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Satuan Pendidikan Mata Diklat Kelas/Semester Pertemuan ke Alokasi waktu

: SMK Negeri 1 Sukamara : Bahasa Inggris : XI/3-4 : 4 : 2 X 45

A. Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar 1. Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris setara Level Elementary 2.2. Mencatat pesan-pesan sederhana baik dalam interaksi langsung maupun melalui alat B. Indikator 1. Siswa dapat menyampaikan pesan melalui percakapan telepon dengan benar 2. Siswa dapat mencatat pesan (message) dengan benar

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran 1. Siswa dapat menyampaikan pesan melalui percakapan telepon melalui Taking a Message game 2. Siswa dapat mencatat pesan (message) dengan benar melalui Taking a Message game

D. Materi

Taking a Message 2 FORMAL

Asking if someone is available to talk in the telephone

I'm sorry, Mr______is not available right now, He/ She is in a meeting right now He/ She has just stepped away from his desk He/ She won't be in to the office today
Asking about the callers telephone number

Is there a number where you can be reached?

Respond: Yes, my number is 021-123-456

Asking for clarification

Your name is Rahman.R-a-h-m-a-n. Is is correct ? Your number is 021-123-456. Is that right?


Yes, thats right or Right

or correct


Greet student B. State your company.Ask whether you can help him/her. Tell him/her that your boss is not availale


Greet Student A. State that you want to speak to his/her boss.

Ask Student A whether you can leave a message.

Say that you agree to take a message.

Tell your message

Check his/her name again and ask his/her phone number.

Tell your name again and phone number.

Check his/her phone number. Tell him/her whether it is correct or not Promise to him/her that you will tell your bos about his/her call

End the call

E. Pendekatan dan Metode Pembelajaran 1. 2. Pendekatan Metode : Kontekstual : Question and answer, role playing, observation, lecture

F. Sumber, Alat dan Bahan Pembelajaran

1. Sumber 2. Alat

: Effective Communication by Agus Widyantoro : LKS, Student Role Cards, Role Playing Cues, Message Form, Pedoman Penilaian Speaking dan Pedoman Penilaian Afektif.

Pertemuan 4 1. Kegiatan Awal (Pendahuluan) a. Pembelajaran dimulai dengan doa bersama dan greeting. b. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa Eksplorasi c. Guru mengingatkan siswa tentang materi taking a message dan meminta siswa menyebutkan ungkapan yang digunakan pada waktu taking a message d. Guru memberikan ungkapan taking a message dalam situasi formal e. Guru menginformasikan tujuan pembelajaran 2. Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi a. GurU membagi siswa ke dalam kelompok besar yaitu kelompok A sebagai Penerima Telepon dan kelompok B sebagai Penelepon. b. Masing- masing siswa diberikan student role card dan rencana alur pembicaraan. c. Siswa berlatih dalam kelompok besar. Guru mengamati jalannya kegiatan dan memberikan bantuan jika siswa mengalami hambatan. d. Guru menyiapkan dua pasangan meja dan kursi yang diletakkan berbelakangan Elaborasi e. Siswa secara berpasangan, seorang siswa dari kelompok A dan seorang siswa dari kelompok B, melakukan role playing berdasarkan student role card dan rencana alur pembicaraan di depan kelas f. Siswa kelompok A menyampaikan pesan dan siswa dari kelompok B mencatat pesan ke dalam message form. g. Setelah kelompok A selesai, kelompok B berganti peran menyampaikan pesan dan kelompok A mencatat pesan ke dalam message form. h. Guru memberikan penilaian 3. Kegiatan Akhir (Penutup) Konfirmasi a. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menanyakan hal yang kurang dipahami.

b. Guru meluruskan konsep-konsep yang keliru dan bersama-sama siswa meninjau kembali pembelajaran. c. Guru memberikan masukan pada siswa/ kelompok yang menghadapi hambatan dan memberikan motivasi d. Pada akhir pembelajaran menginformasikan bahwa materi untuk pertemuan berikutnya dan ditutup berdoa bersama serta greeting. . G. Penilaian 1. Performance test: Speaking 2. Penilaian Afektif Contoh soal: STUDENT ROLE CARDS
STUDENT B 1a Hello, Good morning. I am Ganesha from Matahari Construction. Could I speak to Mr. Bill, please. Could I leave a message? Please tell him that the windows he ordered can be picked up anytime. My number is 017-4327283 STUDENT A 1a You work as the receptionist at Atlas Company. Someone wants to call your boss, Mr. Bill, but he/she is not available. He is in a meeting right now. Take a message from him/her. Write it on the message form. STUDENT B 2a Hello, Good morning. I am Anton Smith from Griya Company. Could I speak to Mrs. Deswita, please? Could I leave a message? Please tell her that the meeting on Friday is cancelled. My number is 0532-21567 STUDENT A 2a You work as the receptionist at PT. Sampurna. Someone wants to call your boss, Mrs. Deswita, but he/she is not available. She has just stepped away from his desk. Take a message from him/her. Write it on the message form. STUDENT B 3a Hello, Good morning. I am Priya from Medco Company. Could I speak to Mr. Nugraha, please? Could I leave a message? Please tell him that The job interview will be held tommorow. My number is 081-345678-901 STUDENT A 3a You work as the receptionist at PT. Bumi Gunajaya Abadi. Someone wants to call your boss, Mr. Nugraha, but he/she is not available. He wont be in to the office today. Take a message from him/her. Write it on the message form.

STUDENT B 1b Hello, Good morning. I am Jason from Barinjam TV. Could I speak to Mr. Joshua, please? Could I leave a message? Please tell him that the program he required has been ready. Call me back. My number is 032-432008 STUDENT A 1b

STUDENT B 2b Hello, Good morning. I am Raditya from Carusol Company. Could I speak to Mrs. Clara, please? Could I leave a message? Please tell her that the meeting is on Saturday. My number is 0536-21590

STUDENT B 3b Hello, Good morning. I am George from Palma Company. Could I speak to Mr. Priya, please? Could I leave a message? Please tell him that The job interview on Wednesday is cancelled. My number is 081-352078-001 STUDENT A 3b

STUDENT A 2b You work as the receptionist at PT. Sampurna. Someone wants to call your boss, Mrs. Clara, but he/she is not available. She has just stepped away from his desk. Take a message from him/her. Write it on the message form.

You work as the receptionist at Atlas Company. Someone wants to call your boss, Mr. Joshua, but he/she is not available. He is in a meeting right now. Take a message from him/her. Write it on the message form.

You work as the receptionist at PT. Bumitama Gunajaya Abadi. Someone wants to call your boss, Mr. Priya , but he/she is not available. He wont be in to the office today. Take a message from him/her. Write it on the message form.

Receiving a Call 3 Answered the call politely, identifying self and the company 2 Answered the call politely, identifying self But forget saying the company Indicated that the person desired was unavailable, giving appropriate details Indicated that the person desired was unavailable, no appropriate details No information about the person desired 1 Answered the call informally (by only saying Hello or Hi)

Take the message accurately Asking name,company and number for clarification Ended message call politely,

The message written but unclear Not complete clarification, only less than three detils Ended call thank you by saying

No message written

No clarification

No effort to end the call

promising to tell the

Taking a Message 3 Wrote accurately names some spelling Wrote the company Wrote the company No the company names written 2 Wrote names but have mistakes on 1 No names written


names but have some mistakes on spelling





Wrote time

the but

date have

and some

No the date and time written

the dates accurately

mistakes on spelling Wrote the message Wrote the message but have some mistakes on spelling No written the message


Pedoman Penilaian Afektif

INDIKATOR SIKAP No. N A M A Perhatian Partisipasi Ketekunan Inisiatif Tanggung Jawab Ketertiban JUMLAH RATARATA

SKOR 4 3 2 1 Sangat Baik Baik Cukup Kurang


Sukamara, 2 Oktober 2013 Mengetahui, Kepala SMKN 1 Sukamara Mahasiswa,

SARCE SISYOAN,S.Pd NIP.19670719 199303 2 006


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