole life "o!e"ent and $ein' not only )ith hi" $&t in hi" and $y hi"+ Eo) this friendshi# is not a si"#le friendshi# $&t a friendshi# of dilection $y )hich )e "a2e election of God to lo!e hi" )ith a s#ecial lo!e+ 5e is chosen says the sacred s#o&se o&t of tho&sands @11IA --she says o&t of tho&sands $&t she "eans o&t of all )hence this lo!e is not a lo!e of si"#le eCcellence $&t an inco"#ara$le lo!eB for charity lo!es God $y a certain estee" and #reference of his 'oodness so hi'h and ele!ated a$o!e all other estee"s that other lo!es either are not tr&e lo!es in co"#arison of this or if they $e tr&e lo!es this lo!e is infinitely "ore than lo!eB and therefore Theoti"&s it is not a lo!e )hich the force of nat&re either an'elic or h&"an can #rod&ce $&t the 5oly Ghost 'i!es it and #o&rs it a$road in o&r hearts+ @11KA 3nd as o&r so&ls )hich 'i!e life to o&r $odies ha!e not their ori'in fro" the $ody $&t are #&t in the" $y the nat&ral #ro!idence of God so charity )hich 'i!es life to o&r hearts has not her ori'in fro" o&r hearts $&t is #o&red into the" as a hea!enly li*&or $y the s&#ernat&ral #ro!idence of his di!ine Ma1esty+ For this reason and $eca&se it has reference to God and tends &nto hi" not accordin' to the nat&ral 2no)led'e )e ha!e of his 'oodness $&t accordin' to the s&#ernat&ral 2no)led'e of faith )e na"e it s&#ernat&ral friendshi#+ 0hence it to'ether )ith faith








and ho#e "a2es its a$ode in the #oint and s&""it of the s#irit and as a *&een of "a1esty is seated in the )ill as on her throne )hence she con!eys into the so&l her deli'hts and s)eetnesses "a2in' her there$y all fair a'reea$le and a"ia$le to the di!ine 'oodness+ So that if the so&l $e a 2in'do" of )hich the 5oly Ghost is 2in' charity is the *&een set at his ri'ht hand in 'ilded clothin' s&rro&nded )ith !arietyB @127A if the so&l $e a *&een s#o&se to the 'reat 2in' of hea!en charity is her cro)n )hich royally adorns her headB and if the so&l )ith the $ody $e a little )orld charity is the s&n )hich $ea&tifies all heats all and !i!ifies all+ ?harity then is a lo!e of friendshi# a friendshi# of dilection a dilection of #reference $&t a #reference inco"#ara$le so!erei'n and s&#ernat&ral )hich is as a s&n in the )hole so&l to enli'hten it )ith its rays in all the s#irit&al fac&lties to #erfect the" in all the #o)ers to "oderate the" $&t in the )ill as on its throne there to reside and to "a2e it cherish and lo!e its God a$o!e all thin's+ O ho) ha##y is the so&l )herein this holy lo!e is #o&red a$road since all 'ood thin's co"e to'ether )ith her( @121A @11IA ?ant+ !+ 17+ @11KA >o" !+ 5+



27 @127A Ps+ Cli!+ 17+ @121A 0isdo" !ii+ 11+ 25 /OO4 ---+ OF T5; P>OG>;SS 3ED P;>F;?T-OE OF 6O:;+ 87 ?53PT;> -+ T53T 5O6O 6O:; M3O /; 3=GM;ET;D ST-66 MO>; 3ED MO>; -E ;:;>O OE; OF =S+ 85 The sacred ?o&ncil of Trent ass&res &s that the friends of God #roceedin' fro" !irt&e to !irt&e are day $y day rene)ed that is they increase $y 'ood )or2s in the 1&stice )hich they ha!e recei!ed $y GodDs 'race and are "ore and "ore 1&stified accordin' to those hea!enly ad"onitionsB 5e that is 1&st let hi" $e 1&stified stillF and he that is holy let hi" $e sanctified still+ @122A 3ndF /e not afraid to $e 1&stified e!en to death+ @128A The #ath of the 1&st as a shinin' li'ht 'oeth for)ards and increaseth e!en to #erfect day+ @129A Doin' the tr&th in charity let &s in all thin's 'ro) &# in hi" )ho is the head e!en ?hrist+ @125A 3nd finallyF This - #ray that yo&r charity "ay "ore and "ore a$o&nd in 2no)led'e and in all &nderstandin'+ @126A 3ll these are sacred )ords o&t of Da!id S+ ,ohn ;cclesiastic&s and S+ Pa&l+ - ne!er heard of any li!in' creat&re )hose 'ro)th )as not $o&nded and li"ited eCce#t the crocodile )ho fro" an eCtre"ely little $e'innin' ne!er ceases to 'ro) till it co"es




to its end re#resentin' e*&ally in this the 'ood and the )ic2edF For the #ride of the" that hate thee ascendeth contin&ally @127A says the 'reat 2in' Da!idB and the 'ood increase as the $rea2 of day fro" $ri'htness to $ri'htness+ 3nd to re"ain at a standstill is i"#ossi$leB he that 'ains not loses in this trafficB he that ascends not descends &#on this ladderB he that !an*&ishes not in this $attle is !an*&ishedF )e li!e a"idst the dan'ers of the )ars )hich o&r ene"ies )a'e a'ainst &s if )e resist not )e #erishB and )e cannot resist &nless )e o!erco"e nor o!erco"e )itho&t tri&"#h+ For as the 'lorio&s S+ /ernard saysF G-t is )ritten in #artic&lar of "an that he ne!er contin&eth in the sa"e stateB @12IA he necessarily either 'oes for)ard or ret&rns $ac2)ard+ 3ll r&n indeed $&t one o$tains the #riHe so r&n that yo& "ay o$tain+ @12KA 0ho is the #riHe $&t ,es&s ?hrist. 3nd ho) can yo& ta2e hold on hi" if yo& follo) hi" not. /&t if yo& follo) hi" yo& )ill "arch and r&n contin&ally for he ne!er stayed $&t contin&ed his co&rse of lo!e and o$edience &ntil death and the death of the cross+G Go then says S+ /ernardB 'o - say )ith hi"B 'o "y dear Theoti"&s and ad"it no other $o&nds than those of life and as lon' as it re"ains r&n after this Sa!io&r+ /&t r&n ardently and s)iftlyF for )hat $etter )ill yo& $e for follo)in' hi" if yo& $e not so ha##y as to ta2e hold of hi"( 6et &s hear the Pro#hetF - ha!e inclined "y heart to do thy 1&stifications for e!er @187A he does not say that he )ill do the" for a ti"e only $&t for e!er and $eca&se he desires eternally to do )ell he shall ha!e an eternal re)ard+ /lessed are the &ndefiled in the )ay )ho )al2 in the la) of the 6ord+ @181A 3cc&rsed are they )ho are defiled )ho )al2 not in the la) of the 6ordF it is only for the de!il to say that he )ill sit in the sides of the north+ @182A Detesta$le one )ilt tho& sit. 3h( 2no)est tho& not that tho& art &#on the )ay and that the )ay is not "ade to sit do)n $&t to 'o in and it is so "ade to 'o in that 'oin' is called "a2in' )ay+ 3nd God s#ea2in' to one of his 'reatest friends saysF 0al2 $efore "e and $e #erfect+ @188A Tr&e !irt&e has no li"its it 'oes e!er f&rtherB $&t es#ecially holy charity )hich is the !irt&e of !irt&es and )hich ha!in' an infinite o$1ect )o&ld $e ca#a$le of $eco"in' infinite if it co&ld "eet )ith a heart ca#a$le of infinity+ Eothin' hinders this lo!e fro" $ein' infinite eCce#t the condition of the )ill )hich recei!es it and )hich is to act $y itF a condition )hich #re!ents any one lo!in' God as "&ch as God is a"ia$le as it #re!ents the" fro" seein' hi" as "&ch as he is !isi$le+ The heart )hich co&ld lo!e God )ith a lo!e e*&al to the di!ine 'oodness )o&ld ha!e a )ill infinitely 'ood )hich cannot $e $&t in God+ ?harity then in &s "ay $e #erfected &# to the infinite $&t eCcl&si!elyB that is charity "ay $eco"e "ore and "ore and e!er "ore eCcellent yet ne!er infinite+ The 5oly Ghost "ay ele!ate o&r hearts and a##ly the" to )hat s&#ernat&ral actions it "ay #lease hi" so they $e not infinite+ /et)een little and 'reat thin's tho&'h the one eCceed the other ne!er so "&ch there is still so"e #ro#ortions #ro!ided al)ays that the eCcess of the thin' )hich eCceeds $e not an infinite eCcessF $&t $et)een finite and infinite there is no #ro#ortion and to "a2e any it )o&ld $e necessary either to raise the finite and "a2e it infinite or to lo)er the infinite and "a2e it finite )hich is i"#ossi$le+ So that e!en the charity )hich is in o&r >edee"er as he is "an tho&'h 'reater than 3n'els or "en can co"#rehend yet is not infinite of itself and in its o)n $ein' $&t only in re'ard to its !al&e and "erit as $ein' the charity of a di!ine Person )ho is the eternal Son of the o"ni#otent Father+








Mean)hile it is an eCtre"e hono&r to o&r so&ls that they "ay still 'ro) "ore and "ore in the lo!e of their God as lon' as they shall li!e in this failin' lifeF 3scendin' $y ste#s fro" !irt&e to !irt&e+ @189A 5 @122A 3#oc+ CCii+ 11+ @128A ;ccl&s+ C!iii+ 22+ 17 @129A Pro!+ i!+ 1I+ @125A ;#h+ i!+ 15+ @126A Phil+ i+ K+ 15 @127A Ps+ lCCiii+ 28+ @12IA ,o$ Ci!+ 2+ 27 @12KA 1 ?or+ iC+ 29+ @187A Ps+ cC!iii+ 112+ @181A -$id+ 1+ 25 @182A -s+ Ci!+ 18+ @188A Gen+ C!ii+ 1+ 87 @189A Ps+ lCCCiii+ 6+ ?53PT;> --+ 5O0 ;3SO O=> S3:-O=> 53S M3D; T5; -E?>;3S; OF 6O:;+ 85 Do yo& see Theoti"&s that 'lass of )ater or that #iece of $read )hich a holy so&l 'i!es to a #oor $ody for GodDs sa2eB it is a s"all "atter God 2no)s and in h&"an 1&d'"ent hardly )orthy of considerationF God not)ithstandin' reco"#enses it and forth)ith 'i!es for it so"e increase of charity+ The 'oatDs-hair )hich )as anciently #resented to the Ta$ernacle )as recei!ed in 'ood #art and had #lace a"on'st the holy offerin'sB and the little actions )hich #roceed fro" charity are a'reea$le to God and ha!e their #lace a"on' "erits+ For as in 3ra$y the /lest not only the #lants )hich are $y nat&re aro"atic $&t e!en all the others are s)eet 'ainin' a share in the felicity of that soilB so in a charita$le so&l not only the )or2s )hich are eCcellent of their o)n nat&re $&t also the little actions s"ell of the !irt&e of holy lo!e and ha!e a 'ood odo&r $efore the "a1esty of God )ho in consideration of the" increases charity+ 3nd - say God does it $eca&se ?harity does not #rod&ce her o)n increase as a tree does )hich $y its o)n !irt&e #rod&ces and thro)s o&t one fro" another its $o&'hsF $&t as Faith 5o#e



and ?harity are !irt&es )hich ha!e their ori'in fro" the di!ine 'oodness so thence also they dra) their increase and #erfection not &nli2e $ees )hich ha!in' their eCtraction fro" honey ha!e also their food fro" it+ 5 0herefore as #earls are not only $red of de) $&t fed also )ith it the "other-#earls to this end o#enin' their shells to)ards hea!en to $e' as it )ere the dro#s )hich the freshness of the air "a2es fall at the $rea2 of day so )e ha!in' recei!ed Faith 5o#e and ?harity fro" the hea!enly $o&nty o&'ht al)ays to t&rn o&r hears and 2ee# the" t&rned to)ards it thence to o$tain the contin&ation and a&'"entation of the sa"e !irt&es+ GO 6ord G does holy ?h&rch o&r "other teach &s to say G'i!e &s the increase of faith ho#e and charity+G 3nd this is in i"itation of those that said to O&r Sa!io&rF 6ord increase o&r faith @185A and follo)in' the co&nsel of S+ Pa&l )ho ass&res &s thatF God alone is a$le to "a2e all 'race a$o&nd in &s+ @186A -t is God therefore that 'i!es this increase in consideration of the &se )e "a2e of his 'race as it is )rittenB For he that hath that is )ho &ses )ell the fa!o&rs recei!ed to hi" shall $e 'i!en and he shall a$o&nd+ @187A Th&s is O&r Sa!io&rDs eChortation #ractisedF 6ay &# to yo&rsel!es treas&res in hea!enF @18IA as tho&'h he saidF add e!er ne) 'ood )or2s to the for"er onesB for fastin' #rayer and al"s-deeds are the coins )hereof yo&r treas&res are to consist+ Eo) as a"on'st the treas&res of the te"#le the #oor )ido)Ds "ite )as "&ch estee"ed and as indeed $y the addition of "any little #ieces treas&res $eco"e 'reat and their !al&e increases so the least little 'ood )or2s e!en tho&'h #erfor"ed so"e)hat coldly and not accordin' to the )hole eCtent of the charity )hich is in &s are a'reea$le to God and estee"ed $y hi"B in s&ch sort that tho&'h of the"sel!es they cannot ca&se any increase in the eCistin' lo!e $ein' of less force than it yet the di!ine Pro!idence co&ntin' and o&t of his 'oodness !al&in' the" forth)ith re)ards the" )ith increase of charity for the #resent and assi'ns to the" a 'reater hea!enly 'lory for the f&t&re+ Theoti"&s $ees "a2e the delicio&s honey )hich is their chief )or2B $&t the )aC )hich they also "a2e does not therefore cease to $e of so"e )orth or to "a2e their la$o&r !al&a$le+ The lo!in' heart o&'ht to endea!o&r to $rin' forth )or2s f&ll of fer!o&r and of hi'h !al&e that it "ay #o)erf&lly a&'"ent charityF yet if it $rin' forth so"e of lesser !al&e it shall not lose its reco"#enseB for God )ill $e #leased $y these that is to say he )ill lo!e &s e!er a little "ore for the"+ Eo) God ne!er lo!es a so&l "ore )itho&t $esto)in' also &#on her "ore charity o&r lo!e to)ards hi" $ein' the #ro#er and s#ecial effect of his lo!e to)ards &s+ The "ore attenti!ely )e re'ard o&r i"a'e in a loo2in'-'lass the "ore attenti!ely it re'ards &s a'ainB and the "ore lo!in'ly God casts his 'racio&s eyes &#on o&r so&l )hich is "ade to his i"a'e and li2eness o&r so&l in ret&rn )ith so "&ch the "ore attention and fer!o&r is fiCed &#on the di!ine 'oodness ans)erin' accordin' to her littleness e!ery increase )hich this so!erei'n s)eetness "a2es of his di!ine lo!e to)ards her+ The ?o&ncil of Trent says th&sF G-f any say that 1&stice recei!ed is not #reser!ed yea that it is not a&'"ented $y 'ood )or2s in the si'ht of God $&t that )or2s are only the fr&its and si'ns of 1&stification ac*&ired and not the ca&se of its increase let hi" $e anathe"a+G Do yo& see Theoti"&s the 1&stification )ro&'ht $y charity is a&'"ented $y 'ood )or2s and )hich is to $e noted $y 'ood )or2s )itho&t









eCce#tionF for as S+ /ernard says eCcellently )ell on another s&$1ect nothin' is eCce#ted )here nothin' is distin'&ished+ The ?o&ncil s#ea2s of 'ood )or2s indifferently and )itho&t reser!ation 'i!in' &s to &nderstand that not only the 'reat and fer!ent $&t also the little and fee$le )or2s ca&se the increase of holy ?harity $&t the 'reat ones 'reatly and the little "&ch less+ S&ch is the lo!e )hich God $ears to o&r so&ls s&ch his desire to "a2e &s increase in the lo!e )hich )e o)e to hi"+ The di!ine s)eetness renders all thin's #rofita$le to &s ta2es all to o&r ad!anta'e and t&rns all o&r endea!o&rs tho&'h ne!er so lo)ly and fee$le to o&r 'ain+ -n the action of "oral !irt&es little )or2s $rin' no increase to the !irt&e )hence they #roceed yea if they $e !ery little they i"#air itF for a 'reat li$erality #erishes if it occ&#ies itself in $esto)in' thin's of s"all !al&e and of li$erality $eco"es ni''ardliness+ /&t in the actions of those !irt&es )hich iss&e fro" GodDs "ercy and es#ecially of charity e!ery )or2 'i!es increase+ Eor is it stran'e that sacred lo!e as 4in' of !irt&es has nothin' either 'reat or s"all )hich is not lo!ea$le since the $al" tree #rince of aro"atic trees has neither $ar2 nor leaf that is not odorifero&sF and )hat co&ld lo!e $rin' forth that )ere not )orthy of lo!e or did not tend to lo!e. @185A 6&2e C!ii+ 5+ @186A 2 ?or+ iC+ I+





@187A Matt+ Ciii+ 12+ @18IA Matt !i+ 27+ ?53PT;> ---+

87 5O0 3 SO=6 -E ?53>-TO M34;S P>OG>;SS -E -T+ 6et &s "a2e &se of a #ara$le Theoti"&s seein' that this "ethod )as so a'reea$le to the so!erei'n Master of the lo!e )hich )e are teachin'+ 3 'reat and $ra!e 4in' ha!in' es#o&sed a "ost a"ia$le yo&n' #rincess and ha!in' on a certain day led her into a !ery retired ca$inet there to con!erse )ith her "ore at his #leas&re after so"e disco&rse sa) her $y a certain s&dden accident fall do)n as dead at his feet+ 3las( he )as eCtre"ely dist&r$ed at this and it )ell ni'h #&t hi" also into a s)oonB for she )as dearer to hi" than his o)n life+ Oet the sa"e lo!e that 'a!e hi" this assa&lt of 'rief 'a!e hi" an e*&al stren'th to s&stain it and set hi" into action to re"edy )ith an inco"#ara$le #ro"#tit&de the e!il )hich had ha##ened to the dear co"#anion of his life+ Therefore ra#idly o#enin' a side$oard )hich stood $y he ta2es a cordial-)ater infinitely #recio&s and ha!in' filled his "o&th )ith it $y force he o#ens the li#s and the set teeth of his )ell-$elo!ed #rincess then $reathin' and s#&rtin' the #recio&s li*&or )hich he held in his "o&th into that of his #oor lifeless one )ho lay in a s)oon and #o&rin' )hat )as left in the #hial a$o&t the nostrils the te"#les and the heart he "ade her ret&rn to herself and to her senses a'ainB that done he hel#s her &# 'ently and $y !irt&e of re"edies so stren'thens and re!i!es her that she $e'ins to stand and )al2 !ery





*&ietly )ith hi"B $&t in no sort )itho&t his hel# for he 'oes assistin' and s&stainin' her $y her ar" till at len'th he lays to her heart an e#ithe" so #recio&s and of so 'reat !irt&e that findin' herself entirely restored to her )onted health she )al2s all alone her dear s#o&se not no) s&stainin' her so "&ch $&t only holdin' her ri'ht hand softly $et)een his and his ri'ht ar" folded o!er hers on to her $oso"+ Th&s he )ent on treatin' her and f&lfillin' to her in all this fo&r "ost a'reea$le officesF for 1+ 5e 'a!e testi"ony that his heart )as lo!in'ly caref&l of her+ 2+ 5e contin&ed e!er a little n&rsin' her+ 8+ -f she had felt any to&ch of her for"er faintness he )o&ld ha!e s&stained her+ 9+ -f she had li'hted on any ro&'h and diffic&lt #lace in her )al2in' he )o&ld ha!e $een her s&##ort and stayF and in accidents or )hen she )o&ld "a2e a little "ore haste he raised her and #o)erf&lly s&cco&red her+ -n fine he stayed $y her )ith this heartfelt care till ni'ht a##roached and then he assisted to lay her in her royal $ed+ The so&l is the s#o&se of O&r Sa!io&r )hen she is 1&stB and $eca&se she is ne!er 1&st $&t )hen she is in charity she is also no sooner s#o&se than she is led into the ca$inet of those delicio&s #erf&"es "entioned in the ?anticles+ Eo) )hen the so&l )hich has $een th&s hono&red co""its sin she falls as if dead in a s#irit&al s)oonB and this is in 'ood tr&th a "ost &nloo2ed-for accidentF for )ho )o&ld e!er thin2 that a creat&re co&ld forsa2e her ?reator and so!erei'n 'ood for thin's so triflin' as the all&re"ents of sin. Tr&ly the hea!ens are astonished at it and if God )ere s&$1ect to #assions he )o&ld fall do)n in a s)oon at this "isfort&ne as )hen he )as "ortal he died &#on the cross for o&r rede"#tion+ /&t seein' it is not no) necessary that he sho&ld e"#loy his lo!e in dyin' for &s )hen he sees the so&l o!erthro)n $y sin he co""only r&ns to her s&cco&r and $y an &ns#ea2a$le "ercy lays o#en the 'ates of her heart $y the stin's and re"orses of conscience )hich co"e fro" the di!ers li'hts and a##rehensions )hich he casts into o&r hearts )ith sal&tary "o!e"ents $y )hich as $y odoro&s and !ital li*&ors he "a2es the so&l ret&rn to herself and $rin's her $ac2 to 'ood senti"ents+ 3nd all this Theoti"&s God )or2s in &s )itho&t o&r action @18KA $y his all-a"ia$le Goodness )hich #re!ents &s )ith its s)eetness+ For e!en as o&r $ride ha!in' fainted )o&ld ha!e died in her s)oon if the 4in' had not assisted herB so the so&l )o&ld re"ain lost in her sin if God #re!ented her not+ /&t if the so&l th&s eCcited add her consent to the solicitation of 'race secondin' the ins#iration )hich #re!ents her and acce#tin' the re*&ired hel#s #ro!ided for her $y GodB he )ill fortify her and cond&ct her thro&'h !ario&s "o!e"ents of faith ho#e and #enitence e!en till he restore her to her tr&e s#irit&al health )hich is no other thin' than charity+ 3nd )hile he th&s "a2es her )al2 in the !irt&es $y )hich he dis#oses her to this holy lo!e he does not cond&ct her only $&t in s&ch sort s&stains her that as she for her #art 'oes as )ell as she is a$le so he on his #art s&##orts and s&stains herB and it is hard to say )hether she 'oes or is carriedB for she is not so carried that she 'oes not and yet her 'oin' is s&ch that if she )ere not carried she co&ld not 'o+ So that to s#ea2 a#ostolically she "&st sayB - )al2 not - alone $&t the 'race of God )ith "e+ @197A /&t the so&l $ein' entirely restored to her health $y the eCcellent e#ithe" of charity )hich the 5oly Ghost inf&ses into her heart she is then a$le to )al2 and 2ee# herself &#on her feet of herself yet $y !irt&e of this health and this sacred e#ithe" of holy lo!e+ 0herefore tho&'h she is a$le to )al2 of herself yet is she to render the 'lory thereof to God )ho has $esto)ed &#on her a health so !i'oro&s and stron'F for )hether the 5oly Ghost fortify &s $y the "otions )hich he ena$les o&r heart to "a2e or s&stain &s $y the








charity )hich he inf&ses into the" )hether he s&cco&r &s $y "anner of assistance in raisin' and carryin' &s or stren'then o&r hearts $y #o&rin' into the" fortifyin' and *&ic2enin' lo!e )e al)ays li!e )al2 and )or2 in hi" and $y hi"+ 5 3nd altho&'h $y "eans of charity #o&red into o&r hearts )e are a$le to )al2 in the #resence of God and "a2e #ro'ress in the )ay of sal!ation yet still it is the 'oodness of God )hich e!er hel#s the so&l to )ho" he has 'i!en his lo!e contin&ally holdin' her )ith his holy handB for so 1F 5e doth $etter "a2e a##ear the s)eetness of his lo!e to)ards her+ 2+ 5e e!er ani"ates her "ore and "ore+ 8+ 5e s&##orts her a'ainst de#ra!ed inclinations and e!il ha$its contracted $y for"er sins+ 9+ 3nd finally he s&##orts her and defends her a'ainst te"#tations+ Do )e not often see Theoti"&s that so&nd and ro$&st "en "&st $e #ro!o2ed to e"#loy their stren'th and #o)er )ellB and as one )o&ld say "&st $e dra)n $y the hand to the )or2. So God ha!in' 'i!en &s his charity and $y it the force and the "eans to 'ain 'ro&nd in the )ay of #erfection his lo!e does not #er"it hi" to let &s )al2 th&s alone $&t "a2es hi" #&t hi"self &#on the )ay )ith &s &r'es hi" to &r'e &s and solicits his heart to solicit and dri!e for)ard o&rs to "a2e 'ood &se of the charity )hich he has 'i!en &s re#eatin' often $y "eans of his ins#irations S+ Pa&lDs ad"onitionsF See that yo& recei!e not the 'race of God in !ain+ @191A 0hilst )e ha!e ti"e let &s )or2 'ood to all "en+ @192A So r&n that yo& "ay o$tain+ @198A So that )e are often to thin2 that he re#eats in o&r ears the )ords )hich he &sed to the 'ood father 3$raha"F 0al2 $efore "e and $e #erfect+ @199A /&t #rinci#ally the s#ecial assistance of God to the so&l endo)ed )ith charity is re*&ired in s&$li"e and eCtraordinary enter#risesB for tho&'h charity ho)e!er )ea2 it $e 'i!es &s eno&'h inclination and as - thin2 eno&'h #o)er to do the )or2s necessary for sal!ation yet to as#ire to and &nderta2e eCcellent and eCtraordinary actions o&r hearts stand in need of $ein' #&shed and raised $y the hand and "otion of this 'reat hea!enly lo!erB as the #rincess in o&r #ara$le altho&'h restored to health co&ld not ascend nor 'o fast &nless her dear s#o&se raised and stron'ly s&##orted her+ Th&s S+ 3ntony and S+ Si"eon Stylites )ere in the 'race of God and charity )hen they desi'ned so eCalted a lifeB as also the /+ Mother (S+) Teresa )hen she "ade her #artic&lar !o) of o$edience S+ Francis and S+ 6o&is )hen they &ndertoo2 their 1o&rney $eyond-seas for the ad!ance"ent of GodDs 'lory the /lessed Francis Qa!ier )hen he consecrated his life to the con!ersion of the -ndians S+ ?harles in eC#osin' hi"self to ser!e the #la'&e-stric2en S+ Pa&lin&s )hen he sold hi"self to redee" the #oor )ido)Ds childB yet still ne!er )o&ld they ha!e str&c2 s&ch "i'hty and 'enero&s $lo)s &nless God to that charity )hich they had in their hearts had added s#ecial ins#irations in!itations li'hts and forces )here$y he ani"ated and #&shed the" for)ard to these eCtraordinary eC#loits of s#irit&al !alo&r+ Do yo& not "ar2 the yo&n' "an of the 'os#el )ho" O&r Sa!io&r lo!ed and )ho conse*&ently )as in charity. ?ertainly he ne!er drea"ed of sellin' all he had to 'i!e it to the #oor and follo)in' O&r Sa!io&rF nay tho&'h O&r Sa!io&r had 'i!en hi" s&ch an ins#iration yet had he not the co&ra'e to #&t it into eCec&tion+ For these 'reat )or2s Theoti"&s )e need not only to $e ins#ired $&t also to $e fortified in order to effect )hat the ins#iration inclines &s to+ 3s a'ain in the fierce assa&lts of eCtraordinary












te"#tations a s#ecial and #artic&lar #resence of hea!enly s&cco&r is a$sol&tely necessary+ For this ca&se holy ch&rch "a2es &s so fre*&ently cry o&tF G;Ccite o&r hearts O 6ordFG GPre!ent o&r actions $y thy holy ins#irations and f&rther the" )ith thy contin&al hel#FG GO 6ord "a2e haste to hel# &sFG and the li2e in order $y s&ch #rayers to o$tain 'race to $e a$le to effect eCcellent and eCtraordinary )or2s and "ore fre*&ently and fer!ently to do ordinary onesB as also "ore ardently to resist s"all te"#tations and $oldly to co"$at the 'reatest+ S+ 3ntony )as assailed $y a hideo&s le'ion of de!ils and ha!in' lon' s&stained their attac2s not )itho&t incredi$le #ain and tor"ent at len'th sa) the roof of his cell $&rst o#en and a hea!enly ray enter the $reach )hich "ade the $lac2 and dar2so"e troo# of his ene"ies !anish in a "o"ent and deli!ered hi" fro" all the #ain of the )o&nds recei!ed in that $attleB )hence he #ercei!ed GodDs #artic&lar #resence and fetchin' a #rofo&nd si'h to)ards the !ision--G)here )ast tho& O 'ood ,es&s G said he G)here )ast tho&. 0hy )ast tho& not here fro" the $e'innin' to ha!e relie!ed "y #ain. -t )as ans)ered hi" fro" a$o!e 3ntony - )as hereF $&t - a)aited the e!ent of thy co"$atF and since tho& didst $eha!e thyself $ra!ely and !aliantly - )ill $e thy contin&al aid+G /&t in )hat did the !alo&r and co&ra'e of this $ra!e s#irit&al co"$atant consist. 5e hi"self declared it another ti"e )hen $ein' set &#on $y a de!il )ho ac2no)led'ed hi"self to $e the s#irit of fornication this 'lorio&s saint after "any )ords )orthy of his 'reat co&ra'e $e'an to sin' the 7th !erse of the 117th Psal"F The 6ord is "y hel#erF and - )ill loo2 o!er "y ene"ies+ 3nd O&r Sa!io&r re!ealed to S+ ?atharine of Sienna that he )as in the "idst of her heart in a cr&el te"#tation she had as a ca#tain in the "idst of a fort to hold itB and that )itho&t his s&cco&r she )o&ld ha!e $een lost in that $attle+ -t is the sa"e in all the 'reat assa&lts )hich o&r ene"y "a2es a'ainst &sF and )e "ay )ell say )ith ,aco$ that it is the an'el that deli!ereth &s fro" all e!il @195A and "ay sin' )ith the 'reat 4in' Da!idF The 6ord r&leth "eF and - shall )ant nothin'+ 5e hath set "e in a #lace of #ast&re+ 5e hath $ro&'ht "e &# on the )ater of refresh"entF he hath con!erted "y so&l+ So that )e o&'ht often to re#eat this eCcla"ation and #rayerF 3nd thy "ercy )ill follo) "e all the days of "y life+ @196A @18KA -n no$is sine no$is (S+ 3&'+)




@197A 1 ?or+ C!+ 17+ @191A 2 ?or+ !i+ 1+ @192A Gal+ !i+ 17+

97 @198A 1 ?or+ iC+ 29+ @199A Gen+ C!ii+ 1+ 95 @195A Gen+ Cl!iii+ 16+ @196A Ps+ CCii+

?53PT;> -:+ OF 5O6O P;>S;:;>3E?; -E S3?>;D 6O:;+ 5 ;!en as a tender "other leadin' )ith her her little $a$e assists and s&##orts hi" as need re*&ires lettin' hi" no) and then !ent&re a ste# $y hi"self in less dan'ero&s and !ery s"ooth #laces no) ta2in' hi" $y the hand and steadyin' hi" no) ta2in' hi" &# in her ar"s and $earin' hi" so O&r 6ord has a contin&al care to cond&ct his children that is s&ch as are in charityB "a2in' the" )al2 $efore hi" reachin' the" his hand in diffic&lties and $earin' the" hi"self in s&ch tra!ails as he sees other)ise ins&##orta$le &nto the"+ This he declared $y -saias sayin'F - a" the 6ord thy God )ho ta2e thee $y the hand and say to theeF fear not - ha!e hel#ed thee+ @197A So that )ith a 'ood heart )e "&st ha!e a fir" confidence in God and his assistance for if )e fail not to second his 'race he )ill acco"#lish in &s the 'ood )or2 of o&r sal!ation )hich he also $e'an )or2in' in &s $oth to )ill and to acco"#lish @19IA as the holy ?o&ncil of Trent ass&res &s+ -n this cond&ct )hich the hea!enly s)eetness "a2es of o&r so&ls fro" their entry into charity &ntil their final #erfection )hich is not finished $&t in the ho&r of death consists the 'reat 'ift of #erse!erance to )hich o&r Sa!io&r attaches the 'reatest 'ift of eternal 'lory accordin' to his sayin'F 5e that shall #erse!ere &nto the end he shall $e sa!edF @19KA for this 'ift is no other thin' than the co"$ination and se*&ence of the !ario&s hel#s solaces and s&cco&rs )here$y )e contin&e in the lo!e of God to the endF as the ed&cation $rin'in' &# and s&##ortin' of a child is no other thin' than the "any cares aids s&cco&rs and other offices necessary to a child eCercised and contin&ed to)ards hi" till he 'ro) to years in )hich he no lon'er needs the"+ /&t the contin&ance of s&cco&rs and hel#s is not e*&al in all those that #erse!ere+ -n so"e it is shortB as in s&ch as )ere con!erted a little $efore their deathF so it ha##ened to the Good ThiefB so to that officers )ho seein' the constancy of S+ ,a"es "ade forth)ith #rofession of faith and $eca"e a co"#anion of the "artyrdo" of this 'reat 3#ostleB so to the $lessed 'aoler )ho '&arded the forty "artyrs at Se$aste )ho seein' one of the" lose co&ra'e and forsa2e the cro)n of "artyrdo" #&t hi"self in his #lace and $eca"e ?hristian "artyr and 'lorio&s all at onceB so to the notary of )ho" "ention is "ade in the life of S+ 3ntony of Pad&a )ho ha!in' all his life $een a false !illain yet died a "artyrF and so it ha##ened to a tho&sand others of )ho" )e ha!e seen and read that they died )ell after an ill-s#ent life+ 3s for these they stand not in need of a 'reat !ariety of s&cco&rs $&t &nless so"e 'reat te"#tation cross their )ay they can "a2e this short #erse!erance solely $y the charity 'i!en the" and $y the aids $y )hich they )ere con!erted+ For they arri!e at the #ort )itho&t !oya'in' and finish their #il'ri"a'e in a sin'le lea# )hich the #o)erf&l "ercy of God "a2es the" ta2e so o##ort&nely that their ene"ies see the" tri&"#h $efore seein' the" fi'htF so that their con!ersion and #erse!erance are al"ost the sa"e thin'+ 3nd if )e )o&ld s#ea2 )ith eCact #ro#riety the 'race )hich they recei!ed of God )here$y they attained as soon the iss&e as the $e'innin' of their co&rse cannot )ell $e ter"ed #erse!erance tho&'h all the sa"e $eca&se act&ally it holds the #lace of #erse!erance in 'i!in' sal!ation )e co"#rehend it &nder the na"e of #erse!erance+ -n others on the contrary #erse!erance is lon'er as in S+ 3nne the #ro#hetess in S+ ,ohn the ;!an'elist S+ Pa&l the first her"it S+ 5ilarion









S+ >o"&ald S+ Francis of Pa&laB--and they stood in need of a tho&sand sorts of different assistances accordin' to the !ariety of the ad!ent&res of their #il'ri"a'e and the len'th of it+ 5 /&t in any case #erse!erance is the "ost desira$le 'ift )e can ho#e for in this life and the one )hich as the ?o&ncil of Trent says )e cannot ha!e $&t fro" the hand of God )ho alone can ass&re hi" that stands and hel# hi" &# that fallsF )herefore )e "&st incessantly de"and it "a2in' &se of the "eans )hich O&r Sa!io&r has ta&'ht &s to the o$tainin' of itB #rayer fastin' al"s-deeds fre*&entin' the sacra"ents interco&rse )ith the 'ood the hearin' and readin' of holy )ords+ Eo) since the 'ift of #rayer and de!otion is li$erally 'ranted to all those )ho sincerely )ill to consent to di!ine ins#irations it is conse*&ently in o&r #o)er to #erse!ere+ Eot of co&rse that - "ean to say that o&r #erse!erance has its ori'in fro" o&r #o)er for on the contrary - 2no) it s#rin's fro" GodDs "ercy )hose "ost #recio&s 'ift it is $&t "ean that tho&'h it does not co"e fro" o&r #o)er yet it co"es )ithin o&r #o)er $y "eans of o&r )ill )hich )e cannot deny to $e in o&r #o)erF for tho&'h GodDs 'race is necessary for &s to )ill to #erse!ere yet is this )ill in o&r #o)er $eca&se hea!enly 'race is ne!er )antin' to o&r )ill and o&r )ill is not )antin' to o&r #o)er+ 3nd indeed accordin' to the 'reat S+ /ernardDs o#inion )e "ay all tr&ly say )ith the 3#ostle thatF Eeither death nor life nor 3n'els nor #rinci#alities nor #o)ers nor thin's #resent nor thin's to co"e nor "i'ht nor hei'ht nor de#th nor any other creat&re shall $e a$le to se#arate &s fro" the lo!e of God )hich is in ?hrist ,es&s O&r 6ord+ @157A Oes indeed for no creat&re can ta2e &s a)ay $y force fro" this holy lo!eB )e only can forsa2e and a$andon it $y o&r o)n )ill eCce#t for )hich there is nothin' to $e feared in this "atter+ So Theoti"&s follo)in' the ad!ice of the holy ?o&ncil )e o&'ht to #lace o&r )hole ho#e in God )ho )ill #erfect the )or2 of o&r sal!ation )hich he has $e'&n in &s if )e $e not )antin' to his 'raceF for )e are not to thin2 that he )ho said to the #aralyticF Go and do not )ill to sin a'ainF @151A 'a!e hi" not also #o)er to a!oid that )illin' )hich he for$ade hi"F and s&rely he )o&ld ne!er eChort the faithf&l to #erse!ere if he )ere not ready to f&rnish the" )ith the #o)er+ /e tho& faithf&l &ntil death said he to the $isho# of S"yrna and - )ill 'i!e thee the cro)n of life+ @152A 0atch ye stand fast in the faith do "anf&lly and $e stren'thened+ 6et all yo&r actions $e done in charity+ @158A So r&n that yo& "ay o$tain+ @159A 0e "&st often then )ith the 'reat 4in' de"and of God the hea!enly 'ift of #erse!erance and ho#e that he )ill 'rant it &s+ ?ast "e not off in the ti"e of old a'eB )hen "y stren'th shall fail do not tho& forsa2e "e+ @155A @197A -s+ Cli+ 18+ @19IA Phil+ ii+ 18+ @19KA Matt+ C+ 22+ 95 @157A >o"+ !iii+ 8I-K @151A ,ohn !+ 19+








@152A 3#oc+ ii+ 17+ @158A 1 ?or+ C!i+ 18+ 5 @159A 1 ?or+ iC+ 29+ @155A Ps+ lCC+ K+ 17 ?53PT;> :+ T53T T5; 53PP-E;SS OF DO-EG -E 5;3:;E6O ?53>-TO -S 3 SP;?-36 G-FT OF GOD+ 15 -n fine the hea!enly 4in' ha!in' $ro&'ht the so&l )hich he lo!es to the end of this life he assists her also in her $lessed de#art&re $y )hich he dra)s her to the "arria'e-$ed of eternal 'lory )hich is the delicio&s fr&it of holy #erse!erance+ 3nd then dear Theoti"&s this so&l )holly ra!ished )ith the lo!e of her )ell-$elo!ed #&ttin' $efore her eyes the "&ltit&de of fa!o&rs and s&cco&rs )here)ith she )as #re!ented and hel#ed )hile she )as yet in her #il'ri"a'e incessantly 2isses this s)eet hel#in' hand )hich cond&cted dre) and s&##orted her in the )ayB and confesses that it is of this di!ine Sa!io&r that she holds her felicity seein' he has done for her all that the #atriarch ,aco$ )ished for his 1o&rney )hen he had seen the ladder to hea!en+ O 6ord she then says tho& )ast )ith "e and didst '&ide "e in the )ay $y )hich - ca"e+ Tho& didst feed "e )ith the $read of thy sacra"ents tho& didst clothe "e )ith the )eddin' 'ar"ent of charity tho& hast ha##ily cond&cted "e to this "ansion of 'lory )hich is thy ho&se O "y eternal Father+ Oh( )hat re"ains O 6ord sa!e that - sho&ld #rotest that tho& art "y God for e!er and e!er( 3"en+ Tho& hast held "e $y "y ri'ht handB and $y thy )ill tho& hast cond&cted "e and )ith thy 'lory tho& hast recei!ed "e+ @156A S&ch then is the order of o&r 1o&rney to eternal life for the acco"#lish"ent of )hich the di!ine #ro!idence ordained fro" all eternity the n&"$er distinction and s&ccession of 'races necessary to it )ith their de#endence on one another+ 5e )illed first )ith a tr&e )ill that e!en after the sin of 3da" all "en sho&ld $e sa!ed $&t &#on ter"s and $y "eans a'reea$le to the condition of their nat&re )hich is endo)ed )ith free-)illB that is to say he )illed the sal!ation of all those )ho )o&ld contri$&te their consent to the 'races and fa!o&rs )hich he )o&ld #re#are offer and distri$&te to this end+ Eo) a"on'st these fa!o&rs his )ill )as that !ocation sho&ld $e the first and that it sho&ld $e so acco""odated to o&r li$erty that )e "i'ht at o&r #leas&re acce#t or re1ect itF and s&ch as he sa) )o&ld recei!e it he )o&ld f&rnish )ith the sacred "otions of #enitence and to those )ho )o&ld second these "otions he deter"ined to 'i!e charity those a'ain )ho )ere in charity he #&r#osed to s&##ly )ith the hel#s necessary to #erse!ere and to s&ch as sho&ld "a2e &se of these di!ine hel#s he resol!ed to i"#art final #erse!erance and the 'lorio&s felicity of his eternal lo!e+








3nd th&s )e "ay 'i!e acco&nt of the order )hich is fo&nd in the effects of that Pro!idence )hich re'ards o&r sal!ation descendin' fro" the first to the last that is fro" the fr&it )hich is 'lory to the root of this fair tree )hich is O&r Sa!io&rDs rede"#tion+ For the di!ine 'oodness 'i!es 'lory after "erits "erits after charity charity after #enitence #enitence after o$edience to !ocation o$edience to !ocation after !ocation itself !ocation after O&r Sa!io&rDs rede"#tion on )hich rests all this "ystical ladder of the 'reat ,aco$ as )ell at its hea!enly end since it rests in the $oso" of the eternal Father in )hich he recei!es and 'lorifies the elect as also at its earthly end since it is #lanted &#on the $oso" and #ierced side of O&r Sa!io&r )ho for this ca&se died &#on Mo&nt ?al!ary+ 3nd that this order of the effects of Pro!idence )as th&s ordained )ith the sa"e de#endence )hich they ha!e on one another in the eternal )ill of God holy ?h&rch in the #reface of one of her sole"n #rayers )itnesses in these )ordsF GO eternal and 3l"i'hty God )ho art 6ord of the li!in' and the dead and art "ercif&l to all those )ho tho& fore2no)est )ill $e thine $y faith and 'ood )or2sFG as tho&'h she )ere declarin' that 'lory )hich is the cro)n and the fr&it of GodDs "ercy to)ards "en has only $een ordained for those of )ho" the di!ine )isdo" has foreseen that in the f&t&re o$eyin' the !ocation they )ill attain the li!in' faith )hich )or2s $y charity+ Finally all these effects ha!e an a$sol&te de#endence on O&r Sa!io&rDs rede"#tion )ho "erited the" for &s in ri'o&r of 1&stice $y the lo!in' o$edience )hich he eCercised e!en till death and the death of the cross )hich is the root of all the 'races )hich )e recei!eB )e )ho are the s#irit&al 'rafts en'rafted on his stoc2+ -f $ein' en'rafted )e re"ain in hi" )e shall certainly $ear $y the life of 'race )hich he )ill co""&nicate &nto &s the fr&it of 'lory #re#ared for &s+ /&t if )e #ro!e $ro2en s#ri's and 'rafts &#on this tree that is if $y resistance )e interr&#t the #ro'ress and $rea2 the connection of the effects of his cle"ency it )ill not $e stran'e if in the end )e $e )holly c&t off and $e thro)n into eternal fires as fr&itless $ranches+ God do&$tless #re#ared hea!en for those only )ho he foresa) )o&ld $e his+ 6et &s $e his then Theoti"&s $y faith and )or2s and he )ill $e o&rs $y 'lory+ Eo) it is in o&r #o)er to $e hisF for tho&'h it $e a 'ift of God to $e GodDs yet is it a 'ift )hich God denies no one $&t offers to all to 'i!e it to s&ch as freely consent to recei!e it+ /&t "ar2 - #ray yo& Theoti"&s ho) ardently God desires )e sho&ld $e his since to this end he has "ade hi"self entirely o&rsB $esto)in' &#on &s his death and his lifeB his life to eCe"#t &s fro" eternal death his death to #ossess &s of eternal life+ 6et &s re"ain therefore in #eace and ser!e God to $e his in this "ortal life and still "ore his in the eternal+ @156A Ps+ lCCii+ 29+








?53PT;> :-+ T53T 0; ?3EEOT 3TT3-E TO P;>F;?T =E-OE 0-T5 GOD -E T5-S MO>T36 6-F;+


3ll the ri!ers flo) incessantly and as the )ise "an saysF =nto the #lace fro" )hence they co"e they ret&rn to flo) a'ain+ @157A The sea )hich is the #lace )hence they s#rin' is also the #lace of their final re#oseB all their "otion tends no farther than to &nite the"sel!es to their fo&ntain+ GO God G says S+ 3&'&stine Gtho& hast created "y heart for thyself and it can ne!er re#ose $&t in thee+G For )hat ha!e - in hea!en and $esides thee )hat do - desire &#on earth. Tho& art the God of "y heart and the God that is "y #ortion for e!er+ @15IA Still the &nion )hich o&r heart as#ires to cannot attain to its #erfection in this "ortal lifeB )e can co""ence o&r lo!es in this $&t )e can cons&""ate the" only in the other+ The hea!enly S#o&se "a2es a delicate eC#ression of this+ - fo&nd hi" )ho" "y so&l lo!eth says she - held hi" and - )ill not let hi" 'o till - $rin' hi" into "y "otherDs ho&se and into the cha"$er of her that $ore "e+ @15KA She finds hi" then this )ell$elo!ed for he "a2es her feel his #resence $y a tho&sand consolationsB she holds hi" for these feelin's ca&se in her stron' affections $y )hich she clas#s and e"$races hi" #rotestin' that she )ill ne!er let hi" 'o --O no( for these affections t&rn into eternal resol&tionsB yet she cannot consider that she 2isses hi" )ith the n&#tial 2iss till she "eet )ith hi" in her "otherDs ho&se )hich is the hea!enly ,er&sale" as S+ Pa&l says+ /&t see Theoti"&s ho) this s#o&se thin2s of nothin' less than of 2ee#in' her $elo!ed at her "ercy as a sla!e of lo!eB )hence she i"a'ines to herself that it is hers to lead hi" at her )ill and to introd&ce hi" into her "otherDs ha##y a$odeB tho&'h in reality it is she )ho "&st $e cond&cted thither $y hi" as )as >e$ecca into SaraDs cha"$er $y her dear -saac+ The s#irit &r'ed $y a"oro&s #assion al)ays 'i!es itself a little ad!anta'e o!er )hat it lo!esB and the s#o&se hi"self confessesF Tho& hast )o&nded "y heart "y sister "y s#o&se tho& hast )o&nded "y heart )ith one of thy eyes and )ith one hair of thy nec2F @167A ac2no)led'in' hi"self her #risoner $y lo!e+ This #erfect con1&nction then of the so&l )ith God shall only $e in hea!en )here as the 3#ocaly#se says the 6a"$Ds "arria'e feast shall $e "ade+ -n this "ortal life the so&l is tr&ly es#o&sed and $etrothed to the i""ac&late 6a"$ $&t not as yet "arried to hi"F the troth is #li'hted and #ro"ise 'i!en $&t the eCec&tion of the "arria'e is deferredF so that )e ha!e al)ays ti"e tho&'h ne!er reason to )ithdra) fro" itB o&r faithf&l s#o&se ne!er a$andons &s &nless )e o$li'e hi" to it $y o&r disloyalty and &nfaithf&lness+ /&t in hea!en the "arria'e of this di!ine &nion $ein' cele$rated the $ond )hich ties o&r hearts to their so!erei'n #rinci#le shall $e eternally indissol&$le+ -t is tr&e Theoti"&s that )hile )e a)ait this 'reat 2iss of indissol&$le &nion )hich )e shall recei!e fro" the s#o&se there a$o!e in 'lory he 'i!es &s so"e 2isses $y a tho&sand feelin's of his deli'htf&l #resenceF for &nless the so&l )ere 2issed she )o&ld not $e dra)n nor )o&ld she r&n in the odo&r of the $elo!edDs #erf&"es+ 0hence accordin' to the ori'inal 5e$re) teCt and the Se!enty inter#reters she desires "any 2isses+ 6et hi" 2iss "e says she )ith the 2isses of his "o&th+ /&t $eca&se these little 2isses of this #resent life all refer to the eternal 2iss of the life to co"e the sacred :&l'ate edition has holily red&ced the 2isses of 'race to that of 'lory eC#ressin' the desires of the s#o&se in this "annerF 6et hi" 2iss "e )ith the 2iss of his "o&th @161A as tho&'h she saidF of all the 2isses of all the fa!o&rs that the friend of "y heart or the heart of "y so&l has #ro!ided for "e ah( - only $reathe after and as#ire to this 'reat








and sole"n "arria'e-2iss )hich re"ains for e!er and in co"#arison of )hich the other 2isses deser!e not the na"e of 2isses $ein' rather si'ns of the f&t&re &nion $et)een "y $elo!ed and "e than &nion itself+ 5 @157A ;ccles+ i+ 7+ @15IA Ps+ lCCii+ 25-6+ @15KA ?ant+ iii+ 9+ 17 @167A -$id+ i!+ K+ @161A ?ant+ i+ 1+ 15 ?53PT;> :--+ T53T T5; ?53>-TO OF S3-ETS -E T5-S MO>T36 6-F; ;%=36S O;3 SOM;T-M;S S=>P3SS;S T53T OF T5; /6;SS;D+ 27 0hen after the la$o&rs and dan'ers of this "ortal life 'ood so&ls arri!e at the #ort of the eternal they ascend to the hi'hest and &t"ost de'ree of lo!e to )hich they can attainB and this final increase $ein' $esto)ed &#on the" in reco"#ense of their "erits it is distri$&ted to the" not only in 'ood "eas&re $&t in a "eas&re )hich is #ressed do)n and sha2en to'ether and r&nnin' o!er @162A as O&r Sa!io&r saysB so that the lo!e )hich is 'i!en for re)ard is 'reater in e!ery one than that )hich )as 'i!en for "eritin'+ Eo) not only shall each one in #artic&lar ha!e a 'reater lo!e in hea!en than e!er he had on earth $&t the eCercise of the least charity in hea!en shall $e "&ch "ore ha##y and eCcellent 'enerally s#ea2in' than that of the 'reatest )hich is or has $een or shall $e in this failin' lifeF for there a$o!e all the saints incessantly )itho&t any inter"ission eCercise lo!eB )hile here $elo) GodDs 'reatest ser!ants dra)n a)ay and tyranniHed o!er $y the necessities of this dyin' life are forced to s&ffer a tho&sand and a tho&sand distractions )hich often ta2e the" off the #ractice of holy lo!e+ -n hea!en Theoti"&s the lo!in' attention of the $lessed is fir" constant in!iola$le and cannot #erish or decreaseB their intention is #&re and freed fro" all "iCt&re of any inferior intentionF in short this felicity of seein' God clearly and lo!in' hi" &nchan'ea$ly is inco"#ara$le+ 3nd )ho )o&ld e!er e*&al the #leas&re if there $e any of li!in' a"idst the #erils the contin&al te"#ests the #er#et&al a'itations and !iscissit&des )hich ha!e to $e 'one thro&'h on sea )ith the content"ent there is of $ein' in a royal #alace )here all thin's are at e!ery )ish yea )here deli'hts inco"#ara$ly s&r#ass e!ery )ish. There is then "ore content s)eetness and #erfection in the eCercise of sacred lo!e a"on'st the inha$itants of hea!en than a"on'st the #il'ri"s of this "isera$le earth+ Oet still there ha!e $een so"e so ha##y in their #il'ri"a'e that their charity has $een 'reater than that of "any saints already en1oyin' the eternal fatherlandF for certainly it )ere stran'e if the charity of the 'reat S+ ,ohn of the 3#ostles and 3#ostolic "en )ere






not 'reater e!en )hile they )ere detained here $elo) than that of little children )ho dyin' si"#ly )ith the 'race of $a#tis" en1oy i""ortal 'lory+ 5 -t is not &s&al for she#herds to $e "ore !aliant than soldiersB and yet Da!id )hen a little she#herd co"in' to the ar"y of -srael )hile he fo&nd e!ery one "ore eC#ert in the &se of ar"s than hi"self yet he )as "ore !aliant than all+ So it is not an ordinary thin' for "ortals to ha!e "ore charity than the i""ortals and yet there ha!e $een so"e "ortals inferior to the i""ortals in the eCercise of lo!e )ho not)ithstandin' ha!e s&r#assed the" in charity and the ha$it of lo!e+ 3nd as )hen co"#arin' hot iron and a $&rnin' la"# )e say the iron has "ore fire and heat the la"# "ore fla"e and li'htB so if )e #arallel a child in 'lory )ith S+ ,ohn )hile yet #risoner or S+ Pa&l yet ca#ti!e )e "&st say that the child in hea!en has "ore $ri'htness and li'ht in the &nderstandin' "ore fla"e and eCercise of lo!e in the )ill $&t that S+ ,ohn or S+ Pa&l had e!en on earth "ore fire of charity and heat of lo!e+ @162A 6&2e !i+ 8I+ ?53PT;> :---+ 27 OF T5; -E?OMP3>3/6; 6O:; 05-?5 T5; MOT5;> of GOD O=> /6;SS;D 63DO 53D+ /&t al)ays and e!ery)here )hen - "a2e co"#arisons - intend not to s#ea2 of the "ost holy !ir'in-"other O&r /lessed 6ady+ O "y God--no indeed( For she is the da&'hter of inco"#ara$le dilection the one only do!e the all-#erfect s#o&se+ Of this hea!enly %&een fro" "y heart - #rono&nce this tho&'ht a"oro&s $&t tr&e that at least to)ards the end of her "ortal days her charity s&r#assed that of the Sera#hi" for "any da&'hters ha!e 'athered to'ether richesF tho& hast s&r#assed the" all+ @168A The Saints and 3n'els are $&t co"#ared to stars and the first of the" to the fairest of the starsF $&t she is fair as the "oon as easy to $e chosen and discerned fro" all the Saints as the s&n fro" the stars+ 3nd 'oin' on f&rther - thin2 a'ain that as the charity of this Mother of lo!e eCcels in #erfection that of all the Saints in hea!en so did she eCercise it "ore #erfectly - say e!en in this "ortal life+ She ne!er sinned !enially as the ch&rch considersB she had then no chan'e nor delay in the )ay of lo!e $&t $y a #er#et&al ad!ance"ent ascended fro" lo!e to lo!e+ She ne!er felt any contradiction fro" the sens&al a##etite and therefore her lo!e as a tr&e Solo"on rei'ned #eacea$ly in her so&l and "ade all its acts at its #leas&re+ The !ir'inity of her heart and $ody )as "ore )orthy and hono&ra$le than that of the 3n'els+ So that her s#irit not di!ided or se#arated as S+ Pa&l says )as solicito&s for the thin's that $elon' to the 6ord ho) it "i'ht #lease God+ @169A 3nd in fine "aternal lo!e the "ost #ressin' the "ost acti!e and the "ost ardent of all )hat "&st it not ha!e )or2ed in the heart of s&ch a Mother and for the heart of s&ch a Son. 3h( do not say - #ray yo& that this !ir'in )as s&$1ect to slee#B no say not this to "e Theoti"&sF for do yo& not see that her slee# is a slee# of lo!e. So that e!en her s#o&se )ishes that she sho&ld slee# as lon' as she #leases+ 3h( ta2e heed - ad1&re yo& says he that yo& stir not &# nor "a2e the $elo!ed to a)a2e till she #lease+ @165A Eo Theoti"&s this hea!enly %&een ne!er sle#t $&t )ith lo!e since she ne!er 'a!e re#ose to her









#recio&s $ody $&t to rein!i'orate it the $etter after)ards to ser!e her God )hich is certainly a "ost eCcellent act of charity+ For as the 'reat S+ 3&'&stine says charity o$li'es &s to lo!e o&r $odies #ro#erly inso"&ch as they are necessary to 'ood )or2s as they "a2e a #art of o&r #erson and as they shall $e sharers in o&r eternal felicity+ -n 'ood tr&th a ?hristian is to lo!e his $ody as a li!in' i"a'e of O&r Sa!io&r incarnate as ha!in' iss&ed fro" the sa"e stoc2 and conse*&ently $elon'in' to hi" in #arenta'e and consan'&inityB es#ecially after )e ha!e rene)ed the alliance $y the real rece#tion of the di!ine $ody of O&r >edee"er in the "ost adora$le sacra"ent of the ;&charist and )hen $y /a#tis" ?onfir"ation and other Sacra"ents )e ha!e dedicated and consecrated o&rsel!es to the so!erei'n 'oodness+ /&t as to the /lessed :ir'in --O God )ith )hat de!otion "&st she ha!e lo!ed her !ir'inal $ody( Eot only $eca&se it )as a s)eet h&"$le #&re $ody o$edient to di!ine lo!e and )holly e"$al"ed )ith a tho&sand s)eetnesses $&t also $eca&se it )as the li!in' so&rce of O&r Sa!io&rDs and $elon'ed so strictly to hi" $y an inco"#ara$le a##&rtenance+ For )hich ca&se )hen she #laced her an'elic $ody in the re#ose of slee#F >e#ose then no) )o&ld she say O Ta$ernacle of 3lliance 3r2 of Sanctity Throne of the Di!inity ease thyself a little of thy )eariness and re#air thy forces $y this s)eet tran*&illity+ /esides dear Theoti"&s do yo& not 2no) that $ad drea"s !ol&ntarily #roc&red $y the de#ra!ed tho&'hts of the day are in so"e sort sins inas"&ch as they are conse*&ences and eCec&tion of the "alice #recedin'. ;!en so the drea"s )hich #roceed fro" the holy affections of o&r )a2in' ti"e are re#&ted !irt&o&s and holy+ O God( Theoti"&s )hat a consolation it is to hear S+ ?hrysosto" reco&ntin' on a certain day to his #eo#le the !ehe"ence of his lo!e to)ards the"+ GThe necessity of slee# G said he G#ressin' o&r eyelids the tyranny of o&r lo!e to)ards yo& eCcites the eyes of o&r "indF and "any a ti"e )hile - slee# "ethin2s - s#ea2 &nto yo& for the so&l is )ont to see in a drea" $y i"a'ination )hat she thin2s in the dayti"e+ Th&s )hile )e see yo& not )ith the eyes of the flesh )e see yo& )ith the eyes of charity+G O s)eet ,es&s( )hat drea"s "&st thy "ost holy Mother ha!e had )hen she sle#t )hile her heart )atched. Did she not drea" that she had thee yet in her )o"$ or han'in' at her sacred $reasts and s)eetly #ressin' those !ir'inal lilies. 3h( )hat s)eetness )as in this so&l+ Perha#s she often drea"ed that as O&r Sa!io&r had for"erly sle#t in her $oso" as a tender la"$2in &#on the soft flan2 of its "other so she sle#t in his #ierced side as a )hite do!e in the ca!e of an ass&red roc2F so that her slee# )as )holly li2e to an ecstasy as re'ards the s#irit tho&'h as re'ards the $ody it )as a s)eet and 'ratef&l &n)earyin' and rest+ /&t if e!er she drea"ed as did the ancient ,ose#h of her f&t&re 'reatness --)hen in hea!en she sho&ld $e clothed )ith the s&n cro)ned )ith stars and ha!in' the "oon &nder her feet @166A that is )holly en!ironed )ith her SonDs 'lory cro)ned )ith that of the Saints and ha!in' the &ni!erse &nder her--or if e!er li2e ,aco$ she sa) the #ro'ress and fr&it of the rede"#tion "ade $y her Son for the lo!e of the an'els and of "enB--Theoti"&s )ho co&ld e!er i"a'ine the i""ensity of so 'reat deli'hts. O )hat conferences )ith her dear child( 0hat deli'hts on e!ery side( /&t "ar2 - #ray yo& that - neither say nor "ean to say that this #ri!ile'ed so&l of the Mother of God )as de#ri!ed of the &se of reason in her slee#+ Many are of o#inion that Solo"on in that $ea&tif&l drea" tho&'h really a drea" in )hich he de"anded and








recei!ed the 'ift of his inco"#ara$le )isdo" had the tr&e &se of his free-)ill on acco&nt of the 1&dicio&s elo*&ence of the disco&rse he "ade of his choice f&ll of discretion and of the "ost eCcellent #rayer )hich he &sed the )hole )itho&t any "iCt&re of inconsistency or distraction of "ind+ /&t ho) "&ch "ore #ro$a$ility is there then that the "other of the tr&e Solo"on had the &se of reason in her slee# that is to say as Solo"on hi"self "a2es her say that her heart )atched )hile she sle#t. S&rely it )as a far 'reater "ar!el that S+ ,ohn had the eCercise of reason in his "otherDs )o"$ and )hy then sho&ld )e deny a less to her for )ho" and to )ho" God did "ore fa!o&rs than either he did or e!er )ill do for all creat&res $esides. To concl&de as the #recio&s stone as$estos does $y a #eerless #ro#riety #reser!e for e!er the fire )hich it has concei!ed so the :ir'in MotherDs heart re"ained #er#et&ally infla"ed )ith the holy lo!e )hich she recei!ed of her SonF yet )ith this difference that the fire of the as$estos as it cannot $e eCtin'&ished so it cannot $e a&'"ented $&t the :ir'inDs sacred fla"es since they co&ld neither #erish di"inish nor re"ain in the sa"e state ne!er ceased to ta2e incredi$le increase e!en as far as hea!en the #lace of their ori'inF so tr&e it is that this Mother is the Mother of fair lo!e that is as the "ost a"ia$le so the "ost lo!in' and as the "ost lo!in' so the "ost $elo!ed Mother of this only SonB )ho a'ain is the "ost a"ia$le "ost lo!in' and "ost $elo!ed Son of this only Mother+ @168A Pro!+ CCCi+ 2K+ @169A 1 ?or+ !ii+ 82+




25 @165A ?ant+ ii+ 7+ @166A Gen+ CCC!ii+B 3#oc+ Cii+ 1+ 87 ?53PT;> -Q+ 3 P>;P3>3T-OE FO> T5; D-S?O=>S; OE T5; =E-OE OF T5; /6;SS;D 0-T5 GOD+ 85 The tri&"#hant lo!e )hich the $lessed in hea!en eCercise consists in the final in!aria$le and eternal &nion of the so&l )ith its God+ /&t this &nion--)hat is it. /y ho) "&ch "ore a'reea$le and eCcellent are the o$1ects o&r senses "eet )ith so "&ch "ore ardently and 'reedily they 'i!e the"sel!es to the fr&ition of the"+ /y ho) "&ch "ore fair deli'htf&l to the !ie) and d&ly set in li'ht they are so "&ch the "ore ea'erly and attenti!ely does the eye re'ard the"F and $y ho) "&ch "ore s)eet and #leasant !oices or "&sic are so "&ch the "ore is the attention of the ear dra)n to the"+ So that e!ery o$1ect eCercises a #o)erf&l $&t 'ratef&l !iolence &#on the sense to )hich it $elon's a !iolence "ore or less stron' as the eCcellence is 'reater or lessB #ro!ided al)ays that it $e #ro#ortiona$le to the ca#acity of the sense )hich desires to en1oy itB for the eye )hich finds so "&ch #leas&re in li'ht cannot ho)e!er $ear an eCtre"e li'ht nor fiC itself &#on the s&n and $e "&sic ne!er so s)eet if lo&d and too near it i"#ort&nes and offends o&r ears+ Tr&th is the o$1ect of o&r &nderstandin' )hich




conse*&ently has all its content in disco!erin' and 2no)in' the tr&th of thin'sB and accordin' as tr&ths are "ore eCcellent so the &nderstandin' a##lies itself )ith "ore deli'ht and attention to the consideration of the"+ 5o) 'reat )as the #leas&re thin2 yo& Theoti"&s of those ancient #hiloso#hers )ho had s&ch an eCcellent 2no)led'e of so "any $ea&tif&l tr&ths of Eat&re. :erily they re#&ted all #leas&res as nothin' in co"#arison )ith their )ell-$elo!ed #hiloso#hy for )hich so"e of the" *&itted hono&rs others 'reat riches others their co&ntryB and there )as s&ch a one as deli$erately #l&c2ed o&t his eyes de#ri!in' hi"self for e!er of the en1oy"ent of the fair and a'reea$le cor#oral li'ht that he "i'ht )ith "ore li$erty a##ly hi"self to consider the tr&th of thin's $y the li'ht of the s#irit+ This )e read of De"ocrit&sF so s)eet is the 2no)led'e of tr&th( 5ence 3ristotle has !ery often said that h&"an felicity and $eatit&de consists in )isdo" )hich is the 2no)led'e of the e"inent tr&ths+ /&t )hen o&r s#irit raised a$o!e nat&ral li'ht $e'ins to see the sacred tr&ths of faith O God( Theoti"&s )hat 1oy( The so&l "elts )ith #leas&re hearin' the !oice of her hea!enly s#o&se )ho" she finds "ore s)eet and delicio&s then the honey of all h&"an sciences+ God has i"#rinted &#on all created thin's his traces trail or footste#s so that the 2no)led'e )e ha!e of his di!ine Ma1esty $y creat&res see"s no other thin' than the si'ht of the feet of God )hile in co"#arison of this faith is a !ie) of the !ery face of the di!ine Ma1esty+ This )e do not yet see in the clear day of 'lory $&t as it )ere in the $rea2in' of dayB as it ha##ened to ,aco$ near to the ford of ,a$ocB for tho&'h he sa) not the an'el )ith )ho" he )restled sa!e in the )ea2 li'ht of day$rea2 yet this )as eno&'h to "a2e hi" cry o&t ra!ished )ith deli'htF - ha!e seen God face to face and "y so&l has $een sa!ed+ @167A O( ho) deli'htf&l is the holy li'ht of faith $y )hich )e 2no) )ith an &ne*&alled certit&de not only the history of the $e'innin' of creat&res and their tr&e &se $&t e!en that of the eternal $irth of the 'reat and so!erei'n di!ine 0ord for )ho" and $y )ho" all has $een "ade and )ho )ith the Father and the 5oly Ghost is one only God "ost sin'&lar "ost adora$le and $lessed for e!er and e!er( 3"en+ 3h( says S+ ,ero"e to his Pa&lin&sF GThe learned Plato ne!er 2ne) this the elo*&ent De"osthenes )as i'norant of it+G 5o) s)eet are thy )ords O 6ord to "y #alate said that 'reat 2in' "ore than honey to "y "o&th( @16IA 0as not o&r $&rnin' )ithin &s )hilst he s#o2e in the )ay. @16KA said those ha##y #il'ri"s of ;""a&s s#ea2in' of the fla"es of lo!e )ith )hich they )ere to&ched $y the )ord of faith+ /&t if di!ine tr&ths $e so s)eet )hen #ro#osed in the o$sc&re li'ht of faith O God )hat shall they $e )hen )e shall conte"#late the" in the li'ht of the noonday of 'lory( The %&een of Sa$a )ho at the 'reatness of Solo"onDs reno)n had left all to 'o and see hi" ha!in' arri!ed in his #resence and ha!in' heard the )onders of the )isdo" )hich he #o&red o&t in his s#eeches as one astonished and lost in ad"iration cried o&t that )hat she had learnt $y hearsay of this hea!enly )isdo" )as not half the 2no)led'e )hich si'ht and eC#erience 'a!e her+ 3h( ho) $ea&tif&l and dear are the tr&ths )hich faith disco!ers &nto &s $y hearin'( /&t )hen ha!in' arri!ed in the hea!enly ,er&sale" )e shall see the 'reat Solo"on the 4in' of Glory seated &#on the thro)n of his )isdo" "anifestin' $y an inco"#rehensi$le $ri'htness the )onders and eternal secrets of his so!erei'n tr&th )ith








s&ch li'ht that o&r &nderstandin' )ill act&ally see )hat it had $elie!ed here $elo)--3h( then dearest Theoti"&s )hat ra#t&res( )hat ecstasies( )hat ad"iration( )hat lo!e( )hat s)eetness( Eo ne!er (shall )e say in this eCcess of s)eetness) ne!er co&ld )e ha!e concei!ed that )e sho&ld see tr&ths so deli'htso"e+ 0e $elie!ed indeed all the 'lorio&s thin's that )ere said of thee O 'reat city of God $&t )e co&ld not concei!e the infinite 'reatness of the a$ysses of thy deli'hts+ @167A Gen+ CCCii+ 87+


@16IA Ps+ cC!iii+ 178+ @16KA 6&2e CCi!+ 82+ ?53PT;> Q+

15 T53T T5; P>;?;D-EG D;S->; 0-66 M=?5 -E?>;3S; T5; =E-OE OF T5; /6;SS;D 0-T5 GOD+ 27 The desire )hich #recedes en1oy"ent shar#ens and intensifies the feelin' of it and $y ho) "&ch the desire )as "ore &r'ent and #o)erf&l $y so "&ch "ore a'reea$le and delicio&s is the #ossession of the thin' desired+ Oh( "y dear Theoti"&s )hat #leas&re )ill "anDs heart ta2e in seein' the face of the Di!inity a face so "&ch desired yea a face the only desire of o&r so&ls. O&r hearts ha!e a thirst )hich cannot $e *&enched $y the #leas&res of this "ortal life )hereof the "ost estee"ed and hi'hest #riHed if "oderate do not satisfy &s and if eCtre"e s&ffocate &s+ Oet )e desire the" al)ays to $e eCtre"e and they are ne!er s&ch )itho&t $ein' eCcessi!e ins&##orta$le h&rtf&l+ 0e die of 1oy as )ell as of 'riefF yea 1oy is "ore acti!e to r&in &s than 'rief+ 3leCander ha!in' s)allo)ed &# in effect or in ho#e all this lo)er )orld heard so"e $ase fello) say that there )ere yet "any other )orlds and li2e a little child )ho )ill cry if one ref&se hi" an a##le this 3leCander )ho" the )orld styles the 'reat "ore foolish not)ithstandin' than a little child $e'an $itterly to )ee# $eca&se there )as no li2elihood that he sho&ld con*&er the other )orlds not ha!in' as yet 'ot the entire #ossession of this+ 5e that did "ore f&lly en1oy the )orld than e!er any other did is yet so little satisfied )ith it that he )ee#s for sorro) that he cannot ha!e the other )orlds )hich the foolish #ers&asion of a )retched $a$$ler "ade hi" i"a'ine to eCist+ Tell "e - #ray yo& Theoti"&s does he not sho) that the thirst of his heart cannot $e sla2ed in this life and that this )orld is not s&fficient to *&ench it. O )onderf&l yet dear &nrest of "anDs heart( /e $e e!er "y so&l )itho&t any rest or tran*&illity on this earth till tho& shalt ha!e "et )ith the fresh )aters of the i""ortal life and the "ost holy Di!inity )hich alone can satisfy thy thirst and *&iet thy desire+ Eo) Theoti"&s i"a'ine to yo&rself )ith the Psal"ist that hart )hich hard set $y the ho&nds has neither )ind nor le'sB ho) 'reedily he #l&n'es hi"self into the )aters )hich he #anted after and )ith )hat ardo&r he rolls into and $&ries hi"self in that ele"ent+ One )o&ld thin2 he )o&ld )illin'ly $e dissol!ed and con!erted into )ater "ore f&lly to en1oy its coolness+ 3h( )hat a &nion of o&r hearts shall there $e )ith God there a$o!e in hea!en )here after these infinite desires of the tr&e 'ood ne!er ass&a'ed in this )orld )e shall find the li!in' and #o)erf&l so&rce thereof+ Then tr&ly as )e see






a h&n'ry child closely fiCed to his "otherDs $reast 'reedily #ress this dear fo&ntain of "ost desired s)eetness so that one )o&ld thin2 that either it )o&ld thr&st itself into its "otherDs $reast or else s&c2 and dra) all that $reast into itselfB so o&r so&l #antin' )ith an eCtre"e thirst for the tr&e 'ood )hen she shall find that ineCha&sti$le so&rce in the Di!inity --O 'ood God( )hat a holy and s)eet ardo&r to $e &nited and 1oined to the #lentif&l $reasts of the 3ll-'oodness either to $e alto'ether a$sor$ed in it or to ha!e it co"e entirely into &s( ?53PT;> Q-+

17 OF T5; =E-OE OF T5; /6;SS;D SP->-TS 0-T5 GOD -E T5; :-S-OE OF T5; D-:-E-TO+ 15 0hen )e loo2 &#on anythin' tho&'h it is #resent to &s it is not itself &nited to o&r eyes $&t only sends o&t to the" a certain re#resentation or #ict&re of itself )hich is called its sensi$le s#ecies $y "eans of )hich )e see+ So also )hen )e conte"#late or &nderstand anythin' that )hich )e &nderstand is not &nited to o&r &nderstandin' other)ise than $y another re#resentation and "ost delicate and s#irit&al i"a'e )hich is called intelli'i$le s#ecies+ /&t f&rther these s#ecies $y ho) "any )indin's and chan'es do they 'et to the &nderstandin'( They arri!e at the eCterior senses thence #ass to the interior then to the i"a'ination then to the acti!e &nderstandin' and co"e at last to the #assi!e &nderstandin' to the end that #assin' thro&'h so "any strainers and &nder so "any files they "ay $e #&rified s&$tilised and #erfected and of sensi$le $eco"e intelli'i$le+ Th&s Theoti"&s )e see and &nderstand all that )e see and &nderstand in this "ortal life yea e!en thin's of faithB for as the "irror contains not the thin' )e see in it $&t only the re#resentation and s#ecies of it ()hich re#resentation stayed $y the "irror #rod&ces another in the $eholdin' eye) so the )ord of faith does not contain the thin's )hich it anno&nces $&t only re#resents the" and this re#resentation of di!ine thin's )hich is in the )ord of faith #rod&ces another re#resentation of the" )hich o&r &nderstandin' hel#ed $y GodDs 'race acce#ts and recei!es as a re#resentation of holy tr&th and o&r )ill ta2es deli'ht in it and e"$races it as an hono&ra$le #rofita$le lo!ely and eCcellent tr&th+ Th&s the tr&ths si'nified in GodDs )ord are $y it re#resented to the &nderstandin' as thin's eC#ressed in the "irror are $y the "irror re#resented to the eyeF )hence the 'reat 3#ostle said that to $elie!e is to see as in a 'lass+ @177A /&t in hea!en Theoti"&s --3h( "y God )hat a fa!o&r(--The Di!inity )ill &nite itself to o&r &nderstandin' )itho&t the "ediation of any s#ecies or re#resentation at all $&t it )ill itself a##ly and 1oin itself to o&r &nderstandin' "a2in' itself in s&ch sort #resent &nto it that that in)ard #resence shall $e instead of a re#resentation or s#ecies+ O God( )hat s)eetness shall it $e for "anDs &nderstandin' to $e &nited for e!er to its so!erei'n o$1ect recei!in' not its re#resentation $&t its #resence not the #ict&re or s#ecies $&t the !ery essence of its di!ine tr&th and "a1esty+ 0e shall $e there as "ost ha##y children of the di!inity and shall ha!e the hono&r to $e fed )ith the di!ine s&$stance itself ta2en into o&r so&l $y the "o&th of o&r &nderstandin' and )hat s&r#asses all s)eetness is that as "others are not contented )ith feedin' their $a$es )ith their "il2 )hich is their o)n s&$stance if they do not also #&t the $reast into their "o&th that








these "ay recei!e their s&$stance not in a s#oon or other instr&"ent $&t e!en in and $y this sa"e s&$stance (so that this "aternal s&$stance ser!es as )ell for food as for a cond&it to con!ey it to the dear little s&c2lin')B--so God o&r Father is not contented to "a2e &s recei!e his #ro#er s&$stance in o&r &nderstandin' that is to "a2e &s see his di!inity $&t $y an a$yss of his s)eetness )ills hi"self to a##ly his s&$stance to o&r so&l to the end that )e "ay no lon'er &nderstand it $y s#ecies or re#resentation $&t in itself and $y itselfB so that his fatherly and eternal s&$stance is $oth s#ecies and o$1ect to o&r &nderstandin'+ Then these di!ine #ro"ises shall $e f&lfilled in an eCcellent "annerF - )ill lead her into the )ilderness and - )ill s#ea2 to her heart @171A and 'i!e her s&c2+ >e1oice )ith ,er&sale" and $e 'lad )ith her+ That yo& "ay s&c2 and $e filled )ith the $reasts of her consolations that yo& "ay "il2 o&t and flo) )ith deli'hts fro" the a$&ndance of her 'loryF yo& shall $e carried at the $reasts and &#on the 2nees they shall caress yo&+ @172A -nfinite $liss Theoti"&s and one )hich has not $een #ro"ised only $&t of )hich )e ha!e a #led'e in the /lessed Sacra"ent that #er#et&al feast of Di!ine Grace+ For in it )e recei!e the $lood of O&r Sa!io&r in his flesh and his flesh in his $loodB his $lood $ein' a##lied &nto &s $y "eans of his flesh his s&$stance $y his s&$stance to o&r !ery cor#oral "o&thB that )e "ay 2no) that so he )ill a##ly &nto &s his di!ine essence in the eternal feast of his 'lory+ Tr&e it is this fa!o&r is done &nto &s here really $&t co!ertly &nder Sacra"ental s#ecies and a##earances )hereas in hea!en the Di!inity )ill 'i!e hi"self o#enly and )e shall see hi" face to face as he is+ @177A - ?or+ Ciii+ 12+



25 @171A Osee+ ii+ 19+ @172A -s+ lC!i+ 17 11 12+ 87 ?53PT;> Q--+ OF T5; ;T;>E36 =E-OE OF T5; /6;SS;D SP->-TS 0-T5 GOD -E T5; :-S-OE OF T5; ;T;>E36 /->T5 OF T5; SOE OF GOD+ 85 O holy and Di!ine S#irit eternal 6o!e of the Father and the Son $e #ro#itio&s to "ine infancy+ O&r &nderstandin' then shall see God Theoti"&sB yes it shall see God 5i"self face to face conte"#latin' )ith a !ie) of tr&e and real #resence the di!ine essence -tself and in -t the infinite $ea&ties thereof all-#o)er all-'oodness all-)isdo" all1&stice and the rest of this a$yss of #erfections+ -t shall see clearly then shall this &nderstandin' the infinite 2no)led'e )hich God the Father had fro" all eternity of 5is o)n $ea&ty for the eC#ression of )hich in 5i"self 5e #rono&nced and said eternally the 0ord the :er$&" or the "ost sin'&lar and "ost infinite s#eech and diction )hich co"#risin' and re#resentin' all the #erfection of the Father can $e $&t one sa"e God entirely one )ith 5i" )itho&t di!ision or se#aration+ 0e shall th&s then see that eternal and ad"ira$le 'eneration of the Di!ine 0ord and Son $y )hich 5e )as eternally $orn to the i"a'e and li2eness of the Father a li!ely and nat&ral i"a'e and li2eness not re#resentin' any accidents or eCternal thin'B since in




God all is s&$stance nor can there $e any accident all is interior nor can there $e any eCteriorB $&t an i"a'e re#resentin' the #ro#er s&$stance of the Father so #erfectly so nat&rally so essentially and s&$stantially that therefore it can $e no other thin' than the sa"e God )ith 5i" )itho&t distinction or difference at all either in essence or s&$stance and )ith only the distinction of Persons+ For ho) co&ld this Di!ine Son $e the tr&e tr&ly #erfect and tr&ly nat&ral i"a'e rese"$lance and fi'&re of the infinite $ea&ty and s&$stance of the Father if this i"a'e did not re#resent a$sol&tely to the life and accordin' to nat&re the infinite #erfections of the Father. 3nd ho) co&ld it infinitely re#resent infinite #erfections if it )ere not itself infinitely #erfect. 3nd ho) co&ld it $e infinitely #erfect if it )ere not God and ho) co&ld it $e God if it )ere not one sa"e God )ith the Father. This Son then the infinite i"a'e and fi'&re of 5is infinite Father is )ith 5is Father one sole "ost &ni*&e and infinite God there $ein' no difference of s&$stance $et)een The" $&t only the distinction of #ersons+ This distinction of #ersons as it is certainly re*&ired so also it is a$sol&tely s&fficient to effect that the Father #rono&nces and the Son is the 0ord #rono&ncedB that the Father s#ea2s and the Son is the 0ord or the dictionB that the Father eC#resses and the Son is the i"a'e li2eness or fi'&re eC#ressed and in short that the Father is Father and the Son Son--t)o distinct #ersons $&t one only ;ssence or Di!inityB so that God 0ho is sole is not solitary for 5e is sole in 5is "ost sin'&lar and si"#le Deity yet is not solitary $eca&se 5e is Father and Son in t)o #ersons+ O Theoti"&s )hat 1oy )hat 1&$ilee to cele$rate this eternal $irth 2e#t in the $ri'htness of the Saints @178A to cele$rate it in seein' it and to see it in cele$ratin' it( The "ost s)eet S+ /ernard as yet a little $oy at ?hastillon-s&r-Seine )as )aitin' in ?h&rch on ?hrist"as ni'ht for the di!ine office to $e'in and )hilst )aitin' the #oor child fell into a li'ht sl&"$er d&rin' )hich (O God )hat s)eetness() he sa) in s#irit yet in a !ision !ery distinct and clear ho) the Son of God ha!in' es#o&sed h&"an nat&re and $eco"in' a little child in 5is MotherDs "ost #&re )o"$ )as )ith a h&"$le s)eetness "in'led )ith a celestial "a1esty !ir'inally $orn of herF--3s a $ride'roo" co"in' o&t of his $ride-cha"$erF @179A --a !ision Theoti"&s )hich so re#lenished the lo!in' heart of the little /ernard )ith 'ladness 1&$ilation and s#irit&al deli'hts that he had all his life an eCtre"e sense of it and therefore tho&'h after)ards as a sacred $ee he e!er c&lled o&t of all the di!ine "ysteries the honey of a tho&sand s)eet and hea!enly consolations yet had he a "ore #artic&lar s)eetness in the sole"nity of the Eati!ity and s#o2e )ith a sin'&lar relish of this $irth of his Master+ /&t 3h( - $eseech thee Theoti"&s if a "ystical and i"a'inary !ision of the te"#oral and h&"an $irth of the Son of God $y )hich he #roceeded "an fro" a )o"an !ir'in fro" a !ir'in ra!ishes and so hi'hly deli'hts a childDs heart )hat shall it $e )hen o&r s#irits 'lorio&sly ill&"inated )ith the li'ht of 'lory shall see this eternal $irth $y )hich the Son #roceeds God fro" God 6i'ht fro" 6i'ht tr&e God fro" tr&e God di!inely and eternally( Then shall o&r s#irit $e 1oined $y an inco"#rehensi$le co"#lacency to this o$1ect of deli'ht and $y an &nchan'ea$le attention re"ain &nited to it for e!er+ @178A Ps+ ciC+ 8+ @179A Ps+ C!iii+ 6+








?53PT;> Q---+ OF T5; =E-OE OF T5; /6;SS;D 0-T5 GOD -E T5; :-S-OE OF T5; P>OD=?T-OE OF T5; 5O6O G5OST+ 5 The eternal Father seein' the infinite 'oodness and $ea&ty of 5is o)n essence so #erfectly essentially and s&$stantially eC#ressed in 5is Son and the Son seein' reci#rocally that 5is sa"e essence 'oodness and $ea&ty is ori'inally in 5is Father as in its so&rce and fo&ntain ah( can it #ossi$ly $e that this Di!ine Father and 5is Son sho&ld not "&t&ally lo!e one another )ith an infinite lo!e since Their )ill $y )hich They lo!e and Their 'oodness for )hich They lo!e are infinite in each of The"+ 6o!e not findin' &s e*&al e*&aliHes &s not findin' &s &nited &nites &s+ Eo) the Father and the Son findin' The"sel!es not only e*&al and &nited $&t e!en one sa"e God one sa"e 'oodness one sa"e essence and one sa"e &nity ho) "&ch "&st They needs lo!e one another+ /&t this lo!e does not act li2e the lo!e )hich intellect&al creat&res ha!e a"on'st the"sel!es or to)ards their ?reatorB for created lo!e is eCercised $y "any and !ario&s "o!e"ents as#irations &nions and 1oinin's )hich i""ediately s&cceed one another and "a2e a contin&ation of lo!e )ith a 'ratef&l !icissit&de of s#irit&al "o!e"ents $&t the di!ine lo!e of the eternal Father to)ards 5is Son is #ractised in one only s#iration (so&s#ir) "&t&ally fro" The" $oth 0ho in this sort re"ain &nited and 1oined to'ether+ Oes Theoti"&sB for the 'oodness of the Father and Son $ein' $&t one sole "ost #erfectly sin'&lar 'oodness co""on to The" $oth the lo!e of this 'oodness can $e $&t one only lo!eB for tho&'h there $e t)o lo!ers to )it the Father and the Son yet seein' it is only Their "ost sin'&lar 'oodness co""on to The" $oth )hich is lo!ed and Their "ost &ni*&e )ill )hich lo!es it is therefore $&t one lo!e eCercised $y one a"oro&s s#iration+ The Father $reathes this lo!e and so does the SonB $&t $eca&se the Father only $reathes this lo!e $y "eans of the sa"e )ill and for the sa"e 'oodness )hich is e*&ally and sin'&larly in 5i" and 5is SonF the Son a'ain only $reathes this s#iration of lo!e for this sa"e 'oodness and $y this sa"e )ill --therefore this s#iration of lo!e is $&t one s#iration or one only s#irit $reathed o&t $y t)o $reathers+ 3nd $eca&se the Father and the Son 0ho $reathe ha!e an infinite essence and )ill $y )hich They $reathe and $eca&se the 'oodness for )hich They $reathe is infinite it is i"#ossi$le Their $reathin' sho&ld not $e infiniteB and foras"&ch as it cannot $e infinite )itho&t $ein' God therefore this S#irit $reathed fro" the Father and the Son is tr&e GodF and since there neither is nor can $e "ore than one only God 5e is one only tr&e God )ith the Father and the Son+ Moreo!er as this lo!e is an act )hich #roceeds "&t&ally fro" the Father and the Son it can neither $e the Father nor the Son fro" )ho" it #roceeds tho&'h it has the sa"e 'oodness and s&$stance of the Father and the Son $&t "&st necessarily $e a third #erson 0ho )ith the Father and the Son is one only God+ 3nd $eca&se this lo!e is #rod&ced $y "anner of $reathin's or s#irations it is called the 5oly S#irit+ Eo) Theoti"&s 4in' Da!id descri$in' the s)eetness of the friendshi# of GodDs ser!ants cries o&tF /ehold ho) 'ood and ho) #leasant it is for $rethren to d)ell to'ether in &nityF li2e the #recio&s oint"ent on the head that ran do)n &#on the $eard









the $eard of 3aron )hich ran do)n to the s2irt of his 'ar"entF as the de) of 5er"on )hich descendeth &#on Mo&nt Sion+ @175A 5 /&t O God( if h&"an friendshi# $e so a'reea$ly lo!ely and s#read so delicio&s an odo&r on the" that conte"#late it )hat shall it $e "y )ell-$elo!ed Theoti"&s to $ehold the sacred eCercise of "&t&al lo!e $et)een the eternal Father and the Son+ S+ Gre'ory EaHianHen reco&nts that the inco"#ara$le lo!e )hich eCisted $et)een hi" and S+ /asil the Great )as fa"o&s all thro&'h Greece and Tert&llian testifies that the Pa'ans ad"ired the "ore than $rotherly lo!e )hich rei'ned a"on'st the #ri"iti!e ?hristians+ Oh( )ith )hat cele$ration and sole"nity )ith )hat #raises and $enedictions sho&ld $e 2e#t )ith )hat ad"irations sho&ld $e hono&red and lo!ed the eternal and so!erei'n friendshi# of the Father and the Son( 0hat is there to $e lo!ed and desired if friendshi# is not. 3nd if friendshi# is to $e lo!ed and desired )hat friendshi# can $e so in co"#arison )ith that infinite friendshi# )hich is $et)een the Father and the Son and 0hich is one sa"e "ost sole God )ith the". O&r heart Theoti"&s )ill sin2 lost in lo!e thro&'h ad"iration of the $ea&ty and s)eetness of the lo!e that this eternal Father and this inco"#rehensi$le Son #ractise di!inely and eternally+ @175A Ps+ cCCCii+ ?53PT;> Q-:+ 25 T53T T5; 5O6O 6-G5T OF G6O>O 0-66 S;>:; FO> T5; =E-OE OF T5; /6;SS;D SP->-TS 0-T5 GOD+ The created &nderstandin' then shall see the di!ine essence )itho&t any "edi&" of s#ecies or re#resentationB yet not )itho&t a certain eCcellent li'ht )hich dis#oses ele!ates and stren'thens it to raise its !ie) so hi'h and to an o$1ect so s&$li"e and res#lendent+ For as the o)l has a si'ht stron' eno&'h to $ear the so"$re li'ht of a clear ni'ht $&t not stron' eno&'h to stand the "id-day li'ht )hich is too $rilliant to $e $orne $y eyes so di" and )ea2B so o&r &nderstandin' )hich is stron' eno&'h to consider nat&ral tr&ths $y its disco&rse yea e!en the s&#ernat&ral thin's of 'race $y the li'ht of faith is not yet a$le $y the li'ht of either nat&re or faith to attain &nto the !ie) of the di!ine s&$stance in itself+ 0herefore the s)eetness of the eternal )isdo" deter"ined not to a##ly 5is essence to o&r &nderstandin' till 5e had #re#ared stren'thened and fitted it to recei!e a si'ht so e"inent and so dis#ro#ortionate to its nat&ral condition as is the !ie) of the Di!inity+ So the s&n the so!erei'n o$1ect of o&r cor#oral eyes a"on'st nat&ral thin's does not #resent itself &nto o&r !ie) )itho&t sendin' first its rays $y "eans )hereof )e "ay $e a$le to see it so that )e only see it $y its li'ht+ Oet there is a difference $et)een the rays )hich the s&n casts &#on o&r cor#oral eyes and the li'ht )hich God )ill create in o&r &nderstandin's in hea!enF for the s&nDs rays do not fortify o&r cor#oral eyes )hen they are )ea2 and &na$le to see $&t rather $lind the" daHHlin' and confo&ndin' their infir" !isionF )hereas on the contrary this sacred li'ht of 'lory findin' o&r &nderstandin's &na#t and &na$le to $ehold the Di!inity raises stren'thens and #erfects the" so eCcellently that $y an inco"#rehensi$le "ar!el they $ehold and conte"#late the a$yss of the di!ine








$ri'htness in itself )ith a fiCed and direct 'aHe not $ein' daHHled or $eaten $ac2 $y the infinite 'reatness of its s#lendo&r+ 5 -n li2e "anner therefore as God has 'i!en &s the li'ht of reason $y )hich )e "ay 2no) 5i" as 3&thor of nat&re and the li'ht of faith $y )hich )e consider 5i" as so&rce of 'race so )ill 5e $esto) &#on &s the li'ht of 'lory $y )hich )e shall conte"#late 5i" as the fo&ntain of $eatit&de and eternal lifeF $&t a fo&ntain Theoti"&s )hich )e shall not conte"#late afar off as )e do no) $y faith $&t )hich )e shall see $y the li'ht of 'lory )hile #l&n'ed and s)allo)ed &# in it+ Di!ers )ho fishin' for #recio&s stones 'o do)n into the )ater ta2e oil says Pliny in their "o&ths that $y scatterin' it they "ay ha!e "ore li'ht to see in the )aters )here they s)i"+ Theoti"&s a $lessed so&l ha!in' entered and #l&n'ed into the ocean of the di!ine essence God )ill #o&r into its &nderstandin' the sacred li'ht of 'lory )hich )ill enli'hten it in this a$yss of inaccessi$le li'ht that so $y the li'ht of 'lory )e "ay see the li'ht of the Di!inity+ For )ith Thee is the fo&ntain of lifeB and in Thy li'ht )e shall see li'ht+ @176A @176A Ps+ CCC!+ 17+ 27 ?53PT;> Q:+ T53T T5;>; S5366 /; D-FF;>;ET D;G>;;S OF T5; =E-OE OF T5; /6;SS;D 0-T5 GOD+ 25 Eo) this li'ht of 'lory Theoti"&s shall $e the "eas&re of the si'ht and cente"#lation of the /lessedB and accordin' as )e shall ha!e less or "ore of this holy s#lendo&r )e shall see "ore or less clearly and conse*&ently )ith "ore or less ha##iness the "ost holy Di!inity )hich as it is $eholden di!ersely so it )ill "a2e &s di!ersely 'lorio&s+ 3ll the s#irits indeed in this hea!enly Paradise see all the di!ine essence yet it is not seen and cannot $e seen entirely $y any one of the" or $y all of the" to'ether+ Eo Theoti"&s for God $ein' "ost sin'&larly one and "ost si"#ly indi!isi$le )e cannot see 5i" )itho&t seein' 5i" allF $&t $ein' infinite )itho&t li"it )itho&t $o&nds or "eas&re at all in 5is #erfection there neither is nor can $e any ca#acity o&t of 5i"self )hich can e!er totally co"#rehend or #enetrate the infinity of 5is 'oodness infinitely essential and essentially infinite+ This created li'ht of the !isi$le s&n )hich is li"ited and finite is in s&ch sort all seen $y those that $ehold it that it is ne!er totally seen $y any one of the" nor $y all to'ether+ -t is in a "anner so )ith all o&r senses+ 3"on'st "any that hear eCcellent "&sic tho&'h all of the" hear it all yet so"e hear it not so )ell nor )ith so "&ch deli'ht as others accordin' as their ears are "ore or less delicate+ The "anna )as all tasted $y each one that ate it yet differently accordin' to the different a##etites of those )ho ate it and )as ne!er )holly tasted for it had "ore tastes of different 2inds than the -sraelites had !arieties of tastin' #o)er+ Theoti"&s )e shall see and taste in hea!en all the Di!inity $&t no one of the /lessed nor all to'ether shall e!er see or taste it totally+ This infinite Di!inity shall still ha!e infinitely "ore eCcellences than )e s&fficiency and ca#acityB and )e shall ha!e an &ns#ea2a$le content to 2no) that after )e ha!e satiated







all the desires of o&r heart and f&lly re#lenished its ca#acity in the fr&ition of the infinite 'ood )hich is God ne!ertheless there )ill re"ain in this infinity infinite #erfections to $e seen en1oyed and #ossessed )hich 5is di!ine Ma1esty 2no)s and sees it alone co"#rehendin' itself+ 5 So fishes en1oy the incredi$le !astness of the oceanB $&t not any fish nor yet all the "&ltit&de of fishes e!er sa) all the shores of the sea or )etted their fins in all its )aters+ /irds s#ort in the o#en air at their #leas&re $&t not any $ird nor yet all the floc2s of $irds to'ether did e!er $eat )ith their )in's all the re'ions of the air or arri!e at the s&#re"e re'ion of the sa"e+ 3h( Theoti"&s o&r so&ls shall freely and accordin' to the f&ll eCtent of their )ishes s)i" in the ocean and soar in the air of the Di!inity re1oicin' eternally to see that this air is so infinite this ocean so !ast that it cannot $e "eas&red $y their )in's and that en1oyin' )itho&t reser!e or eCce#tion all this infinite a$yss of the Di!inity yet shall they ne!er $e a$le to e*&aliHe their fr&ition to this infinity )hich re"ains still infinitely infinite $eyond their ca#acity+ 3nd at this the /lessed S#irits are ra!ished )ith t)o ad"irations first for the infinite $ea&ty )hich they conte"#late secondly for the a$yss of the infinity )hich re"ains to $e seen in this sa"e $ea&ty+ O God( ho) ad"ira$le is that )hich they see( /&t O God( ho) "&ch "ore ad"ira$le is that )hich they see not( 3nd yet Theoti"&s since the "ost sacred $ea&ty )hich they see is infinite it entirely satisfies and satiates the" and $ein' content to en1oy it accordin' to the ran2 )hich they hold in hea!en $eca&se GodDs "ost a"ia$le #ro!idence has so deter"ined they con!ert the 2no)led'e they ha!e of not #ossessin' and of not $ein' a$le totally to #ossess their o$1ect into a si"#le co"#lacency of ad"iration in )hich they ha!e a so!erei'n 1oy to see that the $ea&ty they lo!e is so infinite that it cannot $e totally 2no)n $&t $y itself+ For in this consists the Di!inity of this infinite $ea&ty or the $ea&ty of this infinite Di!inity+ /OO4 -:+ 87 OF T5; D;?3O 3ED >=-E OF ?53>-TO+ 85 ?53PT;> -+ T53T 3S 6OEG 3S 0; 3>; -E T5-S MO>T36 6-F; 0; M3O 6OS; T5; 6O:; OF GOD+ 97 0e do not no) s#ea2 of those 'reat elect so&ls )ho" God $y a "ost s#ecial fa!o&r so "aintains and confir"s in his lo!e that they r&n no haHard of losin' it+ 0e s#ea2 for the rest of "ortals to )ho" the 5oly Ghost addresses these )arnin'sF 5e that thin2eth hi"self to stand let hi" ta2e heed lest he fall+ @177A 5old fast that )hich tho& hast that no "an ta2e thy cro)n+ @17IA 6a$o&r the "ore that $y 'ood )or2s yo& "ay "a2e s&re yo&r callin' and election+ @17KA 0hence he "a2es the" "a2e this #rayerF ?ast "e not a)ay fro" thy faceB and ta2e not thy holy s#irit fro" "e+ @1I7A 3nd lead &s not into te"#tationF that they "ay )or2 o&t their sal!ation )ith a holy tre"$lin' and a sacred fear @1I1A 2no)in' that they are not "ore constant and stron' to #reser!e GodDs lo!e






than )ere the first an'el )ith his follo)ers and ,&das )ho recei!in' it lost it and losin' it lost the"sel!es for e!erB nor than Solo"on )ho ha!in' once left it holds the )hole )orld in do&$t of his da"nationB nor than 3da" and ;!e Da!id S+ Peter )ho $ein' children of sal!ation fell yet for a s#ace fro" the lo!e )itho&t )hich there is no sal!ation+ 3las( Theoti"&s )ho shall then ha!e ass&rance of #reser!in' sacred lo!e in the na!i'ation of this "ortal life since as )ell on earth as in hea!en so "any #ersons of inco"#ara$le di'nity ha!e s&ffered s&ch cr&el shi#)rec2s. /&t O eternal God( ho) is it #ossi$le )ill one say that a so&l that has the lo!e of God can e!er lose itB for )here lo!e is it resists sin and ho) co"es it to #ass then that sin 'ets entry there since lo!e is stron' as death hard in fi'ht as hell. @1I2A 5o) can the forces of death or hell that is of sins !an*&ish lo!e )hich at least e*&als the" in stren'th and s&r#asses the" in hel#s and in ri'ht. 3nd ho) can it $e that a reasona$le so&l )hich has once relished so 'reat a s)eetness as is that of hea!enly lo!e can e!er )illin'ly s)allo) the $itter )aters of offence. ?hildren tho&'h children $ein' fed )ith "il2 a$hor the $itterness of )or")ood and of aloes and cry the"sel!es into con!&lsions )hen they are "ade to ta2e the"+ 3h( then O tr&e God( Theoti"&s ho) can the so&l once 1oined to the 'oodness of the ?reator forsa2e hi" to follo) the !anity of the creat&re. My dear Theoti"&s the hea!ens the"sel!es are astonished their 'ates $eco"e desolate )ith fear @1I8A and the an'els of #eace are lost in a"aHe"ent at this #rodi'io&s "isery of "anDs heart a$andonin' a 'ood so )orthy of lo!e to 1oin itself to thin's so &n)orthy+ /&t ha!e yo& ne!er seen that little "ar!el )hich e!ery one 2no)s tho&'h e!ery one does not 2no) the reason of it. 0hen a !ery f&ll $arrel is $roached the )ine )ill not r&n &nless it ha!e air 'i!en fro" a$o!e )hich yet ha##ens not to $arrels in )hich there is already a !oid for they are no sooner o#en $&t the )ine r&ns+ Tr&ly in this "ortal life tho&'h o&r so&ls a$o&nd )ith hea!enly lo!e yet they are ne!er so f&ll of it $&t that $y te"#tation this lo!e "ay de#artF in hea!en ho)e!er )hen the s)eetness of GodDs $ea&ty shall occ&#y all o&r &nderstandin' and the deli'hts of his 'oodness shall )holly satiate o&r )ills so that there shall $e nothin' )hich the f&lness of his lo!e shall not re#lenish no o$1ect tho&'h it #enetrate e!en to o&r hearts can e!er dra) or "a2e r&n o&t one sole dro# of the #recio&s li*&or of o&r hea!enly lo!e+ 3nd to eC#ect to 'i!e air a$o!e that is to decei!e or s&r#rise the &nderstandin' shall no "ore $e #ossi$leB for it shall $e i""o!a$le in the a##rehension of the so!erei'n tr&th+ So )ine )ell #&rified and se#arated fro" the lees is easily 2e#t fro" t&rnin' and 'ettin' thic2B that )hich is on its lees is in contin&al dan'erB and )e so lon' as )e are in this )orld ha!e o&r so&ls &#on the lees or tartar of a tho&sand "oods and "iseries and conse*&ently easy to chan'e and s#oil in their lo!e+ /&t once in hea!en )here as in the 'reat feast descri$ed $y -saias )e shall ha!e )ine #&rified fro" all lees )e shall $e no lon'er s&$1ect to chan'e $&t $e inse#ara$ly &nited $y lo!e to o&r so!erei'n 'ood+ 5ere in the t)ili'ht of da)nin' )e are afraid that in lie& of the s#o&se )e "ay "eet so"e other o$1ect )hich "ay en'a'e and decei!e &s $&t )hen )e shall find 5i" a$o!e )here 5e feeds and re#oses in the "id-day there )ill $e no chance of $ein' decei!ed for 5is li'ht )ill $e too clear and 5is s)eetness )ill $ind &s so closely to 5is 'oodness that )e shall no lon'er ha!e the #o)er to )ill to &nfasten o&rsel!es+









0e are li2e the coral )hich in the sea the #lace of its ori'in is a #ale-'reen )ea2 droo#in' and #lia$le tree $&t $ein' dra)n fro" the $otto" of the sea as fro" its "otherDs )o"$ it $eco"es al"ost a stone fir" and &n$endin' )hile it chan'es its #ale-'reen into a li!ely red+ For so )e $ein' as yet a"idst the sea of this )orld the #lace of o&r $irth are s&$1ect to eCtre"e !icissit&des lia$le to $e $ent on e!ery sideB to the ri'ht )hich is hea!enly lo!e $y ins#iration to the left )hich is earthly lo!e $y te"#tation+ /&t if $ein' once dra)n o&t of this "ortality )e ha!e chan'ed the #ale'reen of o&r tre"$lin' ho#es into the $ri'ht red of ass&red fr&ition )e shall ne!er "ore $e "o!a$le $&t "a2e a settled a$ode for e!er in eternal lo!e+ -t is i"#ossi$le to see the Di!inity and not lo!e it $&t here $elo) )here )e do not see it $&t only ha!e a 'li"#se of it thro&'h the clo&ds of faith as in a "irror o&r 2no)led'e is not yet so #erfect as not to lea!e an o#enin' for the s&r#rises of other o$1ects and a##arent 'oods )hich thro&'h the o$sc&rities )hich are "iCed )ith the certainty and !erity of faith steal in &n#ercei!ed li2e little foC c&$s and de"olish o&r flo&rishin' !ineyard+ To concl&de Theoti"&s )hen )e ha!e charity o&r free-)ill is clothed )ith her )eddin' 'ar"ent )hich as she can still 2ee# it on if she #lease $y )ell-doin' so she can #&t off if she #lease $y offendin'+ @177A 1 ?or+ C+ 12+ @17IA 3#oc+ iii+ 11+ @17KA 2 Peter i+ 17+




25 @1I7A Ps+ l+ 18+ @1I1A Phil+ ii+ 12+ 87 @1I2A ?ant+ !iii+ 6+ @1I8A ,er+ ii+ 12+ ?53PT;> --+ 85 5O0 T5; SO=6 G>O0S ?O6D -E 5O6O 6O:;+ The so&l is often 'rie!ed and tro&$led in the $ody e!en so far as to desert "any of its "e"$ers )hich re"ain de#ri!ed of "otion and feelin' )hile it ne!er forsa2es the heart )herein it f&lly re"ains till the !ery end of life+ So charity is so"eti"es )ea2ened and de#ressed in the affections till it see"s to $e scarcely in eCercise at all and yet it re"ains entire in the s&#re"e re'ion of the so&l+ This ha##ens )hen &nder the "&ltit&de of !enial sins as &nder ashes the fire of holy lo!e re"ains co!ered and its fla"e s"othered tho&'h it is not dead or eCtin'&ished+ For as the #resence of the dia"ond hinders the eCercise and action of that #ro#erty )hich the ada"ant has of dra)in' iron and yet does not ta2e it a)ay as it acts i""ediately this o$stacle is re"o!ed so the #resence of !enial sins in no sort de#ri!es charity of its force and #o)er to )or2 yet as it )ere $en&"$s it and de#ri!es it of the &se of its acti!ity so that



charity re"ains )itho&t action sterile and &nfr&itf&l+ -t is tr&e that neither !enial sin nor e!en the affection to it is contrary to the essential resol&tion of charity )hich is to #refer God $efore all thin'sB $eca&se $y this sin )e lo!e so"ethin' o&tside reason $&t not a'ainst reason )e defer a little too "&ch and "ore than is fit to creat&res yet )e do not #refer the" $efore the ?reator )e occ&#y o&rsel!es "ore than )e o&'ht in earthly thin's yet do )e not for all that forsa2e hea!enly thin's+ -n fine this 2ind of sin i"#edes &s in the )ay of charity $&t does not #&t &s o&t of it and therefore !enial sin not $ein' contrary to charity ne!er destroys charity either )holly or #artially+ God si'nified to the /isho# of ;#hes&s that he had forsa2en his first charity @1I9A )here he does not say that he )as )itho&t charity $&t only that it )as not s&ch as in the $e'innin'B that is that it )as not no) #ro"#t fer!ent 'ro)in' in lo!e or fr&itf&lF as )e are )ont to say of hi" )ho fro" $ein' $ri'ht cheerf&l and $lithe $eco"es sad hea!y and s&llen that he is not no) the sa"e "an he )asB for o&r "eanin' is not that he is not the sa"e in s&$stance $&t only in his actions and eCercises+ 3nd th&s O&r Sa!io&r says that in the latter days the charity of "any shall 'ro) cold @1I5A that is it shall not $e so acti!e and co&ra'eo&s $y reason of fear and sadness )hich shall o##ress "enDs hearts+ ?ertain it is that )hen conc&#iscence hath concei!ed it $rin'eth forth sin+ @1I6A The sin ho)e!er tho&'h sin indeed does not al)ays $e'et the death of the so&l $&t then only )hen it is co"#lete in "alice and )hen it is cons&""ate and acco"#lished as S+ ,a"es says+ 3nd he here esta$lishes so clearly the difference $et)een "ortal and !enial sin that it is stran'e that so"e in o&r a'e ha!e had the te"erity to deny it+ 5o)e!er !enial sin is sin and conse*&ently tro&$les charity not as a thin' that is contrary to charity itself $&t contrary to its o#erations and #ro'ress and e!en to its intention+ For as this intention is that )e sho&ld direct all o&r actions to God it is !iolated $y !enial sin )hich directs the actions $y )hich )e co""it it not indeed a'ainst God yet o&tside God and his )ill+ 3nd as )e say of a tree r&dely !isited and stri##ed $y a te"#est that nothin' is left $eca&se tho&'h the tree $e entire yet it is left )itho&t fr&it so )hen o&r charity is sha2en $y the affection )e ha!e to !enial sin )e say it is di"inished and )ea2enedB not $eca&se the ha$it of lo!e is not entire in o&r hearts $&t $eca&se it is )itho&t the )or2s )hich are its fr&its+ The affection to 'reat sins did so "a2e tr&th #risoner to in1&stice a"on'st the #a'an #hiloso#hers that as the 'reat 3#ostle saysF 4no)in' God they hono&red hi" not accordin' to that 2no)led'eB @1I7A so that tho&'h this affection did not $anish nat&ral li'ht yet it "ade it #rofitless+ So the affection to !enial sin does not a$olish charity $&t it holds it as a sla!e tied hand and foot hinderin' its freedo" and action+ This affection attachin' &s too closely to the en1oy"ent of creat&res de#ri!es &s of the s#irit&al inti"acy $et)een God and &s to )hich charity as tr&e friendshi# eCcites &sB conse*&ently this affection "a2es &s lose the interior hel#s and assistances )hich are as it )ere the !ital and ani"atin' s#irits of the so&l in defa&lt of )hich there follo)s a certain s#irit&al #alsy )hich in the end if it $e not re"edied $rin's &s to death+ For after all charity $ein' an acti!e *&ality cannot $e lon' )itho&t either actin' or dyin'F it is say o&r 3ncients of the nat&re of >achel )ho also re#resented it+ Gi!e "e said she to her h&s$and children other)ise - shall dieB @1IIA and charity &r'es the heart )hich she has es#o&sed to "a2e her fertile of 'ood )or2sB other)ise she )ill #erish+










0e are rarely in this "ortal life )itho&t "any te"#tations+ Eo) lo) and slothf&l hearts and s&ch as are 'i!en to eCterior #leas&res not $ein' acc&sto"ed to fi'ht nor eCercised in s#irit&al )arfare ne!er #reser!e charity lon' $&t let the"sel!es ordinarily $e s&r#rised $y "ortal sin )hich ha##ens the "ore easily $eca&se the so&l is "ore dis#osed $y !enial sin to "ortal+ For as that "an of old ha!in' contin&ed to carry e!ery day the sa"e calf $ore hi" also )hen he )as 'ro)n to $e a 'reat oC c&sto" ha!in' $y little and little "ade insensi$le the increase of so hea!y a $&rdenB so he that acc&sto"s hi"self to #lay for #ence )ill in the end #lay for cro)ns #istoles and horses and after his st&d all his estate+ @1IKA 5e that 'i!es the reins to little an'ers $eco"es in the end f&rio&s and &n$eara$leB he that addicts hi"self to lyin' in 1est is in 'reat #eril of lyin' )ith cal&"ny+ -n fine Theoti"&s )e are )ont to say that s&ch as ha!e a !ery )ea2ly constit&tion ha!e no life that they ha!e not an o&nce or not a handf&l of it $eca&se that )hich is *&ic2ly to ha!e an end see"s indeed already not to $e+ 3nd those 'ood-for-nothin' so&ls )ho are addicted to #leas&re and set &#on transitory thin's "ay )ell say that they no lon'er ha!e charity for if they ha!e it they are in the )ay soon to lose it+ @1I9A 3#oc+ ii+ 9+ @1I5A Matt+ CCi!+ 12+ @1I6A ,a"es i+ 15+



25 @1I7A >o"+ i+ 21+ @1IIA Gen+ CCC+ 1+ 87 @1IKA 3#res ses che!a&C to&te sa che!ance+ ?53PT;> ---+ 5O0 0; FO>S34; D-:-E; 6O:; FO> T53T OF ?>;3T=>;S+ 85 This "isery of *&ittin' God for the creat&re ha##ens th&s+ 0e do not lo!e God )itho&t inter"ission $eca&se in this "ortal life charity is in &s as a si"#le ha$it )hich as #hiloso#hers ha!e re"ar2ed )e &se )hen )e li2e and ne!er a'ainst o&r li2in'+ 0hen then )e do not "a2e &se of the charity )hich is in &s that is )hen )e are not a##lyin' o&r s#irit to the eCercises of holy lo!e $&t )hen (2ee#in' it $&sied in so"e other affair or it $ein' idle in itself) it re"ains &seless and ne'li'ent then Theoti"&s it "ay $e assa&lted $y so"e $ad o$1ect and s&r#rised $y te"#tation+ 3nd tho&'h the ha$it of charity $e at that instant in the $otto" of o&r hearts and #erfor" its office inclinin' &s to re1ect the $ad s&''estion yet it only &r'es &s or leads &s to the action of resistance accordin' as )e second it as is the "anner of ha$itsB and therefore charity lea!in' &s in o&r freedo" it ha##ens often that the $ad o$1ect ha!in' cast its all&re"ents dee#ly into o&r hearts )e attach o&rsel!es &nto it $y an eCcessi!e co"#lacency )hich )hen it co"es to 'ro) )e can hardly 'et rid of and li2e thorns accordin' to the sayin' of O&r



Sa!io&r it in the end stifles the seed of 'race and hea!enly lo!e+ So it fell o&t )ith o&r first "other ;!e )hose o!erthro) $e'an $y a certain a"&se"ent )hich she too2 in disco&rsin' )ith the ser#ent recei!in' co"#lacency in hearin' it tal2 of her ad!ance"ent in 2no)led'e and in seein' the $ea&ty of the for$idden fr&it so that the co"#lacency 'ro)in' )ith the a"&se"ent and the a"&se"ent feedin' itself in the co"#lacency she fo&nd herself at len'th so entan'led that 'i!in' a)ay to consent she co""itted the acc&rsed sin into )hich after)ards she dre) her h&s$and+ 0e see that #i'eons to&ched )ith !anity dis#lay the"sel!es (se #a!onnent) so"eti"es in the air and sail a$o&t hither and thither ad"irin' the !ariety of their #l&"a'e and then the tercelets and falcons that es#y the" fall &#on the" and seiHe the" )hich they co&ld ne!er do if the #i'eons had $een flyin' their #ro#er fli'ht as they ha!e a stron'er )in' than ha!e $irds of #rey+ 3h( Theoti"&s if )e did not a"&se o&rsel!es )ith the !anity of fleetin' #leas&res es#ecially in the co"#lacency of self-lo!e $&t if ha!in' once 'ot charity )e )ere caref&l to fly strai'ht thither )hither it )o&ld carry &s s&''estion and te"#tation sho&ld ne!er catch &s $&t $eca&se as do!es sed&ced and $e'&iled $y self-estee" )e loo2 $ac2 &#on o&rsel!es and en'a'e o&r s#irits too "&ch )ith creat&res )e often find o&rsel!es seiHed $y the talons of o&r ene"ies )ho $ear a)ay and de!o&r &s+ God does not )ill to hinder te"#tations fro" attac2in' &s to the end that $y resistance o&r charity "ay $e "ore eCercised that $y fi'htin' )e "ay 'ain the !ictory and $y !ictory o$tain the tri&"#h+ /&t for &s to ha!e any 2ind of inclination to deli'ht o&rsel!es in the te"#tation--this rises fro" the condition of o&r nat&re )hich so earnestly lo!es 'ood that it is s&$1ect to $e enticed $y anythin' that has a sho) of 'ood and te"#tationDs hoo2 is e!er $aited )ith this 2ind of $aitF for as holy 0rit teaches there is either so"e 'ood hono&ra$le in the )orldDs si'ht to "o!e &s to the #ride of a )orldly life or a 'ood deli'htf&l to sense to carry &s to conc&#iscence of the flesh or a 'ood tendin' to)ards )ealth to incite &s to the conc&#iscence and a!arice of the eyes+ @1K7A /&t if )e 2e#t o&r faith )hich can discern $et)een the tr&e 'ood )e are to #&rs&e and the false )hich )e are to re1ect shar#ly attenti!e to its office )itho&t do&$t it )o&ld $e a tr&sty sentinel to charity and )o&ld 'i!e intelli'ence of that e!il )hich a##roaches the heart &nder #reteCt of 'ood and charity )o&ld i""ediately re#&lse it+ /&t $eca&se ordinarily )e 2ee# o&r faith either aslee# or less attenti!e than is re*&isite for the #reser!ation of o&r charity )e are often s&r#rised $y te"#tation )hich sed&cin' o&r senses )hile o&r senses incite the inferior #art of o&r so&l to re$ellion often $rin's to #ass that the s&#erior #art of reason yields to the !iolence of this re!olt and $y co""ittin' sin loses charity+ S&ch )as the #ro'ress of the sedition )hich the disloyal 3$salo" stirred &# a'ainst his 'ood father Da!idB for he #&t for)ard #ro#ositions )hich )ere 'ood in a##earance )hich $ein' once recei!ed $y the #oor -sraelites )hose #r&dence )as #&t to slee# and s"othered he solicited the" in s&ch sort that he )ro&'ht the" to a co"#lete re$ellionB so that Da!id )as constrained to de#art fro" ,er&sale" )ith all his "ost faithf&l friends lea!in' there no "en of distinction sa!e Sadoc and 3$iathar #riests of the ;ternal )ith their childrenF no) Sadoc )as a seer that is to say a #ro#het+ @1K1A










For so "ost dear Theoti"&s self-lo!e findin' o&r faith )itho&t attention and dro)sy #resents &nto &s !ain yet a##arent 'oods sed&ces o&r senses o&r i"a'ination and the fac&lties of o&r so&ls and lays so hard at o&r free-)ills that it $rin's the" to an entire re!olt a'ainst the holy lo!e of God )hich then as another Da!id de#arts fro" o&r heart )ith all its train that is )ith the 'ifts of the 5oly Ghost and the other hea!enly !irt&es )hich are the inse#ara$le co"#anions of charity if not her #ro#erties and fac&lties+ Eor does there re"ain in the ,er&sale" of o&r so&l any !irt&e of i"#ortance sa!in' Sadoc the seer that is the 'ift of faith )hich can "a2e &s see eternal tr&ths )ith the eCercise of it and )ith hi" 3$iathar that is the 'ift of ho#e )ith its actionB $oth these re"ain "&ch afflicted and sorro)f&l yet "aintain in &s the ar2 of alliance that is the *&ality and title of ?hristian #&rchased $y $a#tis"+ 3las( Theoti"&s )hat a #itif&l s#ectacle it is to the an'els of #eace to see the 5oly Ghost and his lo!e de#art in this "anner o&t of o&r sinf&l so&ls( :erily - thin2 if they co&ld )ee# they )o&ld #o&r o&t infinite tears and )ith a "o&rnf&l !oice la"entin' o&r "isery )o&ld sin' the sad canticle )hich ,ere"ias too2 &# )hen sittin' &#on the threshold of the desolate te"#le he conte"#lated the r&in of ,er&sale" in the ti"e of SedeciasF 5o) doth the city sit solitary that )as f&ll of #eo#le( 5o) is the "istress of the Gentiles $eco"e as a )ido)F the #rincess of #ro!inces "ade tri$&tary( @1K2A @1K7A 1 ,ohn ii+ 16+ @1K1A 2 4in's C!+




@1K2A ,er+ 6a"+ i+ 1+ ?53PT;> -:+ T53T 5;3:;E6O 6O:; -S 6OST -E 3 MOM;ET+

87 The lo!e of God )hich $rin's &s as far as conte"#t of self "a2es &s citiHens of the hea!enly ,er&sale"B self-lo!e )hich #&shes &s for)ard to the conte"#t of God "a2es &s sla!es of the infernal /a$ylon+ -t is tr&e that only little $y little )e co"e to des#ise God $&t )e ha!e no sooner done it than instantly in a "o"ent holy charity forsa2es &s or rather )holly #erishes+ Oes Theoti"&s for in this conte"#t of God does "ortal sin consist and one only "ortal sin $anishes charity fro" the so&l inas"&ch as it $rea2s the connection and &nion )ith God )hich is o$edience and s&$"ission to his )illF and as "anDs heart cannot li!e di!ided so charity )hich is the heart of the so&l and the so&l of the heart can ne!er $e )o&nded )itho&t $ein' slainF as they say of #earls )hich $ein' concei!ed of hea!enly de) #erish if any dro# of salt )ater 'et )ithin the shell that holds the"+ O&r so&l as yo& 2no) does not 'o o&t of o&r $ody $y little and little $&t in a "o"ent )hen the indis#osition of the $ody is so 'reat that it can no lon'er eCercise the actions of life in itF e!en so the !ery instant the heart is so disordered $y #assions that charity can no lon'er rei'n there she *&its and a$andons itF for she is so no$le that she cannot cease to rei'n )itho&t ceasin' to $e+ 5a$its ac*&ired $y o&r h&"an actions alone do not #erish $y one sin'le contrary actF for a "an is not said to $e inte"#erate for one sin'le act of inte"#erance nor is a #ainter




held an &ns2ilf&l "aster for ha!in' once failed in his artB $&t as all s&ch ha$its are ac*&ired $y the infl&ence of a series of acts so )e lose the" $y a lon' cessation fro" their acts or $y "any contrary acts+ /&t charity Theoti"&s )hich in a "o"ent the 5oly Ghost #o&rs into o&r hearts as soon as the conditions re*&isite for this inf&sion are fo&nd in &s is also in an instant ta2en fro" &s as soon as di!ertin' o&r )ill fro" the o$edience )e o)e to God )e co"#lete o&r consent to the re$ellion and disloyalty to )hich te"#tation eCcites &s+ -t is tr&e that charity increases $y de'rees and 'oes fro" #erfection to #erfection accordin' as $y o&r )or2s or $y the fre*&entin' of the sacra"ents )e "a2e #lace for it yet it does not decrease $y a lessenin' of its #erfection for )e ne!er lose any least #art of it $&t )e lose it all+ -n )hich it rese"$les the "aster#iece of Phidias so fa"o&s a"on'st the ancientsB for they say that this 'reat sc&l#tor "ade at 3thens an i!ory stat&e of Miner!a t)enty-siC c&$its hi'h and in the $&c2ler )hich she held )herein he had re#resented the $attles of the 3"aHons and Giants he car!ed his o)n face )ith so 'reat art that one co&ld not ta2e a)ay one line of it says 3ristotle )itho&t destroyin' the )hole stat&e so that this )or2 tho&'h it had $een $ro&'ht to #erfection $y addin' #iece to #iece yet )o&ld ha!e #erished in an instant if one little #arcel of the )or2"anDs li2eness had $een re"o!ed+ -n li2e "anner Theoti"&s tho&'h the 5oly Ghost ha!in' inf&sed charity into a so&l increases it $y addin' one de'ree to another and one #erfection of lo!e to another yet still the resol&tion of #referrin' GodDs )ill $efore all thin's $ein' the essential #oint of sacred lo!e and that )herein the i"a'e of eternal lo!e that is of the 5oly Ghost is re#resented one cannot )ithdra) one sin'le #iece of it $&t #resently charity )holly #erishes+ This #reference of God $efore all thin's is the dear child of charity+ 3nd if 3'ar )ho )as $&t an ;'y#tian seein' her son in dan'er of death had not the heart to stay $y hi" $&t )o&ld ha!e left hi" sayin'F 3h( - )ill not see the child die @1K8A is it stran'e then that charity the da&'hter of hea!enly s)eetness and deli'ht cannot $ear to $ehold the death of her child )hich is the resol&tion ne!er to offend God. So that )hile free-)ill is resol!in' to consent to sin and is there$y #&ttin' to death this holy resol&tion charity dies )ith it sayin' in its last si'hF 3h( no ne!er )ill - see this child die+ -n fine Theoti"&s as the #recio&s stone called #rassi&s loses its l&stre in the #resence of any #oison so in an instant the so&l loses her s#lendo&r 'race and $ea&ty )hich consist in holy lo!e &#on the entry and #resence of any "ortal sinB--)hence it is )ritten that the so&l that sinneth the sa"e shall die+ @1K9A @1K8A Gen+ CCi+ 16+








@1K9A ;Hech+ C!iii+ 9+ ?53PT;> :+


T53T T5; SO6; ?3=S; OF T5; D;?3O 3ED ?OO6-EG OF ?53>-TO -S -E T5; ?>;3T=>;DS 0-66+ 3s it )o&ld $e an i"#io&s effrontery to attri$&te the )or2s of holy lo!e done $y the 5oly Ghost in and )ith &s to the stren'th of o&r )ill it )o&ld $e a sha"eless i"#iety to



lay the defect of lo!e in &n'ratef&l "en on the fail&re of hea!enly assistance and 'race+ For the 5oly Ghost cries e!ery)here on the contrary that o&r r&in is fro" o&rsel!esF Destr&ction is thine o)n O -srael( thy hel# is only in "eF @1K5A that O&r Sa!io&r $ro&'ht the fire of lo!e and desires nothin' $&t that it sho&ld $e en2indled in o&r heartsF @1K6A that sal!ation is #re#ared $efore the face of all #eo#lesF a li'ht to the re!elation of the Gentiles and the 'lory of -sraelF @1K7A that the di!ine 'oodness is not )illin' that any sho&ld #erish @1KIA $&t that all sho&ld co"e to the 2no)led'e of the tr&thF and )ill ha!e all "en to $e sa!ed @1KKA their Sa!io&r $ein' co"e into the )orld that he "i'ht redee" the" )ho )ere &nder the la) that )e "i'ht recei!e the ado#tion of sons+ @277A 3nd the )ise "an clearly )arns &s Say notF it is thro&'h God that she ()isdo") is not )ith "e+ @271A 3nd the sacred ?o&ncil of Trent di!inely inc&lcates &#on all the children of holy ?h&rch that the Grace of God is ne!er )antin' to s&ch as do )hat they can in!o2in' the di!ine assistanceB that God ne!er a$andons s&ch as he has once 1&stified &nless they a$andon hi" firstB so that if they $e not )antin' to 'race they shall o$tain 'lory+ -n fine Theoti"&s O&r Sa!io&r is the tr&e li'ht )hich enli'hteneth e!ery "an that co"eth into this )orld+ @272A So"e tra!ellers one s&""erDs day a$o&t noontide lay do)n to re#ose &nder the shade of a tree $&t )hile their )eariness and the coolness of the shado) 2e#t the" aslee# the s&n ad!ancin' on the" thre) 1&st &#on their eyes his stron'est li'ht )hich $y its 'litterin' $ri'htness 'a!e 'li"#ses of itself li2e little flashes of li'htnin' a$o&t the #&#ils of these slee#ersD eyes and $y the heat )hich #ierced their eyelids forced the" $y a 'entle !iolence to a)a2e+ So"e of the" $ein' a)a2ened 'et &# and "a2in' )ay 'et ha##ily to their lod'in' the rest not only do not rise $&t t&rnin' their $ac2s to the s&n and #ressin' their hats o!er their eyes s#end their day there in slee#in' till s&r#rised $y ni'ht and yet $ein' desiro&s to "a2e to)ards their lod'in' they stray one here one there in the forest at the "ercy of )ol!es )ild$oars and other sa!a'e $easts+ Eo) tell "e - #ray Theoti"&s those that arri!ed o&'ht they not to 'i!e all their than2s for their 'ood s&ccess to the s&n or to s#ea2 li2e a ?hristian to the s&nDs ?reator. Oes s&relyB for they tho&'ht not of )a2in' )hen it )as ti"eF the s&n did the" this 'ood office and $y the 'entle in!itation of his li'ht and heat ca"e lo!in'ly to call the" &#+ DTis tr&e they resisted not his call $&t he also hel#ed the" "&ch e!en in thatB for he s#read his li'ht fairly &#on the" 'i!in' the" a halfsi'ht of hi"self thro&'h their eyelids and $y his heat as it )ere $y his lo!e he &nsealed their eyes and &r'ed the" to see his day+ On the contrary those #oor stran'ers )hat ri'ht had they to cry in that )oodF 3las( )hat ha!e )e done to the s&n that he did not "a2e &s see his li'ht as he did o&r co"#anions that )e "i'ht ha!e arri!ed at o&r lod'in's and not ha!e )andered in this hideo&s dar2ness. For )ho )o&ld not &nderta2e the s&nDs or rather GodDs ca&se "y dear Theoti"&s to ans)er these )retches+ 0hat is there "isera$le $ein's that the s&n co&ld really do for yo& and did not. 5is fa!o&rs )ere e*&al to all ye that sle#tF he a##roached yo& all )ith the sa"e li'ht to&ched yo& )ith the sa"e rays s#read o!er yo& a li2e heat $&t &nha##y ye altho&'h yo& sa) yo&r risen co"#anions ta2e their #il'ri"Ds staff to 'ain )ay ye t&rned yo&r $ac2s to the s&n and )o&ld not "a2e &se of his li'ht nor $e con*&ered $y his heat+











Eo) Theoti"&s see here )hat - )o&ld say+ 0e are all #il'ri"s in this "ortal lifeB al"ost all of &s ha!e !ol&ntarily sle#t in sinB God the s&n of 1&stice darts &#on &s "ost s&fficiently yea a$&ndantly the $ea"s of his ins#irations )ar"s o&r hearts )ith his $enedictions to&chin' e!ery one )ith the all&re"ents of his lo!e+ 3h( ho) co"es it then that these all&re"ents all&re so fe) and dra) yet fe)er. 3h( certainly s&ch as first all&red after)ards dra)n follo) the ins#iration ha!e 'reat occasion to re1oice $&t not to 'lorify the"sel!es for it+ 6et the" re1oice $eca&se they en1oy a 'reat 'oodB yet let the" not 'lorify the"sel!es therein $eca&se it is $y GodDs #&re 'oodness )ho lea!in' the" the #rofit of their 'ood )or2s reser!es to hi"self the 'lory of the"+ /&t concernin' the" that re"ain in the slee# of sinF Oh( )hat 'ood reason they ha!e to la"ent 'roan )ee# and sayF )oe the day( for they are in the "ost la"enta$le of casesB yet ha!e they no reason to 'rie!e or co"#lain sa!e a$o&t the"sel!es )ho des#ised yea re$elled a'ainst the li'htB )ho )ere &ntracta$le to in!itations and o$stinate a'ainst ins#irationsB so that it is their o)n "alice alone they "&st e!er c&rse and re#roach since they the"sel!es are the sole a&thors of their r&in the sole )or2ers of their da"nation+ So the ,a#anese co"#lainin' to the /lessed Francis Qa!ier their 3#ostle that God )ho had had so "&ch care of other nations see"ed to ha!e for'otten their #redecessors not ha!in' 'i!en the" the 2no)led'e of hi"self for )ant of )hich they "&st ha!e $een lostF the "an of God ans)ered the" that the di!ine nat&ral la) )as en'ra!en in the hearts of all "ortals and that if their forer&nners had o$ser!ed it the li'ht of hea!en )o&ld )itho&t do&$t ha!e ill&"inated the" as on the contrary ha!in' !iolated it they deser!ed da"nation+ 3n a#ostolic ans)er of an a#ostolic "an and rese"$lin' the reason 'i!en $y the 'reat 3#ostle of the loss of the ancient Gentiles )ho" he calls ineCc&sa$le for that ha!in' 2no)n 'ood they follo)ed e!ilB for it is in a )ord that )hich he inc&lcates in the first cha#ter of his e#istle to the >o"ans+ Misery &#on "isery to those )ho do not ac2no)led'e that their "isery co"es fro" their "alice( @1K5A Osee Ciii+ K+


@1K6A 6&2e Cii+ 9K+ @1K7A 6&2e ii+ 82+ @1KIA 2 Peter iii+ K+

85 @1KKA 1 Ti"+ ii+ 9+ @277A Gal+ i!+ 5+ 97 @271A ;ccli+ C!+ 11+ @272A ,ohn i+ K+ ?53PT;> :-+ 95 T53T 0; O=G5T TO 3?4EO06;DG; 366 T5; 6O:; 0; /;3> TO GOD TO /; F>OM GOD+

The lo!e of "en to)ards God ta2es its $ein' #ro'ress and #erfection fro" the eternal lo!e of God to)ards "en+ This is the &ni!ersal sense of the ?h&rch o&r "others )ho )ith an ardent 1ealo&sy )ill ha!e &s to ac2no)led'e o&r sal!ation and the "eans thereof to #roceed solely fro" O&r Sa!io&rDs "ercy to the end that on earth as in hea!en to hi" alone "ay $e hono&r and 'lory+ 0hat hast tho& that tho& hast not recei!ed. says the di!ine 3#ostle s#ea2in' of the 'ifts of 2no)led'e elo*&ence and other li2e *&alities of ?h&rch-#astorsB and if tho& hast recei!ed )hy dost tho& 'lory as if tho& hadst not recei!ed+ @278A -t is tr&eB )e ha!e recei!ed all fro" God $&t es#ecially the s&#ernat&ral 'oods of holy lo!e+ 3nd if )e ha!e recei!ed the" )hy sho&ld )e ta2e the 'lory of the". ?ertainly if any one )o&ld eCtol hi"self for ha!in' "ade #ro'ress in the lo!e of GodF 3las( )retched "an sho&ld )e say &nto hi" tho& )ast as)oon in thy ini*&ity ha!in' neither force nor life left in thee to rise (as it ha##ened to the #rincess in o&r #ara$le) @279A and God of his infinite 'oodness ran to thy s&cco&r and cryin' )ith a lo&d !oiceB O#en the "o&th of thy attention and - )ill fill it @275A he hi"self #&t his fin'ers $et)een thy li#s and &nloc2ed thy teeth castin' into thy heart his holy ins#iration and tho& didst recei!e itB and )hen tho& )ast $ro&'ht $ac2 to thy senses he )ent on $y di!ers "o!e"ents and !ario&s "eans to stren'then thy heart till at len'th he inf&sed into it his charity as thy !ital and #erfect health+ 0ell then tell "e no) "isera$le creat&re )hat hast tho& done in all this of )hich tho& canst $oast. Tho& didst consent - 2no) it )ellB the "otion of thy )ill did freely follo) that of hea!enly 'race+ /&t all this )hat is it "ore than to recei!e the di!ine o#eration )itho&t resistance. 3nd )hat is there in this that tho& hast not recei!ed. Oea #oor )retch that tho& art tho& didst recei!e the recei!in' in )hich tho& 'loriest and the consent )hich tho& !a&ntestF for tell "e - #ray thee )ilt tho& not 'rant "e that if God had not #re!ented thee tho& )o&ldst ne!er ha!e #ercei!ed his 'oodness and conse*&ently ne!er ha!e consented to his lo!e. Eo nor yet hadst tho& tho&'ht a sin'le 'ood tho&'ht of hi"+ 5is "o!e"ent 'a!e $ein' and life to thine and if his li$erty had not ani"ated eCcited and #ro!o2ed thy li$erty $y the #o)erf&l in!itations of his s)eetness thy li$erty had $een for e!er &n#rofita$le to thy sal!ation+ - confess tho& didst co-o#erate )ith the ins#iration $y consentin' $&t if tho& 2no)est it not - teach thee that thy co-o#eration too2 $ein' fro" the o#eration of 'race and thy free)ill to'ether yet so that if 'race had not #re!ented and filled thy heart )ith its o#eration ne!er had thy heart had either #o)er or )ill to co-o#erate+ /&t tell "e a'ain - $eseech thee !ile and a$1ect "an is it not ridic&lo&s of thee to thin2 that tho& hast a share in the 'lory of thy con!ersion $eca&se tho& didst not re#el the ins#iration. -s not this a frenHy of ro$$ers and tyrants to #retend they 'i!e life to those fro" )ho" they do not ta2e it. 3nd is it not a frantic i"#iety to thin2 that tho& 'a!est holy efficacy and li!in' acti!ity to the di!ine ins#iration $eca&se $y resistance tho& didst not ta2e it a)ay. 0e can hinder the effects of ins#iration $&t )e cannot 'i!e it anyB it ta2es its force and !irt&e fro" the di!ine 'oodness )hich is the #lace of its startin' and not fro" "anDs )ill the #lace of its arri!al+ Sho&ld )e not $e "o!ed to )rath to hear the #rincess of o&r #ara$le $oast that it )as she that 'a!e !irt&e and #o)er to the cordial )aters and other "edicines or that she c&red herself $eca&se if she










had not recei!ed the re"edies )hich the 2in' 'a!e her and #o&red into her "o&th (at s&ch ti"e as $ein' half dead there re"ained hardly any sense in her) they had had no o#eration. Oes "i'ht one say to herF &n'ratef&l that tho& art tho& "i'htest ha!e o$stinately ref&sed to recei!e the re"edies tho& "i'htest after tho& hadst recei!ed the" into thy "o&th ha!e cast the" o&t a'ain yet for all that it is not tr&e that tho& 'a!est the" force and !irt&e+ This they had as their nat&ral #ro#erty tho& didst only consent to recei!e the" and let the" o#erateB and $esides tho& )o&ldst ne!er ha!e consented if the 4in' had not first rein!i'orated thee and then solicited thee to ta2e the"B ne!er hadst tho& recei!ed the" had not he assisted thee to recei!e the" o#enin' thy !ery "o&th )ith his fin'ers and #o&rin' the #otion into it+ 3rt tho& not then a "onster of in'ratit&de to )ish to attri$&te to thyself a $enefit )hich $y so "any titles tho& o)est to thy dear s#o&se. The c&rio&s little fish called echeneis or re"ora has indeed the #o)er to stay or not to stay a shi# sailin' on the hi'h sea &nder f&ll sailF $&t it has not the #o)er to "a2e it set sail or #roceed or arri!eB it can hinder "otion $&t cannot 'i!e it+ O&r free-)ill can stay and hinder the co&rse of the ins#iration and )hen the fa!o&ra$le 'ale of GodDs 'race s)ells the sails of o&r so&l it is in o&r #o)er to ref&se consent and there$y to hinder the effect of the )indDs fa!o&rF $&t )hen o&r s#irit sails alon' and "a2es its !oya'e #ros#ero&sly it is not )e that "a2e the 'ale of the ins#iration $lo) for &s nor )e that "a2e o&r sails s)ell )ith it nor )e that 'i!e "otion to the shi# of o&r heartB $&t )e si"#ly recei!e the 'ale sent fro" hea!en consent to its "otion and let o&r shi# sail &nder it not hinderin' it $y the re"ora of o&r resistance+ -t is the ins#iration then )hich i"#resses on o&r free-)ill the ha##y and s)eet infl&ence )here$y it not only "a2es it see the $ea&ty of 'ood $&t also heats hel#s and stren'thens it and "o!es it so s)eetly that it th&s t&rns and freely flo)s o&t to)ards )hat is 'ood+ The hea!ens in s#rin' ti"e #re#are the fresh de)dro#s and sho)er the" do)n &#on the face of the sea and the "other-#earls that o#en their shells recei!e these dro#s )hich are con!erted into #earlsF $&t on the contrary the "other-#earls )hich 2ee# their shells sh&t do not hinder the de)s fro" fallin' &#on the" yet they hinder the" fro" fallin' into the"+ Eo) ha!e not the hea!ens sent their de) and their infl&ence as "&ch &#on the one as the other "other-#earl. 0hy then did the one in effect #rod&ce its #earl and the others not. The hea!ens )ere as $o&ntif&l to that one )hich re"ained sterile as )as re*&isite to e"#earl and i"#re'nate it )ith its fair &nity @276A $&t it hindered the effect of the hea!ensD fa!o&r $y 2ee#in' itself closed and co!ered+ 3nd as for that )hich concei!ed the #earl on recei!in' the de) it has nothin' in that )or2 )hich it did not recei!e fro" hea!en not e!en its o#enin' )here$y it recei!ed the de)B for )itho&t the to&ches of the "ornin'Ds rays )hich did 'ently eCcite it it had not risen &# to the s&rface of the sea nor yet o#ened its shell+ Theoti"&s if )e ha!e any lo!e for God his $e the hono&r and 'lory )ho did all in &s and )itho&t )ho" nothin' )ere doneB o&rs $e the #rofit and o$li'ation+ This is the di!ision his di!ine 'oodness "a2es )ith &sB he lea!es &s the fr&its of his $enefits and reser!es to hi"self the hono&r and #raise of the"B and !erily since )e are nothin' $&t $y his 'race )e o&'ht to $e nothin' $&t for his 'lory+ @278A 1 ?or+ i!+ 7+








@279A See /oo2 iii+ 8+ @275A Ps+ lCCC+ 11+ 5 @276A i+e+ #earl+ See #+ I2 @Tr+A ?53PT;> :--+ 17 T53T 0; M=ST 3:O-D 366 ?=>-OS-TO 3ED 5=M/6O 3?%=-;S?; -E GODDS MOST 0-S; P>O:-D;E?;+ The h&"an s#irit is so )ea2 that )hen it )o&ld loo2 too c&rio&sly into the ca&ses and reasons of GodDs )ill it e"$arrasses and entan'les itself in the "eshes of a tho&sand diffic&lties o&t of )hich it has "&ch to do to deli!er itselfB it rese"$les s"o2e for as s"o2e ascends it 'ets "ore s&$tle and as it 'ro)s "ore s&$tle it !anishes+ -n stri!in' to raise o&r reasonin's too hi'h in di!ine thin's $y c&riosity )e 'ro) !ain or e"#ty in o&r tho&'hts and instead of arri!in' at the 2no)led'e of tr&th )e fall into the folly of o&r !anity+ /&t a$o!e all )e are &nreasona$le to)ards Di!ine #ro!idence in re'ard to the di!ersity of the "eans )hich he $esto)s &#on &s to dra) &s to his holy lo!e and $y his holy lo!e to 'lory+ For o&r te"erity &r'es &s e!er to in*&ire )hy God 'i!es "ore "eans to one than to anotherB )hy he did not a"on'st the Tyrians and Sidonians the "iracles )hich he did in ?oroHain and /ethsaida seein' they )o&ld ha!e "ade as 'ood &se of the"B and in fine )hy he dra)s one rather than another to his lo!e+ O Theoti"&s( "y friend ne!er no ne!er "&st )e #er"it o&r "inds to $e carried a)ay $y this "ad )hirl)ind nor eC#ect to find a $etter reason of GodDs )ill than his )ill itself )hich is so!erei'nly reasona$le yea the reason of all reasons the r&le of all 'oodness the la) of all e*&ity+ 3nd altho&'h the 5oly Ghost s#ea2in' in the 5oly Scri#t&re 'i!es reason in di!ers #laces of al"ost all )e can )ish to 2no) of )hat this di!ine #ro!idence does in cond&ctin' "en to holy lo!e and eternal sal!ation yet on !ario&s occasions he sho)s that )e "&st in no )ise de#art fro" the res#ect )hich is d&e to his )ill )hose #&r#ose decree 'ood-#leas&re and sentence )e are to adoreB and he $ein' so!erei'n 1&d'e and so!erei'nly e*&ita$le it is not reasona$le that at the end he "anifest his "oti!es $&t it is s&fficient that he say si"#ly--for reasons+ 3nd if charity o$li'es &s to $ear so "&ch res#ect to the decrees of so!erei'n co&rts co"#osed of corr&#ti$le 1&d'es of the earth and earthly as to $elie!e that they )ere not "ade )itho&t "oti!es tho&'h )e 2no) these not--ah( 6ord God )ith )hat a lo!in' re!erence o&'ht )e to adore the e*&ity of thy s&#re"e #ro!idence )hich is infinite in 1&stice and 'oodness( So in a tho&sand #laces of the holy 0ord )e find the reason )hy God has re#ro$ated the ,e)s+ /eca&se say S+ Pa&l and S+ /arna$as yo& re1ect the )ord of God and 1&d'e yo&rsel!es &n)orthy of eternal life $ehold )e t&rn to the Gentiles+ @277A 3nd he that shall consider in tran*&illity of heart ?ha#ters -Q+ Q+ and Q-+ of the ;#istle to the >o"ans shall clearly see that GodDs )ill did not )itho&t reason re1ect the ,e)sB ne!ertheless this reason "&st not $e so&'ht o&t $y "anDs s#irit )hich on the contrary









is o$li'ed to $e satisfied )ith #&rely and si"#ly re!erencin' the di!ine decree ad"irin' it )ith lo!e as infinitely 1&st and &#ri'ht and lo!in' it )ith ad"iration as i"#enetra$le and inco"#rehensi$le+ So that the di!ine 3#ostle th&s concl&des the lon' disco&rse )hich he had "ade concernin' itF O the de#th of the riches of the )isdo" and of the 2no)led'e of God( 5o) inco"#rehensi$le are his 1&d'"ents and ho) &nsearcha$le his )ays( For )ho hath 2no)n the "ind of the 6ord. Or )ho hath $een his co&nsellor. @27IA /y )hich eCcla"ation he testifies that God does all thin's )ith 'reat )isdo" 2no)led'e and reasonB yet so that as "an has not entered into the di!ine co&nsels )hose 1&d'"ents and desi'ns are #laced infinitely a$o!e o&r reach )e o&'ht de!o&tly to adore his decrees as "ost 1&st )itho&t searchin' o&t their "oti!es+ These he 2ee#s in secret to hi"self in order to 2ee# o&r &nderstandin' in res#ect and h&"ility to o&rself+ S+ 3&'&stine in a h&ndred #laces teaches &s this #ractice+ GEo one co"eth to O&r Sa!io&r G says he Gif not dra)nB--)ho" he dra)s and )ho" he dra)s not )hy he dra)s this one and not that --do not )ish to 1&d'e if yo& do not )ish to err+ 6isten once for all and &nderstand+ 3rt tho& not dra)n #ray that tho& "ayst $e dra)n+G G:erily it is s&fficient for a ?hristian li!in' as yet $y faith and not seein' that )hich is #erfect $&t only 2no)in' in #art to 2no) and $elie!e that God deli!ers none fro" da"nation $&t $y his free "ercy thro&'h o&r 6ord ,es&s ?hristB and that he conde"ns none $&t $y his "ost 1&st tr&th thro&'h the sa"e 6ord ,es&s ?hrist+ /&t to 2no) )hy he deli!ers this one rather than the other--let that "an so&nd so 'reat a de#th of GodDs 1&d'"ents )ho is a$le $&t let hi" $e)are of the #reci#ice+G GThese 1&d'"ents are not therefore &n1&st $eca&se they are hidden+G G/&t )hy then does he deli!er this "an rather than that. 0e say a'ain O "an )ho art tho& that re#liest a'ainst God. @27KA 5is 1&d'"ents are inco"#rehensi$le and his )ays &n2no)n and let &s add thisF See2 not the thin's that are too hi'h for thee and search not into thin's a$o!e thy a$ilityFG @217A GEo) he 'ranteth not the" "ercy to )ho" $y a tr&th "ost secret and f&rthest re"o!ed fro" "enDs tho&'hts he 1&d'es it not fit to co""&nicate his fa!o&rs and "ercy+G 0e see so"eti"es t)ins of )ho" one is $orn ali!e and recei!es /a#tis" the other in his $irth loses his te"#oral life $efore $ein' re'enerated to the eternal and conse*&ently the one is heir of hea!en the other is de#ri!ed of the inheritance+ Eo) )hy does di!ine #ro!idence 'i!e s&ch different fates to one e*&al $irth. Tr&ly it "i'ht $e ans)ered that ordinarily GodDs #ro!idence does not !iolate the la)s of nat&re so that one of these t)ins $ein' stron' and the other too fee$le to s&##ort the la$o&r of his deli!ery the latter died $efore he co&ld $e $a#tiHed the other li!edB di!ine #ro!idence not )illin' to sto# the co&rse of nat&ral ca&ses )hich on this occasion )ere the reason )hy the one )as de#ri!ed of /a#tis"+ 3nd tr&ly this is a #erfectly solid ans)er+ /&t follo)in' the ad!ice of the di!ine S+ Pa&l and of S+ 3&'&stine )e o&'ht not to $&sy o&r tho&'hts in this consideration )hich tho&'h it $e 'ood yet in no res#ect enters into co"#arison )ith "any others )hich God has reser!ed to hi"self and )ill sho) &s in hea!en+ GThen G says S+ 3&'&stine Gthe secret shall end )hy rather the one than the other )as recei!ed the ca&ses $ein' e*&al as to $oth and )hy "iracles )ere not done a"on'st those )ho in case they had $een done )o&ld ha!e $een $ro&'ht to re#entance and )ere done a"on'st s&ch as )o&ld )ill not to $elie!e the"+G 3nd in another #lace the sa"e saint s#ea2in' of sinners so"e of )ho" God lea!es in their ini*&ity )hile others he raises saysF GEo) )hy he retains the one and not the other it is not #ossi$le to co"#rehend nor la)f&l to in*&ire since it is eno&'h to 2no) that it is $y hi" )e








stand and that it is not $y hi" )e fall+G 3nd a'ainF GThis is hidden and far re"o!ed fro" "anDs &nderstandin' at least fro" "ine+G 5 /ehold Theoti"&s the "ost holy )ay of #hiloso#hisin' on this s&$1ect+ 0herefore ha!e al)ays considered that the learned "odesty and "ost )ise h&"ility of the sera#hic Doctor S+ /ona!ent&re )ere 'reatly to $e ad"ired and lo!ed in the disco&rse )hich he "a2es of the reason )hy di!ine #ro!idence ordains the elect to eternal life+ GPerha#s G says he Git is $y a foresi'ht of the 'ood )or2s )hich )ill $e done $y hi" that is dra)n inso"&ch as they #roceed in so"e sort fro" the )illF $&t distinctly to declare )hich 'ood )or2s $ein' foreseen "o!e GodDs )ill - a" not a$le nor )ill - "a2e in*&iry there&#onF and there is no other reason than so"e sort of con'r&ity so that )e "i'ht assi'n one )hile it "i'ht $e another+ 0herefore )e cannot )ith ass&rance #oint o&t the tr&e reason nor the tr&e "oti!e of GodDs )ill in thisF for as S+ 3&'&stine saysF D3ltho&'h the tr&th of it is "ost certain yet is it far re"o!ed fro" o&r tho&'hts+D So that )e can say nothin' ass&redly of it &nless $y the re!elation of hi" )ho 2no)s all thin's+ 3nd )hereas it )as not eC#edient for o&r sal!ation that )e sho&ld ha!e 2no)led'e of these secrets $&t on the contrary it )as "ore #rofita$le that )e sho&ld $e i'norant of the" to 2ee# &s in h&"ility God )o&ld not re!eal the" yea the holy 3#ostle did not dare to in*&ire a$o&t the" $&t testified the ins&fficiency of o&r &nderstandin' in this "atter )hen he cried o&tF O the de#th of the riches of the )isdo" and of the 2no)led'e of God(G ?o&ld one s#ea2 "ore holily Theoti"&s of so holy a "ystery. -ndeed these are the )ords of a "ost saintly and #r&dent Doctor of the ?h&rch+ @277A 3cts Ciii+ 96+ 25 @27IA >o"+ Ci+ 88 89+ @27KA >o"+ iC+ 27+ 87 @217A ;ccli+ iii+ 22+ ?53PT;> :---+ 85 3E ;Q5O>T3T-OE TO T5; 3MO>O=S S=/M-SS-OE 05-?5 0; O0; TO T5; D;?>;;S OF D-:-E; P>O:-D;E?;+ 6et &s lo!e then Theoti"&s and adore in h&"ility of s#irit this de#th of GodDs 1&d'"ents )hich as S+ 3&'&stine says the holy 3#ostle disco!ers not $&t ad"ires )hen he cries o&tF O the de#th of GodDs 1&d'"ents( G0ho can co&nt the sands of the sea and the dro#s of rain or "eas&re the de#ths of the a$yss G says that eCcellent &nderstandin' S+ Gre'ory EaHianHenF @211A Gand )ho can so&nd the de#th of the Di!ine 0isdo" $y )hich it has created all thin's and 'o!erns the" as it #leases and 1&d'es fit+ For indeed it s&ffices that after the eCa"#le of the 3#ostle )e ad"ire it )itho&t sto##in' at the diffic&lty and o$sc&rity of it+ O the de#th of the riches of the )isdo" and of the 2no)led'e of God( 5o) inco"#rehensi$le are his 1&d'"ents and ho) &nsearcha$le his )ays( For )ho hath 2no)n the "ind of the 6ord. Or )ho hath $een his co&nsellor. Theoti"&s the reasons of GodDs )ill cannot $e #enetrated $y o&r intelli'ence till )e see the face of hi" )ho reacheth fro" end to end "i'htily and






ordereth all thin's s)eetlyB @212A doin' all that he doth in "eas&re and n&"$er and )ei'htB @218A and to )ho" the Psal"ist says 6ord tho& hast "ade all thin's in )isdo"+G @219A 5 5o) often does it ha##en that )e are i'norant )hy and ho) e!en the )or2s of "en are done. 3nd therefore says the sa"e holy /isho# of EaHianH&s Gas the artist is not i'norant of his art so the thin's of this )orld are not carelessly and &ns2ilf&lly "ade tho&'h )e 2no) not the reasons of the"+G ;nterin' into a cloc2"a2erDs sho# )e shall so"eti"es find a cloc2 no 'reater than an oran'e )hich yet has in it a h&ndred or t)o h&ndred #ieces of )hich so"e ser!e to sho) the ti"e others to stri2e the ho&r or 'i!e the "ornin' alar"B )e shall see in it little )heels so"e t&rnin' to the ri'ht others to the left one $y the to# another $y the $otto"B and the $alance )hich )ith "eas&red $eats 2ee#s risin' and fallin' on either side+ 0e )onder ho) art co&ld 1oin to'ether s&ch a n&"$er of #ieces )ith so 1&st a corres#ondence not 2no)in' )hat each little #iece ser!es for nor )hy it is "ade so &nless the "aster tell &sB 2no)in' only in 'eneral that all ser!e either to #oint o&t or to stri2e the ho&r+ -t is re#orted that the 'ood -ndians )ill stand )hole days "&sin' &#on a cloc2 to hear it stri2e at the ti"es fiCed and not $ein' a$le to '&ess ho) it is done they do not therefore say that it is )itho&t art or reason $&t are ta2en )ith lo!e and res#ect to)ards those )ho re'&late the cloc2s ad"irin' the" as "ore than "en+ Theoti"&s )e see in this "anner the &ni!erse $&t s#ecially h&"an nat&re to $e a sort of cloc2 co"#osed )ith so 'reat a !ariety of actions and "o!e"ents that )e cannot $&t $e astonished at it+ 3nd )e 2no) in 'eneral that these so di!ersely ordered #ieces ser!e all either to #oint o&t as on a dial-#late GodDs "ost holy 1&stice or as $y a $ell of #raise to so&nd the tri&"#hant "ercy of his 'oodness+ /&t to 2no) the #artic&lar &se of e!ery #iece ho) it is ordered to the 'eneral end or )hy it is so )e cannot concei!e &nless the so!erei'n 0or2"an instr&ct &s+ Eo) he conceals his art fro" &s to the end that )ith "ore re!erence )e "ay ad"ire it till in hea!en he shall ra!ish &s )ith the s)eetness of his )isdo" )here in the a$&ndance of his lo!e he )ill disco!er &nto &s the reasons "eans and "oti!es of all that shall ha!e #assed in the )orld to)ards o&r eternal sal!ation+ G0e rese"$le G says yet a'ain the 'reat EaHianHen Gthose )ho are tro&$led )ith 'iddiness or t&rnin' of the head+ They thin2 that all a$o&t the" is t&rnin' &#side do)n tho&'h it $e $&t their $rain and i"a'ination )hich t&rn and not the thin'sB so )e )hen )e "eet )ith any e!ents of )hich the ca&ses are &n2no)n to &s fancy that the )orld is 'o!erned )itho&t reason $eca&se )e are i'norant of it+ 6et &s $elie!e then that as God is the "a2er and father of all thin's so he ta2es care of all thin's $y his #ro!idence )hich e"$races and s&stains all the "achine of creat&res+ /&t es#ecially let &s $elie!e that he r&les o&r affairs (o&rs )ho 2no) hi") tho&'h o&r life $e tossed a$o&t in so 'reat contrariety of accidents+ Of these )e 2no) not the reasons to the end #erha#s that not $ein' a$le to attain this 2no)led'e )e "ay ad"ire the so!erei'n reason of God )hich s&r#asses all thin'sF for )ith &s thin's easily 2no)n are easily des#isedB $&t that )hich s&r#asses the hi'hest #o)ers of o&r s#irit $y ho) "&ch it is harder to $e 2no)n $y so "&ch it eCcites a 'reater ad"iration in &s+ Tr&ly the reasons of di!ine #ro!idence )ere lo) #laced if o&r s"all ca#acities co&ld reach &nto the"B they )o&ld $e less lo!a$le in their s)eetness and less ad"ira$le in their "a1esty if they )ere set at a less distance fro" o&r ca#acity(G










6et &s cry o&t then Theoti"&s on all occ&rrences $&t let it $e )ith an entirely a"oro&s heart to)ards the "ost )ise "ost #r&dent and "ost s)eet #ro!idence of o&r eternal FatherF O the de#th of the riches of the )isdo" and of the 2no)led'e of God( O Sa!io&r ,es&s Theoti"&s ho) eCcessi!e are the riches of the Di!ine 'oodness( 5is lo!e to)ards &s is an inco"#rehensi$le a$yss )hence he has #ro!ided for &s a rich s&fficiency or rather a rich a$&ndance of "eans #ro#er for o&r sal!ationB and s)eetly to a##ly the" he "a2es &se of a so!erei'n )isdo" ha!in' $y his infinite 2no)led'e foreseen and 2no)n all that )as re*&isite to that effect+ 3h( )hat can )e fear nay rather )hat o&'ht not )e to ho#e for $ein' the children of a Father so rich in 'oodness to lo!e and to )ill to sa!e &sB )ho 2no)s so )ell ho) to #re#are the "eans s&ita$le for this and is so )ise to a##ly the"B so 'ood to )ill so clear-si'hted to ordain and so #r&dent to eCec&te. 6et &s ne!er #er"it o&r "inds to fl&tter )ith c&riosity a$o&t GodDs 1&d'"ents for li2e little $&tterflies )e shall $&rn o&r )in's and #erish in this sacred fla"e+ These 1&d'"ents are inco"#rehensi$le or as S+ Gre'ory EaHianHen says inscr&ta$le that is one cannot search o&t and so&nd their "oti!esF the "eans and )ays $y )hich he eCec&tes and $rin's the" to #erfection cannot $e discerned and reco'niHedF and cle!er as )e "ay $e yet )e shall find o&rsel!es thro)n o&t at e!ery t&rn and lose the scent+ For )ho hath 2no)n the "ind the "eanin' and the intention of God. 0ho hath $een his co&nsellor to 2no) his #&r#oses and their "oti!es. Or )ho hath first 'i!en to hi". -s it not he on the contrary )ho #resents &s )ith the $enedictions of his 'race to cro)n &s )ith the felicity of his 'lory . 3h( Theoti"&s all thin's are fro" hi" as $ein' their ?reatorB all thin's are $y hi" as $ein' their Go!ernorB all thin's are in hi" as $ein' their ProtectorB to hi" $e hono&r and 'lory for e!er and e!er 3"en( @215A 6et &s )al2 in #eace Theoti"&s in the )ay of holy lo!e for he that shall ha!e di!ine lo!e in dyin' after death shall en1oy lo!e eternally+ @211A Orat+ Ci!+F On 6o!e of the Poor+




87 @212A 0is+ !iii+ 1+ @218A -$id+ Ci+ 21+ 85 @219A Ps+ ciii+ 29+ @215A >o"+ Ci+ ?53PT;> -Q+ 97 OF 3 ?;>T3-E >;M3-ED;> OF 6O:; T53T OFT;ET-M;S >;STS -E T5; SO=6 T53T 53S 6OST 5O6O ?53>-TO+ 95 The life of a "an )ho s#ent o&t lies dyin' little $y little on his $ed hardly deser!es to $e ter"ed life since tho&'h it $e life it is so "in'led )ith death that it is hard to say )hether it is a death yet li!in' or a life dyin'+ 3las( ho) #itif&l a s#ectacle it is Theoti"&s( /&t far "ore la"enta$le is the state of a so&l &n'ratef&l to her Sa!io&r )ho 'oes $ac2)ard ste# $y ste# )ithdra)in' herself fro" GodDs lo!e $y certain de'rees of


inde!otion and disloyalty till at len'th ha!in' *&ite forsa2en it she is left in the horri$le o$sc&rity of #erdition+ This lo!e )hich is in its decline and )hich is fadin' and #erishin' is called i"#erfect lo!e $eca&se tho&'h it $e entire in the so&l yet see"s it not to $e there entirelyB that is it hardly stays in the so&l any lon'er $&t is &#on the #oint of forsa2in' it+ Eo) charity $ein' se#arated fro" the so&l $y sin there fre*&ently re"ains a certain rese"$lance of charity )hich "ay decei!e &s and !ainly occ&#y o&r "inds and - )ill tell yo& )hat it is+ ?harity )hile it is in &s #rod&ces "any actions of lo!e to)ards God $y the fre*&ent eCercise of )hich o&r so&l 'ets a ha$it and c&sto" of lo!in' God )hich is not charity $&t only a $ent and inclination )hich the "&ltit&de of the actions has 'i!en to o&r hearts+ 3fter a lon' ha$it of #reachin' or sayin' Mass )ith deli$eration it ha##ens often that in drea"in' )e &tter and s#ea2 the sa"e thin's )hich )e sho&ld say in #reachin' or cele$ratin'B in the sa"e "anner the c&sto" and ha$it ac*&ired $y election and !irt&e is in so"e sort after)ards #ractised )itho&t election or !irt&es since the actions of those )ho are aslee# ha!e 'enerally s#ea2in' nothin' of !irt&e sa!e only an a##arent i"a'e and are only the si"ilit&des or re#resentations thereof+ So charity $y the "&ltit&de of acts )hich it #rod&ces i"#rints in &s a certain facility in lo!in' )hich it lea!es in &s e!en after )e are de#ri!ed of its #resence+ 0hen - )as a yo&n' scholar - fo&nd that in a !illa'e near Paris in a certain )ell there )as an echo )hich )o&ld re#eat se!eral ti"es the )ords that )e #rono&nced in itF and if so"e si"#leton )itho&t eC#erience had heard these re#etitions of )ords he )o&ld ha!e tho&'ht there )as so"e one at the $otto" of the )ell )ho did it+ /&t )e 2ne) $eforehand $y #hiloso#hy that it )as not any one in the )ell )ho re#eated o&r )ords $&t si"#ly that there )ere ca!ities in one of )hich o&r !oices )ere collected and not findin' a #assa'e thro&'h they lest they "i'ht alto'ether #erish and not e"#loy the force that )as left to the" #rod&ced second !oices and these 'atherin' to'ether in another conca!ity #rod&ced a third the third a fo&rth and so consec&ti!ely &# to ele!en so that those !oices in the )ell )ere no lon'er o&r !oices $&t rese"$lances and i"a'es of the"+ 3nd indeed there )as a 'reat difference $et)een o&r !oices and thoseF for )hen )e "ade a lon' contin&ance of )ords they only re#eated so"e they shortened the #ron&nciation of the sylla$les )hich they &ttered !ery ra#idlyB and )ith tones and accents *&ite different fro" o&rsB nor did they $e'in to for" these )ords &ntil )e had *&ite finished #rono&ncin' the"+ -n fine they )ere not the )ords of a li!in' "an $&t so to say of a hollo) and e"#ty roc2 )hich not)ithstandin' so )ell co&nterfeited "anDs !oice )hence they s#ran' that an i'norant #erson )o&ld ha!e $een "isled and $e'&iled $y the"+ Eo) this is )hat - )o&ld say+ 0hen holy charity "eets a #lia$le so&l in )hich she lon' resides she #rod&ces a second lo!e )hich is not a lo!e of charity tho&'h it iss&es fro" charityB it is a h&"an lo!e )hich is yet so li2e charity that tho&'h after)ards charity #erish in the so&l it see"s to $e still there inas"&ch as it lea!es $ehind it this its #ict&re and li2eness )hich so re#resents charity that one )ho )as i'norant )o&ld $e decei!ed therein as )ere the $irds $y the #aintin' of the 'ra#es of Ue&Cis )hich they dee"ed to $e tr&e 'ra#es so eCactly had art i"itated nat&re+ 3nd yet there is a 'reat difference $et)een charity and the h&"an lo!e it #rod&ces in &sF for the !oice of charity declares i"#resses and effects all the co""and"ents of God in o&r heartsB the h&"an lo!e )hich re"ains after it does indeed so"eti"es declare and i"#ress all the co""and"ents yet it ne!er effects the" all $&t so"e fe) only+ ?harity #rono&nces










and #&ts to'ether all the sylla$les that is all the circ&"stances of GodDs co""and"entsB h&"an lo!e al)ays lea!es o&t so"e of the" es#ecially that of the ri'ht and #&re intentionB and as for the tone charity 2ee#s it al)ays steady s)eet and f&ll of 'race h&"an lo!e ta2es it al)ays too hi'h in earthly thin's or too lo) in hea!enly and ne!er sets &#on its )or2 &ntil charity has ended hers+ For so lon' as charity is in the so&l she &ses this h&"an lo!e )hich is her creat&re and e"#loys it to facilitate her o#erationsB so that d&rin' that ti"e the )or2s of this lo!e as of a ser!ant $elon' to charity its "istressF $&t )hen charity is 'one then the actions of this lo!e are entirely its o)n and ha!e no lon'er the #rice and !al&e of charity+ For as the staff of ;lise&s in his a$sence tho&'h in the hand of GieHi )ho recei!ed it fro" hi" )ro&'ht no "iracle so actions done in the a$sence of charity $y the si"#le ha$it of h&"an lo!e are of no !al&e or "erit to eternal life tho&'h this h&"an lo!e learned fro" charity to do the" and is $&t charityDs ser!ant+ 3nd this so co"es a$o&t $eca&se this h&"an lo!e in the a$sence of charity has no s&#ernat&ral stren'th to raise the so&l to the eCcellent action of the lo!e of God a$o!e all thin's+ ?53PT;> Q+ 5O0 D3EG;>O=S T5-S -MP;>F;?T 6O:; -S+

27 3las( "y Theoti"&s $ehold - #ray yo& the #oor ,&das after he had $etrayed his Master ho) he 'oes to ret&rn the "oney to the ,e)s ho) he ac2no)led'es his sin ho) hono&ra$ly he s#ea2s of the $lood of this i""ac&late 6a"$+ These )ere effects of i"#erfect lo!e )hich for"er charity no) #ast had left in his heart+ 0e descend to i"#iety $y certain de'rees and hardly any one arri!es in an instant at the eCtre"ity of "alice+ Perf&"ers tho&'h o&t of their sho#s $ear a$o&t )ith the" for a lon' ti"e the scent of the #erf&"es )hich they ha!e handled+ -n li2e "anner those )ho ha!e $een in the ca$inet of hea!enly oint"ents that is in holy charity 2ee# for so"e ti"e after)ards the scent of it+ 0here the hart has lod'ed $y ni'ht there the "ornin' after is a fresh scent or !ent of hi"B to)ards ni'ht it is harder to #ercei!eB and as his strain 'ro)s older and harder the ho&nds lose it "ore and "ore+ 0hen charity has rei'ned for a ti"e in the so&l one "ay find there its #ath "ar2s strain or scent for a ti"e after it has de#arted $&t little $y little all this *&ite !anishes and a "an loses all 2no)led'e that charity )as e!er there+ - ha!e seen certain yo&n' #eo#le )ell $ro&'ht &# in the lo!e of God )ho #&ttin' the"sel!es o&t of that #ath re"ained for so"e ti"e d&rin' their "isera$le decay still 'i!in' 'reat si'ns of their #ast !irt&e and the ha$it ac*&ired in ti"e of charity resistin' #resent !ice scarcely co&ld one for so"e "onths discern )hether they )ere o&t of charity or not and )hether they )ere !irt&o&s or !icio&s till s&ch ti"e as the co&rse of thin's "ade it clear that these !irt&o&s eCercises #roceeded not fro" #resent charity $&t fro" #ast not fro" #erfect $&t fro" i"#erfect lo!e )hich charity had left $ehind her as a si'n that she had lod'ed in those so&ls+






Eo) this i"#erfect lo!e Theoti"&s is 'ood in itself for $ein' a creat&re of holy charity and as it )ere one of her retin&e it cannot $&t $e 'oodB and indeed it did faithf&lly ser!e charity )hile she so1o&rned in the so&l as it is still ready to ser!e &#on her ret&rn+ Eor is it to $e conte"ned $eca&se it cannot do actions of #erfect lo!e the condition of its nat&re $ein' s&chB as stars )hich in co"#arison )ith the s&n are !ery i"#erfect are yet eCtre"ely $ea&tif&l $eheld alone and ha!in' no )orth in the #resence of the s&n ha!e so"e in his a$sence+ 3t the sa"e ti"e tho&'h this i"#erfect lo!e $e 'ood in itself yet it is #erilo&s for &sB for oftenti"es )e are contented )ith it alone $eca&se ha!in' "any eCterior and interior "ar2s of charity )e thin2in' )e ha!e charity decei!e o&rsel!es and thin2 )e are holy )hile in this !ain #ers&asion the sins )hich de#ri!ed &s of charity increase 'ro) 'reat and "&lti#ly so fast that in the end they "a2e the"sel!es "asters of o&r heart+ Self-lo!e decei!es &s as 6a$an did ,aco$ $et)een >achel and 6ia+ 0e lea!e charity for a "o"ent and this i"#erfect ha$it of h&"an lo!e is thr&st on &s and )e content o&rsel!es )ith it as if it )ere tr&e charity till so"e clear li'ht sho)s &s that )e ha!e $een decei!ed+ 3h( "y God( is it not a 'reat #ity to see a so&l flatterin' herself in the i"a'ination of $ein' holy and re"ainin' in re#ose as tho&'h she )ere #ossessed of charity only to find in the end that her holiness is a fiction her rest a lethar'y and her 1oy a "adness+ ?53PT;> Q-+




25 3 M;3ES TO D-S?;>E T5-S -MP;>F;?T 6O:;+ /&t yo& )ill as2 "e )hat "eans is there to discern )hether it $e >achel or 6ia charity or i"#erfect lo!e )hich 'i!es "e the feelin's of de!otion )here)ith - a" to&ched. -f )hen yo& eCa"ine in #artic&lar the o$1ects of the desires affections and desi'ns )hich yo& ha!e at the ti"e yo& find any one for )hich yo& )o&ld 'o a'ainst the )ill and 'ood-#leas&re of God $y sinnin' "ortally it is then $eyond do&$t that all the feelin' all the facility and #ro"#tit&de )hich yo& ha!e in GodDs ser!ice iss&e fro" no other so&rce than h&"an and i"#erfect lo!eF for if #erfect lo!e rei'ned in &s--3h( it )o&ld $rea2 e!ery affection e!ery desire e!ery desi'n the o$1ect of )hich )as so #ernicio&s and it )o&ld not end&re that yo&r heart sho&ld $ehold it+ /&t note that - said this eCa"ination "&st $e "ade &#on the affections yo& ha!e at the ti"e for it is not re*&isite that yo& sho&ld i"a'ine to yo&rself s&ch as "ay arise hereafter since it is s&fficient that )e $e faithf&l in #resent occ&rrences accordin' to the di!ersity of ti"es and since each season has *&ite eno&'h la$o&r and #ain of its o)n+ Oet if yo& )ere desiro&s to eCercise yo&r heart in s#irit&al !alo&r $y the re#resentation of di!ers enco&nters and assa&lts yo& "i'ht #rofita$ly do so #ro!ided that after the acts of this i"a'inary !alo&r )hich yo&r heart "ay ha!e "ade yo& estee" not yo&rself "ore !aliantF for the children of ;#hrai" )ho did )onders )ith their $o)s and arro)s in their )arli2e 'a"es at ho"e )hen it ca"e indeed to the #&sh &#on the day of $attle





t&rned their $ac2s and had not so "&ch as the co&ra'e to lay their arro)s on the strin' or to face the #oints of those of their ene"ies+ They ha!e t&rned $ac2 in the day of $attle+ @216A 5 0hen therefore )e #ractise this !alo&r a$o&t f&t&re occ&rrences or s&ch as are only #ossi$le if )e find a 'ood and faithf&l feelin' )e are to than2 God for it for this feelin' is 'ood as far as it 'oesF still )e are to 2ee# o&rsel!es )ith h&"ility $et)een confidence and diffidence ho#in' that $y GodDs 'race )e sho&ld do on occasion that )hich )e i"a'ined and still fearin' that accordin' to o&r ordinary "isery )e sho&ld #erha#s do nothin' and lose heart+ /&t if the diffidence sho&ld $eco"e so eCcessi!e that )e sho&ld see" to o&rsel!es to ha!e neither force nor co&ra'e and therefore feel a des#air )ith re'ard to i"a'inary te"#tations as tho&'h )e )ere not in GodDs charity and 'race then in des#ite of o&r feelin' of disco&ra'e"ent )e "&st "a2e a resol&tion of 'reat fidelity in all that "ay occ&r &# to the te"#tation )hich tro&$les &s ho#in' that )hen it co"es God )ill "&lti#ly his 'race redo&$le his s&cco&rs and afford &s all necessary assistanceB and )hile he 'i!es &s not the force for an i"a'inary and &nnecessary )ar he )ill 'i!e it &s )hen it co"es to the need+ For as "any in the assa&lt ha!e lost co&ra'e so "any ha!e also lost fear and ha!e ta2en heart and resol&tion in the #resence of dan'er and diffic&lty )hich )itho&t this they co&ld ne!er ha!e done+ 3nd so "any of GodDs ser!ants re#resentin' to the"sel!es a$sent te"#tations ha!e $een affri'hted at the" e!en al"ost to the losin' of co&ra'e )hile )hen they sa) the" #resent they $eha!ed the"sel!es co&ra'eo&sly+ Finally in those fears )hich arise fro" the re#resentation of f&t&re assa&lts )hen o&r heart see"s to fail &s it is s&fficient that )e desire co&ra'e and tr&st that God )ill $esto) it &#on &s at the necessary ti"e+ Sa"son had not his stren'th al)ays $&t )e are told in the Scri#t&re that the lion of the !ines of Tha"natha co"in' to)ards hi" ra'in' and roarin' the s#irit of the 6ord ca"e &#on hi"F that is God 'a!e hi" the "o!e"ent of a ne) force and a ne) co&ra'e and he tore the lion as he )o&ld ha!e torn a 2id in #ieces+ @217A 3nd the sa"e ha##ened )hen he defeated the tho&sand Philistines )ho tho&'ht they )o&ld ha!e o!erthro)n hi" in the field of 6echi+ So "y dear Theoti"&s it is not necessary for &s to ha!e al)ays the feelin' and "o!e"ent of co&ra'e re*&isite to o!erco"e the roarin' lion )hich 'oeth a$o&t see2in' )ho" he "ay de!o&rF this "i'ht ca&se &s !anity and #res&"#tion+ -t is s&fficient that )e ha!e a 'ood desire to fi'ht !aliantly and a #erfect confidence that the 5oly Ghost )ill assist &s )ith his hel#in' hand )hen occasion shall #resent itself+ @216A Ps+ lCC!ii+ K+ @217A ,&d'es Ci!+ 97 /OO4 :+ OF T5; 95 T0O P>-E?-P36 ;Q;>?-S;S OF 5O6O 6O:; 05-?5 ?OES-ST -E ?OMP63?;E?O 3ED /;E;:O6;E?;+ ?53PT;> -+







OF T5; S3?>;D ?OMP63?;E?O OF 6O:;B 3ED F->ST OF 053T -T ?OES-STS+ 5 6o!e as )e ha!e said is no other thin' than the "o!e"ent and o&tflo)in' of the heart to)ards 'ood $y "eans of the co"#lacency )hich )e ta2e in itB so that co"#lacency is the 'reat "oti!e of lo!e as lo!e is the 'reat "o!e"ent of co"#lacency+ Eo) this "o!e"ent is #ractised to)ards God in this "anner+ 0e 2no) $y faith that the Di!inity is an inco"#rehensi$le a$yss of all #erfection so!erei'nly infinite in eCcellence and infinitely so!erei'n in 'oodness+ This tr&th )hich faith teaches &s )e attenti!ely consider $y "editation $eholdin' that i""ensity of 'oods )hich are in God either all to'ether $y asse"$lin' all the #erfections or in #artic&lar $y considerin' his eCcellences one after anotherB for eCa"#le his all-#o)er his all-)isdo" his all'oodness his eternity his infinity+ Eo) )hen )e ha!e $ro&'ht o&r &nderstandin' to $e !ery attenti!e to the 'reatness of the 'oods that are in this Di!ine o$1ect it is i"#ossi$le that o&r )ill sho&ld not $e to&ched )ith co"#lacency in this 'ood and then )e &se the li$erty and #o)er )hich )e ha!e o!er o&rsel!es #ro!o2in' o&r o)n heart to redo&$le and stren'then its first co"#lacency $y acts of a##ro$ation and re1oicin'+ GOh(G says the de!o&t so&l then Gho) $ea&tif&l art tho& "y $elo!ed ho) $ea&tif&l art tho&( Tho& art all desira$le yea tho& art desire itself( S&ch is "y $elo!ed and he is "y friend O ye da&'hters of ,er&sale"+ @21IA O $lessed $e "y God for e!er $eca&se he is so 'ood( 3h( )hether - die or )hether - li!e too ha##y a" - in 2no)in' that "y God is so rich in all 'oodness his 'oodness so infinite and his infinity so 'ood(G Th&s a##ro!in' the 'ood )hich )e see in God and re1oicin' in it )e "a2e the act of lo!e )hich is called co"#lacencyB for )e #lease o&rsel!es in the di!ine #leas&re infinitely "ore than in o&r o)n and it is this lo!e )hich 'a!e so "&ch content to the Saints )hen they co&ld reco&nt the #erfections of their )ell-$elo!ed and )hich ca&sed the" to declare )ith so "&ch deli'ht that God )as God+ 4no) ye said they that the 6ord he is God+ O God "y God "y God tho& art "y God+ - ha!e said to the 6ordF Tho& art "y God+ Tho& art the God of "y heart and "y God is "y #ortion for e!er+ @21KA 5e is the God of o&r heart $y this co"#lacency since $y it o&r heart e"$races hi" and "a2es hi" its o)nF he is o&r inheritance $eca&se $y this act )e en1oy the 'oods )hich are in God and as fro" an inheritance )e dra) fro" it all #leas&re and contentF $y "eans of this co"#lacency )e s#irit&ally drin2 and eat the #erfections of the Di!inity for )e "a2e the" o&r o)n and dra) the" into o&r hearts+ ,aco$Ds e)es dre) into the"sel!es the !ariety of colo&rs )hich they o$ser!ed+ So a so&l ca#ti!ated $y the lo!in' co"#lacency )hich she ta2es in considerin' the Di!inity and in it an infinity of eCcellences dra)s into her heart the colo&rs thereof that is to say the "&ltit&de of )onders and #erfections )hich she conte"#lates and "a2es the" her o)n $y the #leas&re )hich she ta2es in the"+ O God( )hat 1oy shall )e ha!e in hea!en Theoti"&s )hen )e shall see the )ell$elo!ed of o&r hearts as an infinite sea )hose )aters are #erfection and 'oodness( Then as sta's lon' and sorely chased #&ttin' their "o&ths to a clear and cool strea" dra) into the"sel!es the coolness of its fair )aters so o&r hearts after so "any lan'&ors and










desires "eetin' )ith the "i'hty and li!in' s#rin' of the Di!inity shall dra) $y their co"#lacency all the #erfections of the )ell-$elo!ed and shall ha!e the #erfect fr&ition of the" $y the 1oy )hich they shall ta2e in the" re#lenishin' the"sel!es )ith his i""ortal deli'htsB and in this )ay the dear s#o&se )ill enter into &s as into his n&#tial $ed to co""&nicate his eternal 1oy &nto o&r so&ls accordin' as he hi"self says that if )e 2ee# the holy la) of his lo!e he )ill co"e and d)ell )ithin &s+ S&ch is the s)eet and no$le ro$$ery of lo!e )hich )itho&t &ncolo&rin' the )ell-$elo!ed colo&rs itself )ith his colo&rsB )itho&t disro$in' hi" in!ests itself )ith his ro$es )itho&t ta2in' fro" hi" ta2es all that he has and )itho&t i"#o!erishin' hi" is enriched )ith all his )ealthB as the air ta2es li'ht not lessenin' the ori'inal $ri'htness of the s&n and the "irror ta2es the 'race of the co&ntenance not di"inishin' that of hi" )ho loo2s in it+ They $eca"e a$o"ina$le as those thin's )ere )hich they lo!ed @227A said the Pro#het s#ea2in' of the )ic2edB so "i'ht one say of the 'ood that they are $eco"e lo!ely as the thin's they ha!e lo!ed+ /ehold - $eseech yo& the heart of S+ ?lare of MontefalcoF it so deli'hted in o&r Sa!io&rDs #assion and in "editatin' on the "ost holy Trinity that it dre) into itself all the "ar2s of the #assion and an ad"ira$le re#resentation of the Trinity $ein' "ade s&ch as the thin's it lo!ed+ The lo!e )hich the 'reat 3#ostle S+ Pa&l $ore to the life death and #assion of o&r di!ine Sa!io&r )as so 'reat that it dre) the !ery life death and #assion of this di!ine Sa!io&r into his lo!in' ser!antDs heartB )hose )ill )as filled )ith it $y dilection his "e"ory $y "editation and his &nderstandin' $y conte"#lation+ /&t $y )hat channel or cond&it did the s)eet ,es&s co"e into the heart of S+ Pa&l. /y the channel of co"#lacency as he hi"self declares sayin'F God for$id that - sho&ld 'lory sa!e in the cross of o&r 6ord ,es&s ?hrist+ @221A For if yo& "ar2 )ell there is no difference $et)een 'loryin' in a #erson and ta2in' co"#lacency in hi" $et)een 'loryin' and deli'htin' in sa!e that he )ho 'lories in a thin' to #leas&re adds hono&rB hono&r not $ein' )itho&t #leas&re tho&'h #leas&re can $e )itho&t hono&r+ This so&l then had s&ch co"#lacency and estee"ed hi"self so "&ch hono&red in the di!ine 'oodness )hich a##ears in the life death and #assion of o&r Sa!io&r that he too2 no #leas&re $&t in this hono&r+ 3nd it is this that "ade hi" say God for$id that - sho&ld 'lory sa!e in the cross of o&r 6ord ,es&s ?hristB as he also said that he li!ed not hi"self $&t ,es&s ?hrist li!ed in hi"+ @21IA ?ant+ !+ 16+





85 @21KA Ps+ CciC+ C!+ lCCii+ @227A Osee iC+ 17+ 97 @221A Gal+ !i+ 19+ ?53PT;> --+ 95 5O0 /O 5O6O ?OMP63?;E?O 0; 3>; M3D; 3S 6-TT6; -EF3ETS 3T O=> S3:-O=>DS />;3STS+ O God( ho) ha##y the so&l is )ho ta2es #leas&re in 2no)in' and f&lly 2no)in' that God is God and that his 'oodness is an infinite 'oodness( For this hea!enly s#o&se $y


this 'ate of co"#lacency enters into &s and s&#s )ith &s and )e )ith hi"+ 0e feed o&rsel!es )ith his s)eetness $y the #leas&re )hich )e ta2e therein and satiate o&r heart in the di!ine #erfections $y the deli'ht )e ta2e in the"F and this re#ast is a s&##er $y reason of the re#ose )hich follo)s it co"#lacency "a2in' &s s)eetly rest in the s)eetness of the 'ood )hich deli'hts &s and )ith )hich )e feed o&r heartB for as yo& 2no) Theoti"&s the heart is fed )ith that )hich deli'hts it )hence in o&r French ton'&e )e say that s&ch a one is fed )ith hono&r another )ith riches as the )ise "an said that the "o&th of fools feedeth on foolishness @222A and the so!erei'n )isdo" #rotests that his "eat that is his #leas&re is to do the )ill of hi" that sent hi"+ @228A -n concl&sion the #hysicianDs a#horis" is tr&e--)hat is relished no&rishesF and the #hiloso#hers--)hat #leases feeds+ 6et "y $elo!ed co"e into his 'arden said the sacred s#o&se and eat the fr&it of his a##le-trees+ @229A Eo) the hea!enly s#o&se co"es into his 'arden )hen he co"es into the de!o&t so&l for seein' his deli'ht is to $e )ith the children of "en )here can he $etter lod'e than in the co&ntry of the s#irit )hich he "ade to his i"a'e and li2eness+ 5e hi"self #lants in this 'arden the lo!in' co"#lacency )hich )e ha!e in his 'oodness and )hich )e feed onB as li2e)ise his 'oodness ta2es his #leas&re and re#ast in o&r co"#lacencyB so that a'ain o&r co"#lacency is a&'"ented in #ercei!in' that God is #leased to see &s #leased in hi"+ So that these reci#rocal #leas&res ca&se the lo!e of an inco"#ara$le co"#lacency $y )hich o&r so&l $ein' "ade the 'arden of her s#o&se and ha!in' fro" his 'oodness the a##le trees of his deli'hts renders hi" the fr&it thereof since she is #leased that he is #leased in the co"#lacency she ta2es in hi"+ Th&s do )e dra) GodDs heart into o&rs and he s#reads in it his #recio&s $al" and th&s is that #ractised )hich the holy $ride s#o2e )ith s&ch 1oy+ The 2in' hath $ro&'ht "e into his store-roo"sF )e )ill $e 'lad and re1oice in thee re"e"$erin' thy $reasts "ore than )ineB the ri'hteo&s lo!e thee+ @225A For - #ray yo& Theoti"&s )hat are the storeroo"s of this 2in' of lo!e $&t his $reasts )hich a$o&nd in the !ariety of s)eetness and deli'hts+ The $oso" and $reasts of the "other are the storeroo" of the little infantDs treas&resF he has no other riches than those )hich are "ore #recio&s &nto hi" than 'old or the to#aH "ore $elo!ed than all the rest of the )orld+ The so&l then )hich conte"#lates the infinite treas&res of di!ine #erfections in her )ell-$elo!ed holds herself too ha##y and rich in this that lo!e "a2es her "istress $y co"#lacency of all the #erfections and content"ents of this dear s#o&se+ 3nd e!en as a $a$y "a2es little "o!e"ents to)ards his "otherDs $reasts and dances )ith 1oy to see the" disco!ered and as the "other a'ain on her #art #resents the" &nto hi" )ith a lo!e al)ays a little for)ard e!en so the de!o&t so&l feels the thrillin's and "o!e"ents of an inco"#ara$le 1oy thro&'h the content )hich she has in $eholdin' the treas&res of the #erfections of the 2in' of her holy lo!eB $&t es#ecially )hen she sees that he hi"self disco!ers the" $y lo!e and that a"on'st the" that #erfection of his infinite lo!e eCcellently shines+ 5as not this fair so&l reason to cryF O "y 2in' ho) lo!a$le are thy riches and ho) rich thy lo!es( Oh( )hich of &s has "ore 1oy tho& that en1oyest it or )ho re1oice thereat( 0e )ill $e 'lad and re1oice in thee re"e"$erin' thy $reasts @226A so a$o&ndin' in all eCcellence of s)eetness( - $eca&se "y )ell-$elo!ed en1oys it tho& $eca&se thy )ell-$elo!ed re1oices in itB )e $oth en1oy it since thy 'oodness "a2es thee en1oy "y re1oicin' and "y lo!e "a2es "e re1oice in thy en1oyin'+ 3h( the ri'hteo&s and the 'ood lo!e thee and ho) can one $e 'ood and not lo!e so 'reat a 'oodness(








0orldly #rinces 2ee# their treas&res in the ca$inets of their #alaces their ar"s in their arsenals $&t the hea!enly Prince 2ee#s his treas&res in his $oso" his )ea#ons )ithin his $reast and $eca&se his treas&re is his 'oodness as his )ea#ons are his lo!es his $reast and $oso" rese"$le those of a tender "other )ho has her $reasts li2e t)o ca$inets rich in the treas&res of s)eet "il2 ar"ed )ith as "any )ea#ons to con*&er the dear little $a$y as it "a2es its attac2s in s&c2in'+ Eat&re s&rely lod'es the $reasts in the $oso" to the end that since the heat of the heart there concocts the "il2 as the "other is the childDs n&rse so her heart "ay $e his fosterfather and the "il2 "ay $e a food of lo!e $etter a h&ndred ti"es than )ine+ Eote "eanti"e Theoti"&s that the co"#arison of "il2 and )ine see"s so #ro#er to the holy s#o&se that she is not content to ha!e said once that the $reasts of her $elo!ed are $etter than )ine @227A $&t she re#eats it thrice+ 0ine Theoti"&s is the "il2 of 'ra#es and "il2 is the )ine of the $reasts and the sacred s#o&se says that her )ell-$elo!ed is to her a cl&ster of 'ra#es $&t of ?y#rian 'ra#es @22IA that is of an eCcellent odo&r+ Moses said that the -sraelites "i'ht drin2 the "ost #&re and eCcellent $lood of the 'ra#e and ,aco$ descri$in' to his son ,&da the fertility of the #ortion )hich he sho&ld ha!e in the land of #ro"ise #ro#hesied &nder this fi'&re the tr&e felicity of ?hristians sayin' that the Sa!io&r )o&ld )ash his ro$e that is his holy ?h&rch in the $lood of the 'ra#e @22KA that is in his o)n $lood+ Eo) $lood and "il2 are no "ore different than !er1&ice and )ine for as !er1&ice ri#enin' $y the s&nDs heat chan'es its colo&r $eco"es a 'ratef&l )ine and is "ade 'ood for food so $lood te"#ered $y the heat of the heart ta2es a fair )hite colo&r and $eco"es a food "ost s&ited for infants+ Mil2 )hich is a food #ro!ided $y the heart and all of lo!e re#resents "ystical science and theolo'y that is the s)eet relish )hich #roceeds fro" the lo!in' co"#lacency ta2en $y the s#irit )hen it "editates on the #erfections of the di!ine 'oodness+ /&t )ine si'nifies ordinary and ac*&ired science )hich is s*&eeHed o&t $y force of s#ec&lation &nder the #ress of di!ers ar'&"ents and disc&ssions+ Eo) the "il2 )hich o&r so&ls dra) fro" the $reasts of o&r Sa!io&rDs charity is inco"#ara$ly $etter than the )ine )hich )e #ress o&t fro" h&"an reasonin'B for this "il2 flo)s fro" hea!enly lo!e )ho #re#ares it for her children e!en $efore they ha!e tho&'ht of itB it has a s)eet and a'reea$le taste and the odo&r thereof s&r#asses all #erf&"esB it "a2es the $reath fresh and s)eet as that of a s&c2in' childB it 'i!es 1oy )itho&t i""oderation it ine$riates )itho&t st&#efyin' it does not eCcite the senses $&t ele!ates the" (ne le!e #as "ais rele!e)+ 0hen the holy -saac e"$raced and 2issed his dear child ,aco$ he s"elt the 'ood odo&r of his 'ar"ents and at once filled )ith an eCtre"e #leas&re he saidF /ehold the s"ell of "y son is as the s"ell of a #lentif&l field )hich the 6ord hath $lessed+ @287A The 'ar"ent and #erf&"es )ere ,aco$Ds $&t -saac had the co"#lacency and en1oy"ent of the"+ 3h( the so&l )hich $y lo!e holds her Sa!io&r in the ar"s of her affections ho) delicio&sly does she s"ell the #erf&"es of the infinite #erfections )hich are fo&nd in hi" )ith )hat co"#lacency does she say in herselfF $ehold ho) the scent of "y God is as the s)eet s"ell of a flo)ery 'arden ah( ho) #recio&s are his $reasts s#readin' so!erei'n #erf&"es+









So the so&l of the 'reat S+ 3&'&stine stayed in s&s#ense $et)een the sacred content"ent )hich he had in considerin' on the one side the "ystery of his MasterDs $irth on the other the "ystery of his #assion cried o&t ra!ished in this co"#lacency G2no) not )hither to t&rn "y heart+ On the one side the MotherDs $reast offers "e its "il2 on the other the life-'i!in' )o&nd of the Son 'i!es "e to drin2 of his $lood+G @222A Pro!+ C!+ 19+ @228A ,ohn i!+ 89+

17 @229A ?ant+ !+ 1+ @225A ?ant+ i+ 8+ 15 @226A ?ant+ i+ 8+ @227A ?ant+ i+ 1+ @22IA /otr&s ?y#ri+ O&r !ersion )ron'ly translates this as a cl&ster of ?y#ress @Tr+A 27 @22KA Gen+ CliC+ 11+ @287A Gen+ CC!ii+ 27+ 25 ?53PT;> ---+ T53T 5O6O ?OMP63?;E?O G-:;S O=> 5;3>T TO GOD 3ED M34;S =S F;;6 3 P;>P;T=36 D;S->; -E F>=-T-OE+ 87 The lo!e )hich )e $ear to God starts fro" the first co"#lacency )hich o&r heart feels on first #ercei!in' the di!ine 'oodness )hen it $e'ins to tend to)ards it+ Eo) )hen $y the eCercise of lo!e )e a&'"ent and stren'then this first co"#lacency as )e ha!e eC#lained in the #recedin' cha#ters )e then dra) into o&r hearts the di!ine #erfections and en1oy the di!ine 'oodness $y re1oicin' in it #ractisin' the first #art of the a"oro&s content"ent of lo!e eC#ressed $y the sacred s#o&se sayin'F My $elo!ed to "e+ @281A /&t $eca&se this a"oro&s co"#lacency $ein' in &s )ho ha!e it ceases not to $e in God in )ho" )e ha!e it it 'i!es &s reci#rocally to his di!ine 'oodnessB so that $y this holy lo!e of co"#lacency )e en1oy the 'oods )hich are in God as tho&'h they )ere o&r o)nB $&t $eca&se the di!ine #erfections are stron'er than o&r s#irit enterin' into it they #ossess it reci#rocally inso"&ch that )e not only say God is o&rs $y this co"#lacency $&t also that )e are to 5i"+ @282A The her$ a#roCis (as )e ha!e said else)here) has so 'reat a corres#ondence )ith fire that tho&'h at a distance fro" it as soon as it sees it it dra)s the fla"e and $e'ins to $&rn concei!in' fire not so "&ch fro" the heat as fro" the li'ht of the fire #resented to it+ 0hen then $y this attraction it is &nited to the fire if it co&ld s#ea2 "i'ht it not )ell sayF "y )ell-$elo!ed fire is "ine since - dra) it to "e and en1oy its fla"es $&t - a" also its for tho&'h - dre) it to "e it red&ced "e into it as "ore stron' and no$leB it is




"y fire and - a" its her$F - dra) it and it sets "e on fire+ So o&r heart $ein' $ro&'ht into the #resence of the di!ine 'oodness and ha!in' dra)n the #erfections thereof $y the co"#lacency it ta2es in the" "ay tr&ly sayF GodDs 'oodness is all "ine since en1oy his eCcellences and - a'ain a" )holly his seein' that his deli'hts #ossess "e+ 5 /y co"#lacency o&r so&l li2e GideonDs fleece is )holly filled )ith hea!enly de) and this de) $elon's to the fleece $eca&se it falls &#on it and a'ain the fleece is the de)Ds $eca&se it is stee#ed in it and recei!es !irt&e fro" it+ 0hich $elon's "ore to the other the #earl to the oyster or the oyster to the #earl. The #earl is the oysterDs $eca&se she dre) it to her $&t the oyster is the #earlDs $eca&se it 'i!es her )orth and !al&e+ ?o"#lacency "a2es &s #ossessors of God dra)in' into &s his #erfections $&t it "a2es &s also #ossessed of God a##lyin' and fastenin' &s to his #erfections+ Eo) in this co"#lacency )e satiate o&r so&l )ith deli'hts in s&ch a "anner that )e do not yet cease to desire to $e satiated and relishin' the di!ine 'oodness )e desire yet to relish itB )hile satiatin' o&rsel!es )e )o&ld still eat as )hilst eatin' )e feel o&rsel!es satisfied+ The chief of the 3#ostles ha!in' said in his first e#istle that the ancient #ro#hets had "anifested the 'races )hich )ere to a$o&nd a"on'st ?hristians and a"on'st other thin's o&r Sa!io&rDs #assion and the 'lory )hich )as to follo) it (as )ell $y the res&rrection of his $ody as also $y the eCaltation of his na"e) in the end concl&des that the !ery an'els desire to $ehold the "ysteries of the rede"#tion in this di!ine Sa!io&rF On )ho" says he the an'els desire to loo2+ @288A /&t ho) can this $e &nderstood that the an'els )ho see the >edee"er and in hi" all the "ysteries of o&r sal!ation do yet desire to see hi". Theoti"&s !erily they see hi" contin&ally $&t )ith a !ie) so a'reea$le and deli'htso"e that the co"#lacency they ta2e in it satiates the" )itho&t ta2in' a)ay their desire and "a2es the" desire )itho&t re"o!in' their satietyB the fr&ition is not lessened $y desire $&t #erfected as their desire is not cloyed $&t intensified $y fr&ition+ The fr&ition of a thin' )hich al)ays contents ne!er lessens $&t is rene)ed and flo&rishes incessantlyB it is e!er a'reea$le e!er desira$le+ The #er#et&al content"ent of hea!enly lo!ers #rod&ces a desire #er#et&ally content as their contin&al desire $e'ets in the" a content"ent #er#et&ally desired+ Good )hich is finite in 'i!in' the #ossession ends the desire and in 'i!in' the desire ta2es a)ay the #ossession $ein' &na$le to $e at once #ossessed and desired+ /&t the infinite 'ood "a2es desire rei'n in #ossession and #ossession in desire findin' a )ay to satiate desire $y a holy #resence and yet to "a2e it li!e $y the 'reatness of its eCcellence )hich no&rishes in all those that #ossess it a desire al)ays content and a content al)ays f&ll of desire+ ?onsider Theoti"&s s&ch as hold in their "o&th the her$ scitic&"B accordin' to re#ort they are ne!er h&n'ry nor thirsty it is so satisfyin' and yet ne!er lose their a##etite it no&rishes the" so delicio&sly+ 0hen o&r )ill "eets God it re#oses in hi" ta2in' in hi" a so!erei'n co"#lacency yet )itho&t stayin' the "o!e"ent of her desire for as she desires to lo!e so she lo!es to desire she has the desire of lo!e and the lo!e of desire+ The re#ose of the heart consists not in i""o$ility $&t in needin' nothin' not in ha!in' no "o!e"ent $&t in ha!in' no need to "o!e+









The da"ned are in eternal "o!e"ent )itho&t any "iCt&re of restB )e "ortals )ho are yet in this #il'ri"a'e ha!e no) "o!e"ent no) rest in o&r affectionsB the /lessed e!er ha!e re#ose in their "o!e"ents and "o!e"ent in their re#oseB only God has re#ose )itho&t "o!e"ent $eca&se he is so!erei'nly a #&re and s&$stantial act+ Eo) altho&'h accordin' to the ordinary condition of this "ortal life )e ha!e not re#ose in "o!e"ent yet still )hen )e #ractise the acts of holy lo!e )e find re#ose in the "o!e"ent of o&r affections and "o!e"ent in the re#ose of the co"#lacency )hich )e ta2e in o&r )ell$elo!ed recei!in' here$y a foretaste of the f&t&re felicity to )hich )e as#ire+ -f it $e tr&e that the cha"eleon li!es on air )heresoe!er he 'oes in the air he finds food and tho&'h he "o!e fro" one #lace to another it is not to find )here)ith to $e filled $&t to eCercise hi"self )ithin that ele"ent )hich is also his food as fishes do in the sea+ 5e )ho desires God )hile #ossessin' hi" does not desire hi" in order to see2 hi" $&t in order to eCercise this affection )ithin the !ery 'ood )hich he en1oysB for the heart does not "a2e this "o!e"ent of desire as ai"in' at the en1oy"ent of a thin' not had since it is already had $&t as dilatin' itself in the en1oy"ent )hich it hasB not to o$tain the 'ood $&t to recreate and #lease itself thereinB not to 'ain the en1oy"ent of it $&t to ta2e en1oy"ent in it+ So )e )al2 and "o!e to 'o to so"e delicio&s 'arden )here $ein' arri!ed )e cease not to )al2 and eCercise o&rsel!es not no) to 'et there $&t $ein' there to )al2 and #ass o&r ti"e thereinF )e )al2 in order to 'o and en1oy the #leasantness of the 'arden $ein' there )e )al2 to ta2e o&r #leas&re in the en1oy"ent of it+ See2 ye the 6ord and $e stren'thened see2 his face e!er"ore+ @289A 0e al)ays see2 hi" )ho" )e al)ays lo!e says the 'reat S+ 3&'&stineF lo!e see2s that )hich it has fo&nd not to ha!e it $&t to ha!e it al)ays+ Finally Theoti"&s the so&l )hich is in the eCercise of the lo!e of co"#lacency cries contin&ally in her sacred silenceF -t s&ffices "e that God is God that his 'oodness is infinite that his #erfection is i""enseB )hether - die or )hether - li!e "atters little to "e since "y dear )ell-$elo!ed li!es eternally an all-tri&"#hant life+ Death itself cannot tro&$le a heart )hich 2no)s that its so!erei'n lo!e li!es+ -t is s&fficient for a heart that lo!es that he )ho" it lo!es "ore than itself is re#lenished )ith eternal ha##iness seein' that it li!es "ore in hi" )ho" it lo!es than in hi" )ho" it ani"atesB yea that it li!es not itself $&t its )ell-$elo!ed li!es in it+ @281A ?ant+ ii+ 2+ @282A ?ant+ ii+ 2+ @288A 1 Pet+ i+ 12+







97 @289A Ps+ ci!+ 9+ ?53PT;> -:+ 95 OF T5; 6O:-EG ?OEDO6;E?; /O 05-?5 T5; ?OMP63?;E?O OF 6O:; -S ST-66 /;TT;> D;?63>;D+

?o"#assion condolence co""iseration or #ity is no other thin' than an affection )hich "a2es &s share in the s&fferin' and sorro) of hi" )ho" )e lo!e dra)in' the "isery )hich he end&res into o&r heartB )hence it is called "isericorde or as it )ere "isere de coe&rF as co"#lacency dra)s into the lo!erDs heart the #leas&res and content"ents of the thin' $elo!ed+ -t is lo!e that )or2s $oth effects $y the !irt&e it has of &nitin' the heart )hich lo!es to the thin' lo!ed th&s "a2in' the 'oods and the e!ils of friends co""onB and )hat ha##ens in co"#assion "&ch ill&strates )hat re'ards co"#lacency+ ?o"#assion ta2es its 'reatness fro" the lo!e )hich #rod&ces it+ Th&s the condolence of "others in the afflictions of their only children is 'reat as the Scri#t&re often testifies+ 5o) 'reat )as the sorro) of 3'arDs heart &#on the #ains of her -s"ael )ho" she sa) )ell-ni'h #erish )ith thirst in the desert( 5o) "&ch did Da!idDs so&l co""iserate the "isery of his 3$salo"( 3h( do yo& not "ar2 the "otherly heart of the 'reat 3#ostle sic2 )ith the sic2 $&rnin' )ith Heal for s&ch as )ere scandaliHed ha!in' a contin&al sorro) for the r&in of the ,e)s and daily dyin' for his dear s#irit&al children+ /&t es#ecially consider ho) lo!e dra)s all the #ains all the tor"ents tra!ails s&fferin's 'riefs )o&nds #assion cross and !ery death of o&r >edee"er into his "ost sacred "otherDs heart+ 3las( the sa"e nails that cr&cified the $ody of this di!ine child also cr&cified the so&l of this all-s)eet "otherB she end&red the sa"e "iseries )ith her son $y co""iseration the sa"e dolo&rs $y condolence the sa"e #assions $y co"#assion and in a )ord the s)ord of death )hich trans#ierced the $ody of this $est $elo!ed Son str&c2 thro&'h the heart of this "ost lo!in' "other @285A )hence she "i'ht )ell ha!e said that he )as to her as a $&ndle of "yrrh $et)een her $reasts @286A that is in her $oso" and in the "idst of her heart+ Oo& see ho) ,aco$ hearin' the sad tho&'h false ne)s of the death of his dear ,ose#h is afflicted )ith it+ 3h( said he - )ill 'o do)n "o&rnin' into hell that is to say to 6i"$o into 3$raha"Ds $oso" to "y son+ @287A ?ondolence is also 'reat accordin' to the 'reatness of the sorro)s )hich )e see those )e lo!e s&fferin'B for ho) little soe!er the friendshi# $e if the e!ils )hich )e see end&red $e eCtre"e they ca&se in &s 'reat #ity+ This "ade ?Psar )ee# o!er Po"#ey and the da&'hters of ,er&sale" co&ld not refrain fro" )ee#in' o!er o&r Sa!io&r tho&'h the 'reater n&"$er of the" )ere not 'reatly attached to hi"B as also the friends of ,o$ tho&'h )ic2ed friends "ade 'reat la"entation in $eholdin' the dreadf&l s#ectacle of his inco"#ara$le "isery+ 3nd )hat a stro2e of 'rief )as it in the heart of ,aco$ to thin2 that his dear child had died $y a death so cr&el as that of $ein' de!o&red $y a sa!a'e $east+ /&t $esides all this co""iseration is "&ch stren'thened $y the #resence of the o$1ect )hich is in "iseryB this ca&sed #oor 3'ar to 'o a)ay fro" her dyin' son to dis$&rden herself in so"e sort of the co"#assionate 'rief )hich she felt sayin'F - )ill not see the $oy dieB @28IA as on the contrary o&r Sa!io&r )ee#s seein' the se#&lchre of his )ell-$elo!ed 6aHar&s and re'ardin' his dear ,er&sale"B and o&r 'ood ,aco$ is $eside hi"self )ith 'rief )hen he sees the $loody coat of his #oor little ,ose#h+ Eo) the sa"e ca&ses increase co"#lacency+ -n #ro#ortion as a friend is "ore dear to &s )e ta2e "ore #leas&re in his content"ent and his 'ood enters "ore dee#ly into o&r heart+ -f the 'ood is eCcellent o&r 1oy is also 'reater+ /&t if )e see o&r friend en1oyin' it o&r re1oicin' $eco"es eCtre"e+ 0hen the 'ood ,aco$ 2ne) that his son li!ed --O God( 0hat 1oy( 5is s#irit ret&rned to hi" he li!ed once "ore he so to s#ea2 rose









a'ain fro" death+ /&t )hat does this "ean --he re!i!ed or ret&rned to life. Theoti"&s s#irits die not their o)n death $&t $y sin )hich se#arates the" fro" God their tr&e s&#ernat&ral life yet they so"eti"es die anotherDs deathB and this ha##ened to the 'ood ,aco$ of )ho" )e s#ea2 for lo!e )hich dra)s into the heart of the lo!er the 'ood and e!il of the thin' $elo!ed the one $y co"#lacency the other $y co""iseration dre) the death of the $elo!ed ,ose#h into the lo!in' ,aco$Ds heart and $y a "iracle i"#ossi$le to any other #o)er than lo!e the s#irit of this 'ood father )as f&ll of the death of hi" that )as li!in' and rei'nin' for affection ha!in' $een decei!ed ran $efore the effect+ /&t on the contrary as soon as he 2ne) that his son )as ali!e lo!e )hich had so lon' 2e#t the s&##osed death of the son in the s#irit of the 'ood father seein' that it had $een decei!ed s#eedily re1ected this i"a'inary death and "ade enter in its #lace the tr&e life of the sa"e son+ Th&s then he ret&rned to a ne) life $eca&se the life of his son entered into his heart $y co"#lacency and ani"ated hi" )ith an inco"#ara$le content"entF )ith )hich findin' hi"self satisfied and not estee"in' any other #leas&re in co"#arison of thisF -t is eno&'h for "e said he if ,ose#h "y son $e yet li!in'+ @28KA /&t )hen )ith his o)n eyes he sa) $y eC#erience the tr&th of the 'rande&r of this dear child in Gessen fallin' &#on his nec2 and e"$racin' hi" he )e#t sayin'F Eo) shall die )ith 1oy $eca&se - ha!e seen thy face and lea!e thee ali!e+ @297A 3h( )hat a 1oy Theoti"&s and ho) eCcellently eC#ressed $y this old "an( For )hat )o&ld he say $y these )ords no) shall - die )ith 1oy $eca&se - ha!e seen thy face $&t that his content )as so 'reat that it )as a$le to render death itself 1oyf&l and a'reea$le e!en death )hich is the "ost 'rie!o&s and horri$le thin' in the )orld+ Tell "e - #ray yo& Theoti"&s )ho has "ore sense of ,ose#hDs 'ood he )ho en1oys it or ,aco$ )ho re1oices in it+ ?ertainly if 'ood $e not 'ood $&t in res#ect of the content )hich it affords &s the father has as "&ch as the son yea "ore for the son to'ether )ith the !iceroyDs di'nity of )hich he is #ossessed has conse*&ently "&ch care and "any affairs $&t the father en1oys $y co"#lacency and #&rely #ossesses all that is 'ood in this 'reatness and di'nity of his son )itho&t char'e care or tro&$le+ Eo) shall - die )ith 1oy says he+ 3h( )ho does not see his content"ent. -f e!en death cannot tro&$le his 1oy )ho can e!er chan'e it. -f his content can li!e a"idst the distresses of death )ho can e!er $erea!e hi" of it. 6o!e is stron' as death and the 1oys of lo!e s&r"o&nt the sorro)s of death for death cannot 2ill $&t enli!ens the"B so that as there is a fire )hich is "ar!ello&sly 2e#t ali!e in a fo&ntain near Greno$le (as )e 2no) for certain and the 'reat S+ 3&'&stine attests) so holy charity has stren'th to no&rish her fla"es and consolations in the "ost 'rie!o&s an'&ishes of death and the )aters of tri$&lations cannot *&ench her fire+ @285A 6&2e ii+ 85+







97 @286A ?ant+ i+ 12+ @287A Gen+ CCC!ii+ 85+ 95 @28IA Gen+ CCi+ 16+ @28KA Gen+ Cl!+ 2I+

@297A Gen+ Cl!i+ 87+ ?53PT;> :+ 5 OF T5; ?OEDO6;E?; 3ED ?OMP63?;E?O OF 6O:; -E T5; P3SS-OE OF O=> 6O>D+ 0hen - see "y Sa!io&r on the Mo&nt of Oli!es )ith his so&l sorro)f&l e!en &nto deathF--3h( 6ord ,es&s say - )hat can ha!e $ro&'ht the sorro)s of death into the so&l of life eCce#t lo!e )hich eCcitin' co""iseration dre) there$y o&r "iseries into thy so!erei'n heart. Eo) a de!o&t so&l seein' this a$yss of hea!iness and distress in this di!ine lo!er ho) can she $e )itho&t a holily lo!in' sorro). /&t considerin' on the other hand that all the afflictions of her )ell-$elo!ed #roceed fro" no i"#erfection or )ant of stren'th $&t fro" the 'reatness of his dearest lo!e she cannot $&t "elt a)ay )ith a holy sorro)f&l lo!e+ So that she criesF - a" $lac2 )ith sorro) $y co"#assion $&t $ea&tif&l )ith lo!e $y co"#lacencyB the an'&ish of "y )ell-$elo!ed has chan'ed "y colo&rF for ho) co&ld a faithf&l lo!er $ehold s&ch tor"ents in hi" )ho" she lo!es "ore than her life )itho&t s)oonin' a)ay and $eco"in' all )an and )asted )ith 'rief+ The tents of no"ads #er#et&ally eC#osed to the in1&ries of )eather and )ar are al"ost al)ays ra''ed and co!ered )ith d&stB and - e!er eC#osed to the 'riefs )hich $y condolence - recei!e fro" the i""eas&ra$le tra!ails of "y di!ine Sa!io&r - a" all co!ered )ith distress and rent )ith sorro)+ /&t $eca&se the #ains of hi" - lo!e co"e fro" his lo!e in )hat "eas&re they afflict "e $y co"#assion they deli'ht "e $y co"#lacencyB for ho) co&ld a faithf&l lo!er not ta2e an eCtre"e content to see herself so lo!ed $y her hea!enly s#o&se. 0herefore the $ea&ty of lo!e is in the ill-fa!o&r of sorro)+ 3nd if - )ear "o&rnin' for the #assion and death of "y 4in' all s)arthy and $lac2 )ith 'rief - cease not to ha!e an inco"#ara$le s)eetness in seein' the eCcess of his lo!e a"id his tra!ails and his sorro)sB and the tents of Solo"on all e"$roidered and )or2ed in an ad"ira$le !ariety of decorations )ere ne!er so lo!ely as - a" content and conse*&ently s)eet a"ia$le and a'reea$le in the !ariety of the senti"ents of lo!e )hich - ha!e a"id those 'riefs+ 6o!e e*&aliHes lo!ersB 3h( - see hi" this dear lo!er--he is a fire of lo!e $&rnin' in a thorny $&sh of sorro) and - a" the sa"eF - a" all infla"ed )ith lo!e a"id the thorny $&shes of "y 'riefs - a" a lily a"on' thorns+ 3h( do not e!en loo2 at the horrors of "y #oi'nant sorro)s $&t see the $ea&ty of "y a'reea$le lo!e+ 3las( he s&ffers ins&##orta$le #ains this )ell-$elo!ed di!ine lo!erF it is this )hich 'rie!es "e and "a2es "e faint )ith an'&ishB $&t he ta2es #leas&re in s&fferin' he lo!es his tor"ents and dies )ith 1oy at dyin' )ith #ain for "eF )herefore as - a" sorro)in' o!er his #ains so - a" all ra!ished )ith 1oy at his lo!eB not only do - 'rie!e )ith hi" $&t - 'lorify "yself in hi"+ -t )as this lo!e Theoti"&s )hich $ro&'ht &#on the sera#hic S+ Francis the sti'"ata and &#on the lo!in' an'elic S+ ?atharine of Siena the $&rnin' )o&nds of the Sa!io&r a"oro&s co"#lacency ha!in' shar#ened the #oints of doloro&s co"#assionB as honey "a2es "ore #enetratin' and sensi$le the $itterness of )or")ood )hilst on the contrary the s)eet s"ell of roses is intensified $y the nei'h$o&rhood of 'arlic #lanted near the trees+ For in the sa"e )ay the lo!in' co"#lacency )e ha!e ta2en in the lo!e of o&r Sa!io&r "a2es the co"#assion )e feel for his #ains infinitely stron'erF as reci#rocally #assin' $ac2 fro" the co"#assion for his #ains to co"#lacency in lo!e










the #leas&re of this is far "ore ardent and eCalted+ Then are #ractised #ain in lo!e and lo!e in #ainB then a"oro&s condolence and doloro&s co"#lacency as another ;sa& and another ,aco$ str&''lin' as to )hich shall "a2e the 'reater effort #&t the so&l in incredi$le con!&lsions and a'onies and there ta2es #lace an ecstasy lo!in'ly sorro)f&l and sorro)f&lly lo!in'+ So those 'reat so&ls of S+ Francis and S+ ?atharine felt "atchless lo!e in their #ains and inco"#ara$le #ains in their lo!e )hen they )ere sti'"atiHed relishin' that 1oyo&s lo!e of s&fferin' for a $elo!ed one )hich their Sa!io&r eCercised in the s&#re"e de'ree on the tree of the cross+ Th&s is $orn the #recio&s &nion of o&r heart )ith its God )hich li2e a "ystical /en1a"in is the child of #ain and 1oy $oth to'ether+ -t cannot $e declared Theoti"&s ho) stron'ly the Sa!io&r desires to enter into o&r so&ls $y this lo!e of sorro)in' co"#lacency+ 3h( says he O#en to "e "y sister "y lo!e "y do!e "y &ndefiledB for "y head is f&ll of de) and "y loc2s of the dro#s of the ni'ht+ @291A 0hat is this de) and )hat are the dro#s of the ni'ht $&t the afflictions and #ains of his #assion. Pearls in sooth (as )e ha!e said often eno&'h) are nothin' $&t dro#s of de) )hich the freshness of ni'ht rains o!er the face of the sea recei!ed into the shells of oysters or #earl-"others+ 3h( this di!ine lo!er of the so&l )o&ld say a" laden )ith the #ains and s)eats of "y #assion al"ost all of )hich #assed either in the dar2ness of the ni'ht or in the ni'ht of the dar2ness )hich the o$sc&red s&n "ade in the !ery $ri'htness of its noon+ O#en then thy heart to)ards "e as the #earl-"others o#en their shells to)ards the s2y and - )ill shed &#on thee the de) of "y #assion )hich )ill $e chan'ed into #earls of consolation+ @291A ?ant+ !+ 2+ ?53PT;> :-+





OF T5; 6O:; OF /;E;:O6;E?; 05-?5 0; ;Q;>?-S; TO03>DS O=> S3:-O=> /O 03O OF D;S->;+ -n the lo!e )hich God eCercises to)ards &s he al)ays $e'ins $y $ene!olence )illin' and effectin' all the 'ood that is in &s in )hich after)ards he ta2es co"#lacency+ 5e "ade Da!id accordin' to his heart $y $ene!olence then he fo&nd hi" accordin' to his heart $y co"#lacency+ 5e first created the &ni!erse for "an and "an in the &ni!erse 'i!in' to each thin' s&ch a "eas&re of 'oodness as )as #ro#ortiona$le to it o&t of his #&re $ene!olence then he a##ro!ed all that he had done findin' that all )as !ery 'ood and $y co"#lacency rested in his )or2+ /&t on the contrary o&r lo!e to)ards God $e'ins fro" the co"#lacency )hich )e ha!e in the so!erei'n 'oodness and infinite #erfection )hich )e 2no) is in the Di!inity then )e co"e to the eCercise of $ene!olenceB and as the co"#lacency )hich God ta2es in his creat&res is no other thin' than a contin&ation of his $ene!olence to)ards the" so the $ene!olence )hich )e $ear to)ards God is nothin' else $&t an a##ro$ation of and #erse!erance in the co"#lacency )e ha!e in hi"+ Eo) this lo!e of $ene!olence to)ards God is #ractised in this sort+ 0e cannot )ith a tr&e desire )ish any 'ood to God $eca&se his 'oodness is infinitely "ore #erfect than








)e can either )ish or thin2F desire is only of a f&t&re 'ood and no 'ood is f&t&re to God since all 'ood is so #resent to hi" that the #resence of 'ood in his di!ine Ma1esty is nothin' else $&t the Di!inity itself+ Eot $ein' a$le then to "a2e any a$sol&te desire for God )e "a2e i"a'inary and conditional ones in this "annerF - ha!e said to the 6ord tho& art "y God )ho $ein' f&ll of thine o)n infinite 'oodness hast no need of "y 'oods @292A nor of anythin' )hate!er $&t if $y i"a'ination of a thin' i"#ossi$le - co&ld thin2 tho& hadst need of anythin' - )o&ld ne!er cease to )ish it thee e!en )ith the loss of "y life of "y $ein' and of all that is in the )orld+ 3nd if $ein' )hat tho& art and )hat tho& canst not $&t still $e it )ere #ossi$le that tho& co&ldst recei!e any increase of 'ood --O God( )hat a desire )o&ld - ha!e that tho& sho&ldst ha!e it( )o&ld desire O eternal 6ord( to see "y heart con!erted into a )ish and "y life into a si'h to desire thee s&ch a 'ood( 3h( yet )o&ld - not for all this O tho& sacred )ell$elo!ed of "y so&l desire to $e a$le to )ish any 'ood to thy Ma1esty yea - deli'ht )ith all "y heart in this s&#re"e de'ree of 'oodness )hich tho& hast to )hich nothin' can $e added either $y desire or yet $y tho&'ht+ /&t if s&ch a desire )ere #ossi$le O infinite Di!inity O di!ine -nfinity( "y so&l )o&ld $e that desire and nothin' else so intensely )o&ld she $e desiro&s to desire for thee that )hich she is infinitely #leased that she cannot desireB seein' that her #o)erlessness to "a2e this desire #roceeds fro" the infinite infinity of thy #erfection )hich o&tstri#s all desire and all tho&'ht+ 3h( O "y God( ho) dearly - lo!e the i"#ossi$ility of $ein' a$le to desire thee any 'ood since this co"es fro" the inco"#rehensi$le i""ensity of thy a$&ndance+ That is so so!erei'nly infinite that if there )ere an infinite desire it )o&ld $e infinitely satiated $y the infinity of thy 'oodness )hich )o&ld con!ert it into an infinite co"#lacency+ This desire then $y i"a'ination of i"#ossi$ilities "ay $e so"eti"es #rofita$ly #ractised a"idst 'reat and eCtraordinary feelin's and fer!o&rs+ 0e are told that the 'reat S+ 3&'&stine often "ade s&ch #o&rin' o&t in an eCcess of lo!e these )ordsF G3h( 6ord a" 3&'&stine and tho& art God $&t still if that )hich neither is nor can $e )ere that )ere God and tho& 3&'&stine - )o&ld chan'in' "y condition )ith thee $eco"e 3&'&stine to the end that tho& "i'htest $e God(G -t is yet another 2ind of $ene!olence to)ards God )hen feelin' )e cannot eCalt hi" in hi"self )e stri!e to do it in o&rsel!es that is still "ore and "ore to increase the co"#lacency )e ta2e in his 'oodness+ 3nd then Theoti"&s )e desire not the co"#lacency for the #leas&re it yields &s $&t #&rely $eca&se this #leas&re is in God+ For as )e desire not the co"#assion for the #ain it $rin's to o&r heart $&t $eca&se this sorro) &nites and associates &s to o&r )ell-$elo!ed )ho is in #ainB so )e do not lo!e the co"#lacency $eca&se it $rin's &s #leas&re $&t $eca&se this #leas&re is ta2en in &nion )ith the #leas&re and 'ood )hich is in God to $e "ore &nited to )hich )e )o&ld desire to eCercise a co"#lacency infinitely 'reater in i"itation of the "ost holy %&een and Mother of lo!e )hose sacred so&l contin&ally "a'nified and eCalted God+ 3nd that it "i'ht $e 2no)n that this "a'nifyin' )as "ade $y the co"#lacency )hich she too2 in the di!ine 'oodness she declaresB My s#irit hath eC&ltin'ly re1oiced in God "y Sa!io&r+ @298A @292A Ps+ C!+ 2+ @298A 6&2e i+ 97+





?53PT;> :--+ 5O0 T5; D;S->; TO ;Q36T 3ED M3GE-FO GOD S;P3>3T;S =S F>OM -EF;>-O> P6;3S=>;S 3ED M34;S =S 3TT;ET-:; TO T5; D-:-E; P;>F;?T-OES+ The lo!e of $ene!olence then ca&ses in &s a desire "ore and "ore to increase the co"#lacency )hich )e ta2e in the di!ine 'oodnessB and to effect this increase the so&l sed&lo&sly de#ri!es herself of all other #leas&re that she "ay 'i!e herself "ore entirely to ta2in' #leas&re in God+ 3 reli'io&s "an as2ed the de!o&t /rother Giles one of the first and "ost holy co"#anions of S+ Francis in )hat )or2 he co&ld $e "ost a'reea$le to GodF he ans)ered $y sin'in'F GOne to one G )hich he after)ards eC#lained sayin' GGi!e e!er yo&r )hole so&l )hich is one to God )ho is one+G The so&l #o&rs itself o&t $y #leas&res and the di!ersity of these dissi#ates and hinders her fro" $ein' a$le to a##ly herself attenti!ely to the #leas&re )hich she o&'ht to ta2e in God+ The 'lorio&s S+ Pa&l re#&ted all thin's as d&n' and dirt in co"#arison of his Sa!io&r+ 3nd the sacred s#o&se is )holly for her )ell-$elo!ed onlyF My $elo!ed to "e and - to hi"+ 3nd if the so&l that stands th&s holily affected "eet )ith creat&res ne!er so eCcellent yea tho&'h they )ere an'els she "a2es no delay )ith the" sa!e only )hat she needs for the hel# and f&rtherance of her desire+ Tell "e then says she to the" tell "e - con1&re yo& ha!e yo& seen hi" )ho" "y so&l lo!eth. @299A The 'lorio&s lo!er Ma'dalen "et the an'els at the se#&lchre )ho do&$tless s#o2e to her an'elically that is "ost s)eetly $&t she on the contrary )holly r&thf&l co&ld ta2e no content either in their s)eet )ords or in the 'lory of their 'ar"ents or in the all-hea!enly 'race of their de#ort"ent or in the "ost deli'htso"e $ea&ty of their faces $&t all stee#ed in tearsF They ha!e ta2en a)ay "y 6ord says she and - 2no) not )here they ha!e laid hi"F @295A and t&rnin' a$o&t she sa) her s)eet Sa!io&r $&t in for" of a 'ardener )ith )ho" her heart cannot $e satisfied for f&ll of the lo!e of the death of her Master flo)ers she )ill ha!e none nor conse*&ently 'ardenersB she has )ithin her heart the cross the nails the thornsB she see2s her cr&cified+ 3h( "y dear sir 'ardener says she if #erchance yo& ha!e #lanted "y )ell-$elo!ed deceased 6ord a"on'st yo&r flo)ers as a cr&shed and )ithered lily tell "e *&ic2ly and - - )ill carry hi" a)ay+ /&t no sooner had he called her $y her na"e than )holly "eltin' )ith deli'ht O God( says she "y Master( Eothin' can content her nor an'elsD co"#any deli'ht her no nor yet her !ery Sa!io&rDs &nless he a##ear in that for" in )hich he had stolen her heart+ The 2in's co&ld not content the"sel!es either in the $ea&ty of ,er&sale" or in the "a'nificence of 5erodDs co&rt or in the $ri'htness of the starB their heart see2s the little ca!e and the little child of /ethlehe"+ The "other of fair lo!in' and the s#o&se of "ost holy lo!e cannot stay a"on' their 2insfol2s and ac*&aintanceB they still )al2 on in 'rief see2in' after the only o$1ect of their deli'ht+ The desire to increase holy co"#lacency c&ts off all other #leas&re to the end that it "ay "ore acti!ely #ractise that to )hich the di!ine $ene!olence eCcites it+ Eo) still "ore to "a'nify this so!erei'n )ell-$elo!ed the so&l 'oes e!er see2in' his faceF that is )ith an attention "ore and "ore caref&l and fer!ent she 2ee#s notin' e!ery #artic&lar of the $ea&ties and #erfections )hich are in hi" "a2in' a contin&al #ro'ress in this s)eet searchin' o&t of "oti!es )hich "ay #er#et&ally &r'e her to a 'reater co"#lacency in the inco"#rehensi$le 'oodness )hich she lo!es+ So Da!id in









"any of his hea!enly #sal"s recites one $y one the )or2s and )onders of God and the sacred s#o&se ran'es in her di!ine canticles as a )ell-ran2ed ar"y all the #erfections of her $elo!ed one after another to #ro!o2e her so&l to "ost holy co"#lacency there$y "ore hi'hly to "a'nify his eCcellence and also to s&$1ect all other s#irits to the lo!e of her $elo!ed so dear+ @299A ?ant+ iii+ 8+ @295A ,ohn CC+ 18+

17 ?53PT;> :---+ 5O0 5O6O /;E;:O6;E?; P>OD=?;S T5; P>3-S; OF T5; D-:-E; 0;66/;6O:;D+ 15 5ono&r "y dear Theoti"&s is not in hi" )ho is hono&red $&t in hi" )ho hono&rsF for ho) often it ha##ens that he )ho" )e hono&r 2no)s nothin' of it nor has so "&ch as tho&'ht a$o&t it+ 5o) often )e #raise s&ch as 2no) &s not or )ho are slee#in'B and yet accordin' to the co""on esti"ation of "en and their ordinary "anner of concei!in' it see"s that )e do one so"e 'ood )hen )e do hi" hono&r and that )e 'i!e hi" "&ch )hen )e 'i!e hi" titles and #raises and )e find no diffic&lty in sayin' that a "an is rich in hono&r 'lory re#&tation #raise tho&'h indeed )e 2no) that all this is o&tside the #erson )ho is hono&red+ 5e oftenti"es recei!es no "anner of #rofit therefro" accordin' to a sayin' ascri$ed to the 'reat S+ 3&'&stineF O #oor 3ristotle tho& art $ein' #raised )here tho& art not and )here tho& art tho& art $ein' $&rned+ 0hat fr&it - #ray yo& do ?Psar and 3leCander the Great rea# fro" so "any !ain )ords )hich so"e !ain so&ls e"#loy in their #raise. God $ein' re#lenished )ith a 'oodness )hich s&r#asses all #raise and hono&r recei!es no ad!anta'e nor increase $y all the $enedictions )hich )e 'i!e hi"+ 5e is neither richer nor 'reater nor "ore content or ha##y $y the" for his ha##iness his content his 'reatness and his riches neither are nor can $e any other thin' than the di!ine infinity of his 'oodness+ 3t the sa"e ti"e since accordin' to o&r ordinary esti"ation hono&r is held one of the 'reatest effects of o&r $ene!olence to)ards others and since $y it )e not only do not i"#ly any indi'ence in those )e hono&r $&t rather #rotest that they a$o&nd in eCcellence )e therefore "a2e &se of this 2ind of $ene!olence to)ards God )ho not only a##ro!es it $&t eCacts it as s&ita$le to o&r condition and so #ro#er to testify the res#ectf&l lo!e )e $ear hi" that he has ordained )e sho&ld render and refer all hono&r and 'lory &nto hi"+ Th&s then the so&l )ho has ta2en a 'reat co"#lacency in GodDs infinite #erfection seein' that she cannot )ish hi" any increase of 'oodness $eca&se he has infinitely "ore than she can either )ish or concei!e desires at least that his na"e "ay $e $lessed eCalted #raised hono&red and adored e!er "ore and "ore+ 3nd $e'innin' )ith her o)n heart she ceases not to #ro!o2e it to this holy eCercise and as a sacred $ee flies hither and thither a"on'st the flo)ers of the di!ine )or2s and eCcellences 'atherin' fro" the" a s)eet !ariety of co"#lacencies fro" )hich she )or2s &# and co"#oses the hea!enly honey of $enedictions #raises and confessions of hono&r $y )hich as far









as she is a$le she "a'nifies and 'lorifies the na"e of her )ell-$elo!edF in i"itation of the 'reat Psal"ist )ho ha!in' 'one ro&nd and as it )ere in s#irit r&n o!er the )onders of the di!ine 'oodness i""olated on the altar of his heart the "ystic !icti" of the &tterances of his !oice $y canticles and #sal"s of ad"iration and $enedictionF - ha!e 'one ro&nd and ha!e offered &# in his ta$ernacle a sacrifice of 1&$ilationF - )ill sin' and recite a #sal" to the 6ord+ @296A /&t Theoti"&s this desire of #raisin' God )hich holy $ene!olence eCcites in o&r hearts is insatia$le for the so&l that is to&ched )ith it )o&ld )ish to ha!e infinite #raises to $esto) &#on her )ell-$elo!ed $eca&se she finds his #erfections "ore than infiniteF so that findin' herself to fall far short of $ein' a$le to satisfy her desire she "a2es eCtre"e efforts of affection to #raise at least in so"e "eas&re this 'oodness all )orthy of #raise and these efforts of $ene!olence are "ar!ello&sly a&'"ented $y co"#lacencyF for in #ro#ortion as the so&l finds God 'ood relishin' "ore and "ore his s)eetness and ta2in' co"#lacency in his infinite 'oodness she )o&ld also raise hi'her the $enedictions and #raises she 'i!es hi"+ 3nd a'ain as the so&l 'ro)s )ar" in #raisin' the inco"#rehensi$le s)eetness of God she enlar'es and dilates the co"#lacency she ta2es in hi" and $y this enlar'e"ent she "ore stron'ly eCcites herself to his #raise+ So that the affection of co"#lacency and that of #raise $y these reci#rocal "o!e"ents and "&t&al inclinations ad!ance one another )ith 'reat and contin&al increase+ So ni'htin'ales accordin' to Pliny ta2e s&ch co"#lacency in their son's that $y reason of this co"#lacency for fifteen days and fifteen ni'hts they ne!er cease )ar$lin' forcin' the"sel!es to sin' $etter in e"&lo&s stri!in' )ith one anotherB so that )hen they sin' the $est they ta2e a 'reater co"#lacency and this increase of co"#lacency "a2es the" force the"sel!es to 'reater efforts of trillin' a&'"entin' in s&ch sort their co"#lacency $y their son' and their son' $y their co"#lacency that it is often fo&nd that they die and their throats $&rst )ith their sin'in'+ /irds )orthy the fair na"e of #hilo"el since they die th&s of and for the lo!e of "elody( O God( "y Theoti"&s ho) the so&l ardently #ressed )ith affection to #raise her God is to&ched )ith a dolo&r "ost delicio&s and a deli'ht "ost doloro&s )hen after a tho&sand efforts of #raise she co"es so short+ 3las( she )o&ld )ish this #oor ni'htin'ale to raise her accents e!er hi'her and #erfect her "elody the $etter to sin' the #raises of her )ell-$elo!ed+ /y ho) "&ch "ore she #raises $y so "&ch "ore is she deli'hted in #raisin'F and $y ho) "&ch 'reater her deli'ht in #raisin' is $y so "&ch her #ain is 'reater that she cannot yet "ore #raise hi"B still to find )hat content she can in this #assion she "a2es all sorts of efforts and in the "idst of the" faints and fails as it ha##ened to the "ost 'lorio&s S+ Francis )ho a"idst the #leas&re he had in #raisin' God and sin'in' his canticles of lo!e shed a 'reat a$&ndance of tears and often let fall thro&'h fee$lessness )hat he "i'ht $e holdin' in his handsF $ein' li2e a sacred ni'htin'ale all o&ts#ent and often losin' res#iration thro&'h the effort of as#iration after the #raises of hi" )ho" he co&ld ne!er #raise s&fficiently+ /&t hear an a'reea$le si"ilit&de &#on this s&$1ect dra)n fro" the na"e )hich this lo!in' Saint 'a!e his reli'io&sB for he called the" ?icalas $y reason of the ni'htly #raises they san' to God+ ?icalas Theoti"&s as tho&'h they )ere nat&reDs or'ans ha!e their $reasts set )ith #i#esB and to sin' the $etter they li!e only on de) )hich they ta2e not $y the "o&th for they ha!e none $&t s&c2 it $y a certain little ton'&e they ha!e on








the $reast $y )hich they &tter their cries )ith so "&ch noise that they see" to $e nothin' $&t !oice+ Eo) this is the state of the sacred lo!erB for all the fac&lties of her so&l are as so "any #i#es )hich she has in her $reast to re#eat the canticles and #raises of the )ell-$elo!ed+ 5er de!otion in the "idst of all these is the ton'&e of her heart accordin' to S+ /ernard $y )hich she recei!es the de) of the di!ine #erfections s&c2in' and dra)in' the" to her as her food $y the "ost holy co"#lacency )hich she ta2es in the"B and $y the sa"e ton'&e of de!otion she &tters all her !oices of #rayer #raise canticles #sal"s $enedictions accordin' to the testi"ony of one of the "ost 'lorio&s s#irit&al cicalas that )as e!er heard )ho san' th&sF /less the 6ord O "y so&lF and let all that is )ithin "e $less his holy na"e+ @297A For is it not as tho&'h he had said - a" a "ystical cicala "y so&l "y s#irit "y tho&'hts all the fac&lties that are collected )ithin "e are or'an #i#es+ 6et all these for e!er $less the na"e and so&nd the #raises of "y God+ - )ill $less the 6ord at all ti"es his #raise shall $e al)ays in "y "o&th+ -n the 6ord shall "y so&l $e #raisedB let the "ee2 hear and re1oice+ @29IA @296A Ps+ CC!i+ 6 @297A Ps+ cii+ 1+



@29IA Ps+ CCCiii+ 1 2+ ?53PT;> -Q+


5O0 /;E;:O6;E?; M34;S =S ?366 366 ?>;3T=>;S TO T5; P>3-S; OF GOD+ The heart that is ta2en and #ressed )ith a desire of #raisin' the di!ine 'oodness "ore than it is a$le after "any endea!o&rs 'oes oftenti"es o&t of itself to in!ite all creat&res to hel# it in its desi'n+ 3s did the three children in the f&rnace in that ad"ira$le canticle of $enedictions $y )hich they eCcite all that is in hea!en on earth and &nder the earth to render than2s to the eternal God $y $lessin' and #raisin' hi" so!erei'nly+ So the 'lorio&s Psal"ist *&ite "astered $y holily disordered #assion "o!in' hi" to #raise God 'oes )itho&t order lea#in' fro" hea!en to earth and fro" earth to hea!en a'ain in!o2in' an'els fishes "o&ntains )aters dra'ons $irds ser#ents fire hail "ists asse"$lin' $y his desires all creat&res --to the end that they all "ay cons#ire to lo!in'ly "a'nify their ?reator so"e in their o)n #ersons cele$ratin' the di!ine #raise others affordin' "atter of #raise $y the )onders of their different #ro#erties )hich "anifest their Ma2erDs #o)erB so that this di!ine royal Psal"ist ha!in' co"#osed a 'reat n&"$er of #sal"s )ith this inscri#tionF Praise GodF after he had r&n thro&'h all creat&res holily in!itin' the" to $less the di!ine Ma1esty and 'one o!er a 'reat !ariety of "eans and instr&"ents #ro#er for the cele$ration of the #raises of this eternal 'oodness in the end as fallin' do)n thro&'h lac2 of $reath closes his sacred son' )ith this e1ac&lationF 6et e!ery s#irit #raise the 6ordB @29KA that is let all that has life neither li!e nor $reathe $&t to $less its ?reator accordin' to the in!itation he had else)here 'i!enF O "a'nify the 6ord )ith "eB and let &s eCtol his na"e to'ether+ @257A So the 'reat S+ Francis san' the canticle of the s&n and a h&ndred other eCcellent $enedictions to in!o2e creat&res to hel# his heart all faintin' $eca&se he co&ld not







satisfy hi"self in the #raises of the dear Sa!io&r of his so&l+ So the hea!enly s#o&se #ercei!in' herself al"ost to faint a)ay a"id the !iolent efforts she "ade to $less and "a'nify the )ell-$elo!ed 2in' of her heart 3h( she cried o&t to her co"#anions this di!ine s#o&se has led "e $y conte"#lation into his )ine-cellar "a2in' "e taste the inco"#ara$le deli'hts of the #erfections of his eCcellence and - ha!e so stee#ed and holily ine$riated "yself in the holy co"#lacency )hich - ha!e ta2en in this a$yss of $ea&ty that "y so&l lan'&ishes )o&nded )ith a lo!in'ly "ortal desire )hich &r'es "e e!erlastin'ly to #raise so eCalted a 'oodness+ 3h( co"e - $eseech yo& to the assistance of "y #oor heart )hich is &#on the #oint of fallin' do)n dead+ For #ity s&stain it and stay "e &# )ith flo)ersB stren'then "e and co"#ass "e a$o&t )ith a##les or - fall lifeless+ ?o"#lacency dra)s the di!ine s)eetnesses into her heart )hich so ardently fills itself there)ith that it is o!erchar'ed+ /&t the lo!e of $ene!olence "a2es o&r heart #ass o&t of itself and eChale itself in !a#o&rs of delicio&s #erf&"es that is in all 2inds of holy #raises+ 3nd yet not $ein' a$le to #rod&ce as "any as it )o&ld )ishF Oh( it says let all creat&res co"e and contri$&te the flo)ers of their $enedictions the a##les of their than2s'i!in's hono&rs and adorations so that on e!ery side )e "ay s"ell odo&rs #o&red o&t to the 'lory of hi" )hose infinite s)eetness s&r#asses all hono&r and )ho" )e can ne!er ri'ht )orthily "a'nify+ -t is this di!ine #assion that $rin's forth so "any disco&rses sends thro&'h all haHards a Qa!ier a /erHRe an 3nthony that "&ltit&de of ,es&its ?a#&chins and reli'io&s and ecclesiastics of all 2inds to the -ndies ,a#an MaraVon that the holy na"e of ,es&s "ay $e 2no)n ac2no)led'ed and adored thro&'ho&t those i""ense nations+ -t is this holy #assion )hich ca&ses so "any $oo2s of #iety to $e )ritten so "any ch&rches altars #io&s ho&ses to $e erected and in a )ord )hich "a2es "any of GodDs ser!ants )atch la$o&r and die a"id the fla"es of Heal )hich cons&"e and s#end the"+ @29KA Ps+ cl+ 6+




@257A Ps+ CCCiii+ 9+ ?53PT;> Q+ 5O0 T5; D;S->; TO P>3-S; GOD M34;S =S 3SP->; TO 5;3:;E+

85 The a"oro&s so&l #ercei!in' that she cannot satiate the desire she has to #raise her )ell-$elo!ed )hile she li!es in this )orld and 2no)in' that the #raises )hich are 'i!en in hea!en to the di!ine 'oodness are s&n' to an inco"#ara$ly "ore deli'htf&l air --O God( says she ho) "&ch to $e #raised are the #raises )hich are #o&red forth $y those $lessed s#irits $efore the throne of "y hea!enly 2in'B ho) $lessed are their $lessin's( O )hat a ha##iness is it to hear this "elody of the "ost holy eternity in )hich $y the s)eetest conc&rrence of dissi"ilar and !aried tones are "ade those ad"ira$le accords-all the #arts "in'lin' to'ether )ith a contin&ed se*&ence and "ar!ello&s lin2in' of #ro'ressi!e "o!e"ents--$y )hich #er#et&al 3llel&ias do reso&nd on e!ery side+ :oices )hich for their lo&dness are co"#ared to th&nders to tr&"#ets to the noise of the )a!es of a tro&$led seaB yet !oices )hich for their inco"#ara$le softness and s)eetness are co"#ared to the "elody of har#s delicately and deli'htf&lly to&ched $y





hands of the "ost s2ilf&l #layersB and !oices all of )hich &nite to sin' the 1oyo&s Paschal canticleF 3llel&ia #raise God 3"en #raise God+ For 2no) Theoti"&s that a !oice 'oes o&t fro" the di!ine throne )hich ceases not to cry to the ha##y inha$itants of the 'lorio&s hea!enly ,er&sale"F Praise God O yo& that are his ser!ants and yo& that fear hi" 'reat and littleF @251A at )hich all the inn&"era$le "&ltit&de of saints --the choirs of an'els and the choirs of asse"$led "en --ans)er sin'in' )ith all their forceF 3llel&ia #raise God+ /&t )hat is this ad"ira$le !oice )hich iss&in' o&t fro" the di!ine throne entones the 3llel&ias of the elect eCce#t "ost holy co"#lacency )hich $ein' recei!ed into the heart "a2es the" feel the s)eetness of the di!ine #erfections )here&#on a lo!in' $ene!olence the so&rce of hea!enly #raises is $red in the". So that co"#lacency co"in' fro" the throne declares to the $lessed the 'rande&rs of God and $ene!olence eCcites the" to #o&r o&t in their t&rn the #erf&"es of #raise $efore the throne+ 0herefore $y )ay of ans)er they eternally sin'F 3llel&ia that is #raise God+ The co"#lacency co"es fro" the throne into the heart and $ene!olence 'oes fro" the heart to the throne+ O ho) )orthy of lo!e is this te"#le )holly reso&ndin' )ith #raise( O )hat content ha!e s&ch as li!e in this sacred d)ellin' )here so "any hea!enly #hilo"els and ni'htin'ales sin' )ith this holy strife of lo!e the canticles of eternal deli'ht(

27 The heart then that in this )orld can neither sin' nor hear the di!ine #raises to its li2in' enters into &n&ttera$le desires of $ein' deli!ered fro" the $onds of this life to #ass to the other )here the hea!enly )ell-$elo!ed is so #erfectly #raisedF and these desires ha!in' ta2en #ossession of the heart often $eco"e so stron' and &r'ent in the $reast of sacred lo!ers that $anishin' all other desires they ca&se dis'&st of all earthly thin's and render the so&l lan'&ishin' and lo!esic2F yea so"eti"es the holy #assion 'oes so far that God #er"ittin' one dies of it+ So that 'lorio&s and sera#hical lo!er S+ Francis ha!in' $een lon' torn )ith this stron' affection for #raisin' God in the end in his last years after he had had ass&rance $y a s#ecial re!elation of his eternal sal!ation co&ld not contain his 1oy $&t )asted daily as if his life and so&l had $&rnt a)ay li2e incense &#on the fire of the ardent desires )hich he had to see his Master incessantly to #raise hi"F so that these ardo&rs ta2in' e!ery day a fresh increase his so&l left his $ody $y a #assionate "o!e"ent )hich he "ade to)ards hea!enB for the di!ine Pro!idence tho&'ht 'ood that he sho&ld die #rono&ncin' these sacred )ordsF /rin' "y so&l o&t of #rison that - "ay #raise thy na"eF the 1&st )ait for "e &ntil tho& re)ard "e+ @252A /ehold Theoti"&s - $eseech yo& this so&l )ho as a hea!enly ni'htin'ale sh&t &# in the ca'e of his $ody in )hich he cannot at )ill sin' the $enedictions of his eternal lo!e 2no)s that he co&ld $etter trill and #ractise his delicio&s son' if he co&ld 'ain the air to en1oy his li$erty and the society of other #hilo"els a"on'st the 'ay and flo)ery hills of the land of the $lessedB )herefore he criesF 3las( O 6ord of "y life ah( $y thy s)eet 'oodness deli!er #oor "e fro" the ca'e of "y $ody free "e fro" this little #rison to the end that released fro" this $onda'e - "ay fly to "y dear co"#anions )ho eC#ect "e there a$o!e in hea!en to "a2e "e one of their choirs and en!iron "e )ith their 1oy+ There 6ord accordin' "y !oice to theirs - )ith the" )ill "a2e &# a s)eet har"ony of delicio&s airs and )ords sin'in' #raisin' and $lessin' thy "ercy+ This ad"ira$le Saint as an orator )ho )o&ld end and concl&de all he had said in so"e short sentence #&t this ha##y endin' to all his






)ishes and desires )hereof these last )ords )ere an a$rid'"entB )ords to )hich he so fir"ly attached his so&l that in $reathin' the" he $reathed his last+ My God Theoti"&s )hat a s)eet and dear death )as this( a ha##ily lo!in' death a holily "ortal lo!e+ 5 @251A 3#oc+ CiC+ @252A Ps+ cCli+ I+ 17 ?53PT;> Q-+ 5O0 0; P>3?T-S; T5; 6O:; OF /;E;:O6;E?; -E T5; P>3-S;S 05-?5 O=> S3:-O=> 3ED 5-S MOT5;> G-:; TO GOD+ 15 0e "o&nt then in this holy eCercise fro" ste# to ste# $y the creat&res )hich )e in!ite to #raise God #assin' fro" the insensi$le to the reasona$le and intellect&al and fro" the ?h&rch "ilitant to the tri&"#hant in )hich )e rise thro&'h the an'els and the saints till a$o!e the" all )e ha!e fo&nd the "ost sacred !ir'in )ho in a "atchless air #raises and "a'nifies the di!inity "ore hi'hly holily and deli'htf&lly than all other creat&res to'ether can e!er do+ /ein' t)o years a'o at Milan )hither the !eneration of the recent "e"ory of the 'reat 3rch$isho# S+ ?harles had dra)n "e )ith so"e of o&r cler'y )e heard in different ch&rches "any sorts of "&sicF $&t in a "onastery of )o"en )e heard a reli'io&s )hose !oice )as so ad"ira$ly deli'htf&l that she alone created an i"#ression "ore a'reea$le $eyond co"#arison than all the rest to'ether )hich tho&'h other)ise eCcellent yet see"ed to ser!e only to $rin' o&t and raise the #erfection and 'race of this &ni*&e !oice+ So Theoti"&s a"on'st all the choirs of "en and all the choirs of an'els the "ost sacred !ir'inDs clear !oice is heard a$o!e all the rest 'i!in' "ore #raise to God than do all the other creat&res+ 3nd indeed the hea!enly 4in' in a #artic&lar "anner in!ites her to sin'F Sho) "e thy face says he "y )ell-$elo!ed let thy !oice so&nd in "y earsF for thy !oice is s)eet and thy face co"ely+ @258A /&t these #raises )hich this "other of hono&r and fair lo!e to'ether )ith all creat&res 'i!es to the di!inity tho&'h eCcellent and ad"ira$le co"e so infinitely short of the infinite "erit of GodDs 'oodness that they $ear no #ro#ortion to itF and therefore altho&'h they 'reatly #lease the sacred $ene!olence )hich the lo!in' heart has for its )ell-$elo!ed yet do they not satiate it+ 0herefore it 'oes for)ard and in!ites o&r Sa!io&r to #raise and 'lorify his eternal Father )ith all the $enedictions )hich a SonDs lo!e can f&rnish hi" )ith+ 3nd then Theoti"&s the s#irit co"es &nto a #lace of silence for )e can no lon'er do a&'ht $&t )onder and ad"ire+ O )hat a canticle is this of the Son to his Father( O ho) fair this dear )ell-$elo!ed is a"on'st all the children of "en( O ho) s)eet is his !oice as iss&in' fro" the li#s &#on )hich the f&lness of 'race )as #o&red( 3ll the others are #erf&"ed $&t he is #erf&"e itselfB the others are e"$al"ed $&t he is $al" #o&red o&tB the ;ternal recei!es othersD #raises as scents of #artic&lar flo)ers $&t #ercei!in' the odo&r of the #raises )hich o&r Sa!io&r 'i!es hi" do&$tless he cries o&tF /ehold the s"ell of the #raises of "y Son is as the s"ell of a #lentif&l field )hich - ha!e $lessed( @259A Oes "y dear Theoti"&s all the $enedictions







)hich the ?h&rch "ilitant and tri&"#hant offers to God are an'elic and h&"an $enedictionsB for altho&'h they are addressed to the ?reator yet they #roceed fro" the creat&reB $&t those of the Son are di!ine for they not only tend to God as the others $&t they flo) fro" GodF the >edee"er $ein' tr&e God they are not only di!ine in res#ect of their end $&t also of their ori'inB di!ine $eca&se they tend to GodB di!ine $eca&se they iss&e fro" God+ To others God 'i!es his ins#iration and s&fficient 'race for the &tterance of #raiseB $&t that of the >edee"er he )ho is God hi"self #rod&ces and therefore it is infinite+ 5e )ho on a "ornin' ha!in' heard for so"e 'ood s#ace of ti"e in the nei'h$o&rin' )oods the s)eet chantin' of finches linnets 'oldfinches and s&ch li2e little $irds sho&ld in the end hear a "aster-ni'htin'ale )hich in #erfect "elody filled the air and ear )ith its ad"ira$le !oice do&$tless )o&ld #refer this one )oodland sin'er $efore the )hole floc2 of the others+ So ha!in' heard all the #raises )hich so "any different sorts of creat&res in e"&lation of one another render &nani"o&sly to their ?reator )hen at len'th )e listen to the #raise o&r Sa!io&r 'i!es )e find in it a certain infinity of "erit of )orth of s)eetness )hich s&r#asses all the ho#e and eC#ectation of the heartF and the so&l as if a)a2ened o&t of a dee# slee# is then instantly ra!ished )ith the eCtre"e s)eetness of s&ch "elody+ 3h( - hear itF Oh( the !oice the !oice of "y )ell-$elo!ed( the 2in'-!oice of all !oices a !oice in co"#arison )ith )hich all other !oices are $&t a d&"$ and 'loo"y silence( See ho) this dear lo!e s#rin's for)ard see ho) he co"es lea#in' &#on the hi'hest "o&ntains transcendin' the hillsF his !oice is heard a$o!e the Sera#hi" and all other creat&resB he has the eyes of a roe to #enetrate dee#er than any other into the $ea&ty of the sacred o$1ect )hich he desires to #raise+ 5e lo!es the "elody of the 'lory and #raise of his Father "ore than all others do and therefore he ta2es his FatherDs #raises and $enedictions in a strain a$o!e the" all+ 3h( $ehold hi" this di!ine lo!e of the $elo!ed ho) he stands $ehind the )all of his h&"anity "a2in' hi"self to $e seen thro&'h the )o&nds of his $ody and the o#enin' of his side as $y )indo)s and as $y a lattice thro&'h )hich he loo2s o&t on &s+ @255A Oea tr&ly Theoti"&s di!ine lo!e $ein' seated &#on o&r Sa!io&rDs 5eart as &#on his royal throne $eholds $y the cleft of his #ierced side all the hearts of the sons of "enF for this 5eart $ein' the 4in' of hearts 2ee#s his eyes e!er fiCed &#on hearts+ /&t as those that loo2 thro&'h a lattice see others clearly and are $&t half-seen the"sel!es so the di!ine lo!e of this 5eart or rather this 5eart of di!ine lo!e contin&ally sees o&r hearts clearly and re'ards the" )ith the eyes of his lo!e $&t )e do not see hi" )e only half-see hi"+ For O God( if )e co&ld see hi" as he is )e sho&ld die of lo!e for hi" so lon' as )e are "ortalB as he hi"self died for &s )hile he )as "ortal and as he )o&ld yet die if he )ere not i""ortal+ O )hen )e hear this di!ine 5eart as it sin's )ith a !oice of infinite s)eetness the canticle of #raise to the di!inity )hat 1oy Theoti"&s )hat efforts of o&r hearts to s#rin' &# to hea!en that )e "ay e!er hear it( 3nd !erily this dear friend of o&r hearts in!ites &s to this+ 3rise "a2e haste lea!e thyself and ta2e thy fli'ht to)ards "e "y do!e "y $ea&tif&l &nto this hea!enly a$ode )here all is 1oy and no&'ht is heard $&t #raises and $enedictions+ 3ll is flo)ers all is s)eetness and #erf&"eB the t&rtles the "ost silent of all $irds yet there ta2e &# their son's+ ?o"e "y )ell-$elo!ed and all-dearB and to see "e "ore clearly co"e to the sa"e )indo)s $y )hich - see theeF co"e and $ehold "y heart in the clefts of the o#enin' in "y side )hich )as "ade )hen "y $ody li2e a ho&se in r&ins )as so









#itif&lly $ro2en do)n on the tree of the crossF co"e sho) "e thy face+ 3h( - see it no) )itho&t thy sho)in' it $&t then - shall see it and tho& shalt sho) it "e for tho& shalt see that - see theeF let thy !oice so&nd in "y ears for - )o&ld 1oin it )ith "ineF th&s shall thy !oice $e s)eet and thy face co"ely+ O )hat a deli'ht )ill it $e to o&r hearts )hen o&r !oices $ein' t&ned and accorded to o&r Sa!io&rDs )e shall ta2e #art in the infinite s)eetness of the #raises )hich the )ell-$elo!ed Son 'i!es to his eternal Father( @258A ?ant+ ii+ 19+


@259A Gen+ CC!ii+ 27+ @255A ?ant+ ii+ ?53PT;> Q--+

15 OF T5; SO:;>;-GE P>3-S; 05-?5 GOD G-:;S =ETO 5-MS;6F 3ED 5O0 0; ;Q;>?-S; /;E;:O6;E?; -E -T+ 27 3ll o&r Sa!io&rDs h&"an actions are of an infinite "erit and !al&e $y reason of the #erson )ho #rod&ces the" )ho is the sa"e God )ith the Father and the 5oly Ghost yet they are not infinite $y nat&re and essence+ For as $ein' in a cha"$er )e recei!e not li'ht accordin' to the 'reatness of the $ri'htness of the s&n )hich sends it o&t $&t accordin' to the 'reatness of the )indo) $y )hich it is co""&nicated --so o&r Sa!io&rDs h&"an actions are not infinite tho&'h indeed they are of infinite !al&eB for altho&'h they are the actions of a di!ine #erson yet they are not done accordin' to the eCtent of his infinity $&t accordin' to the finite 'reatness of his h&"anity $y )hich he does the"+ So that as the h&"an actions of o&r s)eet Sa!io&r are infinite co"#ared to o&rs so are they only finite in co"#arison )ith the essential infinity of the di!inity+ They are infinite in !al&e esti"ation and di'nity as #roceedin' fro" a #erson )ho is GodB yet are they finite $y nat&re and essence as $ein' done $y God accordin' to his h&"an nat&re and s&$stance )hich is finiteB and therefore the #raises )hich are 'i!en $y o&r Sa!io&r as he is "an not $ein' in all res#ects infinite cannot f&lly corres#ond to the infinite 'reatness of the di!inity to )hich they are directed+ 0herefore after the first ra!ish"ent of ad"iration )hich seiHes &s )hen )e "eet )ith a #raise so 'lorio&s as is that )hich o&r Sa!io&r renders to his Father )e fail not to reco'nise that the di!inity is yet infinitely "ore deser!in' of #raise than it can $e #raised either $y all creat&res or $y the !ery h&"anity of the eternal Son+ -f a "an )ere #raisin' the s&n for its li'ht the "ore he lifted hi"self to)ards it in #raisin' it the "ore #raise)orthy he )o&ld find it $eca&se he )o&ld still disco!er "ore and "ore $ri'htness in it+ 3nd if as is !ery #ro$a$le it $e the $ea&ty of this li'ht )hich #ro!o2es lar2s to sin' it is no "ar!el that as they fly "ore loftily they sin' "ore clearly e*&ally raisin' their !oice and their fli'ht till s&ch ti"e as hardly $ein' a$le to sin' any "ore they $e'in to fall in !oice and $ody $rin'in' do)n $y little and little their fli'ht and their !oice+ So Theoti"&s )hile $y $ene!olence )e are risin' to)ards the di!inity to intone and hear his #raises )e see e!er that he is a$o!e all #raise+ 3nd finally )e learn that he cannot $e #raised accordin' to his )orth sa!e only







$y hi"self )ho alone can )orthily "atch his so!erei'n 'oodness )ith so!erei'n #raise+ 5ere&#on )e cry o&tF GGlory $e to the Father and to the Son and to the 5oly GhostFG and that e!ery one "ay 2no) that it is not the 'lory of created #raises )hich )e )ish God $y this e1ac&lation $&t the essential and eternal 'lory that is in hi"self $y hi"self of hi"self and )hich is hi"self )e addF G3s it )as in the $e'innin' is no) and e!er shall $e )orld )itho&t end+ 3"en+G 3s tho&'h )e eC#ressed a )ish that God sho&ld $e 'lorified for e!er )ith the 'lory )hich he had $efore all creat&res in his infinite eternity and eternal infinity+ For this )e add the !erse Gloria to e!ery #sal" and canticle accordin' to the ancient c&sto" of the ;astern ?h&rch )hich the 'reat S+ ,ero"e $e''ed Po#e S+ Da"as&s to instit&te here in the 0esternB to #rotest that all the #raises of "en and an'els are too lo) to #raise )orthily the di!ine 'oodness and that to $e )orthily #raised itself "&st $e its o)n 'lory #raise and $enediction+ O God( )hat co"#lacency )hat a 1oy to the so&l )ho lo!es )hen she has her desire satisfied in seein' her $elo!ed infinitely #raise $less and "a'nify hi"self( /&t fro" this co"#lacency there s#rin's a ne) desire of #raiseF for the so&l )o&ld 'ladly #raise this so )orthy a #raise 'i!en to God $y hi"self than2in' hi" #rofo&ndly for it and callin' a'ain all thin's to her assistance to co"e and 'lorify the 'lory of God )ith her to $less his infinite $enedictions and #raise his eternal #raisesB so that $y this ret&rn and re#etition of #raises &#on #raises she en'a'es herself $et)een co"#lacency and $ene!olence in a "ost ha##y la$yrinth of lo!e $ein' )holly lost in this i""ense s)eetness so!erei'nly #raisin' the di!inity in that it cannot $e s&fficiently #raised $&t $y itself+ 3nd tho&'h in the $e'innin' the a"oro&s so&l had concei!ed a certain desire of $ein' a$le to #raise God s&fficientlyB yet reflectin' &#on herself a'ain she #rotests that she )o&ld not )ish to ha!e #o)er to #raise hi" s&fficiently $&t re"ains in a "ost h&"$le co"#lacency to #ercei!e that the di!ine 'oodness is so infinitely #raise)orthy that it cannot $e s&fficiently #raised sa!e $y its o)n infinity alone+ 3nd here the so&l ra!ished )ith ad"iration sin's the son' of sacred silenceF 3 hy"n $eco"eth thee O 6ord in Sion and a !o) shall $e #aid to thee in ,er&sale"+ @256A For so the sera#hi" of -saias adorin' and #raisin' God !eiled their faces and feet confessin' therein their )ant of a$ility to conte"#late or ser!e hi" #ro#erlyB for o&r feet $y )hich )e 'o si'nify ser!iceF $&t still they fly )ith t)o )in's in the s)eet &nrest of co"#lacency and $ene!olence their lo!e re#osin' in that deli'htf&l &nrest+ ManDs heart is ne!er so "&ch dis*&ieted as )hen the "otion $y )hich it contin&ally o#ens and sh&ts itself is hindered ne!er so *&iet as )hen its "otions are freeB so that the heartDs *&iet consists in its "otion+ Eo) it is the sa"e )ith the lo!e of the Sera#hi" and sera#hical "enB for this has its re#ose in its contin&al "o!e"ent of co"#lacency $y )hich it dra)s God into itself as if sh&ttin' itself and of $ene!olence $y )hich it o#ens itself and thro)s itself entirely into God+ This lo!e then desires to $ehold the infinite )onders of GodDs 'oodness yet it s#reads its )in's o!er its face confessin' that it cannot s&cceed in thisF it )o&ld also #resent so"e )orthy ser!ice $&t it folds this desire o!er its feet confessin' that it has not #o)er to #erfor" it nor does anythin' re"ain sa!e the t)o )in's of co"#lacency and $ene!olence $y )hich it flies and darts to)ards God+








@256A Ps+ lCi!+ 1+ /OO4 :-+ 5 OF T5; ;Q;>?-S;S OF 5O6O 6O:; -E P>3O;>+ ?53PT;> -+ 17 3 D;S?>-PT-OE OF MOST-?36 T5;O6OGO 05-?5 -S EO OT5;> T5-EG T53E P>3O;>+ 15 0e ha!e t)o #rinci#al eCercises of o&r lo!e to)ards God the one affecti!e the other effecti!e or as S+ /ernard calls it acti!eB $y that )e affect or lo!e God and )hat he lo!es $y this )e ser!e God and do )hat he ordainsB that 1oins &s to GodDs 'oodness this "a2es &s eCec&te his )illF the one fills &s )ith co"#lacency $ene!olence yearnin's desires as#irations and s#irit&al ardo&rs ca&sin' &s to #ractise the sacred inf&sions and "in'lin's of o&r s#irit )ith GodDsB the other esta$lishes in &s the solid resol&tion the constancy of heart and the in!iola$le o$edience re*&isite to effect the ordinances of the di!ine )ill and to s&ffer acce#t a##ro!e and e"$race all that co"es fro" his 'ood#leas&reB the one "a2es &s #leased in God the other "a2es &s #lease GodF $y the one )e concei!e $y the other )e $rin' forthF $y the one )e #lace God &#on o&r heart as a standard of lo!e aro&nd )hich all o&r affections are ran'ed $y the other )e #lace hi" &#on o&r ar" as a s)ord of lo!e )here$y )e effect all the eC#loits of !irt&e+ Eo) the first eCercise consists #rinci#ally in #rayerB in )hich so "any different interior "o!e"ents ta2e #lace that to eC#ress the" all is i"#ossi$le not only $y reason of their n&"$er $&t also for their nat&re and *&ality )hich $ein' s#irit&al they cannot $&t $e !ery rarefied and al"ost i"#erce#ti$le to o&r &nderstandin'+ The cle!erest and $est trained ho&nds are often at fa&ltB they lose the strain and scent $y the !ariety of slei'hts )hich the sta' &ses )ho "a2es do&$les #&ts the" on a )ron' scent and #ractises a tho&sand arts to esca#e the cryB and )e oftenti"es lose the scent and 2no)led'e of o&r o)n heart in the infinite di!ersity of "otions $y )hich it t&rns itself in so "any )ays and )ith s&ch #ro"#tit&de that one cannot discern its trac2+ God alone is he )ho $y his infinite )isdo" sees 2no)s and #enetrates all the t&rnin's and )indin's of o&r heartsF he &nderstands o&r tho&'hts fro" afar he finds o&t o&r traces do&$les and t&rnin'sB his 2no)led'e therein is ad"ira$le s&r#assin' o&r ca#acity and reach+ ?ertainly if o&r s#irits )o&ld t&rn $ac2 &#on the"sel!es $y reflections and $y reconsiderations of their acts )e sho&ld enter into la$yrinths fro" )hich )e sho&ld find no o&t'ateB and it )o&ld re*&ire an attention *&ite $eyond o&r #o)er to thin2 )hat o&r tho&'hts are to consider o&r considerations to o$ser!e all o&r s#irit&al o$ser!ations to discern that )e discern to re"e"$er that )e re"e"$er --these acts )o&ld $e "aHes fro" )hich )e co&ld not deli!er o&rsel!es+ This treatise then is diffic&lt es#ecially to one )ho is not a "an of 'reat #rayer+








0e ta2e not here the )ord #rayer (oraison) only for the #etition (#riere) or de"and for so"e 'ood #o&red o&t $y the faithf&l $efore God as S+ /asil calls it $&t as S+ /ona!ent&re does )hen he says that #rayer 'enerally s#ea2in'B co"#rehends all the acts of conte"#lationB or as S+ Gre'ory EaHianHen )ho teaches that #rayer is a conference or con!ersation of the so&l )ith GodB or a'ain as S+ ?hrysosto" )hen he says that #rayer is a disco&rsin' )ith the di!ine Ma1estyB or finally as S+ 3&'&stine and S+ Da"ascene )ho ter" #rayer an ascent or raisin' of the so&l to God+ 3nd if #rayer $e a collo*&y a disco&rse or a con!ersation of the so&l )ith God $y it then )e s#ea2 to God and he a'ain s#ea2s to &sB )e as#ire to hi" and $reathe in hi" and he reci#rocally ins#ires &s and $reathes &#on &s+ /&t of )hat do )e disco&rse in #rayer. 0hat is the s&$1ect of o&r conference. Theoti"&s in it )e s#ea2 of God onlyF for of )hat can lo!e disco&rse and tal2 $&t of the )ell-$elo!ed. 3nd therefore #rayer and "ystical theolo'y are one sa"e thin'+ -t is called theolo'y $eca&se as s#ec&lati!e theolo'y has God for its o$1ect so this also treats only of God yet )ith three differencesF for 1+ The for"er treats of God as God $&t the latter treats of hi" as so!erei'nly a"ia$leB that is the for"er re'ards the Di!inity of the s&#re"e 'oodness and the latter the s&#re"e 'oodness of the Di!inity+ 2+ The s#ec&lati!e treats of God )ith "en and a"on'st "en the "ystical s#ea2s of God )ith God and in God hi"self+ 8+ The s#ec&lati!e tends to the 2no)led'e of God and the "ystical to the lo!e of GodB that therefore "a2es its scholars )ise and learned and theolo'ians $&t this "a2es its scholars fer!ent and affectionate lo!ers of God a Philothe&s or a Theo#hil&s+ Eo) it is called "ystical $eca&se its con!ersation is alto'ether secret and there is nothin' said in it $et)een God and the so&l sa!e only fro" heart to heart $y a co""&nication inco""&nica$le to all $&t those )ho "a2e it+ 6o!ersD lan'&a'e is so #ec&liar to the"sel!es that none $&t the"sel!es &nderstand it+ - slee# said the holy s#o&se and "y heart )atcheth+ 3h( har2( The !oice of "y $elo!ed 2noc2in'+ @257A 0ho )o&ld ha!e '&essed that this s#o&se $ein' aslee# co&ld yet tal2 )ith her $elo!ed. /&t )here lo!e rei'ns the so&nd of eCterior )ords is not necessary nor the hel# of sense to entertain and to hear one another+ -n fine #rayer and "ystical theolo'y is nothin' else $&t a con!ersation in )hich the so&l a"oro&sly entertains herself )ith God concernin' his "ost a"ia$le 'oodness to &nite and 1oin herself thereto+ Prayer is a "anna for the infinity of delicio&s tastes and #recio&s s)eetnesses )hich it 'i!es to s&ch as &se it $&t it is hidden @25IA $eca&se it falls $efore the li'ht of any science in the "ental solit&de )here the so&l alone treats )ith her God alone+ 0ho is she "i'ht one say of her that 'oeth &# $y the desert as a #illar of s"o2e of aro"atical s#ices of "yrrh and fran2incense and of all the #o)ders of the #erf&"er. @25KA 3nd it )as the desire of secrecy that "o!ed her to "a2e this #etition to her lo!eF ?o"e "y $elo!ed let &s 'o forth into the field let &s a$ide in the !illa'es+ @267A For this reason the hea!enly s#o&se is styled a t&rtle a $ird )hich is deli'hted in shady and solitary #laces )here she "a2es no other &se of her son' $&t for her only "ate either in life )ooin' hi" or after his death #lainin' hi"+ For this reason in the ?anticles the di!ine lo!er and the hea!enly s#o&se descri$e their lo!es $y a contin&al con!ersin' to'etherB and if their friends so"eti"es s#ea2 d&rin' their conference it is $&t cas&ally and )itho&t interr&#tin' their collo*&y+ 5ence the /lessed Mother (S+) Teresa of ,es&s








fo&nd at first "ore #rofit in the "ysteries )here o&r Sa!io&r )as "ost aloneB as in the Garden of Oli!es and )here he )as a)aitin' the Sa"aritan )o"an for she fancied that he $ein' alone )o&ld "ore readily ad"it her into his co"#any+ 5 6o!e desires secrecyB yea tho&'h lo!ers "ay ha!e nothin' secret to say yet they lo!e to say it secretlyF and this is #artly if - a" not "ista2en $eca&se they )o&ld s#ea2 only for the"sel!es )hereas )hen they s#ea2 o&t lo&d it see"s no lon'er to $e for the"sel!es aloneB #artly $eca&se they do not say co""on thin's in a co""on "anner $&t )ith to&ches )hich are #artic&lar and )hich "anifest the s#ecial affection )ith )hich they s#ea2+ The lan'&a'e of lo!e is co""on as to the )ords $&t in "anner and #ron&nciation it is so s#ecial that none $&t lo!ers &nderstand it+ The na"e of a friend &ttered in #&$lic is no 'reat thin' $&t s#o2en a#art secretly in the ear it i"#orts )onders and the "ore secretly it is s#o2en the "ore deli'htf&l is its si'nification+ O God( )hat a difference there is $et)een the lan'&a'e of the ancient lo!ers of the Di!inity ---'nati&s ?y#rian ?hrysosto" 3&'&stine 5ilary ;#hre" Gre'ory /ernard --and that of less affectionate theolo'ians( 0e &se their !ery )ords $&t )ith the" the )ords )ere f&ll of fire and of s)eets of a"oro&s #erf&"esB )ith &s they are cold and ha!e no scent at all+ 6o!e s#ea2s not only $y the ton'&e $&t $y the eyes $y si'hs and #lay of feat&resB yea silence and d&"$ness are )ords for it+ My heart hath said to thee "y face hath so&'ht theeF thy face O 6ord )ill - still see2+ @261A My eyes ha!e failed for thy )ord sayin'F 0hen )ilt tho& co"fort "e. @262A 5ear "y #rayer O 6ord and "y s&##licationF 'i!e ear to "y tears+ @268A 6et not the a##le of thy eye cease @269A said the desolate heart of the inha$itants of ,er&sale" to their o)n city+ Do yo& "ar2 Theoti"&s ho) the silence of afflicted lo!ers s#ea2s $y the a##le of their eye and $y tears. Tr&ly the chief eCercise in "ystical theolo'y is to s#ea2 to God and to hear God s#ea2 in the $otto" of the heartB and $eca&se this disco&rse #asses in "ost secret as#irations and ins#irations )e ter" it a silent con!ersin'+ ;yes s#ea2 to eyes and heart to heart and none &nderstand )hat #asses sa!e the sacred lo!ers )ho s#ea2+ @257A ?ant+ !+ 2+ @25IA 3#oc+ ii+ 17+ 85 @25KA ?ant+ iii+ 6+ @267A ?ant+ !ii+ 11+ 97 @261A Ps+ CC!i+ I+ @262A Ps+ cC!iii+ I2+ @268A Ps+ CCC!iii+ 18+ 95 @269A ,er+ 6a"+ ii+ 1I+ ?53PT;> --+






OF M;D-T3T-OE--T5; T5;O6OGO+ 5









This )ord is "&ch &sed in the holy Scri#t&res and "eans si"#ly an attenti!e and reiterated tho&'ht #ro#er to #rod&ce 'ood or e!il affections+ -n the first Psal" the "an is said to $e $lessedF 0hose )ill is in the )ay of the 6ord and )ho in his la) shall "editate day and ni'ht+ /&t in the second Psal"F 0hy did the Gentiles ra'e and the #eo#le "editate !ain thin's. Meditation therefore is "ade as )ell for e!il as for 'ood+ Oet )hereas in the holy Scri#t&re the )ord "editation is ordinarily a##lied to the attention )hich )e ha!e to di!ine thin's to stir &s &# to lo!e the" it has as one "i'ht say $een canoniHed $y the co""on consent of theolo'ians li2e the na"e an'el and HealB as on the contrary the )ords craft (dol) and de"ons ha!e $een sti'"atiHedF so that no) )hen )e say "editation )e "ean that )hich is holy and that $y )hich )e $e'in "ystical theolo'y+ ;!ery "editation is a tho&'ht $&t e!ery tho&'ht is not "editation+ For )e ha!e tho&'hts to )hich o&r "ind is carried )itho&t any desi'n or ai" $y )ay of si"#le "&sin' as )e see co""on flies flyin' fro" fro" one flo)er to another )itho&t dra)in' anythin' fro" the"+ 3nd $e this 2ind of tho&'ht as attenti!e as it "ay it can ne!er $ear the na"e of "editation $&t sho&ld si"#ly $e called tho&'ht+ So"eti"es )e consider a thin' attenti!ely to learn its ca&ses its effects its *&alities and this tho&'ht is na"ed st&dyB in )hich the "ind acts as loc&sts do )hich #ro"isc&o&sly fly &#on flo)ers and lea!es to eat the" and no&rish the"sel!es there)ith+ /&t )hen )e thin2 of di!ine thin's not to learn $&t to "a2e o&rsel!es lo!e the" this is called "editatin' and this eCercise MeditationB in )hich o&r s#irit not as a fly for si"#le a"&se"ent nor as a loc&st to eat and $e filled $&t as a sacred $ee "o!es o!er the flo)ers of holy "ysteries to eCtract fro" the" the honey of di!ine lo!e+ Th&s "any #ersons are al)ays drea"in' and en'a'ed in &n#rofita$le tho&'hts al"ost )itho&t 2no)in' )hat they are thin2in' a$o&tB and )hich is note)orthy they are only attenti!e to these tho&'hts inad!ertently and )o&ld )ish not to ha!e the"B )itness hi" )ho saidF My tho&'hts are dissi#ated tor"entin' "y heartF @265A "any also st&dy and $y a "ost la$orio&s occ&#ation fill the"sel!es )ith !anity not $ein' a$le to resist c&riosityF $&t there are fe) )ho "editate to infla"e their heart )ith holy hea!enly lo!e+ -n fine tho&'hts and st&dy "ay $e &#on any s&$1ect $&t "editation in o&r #resent sense has reference only to those o$1ects )hose consideration tends to "a2e &s 'ood and de!o&t+ So that "editation is no other thin' than an attenti!e tho&'ht !ol&ntarily reiterated or entertained in the "ind to eCcite the )ill to holy and sal&tary affections and resol&tions+ The holy 0ord eC#lains in a tr&ly ad"ira$le "anner and $y an eCcellent si"ilit&de in )hat holy "editation consists+ ;Hechias )ishin' to eC#ress in his canticle the attenti!e consideration )hich he "a2es of his e!ilF - )ill cry says he li2e a yo&n' s)allo) )ill "editate li2e a do!e+ @266A For "y dear Theoti"&s if e!er yo& too2 notice of it the yo&n' s)allo)s o#en their $ea2s !ery )ide in their chir#in' and on the contrary do!es a$o!e all $irds "a2e their "&r"&rin' )ith their $ea2s close sh&t &# 2ee#in' their !oices in their throat and $reast nothin' #assin' o&t)ard $&t a certain resonant













echo-li2e so&ndB and this little "&r"&rin' e*&ally ser!es the" to eC#ress their 'riefs and to declare their lo!es+ ;Hechias then to sho) that in his cala"ity he "ade "any !ocal #rayers saysF - )ill cry li2e a yo&n' s)allo) o#enin' "y "o&th to &tter $efore God "any la"enta$le criesB and to testify also that he "ade &se of holy "ental #rayer he addsF - )ill "editate li2e a do!e t&rnin' and do&$lin' "y tho&'hts )ithin "y heart $y an attenti!e consideration to eCcite "yself to $less and #raise the so!erei'n "ercy of "y God )ho has $ro&'ht "e $ac2 fro" deathDs 'ate ta2in' co"#assion on "y "isery+ So -saias saysF 0e shall roar all of &s li2e $ears and shall la"ent "editatin' li2e do!es @267A )here the roarin' of $ears refers to the eCcla"ations )hich )e &tter in !ocal #rayer and the "o&rnin' of do!es to holy "editation+ /&t to "a2e it a##ear that do!es &se their cooin' on occasions not only of 'rief $&t also of lo!e and 1oy the sacred lo!er descri$in' the nat&ral s#rin'-ti"e in order to eC#ress the $ea&ties of the s#irit&al s#rin'ti"e saysF The !oice of the t&rtle is heard in o&r land @26IA $eca&se in the s#rin' the t&rtle $e'ins to 'lo) )ith lo!e )hich she testifies $y her "ore fre*&ent son'B and #resently afterF My do!e she) "e thy face let thy !oice so&nd in "y earsF for thy !oice is s)eet and thy face co"ely+ @26KA 5e "eans Theoti"&s that the de!o&t so&l is !ery a'reea$le &nto hi" )hen she #resents herself $efore hi" and "editates to infla"e herself )ith holy s#irit&al lo!e+ So he )ho had said - )ill "editate li2e a do!eF #&ttin' his conce#tion into other )ordsF - )ill thin2 o!er a'ain for thee said he all "y years in the $itterness of "y so&l+ @277A For to "editate and to thin2 o!er a'ain in order to "o!e the affections is the sa"e thin'+ 5ence Moses eChortin' the #eo#le to recall to "ind the $enefits recei!ed of God adds this reasonF That tho& sho&ldst 2ee# the co""and"ents of the 6ord thy God and )al2 in his )ays and fear hi"+ @271A 3nd O&r 6ord hi"self 'a!e this co""and to ,os&eF 6et not the $oo2 of this la) de#art fro" thy "o&thF $&t tho& shalt "editate on it day and ni'ht that tho& "ayest o$ser!e and do all thin's that are )ritten in it+ @272A 0hat in one of the #assa'es is eC#ressed $y the )ord "editate is declared in the other $y thin2 o!er a'ain and to sho) that reiterated tho&'ht and "editation tend to "o!e &s to affections resol&tions and actions it is said as )ell in the one as the other #assa'e that )e "&st thin2 o!er a'ain and "editate in the la) to o$ser!e and #ractise it+ -n this sense the a#ostle eChorts &s th&sF Thin2 dili'ently &#on hi" that end&red s&ch o##osition fro" sinners a'ainst hi"selfB that yo& $e not )earied faintin' in yo&r "inds+ @278A 0hen he says thin2 dili'ently it is as tho&'h he said "editate+ /&t )hy )o&ld he ha!e &s to "editate the holy #assion. Eot that )e sho&ld $eco"e learned $&t that )e sho&ld $eco"e #atient and constant in the )ay of hea!en+ O ho) ha!e - lo!ed thy la) O 6ord( says Da!idF -t is "y "editation all the day+ @279A 5e "editates on the la) $eca&se he lo!es it and he lo!es it $eca&se he "editates on it+ Meditation is the "ystical r&"ination @275A re*&ired for not $ein' &nclean to )hich one of the de!o&t she#herdesses )ho follo)ed the sacred S&la"itess in!ites &sF for she ass&res &s that holy )rit is as a #recio&s )ine )orthy not only to $e dr&n2 $y #astors and doctors $&t also to $e dili'ently relished and so to s#ea2 r&"inated and t&rned o!er and o!er+ Thy throat says she (in )hich the holy )ords are for"ed) is li2e the $est )ine )orthy for "y $elo!ed to drin2 and for his li#s and his teeth to r&"inate+ @276A So the $lessed -saac as a chaste and #&re la"$ )ent forth into the field the day $ein' no) )ell s#ent to "a2e his retire"ent his conference and his eCercise of s#irit )ith God that is to #ray and to "editate+ @277A






The $ee flies fro" flo)er to flo)er in the s#rin'-ti"e not at haHard $&t of set #&r#ose not only to $e recreated in the !erdant dia#erin' of the "eado)s $&t to 'ather honeyB )hich ha!in' fo&nd she s&c2s it &# and loads herself )ith itB then carryin' it to her hi!e she treats it s2ilf&lly se#aratin' fro" it the )aC of )hich she "a2es co"$ to store the honey for the ens&in' )inter+ S&ch is the de!o&t so&l in "editation+ She #asses fro" "ystery to "ystery not at rando" or only to solace herself in !ie)in' the ad"ira$le $ea&ty of those di!ine o$1ects $&t deli$erately and of set #&r#ose to find o&t "oti!es of lo!e or of so"e hea!enly affectionB and ha!in' fo&nd the" she dra)s the" to her she relishes the" she loads herself )ith the" and ha!in' $ro&'ht the" $ac2 and #&t the" )ithin her heart she lays &# )hat she sees "ost &sef&l for her ad!ance"ent $y finally "a2in' resol&tions s&ita$le for the ti"e of te"#tation+ Th&s in the ?anticle of ?anticles the hea!enly s#o&se as a "ystical $ee settles no) on the eyes no) on the li#s on the chee2s on the hair of her $elo!ed to dra) thence the s)eetness of a tho&sand #assions of lo!e notin' in #artic&lar )hate!er she finds $est for this+ So that infla"ed )ith holy lo!e she s#ea2s )ith hi" she *&estions hi" she listens to hi" si'hs as#ires ad"ires hi" as he on his #art fills her )ith deli'ht ins#irin' her to&chin' and o#enin' her heart and #o&rin' into it $ri'htness li'hts and s)eetnesses )itho&t end $&t in so secret a "anner that one "ay ri'htly say of this holy con!ersation of the so&l )ith God )hat the holy teCt says of GodDs )ith MosesF that Moses $ein' alone &#on the to# of the "o&ntain s#o2e to God and God ans)ered hi"+ @27IA @265A ,o$ C!ii+ 11+


@266A -s+ CCC!iii+ 19+ @267A -s+ liC+ 11+ @26IA ?ant+ ii+ 12+

87 @26KA ?ant+ ii+ 19+ @277A -s+ CCC!iii+ 15+ 85 @271A De&t+ !iii+ 6+ @272A ,os&e i+ I+ @278A 5e$+ Cii+ 8+ 97 @279A Ps+ cC!iii+ K7+ @275A 6e!+ Ci+ 8+ 95 @276A ?ant+ !ii+ K+ @277A Gen+ CCi!+ 68+

@27IA ;C+ CiC+ 1K+ ?53PT;> ---+ 5 3 D;S?>-PT-OE OF ?OET;MP63T-OE 3ED OF T5; F->ST D-FF;>;E?; T53T T5;>; -S /;T0;;E -T 3ED M;D-T3T-OE+ Theoti"&s conte"#lation is no other thin' than a lo!in' si"#le and #er"anent attention of the s#irit to di!ine thin'sB )hich yo& "ay easily &nderstand $y co"#arin' "editation )ith it+ 6ittle $ees are called ny"#hs or schadons &ntil they "a2e honey and then they are called $eesF so #rayer is na"ed Meditation &ntil it has #rod&ced the honey of de!otion and then it is con!erted into ?onte"#lation+ For as the $ees fly thro&'h their "eado)s settlin' here and there and 'atherin' honey )hich ha!in' hea#ed to'ether they )or2 in it for the #leas&re they ta2e in its s)eetness so )e "editate to 'ather the lo!e of God $&t ha!in' 'athered it )e conte"#late God and are attenti!e to his 'oodness $y reason of the s)eetness )hich lo!e "a2es &s find in it+ The desire )e ha!e to o$tain di!ine lo!e "a2es &s "editate $&t lo!e o$tained "a2es &s conte"#lateB for $y lo!e )e find so a'reea$le a s)eetness in the thin' $elo!ed that )e can ne!er satiate o&r s#irits in seein' and considerin' it+ /ehold Theoti"&s ho) the *&een of Sa$a --re'ardin' the #roofs of Solo"onDs )isdo" in his ans)ers in the $ea&ty of his ho&se in the "a'nificence of his ta$le in his ser!antsD lod'in's in the order that his co&rtiers 2e#t )hile eCec&tin' their char'es in their a##arel and $eha!io&r in the "&ltit&de of holoca&sts )hich )ere offered in the Te"#le --)as ta2en )ith an ardent lo!e )hich chan'ed her "editation into conte"#lation in )hich $ein' ra#t o&t of herself she &ttered di!ers )ords of eCtre"e satisfaction+ The si'ht of so "any )onders $e'ot in her heart an eCceedin' lo!e and that lo!e en2indled a ne) desire to see still "ore and en1oy the #resence of hi" )hose they )ereB )hence she criedF /lessed are thy ser!ants )ho stand $efore thee al)ays and hear thy )isdo"+ @27KA -n li2e "anner )e so"eti"es $e'in to eat to 'et an a##etite $&t o&r a##etite $ein' eCcited )e contin&e eatin' to content it+ 3nd in the $e'innin' )e consider the 'oodness of God to eCcite o&r )ill to lo!e hi" $&t lo!e $ein' for"ed in o&r hearts )e consider the sa"e 'oodness to content o&r lo!e )hich cannot $e satiated in seein' contin&ally )hat it lo!es+ -n concl&sion Meditation is the "other and ?onte"#lation the da&'hter of lo!e and for this reason - called ?onte"#lation a lo!in' attention for children are na"ed after their fathers and not fathers after their children+ -t is tr&e Theoti"&s that as ,ose#h of old )as the cro)n and 'lory of his father 'reatly increased his hono&rs and content"ent and "ade hi" yo&n' in his old a'e so conte"#lation cro)ns its father )hich is lo!e #erfects hi" and 'i!es hi" the cro)n of eCcellenceB for lo!e ha!in' eCcited in &s conte"#lati!e attention that attention $reeds reci#rocally a 'reater and "ore fer!ent lo!e )hich at last is cro)ned )ith #erfection )hen it en1oys )hat it lo!es+ 6o!e "a2es &s ta2e #leas&re in the si'ht of o&r )ell$elo!ed and the si'ht of o&r )ell-$elo!ed "a2es &s ta2e #leas&re in his di!ine lo!e so that $y this "&t&al "o!e"ent fro" lo!e to si'ht and fro" si'ht to lo!e as lo!e renders the $ea&ty of the thin' $elo!ed "ore $ea&tif&l so the si'ht of it "a2es lo!e "ore lo!in'









and deli'htf&l+ 6o!e $y an i"#erce#ti$le #o)er "a2es the $ea&ty )hich )e lo!e a##ear "ore fair and si'ht li2e)ise refines lo!e to "a2e it find $ea&ty "ore a"ia$le+ 6o!e &r'es the eyes contin&ally to $ehold the $elo!ed $ea&ty "ore attenti!ely and si'ht forces the heart to lo!e it e!er "ore ardently+ 5 @27KA 8 4in's C+ I+ ?53PT;> -:+ 17 T53T 6O:; -E T5-S 6-F; T34;S -TS O>-G-E /=T EOT -TS ;Q?;66;E?; F>OM T5; 4EO06;DG; OF GOD+ /&t )hich has the "ore force - #ray yo&B lo!e to "a2e &s loo2 &#on the )ell-$elo!ed or the si'ht to "a2e &s lo!e hi". 4no)led'e Theoti"&s is re*&ired for the #rod&ction of lo!e for )e can ne!er lo!e )hat )e do not 2no)B and accordin' as the attenti!e 2no)led'e of 'ood is a&'"ented lo!e is also a&'"ented #ro!ided there is nothin' to hinder its acti!ity+ Oet it ha##ens often that 2no)led'e ha!in' #rod&ced holy lo!e lo!e does not stay )ithin the li"its of the 2no)led'e )hich is in the &nderstandin' $&t 'oes for)ard and #asses !ery far $eyond itB so that in this life )e are a$le to ha!e "ore lo!e than 2no)led'e of GodF )hence the 'reat S+ Tho"as ass&res &s that oftenti"es the "ost si"#le )o"en a$o&nd in de!otion and are ordinarily "ore ca#a$le of hea!enly lo!e than cle!er and learned "en+ The fa"o&s 3$$ot of S+ 3ndre)Ds at :ercelli "aster of S+ 3ntony of Pad&a in his co""entaries &#on S+ Denis often re#eats that lo!e #enetrates )here eCterior 2no)led'e cannot reach and says that "any $isho#s of old tho&'h not !ery learned ha!e #enetrated the "ystery of the TrinityB ad"irin' in this #oint his scholar S+ 3ntony of Pad&a )ho )itho&t earthly 2no)led'e had so #rofo&nd a 'ras# of "ystical theolo'y that li2e another S+ ,ohn /a#tist one "i'ht ha!e called hi" a $&rnin' and a shinin' li'ht+ The /lessed /rother Giles one of the first co"#anions of S+ Francis said one day to S+ /ona!ent&reF GO ho) ha##y yo& learned "en are for yo& &nderstand "any thin's )here$y yo& #raise God $&t )hat can )e idiots do.G 3nd S+ /ona!ent&re re#liedF GThe 'race to $e a$le to lo!e God is s&fficient+G GEay $&t Father G re#lied /rother Giles Gcan an i'norant "an lo!e God as )ell as a learned.G GOes G said S+ /ona!ent&re Gand f&rther a #oor si"#le )o"an "ay lo!e God as "&ch as a doctor of di!inity+G Then /rother Giles cried o&t in fer!o&rF GO #oor si"#le )o"an lo!e thy Sa!io&r and tho& shall $e as 'reat as /rother /ona!ent&re+G 3nd &#on this he re"ained for the s#ace of three ho&rs in a ra#t&re+ The )ill only #ercei!es 'ood $y "eans of the &nderstandin' $&t ha!in' once #ercei!ed it she has no "ore need of the &nderstandin' to #ractise lo!e for the force of #leas&re )hich she feels or eC#ects to feel fro" &nion )ith her o$1ect dra)s her #o)erf&lly to the lo!e and to the desire of en1oyin' itB so that the 2no)led'e of 'ood 'i!es $irth $&t not "eas&re to lo!eB as )e see the 2no)led'e of an in1&ry starts an'er )hich if not s&##ressed al"ost al)ays $eco"es 'reater than the s&$1ect deser!es+ The #assions do not follo) the 2no)led'e )hich "o!es the" $&t !ery often lea!in' this *&ite in the rear they "a2e to)ards their o$1ect )itho&t any "eas&re or li"it+









Eo) this ha##ens still "ore stron'ly in holy lo!e inas"&ch as o&r )ill is not a##lied to it $y a nat&ral 2no)led'e $&t $y the li'ht of faith )hich ass&rin' &s of the infinite 'oodness that is in God 'i!es &s s&fficient ca&se to lo!e hi" )ith all o&r force+ 0e di' the earth to find 'old and sil!er e"#loyin' a #resent la$o&r for a 'ood )hich as yet is only ho#ed forB so that an &ncertain 2no)led'e sets &s &#on a #resent and certain la$o&r and as )e "ore disco!er the !ein of the "ineral )e search and search "ore earnestly+ ;!en a cold scent ser!es to "o!e the ho&nd to the 'a"e so dear Theoti"&s a 2no)led'e o$sc&re and in!ol!ed in clo&ds li2e that of faith "ost #o)erf&lly stirs o&r affection to lo!e the 'oodness )hich it "a2es &s #ercei!e+ O ho) tr&e it is accordin' to S+ 3&'&stineDs eCcla"ation that the &nlearned $ear a)ay hea!en )hile "any of the )ise are s)allo)ed &# in hell( -n yo&r o#inion Theoti"&s )hich of the t)o )o&ld lo!e the li'ht "ore--the one $orn $lind )ho "i'ht 2no) all the disco&rses that #hiloso#hers "a2e of it and the #raises they 'i!e it or the #lo&'h"an )ho $y a clear si'ht feels and realiHes the a'reea$le s#lendo&r of the fair risin' s&n. The first has "ore 2no)led'e of it $&t the second "ore fr&ition and that fr&ition #rod&ces a lo!e far "ore li!ely and affecti!e than a si"#le 2no)led'e $y reasonsB for the eC#erience of 'ood "a2es it infinitely "ore a'reea$le than all the science )hich can $e had of it+ 0e $e'in o&r lo!e $y the 2no)led'e )hich faith 'i!es &s of GodDs 'oodness )hich after)ards )e relish and taste $y lo!eB lo!e )hets o&r taste and o&r taste hei'htens o&r lo!e so that as )e see the )a!es &nder the stress of )inds roll a'ainst one another and s)ell &# as if contact forced each to stri!e to o&tdo the rest so the taste of 'ood stren'thens o&r lo!e of it and increases o&r relish for it accordin' to that oracle of the di!ine 0isdo"F They that eat "e shall yet h&n'erF and they that drin2 "e shall yet thirst+ @2I7A 0hich of the t)o - #ray yo& lo!ed God "ore the theolo'ian Occa" held $y so"e to $e the "ost s&$tle of "ortals or S+ ?atharine of Genoa an &nlearned )o"an. 5e 2ne) God $etter $y science she $y eC#erienceB and her eC#erience cond&cted her dee# into sera#hic lo!e )hile he )ith his 2no)led'e re"ained far re"ote fro" this eCcellent #erfection+ 0e eCtre"ely lo!e the sciences e!en $efore )e f&lly 2no) the" says S+ Tho"as fro" s&ch conf&sed and 'eneral 2no)led'e as )e "ay ha!e of the"F in the sa"e )ay it is the 2no)led'e of GodDs 'oodness )hich "a2es o&r )ill $e'in to lo!e $&t as soon as it is set 'oin' lo!e increases of itself $y the #leas&re )hich the )ill ta2es in $ein' &nited to this so!erei'n 'ood+ /efore children ha!e tasted honey and s&'ar it is diffic&lt to "a2e the" recei!e the" into their "o&thB $&t after they ha!e tasted their s)eetness they lo!e the" "&ch "ore than )e )ish and ea'erly see2 to 'et the" al)ays+ 0e "&st ad"it ho)e!er that the )ill attracted $y the delectation )hich it ta2es in its o$1ect is "&ch "ore forci$ly dra)n to &nite itself there)ith )hen the &nderstandin' on its side eCcellently #ro#oses the 'oodness thereofB for it is then at once $oth dra)n and #&shedB #&shed $y 2no)led'e dra)n $y deli'htF so that 2no)led'e is not of itself contrary $&t !ery &sef&l to de!otion and "eetin' to'ether they "ar!ello&sly assist one anotherB tho&'h it often ha##ens thro&'h o&r "isery that 2no)led'e hinders the $irth of de!otion $eca&se 2no)led'e #&ffeth &# and "a2es &s #ro&d and #ride )hich is contrary to all !irt&e is the total r&in of de!otion+ 0itho&t do&$t the e"inent science of a ?y#rian an 3&'&stine a 5ilary a ?hrysosto" a /asil a Gre'ory a /ona!ent&re a








Tho"as --has not only "&ch reco""ended $&t 'reatly i"#ro!ed their de!otion as a'ain their de!otion has not only raised $&t e"inently #erfected their science+ @2I7A ;ccl&s+ CCi!+ 2K+ 5 ?53PT;> :+ T5; S;?OED D-FF;>;E?; /;T0;;E M;D-T3T-OE 3ED ?OET;MP63T-OE+ 17 Meditation considers in detail and as it )ere #iece $y #iece the o$1ects calc&lated to "o!e &s $&t conte"#lation ta2es a !ery si"#le and collected !ie) of the o$1ect )hich it lo!es and the consideration th&s $ro&'ht to a #oint ca&ses a "ore li!ely and stron' "o!e"ent+ One "ay $ehold the $ea&ty of a rich cro)n t)o )aysB either $y loo2in' &#on all its orna"ents and all the #recio&s stones of )hich it is co"#osed one after the otherB or a'ain ha!in' considered all the #artic&lar #arts $y $eholdin' all the )or2 of it to'ether in one sin'le and si"#le !ie)+ The first 2ind rese"$les "editation in )hich for eCa"#le )e consider the effects of GodDs "ercy to eCcite &s to his lo!eB $&t the second is li2e to conte"#lation in )hich )e consider )ith one sin'le steady re'ard of o&r "ind all the !ariety of the sa"e effects as a sin'le $ea&ty co"#osed of all these #ieces "a2in' &# a sin'le s#lendid $rilliant+ -n "editatin' )e as it )ere co&nt the di!ine #erfections )hich )e find in a "ystery $&t in conte"#latin' )e s&" &# their total+ The co"#anions of the sacred s#o&se had as2ed her )hat "anner of one )as her )ell-$elo!ed and she "a2es ans)er in an ad"ira$le descri#tion of all the #arts of his #erfect $ea&tyF My $elo!ed is )hite and r&ddy his head is as the finest 'old his loc2s as $ranches of #al" trees $lac2 as a ra!en his eyes as do!es his chee2s are as $eds of aro"atical s#ices set $y the #erf&"ers his li#s are as lilies dro##in' choice "yrrh his hands are t&rned and as of 'old f&ll of hyacinths his le's as #illars of "ar$le+ Th&s she 'oes on "editatin' this so!erei'n $ea&ty in detail till at len'th she concl&des $y )ay of conte"#lation #&ttin' all the $ea&ties into oneF 5is throat is "ost s)eet and he is all lo!elyF s&ch is "y $elo!ed and he is "y friend+ @2I1A Meditation re"inds of one )ho s"ells a #in2 a rose rose"ary thy"e 1essa"ine oran'e-flo)er se#arately one after the otherB $&t conte"#lation is li2e to one s"ellin' the #erf&"ed )ater distilled fro" all those flo)ersF for the latter in one s"ell recei!es all the scents to'ether )hich the other had s"elt di!ided and se#aratedB and there is no do&$t that this one scent alone arisin' fro" the "in'lin' to'ether of all these scents is "ore s)eet and #recio&s $y itself than the scents of )hich it is co"#osed s"elt se#arately one after another+ 5ence it is that the hea!enly lo!er so #riHes the $ein' seen $y his )ell-$elo!ed )ith one of her eyes and that her hair is so )ell #laited that it see"s to $e $&t one hairB for )hat is this $eholdin' the s#o&se )ith one eye only eCce#t the $eholdin' hi" )ith a sin'le attenti!e !ie) )itho&t "&lti#lyin' loo2s. 3nd )hat is it to ha!e her hair th&s #laited to'ether eCce#t the not scatterin' her tho&'hts in the "&lti#licity of considerations+ Oh( ho) ha##y are they )ho ha!in' r&n o!er the "&ltit&de of "oti!es )hich they ha!e to lo!e God red&cin' all their loo2s to one only loo2 and all their tho&'hts to one concl&sion stay their "ind in the &nity of conte"#lationB after the eCa"#le of S+ 3&'&stine or S+ /r&no #rono&ncin' secretly in their so&l in a #er"anent ad"irationF GO Goodness( Goodness( Goodness e!er old and e!er ne)(G or after the eCa"#le of the 'reat S+ Francis )ho 2neelin' in #rayer #assed








the )hole ni'ht in these )ordsF GO God tho& art "y God and "y 3ll(G re#eatin' the sa"e contin&ally as the /lessed /rother /ernard of %&inta!al relates )ho had heard it )ith his o)n ears+ 5 6oo2 at S+ /ernard Theoti"&sF he had "editated all the #assion #oint $y #ointB then of all the #rinci#al #oints #&t to'ether he "ade a nose'ay of lo!in' 'rief and #&ttin' it &#on his $reast to chan'e his "editation into conte"#lation he cried o&tF 3 $&ndle of "yrrh is "y $elo!ed to "e+ @2I2A /&t a'ain loo2 )ith still 'reater de!otion at the ?reator of the )orld ho) in the creation he first "editated the 'oodness of his )or2s se!erally one $y one as he sa) the" #rod&ced+ 5e sa) says the Scri#t&re that the li'ht )as 'ood that the hea!ens and the earth )ere 'ood and so the her$s and #lants the s&n "oon and stars the li!in' $easts and in fine all the rest of creat&res as he created the" one after anotherF till at len'th all the &ni!erse $ein' acco"#lished the di!ine "editation is chan'ed as it )ere into conte"#lationF for !ie)in' all the 'oodness that )as in his )or2s )ith one only loo2--5e sa) says Moses all the thin's that he had "ade and they )ere !ery 'ood+ @2I8A The different #arts considered se!erally $y "anner of "editation )ere 'ood $&t $eheld in one only re'ard all to'ether in for" of conte"#lation they )ere fo&nd !ery 'oodF as "any little $roo2s r&nnin' to'ether "a2e a ri!er )hich carries 'reater frei'hts than the "&ltit&de of the sa"e $roo2s se#arately co&ld do+ 3fter )e ha!e eCcited a 'reat "any different #io&s affections $y the "&ltit&de of considerations of )hich "editation is co"#osed )e in the end 'ather to'ether the !irt&e of all these affections fro" )hich $y the #o&rin' to'ether and "iCt&re of their forces s#rin's a certain *&intessence of affection and of affection "ore acti!e and #o)erf&l than all the affections )hence it #roceeds $eca&se tho&'h it $e $&t one yet it contains the !irt&e and #ro#erty of all the others and is called conte"#lati!e affection+ So it is an o#inion a"on'st di!ines that the an'els )ho are hi'her in 'lory ha!e a 2no)led'e of God and creat&res "&ch "ore si"#le than the inferior ha!e and that the s#ecies or ideas $y )hich they see are "ore &ni!ersal so that )hat the less #erfect an'els see $y !ario&s s#ecies and !ario&s re'ards the "ore #erfect see $y fe)er s#ecies and fe)er acts of re'ard+ 3nd the 'reat S+ 3&'&stine follo)ed $y S+ Tho"as says that in hea!en )e shall not ha!e these !icissit&des !arieties chan'es and ret&rns of tho&'hts and co'itations )hich co"e and 'o fro" o$1ect to o$1ect and fro" one thin' to another $&t )ith one sole tho&'ht )e shall $e a$le to attend to the di!ersity of "any thin's and recei!e the 2no)led'e of the"+ The f&rther )ater r&ns fro" its so&rce the "ore does it di!ide itself and )aste its )aters &nless it is 2e#t in )ith a 'reat careB and #erfections se#arate and di!ide the"sel!es accordin' as they are "ore re"ote fro" God their so&rceB $&t a##roachin' near hi" they are &nited &ntil they are lost in the a$yss of that sole so!erei'n #erfection )hich is the necessary &nity and the $etter #art )hich Ma'dalen chose and )hich shall not $e ta2en a)ay fro" her+ @2I1A ?ant+ !+ @2I2A ?ant+ i+ 12+









@2I8A Gen+ i+ 81+ ?53PT;> :-+ 5 T53T ?OET;MP63T-OE -S M3D; 0-T5O=T 63/O=> 05-?5 -S T5; T5->D D-FF;>;E?; /;T0;;E -T 3ED M;D-T3T-OE+ Eo) the si"#le !ie) of conte"#lation is #erfor"ed in one of these three )ays+ So"eti"es )e re'ard only so"e one of GodDs #erfections as for eCa"#le his infinite 'oodness not thin2in' of his other attri$&tes or !irt&esB li2e a $ride'roo" )ho si"#ly stays his eye &#on the $ea&tif&l co"#leCion of his $ride and $y this "eans tr&ly sees all her co&ntenance foras"&ch as her colo&r is s#read o!er al"ost all the #arts of it and )ho yet at the sa"e ti"e )o&ld not $e attendin' to the feat&res eC#ression and other #oints of $ea&tyF for in li2e "anner so"eti"es the "ind considerin' the so!erei'n 'oodness of the di!inity altho&'h )ithal it sees in it 1&stice )isdo" #o)er yet is only attenti!e to its 'oodness to )hich the si"#le !ie) of its conte"#lation is addressed+ So"eti"es also )e attenti!ely $ehold in God se!eral of his infinite #erfections yet )ith a si"#le !ie) and )itho&t distinction as he )ho )ith one 'lance #assin' his eyes fro" the head to the feet of his richly dressed s#o&se )o&ld attenti!ely ha!e seen all in 'eneral and nothin' in #artic&lar not )ell discernin' )hat nec2-1e)els or 'o)n she )ore nor )hat co&ntenance she $ore nor )hat eC#ression she had nor )hat her eyes )ere sayin' $&t only that all )as fair and a'reea$leF for so in conte"#lation )e often cast one sin'le re'ard of si"#le conte"#lation o!er se!eral di!ine 'reatnesses and #erfections to'ether and )e co&ld not descri$e anythin' in #artic&lar $&t only say that all is #erfectly 'ood and lo!ely+ 3nd finally )e at other ti"es consider neither "any nor only one of the di!ine #erfections $&t only so"e di!ine action or )or2 to )hich )e are attenti!eB as for eCa"#le to the act of "ercy $y )hich God #ardons sins or the act of creation or the res&rrection of 6aHar&s or the con!ersion of S+ Pa&lF as a $ride'roo" )ho "i'ht not re'ard the eyes $&t only the s)eetness of the loo2s )hich his s#o&se casts &#on hi" nor ta2e notice of her "o&th $&t only of the s)eetness of the )ords &ttered $y it+ 3nd here Theoti"&s the so&l "a2es a certain o&t$&rst of lo!e not only &#on the actions she considers $&t &#on hi" fro" )ho" they #roceedF Tho& art 'oodB and in thy 'oodness teach "e thy 1&stifications+ @2I9A 5is throat (that is the )ord )hich co"es fro" it) is "ost s)eet and he is all lo!ely+ @2I5A 3h( 5o) s)eet are thy )ords to "y #alate "ore than honey to "y "o&thB @2I6A or )ith S+ Tho"asF My 6ord and "y GodB and )ith S+ Ma'dalenF G>a$$oni 3h( "y "aster(G /&t ta2e )hich of these three )ays yo& )ill conte"#lation has still this eCcellency that it is "ade )ith deli'ht for it s&##oses that )e ha!e fo&nd God and his holy lo!e that )e en1oy it and deli'ht in it sayin'F - fo&nd hi" )ho" "y so&l lo!ethF - held hi"F and - )ill not let hi" 'o+ @2I7A -n )hich it differs fro" "editation )hich al"ost al)ays is #erfor"ed )ith diffic&lty la$o&r and reasonin'B o&r "ind #assin' in it fro" consideration to consideration searchin' in "any #laces either the )ell-$elo!ed of her lo!e or the lo!e of her )ell-$elo!ed+ ,aco$ la$o&rs in "editation to o$tain >achel $&t in conte"#lation he re1oices )ith her for'ettin' all his la$o&r+ The di!ine lo!er li2e a she#herd and indeed he is one #re#ared a s&"#t&o&s $an*&et accordin' to the co&ntry fashion for his sacred s#o&se )hich he so descri$ed that "ystically it re#resented all the "ysteries of "anDs rede"#tion+ - a" co"e into "y 'arden said he O "y sister "y










s#o&se - ha!e 'athered "y "yrrh )ith aro"atical s#icesB - ha!e eaten the honey-co"$ )ith "y honey - ha!e dr&n2 "y )ine )ith "y "il2B eat O friends and drin2 and $e ine$riated "y dearly $elo!ed( @2IIA Theoti"&s 3h( )hen )as it - #ray yo& that o&r Sa!io&r ca"e into his 'arden if not )hen he ca"e into his "otherDs #&rest h&"$lest and s)eetest )o"$ re#lenished )ith all the flo&rishin' #lants of holy !irt&es. 3nd )hat is "eant $y o&r Sa!io&rDs 'atherin' his "yrrh )ith his #erf&"es eCce#t that he 1oined s&fferin' to s&fferin' &ntil death e!en the death of the cross hea#in' $y that "eans "erit &#on "erit and treas&res &#on treas&res to enrich his s#irit&al children. 3nd ho) did he eat his honey-co"$ )ith his honey $&t )hen he li!ed a ne) life re&nitin' his so&l "ore s)eet than honey to his #ierced and )o&nded $ody )ith "ore holes than a honeyco"$. 3nd )hen ascendin' into hea!en he too2 #ossession of all the s&rro&ndin's and de#endencies of his di!ine 'lory )hat other thin' did he if not "iC the eChilaratin' )ine of the essential 'lory of his so&l )ith the deli'htf&l "il2 of the #erfect felicity of his $ody in a "ore eCcellent "anner than hitherto he had done. Eo) in all these di!ine "ysteries )hich contain all others there is food #ro!ided for dear friends to eat and drin2 )ell and for dearest friends to $e ine$riated+ So"e eat and drin2 $&t they eat "ore than they drin2 and so are not ine$riatedF the others eat and drin2 $&t drin2 "ore than they eat and those are they )ho are ine$riated+ Eo) to eat is to "editate for in "editatin' a "an doth che) t&rnin' his s#irit&al "eat hither and thither $et)een the teeth of consideration to $r&ise $rea2 and di'est it )hich is not done )itho&t so"e la$o&r+ To drin2 is to conte"#late )hich )e do )itho&t la$o&r or diffic&lty yea )ith #leas&re and tran*&illity+ /&t to $e ine$riated is to conte"#late so fre*&ently and so ardently as to $e *&ite o&t of self to $e )holly in God+ O holy and sacred ine$riation )hich contrarily to cor#oral ine$riation does not alienate &s fro" the s#irit&al sense $&t fro" the cor#oral sensesB does not d&ll or $esot &s $&t an'eliciHes and in a sort deifies &sB #&ttin' &s o&t of o&rsel!es not to a$ase &s and ran2 &s )ith $easts as terrestrial dr&n2enness does $&t to raise &s a$o!e o&rsel!es and ran'e &s )ith an'els so that )e "ay li!e "ore in God than in o&rsel!es $ein' attenti!e to and occ&#ied in seein' his $ea&ty and $ein' &nited to his 'oodness $y lo!e( Eo) )hereas to attain &nto conte"#lation )e stand ordinarily in need of hearin' the )ord of God of ha!in' s#irit&al disco&rse and conference )ith others li2e the ancient anchorites of readin' #rayin' "editatin' sin'in' canticles concei!in' 'ood tho&'hts --for this reason holy conte"#lation $ein' the end and ai" of all these eCercises they are all red&ced to it and those )ho #ractise the" are called conte"#lati!es as also the occ&#ation itself is called a conte"#lati!e life+ This is on acco&nt of the action of o&r &nderstandin' $y )hich )e re'ard the tr&th of the di!ine $ea&ty and 'oodness )ith an a"oro&s attention that is )ith a lo!e )hich "a2es &s attenti!e or )ith an attention )hich #roceeds fro" lo!e and a&'"ents the lo!e )hich )e ha!e for the infinite s)eetness of o&r 6ord+ @2I9A Ps+ cC!iii+ 6I+








@2I5A ?ant+ !+ 16+ @2I6A Ps+ cC!iii+ 178+

@2I7A ?ant+ iii+ 9+ @2IIA ?ant+ !+ 1+ 5 ?53PT;> :--+ OF T5; 6O:-EG >;?O66;?T-OE OF T5; SO=6 -E ?OET;MP63T-OE+ 17 - s#ea2 not here Theoti"&s of the recollection $y )hich s&ch as are a$o&t to #ray #lace the"sel!es in GodDs #resence enterin' into the"sel!es and as one )o&ld say $rin'in' their so&l into their hearts there to s#ea2 )ith GodB for this recollection is "ade $y lo!eDs co""and )hich #ro!o2in' &s to #rayer "o!es &s to ta2e this "eans of doin' it )ell so that )e o&rsel!es "a2e this )ithdra)in' of o&r s#irit+ /&t the recollection of )hich - "ean to s#ea2 is not "ade $y lo!eDs co""and $&t $y lo!e itself that is )e do not "a2e it $y free choice for it is not in o&r #o)er to ha!e it )hen )e #lease and does not de#end on o&r care $&t God at his #leas&re )or2s it in &s $y his "ost holy 'race+ The /lessed Mother (S+) Teresa of ,es&s saysF G5e )ho has )ritten that the #rayer of recollection is "ade as )hen a hed'eho' or tortoise dra)s itself )ithin itself said )ell sayin' that these $easts dra) the"sel!es in )hen they #lease )hereas recollection is not in o&r )ill $&t co"es to &s only )hen it #leases God to do &s this 'race+G Eo) it co"es th&s+ Eothin' is so nat&ral to 'ood as to dra) and &nite &nto itself s&ch thin's as are sensi$le of itB as o&r so&ls do )hich contin&ally dra) to)ards the" and 'i!e the"sel!es to their treas&re that is )hat they lo!e+ -t ha##ens then so"eti"es that o&r 6ord i"#erce#ti$ly inf&ses into the de#ths of o&r hearts a certain a'reea$le s)eetness )hich testifies his #resence and then the #o)ers yea the !ery eCterior senses of the so&l $y a certain secret content"ent t&rn in to)ards that "ost interior #art )here is the "ost a"ia$le and dearest s#o&se+ For as a ne) s)ar" of $ees )hen it )o&ld ta2e fli'ht and chan'e co&ntry is recalled $y a so&nd softly "ade on "etal $asins $y the s"ell of honied )ine or $y the scent of so"e odorifero&s her$s $ein' stayed $y the attraction of these a'reea$le thin's and enterin' into the hi!e #re#ared for itF--so o&r Sa!io&r --#rono&ncin' so"e secret )ord of his lo!e or #o&rin' o&t the odo&r of the )ine of his dilection "ore delicio&s than honey or lettin' strea" the #erf&"es of his 'ar"ents that is feelin's of his hea!enly consolations in o&r hearts and there$y "a2in' the" #ercei!e his "ost )elco"e #resence --dra)s &nto hi" all the fac&lties of o&r so&l )hich 'ather a$o&t hi" and stay the"sel!es in hi" as in their "ost desired o$1ect+ 3nd as he )ho sho&ld cast a #iece of loadstone a"on'st a n&"$er of needles )o&ld instantly see the" t&rn all their #oints to)ards their )ell-$elo!ed ada"ant and 1oin the"sel!es to it so )hen o&r Sa!io&r "a2es his "ost delicio&s #resence to $e felt in the "idst of o&r hearts all o&r fac&lties t&rn their #oints in that direction to $e &nited to this inco"#ara$le s)eetness+ O God( says then the so&l in i"itation of S+ 3&'&stine )hither )as - )anderin' to see2 thee( O "ost infinite $ea&ty( - so&'ht thee )itho&t and tho& )ast in the "idst of "y heart+ 3ll Ma'dalenDs affections and all her tho&'hts )ere scattered a$o&t the se#&lchre of her Sa!io&r )ho" she )ent see2in' hither and thither and tho&'h she had fo&nd hi" and he s#o2e to her yet lea!es she the" dis#ersed $eca&se she does not #ercei!e








his #resenceB $&t as soon as he had called her $y her na"e see ho) she 'athers herself to'ether and entirely attaches herself to his feetF one only )ord #&ts her into recollection+ 5 Pro#ose to yo&rself Theoti"&s the "ost holy :ir'in o&r 6ady )hen she had concei!ed the Son of God her only lo!e+ The so&l of that )ell-$elo!ed "other did )holly collect itself a$o&t that )ell-$elo!ed child and $eca&se this hea!enly dear one )as har$o&red in her sacred )o"$ all the fac&lties of her so&l 'athered the"sel!es )ithin her as holy $ees into their hi!e )herein their honey isB and $y ho) "&ch the di!ine 'reatness )as so to s#ea2 straitened and contracted )ithin her !ir'inal )o"$ $y so "&ch her so&l did "ore increase and "a'nify the #raises of that infinite lo!in'2indness and her s#irit )ithin her $ody lea#t )ith 1oy (as S+ ,ohn in his "otherDs )o"$) in #resence of her God )ho" she felt+ She la&nched not her affections o&t of herself since her treas&re her lo!es and her deli'hts )ere in the "idst of her sacred )o"$+ Eo) the sa"e content"ent "ay $e #ractised $y i"itation a"on' those )ho ha!in' co""&nicated feel $y the certainty of faith that )hich not flesh and $lood $&t the 5ea!enly Father has re!ealed that their Sa!io&r is $ody and so&l #resent )ith a "ost real #resence to their $ody and to their so&l $y this "ost adora$le sacra"ent+ For as the #earl-"other ha!in' recei!ed the dro#s of the fresh de) of the "ornin' closes &# not only to 2ee# the" #&re fro" all #ossi$le "iCt&re )ith the )ater of the sea $&t also for the #leas&re she feels in relishin' the a'reea$le freshness of this hea!en-sent 'er"F--so does it ha##en to "any holy and de!o&t of the faithf&l that ha!in' recei!ed the Di!ine Sacra"ent )hich contains the de) of all hea!enly $enedictions their heart closes o!er -t and all their fac&lties collect the"sel!es to'ether not only to adore this so!erei'n 4in' $&t for the s#irit&al consolation and refresh"ent $eyond $elief )hich they recei!e in feelin' $y faith this di!ine 'er" of i""ortality )ithin the"+ 0here yo& )ill caref&lly note Theoti"&s that to say all in a )ord this recollection is )holly "ade $y lo!e )hich #ercei!in' the #resence of the )ell-$elo!ed $y the attractions he s#reads in the "idst of the heart 'athers and carries all the so&l to)ards it $y a "ost a'reea$le inclination a "ost s)eet t&rnin' and a delicio&s $endin' of all the fac&lties to)ards this )ell-$elo!ed )ho attracts the" &nto hi" $y the force of his s)eetness )ith )hich he ties and dra)s hearts as $odies are dra)n $y "aterial ro#es and $ands+ /&t this s)eet recollection of o&r so&l in itself is not only "ade $y the senti"ent of GodDs #resence in the "idst of o&r heart $&t also $y any "eans )hich #&ts &s in this sacred #resence+ -t ha##ens so"eti"es that all o&r interior #o)ers close and )ithdra) the"sel!es into the"sel!es $y the eCtre"e re!erence and s)eet fear )hich seiHes &#on &s in the consideration of his so!erei'n Ma1esty )ho is #resent )ith &s and $eholds &sB 1&st as ho)e!er distracted )e "ay $e if the Po#e or so"e 'reat #rince sho&ld a##ear )e ret&rn to o&rsel!es and $rin' $ac2 o&r tho&'hts &#on o&rsel!es to 2ee# o&rsel!es in 'ood $eha!io&r and res#ect+ The $l&e lily other)ise called the fla' is said to dra) its flo)ers to'ether at the si'ht of the s&n $eca&se they close and &nite )hile the s&n shines $&t in its a$sence they s#read o&t and 2ee# o#en all the ni'ht+ The li2e ha##ens in this 2ind of recollection )hich )e s#ea2 ofB for at the si"#le #resence of God or the si"#le feelin' that he sees &s either fro" hea!en or fro" any other #lace o&tside &s (e!en if )e are not re"e"$erin' the other sort of #resence $y )hich he is in &s) o&r #o)ers and fac&lties asse"$le and 'ather to'ether )ithin &s o&t of res#ect to his di!ine Ma1esty )hich lo!e "a2es &s fear )ith a fear of hono&r and res#ect+









-ndeed - 2no) a so&l )ho as soon as she heard "ention of so"e "ystery or sentence )hich #&t her a little "ore eC#ressly in "ind of the #resence of God than &s&al )hether in confession or #ri!ate conference )o&ld so dee#ly enter into herself that she co&ld hardly reco!er herself to s#ea2 and "a2e ans)er so that o&t)ardly she re"ained as one de#ri!ed of life and )ith all her senses $en&"$ed till her s#o&se #er"itted her to *&it that stateF )hich )as so"eti"es #retty soon and other ti"es "ore slo)ly+ ?53PT;> :---+

17 OF T5; >;POS; OF 3 SO=6 >;?O66;?T;D -E 5;> 0;66-/;6O:;D+ The so&l then $ein' th&s in)ardly recollected in God or $efore God no) and then $eco"es so s)eetly attenti!e to the 'oodness of her )ell-$elo!ed that her attention see"s not to her to $e attention so #&rely and delicately is it eCercisedF as it ha##ens to certain ri!ers )hich 'lide so cal"ly and s"oothly that $eholders and s&ch as float &#on the" see" neither to see nor feel any "otion $eca&se the )aters are not seen to ri##le or flo) at all+ 3nd it is this ad"ira$le re#ose of the so&l )hich the /lessed :ir'in (S+) Teresa of ,es&s na"es #rayer of *&iet not far different fro" that )hich she also calls the slee# of the #o)ers at least if - &nderstand her ri'ht+ ;!en h&"an lo!ers are content so"eti"es )ith $ein' near or )ithin si'ht of the #erson they lo!e )itho&t s#ea2in' to her and )itho&t e!en distinctly thin2in' of her or her #erfections satiated as it )ere and satisfied to relish this dear #resence not $y any reflection they "a2e &#on it $&t $y a certain 'ratification and re#ose )hich their s#irit ta2es in it+ 3 $&ndle of "yrrh is "y $elo!ed to "e he shall a$ide $et)een "y $reasts+ My $elo!ed to "e and - to hi" )ho feedeth a"on' the lilies till the day $rea2 and the shado)s retire+ She) "e O tho& )ho" "y so&l lo!eth )here tho& feedest )here tho& liest in the "id-day+ @2IKA Do yo& see Theoti"&s ho) the holy S&la"itess is contented )ith 2no)in' that her )ell-$elo!ed is )ith her )hether in her $oso" or in her 'ardens or else)here so she 2no) )here he is+ 3nd indeed she is the S&la"itess )holly #eacea$le cal" and at rest+ Eo) this re#ose so"eti"es 'oes so dee# in its tran*&illity that the )hole so&l and all its #o)ers fall as it )ere aslee# and "a2e no "o!e"ent nor action )hate!er eCce#t the )ill alone and e!en this does no "ore than recei!e the deli'ht and satisfaction )hich the #resence of the )ell-$elo!ed affords+ 3nd )hat is yet "ore ad"ira$le is that the )ill does not e!en #ercei!e the deli'ht and content"ent )hich she recei!es en1oyin' it insensi$ly $ein' not "indf&l of herself $&t of hi" )hose #resence 'i!es her this #leas&re as ha##ens fre*&ently )hen s&r#rised $y a li'ht sl&"$er )e only hear indistinctly )hat o&r friends are sayin' aro&nd &s or feel their caresses al"ost i"#erce#ti$ly not feelin' that )e feel+ 5o)e!er the so&l )ho in this s)eet re#ose en1oys this delicate sense of the di!ine #resence tho&'h she is not conscio&s of the en1oy"ent yet clearly sho)s ho) dear and #recio&s this ha##iness is &nto her if one offer to de#ri!e her of it or di!ert her fro" itB for then the #oor so&l co"#lains cries o&t yea so"eti"es )ee#s as a little child a)a2ened $efore it has ta2en its f&ll slee# )ho $y the sorro) it feels in $ein'








a)a2ened clearly sho)s the content it had in slee#in'+ 5ere&#on the hea!enly she#herd ad1&res the da&'hters of ,er&sale" $y the roes and harts of the fields not to "a2e the $elo!ed a)a2e &ntil she #lease @2K7A that is to let her a)a2e of herself+ Eo Theoti"&s a so&l th&s recollected in her God )o&ld not chan'e her re#ose for the 'reatest 'oods in the )orld+ S&ch or little different fro" it )as the *&iet of "ost holy Ma'dalen )hen sittin' at her MasterDs feet she heard his holy )ord+ /ehold her - $eseech yo& Theoti"&sB she is in a #rofo&nd tran*&illity she says not a )ord she )ee#s not she so$s not she si'hs not she stirs not she #rays not+ Martha f&ll of $&siness #asses and re#asses thro&'h the hallF Mary notices her not+ 3nd )hat then is she doin'. She is doin' nothin' $&t only hear2enin'+ 3nd )hat does this "ean--she hear2ens. -t "eans that she is there as a !essel of hono&r to recei!e dro# $y dro# the "yrrh of s)eetness )hich the li#s of her )ell-$elo!ed distilled into her heartB and this di!ine lo!er 1ealo&s of this lo!e-slee# and re#ose of this )ell-$elo!ed chid Martha for )antin' to a)a2en herF Martha Martha tho& art caref&l and art tro&$led a$o&t "any thin's+ /&t one thin' is necessary Mary hath chosen the $est #art )hich shall not $e ta2en a)ay fro" her+ @2K1A /&t )hat )as MaryDs #ortion or #art. To re"ain in #eace re#ose and *&iet near &nto her s)eet ,es&s+ The )ell-$elo!ed S+ ,ohn is ordinarily #ainted in the 6ast S&##er not only lyin' $&t e!en slee#in' in his MasterDs $oso" $eca&se he )as seated after the fashion of the ;asterns (6e!antins) so that his head )as to)ards his dear lo!erDs $reastB and as he sle#t no cor#oral slee# there --)hat li2elihood of that.--so - "a2e no *&estion $&t that findin' hi"self so near the $reasts of the eternal s)eetness he too2 a #rofo&nd "ystical slee# li2e a child of lo!e )hich loc2ed to its "otherDs $reast s&c2s )hile slee#in'+ Oh( )hat a deli'ht it )as to this /en1a"in child of his Sa!io&rDs 1oy to slee# in the ar"s of that father )ho the day after reco""ended hi" as the /enoni child of #ain to his "otherDs s)eet $reasts+ Eothin' is "ore desira$le to the little child )hether he )a2e or slee# than his fatherDs $oso" and "otherDs $reast+ 0herefore )hen yo& shall find yo&rself in this si"#le and #&re filial confidence )ith o&r 6ord stay there "y dear Theoti"&s )itho&t "o!in' yo&rself to "a2e sensi$le acts either of the &nderstandin' or of the )illB for this si"#le lo!e of confidence and this lo!e-slee# of yo&r s#irit in the ar"s of the Sa!io&r contains $y eCcellence all that yo& 'o see2in' hither and thither to satisfy yo&r tasteF it is $etter to slee# &#on this sacred $reast than to )atch else)here )here!er it $e+ @2IKA ?ant+ i+








@2K7A ?ant+ ii+ 7+ @2K1A 6&2e C+ 91 92+ ?53PT;> -Q+

95 5O0 T5-S S3?>;D >;POS; -S P>3?T-S;D+




5a!e yo& ne!er noted Theoti"&s )ith )hat ardo&r little children so"eti"es clea!e to their "otherDs $reast )hen h&n'ry. Oo& )ill see the" )ith a dee# soft "&r"&r hold and s*&eeHe it )ith their "o&ths s&c2in' so ea'erly that they e!en #&t their "other to #ainB $&t after the freshness of the "il2 has in so"e sort allayed the &r'ent heat of their little fra"e and the a'reea$le !a#o&rs )hich it sends to the $rain $e'in to l&ll the" to slee# Theoti"&s yo& )ill see the" softly sh&t their little eyes and little $y little 'i!e )ay to slee#B yet )itho&t lettin' 'o the $reast &#on )hich they "a2e no action sa!in' a slo) and al"ost insensi$le "o!e"ent of the li#s )here$y they contin&ally dra) the "il2 )hich they s)allo) i"#erce#ti$ly+ This they do )itho&t thin2in' of it yet not )itho&t #leas&reB for if one dra) the teat fro" the" $efore they fall so&nd aslee# they a)a2e and )ee# $itterly testifyin' $y the sorro) )hich they sho) in the #ri!ation that their content )as 'reat in the #ossession+ Eo) it fares in li2e "anner )ith the so&l )ho is in rest and *&iet $efore GodF for she s&c2s in a "anner insensi$ly the deli'hts of his #resence )itho&t any disco&rse o#eration or "otion of any of her fac&lties sa!e only the hi'hest #art of the )ill )hich she "o!es softly and al"ost i"#erce#ti$ly as the "o&th $y )hich enter the deli'ht and insensi$le satiety she finds in the fr&ition of the di!ine #resence+ /&t if one tro&$le this #oor little $a$e or offer to ta2e fro" it its treas&re $eca&se it see"s to slee# it )ill #lainly sho) then that tho&'h it slee# to all other thin's yet not to thatB for it #ercei!es the tro&$le of this se#aration and 'rie!es o!er it sho)in' there$y the #leas&re )hich it too2 tho&'h )itho&t thin2in' of it in the 'ood )hich it #ossessed+ The /lessed Mother (S+) Teresa ha!in' )ritten that she fo&nd this a fit si"ilit&de - ha!e tho&'ht 'ood to "a2e &se of it+ 3nd tell "e Theoti"&s )hy sho&ld the so&l recollected in its God $e dis*&ieted. 5as she not reason to $e at #eace and to re"ain in re#ose. For indeed )hat sho&ld she see2. She has fo&nd hi" )ho" she so&'ht )hat re"ains no) for her $&t to sayF - fo&nd hi" )ho" "y so&l lo!ethF - held hi" and - )ill not let hi" 'o+ @2K2A She has no need to tro&$le herself )ith the disco&rse of the &nderstandin' for she sees her s#o&se #resent )ith so s)eet a !ie) that reasonin's )o&ld $e to her &n#rofita$le and s&#erfl&o&s+ 3nd e!en if she do not see hi" $y the &nderstandin' she cares not $ein' content to feel his #resence $y the deli'ht and satisfaction )hich the )ill recei!es fro" it+ 3h( the "other of God o&r /lessed 6ady and Mistress )hile she did not see her di!ine child $&t felt hi" )ithin her --3h( "y God( )hat content had she therein( 3nd did not S+ ;liHa$eth ad"ira$ly en1oy the fr&its of o&r Sa!io&rDs di!ine #resence )itho&t seein' hi" &#on the day of the "ost holy :isitation. Eor does the so&l in this re#ose stand in need of the "e"ory for she has her lo!er #resent+ Eor has she need of the i"a'ination for )hy sho&ld )e re#resent in an eCterior or interior i"a'e hi" )hose #resence )e are #ossessed of. So that to concl&de it is the )ill alone that softly and as it )ere tenderly s&c2in' dra)s the "il2 of this s)eet #resenceB all the rest of the so&l *&ietly re#osin' )ith her $y the s)eetness of the #leas&re )hich she ta2es+ 5onied )ine is &sed not only to )ithdra) and recall $ees to their hi!es $&t also to #acify the"+ For )hen they stir &# sedition and "&tiny a"on'st the"sel!es )ith "&t&al sla&'hter and destr&ction their 2ee#er has no $etter re"edy than to thro) honied )ine a"idst this enra'ed little #eo#leB $eca&se )hen they #ercei!e this s)eet and a'reea$le odo&r they are #acified and 'i!in' the"sel!es &# to the fr&ition of this s)eetness they re"ain *&ieted and tran*&il+ O ;ternal God( 0hen $y thy s)eet #resence tho& dost cast odorifero&s #erf&"es into o&r hearts #erf&"es "ore #leasin' than delicio&s )ine and






honey all the #o)ers of o&r so&l enter into so deli'htf&l a re#ose and so a$sol&te a rest that there is no "o!e"ent sa!e of the )ill )hich as the s#irit&al sense of s"ell re"ains deli'htf&lly en'a'ed in en1oyin' )itho&t ad!ertin' to it the inco"#ara$le 'ood of ha!in' its God #resent+ 5 @2K2A ?ant+ iii+ 9+ ?53PT;> Q+ 17 OF :3>-O=S D;G>;;S OF T5-S >;POS; 3ED 5O0 -T -S TO /; P>;S;>:;D+ There are so&ls acti!e fertile and a$o&ndin' in considerations+ There are so&ls )ho readily do&$le and $end $ac2 on the"sel!es )ho lo!e to feel )hat they are doin' )ho )ish to see and scr&tiniHe )hat #asses in the" t&rnin' their !ie) e!er on the"sel!es to disco!er the #ro'ress they "a2e+ 3nd there are yet others )ho are not content to $e content &nless they feel see and relish their content"entB these are li2e to #ersons )ho $ein' )ell #rotected a'ainst the cold )o&ld not $elie!e it if they 2ne) not ho) "any 'ar"ents they had on or )ho seein' their ca$inets f&ll of "oney )o&ld not estee" the"sel!es rich &nless they 2ne) the n&"$er of their coins+ Eo) all these s#irits are ordinarily s&$1ect to $e tro&$led in #rayer for if God dei'n the" the sacred re#ose of his #resence they !ol&ntarily forsa2e it to note their o)n $eha!io&r therein and to eCa"ine )hether they are really in content dis*&ietin' the"sel!es to discern )hether their tran*&illity is really tran*&il and their *&iet&de *&ietF so that instead of s)eetly occ&#yin' their )ill in tastin' the s)eets of the di!ine #resence they e"#loy their &nderstandin' in reasonin' &#on the feelin's they ha!eB as a $ride )ho sho&ld 2ee# her attention on her )eddin'-rin' )itho&t loo2in' &#on the $ride'roo" )ho 'a!e it her+ There is a 'reat difference Theoti"&s $et)een $ein' occ&#ied )ith God )ho 'i!es &s the content"ent and $ein' $&sied )ith the content"ent )hich God 'i!es &s+ The so&l then to )ho" God 'i!es holy lo!in' *&iet in #rayer "&st a$stain as far as she is a$le fro" loo2in' &#on herself or her re#ose )hich to $e #reser!ed "&st not $e c&rio&sly o$ser!edB for he )ho lo!es it too "&ch loses it and the ri'ht r&le of lo!in' it #ro#erly is not to lo!e it too anCio&sly+ @2K8A 3nd as a child )ho to see )here his feet are has ta2en his head fro" his "otherDs $reast i""ediately ret&rns to it $eca&se he dearly lo!es itB so if )e #ercei!e o&rsel!es distracted thro&'h a c&riosity to 2no) )hat )e are doin' in #rayer )e "&st re#lace o&r hearts in the s)eet and #eacea$le attention to GodDs #resence fro" )hence )e strayed+ Oet )e are not to a##rehend any dan'er of losin' this sacred re#ose $y actions of $ody or "ind )hich are not done fro" li'htness or indiscretion+ For as the /lessed Mother (S+) Teresa says it )ere a s&#erstition to $e so 1ealo&s of this re#ose as not to co&'h s#it or $reathe for fear of losin' it since God )ho 'i!es this #eace does not )ithdra) it for s&ch necessary "o!e"ents nor yet for those distractions and )anderin's of the "ind )hich are not !ol&ntaryF and the )ill ha!in' once tasted the di!ine #resence does not cease to relish the s)eetness thereof tho&'h the &nderstandin' or "e"ory sho&ld "a2e an esca#e and sli# a)ay after forei'n and &seless tho&'hts+










-t is tr&e the re#ose of the so&l is not then so 'reat as )hen the &nderstandin' and "e"ory cons#ire )ith the )ill yet is it a tr&e s#irit&al tran*&illity since it contin&es to rei'n in the )ill )hich is the "istress of all the other fac&lties+ -ndeed )e ha!e seen a so&l "ost stron'ly fiCed and &nited to her God )ho yet had her &nderstandin' and "e"ory so free fro" all interior occ&#ation that she &nderstood !ery distinctly all that )as said aro&nd her and #erfectly re"e"$ered it tho&'h she co&ld not ans)er or loose herself fro" God to )ho" she )as fastened $y the a##lication of her )ill+ 3nd so attached - tell yo& that she co&ld not $e )ithdra)n fro" this s)eet entertain"ent )itho&t eC#eriencin' a 'reat 'rief )hich #ro!o2ed her to si'hsF these indeed she 'a!e in the !ery dee#est of her consolation and *&ietB as )e see yo&n' children "&r"&r and "a2e little #laints )hen they ha!e ardently desired the "il2 and $e'in to s&c2B or as ,aco$ did )ho in 2issin' the fair and chaste >achel liftin' &# his !oice )e#t @2K9A thro&'h the !ehe"ence of the consolation and tenderness )hich he felt+ This so&l then )ho" - s#ea2 of ha!in' only her )ill en'a'ed $&t her &nderstandin' "e"ory hearin' and i"a'ination free rese"$led - thin2 the little child )ho )hile s&c2in' "i'ht see and hear and e!en "o!e his ar"s )itho&t *&ittin' the dear $reast+ 5o)e!er the #eace of the so&l )o&ld $e "&ch 'reater and s)eeter if there )ere no noise aro&nd her nor occasion 'i!en of stirrin' herself either in $ody or "ind for she )o&ld 'reatly )ish to $e solely occ&#ied in the s)eetness of this di!ine #resenceB ho)e!er $ein' so"eti"es &na$le to hinder distractions in her other fac&lties she #reser!es #eace in the )ill at least )hich is the fac&lty )here$y she recei!es the en1oy"ent of 'ood+ 3nd note that then the )ill $ein' retained in *&iet $y the #leas&re )hich it ta2es in the di!ine #resence does not "o!e itself to $rin' $ac2 the other #o)ers )hich are strayin'B $eca&se $y &nderta2in' this she )o&ld lose her re#ose se#aratin' herself fro" her dearly $elo!edB and she )o&ld lose her la$o&r if she ran hither and thither to catch these !olatile #o)ers )hich also can ne!er $e $etter $ro&'ht to their d&ty than $y the #erse!erance of the )ill in holy *&ietF for little $y little all the fac&lties are attracted $y the #leas&re )hich the )ill recei!es and of )hich she 'i!es the" a certain #erce#tion li2e #erf&"es )hich eCcite the" to dra) near her to #artici#ate in the 'ood )hich she en1oys+ @2K8A 6a 1&ste rei'le de le $ien affectionner cDest de ne #oint lDaffecter+





@2K9A Gen+ CCiC+ 11+ ?53PT;> Q-+


3 ?OET-E=3T-OE OF T5; D-S?O=>S; TO=?5-EG T5; :3>-O=S D;G>;;S OF 5O6O %=-;T 3ED OF 3E ;Q?;66;ET 3/E;G3T-OE OF S;6F 05-?5 -S SOM;T-M;S P>3?T-S;D T5;>;-E+ 3ccordin' then to )hat )e ha!e said holy *&iet has di!ers de'rees+ For so"eti"es it is in all the #o)ers of the so&l 1oined and &nited to the )illB so"eti"es it is in the )ill only and there so"eti"es sensi$ly at other ti"es i"#erce#ti$lyF $eca&se it ha##ens so"eti"es that the so&l ta2es an inco"#ara$le deli'ht in feelin' $y certain interior s)eetnesses that God is #resent )ith her (as ha##ened to S+ ;liHa$eth )hen o&r /lessed 6ady !isited her)F and at other ti"es the so&l has a certain ardent s)eetness in $ein' in




GodDs #resence )hich for the "o"ent is i"#erce#ti$le to her as ha##ened to the #il'ri"-disci#les )ho )al2in' )ith o&r Sa!io&r did not f&lly #ercei!e the a'reea$le #leas&re )ith )hich they )ere thrilled till s&ch ti"e as they had arri!ed and had 2no)n hi" in the di!ine $rea2in' of the $read+ @2K5A So"eti"es the so&l not only #ercei!es GodDs #resence $&t hears hi" s#ea2 $y certain in)ard ill&"inations and interior #ers&asions )hich stand in #lace of )ords+ So"eti"es she #ercei!es hi" and in her t&rn s#ea2s to hi" $&t so secretly s)eetly and delicately that it does not "a2e her lose her holy #eace and *&iet so that )itho&t a)a2in' she )atches )ith hi"B that is she )a2es and s#ea2s to her )ell-$elo!edDs heart )ith as s)eet tran*&illity and 'ratef&l re#ose as tho&'h she s)eetly sl&"$ered+ 3t other ti"es she hears the $elo!ed s#ea2 $&t she cannot s#ea2 to hi" $eca&se the deli'ht she has to hear hi" or the re!erence she $ears hi" 2ee#s her in silence or #erha#s $eca&se she is in dryness and is so lan'&id in s#irit that she has only stren'th to hear and not to s#ea2B as is so"eti"es the case in cor#oreal "atters )ith those )ho are 'oin' to slee# or )ho are 'reatly )ea2ened $y so"e "alady+ /&t finally so"eti"es she neither hears nor s#ea2s to her )ell-$elo!ed nor yet feels any si'n of his #resence $&t si"#ly 2no)s that she is in the #resence of her God to )ho" it is #leasin' that she sho&ld $e there+ S&##ose Theoti"&s that the 'lorio&s 3#ostle S+ ,ohn had sle#t )ith a $odily slee# in the $oso" of his dear Master at the 6ast S&##er and that he had sle#t $y his co""and"entB !erily in that case he )o&ld ha!e $een in his MasterDs #resence )itho&t in any )ay feelin' it+ 3nd "ar2 - #ray yo& that there is "ore care re*&ired to #lace oneself in GodDs #resence than to re"ain there )hen #lacedF for to #lace oneself there it is re*&isite to a##ly the "ind and render it act&ally attenti!e to this #resence (as - eC#lain in the -ntrod&ction+ @2K6A ) /&t $ein' #laced in this #resence )e 2ee# o&rself there $y "any other "eans so lon' as )hether $y &nderstandin' or $y )ill )e do anythin' in God or for GodF as for eCa"#le $y $eholdin' hi" or anythin' for lo!e of hi"B $y hearin' hi" or those that s#ea2 for hi"B $y s#ea2in' to hi" or to so"e one for lo!e of hi"B and $y doin' any )or2 )hatsoe!er for his hono&r and ser!ice+ Oea one "ay contin&e in GodDs #resence not only $y hearin' hi" seein' hi" or s#ea2in' to hi" $&t also $y )aitin' to see if it "ay #lease hi" to loo2 at &s to s#ea2 to &s or to "a2e &s s#ea2 to hi"F or yet a'ain $y doin' nothin' of all this $&t $y si"#ly stayin' )here it #leases hi" for &s to $e and $eca&se it #leases hi" for &s to $e there+ /&t if to this si"#le fashion of stayin' $efore hi" it #leases hi" to add so"e little feelin' that )e are all his and he all o&rs--O God( ho) desira$le and #recio&s is o&r #ri!ile'e( My dear Theoti"&s let &s f&rther ta2e the li$erty to fra"e this i"a'ination+ -f a stat&e )hich the sc&l#tor had niched in the 'allery of so"e 'reat #rince )ere endo)ed )ith &nderstandin' and co&ld reason and tal2B and if it )ere as2edF O fair stat&e tell "e no) )hy art tho& in that niche.---t )o&ld ans)er --/eca&se "y "aster #laced "e there+ 3nd if one sho&ld re#ly --/&t )hy stayest tho& there )itho&t doin' anythin'.-/eca&se )o&ld it say "y "aster did not #lace "e here to do anythin' $&t si"#ly that sho&ld $e here "otionless+ /&t if one sho&ld &r'e it f&rther sayin'F /&t #oor stat&e )hat art tho& the $etter for re"ainin' there in that sort. 0ell( )o&ld it say - a" not here for "y o)n interest and ser!ice $&t to o$ey and acco"#lish the )ill of "y "aster and "a2erB and this s&ffices "e+ 3nd if one sho&ld yet insist th&sF Tell "e then stat&e #ray not seein' thy "aster ho) dost tho& find content"ent in contentin' hi". Eo








!erily )o&ld it confessB - see hi" not for - ha!e not eyes for seein' as - ha!e not feet for )al2in'B $&t - a" too contented to 2no) that "y dear "aster sees "e here and ta2es #leas&re in seein' "e here+ /&t if one sho&ld contin&e the dis#&te )ith the stat&e and say &nto itF /&t )o&ldst tho& not at least )ish to ha!e #o)er to "o!e that tho& "i'htest a##roach near thy "a2er to afford hi" so"e $etter ser!ice. Do&$tless it )o&ld ans)er Eo and )o&ld #rotest that it desired to do nothin' $&t )hat its "aster )ished+ -s it #ossi$le then )o&ld one say at last that tho& desirest nothin' $&t to $e an i""o!a$le stat&e there )ithin that hollo) niche. Oes tr&ly )o&ld that )ise stat&e ans)er in concl&sionB - desire to $e nothin' $&t a stat&e and e!er in this niche so lon' as "y "aster #leases contentin' "yself to $e here and th&s since s&ch is the content"ent of hi" )hose - a" and $y )ho" - a" )hat - a"+ O tr&e God( ho) 'ood a )ay it is of re"ainin' in GodDs #resence to $e and to )ill to $e e!er and for e!er at his 'ood-#leas&re( For so - consider in all occ&rrences yea in o&r dee#est slee# )e are still "ore dee#ly in the "ost holy #resence of God+ Oea !erily Theoti"&sF for if )e lo!e hi" )e slee# not only in his si'ht $&t at his #leas&re and not only $y his )ill $&t also accordin' to his )ill+ 3nd "esee"s it is hi"self o&r ?reator and hea!enly sc&l#tor )ho lays &s there on o&r $eds as stat&es in their niches that )e "ay settle there as $irds nestle in their nests+ Then at o&r )a2in' if )e reflect &#on it )e find that God )as e!er #resent )ith &s and that )e )ere in no )ise a$sent or se#arated fro" hi"+ 0e ha!e then $een there in the #resence of his 'ood-#leas&re tho&'h )itho&t seein' or noticin' hi" so that )e "i'ht say in i"itation of ,aco$F @2K7A -ndeed - ha!e sle#t $y "y God and in the ar"s of his di!ine #resence and #ro!idence and - 2ne) it not( Eo) this *&iet in )hich the )ill )or2s not sa!e only $y a si"#le ac*&iescence in the di!ine 'ood-#leas&re )illin' to $e in #rayer )itho&t any other ai" than to $e in the si'ht of God accordin' as it shall #lease hi" is a so!erei'nly eCcellent *&iet $eca&se it has no "iCt&re of self-interest the fac&lties of the so&l ta2in' no content in it nor e!en the )ill sa!e $y its s&#re"e #oint in )hich its content"ent is to ad"it no other content"ent $&t that of $ein' )itho&t content"ent for the lo!e of the content"ent and 'ood-#leas&re of its God in )hich it rests+ For in fine the hei'ht of lo!eDs ecstasy is to ha!e o&r )ill not in its o)n content"ent $&t in GodDs or not to ha!e o&r content"ent in o&r o)n )ill $&t in GodDs+ @2K5A 6&2e CCi!+ @2K6A --+ 2+







@2K7A Gen+ CC!iii+ 16+ ?53PT;> Q--+


OF T5; O=TF6O0-EG (esco&le"ent) O> 6-%=;F3?T-OE OF T5; SO=6 -E GOD+ Moist and li*&id thin's easily recei!e the fi'&res and li"its )hich "ay $e 'i!en the" $eca&se they ha!e no fir"ness or solidity )hich sto#s or li"its the" in the"sel!es+ P&t

li*&id into a !essel and yo& )ill see it re"ain $o&nded )ithin the li"its of the !essel and accordin' as this is ro&nd or s*&are the li*&id )ill $e the sa"e ha!in' no other li"it or sha#e than that of the !essel )hich contains it+ 5 The so&l is not so $y nat&re for she has her #ro#er sha#es and li"itsF she ta2es her sha#e fro" her ha$its and inclinations her li"its fro" her )illB and )hen she is fiCed &#on her o)n inclinations and )ills )e say she is hard that is self-)illed o$stinate+ )ill ta2e a)ay says God the stony heart o&t of yo&r flesh and )ill 'i!e yo& a heart of flesh+ @2KIA To chan'e the for" of stones iron or )ood the aCe ha""er and fire are re*&ired+ 0e call that a heart of iron or )ood or stone )hich does not easily recei!e the di!ine i"#ressions $&t li!es in its o)n )ill a"idst the inclinations )hich acco"#any o&r de#ra!ed nat&re+ On the contrary a 'entle #lia$le and tracta$le heart is ter"ed a "eltin' and li*&efied heart+ My heart said Da!id s#ea2in' in the #erson of o&r Sa!io&r &#on the cross is $eco"e li2e )aC "eltin' in the "idst of "y $o)els( @2KKA ?leo#atra that infa"o&s %&een of ;'y#t stri!in' to o&t!ie Mar2 3ntony in all the eCcesses and dissol&tions of his $an*&ets at the end of a feast )hich she "ade in her t&rn called for a !ial of fine !ine'ar and dro##ed into it one of the #earls )hich she )ore in her ears !al&ed at t)o h&ndred and fifty tho&sand cro)ns )hich $ein' dissol!ed "elted and li*&efied she s)allo)ed it and )o&ld f&rther ha!e $&ried in the sin2 of her !ile sto"ach the #earl )hich she )ore in her other ear if 6&ci&s Pla&t&s had not #re!ented her+ O&r Sa!io&rDs heart the tr&e oriental #earl sin'&larly &ni*&e and #riceless thro)n into the "idst of a sea of inco"#ara$le $itternesses in the day of his #assion "elted in itself dissol!ed li*&efied 'a!e )ay and flo)ed o&t in #ain &nder the #ress of so "any "ortal an'&ishesB $&t lo!e stron'er than death "ollifies softens and "elts hearts far "ore *&ic2ly than all the other #assions+ My heart said the holy s#o&se "elted )hen he s#o2e+ @877A 3nd )hat does "elted "ean sa!e that it )as no lon'er contained )ithin itself $&t had flo)ed o&t to)ards its di!ine lo!er. God ordered that Moses sho&ld s#ea2 to the roc2 and that it sho&ld #rod&ce )atersF no "ar!el then if he hi"self "elted the heart of his s#o&se )hen he s#o2e to her in his s)eetness+ /al" is so thic2 $y nat&re that it is not fl&id or li*&id and the lon'er it is 2e#t the thic2er it 'ro)s and in the end 'ro)s hard $eco"in' red and trans#arentF yet heat dissol!es it and "a2es it fl&id+ 6o!e had "ade the $elo!ed fl&id and flo)in' )hence the s#o&se calls hi" oil #o&red o&tB and no) she tells &s that she herself is all "elted )ith lo!e+ My so&l said she "elted )hen he s#o2e+ The lo!e of her s#o&se )as in her heart and $reast as a stron' ne) )ine )hich cannot $e contained in the t&nB for it o!erflo)ed on e!ery sideB and $eca&se the so&l follo)s its lo!e after the s#o&se had saidF Thy $reasts are $etter than )ine s"ellin' s)eet of the $est oint"ents she addsF Thy na"e is as oil #o&red o&t+ @871A 3nd as the $elo!ed had #o&red o&t his lo!e and his so&l into the heart of the s#o&se so the s#o&se reci#rocally #o&rs her so&l into the heart of her $elo!edB and as )e see a honeyco"$ to&ched )ith the s&nDs ardent rays 'oes o&t of itself and forsa2es its for" to flo) o&t to)ards that side )here the rays to&ch it so the so&l of this lo!er flo)ed o&t to)ards )here the !oice of her $elo!ed )as heard 'oin' o&t of herself and #assin' the li"its of her nat&ral $ein' to follo) hi" that s#o2e &nto her+ /&t ho) does this sacred o&tflo)in' of the so&l into its )ell-$elo!ed ta2e #lace. 3n eCtre"e co"#lacency of the lo!er in the thin' $elo!ed $e'ets a certain s#irit&al










#o)erlessness )hich "a2es the so&l feel herself no lon'er a$le to re"ain in herself+ 0herefore as "elted $al" that no lon'er has fir"ness or solidity she lets herself #ass and flo) into )hat she lo!esF she does not s#rin' o&t of herself as $y a s&dden lea# nor does she clin' as $y a 1oinin' and &nion $&t 'ently 'lides as a fl&id and li*&id thin' into the di!inity )ho" she lo!es+ 3nd as )e see that the clo&ds thic2ened $y the so&th )ind "eltin' and t&rnin' to rain cannot contain the"sel!es $&t fall and flo) do)n)ards and "iC the"sel!es so entirely )ith the earth )hich they "oisten that they $eco"e one thin' )ith it so the so&l )hich tho&'h lo!in' re"ained as yet in herself 'oes o&t $y this sacred o&tflo)in' and holy li*&efaction and *&its herself not only to $e &nited to the )ell-$elo!ed $&t to $e entirely "in'led )ith and stee#ed in hi"+ Oo& see then clearly Theoti"&s that the o&tflo)in' of a so&l into her God is a tr&e ecstasy $y )hich the so&l *&ite transcends the li"its of her nat&ral for" of eCistence ("aintien) $ein' )holly "in'led )ith a$sor$ed and en'&lfed in her God+ 5ence it ha##ens that s&ch as attain to these holy eCcesses of hea!enly lo!e after)ards $ein' co"e to the"sel!es find nothin' on the earth that can content the" and li!in' in an eCtre"e annihilation of the"sel!es re"ain "&ch )ea2ened in all that $elon's to the senses and ha!e #er#et&ally in their hearts the "aCi" of the /lessed Mother (S+) TeresaF G0hat is not God is to "e nothin'+G 3nd it see"s that s&ch )as the lo!in' #assion of that 'reat friend of the )ell-$elo!ed )ho saidF - li!e no) not -B $&t ?hrist li!eth in "e @872A andF O&r life is hid )ith ?hrist in God+ @878A For tell "e - #ray yo& Theoti"&s if a dro# of co""on )ater thro)n into an ocean of so"e #riceless essence )ere ali!e and co&ld s#ea2 and declare its condition )o&ld it not cry o&t )ith 'reat 1oyF O "ortals( - li!e indeed $&t - li!e not "yself $&t this ocean li!es in "e and "y life is hidden in this a$yss. The so&l that has flo)ed o&t into God dies not for ho) can she die $y $ein' s)allo)ed &# in life. /&t she li!es )itho&t li!in' in herself $eca&se as the stars )itho&t losin' their li'ht still do not shine in the #resence of the s&n $&t the s&n shines in the" and they are hidden in the li'ht of the s&n so the so&l )itho&t losin' her life li!es not herself )hen "in'led )ith God $&t God li!es in her+ S&ch - thin2 )ere the feelin's of the 'reat /lessed (SS+) Phili# Eeri and Francis Qa!ier )hen o!er)hel"ed )ith hea!enly consolations they #etitioned God to )ithdra) hi"self for a s#ace fro" the" since his )ill )as that their life sho&ld a little lon'er a##ear &nto the )orldB )hich co&ld not $e )hile it )as )holly hidden and a$sor$ed in God+ @2KIA ;Hech+ CCC!i+ 26+ @2KKA Ps+ CCi+ 15+






97 @877A ?ant+ !+ 6+ @871A ?ant+ i+ 1 2+ 95 @872A Gal+ ii+ 27+ @878A ?ol+ iii+ 8+

?53PT;> Q---+ OF T5; 0O=ED OF 6O:;+ 5 3ll these ter"s of lo!e are dra)n fro" the rese"$lance there is $et)een the affections of the "ind and the #assions of the $ody+ Grief fear ho#e hatred and the rest of the affections of the so&l only enter the heart )hen lo!e dra)s the" after it+ 0e do not hate e!il eCce#t $eca&se it is contrary to the 'ood )hich )e lo!eF )e fear f&t&re e!il $eca&se it )ill de#ri!e &s of the 'ood )e lo!e+ Tho&'h an e!il $e eCtre"e yet )e ne!er hate it eCce#t in so far as )e lo!e the 'ood to )hich it is o##osed+ 5e )ho does not "&ch lo!e the co""on)ealth is not "&ch tro&$led to see it r&inedF he )ho scarcely lo!es God scarcely also hates sin+ 6o!e is the first yea the #rinci#le and ori'in of all the #assions and therefore it is lo!e that first enters the heartB and $eca&se it #enetrates and #ierces do)n to the !ery $otto" of the )ill )here its seat is )e say it )o&nds the heart+ G-t is shar# G says the a#ostle of France @879A Gand enters into the s#irit "ost dee#ly+G The other affections enter indeed $&t $y the a'ency of lo!e for it is this )hich #iercin' the heart "a2es a #assa'e for the"+ -t is only the #oint of the dart that )o&nds the rest only increases the )o&nd and the #ain+ Eo) if it )o&nd it conse*&ently 'i!es #ain+ Po"e'ranates $y their !er"ilion colo&r $y the "&ltit&de of their seeds so close set and ran2ed and $y their fair cro)ns !i!idly re#resent as S+ Gre'ory says "ost holy charity all red $y reason of its ardo&r to)ards God loaded )ith all the !ariety of !irt&es and alone $earin' a)ay the cro)n of eternal re)ardsF $&t the 1&ice of #o"e'ranates )hich as )e 2no) is so a'reea$le $oth to the healthy and to the sic2 is so "in'led of s)eet and so&r that one can hardly discern )hether it deli'hts the taste "ore $eca&se it has a s)eet tartness or $eca&se it has a tart s)eetness+ :erily Theoti"&s lo!e is th&s $itter-s)eet and )hile )e li!e in this )orld it ne!er has a s)eetness #erfectly s)eet $eca&se it is not #erfect nor e!er #&rely satiated and satisfiedF and yet it fails not to $e of !ery a'reea$le taste its tartness correctin' the l&scio&sness of its s)eetness as its s)eetness hei'htens the relish of its tartness+ /&t ho) can this $e. Oo& shall see a yo&n' "an enter into a co"#any free hearty and in the $est of s#irits )ho $ein' off his '&ard feels $efore he 'oes a)ay that lo!e "a2in' &se of the 'lances the 'est&res the )ords yea e!en of the hair of a silly and )ea2 creat&re as of so "any darts has s"itten and )o&nded his #oor heart so that there he is all sad 'loo"y and de#ressed+ 0hy - #ray yo& is he sad. 0itho&t do&$t $eca&se he is )o&nded+ 3nd )hat has )o&nded hi". 6o!e+ /&t lo!e $ein' the child of co"#lacency ho) can it )o&nd and 'i!e #ain. So"eti"es the $elo!ed o$1ect is a$sent and then "y dear Theoti"&s lo!e )o&nds the heart $y the desire )hich it eCcitesB this it is )hich $ein' &na$le to satiate itself 'rie!o&sly tor"ents the s#irit+ -f a $ee had st&n' a child it )ere to #oor #&r#ose to say to hi"F 3h( "y child the $ee that st&n' yo& is the !ery sa"e that "a2es the honey yo& are so fond of+ For he "i'ht sayF it is tr&e that its honey is !ery #leasant to "y taste $&t its stin' is !ery #ainf&l and )hile its stin' re"ains in "y chee2 - cannot $e at #eace and do yo& not see that "y face is all s)ollen )ith it. Theoti"&s lo!e is indeed a co"#lacency and conse*&ently !ery deli'htf&l #ro!ided that it does not lea!e in o&r heart the stin' of desireB for )hen it lea!es this it lea!es there)ith a 'reat #ain+ Tr&e it is this #ain #roceeds fro" lo!e and therefore is a lo!ea$le and $elo!ed #ain+ 5ear the #ainf&l yet lo!e-f&ll e1ac&lations of a









royal lo!er+ My so&l hath thirsted after the stron' li!in' GodB )hen shall - co"e and a##ear $efore the face of God. My tears ha!e $een "y $read day and ni'ht )hilst it is said to "e dailyF )here is thy God. @875A 3nd the sacred S&la"itess )holly stee#ed in her doloro&s lo!es s#ea2in' to the da&'hters of ,er&sale"F 3h( says she - ad1&re yo& O da&'hters of ,er&sale" if yo& find "y $elo!ed that yo& tell hi" that - lan'&ish )ith lo!e+ @876A 5o#e that is deferred afflicteth the so&l+ @877A Eo) the #ainf&l )o&nds of lo!e are of "any sorts+ 1+ The first stro2es )e recei!e fro" lo!e are called )o&nds $eca&se the heart )hich a##eared so&nd entire and all its o)n $efore it lo!ed $ein' str&c2 )ith lo!e $e'ins to se#arate and di!ide itself fro" itself to 'i!e itself to the $elo!ed o$1ect+ Eo) this se#aration cannot $e "ade )itho&t #ain seein' that #ain is nothin' $&t the di!ision of li!in' thin's )hich $elon' to one another+ 2+ Desire incessantly stin's and )o&nds the heart in )hich it is as )e ha!e said+ 8+ /&t Theoti"&s s#ea2in' of hea!enly lo!e there is in the #ractice of it a 2ind of )o&nd 'i!en $y God hi"self to the so&l )hich he )o&ld hi'hly #erfect+ For he 'i!es her ad"ira$le senti"ents of and inco"#ara$le attractions for his so!erei'n 'oodness as if #ressin' and solicitin' her to lo!e hi"B and then she forci$ly lifts herself &# as if to soar hi'her to)ards her di!ine o$1ectB $&t sto##in' short $eca&se she cannot lo!e as "&ch as she desiresF--O God( she feels a #ain )hich has no e*&al+ 3t the sa"e ti"e that she is #o)erf&lly dra)n to fly to)ards her dear )ell-$elo!ed she is also #o)erf&lly 2e#t $ac2 and cannot fly $ein' chained to the $ase "iseries of this "ortal life and of her o)n #o)erlessnessF she desires the )in's of a do!e that she "ay fly a)ay and $e at rest @87IA and she finds not+ There then she is r&dely tor"ented $et)een the !iolence of her desires and her o)n #o)erlessness+ =nha##y "an that - a" said one of those )ho had eC#erienced this tort&re )ho shall deli!er "e fro" the $ody of this death. @87KA -n this case if yo& notice Theoti"&s it is not the desire of a thin' a$sent that )o&nds the heart for the so&l feels that her God is #resentB he has already led her into his )inecellar he has #lanted &#on her heart the $anner of lo!eF $&t still tho&'h already he sees her )holly his he &r'es her and fro" ti"e to ti"e casts a tho&sand tho&sand darts of his lo!e sho)in' her in ne) )ays ho) "&ch "ore he is lo!a$le than lo!ed+ 3nd she )ho has not so "&ch force to lo!e as lo!e to force herself seein' her forces so )ea2 in res#ect of the desire she has to lo!e )orthily hi" )ho" no force of lo!e can lo!e eno&'h --3h( she feels herself tort&red )ith an inco"#ara$le #ainB for as "any efforts as she "a2es to fly hi'her in her desirin' lo!e so "any thrills of #ain does she recei!e+ This heart in lo!e )ith its God desirin' infinitely to lo!e sees not)ithstandin' that it can neither lo!e nor desire s&fficiently+ 3nd this desire )hich cannot co"e to effect is as a dart in the side of a no$le s#iritB yet the #ain )hich #roceeds fro" it is )elco"e $eca&se )hosoe!er desires earnestly to lo!e lo!es also earnestly to desire and )o&ld estee" hi"self the "ost "isera$le "an in the &ni!erse if he did not contin&ally desire to lo!e that )hich is so so!erei'nly )orthy of lo!e+ Desirin' to lo!e he recei!es #ainB $&t lo!in' to desire he recei!es s)eetness+ My God( Theoti"&s )hat a" - 'oin' to say. The $lessed in hea!en seein' that God is still "ore lo!a$le than they are lo!in' )o&ld fail and eternally #erish )ith a desire to lo!e hi" still "ore if the "ost holy )ill of God did not i"#ose &#on theirs the ad"ira$le re#ose )hich it en1oysF for they so so!erei'nly lo!e this so!erei'n )ill that its )illin' stays theirs and the di!ine content"ent contents the" they ac*&iescin' to $e









li"ited in their lo!e e!en $y that )ill )hose 'oodness is the o$1ect of their lo!e+ -f this )ere not so their lo!e )o&ld $e e*&ally delicio&s and doloro&s delicio&s $y the #ossession of so 'reat a 'ood doloro&s thro&'h an eCtre"e desire of a 'reater lo!e+ God therefore contin&ally dra)in' arro)s if )e "ay say so o&t of the *&i!er of his infinite $ea&ty )o&nds the hearts of his lo!ers "a2in' the" clearly see that they do not lo!e hi" nearly as "&ch as he is )orthy to $e $elo!ed+ That "ortal )ho does not desire to lo!e the di!ine 'oodness "ore lo!es hi" not eno&'hB s&fficiency in this di!ine eCercise is not s&fficient )hen a "an )o&ld stay in it as tho&'h it s&fficed hi"+ @879A S+ Denis (Tr+) @875A Ps+ Cli+ 8+ @876A ?ant+ !+ I+


15 @877A Pro!+ Ciii+ 12+ @87IA Ps+ li!+ 7+ 27 @87KA >o"+ !ii+ 29+ ?53PT;> Q-:+ OF SOM; OT5;> M;3ES /O 05-?5 5O6O 6O:; 0O=EDS T5; 5;3>T+ 25 Eothin' so "&ch )o&nds a lo!in' heart as to #ercei!e another )o&nded )ith the lo!e of it+ The #elican $&ilds her nest &#on the 'ro&nd )herefore ser#ents often stin' her yo&n' ones+ Eo) )hen this ha##ens the #elican as an eCcellent #hysician )ith the #oint of her $ea2 )o&nds these #oor chic2s all o!er to ca&se the #oison )hich the ser#entsD stin' had s#read thro&'h all the #arts of their $odies to flo) o&t )ith the $loodB and to 'et o&t all the #oison she lets o&t all the $lood and th&s conse*&ently #er"its this little #elican-$rood to #erish+ /&t seein' the" dead she )o&nds herself and s#readin' her $lood o!er the" she !i!ifies the" )ith a ne) and #&rer life+ 5er lo!e )o&nded the" and forth)ith $y the sa"e lo!e she )o&nds herself+ Ee!er do )e )o&nd a heart )ith the )o&nd of lo!e $&t )e o&rsel!es are )o&nded )ith the sa"e+ 0hen the so&l sees her God )o&nded $y lo!e for her sa2e she i""ediately recei!es fro" it a reci#rocal )o&nd+ Tho& hast )o&nded "y heart @817A said the hea!enly lo!er to the S&la"itess and the S&la"itess cries o&tF Tell "y $elo!ed that - lan'&ish )ith lo!e+ @811A /ees ne!er )o&nd )itho&t $ein' the"sel!es )o&nded to death+ 3nd )e seein' the Sa!io&r of o&r so&ls )o&nded to death $y lo!e of &s e!en to the death of the cross --ho) can )e $&t $e )o&nded for hi" $&t )o&nded )ith a )o&nd as "&ch "ore doloro&sly a"oro&s as his )as a"oro&sly doloro&s and a )o&nd as 'reat as is o&r ina$ility to lo!e hi" as "&ch as his lo!e and death re*&ire. -t is a'ain another )o&nd of lo!e )hen the so&l feels tr&ly that she lo!es God and yet he treats her as if he 2ne) not that she lo!ed hi" or as if he )ere distr&stf&l of her lo!eF for then "y dear Theoti"&s the so&l is #&t into an eCtre"e an'&ish as it is ins&##orta$le to her to see and feel e!en the "ere #retence God "a2es of distr&stin' her+ The #oor S+ Peter had and felt his heart all filled )ith lo!e for his "aster and O&r 6ord hidin' his 2no)led'e of






itF Peter said he dost tho& lo!e "e "ore than these. 3h( 6ord said the 3#ostle tho& 2no)est that - lo!e thee+ /&t Peter lo!est tho& "e re#lied O&r Sa!io&r+ My dear Master said the 3#ostle tr&ly - lo!e thee tho& 2no)est it+ /&t this s)eet "aster to #ro!e hi" and as if sho)in' a diffidence of his lo!eF Peter said he dost tho& lo!e "e. 3h( 6ord tho& )o&ndest this #oor heart )hich 'reatly afflicted cries o&t a"oro&sly yet doloro&slyF 6ord tho& 2no)est all thin'sF tho& 2no)est that - lo!e thee+ @812A -t ha##ened once that a #ossessed #erson )as $ein' eCorcised and the )ic2ed s#irit $ein' &r'ed to tell his na"eF - a" said he that "isera$le $ein' de#ri!ed of lo!eF and S+ ?atharine of Genoa )ho )as there #resent s&ddenly #ercei!ed her )hole fra"e dist&r$ed and disordered "erely fro" ha!in' heard the )ords #ri!ation of lo!e #rono&ncedF for as the de!ils so hate di!ine lo!e that they *&a2e )hen they see its si'n or hear its na"e that is )hen they see the cross or hear the na"e of ,es&s #rono&nced so those )ho dearly lo!e O&r 6ord thrill )ith #ain and horror )hen they see so"e si'n or hear so"e )ord that refers to the #ri!ation of this holy lo!e+ S+ Peter )as *&ite s&re that O&r 6ord 2no)in' all thin's co&ld not $e i'norant ho) "&ch he )as lo!ed $y hi" yet $eca&se the re#etition of this de"andF Peter dost tho& lo!e "e. had so"e a##earance of distr&st S+ Peter is 'reatly 'rie!ed $y it+ 3las( that #oor so&l )ho feels that she is resol!ed rather to die than offend her God and yet feels not a s#ar2 of fer!o&r $&t on the contrary an eCtre"e coldness )hich so $en&"$s and )ea2ens her that at e!ery ste# she falls into !ery sensi$le i"#erfections --this so&l - say Theoti"&s is all )o&ndedF for her lo!e is eCceedin'ly in #ain to see that God lets hi"self loo2 as if he did not see ho) "&ch she lo!es hi" lea!in' her as a creat&re not $elon'in' to hi"B and she fancies that a"id her failin's her distractions and coldness O&r 6ord s"ites her )ith this re#roachF 5o) canst tho& say that tho& lo!est "e seein' thy so&l is not )ith "e. 3nd this is a dart of #ain thro&'h her heart $&t a dart of #ain )hich #roceeds fro" lo!eB for if she lo!ed not she )o&ld not $e afflicted )ith the fear that she lo!ed not+ So"eti"es this )o&nd of lo!e is "ade "erely $y the re"e"$rance )e ha!e that there )as a ti"e in )hich )e lo!ed not o&r God+ GOh( too late ha!e - lo!ed thee $ea&ty e!er ancient and e!er ne) G said that saint )ho for thirty years )as a heretic+ The #ast life is an o$1ect of horror to the #resent life of hi" )ho has #assed his #re!io&s life )itho&t lo!in' the so!erei'n 'oodness+ So"eti"es lo!e )o&nds &s )ith the "ere consideration of the "&ltit&de of those )ho conte"n the lo!e of GodB so that )e faint a)ay )ith 'rief for this as did he )ho saidF My Heal hath "ade "e #ine a)ayF $eca&se "y ene"ies for'ot thy )ords+ @818A 3nd the 'reat S+ Francis thin2in' he )as not heard &#on a day )e#t so$$ed and la"ented so #itif&lly that a 'ood "an hearin' hi" ran as if to the s&cco&r of one )ho )as 'oin' to $e slain and findin' hi" all alone as2ed hi"F )hy dost tho& cry so hard #oor "an. 3las( said he - )ee# to thin2 that O&r 6ord end&red so "&ch for lo!e of &s and no one thin2s of itF and ha!in' said th&s he too2 to his tears a'ain and this 'ood "an so$$ed and )e#t )ith hi"+ /&t ho)e!er it $e there is this ad"ira$le in the )o&nds recei!ed fro" the di!ine lo!e that their #ain is deli'htf&l and all that feel it consent to it and )o&ld not chan'e this #ain for all the #leas&res of the )orld+ There is no #ain in lo!e or if there is #ain it is









)ell-$elo!ed #ain+ Once a Sera#h holdin' a 'olden arro) fro" the head of )hich iss&ed a little fla"e darted it into the heart of the /lessed Mother (S+) TeresaB and )hen he )o&ld dra) it o&t it see"ed to this !ir'in that he )as tearin' o&t her !ery entrails the #ain $ein' so eCcessi!e that she had only stren'th to &tter lo) and fee$le "oansB $&t yet a #ain so dear that she )o&ld ha!e )ished ne!er to $e deli!ered fro" it+ S&ch )as the arro) of lo!e that God sent into the heart of the 'reat S+ ?atharine of Genoa in the $e'innin' of her con!ersion after )hich she $eca"e another )o"an dead to the )orld and thin's created to li!e only to her ?reator+ The )ell-$elo!ed is a $&ndle of $itter "yrrh and this $itter $&ndle a'ain is )ell-$elo!ed )hich a$ides dearly #laced $et)een the $reasts @819A that is the $est-$elo!ed of all the )ell-$elo!ed+ @817A ?ant+ i!+ K+ @811A ?ant+ !+ I+

15 @812A ,ohn CCi+ 1K+ @818A Ps+ cC!iii+ 18K+ 27 @819A ?ant+ i+ 12+ ?53PT;> Q:+ 25 OF T5; 3FF;?T-OE3T; 63EG=-S5-EG OF T5; 5;3>T 0O=ED;D 0-T5 6O:;+ -t is a thin' !ery )ell 2no)n that h&"an lo!e not only )o&nds the heart $&t e!en "a2es the $ody sic2 &nto deathB $eca&se as the #assion and te"#era"ent of the $ody ha!e 'reat #o)er to incline the so&l and dra) her after it so the affections of the so&l ha!e 'reat force to stir the h&"o&rs and chan'e the *&alities of the $ody+ /&t $esides this lo!e )hen it is !iolent $ears a)ay the so&l to the thin' $elo!ed )ith s&ch i"#et&osity and so stron'ly #ossesses her that she fails in all her other o#erations $e they sensiti!e or intellect&alB so that to feed and second this lo!e the so&l see"s to a$andon all other care all other eCercises yea and herself too )hence Plato said that lo!e )as #oor ra''ed na2ed $arefoot "isera$le ho&seless that it lies )itho&t doors &#on the hard 'ro&nd al)ays in )ant+ -t is #oor $eca&se it "a2es one *&it all for the thin' $elo!edB it is ho&seless $eca&se it &r'es the so&l to lea!e her o)n ha$itation to follo) contin&ally hi" )ho is lo!edB it is "isera$le #ale lean and $ro2en do)n $eca&se it "a2es one lose slee# "eat and drin2B it is na2ed and $arefoot since it "a2es one forsa2e all other affections to e"$race those of the thin' $elo!edB it lies )itho&t &#on the hard 'ro&nd $eca&se it ca&ses the heart that is in lo!e to lie o#en "a2in' it "anifest its #assion $y si'hs #laints #raises s&s#icions 1ealo&siesB it lies alon' at the 'ate li2e a $e''ar $eca&se it "a2es the lo!er #er#et&ally attenti!e to the eyes and "o&th of the thin' )hich it lo!es 2ee#in' contin&ally to the ears thereof to s#ea2 to it and $e' fa!o&rs )here)ith lo!e is ne!er satiatedB no) the eyes ears and "o&th are the 'ates of the so&l+ -n fine the condition of its life is to $e e!er indi'ent for if e!er it is satiated it is no lon'er ardent nor conse*&ently lo!e+







Tr&e it is Theoti"&s that Plato s#o2e th&s of the a$1ect !ile and "isera$le lo!e of )orldlin'sB yet the sa"e #ro#erties fail not to $e fo&nd in hea!enly and di!ine lo!e+ For t&rn yo&r eyes a little &#on those first "asters of ?hristian doctrine - "ean those first doctors of holy e!an'elical lo!e and "ar2 )hat one of the" )ho had la$o&red the "ost saidF ;!en &nto this ho&r says he )e $oth h&n'er and thirst and are na2ed and are $&ffeted and ha!e no fiCed a$ode+ 3nd )e la$o&r )or2in' )ith o&r o)n handsF )e are re!iled and )e $lessF )e are #ersec&ted and )e s&ffer it+ 0e are $las#he"ed and )e entreatF )e are "ade as the ref&se of this )orld the off-sco&rin' and as it )ere the #arin's of all e!en &ntil no)+ @815A 3s tho&'h he had said )e are so a$1ect that if the )orld $e a #alace )e are held the s)ee#in's thereof if the )orld $e an a##le )e are its #arin's+ 0hat - #ray yo& had $ro&'ht the" to this state $&t lo!e. -t )as lo!e that thre) S+ Francis na2ed $efore his $isho# and "ade hi" die na2ed &#on the 'ro&ndB it )as lo!e that "ade hi" a $e''ar all his lifeB it )as lo!e that sent the 'reat S+ Francis Qa!ier #oor needy ra''ed thro&'h the -ndies and a"on'st the ,a#aneseB it )as lo!e that $ro&'ht the 'reat ?ardinal S+ ?harles 3rch$isho# of Milan to that eCtre"ity of #o!erty a"idst the riches )hich his $irth and di'nity 'a!e hi" that as says the elo*&ent orator of -taly Master (Monsei'ne&r) Pancirola he )as as a do' in his "asterDs ho&se eatin' $&t a $it of $read drin2in' $&t a dro# of )ater and lyin' &#on a little stra)+ 6et &s hear - $eseech yo& the holy S&la"itess )ho cries al"ost in this "annerF 3ltho&'h $y reason of a tho&sand consolations )hich "y lo!e 'i!es "e - $e "ore fair than the rich tents of "y Solo"on (- "ean "ore fair than hea!en )hich is the inani"ate #a!ilion of his royal "a1esty )hile - a" his ani"ated #a!ilion) yet a" - all $lac2 rent d&st-)orn and all s#oilt $y so "any )o&nds and $lo)s 'i!en "e $y the sa"e lo!e+ 3h( re'ard not "y h&e for tr&ly - a" $ro)n $eca&se "y $elo!ed )ho is "y s&n has darted the rays of his lo!e &#on "eB rays )hich $y their li'ht ill&"inate $&t )hich $y their heat ha!e "ade "e s&n$&rnt and s)arthy and to&chin' "e )ith their s#lendo&r they ha!e $ereft "e of "y colo&r+ The #assion of lo!e has "ade "e too ha##y in 'i!in' "e a s#o&se s&ch as is "y 2in' $&t the sa"e #assion )hich is a "other to "e (seein' she alone 'a!e "e in "arria'e and not "y "erits) has other children )hich fiercely assa&lt and tro&$le "e $rin'in' "e to s&ch a lan'&or that as on the one hand - a" li2e to a *&een )ho is $eside her 2in' so on the other hand - a" as a !ineyard-2ee#er )ho in a "isera$le h&t loo2s to a !ineyard and a !ineyard that is not his o)n+ Tr&ly Theoti"&s )hen the )o&nds and stro2es of lo!e are fre*&ent and stron' they #&t &s into a lan'&or and into lo!eDs )ell-$elo!ed sic2ness+ 0ho co&ld e!er descri$e the lo!in' lan'&ors of the SS+ ?atharine of Siena and Genoa or of a S+ 3n'ela of Foli'no or S+ ?hristina or the /lessed Mother (S+) Teresa a S+ /ernard a S+ Francis+ 3nd as for this last his life )as nothin' $&t tears si'hs #laints lan'&ors )astin's lo!e-trances+ /&t in all this nothin' is so )onderf&l as that ad"ira$le co""&nication )hich the s)eet ,es&s "ade hi" of his lo!in' and #recio&s #ains $y the i"#ression of his )o&nds and sti'"ata+ Theoti"&s - ha!e often #ondered this )onder and ha!e "ade this conce#tion of it+ That 'reat ser!ant of God a "an )holly sera#hical $eholdin' the li!ely #ict&re of his cr&cified Sa!io&r re#resented in a shinin' sera#h )ho a##eared &nto hi" &#on Mo&nt 3l!erno )as to&ched $eyond )hat co&ld $e i"a'ined $ein' ta2en )ith a so!erei'n consolation and co"#assion in $eholdin' this $ri'ht "irror of lo!e )hich the an'els cannot satisfy the"sel!es in $eholdin'+ 3h( he as it )ere s)ooned a)ay )ith








s)eetness and content"ent+ /&t seein' also the li!ely re#resentation of the "ar2s and )o&nds of his Sa!io&r cr&cified he felt in his so&l the "erciless s)ord )hich transfiCed the sacred $reast of the !ir'in-"other on the day of the #assion )ith as "&ch interior #ain as tho&'h he had $een cr&cified )ith his dear Sa!io&r+ O God( Theoti"&s if the #ict&re of 3$raha" holdin' the death-stro2e o!er his dear only-$e'otten to sacrifice hi" a #ict&re dra)n $y "ortal hand had the #o)er to to&ch and "a2e )ee# the 'reat S+ Gre'ory /isho# of Eyssa as often as he $eheld it --3h( ho) eCtre"e )as the tenderness of the 'reat S+ Francis )hen he $eheld the #ict&re of o&r Sa!io&r sacrificin' hi"self &#on the cross a #ict&re )hich not a "ortal hand $&t the "aster-hand of a hea!enly sera#h had dra)n and traced fro" its !ery ori'inal re#resentin' to the life and to nat&re the di!ine 2in' of an'els $r&ised )o&nded #ierced $ro2en cr&cified+ This so&l then $ein' th&s "ollified softened and al"ost "elted a)ay in this lo!e-f&ll #ain )as there$y eCtre"ely dis#osed to recei!e the i"#ressions and "ar2s of the lo!e and #ain of his so!erei'n lo!erB for his "e"ory )as )holly stee#ed in the re"e"$rance of this di!ine lo!e his i"a'ination forci$ly a##lied to re#resent &nto hi"self the )o&nds and li!id $r&ises )hich his eyes then sa) so #erfectly eC#ressed in the #ict&re $efore hi"B the &nderstandin' recei!ed those "ost !i!id i"a'es )hich the i"a'ination f&rnished to itB and finally lo!e e"#loyed all the forces of the )ill to enter into and confor" itself to the #assion of her )ell-$elo!edB )hence )itho&t do&$t the so&l fo&nd herself transfor"ed into a second cr&cified+ Eo) the so&l as the for" and "istress of the $ody eCercisin' her a&thority o!er it i"#ressed the #ains of the )o&nds )ith )hich she )as str&c2 on the #arts corres#ondin' to those )herein her $elo!ed had end&red the"+ 6o!e is ad"ira$le in shar#enin' the i"a'ination to #enetrate to the eCterior+ -n 6a$anDs e)es the i"a'ination had a cor#oral effect &#on the la"$s and the i"a'ination of h&"an "others affects their children+ 3 stron' i"a'ination "a2es a "an $eco"e 'rey in one ni'ht and dist&r$s his health and all his h&"o&rs+ 6o!e then dro!e the interior tor"ent of this 'reat lo!er S+ Francis to the eCterior and )o&nded the $ody )ith the sa"e dart of #ain )ith )hich it had )o&nded the heartB $&t lo!e $ein' )ithin co&ld not )ell "a2e the holes in the flesh )itho&t and therefore the $&rnin' sera#h co"in' to its hel# darted rays of so #enetratin' a li'ht that it really "ade in the flesh the eCterior )o&nds of the cr&cified )hich lo!e had i"#rinted interiorly in the so&l+ So the sera#h seein' that -saias did not dare to s#ea2 $eca&se he #ercei!ed his li#s defiled ca"e in the na"e of God to to&ch and #&rify his li#s )ith a $&rnin' coal ta2en fro" off the altar secondin' in this sort his desire+ The "yrrh tree $rin's forth its '&" and first li*&or $y )ay of s)eat and trans#iration $&t that it "ay let o&t all its 1&ice it "&st $e hel#ed $y incision+ -n the sa"e )ay the di!ine lo!e of S+ Francis a##eared in his )hole life after the "anner of a s)eatin' for in all his actions he sho)ed nothin' $&t this sacred affectionB $&t to "a2e the inco"#ara$le a$&ndance of it #lainly a##ear the di!ine sera#h ca"e to "a2e the incision and )o&nds+ 3nd to the end it "i'ht $e 2no)n that these )o&nds )ere )o&nds of 5ea!enDs lo!e they )ere "ade not )ith the steel $&t )ith rays of li'ht+ O tr&e God( Theoti"&s )hat a"oro&s dolo&rs and doloro&s lo!es( For not only at that instant $&t also his )hole life after this #oor Saint )ent #inin' and lan'&ishin' as sic2 )ith !ery lo!e+ The /lessed (S+) Phili# Eeri at fo&rscore years of a'e had s&ch an infla""ation of heart thro&'h di!ine lo!e that the heat "a2in' the ri$s 'i!e )ay to it 'reatly enlar'ed the" and $ro2e the fo&rth and fifth that the heart "i'ht recei!e air and $e refreshed+ /+








(S+) Stanisla&s 4ots2a a yo&th of fo&rteen years )as so assa&lted $y the lo!e of his Sa!io&r that he often fainted a)ay and fell do)n and he )as constrained to a##ly linen stee#ed in cold )ater to his $reast to "oderate the !iolence of the $&rnin' )hich he felt+ 5 To concl&de Theoti"&s ho) do yo& thin2 that a so&l )hich has once tasted di!ine consolations at all freely can li!e in this )orld so f&ll of "iseries )itho&t an al"ost contin&al #ain and lan'&ishin'. That 'reat "an of God Francis Qa!ier )as often heard liftin' &# his !oice to 5ea!en )hen he tho&'ht hi"self all alone in this sortF 3h( "y God do not for #ity do not $ear "e do)n )ith so 'reat a$&ndance of consolationsB or if thro&'h thy infinite 'oodness it #lease thee to "a2e "e so a$o&nd in deli'hts dra) "e then into ParadiseB for he )ho has once tasted thy s)eetness "&st necessarily li!e in $itterness )hile he does not en1oy thee+ 3nd therefore )hen God has so"e)hat lar'ely $esto)ed his hea!enly s)eetnesses &#on a so&l and after)ards )ithdra)s the" he )o&nds her $y this #ri!ation and she after)ards is left #inin'B si'hin' o&t )ith Da!idF My so&l hath thirsted after the stron' li!in' GodB )hen shall - co"e and a##ear $efore the face of God. @816A 3nd )ith the 'reat 3#ostleF =nha##y "an that - a" )ho shall deli!er "e fro" the $ody of this death. @817A @815A 1 ?or+ i!+ 11+ @816A Ps+ Cli+ 8+ @817A >o"+ !ii+ 29+ 25 /OO4 :--+ OF T5; 87 =E-OE OF T5; SO=6 0-T5 5;> GOD 05-?5 -S P;>F;?T;D -E P>3O;>+ ?53PT;> -+ 5O0 6O:; ;FF;?TS T5; =E-OE OF T5; SO=6 0-T5 GOD -E P>3O;>+ 85 0e s#ea2 not here of the 'eneral &nion of the heart )ith its God $&t of certain #artic&lar acts and "o!e"ents )hich the so&l recollected in God "a2es $y )ay of #rayer to $e "ore and "ore &nited and 1oined to his di!ine 'oodnessF for there is tr&ly a difference $et)een 1oinin' or &nitin' one thin' to another and clas#in' or #ressin' one thin' a'ainst or &#on anotherB $eca&se to 1oin or &nite there is only re*&ired an a##lication of one thin' to the other so that they "ay to&ch and $e to'ether as )e 1oin !ines to el"s and 1essa"ine to the trellis-)or2 of the ar$o&rs )hich are "ade in 'ardens+ /&t to s*&eeHe and #ress to'ether a stron' a##lication "&st $e "ade )hich increases and a&'"ents the &nionB so that to clas# to'ether is to 1oin stron'ly and closely as )e see i!y 1oined to trees )hich is not &nited only $&t #ressed and clas#ed so hard to the" that it e!en #enetrates and enters into their $ar2+








0e "&st not dro# the co"#arison of the lo!e of little children to)ards their "others $eca&se of its innocence and #&rity+ >e'ard then that s)eet little child to )ho" the seated "other #resents her $reast+ -t casts itself into her ar"s 'atherin' and foldin' its little $ody in this $oso" and on this $elo!ed $reast+ 3nd see the "other reci#rocally ho) recei!in' it she clas#s it and as it )ere 'l&es it to her $oso" and 1oinin' her "o&th to its "o&th 2isses it+ /&t see a'ain this little $a$e all&red )ith its "otherDs caresses ho) for its #art it conc&rs in this &nion $et)een its "other and itselfF for it also as "&ch as it #ossi$ly can s*&eeHes and #resses itself to its "otherDs $reast and face as tho&'h it )o&ld )holly di!e into and hide itself in that $elo!ed $ein' fro" )ho" it ca"e+ Eo) Theoti"&s in this "o"ent &nion is #erfectB )hich $ein' $&t one #roceeds not)ithstandin' fro" the "other and the child yet so that it has its )hole de#endence &#on the "other+ For she dre) the child to her she first loc2ed it in her ar"s and #ressed it to her $reastB nor had the $a$e stren'th eno&'h to clas# and 2ee# itself so ti'ht to its "other+ Oet the #oor little one does for its #art )hat it can and 1oins itself )ith all its stren'th to its "otherDs $oso" not consentin' only to the deli'htf&l &nion )hich its "other "a2es $&t contri$&tin' )ith all its heart its fee$le endea!o&rsF and - say its fee$le endea!o&rs $eca&se they are so )ea2 that they rather rese"$le efforts after &nion than act&al &nion+ Th&s then Theoti"&s o&r Sa!io&r sho)in' the "ost deli'htf&l $reast of his di!ine lo!e to the de!o&t so&l dra)s her )holly to hi"self 'athers her &# and as it )ere folds all her #o)ers in the $oso" of his "ore than "otherly s)eetness and then $&rnin' )ith lo!e he clas#s the so&l 1oins #resses and 'l&es her on his li#s of s)eetness and to his delicio&s $reast 2issin' her )ith the sacred 2iss of his "o&th and "a2in' her relish his $reasts "ore s)eet than )ine+ @81IA Then the so&l all&red )ith the deli'hts of these fa!o&rs not only consents and yields herself to the &nion )hich God "a2es $&t )ith all her #o)er co-o#erates forcin' herself to 1oin and clas# herself closer and closer to the di!ine 'oodnessB yet in s&ch a )ay that she f&lly ac2no)led'es her &nion and attach"ent to this so!erei'n s)eetness to $e )holly de#endent &#on GodDs o#eration )itho&t )hich she co&ld not "a2e the least effort in the )orld to $e &nited &nto hi"+ 0hen )e see an eC*&isite $ea&ty $eheld )ith 'reat ardo&r or an eCcellent "elody heard )ith 'reat attention or a rare disco&rse listened to )ith 'reat satisfaction )e are )ont to say that this $ea&ty ri!ets the eyes of the s#ectators this "&sic ta2es the ears and this disco&rse ca#ti!ates the hearts of the a&ditors+ 0hat does this "ean--to ri!et the eyes and ears or to ca#ti!ate the heart--sa!e to &nite and "ost closely 1oin these senses and #o)ers to their o$1ects. The so&l then closely 1oins herself to and #resses herself &#on her o$1ect )hen she eCercises her affection to)ards it )ith 'reat intensityB for #ress&re is nothin' "ore than the #ro'ress and ad!ance"ent of the &nion and con1&nction+ 0e "a2e &se of this )ord accordin' to o&r lan'&a'e e!en in "oral "attersF he #resses "e to do this or he #resses "e to stay that is he does not "erely &se his #ers&asion and #rayer $&t does it )ith earnestness and entreaty as did the #il'ri"s in ;""a&s )ho not only #etitioned o&r Sa!io&r $&t e!en #ressed and forci$ly &r'ed hi" and co"#elled hi" $y a lo!in' !iolence to re"ain in their lod'in' )ith the"+ Eo) in #rayer this &nion is often "ade $y "anner of little yet fre*&ent fli'hts and ad!ancin's of the so&l to)ards GodF and if yo& ta2e notice of little children &nited and 1oined to their "othersD $reasts yo& )ill see that e!er and anon they #ress and clas#







closer )ith little "o!e"ents )hich the #leas&re they ta2e in s&c2in' "a2es the" 'i!eF so the heart &nited to God in #rayer often "a2es certain rene)als of &nion $y "o!e"ents )hich #ress and 1oin it "ore closely to the di!ine s)eetness+ 3s for eCa"#le the so&l ha!in' lon' d)elt in the feelin' of the &nion )here$y she s)eetly tastes ho) ha##y she is to $elon' to God in fine a&'"entin' this &nion $y an a"oro&s #ressin' and "o!in' for)ardsF Oea 6ord )ill she say - a" thine all all all )itho&t reser!eB orF 3h 6ord( - a" so indeed and )ill $e daily e!er "oreB or $y )ay of #rayerF O s)eet ,es&s( 3h( dra) "e still "ore dee#ly into thy heart that thy lo!e "ay de!o&r "e and that - "ay $e s)allo)ed &# in its s)eetness+ /&t at other ti"es the &nion is "ade not $y re#eated "o!e"ents $&t $y )ay of a contin&ed insensi$le #ressin' and ad!ancin' of the heart in the di!ine 'oodness+ For as )e see a 'reat and hea!y "ass of lead $rass or stone tho&'h not forced do)n so )or2 itself sin2 do)n and #ress itself into the earth )here it lies that at len'th it is fo&nd $&ried $y reason of the effect of its )ei'ht )hich "a2es it incessantly tend to the centreB--so o&r heart $ein' once 1oined to God if )itho&t $ein' dra)n a)ay it re"ain in this &nion sin2s still dee#er $y an insensi$le #ro'ress of &nion till it is )holly in God $y reason of the sacred inclination 'i!en it $y lo!e to &nite itself e!er "ore and "ore to the so!erei'n 'oodness+ For as the 'reat a#ostle of France saysF G6o!e is a &niti!e !irt&eFG that is it carries &s to #erfect &nion )ith the so!erei'n 'ood+ 3nd since it is an &ndo&$ted tr&th that di!ine lo!e )hile )e are in this life is a "o!e"ent or at least a ha$it acti!e and tendin' to "o!e"entB e!en after it has attained si"#le &nion it ceases not to act tho&'h i"#erce#ti$ly in order "ore and "ore to increase and #erfect it+ So trees that re*&ire trans#lantin' as soon as they are "o!ed s#read their roots and lod'e the" dee#ly in the $oso" of the earth )hich is their ele"ent and their ali"ent nor do any #ercei!e it )hile it is doin' $&t only after it is done+ 3nd "anDs heart trans#lanted o&t of the )orld into God $y celestial lo!e if it earnestly #ractise #rayer )ill certainly e!er eCtend itself and )ill fasten itself to the Di!inity &nitin' itself "ore and "ore to his 'oodness $&t $y i"#erce#ti$le ad!ances )hose #ro'ress one can hardly see )hile it is doin' $&t only )hen it is done+ -f yo& drin2 any eC*&isite )ater for instance i"#erial )ater the si"#le &nion of it )ith yo& is instantly "ade &#on yo&r recei!in' itB for the recei!in' and &nion is all one in this caseB $&t after)ards $y little and little this &nion is increased $y a #ro'ress i"#erce#ti$ly sensi$leF for the !irt&e of this )ater #enetratin' to all #arts )ill stren'then the $rain in!i'orate the heart and eCtend its infl&ence thro&'h all yo&r h&"o&rs+ -n li2e "anner a feelin' of lo!e--as for eCa"#leF 5o) 'ood God is(--ha!in' 'ot entrance into the heart at first ca&ses &nion )ith this 'oodnessB $&t $ein' entertained for so"e fairly lon' ti"e as a #recio&s #erf&"e it #enetrates e!ery #art of the so&l #o&rs o&t and dilates itself in o&r )ill and as it )ere incor#orates itself )ith o&r s#irit 1oinin' and fastenin' itself on e!ery side "ore and "ore closely to &s and &nitin' &s to it+ 3nd this is )hat the 'reat Da!id teaches &s )hen he co"#ares the sacred )ords to honeyB for )ho 2no)s not that the s)eetness of honey is &nited "ore and "ore to o&r sense $y a contin&al increase of sa!o&r )hen 2ee#in' it a 'ood )hile in o&r "o&th or s)allo)in' it slo)ly the relish thereof "ore dee#ly #enetrates o&r sense of taste+ -n the sa"e )ay that senti"ent of the di!ine 'oodness eC#ressed in those )ords of S+ /r&noF O Goodness( or those of S+ Tho"asF My 6ord and "y God( or those of S+ Ma'dalenF 3h( "y Master( or those of S+










FrancisF My God and "y 3ll(--this senti"ent - say ha!in' $een 2e#t so"e )hile )ithin a lo!in' heart dilates itself s#reads itself and sin2s into the s#irit $y an inti"ate #enetration and "ore and "ore stee#s it all in its sa!o&r+ This is nothin' else than to increase &nionB as does #recio&s oint"ent or $al" )hich fallin' &#on cotton-)ool so sin2s into it and &nites itself to it "ore and "ore little $y little that in the end one cannot easily say )hether the )ool is #erf&"ed or #erf&"e or )hether the #erf&"e is )ool or the )ool #erf&"e+ Oh( ho) ha##y is the so&l )ho in the tran*&illity of her heart lo!in'ly #reser!es the sacred feelin' of GodDs #resence( For her &nion )ith the di!ine 'oodness )ill ha!e contin&al tho&'h i"#erce#ti$le increase and )ill thoro&'hly stee# the s#irit of s&ch a one in infinite s)eetness+ Eo) )hen - s#ea2 here of the sacred senti"ent of the #resence of God - do not "ean to s#ea2 of a sensi$le feelin' $&t of that )hich resides in the s&""it and s&#re"e #oint of the s#irit )here hea!enly lo!e rei'ns and cond&cts its #rinci#al eCercises+ @81IA ?ant+ i+ 1+ ?53PT;> --+



OF T5; :3>-O=S D;G>;;S OF T5; 5O6O =E-OE 05-?5 -S M3D; -E P>3O;>+ So"eti"es the &nion is "ade )itho&t o&r co-o#eration sa!e only $y a si"#le follo)in' (s&ite) #er"ittin' o&rsel!es to $e &nited to the di!ine 'oodness )itho&t resistance as a little child in lo!e )ith its "otherDs $reasts and yet so fee$le that it cannot "o!e itself to)ards the" nor clea!e to the" )hen thereB only it is--3h( so ha##y to $e ta2en and dra)n )ithin its "otherDs ar"s and to $e #ressed $y her to her $oso"+ So"eti"es )e co-o#erate )hen $ein' dra)n )e )illin'ly r&n @81KA to second the force of GodDs 'oodness )hich dra)s &s and clas#s &s to hi" $y lo!e+


87 So"eti"es )e see" to $e'in to 1oin and fasten o&rsel!es to God $efore he 1oins hi"self to &s $eca&se )e feel the action of the &nion on o&r #art )itho&t #ercei!in' )hat God is doin' on his side )ho ho)e!er there is no do&$t al)ays acts first on &s tho&'h )e do not al)ays #ercei!e his actionF for &nless he &nited hi"self to &s )e sho&ld ne!er &nite o&rsel!es to hi"B he al)ays chooses and lays hold of &s $efore )e choose or lay hold of hi"+ /&t )hen follo)in' his i"#erce#ti$le attractions )e $e'in to &nite o&rsel!es to hi" he so"eti"es "a2es the contin&ation of o&r &nion assistin' o&r )ea2ness and 1oinin' hi"self #erce#ti$ly to &s inso"&ch that )e feel hi" enter and #enetrate o&r hearts )ith an inco"#ara$le s)eetness+ 3nd so"eti"es also as he dre) &s insensi$ly to the &nion he contin&es insensi$ly to aid and assist &s+ 3nd )e 2no) not indeed ho) so 'reat a &nion is "ade yet 2no) )e )ell that o&r forces are not a$le to "a2e it )herefore )e 1&stly ar'&e that so"e secret #o)er is )or2in' insensi$ly in &sF as s2i##ers )ith a car'o of iron #ercei!in' their shi#s "o!e a#ace )ith a !ery li'ht $reeHe 2no) that they are near "o&ntains of loadstone )hich dra) the" i"#erce#ti$ly and th&s they #ercei!e a sensi$le and #erce#ti$le ad!ance"ent ca&sed $y an insensi$le and i"#erce#ti$le "eans+ For so )hen )e see o&r s#irit &nite itself e!er closer and closer to God d&rin' the little efforts )hich o&r )ill "a2es )e ri'htly 1&d'e that )e ha!e too little )ind to sail so fast and that it "&st needs $e that the loadstone of




o&r so&ls dra)s &s $y the secret infl&ence of his 'raceF )hich he )o&ld lea!e i"#erce#ti$le that it "ay $e "ore ad"ira$le and that &ndistracted $y the sense of his dra)in's )e "ay )ith "ore #&rity and si"#licity $e occ&#ied in &nitin' o&rsel!es to his 'oodness+ 5 So"eti"es this &nion is "ade so insensi$ly that o&r heart neither #ercei!es the di!ine o#eration in her nor yet her o)n co-o#eration $&t finds si"#ly the &nion itself insensi$ly effected li2e ,aco$ )ho fo&nd hi"self "arried to 6ia )itho&t thin2in' of itF or rather li2e another Sa"son $&t "ore ha##y the heart finds itself netted and tied in the $ands of holy &nion )itho&t ha!in' e!er #ercei!ed it+ 3t other ti"es )e feel the e"$races the &nion $ein' "ade $y sensi$le actions as )ell on GodDs side as on o&rs+ 15 So"eti"es the &nion is "ade $y the )ill only and in the )ill onlyB and so"eti"es the &nderstandin' has its #art therein $eca&se the )ill dra)s it after it and a##lies it to its o$1ect "a2in' it ta2e a s#ecial #leas&re in $ein' fastened do)n to the consideration thereofB as )e see that lo!e ca&ses in o&r cor#oral eyes a #rofo&nd and s#ecial attention to ri!et the" on the si'ht of )hat )e lo!e+ So"eti"es this &nion is "ade $y all the fac&lties of the so&l )hich 'ather a$o&t the )ill not to $e &nited to God the"sel!es not $ein' all ca#a$le of it $&t to 'i!e "ore con!enience to the )ill to "a2e its &nionB for if the other fac&lties )ere a##lied each to its #ro#er o$1ect the so&l )or2in' in the" co&ld not so #erfectly 'i!e herself to the action $y )hich the &nion )ith God is "ade+ S&ch is the !ariety of &nions+ 6oo2 at S+ Martial (for he )as they say the $lessed child "entioned in S+ Mar2)F O&r Sa!io&r too2 hi" lifted hi" &# and held hi" for a 'ood )hile in his ar"s+ O lo!ely little Martial ho) ha##y tho& art to $e laid hold of ta2en &# and carried to $e &nited 1oined and clas#ed to the hea!enly $oso" of o&r Sa!io&r and 2issed )ith his sacred "o&th )itho&t any co-o#eration of thine sa!e that tho& didst not resist the recei!in' of those di!ine caresses( On the contrary S+ Si"eon e"$races o&r Sa!io&r and clas#s hi" to his $oso" o&r Sa!io&r 'i!in' no si'n of co-o#eratin' in this &nion tho&'h as the holy ?h&rch sin'sF GThe old "an carried the child $&t the child )as 'o!ernin' the old "an+G S+ /ona!ent&re to&ched )ith a holy h&"ility did not only not &nite hi"self to o&r Sa!io&r $&t )ithdre) hi"self fro" his real #resence that is fro" the holy sacra"ent of the altar )hen hearin' Mass one day o&r Sa!io&r ca"e to &nite hi"self )ith hi" $rin'in' hi" his holy sacra"ent+ /&t this &nion $ein' "ade --3h( Theoti"&s thin2 )ith )hat fer!o&r this holy so&l loc2ed his Sa!io&r in his heart( On the contrary S+ ?atharine of Siena ardently desirin' o&r Sa!io&r in the holy co""&nion #ressin' and ad!ancin' her so&l and affection to)ards hi"--he ca"e and 1oined hi"self &nto her enterin' into her "o&th )ith a tho&sand $enedictions+ So that o&r Sa!io&r $e'an the &nion )ith S+ /ona!ent&re and S+ ?atharine see"ed to $e'in that )hich she had )ith her Sa!io&r+ The sacred s#o&se in the ?anticles s#ea2s as ha!in' #ractised $oth sorts of &nions+ - to "y $elo!ed and his t&rnin' is to)ards "eF @827A )hich is as "&ch as if she had saidF - a" &nited to "y dear lo!e and he li2e)ise t&rns to)ards "e to the end that &nitin' hi"self "ore and "ore &nto "e he "ay $eco"e )holly "ine+ 3 $&ndle of "yrrh is "y $elo!ed to "e he shall a$ide $et)een "y $reasts+ @821A My so&l says









Da!id hath st&c2 close to theeF thy ri'ht hand hath recei!ed "e+ @822A /&t in another #lace she confesses that she is first ta2en sayin'F My $elo!ed to "e and - to hi"+ @828A 0e "a2e a holy &nion $y )hich he 1oins hi"self to "e and - 1oin "yself to hi"+ 3nd yet to sho) that the )hole &nion is e!er "ade $y GodDs 'race )hich dra)s &s &nto it and $y its attractions "o!es o&r so&l and ani"ates the "o!e"ent of o&r &nion to)ards hi" she cries o&t as $ein' )holly #o)erlessF Dra) "eF yet to testify that she )ill not let herself $e dra)n as a stone or a 'alley-sla!e $&t that on her side she )ill conc&r and )ill "in'le her fee$le "o!e"ents )ith the "i'hty dra)in's of her lo!erF 0e )ill r&n after thee she says to the odo&r of thy oint"ents+ @829A 3nd to "a2e it 2no)n that if she is stron'ly dra)n $y the )ill all the #o)ers of the so&l )ill "a2e to)ards the &nionF Dra) "e says she and )e )ill r&nB the s#o&se dra)s $&t one and "any r&n to the &nion+ -t is the )ill only that God desires $&t all the other #o)ers r&n after it to $e &nited to God )ith it+ To this &nion the di!ine She#herd of so&ls #ro!o2ed his dear S&la"itess+ P&t "e says he as a seal &#on thy heart as a seal &#on thy ar"+ @825A To i"#ress #ro#erly a si'net &#on )aC one not only a##lies it $&t #resses it hard do)nF so he desires that )e sho&ld $e &nited &nto hi" $y a &nion so strict and close that )e sho&ld re"ain "ar2ed )ith his seal+ The charity of ?hrist #resses &s+ @826A O God( )hat an eCa"#le of eCcellent &nion( 5e )as &nited to o&r h&"an nat&re $y 'race as a !ine to its el" to "a2e it in so"e sort #artici#ate in his fr&itB $&t seein' this &nion &ndone $y 3da"Ds sin he "ade another "ore close and #ressin' &nion in the -ncarnation )here$y h&"an nat&re re"ains for e!er 1oined in #ersonal &nity to the Di!inityB and to the end that not h&"an nat&re only $&t that e!ery "an "i'ht $e inti"ately &nited )ith his 'oodness he instit&ted the Sacra"ent of the "ost holy ;&charist in )hich e!ery one "ay #artici#ate to &nite his Sa!io&r to hi"self really and $y )ay of food+ Theoti"&s this sacra"ental &nion &r'es and aids &s to)ards the s#irit&al of )hich )e s#ea2+ @81KA ?ant+ i+ 8+ @827A ?ant+ !ii+ 17+






@821A ?ant+ i+ 12+ @822A Ps+ lCii+ K+ @828A ?ant+ ii+ 16+

97 @829A ?ant+ i+ 8+ @825A ?ant+ !iii+ 6+ 95 @826A 2 ?or+ !+ 19+ ?53PT;> ---+

OF T5; SO:;>;-GE >3:-S5M;ET+ 5







0hether therefore the &nion of o&r so&l )ith God $e "ade #erce#ti$ly or i"#erce#ti$ly God is al)ays the a&thor thereofB for none can $e &nited to hi" $&t $y 'oin' &nto hi" nor can any one 'o &nto hi" &nless he $e dra)n $y hi" as the hea!enly lo!er testifies sayin'F Eo "an can co"e to "e eCce#t the Father )ho hath sent "e dra) hi"+ @827A 0hich his holy s#o&se also #rotests sayin'F Dra) "eB )e )ill r&n after thee to the odo&r of thy oint"ents+ @82IA Eo) the #erfection of this &nion consists in t)o #ointsB in $ein' #&re and in $ein' stron'+ May - not a##roach a #erson to s#ea2 to hi" to see hi" $etter to o$tain so"ethin' of hi" to s"ell the #erf&"es )hich are a$o&t hi" to lean on hi". 3nd then - certainly 'o to)ards hi" and 1oin "yself &nto hi"F yet the a##roach and &nion is not "y #rinci#al intention and - only "a2e this a "eans and )ay to the o$tainin' of another thin'+ /&t if - a##roach and 1oin "yself to hi" for no other end than to $e near hi" and to en1oy this #roCi"ity and &nion it is then an a##roach of #&re and si"#le &nion+ Th&s "any a##roach o&r Sa!io&rF so"e to hear hi" as Ma'dalenB so"e to $e c&red $y hi" as she that had the iss&e of $loodB others to adore hi" as the three 2in'sB others to ser!e hi" as MarthaB others to o!erco"e their &n$elief as S+ Tho"asB others to e"$al" hi" as Ma'dalen ,ose#h Eicode"&sB $&t his di!ine S&la"itess see2s hi" to find hi" and ha!in' fo&nd hi" desires no other thin' than to hold hi" fast and holdin' hi" ne!er to *&it hi"+ - held hi" says she and )ill not let hi" 'o+ @82KA ,aco$ says S+ /ernard ha!in' fast hold of God )ill let hi" 'o #ro!ided he recei!e his $enedictionB $&t the S&la"itess )ill not let hi" de#art for all the $enedictions he can 'i!e herB for she )ills not the $enedictions of God $&t the God of $enedictions sayin' )ith Da!idF 0hat ha!e - in hea!en and $esides thee )hat do - desire &#on earth. Tho& art the God of "y heart and the God that is "y #ortion for e!er+ @887A Th&s )as the 'lorio&s Mother at the foot of her SonDs cross+ 3h( )hat dost tho& see2 O Mother of life on this "o&nt of ?al!ary in this #lace of death. - a" see2in' )o&ld she ha!e said "y child )ho is the life of "y life+ 3nd )hy dost tho& see2 hi". To $e close $y hi"+ /&t no) he is a"idst the sorro)s of death+ 3h( it is not 1oy - see2 it is hi"self and "y heart f&ll of lo!e "a2es "e see2 al)ay to $e &nited to that a"ia$le child "y tenderly $elo!ed one+ -n a )ord the intention of the so&l in this &nion is nothin' sa!e to $e )ith her lo!er+ /&t )hen the &nion of the so&l )ith God is "ost s#ecially strict and close it is called $y theolo'ians inhesion or adhesion $eca&se $y it the so&l is ca&'ht &# fastened 'l&ed and affiCed to the di!ine "a1esty so that she cannot easily loose or dra) herself $ac2 a'ain+ >e'ard - #ray yo& that "an ca&'ht and #ressed $y attention to the deli'ht of an har"onio&s "&sic or "ayha# ()hich is eCtra!a'ant) to the folly of a 'a"e at cardsF yo& )o&ld dra) hi" fro" it $&t cannotB )hat $&siness soe!er is )aitin' for hi" at ho"e there is no forcin' hi" thenceB e!en "eat and drin2 are for'otten for it+ O God( Theoti"&s ho) "&ch "ore o&'ht the so&l )hich is in lo!e )ith its God to $e held and fast loc2ed $ein' &nited to the di!inity of the infinite s)eetness and ta2en and )holly









#ossessed $y this o$1ect of inco"#ara$le #erfections. S&ch )as the so&l of the 'reat !essel of election )ho cried o&tF That - "ay li!e to God )ith ?hrist - a" nailed to the ?rossF @881A and he #rotests that nothin' no not death itself can se#arate hi" fro" his "aster+ This effect of lo!e )as also #rod&ced $et)een Da!id and ,onathan for it is said thatF The so&l of ,onathan )as 2nit )ith the so&l of Da!id+ @882A 3nd it is an aCio" cele$rated a"on'st the ancient Fathers that friendshi# )hich can end )as ne!er tr&e friendshi# as - ha!e said else)here+ See - $eseech yo& Theoti"&s this little child clea!in' to the $reast and nec2 of his "otherB if one offer to ta2e hi" thence to lay hi" in his cradle it $ein' hi'h ti"e he str&''les and dis#&tes as far as he is a$le in order not to lea!e that $elo!ed $oso" and if he is "ade to let 'o )ith one hand )ith the other he 'ra##les and if he is carried *&ite off he falls a )ee#in'B and 2ee#in' his heart and his eyes )here he cannot 2ee# his $ody he contin&es cryin' o&t for his dear "other till $y roc2in' he is $ro&'ht to slee#+ So the so&l )ho $y the eCercise of &nion has co"e as far as to $e ta2en and fastened to the di!ine 'oodness can hardly $e dra)n fro" it sa!e $y force and )ith "&ch #ain+ -t is not #ossi$le to "a2e her loose holdB if one di!ert her i"a'ination she ceases not to 2ee# hold $y her &nderstandin' and if one loose her &nderstandin' she clea!es $y the )illB or if $y so"e !iolent distraction one "a2e her a$andon it )ith her )ill she t&rns $ac2 e!ery instant to)ards her dear o$1ect fro" )hich she cannot $e entirely &ntied $&t stri!in' all she can to lin2 to'ether a'ain the s)eet $onds of her &nion )ith hi" $y the fre*&ent ret&rns )hich she "a2es as $y stealth she eC#eriences S+ Pa&lDs distressF @888A for she is #ressed )ith t)o desiresB to $e freed fro" all eCterior e"#loy"ent in order to re"ain )ith ,es&s ?hrist in her interior and yet to #roceed to the )or2 of o$edience )hich the !ery &nion )ith ,es&s ?hrist teaches her to $e necessary+ Eo) the /lessed Mother (S+) Teresa says eCcellently that )hen &nion arri!es at this #erfection of 2ee#in' &s held $y and fastened to o&r Sa!io&r it is not distin'&ished fro" a ra#t&re trance or s&s#ension of the s#iritB $&t that it is called only &nion trance or s&s#ension )hen it is shortB and )hen it is lon' ecstasy or ra#t&re $eca&se the so&l )hich is so fir"ly and closely &nited to her God that she cannot easily $e dra)n fro" hi" is act&ally no lon'er in herself $&t in GodB as a cr&cified $ody $elon's not to itself $&t to the cross and as i!y )hich 'ras#s a )all is no lon'er its o)n $&t of the )all+ /&t to a!oid all a"$i'&ity 2no) Theoti"&s that charity is a $ond and a $ond of #erfectionB @889A and he that has "ore charity is "ore closely &nited and fastened &nto God+ /&t )e ha!e not $een s#ea2in' of that &nion )hich is #er"anent in &s $y "anner of ha$it )hether )e $e slee#in' or )a2in' $&t of the &nion "ade $y action and )hich is one of the eCercises of lo!e and charity+ -"a'ine then that S+ Pa&l S+ Denis S+ 3&'&stine S+ /ernard S+ Francis SS+ ?atharine of Genoa and Siena are a'ain in this )orld and ha!e fallen aslee# )earied )ith their "any la$o&rs &nderta2en for the lo!e of God+ >e#resent to yo&rself on the other side so"e 'ood so&l yet not so holy as they are )ho is in the #rayer of &nion at the sa"e ti"eF - as2 yo& Theoti"&s )ho is "ore &nited clas#ed and fastened to God --is it these 'reat saints )ho slee# or that so&l )ho #rays. 0itho&t do&$t these ad"ira$le lo!ersB for they ha!e "ore charity and their affections tho&'h in so"e sort aslee# are so en'a'ed and tied to their "aster that they cannot $e se#arated fro" hi"+ /&t yo& )ill say to "e ho) can it $e that a so&l in the









#rayer of &nion e!en &nto ecstasy sho&ld $e less &nited &nto God than s&ch as slee# $e they ne!er so saintly. Mar2 )hat - tell yo& Theoti"&sB that so&l is "ore ad!anced in the eCercise of &nion those in the &nion itselfF these are &nited they are not $ein' &nited as they are aslee#F and that one is $ein' &nited that is she is in the act&al #ractice and eCercise of &nion+ For the rest this eCercise of &nion )ith God "ay e!en $e #ractised $y short and #assin' yet fre*&ent "o!e"ents of o&r heart to God $y )ay of e1ac&latory #rayer "ade for this intention+ 3h ,es&s( 0ho )ill 'i!e "e the 'race to $e one s#irit )ith thee( 3t last 6ord re1ectin' the "&lti#licity of creat&res - desire thine only &nity( O God tho& art the only one and only &nity necessary for "y so&l( 3las( dear lo!e of "y heart &nite "y #oor one so&l to thy one sin'&lar 'oodness( 3h( tho& art )holly "ine )hen shall - $e )holly thine. The ada"ant dra)s and &nites iron &nto itB O 6ord "y lo!er $e "y dra)-heart clas# #ress and &nite "y heart for e!er &nto thy fatherly $reast( 3h( since - a" "ade for thee )hy a" - not in thee. S)allo) &# as a sin'le dro# this s#irit )hich tho& hast $esto)ed &#on "e into the sea of thy 'oodness fro" )hence it #roceeds+ 3h 6ord( seein' that thy heart lo!es "e )hy does it not force "e to itself since - tr&ly )ill it. Dra) "e and - )ill r&n after thy dra)in's to cast "yself into thy fatherly ar"s to lea!e the" no "ore for e!er and e!er+ 3"en+ @827A ,ohn !i+ 99+ @82IA ?ant+ i+ 8+





@82KA ?ant+ iii+ 9+ @887A Ps+ lCCii+ 25 26+ @881A Gal+ ii+ 1K+

87 @882A 1 4in's C!iii+ 1 @888A Phil+ i+ 28+ 85 @889A ?ol+ iii+ 19+ ?53PT;> -:+ OF >3PT=>; 3ED OF T5; F->ST SP;?-;S OF -T+ 97 3n ecstasy is called a ra#t&re inas"&ch as God does there$y ra#t &s and raise &s &# to hi"self and a ra#t&re is ter"ed an ecstasy $eca&se $y it )e 'o and re"ain o&t of and a$o!e o&rsel!es to $e &nited to God+ 3nd altho&'h the attractions $y )hich God dra)s &s $e ad"ira$ly #leasin' s)eet and delicio&s yet on acco&nt of the force )hich the di!ine $ea&ty and 'oodness ha!e to dra) &nto the" the attention and a##lication of the s#irit it see"s that it not only raises &s $&t that it ra!ishes and $ears &s a)ay+ 3s on the contrary $y reason of the "ost free consent and ardent "otion $y )hich the ra!ished so&l 'oes o&t after the di!ine attractions she see"s not only to "o&nt and rise $&t also


to $rea2 o&t of herself and cast herself into the !ery di!inity+ Si"ilarly the so&l "ay $e ra!ished o&t of itself $y the infa"o&s ecstasy of sens&al #leas&re $y )hich ho)e!er it is not raised &# $&t is de'raded $elo) itself+ 5 /&t "y dear Theoti"&s as to sacred ecstasies they are of three 2indsB the one of the" $elon's to the &nderstandin' another to the affection and the third to action+ The one is in s#lendo&r the other in fer!o&r the third in )or2sF the one is "ade $y ad"iration the other $y de!otion and the third $y o#eration+ 3d"iration is ca&sed in &s $y the "eetin' )ith a ne) tr&th )hich )e neither 2ne) nor yet eC#ected to 2no)B and if the ne) tr&th )e "eet )ith $e acco"#anied $y $ea&ty and 'oodness the ad"iration )hich #roceeds fro" it is !ery delicio&s+ So the %&een of Sa$a findin' "ore tr&e )isdo" in Solo"on than she had i"a'ined $eca"e filled )ith ad"iration+ 3nd the ,e)s ac2no)led'in' in o&r Sa!io&r "ore 2no)led'e than they co&ld e!er ha!e $elie!ed )ere ta2en )ith a 'reat ad"iration+ 0hen therefore it #leases the di!ine 'oodness to ill&"inate o&r heart )ith so"e s#ecial li'ht )here$y it is raised to an eCtraordinary and s&$li"e conte"#lation of hea!enly "ysteries then disco!erin' "ore $ea&ty in the" than it co&ld ha!e i"a'ined it falls into ad"iration+ Eo) ad"iration of thin's that ca&se #leas&re closely fiCes and 'l&es the s#irit to the thin' ad"ired as )ell $y reason of the eCcellent $ea&ty )hich it ca&ses to $e fo&nd therein as $y the no!elty of this eCcellence the &nderstandin' $ein' &na$le to deli'ht itself eno&'h in seein' )hat it ne!er sa) $efore and )hat is so a'reea$le to the !ie)+ So"eti"es also $esides this God i"#arts to the so&l a li'ht not only clear $&t 'ro)in' li2e the day$rea2B and then as those )ho ha!e fo&nd a 'old-"ine contin&ally $rea2 "ore earth e!er to find "ore of the )ished-for "etal so the &nderstandin' e!er $&ries itself dee#er and dee#er in the consideration and ad"iration of its di!ine o$1ectF for e!en as ad"iration has #rod&ced #hiloso#hy and the attenti!e st&dy of nat&ral thin's so it has also ca&sed conte"#lation and "ystical theolo'yB and as this ad"iration )hen it is stron' 2ee#s &s o&t of o&rsel!es and a$o!e o&rsel!es $y a li!ely attention and a##lication of o&r &nderstandin' to hea!enly thin's it carries &s conse*&ently into ecstasy+ ?53PT;> :+ 85 OF T5; S;?OED SP;?-;S OF >3PT=>;+ God dra)s "enDs s#irits &nto hi" $y his so!erei'n $ea&ty and inco"#rehensi$le 'oodness )hich t)o eCcellences are ho)e!er $&t one s&#re"e di!inity at once "ost sin'&larly $ea&tif&l and 'ood+ ;!ery thin' is done for the 'ood and for the $ea&tif&l all thin's loo2 to)ards the" are "o!ed and stayed $y the"+ The 'ood and $ea&tif&l are desira$le a'reea$le and dear to all for the" all thin's do and )ill )hatsoe!er they do and )ill+ 3nd as for the $ea&tif&l $eca&se it dra)s and recalls all thin's to itself the Gree2s 'i!e it a na"e )hich si'nifies recallin'+ @885A -n li2e "anner as to 'ood its tr&e i"a'e is li'ht es#ecially $eca&se li'ht collects red&ces and t&rns all thin's to)ards itself )hence the s&n is na"ed a"on'st the Gree2s fro" a )ord @886A )hich sho)s that its infl&ence ca&ses all thin's to $e dra)n to'ether and &nited $rin'in' to'ether thin's dis#ersedB as 'oodness t&rns all thin's &nto itself








$ein' not only the so!erei'n &nity $&t so!erei'nly &niti!e since all thin's desire it as their #rinci#le their #reser!ation and their last end+ So that in concl&sion the 'ood and the $ea&tif&l is $&t one and the sa"e thin' $eca&se all thin's desire the 'ood and the $ea&tif&l+ 5 This disco&rse Theoti"&s is al"ost entirely co"#osed of the )ords of the di!ine S+ Denis the 3reo#a'iteB and certainly it is tr&e that the s&n the so&rce of cor#oreal li'ht is the tr&e i"a'e of the 'ood and the $ea&tif&lB for a"on'st "erely cor#oreal creat&res there is neither 'oodness nor $ea&ty e*&al to that of the s&n+ Eo) the $ea&ty and 'oodness of the s&n consist in his li'ht )itho&t )hich nothin' )o&ld $e $ea&tif&l nothin' 'ood in this cor#oreal )orld+ 3s $ea&tif&l he ill&"inates all as 'ood he heats and *&ic2ens allF inso"&ch as he is $ea&tif&l and $ri'ht he dra)s &nto hi"self all seein' eyes in the )orldB inso"&ch as he is 'ood and 'i!es heat he 'ains &nto hi"self all the a##etites and inclinations of the cor#oreal )orld+ For he eCtracts and dra)s &# the eChalations and !a#o&rs he dra)s and "a2es rise fro" their ori'inals #lants and li!in' creat&resB nor is there any #rod&ction to )hich the !ital heat of this 'reat l&"inary does not contri$&te+ So God Father of all li'ht so!erei'nly 'ood and $ea&tif&l dra)s o&r &nderstandin' $y his $ea&ty to conte"#late hi" and dra)s o&r )ill $y his 'oodness to lo!e hi"+ 3s $ea&tif&l re#lenishin' o&r &nderstandin' )ith deli'ht he #o&rs his lo!e into o&r )illsB as 'ood fillin' o&r )ills )ith his lo!e he eCcites o&r &nderstandin' to conte"#late hi" --lo!e #ro!o2in' &s to conte"#lation and conte"#lation to lo!eF )hence it follo)s that ecstasies and ra#t&res de#end )holly on lo!e for it is lo!e that carries the &nderstandin' to conte"#lation and the )ill to &nionF so that finally )e "&st concl&de )ith the 'reat S+ Denis that di!ine lo!e is ecstatic not #er"ittin' lo!ers to li!e to the"sel!es $&t to the thin' $elo!edF for )hich ca&se the ad"ira$le 3#ostle S+ Pa&l $ein' #ossessed of this di!ine lo!e and #artici#atin' in its ecstatic #o)er said )ith di!inely ins#ired "o&thF - li!e no) not - $&t ?hrist li!eth in "e+ @887A 3s a tr&e lo!er 'one o&t of hi"self into God he li!ed no) not his o)n life $&t the life of his $elo!ed as $ein' so!erei'nly to $e lo!ed+ Eo) this ra#t&re of lo!e ha##ens in the )ill th&s+ God to&ches it )ith the attractions of his s)eetness and then as the needle to&ched $y the loadstone t&rns and "o!es to)ards the #ole for'etf&l of its insensi$le condition so the )ill to&ched )ith hea!enly lo!e "o!es for)ard and ad!ances itself to)ards God lea!in' all its earthly inclinations and $y this "eans enters into a ra#t&re not of 2no)led'e $&t of fr&itionB not of ad"iration $&t of affectionB not of science $&t of eC#erienceB not of si'ht $&t of taste and relish+ -t is tr&e as - ha!e already si'nified the &nderstandin' enters so"eti"es into ad"iration seein' the sacred deli'ht )hich the )ill ta2es in her ecstasy as the )ill often ta2es #leas&re to #ercei!e the &nderstandin' in ad"iration so that these t)o fac&lties interchan'e their ra!ish"entsB the !ie) of $ea&ty "a2in' &s lo!e it and the lo!e thereof "a2in' &s !ie) it+ >arely is a "an )ar"ed $y the s&n$ea"s )itho&t $ein' ill&"inated or ill&"inated )itho&t $ein' )ar"ed+ 6o!e easily "a2es &s ad"ire and ad"iration easily "a2es &s lo!e+ Still the t)o ecstasies of the &nderstandin' and of the )ill are not so essential to one another that the one "ay not !ery often $e )itho&t the otherB for as #hiloso#hers ha!e had "ore 2no)led'e than lo!e of the ?reator so 'ood ?hristians often ha!e "ore lo!e than 2no)led'e and conse*&ently eCceedin' 2no)led'e is not al)ays follo)ed $y eCceedin' lo!e as - ha!e re"ar2ed else)here+ Eo) if the ecstasy of ad"iration $e alone )e are not "ade $etter $y it accordin' to )hat he said of it )ho









had $een lifted &# in ecstasy into the third hea!en+ -f - sho&ld 2no) said he all "ysteries and all 2no)led'e --and ha!e not charity - a" nothin'B @88IA and therefore the e!il s#irit can #&t into an ecstasy if )e "ay so say and ra!ish the &nderstandin' $y #ro#osin' &nto it )onders )hich hold it s&s#ended and ele!ated a$o!e its nat&ral forces and f&rther $y s&ch li'hts he can 'i!e the )ill so"e 2ind of !ain soft tender and i"#erfect lo!e $y )ay of sensi$le co"#lacency satisfaction and consolation+ /&t to 'i!e the tr&e ecstasy of the )ill )here$y it is solely and #o)erf&lly 1oined &nto the di!ine 'oodness a##ertains only to that so!erei'n S#irit $y )ho" the charity of God is s#read a$road in o&r hearts+ @88KA @885A to 2alon @Tr+A @886A helios @Tr+A



@887A Gal+ ii+ 27 @88IA 1 ?or+ Ciii+ 2+ @88KA >o"+ !+ 5+

27 ?53PT;> :-+ OF T5; S-GES OF GOOD >3PT=>; 3ED OF T5; T5->D SP;?-;S OF T5; S3M;+ 25 -ndeed Theoti"&s there ha!e $een "any in o&r a'e )ho $elie!ed and others )ith the" that they )ere !ery fre*&ently ra!ished $y God in ecstasy and yet in the end it )as disco!ered that all )ere $&t dia$olical ill&sions and o#erations+ 3 certain #riest in S+ 3&'&stineDs ti"e #&t hi"self into ecstasies )hene!er he #leased sin'in' or 'ettin' s&n' certain "o&rnf&l and "elancholy airs and this only to content the c&riosity of those )ho desired to !ie) this s#ectacle+ /&t )hat is "ost )onderf&l is that his ecstasy )ent so far that he did not feel fire )hich )as a##lied to hi" till after he )as co"e to hi"selfB and yet if any one s#o2e so"e)hat lo&dly and )ith a clear !oice he heard the" as if fro" afar and he had no res#iration+ The #hiloso#hers the"sel!es ac2no)led'ed certain s#ecies of nat&ral ecstasies ca&sed $y a !ehe"ent a##lication of the s#irit to the consideration of hi'h thin'sF )herefore )e "&st not thin2 it stran'e if the de!il to #lay the a#e to $e'&ile so&ls to scandaliHe the )ea2 and to transfor" hi"self into an an'el of li'ht ca&se ra#t&res in certain so&ls )ho are not solidly instr&cted in solid #iety+ To the end then that one "i'ht discern di!ine ecstasies fro" h&"an and dia$olical GodDs ser!ants ha!e left "any teachin'sF $&t for "y #art it )ill s&ffice for "y #&r#ose to #ro#ose to yo& t)o "ar2s of the 'ood and holy ecstasy+ The one is that sacred ecstasy ne!er so "&ch ta2es and affects the &nderstandin' as it does the )ill )hich it "o!es )ar"s and fills )ith a #o)erf&l affection to)ards God+ So that if the ecstasy $e "ore $ea&tif&l than 'ood "ore $ri'ht than )ar" "ore s#ec&lati!e than affecti!e it is !ery do&$tf&l and deser!in' of s&s#icion+ - do not say that one "ay not ha!e ra#t&res yea #ro#hetical !isions )itho&t charityF for as - 2no) )ell one "ay ha!e charity





)itho&t $ein' ra!ished or #ro#hesyin' so one "ay also $e ra!ished and "ay #ro#hesy )itho&t ha!in' charityF $&t - affir" that he )ho in his ra#t&re has "ore li'ht in the &nderstandin' to ad"ire God than heat in the )ill to lo!e hi" is to stand &#on his '&ardB for it is to $e feared that this ecstasy "ay $e false and "ay rather #&ff &# the s#irit than edify it #&ttin' hi" indeed as Sa&l /alaa" and ?ai#has a"on'st the #ro#hets yet still lea!in' hi" a"on'st the re#ro$ate+ The second "ar2 of tr&e ecstasy consists in the third s#ecies of ecstasy )hich )e "entioned a$o!e an ecstasy all holy all )orthy of lo!e the cro)n of the t)o others -the ecstasy of act and life+ The entire o$ser!ance of GodDs co""and"ents is not )ithin the $o&nds of h&"an stren'th yet is it )ithin the stretch of the instinct of the h&"an s#irit as $ein' "ost confor"a$le to nat&ral li'ht and reasonF so that li!in' accordin' to GodDs co""and"ents )e are not therefore o&tside o&r nat&ral inclination+ Oet $esides GodDs co""and"ents there are certain hea!enly ins#irations to the effectin' of )hich it is not only re*&isite that God sho&ld raise &s a$o!e o&r o)n stren'th $&t also that he sho&ld dra) &s a$o!e o&r nat&ral instincts and inclinations $eca&se altho&'h these ins#irations are not o##osite to h&"an reason yet they eCceed it s&r#ass it and are #laced a$o!e it so that then )e li!e not only a ci!il honest and ?hristian life $&t a s&#ernat&ral s#irit&al de!o&t and ecstatic life that is a life )hich is in e!ery )ay $eyond and a$o!e o&r nat&ral condition+ Eot to steal not to lie not to co""it i"#&rity to #ray to God not to s)ear in !ain to lo!e and hono&r oneDs father not to 2ill --is to li!e accordin' to "anDs nat&ral reasonF $&t to forsa2e all o&r 'oods to lo!e #o!erty to call her and to consider her a "ost deli'htf&l "istress to re#&te re#roaches conte"#ts a$1ections #ersec&tions "artyrdo"s as felicities and $eatit&des to contain oneself )ithin the ter"s of a "ost a$sol&te chastity and in fine to li!e a"idst the )orld and in this "ortal life contrary to all the o#inions and "aCi"s of the )orld and a'ainst the c&rrent of the ri!er of this life $y ha$it&al resi'nations ren&nciations and a$ne'atioris of o&rsel!esB--this is not to li!e in o&rsel!es $&t o&t of and a$o!e o&rsel!esB and $eca&se no one is a$le to 'o o&t of hi"self in this "anner a$o!e hi"self &nless the eternal Father dra) hi" hence it is that this 2ind of life is a #er#et&al ra#t&re and a contin&al ecstasy of action and o#eration+ Oo& are dead said the 'reat 3#ostle to the ?olossians and yo&r life is hid )ith ?hrist in God+ @897A DeathDs effect is that the so&l no lon'er li!es in its $ody nor in the li"its thereof+ 0hat then do these )ords of the 3#ostle "ean Theoti"&sF yo& are dead. it is as tho&'h he saidF yo& no lon'er li!e in yo&rsel!es nor in the li"its of yo&r nat&ral conditionB yo&r so&l does not no) li!e accordin' to herself $&t a$o!e herself+ The tr&e nat&re of the #hoeniC lies in this that $y the hel# of the s&n$ea"s she annihilates her o)n life to ha!e a life "ore desira$le and !i'oro&s hidin' as it )ere her life &nder ashes+ Sil2)or"s chan'e their $ein' and fro" )or"s $eco"e $&tterfliesB $ees are $orn )or"s then $eco"e ny"#hs cra)lin' on their feet and at last they $eco"e flyin' $ees+ 0e do the sa"e Theoti"&s if )e are s#irit&alF for )e forsa2e o&r nat&ral life to li!e a "ore e"inent life a$o!e o&rsel!es hidin' all this ne) life in God )ith ,es&s ?hrist )ho alone sees 2no)s and $esto)s it+ O&r ne) life is hea!enly lo!e )hich *&ic2ens and ani"ates o&r so&l and this lo!e is )holly hidden in God and di!ine thin's )ith ,es&s ?hristF for since (as the sacred Gos#el teCt says) after o&r Sa!io&r had sho)n hi"self for a little to his disci#les as he rose &# to hea!en thither a$o!e he )as at









len'th en!ironed )ith a clo&d )hich too2 hi" and hid hi" fro" their !ie) --therefore ,es&s ?hrist is hidden in hea!en in God+ Eo) ,es&s ?hrist is o&r lo!e and o&r lo!e is the life of o&r so&lF therefore o&r life is hidden in God )ith ,es&s ?hristB and )hen ,es&s ?hrist )ho is o&r lo!e and conse*&ently o&r s#irit&al life shall a##ear in the day of ,&d'"ent )e also shall a##ear )ith hi" in 'loryB that is ,es&s ?hrist o&r lo!e )ill 'lorify &s co""&nicatin' to &s his felicity and s#lendo&r+ @897A ?ol+ iii+ 8+


?53PT;> :--+ 5O0 6O:; -S T5; 6-F; OF T5; SO=6 3ED ?OET-E=3T-OE OF T5; D-S?O=>S; OE T5; ;?ST3T-? 6-F;+





The so&l is the first act and #rinci#le of all the !ital "o!e"ents of "an and as 3ristotle eC#resses it the #rinci#le )here$y )e li!e feel and &nderstandF )hence it follo)s that )e 2no) the different 2inds of life fro" the difference of "o!e"entsB so "&ch so indeed that ani"als )hen entirely )itho&t "o!e"ent are entirely )itho&t life+ ;!en so Theoti"&s lo!e is the first act or #rinci#le of o&r de!o&t or s#irit&al life $y )hich )e li!e feel and "o!eF and o&r s#irit&al life is s&ch as the "o!e"ents of o&r lo!e are and a heart that has no "o!e"ent nor affection has no lo!eB as on the contrary a heart #ossessed of lo!e is not )itho&t affecti!e "o!e"ent+ 3s soon therefore as )e ha!e set o&r affection &#on ,es&s ?hrist )e ha!e conse*&ently #laced in hi" o&r s#irit&al life+ /&t he is no) hidden in God in hea!en as God )as hidden in hi" )hile he )as here $elo)+ O&r life therefore is hidden in hi" and )hen he shall a##ear in 'lory o&r life and o&r lo!e shall li2e)ise a##ear )ith hi" in God+ 5ence S+ -'nati&s (Martyr) as S+ Denis relates said that his lo!e )as cr&cified as tho&'h he )o&ld sayF "y nat&ral and h&"an lo!e )ith all the #assions that de#end on it is nailed to the crossB - ha!e #&t it to death as a "ortal lo!e )hich "ade "y heart li!e a "ortal lifeB and as "y Sa!io&r )as cr&cified and died accordin' to his "ortal life so did - die )ith hi" &#on the cross accordin' to "y nat&ral lo!e )hich )as the "ortal life of "y so&l to the end that "i'ht rise a'ain to the s&#ernat&ral life of a lo!e )hich $eca&se it can $e eCercised in hea!en is conse*&ently also i""ortal+ 0hen therefore )e see a so&l that has ra#t&res in #rayer $y )hich she 'oes o&t fro" and "o&nts a$o!e herself in God and yet has no ecstasy in her life that is leads not a life ele!ated and &nited to God $y a$ne'ation of )orldly conc&#iscences $y "ortification of nat&ral )ills and inclinations $y an interior s)eetness si"#licity h&"ility and a$o!e all $y a contin&al charityB--$elie!e Theoti"&s that all these ra#t&res are eCceedin'ly do&$tf&l and dan'ero&sB these are ra#t&res fit to stir &# "en to ad"iration $&t not to sanctify the"+ For )hat can it #rofit the so&l to $e ra!ished &nto God $y #rayer )hile in her life and con!ersation she is ra!ished $y earthly $ase and nat&ral affectionsB to $e a$o!e herself in #rayer and $elo) herself in life and o#eration to $e an'elic in "editation and $r&tish in con!ersation. -t is to halt on t)o sides @891A to s)ear $y the 6ord and s)ear $y Melcho"+ @892A -n a )ord it is a tr&e "ar2 that s&ch ra#t&res and ecstasies are $&t o#erations and deceits of the e!il s#irit+ /lessed are they )ho li!e a s&#erh&"an and ecstatic life raised a$o!e the"sel!es tho&'h they "ay not $e ra!ished a$o!e the"sel!es in #rayer+ There are "any saints in hea!en )ho )ere




ne!er in ecstasy or ra#t&re of conte"#lation+ For ho) "any "artyrs and 'reat saints do )e see in history ne!er to ha!e had other #ri!ile'e in #rayer than that of de!otion and fer!o&r+ /&t there )as ne!er saint )ho had not the ecstasy and ra#t&re of life and o#eration o!erco"in' hi"self and his nat&ral inclinations+ 5 3nd )ho sees not - #ray yo& Theoti"&s that it is the ecstasy of life and o#eration that the 'reat 3#ostle #rinci#ally s#ea2s of )hen he saysF - li!e no) not - $&t ?hrist li!eth in "eB @898A for he hi"self eC#lains it in other ter"s to the >o"ans sayin' thatF O&r old "an is cr&cified )ith hi" @899A that )e are dead to sin )ith hi" and that )e are also risen )ith hi" to )al2 in ne)ness of life that )e "ay ser!e sin no lon'er+ /ehold Theoti"&s ho) t)o "en are re#resented in each of &s and conse*&ently t)o li!esB the one of the old "an )hich is an old lifeB li2e they say the ea'leDs )hich ha!in' 'ro)n into old a'e can $&t dra' its )in's alon' and is &na$le to ta2e fli'htF the other is the life of the ne) "an )hich also is a ne) life li2e that of the ea'le )hich $ein' dis$&rdened of its old feathers no) sha2en off into the sea ta2es ne) ones and ha!in' 'ro)n yo&n' a'ain flies in the ne)ness of its stren'th+ -n the first life )e li!e accordin' to the old "an that is accordin' to the failin's )ea2nesses and infir"ities contracted $y the sin of o&r first father 3da"B and therefore )e li!e to 3da"Ds sin and o&r life is a "ortal life yea death itself+ -n the second life )e li!e accordin' to the ne) "an that is accordin' to the 'races fa!o&rs ordinances and )ills of o&r Sa!io&r and conse*&ently )e li!e to sal!ation and rede"#tion and this ne) life is a li!ely li!in' and life-'i!in' life+ /&t )hosoe!er )o&ld attain the ne) life "&st "a2e his )ay $y the death of the old cr&cifyin' his flesh )ith the !ices and conc&#iscences @895A thereof $&ryin' it &nder the )aters of holy $a#tis" or #enanceF as Eaa"an dro)ned and $&ried in the )aters of ,ordan his le#ro&s and infected old life to li!e a ne) so&nd and s#otless lifeB for one "i'ht )ell ha!e said of hi" that he )as not no) the old le#ro&s corr&#t infected Eaa"an $&t a ne) clean so&nd and hono&ra$le Eaa"an $eca&se he )as dead to le#rosy and )as li!in' to health and cleanness+ Eo) )hosoe!er is raised &# a'ain to this ne) life of o&r Sa!io&r neither li!es to hi"self nor for hi"self $&t to his Sa!io&r in his Sa!io&r and for his Sa!io&r+ So yo& also rec2on says S+ Pa&l that yo& are dead to sin $&t ali!e &nto God in ?hrist ,es&s o&r 6ord+ @896A @891A 8 4in's C!iii+ 21+ @892A So#h+ i+ 5+ 97 @898A Gal+ ii+ 27+ @899A >o"+ !i+ 6+ 95 @895A Gal+ !+ 29+ @896A >o"+ !i+ 11







?53PT;> :---+ 3E 3DM->3/6; ;Q5O>T3T-OE OF S+ P3=6 TO T5; ;?ST3T-? 3ED S=P;>5=M3E 6-F;+ 5 /&t finally "ethin2s S+ Pa&l "a2es the "ost forci$le #ressin' and ad"ira$le ar'&"ent that e!er )as "ade to &r'e &s all to the ecstasy and ra#t&re of life and o#eration+ 5ear Theoti"&s - $eseech yo&B $e attenti!e and )ei'h the force and efficacy of the ardent and hea!enly )ords of this 3#ostle ra!ished and trans#orted )ith the lo!e of his Master+ S#ea2in' then of hi"self (and the li2e is to $e said of e!eryone) the charity says he of ?hrist #resseth &s+ @897A Oes Theoti"&s nothin' so "&ch #resses "anDs heart as lo!eB if a "an 2no) that he is $elo!ed $e it $y )ho" it "ay he is #ressed to lo!e in his t&rn+ /&t if a co""on "an $e $elo!ed $y a 'reat lord he is "&ch "ore #ressedB and if $y a 'reat "onarch ho) "&ch "ore yet. 3nd no) - #ray yo& 2no)in' )ell that ,es&s ?hrist the tr&e eternal God o"ni#otent has lo!ed &s e!en to s&fferin' death for &s and the death of the cross is----not this O "y dear Theoti"&s to ha!e o&r hearts &nder the #ress and to feel the" stron'ly #ressed and to feel lo!e #ressed o&t of the" $y !iolence and constraint )hich is so "&ch the "ore !iolent $y ho) "&ch it is "ore lo!a$le and $elo!ed( /&t ho) does this di!ine lo!er #ress &s. The charity of ?hrist #resseth &s says his holy 3#ostle 1&d'in' this+ 0hat "eans that 1&d'in' this. -t "eans that o&r Sa!io&rDs charity #resses &s then es#ecially )hen )e 1&d'e consider #onder "editate and attend to the resol&tion of this *&estion )hich faith 'i!es+ 3nd )hat resol&tion. Mar2 "y 'ood Theoti"&s ho) he #roceeds 'ra!in' fiCin' and sta"#in' his conce#tion on o&r hearts+ ,&d'in' this says heB and )hat. That if one died for all then all )ere dead and ,es&s ?hrist died for all+ -t is tr&e indeedF if one ,es&s ?hrist died for all all then are dead in the #erson of this only Sa!io&r )ho died for the" and his death is to $e i"#&ted &nto the" since it )as end&red for the" and in consideration of the"+ /&t )hat follo)s fro" this. Methin2s - hear that a#ostolic "o&th as )ith a #eal of th&nder startlin' the ears of o&r hearts( That follo)s then O ?hristians )hich ,es&s ?hrist dyin' for &s desired of &s+ 3nd )hat did he desire of &s $&t that )e sho&ld $e confor"ed &nto hi" to the end says the 3#ostle that those )ho li!e "ay not no) li!e to the"sel!es $&t &nto hi" )ho died for the" and rose a'ain+ Tr&e God( Theoti"&s ho) #o)erf&l a conse*&ence is this in the "atter of lo!e( ,es&s ?hrist died for &sB $y his death he has 'i!en &s lifeB )e only li!e $eca&se he diedB he died for &s as o&rs and in &sB o&r life then is no "ore o&rs $&t his )ho has #&rchased it for &s $y his deathF )e are therefore no "ore to li!e to o&rsel!es $&t to hi" nor in o&rsel!es $&t in hi" nor for o&rsel!es $&t for hi"+ 3 "aiden of the -sle of Sestos had $ro&'ht &# a yo&n' ea'le )ith the care children are )ont to $esto) &#on s&ch affairsB the ea'le $ein' co"e to its f&ll 'ro)th $e'an little $y little to fly and to chase $irds accordin' to its nat&ral instinctB then 'ettin' "ore stren'th it seiHed &#on )ild $easts ne!er failin' faithf&lly to ta2e ho"e the #rey to its dear "istress as in ac2no)led'"ent of the $rin'in' &# )hich it had had fro" her+ Eo) it ha##ened &#on a day that this yo&n' da"sel died )hile the #oor ea'le )as on the h&nt and her $ody accordin' to the c&sto" of that ti"e and co&ntry )as #&$licly #laced &#on the f&neral #ile to $e $&rntB )hen e!en as the fla"e $e'an to seiHe &#on her the ea'le ca"e &# )ith stron' and ea'er fli'ht and )hen it $eheld this &nloo2ed-for and sad s#ectacle #ierced )ith 'rief it o#ened its talons let









fall its #rey and s#read itself &#on its #oor $elo!ed "istressB and co!erin' her )ith its )in's as it )ere to defend her fro" the fire or for #ityDs sa2e to e"$race her it re"ained there constant and i""o!a$le co&ra'eo&sly dyin' and $&rnin' )ith herB the ardo&r of its affection not 'i!in' )ay to fla"es and ardo&rs of fire that so it "i'ht $eco"e the !icti" and holoca&st of its $ra!e and #rodi'io&s lo!e as its "istress )as of death and fire+ O Theoti"&s( To )hat a hi'h fli'ht this ea'le "o!es &s( O&r Sa!io&r has $red &s &# fro" o&r tender yo&th yea he for"ed &s and recei!ed &s as a lo!in' n&rse into the ar"s of his di!ine Pro!idence e!en fro" the instant of o&r conce#tion+ Eot $ein' yet thy holy hand did "a2e "eB Scarce $orn into thy ar"s thy lo!e did ta2e "e+


15 5e "ade &s his o)n $y /a#tis" and tenderly no&rishes $oth o&r so&l and o&r $ody )ith an inco"#rehensi$le lo!eB to #&rchase &s life he s&ffered death he has fed &s )ith his o)n flesh and $lood+ 3h( )hat re"ains then "y dear Theoti"&s )hat concl&sion are )e to dra) fro" this eCce#t that those )ho li!e sho&ld li!e no "ore to the"sel!es $&t to hi" that died for the"F that is to say that )e sho&ld consecrate all the "o"ents of o&r life to the di!ine lo!e of o&r Sa!io&rDs death $rin'in' ho"e to his 'lory all o&r #rey all o&r con*&ests all o&r actions all o&r tho&'hts and all o&r affections+ 6et &s $ehold hi" Theoti"&s this hea!enly >edee"er eCtended &#on the cross as &#on a f&neral #ile of hono&r )here he dies of lo!e for &s yea of a lo!e "ore doloro&s than death itself or a death "ore a"oro&s than lo!e itself+ 3h( )hy do )e not s#irit&ally cast o&rsel!es &#on hi" to die &#on the cross )ith hi" )ho has tr&ly )illed to die for lo!e of &s. - )ill hold hi" sho&ld )e say if )e had the ea'leDs 'enerosity and )ill ne!er de#art fro" hi"+ - )ill die )ith hi" and $&rn in the fla"es of his lo!e one and the sa"e fire shall cons&"e this di!ine ?reator and his #oor creat&re+ My ,es&s is )holly "ine and - a" )holly hisF - )ill li!e and die &#on his $reast nor life nor death shall e!er se#arate "e fro" hi"+ Th&s then is "ade the holy ecstasy of tr&e lo!e )hen )e li!e not accordin' to h&"an reason and inclinations $&t a$o!e the" follo)in' the ins#irations and instincts of the di!ine Sa!io&r of o&r so&ls+ @897A 2 ?or+ !+ 19+ ?53PT;> -Q+ 97 OF T5; S=P>;M; ;FF;?T OF 3FF;?T-:; 6O:; 05-?5 -S T5; D;3T5 OF T5; 6O:;>SB 3ED F->ST OF S=?5 3S D-;D -E 6O:;+ 6o!e is as stron' as death+ @89IA Death se#arates the so&l of hi" )ho dies fro" the $ody and fro" all the thin's of the )orldB sacred lo!e se#arates the so&l of the lo!er fro" his $ody and fro" all the thin's of the )orldF nor is there any other difference sa!in' that death does that in effect )hich lo!e ordinarily does only in affection+ - say ordinarily Theoti"&s $eca&se holy lo!e is so"eti"es so !iolent that it e!en act&ally ca&ses a se#aration $et)een the $ody and the so&lB "a2in' the lo!ers die a "ost ha##y death $etter than a h&ndred li!es+










3s it is the s#ecial character of the re#ro$ate that they die in sin so of the elect it is that they die in the lo!e and 'race of God+ /&t still this ha##ens in different )ays+ The 1&st "an ne!er dies &n#ro!idedlyB for to ha!e #erse!ered in ?hristian 1&stice e!en to the end is to ha!e )ell #ro!ided for deathB $&t he does so"eti"es die of &neC#ected or s&dden death+ For this ca&se the all-)ise ?h&rch does not "a2e &s #ray in her 6itanies that )e "ay si"#ly $e deli!ered fro" s&dden death $&t fro" s&dden and &n#ro!ided death+ -t is no )orse for $ein' s&dden if it $e not also &n#ro!ided+ -f )ea2 and ordinary so&ls had seen the fire fro" hea!en fall &#on the 'reat S+ Si"eon StylitesDs head and 2ill hi" )hat )o&ld they ha!e tho&'ht $&t tho&'hts of scandal. Oet o&'ht )e to ha!e no other tho&'ht than that this 'reat saint ha!in' "ost #erfectly i""olated hi"self to God in his heart and $ein' already )holly cons&"ed )ith lo!e the fire ca"e fro" hea!en to #erfect the holoca&st and entirely cons&"e itB for the 3$$ot ,&lian $ein' a dayDs 1o&rney off sa) his so&l ascend to hea!en and there&#on ca&sed incense to $e offered in than2s'i!in' to God+ The /lessed 5o"o$on&s of ?re"ona on a certain day hearin' Mass on his 2nees )ith eCtre"e de!otion rose not at the Gos#el accordin' to c&sto" )hence those that )ere a$o&t hi" loo2ed at hi" and #ercei!ed that he )as dead+ There ha!e $een in o&r ti"e "en "ost fa"o&s for !irt&e and learnin' fo&nd dead so"e in a confessional others )hile hearin' a ser"onF yea so"e ha!e $een seen to fall do)n dead at their 'oin' o&t of the #&l#it )here they had #reached )ith 'reat fer!o&rB and all these deaths )ere s&dden yet not &n#ro!ided+ 3nd ho) "any 'ood #eo#le do )e see die in a#o#leCy in a lethar'y and a tho&sand other )ays !ery s&ddenly. 3nd others die in deliri&" and "adness o&t of the &se of reasonB and all these to'ether )ith children )ho are $a#tiHed die in 'race and conse*&ently in the lo!e of God+ /&t ho) co&ld they die in the lo!e of God since they did not e!en thin2 of God at the ti"e of their de#art&re. 6earned "en Theoti"&s lose not their 2no)led'e )hile they are aslee#B other)ise they )o&ld $e &nlearned at their a)a2in' and ha!e to ret&rn to school+ The li2e it is in all the ha$its of #r&dence te"#erance faith ho#e and charityB they are e!er )ithin the 1&st "anDs heart tho&'h they are not al)ays in action+ 0hile a "an slee#s it see"s that all his ha$its slee# )ith hi" and )hen he a)a2es a)a2e )ith hi"B so a 1&st "an dyin' s&ddenly )hether cr&shed $y a ho&se fallin' &#on hi" or 2illed $y th&nder or stifled $y an eff&sion on the l&n's or dyin' o&t of his senses $y the !iolence of a $&rnin' fe!er dies not indeed in the eCercise of holy lo!e yet he dies in the ha$it thereof+ 0here&#on the )ise "an saysF The 1&st "an if he $e #re!ented )ith death shall $e in restF @89KA for to o$tain eternal life it s&ffices to die in the state and ha$it of lo!e and charity+ Many saints ho)e!er ha!e de#arted this life not only in charity and )ith the ha$it of hea!enly lo!e $&t e!en in the act and #ractice thereof+ S+ 3&'&stine died in the eCercise of holy contrition )hich cannot $e )itho&t lo!eF S+ ,ero"e eChortin' his dear children to the lo!e of God of their nei'h$o&r and of !irt&eF S+ 3"$rose in a ra#t&re s)eetly disco&rsin' )ith his Sa!io&r i""ediately after he had recei!ed the holy Sacra"ent of the altarF S+ 3ntony of Pad&a after he had recited a hy"n to the 'lorio&s :ir'in-"other and )hile tal2in' 1oyo&sly )ith o&r Sa!io&rF S+ Tho"as 3*&inas 1oinin' his hands ele!atin' his eyes to)ards hea!en raisin' his !oice !ery hi'h and #rono&ncin' $y )ay of e1ac&lation )ith 'reat fer!o&r these )ords of the ?anticles (the last )hich he had









eC#o&nded)F ?o"e "y $elo!ed let &s 'o forth into the field let &s a$ide in the !illa'es+ @857A 3ll the 3#ostles and al"ost all the Martyrs died in #rayer+ The /lessed and :enera$le /ede ha!in' fore2no)n $y re!elation the ti"e of his de#art&re )ent to :es#ers (and it )as 3scension day) and standin' &#ri'ht leanin' only on the el$o)s of his stall )itho&t any disease at all ended his life at the sa"e instant that he ended his sin'in' of :es#ers as it )ere directly to follo) his Master ascendin' &nto hea!en there to en1oy the fair "ornin' of eternity )hich has no :es#er+ @851A ,ohn Gerson ?hancellor of the =ni!ersity of Paris a "an so learned and #io&s that as SiCt&s Senensis says one can hardly discern )hether his learnin' s&r#assed his #iety or his #iety his learnin' ha!in' eC#o&nded the fifty #ro#erties of di!ine lo!e "entioned in the ?anticle of ?anticles three days after)ards ha!in' a face and heart f&ll of life eC#ired #rono&ncin' and re#eatin' "any ti"es $y )ay of e1ac&latory #rayer these holy )ords dra)n o&t of the sa"e ?anticlesF O God( thy lo!e is stron' as death+ S+ Martin as e!eryone 2no)s died so attenti!e to the eCercise of de!otion that "ore co&ld not $e+ S+ 6o&is that 'reat 2in' a"on'st saints and 'reat saint a"on'st 2in's $ein' str&c2 )ith the #la'&e ne!er ceased to #rayB and then ha!in' recei!ed the di!ine :iatic&" s#readin' o&t his ar"s in for" of a cross his eyes fiCed &#on hea!en yielded &# the 'host ardently si'hin' o&t these )ords )ith a #erfect confidence of lo!eF - )ill co"e into thy ho&seB - )ill )orshi# to)ards thy holy te"#le and - )ill 'i!e 'lory to thy na"e+ @852A S+ Peter ?elestine $ein' )holly stee#ed in cr&el afflictions )hich can scarce $e descri$ed ha!in' reached the end of his days $e'an to sin' as a sacred s)an the last of the #sal"s and ended his son' and his life )ith these a"oro&s )ordsF 6et e!ery s#irit #raise the 6ord+ The ad"ira$le S+ ;&se$ia s&rna"ed the stran'er died on her 2nees and in fer!ent #rayer S+ Peter Martyr )ritin' )ith his fin'er and in his o)n $lood the confession of the faith for )hich he died and &tterin' these )ordsF 6ord into thy hands - co""end "y s#iritF and the 'reat 3#ostle of the ,a#anese S+ Francis Qa!ier holdin' and 2issin' the i"a'e of the cr&cifiC and re#eatin' at e!ery 2iss these e1ac&lations of his so&lF GO ,es&s( the God of "y heart(G @89IA ?ant+ !iii+ 6+ @89KA 0is+ i!+ 7+ @857A ?ant+ !ii+ 11+


85 @851A S+ FrancisDs acco&nt of this $lessed death is not strictly accordin' to history+ 0e cannot ascertain )hat 6ife of :enera$le /ede he &sed (Tr+)+ @852A Pss+ !+ IB cCCC!ii+ 2+ 97 ?53PT;> Q+ OF T5OS; 05O D-;D /O 3ED FO> D-:-E; 6O:;+ 95 3ll the Martyrs Theoti"&s died for the lo!e of GodB for )hen )e say that so"e of the" died for the faith )e "ean not that they died for a dead faith $&t for the li!in' faith that is *&ic2ened $y charity+ 3nd a'ain the confession of faith is not so "&ch an act of the &nderstandin' and of faith as an act of the )ill and of the lo!e of God+ 3nd


this is )hy the 'reat S+ Peter 2ee#in' the faith in his so&l on the day of the #assion yet lost charity ref&sin' in )ords to #rofess hi" to $e his Master )ho" in his heart he ac2no)led'ed to $e s&ch+ /&t there )ere yet other Martyrs )ho died eC#ressly for charity alone as o&r Sa!io&rDs 'reat Prec&rsor )ho )as "artyred for fraternal correctionB and the 'lorio&s #rinces of the 3#ostles S+ Peter and S+ Pa&l and #artic&larly S+ Pa&l died for ha!in' reclai"ed those )o"en to a #io&s and #&re life )ho" the infa"o&s Eero had led into sin+ The holy /isho#s Stanisla&s and Tho"as of ?anter$&ry )ere slain for a "atter that to&ched not faith $&t charity+ -n fine a 'reat #art of the sacred :ir'in-"artyrs )ere slain for the Heal they had to #reser!e their chastity )hich charity had ca&sed the" to dedicate to their hea!enly s#o&se+ /&t so"e sacred lo!ers so a$sol&tely 'i!e the"sel!es o!er to the eCercises of di!ine lo!e that this holy fire )astes and cons&"es their life+ Grief does so"eti"es so lon' hinder the afflicted fro" eatin' drin2in' or slee#in' that in the end )ea2ened and )asted they dieB )hence it is co""only said that s&ch die of 'riefF $&t it is not so indeedB for they die thro&'h fail&re of stren'th and inanition+ Oet since this fail&re ca"e thro&'h 'rief )e "&st allo) that tho&'h they died not of 'rief they died $y reason of 'rief and $y 'rief+ So "y dear Theoti"&s )hen the fer!o&r of holy lo!e is 'reat it 'i!es so "any assa&lts to the heart so often )o&nds it ca&ses in it so "any lan'&ors "elts it so ha$it&ally and #&ts it so fre*&ently into ecstasies and ra#t&res that $y this "eans the so&l al"ost entirely occ&#ied in God not $ein' a$le to afford s&fficient assistance to nat&re to effect di'estion and no&rish itself #ro#erly the ani"al and !ital s#irits $e'in little $y little to fail life is shortened and death ta2es #lace+ O God( Theoti"&s ho) ha##y this death is( 5o) deli'htf&l is this lo!e-dart )hich )o&ndin' &s )ith the inc&ra$le )o&nd of hea!enly lo!e "a2es &s for e!er #inin' and sic2 )ith so stron' a $eatin' of the heart that at len'th )e "&st yield to death+ 5o) "&ch do yo& thin2 did these sacred lan'&ors and la$o&rs &nder'one for charity ad!ance the days of the di!ine lo!ers S+ ?atharine of Siena S+ Francis yo&n' Stanisla&s 4ots2a S+ ?harles and "any h&ndreds "ore )ho died so yo&n'. :erily as for S+ Francis fro" the ti"e that he recei!ed the holy sti'"ata of his "aster he had s&ch !iolent and shar# #ains #an's con!&lsions and illnesses that he $eca"e "ere s2in and $one and he see"ed rather to $e a s2eleton or a #ict&re of death than a "an yet li!in' and $reathin'+ ?53PT;> Q-+ 5O0 SOM; OF T5; 5;3:;E6O 6O:;>S D-;D 36SO OF 6O:;+








3ll the elect then Theoti"&s died in the ha$it of holy lo!eB $&t f&rther so"e died e!en in the eCercise of it others for this lo!e and others $y this sa"e lo!e+ /&t )hat $elon's to the so!erei'n de'ree of lo!e is that so"e die of lo!eB and then it is that lo!e not only )o&nds the so&l so as to "a2e her lan'&ish $&t e!en #ierces her thro&'h deli!erin' its $lo) ri'ht in the "iddle of the heart and so fatally that it dri!es the so&l o&t of the $odyB--)hich ha##ens th&s+ The so&l #o)erf&lly dra)n $y the di!ine s)eetness of her $elo!ed to corres#ond on her side )ith his s)eet attractions forci$ly and to the $est of her #o)er s#rin's o&t to)ards this lon'ed-for $elo!ed )ho attracts her and not $ein' a$le to dra) her $ody after her rather than stay )ith it in this "isera$le life she *&its it


and 'ets clearB flyin' alone as a fair do!e into the delicio&s $oso" of her hea!enly s#o&se+ She thro)s herself &#on her $elo!ed and her $elo!ed dra)s and ra!ishes her to hi"self+ 3nd as the $ride'roo" lea!es father and "other to clea!e to his dearly $elo!ed so this chaste $ride forsa2eth the flesh to &nite herself to her $elo!ed+ Eo) this is the "ost !iolent effect of lo!e in a so&l and one )hich re*&ires first a 'reat offstri##in' of all s&ch affections as 2ee# the heart attached either to the )orld or to the $ody so that as fire ha!in' $y little and little se#arated an essence fro" its "ass and )holly #&rified it at len'th $rin's o&t the *&intessence --e!en so holy lo!e ha!in' )ithdra)n "anDs heart fro" all h&"o&rs inclinations and #assions as far as "ay $e does at len'th &r'e o&t the so&l to the end that $y this death #recio&s in the di!ine eyes she "ay #ass to eternal 'lory+ The 'reat S+ Francis )ho in this s&$1ect of hea!enly lo!e e!er ret&rns $efore "y eyes co&ld not #ossi$ly esca#e dyin' $y lo!e $eca&se of the "anifold and 'reat lan'&ors ecstasies and faintin's )hich his lo!e of God 'a!e hi"B $&t $esides this God )ho had set hi" forth to the !ie) of the )hole )orld as a "iracle of lo!e )illed that he sho&ld not only die for lo!e $&t also of lo!e+ For consider - $eseech yo& Theoti"&s his death+ Percei!in' hi"self &#on the #oint of his de#art&re he ca&sed hi"self to $e laid na2ed &#on the 'ro&nd )here ha!in' recei!ed as an al"s a ha$it )hich they #&t on hi" he disco&rsed to his $rethren ani"atin' the" to the lo!e of God and the ?h&rch had o&r Sa!io&rDs #assion read and then )ith an eCtre"e fer!o&r $e'an Psal" cCli+F - cried to the 6ord )ith "y !oiceB )ith "y !oice - "ade s&##lication to the 6ordB and ha!in' #rono&nced these last )ordsF /rin' "y so&l o&t of #rison that - "ay #raise thy na"eB the 1&st )ait for "e &ntil tho& re)ard "e he died --in his forty-fifth year+ 0ho sees not - $eseech yo& Theoti"&s that this sera#hical "an )ho had so earnestly desired to $e "artyred and to die for lo!e died in the end of lo!e as in another #lace - ha!e descri$ed. S+ Ma'dalen ha!in' for the s#ace of thirty years li!ed in a ca!e )hich is yet to $e seen in Pro!ence ha!in' se!en ti"es each day $ad ra#t&res and $een $orne &# in the air $y an'els as tho&'h she )ent to sin' the se!en canonical ho&rs in their choirB in the end &#on a S&nday she ca"e to ?h&rch )here her dear /isho# S+ MaCi"in findin' her in conte"#lation her eyes f&ll of tears and her ar"s stretched o&t co""&nicated her and soon after)ards she deli!ered &# her $lessed so&l )hich once a'ain for 'ood and all )ent to her Sa!io&rDs feet to en1oy the $etter #art )hich she had already "ade choice of here $elo)+ S+ /asil had contracted a strict friendshi# )ith a #hysician a ,e) $y nation and reli'ion )ith the intention of $rin'in' hi" to the faith of ,es&s ?hrist )hich ne!ertheless he co&ld not effect till s&ch ti"e as )orn o&t )ith fastin's )atchin's and la$o&rs $ein' &#on the #oint of dyin' he in*&ired of the #hysician )hat o#inion he had of hi" con1&rin' hi" to s#ea2 fran2ly+ The #hysician did so and ha!in' felt his #&lseF--there is no f&rther re"edy said heB $efore the s&n sets yo& )ill de#art this life+ /&t )hat )ill yo& say re#lied the #atient if to-"orro) - shall $e ali!e. - )ill $eco"e a ?hristian #ro"ise yo& said the #hysician+ 0ith this the saint #rayed to God and o$tained a #rolon'ation of his o)n te"#oral life for the 'ood of his #hysicianDs s#irit&al life )ho ha!in' seen this "iracle )as con!erted and S+ /asil risin' co&ra'eo&sly o&t of his $ed )ent to the ?h&rch and $a#tiHed hi" )ith all his fa"ily then ret&rnin' to his cha"$er









and to his $ed ha!in' entertained hi"self a 'ood s#ace )ith o&r Sa!io&r in #rayer he holily eChorted the assistants to ser!e God )ith their )hole heart and finally seein' the an'els a##roach and #rono&ncin' )ith an eCtre"e deli'ht these )ordsF O God reco""end &nto thee "y so&l and restore it into thy handsB he died+ /&t the #oor con!erted #hysician seein' hi" th&s #ass a)ay e"$racin' hi" and "eltin' into tears o!er hi"F--GO 'reat /asil said he indeed if tho& hadst )illed tho& )o&ldst no "ore ha!e died to-day than yesterday+G 0ho does not see that this death )as )holly of lo!e. 3nd the /lessed Mother (S+) Teresa of ,es&s re!ealed after her death that she died of an i"#et&o&s assa&lt of lo!e )hich had $een so !iolent that nat&re not $ein' a$le to s&##ort it the so&l had de#arted to)ards the $elo!ed o$1ect of its affections+ ?53PT;> Q--+


M3>:;66O=S 5-STO>O OF T5; D;3T5 OF 3 G;ET6;M3E 05O D-;D OF 6O:; OE MO=ET O6-:;T+ /esides )hat - ha!e said - ha!e fo&nd a history )hich to sacred lo!ers is none the less credi$le for $ein' )onderf&l since as the holy 3#ostle saysF ?harity )illin'ly $elie!eh all thin'sB @858A that is it is not *&ic2 to $elie!e that any one is lyin' and if there are no a##arent "ar2s of falsehood in thin's )hich are told it "a2es no diffic&lty a$o&t $elie!in' the"B $&t a$o!e all )hen they are thin's )hich eCalt and "a'nify the lo!e of God to)ards "en or the lo!e of "en to)ards God for charity )hich is so!erei'n *&een of the !irt&es re1oices in the thin's )hich contri$&te to the 'lory of its e"#ire and do"ination+ 3nd altho&'h the acco&nt - a" a$o&t to 'i!e is not so f&lly #&$lished nor so )ell )itnessed as the 'reatness of the "ar!el )hich it contains )o&ld re*&ire it does not therefore lose its tr&thB for as S+ 3&'&stine eCcellently says "iracles "a'nificent as they "ay $e are scarcely 2no)n in the !ery #lace )here they are )or2edB and e!en )hen they are related $y those )ho ha!e seen the" they are )ith diffic&lty $elie!ed $&t they do not therefore cease to $e tr&eB and in "atter of reli'ion 'ood so&ls ha!e "ore s)eetness in $elie!in' thin's in )hich there is "ore diffic&lty and ad"iration+ =#on a ti"e then a !ery ill&strio&s and !irt&o&s 2ni'ht )ent $eyond seas to Palestine to !isit the holy #laces in )hich O&r 6ord had done the )or2s of o&r rede"#tionB and #ro#erly to $e'in this holy eCercise $efore e!erythin' he )orthily confessed and co""&nicated+ Then he )ent first to the to)n of EaHareth )here the an'el anno&nced to the "ost holy :ir'in the "ost sacred -ncarnation and )here the "ost adora$le conce#tion of the ;ternal 0ord too2 #laceB and there this 'ood #il'ri" set hi"self to conte"#late the a$yss of the hea!enly 'oodness )hich had dei'ned to ta2e h&"an flesh in order to )ithdra) "en fro" #erdition+ Thence he #assed to /ethlehe" to the #lace of the Eati!ity and one co&ld not say ho) "any tears there he shed conte"#latin' those )ith )hich the Son of God little infant of the :ir'in had )atered that holy sta$le 2issin' and 2issin' a'ain a h&ndred ti"es that sacred earth and lic2in' the d&st on )hich the first infancy of the di!ine /a$e had $een recei!ed+ Fro" /ethlehe" he )ent to /etha$ara and #assed as far as the little #lace of /ethania )hen re"e"$erin' that O&r 6ord had &nclothed hi"self to $e $a#tiHed he also &nclothed hi"self and enterin' into the ,ordan and $athin' in it and drin2in' of the )aters thereof it see"ed to hi" as if he sa) his Sa!io&r recei!in' $a#tis" fro" the hand of his #rec&rsor and the 5oly















Ghost descendin' &#on hi" in the for" of a do!e )ith the hea!ens yet o#ened )hile fro" the" see"ed to hi" to co"e the !oice of the ;ternal Father sayin'F This is "y $elo!ed Son in )ho" - a" )ell #leased+ Fro" /ethania he 'oes into the desert and there sees )ith the eyes of his S#irit the Sa!io&r fastin' and fi'htin' and con*&erin' the ene"y then the an'els "inisterin' to hi" ad"ira$le "eats+ Thence he 'oes &# to Mo&nt Tha$or )here he sees the Sa!io&r transfi'&red then to Mo&nt Sion )here he see"s to see O&r 6ord still on his 2nees in the s&##er-roo" )ashin' the disci#lesD feet and after)ards distri$&tin' to the" his di!ine $ody in the sacred ;&charist+ 5e #asses the torrent of ?edron and 'oes to the Garden of Gethse"ani )here his heart "elts into the tears of a "ost lo!in' sorro) )hile he there re#resents to hi"self his dear Sa!io&r s)eatin' $lood in that eCtre"e a'ony )hich he s&ffered there to $e soon after)ards $o&nd fast )ith cords and led into ,er&sale"B )hither he 'oes also follo)in' e!ery)here the foot#rints of his $elo!ed and in i"a'ination sees hi" dra''ed hither and thither to 3nnas to ?ai#has to Pilate to 5erod sco&r'ed $lindfolded s#at &#on cro)ned )ith thorns #resented to the #eo#le conde"ed to death loaded )ith his cross--)hich he carries and )hile carryin' it has the #itif&l "eetin' )ith his "other all stee#ed in 'rief and )ith the da&'hters of ,er&sale" )ho )ee# o!er hi"+ 5e ascends at last this de!o&t #il'ri" to Mo&nt ?al!ary )hen he sees in s#irit the cross laid &#on the earth and o&r Sa!io&r stri#t na2ed thro)n do)n and nailed hands and feet &#on it "ost cr&elly+ 5e conte"#lates then ho) they raise the cross and the ?r&cified into the air and the $lood )hich strea"s fro" all #arts of this r&ined di!ine $ody+ 5e re'ards the #oor sacred :ir'in *&ite trans#ierced )ith the s)ord of sorro)B then he t&rns his eyes on the cr&cified Sa!io&r )hose se!en )ords he hears )ith a "atchless lo!e and at last he sees hi" dyin' then dead then recei!in' the lance-stro2e and sho)in' $y the o#enin' of the )o&nd his di!ine heart then ta2en do)n fro" the cross and carried to the se#&lchre )hither he follo)s hi" sheddin' a sea of tears on the #laces "oistened )ith the $lood of his >edee"er+ 3nd so he enters into the se#&lchre and $&ries his heart $y the $ody of his di!ine MasterB then risin' a'ain )ith hi" he 'oes to ;""a&s and sees all that #asses $et)een the 6ord and the t)o disci#lesB and at last ret&rnin' to Mo&nt Oli!et )here the "ystery of the 3scension too2 #lace and there seein' the last "ar2s and !esti'es of the feet of the Di!ine Sa!io&r #rostrate &#on the" and 2issin' the" a tho&sand tho&sand ti"es )ith si'hs of an infinite lo!e he $e'an to dra) &# to hi"self all the forces of his affections as an archer dra)s the strin' of his $o) )hen he )ishes to shoot his arro) then risin' his eyes and his hands t&rned to hea!enF O ,es&s( said he "y s)eet ,es&s( - 2no) no "ore )here to see2 and follo) thee on earth+ 3h( ,es&s ,es&s "y lo!e 'rant then to this heart that it "ay follo) thee and 'o after thee thither a$o!e+ 3nd )ith these ardent )ords he at the sa"e "o"ent shot his so&l into hea!en a sacred arro) )hich as an archer of God he directed into the central-)hite of his "ost $lessed "ar2+ /&t his co"#anions and ser!ants )ho sa) this #oor lo!er fall s&ddenly th&s as if dead a"aHed at this accident ran instantly for the doctor )ho co"in' fo&nd that he had really #assed a)ayF and to "a2e a safe 1&d'"ent on the ca&ses of so &neC#ected a death he in*&ires of )hat te"#era"ent of )hat "anners and of )hat feelin's the deceased "i'ht $eB and he learned that he )as of a dis#osition !ery s)eet !ery a"ia$le )ondro&sly de!o&t and "ost ardent in the lo!e of God+ 0here&#on the doctor saidF 0itho&t do&$t then his heart has $ro2en )ith eCcess and fer!o&r of lo!e+ 3nd in order the $etter to confir" his decision he )o&ld ha!e hi" o#ened and fo&nd that 'lorio&s heart o#en )ith this sacred )ord en'ra!ed )ithin itF ,es&s "y lo!e( 6o!e then did in this heart the office of death se#aratin' the so&l fro"

the $ody no other ca&se conc&rrin'+ 3nd it is S+ /ernardine of Siena a !ery )ise and !ery holy doctor )ho "a2es this relation in the first of his Ser"ons on the 3scension+ 5 -ndeed another a&thor of nearly the sa"e a'e )ho has concealed his na"e o&t of h&"ility $&t )ho is )orthy to $e na"ed in a $oo2 )hich he has entitledF Mirror of S#irit&al Persons relates a history e!en "ore ad"ira$le+ For he says that in the #arts of Pro!ence there )as a no$le"an entirely de!oted to the lo!e of God and to the de!otion of the Most 5oly Sacra"ent of the 3ltar+ Eo) one day $ein' eCtre"ely afflicted )ith a "alady )hich ca&sed hi" contin&al !o"itin's the di!ine co""&nion )as $ro&'ht hi"B and not darin' to recei!e it on acco&nt of the dan'er of castin' it &# a'ain he $e''ed his #astor to a##ly it at least to his $reast and )ith it to "a2e the si'n of the cross o!er hi"+ This )as done and in a "o"ent his $reast infla"ed )ith holy lo!e )as cleft and dre) into itself the hea!enly food )herein his $elo!ed )as contained and at the sa"e instant 'a!e &# its $reath+ - see in 'ood tr&th that this history is eCtraordinary and )o&ld deser!e a "ore )ei'hty testi"onyF yet after the tr&e history of the cleft heart of S+ ?lare of Montefalco )hich all the )orld "ay see e!en to this day and that of the sti'"ata of S+ Francis )hich is "ost certain "y so&l finds nothin' hard to $e $elie!ed a"on'st the effects of di!ine lo!e+ @858A 1 ?or+ Ciii+ 7+ ?53PT;> Q---+ 25 T53T T5; MOST S3?>;D :->G-E MOT5;> OF GOD D-;D OF 6O:; FO> 5;> SOE+ One can hardly )ell do&$t that the 'reat S+ ,ose#h died $efore the #assion and death of o&r Sa!io&r )ho other)ise )o&ld not ha!e co""ended his "other to S+ ,ohn+ 3nd ho) can one then i"a'ine that the dear child of his heart his $elo!ed foster-child did not assist hi" at the ho&r of his de#art&re. /lessed are the "ercif&l for they shall o$tain "ercy+ 3h( ho) "&ch s)eetness charity and "ercy did this 'ood foster-father &se to)ards o&r Sa!io&r )hen he )as $orn a little child in the )orld( 3nd )ho can then $elie!e $&t that at his de#art&re o&t of it this di!ine child rendered hi" the li2e a h&ndred-fold fillin' hi" )ith hea!enly deli'hts. Stor2s are the tr&e re#resentation of the "&t&al #iety of children to)ards their #arents and of #arents to)ards their childrenF for $ein' $irds of #assa'e they $ear their old #arents )ith the" in their 1o&rney as their #arents had $orne the" )hile they )ere yet yo&n' on the li2e occasions+ 0hile o&r Sa!io&r )as yet a little child the 'reat S+ ,ose#h his foster-father and the "ost 'lorio&s :ir'in his "other had "any ti"es carried hi" $&t es#ecially in their 1o&rney fro" ,&dea to ;'y#t and fro" ;'y#t to ,&dea+ 3h( )ho then can do&$t that this holy father $ein' co"e to the end of his days )as reci#rocally carried $y his di!ine fosterchild in the #assa'e fro" this to another life into 3$raha"Ds $oso" to $e translated thence into his o)n into 'lory on the day of his 3scension. 3 saint )ho had lo!ed so "&ch in his life co&ld not die $&t of lo!eB for his heart not $ein' a$le to lo!e his dear ,es&s as "&ch as he desired )hile he contin&ed a"on'st the distractions of this life and ha!in' already #erfor"ed the d&ty )hich )as re*&ired in the childhood of ,es&s )hat re"ained $&t that he sho&ld say to the eternal FatherF O Father - ha!e finished the )or2 )hich tho& 'a!est "e to doF @859A and then to the Son O "y child( as thy hea!enly








Father #&t thy tender $ody into "y hands the day of thy co"in' into this )orld so do render &# "y so&l into thine this day of "y de#art&re o&t of the )orld+ 5 S&ch as - concei!e )as the death of this 'reat #atriarch a "an elected to #erfor" the "ost tender and lo!in' offices that e!er )ere or shall $e #erfor"ed to the Son of God sa!e those that )ere done $y his sacred s#o&se the tr&e nat&ral "other of the said Son+ Eo) of her it is not #ossi$le to i"a'ine that she died of any other 2ind of death than of lo!e the no$lest of deaths and conse*&ently d&e to the no$lest life that e!er )as a"on'st creat&resF a death of )hich the !ery an'els )o&ld desire to die if die they co&ld+ -f the #ri"iti!e ?hristians )ere said to ha!e $&t one heart and one so&l $y reason of their #erfect "&t&al lo!e if S+ Pa&l li!ed not in hi"self $&t ,es&s ?hrist li!ed in hi" $y reason of the close &nion of his heart to his MasterDs )here$y his so&l )as as it )ere dead in his heart )hich it ani"ated to li!e in the heart of the Sa!io&r )hich it lo!ed --O tr&e God( ho) "&ch "ore really had the sacred !ir'in and her son $&t one so&l one heart and one life so that this hea!enly "other li!in' li!ed not $&t her son li!ed in her( DT)as a "other the "ost lo!in' and the "ost $elo!ed that e!er co&ld $e yea lo!in' and $elo!ed )ith a lo!e inco"#ara$ly "ore e"inent than that of all the orders of an'els and "en as the na"es of "other-only and only-son are na"es #assin' all other na"es in "atter of lo!e+ 3nd - say "other-only and only-son $eca&se all the other sons of "en di!ide the ac2no)led'"ent of their #rod&ction $et)een their father and "otherB $&t in this son as all his h&"an $irth de#ended on his "other alone )ho alone contri$&ted that )hich )as re*&isite to the !irt&e of the 5oly Ghost for the conce#tion of this hea!enly child so to her alone all the lo!e )hich s#ran' fro" that #rod&ction )as d&e and renderedF )herefore this son and this "other )ere &nited in a &nion $y so "&ch "ore eCcellent as her na"e is eCcellent in lo!e a$o!e all other na"es+ For )hich of all the sera#hi" can say to o&r Sa!io&rF Tho& art "y tr&e son and - lo!e thee as "y tr&e son. 3nd to )hich of all his creat&res did o&r Sa!io&r e!er sayF Tho& art "y tr&e "other and as "y tr&e "other - lo!e theeF tho& art "y tr&e "other entirely "ine and - a" thy tr&e son )holly thine. -f then a lo!in' ser!ant d&rst say and did say that he had no other life than his "asterDs--3h( ho) confidently and fer!ently "i'ht this "other eCclai"F - ha!e no life $&t the life of "y son "y life is )holly in his and his )holly in "ineB for it )as no lon'er &nion $&t &nity of hearts $et)een this "other and this son+ 3nd if this "other li!ed her sonDs life she also died her sonDs death+ The #hoeniC as re#ort 'oes 'ro)n !ery a'ed 'athers to'ether on the to# of a "o&ntain a *&antity of aro"atical )ood &#on )hich as &#on its $ed of hono&r it 'oes to end its daysF for )hen the s&n $ein' at its hi'hest #o&rs o&t its hottest $ea"s this sole $ird to contri$&te an increase of acti!ity to the ardo&r of the s&n ceases not to $eat )ith its )in's &#on its $ed till it has "ade it ta2e fire and $&rnin' )ith it is cons&"ed and dies in those odorifero&s fla"es+ -n li2e "anner Theoti"&s the !ir'in-"other ha!in' collected in her s#irit all the "ost $elo!ed "ysteries of the life and death of her son $y a "ost li!ely and contin&al "e"ory of the" and )ithal e!er recei!in' directly the "ost ardent ins#irations )hich her child the s&n of 1&stice has cast &#on h&"an $ein's in the hi'hest noon of his charityB and $esides "a2in' on her #art also a #er#et&al "o!e"ent of conte"#lation at len'th the sacred fire of this di!ine lo!e cons&"ed her entirely as a holoca&st of s)eetness so that she died thereof the so&l $ein' )holly ra!ished and









trans#orted into the ar"s of the dilection of her son+ O death a"oro&sly life-'i!in'( O lo!e !itally death-'i!in'( 5 Se!eral sacred lo!ers )ere #resent at the death of the Sa!io&r a"on'st )ho" those )ho had the "ost lo!e had the "ost sorro)B for lo!e )as then all stee#ed in sorro) and sorro) in lo!eB and all they )ho for their Sa!io&r )ere i"#assioned )ith lo!e )ere in lo!e )ith his #assion and sorro)+ /&t the s)eet Mother )ho lo!ed "ore than all )as "ore than all transfiCed )ith the s)ord of sorro)+ The sorro) of the Son at that ti"e )as a #iercin' s)ord )hich #assed thro&'h the heart of the Mother $eca&se that MotherDs heart )as 'l&ed 1oined and &nited to her Son )ith so #erfect a &nion that nothin' co&ld )o&nd the one )itho&t inflictin' a li!ely tort&re &#on the other+ Eo) this "aternal $oso" $ein' th&s )o&nded )ith lo!e not only did not see2 a c&re for its )o&nd $&t lo!ed her )o&nd "ore than all c&re dearly 2ee#in' the shafts of sorro) she had recei!ed on acco&nt of the lo!e )hich had shot the" into her heart and contin&ally desirin' to die of the" since her Son died of the" )ho as say all the 5oly Scri#t&res and all Doctors died a"idst the fla"es of his charity a #erfect holoca&st for all the sins of the )orld+ @859A ,ohn C!ii+ 9+ 27 ?53PT;> Q-:+ T53T T5; G6O>-O=S :->G-E D-;D /O 3E ;QT>;M;6O S0;;T 3ED T>3E%=-6 D;3T5+ 25 -t is said on the one side that O&r 6ady re!ealed to S+ Mechtilde that the "alady of )hich she died )as no other thin' than an i"#et&o&s assa&lt of di!ine lo!eB $&t S+ /rid'et and S+ ,ohn Da"ascene testify that she died an eCtre"ely #eacef&l deathF and $oth state"ents are tr&e Theoti"&s+ 87 The stars are "ar!ello&sly $ea&tif&l to see and send forth a fair li'htB $&t if yo& ha!e ta2en notice it is $y fl&shes of li'ht $y s#ar2s and flashes that they #rod&ce their rays as if they $ro&'ht forth li'ht )ith effort at distinct inter!alsB )hether it is $eca&se their fee$ler li'ht cannot so contin&o&sly shine )ith e!enness or $eca&se o&r )ea2 eyes do not allo) &s a constant and fir" !ie) of the" on acco&nt of the 'reat distance there is $et)een the" and o&r eyes+ -n the sa"e )ay 'enerally s#ea2in' the saints )ho died of lo!e felt a 'reat !ariety of accidents and sy"#to"s of lo!e $efore it $ro&'ht the" to deathB "any s&dden "o!e"ent "any assa&lts "any ecstasies "any lan'&ors "any a'oniesB and it see"ed that their lo!e )ith "any rene)ed efforts $ro&'ht forth their $lessed deathF this ha##ened on acco&nt of the )ea2ness of their lo!e not yet a$sol&tely #erfect )hich co&ld not contin&e its lo!in' )ith an e!en fer!o&r+ /&t it )as *&ite other)ise )ith the "ost holy :ir'in+ For as )e see the lo!ely da)nin' of day 'ro) not at inter!als and $y shoc2s $&t $y a certain dilatin' and contin&o&s $ri'htenin' )hich is al"ost insensi$ly #erce#ti$le so that )e tr&ly see it 'ro) in clearness $&t so e!enly that no one #ercei!es any interr&#tion se#aration or discontin&ance in its 'ro)in'B--th&s di!ine lo!e 're) at each "o"ent in the !ir'inal heart of o&r 'lorio&s 6ady $&t $y s)eet #eacea$le and contin&o&s 'ro)ths )itho&t









any a'itation or shoc2 or !iolence+ 3h( no Theoti"&s )e "&st not s&##ose an i"#et&osity of a'itation in this celestial lo!e of the "aternal heart of the :ir'inB for lo!e of itself is s)eet 'racio&s #eacef&l and tran*&il+ -f it so"eti"es deli!er assa&lts if it 'i!e shoc2s to the s#irit this is $eca&se it finds resistance thereF $&t )hen the #assa'es of the so&l are o#ened to it )itho&t o##osition or contradiction it "a2es its #ro'ress #eacea$ly )ith an inco"#ara$le s)eetness+ -t )as so then that holy lo!e e"#loyed its force in the !ir'inal heart of the sacred Mother )itho&t effort of !iolent i"#et&osity $eca&se it fo&nd no resistance or hindrance )hate!er+ For as )e see 'reat ri!ers $oil and lea# )ith a "i'hty roarin' in ro&'h #laces )here the roc2s "a2e shoals and reefs to o##ose and #re!ent the flo)in' of the )aters $&t on the contrary findin' the"sel!es on the #lain s)eetly 'lide and flo) )itho&t effortB--so di!ine lo!e findin' in h&"an so&ls so"e hindrance and resistance (as in tr&th all ha!e in so"e de'ree tho&'h differently) does !iolence there co"$atin' $ad inclinations stri2in' the heart #&shin' the )ill $y di!ers a'itations and !ario&s efforts to 'et roo" for itself or at least to #ass these o$stacles+ /&t in the sacred :ir'in e!erythin' fa!o&red and seconded the co&rse of hea!enly lo!eB its #ro'ress and increase )ere inco"#ara$ly 'reater than in all other creat&res yet a #ro'ress infinitely s)eet #eacef&l and tran*&il+ Eo she s)ooned not a)ay either )ith lo!e or )ith co"#assion $y the cross of her Son altho&'h she then eC#erienced the "ost ardent and #ainf&l attac2 of lo!e that can $e i"a'inedF for altho&'h the attac2 )as eCtre"e yet at the sa"e ti"e it )as at once e*&ally stron' and 'entle "i'hty and tran*&il acti!e and #eacef&l consistin' in a heat )hich )as shar# $&t s)eet+ - a" not sayin' Theoti"&s that in the so&l of the "ost holy :ir'in there )ere not t)o #ortions and conse*&ently t)o a##etites one accordin' to the s#irit and s&#erior reason the other accordin' to the senses and inferior reason so that she co&ld feel re#&'nances and contradictions of the one to the other a##etite for this $&rden )as felt e!en $y her SonB--$&t - say that in this celestial Mother all the affections )ere so )ell ran'ed and ordered that di!ine lo!e eCercised in her its e"#ire and do"ination "ost #eacea$ly )itho&t $ein' tro&$led $y the di!ersity of )ills and a##etites or $y the contradiction of the senses $eca&se neither the re#&'nances of the nat&ral a##etite nor the "o!e"ents of the senses e!er )ent as far as sin not e!en as far as !enial sinB $&t on the contrary all )as e"#loyed holily and faithf&lly in the ser!ice of holy lo!e for the eCercise of the other !irt&es )hich for the "ost #art cannot $e #ractised sa!e a"id diffic&lties o##ositions and contradictions+ Thorns accordin' to the !&l'ar o#inion are not only different fro" $&t e!en contrary to flo)ersB and it see"s as if thin's )o&ld 'o $etter if there )ere none in the )orldF )hich has "ade S+ 3"$rose thin2 that $&t for sin there )o&ld $e none+ /&t still as here they are the 'ood h&s$and"an renders the" &sef&l "a2in' fro" the" a$o&t his fields and yo&n' trees hed'es and enclos&res )hich ser!e as defence and ra"#art a'ainst cattle+ So the 'lorio&s :ir'in ha!in' had a #art in all h&"an "iseries sa!in' s&ch as directly tend to sin e"#loyed the" "ost #rofita$ly for the eCercise and increase of the holy !irt&es of fortit&de te"#erance 1&stice and #r&dence #o!erty h&"ility #atience and co"#assionF so that these )ere so far fro" hinderin' that they e!en assisted and stren'thened hea!enly lo!e $y contin&al eCercises and ad!ance"ents+ 3nd in her Ma'dalen is not distracted fro" the attention )here)ith she recei!es fro" her Sa!io&r






the i"#ressions of lo!e $y all MarthaDs ardo&r and solicit&de+ She has "ade choice of her SonDs lo!e and nothin' de#ri!es her of it+ 5 The loadstone as e!ery one 2no)s Theoti"&s nat&rally dra)s iron &nto it $y a secret and "ost )onderf&l !irt&eF yet fi!e thin's there are )hich hinder this o#eration+ 1W+ 3 too 'reat distance+ 2W+ 3 dia"ond inter#osed+ 8W+ -f the iron $e 'reased+ 9W+ -f it $e r&$$ed )ith an onion+ 5W+ -f it $e too )ei'hty+ O&r heart is "ade for God )ho contin&ally all&res it ne!er ceasin' to thro) into it the $aits of his celestial lo!e+ /&t fi!e thin's hinder the o#eration of his holy attraction+ 1W+ Sin )hich #&ts &s at a distance fro" God+ 2W+ 3ffection to riches+ 8W+ Sens&al #leas&res+ 9W+ Pride and !anity+ 5W+ Self-lo!e to'ether )ith the "&ltit&de of inordinate #assions )hich it $rin's forth and )hich are to &s an o!erchar'in' load )hich )ei'hs &s do)n+ /&t none of these hindrances had #lace in the 'lorio&s :ir'inDs heart+ 1W+ She )as e!er #reser!ed fro" all sin+ 2W+ ;!er "ost #oor in s#irit+ 8W+ ;!er "ost #&re+ 9W+ ;!er "ost h&"$le+ 5W+ ;!er #eacef&l "istress of all her #assions and totally eCe"#t fro" the re$ellion )hich selflo!e raises a'ainst the lo!e of God+ 3nd therefore as iron if clear of all o$stacles and freed fro" its o)n )ei'ht )o&ld $e #o)erf&lly yet 'ently and e*&a$ly dra)n $y the loadstone in s&ch sort ho)e!er that the attraction )o&ld e!er 'ro) "ore acti!e and forci$le as they ca"e nearer the one to the other and the "otion nearer to its endF--so the "ost holy Mother ha!in' nothin' in her )hich hindered the o#eration of the di!ine lo!e of her Son )as &nited &nto hi" in an inco"#ara$le &nion $y 'entle ecstasies )itho&t tro&$le or tra!ail ecstasies in )hich the sensi$le #o)ers ceased not to #erfor" their actions )itho&t in any )ay dist&r$in' the &nion of the s#irit as a'ain the #erfect a##lication of her s#irit did not "&ch di!ert her senses+ So that this :ir'inDs death )as "ore s)eet than co&ld $e i"a'ined her Son s)eetly dra)in' her after the odo&r of his #erf&"es and she "ost lo!in'ly flo)in' o&t after their sacred s)eetness e!en into the $oso" of her SonDs 'oodness+ 3nd altho&'h this holy so&l eCtre"ely lo!ed her "ost holy "ost #&re and "ost lo!e-)orthy $ody yet she forsoo2 it )itho&t any #ain or resistanceB as the chaste ,&dith tho&'h she 'reatly lo!ed the )eeds of #enance and )ido)hood yet forsoo2 the" and freely #&t the" off to #&t on her "arria'e 'ar"ents )hen she )ent to $e !ictorio&s o!er 5olofernesB or as ,onathan did )hen for the lo!e of Da!id he stri##ed hi"self of his 'ar"ents+ 6o!e had 'i!en at the foot of the cross to this di!ine S#o&se the s&#re"e sorro)s of death and therefore it )as reasona$le that at len'th death sho&ld 'i!e her the so!erei'n deli'hts of lo!e+ /OO4 :---+ OF T5; 97 6O:; OF ?OEFO>M-TO /O 05-?5 0; =E-T; O=> 0-66 TO T5; 0-66 OF GOD S-GE-F-;D =ETO =S /O 5-S ?OMM3EDM;ETS ?O=ES;6S 3ED -ESP->3T-OES+ ?53PT;> -+ 95 OF T5; 6O:; ?OMP63?;E?O+ OF ?OEFO>M-TO P>O?;;D-EG F>OM S3?>;D








3s 'ood 'ro&nd ha!in' recei!ed the seed renders it $ac2 in its season a h&ndredfold so the heart )hich has ta2en co"#lacency in God cannot hinder itself fro" )ishin' to offer another co"#lacency to God+ Eo one #leases &s $&t )e desire to #lease hi"+ ?ool )ine cools for a )hile those )ho drin2 it $&t as soon as it 'ro)s )ar" )ithin the recei!er it reci#rocally )ar"s hi" and the "ore heat is 'i!en to it the "ore it 'i!es $ac2+ Tr&e lo!e is ne!er &n'ratef&l $&t stri!es to #lease those in )ho" it finds its #leas&reB and hence co"es that lo!in' confor"ity )hich "a2es &s s&ch as those )e lo!e+ The "ost de!o&t and "ost )ise 4in' Solo"on $eca"e idolatro&s and foolish )hen he lo!ed )o"en )ho )ere foolish and idolatro&s and ser!ed as "any idols as his )i!es had+ For this ca&se the Scri#t&re ter"s those "en effe"inate )ho #assionately lo!e )o"en as s&ch $eca&se lo!e "eta"or#hoses the" fro" "en into )o"en in "anners and h&"o&rs+ Eo) this transfor"ation is "ade insensi$ly $y co"#lacency )hich ha!in' 'ot entry into o&r heart $rin's forth another co"#lacency to 'i!e to hi" of )ho" )e ha!e recei!ed it+ They say there is a little land ani"al in the -ndies )hich finds s&ch #leas&re )ith fishes and in the sea that $y often s)i""in' )ith the" it $eco"es a fish and of an ani"al of the land $eco"es entirely an ani"al of the sea+ So $y often deli'htin' in God )e $eco"e confor"ed to God and o&r )ill is transfor"ed into that of the Di!ine Ma1esty $y the co"#lacency )hich it ta2es therein+ The eCa"#le of those )e lo!e has a s)eet and &n#ercei!ed e"#ire and insensi$le a&thority o!er &sF it is necessary either to i"itate or forsa2e the"+ 5e )ho dra)n $y the s)eetness of #erf&"es enters a #erf&"erDs sho# )hile recei!in' the #leas&re )hich he ta2es in the s"ell of those odo&rs #erf&"es hi"self and 'oin' o&t co""&nicates to others the #leas&re )hich he has recei!ed s#readin' a"on'st the" the scent of #erf&"es )hich he has contracted+ O&r heart to'ether )ith the #leas&re )hich it ta2es in the thin' $elo!ed dra)s &nto itself the *&ality thereof for deli'ht o#ens the heart as sorro) closes it )hence the sacred holy Scri#t&re often &ses the )ord dilate instead of re1oice+ Eo) the heart $ein' o#ened $y #leas&re the i"#ressions of the *&alities on )hich the #leas&re de#ends find easy #assa'e into the s#iritB and to'ether )ith the" s&ch others also as are in the sa"e s&$1ect tho&'h disa'reea$le to &s cree# in a"id the thron' of #leas&res as he that lac2ed his "arria'e 'ar"ent 'ot into the $an*&et a"on'st those that )ere adorned )ith it+ So 3ristotleDs scholars too2 #ains to sta""er li2e hi" and PlatoDs )al2ed $ent-$ac2ed in i"itation of their "aster+ -n fine the #leas&re )hich )e ta2e in a thin' has a certain co""&nicati!e #o)er )hich #rod&ces in the lo!erDs heart the *&alities of the thin' )hich #leases+ 3nd hence it is that holy co"#lacency transfor"s &s into God )ho" )e lo!e and $y ho) "&ch 'reater the co"#lacency $y so "&ch the transfor"ation is "ore #erfectF th&s the saints that lo!ed ardently )ere s#eedily and #erfectly transfor"ed lo!e trans#ortin' and translatin' the "anners and dis#osition of the one heart into the other+ 3 stran'e yet a tr&e thin'( Place to'ether t)o l&tes )hich are in &nison that is of the sa"e so&nd and accord and let one of the" $e #layed onF--the other tho&'h not to&ched )ill not fail to so&nd li2e that )hich is #layed on the affinity )hich is $et)een the" as $y a nat&ral lo!e ca&sin' this corres#ondence+ 0e ha!e a re#&'nance to i"itate those )e hate e!en in 'ood thin's nor )o&ld the 6acedP"onians follo) the 'ood co&nsel of a )ic2ed "an &nless so"e 'ood "an #rono&nced it after hi"+ On the contrary )e cannot hel# confor"in' o&rsel!es to )hat )e lo!e+ -n this sense as - thin2 the 'reat










3#ostle said that the la) )as not "ade for the 1&stF @855A for in tr&th the 1&st "an is not 1&st $&t inso"&ch as he has lo!e and if he ha!e lo!e there is no need to #ress hi" $y the ri'o&r of the la) lo!e $ein' the "ost #ressin' teacher and solicitor to &r'e the heart )hich it #ossesses to o$ey the )ill and the intention of the $elo!ed+ 6o!e is a "a'istrate )ho eCercises his a&thority )itho&t noise )itho&t #&rs&i!ants or ser'eants $y that "&t&al co"#lacency $y )hich as )e find #leas&re in God so also )e desire to #lease hi"+ 6o!e is the a$rid'"ent of all theolo'yB it "ade the i'norance of a Pa&l an 3ntony an 5ilarion a Si"eon a Francis "ost holily learned )itho&t $oo2s "asters or art+ -n !irt&e of this lo!e the s#o&se "ay say )ith ass&rance+ My $elo!ed is )holly "ine $y the co"#lacency )here)ith he #leases and feeds "eB and - - a" )holly his $y the $ene!olence )here)ith - #lease and feed hi" a'ain+ My heart feeds on the #leas&re it ta2es in hi" and his on "y ta2in' #leas&re in hi" for his o)n sa2e+ 3s a holy she#herd he feeds "e his dear shee# a"idst the lilies of his #erfections in )hich - ta2e #leas&reB and - as his dear shee# feed hi" )ith the "il2 of "y affections $y )hich - stri!e to #lease hi"+ 0hosoe!er tr&ly ta2es #leas&re in God desires faithf&lly to #lease God and in order to #lease hi" desires to confor" hi"self to hi"+ @855A 1 Ti"+ i+ K+


?53PT;> --+ OF T5; ?OEFO>M-TO OF S=/M-SS-OE 05-?5 P>O?;;DS F>OM T5; 6O:; OF /;E;:O6;E?;+


?o"#lacency then dra)s into &s the traits of the di!ine #erfections accordin' as )e are ca#a$le of recei!in' the" as the "irror recei!es the s&nDs i"a'e not accordin' to the eCcellence and a"#lit&de of that 'reat and ad"ira$le l&"inary $&t in #ro#ortion to the ca#acity and "eas&re of its 'lassF so that )e th&s $eco"e confor"ed to God+ /&t $esides this the lo!e of $ene!olence $rin's &s to this holy confor"ity $y another )ay+ The lo!e of co"#lacency dra)s God into o&r hearts $&t the lo!e of $ene!olence casts o&r hearts into God and conse*&ently all o&r actions and affections "ost lo!in'ly dedicatin' and consecratin' the" &nto hi"F for $ene!olence desires to God all the hono&r all the 'lory and all the ac2no)led'"ent )hich it is #ossi$le to 'i!e hi" as a certain eCterior 'ood )hich is d&e to his 'oodness+ Eo) this desire is #ractised accordin' to the co"#lacency )hich )e ta2e in God as follo)s+ 0e ha!e had an eCtre"e co"#lacency in #ercei!in' that God is so!erei'nly 'ood and therefore $y the lo!e of $ene!olence )e desire that all the lo!es )hich )e can #ossi$ly i"a'ine $e e"#loyed to lo!e this 'oodness #ro#erly+ 0e ha!e ta2en deli'ht in the so!erei'n eCcellency of GodDs #erfection and there&#on )e desire that he $e so!erei'nly lo!ed hono&red and adored+ 0e ha!e re1oiced to consider ho) God is not only the first $e'innin' $&t also the last end a&thor #reser!er and 6ord of all thin's for )hich reason )e desire that all thin's $e s&$1ect to hi" $y a so!erei'n o$edience+ 0e see GodDs )ill so!erei'nly #erfect ri'ht 1&st and e*&ita$leB and &#on this consideration o&r desire is that it $e the r&le and so!erei'n la) of all thin's and that it $e o$ser!ed 2e#t and o$eyed $y all other )ills+





/&t note Theoti"&s that - treat not here of the o$edience d&e &nto God as he is o&r 6ord and Master o&r Father and /enefactor for this 2ind of o$edience $elon's to the !irt&e of 1&stice not to lo!e+ Eo it is not this - s#ea2 of at #resent for tho&'h there )ere no hell to #&nish the re$ellio&s nor hea!en to re)ard the 'ood and tho&'h )e had no 2ind of o$li'ation or d&ty to God ($e this said $y i"a'ination of a thin' i"#ossi$le and scarce i"a'ina$le) yet )o&ld the lo!e of $ene!olence "o!e &s to render all o$edience and s&$"ission to God $y election and inclination yea $y a s)eet !iolence of lo!e in consideration of the so!erei'n 'oodness 1&stice and rectit&de of his di!ine )ill+ Do not )e see Theoti"&s that a "aiden $y a free choice )hich #roceeds fro" the lo!e of $ene!olence s&$1ects herself to her h&s$and to )ho" other)ise she o)ed no d&tyB or that a 'entle"an s&$"its hi"self to a forei'n #rinceDs co""and or #erha#s 'i!es &# his )ill into the hands of the s&#erior of so"e reli'io&s order )hich he "ay 1oin. ;!en so is o&r heart confor"ed to GodDs )hen $y holy $ene!olence )e thro) all o&r affections into the hands of the di!ine )ill to $e t&rned and directed as it chooses to $e "o&lded and for"ed to its 'ood li2in'+ 3nd in this #oint consists the #rofo&ndest o$edience of lo!e )hich has no need to $e s#&rred $y "enaces or re)ards nor $y any la) or any co""and"entB for it forer&ns all this s&$"ittin' itself to God solely for the "ost #erfect 'oodness )hich is in God )here$y he deser!es that all )ills sho&ld $e o$edient s&$1ect and s&$"issi!e to hi" confor"in' and &nitin' the"sel!es for e!er in e!erythin' and e!ery)here to his di!ine intentions+ ?53PT;> ---+





5O0 0; 3>; TO ?OEFO>M O=>S;6:;S TO T53T D-:-E; 0-66 05-?5 -S ?366;D T5; S-GE-F-;D 0-66+ 0e so"eti"es consider GodDs )ill as it is in itself and findin' it all holy and all 'ood )e )illin'ly #raise $less and adore it and sacrifice o&r o)n and all other creat&resD )ills to its o$edience $y that di!ine eCcla"ationF Thy )ill $e done on earth as it is in hea!en+ 3t other ti"es )e consider GodDs )ill in the #artic&lar effects of it as in the e!ents that to&ch &s and accidents that $efall &s and finally in the declaration and "anifestation of his intentions+ 3nd altho&'h God in reality has $&t one *&ite sin'le and "ost si"#le )ill yet )e call it $y different na"es accordin' to the !ariety of the "eans )here$y )e 2no) itB $y )hich !ariety also )e are in !ario&s )ays o$li'ed to confor" o&rsel!es to it+ ?hristian doctrine clearly #ro#oses &nto &s the tr&ths )hich God )ills that )e sho&ld $elie!e the 'oods he )ill ha!e &s ho#e for the #ains he )ill ha!e &s dread )hat he )ill ha!e &s lo!e the co""and"ents he )ill ha!e &s o$ser!e and the co&nsels he desires &s to follo)+ 3nd this is called GodDs si'nified )ill $eca&se he has si'nified and "ade "anifest &nto &s that it is his )ill and intention that all this sho&ld $e $elie!ed ho#ed for feared lo!ed and #ractised+ Eo) foras"&ch as this si'nified )ill of God #roceeds $y )ay of desire and not $y )ay of a$sol&te )ill )e ha!e #o)er either to follo) it $y o$edience or $y diso$edience to resist itB for to this #&r#ose God "a2es three acts of his )illF he )ills that )e sho&ld $e a$le to resist he desires that )e sho&ld not resist and yet allo)s &s to resist if )e









#lease+ That )e ha!e #o)er to resist de#ends on o&r nat&ral condition and li$ertyB that )e do resist #roceeds fro" o&r "aliceB that )e do not resist is accordin' to the desire of the di!ine 'oodness+ 3nd therefore )hen )e resist God contri$&tes nothin' to o&r diso$edience $&t lea!in' o&r )ill in the hands of its li$erty #er"its it to "a2e choice of e!ilB $&t )hen )e o$ey God contri$&tes his assistance his ins#iration and his 'race+ For #er"ission is an action of the )ill )hich of itself is $arren sterile and fr&itless and is as it )ere a #assi!e action )hich acts not $&t only #er"its actionB desire on the contrary is an acti!e fr&itf&l fertile action )hich eCcites in!ites and &r'es+ 0herefore God in his desire that )e sho&ld follo) his si'nified )ill solicits eChorts eCcites ins#ires aids and s&cco&rs &s $&t in #er"ittin' &s to resist he does nothin' $&t si"#ly lea!e &s to o&r o)n )ills accordin' to o&r free election contrary to his desire and intention+ 3nd yet this desire is a tr&e desire for ho) can one "ore tr&ly eC#ress the desire that his friend sho&ld "a2e 'ood cheer than $y #ro!idin' a 'ood and eCcellent $an*&et as did the 2in' in the Gos#el #ara$le and then in!itin' &r'in' and in a "anner co"#ellin' hi" $y #rayers eChortations and #ressin' "essa'es to co"e and sit do)n at the ta$le and eat+ -n tr&th he that sho&ld $y "ain force o#en his friendDs "o&th cra" "eat into his throat and "a2e hi" s)allo) it )o&ld not $e 'i!in' co&rteo&s entertain"ent to his friend $&t )o&ld $e &sin' hi" li2e a $east and li2e a ca#on that has to $e fattened+ This 2ind of fa!o&r re*&ires to $e offered $y )ay of in!itation #ers&asion and solicitation not !iolently and forci$ly thr&st &#on a "an and hence it is done $y )ay of desire not of a$sol&te )ill+ Eo) it is the sa"e )ith re'ard to the si'nified )ill of GodF for in this God desires )ith a tr&e desire that )e sho&ld do )hat he "a2es 2no)n and to this end he #ro!ides &s )ith all thin's necessary eChortin' and &r'in' &s to "a2e &se of the"+ -n this 2ind of fa!o&r one co&ld desire no "ore and as the s&n$ea"s cease not to $e tr&e s&n$ea"s )hen they are sh&t o&t and re#&lsed $y so"e o$stacle so GodDs si'nified )ill re"ains the tr&e )ill of God e!en if it $e resisted tho&'h it has not the effects )hich it )o&ld ha!e if it )ere seconded+ The confor"ity then of o&r heart to the si'nified )ill of God consists in this that )e )ill all that the di!ine 'oodness si'nifies &nto &s to $e of his intention --$elie!in' accordin' to his doctrine ho#in' accordin' to his #ro"ises fearin' accordin' to his threats lo!in' and li!in' accordin' to his ordinances and ad"onitions to )hich all the #rotestations )hich )e "a2e so often in the holy cere"onies of the ?h&rch do tend+ For on this acco&nt )e stand )hile the Gos#el is read as $ein' #re#ared to o$ey the holy si'nification of GodDs )ill contained thereinB hence )e 2iss the $oo2 at the #lace of the Gos#el in adoration of the sacred )ord )hich declares his hea!enly )ill+ 5ence "any saints of the old ti"e carried in their $oso"s the Gos#el )ritten as an e#ithe" of lo!e as is related of S+ ?ecily and S+ Matthe)Ds Gos#el )as act&ally fo&nd &#on the heart of the dead S+ /arna$as )ritten )ith his o)n hand+ 0herefore in the ancient co&ncils in the "idst of the )hole asse"$ly of /isho#s there )as erected a hi'h throne and &#on it )as #laced the $oo2 of the holy Gos#els )hich re#resented the #erson of o&r Sa!io&r --4in' Doctor Director S#irit and sole 5eart of the ?o&ncils and of the )hole ?h&rchF so "&ch did they re!erence the si'nification of GodDs )ill eC#ressed in that di!ine $oo2+ -ndeed that 'reat "irror of the #astoral order S+ ?harles 3rch$isho# of Milan ne!er st&died the holy Scri#t&re $&t $areheaded and &#on his 2nees to testify )ith )hat res#ect )e are to read and hear the si'nified )ill of God+ ?53PT;> -:+





OF T5; ?OEFO>M-TO OF O=> 0-66 TO T5; 0-66 05-?5 GOD 53S TO S3:; =S+ 5 God has si'nified &nto &s $y so "any )ays and "eans that his )ill is that )e sho&ld all $e sa!ed that none can $e i'norant of it+ To this #&r#ose he "ade &s to his o)n i"a'e and li2eness $y creation and "ade hi"self to o&r i"a'e and li2eness $y his -ncarnationB after )hich he s&ffered death to ranso" and sa!e all "an2ind )hich he did )ith so "&ch lo!e that as the 'reat S+ Denis a#ostle of France reco&nts he said once to the holy "an ?ar#&s that he )as ready to s&ffer another Passion to sa!e "an2ind and that this )o&ld $e a'reea$le to hi" if it co&ld $e done )itho&t any "anDs sin+ 3nd altho&'h all are not sa!ed yet is this )ill a tr&e )ill of GodDs )ho )or2s in &s accordin' to the condition of his and of o&r nat&re+ For his 'oodness "o!es hi" to li$erally co""&nicate &nto &s the s&cco&rs of his 'race in order to $rin' &s to the felicity of his 'lory $&t o&r nat&re re*&ires that his li$erality sho&ld lea!e &s at li$erty to "a2e &se of it to o&r sal!ation or to ne'lect it to o&r da"nation+ One thin' - ha!e as2ed of the 6ord said the #ro#het this )ill - see2 afterB + + + + that "ay see the deli'ht of the 6ord and !isit his te"#le+ @856A /&t )hat is the deli'ht of the so!erei'n 'oodness sa!e to #o&r o&t and co""&nicate his #erfections. :erily his deli'hts are to $e )ith the children of "en and to sho)er his 'races &#on the"+ Eothin' is so a'reea$le and deli'htf&l to free a'ents as to do their o)n )ill+ O&r sanctification is the )ill of God and o&r sal!ation his 'ood-#leas&re nor is there any difference at all $et)een 'ood-#leas&re and deli'ht nor conse*&ently $et)een the di!ine deli'ht and the di!ine 'ood )illF yea the )ill )hich God has to do "an 'ood is called 'ood @857A $eca&se it is a"ia$le 2ind fa!o&ra$le a'reea$le delicio&s and as the Gree2s after S+ Pa&l saidB it is a tr&e Philanthro#y that is a $ene!olence or a )ill entirely lo!in' to)ards "en+ 3ll the celestial te"#le of the tri&"#hant and of the "ilitant ?h&rch reso&nds on e!ery side )ith the canticles of this s)eet lo!e of God to)ards &s+ 3nd the "ost sacred $ody of o&r Sa!io&r as a "ost holy te"#le of his di!inity is all decorated )ith the "ar2s and to2ens of this $ene!olence+ So that in !isitin' the di!ine te"#le )e $ehold the lo!in' deli'hts )hich his heart ta2es in doin' &s fa!o&rs+ 6et &s then a tho&sand ti"es a day t&rn o&r eyes &#on this lo!in' )ill of God and "a2in' o&rs "elt into it let &s de!o&tly cry o&tF O 'oodness infinitely s)eet ho) a"ia$le is thy )ill ho) desira$le are thy fa!o&rs( Tho& hast created &s for eternal life and thy "aternal $oso" )ith its sacred s)ellin' $reasts of an inco"#ara$le lo!e a$o&nds in the "il2 of "ercy )hether it $e to #ardon sinners or to #erfect the 1&st+ 3h( )hy do not )e then fasten o&r )ills to thine as children fasten the"sel!es on to their "otherDs $reast to dra) the "il2 of thy eternal $enedictions( Theoti"&s )e are to )ill o&r sal!ation in s&ch sort as God )ills itB no) he )ills it $y )ay of desire and )e also "&st incessantly desire it follo)in' his desire+ Eor does he )ill it only $&t in effect 'i!es &s all necessary "eans to attain itF )e then in f&lfil"ent of the desire )e ha!e to $e sa!ed "&st not only )ill $&t in effect acce#t all the 'races









)hich he has #ro!ided for &s and offers &nto &s+ -t is eno&'h to sayF - desire to $e sa!ed+ /&t )ith re'ard to the "eans of sal!ation it is not eno&'h to sayF - desire the"B--$&t )e "&st )ith an a$sol&te resol&tion )ill and e"$race the 'races )hich God #resents to &sF for o&r )ill "&st corres#ond )ith GodDs+ 3nd inas"&ch as it 'i!es &s the "eans of sal!ation )e o&'ht to recei!e the" as )e o&'ht to desire sal!ation in s&ch sort as God desires it for &s and $eca&se he desires it+ /&t it often ha##ens that the "eans of attainin' sal!ation considered in the 'ross and in 'eneral are accordin' to o&r heartsD li2in' $&t considered #iece"eal and in #artic&lar are terrifyin' to &s+ For ha!e )e not seen #oor S+ Peter #re#ared to &nder'o in 'eneral all 2ind of tor"ents yea death itself to follo) his "aster and yet )hen it ca"e to the deed and #erfor"ance 'ro) #ale tre"$le and at the )ord of a si"#le "aid deny his "aster. ;!eryone dee"s hi"self a$le to drin2 o&r Sa!io&rDs chalice )ith hi" $&t )hen it is in fact #resented to &s )e fly )e 'i!e &# all+ Thin's #ro#osed in detail "a2e a "ore stron' i"#ression and "ore sensi$ly )o&nd the i"a'ination+ 3nd for this reason )e ha!e ad!ised in the -ntrod&ction that after 'eneral affections )e sho&ld descend to #artic&lar ones in holy #rayer+ @85IA Da!id acce#ted #artic&lar afflictions as an ad!ance"ent to)ards his #erfection )hen he san' in this )iseF O 6ord ho) 'ood it is for "e that tho& hast h&"$led "e that - "i'ht learn thy 1&stifications( @85KA So also )ere the 3#ostles 1oyo&s in their tri$&lations $eca&se they )ere held )orthy to end&re i'no"iny for their Sa!io&rDs na"e+ @856A Ps+ CC!i+ 9+





@857A >o"+ Cii+ 2+ @85IA --+ 6+ @85KA Ps+ cC!iii+ 71+

87 ?53PT;> :+ OF T5; ?OEFO>M-TO OF O=> 0-66 TO T53T 0-66 OF GODDS 05-?5 -S S-GE-F-;D TO =S /O 5-S ?OMM3EDM;ETS+ 85 The desire )hich God has to "a2e &s o$ser!e his co""and"ents is eCtre"e as the )hole Scri#t&re )itnesses+ 3nd ho) co&ld he $etter eC#ress it than $y the 'reat re)ards )hich he #ro#oses to the o$ser!ers of his la) and the a)f&l #&nish"ents )ith )hich he threatens those )ho shall !iolate the sa"e( This "ade Da!id cry o&tF O 6ord tho& hast co""anded thy ?o""and"ents to $e 2e#t "ost dili'ently+ @867A Eo) the lo!e of co"#lacency $eholdin' this di!ine desire )ills to #lease God $y o$ser!in' itB the lo!e of $ene!olence )hich s&$"its all to God conse*&ently s&$"its o&r desires and )ills to that )ill )hich God has si'nified to &sB and hence s#rin's not only the o$ser!ance $&t also the lo!e of the co""and"ents )hich Da!id eCtraordinarily eCtols in Psal" cC!iii+ )hich he see"s only to ha!e co"#osed for this o$1ectF O ho) ha!e - lo!ed thy la) O 6ord( -t is "y "editation all the day + + + + +



Therefore ha!e - lo!ed thy co""and"ents a$o!e 'old and the to#aH + + + + + 5o) s)eet are thy )ords to "y #alate "ore than honey to "y "o&th+ @861A 5 /&t to stir &# in &s this holy and sal&tary lo!e of the co""and"ents )e "&st conte"#late their ad"ira$le $ea&tyF for as there are )or2s )hich are $ad $eca&se they are #rohi$ited and others )hich are #rohi$ited $eca&se they are $adB so there are so"e that are 'ood $eca&se they are co""anded and others that are co""anded $eca&se they are 'ood and !ery &sef&l+ So that all of the" are eCceedin' 'ood and )orthy of lo!e $eca&se the co""and"ent 'i!es 'oodness to s&ch as )ere not other)ise 'ood and 'i!es an increase of 'oodness to those others )hich e!en if not co""anded )o&ld not cease to $e 'ood+ 0e do not ta2e 'ood in 'ood #art )hen it is #resented $y an ene"yDs hand+ The 6acedP"onians )o&ld not follo) solid and )holeso"e ad!ice co"in' fro" a )ic2ed #erson till it )as re#eated to the" $y a 'ood "an+ On the contrary a friendDs #resent is al)ays 'ratef&l+ The s)eetest co""and"ents $eco"e $itter )hen they are i"#osed $y a tyrannical and cr&el heartB and they $eco"e "ost a"ia$le )hen ordained $y lo!e+ ,aco$Ds ser!ice see"ed a royalty &nto hi" $eca&se it #roceeded fro" lo!e+ O ho) s)eet and ho) "&ch to $e desired is the yo2e of the hea!enly la) esta$lished $y so a"ia$le a 2in'( Many 2ee# the co""and"ents as sic2 "en ta2e "edicines "ore fro" fear of dyin' in a state of da"nation than fro" lo!e of li!in' accordin' to o&r Sa!io&rDs #leas&re+ /&t as so"e #ersons ha!e an a!ersion for #hysic $e it ne!er so a'reea$le only $eca&se it $ears the na"e of #hysic so there are so"e so&ls )ho a$hor thin's co""anded si"#ly $eca&se they are co""andedF and there )as a certain "an Dtis said )ho ha!in' li!ed *&ietly in the 'reat city of Paris for the s#ace of fo&rscore years )itho&t e!er 'oin' o&t of it as soon as it )as en1oined hi" $y the 2in' that he sho&ld re"ain there the rest of his days )ent a$road to see the co&ntry )hich in his )hole lifeti"e $efore he had not desired+ On the contrary the lo!in' heart lo!es the co""and"entsB and the harder they are the "ore s)eet and a'reea$le it finds the" $eca&se it "ore #erfectly #leases the $elo!ed and 'i!es hi" "ore hono&r+ -t #o&rs forth and sin's hy"ns of 1oy )hen God teaches it his co""and"ents and 1&stifications+ 3nd as the #il'ri" )ho "errily sin's on his )ay adds indeed the eCertion of sin'in' to that of )al2in' and yet act&ally $y this increase of la$o&r &n)earies hi"self and li'htens the hardshi# of the )ayB e!en so the sacred lo!er finds s&ch s)eetness in the co""and"ents that nothin' so "&ch eases and refreshes hi" as the 'racio&s load of the #rece#ts of his God+ 0here&#on the holy Psal"ist cries o&tF O 6ord thy 1&stifications or co""and"ents )ere the s&$1ect of "y son' in the #lace of "y #il'ri"a'e+ @862A -t is said that "&les and horses laden )ith fi's #resently fall &nder their $&rden and lose all their stren'thF "ore s)eet than fi's is the la) of o&r 6ord $&t $r&tal "an )ho is $eco"e as the horse and the "&le )hich ha!e no &nderstandin' loses co&ra'e and finds not stren'th to $ear this dear $&rden+ /&t as a $ranch of 3'n&s ?ast&s 2ee#s the tra!eller that $ears it a$o&t hi" fro" $ein' )eary so the cross the "ortification the yo2e the la) of o&r Sa!io&r )ho is the tr&e ?haste 6a"$ is a $&rden )hich &n)earies refreshes and recreates the hearts that lo!e his di!ine Ma1esty+ There is no la$o&r )here lo!e is or if there $e any it is a $elo!ed la$o&r+ 6a$o&r "iCed )ith lo!e is a certain $itter-s)eet "ore #leasant to the #alate than a thin' #&rely s)eet+









Th&s then does hea!enly lo!e confor" &s to the )ill of God and "a2e &s caref&lly o$ser!e his co""and"ents as $ein' the a$sol&te desire of his di!ine Ma1esty )ho" )e )ill to #lease+ So that this co"#lacency )ith its s)eet and a"ia$le !iolence forer&ns that necessity of o$eyin' )hich the la) i"#oses &#on &s con!ertin' this necessity into the !irt&e of lo!e and e!ery diffic&lty into deli'ht+ @867A Ps+ cC!iii+ 9+


@861A !!+ K7 127 178+ @862A Ps+ cC!iii+ 59+ ?53PT;> :-+

15 OF T5; ?OEFO>M-TO OF O=> 0-66 TO T53T 0-66 OF GOD 05-?5 -S S-GE-F-;D =ETO =S /O 5-S ?O=ES;6S+ 27 3 ?o""and"ent testifies a "ost entire and a$sol&te )ill in hi" )ho 'i!es it $&t co&nsel only re#resents a )ill of desireF a co""and"ent o$li'es &s co&nsel only in!ites &sB a co""and"ent "a2es the trans'ressors thereof c&l#a$leB co&nsel only "a2es s&ch as do not follo) it less )orthy of #raiseB those )ho !iolate co""and"ents deser!e da"nation those )ho ne'lect co&nsels deser!e only to $e less 'lorified+ There is a difference $et)een co""andin' and reco""endin'F in co""andin' )e &se a&thority to o$li'e $&t in reco""endin' )e &se friendliness to ind&ce and inciteF a co""and"ent i"#oses necessity co&nsel and reco""endation ind&ce to )hat is of 'reater &tilityF co""and"ents corres#ond to o$edience co&nsels to credenceF )e follo) co&nsel )ith intention to #lease and co""and"ents lest )e sho&ld dis#lease+ 3nd thence it is that the lo!e of co"#lacency )hich o$li'es &s to #lease the $elo!ed conse*&ently &r'es &s to follo) his co&nsels and the lo!e of $ene!olence )hich desires that all )ills and affections sho&ld $e s&$1ected &nto hi" ca&ses that )e not only )ill )hat he ordains $&t also )hat he co&nsels and eChorts toF as the lo!e and res#ect )hich a 'ood child $ears to his father "a2e hi" resol!e to li!e not only accordin' to the co""and"ents )hich his father i"#oses $&t also accordin' to the desires and inclinations )hich he "anifests+ 3 co&nsel is indeed 'i!en for the $enefit of hi" )ho recei!es it to the end that he "ay $eco"e #erfectF -f tho& )ilt $e #erfect said o&r Sa!io&r 'o sell all that tho& hast 'i!e it to the #oor and co"e follo) "e+ @868A /&t the lo!in' heart does not recei!e a co&nsel for its &tility $&t to confor" itself to the desire of hi" )ho 'i!es the co&nsel and to render hi" the ho"a'e d&e to his )ill+ 3nd therefore it recei!es not co&nsels $&t in s&ch sort as God desires nor does God desire that e!ery one sho&ld o$ser!e all co&nsels $&t s&ch only as are s&ita$le accordin' to the di!ersity of #ersons ti"es occasions stren'ths as charity re*&iresF for she it is )ho as *&een of all the !irt&es of all the co""and"ents of all the co&nsels and in short of all ?hristian la)s and )or2s 'i!es to all of the" their ran2 order season and )orth+








-f yo&r assistance $e tr&ly necessary to yo&r father or "other to ena$le the" to li!e it is no ti"e then to #ractise the co&nsel of retirin' into a "onastery for charity ordains that yo& #resently #&t into eCec&tion its co""and of hono&rin' ser!in' aidin' and s&cco&rin' yo&r father or yo&r "other+ Oo& are #erha#s a #rince $y )hose #osterity the s&$1ects of yo&r cro)n are to $e #reser!ed in #eace and ass&red a'ainst tyranny sedition ci!il )arsF the effectin' therefore of so 'reat a 'ood o$li'es yo& to $e'et la)f&l s&ccessors in a holy "arria'e+ -t is either not to lose chastity or at least to lose it chastely )hen for lo!e of charity it is sacrificed to the #&$lic 'ood+ 3re yo& )ea2 and &ncertain in yo&r health and does it re*&ire 'reat s&##ort. Do not then !ol&ntarily &nderta2e act&al #o!erty for this is for$idden yo& $y charity+ ?harity not only for$ids fathers of fa"ilies to sell all and 'i!e it to the #oor $&t also co""ands the" honestly to 'ather to'ether )hat is re*&isite for the s&##ort and ed&cation of )ife children and ser!antsF as also it co""ands 2in's and #rinces to lay &# treas&res )hich $ein' ac*&ired $y a la&di$le fr&'ality and not $y tyrannical "eas&res ser!e as )holeso"e defences a'ainst !isi$le ene"ies+ Does not S+ Pa&l co&nsel s&ch as are "arried that the ti"e of #rayer $ein' ended they sho&ld ret&rn to the )ell-ordered co&rse of their "arried life. @869A The co&nsels are all 'i!en for the #erfection of the ?hristian #eo#le $&t not for that of each ?hristian in #artic&lar+ There are circ&"stances )hich "a2e the" so"eti"es i"#ossi$le so"eti"es &n#rofita$le so"eti"es #erilo&s so"eti"es h&rtf&l to so"e "en )hich is one of the reasons )hy O&r Sa!io&r said of one of the co&nsels )hat he )o&ld ha!e to $e &nderstood of the" allF 5e that can recei!e it let hi" recei!e itF @865A as tho&'h he had said accordin' to S+ ,ero"eDs eC#ositionF he that can )in and $ear a)ay the hono&r of chastity as a #riHe of reno)n let hi" ta2e it for it is #ro#osed to s&ch as shall r&n !aliantly+ Eot e!ery one then is a$le that is it is not eC#edient for e!ery one to o$ser!e al)ays all the co&nsels for as they are 'ranted in fa!o&r of charity so is this the r&le and "eas&re $y )hich they are #&t in #ractice+ 0hen therefore charity so orders "on2s and reli'io&s are dra)n o&t of their cloisters to $e "ade cardinals #relates #arish-#riests yea so"eti"es they are e!en 1oined in "atri"ony for a 2in'do"Ds re#ose as - ha!e already said+ 3nd if charity "a2e those lea!e their cloister that $ad $o&nd the"sel!es thereto $y sole"n !o) --for $etter reason and &#on less occasion one "ay $y the a&thority of the sa"e charity co&nsel "any to li!e at ho"e to 2ee# their "eans to "arry yea to t&rn soldiers and 'o to )ar )hich is so #erilo&s a #rofession+ Eo) )hen charity dra)s so"e to #o!erty and )ithdra)s others fro" it )hen she directs so"e to "arria'e and others to continence )hen she sh&ts one &# in a cloister and "a2es another *&it it she is not $o&nd to 'i!e acco&nt thereof to any oneF for she has the #lenit&de of #o)er in ?hristian la)s as it is )rittenF charity can do all thin'sB she has the #erfection of #r&dence accordin' to thatF charity does nothin' )ron'ly+ @866A 3nd if any )o&ld contest and de"and )hy she so does she )ill $oldly "a2e ans)erF The 6ord hath need of it+ @867A 3ll is "ade for charity and charity for God+ 3ll "&st ser!e her and she noneF no she ser!es not her )ell-$elo!ed )hose ser!ant she is not $&t his s#o&se )ho" she does not ser!e $&t lo!eF for )hich ca&se )e are to ta2e o&r orders fro" her ho) to eCercise co&nsels+ To so"e she )ill a##oint chastity )itho&t #o!erty to others o$edience and not chastity to others fastin' $&t not al"s-deeds to







others al"s-deeds and fastin' to others solit&de and not the #astoral char'e to others interco&rse )ith "en and not solit&de+ -n fine she is a sacred )ater $y )hich the 'arden of the ch&rch is fertiliHed and tho&'h she herself ha!e no colo&r that can $e called colo&r yet the flo)ers )hich she "a2es s#rin' ha!e each one its #artic&lar colo&r+ She "a2es Martyrs redder than the rose :ir'ins )hiter than the lilyB so"e she dyes )ith the fine !iolet of "ortification others )ith the yello) of "arria'e-cares !ario&sly e"#loyin' the co&nsels for the #erfection of the so&ls )ho are so ha##y as to li!e &nder her cond&ct+ @868A Matt+ CiC+ 21+ @869A 1 ?or+ !ii+ 5+ @865A Matt+ CiC+ 11+


15 @866A 1 ?or+ Ciii+ @867A Matt+ CCi+ 8+ 27 ?53PT;> :--+ T53T T5; 6O:; OF GODDS 0-66 S-GE-F-;D -E T5; ?OMM3EDM;ETS MO:;S =S TO T5; 6O:; OF T5; ?O=ES;6S+ 25 O Theoti"&s( ho) a"ia$le is this Di!ine )ill( O ho) a"ia$le and desira$le it is( O la) all of lo!e and all for lo!e( The 5e$re)s $y the )ord #eace &nderstand the collection and #erfection of all 'ood thin's that is ha##inessF and the Psal"ist cries o&tF M&ch #eace ha!e they that lo!e thy la)B and to the" there is no st&"$lin'-$loc2F @86IA as tho&'h he )o&ld sayF O 6ord( )hat deli'hts are in the lo!e of thy sacred co""and"ents( The heart that is #ossessed )ith the lo!e of thy la) is #ossessed of all delicio&s s)eetness+ Tr&ly that 'reat 2in' )hose heart )as "ade accordin' to the heart of God did so relish the #erfect eCcellence of the di!ine co""and"ents that he see"s to $e a lo!er ca#ti!ated )ith the $ea&ty of this la) as )ith the chaste s#o&se and *&een of his heartB as a##ears $y his contin&al #raises thereof+ 0hen the hea!enly s#o&se )o&ld eC#ress the infinite s)eetness of her di!ine lo!erDs #erf&"esF Thy na"e says she &nto hi" is as oil #o&red o&tF @86KA as tho&'h she saidF tho& art so eCcellently #erf&"ed that tho& see"est to $e all #erf&"e and tho& art "ore fitly ter"ed oint"ent and #erf&"e than anointed and #erf&"ed+ So the so&l that lo!es God is so transfor"ed into the di!ine )ill that it "erits rather to $e called GodDs )ill than to $e called o$edient and s&$1ect to his )ill+ 0hence God says $y -saias that he )ill call the ?hristian ch&rch $y a ne) na"e )hich the "o&th of the 6ord )ill #rono&nce i"#rint and en'ra!e in the hearts of his faithf&lB and then eC#lainin' this na"e he says it shall $eF My )ill in herF @877A as tho&'h he had said that a"on' s&ch as are not ?hristians e!ery one has his o)n )ill in the "idst of his heart $&t a"on' the tr&e children of o&r Sa!io&r e!ery one shall forsa2e his o)n )ill and shall ha!e only one "aster-)ill do"inant and &ni!ersal )hich shall ani"ate 'o!ern and direct all so&ls all hearts and all )illsF and the na"e of hono&r a"on'st ?hristians shall $e no









other than GodDs )ill in the" a )ill )hich shall r&le o!er all )ills and transfor" the" all into itselfB so that the )ill of ?hristians and the )ill of O&r 6ord "ay $e $&t one sin'le )ill+ This )as #erfectly !erified in the #ri"iti!e ?h&rch )hen as says the 'lorio&s S+ 6&2eF -n the "&ltit&de of the faithf&l there )as $&t one heart and one so&lF @871A for he "eans not there to s#ea2 of the heart that 2ee#s ali!e o&r $odies nor of the so&l )hich ani"ates hearts )ith a h&"an life $&t he s#ea2s of the heart )hich 'i!es o&r so&ls hea!enly life and of the so&l that ani"ates o&r hearts )ith the s&#ernat&ral lifeB the one the sin'&larly one heart and so&l of tr&e ?hristians )hich is no other thin' than the )ill of God+ 6ife says the Psal"ist is in the )ill of God @872A not only $eca&se o&r te"#oral life de#ends on the di!ine #leas&re $&t also $eca&se o&r s#irit&al life consists in the eCec&tion of it $y )hich God li!es and rei'ns in &s "a2in' &s li!e and s&$sist in hi"+ On the contrary the )ic2ed fro" of old (that is al)ays) ha!e $ro2en the yo2e of the la) of God and ha!e saidF - )ill not ser!e+ @878A 0herefore God says that he na"ed the" trans'ressors and re$els fro" the )o"$B @879A and s#ea2in' to the 2in' of Tyre he re#roaches hi" for ha!in' set his heart as the heart of GodF @875A for the s#irit of re!olt )ill ha!e its heart to $e its o)n "aster and its o)n )ill to $e so!erei'n li2e the )ill of GodB it )o&ld not ha!e the di!ine )ill to rei'n o!er it $&t )o&ld $e a$sol&te and )itho&t any de#endence+ O eternal 6ord( s&ffer not this --$&t effect that not "y )ill $&t thine $e done+ Oes )e are in this )orld not to do o&r o)n )ill $&t the )ill of thy 'oodness )hich has #laced &s here+ -t )as )ritten of thee O Sa!io&r of "y so&l that tho& didst the )ill of thy ;ternal Father @876A and $y the first act of the )ill of thy h&"an so&l at the instant of thy conce#tion tho& didst lo!in'ly e"$race this la) of the di!ine )ill and didst #lace it in the "idst of thy heart there to rei'n and ha!e do"inion for e!er+ 3h( )ho )ill 'i!e "y so&l the 'race of ha!in' no )ill sa!e the )ill of her God( Eo) )hen o&r lo!e is eCceedin' 'reat to)ards GodDs )ill )e are not content to do only the Di!ine )ill )hich is si'nified &nto &s $y the co""and"ents $&t )e also #&t o&rsel!es &nder the o$edience of the co&nsels )hich are only 'i!en &s for a "ore #erfect o$ser!in' of the co""and"ents to )hich also they ha!e reference as S+ Tho"as says eCcellently )ell+ O ho) )ell does he o$ser!e the #rohi$ition of &nla)f&l #leas&res )ho has e!en reno&nced the "ost 1&st and le'iti"ate deli'hts( 5o) far is he fro" co!etin' another "anDs 'oods )ho re1ects e!en s&ch as he "i'ht holily ha!e 2e#t( 5o) far is he fro" #referrin' his o)n )ill $efore GodDs )ho to do GodDs )ill s&$"its hi"self to that of a "an( Da!id &#on a day )as in his ca"# and the Philistine 'arrison in /ethlehe"+ @877A 3nd Da!id lon'ed and saidF Oh( that so"e "an )o&ld 'i!e "e a drin2 of the )ater o&t of the cistern that is in /ethlehe" $y the 'ate( 3nd $ehold he had no sooner said the )ord than three !aliant "en set o&t hand and head lo)ered $rea2 thro&'h the hostile ca"# 'o to the cistern of /ethlehe" dra) )ater and $rin' it to Da!id )ho seein' the haHard )hich these three 2ni'htly "en had r&n to 'ratify his lon'in' )o&ld not drin2 the )ater o$tained at the #eril of their $lood and life $&t #o&red it o&t in sacrifice to the eternal God+ 3h( "ar2 - $eseech yo& Theoti"&s ho) 'reat the ardo&r of these ca!aliers in the ser!ice and satisfaction of their "aster( They fly they $rea2 thro&'h the ran2s of their ene"ies they inc&r a tho&sand dan'ers of destr&ction to 'ratify only one si"#le desire )hich their 2in' eC#resses $efore the"+ O&r Sa!io&r )hen he )as in this )orld declared his )ill in so"e cases $y )ay of co""and"ent and in "any others he





only si'nified it $y )ay of desireF for he did hi'hly co""end chastity #o!erty o$edience and #erfect resi'nation the a$ne'ation of oneDs o)n )ill )ido)hood fastin' contin&al #rayerB and )hat he said of chastity that he )ho co&ld )in the #riHe sho&ld )in it he said s&fficiently of all the other co&nsels+ 3t this desire the "ost !aliant ?hristians ha!e entered on the race and o!erco"in' all re#&'nances conc&#iscences and diffic&lties they ha!e arri!ed at holy #erfection 2ee#in' the"sel!es to the strict o$ser!ance of their 4in'Ds desires and $y this "eans $earin' a)ay the cro)n of 'lory+ :erily as )itnesses the di!ine Psal"ist God hears not only the #rayers of his faithf&l $&t e!en their !ery desire and the "ere #re#aration of their hearts for #rayerB @87IA so inclined and for)ard is he to do the )ill of those )ho lo!e hi"+ 3nd )hy shall not )e then in ret&rn $e so Healo&s in follo)in' GodDs holy )ill as to do not only )hat he orders $&t also )hat )e 2no) he li2es and )ishes+ Eo$le so&ls need no other s#&r to the &nderta2in' of a desi'n than to 2no) that their $elo!ed desires itF My so&l said one of the" "elted )hen he s#o2e+ @87KA @86IA Ps+ cC!iii+ 165+




@86KA ?ant+ i+ 2+ @877A -s+ lCii+ 19+ @871A 3cts i!+ 82+

25 @872A Ps+ CCiC+ 6+ @878A ,er+ ii+ 27+ 87 @879A -s+ Cl!iii+ I+ @875A ;Hech+ CC!iii+ 2+ @876A Ps+ CCCiC+ K+ 85 @877A 2 4in's CCiii+ @87IA Ps+ iC+ 8I 97 @87KA ?ant+ !+ 6+ ?53PT;> :---+ T53T T5; ?OET;MPT OF T5; ;:3EG;6-?36 ?O=ES;6S -S 3 G>;3T S-E+ 95 The )ords in )hich o&r Sa!io&r eChorts &s to tend to)ards and ai" at #erfection are so forci$le and so #ressin' that )e cannot disse"$le the o$li'ation )e ha!e to &nderta2e to carry o&t that desi'n+ /e holy says he $eca&se - a" holy+ @8I7A 5e that is holy let

hi" $e sanctified stillB and he that is 1&st let hi" $e 1&stified still+ @8I1A /e #erfect as yo&r hea!enly Father is #erfect+ @8I2A For this ca&se the 'reat S+ /ernard )ritin' to the 'lorio&s S+ G&erin 3$$ot of 3&l#s )hose life and "iracles ha!e left so s)eet an odo&r in this dioceseF GThe 1&st "an G says he Gne!er says it is eno&'hB he still h&n'ers and thirsts after 1&stice+G Tr&ly Theoti"&s in te"#oral "atters nothin' s&ffices hi" )ho is not satisfied )ith )hat is eno&'hB for )hat can s&ffice hi" to )ho" s&fficiency is not s&fficient. /&t in s#irit&al 'oods he has not s&fficient )ho is satisfied )ith )hat is eno&'h and s&fficiency is not s&fficient $eca&se tr&e s&fficiency in di!ine thin's consists #artly in the desire of affl&ence+ God in the $e'innin' co""anded the earth to $rin' forth the 'reen her$ and s&ch as "ay seed and the fr&it-tree yieldin' fr&it after its 2ind )hich has also seed in itself+ @8I8A 3nd do )e not see $y eC#erience that #lants and fr&its are not co"e to their f&ll 'ro)th and "at&rity till they $rin' forth their seeds and #i#s )hence other trees and #lants of the sa"e 2ind s#rin'+ Ee!er do o&r !irt&es co"e to their f&ll stat&re and "eas&re till s&ch ti"e as they $e'et in &s desires of #ro'ress )hich li2e s#irit&al seeds ser!e for the #rod&ction of ne) de'rees of !irt&e+ 3nd "ethin2s the earth of o&r heart is co""anded to $rin' forth the #lants of !irt&e )hich $ear the fr&its of 'ood )or2s e!ery one in its 2ind and ha!in' the seeds of desires and resol&tions of e!er "&lti#lyin' and ad!ancin' in #erfection+ 3nd the !irt&e that $ears not the seed of these desires is not yet co"e to its 'ro)th and "at&rity+ GSo then G says S+ /ernard to the te#id "an Gyo& do not )ant to ad!ance in #erfection. Eo+ Eor yet 'ro) )orse. Eo tr&ly+ 0hat then-yo& )o&ld neither 'ro) $etter nor )orse.--#oor "an yo& )o&ld $e )hat cannot $e+ Eothin' indeed in the )orld is either sta$le or constantB $&t of "an it is said e!en "ore s#ecially that he ne!er re"aineth in the sa"e state+ @8I9A -t is necessary then that he either 'o for)ard or $ac2)ard+G Eo) - say not any "ore than does S+ /ernard that it is a sin not to #ractise the co&nsels+ Eo in tr&th Theoti"&sF for it is the !ery difference $et)een co""and"ents and co&nsels that the co""and"ent o$li'es &s &nder #ain of sin and the co&nsel only in!ites &s )itho&t #ain of sin+ Oet - distinctly say that to conte"n the ai"in' after ?hristian #erfection is a 'reat sin and that it is a still 'reater to conte"n the in!itation $y )hich o&r Sa!io&r calls &s to itB $&t it is an ins&##orta$le i"#iety to conte"n the co&nsels and "eans )hich o&r Sa!io&r #oints o&t for the attain"ent of it+ -t )ere a heresy to say that o&r Sa!io&r had not 'i!en &s 'ood co&nsel and a $las#he"y to say to GodF De#art fro" &s )e desire not the 2no)led'e of thy )aysF @8I5A $&t it is a horri$le irre!erence to)ards hi" )ho )ith so "&ch lo!e and s)eetness in!ites &s to #erfection to sayF - )ill not $e holy or #erfect nor ha!e any lar'er #ortion of thy $ene!olence nor follo) the co&nsels )hich tho& 'i!est "e to "a2e #ro'ress in #erfection+ 0e "ay indeed )itho&t sin not follo) the co&nsels on acco&nt of the affection )e "ay ha!e to other thin'sF as for eCa"#le it is la)f&l for a "an not to sell )hat he #ossesseth to 'i!e to the #oor $eca&se he has not the co&ra'e to "a2e so entire a ren&nciation+ -t is also la)f&l to "arry $eca&se one lo!es or $eca&se one has not stren'th of "ind necessary to &nderta2e the )ar )hich "&st $e )a'ed a'ainst the flesh+ /&t to #rofess not to )ish to follo) the co&nsels nor any one of the" cannot $e done )itho&t










conte"#t of hi" )ho 'i!es the"+ Eot to follo) the co&nsel of !ir'inity and so to "arry is not )ron' $&t "arryin' as if #&ttin' "arria'e hi'her than chastity as heretics do that is a 'reat conte"#t either of the co&nsellor or of his co&nsel+ To drin2 )ine a'ainst the doctorDs ad!ice )hen o!erco"e )ith thirst or )ith a desire to drin2 is not #recisely to conte"n the doctor nor his ad!iceF $&t to say--- )ill not follo) the doctorDs ad!ice--"&st necessarily #roceed fro" so"e $ad o#inion one har$o&rs of hi"+ Eo) as re'ards "en one "ay often conte"n their co&nsel )itho&t conte"nin' those )ho 'i!e it $eca&se to thin2 that a "an "ay ha!e erred is not to conte"n hi"+ /&t to re1ect and conte"n GodDs co&nsel can only s#rin' fro" an idea that he has not co&nselled &s )ellB )hich cannot $e tho&'ht $&t $y a s#irit of $las#he"y as tho&'h God )ere not )ise eno&'h to $e a$le or 'ood eno&'h to )ill to 'i!e 'ood ad!ice+ 0e "ay say the sa"e of the co&nsels of the ?h&rch )hich $y reason of the contin&ed assistance of the 5oly Ghost )ho instr&cts and cond&cts her in all tr&th can ne!er 'i!e e!il ad!ice+ @8I7A 6e!it+ Ci+ 99+ @8I1A 3#oc+ CCii+ 11 @8I2A Matt+ !+ 9I+


27 @8I8A Gen+ i+ 11+ @8I9A ,o$ Ci!+ 2+ 25 @8I5A ,o$ CCi+ 19+ ?53PT;> -Q+ 87 3 ?OET-E=3T-OE OF T5; P>;?;D-EG D-S?O=>S;+ 5O0 ;:;>O OE; 05-6; /O=ED TO 6O:; -S EOT /O=ED TO P>3?T-S; 366 T5; ;:3EG;6-?36 ?O=ES;6S 3ED O;T 5O0 ;:;>O OE; S5O=6D P>3?T-S; 053T 5; -S 3/6;+ 3ltho&'h all the ;!an'elical ?o&nsels cannot and sho&ld not $e #ractised $y e!ery ?hristian in #artic&lar yet e!ery one is o$li'ed to lo!e the" all $eca&se they are all !ery 'ood+ -f yo& ha!e a sic2 headache and the s"ell of "&s2 annoys yo& )ill yo& therefore deny that this s"ell is 'ood and deli'htso"e. -f a ro$e of 'old does not s&it yo& )ill yo& say that therefore it is )orth nothin'. Or )ill yo& thro) a rin' into the dirt $eca&se it fits not yo&r fin'er. Praise therefore Theoti"&s and dearly lo!e all the co&nsels that God has 'i!en &nto "en+ Oh( $lessed $e the 3n'el of Great ?o&nsel for e!er to'ether )ith all the co&nsels he 'i!es and eChortations he "a2es to "en( Oint"ent and #erf&"es re1oice the heart says Solo"on and the 'ood co&nsels of a friend are s)eet to the so&l( @8I6A /&t of )hat friend and of )hat co&nsels do )e s#ea2. O God( it is of the friend of friendsB and his co&nsels are "ore deli'htf&l than honeyF o&r friend is o&r Sa!io&r his co&nsels are to sa!e &s+ 6et &s re1oice Theoti"&s )hen )e see others &nderta2e to follo) those co&nsels )hich )e either cannot or "&st not o$ser!eB let &s #ray for the" $less fa!o&r




and assist the"F for charity o$li'es &s not only to lo!e )hat is 'ood for o&rsel!es $&t that also )hich is 'ood for o&r nei'h$o&r+ 5 0e shall s&fficiently testify o&r lo!e for all the co&nsels )hen )e de!o&tly o$ser!e s&ch as are s&ita$le to o&r callin'+ For as he that $elie!es one article of faith $eca&se God has re!ealed it $y his 0ord (anno&nced and declared $y the ?h&rch) cannot dis$elie!e the othersF and as he )ho o$ser!es one co""and"ent for the #&re lo!e of God is "ost ready to o$ser!e the others )hen occasion offersF--so he that lo!es and #riHes one e!an'elical co&nsel $eca&se it ca"e fro" God "&st necessarily lo!e all the others $eca&se they are also fro" God+ Eo) )e "ay )ith ease #ractise so"e of the" tho&'h not all of the" to'etherB for God has 'i!en "any in order that e!ery one "ay o$ser!e so"e of the" and not a day #asses )itho&t o&r ha!in' so"e o##ort&nity of doin' so+ -f charity re*&ire that to assist yo&r father or "other yo& "&st li!e )ith the" #reser!e at the sa"e ti"e the lo!e and affection for yo&r secl&sionB do not 2ee# yo&r heart in yo&r fatherDs ho&se "ore than is re*&ired for doin' )hat charity orders to $e done there+ -s it ineC#edient for yo& on acco&nt of yo&r ran2 to #reser!e #erfect chastity. 4ee# it at least as "&ch as yo& "ay )itho&t !iolatin' charity+ 6et hi" )ho cannot do all at least do so"e #art+ Oo& are not o$li'ed to see2 o&t hi" )ho has offended yo& for it is his #lace to ret&rn to hi"self and to co"e to yo& to 'i!e yo& satisfaction since he $e'an the in1&ry and o&tra'eF yet 'o Theoti"&s follo) o&r Sa!io&rDs co&nsel #re!ent hi" in 'ood render hi" 'ood for e!il cast &#on his head and heart the $&rnin' coals of si'ns of charity that "ay )holly infla"e hi" and force hi" to a reconciliation+ Oo& are not $o&nd $y ri'o&r of la) to 'i!e al"s to all the #oor yo& "eet $&t only to s&ch as are in !ery 'reat need of the"F yet do not therefore cease to 'i!e )illin'ly accordin' to o&r Sa!io&rDs co&nsel to e!ery #oor #erson yo& find so far as yo&r condition and yo&r real necessities "ay allo)+ Oo& ha!e no o$li'ation to "a2e any !o) at all yet "a2e so"e s&ch as shall $e 1&d'ed fit $y yo&r 'hostly father for yo&r ad!ance"ent in Di!ine lo!e+ Oo& ha!e li$erty to &se )ine )ithin the li"its of #ro#rietyB yet follo)in' S+ Pa&lDs co&nsel to Ti"othy ta2e only so "&ch as is re*&isite for yo&r sto"achDs sa2e+ -n co&nsels there are !ario&s de'rees of #erfection+ To lend to s&ch #oor #eo#le as are not in eCtre"e )ant is the first de'ree of the co&nsel of al"s-deedsB to 'i!e it the" is a de'ree hi'herB hi'her still to 'i!e allB $&t the hi'hest is to 'i!e oneself dedicatin' o&r #erson to their ser!ice+ 5os#itality eCce#t in eCtre"e necessity is a co&nsel+ To entertain stran'ers is the first de'ree of itB $&t to stay $y the )ayside to in!ite the" as 3$raha" did is a de'ree hi'herB and yet hi'her than that is it to li!e in #laces of dan'er in order to resc&e hel# and )ait &#on tra!ellersF in this eCcelled that 'reat S+ /ernard of Menthon a nati!e of this diocese )ho $ein' a scion of a "ost no$le ho&se did for "any years inha$it the #reci#ices and #ea2s of o&r 3l#s and there 'ot to'ether "any associates to )ait for lod'e and resc&e and to deli!er fro" the dan'er of the stor" tra!ellers and #assers-$y )ho )o&ld often #erish a"idst the te"#ests sno) and colds )ere it not for the hos#ices )hich this 'reat friend of God erected and fo&nded &#on the t)o "o&ntains )hich ta2in' their na"es fro" hi" are called the Great S+ /ernard in the diocese of Sion and the 6ittle S+ /ernard in the diocese of Tarentaise+ To !isit the sic2 )ho are not in eCtre"e necessity is a la&da$le charity to ser!e the" is yet $etter $&t to consecrate a "anDs self to their ser!ice is the eCcellence of that co&nselF this $y









their instit&te the ?ler2s of the :isitation of the Sic2 eCerciseB as do "any ladies in !ario&s #lacesB in i"itation of the 'reat S+ Sa"son a 'entle"an and #hysician of >o"e )ho at ?onstantino#le )here he )as "ade #riest )ith a )onderf&l charity de!oted hi"self to the ser!ice of the sic2 in a hos#ital )hich he $e'an there and )hich the ;"#eror ,&stinian erected and finishedF and in i"itation of SS+ ?atharine of Siena and of Genoa S+ ;liHa$eth of 5&n'ary and the 'lorio&s friends of God S+ Francis and the /lessed (S+) -'nati&s of 6oyola )ho in the $e'innin' of their Orders #erfor"ed this eCercise )ith an inco"#ara$le fer!o&r and s#irit&al #rofit+ :irt&es ha!e then a certain s#here of #erfection and co""only )e are not o$li'ed to #ractise the" to the hei'ht of their eCcellence+ -t is s&fficient to 'o so far in the #ractice of the" as really to enter &#on the"+ /&t to 'o farther and to ad!ance in #erfection is a co&nsel as the acts of heroic !irt&es are not ordinarily co""anded $&t co&nselled only+ 3nd if &#on so"e occasion )e find o&rsel!es o$li'ed to eCercise the" it is $y reason of so"e rare and eCtraordinary occ&rrence )hich "a2es the" necessary for the #reser!ation of GodDs 'race+ The $lessed door-2ee#er of the #rison of Se$aste seein' one of the forty )ho )ere then "artyred lose co&ra'e and the cro)n of "artyrdo" too2 his #lace )itho&t $ein' a##rehended and th&s "ade &# the forty of those 'lorio&s and tri&"#hant soldiers of O&r 6ord+ S+ 3da&ct&s seein' S+ FeliC led to "artyrdo" --*&oth he (no one &r'in' hi") - also a" as "&ch a ?hristian as he )orshi##in' the sa"e Sa!io&rB and )ith that 2issin' S+ FeliC he )al2ed )ith hi" to "artyrdo" and )as $eheaded+ Tho&sands of the ancient "artyrs did the li2e and ha!in' it e*&ally in their #o)er to a!oid or &nder'o "artyrdo" )itho&t sin they chose rather 'enero&sly to &nder'o it than la)f&lly to a!oid it+ -n these "artyrdo" )as an heroic act of the fortit&de and constancy )hich a holy eCcess of lo!e 'a!e the"+ /&t )hen it is necessary to end&re "artyrdo" or else to reno&nce the faith of "artyrdo" does not cease to $e "artyrdo" and an eCcellent act lo!e and !alo&r yet do - scarcely thin2 it is to $e ter"ed an heroic act not $ein' chosen $y any eCcess of lo!e $&t $y force of the la) )hich in that case co""ands it+ Eo) in the #ractice of the heroic acts of !irt&e consists the #erfect i"itation of o&r Sa!io&r )ho as the 'reat S+ Tho"as says had all the !irt&es in an heroic de'ree fro" the first instant of his conce#tionB yea - )o&ld )illin'ly say "ore than heroic since he )as not si"#ly "ore than "an $&t infinitely "ore than "an that is tr&e God+ @8I6A Pro!+ CC!ii+ K+ ?53PT;> Q+








5O0 0; 3>; TO ?OEFO>M O=>S;6:;S TO GODDS 0-66 S-GE-F-;D =ETO =S /O -ESP->3T-OES 3ED F->ST OF T5; :3>-;TO OF T5; M;3ES /O 05-?5 GOD -ESP->;S =S+ The rays of the s&n enli'hten )hile heatin' and heat )hile enli'htenin'+ -ns#iration is a hea!enly ray )hich $rin's into o&r hearts a li'ht f&ll of heat $y )hich it "a2es &s see the 'ood and infla"es &s )ith a desire to #&rs&e it+ 3ll that li!es &#on the face of the earth is d&lled $y the cold of )inter $&t &#on the ret&rn of the !ital heat of s#rin' it all ta2es &# its "o!e"ent a'ain+ The ani"als r&n "ore s)iftly $irds fly "ore *&ic2ly and sin' "ore "errily and #lants #&t forth their lea!es and flo)ers "ost 'ladso"ely+




0itho&t ins#iration o&r so&ls )o&ld lead an idle sl&''ish and fr&itless life $&t on recei!in' the di!ine rays of ins#iration )e are sensi$le of a li'ht "in'led )ith a *&ic2enin' heat )hich ill&"inates o&r &nderstandin' and )hich eCcites and ani"ates o&r )ill 'i!in' it the stren'th to )ill and effect the 'ood )hich is necessary for eternal sal!ation+ God ha!in' for"ed "anDs $ody of the sli"e of the earth as Moses says $reathed into his face the $reath of life and "an $eca"e a li!in' so&l that is a so&l )hich 'a!e life "otion and o#eration to the $odyB and the sa"e eternal God $reathes and inf&ses into o&r so&ls the ins#irations of the s&#ernat&ral life to the end that as says the 'reat 3#ostle they "ay $eco"e a *&ic2enin' s#irit @8I7A that is a s#irit )hich "a2es &s li!e "o!e feel and )or2 accordin' to the "o!e"ents of 'race so that he )ho 'a!e &s $ein' 'i!es &s also o#eration+ The $reath of "an )ar"s the thin's it enters intoB )itness the child of the S&na"itess @8IIA to )hose "o&th the #ro#het ;lise&s ha!in' laid his and $reathed &#on hi" his flesh 're) )ar"B and eC#erience "a2es it e!ident+ /&t )ith re'ard to the $reath of God it not only )ar"s $&t also 'i!es a #erfect li'ht his S#irit $ein' an infinite li'ht )hose !ital $reath is called ins#iration $eca&se $y it the di!ine 'oodness $reathes &#on &s and ins#ires &s )ith the desires and intentions of his heart+ Eo) it &ses co&ntless "eans of ins#irin'+ S+ 3ntony S+ Francis S+ 3nsel" and a tho&sand others had fre*&ent ins#irations $y the si'ht of creat&res+ The ordinary "eans is #reachin' $&t so"eti"es those )ho" the )ord does not hel# are ta&'ht $y tri$&lation accordin' to that of the Pro#hetF 3nd !eCation alone shall "a2e yo& &nderstand )hat yo& hearF @8IKA that is s&ch as $y hearin' the hea!enly "enaces a'ainst the )ic2ed do not a"end shall $e ta&'ht the tr&th $y the e!ent and effects and feelin' affliction shall $eco"e )ise+ S+ Mary of ;'y#t )as ins#ired $y the si'ht of a #ict&re of O&r 6adyB S+ 3nthony $y hearin' the Gos#el read at MassB S+ 3&'&stine $y hearin' the history of S+ 3nthonyDs lifeB the D&2e of Gandia (S+ Francis /or'ia) $y loo2in' &#on the dead e"#ressB S+ Pacho"i&s $y seein' an eCa"#le of charityB the /lessed (S+) -'nati&s of 6oyola $y readin' the li!es of the SaintsB S+ ?y#rian (not the 'reat /isho# of ?artha'e $&t a lay"an yet a 'lorio&s "artyr) )as "o!ed $y hearin' the de!il confess his i"#otence a'ainst those that tr&st in God+ 0hen - )as a yo&th at Paris t)o scholars one of )ho" )as a heretic #assin' the ni'ht in the Fa&$o&r' S+ ,ac*&es in de$a&chery heard the ?arth&sians rin' to Matins and the heretic as2in' the other )hy they ran' he descri$ed to hi" )ith )hat de!otion they cele$rated the Di!ine office in that holy "onasteryF O God *&oth he ho) different is the #ractice of those reli'io&s fro" o&rs( They #erfor" the office of an'els and )e that of $r&te $eastsF and desirin' the day after to see $y eC#erience )hat he had learnt $y his co"#anionDs relation he fo&nd the fathers in their stalls standin' li2e a ro) of "ar$le stat&es in their niches "otionless eCce#t for the chantin' of the Psal"s )hich they #erfor"ed )ith a tr&ly an'elic attention and de!otion accordin' to the c&sto" of this holy OrderB so that this #oor yo&th )holly ra!ished )ith ad"iration )as ta2en )ith the eCceedin' consolation )hich he fo&nd in seein' God so )ell )orshi##ed a"on'st ?atholics and resol!ed )hat after)ards he effected to #&t hi"self into the $oso" of the ?h&rch the tr&e and only s#o&se of hi" )ho had !isited hi" )ith his ins#iration in the infa"o&s litter of a$o"ination in )hich he had $een+ Oh ho) ha##y are they )ho 2ee# their hearts o#en to holy ins#irations( For these are ne!er )antin' to any in so far as they are necessary for li!in' )ell and de!o&tly










accordin' to each oneDs condition of life or for f&lfillin' holily the d&ties of his #rofession+ For as God $y the "inistry of nat&re f&rnishes e!ery ani"al )ith the instincts )hich are necessary for its #reser!ation and the eCercise of its nat&ral #o)ers so if )e resist not GodDs 'race he $esto)s on e!ery one of &s the ins#irations necessary to li!e to )or2 and to #reser!e o&r s#irit&al life+ O 6ord said the faithf&l ;lieHer the God of "y "aster 3$raha" "eet "e to-day - $eseech thee and she) 2indness to "y "aster 3$raha"( /ehold - stand ni'h the s#rin' of )ater and the da&'hters of the inha$itants of this city )ill co"e o&t to dra) )aterF no) therefore the "aid to )ho" shall sayF let do)n thy #itcher that - "ay drin2F and she shall ans)er drin2 and - )ill 'i!e thy ca"els drin2 alsoF let it $e the sa"e )ho" tho& hast #ro!ided for thy ser!ant -saac+ @8K7A Theoti"&s ;lieHer does not eC#ress any desire of )ater eCce#t for hi"self $&t the fair >e$ecca o$eyin' the ins#iration )hich God and her 2indness 'a!e her offers )ithal to )ater his ca"elsB )hence she $eca"e holy -saacDs )ife da&'hter-in-la) to the 'reat 3$raha" and a 'rand"other to o&r Sa!io&r+ Tr&ly the so&ls )hich are not contented )ith doin' )hat the hea!enly $elo!ed re*&ires at their hands $y his co""and"ents and co&nsels $&t also #ro"#tly co"#ly )ith sacred ins#irations are they )ho" the ;ternal Father has destined to $e the s#o&ses of his )ell-$elo!ed son+ 3nd as re'ards ;lieHer since he cannot other)ise distin'&ish a"on'st the da&'hters of 5aran (the to)n of Eachor) )hich of the" )as destined for his "asterDs son God re!eals it &nto hi" $y ins#iration+ 0hen )e are at a loss and h&"an hel# fails &s in o&r #er#leCities God then ins#ires &s nor )ill he #er"it &s to err as lon' as )e are h&"$ly o$edient+ /&t - )ill say no "ore of these necessary ins#irations ha!in' often s#o2en of the" in this )or2 as also in the -ntrod&ction to the De!o&t 6ife+ @8I7A 1 ?or+ C!+ 95 @8IIA 9 4in's i!+ 89+ @8IKA -s+ CC!iii+ 1K+


87 @8K7A Gen+ CCi!+ 12 18 19+ ?53PT;> Q-+ 85 OF T5; =E-OE OF O=> 0-66 0-T5 GODDS -E T5; -ESP->3T-OES 05-?5 3>; G-:;E FO> T5; ;QT>3O>D-E3>O P>3?T-?; OF :->T=;SB 3ED OF P;>S;:;>3E?; -E OE;DS :O?3T-OE T5; F->ST M3>4 OF -ESP->3T-OE+ There are certain ins#irations )hich tend only to an eCtraordinary #erfection of the ordinary eCercises of the ?hristian life+ ?harity to)ards the sic2 #oor is an ordinary eCercise of tr&e ?hristiansB $&t an ordinary eCercise )hich )as #ractised $y S+ Francis and S+ ?atharine )ith an eCtraordinary #erfection )hen they lic2ed and s&c2ed the &lcers of the le#ro&s and the cancero&sB and $y the 'lorio&s S+ 6o&is )hen $are-head and &#on his 2nees he ser!ed the sic2B--at )hich a ?istercian a$$ot )as lost in ad"iration seein' hi" in this #ost&re handle and dress the horri$le and cancero&s sores of a #oor )retch+ 3nd it )as also a !ery eCtraordinary eCercise of this holy "onarch to ser!e the "ost a$1ect and !ile of the #oor at his ta$le and to eat their lea!in's+ S+ ,ero"e entertainin' in his hos#ital at /ethlehe" the #il'ri"s of ;&ro#e )ho fled fro"








the #ersec&tion of the Goths did not only )ash their feet $&t descended e!en so lo) as to )ash and r&$ the le's of their ca"els i"itatin' >e$ecca )ho" )e 1&st "entioned )ho not only dre) )ater for ;lieHer $&t for his ca"els also+ S+ Francis )as not only eCtre"e in the #ractice of #o!erty as is 2no)n to all $&t )as e*&ally so in the #ractice of si"#licity+ 5e redee"ed a la"$ )hich he feared )as 'oin' to $e sla&'htered $eca&se it re#resented o&r Sa!io&r+ 5e sho)ed res#ect to al"ost all creat&res conte"#latin' in the" their ?reator $y an &n&s&al yet "ost )ise si"#licity+ So"eti"es he )o&ld $&sy hi"self )ith re"o!in' )or"s fro" the road lest #assers $y sho&ld tra"#le the" &nder their feet re"e"$erin' that o&r Sa!io&r had co"#ared hi"self to the )or"+ 5e called creat&res his $rothers and sisters $y a certain ad"ira$le consideration )hich lo!e s&''ested &nto hi"+ S+ 3leCi&s a 'entle"an of !ery no$le descent #ractised in an eCcellent "anner the a$1ection of hi"self li!in' &n2no)n for the s#ace of se!enteen years in his fatherDs ho&se at >o"e as a #oor #il'ri"+ 3ll these ins#irations )ere for ordinary eCercises #ractised ho)e!er )ith eCtraordinary #erfection+ Eo) in this 2ind of ins#iration )e are to o$ser!e the r&les )hich )e 'a!e for desires in o&r -ntrod&ction+ @8K1A 0e "&st not stri!e to #ractise "any eCercises at once and &#on a s&dden for the ene"y often tries to "a2e &s &nderta2e and $e'in "any desi'ns to the end that o!er)hel"ed )ith the "&lti#licity of $&siness )e "ay acco"#lish nothin' $&t lea!e all &nfinishedF yea so"eti"es he s&''ests the desire of &nderta2in' so"e eCcellent )or2 )hich he foresees )e shall not acco"#lish in order to t&rn &s fro" #rosec&tin' a )or2 less eCcellent )hich )e sho&ld ha!e #erfor"edB for he cares not ho) "any #&r#oses #lans and $e'innin's $e "ade so lon' as nothin' is done+ 5e )ill not hinder the $rin'in' forth of "ale children any "ore than Pharao did #ro!ided that $efore they 'ro) they are slain+ On the contrary says the 'reat S+ ,ero"e a"on'st ?hristians it is not so "&ch the $e'innin' as the end that is re'arded+ 0e "&st not s)allo) so "&ch food as to $e &na$le to di'est )hat )e ta2e+ The decei!in' s#irit "a2es &s stay in $e'innin's and content o&rsel!es )ith the flo)ery s#rin'-ti"e $&t the Di!ine S#irit "a2es &s re'ard $e'innin's only in order to attain the end and only "a2es &s re1oice in the flo)ers of s#rin' in the eC#ectation of en1oyin' the ri#e fr&its of s&""er and a&t&"n+ The 'reat S+ Tho"as is of o#inion that it is not eC#edient to cons&lt and deli$erate "&ch concernin' an inclination to enter a 'ood and )ell-re'&lated reli'io&s OrderB for the reli'io&s life $ein' co&nselled $y o&r Sa!io&r in the Gos#el )hat need is there of "any cons&ltations. -t is s&fficient to "a2e one 'ood one )ith a fe) #ersons )ho are thoro&'hly #r&dent and ca#a$le in s&ch an affair and )ho can assist &s to "a2e a s#eedy and solid resol&tionB $&t as soon as )e ha!e once deli$erated and resol!ed )hether in this "atter or in any other that a##ertains to GodDs ser!ice )e "&st $e constant and i""o!a$le not #er"ittin' o&rsel!es to $e sha2en $y any a##earances of a 'reater 'oodF for !ery often says the 'lorio&s S+ /ernard the de!il del&des &s and to dra) &s fro" the effectin' of one 'ood he #ro#oses &nto &s so"e other 'ood that see"s $etterB and after )e ha!e started this he in order to di!ert &s fro" effectin' it #resents a third ready to let &s "a2e #lenty of $e'innin's if only )e do not "a2e an end+ 0e sho&ld not e!en 'o fro" one Order to another )itho&t !ery )ei'hty "oti!es says S+ Tho"as follo)in' the 3$$ot Eestori&s cited $y ?assian+ - $orro) fro" the 'reat S+ 3nsel" ()ritin' to 6anHo) a $ea&tif&l si"ilit&de+ 3s a #lant often trans#lanted can ne!er ta2e root nor conse*&ently co"e to #erfection and ret&rn







the eC#ected fr&itB so the so&l that trans#lants her heart fro" desi'n to desi'n cannot do )ell nor co"e to the tr&e 'ro)th of her #erfection since #erfection does not consist in $e'innin's $&t in acco"#lish"ents+ The sacred li!in' creat&res of ;Hechiel )ent )hither the i"#&lse of the s#irit )as to 'o and they t&rned not )hen they )ent and e!ery one of the" )ent strai'ht for)ardF @8K2A )e are to 'o )hither the ins#iration "o!es &s not t&rnin' a$o&t nor ret&rnin' $ac2 $&t tendin' thither )hither God has t&rned o&r face )itho&t chan'in' o&r 'aHe+ 5e that is in a 'ood )ay let hi" ste# o&t and 'et on+ -t ha##ens so"eti"es that )e forsa2e the 'ood to see2 the $etter and that ha!in' forsa2en the one )e find not the otherF $etter is the #ossession of a s"all treas&re fo&nd than the eC#ectation of a 'reater )hich is to find+ The ins#iration )hich "o!es &s to *&it a real 'ood )hich )e en1oy in order to 'ain a $etter in the f&t&re is to $e s&s#ected+ 3 yo&n' Port&'&ese called Francis /ass&s )as ad"ira$le not only in di!ine elo*&ence $&t also in the #ractice of !irt&e &nder the disci#line of the /lessed (S+) Phili# Eeri in the ?on're'ation of the Oratory at >o"e+ Eo) he #ers&aded hi"self that he )as ins#ired to lea!e this holy society to #lace hi"self in an Order strictly so called and at last he resol!ed to do so+ /&t the /+ Phili# assistin' at his rece#tion into the Order of S+ Do"inic )e#t $itterlyB )here&#on $ein' as2ed $y Francis Marie Ta&r&se after)ards 3rch$isho# of Siena and ?ardinal )hy he shed tearsF - de#lore said he the loss of so "any !irt&es+ 3nd in fact this yo&n' "an )ho )as so eCcellently 'ood and de!o&t in the ?on're'ation after he $eca"e a reli'io&s )as so inconstant and fic2le that a'itated )ith !ario&s desires of no!elties and chan'es he 'a!e after)ards 'reat and 'rie!o&s scandal+ -f the fo)ler 'o strai'ht to the #artrid'eDs nest she )ill sho) herself and co&nterfeit )ea2ness and la"eness and raisin' herself &# as tho&'h she )o&ld ta2e a 'reat fli'ht )ill i""ediately t&"$le do)n as if she )ere a$le to do no "ore in order that the fo)ler $ein' $&sied in loo2in' after her and eC#ectin' easily to ta2e her "ay not li'ht on her little ones in the nestB $&t )hen he has #&rs&ed her a )hile and fancies he has her she rises into the air and esca#es+ So o&r ene"y seein' a "an $y GodDs ins#iration &nderta2e a #rofession and "anner of life fitted for his ad!ance"ent in hea!enly lo!e #ers&ades hi" to enter into so"e other )ay "ore #erfect in a##earanceB $&t ha!in' #&t hi" o&t of his first )ay he "a2es hi" $y little and little a##rehend the second )ay i"#ossi$le #ro#osin' a thirdB that so 2ee#in' hi" occ&#ied in the contin&al in*&iry for !ario&s and ne) "eans of #erfectin' hi"self he "ay hinder hi" fro" "a2in' &se of any and conse*&ently fro" attainin' the end he see2s )hich is #erfection+ Oo&n' ho&nds lea!e the #ac2 at e!ery ne) scent and "a2e after the fresh *&arryB the old and )ell-scented ho&nds ne!er chan'e $&t 2ee# the scent they are on+ 6et e!ery one then ha!in' once fo&nd o&t GodDs holy )ill to&chin' his !ocation 2ee# to it holily and lo!in'ly #ractisin' therein its #ro#er eCercises accordin' to the order of discretion and )ith the Heal of #erfection+ @8K1A ---+ 87+ @8K2A ;Hech+ i+ 12+





95 ?53PT;> Q--+

OF T5; =E-OE OF M3EDS 0-66 0-T5 GODDS -E T5OS; -ESP->3T-OES 05-?5 3>; ?OET>3>O TO O>D-E3>O 630SB 3ED OF P;3?; 3ED T>3E%=-66-TO OF 5;3>T S;?OED M3>4 OF -ESP->3T-OE+ 5 Th&s then Theoti"&s )e are to $eha!e o&rsel!es in those ins#irations )hich are only eCtraordinary in the sense that they "o!e &s to #ractise ordinary ?hristian eCercises )ith an eCtraordinary fer!o&r and #erfection+ /&t there are other ins#irations )hich are called eCtraordinary not only $eca&se they "a2e the so&l #ass the $o&nds of ordinary actions $&t also $eca&se they "o!e it to actions contrary to the co""on la)s r&les and c&sto"s of the "ost holy ?h&rch and therefore are "ore ad"ira$le than i"ita$le+ The holy "aiden na"ed $y historians ;&se$ia the Stran'er left >o"e her nati!e city )ith t)o other "aidens and ta2in' "ale attire e"$ar2ed on a sea-!oya'e )ent to 3leCandria and thence to the -sle of ?osB there findin' herself safe she #&t on a'ain her )o"anDs dress and a'ain ta2in' shi# )ent into ?aria to the to)n of Mylassa )hither the 'reat Pa&l )ho had fo&nd her in ?os and had ta2en her &nder his s#irit&al direction led her and )here after)ards $ein' "ade /isho# he so holily directed her that she esta$lished a "onastery and dedicated herself to ser!e the ?h&rch in the office of deaconess (as in those days it )as called) )ith s&ch fer!o&r of charity that in the end she died a Saint and $y a n&"$er of "iracles )hich God did $y her relics and intercession )as reco'niHed as s&ch+ To #&t on the attire $elon'in' to the other seC and th&s dis'&ised to eC#ose oneself to a 1o&rney )ith "en does not only #ass the ordinary r&les of ?hristian "odesty $&t is e!en contrary to the"+ 3 certain yo&n' "an ha!in' 'i!en his "other a 2ic2 to&ched )ith a li!ely re#entance confessed it to S+ 3nthony of Pad&aB )ho to i"#rint the horror of his sin "ore dee#ly in his heart said to hi" a"on'st other thin'sF My child the foot )hich )as the instr&"ent of yo&r )ic2edness )o&ld deser!e to $e c&t off for so 'reat a tres#assB )hich the yo&th too2 in s&ch 'ood earnest that ha!in' ret&rned ho"e to his "other trans#orted )ith the feelin' of contrition he c&t off his foot+ The )ords of the Saint )o&ld not ha!e had s&ch force accordin' to their ordinary "eanin' &nless God had added his ins#iration there&ntoB $&t it )as so eCtraordinary an ins#iration that it "&st rather ha!e $een considered a te"#tation if the "irac&lo&s restoration of his foot effected $y the SaintDs $enediction had not )arranted it+ S+ Pa&l the first her"it S+ 3nthony S+ Mary of ;'y#t did not $&ry the"sel!es in those !ast )ildernesses--de#ri!ed of hearin' Mass of ?o""&nion of ?onfession and de#ri!ed yo&n' as they )ere of all direction and assistance --)itho&t a stron' ins#iration+ The 'reat Si"eon Stylites led a life that ne!er "ortal creat&re )o&ld ha!e drea"t of or &nderta2en )itho&t hea!enly instinct and assistance+ S+ ,ohn $isho# s&rna"ed the Silent forsa2in' his diocese )itho&t the 2no)led'e of any of his cler'y #assed the rest of his days in the Monastery of 6a&ra nor )as there after)ards any ne)s heard of hi"+ 0as not this contrary to the r&le of 2ee#in' holy residence. 3nd the 'reat S+ Pa&lin&s )ho sold hi"self to ranso" a #oor )ido)Ds son ho) co&ld he do it accordin' to ordinary la)s since he )as not his o)n $&t $y his e#isco#al consecration $elon'ed to the ?h&rch and his #eo#le. Those !ir'ins and "arried )o"en )ho $ein' #&rs&ed for their $ea&ty )ith !ol&ntary )o&nds disfi'&red their faces that &nder the "as2 of a holy defor"ity they "i'ht #reser!e their chastity did they not do a thin' a##arently for$idden. Eo) one of the $est "ar2s of the 'oodness of all ins#irations in 'eneral and #artic&larly of eCtraordinary ones is the #eace and tran*&illity of the heart that recei!es












the"F for tho&'h indeed the 5oly Ghost is !iolent yet his !iolence is 'entle s)eet and #eacef&l+ 5e co"es as a "i'hty )ind @8K8A and as a hea!enly th&nder $&t he does not o!erthro) the 3#ostles he tro&$les the" notB the fear )hich they had in hearin' the so&nd )as of no contin&ance $&t )as i""ediately follo)ed $y a s)eet ass&rance+ That is )hy this fire sits &#on each of the" ta2in' and ca&sin' a sacred re#oseB and as o&r Sa!io&r is called a #eacef&l or #acific Solo"on so is his s#o&se called S&la"itess cal" and da&'hter of #eaceF and the !oice that is the ins#iration of the $ride'roo" does not in any sort dis*&iet or tro&$le her $&t dra)s her so s)eetly that he "a2es her so&l delicio&sly "elt and as it )ere flo) o&t into hi"F My so&l says she "elted )hen "y $elo!ed s#o2eF @8K9A and tho&'h she $e )arli2e and "artial yet is she )ithal so #eacea$le that a"idst ar"ies and $attles she "aintains the concord of an &ne*&alled "elody+ 0hat shalt tho& see saith she in the S&la"itess $&t the choirs of ar"ies. @8K5A 5er ar"ies are choirs that is har"onies of sin'ersB and her choirs are ar"ies $eca&se the )ea#ons of the ?h&rch and of the de!o&t so&l are only #rayers hy"ns canticles and #sal"s+ Th&s it is that those ser!ants of God )ho had the hi'hest and s&$li"est ins#irations )ere the "ost "ild and #eacea$le "en in the )orld as 3$raha" -saac ,aco$F Moses is styled the "ee2est of "enB Da!id is la&ded for his "ildness+ On the contrary the e!il s#irit is t&r$&lent ro&'h dist&r$in'B and those )ho follo) infernal s&''estions ta2in' the" to $e hea!enly ins#irations are as a r&le easily 2no)n $eca&se they are &n*&iet headstron' ha&'hty ready to &nderta2e or "eddle )ith all affairs "en )ho &nder the cloa2 of Heal t&rn e!erythin' &#side do)n cens&re e!ery one chide e!ery one find fa&lt )ith e!erythin'B they are #ersons )ho )ill not $e directed )ill not 'i!e in to any one )ill $ear nothin' $&t 'ratify the #assions of self-lo!e &nder the na"e of 1ealo&sy for GodDs hono&r+ @8K8A 3cts ii+ 2+ @8K9A ?ant+ !+ 6+



@8K5A ?ant+ !ii+ 1+ ?53PT;> Q---+


T5->D M3>4 OF -ESP->3T-OE 05-?5 -S 5O6O O/;D-;E?; TO T5; ?5=>?5 3ED S=P;>-O>S+ To #eace and s)eetness of heart is inse#ara$ly 1oined "ost holy h&"ility+ /&t - do not ter" h&"ility that cere"onio&s #rof&sion of )ords 'est&res and 2issin's of the 'ro&nd o$eisances inclinations --)hen they are "ade as often ha##ens )itho&t any in)ard sense of o&r o)n a$1ection and of 1&st estee" of o&r nei'h$o&rF for all this is $&t a !ain occ&#ation of )ea2 $rains and is rather to $e ter"ed a #hanto" of h&"ility than h&"ility+ - s#ea2 of a no$le real #rod&cti!e and solid h&"ility )hich "a2es &s s&##le to correction #lia$le and #ro"#t to o$edience+ 0hile the inco"#ara$le Si"eon Stylites )as yet a no!ice at Teleda he "ade hi"self indocile to the ad!ice of his s&#eriors )ho )ished to hinder hi" fro" #ractisin' so "any stran'e a&sterities )hich he did )ith an inordinate cr&elty to hi"selfB so that at len'th he )as on this acco&nt t&rned o&t of the






"onastery as $ein' too little ca#a$le of the "ortification of the heart and too "&ch addicted to that of the $ody+ /&t ha!in' entered into hi"self and $eco"e "ore de!o&t and "ore #r&dent in the s#irit&al life he $eha!ed *&ite differently as he sho)ed in the follo)in' action+ 0hen the her"its )ho )ere dis#ersed thro&'h the deserts near 3ntioch 2ne) the eCtraordinary life )hich he led &#on the #illar in )hich he see"ed to $e either an earthly an'el or a hea!enly "an they des#atched a "essen'er )ho" they ordered to s#ea2 th&s to hi" fro" the"F 0hy dost tho& Si"eon lea!in' the hi'h)ay trodden $y so "any 'reat and holy #redecessors follo) another &n2no)n of "en and so different fro" all that has $een seen or heard to this day. Si"eon *&it this #illar and co"e a"on'st other "en to li!e after the "anner of life and )ay of ser!in' God &sed $y the 'ood Fathers )ho ha!e 'one $efore &s+ -n case Si"eon yieldin' to their ad!ice and 'i!in' in to their )ill sho&ld sho) hi"self ready to descend they had char'ed the de#&ty to lea!e hi" free to #erse!ere in the "anner of life he had $e'&n $eca&se $y his o$edience said those 'ood Fathers it co&ld )ell $e 2no)n that he had &nderta2en this 2ind of life $y the di!ine ins#irationF $&t in case he sho&ld resist and des#isin' their eChortations follo) his o)n )ill it )o&ld $e necessary to )ithdra) hi" thence $y !iolence and force hi" to forsa2e his #illar+ The de#&ty then $ein' co"e to the #illar had no sooner deli!ered his "essa'e than the 'reat Si"eon )itho&t delay )itho&t reser!ation )itho&t any re#ly $e'an to descend )ith an o$edience and h&"ility )orthy of his rare sanctity+ 0hich )hen the de#&ty sa)F stay said he O Si"eon( re"ain there #erse!ere )ith constancy ta2e co&ra'e #&rs&e thy enter#rise !aliantlyB thy a$idin' &#on this #illar is fro" God+ /&t "ar2 - #ray yo& Theoti"&s ho) these ancient and holy anchorites in their 'eneral "eetin' fo&nd no s&rer "ar2 of a hea!enly ins#iration in so eCtraordinary a "atter as )as the life of this holy Stylite than to find hi" si"#le 'entle and tracta$le &nder the la)s of holy o$edienceB and God $lessin' the s&$"ission of this 'reat "an 'a!e hi" the 'race to #erse!ere thirty )hole years &#on the to# of a #illar thirty-siC c&$its hi'h ha!in' #re!io&sly #assed se!en years &#on others of siC t)el!e and t)enty feet and ha!in' $efore that $een ten years on the #ea2 of a little roc2 in the #lace called the Mandra+ Th&s this $ird of #aradise li!in' a$o!e in air and not to&chin' earth )as a s#ectacle of lo!e to the an'els and of ad"iration to "ortals+ -n o$edience all is sec&re o&t of it all is to $e s&s#ected+ 0hen God #&ts ins#irations into a heart the first he 'i!es is o$edience+ 0as there e!er a "ore ill&strio&s and &n"ista2a$le ins#iration than that )hich )as 'i!en to the 'lorio&s S+ Pa&l. 3nd the #rinci#al #oint of it )as that he sho&ld re#air to the city )here he sho&ld learn fro" the "o&th of 3nanias )hat he )as to do and this 3nanias a !ery fa"o&s "an )as as S+ Dorothe&s says the /isho# of Da"asc&s+ 0hosoe!er says he is ins#ired and yet ref&ses to o$ey his s&#eriors and follo) their co&nsel is an i"#ostor+ 3ll the Pro#hets and Preachers that e!er )ere ins#ired $y God al)ays lo!ed the ?h&rch al)ays adhered to her doctrine al)ays )ere a##ro!ed $y her nor did they e!er anno&nce anythin' so distinctly as this tr&th that the li#s of the #riest shall 2ee# )isdo" and they shall see2 the la) at his "o&th+ @8K6A So that eCtraordinary "issions are dia$olical ill&sions not hea!enly ins#irations &nless they $e ac2no)led'ed and a##ro!ed $y the #astors )ho ha!e the ordinary "ission+ For th&s Moses and the #ro#hets are reconciled+ S+ Francis S+ Do"inic and the other Fathers of >eli'io&s Orders )ere called to the ser!ice of so&ls $y an eCtraordinary ins#iration $&t they did






so "&ch the "ore h&"$ly and heartily s&$"it the"sel!es to the sacred 5ierarchy of the ?h&rch+ -n concl&sion the three $est and "ost ass&red "ar2s of la)f&l ins#irations are #erse!erance a'ainst inconstancy and le!ityB #eace and 'entleness of heart a'ainst dis*&iet and solicit&deB h&"$le o$edience a'ainst o$stinacy and eCtra!a'ance+ 5 3nd to concl&de all that )e ha!e said to&chin' the &nion of o&r )ill )ith that )ill of God )hich is called si'nifiedB--al"ost all the her$s )hich $ear yello) flo)ers yea the chicory also )hich $ears $l&e ones e!er t&rn the" to)ards the s&n and th&s follo) its co&rseF $&t the s&nflo)er t&rns not only its flo)ers $&t also all its lea!es after the "o!e"ents of this 'reat l&"inary+ -n the sa"e )ay all the elect t&rn the flo)er of their heart )hich is o$edience to the co""and"ents to)ards the Di!ine )ill $&t so&ls entirely ta2en )ith holy lo!e not only loo2 to)ards this Di!ine 'oodness $y o$edience to the co""and"ents $&t also $y the &nion of all their affections follo)in' this hea!enly s&n in his ro&nd in all that he co""ands co&nsels and ins#ires )itho&t reser!e or eCce#tion )hate!erB )hence they can say )ith the sacred Psal"istF 6ord a" $eco"e as a $east $efore theeF and - a" al)ays )ith thee+ Tho& hast held "e $y "y ri'ht handB and $y thy )ill tho& hast cond&cted "e and )ith thy 'lory tho& hast recei!ed "e+ @8K7A For as a )ell-$ro2en horse is easily 'ently and eCactly "ana'ed $y his rider in any )ay that is re*&ired so the lo!in' so&l is so #lia$le to GodDs )ill that he does )ith her )hat he #leases+ @8K6A Mal+ ii+ 7+ @8K7A Ps+ lCCii+ 29 28 25 ?53PT;> Q-:+ 3 S5O>T M;T5OD TO 4EO0 GODDS 0-66+ 87 S+ /asil says that GodDs )ill is "ade clear &nto &s $y his ordinances or co""and"ents and that then there is no deli$eration to $e "ade for )e are si"#ly to do )hat is ordainedB $&t that for the rest )e ha!e freedo" to choose )hat see"s 'ood accordin' to o&r li2in'B tho&'h )e are not to do all that is la)f&l $&t only )hat is eC#edient and to clearly discern )hat is eC#edient )e are to follo) the ad!ice of o&r s#irit&al father+ /&t Theoti"&s - a" to )arn yo& of a tro&$leso"e te"#tation )hich often crosses the )ay of s&ch so&ls as ha!e a 'reat desire to do )hat is "ost accordin' to GodDs )ill+ For the ene"y at e!ery t&rn #&ts the" in do&$t )hether it is GodDs )ill for the" to do one thin' rather than anotherB as for eCa"#le )hether they sho&ld eat )ith a friend or no )hether they sho&ld )ear 'rey or $lac2 clothes )hether they sho&ld fast Friday or Sat&rday )hether they sho&ld ta2e recreation or a$stain fro" itB and in this they lose "&ch ti"e and )hile they are $&sy and anCio&s to find o&t )hat is the $etter they &n#rofita$ly let sli# the ti"e for doin' "any 'ood thin's the effectin' of )hich )o&ld $e far "ore to GodDs 'lory than this distin'&ishin' $et)een the 'ood and the $etter )hich has ta2en &# their ti"e co&ld #ossi$ly $e+ 0e are not acc&sto"ed to )ei'h little "oney $&t only !al&a$le #iecesF tradin' )o&ld $e too tro&$leso"e and )o&ld de!o&r too "&ch ti"e if )e )ere to )ei'h #ence







half#ence farthin's and half-farthin's+ So )e are not to )ei'h e!ery #etty action to 2no) )hether it $e of "ore !al&e than othersB yea there is often a 2ind of s&#erstition in tryin' to "a2e this eCa"inationB for to )hat end sho&ld )e #&HHle to 2no) )hether it )ere $etter to hear Mass in one ch&rch than in another to s#in than to se) to 'i!e al"s to a "an rather than a )o"an. -t is not 'ood ser!ice to a "aster to s#end as "&ch ti"e in considerin' )hat is to $e done as in doin' the thin's )hich are to $e done+ 0e are to #ro#ortion o&r attention to the i"#ortance of )hat )e &nderta2e+ -t )o&ld $e an illre'&lated caref&lness to ta2e as "&ch tro&$le in deli$eratin' o!er a 1o&rney of one day as o!er one of three or fo&r h&ndred lea'&es+ The choice of oneDs !ocation the #lan of so"e $&siness of 'reat conse*&ence of so"e )or2 occ&#yin' "&ch ti"e of so"e !ery 'reat eC#endit&re the chan'e of a$ode the choice of society and the li2e deser!e to $e serio&sly #ondered in order to see )hat is "ost accordin' to the )ill of God+ /&t in little daily "atters in )hich e!en a "ista2e is neither of "o"ent nor irre#ara$le )hat need is there to "a2e a $&siness of the" to scr&tiniHe the" or to i"#ort&nately as2 ad!ice a$o&t the". To )hat end sho&ld - #&t "yself &#on the rac2 to learn )hether God )o&ld rather that - sho&ld say the >osary or O&r 6adyDs Office since there can $e no s&ch difference $et)een the" that a 'reat eCa"ination need $e heldB that - sho&ld rather 'o to !isit the sic2 in the hos#ital than to :es#ers that - sho&ld rather 'o to a ser"on than to a ch&rch )here there is an -nd&l'ence. ?o""only there is no s&ch i"#ortance in the one "ore than the other that it is )orth )hile to "a2e any 'reat deli$eration+ 0e "&st )al2 in 'ood faith and )itho&t "in&te consideration in s&ch "atters and as S+ /asil says freely choose as )e li2e so as not to )eary o&r s#irit lose o&r ti"e or #&t o&rsel!es in dan'er of dis*&iet scr&#les and s&#erstition+ /&t - "ean al)ays )here there is no 'reat dis#ro#ortion $et)een the t)o )or2s and )here there is nothin' of consideration on one side "ore than on the other+ 3nd e!en in "atters of "o"ent )e are to &se a 'reat h&"ility and not to thin2 )e can find o&t GodDs )ill $y force of eCa"ination and s&$tlety of disco&rseB $&t ha!in' i"#lored the li'ht of the 5oly Ghost a##lied o&r consideration to the see2in' of his 'ood-#leas&re ta2en the co&nsel of o&r director and #erha#s of t)o or three other s#irit&al #ersons )e "&st resol!e and deter"ine in the na"e of God and "&st not after)ards *&estion o&r choice $&t de!o&tly #eacef&lly and fir"ly 2ee# and #&rs&e it+ 3nd altho&'h the diffic&lties te"#tations and the !ariety of circ&"stances )hich occ&r in the co&rse of eCec&tin' o&r desi'n "i'ht ca&se &s so"e do&$t as to )hether )e had "ade a 'ood choice yet )e "&st re"ain settled and not re'ard all this $&t consider that if )e had "ade another choice )e had #erha#s $een a h&ndred ti"es )orseB to say nothin' of o&r not 2no)in' )hether it $e GodDs )ill that )e sho&ld $e eCercised in consolation or desolation in #eace or )ar+ The resol&tion $ein' once holily ta2en )e are ne!er to do&$t of the holiness of the eCec&tionB for &nless )e fail it cannot fail+ To act other)ise is a "ar2 of 'reat self-lo!e or of childishness )ea2ness and silliness of s#irit+ /OO4 -Q+ OF T5;









6O:; OF S=/M-SS-OE 05;>;/O O=> 0-66 -S =E-T;D TO GODDS GOODP6;3S=>;+ ?53PT;> -+ 5 OF T5; =E-OE OF O=> 0-66 TO T53T D-:-E; 0-66 05-?5 -S ?366;D T5; 0-66 OF GOOD-P6;3S=>;+ 17 Eothin' eCce#t sin is done )itho&t that )ill of God )hich is called a$sol&te or )ill of 'ood-#leas&re )hich no one can hinder and )hich is only 2no)n to &s $y e!entsF these sho) &s $y their !ery ha##enin' that God has )illed and intended the"+ 6et &s consider in one !ie) Theoti"&s all that has $een is and shall $e and ra!ished )ith a"aHe"ent )e shall $e forced to cry o&t )ith the Psal"istF - )ill #raise thee for tho& art fearf&lly "a'nifiedB )onderf&l are thy )or2s and "y so&l 2no)eth ri'ht )ell+ Thy 2no)led'e is $eco"e )onderf&l to "eB it is hi'h and - cannot reach to it+ @8KIA 3nd fro" thence )e #ass on to "ost holy co"#lacency re1oicin' that God is so infinite in )isdo" #o)er and 'oodness )hich are the three di!ine attri$&tes of )hich the )orld is $&t a s"all e!idence or as it )ere sa"#le+ 6et &s $ehold "en and an'els and all the !ariety of nat&re of *&alities conditions fac&lties affections #assions 'races and #ri!ile'es )hich the Di!ine Pro!idence has esta$lished in the inn&"era$le "&ltit&de of those hea!enly intelli'ences and h&"an creat&res in )ho" GodDs 1&stice and "ercy are so ad"ira$ly eCercised and )e shall $e &na$le to contain o&rsel!es fro" sin'in' )ith a 1oy f&ll of res#ect and lo!in' dreadB Mercy and 1&d'"ent - )ill sin' to thee O 6ord+ @8KKA Theoti"&s )e are to ta2e an eCceedin' co"#lacency in seein' ho) God eCercises his "ercy in so "any different $enefits )hich he distri$&tes a"on'st "en and an'els in hea!en and on earth and ho) he eCerts his 1&stice $y an infinite !ariety of #ains and chastise"entsF for his 1&stice and "ercy are e*&ally a"ia$le and ad"ira$le in the"sel!es since $oth of the" are no other thin' than one sa"e "ost sin'&lar 'oodness and di!inity+ /&t the effects of his 1&stice $ein' shar# and f&ll of $itterness to &s he al)ays s)eetens the" )ith the "in'lin' of his "ercies #reser!in' the 'reen oli!e a"idst the )aters of the del&'e of his 1&st indi'nation and 'i!in' #o)er to the de!o&t so&l as to a chaste do!e to find it at last #ro!ided al)ays that after the fashion of do!es she !ery lo!in'ly r&"inate in her "ind+ So death afflictions an'&ish la$o&rs )hereof o&r life is f&ll and )hich $y GodDs 1&st ordinance are the #&nish"ents of sin are also $y his s)eet "ercy ladders to ascend to hea!en "eans to increase 'race and "erits to o$tain 'lory+ /lessed are #o!erty h&n'er thirst sorro) sic2ness death #ersec&tionF for they are indeed the 1&st #&nish"ents of o&r fa&lts yet #&nish"ents so stee#ed in or to &se the #hysicianDs ter" so aro"atiHed )ith the Di!ine s)eetness $eni'nity and cle"ency that their $itterness is "ost delicio&s+ -t is a stran'e yet a tr&e thin' Theoti"&sB if the da"ned )ere not $linded $y their o$stinacy and $y their hatred for God they )o&ld find consolation in their tor"ents and see the di!ine "ercy ad"ira$ly "in'led )ith their eternally tor"entin' fla"es+ 5ence the Saints considerin' on the one side the horri$le and dreadf&l tor"ents of the da"ned #raise the Di!ine 1&stice therein and cry o&tF Tho& art 1&st O 6ord and thy 1&d'"ent is ri'ht+ @977A $&t








seein' on the other side that these #ains tho&'h eternal and inco"#rehensi$le co"e yet far short of the fa&lts and cri"es for )hich they )ere inflicted--ra!ished )ith GodDs infinite "ercy they cry o&tF O 6ord ho) 'ood tho& art since in the !ery heat of thy )rath tho& canst not 2ee# the torrent of thy "ercies fro" #o&rin' o&t its )aters on the #itiless fla"es of hell( Mercy O 6ord hath not thy so&l forsa2en ;Den )hile thy 1&stice hath its !en'eance ta2en

17 -n fla"es of hellB nor co&ld thine ire re#ress The torrent of thy )onted 'racio&snessF 15 -n fiercest )rath tho& still dost interlace Thy sternest 1&stice )ith thine acts of 'race+ 27 6et &s co"e neCt to o&rsel!es in #artic&lar and $ehold the "&ltit&de of interior and eCterior 'oods as also the !ery 'reat n&"$er of interior and eCterior #ains )hich the Di!ine Pro!idence has #re#ared for &sF and as if o#enin' the ar"s of o&r consent let &s "ost lo!in'ly e"$race all this ac*&iescin' in GodDs "ost holy )ill and sin'in' &nto hi" as it )ere a hy"n of eternal ac*&iescenceF Thy )ill $e done on earth as it is in hea!enF yea 6ord thy )ill $e done on earth --)here )e ha!e no #leas&re )hich is not "iCed )ith so"e #ain no roses )itho&t thorns no day )itho&t follo)in' ni'ht no s#rin' )itho&t #recedin' )interB on earth O 6ord( )here consolations are thinly and la$o&rs thic2ly so)nF yet O God( thy )ill $e done not only in carryin' o&t thy co""and"ents co&nsels and ins#irations )hich are thin's to $e done $y &s $&t also in s&fferin' the afflictions and #ains )hich ha!e to $e $orne $y &sB so that thy )ill "ay do $y &s for &s in &s and )ith &s all that it #leases+ @8KIA Ps+ cCCC!iii+ 19 6 @8KKA Ps+ c+ 1+ 85 @977A Ps+ cC!iii+ 187+ ?53PT;> --+ 97 T53T T5; =E-OE OF O=> 0-66 0-T5 T5; GOOD-P6;3S=>; OF GOD T34;S P63?; P>-E?-P366O -E T>-/=63T-OES+ Painf&l thin's cannot indeed $e lo!ed )hen considered in the"sel!es $&t !ie)ed in their so&rce that is in the Di!ine 0ill and Pro!idence )hich ordains the" they are s&#re"ely deli'htf&l+ 6oo2 at the rod of Moses &#on the 'ro&nd and it is a hideo&s ser#entB loo2 &#on it in MosesDs hand and it is a )and of "iracles+ 6oo2 at tri$&lations in the"sel!es and they are dreadf&lB $ehold the" in the )ill of God and they are lo!e and deli'hts+ 5o) often ha!e )e t&rned in dis'&st fro" re"edies and "edicines )hen




the doctor or a#othecary offered the" )hich $ein' offered $y so"e )ell-$elo!ed hand (lo!e s&r"o&ntin' o&r loathin') )e recei!e )ith deli'ht+ -n tr&th lo!e either ta2es a)ay the hardshi# of la$o&r or "a2es it dear to &s )hile )e feel it+ -t is said that there is a ri!er in /oeotia )herein the fish a##ear 'olden $&t ta2en o&t of those their nati!e )aters they ha!e the nat&ral colo&r of other fishesF afflictions are soB if )e loo2 at the" o&tside GodDs )ill they ha!e their nat&ral $itterness $&t he )ho considers the" in that eternal 'ood-#leas&re finds the" all 'olden &ns#ea2a$ly lo!ely and #recio&s+ -f 3$raha" had seen o&tside GodDs )ill the necessity of slayin' his son thin2 Theoti"&s )hat #an's and con!&lsions of heart he )o&ld ha!e felt $&t seein' it in GodDs 'ood-#leas&re it a##ears all 'olden and he tenderly e"$races it+ -f the "artyrs had loo2ed &#on their tor"ents o&tside this 'ood-#leas&re ho) co&ld they ha!e s&n' in chains and fla"es. The tr&ly lo!in' heart lo!es GodDs 'ood-#leas&re not in consolations only $&t in afflictions alsoB yea it lo!es it $etter &#on the cross in #ains and diffic&lties $eca&se the #rinci#al effect of lo!e is to "a2e the lo!er s&ffer for the thin' $elo!ed+ The Stoics es#ecially 'ood ;#ictet&s #laced all their #hiloso#hy in a$stainin' and s&stainin' $earin' and for$earin'B in a$stainin' fro" and for$earin' earthly deli'hts #leas&res and hono&rsB in s&stainin' and $earin' )ron's la$o&rs and trialsF $&t ?hristian doctrine )hich is the only tr&e #hiloso#hy has three #rinci#les &#on )hich it 'ro&nds all its eCercises --a$ne'ation of self )hich is far "ore than to a$stain fro" #leas&res carryin' the cross )hich is far "ore than toleratin' or s&stainin' it follo)in' O&r 6ord not only in reno&ncin' o&r self and $earin' o&r cross $&t also in the #ractice of all sorts of 'ood )or2s+ /&t at the sa"e ti"e there is not so "&ch lo!e sho)n in a$ne'ation or in action as in s&fferin'+ The 5oly Ghost in 5oly Scri#t&re certainly si'nifies the death and #assion )hich o&r Sa!io&r s&ffered for &s to $e the hi'hest #oint of his lo!e to)ards &s+ 1+ To lo!e GodDs )ill in consolations is a 'ood lo!e )hen it is indeed GodDs )ill that is lo!ed and not the consolation )hich is the for" it ta2esF ho)e!er this is a lo!e )itho&t contradiction re#&'nance and effortF for )ho )o&ld not lo!e so )orthy a )ill in so a'reea$le a for". 2+ To lo!e the )ill of God in his co""and"ents co&nsels and ins#irations is a second de'ree of lo!e and "&ch "ore #erfect for it leads &s to the reno&ncin' and *&ittin' of o&r o)n )ill and "a2es &s a$stain fro" and for$ear so"e #leas&res tho&'h not all+ 8+ To lo!e s&fferin's and afflictions for the lo!e of God is the s&#re"e #oint of "ost holy charity for there is nothin' therein to recei!e o&r affection sa!e the )ill of God onlyB there is 'reat contradiction on the #art of nat&reB and )e not only forsa2e #leas&res $&t e"$race tor"ents and la$o&rs+ O&r "ortal ene"y 2ne) )ell )hat )as lo!eDs f&rthest and finest act )hen ha!in' heard fro" the "o&th of God that ,o$ )as 1&st ri'hteo&s fearin' God hatin' sin and fir" in innocence he "ade no acco&nt of this in co"#arison )ith $earin' afflictions $y )hich he "ade the last and s&rest trial of the lo!e of this 'reat ser!ant of God+ To "a2e these afflictions eCtre"e he for"ed the" o&t of the loss of all his 'oods and of all his children a$andon"ent $y all his friends an arro'ant contradiction $y his "ost inti"ate associates and his )ife a contradiction f&ll of conte"#t "oc2ery and re#roachB to









)hich $e added the collection of al"ost all h&"an diseases and #artic&larly a &ni!ersal cr&el offensi!e horri$le &lcer o!er all his $ody+ 5 3nd yet $ehold the 'reat ,o$ 2in' as it )ere of all the "isera$le creat&res of the )orld seated &#on a d&n'hill as &#on the throne of "isery adorned )ith sores &lcers and corr&#tion as )ith royal ro$es s&ita$le to the *&ality of his 2in'shi# )ith so 'reat an a$1ection and annihilation that if he had not s#o2en one co&ld not ha!e discerned )hether ,o$ )as a "an red&ced to a d&n'hill or the d&n'hill a corr&#tion in for" of a "an+ Eo) - say hear the 'reat ,o$ cryin' o&tF -f )e ha!e recei!ed 'ood thin's fro" the hand of the 6ord )hy shall )e not recei!e also e!il. @971A O God( 5o) this )ord is 'reat )ith lo!e( 5e #onders Theoti"&s that it )as fro" the hand of God that he had recei!ed the 'ood testifyin' that he had not so "&ch lo!ed 'oods $eca&se they )ere 'ood as $eca&se they ca"e fro" the hand of the 6ordB )hence he concl&des that he is lo!in'ly to s&##ort ad!ersities since they #roceed fro" the hand of the sa"e 6ord )hich is e*&ally to $e lo!ed )hen it distri$&tes afflictions and )hen it $esto)s consolations+ ;!ery one easily recei!es 'ood thin's $&t to recei!e e!il is a )or2 of #erfect lo!e )hich lo!es the" so "&ch the "ore inas"&ch as they are only lo!a$le in res#ect of the hand that 'i!es the"+ The tra!eller )ho is in fear )hether he has the ri'ht )ay )al2s in do&$t !ie)in' the co&ntry o!er and stands in a "&se at the end of al"ost e!ery field to thin2 )hether he 'oes not astray $&t he )ho is s&re of his )ay )al2s on 'aily $oldly and s)iftlyF e!en so the lo!e that desires to )al2 to GodDs )ill thro&'h consolations )al2s e!er in fear of ta2in' the )ron' #ath and of lo!in' (in lie& of GodDs 'ood-#leas&re) the #leas&re )hich is in the consolationB $&t the lo!e that stri2es strai'ht thro&'h afflictions to)ards the )ill of God )al2s in ass&rance for affliction $ein' in no )ise lo!a$le in itself it is an easy thin' only to lo!e it for the sa2e of hi" that sends it+ The ho&nds in s#rin'-ti"e are at fa&lt at e!ery ste# findin' hardly any scent at all $eca&se the her$s and flo)ers then s"ell so freshly that their odo&r #&ts do)n that of the hart or hareF in the s#rin'-ti"e of consolations lo!e scarcely reco'niHes GodDs 'ood-#leas&re $eca&se the sensi$le #leas&re of consolation so all&res the heart that it tro&$les the attention )hich the heart sho&ld #ay to the )ill of God+ S+ ?atharine of Siena ha!in' fro" o&r Sa!io&r her choice of a cro)n of 'old or a cro)n of thorns chose this latter as $etter s&itin' )ith lo!eF a desire of s&fferin' says the /lessed (S+) 3n'ela of Foli'no is an infalli$le "ar2 of lo!eF and the 'reat 3#ostle cries o&t that he 'lories only in the cross @972A in infir"ity in #ersec&tion+ @971A ,o$ ii+ 17+ 97 @972A Gal+ !i+ 19+ ?53PT;> ---+ 95 OF T5; =E-OE OF O=> 0-66 TO T5; D-:-E; GOOD-P6;3S=>; -E SP->-T=36 3FF6-?T-OES /O >;S-GE3T-OE+ The lo!e of the cross "a2es &s &nderta2e !ol&ntary afflictions as for eCa"#le fastin' )atchin' hair-shirts and other "acerations of the flesh and "a2es &s reno&nce







#leas&res hono&rs and richesF and the lo!e in these eCercises is !ery deli'htf&l to the $elo!ed+ Oet it is still "ore so )hen )e recei!e s)eetly and contentedly #ains tor"ents and tri$&lations $y reason of the Di!ine )ill )hich sends &s the"+ /&t lo!e is then at its hei'ht )hen )e not only recei!e afflictions )ith #atience and s)eetness $&t cherish lo!e and e"$race the" for the sa2e of the Di!ine 'ood-#leas&re )hence they #roceed+ Eo) of all the efforts of #erfect lo!e that )hich is "ade $y ac*&iescence of s#irit in s#irit&al tri$&lations is do&$tless the #&rest and no$lest+ The /lessed (S+) 3n'ela of Foli'no "a2es an ad"ira$le descri#tion of the interior #an's )hich she so"eti"es felt sayin' that her so&l )as tort&red li2e to a "an )ho $ein' tied hand and foot sho&ld $e h&n' $y the nec2 )itho&t $ein' stran'led and sho&ld han' in this state $et)iCt life and death )itho&t ho#e of hel# and &na$le to s&##ort hi"self $y his feet or assist hi"self )ith his hands or to cry o&t or e!en to si'h or "oan+ -t is th&s Theoti"&sF the so&l is so"eti"es so o!erchar'ed )ith interior afflictions that all her fac&lties and #o)ers are o##ressed $y the #ri!ation of all that "i'ht relie!e her and $y the a##rehension and feelin' of all that can $e 'rie!o&s to her+ So that in i"itation of her Sa!io&r she $e'ins to $e tro&$led to fear and to $e dis"ayed and at len'th to sadden )ith a sadness li2e to that of the dyin'+ 0hence she "ay ri'htly sayF My so&l is sorro)f&l e!en &nto deathB and )ith the consent of her )hole interior she desires #etitions s&##licates that if it $e #ossi$le this chalice "ay #ass ha!in' nothin' left her sa!e the !ery s&#re"e #oint of her s#irit )hich clea!in' hard to the di!ine )ill and 'ood-#leas&re says in a "ost sincere s&$"issionF O eternal Father 3h( not "ine $&t thy )ill $e done+ 3nd the "ain #oint is that the so&l "a2es this resi'nation a"idst s&ch a )orld of tro&$les contradictions re#&'nances that she hardly e!en #ercei!es that she "a2es itB at least it see"s done so coldly as not to $e done fro" her heart nor #ro#erly since )hat then 'oes on for the di!ine 'ood-#leas&re is not only done )itho&t deli'ht and content"ent $&t e!en a'ainst the #leas&re and li2in' of all the rest of the heart )hich is #er"itted $y lo!e to $e"oan itself (if only for the reason that it "ay not $e"oan itself) and to si'h o&t all the la"entations of ,o$ and ,ere"ias yet )ith the condition that a sacred #eace $e still #reser!ed in the de#ths of the heart in the hi'hest and "ost delicate #oint of the s#irit+ /&t this s&$"issi!e #eace is not tender or s)eet it is scarcely sensi$le tho&'h sincere stron' &nchan'ea$le and f&ll of lo!e and it see"s to ha!e $eta2en itself to the !ery end of the s#irit as into the don1on-2ee# of the fort )here it re"ains in its hi'h co&ra'e tho&'h all the rest $e ta2en and o##ressed )ith sorro)F and in this case the "ore lo!e is de#ri!ed of all hel#s and c&t off fro" the aid of the #o)ers and fac&lties of the so&l the "ore it is to $e estee"ed for #reser!in' its fidelity so constantly+ This &nion or confor"ity )ith the di!ine 'ood-#leas&re is "ade either $y holy >esi'nation or $y "ost holy -ndifference+ Eo) resi'nation is #ractised )ith a certain effort of s&$"issionF one )o&ld )illin'ly li!e instead of dyin' yet since it is GodDs #leas&re that die )e "&st )e yield to it+ 0e )o&ld )illin'ly li!e if it #leased God yea f&rther )e )ish that it )as his #leas&re to let &s li!eF )e die s&$"issi!ely yet "ore )illin'ly )o&ld )e li!eB )e de#art )ith a reasona$ly 'ood )ill yet )e ha!e a still stron'er inclination to stay+ ,o$ in his afflictions "ade the act of resi'nationF -f )e ha!e recei!ed 'ood thin's at the hand of God said he )hy sho&ld )e not recei!e the e!il @978A )hy not s&stain the #ains and toils he sends &s. Mar2 Theoti"&s ho) he s#ea2s of s&stainin' s&##ortin' end&rin'B 3s it hath #leased the 6ord so is it doneF $lessed $e









the na"e of the 6ord+ @979A These are )ords of resi'nation and acce#tance $y )ay of s&fferin' and #atience+ @978A ,o$ ii+ 17+ 5 @979A ,o$ i+ 21+ ?53PT;> -:+ 17 OF T5; =E-OE OF O=> 0-66 TO T5; GOOD-P6;3S=>; OF GOD /O -ED-FF;>;E?;+ >esi'nation #refers GodDs )ill $efore all thin's yet it lo!es "any other thin's $esides the )ill of God+ -ndifference 'oes $eyond resi'nationF for it lo!es nothin' eCce#t for the lo!e of GodDs )illF inso"&ch that nothin' can stir the indifferent heart in the #resence of the )ill of God+ -t is tr&e that the "ost indifferent heart in the )orld "ay $e to&ched )ith so"e affection so lon' as it does not 2no) )here the )ill of God is+ ;lieHer $ein' co"e to the fo&ntain of 5aran sa) the !ir'in >e$ecca and fo&nd her lo!ely and a"ia$le $eyond his eC#ectationB $&t yet he stayed in -ndifference till he 2ne) $y a si'n fro" God that the Di!ine )ill had #re#ared her for his "asterDs sonB then he #resented her )ith the earrin's and $racelets of 'old+ On the contrary if ,aco$ had only lo!ed in >achel the alliance )ith 6a$an to )hich his father -saac had o$li'ed hi" 6ia )o&ld ha!e $een as dear &nto hi" as >achel they $ein' $oth 6a$anDs da&'htersB and conse*&ently his fatherDs )ill )o&ld ha!e $een as )ell f&lfilled in the one as in the other+ /&t $eca&se $esides his fatherDs )ill he desired to satisfy his o)n li2in' char"ed )ith the $ea&ty and 'race of >achel he disli2ed "arryin' 6ia and too2 her a'ainst his inclination resi'nedly+ /&t the indifferent heart is not s&chB for 2no)in' that tri$&lation tho&'h hard-fa!o&red as another 6ia ceases not on that acco&nt to $e da&'hter and )ell-$elo!ed da&'hter to the Di!ine #leas&re it lo!es her as "&ch as consolation tho&'h the latter $e in herself "ore a"ia$leB--yea it lo!es tri$&lation "ore $eca&se it sees nothin' a"ia$le in her sa!e the "ar2 of GodDs )ill+ -f - desire #&re )ater only )hat care - )hether it $e ser!ed in a 'olden !essel or in a 'lass as in either case - ta2e only the )aterF yea - )o&ld rather ha!e it in a 'lass $eca&se this has no other colo&r than )ater itself )hich th&s also see $etter+ 0hat "atter )hether GodDs )ill $e #resented to &s in tri$&lation or in consolation since - see2 nothin' in either of the" $&t GodDs )ill )hich is so "&ch the $etter seen )hen there is no other $ea&ty #resent sa!e that of this "ost holy eternal 'ood-#leas&re+ 5eroic yea "ore than heroic )as the -ndifference of the inco"#ara$le S+ Pa&l+ - a" straitened said he $et)een t)o ha!in' a desire to $e dissol!ed and to $e )ith ?hrist a thin' $y far the $etter+ /&t to a$ide still in the flesh is needf&l for yo&+ @975A 0herein he )as follo)ed $y the 'reat /isho# S+ Martin )ho ha!in' co"e to the end of his life #ressed )ith an eCtre"e desire to 'o to his God did yet testify that he )o&ld "ost )illin'ly re"ain a"on'st the la$o&rs of his char'e for the 'ood of his floc2 as if after ha!in' s&n' this canticleF 5o) lo!ely are thy ta$ernacles O 6ord of hosts( My so&l lon'eth and fainteth for the co&rts of the 6ord+ My heart and "y flesh ha!e re1oiced in









the li!in' GodF @976A --)ent on to "a2e this eCcla"ationF GOet O 6ord if - a" still necessary for the sal!ation of yo&r #eo#le - ref&se not the la$o&r --yo&r )ill $e done+G 3d"ira$le the -ndifference of the 3#ostle ad"ira$le that of this 3#ostolic "an( They see hea!en o#en for the" they see a tho&sand la$o&rs on earth they are indifferent in the choice of eitherF nothin' $&t the )ill of God can set their hearts at restB hea!en a##ears no "ore #leasant than )orldly "iseries if GodDs 'ood-#leas&re $e e*&ally in the" $othF la$o&rs are a hea!en if GodDs )ill $e fo&nd in the" and hea!en is &nha##iness if it $e not fo&nd thereinB for as Da!id said they desire nothin' in hea!en or earth eCce#t to see GodDs 'ood-#leas&re acco"#lished+ 0hat ha!e - in hea!en and $esides thee )hat do - desire &#on earth. @977A The indifferent heart is as a $all of )aC in the hands of its God recei!in' )ith e*&al readiness all the i"#ressions of the Di!ine #leas&reB it is a heart )itho&t choice e*&ally dis#osed for e!erythin' ha!in' no other o$1ect of its )ill than the )ill of its God and #lacin' its affection not &#on the thin's that God )ills $&t &#on the )ill of God )ho )ills the"+ 0herefore )hen GodDs )ill is in !ario&s thin's it chooses at any cost that in )hich it a##ears "ost+ GodDs )ill is fo&nd in "arria'e and in !ir'inity $&t $eca&se it is "ore in !ir'inity the indifferent heart "a2es choice of !ir'inity tho&'h this cost it its life as )ith S+ Pa&lDs dear s#irit&al da&'hter S+ Thecla )ith S+ ?ecily S+ 3'atha and a tho&sand others+ GodDs )ill is fo&nd in the ser!ice of the #oor and of the rich $&t yet so"e)hat "ore in ser!in' the #oorB the indifferent heart )ill choose that side+ GodDs )ill lies in "oderation a"id consolations and in #atience a"id tri$&lationsF the indifferent heart #refers the latter as ha!in' "ore of GodDs )ill in it+ To concl&de GodDs )ill is the so!erei'n o$1ect of the indifferent so&lB )heresoe!er she sees it she r&ns after the odo&r of its #erf&"es directin' her co&rse e!er thither )here it "ost a##ears )itho&t considerin' anythin' else+ She is cond&cted $y the Di!ine )ill as $y a $elo!ed chainB )hich )ay soe!er it 'oes she follo)s itF she )o&ld #riHe hell "ore )ith GodDs )ill than hea!en )itho&t itB nay she )o&ld e!en #refer hell $efore hea!en if she #ercei!ed only a little "ore of GodDs 'ood-#leas&re in that than in this so that if $y s&##osition of an i"#ossi$le thin' she sho&ld 2no) that her da"nation )o&ld $e "ore a'reea$le to God than her sal!ation she )o&ld *&it her sal!ation and r&n to her da"nation+ @975A Phil+ i+ 28+





85 @976A Ps+ lCCCiii+ 1+ @977A Ps+ lCCii+ 25+ 97 ?53PT;> :+ T53T 5O6O -ED-FF;>;E?; ;QT;EDS TO 366 T5-EGS+ 95 -ndifference is to $e #ractised in thin's $elon'in' to the nat&ral life as in health sic2ness $ea&ty defor"ity )ea2ness stren'thF in the affairs of the s#irit&al life as in dryness consolations relish aridityB in actions in s&fferin's --$riefly in all sorts of e!ents+ ,o$ in his nat&ral life )as str&c2 )ith the "ost horri$le sores that e!er eye $eheld in his ci!il life he )as scorned re!iled conte"ned and that $y his nearest


friendsB in his s#irit&al life he )as o##ressed )ith lan'&ors o##ression con!&lsions an'&ish dar2ness and )ith all 2inds of intolera$le interior 'riefs as his co"#laints and la"entations $ear )itness+ The 'reat 3#ostle #roclai"s to &s a 'eneral -ndifferenceB to sho) o&rsel!es the tr&e ser!ants of God in "&ch #atience in tri$&lation in necessities an distresses in stri#es in #risons in seditions in la$o&rs in )atchin's in fastin'sB in chastityB in 2no)led'e in lon'-s&fferin' in s)eetness in the 5oly Ghost in charity &nfei'ned in the )ord of tr&th in the #o)er of GodB $y the ar"o&r of 1&stice on the ri'ht hand and on the left thro&'h hono&r and dishono&r $y e!il re#ort and 'ood re#ortF as decei!ers and yet tr&eB as &n2no)n and yet 2no)nB as dyin' and $ehold )e li!eB as chastised and not 2illedB as sorro)f&l yet al)ays re1oicin'F as needy yet enrichin' "anyB as ha!in' nothin' and #ossessin' all thin's+ @97IA Ta2e notice - #ray yo& Theoti"&s ho) the life of the 3#ostles )as filled )ith afflictionsF in the $ody $y )o&nds in the heart $y an'&ish accordin' to the )orld $y infa"y and #risons and in all these --O God( )hat -ndifference they had( Their sorro) is 1oyo&s their #o!erty rich their death life-'i!in' their dishono&r hono&ra$le that is they are 1oyf&l for $ein' sad content to $e #oor stren'thened )ith life a"id the dan'ers of death and 'lorio&s in $ein' "ade !ile $eca&se--s&ch )as the )ill of God+ 3nd )hereas the )ill of God )as "ore reco'niHed in s&fferin's than in the actions of !irt&es he ran2s the eCercise of #atience first sayin'F /&t in all thin's let &s eChi$it o&rsel!es as the "inisters of God in "&ch #atience in tri$&lation in necessities in distressesF and then to)ards the end in chastity in 2no)led'e in lon'-s&fferin'+ -n li2e "anner o&r di!ine Sa!io&r )as inco"#ara$ly afflicted in his ci!il life $ein' conde"ned as '&ilty of treason a'ainst God and "anB $eaten sco&r'ed re!iled and tor"ented )ith eCtraordinary i'no"inyB in his nat&ral life dyin' in the "ost cr&el and sensi$le tor"ents that heart co&ld concei!eB in his s#irit&al life end&rin' sorro)s fears terrors an'&ish a$andon"ent interior o##ressions s&ch as ne!er had nor shall ha!e their li2e+ For tho&'h the s&#re"e #ortion of his so&l did so!erei'nly en1oy eternal 'lory yet lo!e hindered this 'lory fro" s#readin' its delicio&s infl&ence into the feelin's or the i"a'ination or the inferior reason lea!in' th&s his )hole heart at the "ercy of sorro) and distress+ ;Hechiel sa) the li2eness of a hand )hich too2 hi" $y a sin'le loc2 of the hairs of his head liftin' hi" &# $et)een hea!en and earthB @97KA in li2e "anner o&r Sa!io&r lifted &# on the cross $et)een hea!en and earth see"ed to $e held in his FatherDs hand only $y the !ery eCtre"ity of the s#irit and as it )ere $y one hair of his head )hich to&chin' the s)eet hand of his eternal Father recei!ed a so!erei'n affl&ence of felicity all the rest $ein' s)allo)ed &# in sorro) and 'riefF )here&#on he cries o&tF My God )hy hast tho& forsa2en "e. They say that the fish ter"ed lantern-of-the-sea in the "idst of the te"#est thr&sts o&t of the )ater her ton'&e )hich is so l&"ino&s res#lendent and clear that it ser!es as a li'ht or $eacon for "ariners+ So in the sea of #assions $y )hich O&r 6ord )as o!er)hel"ed all the fac&lties of his so&l )ere so to say s)allo)ed &# and $&ried in the )hirl#ool of so "any #ains eCce#tin' only the #oint of his s#irit )hich eCe"#t fro" all tro&$le re"ained $ri'ht and res#lendent )ith 'lory and felicity+ Oh ho)








$lessed is the lo!e )hich rei'ns in the hei'hts of the s#irit of faithf&l so&ls )hile they are tossed &#on the $illo)s and )a!es of interior tri$&lations( @97IA 2 ?or+ !i+ 9-17 5 @97KA ;Hech+ !iii+ 8+ ?53PT;> :-+ 17 OF T5; P>3?T-?; OF 6O:-EG -ED-FF;>;E?; -E T5-EGS /;6OEG-EG TO T5; S;>:-?; OF GOD+ The di!ine 'ood-#leas&re is scarcely 2no)n other)ise than $y e!ents and as lon' as it is &n2no)n to &s )e "&st 2ee# as close as #ossi$le to the )ill of God )hich is already declared or si'nified to &sF $&t as soon as the Di!ine Ma1estyDs #leas&re a##ears )e "&st at once lo!in'ly yield o&rsel!es to its o$edience+ My "other (or it )o&ld $e the sa"e of "yself) is ill in $ed ho) do - 2no) )hether God intends death to follo) or not. Of co&rse - cannot 2no)B $&t - 2no) )ell that )hile a)aitin' the e!ent fro" his 'ood-#leas&re he )ills $y his declared )ill that - &se re"edies #ro#er to effect a c&re+ /&t if it $e the Di!ine #leas&re that the disease !ictorio&s o!er the re"edies sho&ld at last $rin' death--as soon as e!er - a" certain of this $y the act&al e!ent - )ill a"oro&sly ac*&iesce in the #oint of "y s#irit in s#ite of all the o##osition of the inferior #o)ers of "y so&l+ Oes 6ord - )ill say it is "y )ill $eca&se thy 'ood-#leas&re is s&chB th&s it has #leased thee and so it shall #lease "e )ho a" the "ost h&"$le ser!ant of thy )ill+ /&t if the Di!ine #leas&re )ere declared to "e $efore the e!ent too2 #lace as )as to the 'reat S+ Peter the "anner of his death to the 'reat S+ Pa&l his chains and #risons to ,ere"ias the destr&ction of his dear ,er&sale" to Da!id the death of his son --then )e sho&ld ha!e at the sa"e instant to &nite o&r )ill to GodDs in i"itation of the 'reat 3$raha" and li2e hi" if )e had s&ch a co""and )e sho&ld ha!e to &nderta2e the eCec&tion of the eternal decree e!en in the slayin' of o&r childrenF Oh ad"ira$le &nion of this #atriarchDs )ill to the )ill of God )hen $elie!in' that it )as the Di!ine #leas&re that he sho&ld sacrifice his child he )illed and &ndertoo2 it so co&ra'eo&sly( ad"ira$le that of the child )ho so "ee2ly s&$"itted hi"self to his fatherDs s)ord to ha!e GodDs 'ood-#leas&re #erfor"ed at the #rice of his o)n death( /&t note here Theoti"&s a "ar2 of the #erfect &nion of an indifferent heart )ith the Di!ine #leas&re+ /ehold 3$raha" )ith the s)ord in his hand his ar" eCtended ready to 'i!e the death$lo) to his dear only sonF he is doin' this to #lease the Di!ine )illB and see at the sa"e ti"e an an'el )ho on the #art of this sa"e )ill s&ddenly sto#s hi" and i""ediately he holds his stro2e e*&ally ready to sacrifice or not to sacrifice his sonB )hose life and )hose death are indifferent to hi" in the #resence of GodDs )ill+ 0hen God 'i!es hi" an order to sacrifice his son he does not 'ro) sad )hen God dis#enses )ith the order 'i!en he does not re1oice all is one to this 'reat heart so that GodDs )ill $e f&lfilled+













Oes Theoti"&s for God oftenti"es to eCercise &s in this holy -ndifference ins#ires &s )ith !ery hi'h desi'ns )hich yet he )ill not ha!e acco"#lished and as then )e are $oldly co&ra'eo&sly and constantly to co""ence and to #&rs&e the )or2 as far as )e can so are )e s)eetly and *&ietly to ac*&iesce in s&ch res&lt of o&r enter#rise as it #leases God to send &s+ S+ 6o&is $y ins#iration #assed the sea to con*&er the 5oly 6andB the e!ent ans)ered not his eC#ectation he s)eetly ac*&iesces+ - "ore estee" the tran*&illity of this s&$"ission than the "a'nani"ity of his enter#rise+ S+ Francis )ent into ;'y#t to con!ert the infidels or a"on'st the infidels to die a "artyrB s&ch )as the )ill of GodF yet he ret&rned )itho&t #erfor"in' either and that )as also GodDs )ill+ -t )as e*&ally the )ill of God that S+ 3nthony of Pad&a desired "artyrdo" and that he o$tained it not+ /lessed (S+) -'nati&s of 6oyola ha!in' )ith s&ch #ains #&t on foot the ?o"#any of the na"e of ,es&s fro" )hich he sa) so "any fair fr&its and foresa) "any "ore in the ti"e to co"e had yet the no$ility of so&l to #ro"ise hi"self that tho&'h he sho&ld see it dissol!ed ()hich )o&ld $e the $itterest #ain that co&ld $efal hi") )ithin half an ho&r after)ards he )o&ld $e stayed and tran*&il in the )ill of God+ ,ohn of 3!ila that holy and learned #reacher of 3ndal&sia ha!in' a desi'n to for" a co"#any of refor"ed #riests for the ad!ance"ent of GodDs 'lory and ha!in' already "ade 'ood #ro'ress in the "atter as soon as he sa) the ,es&its in the field thin2in' they )ere eno&'h for that ti"e i""ediately sto##ed his o)n &nderta2in' )ith an inco"#ara$le "ee2ness and h&"ility+ Oh ho) $lessed are s&ch so&ls $old and stron' in the &nderta2in's God #ro#oses to the" and )ithal tracta$le and facile in 'i!in' the" o!er )hen God so dis#oses( These are "ar2s of a "ost #erfect -ndifference to lea!e off doin' a 'ood )hen God #leases and to ret&rn fro" half )ay )hen GodDs )ill )hich is o&r '&ide ordains it+ ,onas )as "&ch to $la"e in $ein' an'ry $eca&se God as he considered did not f&lfil his #ro#hecy &#on Eini!e+ ,onas did GodDs )ill in anno&ncin' the destr&ction of Eini!eB $&t he "in'led his o)n interest and )ill )ith that of GodB )hence seein' that God did not f&lfil his #rediction accordin' to the ri'o&r of the )ords he had &sed in anno&ncin' it he )as offended and sha"ef&lly "&r"&red+ 0hereas if GodDs )ill had $een the only "oti!e of his actions he )o&ld ha!e $een as )ell content to ha!e seen it acco"#lished in re"ission of the #enalty )hich Eini!e had "erited as in #&nish"ent of the fa&lt )hich Eini!e had co""itted+ 0e desire that )hat )e &nderta2e or "ana'e sho&ld s&cceed $&t it is not reasona$le that God sho&ld do all after o&r li2in'+ -f God )ills Eini!e to $e threatened and yet not o!erthro)n (since the threat is s&fficient to correct it) )hy sho&ld ,onas thin2 hi"self a''rie!ed. /&t if this $e so )e are then to care for (affectionner) nothin' $&t a$andon o&r affairs to the "ercy of e!ents. Pardon "e Theoti"&s )e are to o"it nothin' )hich is re*&isite to $rin' the )or2 )hich God has #&t into o&r hands to a ha##y iss&e yet &#on condition that if the e!ent $e contrary )e sho&ld lo!in'ly and #eacea$ly e"$race it+ For )e are co""anded to ha!e 'reat care in )hat a##ertains to GodDs 'lory and to o&r char'e $&t )e are not $o&nd to or res#onsi$le for the e!ent $eca&se it is not in o&r #o)er+ Ta2e care of hi" )as it said to the inn2ee#er in the #ara$le of the #oor "an )ho lay half-dead $et)een ,er&sale" and ,ericho+ -t is not said as St+ /ernard re"ar2s c&re hi" $&t ta2e care of hi"+ So the 3#ostles )ith "ost earnest affection #reached first to the ,e)s tho&'h they foresa) that in the end they )o&ld $e forced to lea!e the" as an &nfr&itf&l soil and $eta2e the"sel!es to the Gentiles+ -t is o&r #art to #lant and )ater caref&lly $&t to 'i!e increase--that $elon's only to God+




The 'reat Psal"ist "a2es this #rayer to o&r Sa!io&r as $y an eCcla"ation of 1oy and )ith #resa'e of !ictoryF O 6ord in thy co"eliness and thy $ea&ty $end thy $o) #roceed #ros#ero&sly and "o&nt thy horse+ @917A 3s tho&'h he )o&ld say that $y the arro)s of his hea!enly lo!e shot into h&"an hearts he "ade hi"self "aster of "en and then handled the" at his #leas&re not &nli2e to a horse )ell trained+ O 6ord tho& art the royal rider )ho t&rnest the hearts of thy faithf&l lo!ers e!ery )ay a$o&tF so"eti"es tho& 'i!est the" the rein and they r&n at f&ll s#eed in the co&rses to )hich tho& i"#ellest the"F and then )hen it see"s 'ood to thee tho& "a2est the" sto# in the "idst of their career and at the hei'ht of their s#eed+ /&t f&rther if the enter#rise $e'&n $y ins#iration fail $y the fa&lt of those to )ho" it )as co""itted ho) can it then $e said that a "an is to ac*&iesce in GodDs )ill. For so"e one )ill say to "e it is not GodDs )ill that hinders the s&ccess $&t "y fa&lt+ This is not ca&sed $y GodDs )ill for God is not a&thor of sinB $&t yet for all that it is GodDs )ill that yo&r fa&lt sho&ld $e follo)ed $y the o!erthro) and fail&re of yo&r desi'n in #&nish"ent of yo&r fa&ltB for tho&'h his 'oodness cannot #er"it hi" to )ill yo&r fa&lt yet does his 1&stice "a2e hi" )ill the #&nish"ent yo& s&ffer for it+ So God )as not the ca&se that Da!id offended yet it )as God that inflicted &#on hi" the #ain d&e to his sin+ 5e )as not the ca&se of Sa&lDs sin $&t he )as the ca&se that in #&nish"ent of it the !ictory fell fro" his hands+ 0hen therefore it ha##ens that in #&nish"ent of o&r fa&lt o&r holy desi'ns ha!e not 'ood s&ccess )e "&st e*&ally detest the fa&lt $y a solid re#entance and acce#t its #&nish"entB for as the sin is a'ainst the )ill of God so the #&nish"ent is accordin' to his )ill+ @917A Ps+ Cli!+ 6+ 3ccordin' to the Se#t&a'int and the 5e$re) (Tr+) ?53PT;> :--+





87 OF T5; -ED-FF;>;E?; 05-?5 0; 3>; TO 53:; 3S TO O=> 3D:3E?;M;ET -E :->T=;S+ 85 God has ordained that )e sho&ld e"#loy o&r )hole endea!o&rs to o$tain holy !irt&es let &s then for'et nothin' )hich "i'ht hel# o&r 'ood s&ccess in this #io&s enter#rise+ /&t after )e ha!e #lanted and )atered let &s then 2no) for certain that it is God )ho "&st 'i!e increase to the trees of o&r 'ood inclinations and ha$its and therefore fro" his Di!ine Pro!idence )e are to eC#ect the fr&its of o&r desires and la$o&rs and if )e find the #ro'ress and ad!ance"ent of o&r hearts in de!otion not s&ch as )e )o&ld desire let &s not $e tro&$led let &s li!e in #eace let tran*&illity al)ays rei'n in o&r hearts+ -t $elon's to &s dili'ently to c&lti!ate o&r heart and therefore )e "&st faithf&lly attend to it $&t as for the #lenty of the cro# or har!est let &s lea!e the care thereof to o&r 6ord and Master+ The h&s$and"an )ill ne!er $e re#rehended for not ha!in' a 'ood har!est $&t only if he did not caref&lly till and so) his 'ro&nd+ 6et &s not $e tro&$led at findin' o&rsel!es al)ays no!ices in the eCercise of !irt&es for in the "onastery of a de!o&t life e!ery one considers hi"self al)ays a no!ice and there the )hole of life is "eant as a #ro$ationB the "ost e!ident ar'&"ent not only that )e are no!ices $&t also that )e are )orthy of eC#&lsion and re#ro$ation $ein' to estee" and hold o&rsel!es





#rofessed+ For accordin' to the r&le of this Order not the sole"nity $&t the acco"#lish"ent of the !o)s "a2es the no!ices #rofessed nor are the !o)s e!er f&lfilled )hile there re"ains yet so"ethin' to $e done for their o$ser!ance and the o$li'ation of ser!in' God and "a2in' #ro'ress in his lo!e lasts al)ays &ntil death+ /&t after all )ill so"e one say if - 2no) that it is $y "y o)n fa&lt "y #ro'ress in !irt&e is so slo) ho) can - hel# $ein' 'rie!ed and dis*&ieted. - ha!e said this in the -ntrod&ction to a De!o&t 6ife @911A $&t - )illin'ly say it a'ain $eca&se it can ne!er $e said s&fficiently+ 0e "&st $e sorry for fa&lts )ith a re#entance )hich is stron' settled constant tran*&il $&t not tro&$led &n*&iet or fainthearted+ 3re yo& s&re that yo&r $ac2)ardness in !irt&e has co"e fro" yo&r fa&lt. 0ell then h&"$le yo&rself $efore God i"#lore his "ercy fall #rostrate $efore the face of his 'oodness and de"and #ardon confess yo&r fa&lt cry hi" "ercy in the !ery ear of yo&r confessor so as to o$tain a$sol&tionB $&t this $ein' done re"ain in #eace and ha!in' detested the offence e"$race lo!in'ly the a$1ection )hich yo& feel in yo&rself $y reason of delayin' yo&r ad!ance"ent in 'ood+ 3h( "y Theoti"&s the so&ls in P&r'atory are there do&$tless for their sins and for sins )hich they ha!e detested and do s&#re"ely detest $&t as for the a$1ection and #ain )hich re"ain fro" $ein' detained in that #lace and fro" $ein' de#ri!ed for a s#ace of the en1oy"ent of the $lessed lo!e )hich is in Paradise they end&re this lo!in'ly and they de!o&tly #rono&nce the canticle of the Di!ine 1&sticeB Tho& art 1&st O 6ord and thy 1&d'"ent is ri'ht+ @912A 6et &s therefore a)ait o&r ad!ance"ent )ith #atience and instead of dis*&ietin' o&rsel!es $eca&se )e ha!e so little #rofited in the ti"e #ast let &s dili'ently endea!o&r to do $etter in the ti"e to co"e+ /ehold - $eseech yo& this 'ood so&l+ She has 'reatly desired and endea!o&red to thro) off the sla!ery of an'erB and God has assisted her for he has *&ite deli!ered her fro" all the sins )hich #roceed fro" an'er+ She )o&ld die rather than &tter a sin'le in1&rio&s )ord or let any si'n of hatred esca#e her and yet she is s&$1ect to the assa&lts and first "otions of this #assion that is to certain startin's stron' "o!e"ents and sallies of an an'ry heart )hich the ?haldaic #ara#hrase calls stirrin's (tre"o&sse"ents) sayin'F /e stirred and sin notB--)here o&r sacred !ersion saysF /e an'ry and sin not+ @918A -n effect it is the sa"e thin' for the #ro#het )o&ld only say that if an'er s&r#rise &s eCcitin' in o&r hearts the first stirrin's of sin )e sho&ld $e caref&l not to let o&rsel!es $e carried f&rther into this #assion for so )e sho&ld offend+ Eo) altho&'h these first "o!e"ents and stirrin's $e no sin yet the #oor so&l that is often attac2ed $y the" tro&$les afflicts and dis*&iets herself and thin2s she does )ell in $ein' sad as if it )ere the lo!e of God that #ro!o2ed her to this sadness+ 3nd yet Theoti"&s it is not hea!enly lo!e that ca&ses this tro&$le for that is ne!er offended eCce#t $y sinB it is o&r self-lo!e that desires to $e eCe"#t fro" the #ains and toils )hich the assa&lts of an'er dra) on &s+ -t is not the offence that dis#leases &s in these stirrin's of an'er there $ein' none at all co""itted it is the #ain )e are #&t to in resistin' )hich dis*&iets &s+ These re$ellions of the sens&al a##etite as )ell in an'er as in conc&#iscence are left in &s for o&r eCercise to the end that )e "ay #ractise s#irit&al !alo&r in resistin' the"+ This is that Philistine )ho" the tr&e -sraelites are e!er to fi'ht a'ainst $&t ne!er to #&t do)nB they "ay )ea2en hi" $&t ne!er annihilate hi"+ 5e only dies )ith &s and al)ays li!es )ith &s+ 5e is tr&ly acc&rsed and detesta$le as s#rin'in' fro" sin and








tendin' to)ards sinF )herefore as )e are ter"ed earth $eca&se )e are for"ed of earth and shall ret&rn to earth so this re$ellion is na"ed sin $y the 'reat 3#ostle as ha!in' s#r&n' fro" sin and tendin' to sin tho&'h it ne!er "a2es &s '&ilty &nless )e second and o$ey it+ 0here&#on he eChorts &s that )e #er"it it not to rei'n in o&r "ortal $ody to o$ey the conc&#iscence thereof+ @919A 5e #rohi$its not the senti"ent of sin $&t the consentin' to it+ 5e does not order &s to hinder sin fro" co"in' into &s and $ein' in &s $&t he co""ands that it sho&ld not rei'n in &s+ -t is in &s )hen )e feel the re$ellion of the sens&al a##etite $&t it does not rei'n in &s &nless )e 'i!e consent &nto it+ The #hysician )ill ne!er order his fe!erish #atient not to $e athirst for that )o&ld $e too 'reat a follyB $&t he )ill tell hi" that tho&'h he $e thirsty he "&st a$stain fro" drin2in'+ Eo one )ill tell a )o"an )ith child not to ha!e a lon'in' for eCtra!a'ant thin's for this is not &nder her control $&t she "ay )ell $e told to disco!er her lon'in's to the end that if she lon's for h&rtf&l thin's one "ay di!ert her i"a'ination and not let s&ch a fancy 'et a hold on her $rain+ The stin' of the flesh an an'el of Satan ro&'hly attac2ed the 'reat S+ Pa&l in order to "a2e hi" fall into sin+ The #oor 3#ostle end&red this as a sha"ef&l and infa"o&s )ron' and on this acco&nt called it a $&ffetin' and i'no"inio&s treat"ent and #etitioned God to deli!er hi" fro" it $&t God ans)ered hi"F Pa&l "y 'race is s&fficient for thee for !irt&e is "ade #erfect in infir"ity+ @915A There&#on this 'reat holy "an said in ac*&iescenceF--Gladly )ill - 'lory in "y infir"ities that the #o)er of ?hrist "ay d)ell in "e+ /&t ta2e notice - $eseech yo& that there is sens&al re$ellion e!en in this ad"ira$le !essel of election )ho in r&nnin' to the re"edy of #rayer teaches &s that )e are to &se the sa"e ar"s a'ainst the te"#tations )e feel+ Eote f&rther that O&r 6ord does not al)ays #er"it these terri$le re!olts in "an for the #&nish"ent of sin $&t to "anifest the stren'th and !irt&e of the Di!ine assistance and 'race+ Finally note that )e are not only not to $e dis*&ieted in o&r te"#tations and infir"ities $&t )e are e!en to 'lory in o&r infir"ity that there$y GodDs !irt&e "ay a##ear in &s s&stainin' o&r )ea2ness a'ainst the force of the s&''estion and te"#tationF for the 'lorio&s 3#ostle calls the stin's and attac2s of i"#&rity )hich he end&red his infir"ities and says that he 'lories in the" $eca&se tho&'h he had the sense of the" $y his "isery yet thro&'h GodDs "ercy he did not 'i!e consent to the"+ -ndeed as - ha!e said a$o!e the ch&rch conde"ned the error of certain solitaries )ho held that )e "i'ht $e #erfectly deli!ered e!en in this )orld fro" the #assions of an'er conc&#iscence fear and the li2e+ God )ills &s to ha!e ene"ies and it is also his )ill that )e sho&ld re#&lse the"+ 6et &s then $eha!e o&rsel!es co&ra'eo&sly $et)een the one and the other )ill of God end&rin' )ith #atience to $e assa&lted and endea!o&rin' )ith co&ra'e $y resistance to "a2e head a'ainst and resist o&r assailants+ @911A -:+ 11+ @912A Ps+ cC!iii+ 187+








@918A Ps+ i!+ 5+ @919A >o"+ !i+ 12+

@915A 2 ?or+ Cii+ K+ ?53PT;> :---+ 5 5O0 0; 3>; TO =E-T; O=> 0-66 0-T5 GODDS -E T5; P;>M-SS-OE OF S-ES+ God so!erei'nly hates sin and yet he "ost )isely #er"its it in order to let the reasona$le creat&re act accordin' to the condition of its nat&reB and to "a2e the 'ood "ore )orthy of co""endation )hen ha!in' #o)er to trans'ress the la) they do not trans'ress it+ 6et &s therefore adore and $less this holy #er"ission $&t since the Pro!idence )hich #er"its sin infinitely hates it let &s also detest and hate it desirin' )ith all o&r #o)er that sin #er"itted "ay not $e co""itted and accordin' to this desire let &s "a2e &se of all "eans #ossi$le to hinder the $irth 'ro)th and rei'n of sin+ 6et &s in this i"itate o&r Sa!io&r )ho ne!er ceases to eChort #ro"ise threaten #rohi$it co""and and ins#ire &s in order to t&rn o&r )ill fro" sin so far forth as is #ossi$le )itho&t de#ri!in' &s of li$ertyF and )hen the sin is once co""itted let &s endea!o&r )hat )e are a$le to ha!e it $lotted o&t li2e o&r Sa!io&r )ho ass&red ?ar#&s as )as said a$o!e that if it )ere re*&isite he )as ready to s&ffer death a'ain to deli!er a sin'le so&l fro" sin+ /&t if the sinner 'ro) o$stinate let &s )ee# Theoti"&s 'roan #ray for hi" $efore the Sa!io&r of o&r so&ls )ho ha!in' all his lifeti"e shed an a$&ndance of tears o!er sinners and o!er those )ho re#resented all sinners died in the end--his eyes f&ll of tears his $ody all stee#ed in $lood--la"entin' the r&in of sinners+ This affection to&ched Da!id so to the *&ic2 that he fell into a s)oon o!er itF 3 faintin' said he hath seiHed "e for sinners a$andonin' thy la)+ @916A 3nd the 'reat 3#ostle #rotests that he has a contin&al sorro) in his heart @917A for the o$stinacy of the ,e)s+ Mean)hile ho)e!er o$stinate sinners "ay $e let &s ne!er desist fro" aidin' and assistin' the"+ 5o) do )e 2no) $&t that they "ay do #enance and $e sa!ed. 5a##y is he that can say to his nei'h$o&r as did S+ Pa&lF For three years - ceased not )ith tears to ad"onish e!ery one of yo& ni'ht and day+ 0herefore - ta2e yo& to )itness this day that - a" clear fro" the $lood of all "en+ For - ha!e not s#ared to declare &nto yo& all the co&nsel of God+ @91IA So lon' as )e are )ithin the li"its of ho#e that the sinner )ill a"end ()hich li"its are al)ays of the sa"e eCtent as those of his life) )e "&st ne!er re1ect hi" $&t #ray for hi" and assist hi" as far as his "isery )ill #er"it+ /&t at last after )e ha!e )e#t o!er the o$stinate and #erfor"ed to)ards the" the 'ood offices of charity in tryin' to reclai" the" fro" #erdition )e "&st i"itate o&r Sa!io&r and the 3#ostlesB that is )e "&st di!ert o&r s#irit fro" thence and #lace it &#on other o$1ects and e"#loy"ents )hich are "ore to the ad!ance"ent of GodDs 'lory+ To yo& it $eho!ed &s first (said the 3#ostles to the ,e)s) to s#ea2 the )ord of GodF $&t $eca&se yo& re1ect it and 1&d'e yo&rsel!es &n)orthy of eternal life $ehold )e t&rn to the Gentiles+ @91KA The 2in'do" of God (said o&r Sa!io&r) shall $e ta2en fro" yo& and shall $e 'i!en to a nation yieldin' the fr&its thereof+ @927A For )e cannot s#end too lon' ti"e in $e)ailin' so"e )itho&t losin' ti"e fit and necessary for #roc&rin' the sal!ation of others+ The 3#ostle indeed says that the loss of the ,e)s is a contin&al sorro) to hi" $&t this is said in the sa"e sense that )e say )e #raise God al)aysB for )e "ean no other thin' there$y than that )e #raise hi" !ery fre*&ently and on e!ery









occasionB and in the sa"e "anner the 'lorio&s St+ Pa&l felt a contin&al 'rief in his heart on acco&nt of the re#ro$ation of the ,e)s in the sense that on e!ery occasion he $e"oaned their "isfort&ne+ 5 For the rest )e "&st e!er adore lo!e and #raise God a!en'in' and #&nishin' 1&stice as )e lo!e his "ercy $ein' $oth da&'hters of his 'oodnessB for $y his 'race he "a2es &s 'ood $ein' 'ood yea so!erei'nly 'ood hi"selfB $y his 1&stice he #&nishes sin $eca&se he hates it and he hates it $eca&se $ein' so!erei'nly 'ood he hates the so!erei'n e!il )hich is ini*&ityF and in concl&sion note that God ne!er )ithdra)s his "ercy fro" &s sa!e $y the 1&st !en'eance of his #&nishin' 1&stice nor do )e e!er esca#e the ri'o&r of his 1&stice $&t $y his 1&stifyin' "ercyF and al)ays )hether #&nishin' or fa!o&rin' &s his 'ood-#leas&re is )orthy of adoration lo!e and e!erlastin' #raise+ So the 1&st "an )ho sin's the #raises of the "ercy of God o!er s&ch as shall $e sa!ed )ill also re1oice )hen he shall see his !en'eance+ The $lessed shall )ith 1oy a##ro!e the sentence of the da"nation of the re#ro$ate as )ell as that of the sal!ation of the electF and the an'els ha!in' eCercised their charity to)ards those that they had in 2ee#in' shall re"ain in #eace )hen they see the" o$stinate yea e!en da"ned+ 0e are therefore to s&$"it o&rsel!es to the Di!ine )ill and 2iss the ri'ht hand of his "ercy and the left hand of his 1&stice )ith an e*&al lo!e and re!erence+ @916A Ps+ cC!iii+ 58+ @917A >o"+ iC+ 2+ 25 @91IA 3cts CC+ 81 26 27+ @91KA 3cts Ciii+ 96+ @927A Matt+ CCi+ 98+ 87 ?53PT;> -Q+ 5O0 T5; P=>-TO OF -ED-FF;>;E?; -S TO /; P>3?T-S;D -E T5; 3?T-OES OF S3?>;D 6O:;+ 85 One of the "ost eCcellent "&sicians in the )orld )ho #layed #erfectly &#on the l&te $eca"e in ti"e so eCtre"ely deaf that he entirely lost the &se of his hearin' yet ceased he not for all that to sin' and to handle his l&te "ar!ello&s delicately $y reason of the 'reat s2ill he had ac*&ired of )hich his deafness did not de#ri!e hi"+ /&t $eca&se he had no #leas&re in his son' nor yet in the so&nd of his l&te inas"&ch as $ein' de#ri!ed of his hearin' he co&ld not #ercei!e its s)eetness and $ea&ty --he no lon'er san' or #layed sa!e only to content a #rince )hose nati!e s&$1ect he )as and )ho" he had an eCtre"e inclination as )ell as an infinite o$li'ation to #lease $eca&se $ro&'ht &# in his #alace fro" childhood+ 5ence he too2 an inco"#ara$le deli'ht in #leasin' hi" and )hen his #rince sho)ed that he )as #leased )ith his "&sic he )as ra!ished )ith deli'ht+ /&t it ha##ened so"eti"es that the #rince to "a2e trial of this lo!in' "&sicianDs lo!e 'a!e hi" an order to sin' and then i""ediately lea!in' hi" there in his cha"$er )ent to the chase+ The desire )hich this sin'er had to acco"#lish his






"asterDs )ill "ade hi" contin&e his "&sic as attenti!ely as tho&'h his #rince had $een #resent tho&'h in !ery deed he had no content in sin'in'+ For he neither had the #leas&re of the "elody )hereof his deafness de#ri!ed hi" nor the content of #leasin' his #rince )ho $ein' a$sent co&ld not en1oy the s)eetness of the $ea&tif&l airs he san'+ 5 My heart is ready O God "y heart is readyF - )ill sin' and rehearse a #sal"+ 3rise O "y 'lory( 3rise #saltery and har#F - )ill arise early+ @921A ManDs heart is the tr&e cha&nter of the canticle of sacred lo!e hi"self the har# and the #saltery+ Eo) ordinarily this cha&nter hears his o)n !oice and ta2es a 'reat #leas&re in the "elody of his son'+ "ean that o&r heart lo!in' God relishes the deli'hts of this lo!e and ta2es an inco"#ara$le content"ent in lo!in' so lo!ely an o$1ect+ Eotice - #ray yo& Theoti"&s )hat - "ean+ The yo&n' ni'htin'ales do first essay a $e'innin' of son' to i"itate the old onesB $&t ha!in' 'ot s2ill and $eco"e "asters they sin' for the #leas&re )hich they ta2e in )ar$lin' and they so #assionately addict the"sel!es to this deli'ht as - ha!e said in another #lace that $y force of strainin' their !oice their throat $&rsts and they die+ So o&r hearts in the $e'innin' of their de!otion lo!e God that they "ay $e &nited and $eco"e a'reea$le &nto hi" and i"itate hi" in that he hath lo!ed &s for all eternityB $&t $y little and little $ein' for"ed and eCercised in holy lo!e they are i"#erce#ti$ly chan'ed+ -n lie& of lo!in' God in order to #lease God they $e'in to lo!e hi" for the #leas&re they ta2e in the eCercises of holy lo!eB and instead of fallin' in lo!e )ith God they fall in lo!e )ith the lo!e they $ear hi" and stand affected to their o)n affections+ They no lon'er ta2e #leas&re in God $&t in the #leas&re they find in his lo!e+ They content the"sel!es )ith this lo!e as $ein' their o)n in their s#irit and #roceedin' fro" itB for tho&'h this sacred lo!e $e called the lo!e of God $eca&se God is lo!ed $y it yet it is also o&rs $eca&se )e are the lo!ers that lo!e+ 3nd it is th&s )e "a2e the chan'eB for instead of lo!in' this holy lo!e $eca&se it tends to God )ho is the $elo!ed )e lo!e it $eca&se it #roceeds fro" &s )ho are the lo!ers+ Eo) )ho does not see that in so doin' )e do not see2 God $&t t&rn ho"e to o&rsel!es lo!in' the lo!e instead of lo!in' the $elo!ed. 6o!in' - say the lo!e not $y reason of GodDs 'ood-#leas&re and li2in' $&t for the #leas&re and content )e dra) fro" it+ This cha&nter )ho in the $e'innin' san' to God and for God no) rather sin's to hi"self and for hi"self than for GodB and the #leas&re he ta2es in sin'in' is not so "&ch to #lease GodDs ear as his o)n+ 3nd foras"&ch as the canticle of Di!ine lo!e is of all the "ost eCcellent he also lo!es it $etter not $y reason of the Di!ine eCcellence )hich is eCalted therein $&t $eca&se its "&sic is "ore delicio&s and a'reea$le+ @921A Ps+ l!i+ I K+ ?53PT;> Q+ 97 M;3ES TO D-S?O:;> 05;E 0; ?53EG; -E T5; M3TT;> OF T5-S 5O6O 6O:;+ 95 Oo& "ay easily disco!er this Theoti"&sB for if this "ystical ni'htin'ale sin' to #lease God she )ill sin' the son' )hich she 2no)s to $e "ost 'ratef&l to the Di!ine Pro!idence $&t if she sin' for the deli'ht )hich she herself ta2es in her "elodio&s son' she )ill not sin' the canticle )hich is "ost a'reea$le to the hea!enly 'oodness $&t that )hich she herself li2es $est and fro" )hich she eC#ects to dra) the "ost







content"ent+ Of t)o canticles )hich are $oth di!ine it "ay )ell $e that one "ay $e s&n' $eca&se it is di!ine and the other $eca&se it is #leasin'+ >achel and 6ia are e*&ally )ife of ,aco$ $&t he lo!es one only in the *&ality of )ife the other in *&ality of $ea&tif&l+ The canticle is di!ine $&t the "oti!e )hich "o!es &s to sin' it is the s#irit&al delectation )hich )e eC#ect fro" it+ Do yo& not see )e "ay say to a $isho# that God )ills yo& to sin' the #astoral son' of his lo!e a"on' yo&r floc2 )hich in !irt&e of holy lo!e he thrice co""ands yo& (in the #erson of S+ Peter the first of #astors) to feed. 0hat is yo&r ans)er. That at >o"e or Paris there are "ore s#irit&al #leas&res and that there one "ay #ractise Di!ine lo!e )ith "ore s)eetness+ O God( it is not then to #lease thee that this "an desires to sin' it is for the #leas&re he ta2es in itB it is not tho& he see2s in his lo!e $&t the content"ent )hich he recei!es in the eCercises of this holy lo!e+ >eli'io&s "en )o&ld sin' the #astorsD son' and "arried #eo#le that of reli'io&s in order as they say to $e a$le to lo!e and ser!e God $etter+ 3h( yo& decei!e yo&rsel!es "y dear friendsF do not say that it is to lo!e and ser!e God $etterF Oh no no indeed( -t is to ser!e yo&r o)n satisfaction $etter yo& #refer this $efore GodDs+ GodDs )ill is as "&ch in sic2ness as in health and ordinarily al"ost "ore soB )herefore if )e lo!e health $etter let &s ne!er say that this is in order to ser!e God the $etter for )ho sees not that it is health that )e loo2 for in GodDs )ill not GodDs )ill in health+ -t is hard - confess to $ehold lon' to'ether and )ith deli'ht the $ea&ty of a "irror )itho&t castin' an eye &#on o&rself yea )itho&t ta2in' a co"#lacency in o&rselfB yet there is a difference $et)een the #leas&re )hich )e ta2e in $eholdin' the $ea&ty of the "irror and the co"#lacency )e ta2e in seein' o&rself in it+ -t is also )itho&t do&$t !ery hard to lo!e God and not )ithal lo!e the #leas&re )hich )e ta2e in his lo!e yet there is a nota$le difference $et)een the #leas&re )hich )e ta2e in lo!in' God $eca&se he is $ea&tif&l and that )hich )e ta2e in lo!in' hi" $eca&se his lo!e is a'reea$le to &s+ Eo) o&r tas2 "&st $e to see2 in God only the lo!e of his $ea&ty not the #leas&re )hich is in the $ea&ty of his lo!e+ 5e )ho in #rayin' to God notices that he is #rayin' is not #erfectly attenti!e to his #rayer for he di!erts his attention fro" God to )ho" he #rays and t&rns it &#on the #rayer $y )hich he #rays+ The !ery solicit&de )e ha!e not to $e distracted ca&ses oftenti"es a !ery 'reat distractionB si"#licity in s#irit&al actions is "ost to $e co""ended+ -f yo& )ish to conte"#late God conte"#late hi" then and that attenti!elyF if yo& reflect and $rin' yo&r eyes $ac2)ards &#on yo&rself to see ho) yo& loo2 )hen yo& loo2 &#on hi" it is not no) he that yo& $ehold $&t yo&r o)n $eha!io&r--yo&r self+ 5e )ho #rays fer!ently 2no)s not )hether he #rays or not for he is not thin2in' of the #rayer )hich he "a2es $&t of God to )ho" he "a2es it+ 5e that is in the heat of sacred lo!e does not t&rn his heart $ac2 &#on hi"self to see )hat he is doin' $&t 2ee#s it set and $ent &#on God to )ho" he a##lies his lo!e+ The hea!enly cha&nter ta2es s&ch #leas&re in #leasin' God that he has no #leas&re in the "elody of his !oice eCce#t in so far as God is #leased $y it+ 0hy Theoti"&s did 3"non the son of Da!id lo!e Tha"ar so des#erately that he e!en tho&'ht he sho&ld die of lo!e. Do yo& thin2 that it )as she herself that he lo!ed. Oo& soon see it )as not+ 6oo2 at this "an )ho #rays a##arently )ith s&ch 'reat de!otion and is so ardent in the #ractice of hea!enly lo!e+ /&t stay a little and yo& )ill disco!er )hether it $e God indeed )ho" he lo!es+ 3las( as soon as the deli'ht and satisfaction










)hich he too2 in lo!e de#arts and dryness co"es he )ill sto# short and only cas&ally #ray+ -f it had $een God indeed )ho" he lo!ed )hy sho&ld he cease lo!in' hi" since God is e!er God. -t )as therefore the consolations of God that he lo!ed not the God of consolation+ -n tr&th there are "any )ho ta2e no deli'ht in di!ine lo!e &nless it $e candied in the s&'ar of so"e sensi$le s)eetness and they )o&ld )illin'ly act li2e children )ho if they ha!e a little honey s#read &#on their $read lic2 and s&c2 off the honey castin' the $read a)ayB for if the deli'ht co&ld $e se#arated fro" the lo!e they )o&ld re1ect lo!e and ta2e the s)eetness only+ 0herefore as they follo) lo!e for the sa2e of its s)eetness )hen they find not this they "a2e no acco&nt of lo!e+ /&t s&ch #ersons are eC#osed to a 'reat dan'er of either t&rnin' $ac2 as soon as they "iss their relish and consolations or else of occ&#yin' the"sel!es in !ain s)eetnesses far re"ote fro" tr&e lo!e and of "ista2in' the honey of 5eraclea for that of Ear$onne+ ?53PT;> Q-+

15 OF T5; P;>P6;Q-TO OF 3 5;3>T 05-?5 6O:;S 0-T5O=T 4EO0-EG 05;T5;> -T P6;3S;S T5; /;6O:;D+ 27 The "&sician of )ho" - ha!e s#o2en ha!in' $eco"e deaf had no deli'ht in his sin'in' sa!e only that no) and then he #ercei!ed his #rince attenti!e to it and en1oyin' it+ O ho) ha##y is the heart that lo!es God )itho&t #retence of any other #leas&re than )hat it ta2es in #leasin' God( For )hat "ore #&re and #erfect #leas&re can a so&l e!er ta2e than that )hich is ta2en in #leasin' the Di!inity. Oet this #leas&re of #leasin' God is not #ro#erly Di!ine lo!e $&t the fr&it thereofB )hich "ay $e se#arated fro" it as the le"on fro" the le"on-tree+ For as - ha!e said o&r "&sician al)ays san' )itho&t rea#in' any content"ent fro" his son' $eca&se his deafness "ade hi" inca#a$le of itF and often also did he sin' )itho&t ha!in' the #leas&re of #leasin' his #rince )ho after he had 'i!en hi" order to $e'in )o&ld )ithdra) or 'o h&ntin' neither ta2in' leis&re nor #leas&re to hear hi"+ 0hile O God - see thy s)eet face )hich testifies &nto "e that tho& art #leased in the son' of "y lo!e ah( ho) a" - co"forted+ For is there any #leas&re co"#ara$le to the #leas&re of tr&ly #leasin' o&r God. /&t )hen tho& t&rnest thine eyes fro" "e and - no lon'er #ercei!e the s)eet sa!o&r of the co"#lacency )hich tho& ta2est in "y son'-'ood God( )hat #an's "y so&l end&res( /&t it ceases not for all that to lo!e thee faithf&lly or contin&ally to sin' the hy"n of its dilection not for any deli'ht it finds therein for it finds none at all $&t for the #&re lo!e of thy )ill+ One "ay ha!e seen a sic2 child $ra!ely eat )hat his "other #resents hi" (tho&'h )ith an incredi$le loathin') fro" the #&re desire of 'i!in' her content+ -n this case he eats )itho&t ta2in' any #leas&re in his food yet not )itho&t a #leas&re of a hi'her order and !al&e )hich is the #leas&re of #leasin' his "other and of #ercei!in' her content+ /&t another )ho )itho&t seein' his "other fro" the "ere 2no)led'e he has of her desire ta2es all that is sent hi" $y her eats )itho&t any #leas&re at all+ For he has neither the #leas&re of eatin' nor yet the content"ent of seein' his "other #leased $&t he eats #&rely and si"#ly to do her )ill+ The content"ent of o&r #rince #resent )ith &s or of any one )ho" )e lo!e tenderly "a2es )atchin's #ains and la$o&rs delicio&s and $e'ets in &s a lo!e of #erilF $&t nothin' is so 'rie!o&s as to ser!e a "aster )ho 2no)s it






not or if he 2no) it yet 'i!es no si'n that he is satisfiedF lo!e "&st $e stron' in s&ch case $eca&se it stands of itself &ns&##orted $y any #leas&re or any eC#ectation+ 5 So it co"es to #ass so"eti"es that )e ha!e no consolation in the eCercises of holy lo!e $eca&se li2e deaf sin'ers )e hear not o&r o)n !oices nor en1oy the s)eetness of o&r son'B $&t on the contrary $esides this #ri!ation are o##ressed )ith a tho&sand fears and fri'htened )ith a tho&sand false alar"s )hich the ene"y raises ro&nd a$o&t o&r heartB s&''estin' that #erha#s )e are not in 'race )ith o&r "aster and that o&r lo!e is fr&itless yea that it is false and !ain since it $rin's forth no co"fort+ 3nd then Theoti"&s )e la$o&r not only )itho&t #leas&re $&t )ith an eCceedin' distress $ein' neither a$le to disco!er the #rofit of o&r la$o&rs nor the content"ent of hi" for )ho" )e la$o&r+ /&t )hat in this case a&'"ents o&r tro&$le is that e!en the s#irit and hi'hest #oint of the reason cannot 'i!e any ass&a'e"ent at allB for this #oor s&#erior #ortion of reason $ein' $eset ro&nd a$o&t )ith the s&''estions of the ene"y is herself all tro&$led and is f&lly en'a'ed in 2ee#in' the '&ard lest sin $y s&r#rise "i'ht 'et consent so that she can "a2e no sally to disen'a'e the inferior #art of her s#irit and altho&'h she has not lost heart yet is she so des#erately set at that tho&'h she $e free fro" fa&lt yet is she not free fro" #ain+ /eca&se that her distress "ay $e co"#lete she is de#ri!ed of the 'eneral consolation )hich ordinarily acco"#anies &s thro&'h all the other cala"ities of this life na"ely the ho#e that they )ill not $e of lon' contin&ance $&t )ill ha!e an endF--so that the heart in these s#irit&al distresses falls into a certain ina$ility of thin2in' of their end and conse*&ently of $ein' eased $y ho#e+ Faith indeed )hich resides in the s&#re"e #oint of the s#irit ass&res &s that this tro&$le )ill ha!e an end and that one day )e shall en1oy a tr&e re#oseF $&t the lo&dness of the sho&ts and o&tcries )hich the ene"y "a2es in the rest of the so&l in the inferior reason )ill scarcely #er"it the ad!ice and re"onstrances of faith to $e heardB and there re"ains in the i"a'ination only this sorro)f&l #resa'eF 3las( 1oy - shall ne!er ha!e+ O God( "y dear Theoti"&s no) it is that )e are to sho) an in!inci$le co&ra'e to)ards o&r Sa!io&r ser!in' hi" #&rely for the lo!e of his )ill not only )itho&t #leas&re $&t a"id this del&'e of sorro)s horrors distresses and assa&lts as did his 'lorio&s Mother and St+ ,ohn &#on the day of his Passion+ 3"on'st so "any $las#he"ies sorro)s and deadly distresses they re"ained constant in lo!e yea e!en in that instant in )hich o&r Sa!io&r ha!in' )ithdra)n all his holy 1oy into the !ery s&""it of his s#irit left no 1oy or consolation at all in his Di!ine co&ntenance and )hen his eyes lan'&ishin' and co!ered )ith the dar2 !eil of death did only cast loo2s of sorro) as the s&n also shot forth rays of horror and fri'htf&l dar2ness+ ?53PT;> Q--+ 5O0 T5; SO=6 3M-DST T5;S; -ET;>-O> 3EG=-S5;S 4EO0S EOT T5; 6O:; S5; /;3>S TO GODF 3ED OF T5; MOST 6O:;-F=66 D;3T5 OF T5; 0-66+ The ni'ht $efore the 'reat S+ Peter )as to s&ffer "artyrdo" an an'el ca"e to the #rison and filled it )ith s#lendo&r a)o2e S+ Peter "ade hi" arise "ade hi" 'ird hi"self and











#&t on his shoes and clothes freed hi" fro" his $onds and shac2les dre) hi" o&t of #rison and led hi" thro&'h the first and second '&ard till he ca"e to the iron 'ate )hich 'a!e on the to)nB this of itself fle) o#en $efore the" and ha!in' #assed thro&'h one street the an'el left the 'lorio&s S+ Peter there in f&ll li$erty+ /ehold a 'reat !ariety of !ery cor#oreal actions and yet S+ Peter )ho )as a)a2e fro" the $e'innin' did not a##rehend that )hat )as done $y the an'el )as done in deed $&t estee"ed it a !ision of the i"a'ination+ 5e )as a)a2e and yet did not thin2 so he #&t on his clothes and shoes not 2no)in' that he had done it he )al2ed and yet tho&'ht he )al2ed not he )as deli!ered and $elie!ed it not and all this $eca&se the )onder of his deli!erance )as so 'reat and it en'a'ed his heart in s&ch sort that tho&'h he had sense and 2no)led'e eno&'h to do )hat he did yet had he not eno&'h to disco!er that he did it really and in 'ood earnest+ 5e sa) indeed the an'el $&t he did not discern that it )as )ith a tr&e and nat&ral !ision )herefore he too2 no consolation in his deli!ery till s&ch ti"e as co"in' to hi"selfF Eo) said he - 2no) in !ery deed that the 6ord hath sent his 3n'el and hath deli!ered "e o&t of the hand of 5erod and fro" all the eC#ectation of the #eo#le of the ,e)s+ @922A Eo) Theoti"&s after the sa"e "anner it fares )ith a so&l )hich is o!erchar'ed )ith interior an'&ishesB for altho&'h she has the #o)er to $elie!e to tr&st and to lo!e her God and in reality does so yet she has not the stren'th to see #ro#erly )hether she $elie!es ho#es and lo!es $eca&se her distress so en'a'es her and "a2es head a'ainst her so des#erately that she can 'et no ti"e to ret&rn into her interior and see )hat is 'oin' on there+ 3nd hence she thin2s that she has no faith nor ho#e nor charity $&t only the shado)s and fr&itless i"#ressions of those !irt&es )hich she feels in a "anner )itho&t feelin' the" and as if forei'n instead of nat&ral to her so&l+ 3nd if yo& notice yo& )ill find o&r so&ls al)ays in this state )hen they are stron'ly occ&#ied $y so"e !iolent #assion for they #erfor" "any actions as tho&'h they )ere in a drea" )ith so little sense of )hat they do that they can scarcely $elie!e the thin's act&ally ha##en+ 5ence the sacred Psal"ist eC#resses the 'reatness of the consolation of the -sraelites on their ret&rn fro" the ca#ti!ity of /a$ylon in these )ordsF 0hen the 6ord $ro&'ht $ac2 the ca#ti!ity of Sion )e $eca"e li2e "en co"forted+ @928A 3nd as the holy 6atin !ersion follo)in' the Se#t&a'int has itF facti se"is Gsic&tG consolatiF that is o&r )onder at the 'reatness of the 'ood )hich ca"e to &s )as so eCcessi!e that it hindered &s fro" #ro#erly feelin' the consolation )hich )e recei!ed and it see"ed to &s that )e )ere not tr&ly co"forted nor had consolation in real tr&th $&t only in a fi'&re and a drea"+ S&ch then are the feelin's of the so&l )hich is in the "idst of s#irit&al an'&ishes+ These do eCceedin'ly #&rify and refine lo!e for $ein' de#ri!ed of all #leas&re $y )hich its lo!e "i'ht $e attached to God it 1oins and &nites &s to God i""ediately )ill to )ill heart to heart )itho&t any inter!ention of satisfaction or desire+ 3las( Theoti"&s ho) the #oor heart is afflicted )hen $ein' as it )ere a$andoned $y lo!e she see2s e!ery)here and yet see"s not to find it+ She finds it not in the eCterior senses they not $ein' ca#a$le of itB nor in the i"a'ination )hich is cr&elly tort&red $y conflictin' i"#ressionsB nor in the &nderstandin' distracted )ith a tho&sand o$sc&rities of stran'e reasonin's and fearsB and tho&'h at len'th she finds it in the to# and s&#re"e re'ion of the s#irit )here it resides yet the so&l does not reco'niHe it and thin2s it is not lo!e $eca&se the 'reatness of the distress and dar2ness hinders her fro" #ercei!in' its







s)eetness+ She sees it )itho&t seein' it "eets it $&t does not 2no) it as tho&'h all #assed in a drea" only or in a ty#e+ -n this )ay Ma'dalen ha!in' "et )ith her dear Master recei!ed no co"fort fro" hi" $eca&se she tho&'ht that it )as not he indeed $&t the 'ardener only+ 5 /&t )hat is the so&l to do that finds herself in this case. Theoti"&s she 2no)s not ho) to $eha!e herself a"idst so "&ch an'&ishB nor has she any #o)er sa!e to let her )ill die in the hands of GodDs )illB i"itatin' her s)eet ,es&s )ho $ein' arri!ed at the hei'ht of the #ains of the cross )hich his Father had ordained and not $ein' a$le any f&rther to resist the eCtre"ity of his tor"ents did as the hart does )hich )hen it is r&n o&t of $reath and o##ressed $y the ho&nds yieldin' itself &# into the h&nts"anDs hands its eyes filled )ith tears &tters its last cries+ For so this Di!ine Sa!io&r near &nto his death and 'i!in' &# his last $reath )ith a lo&d !oice and a$&ndance of tears--3las( said he O Father into thy hands - co""it "y s#iritF--a )ord Theoti"&s )hich )as his !ery last and the one $y )hich the )ell-$elo!ed Son 'a!e the so!erei'n testi"ony of his lo!e to)ards his Father+ 0hen therefore all fails &s )hen o&r tro&$les ha!e co"e to their eCtre"ity this )ord this dis#osition this renderin' &# of o&r so&l into o&r Sa!io&rDs hands can ne!er fail &s+ The Son co""ended his s#irit to his Father in this his last and inco"#ara$le an'&ish and )e )hen the con!&lsions of s#irit&al #ains shall $erea!e &s of all other sort of solace and "eans of resistance let &s co""end o&r s#irit into the hands of this eternal Son )ho is o&r tr&e Father and $o)in' the head of o&r ac*&iescence in his 'ood #leas&re let &s "a2e o!er o&r )hole )ill &nto hi"+ @922A 3cts Cii+ 11+ 25 @928A Ps+ cCC!+ 1+ ?53PT;> Q---+ 87 5O0 T5; 0-66 /;-EG D;3D TO -TS;6F 6-:;S ;ET->;6O -E GODDS 0-66+ 0e s#ea2 )ith a sin'&lar #ro#riety of a "anDs death in o&r French ton'&e for )e call it an o!er#assin' (tres#as) and the dead the o!er#assers inti"atin' that death a"on'st "en is $&t a #assin' o!er fro" one life to another and that to die is no other thin' $&t to o!er#ass the confines of this "ortal life to enter the i""ortal+ Tr&e it is o&r )ill can no "ore die than o&r so&l yet does it so"eti"es 'o o&t of the li"its of its ordinary life to li!e )holly in the Di!ine )ill+ This is )hen it neither )ills nor cares to desire any thin' at all $&t 'i!es itself o!er totally and )itho&t reser!e to the 'ood #leas&re of the Di!ine Pro!idence so "in'lin' and sat&ratin' itself )ith this 'ood #leas&re that itself is seen no "ore $&t is all hidden )ith ,es&s ?hrist in God )here it li!es not it $&t the )ill of God li!es in it+ 0hat $eco"es of the li'ht of the stars )hen the s&n a##ears on o&r horiHon. ?ertainly it #erishes not $&t it is ra!ished into and a$sor$ed in the s&nDs so!erei'n li'ht )ith )hich it is ha##ily "in'led and alliedB and )hat $eco"es of "anDs )ill )hen it is entirely deli!ered &# to GodDs #leas&re. -t does not alto'ether #erish yet is it so lost and dis#ersed in the )ill of God that it a##ears not and has no other )ill than the )ill of God+ ?onsider Theoti"&s the 'lorio&s and ne!er s&fficiently #raised S+ 6o&is









e"$ar2in' and settin' sail for $eyond seasF and see the *&een his dear )ife e"$ar2in' )ith his "a1esty+ Eo) if any one had as2ed of this $ra!e #rincessF Mada" )hither are yo& 'oin'. She )o&ld )itho&t do&$t ha!e re#lied - 'o )hither the 2in' 'oes+--3nd if f&rther as2edF /&t do yo& 2no) Mada" )hither the 2in' 'oes. She )o&ld also ha!e "ade ans)erF 5e told "e in 'eneralB ho)e!er - care not for 2no)in' - only desire to acco"#any hi"+--3nd if one had re#liedF 0hy then Mada" yo& ha!e no desi'n in this 1o&rney. Eo )o&ld she ha!e said - ha!e none eCce#t to $e )ith "y dear so!erei'n and h&s$and+--0ell then it "i'ht ha!e $een said to her he 'oes into ;'y#t to #ass into PalestineB he )ill stay at Da"ietta 3cre and "any #laces $esides --do not yo& intend Mada" to 'o thither also. To this she )o&ld ha!e "ade ans)erF Eo in tr&th - ha!e no intention sa!e only to 2ee# "yself near "y 2in'B as for the #laces )hither he 'oes they are all indifferent to "e and of no consideration )hate!er eCce#t so far as he )ill $e in the"B for - ha!e no affection for anythin' $&t the 2in'Ds #resenceF it is therefore the 2in' that 'oes it is he that desi'ns the 1o&rney $&t as for "e - do not 'o - only follo)F desire not the 1o&rney $&t solely the #resence of the 2in'B the stayin' the 1o&rneyin' and all their circ&"stances $ein' &tterly indifferent to "e+ S&rely if )e as2 so"e ser!ant )ho is in his "asterDs train )hither he is 'oin' he o&'ht not to ans)er that he is 'oin' to s&ch a #lace $&t si"#ly that he follo)s his "aster for he 'oes no)here of his o)n accord $&t at his "asterDs #leas&re only+ -n li2e "anner Theoti"&s a )ill #erfectly resi'ned to GodDs sho&ld ha!e no )ill of its o)n $&t si"#ly follo) that of God+ 3nd as he )ho is on shi# does not "o!e $y his o)n "otion $&t lea!es hi"self to $e "o!ed $y the "otion of the !essel in )hich he is so the heart that is e"$ar2ed in the Di!ine #leas&re o&'ht to ha!e no other )ill than that of #er"ittin' itself to $e cond&cted $y the Di!ine )ill+ 3nd then the heart does not as $efore sayF Thy )ill $e done not "ineF--for there is no) no )ill to $e reno&ncedB $&t it &tters these )ordsF 6ord - co""end "y )ill into thy hands --e!en as tho&'h it had not its )ill at its o)n dis#osition $&t at the dis#osition of the Di!ine Pro!idence+ So that it is not eCactly as )ith ser!ants )ho follo) their "asters for in their case altho&'h the 1o&rney $e &nderta2en at their "asterDs #leas&re yet their follo)in' co"es fro" their o)n #artic&lar )ill tho&'h a )ill follo)in' and ser!in' s&$"itted and s&$1ected to that of their "asterF so that as the "aster and ser!ant are t)o the )ill of the "aster and the )ill of the ser!ant are also t)o+ /&t the )ill )hich is dead to herself that she "ay li!e in that of God is )itho&t any #artic&lar )ill re"ainin' not only in confor"ity and s&$1ection $&t *&ite annihilated in herself and ce"ented into GodDs as one "i'ht s#ea2 of a little child )ho has not yet 'ot the &se of his )ill to lo!e or desire anythin' sa!e the $oso" and face of his dear "other+ For he does not thin2 of )illin' to $e on one side or on the other or of anythin' else eCce#t only to $e in the ar"s of his "other )ith )ho" he thin2s hi"self to $e one thin'+ 5e ne!er tro&$les hi"self as to ho) he shall confor" his )ill to his "otherDs for he #ercei!es not his o)n nor does he thin2 he has any lea!in' all the care to his "other to 'o to do and to )ill )hat she 1&d'es #rofita$le for hi"+ -t is tr&ly the hi'hest #erfection of o&r )ill to $e th&s &nited to that of o&r so!erei'n 'ood as )as that saintDs )ho saidF O 6ord tho& hast cond&cted and led "e at thy )ill+ @929A For )hat did he "ean $&t that he had "ade no &se of his )ill to cond&ct hi"self lettin' hi"self si"#ly $e led and '&ided $y that of God+ @929A Ps+ lCCii+ 29+







?53PT;> Q-:+ 5 3E ;QP63E3T-OE OF 053T 53S /;;E S3-D TO=?5-EG T5; D;?;3S; OF O=> 0-66+ 0e "ay )ell $elie!e that the "ost sacred :ir'in O&r 6ady recei!ed so "&ch #leas&re in carryin' her little ,es&s in her ar"s that deli'ht $e'&iled )eariness or at least "ade it a'reea$leB for if a $ranch of a'n&s cast&s can solace and &n)eary tra!ellers )hat solace did not the 'lorio&s Mother recei!e in carryin' the i""ac&late 6a"$ of God. 3nd tho&'h she #er"itted hi" no) and then to r&n on foot $y her she holdin' hi" $y the hand yet this )as not $eca&se she )o&ld not rather ha!e had hi" han'in' a$o&t her nec2 and on her $reast $&t it )as to teach hi" to for" his ste#s and )al2 alone+ 3nd )e o&rsel!es Theoti"&s as little children of the hea!enly Father "ay )al2 )ith hi" in t)o )ays+ For )e "ay in the first #lace )al2 )ith the ste#s of o&r o)n )ill )hich )e confor" to his holdin' al)ays )ith the hand of o&r o$edience the hand of his di!ine intention and follo)in' it )heresoe!er it leads --)hich is )hat God re*&ires fro" &s $y the si'nification of his )illB for since he )ills "e to do )hat he ordains he )ills "e to ha!e the )ill to do itF God has si'nified that he )ills "e to 2ee# holy the day of restB since he )ills "e to do it he )ills then that - )ill to do it and that for this end - sho&ld ha!e a )ill of "y o)n $y )hich - follo) his confor"in' "yself and corres#ondin' to his+ /&t )e "ay on other occasions )al2 )ith o&r Sa!io&r )itho&t any )ill of o&r o)n lettin' o&rsel!es si"#ly $e carried at his di!ine 'ood #leas&re as a little child in its "otherDs ar"s $y a certain 2ind of consent )hich "ay $e ter"ed &nion or rather &nity of o&r heart )ith GodDsB--and this is the )ay that )e are to endea!o&r to co"#ort o&rsel!es in GodDs )ill of 'ood-#leas&re since the effects of this )ill of 'ood-#leas&re #roceed #&rely fro" his Pro!idence and )e do not effect the" $&t they ha##en to &s+ Tr&e it is )e "ay )ill the" to co"e accordin' to GodDs )ill and this )illin' is eCcellentB yet )e "ay also recei!e the e!ents of hea!enDs 'ood #leas&re $y a "ost si"#le tran*&illity of o&r )ill )hich )illin' nothin' )hate!er si"#ly ac*&iesces in all that God )o&ld ha!e done in &s on &s or $y &s+ -f one had as2ed the s)eet ,es&s )hen he )as carried in his "otherDs ar"s )hither he )as 'oin' "i'ht he not )ith 'ood reason ha!e ans)eredF - 'o not Dtis "y "other that 'oes for "eF 3nd if one had said to hi"F /&t at least do yo& not 'o )ith yo&r "other. "i'ht he not reasona$ly ha!e re#liedF Eo - do not 'o or if - 'o )hither "y "other carries "e - do not "yself )al2 )ith her nor $y "y o)n ste#s $&t $y "y "otherDs $y her and in herF /&t if one had #ersisted )ith hi" sayin'F /&t at least O "ost dear di!ine child yo& really )ill to let yo&rself $e carried $y yo&r s)eet "other. Eo !erily "i'ht he ha!e said - )ill nothin' of all this $&t as "y entirely 'ood "other )al2s for "e so she )ills for "eB - lea!e her the care as )ell to 'o as to )ill to 'o for "e )here she li2es $estB and as - 'o not $&t $y her ste#s so - )ill not $&t $y her )illB and fro" the instant - find "yself in her ar"s - 'i!e no attention either to )illin' or not )illin' t&rnin' all other cares o!er to "y "other sa!e only the care to $e on her $oso" to s&c2 her sacred $reast and to 2ee# "yself close clas#ed to her "ost $elo!ed nec2 that - "ay "ost lo!in'ly 2iss her )ith the 2isses of "y "o&th+ 3nd $e it 2no)n to yo& that )hile a" a"idst the deli'hts of these holy caresses )hich s&r#ass all s)eetness - consider that "y "other is a tree of life and "yself on her as its fr&itB that - a" her o)n heart in











her $reast or her so&l in the "idst of her heart so that as her 'oin' ser!es $oth her and "e )itho&t "y tro&$lin' "yself to ta2e a sin'le ste# so her )ill ser!es &s $oth )itho&t "y #rod&cin' any act of "y )ill a$o&t 'oin' or co"in'+ Eor do - e!er ta2e notice )hether she 'oes fast or slo) hither or thither nor do - in*&ire )hither she "eans to 'o contentin' "yself )ith this that 'o )hither she #lease - 'o still loc2ed in her ar"s close laid at her $elo!ed $reasts )here - feed as a"on'st lilies+ O di!ine child of Mary( Per"it "y #oor so&l these o&t$&rsts of lo!eF Go then so O "ost a"ia$le dear little $a$e or rather 'o not $&t stay th&s holily fastened to yo&r s)eet "otherDs $reastB 'o al)ays in her and ne!er )itho&t her )hile tho& re"ainest a child( O ho) $lessed is the )o"$ that $ore thee and the $reasts that 'a!e thee s&c2( @925A The Sa!io&r of o&r so&ls had the &se of reason fro" the instant of his conce#tion in his MotherDs )o"$ and co&ld "a2e all this disco&rseB so co&ld e!en the 'lorio&s S+ ,ohn his forer&nner fro" the day of the holy !isitation and tho&'h $oth of the" as )ell in that ti"e as all thro&'h their infancy )ere #ossessed of li$erty to )ill or not to )ill yet in )hat concerned their eCternal cond&ct they left to their "others the care of doin' and )illin' for the" )hat )as re*&isite+ Th&s sho&ld )e $e Theoti"&s #lia$le and tracta$le to GodDs 'ood-#leas&re as tho&'h )e )ere of )aC not 'i!in' o&r tho&'hts lea!e to )ander in )ishin' and )illin' thin's $&t lea!in' God to )ill and do the" for &s as he #leases thro)in' &#on hi" all o&r solicit&de $eca&se he hath care of &s @926A as the holy 3#ostle saysF and note that he says all o&r solicit&de that is as )ell that )hich concerns the e!ents as that )hich #ertains to )illin' or not )illin' for he )ill ha!e a care of the iss&e of o&r affairs and of )illin' that )hich is $est for &s+ Mean)hile let &s affectionately 'i!e o&r attention to $lessin' God in all his )or2s after the eCa"#le of ,o$ sayin'F The 6ord 'a!e and the 6ord hath ta2en a)ay the na"e of the 6ord $e $lessed( @927A Eo 6ordB - )ill no e!ents for - lea!e yo& to )ill the" for "e at yo&r #leas&re $&t instead of )illin' the e!ents - )ill $less yo& $eca&se yo& ha!e )illed the"+ O Theoti"&s( )hat an eCcellent e"#loy"ent of o&r )ill is this )hen it 'i!es &# the care of )illin' and choosin' the effects of GodDs 'ood-#leas&re in order to #raise and than2 this 'ood #leas&re for s&ch effects+ @925A 6&2e Ci+ 27+




85 @926A 1 Pet+ !+ 7+ @927A ,o$ i+ 21+ 97 ?53PT;> Q:+ OF T5; MOST ;Q?;66;ET ;Q;>?-S; 0; ?3E M34; -E T5; -ET;>-O> 3ED ;QT;>-O> T>O=/6;S OF T5-S 6-F; 3FT;> 3TT3-E-EG T5; -ED-FF;>;E?; 3ED D;3T5 OF T5; 0-66+ 95 To $less and than2 God in all the e!ents that his #ro!idence ordains is in !ery deed a "ost holy eCercise yet if )hile )e lea!e the care to God of )illin' and doin' in &s on &s and )ith &s )hat #leases hi" )itho&t attendin' to )hat #asses--tho&'h f&lly


feelin' it--)e co&ld di!ert o&r heart and a##ly o&r attention to the di!ine 'oodness and s)eetness--$lessin' it not in the effects or e!ents it ordains $&t in itself and in its o)n eCcellence--)e sho&ld certainly #ractise a far "ore e"inent eCercise+ -n the ti"e that De"etri&s )as layin' sie'e to >hodes Proto'enes )ho )as in a little ho&se in the s&$&r$s ceased not to )or2 and that )ith s&ch ass&rance and re#ose of "ind that tho&'h the ene"iesD s)ord )as in a "anner al)ays at his throat yet he eCec&ted the 'rand "aster#iece and ad"ira$le re#resentation of a Satyr a"&sin' hi"self )ith #layin' &#on a #i#e+ O God( ho) 'reat are those so&ls )ho in all 2inds of accidents 2ee# their affections and attention e!er &#on the eternal 'oodness hono&rin' and lo!in' it at all ti"es+ The da&'hter of an eCcellent #hysician and s&r'eon $ein' in a contin&al fe!er and 2no)in' that her father lo!ed her entirely said to one of her friendsF - feel !ery 'reat #ain $&t - do not thin2 of re"edies for - do not 2no) )hat "i'ht ser!e for "y c&reB "i'ht desire one thin' and another $e necessary for "e+ Do - not then 'ain "ore $y lea!in' this care to "y father )ho 2no)s )ho can do and )ho )ills for "e all that is re*&ired for "y health. - sho&ld do )ron' $y )illin' anythin' for he )ills all that co&ld $e #rofita$le to "e+ - )ill only )ait to let hi" )ill to do )hat is eC#edient and )hen he co"es to "e - )ill only loo2 at hi" testify "y filial lo!e for hi" and sho) "y #erfect confidence+ 3nd on these )ords she fell aslee#+ Mean)hile her father 1&d'in' that it )as fit to $leed her dis#osed all that )as necessary and )a2in' her &# as2ed her if she )ere )illin' to s&ffer the o#eration+ My father she said - a" yo&rsB 2no) not )hat to )ill for "y c&reB it is yo&rs to )ill and do for "e )hat see"s 'ood to yo&B it is eno&'h for "e to lo!e and hono&r yo& )ith all "y heart as - do+ So her ar" is tied and her father hi"self o#ens the !ein+ 3nd )hile the $lood flo)s this lo!in' da&'hter loo2s not at her ar" nor at the s#&rtin' $lood $&t 2ee#in' her eyes fiCed on her fatherDs face she says only fro" ti"e to ti"eF My father lo!es "e and - - a" entirely his+ 3nd )hen all )as done she did not than2 hi" $&t only re#eated her )ords of filial confidence and lo!e+ Eo) tell "e "y friend Theoti"&s did not this da&'hter sho) a "ore attenti!e and solid lo!e for her father than if she had ta2en 'reat care to as2 re"edies for her "alady to )atch the !ein $ein' o#ened and the $lood co"in' and to say "any )ords of than2s. There is no do&$t )hate!er a$o&t it+ 0hat co&ld she ha!e 'ained sa!e &seless solicit&de $y thin2in' for herself since her father had care eno&'h of herB )hat $&t fear $y loo2in' at her ar"B and )hat !irt&e $&t 'ratit&de )o&ld she ha!e sho)n in than2in' her father. Did she not do $est then in occ&#yin' herself entirely in the de"onstration of her filial lo!e infinitely "ore a'reea$le to her father than e!ery other !irt&e. My eyes are e!er to)ards the 6ordB for he shall #l&c2 "y feet o&t of the snare and the nets+ @92IA 5a!e yo& fallen into the net of ad!ersity. 3h( loo2 not &#on yo&r "isha# nor &#on the snare in )hich yo& are ta2enF loo2 &#on God and lea!e all to hi" he )ill ha!e care of yo&F ?ast thy care &#on the 6ord and he shall s&stain thee+ @92KA 0hy do yo& tro&$le yo&rself )ith )illin' or not )illin' the e!ents and accidents of this )orld since yo& are i'norant )hat )ere $est for yo& to )ill and since God )ill al)ays )ill for yo& )itho&t yo&r #&ttin' yo&rself in tro&$le all yo& co&ld )ill for yo&rself. 3)ait therefore in #eace of "ind the effects of the di!ine #leas&re and let his )illin' s&ffice








yo& since it is al)ays "ost 'oodF for so he 'a!e order to his )ell-$elo!ed S+ ?atharine of SienaF Thin2 in "e said he to her and - )ill thin2 for yo&+ 5 -t is !ery diffic&lt to eC#ress eCactly this eCtre"e indifference of the h&"an )ill th&s a$sor$ed and dead in the )ill of God+ For "esee"s )e "&st not say it ac*&iesces in that of God $eca&se ac*&iescence is an act of the so&l )hich declares its consent+ 0e "&st not say it acce#ts or recei!es $eca&se acce#tin' and recei!in' are a sort of actions )hich )e "i'ht call in a certain sense #assi!e actions $y )hich )e e"$race and ta2e )hat ha##ensF )e "&st not say that it #er"its as e!en #er"ission is an act of the )ill and hence is a certain inacti!e )illin' )hich does not do and yet lets $e done+ -t see"s to "e the so&l )hich is in this indifference and )hich )ills nothin' $&t lets God )ill )hat #leases hi" sho&ld $e said to ha!e its )ill in a si"#le and 'eneral state of )aitin' (attente)F since )aitin' is not a doin' or actin' $&t only the re"ainin' #re#ared for so"e e!ent+ 3nd if yo& ta2e notice this )aitin' of the so&l is indeed !ol&ntary and yet it is not an action $&t a si"#le dis#osition to recei!e )hatsoe!er shall ha##enB and as soon as the e!ents co"e and are recei!ed the )aitin' chan'es into consent or ac*&iescence $&t $efore they ha##en the so&l is tr&ly in a state of si"#le )aitin' indifferent to all that it shall #lease the di!ine )ill to ordain+ O&r Sa!io&r th&s eC#resses the eCtre"e s&$"ission of his h&"an )ill to the )ill of his ;ternal Father+ The 6ord God he says hath o#ened "y ear that is he hath declared &nto "e his #leas&re to&chin' the "&ltit&de of the #ains )hich - a" to end&re and says he after)ards do not resistF - ha!e not 'one $ac2+ @987A 0hat does this "eanF - do not resistF - ha!e not 'one $ac2 eCce#t this. My )ill is in a si"#ly )aitin' state and is ready for all that God shall sendB )herefore - ha!e 'i!en "y $ody to the stri2ers and "y chee2s to the" that #l&c2ed the"F - ha!e not t&rned a)ay "y face fro" the" that re$&2ed "e and s#it &#on "eB $ein' #re#ared to let the" eCercise their #leas&re &#on "e+ /&t "ar2 - #ray yo& Theoti"&s that e!en as o&r Sa!io&r after he had "ade his #rayer of resi'nation in the 'arden of Oli!es and after he )as ta2en left hi"self to $e handled and dra''ed a$o&t at the )ill of the" that cr&cified hi" $y an ad"ira$le s&rrender "ade of his $ody and life into their hands so did he resi'n &# his so&l and )ill $y a "ost #erfect indifference into his ;ternal FatherDs hands+ For tho&'h he cries o&tF My God "y God )hy hast Tho& forsa2en "e.--yet this )as to let &s &nderstand the reality of the an'&ish and $itternesses of his so&l and not to detract fro" the "ost holy indifference in )hich it )asB as he sho)ed !ery soon after)ards concl&din' all his life and his #assion )ith those inco"#ara$le )ordsF Father into Thy hands - co""end "y s#irit+ @92IA Ps+ CCi!+ 15+ 97 @92KA Ps+ li!+ 28+ @987A -s+ l+ 5 6+ 95 ?53PT;> Q:-+ OF T5; P;>F;?T ST>-PP-EG OF T5; SO=6 05-?5 -S =E-T;D TO GODDS 0-66+








6et &s re#resent to o&rsel!es Theoti"&s the s)eet ,es&s in PilateDs ho&se )here for lo!e of &s he )as di!ested of all his 'ar"ents one after the other $y the soldiers the "inisters of death+ 3nd not content )ith that they too2 his s2in fro" hi" tearin' it )ith the $lo)s of rods and )hi#sB then after)ards his so&l )as $ereft of his $ody and his $ody of life $y the death )hich he end&red &#on the cross+ /&t three days $ein' r&n o&t his so&l $y the "ost holy >es&rrection #&t on a'ain its 'lorio&s $ody and his $ody its i""ortal s2in )earin' s&ndry 'ar"ents no) those of a 'ardener no) of a #il'ri" or other '&ise accordin' as the sal!ation of "an and the 'lory of God re*&ired+ 6o!e did all this Theoti"&s and it is lo!e also )hich enterin' into a so&l to "a2e it ha##ily die to itself and li!e to God $erea!es it of all h&"an desires and of self-estee" )hich is as closely fiCed to the s#irit as the s2in to the flesh and stri#s her at len'th of her $est $elo!ed affections s&ch as those )hich she had to s#irit&al consolations eCercises of #iety and the #erfection of !irt&es )hich see"ed to $e the !ery life of the so&l+ Then Theoti"&s the so&l "ay $y 'ood ri'ht cry o&tF - ha!e #&t off "y 'ar"ent ho) shall - find in "y heart to #&t it on. - ha!e )ashed "y feet fro" all sorts of affections ho) shall - defile the". @981A Ea2ed ca"e - o&t of the hand of God and na2ed shall ret&rn thitherF God 'a!e "e "any desires and God hath ta2en the" a)ayF 3s it hath #leased the 6ord so is it doneF $lessed $e the na"e of the 6ord+ @982A Oes Theoti"&s the sa"e God )ho "ade &s desire !irt&es in o&r $e'innin' and )ho "a2es &s #ractise the" on all occ&rrences he it is that ta2es fro" &s the affection to !irt&es and all s#irit&al eCercises that )ith "ore tran*&illity #&rity and si"#licity )e sho&ld care for nothin' $&t the di!ine Ma1estyDs 'ood #leas&re+ For as the fair and chaste ,&dith reser!ed indeed her costly festal ro$es in her ca$inet and yet #laced not her affection &#on the" nor yet e!er )ore the" in the ti"e of her )ido)hood sa!e only )hen $y GodDs ins#iration she )ent to o!erthro) 5olofernes so tho&'h )e ha!e learnt the #ractice of !irt&e and the eCercises of de!otion yet are )e not to 'i!e o&r affection to the" nor clothe o&r heart a'ain )ith the" sa!e only as far as )e 2no) that s&ch is the 'ood #leas&re of God+ ,&dith al)ays )ore "o&rnin' )eeds eCce#t only on this occasion )hen GodDs )ill )as that she sho&ld $e in #o"#B so are )e #eacea$ly to re"ain !ested )ith o&r "isery and a$1ection a"idst o&r i"#erfections and infir"ities till God shall eCalt &s to the #ractice of eCcellent actions+ 0e cannot lon' re"ain in this na2edness des#oiled of all sorts of affections+ 0herefore follo)in' the ad!ice of the holy 3#ostle as soon as )e ha!e #&t off the 'ar"ents of the old 3da" )e are to #&t on the ha$its of the ne) "an that is to say of ,es&s ?hrist for ha!in' reno&nced all --yes e!en the affection to !irt&es neither desirin' of these nor of other thin's a lar'er #ortion than GodDs )ill intends --)e "&st #&t on a'ain di!ers affections and #erha#s the !ery sa"e )hich )e ha!e reno&nced and resi'nedF $&t )e "&st no) #&t the" on a'ain not $eca&se they are a'reea$le #rofita$le hono&ra$le to &s and #ro#er to content the lo!e )e ha!e for o&rsel!es $&t $eca&se they are a'reea$le to God #rofita$le to his hono&r and destined to his 'lory+ ;lieHer carried ear 1e)els $racelets and ne) attire for the "aid )ho" God had #ro!ided for his "asterDs son and in effect he #resented the" to the !ir'in >e$ecca as soon as he 2ne) it )as she+ Ee) 'ar"ents are re*&ired for o&r Sa!io&rDs s#o&se+ -f for the lo!e of God she has stri#t herself of the ancient affection )hich she had to #arents








co&ntry ho"e friends she "&st ta2e *&ite ne) affections lo!in' all this in its order not no) accordin' to h&"an considerations $&t $eca&se the hea!enly s#o&se )ills co""ands and intends it so and has esta$lished this order in charity+ -f )e ha!e once #&t off o&r old affection to s#irit&al consolations to eCercises of de!otion to the #ractice of !irt&es yea to o&r o)n ad!ance"ent in #erfection )e "&st #&t on another affection *&ite ne) $y lo!in' all these 'races and hea!enly fa!o&rs not $eca&se they #erfect and adorn o&r s#irit $&t $eca&se o&r Sa!io&rDs na"e is sanctified in the" his 2in'do" ad!anced his 'ood-#leas&re 'lorified+ So did S+ Peter !est hi"self in the #rison not at his o)n choice $&t at the an'elDs co""and+ 5e #&ts on his 'irdle then his sandals and after)ards the rest of his 'ar"ents+ 3nd the 'lorio&s S+ Pa&l stri##ed in a "o"ent of all affectionsF 6ord said he )hat )ilt tho& ha!e "e do. that is )hat is it thy #leas&re for "e to lo!e no) that thro)in' "e to the 'ro&nd tho& hast "ade "y o)n )ill to die. 3h( 6ord #lant thy 'ood-#leas&re in the #lace of it and teach "e to do thy )ill for tho& art "y God+ @988A Theoti"&s he )ho has forsa2en all for God o&'ht to res&"e nothin' $&t accordin' to GodDs 'ood-#leas&re+ 5e feeds not his $ody $&t accordin' to GodDs ordinance that it "ay $e ser!icea$le to the s#iritB he only en'a'es in st&dies in order to assist his nei'h$o&r and his o)n so&l accordin' to the di!ine intentionB he #ractises !irt&es not as $ein' his o)n choice $&t accordin' to GodDs desire+ God co""anded the #ro#het -saias to stri# hi"self na2edB and he did so @989A 'oin' and #reachin' in this )ay for three days to'ether as so"e hold or for three years as others thin2 and then the ti"e #refiCed $y God ha!in' eC#ired he res&"ed his clothes+ ;!en so are )e to stri# o&rsel!es of all affections little and 'reat as also to "a2e a fre*&ent eCa"ination of o&r hearts to disco!er )hether it $e )illin' to di!est itself as -saias did of all its 'ar"entsF then )e "&st ta2e &# a'ain at #ro#er ti"es the affections s&ita$le to the ser!ice of charity to the end that )e "ay die )ith O&r Sa!io&r na2ed &#on the cross and rise a'ain )ith hi" in ne)ness of life+ 6o!e is stron' as death @985A to "a2e &s *&it all it is "a'nificent as the >es&rrection to adorn &s )ith hono&r and 'lory+ @981A ?ant+ !+ 8+







@982A ,o$ i+ 21+ @988A Ps+ cClii+ 17 @989A -s+ CC+ 2+

97 @985A ?ant+ !iii+ 6+ /OO4 Q+ 95 OF T5; ?OMM3EDM;ET OF 6O:-EG GOD 3/O:; 366 T5-EGS+

?53PT;> -+ OF T5; S0;;TE;SS OF T5; ?OMM3EDM;ET 05-?5 GOD 53S G-:;E =S OF 6O:-EG 5-M 3/O:; 366 T5-EGS+ 5 Man is the #erfection of the &ni!erseB the s#irit is the #erfection of "anB lo!e that of the s#iritB and charity that of lo!e+ 0herefore the lo!e of God is the end the #erfection and the eCcellence of the &ni!erse+ -n this Theoti"&s consists the 'reatness and the #ri"acy of the co""and"ent of di!ine lo!e )hich the Sa!io&r calls the first and 'reatest co""and"ent+ This co""and"ent is as a s&n )hich 'i!es l&stre and di'nity to all the sacred la)s to all the di!ine ordinances and to all the 5oly Scri#t&res+ 3ll is done for this hea!enly lo!e and all has reference to it+ Fro" the sacred tree of this co""and"ent 'ro) all the co&nsels eChortations ins#irations and the other co""and"ents as its flo)ers and eternal life as its fr&itB and all that does not tend to eternal lo!e tends to eternal death+ Grand ?o""and"ent the #erfect f&lfil"ent of )hich lasts thro&'h eternal life yea is no other thin' $&t eternal life( /&t loo2 Theoti"&s ho) a"ia$le is this la) of lo!e+ 3h( 6ord God )as it not eno&'h for thee to #er"it &s this di!ine lo!e as 6a$an #er"itted ,aco$ that of >achel )itho&t the necessity of in!itin' &s to it $y eChortations or dri!in' &s to it $y co""and"ents. /&t no di!ine 'oodness in order that neither thy 'reatness nor o&r !ileness nor any #reteCt )hate!er sho&ld 2ee# &s fro" lo!in' thee tho& dost co""and it to &s+ The #oor 3#elles not a$le to 2ee# fro" lo!in' the $ea&tif&l ?a"#as#e yet dared not lo!e her $eca&se she $elon'ed to the 'reat 3leCanderB $&t )hen he had lea!e to lo!e her ho) 'reatly o$li'ed did he consider hi"self to hi" )ho 'a!e this lea!e to hi"( 5e 2ne) not )hether he sho&ld "ore lo!e that $ea&tif&l ?a"#as#e )ho" so 'reat an e"#eror had 'i!en &# to hi" or that 'reat e"#eror )ho had 'i!en hi" so $ea&tif&l a ?a"#as#e+ Oh( if )e )ere a$le to co"#rehend it "y dear Theoti"&s )hat o$li'ation sho&ld )e ha!e to this so!erei'n 'ood )ho not only #er"its $&t e!en co""ands &s to lo!e hi"( 3h( "y God - 2no) not )hether - o&'ht "ore to lo!e thine infinite $ea&ty )hich so 'reat a 'oodness orders "e to lo!e or thy di!ine 'oodness )hich orders "e to lo!e so infinite a $ea&ty( O $ea&ty ho) a"ia$le tho& art $ein' $esto)ed &#on "e $y a 'oodness so i""ense( O 'oodness ho) a"ia$le tho& art in co""&nicatin' &nto "e so e"inent a $ea&ty( God at the Day of ,&d'"ent )ill i"#rint in the so&ls of the da"ned the 2no)led'e of their loss in a )ondro&s "annerF for the di!ine "a1esty )ill "a2e the" clearly see the so!erei'n $ea&ty of his face and the treas&res of his 'oodnessB and at the si'ht of this a$yss of infinite deli'hts the )ill )ith an eCtre"e effort )ill desire to cast itself &#on hi" to $e &nited &nto hi" and en1oy his lo!e+ /&t all in !ain for it shall $e as a )o"an )ho in the #an's of child$irth after ha!in' end&red !iolent #ains cr&el con!&lsions and intolera$le #an's dies in the end )itho&t $ein' deli!ered+ For as soon as the clear and fair 2no)led'e of the di!ine $ea&ty shall ha!e #enetrated the &nderstandin's of those &nha##y s#irits the di!ine 1&stice shall in s&ch sort de#ri!e the )ill of its stren'th that it )ill $e in no )ise a$le to lo!e this o$1ect )hich the &nderstandin' #&r#oses to it and re#resents to $e so a"ia$leB and the si'ht )hich sho&ld $e'et in the )ill so 'reat a lo!e instead thereof shall en'ender an infinite sadness+ This shall $e "ade eternal $y the "e"ory of the so!erei'n $ea&ty they sa) )hich shall for e!er li!e in these lost












so&lsB a "e"ory !oid of all 'ood yea f&ll of tro&$le #ains tor"ents and &ndyin' des#air $eca&se at the sa"e ti"e there shall $e fo&nd in the )ill an i"#ossi$ility of lo!in' yea a fri'htf&l and e!erlastin' a!ersion and re#&'nance to lo!in' this eCcellence so desira$le+ Th&s the "isera$le da"ned shall li!e for e!er in des#airin' ra'e--to 2no) so so!erei'nly a"ia$le a #erfection )itho&t $ein' a$le e!er to ha!e the en1oy"ent or the lo!e of it $eca&se )hile they "i'ht ha!e lo!ed it they )o&ld notF they shall $&rn )ith a thirst so "&ch the "ore !iolent as the re"e"$rance of this fo&ntain of )aters of eternal life shall "ore infla"e their ardo&rF they shall die i""ortally as do's @986A of a fa"ine as "&ch "ore !ehe"ent as their "e"ory shall "ore shar#en its insatia$le cr&elty $y the re"e"$rance of the $an*&et of )hich they are de#ri!ed+ The )ic2ed shall see and shall $e an'ry he shall 'nash )ith his teeth and #ine a)ayF the desire of the )ic2ed shall #erish+ @987A - )o&ld not indeed affir" for certain that the !ie) of GodDs $ea&ty )hich the da"ned shall ha!e li2e a flash of li'htnin' )ill $e as $ri'ht as that of the /lessedB $&t still it )ill $e clear eno&'h to let the" see the Son of "an in his "a1esty+ @98IA They shall loo2 on hi" )ho" they #iercedB @98KA and $y the !ie) of this 'lory shall learn the 'reatness of their loss+ 3h( if God had for$idden "an to lo!e hi" )hat a tor"ent )o&ld that ha!e $een to 'enero&s hearts( 0hat efforts )o&ld they not "a2e to o$tain #er"ission to lo!e hi". Da!id $ra!ed the haHard of a "ost se!ere co"$at to 'ain the 4in'Ds da&'hter --and )hat did not ,aco$ do to es#o&se >achel and the Prince of Siche" to ha!e Dina in "arria'e. The da"ned )o&ld re#&te the"sel!es $lessed if they co&ld entertain a ho#e of e!er lo!in' GodF and the /lessed )o&ld estee" the"sel!es da"ned if they tho&'ht they co&ld e!er $e de#ri!ed of this sacred lo!e+ O 'ood God( Theoti"&s ho) delicio&s is the s)eetness of this co""and"ent seein' that if it #leased the di!ine )ill to 'i!e it to the da"ned they )o&ld in a "o"ent $e deli!ered fro" their 'reatest "isery and seein' that the /lessed are only $lessed $y the #ractice of it( O hea!enly lo!e ho) lo!ely art tho& to o&r so&ls( 3nd $lessed $e the 'oodness of God for e!er )ho so earnestly co""ands &s to lo!e hi" tho&'h this lo!e is so desira$le and so necessary to o&r ha##iness that )itho&t it )e can $&t $e "isera$le( @986A Ps+ l!iii+7+ @987A Ps+ cCi+ 17+



85 @98IA Matt+ CCi!+ 87+ @98KA ,ohn CiC+ 87+ 97 ?53PT;> --+ T53T T5-S D-:-E; ?OMM3EDM;ET OF 6O:; T;EDS TO 5;3:;E O;T -S G-:;E TO T5; F3-T5F=6 -E T5-S 0O>6D+ 95 -f the la) is not "ade for the 1&st "an @997A $eca&se #re!entin' the la) and )itho&t the #ress&re of the la) he #erfor"s GodDs )ill $y the instinct of charity )hich rei'ns in his so&lB ho) free and eCe"#t fro" all co""and"ents "&st )e consider the /lessed in Paradise to $e since fro" their en1oy"ent of the so!erei'n $ea&ty and 'oodness of the


)ell-$elo!ed a "ost s)eet yet ine!ita$le necessity in their s#irits of lo!in' eternally the "ost holy di!inity flo)s and #roceeds+ 0e shall lo!e God in hea!en Theoti"&s not as $ein' tied and o$li'ed $y the la) $&t as $ein' all&red and ra!ished $y the 1oy )hich this o$1ect so #erfectly )orthy of lo!e shall yield to o&r hearts+ Then the force of the co""and"ent )ill cease in order to 'i!e #lace to the force of content"ent )hich shall $e the fr&it and cro)n of the o$ser!ance of the co""and"ent+ 0e are therefore destined to the content"ent )hich is #ro"ised &s in the i""ortal life $y this co""and"ent )hich is 'i!en &nto &s in this "ortal life in )hich tr&ly )e are strictly $o&nd to o$ser!e it $eca&se it is the f&nda"ental la) )hich the 4in' ,es&s has 'i!en to the citiHens of the "ilitant ,er&sale" to "a2e the" "erit the citiHenshi# and 1oy of the tri&"#hant ,er&sale"+ There a$o!e in hea!en )e shall indeed ha!e a heart *&ite free fro" #assions a so&l #&rified fro" all distractions a s#irit li$erated fro" contradictions and #o)ers eCe"#t fro" o##osition and therefore )e shall lo!e God )ith a #er#et&al and ne!er interr&#ted affection as it is said of those fo&r li!in' creat&res )hich re#resentin' the ;!an'elists contin&ally #raised the di!inity not restin' day or ni'ht+ @991A O God( )hat 1oy )hen esta$lished in those eternal ta$ernacles o&r s#irits shall $e in this #er#et&al "o!e"ent in )hich they shall en1oy the so "&ch desired re#ose of their eternal lo!in'+ /lessed are they that d)ell in thy ho&se O 6ordF they shall #raise thee for e!er and e!er+ @992A /&t )e are not to eC#ect this lo!e so eCceedin'ly #erfect in this "ortal lifeF for as yet )e ha!e neither the heart nor the so&l nor the s#irit nor the forces of the /lessed+ -t is s&fficient for &s to lo!e )ith all the heart and all the #o)ers )e ha!e+ 0hile )e are little children )e are )ise li2e little children )e s#ea2 li2e little children )e lo!e li2e little children $&t )hen )e shall co"e to o&r #erfect 'ro)th there a$o!e in hea!en )e shall $e freed fro" o&r state of infancy and lo!e God #erfectly+ Oet are )e not for all this Theoti"&s d&rin' this infancy of o&r "ortal life to o"it to do )hat in &s lies accordin' as )e are co""anded since this is not only in o&r #o)er $&t is also !ery easyB the )hole co""and"ent $ein' of lo!e and of the lo!e of God )ho as he is so!erei'nly 'ood so is he so!erei'nly a"ia$le+ @997A 1 Ti"+ i+ K+






@991A 3#oc+ i!+ @992A Ps+ lCCCiii+ 5+ ?53PT;> ---+

97 5O0 05-6; T5; 05O6; 5;3>T -S ;MP6OO;D -E S3?>;D 6O:; O;T OE; M3O 6O:; GOD -E :3>-O=S 03OS 3ED 36SO M3EO OT5;> T5-EGS TOG;T5;> 0-T5 5-M+ 95 5e )ho says all eCcl&des nothin' and yet a "an "ay $e )holly GodDs )holly his fatherDs )holly his "otherDs )holly his #rinceDs )holly his co""on)ealthDs his childrenDs his friendsD so that $ein' all to each yet he is all to all+ This so ha##ens

$eca&se the d&ty $y )hich a "an is all to one is not contrary to the d&ty $y )hich a "an is all to another+ 5 Man 'i!es hi"self )holly $y lo!e and 'i!es hi"self as "&ch as he lo!es+ 5e is therefore in a so!erei'n "anner 'i!en to God )hen he lo!es the di!ine 'oodness so!erei'nly+ 3nd ha!in' once "ade this donation of hi"self he is to lo!e nothin' that can re"o!e his heart fro" God+ Eo) ne!er does any lo!e ta2e o&r hearts fro" God sa!e that )hich is contrary &nto hi"+ Sara is not offended )hen she sees -s"ael a$o&t her dear -saac so lon' as his #lay does not 'o on to stri2in' and h&rtin' the $oyF and the di!ine 'oodness is not offended $y seein' in &s other lo!es $esides his so lon' as )e #reser!e for hi" the re!erence and s&$"ission d&e to hi"+ -n hea!en Theoti"&s God )ill tr&ly 'i!e hi"self to &s )holly and not in #art since he is a )hole that has no #arts yet )ill he 'i!e hi"self in different )ays and in as "any different )ays as there are $lessed so&ls+ This )ill so ha##en $eca&se )hile 'i!in' hi"self all to all and all to each he )ill ne!er 'i!e hi"self )holly either to one in #artic&lar or to all in 'eneral+ Eo) )e shall 'i!e o&rsel!es to hi" accordin' to the "eas&re in )hich he 'i!es hi"self to &sF for )e shall see hi" indeed face to face as he is in his $ea&tyB and shall lo!e hi" heart to heart as he is in his 'oodnessF yet all )ill not see hi" )ith an e*&al clearness nor lo!e hi" )ith an e*&al s)eetnessF $&t e!ery one )ill see and lo!e hi" accordin' to the #artic&lar "eas&re of 'lory )hich the di!ine Pro!idence has #re#ared for hi"+ 0e shall all e*&ally ha!e the f&lness of di!ine lo!e $&t still the f&lnesses )ill $e &ne*&al in #erfection+ The honey of Ear$onne is s)eet and so also is that of ParisF $oth of the" are f&ll of s)eetness $&t the one of a $etter "ore delicate and richer s)eetnessF and tho&'h $oth of the" are entirely s)eet yet neither contains all s)eetness+ - do ho"a'e to "y so!erei'n #rince as also to "y i""ediate s&#eriorF - en'a'e then to each of the" all "y fealty and - do not en'a'e it to either of the" totallyF for in that )hich - 'i!e to the so!erei'n - do not eCcl&de that )hich - #ay to the s&$altern and in that of the s&$altern - do not incl&de that of the so!erei'n+ 0herefore it is no )onder that if in hea!en ()here these )ords Tho& shalt lo!e the 6ord thy God )ith all thy heart shall $e so eCcellently #ractised) there are 'reat differences in lo!e in this "ortal life there sho&ld $e "any+ Theoti"&s a"on' those )ho lo!e God )ith all their heart not only do so"e lo!e hi" "ore and so"e less $&t e!en one and the sa"e #erson often eCceeds hi"self in this so!erei'n eCercise of lo!in' God a$o!e all thin's+ 3#elles did $etter one ti"e than another so"eti"es he s&r#assed hi"selfB for tho&'h co""only he 'a!e all his art and all his attention to #aintin' 3leCander the Great yet he did not al)ays 'i!e the" so totally and entirely $&t that there re"ained other efforts to "a2e in )hich he &sed not a 'reater art or a 'reater affection $&t &sed the" "ore acti!ely and #erfectly+ 5e al)ays e"#loyed all his 'eni&s to #aint these #ict&res of 3leCander )ell $eca&se he &sed it )itho&t reser!e yet so"eti"es he e"#loyed it "ore effecti!ely and ha##ily+ 0ho 2no)s not that in this holy lo!e #ro'ress is #ossi$le and that the end of the Saints is cro)ned )ith a "ore #erfect lo!e than their $e'innin'.












Eo) accordin' to the eC#ression of the holy Scri#t&res to do a thin' )ith all oneDs heart "eans si"#ly to do it )ith 'ood heart and )itho&t reser!e+ O 6ord says Da!id - ha!e so&'ht thee )ith "y )hole heart+ - ha!e cried )ith all "y heart O 6ord hear "e @998A and the holy 0ord testifies that he had tr&ly follo)ed God )ith his )hole heartB and yet not)ithstandin' this it affir"s also of ;Hechias that after hi" there )as none li2e hi" a"on' all the 2in's of ,&dah @999A neither $efore nor after hi" that he )as &nited to God and strayed not fro" hi"+ 3fter)ards treatin' of ,osias it says that there )as no 2in' $efore hi" li2e &nto hi" that ret&rned to the 6ord )ith all his heart and )ith all his so&l and )ith all his stren'th accordin' to all the la) of Moses neither after hi" did there arise any li2e hi"+ @995A Mar2 then - #ray yo& Theoti"&s "ar2 ho) Da!id ;Hechias and ,osias lo!ed God )ith all their hearts and yet not all three e*&ally $eca&se no one of the" had his li2e in this lo!e as the sacred teCt says+ 3ll three lo!ed hi" each of the" )ith all his heartB yet not one nor all to'ether lo!ed hi" totally $&t each one in his #artic&lar )ayB so that as all the three )ere ali2e in this that they 'a!e each his )hole heart so )ere they &nli2e in their "anner of 'i!in' itB yea there is no do&$t that Da!id to ta2e hi" $y hi"self )as far different fro" hi"self in this lo!eB and that )ith his second heart )hich God created #&re and clean in hi" and )ith his ri'ht s#irit )hich God rene)ed in his $o)els $y "ost holy #enitence he san' the canticle of his lo!e far "ore "elodio&sly than e!er he had done )ith his first heart and his first s#irit+ 3ll tr&e lo!ers are e*&al in this that all 'i!e all their heart to God and )ith all their stren'th $&t they are &ne*&al in this that they 'i!e it di!ersely and in different "anners )hence so"e 'i!e all their heart )ith all their stren'th less #erfectly than others+ This one 'i!es it all $y "artyrdo" this all $y !ir'inity this all $y #o!erty this all $y action this all $y conte"#lation this all $y the #astoral officeB and )hilst all 'i!e it all $y the o$ser!ance of the co""and"ents yet so"e 'i!e it )ith less #erfection than others+ Oea e!en ,aco$ )ho )as called in Daniel the holy one of God @996A and )ho" God declares hi"self to ha!e lo!ed #rotests that he had ser!ed 6a$an )ith all his stren'th and )hy did he ser!e 6a$an $&t to o$tain >achel )ho" he lo!ed )ith all his stren'th. 5e ser!es 6a$an )ith all his stren'th he ser!es God )ith all his stren'thB he lo!es >achel )ith all his stren'th he lo!es God )ith all his stren'thF yet )ithal he lo!es not >achel as God nor God as >achelB he lo!es God as his God a$o!e all thin's and "ore than hi"selfB he lo!es >achel as his )ife a$o!e all other )o"en and as hi"self+ 5e lo!es God )ith an a$sol&tely and so!erei'nly s&#re"e lo!eB and >achel )ith a s&#re"e n&#tial lo!e+ Eor is the one lo!e contrary to the other since that of >achel does not !iolate the #ri!ile'es and so!erei'n #rero'ati!es of the lo!e of God+ So that o&r lo!e to God Theoti"&s ta2es its )orth fro" the e"inence and eCcellence of the "oti!e for )hich and accordin' to )hich )e lo!e hi"B in that )e lo!e hi" for his so!erei'n infinite 'oodness as God and $eca&se he is God+ Eo) one dro# of this lo!e is )orth "ore has "ore #o)er and deser!es "ore estee" than all the other lo!es that can e!er enter into the hearts of "en or a"on'st the choirs of an'els+ For )hile this lo!e li!es it rei'ns and $ears the sce#tre o!er all the affections "a2in' God to $e #referred in its )ill $efore all thin's indifferently &ni!ersally and )itho&t reser!e+






@998A Ps+ cC!iii+ @999A 4in's C!iii+ 5+ 5 @995A 4in's CCiii+ 25+ @996A Dan+ iii+ 85+ ?53PT;> -:+ 17 OF T0O D;G>;;S OF P;>F;?T-OE 0-T5 05-?5 T5-S ?OMM3EDM;ET M3O /; 4;PT -E T5-S MO>T36 6-F;+ 15 0hile the 'reat 4in' Solo"on #ossessin' as yet the S#irit of God )as co"#osin' the sacred ?anticle of ?anticles he had accordin' to the #er"ission of those a'es a 'reat !ariety of ladies and "aidens attached to his ser!ice in different conditions and *&alities+ For 1W+ There )as one his sin'&larly dear and )holly #erfect one "ost rare as a sin'&lar do!e )ith )ho" the others entered not into co"#arison and for this reason she )as called $y his o)n na"e S&la"itess+ @997A 2W+ There )ere siCty )ho neCt to her had the first ran2 of hono&r and esti"ation and )ere called *&eens+ 8W+ There )ere f&rther ei'hty ladies )ho )ere not indeed *&eens $&t )ere in a reco'niHed and hono&ra$le relation to hi"+ 9W+ There )ere yo&n' "aidens )itho&t n&"$er 2e#t ready to $e #&t in the #lace of the fore'oin' as )as re*&ired+ Eo) &nder the fi'&re of )hat #assed in his #alace he descri$ed the !ario&s #erfections of so&ls )ho in ti"e to co"e )ere to adore lo!e and ser!e the 'reat Pacific 4in' ,es&s ?hrist o&r Sa!io&rB a"on'st )ho" there are so"e )ho $ein' ne)ly freed fro" their sins and *&ite resol!ed to lo!e God are yet no!ices a##rentices tender and fee$leF so that they lo!e indeed the di!ine s)eetness yet )ith s&ch "iCt&re of other affections that their sacred lo!e $ein' still as it )ere in its infancyB they lo!e to'ether )ith o&r Sa!io&r "any s&#erfl&o&s !ain and dan'ero&s thin's+ 3nd as a #hoeniC ne)ly hatched fro" o&t its ashes ha!in' as yet $&t little tender feathers and its first do)n can only essay short fli'hts in )hich it sho&ld $e said rather to lea# than to flyB so these tender yo&n' so&ls ne)ly $orn fro" the ashes of their #enance cannot as yet soar on hi'h or fly in the $road air of sacred lo!e $ein' held ca#ti!es $y the "&ltit&de of $ad inclinations and e!il ha$its )hich the sins of their #ast life ha!e left the"+ Still they are li!in' they are ani"ated )ith and #ossessed of lo!e yea and )ith tr&e lo!e too else had they ne!er forsa2en sinB yet )ith a lo!e still fee$le and yo&n' )hich en!ironed )ith a n&"$er of other lo!es cannot #rod&ce fr&it in s&ch a$&ndance as it )o&ld do if it had the f&ll #ossession of the heart+ S&ch )as the #rodi'al son )hen *&ittin' the infa"o&s co"#any or the s)ine a"on'st )hich he had li!ed he ret&rned into his fatherDs ar"s half-na2ed &nclean and $e"ired and s"ellin' "ost offensi!ely of the filth )hich he had contracted in the co"#any of those !ile $easts+ For )hat is it to forsa2e the s)ine $&t to )ithdra) fro" sins. 3nd )hat is it to ret&rn all ra''ed tattered and &nclean $&t to ha!e o&r affections en'a'ed in the ha$its and inclinations )hich tend to sin. Oet still )as he #ossessed of the life of the so&l )hich is lo!eB and as a #hoeniC risin' o&t of its ashes he fo&nd hi"self ne)ly raised to life+ 5e )as dead said his father and is co"e to life a'ain @99IA he has








re!i!ed+ 3nd these so&ls are called yo&n' "aidens in the ?anticles foras"&ch as ha!in' #ercei!ed the odo&r of the na"e of the $elo!ed )ho $reathes nothin' $&t sal!ation and "ercy they lo!e hi" )ith a tr&e lo!e $&t a lo!e )hich is as the"sel!es in its tender yo&th+ For e!en as yo&n' 'irls lo!e their h&s$ands #ro#erly if they ha!e one yet do not cease to 'reatly lo!e rin's and trifles or their co"#anions )ith )ho" they a"&se the"sel!es eCtra!a'antly in #layin' dancin' and silliness $&syin' the"sel!es )ith little $irds little do's s*&irrels and other s&ch #laythin'sB--so these yo&n' and no!ice-so&ls ha!e tr&ly an affection for the sacred lo!er yet ad"it they )ith it a n&"$er of !ol&ntary distractions and di!ersionsF so that lo!in' hi" a$o!e all thin's they yet $&sy the"sel!es in "any thin's )hich they lo!e not accordin' to hi" $&t $esides hi" o&t of hi" and )itho&t hi"+ -n tr&th tho&'h little irre'&larities in )ords in 'est&res in a##arel in #asti"es and follies are not #ro#erly s#ea2in' a'ainst the )ill of GodB yet are they not accordin' to it $&t o&t of it and )itho&t it+ /&t there are so&ls )ho ha!in' already "ade so"e #ro'ress in the lo!e of God ha!e also c&t off all the lo!e they had to dan'ero&s thin's and yet entertain dan'ero&s and s&#erfl&o&s lo!esF $eca&se they lo!e )ith eCcess and )ith a lo!e too tender and #assionate )hat God ordains they sho&ld lo!e+ -t stood )ith GodDs #leas&re that 3da" sho&ld lo!e ;!e tenderly yet not )ith s&ch tenderness that to content her he sho&ld !iolate the order 'i!en hi" $y his di!ine "a1esty+ 5e lo!ed not then a s&#erfl&o&s thin' nor a thin' in itself dan'ero&s $&t he lo!ed it s&#erfl&o&sly and )ith dan'er+ The lo!e of o&r #arents friends and $enefactors is in itself accordin' to God yet )e "ay lo!e the" )ith eCcessB as also o&r !ocations $e they ne!er so s#irit&alF o&r eCercises also of de!otion ()hich yet )e o&'ht so 'reatly to lo!e) "ay $e lo!ed inordinately as )hen )e #refer the" $efore o$edience or $efore a "ore 'eneral 'oodB or )hen )e lo!e the" as if they )ere o&r last end )hile they are only "eans and f&rtherances to o&r final intention )hich is the di!ine lo!e+ 3nd these so&ls )ho lo!e nothin' $&t )hat God )o&ld ha!e the" to lo!e and yet eCceed in the "anner of lo!in' lo!e indeed the di!ine 'oodness a$o!e all thin's yet not in all thin'sF for the thin's )hich not only $y #er"ission $&t e!en $y co""and they are to lo!e accordin' to God they lo!e not only accordin' to God $&t for other ca&ses and "oti!es )hich tho&'h indeed not contrary to God yet are o&t of hi"+ So that these so&ls rese"$le the #hoeniC )hen ha!in' 'ot its first feathers and $e'innin' to 'ro) stron' it already soars at lar'e in the air $&t has not yet stren'th eno&'h to re"ain lon' on the )in' and often descends to earth to rest there+ S&ch )as the #oor yo&n' "an )ho ha!in' fro" his tender a'e o$ser!ed GodDs co""and"ents desired not his nei'h$o&rDs 'oods yet cl&n' to his o)n o!er tenderlyF so that )hen o&r Sa!io&r co&nselled hi" to 'i!e the" to the #oor he $eca"e sad and "elancholy+ 5e lo!ed nothin' $&t )hat he "i'ht la)f&lly lo!e yet he lo!ed it )ith a s&#erfl&o&s and too attached a lo!e+ -t is #lain Theoti"&s that these so&ls lo!e too ardently and )ith s&#erfl&ityB still as they lo!e not the s&#erfl&ities $&t only the thin' )hich "ay $e lo!ed therefore they are entitled to the fa!o&rs of the hea!enly Solo"on na"ely &nions recollections and the re#ose of lo!e )hereof )e s#o2e in /oo2s :+ and :-+F $&t they do not en1oy the" in *&ality of s#o&ses $eca&se the s&#erfl&ity )ith )hich they lo!e 'ood thin's hinders the" fro" a fre*&ent entry into these di!ine &nions )ith the s#o&seB they are en'a'ed in and distracted $y lo!in' that o&t of hi" and )itho&t hi" )hich they o&'ht not to lo!e $&t in hi" and for hi"+ @997A S#o&se of Solo"on @Tr+A








@99IA 6&2e C!+ 82+ ?53PT;> :+ 5 OF T0O OT5;> D;G>;;S OF G>;3T;> P;>F;?T-OE /O 05-?5 0; M3O 6O:; GOD 3/O:; 366 T5-EGS+ 17 Eo) there are other so&ls )ho neither lo!e s&#erfl&ities nor yet )ith s&#erfl&ity $&t lo!e only that )hich God )ills and as he )illsF--$lessed so&ls )ho lo!e God their friends in God and their ene"ies for GodB they lo!e "any thin's to'ether )ith God $&t none at all sa!e in God and for GodF it is God that they lo!e not only a$o!e all thin's $&t e!en in all thin's and all thin's in God rese"$lin' the #hoeniC )hen #erfectly rene)ed in yo&th and stren'th )hich is ne!er seen $&t in the air or &#on the to#s of "o&ntains that are in hi'h airF for so these so&ls lo!e nothin' $&t in GodB tho&'h indeed they lo!e "any thin's )ith God and God )ith "any thin's+ S+ 6&2e reco&nts that o&r Sa!io&r in!ited a yo&n' "an to follo) hi" )ho indeed lo!ed hi" dearly $&t )ho had also a 'reat affection for his father and there&#on had a "ind to ret&rn ho"e to hi"+ /&t o&r Sa!io&r c&ts off this s&#erfl&ity of lo!e and eCcites hi" to a lo!e "ore #&re that he "ay not only lo!e o&r Sa!io&r "ore than his father $&t not e!en lo!e his father at all $&t in o&r Sa!io&r+ 6et the dead $&ry their deadF $&t as for thee ()ho hast "et )ith life) 'o tho& and #reach the 2in'do" of God+ @99KA 3nd these so&ls as yo& see Theoti"&s ha!in' so 'reat a &nion )ith the s#o&se "erit to share his ran2 and to $e *&eens as he is 2in'B since they are entirely dedicated to hi" )itho&t any di!ision or se#aration ha!in' no affections o&t of hi" or )itho&t hi" $&t only in hi" and for hi"+ /&t at last a$o!e all these so&ls there is yet one "ost only one )ho is the *&een of *&eens the "ost lo!in' the "ost lo!ely and the "ost $elo!ed of all the friends of the di!ine $elo!ed )ho not only lo!es God a$o!e all thin's and in all thin's $&t also lo!es only God in all thin's so that she lo!es not "any thin's $&t one only thin' )hich is God hi"self+ 3nd )hereas it is God alone )ho" she lo!es in all that she lo!es she lo!es hi" indifferently in all thin's accordin' as his 'ood-#leas&re "ay re*&ire o&tside all thin's and )itho&t all thin's+ -f it $e only ;sther that 3ss&er&s lo!es )hy sho&ld he lo!e her "ore )hen #erf&"ed and adorned than in her ordinary attire. -f it $e "y Sa!io&r only that - lo!e )hy shall - not as "&ch lo!e Mo&nt ?al!ary as Mo&nt Tha$or since he is as tr&ly on the one as on the other. 3nd )hy shall - not as affectionately in one as in the other sayF -t is 'ood for &s to $e here+ @957A - lo!e "y Sa!io&r in ;'y#t )itho&t lo!in' ;'y#tB )hy shall - not lo!e hi" at the $an*&et of Si"on the le#er )itho&t lo!in' the $an*&et. 3nd if - lo!e hi" a"idst the $las#he"ies )hich are #o&red &#on hi" not lo!in' the $las#he"ies )hy shall - not lo!e hi" #erf&"ed )ith Ma'dalenDs oint"ent )itho&t lo!in' either the oint"ent or its scent. -t is the tr&e si'n that )e lo!e only God in all thin's )hen )e lo!e hi" e*&ally in all thin's $eca&se he $ein' al)ays e*&al to hi"self the ine*&ality of o&r lo!e to)ards hi" "&st needs #roceed fro" the consideration of so"ethin' that is not hi"self+ Eo) this sacred lo!in' one lo!es no "ore her God )ith all the )orld than if he )ere alone )itho&t the )orldF $eca&se all that is o&t of God and is not God is nothin' to her+ She is an all-#&re so&l )ho lo!es not e!en Paradise $&t $eca&se her $elo!ed is lo!ed thereF and he is so so!erei'nly $elo!ed in his Paradise that if yet he had no Paradise to $esto) he )o&ld








neither a##ear less a"ia$le nor $e less $elo!ed of this 'enero&s lo!in' heart )ho cannot lo!e the Paradise of her s#o&se $&t only her s#o&se of Paradise and )ho #&ts no less #rice on ?al!ary )hile her s#o&se is there cr&cified than &#on Paradise )here he is 'lorified+ 5e that )ei'hs one of the little $alls of the heart of S+ ?lare of Montefalco finds it as hea!y as all the three to'ether+ So does #erfect lo!e find God as a"ia$le all alone as it finds all creat&res to'ether )ith hi" since it lo!es all creat&res only in God and for God+ So&ls in this de'ree of #erfection are so rare that each one is called the only one of her "other )ho is di!ine Pro!idenceB she is called the one do!e for )ho" the lo!e of her "ate is allB she is ter"ed #erfect $eca&se $y lo!e she is "ade the sa"e thin' )ith the so!erei'n Perfection )hence she "ay say )ith a "ost h&"$le tr&thF - to "y $elo!ed and his t&rnin' to)ards "e+ @951A Eo) there is no one sa!e the "ost $lessed :ir'in o&r 6ady )ho has #erfectly arri!ed at this hei'ht of eCcellence in the lo!e of her dearly $elo!edF for she is a do!e so sin'&larly sin'&lar in lo!e that all the rest $ein' co"#ared to her are rather to $e ter"ed da)s than do!es+ /&t lea!in' this #eerless *&een in her "atchless e"inence --there ha!e yet $een other so&ls )ho ha!e $een in s&ch estate of #&re lo!e that in co"#arison )ith others they "i'ht ta2e the ran2 of *&eens of only do!es of #erfect friends of the s#o&se+ For - #ray yo& Theoti"&s )hat "&st he needs ha!e $een )ho )ith all his heart san' to GodF 0hat ha!e - in hea!en and $esides thee )hat do - desire &#on earth. @952A 3nd he that cried o&tF - co&nt all thin's $&t as d&n' that - "ay 'ain ?hristB @958A --did he not testify that he lo!ed nothin' o&t of his "aster and that he lo!ed his "aster )itho&t any other thin's. 3nd )hat "&st ha!e $een the feelin's of that 'reat lo!er )ho si'hed all the ni'htF GMy God is to "e all thin's+G S&ch )ere S+ 3&'&stine S+ /ernard the t)o SS+ ?atharine of Siena and of Genoa and "any others in i"itation of )ho" e!ery one "ay as#ire to this di!ine de'ree of lo!eF rare and sin'&lar so&ls )ho rese"$le no lon'er the $irds of this )orld no not the !ery #hoeniC itself tho&'h so sin'&larly rareB $&t are only re#resented $y that $ird )hich for its eCcellent $ea&ty and no$leness is said not to $e of this )orld $&t of Paradise of )hich it $ears the na"e+ For this fair $ird disdainin' the earth ne!er to&ches it $&t li!es a$o!e in the airB yea e!en )hen it desires to &n)eary itself it )ill only clea!e to the trees $y little threads han'in' $y the" s&s#ended in the air o&t of )hich or )itho&t )hich it can neither fly nor re#ose+ ;!en so these 'reat so&ls do not #ro#erly s#ea2in' lo!e creat&res in the"sel!es $&t in their ?reator and their ?reator in the"+ /&t if they clea!e to any creat&re $y the la) of charity it is only to re#ose in God the sin'le and final ai" of their lo!e+ So that findin' God in creat&res and creat&res in God they lo!e God not the creat&resB as #earl-fishers tho&'h they find the #earls in oysters consider that they are si"#ly fishin' for #earls+ 3t the sa"e ti"e no "ortal creat&re as - thin2 e!er lo!ed the hea!enly lo!er solely )ith this #erfectly #&re lo!e eCce#t that :ir'in )ho )as his s#o&se and "other $oth to'etherB on the contrary as re'ards the #ractice of these fo&r differences of lo!e one can hardly li!e )itho&t #assin' fro" one of the" to another+ The so&ls )hich li2e yo&n' "aidens are still entan'led in so"e !ain and dan'ero&s affections are not at ti"es )itho&t feelin's of a #&rer and s&#re"e lo!eB $&t as these are $&t "o"entary and #assin' flashes )e cannot say that they raise the" fro" the state of yo&n' no!ice or a##rentice "aidens+ -t ha##ens also so"eti"es to the so&ls )ho are in the de'ree of sin'&lar and #erfect lo!ers that they for'et the"sel!es and fail !ery sadly e!en as far as











to the co""ittin' 'reat i"#erfections and 'rie!o&s !enial sins as )e see in !ario&s so"e)hat $itter dissensions )hich ha!e occ&rred $et)een 'reat ser!ants of God yea e!en a"on'st so"e of the di!ine 3#ostles )ho as )e cannot deny fell into so"e i"#erfectionsB certainly charity )as not !iolated $y the" $&t the fer!o&r of it )as+ Ee!ertheless as these 'reat so&ls ordinarily lo!ed God )ith the #erfectly #&re lo!e )e are not to say that they )ere not in the state of #erfect lo!e+ For as )e see that 'ood trees ne!er #rod&ce any h&rtf&l fr&it yet so"eti"es $ear 'reen or defecti!e and )or"eaten fr&it or "istletoe and "ossB so 'reat saints ne!er #rod&ce any "ortal sin $&t still they #rod&ce so"e &seless i""at&re harsh ro&'h and ill-fla!o&red actions+ -n s&ch cases )e "&st allo) that these trees are fr&itf&l other)ise they )o&ld not $e 'ood treesB $&t still )e "&st not deny that so"e of their fr&its are fr&itless+ For )ho )ill deny that cat2ins and the "istletoe of trees are fr&itless fr&its. 3nd )ho also )ill deny that sli'ht an'ers and little eCcesses of 1oy of la&'hter of !anity and of other si"ilar #assions are &n#rofita$le and &nla)f&l "o!e"ents. Oet the 1&st "an $rin's the" forth se!en ti"es a day that is !ery often+ @99KA 6&2e iC+ 67+ @957A Matt+ C!ii+ 9+

27 @951A ?ant+ !ii+ 17+ @952A Ps+ lCCii+ 25+ 25 @958A Phil+ iii+ I+ ?53PT;> :-+ T53T T5; 6O:; OF GOD 3/O:; 366 T5-EGS -S ?OMMOE TO 366 6O:;>S+ 87 Tho&'h there are so "any de'rees of lo!e a"on'st tr&e lo!ers yet is there $&t one co""and"ent of lo!e )hich &ni!ersally and e*&ally o$li'es e!ery one )ith an eCactly li2e and entirely e*&al o$li'ation tho&'h it $e o$ser!ed differently and )ith an infinite !ariety of #erfectionsB there $ein' #erha#s no so&ls on earth as there are no an'els in hea!en )ho are #erfectly e*&al to one another in their lo!e+ 3s one star differs fro" another in $ri'htness so shall it $e )ith the /lessed in their res&rrection )hen each one sin's a canticle of 'lory and recei!es a na"e )hich no "an 2no)eth $&t he that recei!eth it+ @959A /&t )hat de'ree of lo!e is it then to )hich the di!ine co""and"ent e*&ally &ni!ersally and contin&ally o$li'es all. -t is an action of the #ro!idence of the 5oly Ghost that in o&r ordinary !ersion )hich his di!ine "a1esty has canoniHed and sanctified $y the ?o&ncil of Trent the hea!enly co""and"ent of lo!e is eC#ressed $y the )ord dilection rather than $y the )ord lo!eB for altho&'h dilection is a 2ind of lo!e yet is it not a si"#le lo!e $&t a lo!e of choice and election )hich sense the )ord itself con!eys as the 'lorio&s S+ Tho"as notesF for this co""and"ent en1oins &s a lo!e chosen o&t of tho&sands the )ell-$elo!ed o$1ect of this lo!e $ein' chosen o&t of tho&sands accordin' to that of the $elo!ed S&la"itess in the ?anticles+ @955A -t is a lo!e )hich "&st #re!ail o!er all o&r lo!es and rei'n o!er









all o&r #assions+ 3nd this is )hat God re*&ires of &s--that a"on' all o&r lo!es his $e the dearest holdin' the first #lace in o&r heartsB the )ar"est occ&#yin' o&r )hole so&lB the "ost 'eneral e"#loyin' all o&r #o)ersB the hi'hest fillin' o&r )hole s#iritB and the stron'est eCercisin' all o&r stren'th and !i'o&r+ 3nd inas"&ch as $y this )e choose and elect God for the so!erei'n o$1ect of o&r so&l it is a lo!e of so!erei'n election or an election of so!erei'n lo!e+ Oo& are not i'norant Theoti"&s that there are !ario&s s#ecies of lo!e as for eCa"#le there is a fatherly lo!e a $rotherly lo!e a filial lo!e and a n&#tial lo!eB a lo!e of society of o$li'ation of de#endence --and a h&ndred "ore )hich are all different in eCcellence and are so #ro#ortioned to their o$1ects that scarcely can they $e a##lied or a##ro#riated to any other+ 5e )ho sho&ld lo!e his father )ith the lo!e of a $rother only )o&ld certainly not lo!e hi" eno&'h+ 5e )ho sho&ld lo!e his )ife only li2e his father )o&ld not lo!e her #ro#erlyB he )ho sho&ld lo!e his ser!ant )ith a filial lo!e )o&ld co""it an i"#ro#riety+ 6o!e is li2e hono&rB for as hono&r is di!ersified accordin' to the di!ersity of the eCcellences to )hich the hono&r is 'i!en so lo!es are different accordin' to the difference of the 'oodnesses for )hich )e lo!e+ So!erei'n hono&r is d&e to so!erei'n eCcellence and so!erei'n lo!e to so!erei'n 'oodness+ The lo!e of God is a lo!e )itho&t #eer $eca&se the 'oodness of God is a #eerless 'oodness+ 5ear O -srael the 6ord o&r God is one 6ord and therefore Tho& shalt lo!e the 6ord thy God )ith thy )hole heart and )ith thy )hole so&l and )ith thy )hole stren'th+ @956A For as God is the only 6ord his 'oodness is infinitely a$o!e all 'oodness and he is to $e lo!ed )ith a lo!e )hich is e"inent eCcellent and "i'hty $eyond all co"#arison+ -t is this s&#re"e lo!e )hich #laces God in s&ch estee" in o&r so&ls and "a2es &s re#&te it so 'reat a ha##iness to $e a'reea$le in his si'ht that )e #refer hi" and lo!e hi" a$o!e all thin's+ Eo) Theoti"&s do yo& not #lainly see that he )ho lo!es God in this sort has dedicated his )hole so&l and stren'th to God since e!er and for e!er and in all occ&rrences he )ill #refer the 'ood 'race of God to all thin's and )ill $e e!er ready to forsa2e the )hole )orld in order to #reser!e the lo!e )hich is d&e to the di!ine 'oodness+ 3nd in a )ord it is the lo!e of eCcellence or the eCcellence of lo!e )hich is co""anded to all "ortals in 'eneral and to each one of the" in #artic&lar as soon as they ha!e the free &se of reasonF a lo!e s&fficient for each one and necessary for sal!ation to all+ @959A 3#oc+ ii+ 17+


@955A ?ant+ !+ 17+ @956A De&t+ !i+ 9 5+ ?53PT;> :--+

97 ;QP63E3T-OE OF T5; P>;?;D-EG ?53PT;>+ 0e do not al)ays 2no) nor e!er )ith #erfect certainty (at least )ith certainty of faith) )hether )e ha!e the tr&e lo!e of God )hich is re*&ired for sal!ationB still )e ha!e "any "ar2s of it a"on'st )hich the "ost ass&red and al"ost infalli$le a##ears )hen so"e 'reat lo!e of creat&res o##oses itself to the desi'ns of GodDs lo!eB for then if di!ine lo!e is in the so&l it dis#lays the 'reatness of the credit and a&thority )hich it has o!er the )ill sho)in' effecti!ely not only that it has no "aster $&t that it has not



e!en a co"#anion re#ressin' and o!erthro)in' all o##osition and "a2in' its intentions o$eyed+ 0hen the &nha##y troo# of dia$olic s#irits re!oltin' fro" their ?reator essayed to dra) to their faction the holy co"#any of the $lessed s#irits the 'lorio&s S+ Michael ani"atin' his co"rades to the fidelity )hich they o)ed to their God cried )ith lo&d !oice ($&t in an'elic sort) thro&'h the hea!enly ,er&sale"F G0ho is li2e to God.G 3nd $y this )ord he o!erthre) that traitor 6&cifer )ith his ro&t )ho )o&ld ha!e e*&alled the"sel!es )ith the di!ine "a1estyB and thence as it is said the na"e )as 'i!en to S+ Michael since Michael si"#ly "eans 0ho is li2e to God. 3nd )hen the lo!es of created thin's )o&ld dra) o&r hearts to their #arty to "a2e &s diso$edient to the di!ine "a1esty if the 'reat di!ine lo!e $e fo&nd in the so&l it "a2es head a'ainst it as another S+ Michael and esta$lishes the #o)ers and forces of the so&l in GodDs ser!ice $y this )ord of steadfastnessF 0ho is li2e to God. 0hat 'oodness is there in creat&res )hich o&'ht to dra) the h&"an heart into re$ellion a'ainst the so!erei'n 'oodness of its God. 0hen the holy and no$le ,ose#h #ercei!ed that the lo!e of his "istress tended to the r&in of that )hich )as d&e to his "asterF 3h( said he $e it far fro" "e that - sho&ld !iolate the res#ect )hich - o)e to "y "aster )ho re#oses so "&ch tr&st in "e. 5o) then can - do this )ic2ed thin' and sin a'ainst "y God. @957A Mar2 Theoti"&s ho) there are three lo!es in the heart of this ad"ira$le ,ose#h for he lo!es his "istress his "aster and GodB $&t as soon as his "istressDs lo!e rises &# a'ainst his "asterDs he s&ddenly forsa2es it and flies as he )o&ld also ha!e forsa2en his "asterDs if he had fo&nd it contrary to GodDs+ 3"on'st all lo!es GodDs is so to $e #referred that )e "&st al)ays stand #re#ared in "ind to forsa2e the" all for that alone+ 3$raha" lo!ed Sarai and 3'ar and &ntil 3'ar $e'an to des#ise her "istress it co&ld not )ell ha!e $een discerned )hich he lo!ed the $etter+ /&t )hen these t)o lo!es ca"e into co"#arison )ith one another the 'ood 3$raha" "ade *&ite clear )hich )as the stron'er+ For no sooner had Sarai co"#lained that she )as conte"ned $y 3'ar than he told herF /ehold thy hand"aid is in thy o)n hand &se her as it #leaseth thee+ @95IA 0herefore Sarai so afflicted the #oor 3'ar that she )as dri!en to r&n a)ay+ Di!ine lo!e is )illin' for &s to ha!e other lo!esB nor can )e easily disco!er )hich is the chief lo!e of o&r heartF for this h&"an heart often dra)s "ost affectionately into its co"#lacency the lo!e of creat&resB yea on "any occasions it "a2es the acts of its affection for the creat&re far "ore n&"ero&s than that of its dilection for its ?reator+ Oet all the ti"e sacred dilection ceases not to eCcel all the other lo!es as the e!ents sho) )hen the creat&re is o##osed to the ?reatorB for then )e ta2e the #art of sacred dilection s&$"ittin' &nto it all o&r other affections+ There is often a difference a"on' created thin's $et)een 'reatness and 'oodness+ One of ?leo#atraDs #earls )as )orth "ore than o&r hi'hest "o&ntainB $&t the latter is "&ch 'reaterF the one has "ore $&l2 the other "ore )orth+ -t is "ade a *&estion )hether the hono&r )hich a #rince achie!es in )ar $y feats of ar"s or that )hich he "erits $y 1&stice in ti"e of #eace $e 'reaterB and it see"s to "e that "ilitary 'lory is 'rander and the other $etterB as a"on' instr&"ents dr&"s and tr&"#ets "a2e "ore noise l&tes and !ir'inals "ore "elodyB the so&nd of the one is stron'er of the other s)eeter and "ore s#irit&al+ 3n o&nce of $al" 'i!es not so stron' an odo&r as a #o&nd of oil of la!ender $&t at the sa"e ti"e the s"ell of $al" is $etter and "ore a'reea$le+










Tr&ly Theoti"&s yo& )ill see a "other so $&sy a$o&t her child that she "i'ht see" to ha!e no other lo!e $&t that ha!in' eyes only to see it "o&th to 2iss it $reast to 'i!e it s&c2 care to $rin' it &#B and one )o&ld thin2 that her h&s$and )as nothin' to her in res#ect of her childB $&t if she had to "a2e choice )hich she )o&ld lose then )o&ld $e #lainly seen that she "ore !al&es her h&s$and and that tho&'h the lo!e of her child )as "ore tender "ore #ressin' and #assionate yet that other )as the "ore eCcellent stron'er and $etter+ So )hen a heart lo!es God in res#ect of his infinite 'oodness )ith ho)e!er little a #ortion of this eCcellent lo!e it )ill #refer GodDs )ill $efore all thin's and in all the occasions that #resent the"sel!es it )ill forsa2e e!erythin' to #reser!e itself in 'race )ith the so!erei'n 'oodness and nothin' )hate!er )ill di!ert it fro" this+ So that tho&'h this di!ine lo!e does not al)ays so sensi$ly affect and "elt the heart as do the other lo!esB yet on occasions it #erfor"s actions so no$le and eCcellent that one of the" only is $etter than ten "illions of the others+ >a$$its are inco"#ara$ly fertile ele#hants ne!er ha!e "ore than one calfB $&t this little ele#hant alone is of 'reater #rice than all the ra$$its in the )orld+ O&r lo!e to)ards creat&res often a$o&nds in the "&ltit&de of #rod&ctionsB $&t )hen sacred lo!e acts its )or2 is so e"inent that it s&r#asses allF for it ca&ses God to $e #referred $efore all thin's )itho&t reser!e+ @957A Gen+ CCCiC+ I+ @95IA Gen+ C!i+ 6+ ?53PT;> :---+


25 3 M;MO>3/6; 5-STO>O TO M34; ?6;3>6O =ED;>STOOD -E 053T T5; FO>?; 3ED ;Q?;66;E?; OF 5O6O 6O:; ?OES-ST+ 87 5o) 'reat an eCtent then O "y dear Theoti"&s o&'ht the force of this sacred lo!e of God a$o!e all thin's to ha!e. -t "&st s&r#ass all affections !an*&ish all diffic&lties and #refer the hono&r of GodDs 'ood-)ill $efore all thin'sB yea - say $efore all thin's a$sol&tely )itho&t any eCce#tion or reser!ationB and - s#ea2 th&s )ith s&ch 'reat distinctness $eca&se there are "en )ho )o&ld co&ra'eo&sly forsa2e their 'oods hono&r and their o)n life for o&r 6ord )ho yet )ill not lea!e for his sa2e thin's of "&ch less consideration+ -n the rei'n of the ;"#erors :alerian&s and Gall&s there li!ed in 3ntioch a #riest na"ed Sa#rici&s and a lay"an na"ed Eice#hor&s )ho $y reason of their lon' and eCceedin' 'reat friendshi# )ere considered as $rothersF and yet it ha##ened in the end 2no) not &#on )hat occasion that this friendshi# failed and accordin' to c&sto" )as follo)ed )ith a yet dee#er hatred )hich rei'ned for a ti"e $et)een the" till at len'th Eice#hor&s ac2no)led'in' his fa&lt "ade three different atte"#ts to $e reconciled )ith Sa#rici&s to )ho" no) $y one of their co""on friends no) $y another he sent )ords si'nifyin' all the satisfaction and s&$"ission that heart co&ld ha!e )ished+ /&t Sa#rici&s in no )ise ans)erin' to his in!itations e!er re#&lsed the reconciliation )ith as "&ch conte"#t as Eice#hor&s $eso&'ht it )ith h&"ilityB inso"&ch that the #oor Eice#hor&s thin2in' that if Sa#rici&s sa) hi" #rostrate at his feet $e''in' #ardon he )o&ld $e "ore to&ched to the heart )ith it 'oes and finds hi" o&t and co&ra'eo&sly




castin' hi"self do)n at his feetF-->e!erend Father says he 3h( #ardon "e - $eseech thee $y the $o)els of o&r Sa!io&r ,es&sB $&t e!en this h&"ility )as disdained and re1ected to'ether )ith his for"er endea!o&rs+ 5 Mean)hile $ehold a hot #ersec&tion arose a'ainst the ?hristians in )hich Sa#rici&s )ith others $ein' a##rehended did )onders in s&fferin' a tho&sand tho&sand tor"ents for the confession of his faith--es#ecially )hen he )as "ost ro&'hly sha2en and rolled in an instr&"ent "ade #&r#osely after the "anner of a )ine-#ress--)itho&t e!er losin' his constancy+ 3t this the Go!ernor of 3ntioch $ein' eCtre"ely irritated conde"ned hi" to deathB )here&#on he )as #&$licly led o&t of #rison to)ards the #lace )here he )as to recei!e the 'lorio&s cro)n of "artyrdo"+ Eo sooner had Eice#hor&s learnt this than i""ediately he ran and ha!in' "et Sa#rici&s thro)in' hi"self &#on the 'ro&ndF 3las( cried he )ith a lo&d !oice O "artyr of ,es&s ?hrist #ardon "e for - ha!e offended thee( /&t Sa#rici&s ta2in' no notice the #oor Eice#hor&s 'ettin' a'ain $efore hi" $y a shorter )ay ca"e to hi" ane) )ith the li2e h&"ility con1&rin' hi" to #ardon hi" in these )ordsF O "artyr of ,es&s ?hrist #ardon the offence )hich - ha!e co""itted a'ainst thee - )ho a" $&t a "an and s&$1ect to offendF for lo( a cro)n is already $esto)ed &#on thee $y o&r Sa!io&r )ho" tho& has not denied yea tho& hast confessed his holy na"e $efore "any )itnesses+ /&t Sa#rici&s contin&in' in his #ride 'a!e hi" not one )ord in ans)erB &ntil the !ery eCec&tioners )onderin' at the #erse!erance of Eice#hor&s said to hi"F 0e ha!e ne!er seen so foolish a "an as theeB this fello) is 'oin' e!en at this "o"ent to die )hat dost tho& )ant )ith his #ardon. To )ho" Eice#hor&s ans)erin'F Tho& 2no)est not said he )hat it is - de"and of this confessor of ,es&s ?hrist $&t God 2no)s+ Meanti"e Sa#rici&s arri!ed at the #lace of eCec&tion )here yet a'ain Eice#hor&s castin' hi"self &#on the 'ro&nd $efore hi"F - $eseech thee said he O "artyr of ,es&s ?hrist that it )o&ld #lease thee to #ardon "e for it is )rittenF 3s2 and it shall $e 'ranted theeF )ords )hich co&ld not in the least $end the caitiff and re$ellio&s heart of the "isera$le Sa#rici&s )ho o$stinately denyin' "ercy to his nei'h$o&r )as hi"self de#ri!ed $y the 1&st 1&d'"ent of God of the "ost 'lorio&s #al" of "artrydo"+ For the eCec&tioners co""andin' hi" to #&t hi"self on his 2nees in order to $ehead hi" he $e'an to $e da&nted and to #arley )ith the" "a2in' in the end this de#lora$le and sha"ef&l s&$"issionF Oh( - #ray yo& $ehead "e notF - )ill do )hat the ;"#erors order and sacrifice to idols+ 0hich the #oor 'ood Eice#hor&s hearin' )ith tears in his eyes $e'an to cryF 3h( do not - $eseech thee trans'ress the la) and deny ,es&s ?hristB forsa2e hi" not - $eseech thee lose not the cro)n of 'lory )hich )ith so 'reat la$o&rs and tor"ents tho& hast o$tained( /&t alas( this "isera$le #riest co"in' to the altar of "artyrdo" there to consecrate his life to the eternal God had not called to "ind )hat the Prince of Martyrs had saidF -f therefore tho& offer thy 'ift at the altar and there tho& re"e"$er that thy $rother hath anythin' a'ainst theeB lea!e there thy offerin' $efore the altar and 'o first to $e reconciled to thy $rotherF and then co"in' tho& shalt offer thy 'ift+ @95KA 0herefore God re1ected his offerin'B and )ithdra)in' his "ercy fro" hi" #er"itted hi" not only to lose the so!erei'n ha##iness of "artyrdo" $&t e!en to fall headlon' into the "isery of idolatryB )hile the h&"$le and "ee2 Eice#hor&s #ercei!in' this cro)n of "artyrdo" !acant $y the a#ostasy of the o$d&rate Sa#rici&s to&ched )ith an eCcellent and eCtraordinary ins#iration $oldly #resses for)ard to o$tain it sayin' to the officers and eCec&tionersF a" a ?hristian "y friends - a" in tr&th a ?hristian and $elie!e in ,es&s ?hrist )ho" this "an has deniedF #&t "e therefore - $eseech yo& in his #lace and c&t off "y head+










3t )hich the officers $ein' eCtre"ely astonished carried the tidin's to the 'o!ernor )ho 'a!e orders that Sa#rici&s sho&ld $e set at li$erty and that Eice#hor&s sho&ld $e #&t to death )hich ha##ened on the Kth of Fe$r&ary a$o&t the year of o&r sal!ation 267 as Meta#hrastes and S&ri&s relate+ 3 terri$le history and )orthy of the 'ra!est consideration in the s&$1ect )e treat of( For did yo& note "y dear Theoti"&s this co&ra'eo&s Sa#rici&s--ho) $old and fer!ent he )as in defence of his faith ho) he )as in the confession of o&r Sa!io&rDs na"e )hile he )as rolled and cr&shed in that #ressli2e "achine ho) ready he )as to recei!e the death-$lo) to f&lfil the hi'hest #oint of the di!ine la) #referrin' GodDs hono&r $efore his o)n life. 3nd yet $eca&se on the other side he #refers to the di!ine )ill the satisfaction )hich his cr&el ha&'htiness ta2es in hatin' Eice#hor&s he sto#s short in his co&rse and )hen he is on the #oint of co"in' &# to and attainin' the #riHe of 'lory $y "artyrdo" he "isera$ly falls and $rea2s his nec2 fallin' headlon' into idolatry+ -t is therefore tr&e "y Theoti"&s that it is not eno&'h for &s to lo!e God "ore than o&r o)n life &nless )e also lo!e hi" &ni!ersally a$sol&tely and )itho&t reser!e "ore than all )e lo!e or can lo!e+ /&t yo& )ill say to "e did not o&r Sa!io&r assi'n the f&rthest #oint of o&r lo!e to)ards hi" )hen he said that 'reater lo!e than this no "an hath that a "an lay do)n his life for his friends. @967A -t is tr&e indeed Theoti"&s that a"on'st the #artic&lar acts and testi"onies of di!ine lo!e there is none so 'reat as to &nder'o death for GodDs 'lory yet it is also tr&e that this is $&t one sin'le act and one sin'le testB it is indeed the "aster#iece of charity $&t $esides it charity eCacts "any thin's at o&r hands and so "&ch "ore forci$ly and instantly as they are acts "ore easy co""on and ordinary )ith all lo!ers and "ore 'enerally necessary to the #reser!ation of sacred lo!e+ O "isera$le Sa#rici&s( D&rst tho& $e $old to affir" that tho& didst lo!e God as )as fittin' )hilst tho& didst not #refer the )ill of God $efore the #assion of hatred and ranco&r entertained in thy heart a'ainst the #oor Eice#hor&s. To $e )illin' to die for God is the 'reatest $&t not the only act of lo!e )hich )e o)e to GodB and to )ill this act only eCcl&din' the others --this is not charity it is !anity+ ?harity is not fancif&l )hich she )o&ld $e in the hi'hest de'ree if $ein' resol!ed to #lease the $elo!ed in thin's of 'reatest diffic&lty she )o&ld #er"it &s to dis#lease hi" in easier "atters+ 5o) can he )ill to die for God )ho )ill not li!e accordin' to God. 3 )ell-ordered "ind that is resol!ed to die for a friend )o&ld also )itho&t do&$t &nder'o all other thin'sB for he that has once des#ised death o&'ht to ha!e des#ised e!erythin'+ /&t the h&"an s#irit is )ea2 inconstant and h&"o&rso"e )hence "en so"eti"es rather choose to die than to &nder'o far sli'hter #ains and )illin'ly 'i!e their life for eCtre"ely fri!olo&s childish and !ain satisfactions+ 3'ri##ina ha!in' learnt that the child she )as $rin'in' forth )o&ld $e ;"#eror indeed $&t that he )o&ld #&t her to deathF 6et hi" 2ill "e said she #ro!ided that he rei'n+ Mar2 - #ray yo& the disorder of this foolishly lo!in' "otherDs heartB she #referred her sonDs di'nity $efore her o)n life+ ?ato and ?leo#atra chose death rather than to see their ene"ies eC&lt and 'lory in their ca#t&reB and 6&cretia chose to #&t herself cr&elly to death rather than to $e &n1&stly $randed )ith the sha"e of a deed in )hich it )o&ld see" she )as not '&ilty+ 5o) "any are there )ho )o&ld )illin'ly e"$race death for their friends and yet )o&ld not li!e in their ser!ice or acco"#lish their other desires. 3 "an eC#oses his life )ho )o&ld not o#en his #&rse+ 3nd tho&'h there "ay $e fo&nd "any )ho en'a'e their life for a friendDs defence yet scarcely is there one fo&nd in a cent&ry )ho )ill








i"#eril his li$erty or lose an o&nce of the "ost !ain and &n#rofita$le re#&tation or reno)n in the )orld $e it for ne!er so dear a friend+ @95KA Matt+ !+ 28 29+ 5 @967A ,ohn C!+ 18+ ?53PT;> -Q+ 17 3 ?OEF->M3T-OE OF 053T 53S /;;E S3-D /O 3 EOT;0O>T5O ?OMP3>-SOE+ Oo& 2no) Theoti"&s )hat )as ,aco$Ds lo!e for his >achel+ 3nd )hat did not he do to testify its 'reatness force and fidelity fro" the ho&r he had sal&ted her at the )ell. For fro" that ti"e he ne!er ceased to lo!e her and to 'ain her in "arria'e he ser!ed se!en )hole years )ith incredi$le de!otionB yet he considered that all this )as nothin' so "&ch did lo!e s)eeten the #ains )hich he s&##orted for his $elo!ed >achel+ 3nd )hen he )as after all disa##ointed of her he ser!ed yet other se!en years to o$tain herB so constant loyal and co&ra'eo&s )as he in his affectionB and ha!in' at len'th o$tained her he ne'lected all other affections scarcely e!en ta2in' any acco&nt of the d&ty he had to 6ia his first s#o&se a )o"an of 'reat "erit and !ery )orthy to $e cherished )ho" God hi"self co"#assionated for the conte"#t she s&ffered so re"ar2a$le )as it+ /&t after all this )hich )as eno&'h to $rin' do)n the ha&'htiest )o"an in the )orld to the lo!e of so loyal a lo!er it is !erily a sha"e to see the )ea2ness )hich >achel sho)ed in her affection to ,aco$+ The #oor 6ia had no tie of lo!e )ith ,aco$ eCce#t the fact that she )as the "other of his fo&r sons+ >e&$en the first of these had 'one into the fields at har!est-ti"e and fo&nd so"e "andra2es )hich he $ro&'ht as a #resent to his "other+ @961A >achel as2ed for so"e of the" and )hen #oor 6ia saidF Dost tho& thin2 it a s"all "atter that tho& hast ta2en "y h&s$and fro" "e &nless tho& ta2e also "y sonDs "andra2es -->achel sold as it )ere the fa!o&rs and lo!e of her h&s$and for the "andra2es+ /&t ,aco$ )as distressed and his heart san2 )hen he &nderstood the )ea2ness and inconstancy of >achel )ho for so triflin' a thin' sacrificed for a ti"e the hono&r and #leas&re of his s#ecial lo!e+ For tell "e tr&ly Theoti"&s--)as it not a stran'e and "ost fic2le le!ity in >achel to #refer a hea# of little a##les to the chaste co"#any of so a"ia$le a h&s$and. -f it had $een for 2in'do"s for "onarchies(--$&t for a "isera$le handf&l of "andra2es(--Theoti"&s )hat thin2 yo& of it. 3nd yet ret&rnin' to o&rsel!es 'ood God( ho) often do )e "a2e elections infinitely "ore sha"ef&l and )retched. The 'reat S+ 3&'&stine &#on a ti"e too2 #leas&re in leis&rely !ie)in' and conte"#latin' "andra2es the $etter to discern the ca&se )hy >achel had so #assionately co!eted the" and he fo&nd that they )ere indeed #leasin' to the si'ht and of a deli'htf&l s"ell yet alto'ether insi#id and )itho&t fla!o&r+ Eo) Pliny relates that )hen the s&r'eons $rin' the 1&ice of the" to $e dr&n2 $y those on )ho" they )ish to "a2e an incision that they "ay not feel the o#eration it ha##ens often that the !ery s"ell )or2s the effect and #&ts the #atient s&fficiently to slee#+ 0herefore the "andra2e is a $e)itchin' #lant )hich enchants the eyes and char"s








a)ay #ains sorro)s and all #assions $y slee#+ /esides he )ho s"ells the scent of the" too lon' t&rns "&te and he )ho drin2s too "&ch of the" dies )itho&t re"edy+ 5 Theoti"&s co&ld )orldly #o"#s riches and deli'hts $e $etter re#resented. They ha!e an attracti!e o&tside $&t he )ho $ites this a##le that is he )ho so&nds their nat&re finds neither taste nor content"ent in the" ne!ertheless they enchant &s and #&t &s to slee# $y the !anity of their s"ellB and the reno)n )hich the children of the )orld attach to the" $en&"$s and destroys those )ho 'i!e the"sel!es &# to the" too intently or ta2e the" too a$&ndantly+ 3nd it is for s&ch "andra2es chi"eras and #hanto"s of content that )e cast off the lo!e of the hea!enly $elo!edB and ho) then can )e say that )e lo!e hi" a$o!e all thin's since )e #refer s&ch e"#ty !anities $efore his 'race. -s it not a "ar!el $&t one )orthy of tears to see Da!id so no$le in s&r"o&ntin' hatred so 'enero&s in #ardonin' in1&ries and yet so f&rio&sly &n1&st in lo!e that not content )ith #ossessin' 1&stly a 'reat "&ltit&de of )i!es he ini*&ito&sly &s&r#s and ta2es a)ay the )ife of #oor =rias and $y an ins&##orta$le cr&elty ca&ses the h&s$and to $e slain that he "ay the $etter en1oy the lo!e of the )ife. 0ho )o&ld not )onder at the heart of a S+ Peter )hich )as so $old a"idst the ar"ed soldiers that he alone of all his "asterDs co"#any ta2es s)ord in hand and stri2esB and yet a little after)ards he is so co)ardly a"on'st the )o"en that at the "ere )ord of a "aid he denies and fors)ears his "aster. 3nd ho) can it see" so stran'e to &s that >achel co&ld sell the chaste fa!o&rs of her ,aco$ for the a##les of the "andra2e since 3da" and ;!e act&ally forsoo2 'race for an a##le )hich a ser#ent offers the" to eat. -n fine - say to yo& this )ord )orthy of note+ 5eretics are heretics and $ear the na"e $eca&se o&t of the articles of faith they choose at their taste and #leas&re those )hich it see"s 'ood to the" to $elie!e re1ectin' and denyin' the others+ 3nd ?atholics are ?atholics $eca&se )itho&t any choice or election they e"$race )ith an e*&al ass&rance and )itho&t eCce#tion all the faith of the ?h&rch+ Eo) it is the sa"e in the articles of charity+ -t is a heresy in sacred lo!e to "a2e choice a"on' GodDs co""and"ents )hich to o$ser!e and )hich to !iolateF he )ho saidF Tho& shalt not 2ill said alsoF Tho& shalt not co""it ad&ltery+ -f then tho& 2ill not $&t co""it ad&ltery it is not for lo!e for God that tho& 2illest not $&t it is fro" so"e other "oti!e )hich "a2es thee rather choose this co""and"ent than the otherB a choice )hich "a2es heresy in "atter of charity+ -f a "an told "e that he )o&ld not c&t off "y ar" on acco&nt of his lo!e for "e and yet #roceeded to #l&c2 o&t "y eye to $rea2 "y head to r&n "e thro&'hF--3h( sho&ld - cry ho) do yo& say that it is for lo!e yo& do not c&t off "y ar" since yo& #l&c2 o&t "y eye )hich is no less #recio&s to "e or r&n "y $ody thro&'h )ith yo&r s)ord )hich is still "ore dan'ero&s to "e. -t is a "aCi" that 'ood co"es fro" an entirely so&nd ca&se e!il fro" so"e defect+ To "a2e an act of tr&e charity it "&st #roceed fro" an entire 'eneral and &ni!ersal lo!e )hich eCtends to all the di!ine co""and"ents and if )e fail in any one co""and"ent lo!e ceases to $e entire and &ni!ersal and the heart )herein it is cannot $e called tr&ly lo!in' nor conse*&ently tr&ly 'ood+ @961A Gen+ CCC+ ?53PT;> Q+









T53T 0; 3>; TO 6O:; T5; D-:-E; GOODE;SS SO:;>;-GE6O 3/O:; O=>S;6:;S+ 5 3ristotle )as consistent in sayin' that 'ood is indeed a"ia$le $&t to each one his o)n 'ood #rinci#ally so that the lo!e )hich )e ha!e for others #roceeds fro" the lo!e of o&rsel!esF--for ho) co&ld a #hiloso#her say other)ise )ho not only did not lo!e God $&t hardly e!er e!en s#o2e of the lo!e of God. 3s a fact ho)e!er this lo!e of God #recedes all lo!e of o&rsel!es e!en accordin' to the nat&ral inclination of o&r )ill as ha!e "ade clear in the first $oo2+ -n tr&th the )ill is so dedicated and if )e "ay say it consecrated to 'oodness that if an infinite 'oodness $e clearly #ro#osed &nto it it "&st &nless $y "iracle so!erei'nly lo!e this 'oodnessF yea the /lessed are carried a)ay and necessitated tho&'h not forced to lo!e God )hose so!erei'n $ea&ty they clearly seeB as the Scri#t&re s&fficiently sho)s in co"#arin' the content"ent )hich fills the hearts of the 'lorio&s inha$itants of the hea!enly ,er&sale" to a torrent and i"#et&o&s flood )hose )aters cannot $e 2e#t fro" s#readin' o!er the #lains it "eets )ith+ /&t in this "ortal life Theoti"&s )e are not necessitated to lo!e hi" so so!erei'nly $eca&se )e see hi" not so clearly+ -n hea!en )here )e shall see hi" face to face )e shall lo!e hi" heart to heartB that is as )e shall all see the infinity of his $ea&ty each in o&r "eas&re )ith a so!erei'nly clear si'ht so shall )e $e ra!ished )ith the lo!e of his infinite 'oodness in a so!erei'nly stron' ra#t&re to )hich )e shall neither desire nor $e a$le to desire to "a2e any resistance+ /&t here $elo) on earth )here )e do not see this so!erei'n 'oodness in its $ea&ty $&t only ha!e a half-si'ht of it a"id o&r o$sc&rities )e are indeed inclined and all&red to lo!e hi" "ore than o&rsel!esB--yet )e are not necessitatedF on the contrary tho&'h )e ha!e this holy nat&ral inclination to lo!e the di!inity a$o!e all thin's yet )e ha!e not the stren'th to #&t it in eCec&tion &nless the sa"e di!inity inf&se its "ost holy charity s&#ernat&rally into o&r hearts+ Oet tr&e it is that as the clear !ie) of the di!inity infalli$ly #rod&ces the necessity of lo!in' it "ore than o&rsel!es so the half-!ie) that is the nat&ral 2no)led'e of the di!inity infalli$ly #rod&ces the inclination and tendency to lo!e it "ore than o&rsel!esB for - #ray yo& Theoti"&s since the )ill is )holly ordained &nto the lo!e of 'ood ho) can it 2no) e!er so little a so!erei'n 'ood )itho&t $ein' so far inclined to lo!e it so!erei'nly. Of all 'oods )hich are not infinite o&r )ill al)ays #refers in its lo!e that )hich is nearest to it and chiefly its o)nB $&t there is so little #ro#ortion $et)een the infinite and the finite that o&r )ill ha!in' 2no)led'e of an infinite 'ood is )itho&t do&$t "o!ed inclined and eCcited to #refer the friendshi# of this a$yss of infinite 'oodness $efore e!ery other sort of lo!e yea e!en the lo!e of o&rsel!es+ This inclination is stron' #rinci#ally $eca&se )e are "ore in God than in o&rsel!es )e li!e "ore in hi" than in o&rsel!es and are in s&ch sort fro" hi" $y hi" for hi" and $elon'in' to hi" that )e cannot &ndistractedly consider )hat )e are to hi" and he is to &s )itho&t $ein' forced to eCclai"F - a" thine 6ord and "&st $elon' to none $&t theeB "y so&l is thine and o&'ht not to li!e $&t $y thee "y )ill is thine and is only to tend to thee - "&st lo!e thee as "y first #rinci#le since - ha!e "y $ein' fro" thee -









"&st lo!e thee as "y end and centre since - a" for thee - "&st lo!e thee "ore than "y o)n $ein' since "y $ein' s&$sists $y thee - "&st lo!e thee "ore than "yself since a" )holly thine and in thee+ 5 3nd in case there )ere or co&ld $e so"e so!erei'n 'ood )hereof )e )ere inde#endent )e sho&ld also s&##osin' that )e co&ld &nite o&rsel!es &nto it $y lo!e $e eCcited to lo!e this "ore than o&rsel!es seein' that the infinity of its s)eetness )o&ld $e still so!erei'nly "ore #o)erf&l to dra) o&r )ill to its lo!e than all other 'oods yea e!en than o&r o)n 'ood+ /&t if $y i"a'ination of a thin' i"#ossi$le there )ere an infinite 'oodness on )hich )e had no de#endence )hate!er and )ith )hich )e co&ld ha!e no 2ind of &nion or co""&nication )e sho&ld indeed estee" it "ore than o&rsel!es for )e sho&ld 2no) that $ein' infinite it )o&ld $e "ore esti"a$le and lo!a$le than )eB and conse*&ently )e sho&ld $e a$le to "a2e si"#le desires of $ein' a$le to lo!e itB yet #ro#erly s#ea2in' )e sho&ld not lo!e it since lo!e ai"s at &nionB and "&ch less co&ld )e ha!e charity to)ards it since charity is a friendshi# and friendshi# cannot $e &nless it $e reci#rocal ha!in' for its 'ro&nd)or2 co""&nication and for its end &nionF - s#ea2 th&s for the $enefit of certain fantastic and e"#ty s#irits )ho !ery often on $aseless i"a'inations re!ol!e "or$id tho&'hts to their o)n 'reat affliction+ /&t as for &s Theoti"&s "y dear friend )e see #lainly that )e cannot $e tr&e "en )itho&t #&ttin' this inclination into effect+ 6et &s lo!e hi" "ore than o&rsel!es )ho is to &s "ore than all and "ore than o&rsel!es+ 3"en so it is+ ?53PT;> Q-+ 5O0 5O6O ?53>-TO P>OD=?;S T5; 6O:; OF O=> E;-G5/O=>+ 87 3s God created "an to his o)n i"a'e and li2eness so did he a##oint for "an a lo!e after the i"a'e and rese"$lance of the lo!e )hich is d&e to his o)n di!inity+ Tho& shalt lo!e the 6ord thy God )ith thy )hole heart and )ith thy )hole so&l and )ith thy )hole "ind+ This is the 'reatest and the first co""and"ent+ 3nd the second is li2e to thisF Tho& shalt lo!e thy nei'h$o&r as thyself+ @962A 0hy do )e lo!e God Theoti"&s. GThe ca&se for )hich )e lo!e God G says S+ /ernard Gis God 5i"selfBG as tho&'h he had saidF )e lo!e God $eca&se he is the "ost so!erei'n and infinite 'oodness+ 3nd )hy do )e lo!e o&rsel!es in charity. S&rely $eca&se )e are the i"a'e and li2eness of GodB and )hereas all "en are endo)ed )ith the sa"e di'nity )e lo!e the" also as o&rsel!es that is as $ein' holy and li!in' i"a'es of the di!inity+ For it is on that acco&nt that )e $elon' to God $y so strict an alliance and so s)eet a de#endence of lo!e that he "a2es no diffic&lty to call hi"self o&r father and to call &s his childrenB it is on that acco&nt that )e are ca#a$le of $ein' &nited to his di!ine essence $y the fr&ition of his so!erei'n 'oodness and felicityB it is on that acco&nt that )e recei!e his 'race that o&r s#irits are associated to his "ost 5oly S#irit and "ade in a "anner #artici#ant of his di!ine nat&re as S+ 6eo says+ 3nd therefore the sa"e charity )hich #rod&ces the acts of the lo!e of God #rod&ces at the sa"e ti"e those of the lo!e of o&r nei'h$o&r+ 3nd e!en as ,aco$ sa) that one sa"e ladder to&ched hea!en and earth ser!in' the an'els $oth for descendin' and ascendin' so )e 2no) that one sa"e charity eCtends itself to $oth the lo!e of God and o&r nei'h$o&r raisin' &s to the &nion of o&r








s#irit )ith God and $rin'in' &s $ac2 a'ain to a lo!in' society )ith o&r nei'h$o&rsB al)ays ho)e!er on the &nderstandin' that )e lo!e o&r nei'h$o&r as $ein' after the i"a'e and li2eness of God created to ha!e co""&nication )ith the di!ine 'oodness to #artici#ate in his 'race and to en1oy his 'lory+ 5 Theoti"&s to lo!e o&r nei'h$o&r in charity is to lo!e God in "an or "an in GodB it is to hold God alone dear for his o)n sa2e and the creat&re for the lo!e of hi"+ The yo&n' To$ias acco"#anied $y the an'el >a#hael ha!in' "et )ith >a'&el his relati!e $y )ho" ho)e!er he )as &n2no)n -->a'&el had no sooner set eyes &#on hi" says the Scri#t&re $&t t&rnin' hi"self to)ards his )ifeF 3nna loo2 loo2 said he ho) li2e is this yo&n' "an to "y co&sin. 3nd )hen he had s#o2en these )ords he saidF )hence are ye yo&n' "en o&r $rethren. /&t they said )e are of the tri$e of Ee#hthali of the ca#ti!ity of Eini!e+ 3nd >a'&el said to the"F Do yo& 2no) To$ias "y $rother. 3nd they said )e 2no) hi"+ 3nd )hen he )as s#ea2in' "any 'ood thin's of hi" the an'el said to >a'&elF To$ias concernin' )ho" tho& in*&irest is this yo&n' "anDs father+ 3nd >a'&el )ent to hi" and 2issed hi" )ith tears and )ee#in' &#on his nec2 saidF a $lessin' $e &#on thee "y son $eca&se tho& art the son of a !irt&o&s "an+ 3nd 3nna his )ife and Sara their da&'hter )e#t @968A thro&'h tenderness of affection+ Do yo& not o$ser!e that >a'&el )itho&t 2no)in' the yo&n'er To$ias e"$races caresses 2isses hi" and )ee#s for 1oy o!er hi"+ 0hence #roceeds this lo!e $&t fro" that )hich he had for the old To$ias the father )ho" this child did so "&ch rese"$le. 3 $lessin' $e &#on thee said heB $&t )hy. certainly not $eca&se tho& art a 'ood yo&th for that as yet - 2no) not $&t $eca&se tho& art son and li2e to thy father a 'ood and "ost !irt&o&s "an+ 3h( then Theoti"&s )hen )e see a nei'h$o&r )ho is created to the i"a'e and li2eness of God o&'ht )e not to say one to anotherF O$ser!e and see this creat&re ho) he rese"$les the ?reator. Mi'ht )e not cast o&rsel!es &#on his nec2 to caress hi" and )ee# o!er hi" )ith lo!e. Sho&ld )e not $less hi" a tho&sand and a tho&sand ti"es. 3nd )hy. For the lo!e of hi". Eo !erilyF for )e 2no) not )hether he $e )orthy of lo!e or hatred in hi"selfB $&t )herefore then. O Theoti"&s( for the lo!e of God )ho has "ade hi" to his o)n i"a'e and li2eness and conse*&ently ca#a$le of #artici#atin' in his 'oodness in 'race and in 'lory+ For the lo!e of God - say fro" )ho" he is )hose he is $y )ho" he is in )ho" he is for )ho" he is and )ho" he rese"$les in a "ost #artic&lar "anner+ 0herefore the lo!e of God not only oftenti"es co""ands the lo!e of o&r nei'h$o&r $&t itself #rod&ces this lo!e and #o&rs it into "anDs heart as its rese"$lance and i"a'eF for e!en as "an is the i"a'e of God so the sacred lo!e of "an to)ards "an is the tr&e i"a'e of the hea!enly lo!e of "an to)ards God+ /&t this s&$1ect of the lo!e of o&r nei'h$o&r re*&ires a treatise a#art )hich - $eseech the so!erei'n lo!er of "en to )ill to ins#ire into so"e one of his "ost eCcellent ser!ants since the s&#re"e lo!e of the di!ine 'oodness of the hea!enly Father consists in the #erfection of the lo!e of o&r $rothers and co"#anions+ @962A Matt+ CCii+ 87+ 95 @968A To$ias !ii+ 2-I ?53PT;> Q--+








5O0 6O:; P>OD=?;S U;36+ 5 3s lo!e tends to)ards the 'ood of the thin' $elo!ed either $y ta2in' deli'ht in it if the $elo!ed ha!e it or in desirin' and #roc&rin' it for hi" if he ha!e it notB so it #rod&ces hatred $y )hich it flies the e!il )hich is contrary to the thin' $elo!ed either $y desirin' and see2in' to re"o!e it if it $e there or $y 2ee#in' it off and #re!entin' its co"in' if it $e not there+ /&t if e!il can neither $e hindered fro" a##roachin' nor $e re"o!ed lo!e at least fails not to ha!e it hated and detested+ 0hen lo!e therefore is fer!ent and is co"e to that hei'ht that it )o&ld ta2e a)ay re"o!e and di!ert )hat is o##osite to the thin' $elo!ed it is ter"ed Heal+ So that to descri$e it #ro#erly Heal is no other thin' than lo!e in its ardo&r or rather the ardo&r that is in lo!e+ 3nd therefore s&ch as the lo!e is s&ch is the Heal )hich is its ardo&r+ -f the lo!e $e 'ood its Heal is 'ood if the lo!e $e $ad its Heal is $ad+ Eo) )hen - s#ea2 of Heal - "ean to s#ea2 of 1ealo&sy tooF for 1ealo&sy is a s#ecies of Heal and if - a" not "ista2en there is $&t this difference $et)een the" that Heal re'ards the )hole 'ood of the thin' $elo!ed )ith the intention of re"o!in' the contrary e!il fro" it and 1ealo&sy re'ards the #artic&lar 'ood of the friendshi# that it "ay re#&lse all that o##oses that+ 0hen therefore )e ardently lo!e )orldly and te"#oral thin's $ea&ty hono&rs riches ran2 --this Heal that is the ardo&r of this lo!e ends ordinarily in en!yF $eca&se these $ase and !ile thin's are so little li"ited #artic&lar finite and i"#erfect that $ein' #ossessed $y one another cannot entirely #ossess the"+ So that $ein' co""&nicated to "any each one in #artic&lar has a less #erfect co""&nication of the"+ /&t )hen in #artic&lar )e ardently lo!e to $e $elo!ed the Heal or ardo&r of this lo!e t&rns into 1ealo&syB $eca&se h&"an friendshi# tho&'h other)ise a !irt&e has this i"#erfection $y reason of o&r )ea2ness that $ein' di!ided a"on'st "any each oneDs #art is less+ 0here&#on o&r ardo&r or Heal to $e $elo!ed )ill not #er"it ri!als or co"#anionsB and if )e i"a'ine )e ha!e any )e i""ediately enter into the #assion of 1ealo&sy )hich indeed in so"e sort rese"$les en!y $&t in reality is !ery different fro" it+ 1W+ ;n!y is al)ays &n1&st $&t 1ealo&sy is so"eti"es 1&st if it $e "oderateF for ha!e not "arried #eo#le 'ood reason to hinder their friendshi# fro" $ein' di"inished $y $ein' shared. 2W+ ;n!y "a2es &s sorry that o&r nei'h$o&r en1oys a 'reater 'ood than or a li2e 'ood )ith o&rsel!esB altho&'h he is ta2in' fro" &s nothin' that )e ha!eB and here en!y is &nreasona$le "a2in' &s consider o&r nei'h$o&rDs 'ood to $e o&r ill+ /&t 1ealo&sy is not 'rie!ed at o&r nei'h$o&rDs ha!in' so"e 'ood #ro!ided that it is not o&r 'oodF for the 1ealo&s "an does not 'rie!e at his fello)Ds $ein' $elo!ed $y other )o"en so lon' as he is not lo!ed $y the 1ealo&s "anDs )ifeB indeed #ro#erly s#ea2in' one is not 1ealo&s of a ri!al &ntil one $eli!es that one has 'ained the friendshi# of the #erson lo!edF if there $e any #assion $efore that it is not 1ealo&sy $&t en!y+ 8W+ 0e do not #res&##ose any i"#erfection in the #erson )e en!y $&t on the contrary )e consider that he has the 'ood )hich )e en!y in hi"F $&t )e #res&##ose that the #erson of )ho" )e are 1ealo&s is i"#erfect fic2le chan'ea$le and easily led a)ay+ 9W+ ,ealo&sy #roceeds fro" lo!e en!y co"es fro" the defect of lo!e+ 5W+ ,ealo&sy ne!er ha##ens $&t in "atter of lo!e $&t en!y is eCtended to all 2inds of 'oods--hono&rs fa!o&rs $ea&ty+ 3nd if at any ti"e one $e en!io&s of the affection )hich is $orne to another it is not for lo!e $&t for the fr&its that s#rin' fro" it+ The en!io&s "an is little tro&$led to see his fello) in fa!o&r )ith his #rince so that he $e not on occasions 'raced and #referred $y hi"+









?53PT;> Q---+ 5O0 GOD -S ,;36O=S OF =S+ 5 God s#ea2s th&sF - a" the 6ord thy God a 1ealo&s God+ @969A The 6ord his na"e is 1ealo&s+ @965A God is 1ealo&s then Theoti"&s $&t )hat is his 1ealo&sy. Tr&ly it see"s at first to $e a 1ealo&sy of c&#idity s&ch as is that of h&s$ands for their )i!esF for he )ill ha!e &s so to $e his that he )ill in no sort ha!e &s to $e any otherDs $&t his+ Eo "an saith he can ser!e t)o "asters+ @966A 5e de"ands all o&r heart all o&r so&l all o&r "ind and all o&r stren'thB for this !ery reason he calls hi"self o&r s#o&se and o&r so&ls his s#o&sesB and na"es all sorts of se#arations fro" hi" fornication ad&ltery+ 3nd hi'h reason indeed has this 'reat God all sin'&larly 'ood to eCact "ost ri'oro&sly o&r )hole heartF for o&rs is a little heart )hich cannot s&##ly lo!e eno&'h )orthily to lo!e the di!ine 'oodness+ -s it not therefore "eet that since )e cannot 'i!e hi" s&ch "eas&re of lo!e as )ere re*&isite that at least )e sho&ld lo!e hi" all )e can. The 'ood )hich is so!erei'nly lo!a$le o&'ht it not to $e so!erei'nly lo!ed. Eo) to lo!e so!erei'nly is to lo!e totally+ 5o)e!er GodDs 1ealo&sy of &s is not tr&ly a 1ealo&sy of c&#idity $&t of so!erei'n friendshi#F for it is not his interest that )e sho&ld lo!e hi" $&t o&rs+ O&r lo!e is &seless to hi" $&t to &s a 'reat 'ainB and if it $e a'reea$le to hi" it is $eca&se it is #rofita$le to &sF for $ein' the so!erei'n 'ood he ta2es #leas&re in co""&nicatin' hi"self $y lo!e )itho&t any 2ind of #rofit that can ret&rn to hi" there$yB )hence he cries o&t "a2in' his co"#laint of sinners $y )ay of 1ealo&syF They ha!e forsa2en "e the fo&ntain of li!in' )ater and ha!e di''ed to the"sel!es cisterns $ro2en cisterns that can hold no )ater+ @967A ?onsider a little Theoti"&s - #ray yo& ho) delicately this di!ine lo!er eC#resses the no$ility and 'enerosity of his 1ealo&syF They ha!e left "e says he )ho a" the fo&ntain of li!in' )ater+ 3s if he saidF - co"#lain not that they ha!e forsa2en "e $eca&se of any in1&ry their forsa2in' can ca&se "e for )hat the )orse is a li!in' s#rin' if "en do not dra) )ater at it. 0ill it therefore cease to r&n or to flo) o&t on the earth. /&t - 'rie!e for their "isfort&ne that ha!in' left "e they ha!e chosen for the"sel!es )ells that ha!e no )ater+ 3nd if $y s&##osition of an i"#ossi$le thin' they co&ld ha!e "et )ith so"e other fo&ntain of li!in' )ater - )o&ld li'htly $ear their de#art&re fro" "e since - ai" at nothin' in their lo!e $&t their o)n 'ood+ /&t to forsa2e "e to #erish to fly fro" "e to fall headlon' is )hat astonishes and offends "e in their folly+ -t is then for the lo!e of &s that he desires )e sho&ld lo!e hi" $eca&se )e cannot cease to lo!e hi" )itho&t $e'innin' to $e lost and )hate!er #art of o&r affections )e ta2e fro" hi" )e lose+ P&t "e said the di!ine she#herd to the S&la"itess as a seal &#on thy heart as a seal &#on thy ar"+ @96IA The S&la"itess had her heart *&ite f&ll of the hea!enly lo!e of her dear lo!er )ho tho&'h he #ossess all yet is not content )ith it $&t $y a holy distr&st of 1ealo&sy )ill $e set &#on the heart )hich he #ossesses and )ill seal it )ith hi"self lest any of the lo!e d&e to hi" esca#e or anythin' 'et entry )hich "i'ht "in'le )ith it+ For he is not satisfied )ith the lo!e )ith )hich the so&l of his S&la"itess is filled if it $e not in!aria$le *&ite #&re *&ite solely his+ 3nd that he "ay not only en1oy the affections of o&r heart $&t also the effects and o#erations of o&r hands he )ill also $e as a seal











&#on o&r ri'ht ar" that it "ay not $e stretched o&t or e"#loyed sa!e in the )or2s of his ser!ice+ 3nd the reason of the di!ine lo!erDs de"and is that as death is so stron' that it se#arates the so&l fro" all thin's yea e!en fro" her o)n $ody so sacred lo!e )hich is co"e to the de'ree of Heal di!ides and se#arates the so&l fro" all other affections and #&rifies her fro" all ad"iCt&reB since it is not only stron' as death $&t it is )ithal $itter ineCora$le hard and #itiless in #&nishin' the )ron' done &nto it )hen ri!als are entertained )ith it as hell is hard in #&nishin' the da"ned+ 3nd e!en as hell f&ll of horror ra'e and cr&elty ad"its no "in'lin' of lo!e so 1ealo&s lo!e tolerates no "iCt&re of another affection )illin' that all $e for the )ell-$elo!ed+ Eothin' is so 'entle as the do!e yet nothin' so "erciless as he to)ards his "ate )hen he has so"e feelin' of 1ealo&sy+ -f e!er yo& ha!e ta2en notice Theoti"&s yo& )ill ha!e seen that this "ild $ird ret&rnin' fro" his fli'ht and findin' his "ate a"on'st his co"#anions is not a$le to s&##ress in hi"self a certain sense of distr&st )hich "a2es hi" ch&rlish and illh&"o&red so that at their first accostin' he circles a$o&t her "&r"&rin' frettin' treadin' &#on her and $eatin' her )ith his )in's altho&'h he 2no)s )ell that she is faithf&l and that he sees her in the #&re )hite of innocence+ One day S+ ?atharine of Siena )as in a ra#t&re )hich did not de#ri!e her of the &se of her senses and )hile God )as sho)in' her )ondro&s thin's one of her $rothers #assed $y and )ith the noise he "ade dist&r$ed her attention so that she t&rned and loo2ed at hi" for a sin'le little "o"ent+ This little distraction so &nforeseen and s&dden )as neither sin nor disloyalty $&t only a shado) of sin and rese"$lance of disloyaltyF and yet the "ost holy Mother of the hea!enly lo!er did so earnestly chide her and the 'lorio&s S+ Pa&l so #&t her to conf&sion for it that she tho&'ht she sho&ld ha!e "elted a)ay in tears+ 3nd Da!id re-esta$lished in 'race $y a #erfect lo!e ho) )as he treated for the si"#ly !enial sin )hich he had co""itted in n&"$erin' his #eo#le. /&t Theoti"&s he )ho desires to see this 1ealo&sy delicately and eCcellently descri$ed "&st read the instr&ctions )hich the sera#hic S+ ?atharine of Genoa has "ade to declare the #ro#erties of #&re lo!e a"on'st )hich she inc&lcates and stron'ly &r'es thisB--that #erfect lo!e na"ely lo!e )hich has 'one as far as Heal cannot s&ffer any "ediation inter#osition or "in'lin' of any other thin' not e!en of GodDs 'ifts yea &# to this eCtre"e that it #er"its not e!en the lo!e of hea!en eCce#t )ith intention to lo!e "ore #erfectly therein the 'oodness of hi" )ho 'i!es it+ So that the la"#s of this #&re lo!e ha!e neither oil )ic2 nor s"o2e $&t are all fire and fla"e )hich nothin' in the )orld can eCtin'&ish+ 3nd those )ho carry these $&rnin' la"#s in their hands #ossess the "ost holy fear of chaste s#o&ses not the fear )hich $elon's to ad&ltero&s )o"en+ Those ha!e fear and these also $&t differently says S+ 3&'&stineB the chaste s#o&se fears the a$sence of her h&s$and the ad&ltero&s the #resence of hers+ The for"er fears his de#art&re the latter his stayF the one is so dee#ly a"oro&s that she is eCtre"ely 1ealo&sB the other is not 1ealo&s $eca&se she is not a"oro&sF the one fears to $e #&nished and the other fears that she "ay not $e lo!ed eno&'hB--yet in sooth she does not #recisely fear the not $ein' lo!ed eno&'h as other 1ealo&s #ersons do )ho lo!e the"sel!es and )ant to $e lo!ed $&t her fear is that she lo!es not hi" eno&'h )ho" she sees so lo!e-)orthy that none can lo!e hi" accordin' to the 'reatness of the lo!e )hich he deser!es as - ha!e $&t 1&st said+ 0herefore she is not 1ealo&s )ith a 1ealo&sy of self-interest $&t )ith a #&re 1ealo&sy )hich #roceeds not fro" any c&#idity $&t fro" a no$le and si"#le friendshi#B a 1ealo&sy )hich )ith the lo!e )hence it #roceeds







eCtends itself to o&r nei'h$o&rB for since )e lo!e o&r nei'h$o&r as o&rsel!es for GodDs sa2e )e are also 1ealo&s of hi" as of o&rsel!es for GodDs sa2e so that )e )o&ld e!en die that he "ay not #erish+ 5 Eo) as Heal is an infla"ed ardo&r or an ardent infla"in' of lo!e it re*&ires to $e )isely and #r&dently #ractisedB other)ise &nder the cloa2 of it one )o&ld trans'ress the li"its of "oderation or discretion and it )o&ld $e easy to #ass fro" Heal into an'er and fro" a 1&st affection to an &n1&st #assionB )herefore this not $ein' the #ro#er #lace to #&t do)n the conditions of Heal "y Theoti"&s - tell yo& that for the #ractice of it yo& "&st al)ays ha!e reco&rse to hi" )ho" God has 'i!en yo& for yo&r direction in the de!o&t life+ @969A De&t+ !+ K+ 15 @965A ;Cod+ CCCi!+ 19+ @966A Matt+ !i+ 29+ @967A ,er+ ii+ 18+ 27 @96IA ?ant+ !iii+ 6+ ?53PT;> Q-:+ 25 OF T5; U;36 O> ,;36O=SO 05-?5 0; 53:; FO> O=> 6O>D+ 3 Gentle"an desired a fa"o&s #ainter to #aint hi" a horse r&nnin' and the #ainter ha!in' #resented the horse to hi" on its $ac2 and as it )ere rollin' in the "ire the 'entle"an $e'an to stor"B )here&#on the #ainter t&rnin' the #ict&re &#side do)nF /e not an'ry sir said heB to chan'e the #osition of a horse r&nnin' into that of a horse rollin' on its $ac2 it is only necessary to re!erse the #ict&re+ Theoti"&s he )ho )o&ld clearly see )hat Heal or )hat 1ealo&sy )e "&st ha!e for God has only to eC#ress #ro#erly the 1ealo&sy )e ha!e in h&"an thin's and then to t&rn it &#side do)n for s&ch )ill that $e )hich God re*&ires fro" &s for hi"self+ -"a'ine Theoti"&s )hat co"#arison there is $et)een those )ho en1oy the $ri'htness of the s&n and those )ho ha!e only the #altry li'ht of a la"#B the for"er are not 1ealo&s of one another for they 2no) )ell that that 'reat li'ht is a$&ndantly s&fficiently for all that the oneDs en1oy"ent does not hinder the otherDs and that altho&'h all #ossess it in 'eneral each one #ossesses it none the less than if he alone #ossessed it in #artic&lar+ /&t as to the li'ht of a la"# since it is little li"ited and ins&fficient for "any each one desires to ha!e it in his cha"$er and he that has it is en!ied $y the rest+ The 'ood of h&"an thin's is so triflin' and $e''arly that )hen one has it another "&st $e de#ri!ed of itB and h&"an friendshi# is so li"ited and )ea2 that in #ro#ortion as it co""&nicates itself to the one it is )ea2ened for the othersF this is )hy )e are 1ealo&s and an'ry )hen )e ha!e ri!als and co"#anions in it+ The heart of God is so a$o&ndin' in lo!e his 'ood is so a$sol&tely infinite that all "en "ay #ossess hi" )itho&t lessenin' each oneDs #ossessionB this infinity of 'oodness can ne!er $e drained tho&'h






it fill all the hearts of the &ni!erseB for )hen e!erythin' has $een filled )ith it to the $ri" his infinity e!er re"ains to hi" *&ite entire )itho&t any di"in&tion )hate!er+ The s&n shines no less &#on a rose to'ether )ith a tho&sand "illions of other flo)ers than tho&'h it shone $&t &#on that alone+ 3nd God #o&rs his lo!e no less o!er one so&l tho&'h he lo!es )ith it an infinity of others than if he lo!ed that one onlyF the force of his lo!e not decreasin' $y the "&ltit&de of rays )hich it s#reads $&t re"ainin' e!er *&ite f&ll of his i""ensity+ /&t )herein consists the Heal or the 1ealo&sy )hich )e o&'ht to ha!e for the di!ine 'oodness. Theoti"&s its office is first to hate fly hinder detest re1ect co"$at and o!erthro) if one can all that is o##osed to GodB that is to his )ill to his 'lory and the sanctification of his na"e+ - ha!e hated and a$horred ini*&ity @96KA said Da!id andF 5a!e - not hated the" O 6ord that hated theeF and #ined a)ay $eca&se of thy ene"ies+ @977A My Heal hath "ade "e #ine a)ay $eca&se "y ene"ies for'ot thy )ords+ @971A -n the "ornin' - #&t to death all the )ic2ed of the landB that - "i'ht c&t off all the )or2ers of ini*&ity fro" the city of the 6ord+ @972A See - #ray yo& Theoti"&s )ith )hat Heal this 'reat 2in' is ani"ated and ho) he e"#loys the #assions of his so&l in the ser!ice of holy 1ealo&sy( 5e does not si"#ly hate ini*&ity $&t a$hors itB &#on the si'ht of it he #ines a)ay he falls into a s)oon and a failin' of heart he #ersec&tes it o!erthro)s it and eCter"inates it+ So Phinees trans#orted )ith a holy Heal ran his s)ord thro&'h that sha"eless -sraelite and !ile MadianiteB so the Heal )hich cons&"ed o&r Sa!io&rDs heart "ade hi" cast o&t and instantly ta2e !en'eance on the irre!erence and #rofanation )hich those $&yers and sellers co""itted in the te"#le+ Secondly Heal "a2es &s ardently 1ealo&s of the #&rity of so&ls )hich are the s#o&ses of ,es&s ?hrist accordin' to the )ord of the holy 3#ostle to the ?orinthiansF - a" 1ealo&s of yo& )ith the 1ealo&sy of God for - ha!e es#o&sed yo& to one h&s$and that - "ay #resent yo& as a chaste !ir'in to ?hrist+ @978A ;lieHer )o&ld ha!e $een st&n' )ith 1ealo&sy if he had #ercei!ed the chaste and fair >e$ecca )ho" he )as cond&ctin' to $e es#o&sed to his "asterDs son in any dan'er of $ein' dishono&redB and do&$tless he "i'ht ha!e said to this holy "aidenF - a" 1ealo&s of yo& )ith the 1ealo&sy - ha!e for "y "aster for - ha!e es#o&sed yo& to one "an that - "ay #resent yo& a chaste !ir'in to the son of "y lord 3$raha"+ So )o&ld the 'reat S+ Pa&l say to his ?orinthiansF - )as sent fro" God to yo&r so&ls to arran'e the "arria'e of an eternal &nion $et)een his Son o&r Sa!io&r and yo& and - ha!e #ro"ised yo& to hi" to #resent yo& as a chaste !ir'in to this di!ine lo!erB $ehold )hy - a" 1ealo&s not )ith "y o)n 1ealo&sy $&t )ith the 1ealo&sy of God in )hose $ehalf - ha!e treated )ith yo&+ -t )as this 1ealo&sy Theoti"&s that ca&sed this holy 3#ostle daily to die and s)oon a)ayB - die daily said he - #rotest $y yo&r 'lory+ @979A 0ho is )ea2 and - a" not )ea2. 0ho is scandaliHed and - a" not on fire. @975A Mar2 say the ancients "ar2 )hat lo!e )hat care and )hat 1ealo&sy a "other-hen has for her chic2ens (for o&r Sa!io&r estee"ed not this co"#arison &n)orthy of his Gos#el)+ The hen is a !ery hen that is a creat&re )itho&t any co&ra'e or no$ility )hile she is not yet a "other $&t )ith her "othershi# she #&ts on a lionDs heartF e!er the head &# the eyes on '&ard and dartin' 'lances on e!ery side to es#y the s"allest a##earance of dan'er to her little ones+ There is no ene"y at )hose eyes she )ill not fly in defence of her dear $rood for )hich she has a contin&al solicit&de "a2in' her e!er r&n a$o&t cl&c2in' and #lainin'+ 3nd if any of her chic2ens co"e to die --)hat 'rief )hat an'er( This is the 1ealo&sy of #arents for their children









of #astors for their floc2s of $rothers for their $rethren+ 0hat )as the Heal of the children of ,aco$ )hen they 2ne) that Dina had $een ins&lted. 0hat )as the Heal of ,o$ fro" the a##rehension and fear he had that his children "i'ht ha!e offended God. 0hat )as the Heal of a S+ Pa&l for his $rethren accordin' to the flesh and for his children accordin' to God for )hose sa2e he desired to $e cast o&t as )orthy of anathe"a and eCco""&nication. 0hat the Heal of Moses for his #eo#le for )ho" he is )illin' in a certain "anner to $e str&c2 o&t of the $oo2 of life. Thirdly in h&"an 1ealo&sy )e are afraid lest the thin' $elo!ed $e #ossessed $y so"e other $&t o&r Heal for God "a2es &s on the contrary fear lest )e sho&ld not $e entirely eno&'h #ossessed $y hi"+ 5&"an 1ealo&sy "a2es &s fear not to $e lo!ed eno&'h ?hristian 1ealo&sy tro&$les &s )ith the fear of not lo!in' eno&'hB )hence the sacred S&la"itess cried o&tF Sho) "e O tho& )ho" "y so&l lo!eth )here tho& feedest )here tho& liest in the "idday lest - $e'in to )ander after the floc2s of thy co"#anions+ @976A 5er fear is that she is not her sacred she#herdDs o)n entirely or that she "ay $e led a)ay $e it ne!er so little $y those )ho )ished to "a2e the"sel!es his ri!als+ For she )ill $y no "eans #er"it that )orldly #leas&res hono&rs or eCterior 'oods shall ta2e &# a sin'le #article of her lo!e )hich she has )holly dedicated to her dear Sa!io&r+ @96KA Ps+ cC!iii+ 168+ @977A Ps+ cCCC!iii+ 21+ @971A Ps+ cC!iii+ 18K+




25 @972A Ps+ c+ I+ @978A 2 ?or+ Ci+ 2+ 87 @979A 1 ?or+ C!+ 81+ @975A 2 ?or+ Ci+ 2K+ @976A ?ant+ i+ 6+ 85 ?53PT;> Q:+ 3D:-?; FO> T5; D->;?T-OE OF 5O6O U;36+ 97 3s Heal is an ardo&r and !ehe"ence of lo!e it stands in need of '&idanceB other)ise it )o&ld eCceed the li"its of "oderation and discretion+ Eot indeed that di!ine lo!e ho)e!er !ehe"ent can $e eCcessi!e in itself or in the "o!e"ents or inclinations )hich it 'i!es to o&r s#irit $&t inas"&ch as it "a2es &se of the &nderstandin' in the eCec&tion of its desi'ns orderin' it to find o&t the "eans )here$y they "ay $e effected and "a2es &se of $oldness or an'er to s&r"o&nt the diffic&lties )hich it "eets )ith the &nderstandin' often co"es to #ro#ose and "a2e &s ado#t co&rses too ro&'h and !iolent and an'er or hardihood once aro&sed and &na$le to contain itself )ithin the li"its of reason carries a)ay the heart into disorder so that Heal is th&s #ractised indiscreetly


and inordinatelyB )hich "a2es it $ad and $la"e)orthy+ Da!id sent ,oa$ )ith his ar"y a'ainst his disloyal and re$ellio&s child 3$salo" )ho" he co""anded the" a$o!e all thin's not to in1&re orderin' that in all e!ents they sho&ld ta2e care to sa!e hi"+ /&t ,oa$ $ein' en'a'ed and $ein' hot in the #&rs&it of the !ictory )ith his o)n hand sle) the #oor 3$salo" )itho&t re'ard to )hat the 2in' had said to hi"+ ;!en so Heal e"#loys an'er a'ainst the e!il yet e!er )ith eC#ress order that in destroyin' )ic2edness and sin it sho&ld sa!e if #ossi$le the sinner and the ini*&ito&sF $&t it once in its f&ry li2e a hard-"o&thed and )ilf&l horse r&ns a)ay )ith its rider o&t of the lists )itho&t sto# or stay )hile $reath lasts+ That 'ood "an of the ho&se )ho" o&r Sa!io&r descri$es in the Gos#el 2ne) )ell that hot and !iolent ser!ants are )ont to o&tr&n their "asterDs intention for his ser!ants #resentin' the"sel!es &nto hi" to 'o and )eed his field in order to root o&t the coc2leF Eo said he lest #erha#s 'atherin' &# the coc2le yo& root &# the )heat also to'ether )ith it+ @977A -t is tr&e Theoti"&s that an'er is a ser!ant )ho $ein' stron' co&ra'eo&s and of 'reat &nderta2in's does also at first a 'reat deal of )or2 $&t )ithal he is so ardent so hotheaded inconsiderate and i"#et&o&s that he ordinarily does no 'ood thin's )itho&t at the sa"e ti"e doin' "any e!il+ -t is not 'ood h&s$andry say o&r co&ntry-fol2 to 2ee# #eacoc2s in the ho&seB for tho&'h they h&nt s#iders and rid the ho&se of the" yet they so s#oil the f&rnit&re and the $&ildin's the"sel!es that their &sef&lness is not co"#ara$le to the har" they do+ 3n'er )as 'i!en $y Eat&re as a hel# to reason and is e"#loyed $y 'race in the ser!ice of Heal to #&t in eCec&tion its desi'nsB yet it is a dan'ero&s hel# and not 'reatly to $e desired for if it 'ets stren'th it $eco"es "aster o!ert&rnin' the a&thority of reasonB and )hile it does no "ore than Heal )o&ld #erfor" all alone it 2ee#s one in a )ell-fo&nded fear that )aCin' stron' it "ay ta2e #ossession of the heart and of Heal "a2in' the" sla!es to its tyranny li2e a caref&lly dis#osed fire )hich in an instant e"$races a $&ildin' and )hich no one can eCtin'&ish+ -t )ere an act of des#air to #&t forei'n a&Ciliaries into a fortress )ho "ay "a2e the"sel!es the stron'est+ Self-lo!e often decei!es &s and leads &s a)ay 'ratifyin' its o)n #assions &nder the na"e of Heal+ Ueal has once "ade &se of an'er and no) an'er in its t&rn &ses the na"e of Heal in order to 2ee# its sha"ef&l disorder co!ered &nder this+ 3nd "ar2 that - say it "a2es &se of the na"e of HealB for it can "a2e no &se of Heal itself since it is the #ro#erty of all !irt&es $&t es#ecially of ?harity )hereof Heal is a de#endence to $e so 'ood that none can a$&se the"+ 3 notorio&s sinner once )ent and thre) hi"self at the feet of a 'ood and )orthy #riest #rotestin' )ith "&ch s&$"ission that he ca"e to find a c&re for his disease that is to recei!e the holy a$sol&tion of his fa&lts+ 3 certain "on2 called De"o#hil&s considerin' that in his o#inion this #oor #enitent ca"e too ni'h the holy altar fell into so !iolent a fit of an'er that thro)in' hi"self &#on hi" he 2ic2ed and #&shed hi" thence )ith his feet railin' at the 'ood #riest in an o&tra'eo&s sort )ho accordin' to his d&ty had "ildly recei!ed this #oor #enitent+ 3nd then r&nnin' &# to the altar he too2 off the holy thin's )hich )ere there and carried the" a)ay lest as he )o&ld ha!e "en thin2 the #lace sho&ld ha!e $een #rofaned $y the sinnerDs a##roach+ Eo) ha!in' finished this fair eC#loit of Heal he stayed not yet there $&t "ade a 'reat re1oicin' a$o&t the "atter to the 'reat S+ Denis the 3reo#a'ite in a letter )hich he )rote a$o&t it to )hich he recei!ed










an eCcellent ans)er )orthy of the a#ostolical s#irit )here)ith that 'reat disci#le of S+ Pa&l )as ani"ated+ For he "ade hi" clearly see that his Heal had $een at once indiscreet i"#r&dent and i"#&dentB $eca&se tho&'h the Heal for the hono&r d&e &nto holy thin's )ere 'ood and la&da$le yet )as it #ractised a'ainst all reason )itho&t any consideration or 1&d'"ent since he had e"#loyed 2ic2s o&tra'es railin' and re#roaches in a #lace &nder circ&"stances and a'ainst #ersons )ho" and )hich he o&'ht to ha!e hono&red lo!ed and res#ectedB so that the Heal co&ld not $e 'ood $ein' #ractised )ith s&ch 'reat disorder+ /&t in this sa"e ans)er that 'reat saint reco&nts another ad"ira$le eCa"#le of a 'reat Heal #roceedin' fro" a !ery 'ood so&l )hich )as ho)e!er s#oilt and !itiated $y the eCcess of an'er )hich it had stirred &#+ 3 #a'an had led astray and "ade ret&rn to idolatry a ?hristian of ?andia recently con!erted to the faith+ ?ar#&s a "an e"inent for #&rity and sanctity of life )ho as is !ery #ro$a$le )as the $isho# of ?andia concei!ed s&ch an an'er at it as he had ne!er $efore entertained and let hi"self $e so far carried a)ay )ith this #assion that ha!in' risen at "idni'ht to #ray accordin' to his c&sto" he concl&ded )ith hi"self that it )as not reasona$le that the )ic2ed "en sho&ld any lon'er li!e )ith 'reat indi'nation $eseechin' the di!ine 1&stice to stri2e do)n at once )ith his th&nder$olts these t)o sinners to'ether the #a'an sed&cer and the ?hristian sed&ced+ /&t hear Theoti"&s ho) God corrected the $itterness of the #assion )hich carried the #oor ?ar#&s $eyond hi"self+ First he "ade hi" as another S+ Ste#hen see the hea!ens o#en and o&r Sa!io&r ,es&s ?hrist seated &#on a 'reat throne s&rro&nded )ith a "&ltit&de of an'els )ho attended hi" in h&"an for"B then he sa) $elo) the earth 'a#in' as a horrid and !ast '&lfB and the t)o errin' ones to )ho" he had )ished so "&ch e!il he sa) &#on the !ery $rin2 of this #reci#ice tre"$lin' and )ell-ni'h #aralysed )ith fear as $ein' a$o&t to fall do)n itB on the one side they )ere dra)n $y a "&ltit&de of ser#ents )hich risin' o&t of the '&lf )ra##ed the"sel!es a$o&t their le's and )ith their tails 'rad&ally "o!ed and #ro!o2ed the" to their fallB on the other side certain "en #&shed and $eat the" to "a2e the" t&"$le in so that they see"ed on the #oint of $ein' s)allo)ed &# in this a$yss+ Eo) consider "y Theoti"&s the !iolence of the #assion of ?ar#&sF for as he hi"self after)ards reco&nted to S+ Denis he ne!er tho&'ht of conte"#latin' o&r Sa!io&r and the an'els )ho sho)ed the"sel!es in the hea!ens s&ch #leas&re did he ta2e in seein' $elo) the" the fri'htf&l distress of those t)o "isera$le )retches+ 5is only tro&$le )as that they )ere so lon' #erishin' and there&#on he endea!o&red hi"self to #reci#itate the" do)nB and seein' he co&ld not do it *&ite at once he )as an'ry and $e'an to c&rse the" &ntil at len'th liftin' &# his eyes to hea!en he sa) the s)eet and "ost #itif&l Sa!io&r )ho "o!ed $y an eCtre"e #ity and co"#assion at )hat )as ha##enin' arisin' fro" his throne and descendin' to the #lace )here the t)o "isera$le $ein's )ere stretched o&t to the" his hel#in' hand )hile the an'els also so"e on one side so"e on another ca&'ht hold of the" to hinder the" fro" fallin' into that dreadf&l '&lfB and at last the a"ia$le and "ild ,es&s t&rnin' hi"self to the )rathf&l ?ar#&sF--Eay ?ar#&s said he henceforth )rea2 yo&r an'er on "eF for - a" ready to s&ffer once "ore to sa!e "en and it )o&ld $e a 1oy to "e to do so if it co&ld $e )itho&t sin on "anDs #artF at any rate thin2 )hich )o&ld $e the $etter for thee to $e in that '&lf )ith the ser#ents or to li!e )ith an'els )ho are s&ch 'reat friends of "en+ Theoti"&s the holy "an ?ar#&s had 1&st reason to enter into Heal concernin' these t)o "en and his Heal had $&t ri'htly raised his an'er a'ainst the" $&t an'er $ein' once "o!ed left reason and Heal $ehind trans'ressin' all the ter"s and li"its of holy lo!e








and consese*&ently of Heal )hich is its fer!o&rF an'er had chan'ed the hatred of sin into the hatred of the sinner and "ost s)eet charity into an o&tra'eo&s cr&elty+ 5 Th&s there are #ersons )ho thin2 one cannot $e !ery Healo&s &nless one is !ery an'ry thin2in' that &nless they s#oil all they can "ana'e nothin' )hereas on the contrary tr&e Heal "ost rarely "a2es &se of an'erB for as )e ne!er a##ly the lancet to the sic2 sa!e )hen it cannot #ossi$ly $e hel#ed so holy Heal does not e"#loy an'er sa!e in eCtre"e necessities+ @977A Matt+ Ciii+ 2K+ ?53PT;> Q:-+ 15 T53T T5; ;Q3MP6; OF ?;>T3-E S3-ETS 05O S;;M TO 53:; ;Q;>?-S;D T5;-> U;36 0-T5 3EG;> M34;S EOT5-EG 3G3-EST T5; DO?T>-E; OF T5; P>;?;D-EG ?53PT;>+ -t is tr&e indeed "y friend Theoti"&s that Moses Phinees ;lias Mathathias and "any 'reat ser!ants of God "ade &se of an'er in the eCercise of their Heal on "any re"ar2a$le occasions yet note also - #ray yo& that those )ere 'reat so&ls )ho co&ld )ell handle their #assions and re'&late their an'erB li2e that $ra!e ca#tain of the Gos#el )ho said to his soldiersF 'o and they )ent co"e and they ca"eF @97IA $&t )e )ho are all of &s $&t co""on little #eo#le ha!e no s&ch #o)er o!er o&r "o!e"entsB o&r horse is not so )ell $ro2en in that )e can "a2e hi" 'allo# or sto# at o&r #leas&re+ 0ise and )ell trained ho&nds r&n afield or co"e $ac2 accordin' to the h&nts"anDs call $&t &ntrained yo&n' ho&nds $rea2 a)ay and are diso$edient+ Great saints )ho ha!e "ade their #assions tracta$le "ortifyin' the" $y the eCercise of !irt&e can also t&rn a$o&t their an'er as they li2e send it o&t and dra) it $ac2 as see"s 'ood to the"B $&t )e )ho ha!e &n$ridled #assions *&ite yo&n' or at least "ista&'ht cannot let o&r an'er 'o sa!e at #eril of 'reat disorder for $ein' once loose )e can no lon'er restrain or re'&late it+ S+ Denis s#ea2in' to this De"o#hil&s )ho )o&ld ha!e 'i!en the na"e of Heal to his ra'e and f&ryF G5e that )o&ld correct others G said he G"&st first ha!e a care that an'er do not t&rn reason o&t of the e"#ire and do"inion )hich God has 'i!en it in the so&l and that it do not stir &# a re!olt sedition and conf&sion )ithin o&rsel!esB hence )e in no sort a##ro!e yo&r i"#et&osities (to )hich an indiscreet Heal &r'ed yo&) tho&'h yo& sho&ld a tho&sand ti"es recall Phinees and ;liasB for si"ilar )ords did not #lease ,es&s ?hrist )hen said to hi" $y his disci#les )ho )ere not yet "ade #arta2ers of that s)eet and $eni'n S#irit+G Phinees Theoti"&s seein' a certain &nha##y -sraelite offend God )ith a Madianitess sle) the" $othF ;lias foretold the death of OchoHias )ho indi'nant at this #rediction sent t)o ca#tains one after another each )ith fifty "en to ta2e hi"F and the "an of God "ade fire descend fro" hea!en )hich de!o&red the"+ @97KA Eo) one day that o&r 6ord )as 1o&rneyin' in Sa"aria he sent into a to)n to ta2e his lod'in' $&t the inha$itants 2no)in' that o&r 6ord )as a ,e) $y nation and that he )as 'oin' to ,er&sale" )o&ld not lod'e hi"B )hich S+ ,ohn and S+ ,a"es seein' they said &nto o&r Sa!io&rF 0ilt tho& that )e co""and fire to co"e do)n fro" hea!en and cons&"e the". 3nd o&r 6ord t&rnin' re$&2ed the" sayin'F yo& 2no) not of )hat s#irit yo& are+ The Son of "an ca"e not to destroy so&ls $&t to sa!e the"+ @9I7A This it










is then Theoti"&s that S+ Denis )o&ld say to De"o#hil&s )ho alle'ed the eCa"#le of Phinees and ;liasF for S+ ,ohn and S+ ,a"es )ho )o&ld ha!e i"itated Phinees and ;lias in "a2in' fire descend fro" hea!en &#on "en )ere re#rehended $y o&r 6ord )ho 'a!e the" to 2no) that his s#irit and his Heal )ere s)eet "ild and 'racio&s "a2in' &se of indi'nation or )rath $&t !ery rarely )hen there )as no lon'er ho#e of doin' 'ood any other )ay+ S+ Tho"as 3*&inas that 'reat star of theolo'y $ein' sic2 of the disease of )hich he died at the Monastery of Fossan&o!a of the order of ?itea&C the reli'io&s $eso&'ht hi" to "a2e the" a short eC#osition of the ?anticle of ?anticles in i"itation of S+ /ernard and he ans)ered the"F My dear fathers 'i!e "e S+ /ernardDs s#irit and - )ill inter#ret this di!ine ?anticle li2e S+ /ernard+ So !erily if it )ere said to one of &s #etty "isera$le i"#erfect and )retched ?hristiansF--&se an'er and indi'nation in yo&r Heal as did Phinees ;lias Mathathias S+ Peter and S+ Pa&lF )e o&'ht to re#lyF 'i!e &s the s#irit of #erfection and #&re Heal )ith the interior li'ht )hich those 'reat saints had and )e )ill ar" o&rsel!es )ith an'er as they did+ -t is not the fort&ne of e!ery one to 2no) ho) to $e an'ry )hen and as he o&'ht+ Those 'reat saints )ere i""ediately ins#ired $y God and therefore "i'ht $oldly e"#loy their an'er )itho&t #erilB for the sa"e S#irit )hich ani"ated the" to these 'reat acts also held the reins of their 1&st )rath lest they "i'ht trans'ress the #rescri$ed $o&nds+ 3n'er )hich is ins#ired or eCcited $y the 5oly Ghost is no lon'er the an'er of "an and it is "anDs )rath that )e are to $e)are of $eca&se as S+ ,a"es saysF The an'er of "an )or2eth not the 1&stice of God+ @9I1A 3nd indeed )hen those 'reat ser!ants of God "ade &se of an'er it )as on occ&rrences so sole"n and for cri"es so eCcessi!e that there )as no dan'er that the #&nish"ent )o&ld eCceed the fa&lt+ 3re )e do yo& thin2 to ta2e the li$erty of a$&sin' sinners of $la"in' nations of ta2in' to tas2 and cens&rin' o&r directors and #relates $eca&se S+ Pa&l once calls the Galatians senseless re#resents to the ?andiots their $ad inclinations and )ithstands to the face the 'lorio&s S+ Peter his s&#erior. :erily e!ery one is not a S+ Pa&l to 2no) ho) to do these thin's s&ita$lyF $&t $itter harsh #res&"#t&o&s and re!ilin' s#irits follo)in' their o)n inclinations h&"o&rs a!ersions and arro'ance )o&ld thro) the "antle of Heal o!er their ini*&ityB and &nder the na"e of this sacred fire e!ery "an #er"its hi"self to $e $&rnt &# )ith his o)n #assions+ -t is Heal for the sal!ation of so&ls )hich "a2es the #relateshi# desired if yo& )ill $elie!e the a"$itio&s "anB )hich "a2es the "on2 )ho is destined for the choir r&n hither and thither as the restless so&l hi"self )ill tell yo&B )hich ca&ses all those cens&res and "&r"&rin's a'ainst the #relates of the ?h&rch and te"#oral #rinces if yo& )ill 'i!e ear to that arro'ant "an+ Oo& )ill hear fro" hi" of nothin' $&t Heal and yo& )ill see no Heal $&t only o##ro$rio&s and railin' s#eeches an'er hatred and ranco&r dis*&iet of s#irit and of ton'&e+ Ueal "ay $e #ractised in three )ays+ First in #erfor"in' 'reat actions of 1&stice to re#el e!ilB and this $elon's only to those )ho ha!e the #&$lic offices of correctin' cens&rin' and re#rehendin' in *&ality of s&#eriors s&ch as #rinces #relates "a'istrates #reachersF $&t since this office is hono&ra$le e!ery one &nderta2es it e!ery one )ill ha!e to do )ith it+ Secondly one "ay &se Heal $y doin' actions of 'reat !irt&e in order to 'i!e 'ood eCa"#le $y s&''estin' re"edies for e!ils and eChortin' "en to a##ly the" $y effectin' the 'ood that is o##osite to the e!il )hich )e desire to $anish+ This







$elon's to e!ery one and yet fe) )ill to do it+ Finally the "ost eCcellent &se of Heal lies in s&fferin' and end&rin' "&ch to hinder or di!ert e!il and scarce any )ill ha!e this sort of Heal+ 3 s#ecio&s Heal is all o&r a"$itionB &#on that each one )illin'ly s#ends his talent ne!er attendin' to the fact that it is not Heal indeed )hich is there$y so&'ht $&t 'lory the satisfaction of o&r #ride an'er annoyance and other #assions+ ?ertainly o&r Sa!io&rDs Heal #rinci#ally a##eared in his death &#on the cross to destroy death and sin in "enF in )hich he )as so!erei'nly i"itated $y that ad"ira$le !essel of election and dilection as the 'reat S+ Gre'ory EaHianHen in 'olden )ords re#resents hi"B for s#ea2in' of this holy 3#ostle he saysF G5e fi'hts for all he #rays for all he is #assionately 1ealo&s a$o&t all he is infla"ed for all yea he has dared yet "ore for his $rethren accordin' to the flesh so that if - "ay dare also to say it he desires thro&'h charity that they "ay ha!e his o)n #lace near O&r Sa!io&r+ O eCcellence of co&ra'e and incredi$le fer!o&r of s#irit( 5e i"itates ,es&s ?hrist )ho for &s )as "ade a c&rse @9I2A )ho too2 on hi"self o&r infir"ities and carried o&r diseases+ @9I8A Or that - "ay s#ea2 a little "ore so$erly he )as the first after o&r Sa!io&r )ho ref&sed not to s&ffer and to $e re#&ted )ic2ed for their sa2e+G ;!en so then Theoti"&s as o&r Sa!io&r )as )hi##ed conde"ned cr&cified as a "an de!oted destined and set a#art to $ear and s&##ort all the re#roaches i'no"inies and #&nish"ents d&e to all the sinners in the )orld and to $e a 'eneral sacrifice for sin --as he )as "ade an anathe"a )as cast off and a$andoned $y his eternal Father so accordin' to the tr&e doctrine of this 'reat EaHianHen the 'lorio&s 3#ostle S+ Pa&l desired to $e filled )ith i'no"iny to $e cr&cified cast off a$andoned and sacrificed for the sin of the ,e)s that the c&rse and #&nish"ent )hich they deser!ed "i'ht fall &#on hi"B and as o&r Sa!io&r too2 &#on hi" the sins of the )orld and )as "ade a c&rse sacrificed for sin and forsa2en $y his Father in s&ch sense that he ceased not e!er to $e the )ell-$elo!ed Son in )ho" his Father )as )ell #leased --so the holy 3#ostle desired indeed to $e a c&rse and to $e se#arated fro" his "aster to $e left to the "ercy of the re#roaches and #&nish"ents d&e &nto the ,e)s yet he ne!er desired to $e de#ri!ed of charity and the 'race of his 6ord fro" )hich "oreo!er nothin' co&ld e!er se#arate hi"B that is to say he desired to $e treated as a "an cast off $y God $&t he did not desire act&ally to $e cast off and de#ri!ed of his 'race for this cannot $e holily desired+ So the hea!enly s#o&se declares that tho&'h lo!e is stron' as death )hich "a2es a se#aration $et)een the $ody and so&l Heal )hich is an ardent lo!e is yet stron'er for it rese"$les hell )hich se#arates the so&l fro" the si'ht of O&r 6ordB $&t it is ne!er said nor can $e said that lo!e or Heal )as li2e to sin )hich alone se#arates fro" the 'race of God+ 3nd indeed ho) co&ld the ardo&r of lo!e #ossi$ly "a2e one desire to $e se#arated fro" 'race since lo!e is 'race itself or at least cannot $e )itho&t 'race+ 3nd the Heal of the 'reat S+ Pa&l )as in so"e sort #ractised $y the little S+ Pa&l - "ean S+ Pa&lin&s )ho to deli!er a sla!e o&t of $onda'e $eca"e hi"self a sla!e sacrificin' his o)n li$erty to $esto) it &#on his nei'h$o&r+ GO ho) ha##y is he G says S+ 3"$rose )ho 2no)s ho) to disci#line Heal(G GThe de!il )ill easily G says S+ /ernard Gdel&de thy Heal if tho& ne'lect 2no)led'eB therefore let thy Heal $e infla"ed )ith charity adorned )ith 2no)led'e esta$lished in constancy+G Tr&e Heal is the child of charity as $ein' its ardo&rB )herefore li2e to charity it is #atient is 2ind en!ieth not dealeth not #er!ersely see2eth not her o)n is not #ro!o2ed to an'er re1oiceth in the tr&th+ @9I9A The ardo&r of tr&e Heal rese"$les that of the









h&nts"an $ein' dili'ent caref&l acti!e ind&strio&s ea'er in #&rs&it $&t )itho&t #assion an'er or dis*&iet for if the h&nts"anDs )or2 )ere done in an'er $ad te"#er and !eCation it )o&ld not $e so "&ch lo!ed and desired+ Ueal in li2e "anner has ardo&rs )hich are eCtre"e $&t constant solid s)eet ind&strio&s e*&ally a'reea$le and &ntirin'B )hereas on the contrary false Heal is t&r$&lent tro&$led insolent arro'ant choleric transient e*&ally i"#et&o&s and inconstant+ @97IA Matt+ !iii+ K+


@97KA 9 4in's i+ 12+ @9I7A 6&2e iC+59+ @9I1A ,a"es i+ 27+

15 @9I2A Gal+ iii+ 18+ @9I8A Matt+ !iii+ 17+ 27 @9I9A 1 ?or+ Ciii+ ?53PT;> Q:--+ 5O0 O=> 6O>D P>3?T-S;D 366 T5; MOST ;Q?;66;ET 3?TS OF 6O:;+ 25 5a!in' s#o2en at lar'e of the sacred acts of di!ine lo!e - #resent yo& that yo& "ay "ore easily and holily #reser!e the "e"ory of the" )ith a collection or a$rid'"ent of the"+ The charity of ,es&s ?hrist #resseth &s @9I5A says the 'reat a#ostle+ Oea tr&ly Theoti"&s it forces and carries &s a)ay $y its in finite s)eetness eCercised in the )hole )or2 of o&r >ede"#tion in )hich a##eared the $eni'nity and lo!e of God to)ards "enF for )hat did not this di!ine lo!er do in "atter of lo!e. 1+ 5e lo!ed &s )ith a lo!e of ?o"#lacency for his deli'hts )ere to $e )ith the children of "en @9I6A and to dra) "an to hi"self "a2in' hi"self "an+ 2+ 5e lo!ed &s )ith a lo!e of /ene!olence $esto)in' his o)n di!inity &#on "an so that "an )as God+ 8+ 5e &nited hi"self &nto &s $y an inco"#rehensi$le =nion )here$y he adhered to o&r nat&re and 1oined hi"self so closely indissol&$ly and s&#ere"inently to it that ne!er )as anythin' so strictly 1oined and $o&nd to h&"anity as is no) the "ost holy di!inity in the #erson of the Son of God+ 9+ 5e flo)ed o&t into &s and as it )ere "elted his 'reatness to $rin' it to the for" and fi'&re of o&r littleness )hence he is styled a so&rce of li!in' )ater de) and rain of hea!en+ 5+ 5e lo!ed &s to ;cstasy not only $eca&se as S+ Denis says $y the eCcess of his lo!in' 'oodness he 'oes in a certain "anner o&t of hi"self eCtendin' his Pro!idence to all thin's and $ein' in all thin's $&t also $eca&se he has in a sort forsa2en and e"#tied hi"self dried &# his 'reatness and 'lory resi'ned the throne of his inco"#rehensi$le "a1esty and if it $e la)f&l so to say annihilated hi"self to stoo# do)n to o&r h&"anity to fill &s )ith his di!inity to re#lenish &s )ith his 'oodness to raise &s to his di'nity and $esto) &#on &s the di!ine $ein' of children of God+ 3nd he of )ho" it is so fre*&ently )rittenF - li!e saith the 6ordB co&ld after)ards ha!e said accordin' to his a#ostleDs lan'&a'eF - li!e no) not - $&t "an









li!eth in "e+ To "e to li!e is "an and to die for "an is 'ain+ My life is hidden )ith "an in God+ @9I7A 5e )ho d)elt in hi"self d)ells no) in &s and he )ho )as li!in' fro" all eternity in the $oso" of his ;ternal Father $eco"es "ortal in the $oso" of his te"#oral MotherB he )ho li!ed eternally $y his o)n di!ine life li!ed )ith a h&"an life and he )ho fro" eternity had $een only God shall $e for all eternity "an tooF so has the lo!e of "an ra!ished God and dra)n hi" into an ecstasy( 6+ 6o!e often led hi" to ad"iration as of the ?ent&rion and ?hanaanitess+ 7+ 5e conte"#lated the yo&n' "an )ho had till that ho&r 2e#t the co""and"ents and desired to $e ta&'ht #erfection+ I+ 5e too2 a lo!in' *&iet in &s yea e!en )ith so"e s&s#ension of his senses in his "otherDs )o"$ and in his infancy+ K+ 5e had )ondro&s "o!e"ents of Tenderness to)ards little children )ho" he )o&ld ta2e in his ar"s and lo!in'ly fondleB to)ards Martha and Ma'dalen to)ards 6aHar&s o!er )ho" he )e#t as he )e#t also o!er the city of ,er&sale"+ 17+ 5e )as ani"ated )ith an inco"#ara$le Ueal )hich as S+ Denis says chan'ed into ,ealo&sy t&rnin' a)ay as "&ch as #ossi$le all e!il fro" his $elo!ed h&"an nat&re )ith haHard yea )ith the #rice of his o)n lifeB dri!in' a)ay the de!il the #rince of this )orld )ho see"ed to $e his ri!al and co"#anion+ 11+ 5e had a tho&sand tho&sand 6an'&ors of lo!eB for )hence co&ld those di!ine )ords #roceedF ha!e a $a#tis" )here)ith - a" to $e $a#tiHedF and ho) a" - strai'htened &ntil it $e acco"#lished. @9IIA The ho&r in )hich he )as $a#tiHed in his $lood )as not yet co"e and he lan'&ished after itB the lo!e )hich he $ore &nto &s &r'in' hi" there&nto that he "i'ht $y his death see &s deli!ered fro" an eternal death+ So he )as sad and s)eated the $lood of distress in the Garden of Oli!es not only $y reason of the eCceedin' sorro) )hich his so&l felt in the inferior #art of his reason $&t also $y reason of the sin'&lar lo!e )hich he $ore &nto &s in the s&#erior #ortion thereof sorro) ca&sin' in hi" a horror of death and lo!e 'i!in' hi" an eCtre"e desire of the sa"eB so that a "ost fierce co"$at and a cr&el a'ony too2 #lace $et)een the desire and the dread of death &nto a "i'hty sheddin' of $lood )hich strea"ed do)n &#on the earth as fro" a li!in' s#rin'+ 12+ Finally Theoti"&s this di!ine lo!er died a"on'st the fla"es and ardo&rs of lo!e $y reason of the infinite charity )hich he had to)ards &s and $y the force and !irt&e of lo!eF that is he died in lo!e $y lo!e for lo!e and of lo!e for tho&'h his cr&el tor"ents )ere s&fficient to ha!e 2illed any one yet co&ld death ne!er "a2e entry into his life )ho 2ee#s the 2eys of life and death &nless di!ine lo!e )hich handles those 2eys had o#ened the 'ates to death to let it ra!a'e that di!ine $ody and des#oil it of life+ 6o!e )as not content to ha!e only "ade hi" s&$1ect to death for &s &nless it "ade hi" dead+ -t )as $y choice not $y force of tor"ent that he died+ Eo "an ta2eth "y life a)ay fro" "eF $&t - lay it do)n of "yself and - ha!e #o)er to lay it do)n and - ha!e #o)er to ta2e it &# a'ain+ @9IKA 5e )as offered says -saias $eca&se it )as his o)n )ill+ @9K7A 3nd therefore it is not said that his s#irit )ent a)ay forsoo2 hi" or se#arated itself fro" hi" $&t contrari)ise that he 'a!e &# his s#irit $reathed it o&t yielded and co""ended it into the hands of his eternal FatherB so that S+ 3thanasi&s re"ar2s that he $o)ed his head to die that he "i'ht consent to and $end to deathDs a##roach )hich other)ise d&rst not ha!e co"e near hi"B and cryin' o&t )ith a lo&d !oice he 'i!es &# his s#irit into his FatherDs hands to sho) that as he had stren'th and $reath eno&'h not to die so had he lo!e so 'reat that he co&ld no lon'er li!e $&t )o&ld $y his death re!i!e those )ho )itho&t it co&ld ne!er esca#e death nor ha!e the chance of tr&e life+ 0herefore o&r Sa!io&rDs death )as a tr&e sacrifice and a sacrifice of holoca&st )hich





hi"self offered to his Father for o&r rede"#tionF for tho&'h the #ains and dolo&rs of his #assion )ere so 'reat and !iolent that any $&t he had died of the" yet had he ne!er died of the" &nless he hi"self had #leased and &nless the fire of his infinite charity had cons&"ed his life+ 5e )as then the sacrificer hi"self )ho offered hi"self &nto his Father and i""olated hi"self dyin' in lo!e to lo!e $y lo!e for lo!e and of lo!e+ Oet $e)are of sayin' Theoti"&s that this a"oro&s death of the Sa!io&r too2 #lace $y "anner of ra#t&re for the o$1ect )hich his charity "o!ed hi" to die for )as not lo!e)orthy eno&'h to ra!ish to itself this di!ine so&l )hich de#arted then fro" his $ody $y )ay of ecstasy dri!en and forced on $y the a$&ndance and "i'ht of lo!eB e!en as )e see the "yrrh tree send forth its first 1&ice $y its "ere a$&ndance )itho&t s*&eeHin' or dra)in' in any )ayB accordin' to that )hich he hi"self said as )e ha!e declaredF Eo "an ta2eth "y life a)ay fro" "e $&t - lay it do)n of "yself+ O God( Theoti"&s )hat $&rnin' coals are cast &#on all o&r hearts to infla"e &s to the eCercise of holy lo!e to)ards o&r all-'ood Sa!io&r seein' he has so lo!in'ly #ractised the" to)ards &s )ho are so e!il( This charity then of ,es&s ?hrist #resseth &s( @9I5A 2 ?or+ !+ 19+




@9I6A Pro!+ !iii+ 81+ @9I7A Gal+ ii+ 27+ @9IIA 6&2e Cii+ 57+

25 @9IKA ,ohn C+ 1I+ @9K7A -s+ liii+ 7+ 87 /OO4 Q-+ OF T5; 85 SO:;>;-GE 3=T5O>-TO 05-?5 S3?>;D 6O:; 5O6DS O:;> 366 T5; :->T=;S 3?T-OES 3ED P;>F;?T-OES OF T5; SO=6+ ?53PT;> -+ 5O0 3G>;;3/6; 366 :->T=;S 3>; TO GOD+ 97 :irt&e is of its o)n nat&re so a"ia$le that God fa!o&rs it )heresoe!er he finds it+ The #a'ans tho&'h they )ere ene"ies of his di!ine Ma1esty no) and then #ractised certain h&"an and "oral !irt&es )hich )ere not $y their nat&re #laced a$o!e the forces of the reasona$le s#irit+ Eo) yo& "ay '&ess Theoti"&s ho) s"all a "atter that )asF for tho&'h these !irt&es "ade a 'reat sho) yet in effect they )ere of little )orth $y reason of the lo)ness of the intention of those )ho #ractised the"+ They la$o&red for scarcely anythin' $&t hono&r as S+ 3&'&stine says or for so"e other o$1ect of li'ht consideration s&ch as the &#holdin' the social 'ood or fro" so"e )ea2 inclination


they had to 'oodB )hich inclination "eetin' )ith no contradiction carried the" on to triflin' acts of !irt&e--as for eCa"#le to "&t&al co&rtesy to aid their friends to li!e )ith "oderation not to steal to ser!e "asters faithf&lly to #ay hirelin'sD )a'es+ 3nd ne!ertheless tho&'h this )as so slender and acco"#anied )ith "any i"#erfections God too2 it in 'ood #art fro" those #oor #eo#le and reco"#ensed it lar'ely+ The "id)i!es )ho" Pharaoh co""anded to 2ill all the "ale children of the -sraelites )ere )itho&t do&$t ;'y#tians and #a'ansB for in the eCc&se they "ade for not ha!in' eCec&ted the 2in'Ds #leas&re they saidF The 5e$re) )o"en are not li2e the ;'y#tianF this )o&ld not ha!e $een to the #&r#ose if they had $een 5e$re)sF and it is not credi$le that Pharaoh )o&ld ha!e 'ranted so cr&el a co""ission a'ainst the 5e$re)s to 5e$re) )o"en $ein' of the sa"e nation and reli'ionF $esides ,ose#h&s testifies that they )ere in fact ;'y#tians+ Eo) ;'y#tians and #a'ans as they )ere yet they feared to offend God $y so $ar$aro&s and &nnat&ral a cr&elty as the "assacre of so "any little children )o&ld ha!e $een+ The di!ine s)eetness )as so #leased )ith this that it $&ilt their ho&ses that is to say "ade the" fr&itf&l in children and in te"#oral riches+ Ea$&chodonosor 4in' of /a$ylon had )a'ed a 1&st )ar a'ainst the city of Tyre )hich the di!ine 1&stice )illed to chastise and God si'nified to ;Hechiel that in reco"#ense thereof he )o&ld deli!er &# ;'y#t as a #rey into the hands of Ea$&chodonosor and his ar"y /eca&se said God he hath la$o&red for "e+ @9K1A 5ence adds S+ ,ero"e in the co""entary )e learn that in case the !ery #a'ans do so"e 'ood thin' they are not left &nre)arded $y GodDs 1&d'"ent+ So did Daniel eChort Ea$&chodonosor an infidel to redee" his sins $y al"s @9K2A that is to ranso" hi"self o&t of the te"#oral #ains d&e to his sins )hich h&n' o!er his head+ Do yo& see then Theoti"&s ho) tr&e it is that God "a2es acco&nt of !irt&es tho&'h #ractised $y #ersons other)ise )ic2ed. -f he had not a##ro!ed the "ercy of the "id)i!es and the 1&stice of the )ar of the /a$ylonians )o&ld he ha!e ta2en care - #ray yo& to re)ard the". 3nd if Daniel had not 2no)n that the infidelity of Ea$&chodonosor )o&ld not #re!ent God fro" $ein' #leased )ith his al"s )hy )o&ld he ha!e co&nselled hi" to do the". -ndeed the 3#ostle ass&res &s that #a'ans )ho ha!e not the la) do $y nat&re those thin's that are of the la)+ @9K8A 3nd )hen they do so )ho can do&$t that they do )ell and that God "a2es acco&nt of it. Pa'ans &nderstood that "arria'e )as 'ood and necessary they sa) that it )as $eco"in' to ha!e their children $ro&'ht &# in li$eral 2no)led'e in the lo!e of their co&ntry in the arts of ci!il life and they did so+ Eo) - lea!e it to yo&r consideration )hether this )as not 'ratef&l &nto God since to this end he had 'i!en the li'ht of reason and nat&ral instinct+ Eat&ral reason is a 'ood tree )hich God has #lanted in &sB the fr&its )hich s#rin' fro" it cannot $&t $e 'ood+ They are fr&its )hich in co"#arison )ith those )hich s#rin' fro" 'race are indeed of !ery s"all !al&e yet still not of no !al&e since God has !al&ed the" and for the" has 'i!en te"#oral re)ards+ Th&s accordin' to the 'reat S+ 3&'&stine he re)arded the "oral !irt&es of the >o"ans )ith the 'rand eCtent and "a'nificent reno)n of their e"#ire+ Sin &n*&estiona$ly "a2es the so&l sic2 and then she cannot do 'reat and la$orio&s deedsB yet little ones she can do for all the actions of the sic2 are not sic2lyF they still s#ea2 they still see they still hear they still drin2+ The so&l in sin can do 'ood )or2s










)hich $ein' nat&ral are re)arded )ith nat&ral re)ardsB $ein' ci!il are #aid in ci!il and h&"an "oney that is )ith te"#oral ad!anta'es+ The sinner is not in the state of the de!ils )hose )ills are so stee#ed in and incor#orated )ith e!il that they can )ill no 'ood at all+ Eo Theoti"&sB the sinner in this )orld is not in that state+ 5ere he is in the )ay $et)een ,er&sale" and ,ericho )o&nded to death $&t not yet deadB for says the Gos#el he is left half-deadB and as he is half-ali!e so he can do half-li!in' actions+ DTis tr&e he can neither )al2 nor rise nor cry for aid no not so "&ch as s#ea2 sa!e only lan'&ishin'ly $y reason of the faintness of his heartB yet can he o#en his eyes stir his fin'ers si'h "a2e so"e )ord of co"#laintF--)ea2 actions and actions in s#ite of )hich he )o&ld "isera$ly die of his )o&nds had not the "ercif&l Sa"aritan #o&red in the oil and )ine and carried hi" to the inn )here he 'a!e char'e that at his cost the "an sho&ld $e dressed and loo2ed to+ @9K9A Eat&ral reason is dee#ly )o&nded and as it )ere half slain $y sinB )hence $ein' in s&ch sad condition it cannot o$ser!e all the co""and"ents )hich ho)e!er it clearly sees to $e 'oodF it 2no)s its d&ty $&t cannot ac*&it itself thereofB its eyes ha!e "ore li'ht to disco!er the )ay than its le's ha!e stren'th to &nderta2e it+ The sinner "ay indeed occasionally o$ser!e so"e of the co""and"ents yea all of the" for so"e short ti"e so lon' as no 'reat occasion for #ractisin' !irt&es co""anded or !iolent te"#tation to co""it sin for$idden #resent itself+ /&t that a sinner sho&ld li!e lon' in his sin )itho&t addin' to it ne) ones is not a thin' that can $e done $&t $y GodDs s#ecial #rotection for "anDs ene"ies are ardent acti!e and #er#et&ally stri!in' to cast hi" do)n and )hen they see that no occasion of #ractisin' !irt&es co""anded occ&rs they eCcite a tho&sand te"#tations to "a2e hi" fall into thin's for$iddenB at )hich ti"e nat&re )itho&t 'race cannot sa!e itself fro" the #reci#iceF for if )e o!erco"e God 'i!es &s the !ictory thro&'h ,es&s ?hrist @9K5A as S+ Pa&l says+ 0atch and #ray that yo& enter not into te"#tation+ @9K6A -f O&r 6ord had said only )atch )e "i'ht eC#ect that o&r o)n #o)er )o&ld $e s&fficient $&t )hen he adds #ray he sho)s that if he 2ee# not o&r so&ls in ti"e of te"#tation in !ain shall they )atch )ho 2ee# the"+ @9K1A ;Hech+ CCiC+ 27+






@9K2A Dan+ i!+ 29+ @9K8A >o"+ ii+ 19+ @9K9A 6&2e C+

97 @9K5A 1 ?or+ C!+ 57+ @9K6A Matt+ CC!i+ 91+ 95 ?53PT;> --+ T53T D-:-E; 6O:; M34;S T5; :->T=;S -MM;3S=>3/6O MO>; 3G>;;3/6; TO GOD T53E T5;O 3>; OF T5;-> O0E E3T=>;+




The "asters of h&s$andry ad"ire the 'racio&s innocence and #&rity of little stra)$erries $eca&se tho&'h they lie &#on the 'ro&nd and are contin&ally cre#t o!er $y ser#ents liHards and other !eno"o&s $easts they yet recei!e no i"#ression of #oison nor are infected )ith any "ali'n *&alityB a si'n that they ha!e no affinity )ith #oison+ S&ch then are h&"an !irt&es Theoti"&sB )hich tho&'h they "ay $e in a heart that is lo) earthly and lar'ely occ&#ied $y sin yet are not infected )ith its "alice $ein' of a nat&re so no$le and innocent that it cannot $e corr&#ted $y the society of ini*&ity accordin' to )hat e!en 3ristotle has saidF--that !irt&e is a ha$it )hich no one can "a2e ill &se of+ 3nd tho&'h the !irt&es )hich are so 'ood in the"sel!es are not re)arded )ith an eternal reco"#ense )hen they are #ractised $y infidels or $y s&ch as are not in the state of 'race this is not s&r#risin' $eca&se the sinf&l heart fro" )hence they #roceed is not ca#a$le of an eternal 'ood ($ein' as it is t&rned a)ay fro" God) and $eca&se no one can recei!e the celestial inheritance $elon'in' to the Son of God $&t s&ch as are in hi" and are ado#ti!e $rothers of hisB to say nothin' of this reason that the co!enant $y )hich God #ro"ises hea!en refers to s&ch only as are in his 'race )hile the !irt&es of sinners ha!e no )orth nor !al&e sa!e that of their nat&re )hich conse*&ently cannot raise the" to the "erit of s&#ernat&ral re)ards+ -ndeed these are for this !ery ca&se called s&#ernat&ral that nat&re and all that $elon's thereto can neither 'i!e nor "erit the"+ /&t the !irt&es )hich are fo&nd in the friends of God tho&'h they $e only "oral and nat&ral in the"sel!es are yet enno$led and raised to the di'nity of $ein' holy )or2s $y reason of the eCcellence of the heart )hich #rod&ces the"+ -t is one of the #ro#erties of friendshi# to "a2e the friend and all that is 'ood and honest in hi" dear to &sF friendshi# #o&rs o&t its 'race &#on all the actions of hi" )ho is lo!ed ho)e!er little 'ro&nd of fa!o&r there "ay $eB the $itternesses of friends are s)eets and the s)eets of ene"ies are $itter+ 3ll the !irt&o&s actions of a heart at friends )ith God are dedicated to God for the heart that has 'i!en itself ho) has it not 'i!en all that de#ends on itself. 5e that 'i!es the tree )itho&t reser!e 'i!es he not also the lea!es flo)ers and fr&it. The 1&st shall flo&rish li2e the #al"-treeF he shall 'ro) &# li2e the cedar of 6i$an&s+ They that are #lanted in the ho&se of the 6ord shall flo&rish in the co&rts of the ho&se of o&r God+ @9K7A Since the 1&st "an is #lanted in the ho&se of God his lea!es his flo)ers and his fr&it 'ro) therein and are dedicated to the ser!ice of 5is Ma1esty+ 5e shall $e li2e a tree )hich is #lanted near the r&nnin' )aters )hich shall $rin' forth its fr&it in d&e season+ 3nd his leaf shall not fall ofF and all )hatsoe!er he shall do shall #ros#er+ @9KIA Eot only the fr&its of charity and the flo)ers of the )or2s )hich it ordains $&t e!en its !ery lea!es that is the "oral and nat&ral !irt&es dra) a s#ecial #o)er and efficacy fro" the lo!e of the heart )hich #rod&ces the"+ -f yo& are 'raftin' a rose tree and #&t a 'rain of "&s2 in the cleft of the stoc2 all the roses that s#rin' fro" it )ill s"ell of "&s2F clea!e then yo&r heart $y holy #enitence and #&t the lo!e of God in the cleftB then en'raft on it )hat !irt&e yo& #lease and the )or2s )hich s#rin' fro" it )ill $e all #erf&"ed )ith sanctity )itho&t need of any f&rther attention+ 0hen the S#artans had heard an eCcellent sentence fro" the "o&th of so"e )ic2ed "an they ne!er tho&'ht it ri'ht to recei!e it till it )as first #rono&nced $y the "o&th of so"e 'ood "anF so that to "a2e it )orthy of acce#tance they did no "ore than 'et it &ttered a'ain $y a !irt&o&s "an+ -f yo& desire to "a2e the h&"an and "oral !irt&e of







;#ictet&s Socrates or De"ades $eco"e holy ca&se the" to $e #ractised $y a tr&ly ?hristian so&l that is $y one )hich has the lo!e of God+ So God first had res#ect to the 'ood 3$el and then to his offerin's these ta2in' their fa!o&r and )orth in the si'ht of God fro" the 'oodness and #iety of hi" )ho offered the"+ Oh the so!erei'n 'oodness of this 'reat God )hich so fa!o&rs its lo!ers that it cherishes their least little actions so lon' as they ha!e the sli'htest de'ree of 'oodness and eCcellently enno$les the" 'i!in' the" the title and *&ality of holy( 3h( this is in consideration of his $elo!ed Son )hose ado#ted children he )o&ld hono&r sanctifyin' all there is of 'ood in the" their $ones the hairs of their head their 'ar"ents their 'ra!es yea do)n to the !ery shado) @9KKA of their $odiesB their faith ho#e lo!e reli'ion yea e!en their social life their co&rtesy the affa$ility of their hearts+ Therefore "y $elo!ed $rethren saith the 3#ostle $e ye steadfast and i""o!a$le al)ays a$o&ndin' in the )or2 of the 6ord 2no)in' that yo&r la$o&r is not in !ain in the 6ord+ @577A 3nd "ar2 Theoti"&s that e!ery !irt&o&s )or2 is to $e estee"ed the G)or2 of the 6ord G yea tho&'h it )ere e!en #ractised $y an infidelB for his di!ine Ma1esty said &nto ;Hechiel that Ea$&chodonosor and his ar"y had la$o&red for hi" @571A $eca&se he had )a'ed a la)f&l and 1&st )ar a'ainst the TyriansF s&fficiently sho)in' there$y that the 1&stice of the &n1&st is GodDs and tends and $elon's to hi" tho&'h the &n1&st )ho )or2 that 1&stice are neither his nor tend nor $elon' to hi"F for as the 'reat #rince and #ro#het ,o$ tho&'h of #a'an eCtraction and an inha$itant of the land of 5&s did for all that $elon' to God so "oral !irt&es tho&'h they #roceed fro" a sinf&l heart do none the less $elon' to God+ /&t )hen these sa"e !irt&es are fo&nd in a tr&ly ?hristian heart that is in a heart endo)ed )ith holy lo!e then they not only $elon' to God $&t they are not Gin !ain in the 6ord G $ein' rendered fr&itf&l and #recio&s in the eyes of his 'oodness+ G3dd charity to a "an G says S+ 3&'&stine Gand e!erythin' #rofitsB ta2e charity fro" hi" and )hat re"ains #rofits hi" no lon'er+G 3ndF To the" that lo!e God all thin's )or2 to'ether &nto 'ood @572A says the 3#ostle+ @9K7A Ps+ Cci+ 18 19+ @9KIA Ps+ i+ 8+ @9KKA 3cts !+ 15+





85 @577A 1 ?or+ i!+ 5I+ @571A ;Hech+ CCiC+ 27+ 97 @572A >o"+ !iii+ 2I+ ?53PT;> ---+ 95 T53T T5;>; 3>; SOM; :->T=;S 05-?5 D-:-E; 6O:; >3-S;S TO 3 5-G5;> D;G>;; OF ;Q?;66;E?; T53E OT5;>S+ /&t there are so"e !irt&es )hich $y reason of their nat&ral alliance and corres#ondence )ith charity are also "&ch "ore ca#a$le of recei!in' the #recio&s infl&ence of sacred


lo!e and conse*&ently the co""&nication of the di'nity and )orth of it+ S&ch are faith and ho#e )hich to'ether )ith charity ha!e an i""ediate reference to GodB and reli'ion and #enitence and de!otion )hich are e"#loyed to the hono&r of his Di!ine Ma1esty+ For these !irt&es of their o)n nat&re ha!e so close a relation to God and are so s&sce#ti$le of the i"#ressions of hea!enly lo!e that to "a2e the" #artici#ate in its sanctity they need only to $e )ith it that is in a heart )hich lo!es God+ So to "a2e 'ra#es taste of oli!es it is $&t necessary to #lant the !ine a"on'st the oli!esB for $y their nei'h$o&rhood alone )itho&t to&chin' one another at all these #lants )ill "&t&ally interchan'e their sa!o&rs and #ro#erties so 'reat an inclination and so strict an affinity is there of one to the other+ Tr&ly all flo)ers eCce#t those of the tree called Sad (triste) and a fe) others that are "onsters in Eat&re all - say re1oice eC#and and #&t on $ea&ty at the si'ht of the s&n and the !ital heat )hich they recei!e fro" his raysB $&t all yello) flo)ers and es#ecially that )hich the Gree2s ter" 5eliotro#i&" and )e s&nflo)er not only recei!e 'ladness and #leas&re fro" his #resence $&t $y an affectionate t&rnin' "o!e"ent follo) the attractions of his rays 2ee#in' hi" in si'ht and t&rnin' the"sel!es to)ards hi" fro" his risin' to his settin'+ So all !irt&es recei!e a ne) l&stre and an eCcellent di'nity fro" the #resence of holy lo!e $&t faith ho#e the fear of God #iety #enance and all the other !irt&es )hich of their o)n nat&re #artic&larly tend to God and to his hono&r not only recei!e the i"#ression of di!ine lo!e )here$y they are raised to a 'reat !al&e $&t they )holly incline to)ards it associatin' the"sel!es )ith it follo)in' and ser!in' it on all occasions+ For in fine "y dear Theoti"&s the holy 0ord attri$&tes a certain sa!in' sanctifyin' and 'lorifyin' #ro#erty and force to faith to ho#e to #iety to the fear of God to #enanceF )hich clearly sho)s that those !irt&es are of 'reat #rice and that $ein' #ractised $y a heart )hich is in charity they $eco"e "ore eCcellent fr&itf&l and holy than the others )hich of their o)n nat&re ha!e not so 'reat an affinity )ith sacred lo!e+ 3nd he )ho cries o&tF -f - sho&ld ha!e all faith so that - co&ld re"o!e "o&ntains and ha!e not charity it #rofiteth "e nothin' @578A clearly sho)s that )ith charity this faith )o&ld 'reatly #rofit hi"+ ?harity then is a !irt&e $eyond co"#arison )hich not only adorns the heart in )hich it is $&t $y its "ere #resence also $lesses and sanctifies all the !irt&es )hich it "eets there #erf&"in' and scentin' the" )ith its celestial odo&r $y "eans of )hich they are "ade of 'reat !al&e in the si'ht of GodB )hich ho)e!er it does far "ore eCcellently in faith in ho#e and in other !irt&es )hich of the"sel!es nat&rally tend to #iety+ 0herefore Theoti"&s of all !irt&o&s actions )e o&'ht "ost caref&lly to #ractise those of reli'ion and re!erence to)ards di!ine thin's those of faith of ho#e and of the "ost holy fear of God ta2in' occasion often to s#ea2 of hea!enly thin's thin2in' of and si'hin' after eternity fre*&entin' ch&rches and sacred ser!ices readin' s#irit&al $oo2s o$ser!in' the cere"onies of the ?hristian reli'ionF for sacred lo!e is fed accordin' to its heartDs desire in these eCercises and in 'reater a$&ndance s#reads its 'races and #ro#erties o!er the" than it does o!er the actions of those !irt&es )hich are #&rely h&"anB as the lo!ely rain$o) "a2es all the #lants &#on )hich it li'hts odorifero&s $&t the as#alath&s inco"#ara$ly "ore so than all the rest+ @578A 1 ?or+ Ciii+ 2+








?53PT;> -:+ T53T D-:-E; 6O:; MO>; ;Q?;66;ET6O S3E?T-F-;S T5; :->T=;S 05;E T5;O 3>; P>3?T-S;D /O -TS O>D;> 3ED ?OMM3EDM;ET+ 5 The fair >achel had children $y ,aco$ in t)o )ays+ She co&nted as hers the children of her hand"aid /ala and after)ards she had children of her o)n--na"ely ,ose#h and the $elo!ed /en1a"in+ 17 Eo) - say to yo& "y dear Theoti"&s that charity and sacred lo!e a h&ndred ti"es "ore fair than >achel ceaselessly desires to #rod&ce holy o#erations+ She calls the o#erations of the other !irt&es her offs#rin' $eca&se they are #rod&ced $y her order lo!e $ein' the "aster of the heart and conse*&ently of all the )or2s of the other !irt&es done $y its consent+ /&t f&rther this di!ine lo!e has t)o acts )hich are her o)n #ro#er iss&e and of her eCtraction+ Of these the one is effecti!e lo!e )hich as another ,ose#h &sin' the #lenit&de of royal a&thority s&$1ects and red&ces all the #eo#le--her fac&lties #o)ers #assions and affections--to GodDs )ill that it "ay $e lo!ed o$eyed and ser!ed a$o!e all thin's $y this "eans #&ttin' the 'reat celestial co""and"ent in eCec&tionF Tho& shalt lo!e the 6ord thy God )ith all thy heart )ith all thy so&l )ith all thy "ind and )ith all thy stren'th+ The other is affecti!e or affectionate lo!e )hich as a little /en1a"in is eCceedin'ly delicate tender #leasin' and a"ia$le $&t in this "ore ha##y than /en1a"in that charity its "other dies not in its $rin'in' forth $&t so to say 'ains a ne) life $y the s)eetness she feels in it+ Th&s then Theoti"&s the !irt&o&s actions of the children of God all $elon' to charityB so"e of the" $eca&se she #rod&ces the" of her o)n nat&reB others $eca&se she sanctifies the" $y her *&ic2enin' #resenceB and finally others $y the a&thority and co""and )hich she eCercises o!er the other !irt&es )hence she "a2es the" s#rin'+ 3nd these last as indeed they are not so e"inent in di'nity as the actions )hich #ro#erly and i""ediately iss&e fro" charity yet inco"#ara$ly s&r#ass those )hich ta2e their )hole sanctity fro" the "ere #resence and society of charity+ 3 'reat 'eneral of an ar"y ha!in' )on so"e i"#ortant $attle )ill )itho&t do&$t ha!e all the hono&r of the !ictory and not &nreasona$lyB for he hi"self )ill ha!e fo&'ht in the !ery front of the ar"y doin' "any 'reat feats of ar"s and for the rest he )ill ha!e arrayed his troo#s and ordained and co""anded all that )as doneF so that he is considered to ha!e done all either $y hi"self fi'htin' )ith his o)n hand or $y his direction co""andin' others+ 3nd e!en if so"e friendly troo#s co"e &neC#ectedly and fall in )ith the ar"y yet the 'eneral is not de#ri!ed of the hono&r of their )or2 for tho&'h they ha!e not recei!ed his co""ands yet they ha!e ser!ed hi" and follo)ed his intentions+ Ee!ertheless altho&'h )e attri$&te the 'lory as a )hole to hi" )e do not fail to 'i!e each #art of his ar"y d&e credit for its o)n shareB )e say that the !an'&ard did this the "ain $ody that the rear'&ard the otherB the French $eha!ed th&s the -talians th&s the Ger"ans and the S#aniards th&sF yea )e #raise the #ri!ate indi!id&als )ho ha!e distin'&ished the"sel!es in the $attle+ So "y dear Theoti"&s a"on'st all the !irt&es the 'lory of o&r sal!ation and !ictory o!er hell is ascri$ed to di!ine lo!e )hich as #rince and 'eneral of the )hole ar"y of !irt&es does all the eC#loits $y )hich )e 'ain the tri&"#h+ For sacred lo!e has his #ro#er actions )hich











iss&e and #roceed fro" hi"self $y )hich he does )onders of ar"s a'ainst o&r ene"y and )ithal he ran'es co""ands and orders the actions of other !irt&es )hich are therefore ter"ed acts co""anded or ordained $y lo!e+ 3nd if at last so"e !irt&es #erfor" their o#erations )itho&t his order yet if they assist his intention )hich is GodDs hono&r he )ill still ac2no)led'e the" to $e his o)n+ Ee!ertheless tho&'h )e say in 'eneral after the di!ine 3#ostle that ?harity $eareth all thin's $elie!eth all thin's ho#eth all thin's end&reth all thin's @579A in a )ord that it does all yet )e distri$&te in #artic&lar the #raise of the sal!ation of the /lessed to other !irt&es accordin' as they eCcelled in each oneB for )e say so"e )ere sa!ed $y faith others $y al"s-deeds others $y te"#erance #rayer h&"ility ho#e chastity $eca&se the acts of these !irt&es ha!e a##eared )ith l&stre in these saints+ Oet a'ain after )e ha!e eCtolled these #artic&lar !irt&es )e "&st reci#rocally refer all their hono&r to di!ine lo!e )hich to e!ery one 'i!es all the sanctity )hich they ha!e+ For )hat else does the 'lorio&s 3#ostle "ean )hen he teaches that charity is 2ind is #atient that it $elie!es all ho#es all $ears all sa!e that charity ordains and co""ands #atience to $e #atient ho#e to ho#e faith to $elie!e+ 3nd tr&ly Theoti"&s at the sa"e ti"e the 3#ostle inti"ates that lo!e is the so&l and life of all the !irt&es as tho&'h he )o&ld sayF #atience is not #atient eno&'h nor faith faithf&l eno&'h nor ho#e confident eno&'h nor "ildness s)eet eno&'h &nless lo!e ani"ate and *&ic2en the"+ The sa"e thin' this sa"e !essel of election 'i!es &s to &nderstand )hen he says that nothin' #rofits hi" and he is nothin' )itho&t charityB for it is as tho&'h he had said that )itho&t lo!e a "an is not #atient nor "ild nor constant nor faithf&l nor ho#ef&l in the )ay a ser!ant of God sho&ld $e )hich is the tr&e and desira$le $ein' of "an+ @579A 1 ?or+ Ciii+ 7+ ?53PT;> :+



5O0 6O:; SP>;3DS -TS ;Q?;66;E?; O:;> T5; OT5;> :->T=;S P;>F;?T-EG T5;-> P3>T-?=63> ;Q?;66;E?;+ - 5a!e seen says Pliny a tree at Ti!oli 'rafted in all the fashions that one can 'raft and $earin' all sorts of fr&itB for &#on one $ranch there )ere cherries on another n&ts on others 'ra#es fi's #o"e'ranates a##les and in a )ord all 2inds of fr&it+ This )as )onderf&l Theoti"&s yet "ore so is it to see in ?hristian "an hea!enly lo!e )ith all !irt&es 'rafted thereonB in s&ch sort that as one "i'ht ha!e said of this tree that it )as a cherry tree an a##le a n&t a #o"e'ranate so "ay one say of charity that it is #atient "ild !aliant 1&st or rather that it is #atience "ildness and 1&stice itself+ /&t the #oor tree of Ti!oli did not li!e lon' as the sa"e Pliny records for this !ariety of #rod&ctions dried &# its essential sa# so that it )ithered a)ay and diedB )hereas on the contrary charity is fortified and in!i'orated so as to #rod&ce a$&ndance of fr&it in the eCercise of all the !irt&esB yea as o&r holy Fathers ha!e o$ser!ed it is insatia$le in its desires of $rin'in' forth fr&it and ne!er ceases to &r'e the heart )herein it d)ells as >achel did her h&s$and sayin'F Gi!e "e children other)ise - shall die+ @575A Eo) the fr&its of 'rafted trees al)ays follo) the 'raft for if the 'raft $e a##le it )ill $ear a##les if cherry it )ill $ear cherriesB yet so that these fr&its al)ays taste of the




stoc2+ -n li2e "anner Theoti"&s o&r acts ta2e their na"e and s#ecies fro" the #artic&lar !irt&es )hence they s#rin' $&t they dra) the taste of their sanctity fro" holy charity )hich is the root and so&rce of all sanctity in "an+ 3nd as the stoc2 co""&nicates its taste to all the fr&its )hich the 'rafts #rod&ce yet so that each fr&it #reser!es the nat&ral #ro#erty of the 'raft )hence it s#r&n' e!en so charity #o&rs o&t in s&ch sort her eCcellence and di'nity &#on the acts of other !irt&es that she does not de#ri!e the" of the #artic&lar )orth and 'oodness )hich they ha!e $y their o)n nat&ral condition+ 3ll flo)ers lose their l&stre and 'race a"idst the dar2ness of ni'ht $&t in the "ornin' the s&n )hich "a2es the" a'ain !isi$le and a'reea$le does not ho)e!er "a2e their $ea&ties and their 'races e*&al and its $ri'htness tho&'h e*&ally s#read o!er the" all yet "a2es the" &ne*&ally $ri'ht and 'lorio&s accordin' as they are "ore or less s&sce#ti$le of the effects of its s#lendo&r+ 3nd the li'ht of the s&n e*&al as it is on the !iolet and the rose yet )ill ne!er "a2e that so fair as this or "a2e a daisy as lo!ely as a lily+ 5o)e!er if the s&n sho&ld shine !ery clearly &#on the !iolet and !ery "istily and faintly &#on the rose then )itho&t do&$t it )o&ld "a2e the !iolet "ore fair to see than the rose+ So "y Theoti"&s if one )ith an e*&al charity sho&ld s&ffer death $y "artyrdo" and another h&n'er $y fastin' )ho does not see that the !al&e of this fastin' )ill not therefore $e e*&al to that of "artyrdo". Eo Theoti"&s for )ho )o&ld dare to affir" that "artyrdo" is not "ore eCcellent in itself than fastin'. 3nd as it is "ore eCcellent and as s&#eradded charity does not ta2e a)ay $&t #erfects its eCcellence charity )ill conse*&ently lea!e to it the ad!anta'e )hich it nat&rally had o!er fastin'+ S&rely no "an of 'ood sense )ill e*&al n&#tial chastity to !ir'inity nor the 'ood &se of riches to the entire a$ne'ation of the sa"e+ 0ho a'ain )o&ld dare to say that charity acco"#anyin' these !irt&es de#ri!es the" of their #ro#erties and #ri!ile'es since it is not a !irt&e )hich destroys and i"#o!erishes $&t $etters *&ic2ens and enriches all the 'ood it finds in the so&ls )hich it r&les+ Oea so far is charity fro" $erea!in' the other !irt&es of their nat&ral #re-e"inences and di'nities that on the contrary ha!in' this *&ality of #erfectin' the #erfections )hich it "eets )ith it "ore 'reatly #erfects )here it finds 'reater #erfection+ -t acts li2e s&'ar )hich so #reser!es and so seasons fr&its )ith its s)eetness that s)eetenin' the" all it lea!es the" dissi"ilar in taste and s)eetness accordin' as their nat&ral taste and s)eetness are dissi"ilar nor does it e!er "a2e #eaches and n&t-fr&its as s)eet or a'reea$le as a#ricots and "ira$els+ Still it is tr&e that if lo!e $e ardent #o)erf&l and eCcellent in a heart it )ill also "ore enrich and #erfect all the !irt&o&s )or2s )hich "ay #roceed fro" it+ One "ay s&ffer death and fire for God )itho&t charity as S+ Pa&l s&##oses @576A and as - eC#lain else)hereF $y $etter reason "ay one s&ffer the" )ith little charity+ Eo) - say Theoti"&s that it "ay co"e to #ass that a !ery s"all !irt&e "ay $e of 'reater !al&e in a so&l )here sacred lo!e fer!ently rei'ns than "artyrdo" itself in a so&l )here lo!e is lan'&ishin' fee$le and d&ll+ Th&s the little !irt&es of o&r /lessed 6ady of S+ ,ohn of other 'reat saints )ere of $etter )orth $efore God than the "ost eCalted of "any inferior saintsB as "any of the sli'ht "o!e"ents of lo!e in the sera#hi" are "ore infla"ed than the 'reatest in an'els of the last orderB or as the first essays of the ni'htin'ale are inco"#ara$ly "ore "elodio&s than the son' of the $est-trained finch+










Pireic&s to)ards the end of his days #ainted only "iniat&res and tri!ial s&$1ects s&ch as $ar$ersD or co$$lersD sho#s asses laden )ith her$s and si"ilar #etty "attersB )hich he did as Pliny con1ect&res to lessen his 'reat reno)n )hence in the end he ca"e to $e called a #ainter of r&$$ishB and yet the 'reatness of his art did so a##ear in his s"all )or2s that they )ere sold at a hi'her rate than the 'reat #ieces of others+ ;!en so Theoti"&s the little si"#licities a$1ections and h&"iliations in )hich the 'reat saints so deli'hted in order to hide the"sel!es and #&t their hearts &nder shelter a'ainst !ain'lory ha!in' $een #ractised )ith a 'reat eCcellence of the art and of the ardo&r of hea!enly lo!e )ere fo&nd "ore 'ratef&l in the si'ht of God than the lar'e and ill&strio&s )or2s of "any others )hich )ere #erfor"ed )ith little charity and de!otion+ The sacred s#o&se )o&nds her $elo!ed )ith a sin'le one of her hairs @577A of )hich he "a2es s&ch 'reat acco&nt that he co"#ares the" to the floc2s of the 'oats of GalaadB and he has no sooner co""ended the eyes of his de!o&t lo!in' one )hich are the "ost no$le #arts of the face than #resently he #raises her hair )hich is the "ost frail )orthless and "eanB to teach &s that in a so&l ca#ti!ated $y di!ine lo!e eCercises that see" !ery triflin' are yet hi'hly a'reea$le to his Di!ine Ma1esty+ @575A Gen+ CCC+ 1+


27 @576A 1 ?or+ Ciii+ 8+ @577A ?ant+ i!+ K+ 25 ?53PT;> :-+ OF T5; ;Q?;66;ET :36=; 05-?5 S3?>;D 6O:; G-:;S TO T5; 3?T-OES 05-?5 -SS=; F>OM -TS;6F 3ED TO T5OS; 05-?5 P>O?;;D F>OM T5; OT5;> :->T=;S+ 87 /&t yo& )ill say to "e )hat is this !al&e - #ray yo& )hich holy lo!e 'i!es to o&r actions. Oh( Theoti"&s !erily - sho&ld not ha!e the ass&rance to say it if the 5oly Ghost hi"self had not declared it in "ost eC#ress ter"s $y the 'reat 3#ostle S+ Pa&l )ho s#ea2s th&sF 0hat is at #resent "o"entary and li'ht of o&r tri$&lation )or2eth for &s a$o!e "eas&re eCceedin'ly an eternal )ei'ht of 'lory+ @57IA For GodDs sa2e let &s #onder these )ords+ O&r tri$&lations )hich are so li'ht that they #ass in a "o"ent )or2 for &s the solid and sta$le )ei'ht of 'lory+ - $eseech yo& $ehold these )onders( Tri$&lation #rod&ces 'lory li'htness 'i!es )ei'ht and "o"ents )or2 eternity+ /&t )hat is it that can 'i!e s&ch #o)er to these fleetin' "o"ents and li'ht tri$&lations. >ed #&r#le or fine cri"son !iolet is a "ost #recio&s and royal cloth yet not $y reason of the )ool $&t of the colo&r+ The )or2s of 'ood ?hristians are of s&ch )orth that hea!en is 'i!en &s for the"B $&t Theoti"&s it is not $eca&se they #roceed fro" &s and are the )ool of o&r hearts $&t $eca&se they are dyed )ith the $lood of the Son of God --- "ean $eca&se o&r Sa!io&r sanctifies o&r )or2s $y the "erits of his $lood+ The !ine-s#ri' &nited and 1oined to the stoc2 $rin's forth fr&it not $y its o)n #o)er $&t in !irt&e of the stoc2+ Eo) )e are &nited $y charity &nto o&r >edee"er as "e"$ers to their head and hence it is that o&r fr&its and 'ood )or2s dra)in' their )orth fro" hi" "erit life e!erlastin'+ 3aronDs rod )as dry and inca#a$le $y itself of $rin'in' forth fr&itB $&t as






soon as the na"e of that 'reat hi'h #riest )as )ritten &#on it in one ni'ht it $ro&'ht o&t its lea!es its flo)ers and its fr&its+ @57KA 0e of o&rsel!es are )ithered $ranches &n#rofita$le fr&itless not s&fficient to thin2 anythin' of o&rsel!es as of o&rsel!es $&t o&r s&fficiency is fro" God )ho also hath "ade &s fit "inisters @517A and a$le to do his )ill and therefore as soon as $y holy lo!e the na"e of o&r Sa!io&r the 'reat $isho# of o&r so&ls is en'ra!en in o&r hearts )e $e'in to $ear delicio&s fr&its &nto life e!erlastin'+ 3nd as seeds )hich of the"sel!es )o&ld only $rin' forth insi#id "elons )o&ld $rin' forth s&'ared and "&s2ed ones if they )ere stee#ed in s&'ared or "&c2ed )aterB so o&r so&ls )hich of the"sel!es are not a$le to #rod&ce one sin'le 'ood tho&'ht to)ards GodDs ser!ice $ein' stee#ed in sacred lo!e $y the 5oly Ghost )ho d)ells )ithin &s #rod&ce sacred actions )hich tend to)ards and carry &s to i""ortal 'lory+ O&r )or2s as #roceedin' fro" o&rsel!es are $&t frail reedsB $&t these reeds $eco"e 'olden $y charity and )ith the sa"e )e "eas&re the hea!enly ,er&sale" )hich is 'i!en &s $y that "eas&reF @511A for as )ell to "en as to an'els 'lory is distri$&ted accordin' to charity and its actions+ So that the "eas&re &sed $y "en and that &sed $y an'els is the sa"e @512A and God has rendered and )ill render to e!ery "an accordin' to his )or2s @518A as all the di!ine Scri#t&re teaches &s ass&rin' &s of the felicity and eternal 1oys of hea!en in re)ard of the la$o&rs and 'ood )or2s )hich )e ha!e #erfor"ed on earth+ 3 "a'nificent re)ard and one that sa!o&rs of the MasterDs 'reatness )ho" )e ser!e+ 5e indeed Theoti"&s if so he had #leased "i'ht "ost 1&stly ha!e eCacted o&r o$edience and ser!ice )itho&t #ro#osin' &nto &s any salary or hire at all $eca&se )e are his $y a tho&sand "ost le'iti"ate titles and $eca&se )e can do nothin' of )orth sa!e )hat is in hi" $y hi" for hi" and fro" hi"+ Oet his 'oodness has not dis#osed th&s $&t in consideration of his Son o&r Sa!io&r has )illed to treat )ith &s at a set #rice recei!in' &s for hire and en'a'in' hi"self $y #ro"ise to #ay &s accordin' to o&r )or2s eternal )a'es+ Eor is it that o&r ser!ice can either $e necessary or #rofita$le &nto hi" for )hen )e shall ha!e acco"#lished all his co""ands )e are yet to a!o) )ith "ost h&"$le tr&th or "ost tr&e h&"ility that indeed )e are "ost &n#rofita$le ser!ants and &tterly &seless to o&r Master )ho $y reason of his essential s&#era$&ndance of riches can ha!e no #rofit $y &sB $&t con!ertin' all o&r )or2s to o&r o)n ad!anta'e and 'ood he ordains that )e shall ser!e hi" )ith as little #rofit to hi" as there is "&ch to &s )ho $y s&ch s"all la$o&rs 'ain s&ch 'reat re)ards+ 5e )as not $o&nd to #ay &s for o&r ser!ice if he had not 'i!en his #ro"ise to do so+ /&t do not thin2 Theoti"&s that he )o&ld so "anifest his 'oodness in this #ro"ise as to for'et to 'lorify his )isdo"B yea on the contrary he "ost eCactly o$ser!ed the r&les of e*&ity "in'lin' see"liness ($ienseance) )ith li$erality in an ad"ira$le "annerB for tho&'h o&r )or2s are indeed !ery s"all and in no )ise co"#ara$le )ith 'lory $y their "atter yet in re'ard to their *&ality they are !ery #ro#ortionate there&nto $y reason of the 5oly Ghost )ho $y charity d)ellin' in o&r hearts )or2s in &s )ith so eC*&isite an art that the sa"e )or2s )hich are )holly o&rs are still "ore )holly his since he #rod&ces the" in &s as )e a'ain #rod&ce the" in hi" he does the" for &s as )e do the" for hi" he o#erates the" )ith &s as )e co-o#erate )ith hi"+ Eo) the 5oly Ghost d)ells in &s if )e $e li!in' "e"$ers of ,es&s ?hrist )ho therefore said &nto his disci#lesF 5e that a$ideth in "e and - in hi" the sa"e $eareth








"&ch fr&itB @519A and this Theoti"&s is $eca&se he that a$ides in hi" is "ade #arta2er of his di!ine S#irit )hich is in the "idst of "anDs heart as a fo&ntain of li!in' )ater s#rin'in' &# &nto life e!erlastin'+ @515A So the holy oil )hich )as #o&red &#on o&r Sa!io&r as &#on the head of the ?h&rch "ilitant and tri&"#hant s#reads itself o!er the society of the /lessed )ho as the sacred $eard of this hea!enly Master are contin&ally attached to his 'lorio&s face and r&ns do)n &#on the co"#any of the faithf&l )ho as 'ar"ents are 1oined and &nited $y lo!e to his Di!ine Ma1estyB and $oth co"#anies as $ein' co"#osed of $rethren of the sa"e fa"ily ha!e reason to cry o&tF /ehold ho) 'ood and ho) #leasant it is for $rethren to d)ell to'ether in &nityF li2e the #recio&s oint"ent on the head that ran do)n &#on the $eard the $eard of 3aron )hich ran do)n to the s2irt of his 'ar"ents+ @516A O&r )or2s therefore as a little 'rain of "&stard-seed are in no sort co"#ara$le in 'reatness to the tree of 'lory )hich they #rod&ce yet they ha!e the !i'o&r and !irt&e to #rod&ce it $eca&se they #roceed fro" the 5oly S#irit )ho $y an ad"ira$le inf&sion of his 'race into o&r hearts "a2es o&r )or2s his and yet )ithal lea!es the" o&r o)n since )e are "e"$ers of a head of )hich he is the S#irit and in'rafted in a tree )hereof he is the di!ine sa#+ 3nd as he th&s acts in o&r )or2s and )e after a certain "anner o#erate or co-o#erate in his action he lea!es &s for o&r #art all the "erit and #rofit of o&r ser!ices and 'ood )or2s and )e a'ain lea!e hi" all the hono&r and #raise thereof ac2no)led'in' that the co""ence"ent the #ro'ress and the end of all the 'ood )e do de#ends on his "ercy $y )hich he has co"e &nto &s and #re!ented &s has co"e into &s and assisted &s has co"e )ith &s and cond&cted &s finishin' )hat he had $e'&n+ /&t O God( Theoti"&s ho) "ercif&l is his 'oodness to &s in th&s distri$&tin' his $o&nty( 0e 'i!e hi" the 'lory of o&r #raise forsooth( and he 'i!es &s the 'lory of #ossessin' hi"+ -n fine $y these li'ht and #assin' la$o&rs )e o$tain 'oods )hich end&re for all eternity+ 3"en+ @57IA 2 ?or+ i!+ 17+




87 @57KA E&"$+ C!ii+ I+ @517A 2 ?or+ iii+ 5+ 85 @511A 3#oc+ CCi+ 15+ @512A 3#oc+ CCi+ 17+ @518A 3#oc+ CCii+ 12+ 97 @519A ,ohn C!+ 5+ @515A ,ohn i!+ 19+ 95 @516A Ps+ cCCCii+ 1 2+ ?53PT;> :--+

T53T P;>F;?T :->T=;S 3>; E;:;> OE; 0-T5O=T T5; OT5;>+ -t is said that the heart is the first #art of a "an )hich recei!es life $y the inf&sion of the so&l and the eye the last as contrari)ise in a nat&ral death the eye $e'ins first to die and the heart is the last+ Eo) )hen the heart $e'ins to li!e $efore the other #arts are ani"ated life is certainly !ery fee$le frail and i"#erfect $&t e!er as it esta$lishes itself "ore thoro&'hly in the rest of the $ody it is also "ore !i'oro&s in each #art and #artic&larly in the heart and )e see that )hen life is in1&red in any one of the "e"$ers it is )ea2ened in all the rest+ -f a "anDs foot or ar" $e h&rt all the $ody is tro&$led eCcited dist&r$ed and affectedB if the sto"ach is disordered the eyes the !oice and the )hole co&ntenance sho) the effects of it so 'reat is the sy"#athy a"on'st the or'ans of "anDs nat&ral life+ 3ll the !irt&es are not ac*&ired to'ether in an instant $&t one after another in #ro#ortion as reason )hich is li2e the so&l of o&r heart ta2es #ossession first of one #assion then of another to "oderate and 'o!ern the"F and ordinarily this life of o&r so&l $e'ins in the heart of o&r #assions )hich is lo!e and s#readin' itself o!er all the rest it *&ic2ens at last the !ery &nderstandin' $y conte"#lationB as on the contrary "oral or s#irit&al death "a2es its entry into the so&l $y the )ant of reflection @517A --death enters $y the )indo)s @51IA says the sacred teCt--and its last effect is to destroy 'ood lo!e )hich once #erishin' all o&r "oral life is dead in &s+ So then altho&'h )e "ay #erha#s #ossess so"e !irt&es )itho&t others yet are they $&t lan'&ishin' i"#erfect and )ea2 !irt&es since reason )hich is the life of o&r so&l is ne!er satisfied nor at ease in a so&l &nless it occ&#y and #ossess all the fac&lties and #assionsB and )hen it is a''rie!ed and )o&nded in so"e one of o&r #assions or affections all the rest lose their force and !i'o&r and 'ro) eCceedin'ly )ea2+ Oo& see Theoti"&s all the !irt&es are !irt&es $y the #ro#ortion or confor"ity they ha!e )ith reason and an action cannot $e called !irt&o&s if it #roceed not fro" the affection )hich the heart $ears to the eCcellence and $ea&ty of reason+ Eo) if the lo!e of reason #ossess and ani"ate a so&l it )ill $e o$edient to reason in all occ&rrences and conse*&ently )ill #ractise all the !irt&es+ -f ,aco$ lo!ed >achel in consideration of her $ein' 6a$anDs da&'hter )hy did he des#ise 6ia )ho )as not only the da&'hter $&t the eldest da&'hter of the sa"e 6a$an. /&t $eca&se he lo!ed >achel $y reason of her $ea&ty he co&ld ne!er e*&ally lo!e #oor 6ia tho&'h a fr&itf&l and )ise "aid $eca&se to his "ind she )as not so fair+ 5e )ho lo!es one !irt&e for the lo!e of the reason and co"eliness )hich shine in it )ill lo!e all the !irt&es since he )ill find the sa"e "oti!e in the" all and he )ill lo!e each of the" "ore or less as reason shall a##ear in the" "ore or less res#lendent+ 5e )ho lo!es li$erality and not chastity sho)s s&fficiently that he lo!es not li$erality for reasonDs sa2e $eca&se reason is still "ore radiant in chastity and )here the ca&se is "ore stron' the effects o&'ht also to $e "ore stron'+ -t is therefore an e!ident si'n that s&ch a heart is not "o!ed to li$erality $y the "oti!e and consideration of reasonB )hence it follo)s that this li$erality )hich see"ed to $e !irt&e is $&t an a##earance of it since it #roceeds not fro" reason )hich is the tr&e "oti!e of !irt&es $&t fro" so"e other and forei'n "oti!e+ -t is s&fficient for a child to $e $orn in "arria'e to $ear in the )orld the na"e the ar"s and the titles of his "otherDs h&s$and $&t to ha!e his $lood and nat&re he "&st not only $e $orn in the "arria'e $&t of the "arria'e+ 3ctions ha!e the na"e ar"s and $ad'es of the !irt&es











$eca&se $ein' $orn of a heart endo)ed )ith reason )e #res&"e the" to $e reasona$le yet they ha!e neither the s&$stance nor !i'o&r of !irt&e )hen they #roceed fro" a forei'n and ille'iti"ate "oti!e and not fro" reason+ -t "ay ha##en then that a "an "ay ha!e so"e !irt&es and lac2 othersB $&t they )ill either $e !irt&es ne)ly s#rin'in' and as yet tender li2e flo)ers in $losso"B or else #erishin' and dyin' !irt&es li2e fadin' flo)ersF for in concl&sion !irt&es cannot ha!e their tr&e inte'rity and s&fficiency &nless they $e all to'ether as all #hiloso#hy and di!inity ass&re &s+ 0hat #r&dence - #ray yo& Theoti"&s can an inte"#erate &n1&st and co)ardly "an ha!e since he "a2es choice of !ice and forsa2es !irt&e. 3nd ho) can one $e 1&st )itho&t $ein' #r&dent stron' and te"#erate since 1&stice is no other thin' than a #er#et&al stron' and constant )ill to render to e!ery one his o)n and since the science $y )hich ri'ht is done is called 1&ris#r&dence and since to 'i!e each one his o)n )e "&st li!e )isely and "oderately and hinder the disorders of inte"#erance in o&rsel!es so as to 'i!e o&rsel!es )hat $elon's to &s. 3nd the )ord !irt&e does it not si'nify a force and !i'o&r $elon'in' to the so&l as a *&ality e!en as )e say that her$s and #recio&s stones ha!e s&ch and s&ch a !irt&e or #ro#erty. /&t is not #r&dence itself i"#r&dent in an inte"#erate "an. Fortit&de )itho&t #r&dence 1&stice and te"#erance is not fortit&de $&t follyB and 1&stice is &n1&st in the )ea2 "an )ho dares not do it in the inte"#erate "an )ho #er"its hi"self to $e carried a)ay )ith #assion and in the i"#r&dent "an )ho is not a$le to discern $et)een the ri'ht and the )ron'+ ,&stice is not 1&stice &nless it $e stron' #r&dent and te"#erateB nor is #r&dence #r&dence &nless it $e te"#erate 1&st and stron'B nor fortit&de fortit&de &nless it $e 1&st #r&dent and te"#erateB nor te"#erance te"#erance &nless it $e #r&dent stron' and 1&st+ -n fine a !irt&e is not #erfect !irt&e &nless it $e acco"#anied $y all the rest+ -t is tr&e Theoti"&s that one cannot eCercise all the !irt&es at once $eca&se the occasions are not all #resented at onceB yea there are !irt&es )hich so"e of GodDs 'reatest saints had ne!er occasion to #ractiseF for S+ Pa&l the first her"it for eCa"#le )hat occasion co&ld he ha!e to eCercise the #ardonin' of in1&ries affa$ility "a'nificence and "ildness. Ee!ertheless s&ch so&ls stand so affected to the rectit&de of reason that tho&'h they ha!e not all the !irt&es in effect yet they ha!e the" all in affection $ein' ready and #re#ared to follo) and o$ey reason in all occ&rences )itho&t eCce#tion or reser!ation+ There are certain inclinations )hich are estee"ed !irt&es and are not so $&t fa!o&rs and ad!anta'es of nat&re+ 5o) "any are there )ho are nat&rally so$er "ild silent chaste and "odest. Eo) all these see" to $e !irt&es and yet ha!e no "ore the "erit thereof than $ad inclinations are $la"e)orthy $efore )e ha!e 'i!en free and !ol&ntary consent to s&ch nat&ral dis#ositions+ -t is no !irt&e to $e $y nat&re a "an of little "eat yet to a$stain $y choice is a !irt&e+ -t is no !irt&e to $e silent $y nat&re tho&'h it is a !irt&e to $ridle oneDs ton'&e $y reason+ Many consider they ha!e the !irt&es as lon' as they do not #ractise the contrary !ices+ One that has ne!er $een assa&lted "ay tr&ly $oast that he )as ne!er a r&na)ay yet he has no 'ro&nd to $oast of his !alo&r+ 5e that has ne!er $een afflicted "ay $oast of not $ein' i"#atient $&t not of $ein' #atient+ -n li2e "anner so"e thin2 they ha!e !irt&es )ho ha!e only 'ood inclinations and as those inclinations are so"e )itho&t others they s&##ose that !irt&es "ay $e so too+









-n tr&th the 'reat S+ 3&'&stine sho)s in an e#istle )hich he )rote to S+ ,ero"e that )e "ay ha!e so"e sort of !irt&e )itho&t ha!in' the rest $&t that )e cannot ha!e #erfect ones )itho&t ha!in' the" allB )hilst as for !ices )e "ay ha!e so"e )itho&t ha!in' others yea it is e!en i"#ossi$le to ha!e the" all to'etherF so that it does not follo) that he )ho has lost all the !irt&es has $y conse*&ence all the !ices since al"ost e!ery !irt&e has t)o o##osite !ices )hich are not only contrary to the !irt&e $&t also to one another+ 5e )ho has forfeited !alo&r $y rashness cannot at the sa"e ti"e $e taCed )ith co)ardiceB nor can he )ho has lost li$erality $y #rodi'ality $e at the sa"e ti"e re#roached )ith ni''ardliness+ ?atiline says S+ 3&'&stine )as so$er !i'ilant #atient in s&fferin' cold heat and h&n'erB so that $oth hi"self and his acco"#lices dee"ed hi" "ar!ello&sly constantB $&t this constancy )anted #r&dence since it "ade choice of $ad instead of 'oodB it )as not te"#erate for it 'a!e the $ridle to re#&lsi!e &ncleannessB it )as not 1&st since he cons#ired a'ainst his co&ntryF it )as not then constancy $&t o$stinacy )hich to decei!e fools $ore the na"e of constancy+ @517A 6Dinconsideration--i+e+ fail&re of the s#irit&al eye (Tr+) @51IA ,er+ iC+ 21+

27 ?53PT;> :---+ 5O0 ?53>-TO ?OMP>;5;EDS 366 T5; :->T=;S+ 25 There flo)ed a ri!er o&t of the #lace of deli'hts to )ater Paradise and thence it )as di!ided into fo&r heads+ @51KA Eo) in "an there is a #lace of deli'hts )hence God "a2es the ri!er of reason and nat&ral li'ht strea" o&t to )ater all the #aradise of o&r heart and this ri!er $ranches o&t into fo&r headsB that is it "a2es fo&r strea"s accordin' to the fo&r re'ions of the so&l+ For 1W+ O!er )hat is called the #ractical &nderstandin' that is to say the #art of the intelli'ence )hich discerns the actions )e sho&ld do or a!oid nat&ral li'ht s#reads #r&dence )hich inclines o&r "ind )isely to 1&d'e of the e!il that )e are to a!oid and dri!e a)ay and of the 'ood )e are to do and #&rs&e+ 2W+ O!er o&r )ill it "a2es 1&stice strea" o&t )hich is a contin&al and fir" )ill to render to e!ery one his o)n+ 8W+ O!er the conc&#isci$le a##etite it "a2es te"#erance flo) "oderatin' the #assions )hich are therein+ 9W+ O!er the irasci$le a##etite or an'er it sends o&t fortit&de )hich stays and controls all the "otions of an'er+ Eo) these fo&r ri!ers th&s se#arated after)ards di!ide the"sel!es into se!eral others in order that all h&"an actions "ay $e d&ly fashioned to nat&ral honesty and felicity+ /&t $esides all this God to enrich ?hristians )ith a s#ecial fa!o&r "a2es s#rin' &# on the !ery to# of the s&#erior #art of their s#irit a s&#ernat&ral fo&ntain )hich is called 'race and )hich co"#rehends indeed faith and ho#e yet consists in charity+ -t #&rifies the so&l fro" all sins and then adorns and e"$ellishes it )ith a "ost deli'htf&l $ea&tyB and finally s#reads its )aters o!er all the fac&lties and o#erations thereof to 'i!e the &nderstandin' a celestial #r&dence the )ill a holy 1&stice the conc&#isci$le a##etite a sacred te"#erance and the irasci$le a##etite a de!o&t fortit&de to the end that "anDs )hole heart "ay tend to the s&#ernat&ral honesty and felicity )hich consist in &nion )ith God+ 3nd if these fo&r strea"s and ri!ers of charity "eet )ith any one of the fo&r nat&ral !irt&es in the so&l they $rin' it to their o$edience "in'lin' the"sel!es there)ith to





#erfect it as #erf&"ed )ater #erfects nat&ral )ater )hen they are "iCed to'ether+ /&t if holy charity s#read o&t in this "anner find not the nat&ral !irt&es in the so&l then it alone does all their o#erations as occasion re*&ires+ 5 Th&s hea!enly lo!e findin' certain !irt&es in S+ Pa&l S+ 3"$rose S+ Denis S+ Pacho"i&s shed &#on the" an a'reea$le $ri'htness red&cin' the" all to its ser!ice+ /&t in Ma'dalen in S+ Mary of ;'y#t the Good Thief and a h&ndred other s&ch #enitents )ho had $een 'reat offenders di!ine lo!e findin' no !irt&e did the office and )or2 of all the !irt&es "a2in' itself #atient 'entle h&"$le and li$eral in the"+ 0e so) 'reat !ariety of seeds in 'ardens and co!er the" as if $&ryin' the" till the s&nDs 'reater heat "a2es the" rise and as one )o&ld say res&scitates the" )hen they #rod&ce their lea!es and their flo)ers )ith ne) seeds each one in its 2indB so that one sole heat fro" hea!en ca&ses all the di!ersity of these #rod&ctions $y "eans of the seed )hich it finds hidden in the $oso" of the earth+ :erily "y Theoti"&s God has so)n in o&r hearts the seeds of all !irt&es )hich ho)e!er are so co!ered )ith o&r i"#erfections and )ea2ness that they do not a##ear or a##ear !ery sli'htly till the !ital heat of holy lo!e co"es to *&ic2en and res&scitate the" #rod&cin' $y the" the actions of all !irt&es+ So that as the "anna contained in itself the !ariety of the tastes of all "eats and left a relish thereof in the "o&ths of the -sraelites e!en so hea!enly lo!e co"#rehends in itself the di!ersity of the #erfections of all the !irt&es in so eCcellent and s&$li"e a "anner that it #rod&ces all their actions in ti"e and #lace accordin' to the occasions+ ,os&e indeed !aliantly defeated GodDs ene"ies $y his 'ood handlin' of the ar"ies )hich )ere &nder his char'eB $&t Sa"son defeated the" yet "ore 'lorio&sly references )ho $y his o)n hand sle) the" $y tho&sands )ith the 1a)$one of an ass+ ,os&e $y his co""and and 'ood order "a2in' &se of the !alo&r of his troo#s did )onders $&t Sa"son $y his o)n force alone )ro&'ht "iracles+ ,os&e had the stren'th of "any soldiers &nder hi" $&t Sa"son had it in hi" and co&ld alone #erfor" as "&ch as ,os&e )ith "any soldiers+ 5oly lo!e is eCcellent in $oth these )ays for findin' so"e !irt&e in a so&l (and ordinarily it finds at least faith ho#e and #enitence) it ani"ates co""ands and ha##ily e"#loys the" in GodDs ser!ice and for the rest of the !irt&es )hich it finds not it does their )or2 itself ha!in' "ore stren'th $y itself than they ha!e all to'ether+ The 'reat 3#ostle not only says that ?harity 'i!es &s #atience 2indness constancy si"#licity $&t he says that charity is #atient is 2ind @527A is constantF and it is the #ro#erty of the s&#re"e !irt&es a"on'st an'els and "en not only to order the inferior !irt&es to )or2 $&t also to $e a$le the"sel!es to do )hat they co""and others+ The $isho# distri$&tes the char'es of all the ecclesiastical f&nctionsF--to o#en the ?h&rch to read therein to eCorcise #reach $a#tiHe sacrifice 'i!e co""&nion and a$sol!eB and he hi"self can do and does all this ha!in' in hi"self an e"inent !irt&e )hich co"#rehends all the inferior !irt&es+ So S+ Tho"as on the stren'th of S+ Pa&lDs ass&rance that charity is #atient 2ind stron' saysF G?harity does and acco"#lishes the )or2 of all the !irt&es+G 3nd S+ 3"$rose )ritin' to De"etrias calls #atience and the rest of the !irt&es "e"$ers of charity+ 3nd the 'reat S+ 3&'&stine says that the lo!e of God co"#rehends all the !irt&es and does all their o#erations in &s+ These are his )ordsF G0hat is said a$o&t !irt&e $ein' di!ided into fo&r (he "eans the fo&r cardinal !irt&es) is said in "y o#inion $y reason of the different affections )hich #roceed fro" lo!e+ So that - do not hesitate to define those fo&r !irt&es th&sF Te"#erance is a lo!e )hich 'i!es











itself entirely &nto GodB Fortit&de is a lo!e )hich )illin'ly s&##orts all thin's for GodDs sa2eF ,&stice is a lo!e @521A )hich ser!es God only and therefore dis#oses 1&stly of all that is s&$1ect to "anF Pr&dence is a lo!e that "a2es choice of thin's #ro#er to &nite itself &nto God and re1ects s&ch thin's as are contrary to it+G 5e therefore that has charity has his so&l in!ested )ith a fair )eddin' 'ar"ent )hich as that of ,ose#h is )ro&'ht )ith the !ariety of all the !irt&esF or rather he has a #erfection )hich contains the !irt&e of all #erfections and the #erfection of all !irt&es+ 3nd therefore charity is #atient is 2indB @522A she is not en!io&s $&t $o&nteo&sB she is '&ilty of no le!ities $&t is #r&dentB she is not #&ffed &# )ith #ride $&t is h&"$leB she is not a"$itio&s or disdainf&l $&t a"ia$le and affa$leB she is not ea'er to eCact that )hich $elon's &nto her $&t free and condescendin'B she is not irrita$le $&t #eacea$leB she thin2eth no e!il $&t is "ee2B she doth not re1oice in e!il $&t in the tr&th and )ith the tr&th she $eareth all thin'sB she easily $elie!eth all the 'ood that is said to her )itho&t any o$stinacy contention or distr&stB she ho#eth all 'ood thin's for her nei'h$o&r )itho&t e!er losin' the ho#e of #roc&rin' his sal!ationB she end&reth all thin's eC#ectin' )itho&t dis*&iet that )hich is #ro"ised herB and in concl&sion charity is that #&re fire-tried 'old )hich o&r Sa!io&r co&nselled the /isho# of 6aodicea to $&y @528A )hich contains the !irt&e of all thin's )hich can do all and )hich does all+ @51KA Gen+ ii+ 17+ @527A 1 ?or+ Ciii+ 9+



@521A The French has force $&t it is clearly and errorB S+ 3&'&stineDs )ord is a"or as his ar'&"ent re*&ires+ Se De Mori$+ ;ccl+ c+ C!+ @Tr+A @522A 1 ?or+ Ciii+ @528A 3#oc+ iii+ 1I+

87 ?53PT;> -Q+ T53T T5; :->T=;S 53:; T5;-> P;>F;?T-OE F>OM D-:-E; 6O:;+ 85 ?harity is then the $ond of #erfection @529A since in it all the #erfections of the so&l are contained and asse"$led and since )itho&t it not only can one not ha!e the )hole array of !irt&es $&t one cannot e!en ha!e the #erfection of any !irt&e+ 0itho&t the ce"ent and "ortar )hich fasten the stones and )alls the )hole edifice 'oes to rac2B )ere it not for the ner!es "&scles and sine)s the )hole $ody )o&ld $e &ndoneB and )itho&t charity the !irt&es can ne!er s&stain one another+ O&r Sa!io&r e!er 1oins the f&lfillin' of the co""and"ents to charity+ 5e that hath "y co""and"ents says he and 2ee#eth the" he it is that lo!eth "eB he that lo!eth "e not 2ee#eth not "y )ordsB -f any one lo!e "e he )ill 2ee# "y )ordF @525A )hich the disci#le )ho" o&r Sa!io&r lo!ed re#eatin' saysF 5e that 2ee#eth his )ord in hi" in !ery deed the charity of God is #erfectedB @526A and this is the charity of God that )e 2ee# his co""and"ents+ @527A Eo) he )ho sho&ld ha!e all !irt&es )o&ld 2ee# all the co""and"entsF for he that had the !irt&e of reli'ion )o&ld 2ee# the first three co""and"entsB he that had #iety )o&ld o$ser!e the fo&rthB he that had the !irt&e of "ildness and 'entleness )o&ld o$ser!e the



fifthB $y the !irt&e of chastity one )o&ld o$ser!e the siCthB $y li$erality one )o&ld a!oid the $reach of the se!enthB $y tr&th one )o&ld effect the ei'hthB $y fr&'ality and #&rity one )o&ld o$ser!e the ninth and tenth+ 3nd if )itho&t charity )e cannot 2ee# the co""and"ents "&ch less can )e )itho&t it ha!e all the !irt&es+ 5 Tr&e it is one "ay ha!e so"e !irt&e and li!e so"e s"all ti"e )itho&t offendin' God tho&'h )antin' in di!ine lo!eF $&t e!en as )e so"eti"es see &#rooted trees #rod&ce so"ethin' $&t i"#erfectly and only for a short ti"e so a heart se#arated fro" charity "ay indeed $rin' forth so"e acts of !irt&e $&t not for lon'+ 17 3ll !irt&es se#arated fro" charity are !ery i"#erfect since they are not a$le )itho&t it to arri!e at their end )hich is to "a2e &s ha##y+ /ees in their $irth are little 'r&$s and )or"s )itho&t feet )itho&t )in's and )itho&t sha#eB $&t in co&rse of ti"e they chan'e and $eco"e little fliesB after)ards )aCin' stron' and $ein' co"e to their 'ro)th they are said to $e for"ed finished and #erfect $ees $eca&se they ha!e all that is )anted for flyin' and for "a2in' honey+ The !irt&es ha!e their $e'innin' their #ro'ress and their #erfectionB and - do not deny that )itho&t charity they "ay $e $orn and e!en 'ro)B $&t that they sho&ld co"e to their #erfection and $ear the na"e of for"ed fashioned and acco"#lished !irt&es that de#ends on charity )hich 'i!es the" the stren'th to fly in God and to collect fro" his "ercy the honey of tr&e "erit and of the sanctification of the heart in )hich they are fo&nd+ ?harity is a"on'st the !irt&es as the s&n a"on'st the starsB she distri$&tes to all their l&stre and $ea&ty+ Faith ho#e fear and #enitence ordinarily 'o $efore her into the so&l to #re#are her lod'in'B and &#on her arri!al they )ith all the train of !irt&es o$ey and )ait &#on her and she )ith her #resence ani"ates adorns and *&ic2ens the" all+ The other !irt&es can in t&rn aid and sti"&late one another in their )or2s and eCercisesF for )ho 2no)s not that chastity re*&ires and eCcites so$riety and that o$edience "o!es &s to li$erality #rayer and h&"ility. Eo) $y this co""&nication )hich they ha!e a"on'st the"sel!es they #artici#ate in one anotherDs #erfectionsF for chastity 2e#t $y o$edience has a do&$le di'nity its o)n and that of o$edienceB yea it has e!en "ore of the di'nity of o$edience than of its o)nF for as 3ristotle says that he )ho stole for the sa2e of sens&ality sinned rather a'ainst #&rity than a'ainst honesty $eca&se all his affections tended to i"#&rity and he only &sed theft as a #assa'e to itB e!en so he )ho 2ee#s chastity thro&'h o$edience is "ore o$edient than chaste since he "a2es chastity ser!e o$edience+ Ee!ertheless fro" the "iCt&re of chastity and o$edience a #erfect and acco"#lished !irt&e cannot iss&e since they $oth )ant the last #erfection )hich is lo!eB so that if it )ere #ossi$le that all the !irt&es )ere #&t in one "an and that he )anted only charity this &nion of !irt&es )o&ld indeed $e a "ost #erfect and co"#lete $ody in all its #arts s&ch as 3da"Ds )as )hen God )ith his o"ni#otent hand for"ed it of the sli"e of the earthF yet )o&ld it $e a $ody )antin' "otion life and 'race till God sho&ld $reathe into it the $reath of life @52IA that is holy charity )itho&t )hich nothin' #rofits &s+ For the rest the #erfection of di!ine lo!e is so so!erei'n that it #erfects all the !irt&es and can recei!e no #erfection fro" the" no not fro" o$edience itself )hich is the one "ost a$le to 'i!e #erfection to the restF for altho&'h lo!e $e co""anded and altho&'h








in lo!in' )e eCercise o$edience yet still lo!e dra)s not its #erfection fro" o$edience $&t fro" the 'oodness of hi" )ho" it lo!esB lo!e not $ein' eCcellent $eca&se it is o$edient $&t $eca&se it lo!es an eCcellent 'ood+ Tr&ly in lo!in' )e o$ey as also in o$eyin' )e lo!eB $&t if this o$edience $e so eCcellently lo!ea$le it is $eca&se it tends to the eCcellence of lo!eB nor does its eCcellence consist in this that lo!in' )e o$ey $&t in this that o$eyin' )e lo!e+ So that e!en as God is as "&ch the last end as the first $e'innin' of all that is 'ood so lo!e )hich is the so&rce of e!ery 'ood affection is li2e)ise its last end and #erfection+ @529A ?ol+ iii+ 19+ @525A ,ohn Ci!+ 28 28 29+ @526A 1 ,ohn ii+ 5+


15 @527A 1 ,ohn !+ 8+ @52IA Gen+ ii+ 7+ 27 ?53PT;> Q+ 3 D-G>;SS-OE =POE T5; -MP;>F;?T-OE OF T5; :->T=;S OF T5; P3G3ES+ 25 Those ancient sa'es of the )orld lon' a'o "ade 'lorio&s disco&rses in hono&r of the "oral !irt&es yea e!en in $ehalf of reli'ionF $&t )hat Pl&tarch o$ser!es of the Stoics s&its still $etter the rest of the #a'ans+ 0e see shi#s says he )hich $ear the 'randest titlesF so"e are called the :ictory others the :alo&r others the S&nB yet for all that they re"ain de#endent on the )inds and )a!esF so the Stoics $oast of $ein' eCe"#t fro" #assions )itho&t fear )itho&t 'rief )itho&t an'er &nchan'in' and &nchan'ea$le yet are they in fact s&$1ect to tro&$le dis*&iet i"#et&osity and other follies+ - earnestly as2 yo& Theoti"&s )hat !irt&es co&ld those #eo#le ha!e )ho !ol&ntarily and of set #&r#ose o!erthre) all the la)s of reli'ion+ Seneca )rote a $oo2 a'ainst s&#erstitions )herein he !ery freely re#rehends #a'an i"#iety+ GEo) this freedo" G says S+ 3&'&stine G)as fo&nd in his )ritin's $&t not in his lifeB since he e!en ad!ised that a "an sho&ld re1ect s&#erstition in his heart $&t sho&ld #ractise it in his actionsB for these are his )ordsF 0hich s&#erstitions the sa'e shall o$ser!e as $ein' co""anded $y the la) not as $ein' 'ratef&l to the 'ods+G 5o) co&ld they $e !irt&o&s )ho as S+ 3&'&stine relates )ere of o#inion that the )ise "an o&'ht to 2ill hi"self )hen he co&ld not or )o&ld not lon'er end&re the cala"ities of this life and yet )ere not )illin' to ac2no)led'e that cala"ities )ere "iseries or "iseries cala"ities $&t "aintained that the )ise "an )as e!er fort&nate and his life ha##y. GO )hat a ha##y life G says S+ 3&'&stine Gto a!oid )hich one has e!en reco&rse to death. -f it $e ha##y )hy do yo& not re"ain in it.G 0herefore that Stoic and co""ander )ho for ha!in' 2illed hi"self in =tica to a!oid a cala"ity )hich he considered it &n)orthy to s&r!i!e has $een so #raised $y the )orldly-"inded did this action )ith so little tr&e !irt&e that as S+








3&'&stine says he did not eChi$it a hi'h co&ra'e that )ished to a!oid dishono&r $&t a )ea2 so&l )hich had not the stren'th of "ind to a)ait ad!ersity+ For if he re#&ted it a dishono&ra$le thin' to li!e &nder !ictorio&s ?Psar )hy did he tell others to tr&st to the cle"ency of ?Psar. 0hy did he not ad!ise his son to die )ith hi" if death )ere $etter and "ore hono&ra$le than life. 5e 2illed hi"self then either $eca&se he en!ied ?Psar the 'lory he )o&ld ha!e 'ained $y s#arin' his life or $eca&se he feared the sha"e of li!in' &nder a !ictor )ho" he hatedF )herein he "ay ha!e the #raise of ha!in' a sto&t #erha#s a 'reat heart $&t not of $ein' a )ise !irt&o&s and constant so&l+ The cr&elty )hich is eCercised )itho&t e"otion and in cold $lood is the "ost cr&el of all+ -t is the sa"e )ith des#airB for the "ost slo) deli$erate and deter"ined is the least eCc&sa$le and the "ost des#erate+ 3nd as for 6&cretia (that )e "ay not for'et the !alo&r of the less co&ra'eo&s seC) either she )as chaste &nder the !iolence of the son of Tar*&in or she )as not+ -f 6&cretia )ere not chaste )hy is her chastity so #raised. -f she )ere chaste and innocent on that occasion )as not 6&cretia )ic2ed to "&rder the innocent 6&cretia. -f &nchaste )hy so "&ch #raised if honest )hy )as she slain. /&t she dreaded re#roach and sha"e on the #art of s&ch as "i'ht ha!e tho&'ht that the treat"ent she had s&ffered thro&'h !iolence )hile she )as in life had $een &nder'one !ol&ntarily if after it she had re"ained in life+ She feared to ha!e $een considered an acco"#lice in the sin if )hat )as done to her )ic2edly )ere $orne $y her #atiently+ /&t are )e then to o##ress the innocent and 2ill the 1&st in order to a!oid the sha"e and re#roach )hich de#ends &#on the o#inion of "en. M&st )e "aintain hono&r at the cost of !irt&e and re#&tation at the haHard of 1&stice. S&ch )ere the !irt&es of the "ost !irt&o&s #a'ans to)ards God and to)ards the"sel!es+ 3s to the !irt&es that refer to o&r nei'h$o&r they trod &nder foot and "ost sha"ef&lly $y their !ery la)s the chief of the" )hich is #iety+ @52KA For 3ristotle the 'reatest intellect a"on'st the" #rono&nced this horri$le and "ost #itiless sentence+ G3s to the *&estion of eC#osin' that is a$andonin' children or of $rin'in' the" &# let this $e the la)F that nothin' is to $e 2e#t that is de#ri!ed of any "e"$er+ 3nd as to other children if the la)s and c&sto"s of the city do not allo) the a$andonin' of the" and the n&"$er of any oneDs children so increase on hi" that he has "ore $y half than he can 2ee# he is to $e $eforehand and #roc&re a$ortion+G Seneca so #raised as a )ise "an saysF G0e 2ill "onstersF--and if o&r children are defecti!e )ea2ly i"#erfect or "onstro&s )e cast the" off and a$andon the"+G So that it is not )itho&t ca&se that Tert&llian re#roaches the >o"ans )ith eC#osin' their children to the "ercy of the )aters to cold to fa"ine to do'sB and this not $y the force of #o!ertyB for as he says the !ery chief "en and "a'istrates #ractised this cr&elty+ Good God( Theoti"&s )hat 2ind of !irt&o&s "en )ere these. 3nd )hat )as their )isdo" )ho ta&'ht a )isdo" so cr&el and $r&tal. 3las( said the 'reat 3#ostle #rofessin' the"sel!es to $e )ise they $eca"e fools and their foolish heart )as dar2ened @587A and deli!ered &# to a re#ro$ate sense+ 3h( )hat horri$le co&nsels that 'reat #hiloso#her 3ristotle 'i!es( and ho) 'reatly is he re#roached for the" $y Tert&llian and the 'reat S+ 3"$rose+ -ndeed if the #a'ans #ractised so"e !irt&es it )as 'enerally for the sa2e of )orldly 'lory and conse*&ently they had nothin' of !irt&e $&t the action and not the "oti!e and intentionF no) !irt&e is not tr&e &nless it has a ri'ht intention+ G5&"an c&#idity has #rod&ced the fortit&de of #a'ans G says the ?o&ncil of Oran'e Gand di!ine charity that of ?hristians+G GThe !irt&es of #a'ans G says S+ 3&'&stine G)ere not tr&e $&t only










rese"$led tr&e ones $eca&se they )ere not done for a #ro#er end $&t for transitory ends+ Fa$rici&s shall $e less #&nished than ?ataline not $eca&se the for"er )as 'ood $&t $eca&se the latter )as )orseB not $eca&se Fa$rici&s had any tr&e !irt&es $&t $eca&se he )as not so far off tr&e !irt&es+ So that the !irt&e of the #a'ans )ill at the day of 1&d'"ent $e a 2ind of defence to the"B not s&ch as that they can $e sa!ed there$y $&t s&ch as that they "ay $e less conde"ned+G One !ice )as ne&traliHed $y another a"on'st the #a'ans !ices "a2in' roo" for one another )itho&t lea!in' s#ace for any !irt&eF and for this one !ice of !ain 'lory they re#ressed a!arice and "any other !ices+ Oea so"eti"es thro&'h !anity they des#ised !anityB )here&#on one of the f&rthest re"o!ed fro" !anity treadin' &nder his feet the rich $ed of Plato --0hat are yo& doin' Dio'enes said Plato to hi". - tra"#le &nderfoot PlatoDs #ride said heB it is tr&e re#lied Plato $&t yo& tra"#le it )ith another #ride+ 0hether or no Seneca )as !ain "ay $e 'athered fro" his last )ordsB for the end cro)ns the )or2 and the last ho&r 1&d'es allF )hat !anity - #ray yo&(--$ein' at the #oint of death he said to his friends that he had not $een a$le &ntil then s&fficiently to than2 the" and that therefore he )o&ld lea!e the" a le'acy of )hat he had "ost desira$le and "ost $ea&tif&lB )hich if they faithf&lly 2e#t it )o&ld $rin' the" 'reat #raisesB addin' that this "a'nificent le'acy )as nothin' else $&t the #ict&re of his life+ Do yo& see Theoti"&s ho) offensi!e )as the !anity of the last $reath of this "an. -t )as not lo!e of honest !irt&e $&t lo!e of hono&r )hich #ric2ed for)ard those )ise "en of this )orld to the eCercise of !irt&eB and si"ilarly their !irt&es )ere as different fro" tr&e !irt&es as the lo!e of ri'ht and of "erit is different fro" the lo!e of re)ard+ Those )ho ser!e their #rince for their o)n interest ordinarily #erfor" their d&ty )ith "ore ea'erness ardo&r and o&t)ard sho)B $&t those )ho ser!e for lo!e do it "ore no$ly 'enero&sly and therefore "ore )orthily+ ?ar$&ncles and r&$ies are called $y the Gree2s t)o contrary na"es for they na"e the" #yro#os and a#yro#osF that is fiery and fireless or infla"ed and fla"eless+ They call the" fiery $&rnin' red coals or car$&ncles $eca&se in li'ht and s#lendo&r they rese"$le fireF $&t they call the" fireless or so to say &ninfla""a$le $eca&se not only is their shinin' )itho&t any heat $&t they are not e!en ca#a$le of heat there $ein' no fire that can heat the"+ So did o&r ancient Fathers ter" the #a'an !irt&es !irt&es and non-!irt&es $oth to'etherB !irt&es $eca&se they had the l&stre and a##earance of the" non-!irt&es $eca&se they not only lac2ed the !ital heat of the lo!e of God )hich alone co&ld #erfect the" $&t they )ere not e!en ca#a$le of it $eca&se they )ere in #ersons )itho&t faith+ GThere $ein' in those ti"es G says S+ 3&'&stine Gt)o >o"ans 'reat in !irt&e ?Psar and ?ato ?atoDs !irt&e ca"e "&ch nearer to tr&e !irt&e than ?PsarDs did+G 3nd ha!in' said so"e)here that the #hiloso#hers )ho )ere destit&te of tr&e #iety had shone )ith the li'ht of !irt&e he &nsays it in his $oo2 of >etractations considerin' this to $e too 'reat #raise for !irt&es so i"#erfect as those of the #a'ans )ereF )hich in tr&th are li2e to shinin' fire-)or"s )hich only shine d&rin' the ni'ht and day $ein' co"e lose their li'ht+ For e!en so those #a'an !irt&es are only !irt&es in co"#arison )ith !ices $&t in co"#arison )ith the !irt&es of tr&e ?hristians are *&ite &n)orthy of the na"e of !irt&es+ Oet )hereas they contain so"e 'ood they "ay $e co"#ared to )or"-eaten a##lesB for the colo&r of these and s&ch little s&$stance as if left the" are as 'ood as those of entire !irt&es $&t the )or" of !anity is in the core and s#oils the"B and therefore he






)ho )o&ld &se the" "&st se#arate the 'ood fro" the $ad+ - 'rant Theoti"&s there )as so"e fir"ness of heart in ?ato and that this fir"ness )as #raise)orthy $&t he )ho )o&ld ri'htf&lly a##eal to his eCa"#le "&st do so in a 1&st and ri'ht "atter not inflictin' death on hi"self $&t s&fferin' it )hen tr&e !irt&e re*&iresB not for the !anity of 'lory $&t for the 'lory of tr&thF as )as the case )ith o&r "artyrs )ho )ith in!inci$le hearts #erfor"ed so "any "iracles of constancy and resol&tion that those of ?ato an 5orati&s a Seneca a 6&cretia an 3rria deser!e no consideration in co"#arison )ith the"+ 0itness a 6a&rence a :incent a :italis an ;ras"&s a ;&'eni&s a Se$astian an 3'atha an 3'nes a ?atharine a Per#et&a a Felicitas a Sy"#horosa a Eatalia and a tho&sand others )ho "a2e "e e!er )onder at the ad"irers of #a'an !irt&esB not so "&ch $eca&se they &nreasona$ly ad"ire the i"#erfect !irt&es of the #a'ans as $eca&se they do not ad"ire the "ost #erfect !irt&es of ?hristians !irt&es a h&ndred ti"es "ore )orthy of ad"iration and alone )orthy of i"itation+ @52KA That is the "&t&al lo!e of #arents and children--#ietas (Tr+) @587A >o"+ i+ 22 21+



?53PT;> Q-+ 5O0 5=M3E 3?T-OES 3>; 0-T5O=T 0O>T5 05;E T5;O 3>; DOE; 0-T5O=T D-:-E; 6O:;+






The 'reat friend of God 3$raha" had $y Sara his chief )ife a "ost dear only son -saac )ho also )as his sole heirF and tho&'h he had -s"ael $y 3'ar and se!eral other children $y ?et&ra )ho )ere )i!es of a ser!ile and inferior condition yet he $esto)ed &#on these only certain #resents and le'acies )here$y to #&t the" off and disinherit the" $eca&se not $ein' ac2no)led'ed $y his chief )ife they co&ld not s&cceed hi"F no) they )ere not ac2no)led'ed $eca&se )ith re'ard to the children of ?et&ra they )ere all $orn after SaraDs deceaseB and as for -s"ael tho&'h his "other 3'ar had at first acted $y the a&thority of Sara her "istress yet after)ards she des#ised her "istress and )o&ld not allo) SaraDs ri'hts o!er the child+ Eo) Theoti"&s it is only the children that is the acts of "ost holy charity and the children or acts )hich the other !irt&es concei!e and $rin' forth &nder her co""and"ent and direction or at least &nder the )in's and fa!o&r of her #resence )hich are heirs of God and 1oint heirs )ith ?hrist+ @581A /&t )hen the "oral !irt&es or e!en the s&#ernat&ral !irt&es #rod&ce their actions in the a$sence of charity as they do a"on'st schis"atics accordin' to S+ 3&'&stine and so"eti"es a"on'st $ad ?atholics they are of no !al&e to)ards Paradise not e!en al"s-'i!in' tho&'h it sho&ld lead &s to distri$&te all o&r 'oods to the #oor nor yet "artyrdo" tho&'h )e sho&ld deli!er o&r $ody to the fla"es to $e $&rnt+ Eo Theoti"&s )itho&t charity says the 3#ostle all this #rofiteth nothin'B as )e sho) "ore a"#ly else)here+ F&rther )hen in the #rod&ction of "oral !irt&e the )ill #ro!es diso$edient to her "istress )hich is charity (as )hen $y #ride !anity te"#oral interest or so"e other $ad "oti!e !irt&es are t&rned fro" their o)n nat&re) then those actions are dri!en o&t and $anished fro" 3$raha"Ds ho&se and SaraDs society that is they are de#ri!ed of the fr&it and of the #ri!ile'es of charity and conse*&ently are left )itho&t )orth or "erit+ For those actions th&s infected $y a $ad intention are in fact "ore

!icio&s than !irt&o&sB they ha!e !irt&e only on their o&tsideB their interior $elon's to !ice )hich ser!es the" for a "oti!eB )itness the fastin's offerin's and other actions of the Pharisee+ 5 /&t finally $esides all this as the -sraelites li!ed #eacea$ly in ;'y#t d&rin' the life of ,ose#h and of 6e!i and directly after the death of 6e!i )ere tyrannically red&ced to sla!ery--)hence arose that #ro!er$ of the ,e)sF One of the $rothers $ein' deceased the others are o##ressedF @as is related in the 'reat ?hronolo'y of the 5e$re)s #&$lished $y the learned 3rch$isho# of 3iC Gil$ert Gene$rard )ho" - na"e for hono&r and )ith consolation ha!in' $een his disci#le tho&'h an &n)orthy one )hen he )as >oyal >eader at Paris and )as eC#lainin' the ?anticle of ?anticlesA--so the "erits and fr&its as )ell of "oral as of ?hristian !irt&es "ost s)eetly and tran*&illy s&$sist in the so&l )hile sacred lo!e li!es and rei'ns thereinB $&t as soon as di!ine lo!e dies all the "erits and fr&its of other !irt&es die at once+ These are the )or2s )hich di!ines call 2illed ("ortifiRes) $eca&se ha!in' $een $orn ali!e &nder the #rotection of charity and li2e -s"ael in the fa"ily of 3$raha" they after)ards lose life and the ri'ht of inheritance $y the diso$edience and re$ellion of the h&"an )ill )hich is their "other+ 3las( Theoti"&s )hat an e!il( -f the 1&st "an t&rn hi"self a)ay fro" his 1&stice and do ini*&ity accordin' to all the a$o"inations )hich the )ic2ed "an &seth to )or2 shall he li!e. 3ll his 1&stices )hich he hath done shall not $e re"e"$eredF in the #re!arication $y )hich he hath #re!aricated and in the sin )hich he hath co""itted in the" he shall die says O&r 6ord in ;Hechiel+ @582A So that "ortal sin r&ins all the "erit of !irt&esF $eca&se as for those )hich are #erfor"ed )hile sin rei'ns in the so&l they are $orn so dead that they are for e!er &seless to)ards eternal $lissB and as for those )hich )ere #erfor"ed $efore the sin )as co""itted that is )hile sacred lo!e li!ed in the so&l their !al&e and "erit #erish and die as soon as sin co"es not $ein' a$le to #reser!e their life after the death of charity )hich had 'i!en it to the"+ The la2e )hich #rofane a&thors co""only call 3s#haltites and sacred a&thors the Dead Sea has so hea!y a c&rse &#on it that nothin' that is #&t into it can li!eF )hen the fish of the ,ordan co"e near it they die &nless they s#eedily ret&rn a'ainst the strea"B the trees &#on its shore #rod&ce nothin' that li!es and altho&'h their fr&its are in a##earance and o&t)ard sho) li2e the fr&its of other #laces yet )hen 'athered they are fo&nd to $e only s2ins and rinds f&ll of ashes )hich are $lo)n a)ay $y the )indF--a si'n of the infa"o&s sins in #&nish"ent of )hich this co&ntry )hich contained fo&r #o#&lo&s cities )as of old con!erted into an a$yss of corr&#tion and infectionF and nothin' "ethin2s co&ld $etter re#resent the e!ilness of sin than this a$o"ina$le la2e )hich had its ori'in fro" the "ost eCecra$le cri"e h&"an flesh can co""it+ Sin therefore as a dead and "ortal sea 2ills all that co"es near itB nothin' has life of all that is $orn in the so&l )hich sin #ossesses or of all )hich 'ro)s ro&nd a$o&t+ 3las( Theoti"&s nothin'+ For sin is not only a lead )or2 $&t is "oreo!er so infectio&s and #estilential that the "ost eCcellent !irt&es of the sinf&l so&l #rod&ce no action of lifeF and altho&'h the acts of the sinner ha!e oftenti"es a 'reat rese"$lance to those of the 1&st "an yet are they in reality $&t rinds filled )ith )ind and d&st re'arded indeed $y the di!ine 'oodness and e!en re)arded )ith te"#oral #resents )hich are $esto)ed &#on the" as &#on the children of ser!antsB $&t rinds )hich neither are nor can $e of so a'reea$le a relish to the di!ine 1&stice as to $e re)arded )ith eternal re)ard+ They #erish on the trees and cannot $e #reser!ed in the hand of God $eca&se they are !oid of tr&e )orth as is said in the










3#ocaly#se to the /isho# of Sardis )ho )as considered to $e a li!in' tree $y reason of di!ers !irt&es )hich he #ractised and yet )as dead @588A $eca&se he )as in sinB his !irt&es )ere not tr&e li!in' fr&its $&t dead rinds and #leasin' only to the eye not sa!o&ry a##les 'ood for food+ So that )e "ay all &tter this tr&e sayin' in i"itation of the holy a#ostleF 0itho&t charity - a" nothin' nothin' #rofiteth "eB and that of St+ 3&'&stineF GP&t charity in a heart and e!erythin' #rofits ta2e charity a)ay and nothin' #rofits+G - "ean that nothin' #rofits for eternal life for as )e say else)here the !irt&o&s )or2s of sinners are not &seless for te"#oral life+ /&t "y dear Theoti"&s )hat doth it #rofit a "an if he 'ain the )hole )orld te"#orally and s&ffer the loss of his so&l @589A eternally+ @581A >o"+ !iii+ 17+ @582A C!iii+ 29

15 @588A 3#oc+ iii+ 1+ @589A Matth+ C!i+ 26+ 27 ?53PT;> Q--+ 5O0 5O6O 6O:; >;T=>E-EG -ETO T5; SO=6 />-EGS /3?4 TO 6-F; 366 T5; 0O>4S 05-?5 S-E 53D D;ST>OO;D+ 25 The )or2s then of a sinner )hile he is de#ri!ed of holy lo!e are not #rofita$le to eternal life and therefore they are called dead )or2sF on the contrary the 'ood )or2s of the 1&st "an are said to $e li!in' inas"&ch as di!ine lo!e ani"ates and *&ic2ens the" )ith its life+ /&t if after)ards they lose their life and )orth $y sin they are said to $e )or2s in death (a"orties) eCtin'&ished or 2illed $&t not dead )or2s es#ecially )ith re'ard to the elect+ For as o&r Sa!io&r s#ea2in' of the little Talitha the da&'hter of ,air&s said she )as not dead $&t sle#t only @585A $eca&se $ein' a$o&t to $e raised to life her death )o&ld $e of s&ch short d&ration that it )o&ld rese"$le slee# rather than a tr&e deathB so the )or2s of the 1&st "an (and es#ecially of the elect) )hich the co""ission of sin "a2es to die are not called dead )or2s $&t only deadli2e 2illed st&#efied or #&t into a trance $eca&se &#on the a##roachin' ret&rn of holy lo!e they )ill or at least can soon re!i!e and ret&rn to life a'ain+ The ret&rn of sin de#ri!es the heart and all its )or2s of lifeF the ret&rn of 'race restores life to the heart and all its )or2s+ 3 shar# )inter "a2es all the #lants of the earth die do)n so that if it al)ays lasted they also )o&ld al)ays contin&e in this state of deathF sin that "ost sad and dreadf&l )inter of the so&l 2ills all the holy )or2s )hich it finds therein and if it al)ays contin&ed ne!er )o&ld anythin' reco!er either life or !i'o&r+ /&t as at the ret&rn of the fair s#rin' not only do the ne) seeds )hich are so)n &nder the fa!o&r of this $ea&tif&l and fertile season 'er"inate and a'reea$ly $rin' forth their #lants each one in its 2ind $&t also the old #lants )hich the ri'o&r of the #ast )inter had $itten )ithered and "ade die do)n 'ro) 'reen and !i'oro&s and ta2e &# a'ain their stren'th and their lifeF--so sin $ein' $lotted o&t and the 'race of di!ine lo!e ret&rnin' into the so&l --not only do the ne) affections )hich the ret&rn of this sacred s#rin' $rin's into the so&l $losso" and $rin' forth a"#le "erits and $lessin'sB $&t the )or2s also that








)ere dried &# and )ithered $y the ri'o&r of the )inter of #ast sins deli!ered fro" their "ortal ene"y res&"e their stren'th 'ro) !i'oro&s and as if risen fro" the dead flo&rish ane) and $rin' forth fr&it of "erits for eternal life+ S&ch is the o"ni#otence of hea!enly lo!e or the lo!e of hea!enly o"ni#otence+ 0hen the )ic2ed t&rneth hi"self a)ay fro" his )ic2edness )hich he hath )ro&'ht and doth 1&d'"ent and 1&stice he shall sa!e his so&l ali!e+ /e con!erted and do #enance for all yo&r ini*&itiesB and ini*&ity shall not $e yo&r r&in @586A says the 6ord 3l"i'hty+ 3nd )hat "eans--ini*&ity shall not $e yo&r r&in $&t that the r&in )hich it "ade shall $e re#aired. So $esides a tho&sand endear"ents )hich the #rodi'al son recei!ed fro" his father he )as reesta$lished e!en )ith ad!anta'e in all his #ri!ile'es and in all the 'races fa!o&rs and di'nities )hich he had lost+ 3nd ,o$ that innocent i"a'e of a #enitent sinner in the end recei!ed t)ice as "&ch as he had $efore+ @587A -n tr&th the "ost holy ?o&ncil of Trent desires that )e sho&ld enco&ra'e #enitents )ho ha!e ret&rned to the sacred lo!e of the eternal God in these )ords of the 3#ostleF 3$o&nd in e!ery 'ood )or2 2no)in' that yo&r la$o&r is not in !ain in the 6ord+ @58IA For God is not &n1&st that he sho&ld for'et yo&r )or2 and the lo!e )hich yo& ha!e she)n in his na"e+ @58KA God then does not for'et the )or2s of those )ho ha!in' lost lo!e $y sin reco!er it $y #enance+ Eo) God for'ets )or2s )hen they lose their "erit and sanctity $y sin co""itted and he re"e"$ers the" )hen they ret&rn to life and !i'o&r $y the #resence of holy lo!e+ So "&ch so that for the faithf&l to $e re)arded for their 'ood )or2s as )ell $y the increase of 'race and f&t&re 'lory as $y the act&al en1oy"ent of eternal life it is not necessary that they sho&ld ne!er rela#se into sin $&t it is eno&'h accordin' to the Sacred ?o&ncil that they de#art this life in the 'race of God and charity+ God has #ro"ised an eternal re)ard to the )or2s of a 1&st "an+ /&t if the 1&st "an t&rn hi"self a)ay fro" his 1&stice $y sin God )ill no "ore re"e"$er his 1&stices and 'ood )or2s )hich he hath done+ @597A /&t yet if this #oor fallen "an after)ards rises and ret&rns into GodDs 'race $y #enance God )ill no lon'er re"e"$er his sinF and if he do not re"e"$er his sin he )ill then re"e"$er the for"er 'ood )or2s and the re)ard )hich he had #ro"ised the"B $eca&se sin )hich alone had $lotted the" o&t of the di!ine "e"ory is totally effaced destroyed and annihilated+ So that then the 1&stice of God o$li'es his "ercy or rather the "ercy of God o$li'es his 1&stice to re'ard ane) the for"er 'ood )or2s e!en as tho&'h he had ne!er for'otten the"B other)ise the holy #enitent )o&ld ne!er ha!e dared to say to his "asterF >estore &nto "e the 1oy of thy sal!ation and stren'then "e )ith a #erfect s#irit+ @591A For as yo& see he not only de"ands a ne)ness of heart and s#irit $&t he eC#ects to ha!e the 1oy 'i!en $ac2 to hi" )hich sin had $ereft hi" of+ Eo) this 1oy is nothin' $&t the )ine of hea!enly lo!e )hich cheers the heart of "an+ @592A -t is not )ith sin in this "atter as )ith the )or2s of charity+ For the )or2s of the 1&st "an are not effaced destroyed or annihilated $y the co""ission of sin they are only for'ottenB $&t the sin of the )ic2ed is not only for'otten $&t also $lotted o&t cleansed a)ay a$olished and annihilated $y holy #enance+ 0herefore the sin that is co""itted $y the 1&st "an does not ca&se the sin that )as once #ardoned to li!e a'ain $eca&se it )as entirely annihilatedF $&t )hen lo!e ret&rns into the #enitent so&l it "a2es her for"er 'ood )or2s ret&rn to life a'ain $eca&se they )ere not a$olished $&t only for'otten+ 3nd this o$li!ion of the 'ood )or2s of the 1&st )ho ha!e forsa2en their 1&stice and charity consists in this that they are "ade &n#rofita$le to &s so lon' as sin







"a2es &s inca#a$le of eternal life )hich is their fr&itB and therefore as soon as $y the ret&rn of charity )e are #&t $ac2 in the ran2s of GodDs children and conse*&ently "ade ca#a$le of i""ortal 'lory God recalls to "ind o&r 'ood )or2s of old and they a'ain $eco"e fr&itf&l+ -t )ere not reasona$le that sin sho&ld ha!e as "&ch #o)er a'ainst charity as charity has a'ainst sinB for sin #roceeds fro" o&r infir"ity charity #roceeds fro" GodDs #o)er+ -f sin a$o&nd in "alice to r&in &s 'race s&#era$o&nds to restore &sB and GodDs "ercy $y )hich he $lots o&t sin is contin&ally eCalted and $eco"es 'lorio&sly tri&"#hant o!er the ri'o&r of the 1&d'"ent @598A $y )hich God had for'otten the 'ood )or2s )hich )ent $efore sin+ So in the cor#oral c&res )hich o&r Sa!io&r )ro&'ht $y "iracles he not only restored health $&t "oreo!er added ne) $lessin's "a2in' the c&re far eCcel the disease so $o&ntif&l is he to "an+ - ne!er sa) read or heard that )as#s 'adflies flies and s&ch little noCio&s insects )hen once dead co&ld co"e to life and rise a'ain $&t that the dear $ees those !irt&o&s insects can li!e a'ain e!ery one says and - ha!e often read it+ -t is said (these are PlinyDs )ords) that if one 2ee# the dead $odies of dro)ned honey-$ees all )inter indoors and eC#ose the" to the s&n$ea"s the follo)in' s#rin' co!ered o!er )ith ashes of the fi' tree they )ill li!e a'ain and $e as 'ood as e!er+ That ini*&ities and sinf&l )or2s can ret&rn to life after they ha!e once $een dro)ned and a$olished $y #enance tr&ly "y Theoti"&s ne!er did the Scri#t&re nor as far as - 2no) any theolo'ian a!er itF yea the contrary is a&thoriHed $y holy 0rit and $y the co""on consent of all Doctors+ /&t that 'ood )or2s )hich li2e s)eet $ees co"#o&nd the honey of "erit $ein' dro)ned in sin can after)ards re'ain life )hen co!ered )ith the ashes of #enance they are eC#osed to the s&n of 'race and charity is held and clearly ta&'ht $y all theolo'iansF nor are )e to do&$t $&t that they $eco"e #rofita$le and fr&itf&l as $efore+ 0hen Ea$&Hardan destroyed ,er&sale" and -srael )as led into ca#ti!ity the holy fire of the altar )as hidden in a )ell )here it )as t&rned into "&d $&t this "&d $ein' dra)n o&t of the )ell and eC#osed to the s&n after the ret&rn fro" ca#ti!ity --the dead fire 2indled a'ain and the "&d )as t&rned into fla"es+ @599A 0hen the 1&st "an $eco"es a sla!e to sin all the 'ood )or2s )hich he had done are "isera$ly for'otten and t&rned into "&d $&t $ein' deli!ered o&t of ca#ti!ity )hen $y #enance he ret&rns into the 'race of hea!enly charity his for"er 'ood )or2s are dra)n o&t of the )ell of o$li!ion and to&ched )ith the rays of hea!enly "ercy they ret&rn to life and are con!erted into as clear fla"es as e!er to $e re#laced on the sacred altar of the di!ine a##ro$ation and to ha!e their ori'inal di'nity their first #rice and their first !al&e+ @585A Marc+ !+ 91+ @586A ;Hech+ !iii+ 27 87+






97 @587A ,o$+ Clii+ 17+ @58IA 1 ?or+ C!+ 5I+ 95 @58KA 5e$r+ !i+ 17+ @597A ;Hech+ C!iii+ 29+

@591A Ps+ l+ 19+ @592A Ps+ ciii+ 15+ 5 @598A >o"+ !+ 27B ,a"es ii+ 18+ @599A 2 Mac+ i+ 1K+ ?53PT;> Q---+ 17 5O0 0; 3>; TO >;D=?; 366 T5; ;Q;>?-S; OF T5; :->T=;S 3ED 366 O=> 3?T-OES TO 5O6O 6O:;+ 15 /r&te $easts $ein' &na$le to 2no) the end of their actions tend indeed to)ards their end $&t do not ai" at itF for to ai" at a thin' is to tend to)ards it $y intention $efore tendin' to)ards it in action+ They cast as it )ere their actions to)ards their end $&t they ha!e no forecast si"#ly follo)in' their instinct )itho&t election or intention+ /&t "an is in s&ch sort "aster o!er his h&"an and reasona$le actions that he does the" all for so"e end and can direct the" to one #artic&lar end or se!eral ends as he #leasesF for he can chan'e the nat&ral end of an actionB--as )hen he s)ears in order to decei!e another )hereas the end of an oath is on the contrary to hinder deceit+ 5e can also add another end to the nat&ral end of an actionB--as )hen $esides the intention of s&cco&rin' the #oor to )hich al"s'i!in' tends he adds the intention of ind&cin' the #oor "an to do the li2e+ Eo) so"eti"es )e add a less #erfect end than is that of o&r action so"eti"es )e add an end of e*&al or li2e #erfection so"eti"es a'ain an end that is "ore hi'h and e"inent+ For $esides hel#in' a needy "an to )hich al"s'i!in' s#ecially tends one "ay #ro#ose+ 1W+ to 'ain his friendshi#B 2W+ to edify oneDs nei'h$o&rB and 8W+ to #lease God+ There are three differin' ends )hereof the first is lo)er the second not "&ch $etter and the third "&ch "ore eCcellent than the ordinary end of al"s'i!in'+ So that as yo& see )e ha!e #o)er to 'i!e different #erfections to o&r actions accordin' to the !ariety of "oti!es ends and intentions )hich )e ha!e in doin' the"+ /e 'ood eCchan'ers @595A says o&r Sa!io&r+ 6et &s $e !ery caref&l then Theoti"&s not to chan'e the "oti!es and ends of o&r actions eCce#t to #rofit and ad!anta'eB and to do nothin' in this "atter sa!e )ith 'ood order and reason+ Eo) loo2 at that "an )ho enters on so"e office for the #&$lic ser!ice or to ac*&ire hono&rF if his desi'n $e rather to hono&r hi"self than to ser!e the co""on)ealth or if he $e e*&ally desiro&s of $oth he is )ron' and does not esca#e $ein' an a"$itio&s "anB for he o!erthro)s the order of reason in either #referrin' or e*&aliHin' his o)n interests to the #&$lic 'ood+ /&t if #ro#osin' as his #rinci#al end the #&$lic ser!ice he is !ery 'lad also at the sa"e ti"e to ad!ance the hono&r of his fa"ily tr&ly one cannot $la"e hi" $eca&se his desi'ns are not only honest $&t also )ell ordered+ 3nother co""&nicates at ;aster in order to esca#e the ill-)ord of his nei'h$o&rs and to o$ey GodF no one do&$ts that he does )ell+ /&t if he co""&nicate to a!oid $la"e as "&ch as or "ore than to o$ey God )ho a'ain can do&$t that he acts &nreasona$lyB e*&aliHin' or #referrin' h&"an res#ect to the o$edience )hich he o)es to God+ - "ay fast in 6ent either fro" charity in order to








#lease GodB or fro" o$edience $eca&se it is a #rece#t of the ?h&rchB or fro" so$rietyB or fro" dili'ence in order to st&dy $etterB or fro" #r&dence to "a2e so"e sa!in' )hich is re*&iredB or fro" chastity in order to ta"e the fleshB or fro" reli'ion the $etter to #ray+ Eo) if - #lease - "ay "a2e a collection of all these intentions and fast for the" all to'etherF $&t in that case there "&st $e 'ood "ana'e"ent to #lace these "oti!es in #ro#er order+ For if - fasted chiefly o&t of a s#arin' h&"o&r rather than fro" o$edience to the ?h&rchB if to st&dy )ell rather than to #lease GodB--)ho does not see that - #er!ert ri'ht and order #referrin' "y o)n interest $efore o$edience to the ?h&rch and the #leas&re of "y God. To fast in order to sa!e is 'ood to fast in order to o$ey the ?h&rch is $etter to fast in order to #lease God is $estF $&t tho&'h it "ay see" that )ith three 'oods one cannot "a2e a $adB yet he )ho sho&ld #lace the" o&t of order #referrin' the less to the $etter )o&ld )itho&t do&$t co""it an irre'&larity deser!in' of $la"e+ 5e )ho in!ites $&t one of his friends 'i!es no offence to the restB $&t if he in!ite the" all and 'i!e the chief seats to those of lo)er ran2 'i!in' the "ore hono&ra$le the $otto" #laces --does he not offend $oth those and these.--these $eca&se he lo)ers the" a'ainst reasonF those $eca&se he "a2es fools of the"+ So )hen )e do an action for a sin'le reasona$le "oti!e ho)e!er sli'ht it "ay $e reason is not offended there$yB $&t he )ho )ill ha!e "any "oti!es "&st ran2 the" accordin' to their *&ality other)ise he sinsF for disorder is a sin as sin is a disorder+ 5e )ho desires to #lease God and o&r /lessed 6ady does eCcellently )ell $&t he )ho )o&ld #lease o&r /lessed 6ady as "&ch as God or "ore than God )o&ld co""it an intolera$le irre'&larity and one "i'ht say to hi" as )as said to ?ainF -f tho& hast offered )ell $&t )ron'ly di!ided -sto# tho& hast sinned+ @596A To each end )e "&st 'i!e its #ro#er ran2 and conse*&ently the so!erei'n ran2 to that of #leasin' God+ Eo) the so!erei'n "oti!e of o&r actions )hich is that of hea!enly lo!e has this so!erei'n #ro#erty that $ein' "ore #&re it "a2es the actions )hich #roceed fro" it "ore #&reB so that the an'els and saints of hea!en lo!e a$sol&tely nothin' for any other end )hate!er than that of the lo!e of the di!ine 'oodness and fro" the "oti!e of desirin' to #lease hi"+ They all indeed lo!e one another "ost ardently they also lo!e &s they lo!e the !irt&es $&t all this only to #lease God+ They follo) and #ractise !irt&es not inas"&ch as they are fair and deli'htf&l $&t inas"&ch as they are a'reea$le to GodF they lo!e their o)n felicity not $eca&se it is theirs $&t $eca&se it #leases GodF yea they lo!e the !ery lo!e )ith )hich they lo!e God not $eca&se it is in the" $&t $eca&se it tends to GodB not $eca&se it is s)eet to the"sel!es $&t $eca&se it #leases GodB not $eca&se they ha!e and #ossess it $&t $eca&se God 'i!es it the" and ta2es his 'ood-#leas&re in it+ @595A These )ords are often *&oted $y the early Fathers as )ords of o&r Sa!io&rB they are not fo&nd in the /i$le (Tr+)+ @596A Gen+ i!+ 7+ Fro" the Se#t&a'int (Tr+)







95 ?53PT;> Q-:+ T5; P>3?T-?; OF 053T 53S /;;E S3-D -E T5; P>;?;D-EG ?53PT;>+



6et &s #&rify then Theoti"&s as far as )e can all o&r intentions and since )e are a$le to s#read o!er all the acts of the !irt&es the sacred "oti!e of di!ine lo!e )hy shall )e not do it re1ectin' as occasion re*&ires all 2inds of !icio&s "oti!es s&ch as !ain'lory and self-interest and considerin' all the 'ood "oti!es )hich )e "ay ha!e for &nderta2in' the action )hich #resents itself in order to choose that of holy lo!e )hich is the "ost eCcellent of all to #o&r it o!er all the rest or stee# the" in it+ For eCa"#le if - desire !aloro&sly to eC#ose "yself to the haHards of )ar - can do it considerin' !ario&s "oti!esF For the nat&ral "oti!e of this action is that of stren'th and !alo&r )hich "o!es &s reasona$ly to &nderta2e #erilo&s eC#loitsF yet $esides this - "ay ha!e di!ers other "oti!esB as that of o$eyin' the #rince )ho" - ser!e that of lo!e for the co""on )eal that of "a'nani"ity )hich "a2es "e re1oice in the 'reatness of this action+ Eo) co"in' to the action - enter on the foreseen #eril for all these "oti!es to'ether+ /&t to raise the" all to the ran2 of di!ine lo!e and #erfectly to #&rify the" )ill say in "y so&l )ith all "y heartF O eternal God )ho art the "ost dear lo!e of "y affections if !alo&r o$edience to "y #rince lo!e of "y co&ntry and "a'nani"ity )ere not a'reea$le &nto thee - )o&ld ne!er follo) the "o!e"ents - no) feel $&t $eca&se these !irt&es #lease thee - e"$race this occasion of #&ttin' the" in #ractice and - )ill only follo) their instinct and leadin' $eca&se tho& lo!est and )illest the"+ Oo& see #lainly Theoti"&s that $y this reflection of the s#irit )e #erf&"e all those other "oti!es )ith the holy s)eetness of lo!e since )e do not follo) the" as "oti!es si"#ly !irt&o&s $&t as "oti!es )illed acce#ted lo!ed and cherished $y God+ 5e )ho steals in order to 'et dr&n2 is "ore a dr&n2ard than a thief accordin' to 3ristotleB and he )ho #ractises !alo&r o$edience lo!e of co&ntry and "a'nani"ity to #lease God is rather a di!ine lo!er than !aliant o$edient #atriotic and "a'nani"o&s $eca&se his )hole )ill in this action co"es to ter"inate and $e a$sor$ed in the lo!e of God only &sin' all the other "oti!es to arri!e at this end+ 0e are not )ont to say )e are 'oin' to 6yons $&t to Paris )hen )e only 'o to 6yons in order to 'et to ParisF nor that )e are 'oin' to sin' $&t that )e are 'oin' to ser!e God )hen )e only 'o to sin' in order to ser!e God+ 3nd if it chance that so"eti"es )e are to&ched $y so"e #artic&lar "oti!e as for eCa"#le if )e sho&ld lo!e chastity on acco&nt of its lo!ely and deli'htf&l #&rity at once )e "&st #o&r o&t o!er this "oti!e that of holy lo!e--in this "annerF O "ost hono&ra$le and "ost #leasin' s#otlessness of chastity ho) )orthy of lo!e art tho& since tho& art so $elo!ed of the di!ine 'oodness( Then t&rnin' to)ards the ?reatorF 3h( 6ord - de"and only one thin' of thee this is )hat - ai" at in chastity to see and effect in it thy 'ood #leas&re and to ta2e the deli'ht tho& ta2est therein+ 3nd )hen )e $e'in the #ractice of any !irt&e )e sho&ld often say )ith all o&r heartF Oes eternal Father )ill do it for so hath it see"ed 'ood in thy si'ht+ @597A Th&s are )e to ani"ate all o&r actions )ith this hea!enly 'ood-#leas&re lo!in' the hono&ra$leness and $ea&ty of !irt&e #rinci#ally $eca&se they are a'reea$le to GodF for "y dear Theoti"&s there are so"e "en )ho eCcessi!ely lo!e the $ea&ty of certain !irt&es not only )itho&t lo!in' charity $&t e!en )ith conte"#t of charity+ Ori'en and Tert&llian so lo!ed the #&rity of chastity that for it they !iolated the 'reat la)s of charityB the one choosin' to co""it idolatry to #reser!e it @59IA the other se#aratin' hi"self fro" the "ost chaste ?atholic ?h&rch his "other to esta$lish the chastity of his )ife "ore accordin' to his o)n







fancy+ 0ho 2no)s not that there )ere certain GPoor "en of 6yons G )ho fro" #raisin' "endicity eCcessi!ely $eca"e heretics and of $e''ars $eca"e lyin' !a'a$onds. 0ho is i'norant of the folly of the ;nth&siasts Messalians ;&chites )ho forsoo2 charity to eCalt #rayer. 3nd )ere there not heretics )ho to eCalt charity to)ards the #oor #&t do)n charity to)ards God ascri$in' "anDs )hole sal!ation to al"s-deeds as S+ 3&'&stine )itnessesB altho&'h the holy 3#ostle cries o&t if - sho&ld distri$&te all "y 'oods to feed the #oor and ha!e not charity it #rofiteth "e nothin'. @59KA God has set o!er "e the standard of lo!e @557A says the sacred S&la"itess+ 6o!e Theoti"&s is the standard in the ar"y of !irt&esF they o&'ht all to ran'e the"sel!es $y itB it is the only fla' &nder )hich o&r Sa!io&r )ho is the tr&e General of the ar"y "a2es the" fi'ht+ 6et &s therefore red&ce all the !irt&es to the o$edience of charityF let &s lo!e #artic&lar !irt&es $&t #rinci#ally $eca&se they are a'reea$le to GodB let &s eCcellently lo!e the "ore eCcellent !irt&es not $eca&se they are eCcellent $&t $eca&se God lo!es the" "ore eCcellently+ Th&s )ill holy lo!e 'i!e life to all the !irt&es "a2in' all of the" f&ll of lo!e lo!a$le and lo!a$le a$o!e all thin's+ @597A Matt+ Ci+ 26+




@59IA The only a&thority for this acc&sation a'ainst Ori'en is a state"ent of S+ ;#i#hani&s (de 5Pr+ lCi!+ c+ 2) )hich /aroni&s (ann+ 258) re1ects as an inter#olation and Tille"ont (---+ note CCii+ on Ori'en) #ro!es to $e erroneo&s Tr+)+ @59KA 1 ?or+ Ciii+ 8+

25 @557A ?ant+ ii+ 9+ Fro" the Se#t&a'int (Tr+)+ ?53PT;> Q:+ 87 5O0 ?53>-TO ?OET3-ES -E -T T5; G-FTS OF T5; 5O6O G5OST+ That "anDs heart "ay easily follo) the "otions and instincts of reason in order to attain the nat&ral felicity )hich it can ai" at $y li!in' accordin' to the la)s of rectit&de it re*&ires to ha!eF--1W+ Te"#erance to re#ress the re$ellio&s "o!e"ents of sens&alityB 2W+ ,&stice to render to God o&r nei'h$o&r and o&rsel!es )hat is d&eB 8W+ Fortit&de to !an*&ish the diffic&lties )hich occ&r in doin' 'ood and a!oidin' e!ilB 9W+ ?o&nsel to discern )hat "eans are "ost #ro#er to attain &nto 'ood and !irt&eB 5W+ 4no)led'e to 2no) the tr&e 'ood to )hich )e are to as#ire and the tr&e e!il )hich )e are to flyB 6W+ =nderstandin' thoro&'hly to #enetrate the first and "ain 'ro&nds or #rinci#les of the $ea&ty and eCcellence of rectit&deB 7W+ 3nd finally )isdo" to conte"#late the di!inity the #ri"e so&rce of all 'ood+ These are the *&alities )here$y the s#irit is rendered 'entle o$edient and #lia$le )ith re'ard to the la)s of the nat&ral reason )hich is in &s+ -n li2e "anner the 5oly Ghost )ho d)elleth in &s )ishin' to "a2e o&r so&l s&##le #lia$le and o$edient )ith re'ard to his hea!enly "o!e"ents and di!ine ins#irations )hich are the la)s of his lo!e in the o$ser!ance of )hich consists the s&#ernat&ral felicity of this #resent life $esto)s &#on &s se!en #ro#erties and #erfections nearly




corres#ondin' to those se!en )hich )e ha!e 1&st s#o2en of and called in the 5oly Scri#t&re and in the $oo2s of theolo'ians 'ifts of the 5oly Ghost+ 5 Eo) they are not only inse#ara$le fro" charity $&t all thin's )ell considered and s#ea2in' #recisely they are the #rinci#al !irt&es #ro#erties and *&alities of charity+ For 1W+ 0isdo" is in fact no other thin' than the lo!e )hich relishes tastes and eC#eriences ho) s)eet and delicio&s God isB 2W+ =nderstandin' is nothin' else than lo!e attenti!e to consider and #enetrate the $ea&ty of the tr&ths of faith to 2no) there$y God in hi"self and then descendin' fro" this to consider hi" in creat&resB 8W+ Science on the other hand is $&t the sa"e lo!e 2ee#in' &s attenti!e to the 2no)led'e of o&rsel!es and creat&res to "a2e &s reascend to a "ore #erfect 2no)led'e of the ser!ice )hich )e o)e to GodB 9W+ ?o&nsel is also lo!e inso"&ch as it "a2es &s caref&l attenti!e and )ise in choosin' the "eans #ro#er to ser!e God holilyB 5W+ Fortit&de is lo!e enco&ra'in' and ani"atin' the heart to #&t in eCec&tion that )hich co&nsel has deter"ined sho&ld $e doneB 6W+ Piety is the lo!e )hich s)eetens la$o&r and "a2es &s )ith 'ood heart )ith #leas&re and )ith a filial affection e"#loy o&rsel!es in )or2s )hich #lease God o&r FatherB and 7W+ to concl&de Fear is nothin' $&t lo!e inso"&ch as it "a2es &s fly and a!oid )hat is dis#leasin' to the di!ine Ma1esty+ So Theoti"&s charity )ill $e another ,aco$Ds ladder to &s consistin' of the se!en 'ifts of the 5oly Ghost as of so "any sacred ste#s $y )hich an'elic "en )ill ascend fro" earth to hea!en to $e &nited to the heart of God 3l"i'hty and $y )hich they )ill descend fro" hea!en to earth to ta2e their nei'h$o&r $y the hand and lead hi" to hea!en+ For as )e "o&nt the first ste# Fear "a2es &s forsa2e e!ilB on the second Piety eCcites &s to )ill to do 'oodB &#on the third 4no)led'e "a2es &s discern the 'ood )e are to do and the e!il )e are to flyB &#on the fo&rth $y Fortit&de )e ta2e co&ra'e a'ainst all the diffic&lties )hich occ&r in o&r enter#riseB &#on the fifth $y ?o&nsel )e "a2e choice of s&ita$le "eansB &#on the siCth )e &nite o&r &nderstandin' to God to $ehold and #enetrate the feat&res of his infinite $ea&tyB and &#on the se!enth )e 1oin o&r )ills to God to taste and eC#erience the s)eetness of his inco"#rehensi$le 'oodnessB for &#on the to# of this ladder God $endin' to)ards &s 'i!es &s the 2iss of lo!e and "a2es &s taste the sacred $reasts of his s)eetness $etter than )ine+ /&t if after )e ha!e delicio&sly en1oyed these fa!o&rs of lo!e )e desire to ret&rn to the earth to 'ain o&r nei'h$o&r to the sa"e ha##inessB--fro" the first and hi'hest ste# )here )e ha!e filled o&r )ill )ith a "ost ardent Heal and ha!e #erf&"ed o&r so&ls )ith the #erf&"es of GodDs so!erei'n charity )e "&st descend to the second ste# )here o&r &nderstandin' recei!es an inco"#ara$le li'ht and "a2es #ro!ision of the "ost eCcellent considerations and "aCi"s to 'lorify the di!ine $ea&ty and 'oodnessB thence )e #ass to the third )here $y the 'ift of ?o&nsel )e consider $y )hat "eans )e "ay instil the relish and estee" of the di!ine s)eetness into o&r nei'h$o&rDs heartB &#on the fo&rth )e ta2e heart recei!in' a holy Fortit&de to s&r"o&nt the diffic&lties )hich "i'ht cross this desi'nB &#on the fifth $y the 'ift of 4no)led'e )e $e'in to #reach eChortin' so&ls to follo) !irt&e and fly !iceB &#on the siCth )e stri!e to e"#lant Piety in the" that ac2no)led'in' God for their lo!in' Father they "ay o$ey hi" )ith a filial fearB &#on the last ste# )e &r'e the" to fear the 1&d'"ents of God so that "in'lin' this fear of $ein' da"ned )ith filial re!erence they "ay "ore earnestly forsa2e the earth to ascend to hea!en )ith &s+










?harity therefore co"#rehends the se!en Gifts and is li2e to a fair lily )hich has siC flo)ers )hiter than sno) and in the "idst the $ea&tif&l little 'olden ha""ers of )isdo" )hich $eat into o&r hearts the taste and lo!in' relish of the 'oodness of the Father o&r ?reator of the "ercy of the Son o&r >edee"er and of the s)eetness of the 5oly Ghost o&r Sanctifier+ 3nd - #lace th&s this do&$le fear &#on the t)o lo)est ste#s to reconcile all the translations )ith the holy and sacred :&l'ate editionF for if in the 5e$re) the )ord fear is t)ice said this is not )itho&t "ystery $&t to sho) that there is a 'ift of filial fear )hich is nothin' else $&t the 'ift of #iety and a 'ift of ser!ile fear )hich is the $e'innin' of all the #ro'ress )e "a2e to)ards the so!erei'n )isdo"+ ?53PT;> Q:-+


OF T5; 6O:-EG F;3> OF SPO=S;SB 3 ?OET-E=3T-OE OF T5; S3M; S=/,;?T+ 3h( "y $rother ,onathan said Da!id tho& )ast a"ia$le to "e a$o!e the lo!e of )o"enF @551A as tho&'h he had said tho& )ast )orthy of a 'reater lo!e than that of )i!es for their h&s$ands+ 3ll eCcellent thin's are rare+ -"a'ine to yo&rself Theoti"&s a s#o&se of do!e-li2e heart and ha!in' the #erfection of n&#tial lo!e+ 5er lo!e is inco"#ara$le not only in eCcellence $&t also in the 'reat !ariety of $ea&tif&l affections and *&alities )hich acco"#any itB it is not only chaste $&t "odestB it is stron' $&t 'racio&s )ithalB it is !iolent and yet tenderB it is ardent yet res#ectf&l no$le yet fearf&l $old yet o$edient and all its fear is "in'led )ith a delicio&s confidence+ S&ch tr&ly is the fear of a so&l endo)ed )ith the eCcellence of lo!eB for she has s&ch ass&rance of the 'oodness of her s#o&se that she fears not the losin' of hi" $&t she 'reatly fears that she )ill not en1oy eno&'h of his di!ine #resence and that so"e occasion "ay "a2e hi" a$sent hi"self tho&'h only for a "o"ent+ She is *&ite confident that she )ill ne!er dis#lease hi" $&t she fears she "ay not lo!e hi" as "&ch as lo!e re*&iresF her lo!e is too no$le to entertain e!en the least s&s#icion of e!er fallin' into dis'race )ith hi" $&t still it is so sensiti!e that it fears it "ay not $e closely eno&'h &nited to hi"B yea the so&l so"eti"es arri!es at s&ch #erfection that she no lon'er fears she "ay not $e closely eno&'h &nited to hi" her lo!e ass&rin' her that she )ill $e so for e!er $&t she fears that this &nion "ay not $e so #&re si"#le and attenti!e as her lo!e )o&ld desire+ S&ch is that ad"ira$le lo!er )ho )o&ld not lo!e s#irit&al s)eetnesses #leas&res !irt&es consolations lest she "i'ht $e di!erted $e it e!er so little fro" her only lo!e )hich is the lo!e she $ears to her $elo!edB #rotestin' that it is hi"self not his 'ifts )hich she see2s and cryin' o&t to this effectF--3h( sho) "e O tho& )ho" "y so&l lo!eth )here tho& feedest )here tho& liest in the "idday lest - $e'in to )ander after @552A the #leas&res )hich are o&tside thee+ 0ith this sacred fear of di!ine s#o&ses )ere to&ched the 'reat so&ls of S+ Pa&l S+ Francis S+ ?atharine of Genoa and others )ho )o&ld not ad"it any "iCt&re in their lo!es $&t endea!o&red to "a2e the" so #&re so si"#le and so #erfect that neither consolations nor the !irt&es the"sel!es sho&ld find any #lace $et)een their heart and God so that they "i'ht sayF - li!e not - $&t ,es&s ?hrist li!es in "eF "y God is all thin's to "eF )hat is not "y God is nothin' to "eB ,es&s ?hrist is "y lifeF "y lo!e is cr&cifiedB and other s&ch )ords of an ecstatic heart+










Eo) the lo!e of $e'inners or learners #roceeds fro" tr&e lo!e $&t fro" a lo!e )hich is as yet yo&n' fee$le and only $e'innin'B filial fear #roceeds fro" a constant and solid lo!e already tendin' to #erfectionB $&t the fear of s#o&ses s#rin's fro" the eCcellence and #erfection of lo!e already *&ite #ossessedF and as to ser!ile and "ercenary fears they do not tr&ly #roceed fro" lo!e $&t ordinarily #recede lo!e and are its har$in'ers as )e ha!e already said and they are oftenti"es !ery #rofita$le ser!ants+ Oo& )ill see Theoti"&s an hono&ra$le lady )ho not )illin' to eat her $read idle any "ore than she did )ho" Solo"on so "&ch eCtolled @558A )ill lay sil2 in 'oodly !ariety of colo&rs on fine )hite satin )hich after)ards she )ill richly e"$ellish )ith 'old and sil!er in s&ita$le #atternsF the )or2 is )ro&'ht )ith the needle )hich she inserts )here!er she )o&ld lay her sil2 sil!er or 'oldB yet the needle is not #&t into the satin to $e left there $&t only to dra) in after it and "a2e )ay for the sil2 sil!er and 'oldF so that )hen these are once laid &#on their 'ro&nds the needle is dra)n o&t and ta2en a)ay+ ;!en so the di!ine 'oodness )ishin' to #lace a 'reat !ariety of !irt&es in "anDs so&l and after)ards to e"$ellish the" )ith his sacred lo!e "a2es &se of the needle of ser!ile and "ercenary fear )ith )hich o&r hearts are ordinarily first #ric2ed+ /&t still this is not left there $&t e!er as the !irt&es are dra)n into and laid in the so&l "ercenary and ser!ile fear de#arts accordin' to the )ord of the $elo!ed disci#leF Perfect charity casteth o&t fear+ @559A Oea !erily Theoti"&s for the fear of $ein' da"ned and of losin' hea!en is dreadf&l and f&ll of an'&ishF and ho) can it then stand )ith sacred lo!e )hich is all a'reea$le all s)eet. @551A 2 4in's i+ 26+

25 @552A ?ant+ i+ 6+ @558A Pro!+ CCCi+ 27+ 87 @559A 1 ,ohn i!+ 1I+ ?53PT;> Q:--+ 5O0 S;>:-6; F;3> >;M3-ES TOG;T5;> 0-T5 5O6O 6O:;+ 85 3ltho&'h ho)e!er the lady )e s#o2e of )ill not lea!e her needle in her )or2 after it is finished yet as lon' as there re"ains anythin' to $e done in it if any other occ&rrence "a2e her sto# she )ill lea!e the needle stic2in' in the #in2 the rose or the #ansy )hich she is e"$roiderin' so as to ha!e it "ore ready )hen she ret&rns to her )or2+ -n li2e "anner Theoti"&s )hile the Di!ine Pro!idence is a$o&t the e"$roidery of !irt&es and the )or2 of di!ine lo!e in o&r so&ls there is al)ays a "ercenary or ser!ile fear left in the" till charity $ein' co"e to #erfection ta2es o&t this #ric2in' needle and #&ts it $ac2 as it )ere in its c&shion+ -n this life therefore )herein o&r charity )ill ne!er co"e to s&ch #erfection that it shall $e eCe"#t fro" #eril fear is al)ays necessary and e!en )hile )e thrill )ith 1oy $y lo!e )e "&st tre"$le )ith a##rehension $y fear+ Ser!e ye the 6ord )ith fear and re1oice &nto hi" )ith tre"$lin'+ @555A



O&r 'reat father 3$raha" sent his ser!ant ;lieHer to choose a )ife for his only son -saacF ;lieHer )ent and $y Di!ine ins#iration "ade choice of the fair and chaste >e$ecca )ho" he too2 $ac2 )ith hi"+ /&t this )ise "aiden *&itted ;lieHer as soon as she "et -saacB and $ein' introd&ced into the tent of Sara she re"ained his s#o&se for e!er+ God often sends ser!ile fear as another ;lieHer (and ;lieHer is inter#reted hel# of God) to arran'e the "arria'e $et)een the so&l and sacred lo!e+ /&t tho&'h the so&l co"es &nder the cond&ct of fear she does not "ean to es#o&se itB for in fact as soon as the so&l "eets )ith lo!e she &nites herself &nto it and *&its fear+ Oet as ;lieHer after his ret&rn re"ained in the ho&se in the ser!ice of -saac and >e$ecca so fear ha!in' led &s to holy lo!e re"ains still )ith &s to ser!e $oth lo!e and the lo!in' so&l as occasion re*&ires+ For tho&'h the so&l $e 1&st yet is she oft set &#on $y eCtre"e te"#tations and lo!e all co&ra'eo&s as it is has eno&'h to do to s&stain the assa&lt $y reason of the disad!anta'e of the #lace )herein it is )hich is the heart of "an chan'ea$le and s&$1ect to the "&tiny of the #assions+ -n that case therefore Theoti"&s lo!e e"#loys fear in the fi'ht "a2in' &se of it to re#&lse the ene"y+ The $ra!e #rince ,onathan )hen 'oin' to attac2 the Philistines a"idst the o$sc&rity of the ni'ht )o&ld ha!e his ar"o&r-$earer )ith hi" and those that he 2illed not his ar"o&r$earer 2illed @556A So lo!e )ishin' to carry o&t so"e $old enter#rise &ses not only its o)n "oti!es $&t also the "oti!es of ser!ile and "ercenary fearB and the te"#tations )hich lo!e does not stri2e do)n are o!erthro)n $y the fear of $ein' da"ned+ -f a te"#tation to #ride a!arice or so"e !ol&#t&o&s #leas&re attac2 "eF--3h( - )ill say shall it $e #ossi$le that for thin's so !ain "y so&l )o&ld *&it the 'race of her )ell$elo!ed. /&t if this )ill not ser!e lo!e )ill call fear to its aidF--3h( dost tho& not see "isera$le heart that if tho& 'i!e )ay to this te"#tation the horri$le fla"es of hell a)ait thee and that tho& losest the eternal inheritance of hea!en. 3 "an "a2es &se of anythin' in eCtre"e necessities as the sa"e ,onathan did )hen #assin' the shar# roc2s )hich )ere $et)een hi" and the Philistines he not only &sed his feet $&t )ent scra"$lin' and cree#in' on hands and feet as $est he co&ld+ ;!en therefore as "ariners )ho sail o&t )ith a fair )ind and in fair )eather do yet ne!er for'et the ca$les anchors and the other thin's re*&ired in ti"e of haHard and te"#est in li2e "anner the ser!ant of God tho&'h he en1oy the s)eet re#ose of holy lo!e "&st ne!er $e &n#ro!ided )ith the fear of GodDs 1&d'"ents to hel# hi"self there)ith a"idst the stor"s and assa&lts of te"#tation+ Or a'ain as the s2in of an a##le )hich in itself is of s"all estee" is yet !ery &sef&l for #reser!in' the a##le )hich it co!ersB so ser!ile fear )hich of its o)n nat&re is of little )orth in co"#arison )ith lo!e is yet !ery ser!icea$le for #reser!in' it d&rin' the dan'ers of this "ortal life+ 3nd as he )ho 'i!es a #o"e'ranate 'i!es it indeed for the seeds and 1&ice )hich are contained in its $&t yet 'i!es also the s2in as a necessary acco"#ani"ent of itB so altho&'h the 5oly Ghost a"on'st his sacred 'ifts $esto)s a lo!in' fear &#on the so&ls )hich are his that they "ay fear God in #iety as their father and their s#o&se yet does he not fail to add "ercenary and ser!ile fear as an accessary to the other )hich is "ore eCcellent+ So ,ose#h sendin' to his father "any loads of all the riches of ;'y#t 'a!e hi" not only the treas&res $&t )ithal the asses that $ore the"+ Eo) altho&'h "ercenary and ser!ile fear is !ery necessary for this "ortal life yet is it &n)orthy to ha!e any #art in the i""ortal )here there )ill $e an ass&rance !oid of









fear a #eace )itho&t a##rehension a re#ose free fro" anCiety+ Oet the ser!ices )hich this ser!ile and "ercenary fear shall ha!e done to lo!e )ill $e there re)ardedB so that tho&'h these fears as another Moses and another 3aron enter not into the land of #ro"ise yet shall their #osterity and )or2s enterF and as to the fear of children and the fear of s#o&ses they )ill hold their ran2 and #lace not to ca&se any distr&st or tro&$le in the so&l $&t to "a2e her ad"ire and re!erence )ith s&$"ission the inco"#rehensi$le Ma1esty of this o"ni#otent Father and this S#o&se of Glory+ The la) of the 6ord is &ns#otted con!ertin' so&ls+ + + + The fear of the 6ord is holy end&rin' for e!er and e!er+ @557A @555A Ps+ i+ 11+ @556A 1 4in's Ci!+ 1+



@557A Ps+ C!iii+ I 17+ ?53PT;> Q:---+ 5O0 6O:; M34;S =S; OF E3T=>36 S;>:-6; 3ED M;>?;E3>O F;3>+

27 6i'htnin' th&nder th&nder$olts te"#ests in&ndations earth*&a2es and other s&ch &nforeseen accidents eCcite e!en the "ost inde!o&t #ersons to fear God and nat&re )hich 'oes $efore reasonin' in those occ&rrences dri!es the heart the eyes yea the !ery hands hea!en)ards to in!o2e the assistance of the "ost holy Di!inity accordin' to the co""on senti"ent of "an2ind )hich is says Tit&s 6i!i&s that s&ch as ser!e the 3l"i'hty #ros#er and s&ch as conte"n hi" are afflicted+ -n the stor" )hich i"#erilled ,onas the "ariners feared )ith a 'reat fear and i""ediately each of the" t&rned to his 'od+ They )ere i'norant says S+ ,ero"e of the tr&th yet they 2ne) there )as a Pro!idence and $elie!ed it )as $y the 1&d'"ent of hea!en that they )ere in this dan'erB as those of Malta )hen they sa) S+ Pa&l after the shi#)rec2 attac2ed $y the !i#er $elie!ed that it )as fro" the di!ine !en'eance+ @55IA 3nd indeed th&nder and li'htnin' te"#ests th&nder$olts are called $y the Psal"ist :oices of the 6ordB and he says f&rther that they f&lfil his )ord @55KA $eca&se they #roclai" his fear and are as "inisters of his 1&stice+ 3nd a'ain desirin' that the di!ine Ma1esty sho&ld "a2e his ene"ies tre"$le he saysF Send forth li'htnin' and tho& shalt scatter the"F shoot o&t thy arro)s and tho& shalt tro&$le the"F @567A )here he ter"s th&nder$olts the arro)s and darts of God+ 3nd $efore the Psal"ist Sa"&elDs 'ood "other had already s&n' that e!en GodDs ene"ies )o&ld fear hi" if he )o&ld th&nder o!er the" fro" hea!en+ @561A -ndeed Plato in his Gor'ias and else)here testifies that there )as so"e sense of fear a"on' the #a'ans not only concernin' the chastise"ents )hich the so!erei'n 1&stice of God inflicts in this )orld $&t also concernin' the #&nish"ents )hich he inflicts in the other life &#on the so&ls of those )ho ha!e inc&ra$le sins+ So dee#ly is the instinct of fearin' the Di!inity 'ra!en in "anDs nat&re+ This fear ho)e!er )hen felt after the "anner of a first "o!e"ent or nat&ral feelin' is neither to $e #raised nor $la"ed in &s since it #roceeds not fro" o&r free-)ill+ Oet it is an effect fro" a !ery 'ood ca&se and a ca&se of a !ery 'ood effectB for it co"es fro" the nat&ral 2no)led'e )hich God has 'i!en &s of his Pro!idence and 'i!es &s to







&nderstand ho) closely )e de#end on the so!erei'n o"ni#otence "o!in' &s to i"#lore his aidB and )hen this feelin' is fo&nd in a faithf&l so&l it "&ch ad!ances her in 'oodness+ ?hristians (a"idst the dread )hich th&nder te"#ests and other nat&ral dan'ers ca&se in the") in!o2e the sacred na"es of ,es&s and of Mary "a2e the si'n of the ?ross #rostrate the"sel!es $efore God and "a2e "any 'ood acts of faith ho#e and reli'ion+ The 'lorio&s saint Tho"as 3*&inas $ein' nat&rally s&$1ect to terror )hen it th&ndered )as acc&sto"ed to say as an e1ac&latory #rayer the di!ine )ords )hich the ch&rch so "&ch estee"sF The 0ord )as "ade flesh+ =#on this fear then di!ine lo!e fre*&ently "a2es acts of co"#lacency and $ene!olenceF - )ill #raise thee for tho& art fearf&lly "a'nfied+ @562A 6et e!ery one fear thee O 6ord( O ye 2in's &nderstandF recei!e instr&ction yo& that 1&d'e the earth+ Ser!e ye the 6ord )ith fearF and re1oice &nto hi" )ith tre"$lin'+ @568A /&t there is another fear ta2in' its ori'in fro" faith )hich teaches &s that after this "ortal life there are #&nish"ents fear f&lly eternal or eternally to $e feared #re#ared for s&ch as in this )orld ha!e offended the Di!ine Ma1esty and die )itho&t $ein' reconciled to hi"B that at the ho&r of death the so&l shall $e 1&d'ed $y a #artic&lar 1&d'"entB and that at the end of the )orld all shall rise and a##ear to'ether to $e 1&d'ed a'ain in the &ni!ersal 1&d'"ent+ For these ?hristian tr&ths Theoti"&s stri2e )ith an eCtre"e dread the heart that dee#ly #onders the"+ 3nd indeed ho) co&ld one re#resent &nto hi"self those eternal horrors )itho&t sh&dderin' and tre"$lin' )ith a##rehension. Eo) )hen these senti"ents of fear ta2e s&ch root in o&r so&ls that they dri!e and $anish thence the affection and )ill to sin as the sacred ?o&ncil of Trent s#ea2s they are certainly !ery )holeso"e+ 0e ha!e concei!ed of thy fear O 6ord and ha!e $ro&'ht forth the s#irit of sal!ation is said in -saias+ @569A That is thy )rathf&l face terrified &s and "ade &s concei!e and $rin' forth the s#irit of #enance )hich is the s#irit of sal!ationB so did the Psal"ist sayF There is no #eace for "y $ones $eca&se of "y sins yea they tre"$le $eca&se of thy )rath+ @565A O&r Sa!io&r )ho ca"e to esta$lish the la) of lo!e a"on'st &s ceases not to inc&lcate this fearF Fear hi" he says that can destroy $oth so&l and $ody into hell+ @566A The Eini!ites did #enance &#on the threat of their destr&ction and da"nation and their re#entance )as a'reea$le to GodB and in a )ord this fear is co"#rised a"on'st the 'ifts of the 5oly Ghost as "any ancient Fathers ha!e noted+ /&t if fear does not eCcl&de the )ill of sinnin' and affection for sin it is certainly e!il and li2e to that of the de!ils )ho often cease to do har" for fear of $ein' tor"ented $y eCorcis"s )itho&t ceasin' to desire and )ill e!il )hich is their "editation for e!erB or it is li2e to that of the "isera$le 'alley-sla!e )ho )o&ld li2e to tear o&t his o!erseerDs heart tho&'h he dares not stir fro" the oar for fear of $ein' lashedB or li2e to the fear of that 'reat heresiarch of the last cent&ry @567A )ho confessed that he hated a God )ho #&nished the )ic2ed+ Tr&ly he )ho lo!es sin and )o&ld )illin'ly co""it it in s#ite of the )ill of God tho&'h he )ill not co""it it si"#ly $eca&se he fears to $e da"ned has a horri$le and detesta$le fearF for tho&'h he has not the )ill to eCec&te the sin yet he has the eCec&tion of it in his )ill since he )o&ld do it if fear held hi" not $ac2 and since it is as it )ere $y force that he does not #&t his )ill into effect+








To this fear )e "ay add another less "alicio&s indeed yet e*&ally &selessF s&ch as that of the 1&d'e FeliC )ho hearin' GodDs 1&d'"ents s#o2en of )as terrifiedB @56IA yet he did not for all that 'i!e &# his a!ariceB and that of /altassar )ho seein' that "irac&lo&s hand )hich )rote his conde"nation &#on the )all )as so str&c2 )ith dread that his co&ntenance chan'ed and his tho&'hts tro&$led hi"F and the 1oints of his loins )ere loosed and his 2nees str&c2 one a'ainst the otherF @56KA and yet he did not do #enance+ Eo) to )hat #&r#ose do )e fear e!il if o&r fear does not "a2e &s resol!e to a!oid it. The fear then of those )ho as sla!es o$ser!e the la) of God to a!oid hell is !ery 'oodB $&t "&ch "ore no$le and desira$le is the fear of "ercenary ?hristians )ho as hirelin's faithf&lly la$o&r yet not #rinci#ally for any lo!e they $ear their "asters $&t to $e #aid the )a'es #ro"ised the"+ O( if the eye co&ld see if the ear co&ld hear or if it co&ld enter into the heart of "an )hat God hath #re#ared for those that ser!e hi"--3h( )hat a dread )o&ld one ha!e of !iolatin' GodDs co""and"ents for fear of losin' those i""ortal re)ards( )hat tears )o&ld $e shed )hat 'roans )o&ld $e &ttered )hen they )ere lost $y sin( Oet this fear )o&ld $e $la"e)orthy if it contained in it the eCcl&sion of holy lo!eB for he )ho sho&ld sayF - )ill not ser!e God for any lo!e - intend to ha!e for hi" $&t only to o$tain the re)ards he #ro"ises --)o&ld co""it $las#he"y #referrin' the re)ard to the "aster the $enefit to the $enefactor the inheritance to the father and his o)n #rofit to God 3l"i'hty as )e ha!e "ore a"#ly sho)n in the second /oo2+ /&t finally )hen )e are afraid of offendin' God not to a!oid the #ains of hell or the loss of hea!en $&t only $eca&se God $ein' o&r 'ood Father )e o)e hi" hono&r res#ect o$edience then o&r fear is filial $eca&se a 'ood child does not o$ey his father on acco&nt of the #o)er he has to #&nish his diso$edience or $eca&se he "i'ht disinherit hi" $&t #&rely $eca&se he is his fatherB in s&ch sort that tho&'h his father "i'ht $e old #o)erless and #oor he )o&ld not ser!e hi" )ith less dili'ence $&t rather li2e the $ird of filial #iety )o&ld assist hi" )ith the "ore care and affection+ So ,ose#h seein' that 'ood "an ,aco$ his father old in )ant and $ro&'ht &nder his sonDs 'o!ern"ent ceased not to hono&r ser!e and re!erence hi" )ith a tenderness "ore than filial and )hich )as so 'reat that his $rothers ha!in' o$ser!ed it considered that it )o&ld e!en o#erate after the fatherDs death and therefore )or2ed on it to o$tain #ardon fro" hi" sayin'F Oo&r father co""anded &s $efore he died that )e sho&ld say th&s "&ch to thee fro" hi"F - $eseech thee to for'et the )ic2edness of thy $rethren and the sin and "alice they #ractised a'ainst theeF )e also #ray thee to for'i!e the ser!ants of the God of thy father this )ic2edness+ 3nd )hen ,ose#h heard this he )e#t @577A so readily did his filial heart "elt )hen his deceased fatherDs )ishes and )ill )ere re#resented to hi"+ Those therefore fear God )ith a filial affection )ho fear to dis#lease hi" #&rely and si"#ly $eca&se he is their "ost s)eet "ost $eni'n and "ost a"ia$le Father+ 3t the sa"e ti"e )hen it ha##ens that this filial fear is 1oined "in'led and te"#ered )ith the ser!ile fear of eternal da"nation or )ith the "ercenary fear of losin' hea!en it ceases not to $e a'reea$le to God and is called a $e'innin' fear that is a fear of s&ch as are $e'inners and learners in the eCercises of di!ine lo!e+ For as yo&n' $oys )hen they first $e'in to ride feelin' their horse c&r!et a little not only clea!e close to hi" )ith their 2nees $&t also catch hard hold of the saddle )ith their hands $&t after they









ha!e had a little "ore #ractice si"#ly #ress their saddles closeB--e!en so no!ices and a##rentices in GodDs ser!ice findin' the"sel!es in des#erate straits a"id the assa&lts )hich the ene"y deli!ers at the $e'innin' not only "a2e &se of filial $&t also of "ercenary and ser!ile fear and hold the"sel!es on as they can that they "ay not fall fro" their desi'n+ @55IA 3cts CC!iii+ 9+ @55KA Ps+ cCl!iii+ I+

17 @567A Ps+ cCliii+ @561A 1 4in's ii+ 17+ 15 @562A Ps+ cCCC!iii+ 19+ @568A Ps+ ii+ 17 11+ @569A CC!i+ 1I accordin' to the 5e$re) @Tr+A 27 @565A Ps+ CCC!ii+ 9 @566A Matt+ C+ 2I+ 25 @567A 6&ther @Tr+A @56IA 3cts CCi!+ 25+ @56KA Dan+ !+ 6+ 87 @577A Gen+ l+ 17+ ?53PT;> Q-Q+ 85 5O0 S3?>;D 6O:; ?OET3-ES T5; T0;6:; F>=-TS OF T5; 5O6O G5OST TOG;T5;> 0-T5 T5; ;-G5T /;3T-T=D;S OF T5; GOSP;6+ The 'lorio&s S+ Pa&l s#ea2s th&sF Eo) the fr&it of the S#irit is charity 1oy #eace #atience $eni'nity 'oodness lon'ani"ity "ildness faith "odesty continency chastity+ @571A /&t "ar2 Theoti"&s ho) this holy 3#ostle co&ntin' these t)el!e fr&its of the 5oly Ghost rec2ons the" as only one fr&itB for he does not say the fr&its of the s#irit are charity 1oy $&t the fr&it of the s#irit is charity 1oy+ Eo) the "ystery of this "anner of s#eech is this+ The charity of God is #o&red forth in o&r hearts $y the 5oly Ghost )ho is 'i!en to &s+ @572A charity is tr&ly the only fr&it of the 5oly Ghost $&t $eca&se this one fr&it has an infinity of eCcellent #ro#erties the 3#ostle )ho )ishes to "ention so"e of the" $y )ay of eCa"#le s#ea2s of this one fr&it as of "any $eca&se of the "&ltit&de of #ro#erties )hich it contains in its &nity and con!ersely s#ea2s of all these fr&its as of one only $y reason of the &nity in )hich is co"#rised this !ariety+ So



he )ho sho&ld say that the fr&it of the !ine is 'ra#es "&st )ine $randy the drin2 that re1oices the heart of "an the $e!era'e that co"forts the sto"achF--)o&ld not "ean that they )ere fr&its of different s#ecies $&t only that altho&'h it )as only one fr&it yet it had "any different #ro#erties accordin' as it )as differently &sed+ 5 The 3#ostle then si"#ly "eans to say that the fr&it of the 5oly Ghost is charityB )hich is 1oyo&s #eacea$le #atient $eni'n 'ood lon'-s&fferin' "ild faithf&l "odest continent chasteB that is to say that di!ine lo!e 'i!es &s an in)ard 1oy and consolation to'ether )ith 'reat #eace of heart )hich in ad!ersity is #reser!ed $y #atience and )hich "a2es &s $eni'n and 'racio&s in s&cco&rin' o&r nei'h$o&r $y a cordial 'oodness to)ards hi"B a 'oodness )hich is not !aria$le $&t constant and #erse!erin' and )hich 'i!es &s a no$le lon'-s&fferin' heart $y "eans of )hich )e $eco"e "ild affa$le and condescendin' to all )e s&##ort their h&"o&rs and i"#erfections )e 2ee# #erfectly faithf&l to)ards the" testifyin' a si"#licity acco"#anied )ith confidence as )ell in o&r )ords as in o&r actions )e li!e "odestly and h&"$ly c&ttin' off all s&#erfl&ities and irre'&larities in "eat drin2 a##arel $ed 'a"es #asti"es and other s&ch desires and #leas&res $y a holy continency re#ressin' es#ecially the inclinations and re$ellions of the flesh $y a !i'ilant chastityB so that o&r )hole "an "ay co"e to $e en'a'ed in holy lo!in' as )ell interiorly $y 1oy #eace #atience lon'ani"ity 'oodness and fidelity as eCteriorly $y $eni'nity "ildness "odesty continency and chastity+ Eo) charity is called a fr&it inas"&ch as it deli'hts &s and inas"&ch as )e en1oy its delicio&s s)eetness the s)eetness of a tr&e a##le of #aradise 'athered fro" the tree of life )hich is the 5oly S#irit 'rafted on o&r h&"an s#irits and d)ellin' in &s $y his infinite "ercy+ /&t )hen )e not only re1oice in this hea!enly lo!e and en1oy its delicio&s s)eetness $&t also #lace all o&r 'lory therein as in the cro)n of o&r hono&r then it is not only a fr&it deli'htf&l to o&r #alate $&t it is also a "ost desira$le $eatit&de and felicity not only $eca&se it ass&res to &s the felicity of the neCt life $&t also $eca&se e!en in this life it enriches &s )ith a content"ent of inesti"a$le !al&e a content"ent )hich is so stron' that all the )aters of tri$&lation and the floods of #ersec&tion cannot eCtin'&ish it+ Oea it is not only not eCtin'&ished $&t it )aCes rich a"idst #o!erty it is 'lorified $y a$1ections and h&"iliations it re1oices in tears it 'ains stren'th $y $ein' forsa2en of 1&stice and de#ri!ed of the hel# thereof )hen it i"#lores and no one )ill 'rantB co"#assion and co""iseration recreate it )hen it is s&rro&nded $y the "isera$le and s&fferin'B it deli'hts in reno&ncin' all sorts of sens&al and earthly deli'hts to o$tain #&rity and cleanness of heartB it #laces its !alo&r in stillin' )ars 1arrin's and dissensions and in s#&rnin' te"#oral 'rande&rs and re#&tationsB it 'ro)s stron' $y end&rin' all sorts of s&fferin's and holds that its tr&e life consists in dyin' for the )ell-$elo!ed+ So that in a )ord Theoti"&s "ost holy charity is a !irt&e a 'ift a fr&it and a $eatit&de+ 3s $ein' a !irt&e it "a2es &s o$edient to the eCterior ins#irations )hich God 'i!es &s $y his co""and"ents and co&nsels in the eCec&tion of )hich )e #ractise all !irt&esB )hence lo!e is the !irt&e of all !irt&es+ 3s $ein' a 'ift charity "a2es &s docile and tracta$le to interior ins#irations )hich are as it )ere GodDs secret co""and"ents and co&nsels in the eCec&tion of )hich the se!en 'ifts of the 5oly Ghost are e"#loyed so that charity is the 'ift of 'ifts+ 3s $ein' a fr&it it 'i!es &s an eCtre"e relish and #leas&re in the #ractice of the de!o&t life )hich is felt in the t)el!e fr&its of the 5oly Ghost and









therefore it is the fr&it of fr&its+ 3s $ein' a $eatit&de it "a2es &s re#&te the affronts cal&"nies re!ilin's and ins&lts )hich the )orld hea#s &#on &s as the 'reatest of fa!o&rs and a sin'&lar hono&rB and )ithal "a2es &s forsa2e reno&nce and re1ect all other 'lory sa!e that )hich co"es fro" the )ell-$elo!ed ?r&cified for )hich 'lory )e 'lory in the a$1ection a$ne'ation and annihilation of o&rsel!es desirin' no other "ar2s of "a1esty than the thorn-cro)n of the ?r&cified the sce#tre of 5is reed the ro$e of scorn )hich )as #&t &#on 5i" and the throne of 5is cross &#on )hich sacred lo!ers ha!e "ore content 1oy 'lory and felicity than e!er Solo"on had on his throne of i!ory+ Th&s lo!e is oftenti"es re#resented $y the #o"e'ranate )hich as it ta2es its #ro#erties fro" the #o"e'ranate-tree "ay $e said to $e the !irt&e of this treeB so a'ain it see"s to $e its 'ift )hich it offers to "an $y lo!eB and it is its fr&it since it is eaten to #lease "anDs tasteB and finally it is so to s#ea2 its 'lory and $eatit&de since it $ears the cro)n and diade"+ @571A Gal+ !+ 22+ @572A >o"+ !+ 5+




?53PT;> QQ+ 5O0 D-:-E; 6O:; M34;S =S; OF 366 T5; P3SS-OES 3ED 3FF;?T-OES OF T5; SO=6 3ED >;D=?;S T5;M TO -TS O/;D-;E?;+




6o!e is the life of o&r heart and as the )ei'hts 'i!e "o!e"ent to all the "o!a$le #arts of a cloc2 so lo!e 'i!es to the so&l all the "o!e"ents it has+ 3ll o&r affections follo) o&r lo!e and accordin' to it )e desire )e re1oice )e ho#e )e des#air )e fear )e ta2e heart )e hate )e a!oid thin's )e 'rie!e )e 'et an'ry )e tri&"#h+ Do not )e see that "en )ho ha!e 'i!en &# their heart as a #rey to the $ase and a$1ect lo!e of )o"en ha!e no desires $&t accordin' to this lo!e ta2e no #leas&re $&t in it neither ho#e nor des#air $&t on this acco&nt neither dread nor &nderta2e anythin' $&t for it are neither dis'&sted nor fly fro" anythin' sa!e )hat di!erts the" fro" it are only tro&$led at )hat de#ri!es the" of it are ne!er an'ry $&t fro" 1ealo&sy ne!er 'lory $&t in this infa"y+ The li2e "ay $e said of those )ho lo!e riches or are a"$itio&s of hono&rsB for they $eco"e sla!es to that )hich they lo!e and ha!e neither heart in their $reasts nor so&l in their hearts nor affections in their so&ls sa!e only for that+ 0hen therefore di!ine lo!e rei'ns in o&r hearts it royally $rin's to its e"#ire all the other lo!es of the )ill and conse*&ently all its affections $eca&se they nat&rally follo) lo!eB this done it ta"es sens&al lo!e and $rin'in' it to o$edience $rin's also after it all the sens&al #assions+ For in a )ord this sacred lo!e is the so!erei'n )ater of )hich o&r Sa!io&r saidF 5e that shall drin2 of the )ater that - )ill 'i!e hi" shall not thirst for e!er+ @578A Eo tr&ly Theoti"&s he that has lo!e in any a$&ndance he shall neither ha!e desire fear ho#e co&ra'e nor 1oy $&t for God and all his "o!e"ents shall $e at rest in this one celestial lo!e+ Di!ine lo!e and self-lo!e are in o&r hearts as ,aco$ and ;sa& in the )o"$ of >e$eccaF they ha!e a !ery 'reat anti#athy and o##osition to one another and contin&ally str&''le





in the heartB )hence the #oor so&l cries o&tF 3las( )retched that - a" )ho )ill deli!er "e fro" the $ody of this death that the sole lo!e of "y God "ay #eacea$ly rei'n in "e. 5o)e!er )e "&st ta2e co&ra'e #&ttin' o&r tr&st in o&r Sa!io&rDs )ord )ho co""andin' &s to fi'ht $y his co""and #ro"ises !ictory to his lo!eB and he see"s to say to the so&l that )hich he ca&sed to $e said to >e$eccaF T)o nations are in thy )o"$ and t)o #eo#le shall $e di!ided o&t of thy )o"$ and one #eo#le shall o!erco"e the other and the elder shall ser!e the yo&n'er+ @579A For as >e$ecca had only t)o children in her )o"$ $&t $eca&se t)o #eo#les )ere to descend fro" these )as said to ha!e t)o nations in her )o"$ so the so&l ha!in' t)o lo!es in her heart has conse*&ently t)o 'reat troo#s of "otions affections and #assionsB and as the t)o children of >e$ecca $y the contrariety of their "o!e"ents "ade her s&ffer 'reat con!&lsions and #ains so the t)o lo!es of o&r so&l ca&se 'reat tra!ails to o&r heart+ 3nd as it )as said of her t)o children that the elder sho&ld ser!e the yo&n'er so has it $een ordained that of these t)o lo!es of o&r heart the sens&al shall ser!e the s#irit&al that is self-lo!e shall ser!e the lo!e of God+ /&t )hen )as it that the elder of those #eo#les )hich )ere in >e$eccaDs )o"$ ser!ed the yo&n'er. S&rely it )as only )hen Da!id o!erca"e the -d&"eans in )ar and Solo"on r&led o!er the" in #eace+ Oh( )hen therefore shall it $e that sens&al lo!e shall ser!e Di!ine lo!e. -t shall then $e Theoti"&s )hen ar"ed lo!e ha!in' $eco"e Heal shall $y "ortification s&$1ect o&r #assionsB and far $etter then )hen in hea!en a$o!e $eatified lo!e shall #ossess o&r )hole so&l in #eace+ Eo) the "ethod $y )hich Di!ine lo!e is to s&$1ect the sens&al a##etite is li2e to that )hich ,aco$ &sed )hen for a 'ood #resa'e and $e'innin' of )hat )as after)ards to co"e to #ass he at the $irth of ;sa& held hi" $y the foot as it )ere to seiHe ;sa&Ds ri'ht s&##lant hi" and 2ee# hi" do)n or as it )ere to 2ee# hi" tied &# after the "anner of a $ird of #rey s&ch as ;sa& )as $ein' a h&nter and a terri$le "an+ For so holy lo!e #ercei!in' so"e #assion or nat&ral affection risin' in &s "&st #resently ta2e it $y the foot and $rin' it to its ser!ice+ /&t )hat is "eant $y ta2in' $y the foot. To $ind and red&ce it to the ser!ice of God+ Do yo& not see ho) Moses transfor"ed the ser#ent into a rod si"#ly ta2in' it $y the tail. ;!en so )hen )e 'i!e a 'ood end to o&r #assions they t&rn into !irt&es+ /&t )hat "ethod are )e then to o$ser!e in order to $rin' o&r affections and #assions into the ser!ice of Di!ine lo!e+ The Methodic #hysicians ha!e al)ays this a#horis" in their "o&ths --that contraries are c&red $y their contrariesB the S#a'yrists ha!e another fa"o&s sentence o##osed to this--that li2es are c&red $y their li2es+ 5o)soe!er it $e )e 2no) that t)o thin's "a2e the li'ht of the stars disa##ear --the o$sc&rity of the "ists of ni'ht and the li'ht of the s&n )hich is stron'er than theirsB and in li2e "anner )e fi'ht a'ainst #assions either $y o##osin' to the" contrary #assions or $y o##osin' stron'er affections of their o)n 2ind+ -f so"e !ain ho#e #resent itself &nto "e "y )ay of resistance "ay $e to o##ose to it this 1&st disco&ra'e"entF O foolish "an( &#on )hat fo&ndation do yo& $&ild this ho#e. Do yo& not see that this 'reat "an in )ho" yo& tr&st is as near to his 'ra!e as thyself. Do yo& not 2no) the insta$ility )ea2ness and i"$ecillity of the s#irit of "an. Today this heart fro" )hich yo& eC#ect so"ethin' is thine to"orro) another )ill carry it a)ay for hi"selfF on )hat then is this ho#e 'ro&nded. - can also resist this ho#e $y o##osin' to it a "ore solid one+ 5o#e in God O







"y so&l( for it is he )ho deli!ers thy feet o&t of the snareB no "an e!er ho#ed in hi" and )as confo&ndedF fiC thy desi'ns &#on eternal and i"#erisha$le thin's+ -n li2e "anner one "ay co"$at the desire of riches and te"#oral deli'hts either $y the conte"#t they "erit or $y the desire of i""ortal onesB and $y this "eans sens&al and earthly lo!e )ill $e destroyed $y hea!enly lo!e either as fire is eCtin'&ished $y )ater on acco&nt of the contrary *&alities of )ater or as it is eCtin'&ished $y fire fro" hea!en on acco&nt of the stron'er and o!er#o)erin' *&alities of this+ O&r Sa!io&r "a2es &se of $oth these "ethods in his s#irit&al c&res+ 5e c&res his disci#les of )orldly fear $y i"#rintin' in their hearts a hi'her fearF Fear ye not the" that 2ill the $ody and are not a$le to 2ill the so&lF $&t rather fear hi" that can destroy $oth so&l and $ody into hell+ @575A 0hen he )o&ld another ti"e c&re the" of a lo)er 1oy he assi'ned the" a no$ler oneF >e1oice not said he in this that s#irits are s&$1ect &nto yo&F $&t re1oice in this that yo&r na"es are )ritten in hea!enF @576A and he hi"self casts o&t 1oy $y 'riefF 0oe to yo& that no) la&'hF for yo& shall "o&rn and )ee#+ @577A Th&s does Di!ine lo!e s&##lant and $rin' into s&$1ection the affections and #assions t&rnin' the" fro" the end to )hich self-lo!e )o&ld s)ay the" and a##lyin' the" to its s#irit&al intentions+ 3nd as the rain$o) to&chin' the her$ as#alath&s de#ri!es it of its o)n s"ell and 'i!es it another far "ore eCcellent so sacred lo!e to&chin' o&r #assions ta2es fro" the" their earthly end and $esto)s a hea!enly one in its #lace+ The a##etite for food is "ade !ery s#irit&al if $efore 'ratifyin' it )e 'i!e it the "oti!e of lo!eF--3h( no 6ord( it is not to content this )retched sto"ach nor to allay this a##etite that - 'o to ta$le $&t accordin' to thy Pro!idence to s&stain this $ody )hich tho& hast 'i!en "e s&$1ect to this "iseryF yes 6ord( $eca&se it hath so #leased thee+ -f - ho#e for a friendDs assistance can - not sayF O 6ord tho& hast so a##ointed o&r life that )e sho&ld ha!e to ta2e hel# co"fort and consolation fro" one anotherB and $eca&se so it #leases thee )ill &se this or that "an )hose friendshi# tho& hast 'i!en "e to this end+ -s there so"e 1&st occasion for fear. -t is thy )ill O 6ord that - sho&ld fear in order that - "ay &se fit "eans to a!oid this tro&$leB - )ill do so O 6ord since s&ch is thy 'ood #leas&re+ -f the fear $e eCcessi!eF 3h( O God "y eternal Father( )hat is it that thy children or the chic2ens )hich li!e &nder thy )in's can fear. so then - )ill ta2e the "eans necessary to a!oid the e!il )hich - fear $&t that done --6ord - a" thine sa!e tho& "e if it $e thy #leas&re and )hat "ay $efall "e - )ill acce#t $eca&se s&ch )ill $e thy 'ood #leas&re+ O holy and sacred alche"y( O hea!enly #ro1ection-#o)der( $y )hich all the "etals of o&r #assions affections and actions are con!erted into the "ost #&re 'old of hea!enly lo!e+ @578A ,ohn i!+ 18+








@579A Gen+ CC!+ 28+ @575A Matt+ C+ 2I+ @576A 6&2e C+ 27+

95 @577A 6&2e !i+ 25+ ?53PT;> QQ-+

T53T S3DE;SS -S 36MOST 3603OS =S;6;SS O;3 ?OET>3>O TO T5; S;>:-?; OF 5O6O 6O:;+ 5 One cannot 'raft an oa2 &#on a #ear tree of so contrary a h&"o&r are those t)o treesF nor can an'er or des#air $e 'rafted on charity at least it )o&ld $e !ery diffic&lt+ 3s for an'er )e ha!e seen this in the disco&rse &#on HealB as for des#air &nless it $e red&ced to the le'iti"ate distr&st of o&rsel!es or to a sense of the !anity )ea2ness and inconstancy of )orldly fa!o&rs hel#s and #ro"ises - see not )hat ser!ice Di!ine lo!e can dra) fro" it+ 3nd as for sadness ho) can it $e #rofita$le to holy charity seein' that 1oy is ran2ed a"on'st the fr&its of the 5oly Ghost co"in' neCt to charity. Still the 'reat a#ostle saysF The sorro) that is accordin' to God )or2eth #enance &nto sal!ation )hich is lastin'F $&t the sorro) of the )orld )or2eth death+ @57IA There is then a sorro) or sadness accordin' to God )hich is e"#loyed either $y sinners in #enance or $y the 'ood in co"#assion for the te"#oral "iseries of their nei'h$o&rs or $y the #erfect in de#lorin' $e"oanin' and condolin' the s#irit&al cala"ities of so&ls+ For Da!id S+ Peter Ma'dalen )e#t for their sinsB 3'ar )e#t )hen she sa) her son al"ost dead of thirstB ,ere"ias o!er the r&in of ,er&sale"B O&r Sa!io&r o!er the ,e)sB and his 'reat 3#ostle si'hin' says these )ordsF Many )al2 of )ho" - ha!e told yo& often (and no) tell yo& )ee#in') that they are ene"ies of the cross of ?hrist+ @57KA There is then also a sadness of this )orld )hich li2e)ise #roceeds fro" three ca&ses+ For--1W+ -t co"es so"eti"es fro" the infernal ene"y )ho $y a tho&sand sad "elancholy and dist&r$in' s&''estions o$sc&res the &nderstandin' )ea2ens the )ill and tro&$les the )hole so&lF and as a thic2 "ist fills the head and $reast )ith rhe&" and $y this "eans "a2es res#iration diffic&lt and 'reatly inco""odes the tra!ellerB so the e!il s#irit fillin' "anDs "ind )ith sad tho&'hts de#ri!es it of facility in as#irin' to God and #ossesses it )ith an eCtre"e tedi&" and disco&ra'e"ent in order to $rin' it to des#air and #erdition+ They say there is a fish called the sea-toad s&rna"ed the seade!il )hich stirrin' and s#readin' the "&d tro&$les the )ater ro&nd a$o&t it so as to hide itself therein as in an a"$&sh fro" )hence as soon as it #ercei!es #oor little fishes it darts &#on the" 2ills and de!o&rs the"F )hence #erha#s has co"e the co""on eC#ression--fishin' in tro&$led )aters+ Eo) it is the sa"e )ith the de!il of hell as )ith the de!il of the seaB for he "a2es his a"$&sh in sadness and then ha!in' tro&$led the so&l )ith a "&ltit&de of sad tho&'hts cast hither and thither in the &nderstandin' he "a2es a char'e &#on the affections $earin' the" do)n )ith distr&st 1ealo&sies a!ersions en!ies s&#erfl&o&s a##rehensions of #ast sins addin' )ithal a n&"$er of !ain so&r and "elancholy s&$tleties of the i"a'ination that all reasons and consolations "ay $e re1ected+ 2W+ Sadness so"eti"es also #roceeds fro" oneDs nat&ral dis#osition )hen the "elancholy h&"o&r #redo"inates in &sF and this is not !icio&s in itself yet o&r ene"y "a2es 'reat &se of it to )ea!e and #re#are a tho&sand te"#tations in o&r so&ls+ For as s#iders scarcely e!er s#in their )e$s sa!e )hen the )eather is d&ll and the s2y clo&dyB so this "ali'n s#irit ne!er finds as "&ch facility in s#readin' the nets of his s&''estions in s)eet 2indly and $ri'ht so&ls as he has )ith the 'loo"y sad and "elancholyB for









these he easily dist&r$s )ith !eCations s&s#icions hatreds "&r"&rin's cens&res en!ies sloth and s#irit&al n&"$ness+ 5 8W+ 6astly there is a sadness )hich the !ario&s accidents of life $rin' &#on &s+ 0hat "anner of 1oy shall $e to "e said To$ias )ho sit in dar2ness and see not the li'ht of hea!en @5I7A Th&s )as ,aco$ sad on the ne)s of the death of his ,ose#h and Da!id for that of his 3$salo"+ Eo) this sadness is co""on to the 'ood and the $adB $&t to the 'ood it is "oderated $y ac*&iescence in and resi'nation to the )ill of GodF as )e see in To$ias )ho 'a!e than2s to the Di!ine Ma1esty for all the ad!ersities )hich ca"e &#on hi" and in ,o$ )ho $lessed the na"e of the 6ord for the" and in Daniel )ho t&rned his 'riefs into son's of 1oy+ 3s to )orldlin's on the contrary this sadness is an ordinary thin' )ith the" and s#reads o&t into re'rets des#air and deadness of so&lF for they are li2e a#es and "on2eys )hich are al)ays s&llen sad and #ee!ish at the )anin' of the "oon as on the contrary at the ne) "oon they lea# dance and #lay their a#ish tric2s+ The )orldlin' is o&t of te"#er &nci!il $itter and 'loo"y )hen te"#oral #ros#erity fails hi"B and in a$&ndance he is al"ost al)ays $oastf&l foolishly elated and insolent+ -ndeed the sadness of tr&e #enitence is not so "&ch to $e na"ed sadness as dis#leas&re or the sense and detestation of e!ilB a sadness )hich is ne!er tro&$led nor !eCedB a sadness )hich does not d&ll the s#irit $&t "a2es it acti!e ready and dili'entB a sadness )hich does not )ei'h the heart do)n $&t raises it $y #rayer and ho#e and ca&ses in it the "o!e"ents of the fer!o&r of de!otionB a sadness )hich in the hea!iest of its $itternesses e!er #rod&ces the s)eetness of an inco"#ara$le consolation accordin' to the #rece#t of the 'reat S+ 3&'&stineF G6et the #enitent sorro) al)ays yet al)ays re1oice for his sorro)+G GThe sadness G says ?assian G)hich )or2s solid #enitence and that desira$le re#entance of )hich one ne!er re#ents is o$edient affa$le h&"$le "ild s)eet #atient --as $ein' a child and scion of charityF so that s#readin' o!er e!ery #ain of $ody and contrition of s#irit and $ein' in a certain )ay 1oyo&s co&ra'eo&s and stren'thened $y the ho#e of doin' $etter it retains all the s)eetness of 'entleness and lon'ani"ity ha!in' in itself the Fr&its of the 5oly S#irit )hich the holy 3#ostle reco&ntsF Eo) the Fr&its of the S#irit are charity 1oy #eace lon'ani"ity 'oodness $eni'nity faith "ildness continency+G S&ch is tr&e #enitence and s&ch is ri'ht sadness )hich in 'ood sooth is not really sad or "elancholy $&t only attenti!e and earnest to detest re1ect and hinder the e!il of sin for #ast and for f&t&re+ 3nd indeed )e often see re#entances )hich are !ery ea'er tro&$led i"#atient )et-eyed $itter 'i!en to 'roans !ery cra$$ed and "elancholy )hich at last t&rn o&t fr&itless and lac2 all tr&e a"end"ent $eca&se they do not #roceed fro" the tr&e "oti!es of the !irt&e of #enitence $&t fro" selfish and nat&ral lo!e+ The sorro) of the )orld )or2eth death @5I1A says the 3#ostleB )e "&st therefore Theoti"&s caref&lly a!oid and $anish it as "&ch as )e can+ -f it $e fro" nat&re )e "&st re#&lse it $y contradictin' its "o!e"ents t&rnin' it aside $y the #ractices s&ita$le to that #&r#ose and &sin' the re"edies and )ay of life )hich #hysicians the"sel!es "ay 1&d'e $est+ -f it co"e fro" te"#tation )e "&st clearly o#en o&r "ind to o&r s#irit&al father )ho )ill #rescri$e for &s the "ethod of o!erco"in' it accordin' as )e ha!e said in Part -:+ of the -ntrod&ction to the De!o&t 6ife+ -f it arise fro" circ&"stances )e )ill ha!e reco&rse to the teachin' of /oo2 :---+ in order to see ho) 'ratef&l tri$&lations are to the children of God and ho) the 'reatness of o&r ho#es for









eternal life o&'ht to "a2e all the #assin' e!ents of the te"#oral al"ost &n)orthy of thin2in' a$o&t+ 5 3t last in all the sadness )hich "ay co"e &#on &s )e "&st e"#loy the a&thority of the s&#erior )ill to do all that sho&ld $e done in fa!o&r of di!ine lo!e+ There are indeed actions )hich so de#end &#on the cor#oral dis#osition and constit&tion that )e ha!e not the #o)er to do the" 1&st as )e #leaseF for the "elancholy-dis#osed cannot 2ee# their eyes or their )ords or their faces in the sa"e 'ood 'race and s)eetness as they )o&ld do if they )ere relie!ed fro" this $ad h&"o&rB $&t they are *&ite a$le tho&'h )itho&t this 'ood 'race to say 'racio&s 2ind and ci!il )ords and in s#ite of inclination to do )hat reason re*&ires as to )ords and )or2s of charity 'entleness and condescension+ 0e "ay $e eCc&sed for not $ein' al)ays $ri'ht for one is not "aster of cheerf&lness to ha!e it )hen one )illB $&t )e are not eCc&sa$le for not $ein' al)ays 'racio&s yieldin' and considerateB for this is al)ays in the #o)er of o&r )ill and )e ha!e only to deter"ine to 2ee# do)n the contrary h&"o&r and inclination+ @57IA 2 ?or+ !ii+ 17+ @57KA Phil+ iii+ 1I+ 27 @5I7A To$+ !+ 12+ @5I1A 2 ?or+ !ii+ 17+ 25 /OO4 Q--+ ?OET3-E-EG ?;>T3-E ?O=ES;6S FO> T5; P>OG>;SS OF T5; SO=6 -E 5O6O 6O:;+ 87 ?53PT;> -+ T53T O=> P>OG>;SS -E 5O6O 6O:; DO;S EOT D;P;ED OE O=> E3T=>36 T;MP;>3M;ET+ 85 3 'reat reli'io&s of o&r a'e has )ritten that o&r nat&ral te"#era"ent "&ch cond&ces to conte"#lati!e lo!e and that s&ch as are of an affectionate and lo!in' nat&re are $est ada#ted for it+ Eo) - s&##ose he "eans not that sacred lo!e is distri$&ted to "en or an'els accordin' to or "&ch less in !irt&e of nat&ral conditionsB nor )o&ld he say that the distri$&tion of di!ine lo!e is "ade to "en accordin' to their nat&ral *&alities and a$ilitiesF for this )ere to $elie the Scri#t&re and to !iolate the ecclesiastical canon $y )hich the Pela'ians )ere declared heretics+ For "y #art - s#ea2 in this treatise of the s&#ernat&ral lo!e )hich God o&t of his 'oodness #o&rs into o&r hearts and )hose residence is in the s&#re"e #oint of the s#iritB a #oint )hich is a$o!e all the rest of the so&l and inde#endent of all nat&ral dis#osition+ 3nd )ithal tho&'h so&ls inclined to lo!e ha!e on the one hand a certain #ro#ensity )hich "a2es the" "ore ready to desire to lo!e God they are on the other hand so s&$1ect to set their affections &#on lo!a$le creat&res that their #ro#ensity #&ts





the" in as 'reat dan'er of $ein' di!erted fro" the #&rity of sacred lo!e $y a "iCt&re of other lo!es as they ha!e facility in )ishin' to lo!e GodB for the dan'er of lo!in' a"iss is attached to the facility of lo!in'+ 5 -t is tr&e that so&ls of this 2ind $ein' once )ell #&rified fro" the lo!e of creat&res )or2 )onders in holy lo!in' as lo!e finds a 'reat facility in diff&sin' itself thro&'ho&t all the fac&lties of the heartF and thence #roceeds a "ost deli'htf&l s)eetness )hich a##ears not in those )hose so&ls are #ee!ish harsh "elancholy and ch&rlish+ Ee!ertheless if t)o #ersons the one of )ho" is lo!in' and s)eet $y nat&re the other harsh and so&r ha!e an e*&al charity they )ill lo!e God e*&ally $&t not ali2e+ The heart nat&rally s)eet )ill lo!e "ore easily "ore a"ia$ly "ore s)eetly tho&'h not "ore solidly nor "ore #erfectlyB yea the lo!e )hich shall s#rin' a"on'st the thorns and re#&'nances of a harsh and dry nat&re shall $e the "ore no$le and 'lorio&s as the other shall $e "ore deli'htso"e and lo!ely+ -t i"#orts not "&ch then )hether one ha!e a nat&ral inclination to lo!e )hen it is a *&estion of a lo!e )hich is s&#ernat&ral and eCercised s&#ernat&rally+ Only this Theoti"&s - )o&ld 'ladly cry o&t to all "enF O "ortals if yo& ha!e hearts dis#osed for lo!e )hy do yo& not de!ote yo&rsel!es to celestial and di!ine lo!e. /&t if yo& $e hard and so&r-te"#ered--since yo& are )antin' in nat&ral lo!e )hy do yo& not as#ire to s&#ernat&ral lo!e )hich shall $e lo!in'ly $esto)ed &#on yo& $y hi" )ho calls yo& to his so holy lo!e. ?53PT;> --+ T53T 0; 3>; TO 53:; 3 ?OET-E=36 D;S->; TO 6O:;+ 87 6ay &# treas&res in hea!en+ @5I2A One treas&re is not eno&'h for the #leas&re of this di!ine lo!er $&t he desires that )e sho&ld ha!e so "&ch treas&re that o&r treas&re "ay $e co"#osed of "any treas&resB that is to say Theoti"&s that )e are to ha!e an insatia$le desire of lo!in' God addin' contin&ally lo!e &#on lo!e+ 0hat is it that so stron'ly &r'es the $ees to increase their honey $&t the lo!e they $ear to it. O heart of "y so&l created to lo!e the infinite 'ood )hat lo!e canst tho& desire $&t this lo!e )hich is the "ost to $e desired of all lo!es( 3h( O so&l of "y heart )hat desire canst tho& lo!e $&t the "ost lo!ely of all desires( O lo!e of sacred desires( O desires of sacred lo!e( Oh( ho) ha!e - co!eted to lon' for thy #erfections+ @5I8A The dis'&sted sic2 "an has no a##etite for eatin' yet has he an a##etite to ha!e an a##etiteB he desires no "eat $&t he desires to desire it+ Theoti"&s to 2no) )hether )e lo!e God a$o!e all thin's is not in o&r #o)er &nless God hi"self re!eal it &nto &sF yet )e "ay easily 2no) )hether )e desire to lo!e hi"B and #ercei!in' the desire of holy lo!e in &s )e 2no) that )e $e'in to lo!e+ -t is o&r sens&al and ani"al #art )hich co!ets to eat $&t it is o&r reasona$le #art )hich desires this a##etiteB and $eca&se the sens&al #art does not al)ays o$ey the reasona$le #art it fre*&ently ha##ens that )e desire a##etite and cannot ha!e it+ /&t the desire of lo!in' and lo!e de#end &#on the sa"e )illF )herefore as soon as )e ha!e fra"ed the tr&e desire of lo!in' )e $e'in to ha!e so"e lo!eB and e!er as this desire 'ro)s lo!e also increases+ 5e )ho desires lo!e








ardently shall shortly lo!e )ith ardo&r+ 3h( )ho )ill 'i!e &s the 'race Theoti"&s that )e "ay $&rn )ith this desire )hich is the desire of the #oor and the #re#aration of their heart )hich God )illin'ly hears+ @5I9A 5e )ho has no ass&rance of lo!in' God is a #oor "an and if he desire to lo!e hi" he is a $e''ar $&t a $e''ar )ith the $lessed $e''ary of )hich O&r Sa!io&r has saidF /lessed are the $e''ars of s#iritB for theirs is the 2in'do" of hea!en+ @5I5A S&ch a one )as S+ 3&'&stine )hen he cried o&tF GO to lo!e( O to r&n( O to die to self( O to 'et to God(G S&ch S+ Francis sayin'F G6et "e die of thy lo!e O tho& friend of "y heart )ho hast dei'ned to die for "y lo!e+G S&ch S+ ?atharine of Genoa and the /lessed Mother (S+) Teresa )hen #antin' as the hart #ants and dyin' )ith the thirst of di!ine lo!e they si'hed o&t this )ordF 3h 6ord( 'i!e "e this )ater+ @5I6A Te"#oral co!eto&sness $y )hich )e 'reedily desire earthly treas&res is the root of all e!ilB $&t s#irit&al a!arice )here$y one si'hs incessantly after the #&re 'old of Di!ine lo!e is the root of all 'ood+ 5e )ho tr&ly desires lo!e see2s it tr&lyB and he )ho tr&ly see2s it tr&ly finds itB and he )ho has tr&ly fo&nd it has fo&nd the fo&ntain of life )hence he shall dra) sal!ation fro" the 6ord+ @5I7A 6et &s cry ni'ht and day Theoti"&sF ?o"e O 5oly S#irit( fill the hearts of thy faithf&l and 2indle in the" the fire of thy lo!e+ O hea!enly lo!e )hen )ilt tho& fill "y so&l. @5I2A Matt+ !i+ 27+ @5I8A Ps+ cC!iii+ 27+




25 @5I9A Ps+ iC+ 8I+ @5I5A Matt+ !+ 8+ Fro" the Gree2 @Tr+A 87 @5I6A ,ohn i!+ 15+ @5I7A Pro!+ !iii+ 85+ ?53PT;> ---+ 85 T53T TO 53:; T5; D;S->; OF S3?>;D 6O:; 0; 3>; TO ?=T OFF 366 OT5;> D;S->;S+ 97 0hy do ho&nds thin2 yo& Theoti"&s "ore ordinarily lose the scent or strain of their *&arry in the s#rin'-ti"e than at other ti"es. -t is as h&nters and #hiloso#hers say $eca&se the 'rass and flo)ers are then in their !i'o&r so that the !ariety of s"ells )hich they send o&t so fills the ho&ndsD sense of s"ellin' that they can neither ta2e nor follo) the scent of their 'a"e a"on' so "any scents )hich the earth eChales+ -n sooth those so&ls that e!er a$o&nd in desires desi'ns and #ro1ects ne!er desire holy celestial lo!e as they o&'ht nor can #ercei!e the deli'htf&l strain and scent of the di!ine $elo!ed )ho is co"#ared to the roe and to the little fa)n of the doe+ @5IIA


6ilies ha!e no season $&t flo)er soon or late as they are dee#er or less dee# set in the 'ro&ndF for if they $e thr&st three fin'ers only into the earth they )ill #resently $losso" $&t if they $e #&t siC or nine they co"e &# #ro#ortionately later+ -f the heart that ai"s after Di!ine lo!e $e dee#ly en'a'ed in terrene and te"#oral affairs it )ill $&d late and )ith diffic&ltyB $&t if it ha!e only so "&ch to do )ith the )orld as its condition re*&ires yo& shall see it $loo" ti"ely in lo!e and send o&t a delicio&s odo&r+ For this ca&se the Saints $etoo2 the"sel!es to deserts that $ein' freed fro" )orldly cares they "i'ht "ore ardently a##ly to hea!enly lo!e+ For this the s#o&se sh&t one of her eyes @5IKA to the end that she "i'ht 2ee# the si'ht of the other alone "ore fiCedly and there$y ta2e $etter ai" at the !ery "idst of her $elo!edDs heart )hich she desires to )o&nd )ith lo!e+ 3nd for this sa"e reason she 2ee#s her hair so #laited and 'athered &# in a tress that she see"s to ha!e one only hair )hich she "a2es &se of as a chain to $ind and $ear a)ay her s#o&seDs heart )ho" she "a2es a sla!e to her lo!e+ They )ho desire for 'ood and all to lo!e God sh&t &# their &nderstandin' fro" disco&rsin' of )orldly thin's to e"#loy it "ore earnestly in the "editation of di!ine thin's and 'ather &# all their #retensions &nder the sole intention )hich they ha!e of lo!in' only God+ 0hosoe!er desires so"ethin' )hich he desires not for God that "&ch less desires God+ 3 reli'io&s "an de"anded of the /lessed Giles )hat he co&ld do "ost 'ratef&l to GodB and he ans)ered hi" $y sin'in'F GOne to one one to oneBG that is one only so&l to one only God+ So "any desires and lo!es in a heart are li2e "any children at one $reast )ho as they cannot all s&c2 at once str&''le each one for his t&rn so that at last the fo&nt dries &#+ 5e )ho as#ires to hea!enly lo!e "&st sed&lo&sly reser!e for it his leis&re his s#irit and his affections+ @5IIA ?ant+ ii+ K+





87 @5IKA ?ant+ i!+ K+ ?53PT;> -:+ 85 T53T O=> 630F=6 O??=P3T-OES P>3?T-?-S-EG D-:-E; 6O:;+ DO EOT 5-ED;> =S F>OM



?&riosity a"$ition dis*&iet the not ad!ertin' to or not considerin' the end for )hich )e are in this )orld are the ca&ses )hy )e ha!e a tho&sand ti"es "ore hindrance than $&siness "ore )orries than )or2 "ore occ&#ation than #rofitF and these are the e"$arrass"ents Theoti"&s that is the silly !ain and s&#erfl&o&s &nderta2in's )ith )hich )e char'e o&rsel!es that t&rn &s fro" the lo!e of God and not the tr&e and la)f&l eCercises of o&r !ocations+ Da!id and after hi" S+ 6o&is in the #ress of the #erils toils and tra!ails )hich they end&red as )ell in #eace as in )ar did not cease to sin' in tr&thF 0hat ha!e - in hea!en and $esides thee )hat do - desire &#on earth. @5K7A S+ /ernard lost none of the #ro'ress )hich he desired to "a2e in this holy lo!e tho&'h he )ere in the co&rts and ar"ies of 'reat #rinces )here he la$o&red to $rin' "atters of state to the ser!ice of GodDs 'loryB he chan'ed his ha$itation $&t he chan'ed not his

heart nor did his heart chan'e its lo!e nor his lo!e its o$1ectB and to s#ea2 his o)n lan'&a'e these chan'es )ere "ade in hi" $&t not of hi" since altho&'h his e"#loy"ents )ere !ery different yet he )as indifferent to all e"#loy"ent and different fro" the" all not recei!in' the colo&r of his affairs and con!ersations as the cha"eleon does that of the #laces )here it is $&t re"ainin' e!er )holly &nited to God e!er )hite in #&rity e!er red )ith charity and e!er f&ll of h&"ility+ - a" not i'norant Theoti"&s )hat the )ise "anDs co&nsel isF 5e e!er flies the co&rt and le'al strife

17 0ho see2s to so) the seeds of holy life >arely do ca"#s effect the so&lDs increase 15 :irt&e and faith are da&'hters &nto #eace+ 3nd the -sraelites had 'ood reason to eCc&se the"sel!es to the /a$ylonians )ho &r'ed the" to sin' the sacred canticles of SionF 5o) shall )e sin' the son' of the 6ord in a stran'e land. @5K1A /&t do yo& not also "ar2 that those #oor #eo#le )ere not only a"on' the /a$ylonians $&t )ere also their ca#ti!es+ 0hoe!er is a sla!e to co&rtly fa!o&rs the #riHes of the la) the hono&rs of )ar --3las( all is o!er )ith hi" he cannot sin' the hy"n of hea!enly lo!e+ /&t he )ho is only at co&rt in )ar at the tri$&nals $y d&ty--God hel#s hi" and hea!enly s)eetness is as an e#ithe" on his heart to #reser!e hi" fro" the #la'&e )hich rei'ns in those #laces+ 0hile the #la'&e afflicted the Milanese S+ ?harles ne!er "ade any diffic&lty in fre*&entin' the ho&ses and to&chin' the #ersons that )ere infected+ Oet Theoti"&s he only fre*&ented and to&ched the" so far forth as the necessity of GodDs )or2 re*&ired nor )o&ld he for the )orld ha!e thr&st hi"self into dan'er )itho&t tr&e necessity lest he sho&ld co""it the sin of te"#tin' God+ So that he )as ne!er to&ched )ith any infection GodDs Pro!idence #reser!in' hi" )ho had so #&re a confidence in it that it had no "iCt&re either of fear or rashness+ -n li2e "anner God ta2es care of those )ho 'o not to the co&rt to the $ar to )ar eCce#t $y the necessity of their d&tyB and in that case a "an is neither to $e so scr&#&lo&s as to a$andon 'ood and la)f&l affairs $y not 'oin' nor so o!er)eenin' and #res&"#t&o&s as to 'o thither or stay there )itho&t the eC#ress necessity of d&ty and affairs+ @5K7A Ps+ lCCii+ 25+ 97 @5K1A Ps+ cCCC!i+ 9+ ?53PT;> :+ 3 :;>O S0;;T ;Q3MP6; OE T5-S S=/,;?T+ 95 God is innocent to the innocent @5K2A 'ood to the 'ood cordial to the cordial tender to)ards the tender and his lo!e often "a2es hi" do acts of a sacred and holy fondness





("i'nardise) to)ards so&ls )ho o&t of an a"oro&s #&rity and si"#licity "a2e the"sel!es as little children )ith hi"+ 5 =#on a day S+ Frances )as recitin' O&r 6adyDs Office and as it co""only ha##ens that if there is $&t one affair in the )hole day it #resses "ost at ti"e of #rayer this holy lady )as called a)ay $y her h&s$and for so"e ho&sehold "atter and fo&r s&ndry ti"es thin2in' to ta2e &# a'ain the thread of her Office she )as called fro" it a'ain and constrained to interr&#t the sa"e !erse till this $lessed affair for )hich they had so i"#ort&nately interr&#ted her #rayer $ein' finished at last )hen she ret&rned to her Office she fo&nd the !erse so often left $y o$edience and so often reco""enced $y de!otion all )ritten in fair 'olden letters )hich her de!o&t co"#anion Mada" :annocia s)ore she sa) the dear 3n'el-G&ardian of the Saint )ritin' as S+ Pa&l after)ards re!ealed to the Saint herself+ 0hat s)eetness Theoti"&s of this hea!enly s#o&se to)ards this s)eet and faithf&l lo!er( /&t "eanti"e yo& see that necessary e"#loy"ents accordin' to each oneDs !ocation do not di"inish Di!ine lo!e $&t increase it and 'ild as it )ere the )or2 of de!otion+ The ni'htin'ale lo!es her "elody no less )hen she "a2es her #a&ses than )hen she sin'sB the de!o&t heart lo!es lo!e no less )hen she t&rns to eCterior necessities than )hen she #raysF her silence and her s#eech her action and her conte"#lation her e"#loy"ent and her rest e*&ally sin' in her the hy"n of her lo!e+ @5K2A Ps+ C!ii+ 26+ 25 ?53PT;> :-+ T53T 0; 3>; TO ;MP6OO -E T5; P>3?T-?; OF D-:-E; 6O:; 366 T5; O??3S-OES T53T P>;S;ET T5;MS;6:;S+ 87 There are so&ls that "a2e 'reat #ro1ects to do eCcellent ser!ices for O&r Sa!io&r $y e"inent actions and eCtraordinary s&fferin's $&t actions and s&fferin's of )hich there is no o##ort&nity and #erha#s ne!er )ill $e and )ho &#on this a##rehend they ha!e done a 'reat "atter in lo!e in )hich they are !ery often decei!edF--as a##ears in this that e"$racin' in desire as see"s to the" 'reat f&t&re crosses they anCio&sly a!oid the $&rden of s&ch as are #resent )hich are less+ -s it not an eCtre"e te"#tation to $e so !aliant in i"a'ination and so co)ardly in eCec&tion. 3h( God #reser!e &s fro" those i"a'inary fer!o&rs )hich !ery often $reed a !ain and secret self-estee" in the $otto" of o&r hearts+ Great )or2s lie not al)ays in o&r )ay $&t e!ery "o"ent )e "ay do little ones )ith eCcellence that is )ith a 'reat lo!e+ /ehold that Saint - $e' yo& )ho $esto)s a c&# of cold )ater on the thirsty tra!ellerB he does $&t a s"all "atter in o&t)ard sho) $&t the intention the s)eetness the lo!e )ith )hich he ani"ates his )or2 is so eCcellent that it t&rns this si"#le )ater into )ater of life and of eternal life+ The $ees 'ather honey fro" the lily the fla' the roseB yet they 'et as a"#le a $ooty fro" the little "in&te rose"ary flo)ers and thy"eB yea they dra) not only "ore honey $&t e!en $etter honey fro" these for in these little !essels the honey $ein' "ore







closely loc2ed &# is 2e#t $etter+ Tr&ly in the lo) and little )or2s of de!otion charity is not only #ractised "ore fre*&ently $&t ordinarily "ore h&"$ly too and conse*&ently "ore &sef&lly and "ore holily+ 5 Those condescensions to the h&"o&rs of others that $earin' )ith the clo)nish and tro&$leso"e actions and )ays of o&r nei'h$o&r those !ictories o!er o&r o)n h&"o&rs and #assions those reno&ncin's of o&r lesser inclinations that effort a'ainst o&r a!ersions and re#&'nances that heartfelt and s)eet ac2no)led'"ent of o&r o)n i"#erfections the contin&al #ains )e ta2e to 2ee# o&r so&ls in e*&ality that lo!e of o&r a$1ection that 'entle and 'racio&s )elco"e )e 'i!e to the conte"#t and cens&re of o&r condition of o&r life of o&r con!ersation of o&r actionsF--Theoti"&s all these thin's are "ore #rofita$le to o&r so&ls than )e can concei!e if hea!enly lo!e ha!e the "ana'e"ent of the"+ /&t )e ha!e already said this to Philothea+ @5K8A @5K8A De!o&t 6ife iii+ 85+ ?53PT;> :--+ T53T 0; M=ST T34; P3-ES TO DO O=> 3?T-OES :;>O P;>F;?T6O+ 27 O&r Sa!io&r as the ancients re#ort )as )ont to say to his disci#lesF /e 'ood eCchan'ers+ -f the cro)n $e not 'ood 'old if it )ant )ei'ht if it $e not str&c2 )ith the la)f&l sta"# it is re1ected as not c&rrentF if a )or2 $e not of a 'ood s#ecies if it $e not adorned )ith charity if the intention $e not #io&s it )ill not $e ad"itted a"on'st the 'ood )or2s+ -f - fast $&t o&t of s#arin'ness "y fast is not of a 'ood "etalB if it $e o&t of te"#erance $&t - ha!e so"e "ortal sin in "y so&l the )or2 )ants )ei'ht for it is charity that 'i!es )ei'ht to all that )e doB if it $e only thro&'h co"#laisance and to acco""odate "yself to "y co"#any the )or2 is not "ar2ed )ith the sta"# of a ri'ht intentionF $&t if - fast o&t of te"#erance and $e in the 'race of God and ha!e an intention to #lease his Di!ine "a1esty $y this te"#erance the )or2 shall $e c&rrent "oney fit to a&'"ent in "e the treas&re of charity+ To do little actions )ith a 'reat #&rity of intention and )ith a stron' )ill to #lease God is to do the" eCcellently and then they 'reatly sanctify &s+ So"e eat "&ch and yet are e!er lean atten&ated and lan'&id $eca&se their di'esti!e #o)er is not 'oodB there are others )ho eat little and yet are al)ays in 'ood #li'ht and !i'oro&s $eca&se their sto"ach is 'ood+ ;!en so there are so"e so&ls that do "any 'ood )or2s and yet increase $&t little in charity $eca&se they do the" either coldly and ne'li'ently or $y nat&ral instinct and inclination rather than $y Di!ine ins#iration or hea!enly fer!o&rB and on the contrary others there are )ho 'et thro&'h little )or2 $&t do it )ith so holy a )ill and inclination that they "a2e a )onderf&l ad!ance"ent in charityB they ha!e little talent $&t they h&s$and it so faithf&lly that the 6ord lar'ely re)ards the" for it+ ?53PT;> :---+ 95 3 G;E;>36 M;3ES FO> 3PP6O-EG O=> 0O>4S TO GODDS S;>:-?;+








3ll )hatsoe!er yo& do in )ord and in )or2 do all in the na"e of ,es&s ?hrist+ @5K9A 0hether yo& eat or drin2 or )hate!er yo& do do all to the 'lory of God+ @5K5A These are the )ords of the Di!ine 3#ostleB )hich as the 'reat S+ Tho"as says in eC#lainin' the" are s&fficiently #&t in #ractice )hen )e ha!e the ha$it of holy charity )here$y tho&'h )e ha!e not an eC#ress and set #&r#ose of doin' e!ery )or2 for God that intention is i"#licitly contained in the &nion and co""&nion )e ha!e )ith God )hich dedicates all the 'ood )e can do )ith o&rsel!es to his Di!ine 'oodness+ -t is not necessary that a child )hile li!in' in the ho&se and &nder the a&thority of his father sho&ld declare that all he 'ets is 'ot for his fatherB for since his #erson $elon's to his father all that de#ends on it also $elon's to hi"+ So it s&ffices that )e $e GodDs children $y lo!e to "a2e all that )e do entirely directed to his 'lory+ -t is tr&e then Theoti"&s that as )e ha!e said else)here e!en as the oli!e-tree set near &nto the !ine i"#arts &nto it its sa!o&r so charity $ein' near the other !irt&es co""&nicates &nto the" its #erfection+ Oet tr&e it is also that if one en'raft a !ine &#on an oli!e it not only "ore #erfectly co""&nicates its taste $&t also "a2es it share in its sa#B so do yo& not content yo&rself )ith ha!in' charity and to'ether )ith it the #ractice of !irt&es $&t endea!o&r that it "ay $e $y and for it that yo& #ractise the" that they "ay $e ri'htly ascri$ed &nto it+ 0hen a #ainter holds and '&ides a #&#ilDs hand the stro2e that is "ade is #rinci#ally attri$&ted to the #ainter $eca&se tho&'h the #&#il indeed contri$&ted the "otion of his hand and a##lication of the $r&sh yet the "aster also for his #art did so "in'le his "o!e"ent )ith the #&#ilDs 'i!in' the to&ch thro&'h hi" that to the "aster is s#ecially attri$&ted the hono&r of )hate!er is 'ood in the stro2e tho&'h yet the a##rentice is also #raised $eca&se of the #lia$leness )ith )hich he acco""odated his "o!e"ent to the direction of his "aster+ Oh( ho) eCcellent are the actions of the !irt&es )hen Di!ine lo!e i"#resses its sacred "o!e"ent on the" that is )hen they are done o&t of the "oti!e of lo!e( /&t this ha##ens in different )ays+ The "oti!e of Di!ine lo!e #o&rs forth a #artic&lar infl&ence of #erfection &#on the !irt&o&s actions of those )ho ha!e in a s#ecial "anner dedicated the"sel!es to God to ser!e hi" for e!er+ S&ch are $isho#s and #riests )ho $y a sacra"ental consecration and $y a s#irit&al character that cannot $e effaced !o) the"sel!es as $randed and "ar2ed serfs to the #er#et&al ser!ice of GodB s&ch are reli'io&s )ho $y their !o)s either sole"n or si"#le are i""olated to God in *&ality of li!in' and reasona$le sacrificesB s&ch are those )ho $eta2e the"sel!es to #io&s con're'ations dedicatin' the"sel!es for e!er to GodDs 'loryB f&rther s&ch are all those )ho of set #&r#ose #rod&ce dee# and stron' resol&tions of follo)in' the )ill of God "a2in' for this end retreats of so"e days that they "ay stir &# their so&ls $y di!ers s#irit&al eCercises to the entire refor"ation of their life--a holy "ethod and ordinary a"on' the ancient ?hristians $&t since al"ost entirely left off till that 'reat ser!ant of God -'nati&s of 6oyola $ro&'ht it into &se a'ain in the ti"e of o&r fathers+ - 2no) that so"e are of o#inion that s&ch a 'eneral o$lation of o&rsel!es does not eCtend its !irt&e and carry its infl&ence into the actions )hich )e #ractise after)ards eCce#t so far forth as in the eCercise of the" )e a##ly the "oti!e of lo!e in #artic&lar $y dedicatin' the" in a s#ecial "anner to the 'lory of GodB yet all confess )ith S+








/ona!ent&re *&oted $y e!ery one in this "atter that if - ha!e resol!ed in "y heart to 'i!e a h&ndred cro)ns for GodDs sa2e tho&'h after)ards - "a2e the distri$&tion of this s&" at leis&re ha!in' "y "ind distracted and )itho&t attention yet is all the distri$&tion "ade thro&'h lo!e $eca&se it #roceeds fro" the first intention )hich Di!ine lo!e "ade "e "a2e of 'i!in' it all+ /&t #rithee Theoti"&s )hat difference is there $et)een hi" )ho offers a h&ndred cro)ns to God and hi" )ho offers all his actions. Tr&ly none sa!e that the one offers a s&" of "oney and the other a s&" of actions+ 3nd )hy - #ray shall they not e*&ally $e considered to "a2e the distri$&tion of the #arts of their s&" in !irt&e of their first #&r#oses and f&nda"ental resol&tions. 3nd if the one distri$&tin' his cro)ns )itho&t attention fails not to ha!e the ad!anta'e of that first #&r#ose )hy shall not the other in the distri$&tion of his actions en1oy the fr&it of the first intention. 5e )ho has deli$erately "ade hi"self a lo!in' ser!ant of his di!ine 'oodness has $y that act dedicated to hi" all his actions+ Gro&ndin' hi"self &#on this tr&th e!ery one sho&ld once in his life "a2e a 'ood retreat therein to cleanse his so&l fro" all sin and sho&ld then "a2e a deter"ined and solid resol&tion to li!e )holly to God as )e ha!e ta&'ht in the first #art of the -ntrod&ction to a De!o&t 6ifeB and after)ards at least once e!ery year he "&st "a2e the re!ie) of his conscience and the rene)al of the first resol&tion )hich )e ha!e #&t do)n in the fifth #art of that )or2 to )hich on this #oint - refer yo&+ -ndeed S+ /ona!ent&re ac2no)led'es that a "an )ho has 'ot so 'reat an inclination and c&sto" of )ell-doin' as fre*&ently to do it )itho&t any s#ecial intention fails not to "erit "&ch $y s&ch actionsB )hich are enno$led $y lo!e $eca&se they s#rin' fro" lo!e as fro" the root and ori'inal so&rce of this $lessed ha$it facility and #ro"#tit&de+ @5K9A 1 ?or+ C+ 81+





87 @5K5A ?ol+ iii+ 17+ ?53PT;> -Q+ 85 OF ?;>T3-E OT5;> M;3ES /O 05-?5 0; M3O 3PP6O O=> 0O>4S MO>; P3>T-?=63>6O TO T5; 6O:; OF GOD+ 0hen #ea-hens hatch in !ery )hite #laces their yo&n' ones are also )hiteF and )hen o&r intentions are in the lo!e of God )hilst )e #ro1ect so"e 'ood )or2 or &nderta2e so"e !ocation all the actions that iss&e thence ta2e their )orth and deri!e their no$ility fro" the lo!e )hence they ha!e their ori'inB for )ho does not see that the actions )hich are #ro#er to "y !ocation and re*&isite to "y desi'n de#end on this first election and resol&tion )hich - ha!e "ade. Oet Theoti"&s one "&st not stay thereB $&t to "a2e eCcellent #ro'ress in de!otion )e "&st not only in the $e'innin' of o&r con!ersion and after)ards e!ery year address all o&r life and all o&r actions to God $&t )e "&st also offer the" to hi" e!ery day follo)in' the Mornin' ;Cercise )hich )e ha!e ta&'ht PhilotheaB for in this daily



rene)in' of o&r o$lation )e s#read the !i'o&r and !irt&e of lo!e &#on o&r actions $y a fresh &nitin' of o&r heart )ith the Di!ine 'lory $y "eans )hereof it is e!er "ore and "ore sanctified+ 5 /esides this let &s a h&ndred and a h&ndred ti"es a day &nite o&r life to Di!ine lo!e $y the #ractice of e1ac&latory #rayers ele!ations of heart and s#irit&al retire"entsB for these holy eCercises castin' and liftin' o&r s#irits contin&ally into God $ear also &# to hi" all o&r actions+ 3nd ho) co&ld it $e - #ray yo& that a so&l )ho at e!ery "o"ent darts &# &nto the Di!ine 'oodness and )ho incessantly $reathes )ords of lo!e in order to 2ee# her heart al)ays lod'ed in the $oso" of her hea!enly Father sho&ld not $e considered to do all her )or2s in God and for God. She )ho saysF G3h( 6ord - a" thine--My $elo!ed is )holly "ine and - - a" all his-My God tho& art "y all--O ,es&s tho& art "y life--3h( )ho )ill do "e the fa!o&r that "ay die to "yself that - "ay li!e only to thee--O to lo!e( to ad!ance( to die to self( O to li!e to God( O to $e in God( O God )hatsoe!er is not thy !ery self is nothin' to "e(G--she - say does she not contin&ally dedicate her actions to her hea!enly s#o&se. O ho) $lessed is the so&l )ho has once for all "ade the offstri##in' and the #erfect resi'nation of herself in and into the hands of God )hereof )e ha!e s#o2en a$o!e(--for after)ards she )ill only need to "a2e one little si'h and one loo2 at God to rene) and confir" her offstri##in' resi'nation and o$lation to'ether )ith the #rotestation that she )ishes nothin' $&t God and for God and neither lo!es herself nor anythin' in the )orld sa!e in God and for the lo!e of God+ The eCercise then of contin&al as#irations is !ery &sef&l for !i!ifyin' all o&r )or2s )ith lo!eB $&t es#ecially does it "ost a$&ndantly s&ffice for the s"all and ordinary actions of o&r lifeB for as to heroic )or2s and "atters of conse*&ence it is eC#edient if )e intend to "a2e any 'reat #rofit to &se the ens&in' "ethod as - ha!e already in $rief declared else)here+ @5K6A 6et &s in these occ&rrences ele!ate o&r heart and s#irit to GodB let &s )ith dee# consideration and eCtended tho&'ht #onder on eternity so holy and so 'lorio&sB let &s $ehold ho) thro&'ho&t eternity the Di!ine 'oodness tenderly cherished &s #re#arin' all s&ita$le "eans for o&r sal!ation and #ro'ress in his lo!e and in #artic&lar the chance of doin' the 'ood )hich no) #resents itself to &s or s&fferin' the e!il )hich has co"e &#on &sF this done s#readin' o&t if - "ay so s#ea2 and liftin' &# the ar"s of o&r consent let &s e"$race dearly fer!ently and "ost a"oro&sly the 'ood that #resents itself to $e done or the e!il that "&st $e s&ffered in consideration of this that it has $een eternally )illed $y God to #lease hi" and to o$ey his Pro!idence+ /ehold the 'reat S+ ?harles )hen the #la'&e attac2ed his diocese+ 5e lifted &# his heart to God and reflected attenti!ely that in the eternity of Di!ine Pro!idence this sco&r'e )as #re#ared and deter"ined for his floc2 and that the sa"e Pro!idence had ordained that in this their sco&r'e he sho&ld ta2e a "ost tender care to ser!e solace and cordially assist the afflicted since in this occ&rrence he fo&nd hi"self the 'hostly father #astor and $isho# of that #ro!ince+ 0here&#on re#resentin' to hi"self the 'reatness of the #ains toils and haHards )hich it )o&ld $e inc&"$ent on hi" to &nder'o in that $ehalf he i""olated hi"self in s#irit to GodDs 'ood-#leas&re and tenderly 2issin' this his









cross he cried fro" the $otto" of his heart in i"itation of S+ 3ndre)F G- sal&te thee O #recio&s cross - sal&te thee O $lessed tri$&lation( O holy affliction ho) deli'htf&l tho& art since tho& didst iss&e fro" the lo!in' $reast of this Father of eternal "ercy )ho )illed thee fro" all eternity and ordained thee for "y dear #eo#le and "e( O cross "y heart )ills thee since the heart of "y God has )illed theeB O cross "y so&l cherishes and e"$races thee )ith its )hole affection(G -n this sort )e are to &nderta2e the 'ra!est affairs and to "eet the shar#est tri$&lations that can $efal &s+ /&t if they #ro!e to $e of lon' contin&ance )e "&st fro" ti"e to ti"e and !ery fre*&ently re#eat this eCercise that )e "ay "ore #rofita$ly contin&e o&r &nion )ith GodDs 'ood )ill and #leas&re #rono&ncin' this short yet )holly di!ine #rotestation of his SonB Oea eternal Father for so it hath see"ed 'ood in thy si'ht+ @5K7A O God Theoti"&s )hat treas&res are in this #ractice( @5K6A /oo2 !iii+ 19+ @5K7A Matt+ Ci+ 26+ ?53PT;> Q+



27 3E ;Q5O>T3T-OE TO T5; S3?>-F-?; 05-?5 0; 3>; TO M34; TO GOD OF O=> F>;;-0-66+ 25 - 3dd to the sacrifice of S+ ?harles that of the 'reat #atriarch 3$raha" as a li!ely i"a'e of the "ost stron' and loyal lo!e that co&ld $e i"a'ined in any creat&re+ ?ertainly he sacrificed all the stron'est nat&ral inclinations he co&ld ha!e had )hen hearin' the !oice of God sayin' to hi"F Go forth o&t of thy co&ntry and fro" thy 2indred and o&t of thy fatherDs ho&se and co"e into the land )hich - shall sho) thee @5KIA he )ent forth at once and )ith s#eed #&t hi"self &#on the )ay not 2no)in' )hither he )ent+ @5KKA The dear lo!e of co&ntry the s)eetness of the society of his 2indred the #leas&res of his fatherDs ho&se did not sha2e his constancyB he de#arts $oldly and )ith fer!o&r and 'oes )hither it shall #lease God to cond&ct hi"+ 0hat a$ne'ation Theoti"&s )hat ren&nciation( One cannot #erfectly lo!e God &nless one forsa2e affections for #erisha$le thin's+ /&t this is nothin' in co"#arison )ith )hat he did after)ards )hen God callin' hi" t)ice and seein' his #ro"#tit&de in ans)erin' said to hi"F Ta2e thy only-$e'otten son -saac )ho" tho& lo!est and 'o into the land of !isionF and there tho& shalt offer hi" for a holoca&st &#on one of the "o&ntains )hich - )ill sho) thee+ @677A For $ehold this 'reat "an settin' o&t i""ediately )ith his so lo!ed and a"ia$le son 'oes three daysD 1o&rney co"es to the foot of the "o&ntain lea!es there his ser!ant and ass loads his son -saac )ith the )ood necessary for the holoca&st hi"self carryin' the s)ord and the fireB and as he ascends this dear child says to hi"F My fatherB and he ans)ersF 0hat )ilt tho& son+ /ehold saith he fire and )ood $&t )here is the !icti" for the holoca&st. 3nd 3$raha" saidF God )ill #ro!ide hi"self a !icti" for the holoca&st "y son+ 3nd "ean)hile they arri!e at the to# of the a##ointed "o&ntain )here 3$raha" no) constr&cts an altar lays the )ood in order &#on it $inds his -saac and #laces hi"





&#on the #ileB he eCtends his ri'ht hand lays hold of and #re#ares his s)ord lifts his ar" and as he is ready to des#atch the $lo) in order to i""olate the child the an'el calls to hi" fro" a$o!eF 3$raha" 3$raha"+ 3nd he ans)eredF 5ere - a"+ 3nd the an'el said to hi"F 6ay not thy hand &#on the $oy+ -t is eno&'hF Eo) - 2no) that tho& fearest God and least not s#ared thy only-$e'otten son for "y sa2e+ =#on this -saac is &ntied 3$raha" ta2es a ra" )hich he finds han'in' $y the horns in the $ra"$les and sacrifices it+ Theoti"&s he )ho loo2eth on his nei'h$o&rDs )ife to l&st after her hath already co""itted ad&ltery )ith her in his heart @671A and he )ho $indeth his son in order to i""olate hi" has already sacrificed hi" in his heart+ /ehold then for GodDs lo!e )hat a holoca&st this holy "an offered in his heart( -nco"#ara$le sacrifice )hich one cannot f&lly esti"ate nor yet #raise to the f&ll( My God( )ho is a$le to discern )hich of the t)o lo!es )as 'reater--3$raha"Ds )ho to #lease God sacrifices so a"ia$le a child or this childDs )ho to #lease God is *&ite )illin' to $e sacrificed and to that end #er"its hi"self to $e $o&nd and eCtended &#on the )ood and as a tender little la"$ #eacea$ly a)aits deathDs $lo) fro" the dear hand of his 'ood father. For "y #art - #refer the father in lon'ani"ity yet dare - )ithal $oldly 'i!e the #riHe of "a'nani"ity to the sonF for on the one side it is indeed a "ar!el $&t not so 'reat a one that 3$raha" already old and acco"#lished in the science of lo!in' God and fortified )ith the late !ision and )ord of God sho&ld "a2e this last effort of loyalty and lo!e to)ards a "aster )hose s)eetness and #ro!idence he had so often tasted and relishedB $&t to see -saac in the s#rin'-ti"e of his a'e as yet a "ere no!ice and a##rentice in the art of lo!in' his God offer hi"self &#on the si"#le )ord of his father to the s)ord and the fla"e to $eco"e a holoca&st of o$edience to the Di!ine )ill is a thin' that #asses all ad"iration+ Oet on the other side do yo& not see Theoti"&s that 3$raha" tosses and t&rns in his so&l "ore than three days the $itter tho&'ht and resol&tion of this shar# sacrifice. Do yo& not feel co"#assion for his fatherly heart )hen ascendin' alone )ith his son this child si"#ler than a do!e said &nto hi"F Father )here is the !icti". and he ans)ered hi"F God )ill #ro!ide for that "y son+ Do yo& not thin2 that the s)eetness of this child carryin' the )ood &#on his sho&lders and #ilin' it after)ards &#on the altar "ade his fatherDs $o)els "elt )ith tenderness. O heart )hich the an'els ad"ire and God "a'nifies( O Sa!io&r ,es&s )hen shall it then $e that ha!in' sacrificed to thee all that )e ha!e )e shall also offer &# to thee all that )e are. 0hen shall )e offer &nto thee o&r free-)ill the only child of o&r s#irit. 0hen shall )e eCtend and tie it &#on the f&neral #ile of thy cross of thy thorns of thy lance that as a little la"$ it "ay $e a 'ratef&l !icti" of thy 'ood #leas&re to die and to $&rn )ith the fla"e and $y the s)ord of thy holy lo!e. O free-)ill of "y heart ho) 'ood a thin' )ere it for thee to $e $o&nd and eCtended &#on the cross of thy di!ine Sa!io&r( 5o) desira$le a thin' it is to die to thyself to $&rn for e!er a holoca&st to the 6ord( Theoti"&s o&r free-)ill is ne!er so free as )hen it is a sla!e to the )ill of God nor e!er so "&ch a sla!e as )hen it ser!es o&r o)n )ill+ -t ne!er has so "&ch life as )hen it dies to itself nor e!er so "&ch death as )hen it li!es to itself+










0e ha!e freedo" to do 'ood or e!ilB yet to "a2e choice of e!il is not to &se $&t to a$&se o&r freedo"+ 6et &s reno&nce this "isera$le li$erty and let &s for e!er s&$1ect o&r free-)ill to the r&le of hea!enly lo!eF let &s $eco"e sla!es of lo!e )hose serfs are "ore ha##y than 2in's+ 3nd if e!er o&r so&l sho&ld offer to e"#loy her li$erty a'ainst o&r resol&tions of ser!in' God eternally and )itho&t reser!e --Oh( in that case for GodDs sa2e let &s sacrifice o&r free-)ill and "a2e it die to itself that it "ay li!e to God( 5e that )o&ld for self-lo!e 2ee# it in this )orld shall lose it in the other and he that shall lose it in this )orld for the lo!e of God shall 2ee# it for the sa"e lo!e in the other+ 5e that 'i!es it li$erty in this )orld shall find it a serf and sla!e in the other and he that shall "a2e it ser!e the cross in this )orld shall ha!e it free in the other )here $ein' in the fr&ition of the Di!ine 'oodness li$erty )ill $e con!erted into lo!e and lo!e into li$erty--a li$erty of infinite s)eetnessF--)itho&t effort #ain or any re#&'nance )e shall &nchan'ea$ly for e!er lo!e the ?reator and Sa!io&r of o&r so&ls+ @5KIA Gen+ Cii+ 1+ @5KKA 5e$+ Ci+ I+



@677A Gen+ CCii+ 1+ @671A Matt+ !+ 2I+ ?53PT;> Q-+

25 T5; MOT-:;S 0; 53:; OF 5O6O 6O:;+ S+ /ona!ent&re Father 6o&is of Granada Father 6o&is de Ponte Father Die'o di Stella ha!e s&fficiently disco&rsed &#on this s&$1ect+ - )ill only s&" &# those #oints on )hich - ha!e to&ched in this treatise+ The di!ine 'oodness considered in itself is not only the first "oti!e of all $&t also the 'reatest the "ost no$le and "ost "i'hty+ For it is that )hich ra!ishes the /lessed and cro)ns their felicity+ 5o) can one ha!e a heart and yet not lo!e so infinite a 'oodness. This s&$1ect is treated to so"e eCtent in cha#ters i+ and ii+ of /oo2 --+ and fro" cha#ter !iii+ to the and of /oo2 ---+ and in cha#ter iC+ of /oo2 Q+ The second "oti!e is that of GodDs nat&ral Pro!idence to)ards &s of creation and #reser!ation as )e say in cha#ter iii+ of /oo2 --+ 97 The third "oti!e is that of GodDs s&#ernat&ral Pro!idence o!er &s and of the >ede"#tion he has #re#ared for &s as is eC#lained in cha#ters i!+ !+ !i+ !ii+ of /oo2 --+ 95 The fo&rth "oti!e is to consider ho) God $rin's to effect this Pro!idence and >ede"#tion 'i!in' e!ery one all the 'races and assistances re*&ired for sal!ationB )hich )e handle in /oo2 --+ fro" cha#ter !iii+ and in /oo2 ---+ fro" the $e'innin' to cha#ter !i+



The fifth "oti!e is the eternal 'lory )hich the Di!ine 'oodness has #ro!ided for &s )hich is the cro)n of GodDs $enefits to)ards &sF of )hich )e ha!e said so"ethin' fro" cha#ter iC+ to the end of /oo2 ---+ 5 ?53PT;> Q--+ 3 MOST =S;F=6 M;T5OD OF ;MP6OO-EG T5;S; MOT-:;S+ 17 Eo) to recei!e fro" these "oti!es a #rofo&nd and stron' heat of lo!e it is necessary 1W that after ha!in' considered one of the" in a 'eneral )ay )e a##ly it in #artic&lar to o&rsel!es+ For eCa"#leF O ho) a"ia$le this 'reat God is )ho o&t of his infinite 'oodness 'a!e his son for the )hole )orldDs rede"#tion( Oes indeed for all in 'eneral $&t in #artic&lar for "e )ho a" the first of sinners+ @672A 3h( he hath lo!ed "e yea say he hath lo!ed e!en "e e!en "e "yself s&ch as - a" and deli!ered hi"self to his Passion for "e+ @678A 2W+ 0e "&st consider the Di!ine $enefits in their first and eternal so&rce+ O God( Theoti"&s )hat lo!e can )e ha!e s&fficiently )orthy of the infinite 'oodness of o&r ?reator )ho fro" all eternity deter"ined to create #reser!e 'o!ern redee" sa!e and 'lorify all in 'eneral and each in #artic&lar. 3h( )hat )as - then )hen - )as not. 0hat )as -. )ho no) $ein' so"ethin' a" yet $&t a si"#le and #oor )or" of the earth. 3nd still God fro" the a$yss of his eternity tho&'ht tho&'hts of $enediction in "y $ehalf. 5e considered and desi'ned yea deter"ined the ho&r of "y $irth of "y $a#tis" of all the ins#irations that he )o&ld $esto) &#on "eB in a )ord all the $enefits he )o&ld do and offer "e+ 3h( is there a s)eetness li2e &nto this s)eetness. 8W+ 0e "&st consider the Di!ine $enefits in their second and "eritorio&s so&rceB for do yo& not 2no) Theoti"&s that the 5i'h Priest of the 6a) )ore &#on his $ac2 and &#on his $oso" the na"es of the children of -srael that is the #recio&s stones &#on )hich the na"es of the chiefs of -srael )ere en'ra!en. 3h( $ehold ,es&s o&r chief $isho# and see ho) fro" the instant of his conce#tion he $ore &s &#on his sho&lders &nderta2in' the char'e of redee"in' &s $y his death e!en the death of the cross+ O Theoti"&s Theoti"&s this so&l of O&r Sa!io&r 2ne) &s all $y na"e and $y s&rna"eB $&t a$o!e all in the day of his Passion )hen he offered his tears his #rayers his $lood and his life for all he $reathed in #artic&lar for thee these tho&'hts of lo!eF 3h( "y eternal Father ta2e to "yself and char'e "yself )ith all #oor Theoti"&sDs sins to &nder'o tor"ents and death that he "ay $e freed fro" the" and that he "ay not #erish $&t li!e+ 6et "e die so he "ay li!eB let "e $e cr&cified so he "ay $e 'lorified+ O so!erei'n lo!e of the 5eart of ,es&s )hat heart can e!er $less thee as de!otedly as it o&'ht( Th&s )ithin his "aternal $reast his di!ine heart foresa) dis#osed "erited and o$tained all the $enefits )e ha!e not only in 'eneral for all $&t also in #artic&lar for each one and his $reasts of s)eetness #ro!ided for &s the "il2 of his infl&ences his attractions his ins#irations and the s)eetnesses $y )hich he dra)s cond&cts and no&rishes o&r hearts to eternal life+ /enefits do not infla"e &s &nless )e $ehold the eternal )ill )hich destines the" for &s and the 5eart of O&r Sa!io&r )ho has "erited the" for &s $y so "any #ains es#ecially in his death and #assion+








@672A 1 Ti"+ i+ 15+ @678A Gal+ ii+ 27+ 5 ?53PT;> Q---+ T53T MO=ET ?36:3>O -S T5; 3?3D;MO OF 6O:;+ 17 3nd at last as o&r concl&sion --the death and #assion of O&r 6ord is the s)eetest and "ost constrainin' "oti!e that can ani"ate o&r hearts in this "ortal lifeF and it is the !ery tr&th that "ystical $ees "a2e their "ost eCcellent honey )ithin the )o&nds of this 6ion of the tri$e of ,&dah slain rent and torn &#on the Mo&nt of ?al!ary+ 3nd the children of the cross 'lory in their ad"ira$le #ro$le" )hich the )orld &nderstands notF O&t of death the eater of all has co"e forth the "eat of o&r consolationB and o&t of death stron' a$o!e all has co"e forth the s)eetness of the honey of o&r lo!e+ @679A O ,es&s "y Sa!io&r ho) lo!e-)orthy is thy death since it is the so!erei'n effect of thy lo!e( So in the 'lory of hea!en a$o!e neCt to the Di!ine 'oodness 2no)n and considered in itself O&r Sa!io&rDs death shall "ost #o)erf&lly ra!ish the $lessed s#irits in the lo!in' of God+ 3s a si'n )hereof in the Transfi'&ration )here )e ha!e a 'li"#se of hea!en Moses and ;lias tal2ed )ith O&r Sa!io&r of the ;Ccess @675A )hich he )as to acco"#lish in ,er&sale"+ /&t of )hat eCcess if not of that eCcess of lo!e $y )hich life )as forced fro" the lo!er to $e $esto)ed on the )ell-$elo!ed. So that in the eternal canticle - i"a'ine to "yself that this 1oyo&s eCcla"ation )ill $e re#eated e!ery "o"entF 6i!e ,es&s li!e )hose death doth #ro!e 87 The "i'ht s&#re"e of hea!enly lo!e+ Theoti"&s Mo&nt ?al!ary is the "o&nt of lo!ers+ 3ll lo!e that ta2es not its $e'innin' fro" O&r Sa!io&rDs Passion is fri!olo&s and dan'ero&s+ =nha##y is death )itho&t the lo!e of the Sa!io&r &nha##y is lo!e )itho&t the death of the Sa!io&r( 6o!e and death are so "in'led in the Passion of O&r Sa!io&r that )e cannot ha!e the one in o&r heart )itho&t the other+ =#on ?al!ary one cannot ha!e life )itho&t lo!e nor lo!e )itho&t the death of O&r >edee"er+ /&t eCce#t there all is either eternal death or eternal lo!eF and all ?hristian )isdo" consists in choosin' ri'htlyB and to assist yo& in that - ha!e "ade this treatise "y Theoti"&s+ D&rin' this "ortal life )e "&st choose eternal lo!e or eternal death there is no "iddle choice+ 95 O eternal lo!e "y so&l desires and "a2es choice of thee eternally( 3h( co"e 5oly S#irit and infla"e o&r hearts )ith thy lo!e( To lo!e or to die( To die and to lo!e( To die to all other lo!e in order to li!e to ,es&sDs lo!e that )e "ay not die eternally $&t that li!in' in thy eternal lo!e O Sa!io&r of o&r so&ls )e "ay eternally sin'F :i!e ,Rs&s( -






lo!e ,es&s+ 6i!e ,es&s )ho" - lo!e( - lo!e ,es&s )ho li!es and rei'ns for e!er and e!er+ 3"en+ 5 May these thin's Theoti"&s )hich $y the 'race and hel# of charity ha!e $een )ritten to yo&r charity so ta2e root in yo&r heart that this charity "ay find in yo& the fr&it of 'ood )or2s not the lea!es of #raises+ 3"en+ /lessed $e God( 3nd th&s - close this )hole treatise in the )ords )ith )hich S+ 3&'&stine ended an ad"ira$le ser"on on charity )hich he "ade $efore an ill&strio&s asse"$ly+ T5; ;ED+ @679A ,&d'es Ci!+ 19+ @675A ;Ccess&" 6&2e iC+ 81+


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