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10204 Lantern Road, Fishers 46037 (317) 841-8194 www.workonecentra.or!

June 2014 Calendar of Events
Must be registered for workshops (*e!ept where noted"
Call (#1$" %41&%1'4 or speak with a staff (e(ber
M)*+,- ./E0+,- 1E+*E0+,- .2/30+,- F34+,-
5inked4n 6 ,dvan!ed7
Job 0ear!h 8
1 p( 6 4 p(
4n .ransition
' a( 6 12 p(
Marketing -ourself 6
9randing 8
1 p( 6 4 p(
Cover 5etters 8
.hank -ou *otes
' a( 6 12 p(
3esu(e & E(plo:er
1 p( 6 4 p(
Career *etworking *
' a( 6 107#0 a(
9usiness )wnership
' a( 6 12 p(
.,9E )nline
' a( 6 127#0 p(
5inked4n )pen 5ab
1 p( 6 4 p(
5inked4n 6 9asi!
=rofile> 0e!urit:>
1 p( 6 4 p(
4n .ransition
' a( 6 12 p(
4nfor(ational Meetings
1 p( 6 4 p(
?now -our 0kills
' a( 6 12 p(
Career *etworking *
' a( 6 107#0 a(
9usiness )wnership
' a( 6 12 p(
5inked4n )pen 5ab
1 p( 6 4 p(
1< 1$
4nterview 1ith -our
0kill 0tories
1 p( 6 4 p(
4nterview =ro!ess 8
' a( 6 12 p(
4nterview @uestion
1 p( 6 4 p(
Career *etworking *
' a( 6 107#0 a(
9usiness )wnership
' a( 6 12 p(
.,9E )nline
' a( 6 127#0 p(
5inked4n )pen 5ab
1 p( 6 4 p(

5inked4n 6 ,dvan!ed7
Job 0ear!h 8
1 p( 6 4 p(
4n .ransition
' a( 6 12 p(
0trategies to ,!hieve
' a( 6 12 p(
Midlife Job 0ear!h
1 p( 6 4 p(
Cover 5etters 8
.hank -ou *otes
' a( 6 12 p(
3esu(e & E(plo:er
1 p( 6 4 p(
Career *etworking *
' a( 6 107#0 a(
Job Fair
4 p( 6 $ p(
Fishers 9anAuet
'$$; *orth b:
*orthwest 9lvd>
Fishers> 4*
9usiness )wnership
' a( 6 12 p(
5inked4n )pen 5ab
1 p( 6 4 p(
0ee reverse side for workshop des!riptions
Follow us on Twitter @ fishersworkone
To take advantage of any services listed,
Please speak with a staff member.
Start with In Transition workshop
9usiness )wnership 4nitiative 3epresentative7
"#$ore %o&r entre$rene&ria interest o' (&siness
ownershi$ in an indi)id&a session. For an
appoint(ent ti(e> !all #1$&4<4&22;%.
Career *etworking* +ro)ides the o$$ort&nit% 'or
$ro'essionas to share ,o( search strate!ies, ,o(
eads, co--&nit% reso&rces in'or-ation, and
$ractice techni.&es with 'eow ,o( seekers.
Cover 5etters and .hank -ou *otes7 /re %o&
fo!used on the e(plo:er and s&ccinct0 1o %o&
know the di''erence (etween e--ai and $a$er0
/re %o& sendin! thank %o& notes0 2o-e dra't an
e''ecti)e co)er etter. 9ring an ad to write a
draft !over letterB
4nfor(ational Meetings 6 .he: are easier than
:ou think7 2o-e earn how si-$e it is to
cond&ct -eetin!s with ind&str% e#$erts and ,o(
-arket $ro'essionas to !ather in'or-ation a(o&t
an occ&$ation or 'ied. 3n'or-ationa -eetin!s
he$ %o& 'oc&s %o&r ,o( o(,ecti)es, earn where
hidden ,o(s -a% e#ist and $ractice takin! a(o&t
4nterview =ro!ess and Carious .:pes7
1isc&ss the entire $rocess co)erin! the initia
contact4 research4 $re$aration4 'oow &$4 and
s$eci'ic strate!ies 'or )ario&s t%$es o' inter)iews.
4nterview @uestion =ra!ti!e* 5o& wi $ractice
those di''ic&t inter)iew .&estions recei)in!
'eed(ack and he$ to 'or-&ate $ositi)e and
co-$ein! answers.
4nterview 1ith -our 0kill 0tories7 1o %o& know
how to de-onstrate in an inter)iew that %o& ha)e
had achie)e-ents &sin! skis needed (% the
e-$o%er0 2o-e write %o&r ski stor% in a 67/R
'or-at (used by local employers) and $ractice
tein! %o&r con)incin! ski stor%.
4n .ransition7 7he orientation worksho$ 'or new
cients to earn a(o&t o$tions, trends, and
ser)ices. 5o& wi !et the 8(i! $ict&re9 ,o( search
o)er)iew and start $annin! %o&r '&t&re. :eet
with a 2areer 2oach to see how the% can he$
%o& with %o&r ,o( search.
Job Fair7 Fishers 9anAuet Center
977; <orth (% <orthwest =)d, Fishers, 3< 46037
Look 'or '%er with e-$o%ers and ,o(
?now -our 0kills7 Learn how %o& ha)e o)er
300 skis. =e a(e to ist %o&r to$ 30 inte!rated
and s&$$orti)e
skis. 2o-e see how skied %o& rea% are and
how to 'oc&s the e-$o%er on %o&>
5inked4n 6 9asi! 9eginner7 =rofile> 0e!urit:>
Conta!ts7 Re)iew +ro'ie 'or the ,o( seeker, set
6ec&rit% 6ettin!s, (e!in %o&r e#$erience record,
re.&est a connection, and !et started with
?ro&$s. Dood to have a 5inked4n a!!ount
(registered" with 5inked4n 6 do not have to
have Conne!tions (do not use Ei(portF"B
9ring :our passwordB
5inked4n ,dvan!ed 6 Job 0ear!h 8
3esear!h7 Job> Co(panies> and Droups7
")a&ate %o&r +ro'ie @eader and 2&rrent Ao(
'or ree)ant 'oc&s. @ow to* &tiiBe the Ao( 7a(,
research and 'oow 2o-$anies4 (e in)o)ed
with ?ro&$s and $artici$ate in disc&ssions4 and
do e''ecti)e research.
5inked4n )pen 5ab 6C$en disc&ssion session
to recei)e indi)id&a he$ with %o&r Linked3n
.&estions. 0hould have attended a 5inked4n
9asi! or ,dvan!ed workshopB :a% (rin! %o&r
a$to$ or &se the co-$&ter a(.
Marketing -ourself & 9randing 8 *etworking7
1e)eo$ and disc&ss how %o&r 30-second
introd&ction, (&siness card, Linked3n $ro'ie and
+ersona :arketin! +an a work to!ether to
create %o&r $ersona (rand and networkin!
strate!%. C$tiona* 2 a(s wi (e o''ered to write
and co-$ete %o&r +ersona :arketin! +an.
Mid&life Job 0ear!h7 /re %o& 'eein! Dtoo od to
(eco-e re-e-$o%edE0 2o-e hear the iss&es
re!ardin! -id-i'e ,o( search and &nderstand
how to &se a!e to %o&r ad)anta!e.
3esu(e & E(plo:er Fo!used7 1o %o& know
the atest strate!ies 'or an e''ecti)e e-$o%er
'oc&sed res&-e0 2o-e disc&ss techni.&es and
'or-ats s&ita(e 'or %o&. =ring :our !urrent
0trategies to ,!hieve E(plo:(ent* Learn 9
s&ccess'& strate!ies, inc&din! in-$erson,
$a$er, and eectronic -ethods 'or a$$%in!, or
e)en (etter, !ettin! an introd&ction to an
.,9E )nline & .ests of ,dult 9asi!
Edu!ation* Cnine ad&t (asic skis
assess-ent which e)a&ates skis 'or trainin!
and e-$o%-ent, or to deter-ine readiness to
take the ?"1.

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