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Theory of Relativity in Quran

What is Quran:Quran is the book sent by Allah to

His beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
According to all the great people which may or
may not be Muslim they believe that Quran is
that book which has all the Knowledge of the
So, the Theory of relativity is also
described in Quran.
We will discuss here only one aspect of Theory
of relativity
Time Dilation
What is Time Dilation:In short words theory of
relativity said that when anything or person
moves with a speed approaches to speed of light
then time for that person or thing dilates with
respect to frame of reference which is at rest.
The formula of time dilation is;

And hence using this relativistic effect

of time we the Muslims now able the elucidate
the Waqia-e-Miraj. It is that event which is
very important in the life of Muhammad (SAW)
and it is also very important for all Muslims,
because during this journey Muhammad (SAW)
take to us two gifts which are Nimaz and Milk .
In Quran Allah said,

Holy is He Who carried His bondman by night from the

sacred Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque (Aqsa) around
which We have
put blessings that We might show him Our grand signs.
doubt, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
According to Einstein, time would pass more slowly
for somebody driving a vehicle at a speed close to

the velocity of light. In a medium in which an

inhabitant of the earth passes one hundred days, it
may take a person fifty days to displace at a speed
nearing the propagation speed of light. This finding
is the most interesting fact of the relativity theory.
Time slows down in direct proportion with speed.
Time is therefore a relative conception, as indicated
in the Quran.


After a lot of research I came to the

conclusion that When our beloved Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) went to meet Allah then
Quran says that time dilates, and in a very short
time of World He visit many places on Earth as
well on Sky. He (SAW) went on this Holy journey
by he sat on a Hoarse and that Hoarse moved
with a speed nearly equal to the speed light c.
The name of the Hoarse was Buraq and its
meaning in Arabic Language is light.
Because of that great speed nearly equal to
the speed of light c Buraq first goes to the
Masjid_ul_Haram to Masjid_ul_Aqsa. Then
that Hoarse goes form Masjid_ul_Aqsa to
Sidratul_Muntaha. In the end they arrive to the
That Holy Journey completed only in some
seconds because the Holy Horse Buraq moved
with a speed nearly equal to the speed of light
Hence, after nearly 1400 years man is able to
describe that mysterious journey using
Einsteins theory of relativity
Today the relativity of time is proven
scientific fact. This was revealed by Einsteins

theory of relativity at the early years of the 20th

century. Until then, people did not know the time
was a relative concept.
Yet the great scientist Albert Einstein
openly proved this fact with the theory of
relativity. He showed that time is dependent on
mass and velocity. In the history of humanity, on
one had expressed this fact clearly before.
With one exception through; the Quran
included information about times being relative!
Some verses about the subject read:

They ask you to hasten the punishment.

God will not break this promise. A day with your
Lord is equivalent to a thousand years in the way
you count (The Quran 22:47)

He directs the whole affair from heaven to

earth. Then it will again ascend to Him on a Day
whose length is a thousand years by the way you
measure.(The Quran 32:5)

The angles and the spirit ascend to Him in a day

whose length is fifty thousand years (The
Quran 70:4)

In the above verses we can easily found

that how time is different for us and Allah. Near
Allah there is no value of time but on Earth Time
passed very quickly.
In some verses, it is indicated that people
perceive time differently and that sometimes
people can perceive a very shory period of time
as a very lengthy one..
The following conversation of people held
during their judgment in the Hereafter is a good
example of this:
He will say, How many years did you tarry of
earth? They will say, We tarried there for a day
or part of a day. Ask those able to count! He will
say, You only tarried there for a little while if
you did but know!(The Quran 23:112-114)
The fact that the relative of time is so clearly
mentioned in the Quran, which stared to be
revealed in 610, is evidence that it is a holy

Hence in the end we come to the

conclusion that Quran is that book in the
universe which has all the knowledge of the
Universe. Because its author is not human
but Almighty Allah.

History of theory of relativity

Special relativity (SR,, also known as the special theory

of relativity or STR
STR) is the physical theory of

measurement in inertial frames of reference proposed

in 1905 by Albert Einstein (after the considerable and
independent contributions of Hendrik Lorentz, Henri
Poincar and others) in the paper "On the
Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies". It
generalizesGalileo's principle of relativitythat
all uniform motion is relative, and that there is no
absolute and well-defined state of rest (no privileged
reference frames
from mechanics to all the law of
physics, including both the laws of mechanics and
of electrodynamics, whatever they may be. Special
relativity incorporates the principle that the speed of
light is the same for all
inertial observers regardless of the state of
motion of the source.
This theory has a wide range of consequences
which have been experimentally
verified, including counter-intuitive ones such
as length contraction, time dilation and relativity
of simultaneity, contradicting the classical
notion that the duration of the time interval
between two events is equal for all observers.
(On the other hand, it introduces the space-time
interval, which is invariant.) Combined with
other laws of physics, the two postulates of
special relativity predict the equivalence
of matter and energy, as expressed in the massenergy equivalence formula E = mc2, where c is
the speed of light in a vacuum. The predictions
of special relativity agree well with Newtonian
mechanics in their common realm of
applicability, specifically in experiments in which
all velocities are small compared with the speed
of light.

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