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Edik if aH wmfat;csr;f om,ma&;ESifh zGUH NzKd ;a&;aumifpD

Ouú| Adv
k fcsKyfrSL;BuD;oef;a&T
rav;&S m;bk&ifxH o0PfvTmay;ydhk
1371 ckESpf? awmfovif;vqef; 12 &uf? 2009 ckESpf? Mo*kwf 31 &uf? wevFmaeY? twGJ (48)? trSwf (330)
aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 31

Edik if aH wmf0efBu;D csKyf aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 31

2009ckESpf Mo*kwf 31&ufwGif usa&mufaom rav;&Sm;
2009ckESpf Mo*kwf 31&ufwiG f usa&mufaom rav;&Sm;Edik if \
(52)ESpaf jrmuf vGwv f yfa&;aeU tcgor,ü jynfaxmifpjk refrmEdik if aH wmf

Adv k cf sKyBf u;D ode;f pdef Edkiif H\ (52)ESpaf jrmuf vGwv f yfa&;aeU tcgor,ü jynfaxmifpk Edkiif Hawmfat;csr;f om,ma&;ESihf zGHUNzdK;a&;aumifpDOuú| Adkvcf sKyfrSL;BuD;
jrefrmEdkiif Hawmf Edkiif Hawmf0efBuD;csKyf Adkvcf sKyfBuD;ode;f pdex
f HrS
rav;&Sm;0efBuD;csKyfxH rav;&Sm;Edkiif H 0efBuD;csKyf 'gwdk q&D rdk[mruf em*spf bif wGe;f
oef;a&TxHrS rav;&Sm;Edkiif Hbk&if wGru
t,fvrf m[Ge;f qlvw f ef rmrGwtf ,fvrf w
f l rDZef Zdkief ,f tbD'if tpfbeD
k mzD bDvm; &Sm;xHoUkd 0rf;ajrmuf
o0PfvTmay;ydkh [m*sD tAÁ'l &mZwfxo H Ukd 0rf;ajrmufaMumif; o0PfvmT ay;ydUk onf/
(owif;pOf) aMumif; o0PfvTmay;ydkUonf/ (owif;pOf)

uk;d uefah 'o zGH NU zdK;wkd;wufa&; yl;aygif;aqmif&GufrIrsm;twGuf EkdifiHawmftpkd;&utodtrSwfjyK

uk;d uefah 'owGif jzpfymG ;cJaU om Oya'azmufzsufusL;vGerf rI sm;rSm
OD;zkeMf um;&Sitf ygt0if yk*Kd¾ vf(4)OD;ESio Uf moufqidk f
rodem;rvnfbJvkdufygaqmif&GufcJUMuol ukd;uefhvufeufudkifwyfzJ G U0ifrsm;tm;
Oya'abmiftwGi;f vkjH cH Kpdwcf spGm jyefvnf0ifa&mufaexkid cf iG jUf yK
jynfaxmifpjk refrmEkid if aH wmf tpk;d &tzGJ U aMunmcsuftrSwf (1^2009) xkwfjyef
aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 30 wGif zrf;qD;cJhjcif;tay: n§Ed Idi;f ajz&Si;f aomfvnf; ajyvnfrIr&Sjd cif;aMumifh tqdkyg &JwyfzJGU0ifrsm;udk
jynfaxmifpkjrefrmEkid if Hawmf tpk;d &tzGJU aMunmcsut f rSwf (1^2009)ukd 2009ckESp?f Mo*kwf u,fq,f&ef pDpOfaqmif&u G cf Jh&ygonf/ xdkokdY aqmif&u G &f mwGif Edkiif HawmfvkHjcHKa&;wyfzJGU0ifrsm;udk
30&ufpJGjzifh xkwjf yefaMunmvku d o f nf/ aMunmcsut f jynfhtpkHrSm atmufygtwkid ;f jzpfonf- udk;uefYwyfzJUG 0ifrsm;u pwifypfcwfojzifh rdrw d yfzJUG 0ifrsm;\ vkHjcHKa&;? zrf;qD;cHxm;&aom &JwyfzJUG 0if
rsm;\ vkHjcHKa&;wdkYtwGuf jyefvnfypfcwf &Si;f vif;cJh&ygonf/ xdkypfcwfrIrsm;onf 29-8-2009&ufaeY
jynfaxmifpkjrefrmEkid if Hawmftpk;d &tzGJ U wGif tqkH;owfcJhygonf/
aMunmcsut f rSw(f 1^2009) 4/ ,cktcg e,fajrat;csr;f aeNyDjzpfí e,fajrat;csr;f wnfNidraf &;ESihf a'ozGHU NzdK;wdk;wufa&;wdkYukd
1371ckESp?f awmfovif;vqef; 11&uf ykHrSet
f wdki;f aqmif&u G af eNyDjzpf&m Edkiif Hawmftpdk;&\ OD;aqmifrIatmufwiG f txl;a'o (1) udk;ueft Y zGJU
rS topfzJGUpnf;vdkuaf om uk;d uefYa'o ,m,DOD;pD;aumfrwDuvnf; yg0ifyl;aygif; aqmif&u G vf suf
(2009ckESp?f Mo*kwv f 30 &uf) &Sdygonf/
1/ &Sr;f jynfe,f(ajrmufykdi;f ) txl;a'o(1) udk;uefUtzJUG onf 1989ckESp?f rwfv (21)&ufaeYrSpí 5/ udk;uefUa'owGif jzpfymG ;cJhaom Oya'azmufzsuu f sL;vGerf Irsm;rSm txufyg yk*K¾d vf (4)OD;ESiho f m
Oya'abmiftwGi;f 0ifa&mufcJhygonf/ tqdkygaeU&ufrS ,cktcsdex f d Edkiif Hawmftpdk;&ESihf yl;aygif; oufqkdiNf yD; usev f lrsm;ESihf roufqkdiyf g/ xdkUjyif ypfcwfrIrsm;wGif Oya'azmufzsuu f sL;vGeo f l
vsuf e,fajra'ownfNidraf t;csr;f a&;? a'ozGHUNzdK;wdk;wufa&;wdkUukd aqmif&u G cf Jhjcif;aMumifh udk;uefY r[kwfbJ wpfzufowftrdefUt& vdkufygaqmif&Guf&aom wyfzGJU0ifrsm;taejzifh rod^em;rvnfbJ
a'oonf ,cifumvrsm;ESihrf wlbJ txl;zGHUNzdK;wdk;wufcJhNyD; jynfolvlxktaejzihf vGepf mG pdwcf sr;f ajrhcJh vdkuyf gaqmif&u G cf Jh&aMumif; od&eSd m;vnfoabmaygufygonf/ xdkUaMumifh rod^em;rvnfbJ aqmif&u G f
Muygonf/ xdkuJhokUd Edkiif Hawmftpdk;&ESihf yl;aygif;aqmif&u G rf Irsm;twGuf Edkiif Hawmftpdk;&taejzifhvnf; cJhMuol udk;uefU vufeufukdiw f yfzJGU0ifrsm;tm; Oya'abmiftwGi;f vkHjcHKpdwcf spmG jyefvnf0ifa&muf
todtrSwfjyKygonf/ aexdkicf iG hjf yKrnfjzpfí udk;uefUwyfzJUG 0ifrsm;taejzifh avmufukid Nf rdKU&Sd udk;uefUa'o ,m,DOD;pD;aumfrwDokUd
2/ odkU&mwGif txl;a'o (1)tzJUG acgif;aqmifrsm;jzpfaom OD;zkeMf um;&Si?f OD;zkeMf umzl;? OD;zkew f m&TiEf Sihf qufo, G 0f ifa&mufMu&ef aMunmvdkuo f nf/
OD;zkefwmvDwdkU (4)OD;onf EdkifiHawmfrS xkwfjyefxm;aom Oya'rsm;udk csKd;azmufcJhonfhvkyf&yfrsm; trdeUf t&
vkyaf qmifcJhjcif;aMumifh Oya'ESiht f nD ajz&Si;f &ef 8-8-2009&ufaeYrSpí nd§EIdi;f ac:,lcJhaomfvnf; (ykH) oefU&Sif;
vma&mufjcif;r&Sb d J udk;uefUa'orS a&Smifwrd ;f xGucf mG oGm;cJhMuygonf/ AkdvfrSL;BuD;
3/ xdkYjyif jrefrm-w½kwfe,fpyf &efvkHusdKif; ESpfEdkifiHe,fjcm;*dwfwGif wm0efxrf;aqmifaeaom twGif;a&;rSL;
jrefrmEdkiif H &JwyfzJUG 0ifrsm;tm; OD;zkeMf um;&Siu
f kd opömcHonfh udk;uef YwyfzJG U0ifrsm;u 27-8-2009&ufaeY jynfaxmifpkjrefrmEkid if Hawmftpk;d &tzGJU

&S rf;jynfe,f (ajrmufykdif;) txl;a'o(1) ukd;uefhe,fajrü w&m;r0ifvufeuf^cJ,rf;

xkwfvkyfa&mif;csaompuf½kHtm; jrefrmEkdifiH&JwyfzJG Uu ppfaq;azmfxkwfodrf;ykdufcJU
oufqkdif&mwm0ef&Sd orl sm;ESifh awG qY kHajz&S if;vkdjcif;r&S donfh OD;zkeMf um;&S ifESifh wm0ef&Sdolrsm; ukd;uefUa'orS a&S mifwdrf;xGufcGmoGm;cJh
w&m;Oya't& &ifqkdifajz&S if;cGifU tcGifUta&;ukd &,laqmif&GufoGm;&efwkdufwGef;
&Sr;f jynfe,f (ajrmufyidk ;f ) txl;a'o(1) uk;d uefah 'o ,m,DO;D pD;aumfrwDu aMunmcsufxw k jf yef
aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 30
&Sr;f jynfe,f (ajrmufykid ;f ) txl;a'o(1) uk;d uefUa'o ,m,DOD;pD;aumfrwD\ aMunmcsuu f kd 2009ckESp?f Mo*kw3f 0&ufpJGjzifh xkwjf yefaMunmvku
d o
f nf/ pmrsuEf Sm 3 aumfvH 1 ❋

31-8 (01).pmd 1 8/31/2009, 2:46 AM

31-8-2009 pmrsuEf Sm 3

❋ a&S UzHk;rS
f jynfhtpHkrSm atmufygtwdki;f jzpfonf- weoFm&Dwdkif;
&Sr;f jynfe,f(ajrmufykdi;f ) txl;a'o(1)
udk;uefYa'o ,m,DOD;pD;aumfrwD
tBudKnDvmcH (2009) usif;y
&ufpGJ? 30-8-2009
1/ 2009 ckESpf Mo*kwv f (8)&ufaeYwiG f &Sr;f jynfe,f(ajrmufykid ;f ) txl;a'o(1) udk;uefUe,fajrü
w&m;r0if vufeuf^cJ,rf; xkwfvkyfa&mif;csaom puf½kHtm; jrefrmEdkifiH&JwyfzGJUu ppfaq;
azmfxkwo f rd ;f ydku&f &Scd Jhygonf/ þudpötay: wm0ef&So d lrsm;jzpfMuonfh OD;zkeMf um;&Si?f OD;zkeMf umzl;? aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 30
f m&Ti?f OD;zkew f mvDwkYu d kd jrefrmEdkiif H&JwyfzJUG u w&m;Oya't& w&m;pGJqkí d udk,w f kid v
f ma&muf
jrefrmEdkifiHppfrIxrf;a[mif;tzJGU weoFm&Dwdkif; ppfrIxrf;a[mif;BuD;Muyfa&;tzJGU tBud K nDvmcH(2009)udk ,aeY
ajz&Sif;Mu&ef qifhac:cJh&m txl;a'o(1) acgif;aqmifrsm;twGif;wGif tjrifrwlbJ oabmxm; eHeuf 8em&DwGif NrdwfNrdK U wdkif;&efatmifcef;rü usif;y&m weoFm&Dwdkif; ppfrIxrf;a[mif;tzGJUem,u weoFm&Dwdkif;
uGJvJGrIrsm; jzpfay:cJhygonf/ at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zGH U NzdK;a&;aumifpDOuú| urf;½dk;wef;a'o wdkif;ppfXmecsKyf wdkif;rSL; AdkvfcsKyfcifaZmfOD;ESifh jrefrmEdkifiH
2/ xdkYjyif oufqkid &f mwm0ef&o Sd lrsm;ESihf awGUqkHajz&Si;f a&;udk aqmif&u G vf kjd cif;r&Sad om wm0ef&o Sd l ppfrxI rf;a[mif;tzGJ U A[dkpnf;½Hk;a&;aumfrwD0if arG;jrLa&;ESiahf &vkyif ef;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; Adkvrf LS ;csKyfarmifarmiford ;f wdku
rsm;jzpfMuonfh OD;zkefMum;&Sif? OD;zkefMumzl;? OD;zkefwm&Tif? OD;zkefwmvDwdkYonf txl;a'o(1) trSmpum;ajymMum;Muonf/
udk;uefYa'orS a&Smifwdrf;xGufcGmoGm;cJhygonf/ vSL'gef; ,if;aemuf obmywdu ed*Hk;csKyf trSmpum;
3/ udk;uefYa'otwGi;f jzpfay:vsu&f Sad omudpö&yfrsm;rSm txufyg (4)OD;wdkYESihfomywfoufNyD; ,if;aemuf wdki;f em,uESihf A[dkpnf;½Hk;a&;aumfrwD ajymMum;NyD; weoFm&Dwkdi;f ppfrx I rf;a[mif;BuD;Muyfa&;tzJUG
¤if;wdEYk iS hf rywfouforl sm;taejzifh ud;k uefaY 'o ,m,DO;D pD;aumfrwDoYkd vma&mufy;l aygif;Edik yf gonf/ 0ifwkdu
Y weoFm&Dwkdi;f ppfrx I rf;a[mif;BuD;Muyfa&;tzGUJ okdU tBud K nD vmcH (2009)udk ½kyfodrf;vdkufaMumif; owif;
4/ OD;zkeMf um;&Si?f OD;zkeMf umzl;? OD;zkew f m&Ti?f OD;zkewf mvDwkYt d aejzifhvnf; rdrw d kYw
d pfOD;csi;f yk*¾vu
d wlnD0wfpHkrsm;ESifh ynmoifaxmufyHhaiGrsm; ay;tyfMuNyD; &&So d nf/
tusKd;twGufvnf;aumif;? a'otusKd;^jynfolvlxktusKd;twGufvnf;aumif; jzpfysufcJhaom weoFm&Dwdkif; a&vkyfief;&Sifrsm;u tvSLaiGrsm;udkvnf; (owif;pOf)
udpöt&yf&yfESihfywfoufí w&m;Oya't& &ifqkdiaf jz&Si;f cGihf&S&d m xdktcGihfta&;udk &,laqmif&u G f aumif;? tvSL&SifwpfOD;u ppfrIxrf;a[mif;tzJGU0ifrsm;tm;
oGm;&ef wdkufwGef;tyfygonf/ rsufpdrsm; tcrJhprf;oyfay;um rsufrSefrsm;udkvnf;aumif; jrefrmordki;f tzGJUtwGi;f a&;rª; a'gufwmausm0f if;
ay;tyfvLS 'gef;Muonf/ ]]orkid ;f tajzrSejf zpfaom 'kUd wm0efta&;oHk;yg;}} okaw
&Srf;jynfe,f(ajrmufydkif;) txl;a'o(1) xdkUaemuf tpDtpOf 'kw, d ydki;f udk qufvufusi;f yNyD;
udk;uef Ya'o ,m,DOD;pD;aumfrwD oe pmwrf;zwfyGJwGif pmwrf;zwfMum;pOf/
a&SUvkyfief;pOf (5)&yfudk csrSwf twnfjyKMuonf/ (owif;pOf)

EdkifiHjcm;a&;0ef BuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;ÚmPf0if;

rav;&S m;EdkifiH vGwfvyfa&;aeh o0PfvTm ay;ydk h
aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 31
2009ckESpf Mo*kwf 31 &ufwGif usa&mufaom rav;&Sm;EdkifiH\
(52)ESpfajrmuf vGwfvyfa&;aeU tcgor,ü jynfaxmifpkjrefrmEdkifiHawmf
Edkiif jH cm;a&;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;ÓPf0if;xHrS rav;&Sm;Edkiif jH cm;a&;0efBuD;Xme
0efBuD; 'gwGcf tmeDzm tmrefxo H kdU 0rf;ajrmufaMumif; o0PfvmT ay;ydkUonf/

oHtrwfBuD; OD;atmiford ;f
aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 31
ordkif;tajzrSefjzpfaom 'dkhwm0efta&;okH;yg; okawoepmwrf;zwfyGJ
0efBuD; AdkvfcsKyfcifatmifjrifU wufa&muf trSmpum;ajymMum;
xkid ;f Ekid if q
H kid &f m txl;tmPmukev
f t
JT yfjcif;cH&aom jynfaxmifpkjrefrm
EkdifiHawmf oHtrwfBuD; OD;atmifodrf;onf 4if;\ cefUtyfvTmukd 2009ckESpf
Mo*kwf 5&ufwiG f AefaumufNrdKUü xkid ;f Ekid if b H k&ifrif;jrwfuk,
d pf m; xkid ;f Ekid if H
tdrfa&SUrif;om; r[m Am*sD&mavmifuGefxH ay;tyfcJhNyD;jzpfonf/
(owif;pOf) aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 30
,Ofaus;rI0efBuD;Xmeu BuD;rª;usif;yonfh ]]ordkif;tajzrSefjzpfaom 'dkUwm0efta&;okH;yg;}}okawoepmwrf;zwfyGJudk ,aeUeHeuf 9em&DwiG f aejynfawmf&dS
,Ofaus;rI0efBuD;Xme bufpkcH ef;rü usi;f y&m jrefrmordki;f tzGJ U Ouú| ,Ofaus;rI0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; Adkvcf sKyfcifatmifjrif?h jrefrmordki;f tzGJ U 'kw, d Ouú|(2) a'gufwm
wdk;vS? twGi;f a&;rª; a'gufwmausm0f if;? jrefrmordki;f tzGUJ 0ifrsm;jzpfMuaom OD;ausm?f a'gufwma':jrifMh unf? ,Ofaus;rI0efBuD;Xmeatmuf&dS OD;pD;Xmersm;rS ñTeMf um;a&;rª;
csKyfrsm;? 'kwd,ñTefMum;a&;rª;csKyfrsm;? trsdK;om;,Ofaus;rIESifh tEkynmwuúodkvf(&efukef^rEÅav;)rS ygarmu©csKyfrsm;? 'kwd,ygarmu©csKyfrsm;? pmwrf;&Sifrsm;?
0efBuD;XmetoD;oD;rS pdwfyg0ifpm;olrsm; wufa&mufMuonf/
trSmpum;ajymMum; EkdifiHa&; (1948-1962)ukd trsKd;om; uxdu a'gufwmwifarmifaxG;u trsK;d om;jywdkuEf iS hf pmMunfw h kduOf ;D pD;
a&;0g'tjrifjzifh avhvmjcif;}} pmwrf;? ]]ordkif;pOfxJrS trsKd;om;a&;wm0ef Xme 'kwd,nTefMum;a&;rSL;csKyf OD;pdef
a&S;OD;pGm 0efBuD; Adkvcf sKyfcifatmif jrefrmorkdif;tzGJU0if a'gufwma':jrifh «ysLacwf (c&pfray:rD 5&mpkrS c&pfEpS f 0if;? trsKd;om;pmMunfhwdkuf nTefMum;
jrifhu trSmpum;ajymMum;NyD; pmwrf; Munfu ]]'kdUwm0efta&;oHk;yg;ESifh 9&mpk)rS yk*Hacwf (c&pfESpf 9&mpkrS a&;rSL; OD;ausmfOD;? ordkif;okawoe
zwfyGJudk zGifhvSpfay;onf/ EkdifiHwumtawGUtBuHKrsm;}} pmwrf; 13&mpkESpf)»}} pmwrf;wdkYudk zwfMum; OD;pD;XmerS nTeMf um;a&;rSL; a':at;vS?
rsm; zwfMum;NyD; pmwrf;zwfyGJukd Muonf / 'kwd,nTefMum;a&;rSL; OD;pdefjrifh?
EIwfcGef;quf acwå&yfem;onf/ vufaxmufneT Mf um;a&;rSL; a':pef;pef;?
jyefvnf&iS ;f vif; &efuek w
f uúov kd f ordik ;f Xme vufaxmuf
qufvufí jrefrmordkif;tzGJU zwfMum; uxdu a'gufwmwifarmifaxG;wdkEY iS hf
'kwd,Ouú|(2) a'gufwmwdk;vSu
BudKqdkEIwfcGef;qufpum; ajymMum;NyD; rGef;vGJykdif;wGif pmwrf;zwfyGJukd zwfMum;wifoGif;aom pmwrf; wufa&mufvmMuaom ynm&Sifrsm;?
okawoDrsm;? {nfhonfawmfrsm;u
ordkif;okawoeOD;pD;XmerS nTefMum; qufvufusif;y&m orkdif;okawoe rsm;ESifhpyfvsOf;í jrefrmordkif;tzGJU
a&;rª;csKyf a'gufwmbarmifu pmwrf; OD;pD;Xme vufaxmufnTefMum;a&;rª; 'kwd,Ouú|(2) a'gufwmwdk;vS? aqG;aEG;tBuHjyKar;jref;Mu&m pmwrf;
&Sifrsm;u jyefvnf&Sif;vif;ajymMum;
zwfyEJG iS phf yfvsO;f í &Si;f vif;wifjyonf/ a'gufwm xm;xm;0gu ]]trsK;d om;a&; twGi;f a&;rSL; a'gufwmausm0f if;? tzGUJ
onf /
,if;aemuf pmwrf;zwfyu JG kd pwif 0g'ESifh jrefrmEkdifiHawmf}} pmwrf;? 0ifrsm;jzpfMuaom OD;ausmf? a'gufwm
ynm&nfcRef xl;cRefqck sD;jr§iUf usi;f y&m tvSnu fh sobmywdrsm;tjzpf orkdif;okawoeOD;pD;Xme okawoe a':jrifhMunf? a&S;a[mif;okawoe? jznfhpGufrSmMum;
jrefrmordkif;tzGJU 'kwd,Ouú| (2) t&m&Sd a'gufwmjrjraomif;u ]]Edkiif H trsK;d om;jywdkuEf iS hf pmMunfw h kduf OD;pD;
tif;pdeNf rdK Ue,f tajccHynmtxufwef;ausmif;cJG tvu(7) tif;pde\ f a'gufwmwk;d vS? twGi;f a&;rª; a'gufwm vrf;jy trsKd;om;a&;0g'}} pmwrf;? Xme nTefMum;a&;rSL;csKyf OD;pef;0if;? ,if;aemuf 0efBuD; AdkvfcsKyf
2008-2009 ynmoifESpf rdbq&mtoif; ESpfywfvnfnDvmcHESihf ynm ausmf0if;? tzGJU0ifrsm; jzpfMuaom ordki;f okawoeOD;pD;Xme vufaxmuf ordkif;okawoeOD;pD;Xme nTefMum;a&; cifatmifjrifhu pmwrf;rsm;tay:
&nfcRef xl;cRefqkcs;D jr§iyhf u
GJ kd Mo*kwf 30&ufu tqdkygausmif; rsK;d jrefrmcef;rü OD;ausmf? a'gufwma':jrifhMunfwkdUu nTefMum;a&;rSL; a':olZmnGefYu rSL;csKyf a'gufwmbarmif? tEkynm jznfhpGufaqG;aEG;rSmMum;NyD; pmwrf;
usi;f y&m ausmif;tkyq f &mBuD; OD;cifarmifaX;u wwd,wef;rS wwd,qk& aqmif&GufMuonf/ eHeufykdif; pmwrf; ]]awmifilacwfrif;qufrsm;ESifh trsKd; OD;pD;Xme trsKd;om;,Ofaus;rIESifh tEk zwfyGJudk naeydkif;wGif ½kyfodrf;vdkuf
raroif;cdkiMf uLtm; qkcs;D jr§iphf Of/ (127) zwfyGJwGif jrefrmorkdif;tzGJU twGif; om;a&;wm0ef}} pmwrf;? &efukef ynmwuúodkvf(&efukef) ygarmu©csKyf aMumif; owif;&&Sdonf/
a&;rª; a'gufwmausmf0if;u ]]jrefrm wuúodkvf ordkif;Xme vufaxmuf a':eE´mrTef;? a&S;a[mif;okawoe (owif;pOf)

31-8 (03).pmd 1 8/31/2009, 2:46 AM

31-8-2009 pmrsuEf Sm 3

❋ a&S UzHk;rS
f jynfhtpHkrSm atmufygtwdki;f jzpfonf- weoFm&Dwdkif;
&Sr;f jynfe,f(ajrmufykdi;f ) txl;a'o(1)
udk;uefYa'o ,m,DOD;pD;aumfrwD
tBudKnDvmcH (2009) usif;y
&ufpGJ? 30-8-2009
1/ 2009 ckESpf Mo*kwv f (8)&ufaeYwiG f &Sr;f jynfe,f(ajrmufykid ;f ) txl;a'o(1) udk;uefUe,fajrü
w&m;r0if vufeuf^cJ,rf; xkwfvkyfa&mif;csaom puf½kHtm; jrefrmEdkifiH&JwyfzGJUu ppfaq;
azmfxkwo f rd ;f ydku&f &Scd Jhygonf/ þudpötay: wm0ef&So d lrsm;jzpfMuonfh OD;zkeMf um;&Si?f OD;zkeMf umzl;? aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 30
f m&Ti?f OD;zkew f mvDwkYu d kd jrefrmEdkiif H&JwyfzJUG u w&m;Oya't& w&m;pGJqkí d udk,w f kid v
f ma&muf
jrefrmEdkifiHppfrIxrf;a[mif;tzJGU weoFm&Dwdkif; ppfrIxrf;a[mif;BuD;Muyfa&;tzJGU tBud K nDvmcH(2009)udk ,aeY
ajz&Sif;Mu&ef qifhac:cJh&m txl;a'o(1) acgif;aqmifrsm;twGif;wGif tjrifrwlbJ oabmxm; eHeuf 8em&DwGif NrdwfNrdK U wdkif;&efatmifcef;rü usif;y&m weoFm&Dwdkif; ppfrIxrf;a[mif;tzGJUem,u weoFm&Dwdkif;
uGJvJGrIrsm; jzpfay:cJhygonf/ at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zGH U NzdK;a&;aumifpDOuú| urf;½dk;wef;a'o wdkif;ppfXmecsKyf wdkif;rSL; AdkvfcsKyfcifaZmfOD;ESifh jrefrmEdkifiH
2/ xdkYjyif oufqkid &f mwm0ef&o Sd lrsm;ESihf awGUqkHajz&Si;f a&;udk aqmif&u G vf kjd cif;r&Sad om wm0ef&o Sd l ppfrxI rf;a[mif;tzGJ U A[dkpnf;½Hk;a&;aumfrwD0if arG;jrLa&;ESiahf &vkyif ef;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; Adkvrf LS ;csKyfarmifarmiford ;f wdku
rsm;jzpfMuonfh OD;zkefMum;&Sif? OD;zkefMumzl;? OD;zkefwm&Tif? OD;zkefwmvDwdkYonf txl;a'o(1) trSmpum;ajymMum;Muonf/
udk;uefYa'orS a&Smifwdrf;xGufcGmoGm;cJhygonf/ vSL'gef; ,if;aemuf obmywdu ed*Hk;csKyf trSmpum;
3/ udk;uefYa'otwGi;f jzpfay:vsu&f Sad omudpö&yfrsm;rSm txufyg (4)OD;wdkYESihfomywfoufNyD; ,if;aemuf wdki;f em,uESihf A[dkpnf;½Hk;a&;aumfrwD ajymMum;NyD; weoFm&Dwkdi;f ppfrx I rf;a[mif;BuD;Muyfa&;tzJUG
¤if;wdEYk iS hf rywfouforl sm;taejzifh ud;k uefaY 'o ,m,DO;D pD;aumfrwDoYkd vma&mufy;l aygif;Edik yf gonf/ 0ifwkdu
Y weoFm&Dwkdi;f ppfrx I rf;a[mif;BuD;Muyfa&;tzGUJ okdU tBud K nD vmcH (2009)udk ½kyfodrf;vdkufaMumif; owif;
4/ OD;zkeMf um;&Si?f OD;zkeMf umzl;? OD;zkew f m&Ti?f OD;zkewf mvDwkYt d aejzifhvnf; rdrw d kYw
d pfOD;csi;f yk*¾vu
d wlnD0wfpHkrsm;ESifh ynmoifaxmufyHhaiGrsm; ay;tyfMuNyD; &&So d nf/
tusKd;twGufvnf;aumif;? a'otusKd;^jynfolvlxktusKd;twGufvnf;aumif; jzpfysufcJhaom weoFm&Dwdkif; a&vkyfief;&Sifrsm;u tvSLaiGrsm;udkvnf; (owif;pOf)
udpöt&yf&yfESihfywfoufí w&m;Oya't& &ifqkdiaf jz&Si;f cGihf&S&d m xdktcGihfta&;udk &,laqmif&u G f aumif;? tvSL&SifwpfOD;u ppfrIxrf;a[mif;tzJGU0ifrsm;tm;
oGm;&ef wdkufwGef;tyfygonf/ rsufpdrsm; tcrJhprf;oyfay;um rsufrSefrsm;udkvnf;aumif; jrefrmordki;f tzGJUtwGi;f a&;rª; a'gufwmausm0f if;
ay;tyfvLS 'gef;Muonf/ ]]orkid ;f tajzrSejf zpfaom 'kUd wm0efta&;oHk;yg;}} okaw
&Srf;jynfe,f(ajrmufydkif;) txl;a'o(1) xdkUaemuf tpDtpOf 'kw, d ydki;f udk qufvufusi;f yNyD;
udk;uef Ya'o ,m,DOD;pD;aumfrwD oe pmwrf;zwfyGJwGif pmwrf;zwfMum;pOf/
a&SUvkyfief;pOf (5)&yfudk csrSwf twnfjyKMuonf/ (owif;pOf)

EdkifiHjcm;a&;0ef BuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;ÚmPf0if;

rav;&S m;EdkifiH vGwfvyfa&;aeh o0PfvTm ay;ydk h
aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 31
2009ckESpf Mo*kwf 31 &ufwGif usa&mufaom rav;&Sm;EdkifiH\
(52)ESpfajrmuf vGwfvyfa&;aeU tcgor,ü jynfaxmifpkjrefrmEdkifiHawmf
Edkiif jH cm;a&;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;ÓPf0if;xHrS rav;&Sm;Edkiif jH cm;a&;0efBuD;Xme
0efBuD; 'gwGcf tmeDzm tmrefxo H kdU 0rf;ajrmufaMumif; o0PfvmT ay;ydkUonf/

oHtrwfBuD; OD;atmiford ;f
aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 31
ordkif;tajzrSefjzpfaom 'dkhwm0efta&;okH;yg; okawoepmwrf;zwfyGJ
0efBuD; AdkvfcsKyfcifatmifjrifU wufa&muf trSmpum;ajymMum;
xkid ;f Ekid if q
H kid &f m txl;tmPmukev
f t
JT yfjcif;cH&aom jynfaxmifpkjrefrm
EkdifiHawmf oHtrwfBuD; OD;atmifodrf;onf 4if;\ cefUtyfvTmukd 2009ckESpf
Mo*kwf 5&ufwiG f AefaumufNrdKUü xkid ;f Ekid if b H k&ifrif;jrwfuk,
d pf m; xkid ;f Ekid if H
tdrfa&SUrif;om; r[m Am*sD&mavmifuGefxH ay;tyfcJhNyD;jzpfonf/
(owif;pOf) aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 30
,Ofaus;rI0efBuD;Xmeu BuD;rª;usif;yonfh ]]ordkif;tajzrSefjzpfaom 'dkUwm0efta&;okH;yg;}}okawoepmwrf;zwfyGJudk ,aeUeHeuf 9em&DwiG f aejynfawmf&dS
,Ofaus;rI0efBuD;Xme bufpkcH ef;rü usi;f y&m jrefrmordki;f tzGJ U Ouú| ,Ofaus;rI0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; Adkvcf sKyfcifatmifjrif?h jrefrmordki;f tzGJ U 'kw, d Ouú|(2) a'gufwm
wdk;vS? twGi;f a&;rª; a'gufwmausm0f if;? jrefrmordki;f tzGUJ 0ifrsm;jzpfMuaom OD;ausm?f a'gufwma':jrifMh unf? ,Ofaus;rI0efBuD;Xmeatmuf&dS OD;pD;Xmersm;rS ñTeMf um;a&;rª;
csKyfrsm;? 'kwd,ñTefMum;a&;rª;csKyfrsm;? trsdK;om;,Ofaus;rIESifh tEkynmwuúodkvf(&efukef^rEÅav;)rS ygarmu©csKyfrsm;? 'kwd,ygarmu©csKyfrsm;? pmwrf;&Sifrsm;?
0efBuD;XmetoD;oD;rS pdwfyg0ifpm;olrsm; wufa&mufMuonf/
trSmpum;ajymMum; EkdifiHa&; (1948-1962)ukd trsKd;om; uxdu a'gufwmwifarmifaxG;u trsK;d om;jywdkuEf iS hf pmMunfw h kduOf ;D pD;
a&;0g'tjrifjzifh avhvmjcif;}} pmwrf;? ]]ordkif;pOfxJrS trsKd;om;a&;wm0ef Xme 'kwd,nTefMum;a&;rSL;csKyf OD;pdef
a&S;OD;pGm 0efBuD; Adkvcf sKyfcifatmif jrefrmorkdif;tzGJU0if a'gufwma':jrifh «ysLacwf (c&pfray:rD 5&mpkrS c&pfEpS f 0if;? trsKd;om;pmMunfhwdkuf nTefMum;
jrifhu trSmpum;ajymMum;NyD; pmwrf; Munfu ]]'kdUwm0efta&;oHk;yg;ESifh 9&mpk)rS yk*Hacwf (c&pfESpf 9&mpkrS a&;rSL; OD;ausmfOD;? ordkif;okawoe
zwfyGJudk zGifhvSpfay;onf/ EkdifiHwumtawGUtBuHKrsm;}} pmwrf; 13&mpkESpf)»}} pmwrf;wdkYudk zwfMum; OD;pD;XmerS nTeMf um;a&;rSL; a':at;vS?
rsm; zwfMum;NyD; pmwrf;zwfyGJukd Muonf / 'kwd,nTefMum;a&;rSL; OD;pdefjrifh?
EIwfcGef;quf acwå&yfem;onf/ vufaxmufneT Mf um;a&;rSL; a':pef;pef;?
jyefvnf&iS ;f vif; &efuek w
f uúov kd f ordik ;f Xme vufaxmuf
qufvufí jrefrmordkif;tzGJU zwfMum; uxdu a'gufwmwifarmifaxG;wdkEY iS hf
'kwd,Ouú|(2) a'gufwmwdk;vSu
BudKqdkEIwfcGef;qufpum; ajymMum;NyD; rGef;vGJykdif;wGif pmwrf;zwfyGJukd zwfMum;wifoGif;aom pmwrf; wufa&mufvmMuaom ynm&Sifrsm;?
okawoDrsm;? {nfhonfawmfrsm;u
ordkif;okawoeOD;pD;XmerS nTefMum; qufvufusif;y&m orkdif;okawoe rsm;ESifhpyfvsOf;í jrefrmordkif;tzGJU
a&;rª;csKyf a'gufwmbarmifu pmwrf; OD;pD;Xme vufaxmufnTefMum;a&;rª; 'kwd,Ouú|(2) a'gufwmwdk;vS? aqG;aEG;tBuHjyKar;jref;Mu&m pmwrf;
&Sifrsm;u jyefvnf&Sif;vif;ajymMum;
zwfyEJG iS phf yfvsO;f í &Si;f vif;wifjyonf/ a'gufwm xm;xm;0gu ]]trsK;d om;a&; twGi;f a&;rSL; a'gufwmausm0f if;? tzGUJ
onf /
,if;aemuf pmwrf;zwfyu JG kd pwif 0g'ESifh jrefrmEkdifiHawmf}} pmwrf;? 0ifrsm;jzpfMuaom OD;ausmf? a'gufwm
ynm&nfcRef xl;cRefqck sD;jr§iUf usi;f y&m tvSnu fh sobmywdrsm;tjzpf orkdif;okawoeOD;pD;Xme okawoe a':jrifhMunf? a&S;a[mif;okawoe? jznfhpGufrSmMum;
jrefrmordkif;tzGJU 'kwd,Ouú| (2) t&m&Sd a'gufwmjrjraomif;u ]]Edkiif H trsK;d om;jywdkuEf iS hf pmMunfw h kduf OD;pD;
tif;pdeNf rdK Ue,f tajccHynmtxufwef;ausmif;cJG tvu(7) tif;pde\ f a'gufwmwk;d vS? twGi;f a&;rª; a'gufwm vrf;jy trsKd;om;a&;0g'}} pmwrf;? Xme nTefMum;a&;rSL;csKyf OD;pef;0if;? ,if;aemuf 0efBuD; AdkvfcsKyf
2008-2009 ynmoifESpf rdbq&mtoif; ESpfywfvnfnDvmcHESihf ynm ausmf0if;? tzGJU0ifrsm; jzpfMuaom ordki;f okawoeOD;pD;Xme vufaxmuf ordkif;okawoeOD;pD;Xme nTefMum;a&; cifatmifjrifhu pmwrf;rsm;tay:
&nfcRef xl;cRefqkcs;D jr§iyhf u
GJ kd Mo*kwf 30&ufu tqdkygausmif; rsK;d jrefrmcef;rü OD;ausmf? a'gufwma':jrifhMunfwkdUu nTefMum;a&;rSL; a':olZmnGefYu rSL;csKyf a'gufwmbarmif? tEkynm jznfhpGufaqG;aEG;rSmMum;NyD; pmwrf;
usi;f y&m ausmif;tkyq f &mBuD; OD;cifarmifaX;u wwd,wef;rS wwd,qk& aqmif&GufMuonf/ eHeufykdif; pmwrf; ]]awmifilacwfrif;qufrsm;ESifh trsKd; OD;pD;Xme trsKd;om;,Ofaus;rIESifh tEk zwfyGJudk naeydkif;wGif ½kyfodrf;vdkuf
raroif;cdkiMf uLtm; qkcs;D jr§iphf Of/ (127) zwfyGJwGif jrefrmorkdif;tzGJU twGif; om;a&;wm0ef}} pmwrf;? &efukef ynmwuúodkvf(&efukef) ygarmu©csKyf aMumif; owif;&&Sdonf/
a&;rª; a'gufwmausmf0if;u ]]jrefrm wuúodkvf ordkif;Xme vufaxmuf a':eE´mrTef;? a&S;a[mif;okawoe (owif;pOf)

31-8 (03).pmd 1 8/31/2009, 2:46 AM

Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 137 12th Waxing of Tawthalin 1371 ME Monday, 31 August, 2009

Senior General Than Shwe sends Four political objectives

* Stability of the State, community peace and tranquil-
lity, prevalence of law and order

felicitations to Malaysia * National reconsolidation

* Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution
* Building of a new modern developed nation in accord
nd with the new State Constitution
NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug—On the occasion of the 52 Anniversary of the Independence
Day of Malaysia, which falls on 31 August 2009, His Excellency Senior General Than Shwe, Four economic objectives
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round
development of other sectors of the economy as well
a message of felicitations to His Majesty Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Ibni Al-Marhum * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic sys-
Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafi Billah Shah, Yang di-Pertuan XIII of Malaysia.—MNA tem
* Development of the economy inviting participation in
terms of technical know-how and investments from
sources inside the country and abroad
Prime Minister General Thein Sein * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept
in the hands of the State and the national peoples
Four social objectives
felicitates Malaysian counterpart * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation
nd * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preser-
NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug — On the occasion of the 52 Anniversary of the Independence Day vation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and
of Malaysia, which falls on 31 August 2009, His Excellency General Thein Sein, Prime Minister national character
of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Dato’ Sri Hj Mohd * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit
* Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of
Najib bin Tun Hj Abdul Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia.—MNA the entire nation

Government recognizes cooperation for development of Kokang Region

Law violation in Kokang Region concerns only four persons including U Phon Kya Shin
Artless members of Kokang armed group who complied with the command allowed to enter legal fold in safety
Government of the Union of Myanmar issues Announcement No (1/2009)
NAY PYI TAW, 30 Aug—The Government of the Union of Myanmar today issued Announcement No (1/2009) dated 30 August 2009. The translation of the
announcement is as follows:-
Government of the Union of Myanmar
Announcement No (1/2009)
11 Waxing of Tawthalin 1371 ME
(30 August 2009)
1. Shan State (North) Special Region (1) Kokang Group returned to the legal fold on 21 March 1989. Since then, it has been working together with the government
for restoration of peace and stability and regional development. As a result, Kokang Region has developed far more than that in the past and the people are much pleased
with it. The government recognizes the group’s cooperation with it.
2. However, four leaders of Special Region (1) U Phon Kya Shin, U Phon Kya Phu, U Phon Tar Shwin and U Phon Tarli violated the laws promulgated by the
government. They have been summoned since 8 August 2009 for coordination to figure out the issue in accordance with the law. Nevertheless, they fled Kokang
Region instead of addressing the issue.
3. In addition, there was no progress in addressing the issue through coordination in which Kokang troops loyal to U Phon Kya Shin on 27 August 2009 captured
and took the members of the Myanmar Police Force who were discharging duties at Yanlonkeng in Myanmar-China border gate. Accordingly, arrangements were
made to save the captured policemen. In that regard, Kokang troops opened fire at the security forces of the State. So, the security forces had to launch counter attacks
for their security and that of the captured members. The skirmishes ceased on 29 August 2009.
4. Now, peace has been restored, and tasks for restoration of regional peace, stability and development have returned to normal. The provisional leading
committee formed by Special Region (1) Kokang Group is cooperating and undertaking the tasks under the leadership of the government.
5. The law violation in Kokang Region does not concern any other person except the four persons. The government understands well that the artless troops who
had to open fire did not violate the law because they had to just follow the orders. The government hereby announces that those artless Kokang troops who followed the
orders are allowed to enter the legal fold in safety, and they are therefore to contact Kokang Region provisional leading committee in Laukkai to return to the legal fold.
By order,
(Sd) Thant Shin
Government of the Union of Myanmar

MPF exposes and seizes illegally-run arms and ammunition factory in

Kokang Region of Shan State (North) Special Region (1)
U Phon Kya Shin, other responsible persons, unwilling to meet officials
to settle the issue flee Kokang region
They are urged to seize opportunity to address the issue in accord with law
Kokang Region Provisional Leading Committee issues announcement
NAY PYI TAW, 30 Aug — Kokang Region Provisional Leading Committee of Shan State (North) Special Region (1) issued an announcement dated 30 August
2009. The translation of the announcement is as follows:- (See page 8)

31-8-09 NL 1 7/31/18, 6:26 PM

12th Waxing of Tawthalin 1371 ME Monday, 31 August, 2009

★ Only with stability and peace will the nation develop

★ Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

★ Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy

★ Riots beget riots, not democracy
★ Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire ■ VOA, BBC - sowing hatred among the

■ We favour peace and stability people
■ We favour development ■ RFA, DVB - generating public outrage
■ We oppose unrest and violence ■ Do not allow ourselves to be swayed
■ Wipe out those inciting unrest ■ By broadcasts designed to cause
and violence troubles

Illegal arms factory in Kokang region of Shan

State (North) Special Region 1 seized
With Kokang region provisional leading committee’s
cooperation, combined force of Tatmadaw, MPF
rescues MPF members taken hostage forcefully by
Kokang group of Shan State (North) Special Region 1
Kokang region regains stability,
administrative machinery in normalcy
NAY PYI TAW, 30 Aug—Kokang group of 8 August 2009. When the MPF filed a lawsuit in addition, Kokang forces that did not want to stay
Shan State (North) Special Region 1 led by U connection with the case and summoned the re- under the leadership of U Phon Kya Shin joined
Phon Kya Shin returned to the legal on 21 March sponsible persons—U Phon Kya Shin, U Phon hands with the Tatmadaw.
1989 and joined hands with the government in Kya Phu, U Phon Tar Shwin and U Phon Tar Li, On 27 August morning, Kokang troops
implementing regional development undertak- there arose disagreements among the leadership loyal to U Phon Kya Shin took 39 MPF mem-
ings, with Laukkai as the base. At first, the group of the Special Region 1. U Phon Kya Shin and bers of Yanlonkyaing border checkpoint as
carried out its activities in accord with the law. party did not clarify the matter officially to the hostages. Information was sent for the release
Later, it was found that the group was engaged in authorities concerned; they redeployed troops of of hostages. But they were not released. And
businesses that were against the law. the Special Region 1 of their own accord; they when the combined force of the Tatmadaw,
Acting on information given by a country themselves moved to Yanlonkyaing region at the with the cooperation of Kokang region provi-
across the border, the Myanmar Police Force border; and spread rumours and news that there sional leading committee went to the
exposed and seized a factory producing and sell- would be an encounter between the government Yanlonkyaing border checkpoint to rescue the
ing arms and ammunition illegally in Kokang and their troops. Hence, the locals fled to the other hostages at 4 pm on 27 August, Kokang troops
region of Shan State (North) Special Region 1 on country or interior parts of the country in panic. In (See page 9)

Myogyi diversion weir commissioned into service

(See page 8)

31-8-09 NL 16 7/31/18, 6:26 PM

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 31 August, 2009

MPF exposes and seizes illegally-run arms and ammunition factory in

Kokang region of Shan State (North) Special Region (1)…
(from page 1)

Shan State (North) Special Region (1)

Kokang Region Provisional Leading Committee
Date: 30-8-2009
1. Myanmar Police Force exposed and seized an arms and ammunition factory illegally run for production and sales in Kokang region of Shan State (North) Special
Region (1) on 8 August 2009. In connection with the case, MPF filed a lawsuit against responsible persons U Phon Kya Shin, U Phon Kya Phu, U Phon Tar Shwin
and U Phon Tarli and summoned them to settle the issue. However, there was disagreement among the leaders of Special Region (1).
2. Moreover, the four responsible persons, unwilling to meet officials to settle the issue, have left Kokang region.
3. The incidents broke out in Kokang region are concerned only with the above four persons. Those who are not concerned with them may join Kokang Region
Provisional Leading Committee.
4. U Phon Kya Shin, U Phon Kya Phu, U Phon Tar Shwin and U Phon Tarli also have the opportunity to address the issue in accord with the law in their own
individual interests and in the interests of their region or people. They are therefore urged to seize the opportunity.
Shan State (North) Special Region (1)
Kokang Region Provisional Leading Committee

Myogyi diversion weir commissioned into service

NAY PYI TAW, 30 Next, a local thanked the
Aug—A ceremony to State Peace and Develop-
open Myogyi diversion ment Council for build-
weir near Taungtaw vil- ing the diversion weir.
lage in Kyaukse township, Afterwards, the
Mandalay division, built commander and the min-
by Construction Group-7 ister cordially greeted
of Irrigation Department those present, members of
of the Ministry of Agri- social organizations and
culture and Irrigation, was local people.
opened at the pandal near The commander
the diversion weir yester- then formally unveiled the
day. stone plaque of the diver-
Present on the oc- sion weir.
casion were Chairman of Later, the com-
Mandalay Division Peace mander and the minister
and Development Coun- sprinkled scented water on
cil Commander of Cen- the stone plaque.
Commander Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe pressing button to unveil stone plaque of
Myogyi diversion weir.—A&I
phase by phase. The di- weir is the 225th irriga- which are under con-
rector-general of Irriga- tion project of the State. It struction as well as al-
tion Department gave a is of broad crest type and ready-built Zawgyi dam.
supplementary report. Af- 160 feet in width and 6.5 Myogyi diversion weir
ter hearing the reports, the feet in height and it can was built to help Zawgyi
commander and the min- benefit 35,500 acres of irrigation system supply
ister gave instructions to farmlands. water within Kyaukse
officials to cooperate with Upper part of district. Besides, it will
peasants for boosting pro- Myogyi diversion weir, help carry out greening
duction. there are Myogyi and tasks for Meiktila plain.
Myogyi diversion Kyaingkham dams MNA

Commander Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe and Minister

Maj-Gen Htay Oo inaugurate
Myogyi diversion weir.—A&I

tral Command Maj-Gen After opening the

Tin Ngwe, Minister for diversion weir, the com-
Agriculture and Irrigation mander, the minister and
Maj-Gen Htay Oo, depart- those present posed for a
mental officials, members documentary photo and
of social organization, lo- inspected it.
cal peasants and people At the briefing hall,
and officials of the Con- the director of Construc-
struction Group-7. tion Group-7 briefed the
The commander commander and the min-
and the minister made ister on progress in build-
speeches on the occasion. ing the diversion weir Myogyi diversion weir seen in Taungtaw Village of Kyaukse Township.—A&I

31-8-09 NL 8 7/31/18, 6:26 PM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 31 August, 2009 9

Illegal arms factory

in Kokang region…
(from page 16) 15 MPF members fell and
loyal to U Phon Kya 13 wounded in the skir-
Shin started to open fire mishes. Eight bodies of
at them. As there were troops loyal to U Phon
casualties, the combined Kya Shin were found to-
Tatmadaw force had to gether with over 400 as-
return fire. At 2 pm on sorted heavy and small
29 August, the combined arms that were left behind
force rescued 25 hos- by the fleeing troops. The
tages including 11 combined forces also
wounded persons. In the seized 200 assorted weap-
confinement and some ons from armouries in the
places 14 bodies of MPF area where those Kokang
personnel brutally shot troops were stationed and

Some local people on their return home from the neighbouring country.—MNA
to death at point-blank over 40 new small arms and local administrative
range were found. and ammunition of vari- machinery has become
During the rescue ous kinds in the surround- normal. Locals who ran
mission, skirmishes began ing areas of the illegal away to the other country
on 27 August. As troops arms factory. were returning to Kokang
loyal to U Phon Kya Shin As the Tatmadaw, region.
fled leaving their heavy MPF members and They are being ac-
weapons and small arms, Kokangs that joined hands cepted after proper screen-
it ended at 2 pm on with the Tatmadaw were ing. Officials are also pro-
29 August. Eleven able to restore peace in the viding necessary assist-
Tatmadaw members fell region on 29 August, it is ance to them.
and 34 were wounded and now in a stable condition MNA

Members of Myanmar Police Force shot at point-blank range by

Kokang troops loyal to U Phon Kya Shin.

31-8-09 NL 9 7/31/18, 6:26 PM

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