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Is there a reaction?

Bunsen burner Eye protection Heatproof mat Spatula est tubes est tube holder est tube rack !hemicals

Make sure you are wearing eye protection for all these experiments. Be especially careful with the hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.

Year 7 2013-2014 Key Stage 3 Science Unit F: Reactions

" # $ Carry out the experi ents !escri"e! in the ta"#e$ an! #oo% care&u##y at 'hat happens( )rite your o"ser*ations in the ta"#e( Use the +)hat happene!,- co#u n( .ut a tic% in the right co#u n o& the ta"#e i& you thin% a reaction has ta%en p#ace(
%hat to do / / / / 0a#& &i## a test tu"e 'ith #e on 1uice( 2!! a spatu#a o& "icar"onate o& so!a( )atch 'hat happens( Fee# the tu"e( &iagram %hat happened' (s there a chemical reaction' ) or *

Experiment 1

/ / / /

0a#& &i## a s a## test tu"e 'ith 'ater( 2!! a spatu#a o& "a%ing po'!er( )atch 'hat happens( Fee# the tu"e(

/ 0a#& &i## a s a## "ea%er 'ith 'ater( / 2!! t'o spatu#as o& p#aster o& .aris( / Stir the ixture(

/ .ut t'o spatu#as o& 3inc oxi!e in a test tu"e( / 0eat the tu"e( )atch 'hat happens( / 4ea*e the hot tu"e in a rac% to coo# !o'n(

Year 7 2013-2014 Key Stage 3 Science Unit F: Reactions

/ 0a#& &i## a test tu"e 'ith copper su#phate so#ution( / .ut a #itt#e iron 'oo# into the copper su#phate so#ution( / )atch 'hat happens(

/ .ut a"out 3c !epth o& 'ater into a test tu"e( / 2!! a spatu#a o& 'hite copper su#phate po'!er( )atch 'hat happens( / Fee# the tu"e(

Year 7 2013-2014 Key Stage 3 Science Unit F: Reactions

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