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POFT 1313

Professional Development for Office Personnel

Online Student Assignments and Tracking Sheet 30 Hours / 2 Credits Name: Ronda Bro n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Start #ate: $%20%20$&!!!! *eriod: Online Student "#: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'nd #ate (Scheduled): !!!!!!!!!! 'nd #ate (Actual): !!!!!!!!!!

C Competencies
Ethics Week: O+,ecti-es:

"denti./ unethical +eha-ior in the ork0lace1 "denti./ unethical +eha-ior in the uni-ersit/1 "denti./ .our areas in-ol-ing unethical +eha-ior1 'thics 2ui33es1 *artici0ate in Case Studies on 'thical Beha-ior1 #emonstrate an ethical decision%making 0rocess1 Age di-ersit/ 0resentation

Test 4rade: !!!!! #ate Com0leted: !!!!!!!!! Life as a Professional: O+,ecti-es:

Re-ie +usiness eti2uette1 Stud/ 0ro.essional greetings1 5nderstand and use the decision making model1 5se 0ros/cons to anal/3e o0tions1 6earn to understand im0act o. decisions1 7' "nc and the 8 Cornerstones o. High *er.ormance1 (9raser) 6earn the di..erence +et een the earning 0o ers o. a ,o+ -ersus a high%0er.ormance career1 (9raser Page $

Career Point College

Customer ser-ice 0resentation1 Test 4rade: !!!!! #ate Com0leted: !!!!!!!!! trate!ies for "ccess: O+,ecti-es:

The 7illion #ollar 7oti-ator1 (9raser)

6earn ho nine success strategies a..ect career success1 #e-elo0 and maintain a career 0ort.olio1 #ocument training: education: and ork e;0eriences1 #e-elo0 -ital success strategies 6earn 0ositi-e thinking and +eha-ior Stud/ -isuali3ation and 0ositi-e sel.%talk *ractice d/namic goal setting1 Stud/ asserti-e +eha-ior1 Stud/ sel.%esteem +uilders and 0roacti-e ha+its1 <ie the in class mo-ie 0resentation =The Secret>

Test 4rade: !!!!! #ate Com0leted: !!!!!!!!! #ote: $o"r tests co"nt for %&' of (o"r final !ra)e*

Weekl( +ssi!nments:
?eekl/ Assignment $ #ate Com0leted: !!!!!!!!! ?eekl/ Assignment 2 #ate Com0leted: !!!!!!!!! ?eekl/ Assignment 3 #ate Com0leted: !!!!!!!!! #ote: $o"r ,eekl( assi!nments co"nt for 1-' of (o"r total !ra)e*

Formattin! $o"r Doc"ment

All 0ro.iciencies must +e t/0ed and dou+le s0aced1 "n the u00er le.t%hand corner o. each 0age include the .ollo ing student in.ormation: $1 @our name 21 Course num+er (e1g1: *O9T $3$3) Career Point College Page 2

31 Class 0eriod (e1g1: Online) &1 #ate (this should +e /our course com0letion date)

Career Point College

Page 3

"n addition: 0lease utili3e the .ollo ing document .ormatting guidelines: 9ont should +e Times Ne Roman: Arial: or Courier New. 9ont si3e should +e $2 0t1 $ inch margins No +old letters No italics No underlining No co-er sheet No document .olders or +inders No sta0les1

$o"r complete) proficiencies m"st .e s".mitte) one )a( prior to (o"r co"rse completion )ate*

/ Pro0ect
1-& Wor) Essa( +ssi!nment: Com0ose a 2A0% ord essa/ on /our de.inition o. success and the connection +et een education and success1 Recommendations: 9irst: check ith the ?e+ster #ictionar/ .or de.initionB second: e;0ress and e;0and /our o0inion and include in /our conclusion hat the class =*ro.essional #e-elo0ment .or *ersonnel> had done .or /ou1 4rade: !!!!! #ate Com0leted: !!!!!!!!!

+ Pro0ect
2( Plan for "ccess +ssi!nment: Students ill e;amine and de-elo0 a 0lan .or success +/ creating a 0ersonal mission statement and goals +ased on their -alues1 Part One: 2ission tatement $o" ,ill ,rite a personal mission statement e3pressin! (o"r val"es an) the rep"tation (o" ,ant to ."il)* These are the thought 0ro-oking 2uestions /ou ill ant to incor0orate into /our mission statement: a) ?hat is m/ li.e a+outC 6ook at /our talents and contri+utions to /our .amil/ and communit/B hat are /ou good atC Career Point College Page &

+) ?hat is reall/ most im0ortant to meC ?hat gi-es me a sense o. 0ur0oseC ?hat gi-es me the most satis.actionC c) Ho am " or ho ill " demonstrate hat m/ li.e is a+out and hat is most im0ortant to meC Part T,o: P"ttin! Life in Perspective $o" ,ill place each area of life cate!or( liste) .elo, in )escen)in! or)er accor)in! to (o"r level of satisfaction* The top of the list ,ill sho, the area ,here (o" e3perience the most satisfaction4 an) the .ottom of the list ,ill )emonstrate the area (o" e3perience the least satisfaction* $o" ,ill then a)) a percent 5'6 val"e to each cate!or( in)icatin! (o"r level of satisfaction* #o ' val"e sho"l) .e the same* The s"m total of all 7 cate!ories m"st e8"al 1&&'* The cate!ories are liste) .elo,: Famil( an) 9ome The t/0e o. relationshi0 /ou ant to ha-e ith indi-idual .amil/ mem+ers1 @ou also ant to look into the maintenance o. household a..airs such as decorating: cleaning: and chores1 pirit"al an) Ethical ?hat /ou need .or 0eace o. mind1 ';amine /our 0rinci0les or the rules that /ou li-e +/1 Financial an) Career The 0lans .or /our career /our mone/1 hich ma/ include 0aid or -olunteer ork1 Ho /ou s0end and sa-e

ocial 7aking ne .riends and kee0ing the ones /ou ha-e1 Ph(sical an) 9ealth The ha+its /ou ha-e to take care o. /our +od/1 2ental an) E)"cational Ho /ou nurture /our 0ersonal de-elo0ment: increase /our kno ledge: and im0ro-e or gain ne skills1

Part Three: :o"n)in! Thin!s O"t ;sin! the P"ttin! Life in Perspective activit(4 (o" ,ill create a plan "sin! the five 2+:T !oals for each of the three lo,est areas of life ,ith ,hich (o" are least satisfie)* S7ART stands .or: S0eci.ic 7easura+le Attaina+le Realistic Timel/

Career Point College

Page A

Remem+er: this is /our 0lan .or success: so /ou orking it through 0atientl/ and thought.ull/1

ant to ma;imi3e the +ene.its o. this assignment +/

These are the criteria for (o"r + pro0ect ,ork: $1 #oes /our mission statement ans er the 2uestions 0ro-idedC 21 #id /ou list in descending order ith the a00lica+le 0ercent (D) -alues all o. the areas o. li.e categoriesC 31 #id /ou identi./ the three areas /ou are least satis.ied ith and rite out each ste0 using the .i-e S7ART goals necessar/ to accom0lish each goalC #ote: $o"r + an) / Pro0ects co"nt for 1-' of (o"r final !ra)e* 4rade: !!!!! #ate Com0leted: !!!!!!!!! ome Final Tho"!hts *artici0ation is -ital to /our success1 "t is im0ortant to 0artici0ate in scheduled chats and discussion +oards1 Remem+er that /our 0artici0ation counts .or 30D o. /our .inal grade1 4ood luck and elcome to *O9T$3$3 Online%*ro.essional #e-elo0ment .or *ersonnel1 'd ard 71 4ar3a: 7BA "nstructor

Career Point College

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