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7, JULY 2009

MIMO Cooperative Diversity with

Scalar-Gain Amplify-and-Forward Relaying
Youngpil Song, Student Member, IEEE, Hyundong Shin, Member, IEEE,
and Een-Kee Hong, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—We analyze diversity performance of scalar fixed- constraint at the relays [2]–[6],1 whereas the fixed-gain AF
gain amplify-and-forward (AF) cooperation in multiple-input relays do not require instantaneous CSI at the relays but use
multiple-output (MIMO) relay channels with nS source antennas, the fixed relaying gain with average power constraint at the
nR relay antennas, and nD destination antennas. We first derive
the exact symbol error probability (SEP) for maximum likelihood relays [7]–[9]. The fixed relaying gain can be chosen such
decoding of orthogonal space–time block codes with M -ary that the AF relays both introduce the same gain on average
phase-shift keying modulation over such channels and then and consume the same average output power [7], [8], or
characterize the effect of MIMO cooperative diversity on SEP simply consume the same average power as the adaptive-
behavior in a high signal-to-noise ratio regime. We show that the gain relays [9]. The exact symbol error probability (SEP) was
simple scalar-gain AF cooperation can create the diversity order
analyzed in [3] for cooperative diversity systems with multiple
nS nR nD adaptive-gain AF relays, while the closed-form approximate
dAF ≤ nS nD +
max {nS , nR , nD } SEP was presented in [4] for general multiple-relay, multihop
with the equality if 2 max {nS , nR , nD } ≥ nS + nR + nD − 1. cooperative diversity at asymptotically high signal-to-noise
This finding reveals that the number of relay antennas greater ratio (SNR). In addition, a general framework for maximum
than or equal to nS + nD − 1 is required to achieve the additional likelihood (ML) detection of both AF and decode-and-forward
diversity order nS nD by scalar-gain AF relaying. We also present (DF) relaying was studied in [6] where it has been shown
the asymptotic SEP as the number of relay antennas tends to
infinity. that with the DF protocol, noncoherent signaling loses about
half of the achievable diversity order. Without a direct com-
Index Terms—Amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying, cooperative munication link from source to destination, the performance
diversity, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), orthogonal
space–time block code, symbol error probability. of dual-hop AF transmission was analyzed in [7] for fixed-
gain relays. Recently, this analysis was further extended to
multihop environments [5], [8]. More recently, outage-optimal
I. I NTRODUCTION opportunistic relay-selection rules were proposed in [9].

I N cooperative communications, a source broadcasts infor- It is well understood that with nR relay terminals, multiple
mation to relays and a destination. The relays retransmit adaptive-gain AF reception from orthogonal relay channels
the information about the same message to the destination and achieves the diversity order nR + 1 (when all communicating
then, the destination combines the received signals from both terminals have a single antenna) [2]–[4]. However, since this
the source and the relays to enhance communication reliability adaptive-gain AF relaying requires a continuous estimate of
[1], [2]. In this way, multiple terminals in a network cooper- fading at each relay and is not always feasible from a practical
ate to exploit virtual multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) point of view, we focus on analyzing diversity performance
benefits, and create a distributed form of spatial diversity—the of fixed-gain AF cooperation in a general MIMO setup. More
so-called cooperative diversity or user cooperation diversity. specifically, we consider a MIMO dual-hop cooperative link
Particularly, in a nonregenerative or amplify-and-forward (AF) with nS source antennas, nR AF relay antennas, and nD
relay system, the relays simply amplify the received signal destination antennas—referred to as a (nS , nR , nD )-MIMO AF
from the source, and forward it to the destination without relay channel—where the source employs orthogonal space–
performing any sort of signal regeneration. This operational time block codes (OSTBCs) [10]–[13] to exploit diversity
simplicity of AF relaying has recently motivated much work capability of MIMO channels. We first derive the exact SEP
on its performance analyses (see, e.g., [2]–[9]). for ML decoding of the OSTBC with M -ary phase-shift key-
The adaptive-gain AF relays exploit instantaneous channel ing (M -PSK) modulation over dual-hop (nS , nR , nD )-MIMO
state information (CSI) of the source-to-relay (S → R) link AF relay channels. We then characterize the effect of MIMO
to control the amplification gain with instantaneous power cooperative diversity on SEP behavior in the asymptotic
regimes of the number of relay antennas and SNR. Note that
Paper approved by E. Erkip, the Editor for Cooperation Diversity of the achievable diversity in the dual-hop (nS , nR , nD )-MIMO
the IEEE Communications Society. Manuscript received February 24, 2007; AF relay channel resembles the diversity behavior in a kind
revised February 3, 2008, September 2, 2008, and January 31, 2009.
This research was supported in part by the Korea Research Foundation of cascaded fading channels due to double scattering [13].
Grant funded by the Korean Government (MOEHRD) (KRF-2006-331-
The authors are with the Department of Electronics and Radio Engineering,
Kyung Hee University, 1 Seocheon-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi- 1 The analysis in [3]–[5] has considered the adaptive-gain AF relaying in
do 446-701, Korea (e-mail: {ysong, hshin, ekhong} an analytically more tractable form where the noise figure at the relays has
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCOMM.2009.07.070099 been ignored from the relaying gain.
c 2009 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: VELLORE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on August 2, 2009 at 04:15 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

nR antennas
† R
(·) transpose conjugate; second hop
(x)+ positive part of x, defined by max {x, 0}; H1
x largest integer less than or equal to x; H2
. first hop
= exponential equality, namely,
. H0
f (λ) = λx ⇔ limλ→∞ loglogf (λ) λ S D
where x is the exponential order of f (λ);
tr (·) trace; nS antennas nD antennas
AF Frobenius norm = tr AA† ; Fig. 1. Dual-hop (nS , nR , nD )-MIMO AF relay channels with an nR -antenna
In  relay. Double circles and lines indicate multiple-antenna terminals and matrix-
 n × n identity matrix; propagation links, respectively.
CN μ, σ 2 complex circularly symmetric Gaussian
distribution with mean μ and variance σ 2 ;
W̃m (n, Σ) complex central Wishart matrix with n
the second hop is given by
degrees of freedom and the scale matrix Σ
[14, Definition II.2]. Y2 = H2 GY1 + Z2 (3)

II. S YSTEM M ODEL where G is a real-valued relaying gain, H2 is an nD × nR i.i.d.

Rayleigh-fading channel matrix for the relay-to-destination
We consider a dual-hop (nS , nR , nD )-MIMO AF relay
(R → D) link, and Z2 is an nD × K AWGN matrix at
system, where the channel remains constant for an integer
the destination in the second hop. Note that all the random
multiple of the dual-hop symbol intervals and changes in-
quantities H and Z ,  = 0, 1, 2, are statistically independent,
dependently to a new value for each coherence time. All
and the entries of H and Z are complex Gaussian CN (0, Ω )
terminals are in half-duplex mode and hence, transmission
and CN (0, N0 ), respectively, where the variances Ω capture
occurs over two time slots, each with the interval of K (≥ nS )
the variations of distance-related path loss between different
symbol periods.
transmit-receive pairs. The average transmit power at the relay
is again constrained to
A. First-Hop Transmission 
E GY1 F = G2 (nR Ω1 KP + nR KN0 )
In the first K-symbol time slot, the source transmits an
nS × K OSTBC X consisting of N symbols x1 , x2 , . . . , xN = KP (4)
selected from M -PSK signal constellation X , where the 

1 −1
total power transmitted
 through nS antennas is assumed to yielding G2 = nR Ω1 + SNR where SNR  P/N0 is
be P so that E XF = KP [10]. Due to the unitary defined as the common SNR of each link without fading [2],
N 2
property of OSTBCs, i.e., XX† = [4], [9]. With SNR, we can parameterize average received
n=1 |xn | InS , the
power constraint KP imposed on the OSTBC X implies that SNRs per receive antenna for the S → D, S → R, and R →
E |xn |2 = P/ (RnS ), where R = N/K. D channels by Ω0 SNR, Ω1 SNR, and Ω2 SNR, respectively.
During the first hop, the received signals at the destination Following [2], [4], [9], we vary SNR in analysis and take
and relay are given by into account different relative received SNRs by pertinently
choosing the values of fading variances Ω ( = 0, 1, 2).
Y0 = H0 X + Z0 (1)
Y1 = H1 X + Z1 (2)
C. Interpretation of AF Cooperation
respectively. In (1) and (2), H0 and H1 are nD × nS
and nR × nS independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) During two hops of the 2K symbol intervals, the overall
Rayleigh-fading channel matrices for the source-to-destination received signals at the destination can be expressed in matrix
(S → D) and S → R links, respectively. Also, Z0 and notation as
Z1 are nD × K and nR × K additive white Gaussian noise Y = H X + H I Z1 + Z (5)
(AWGN) matrices at the destination and relay in the first hop,
respectively. where

Y =
B. Second-Hop Transmission (2nD ×K) Y2

During the second time slot, the relay retransmits a scaled H0
H =
version of Y1 to the destination with the same power con- (2nD ×nS ) GH2 H1
straint at the source, whereas the source remains silent. To
simplify relaying operation, a relaying gain is determined only HI =
(2nD ×nR ) GH2
to satisfy the average power constraint with statistical CSI
about H1 (not its realizations) at the relay. With this fixed- Z0
Z = .
gain AF relaying, the received signal at the destination during (2nD ×K) Z2

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We remark that (5) is equivalent to a MIMO channel with {1, 2, . . . , N } [11], the symbol-wise ML decoding in (8) can
nS transmit and 2nD receive antennas in the presence of a be rewritten as
single nR -antenna Gaussian cochannel interferer: the OSTBC    
  −1/2 2  2
−1/2 2 
X received through the compound channel GH2 H1 in the x̂n = arg min Q    
H F xn + Z̃ − Q H F x
second hop is interfered by the Gaussian noise Z1 relayed via
the link GH2 . (9)

where Z̃ is the additive noise quantity after signal combining,

In this section, we derive the ML decoding performance of Z0
the OSTBC over (nS , nR , nD )-MIMO AF relay channels. We Z̃ = Re tr Q−1HA n
Z2 + GH2 Z1
begin with ML decoding of X, which requires a nontrivial  † 
extension of the well-known decoding rule (see, e.g., [10]– Z0 −1
− j Im tr Q HB n
[13]) due to the colored noise part of (5). Z2 + GH2 Z1
∼ CN 0, Q−1/2HF .
A. Maximum-Likelihood Decoding
Hence, the instantaneous SNR for each subchannel (induced
With full CSI at the destination,2 the received signal matrix by ML decoding of X) can be readily written as
Y given X is complex Gaussian with the conditional proba-
 2 P
bility density function (pdf) γSTBC-AF = Q−1/2H F . (10)
  2 RnS
exp − Q−1/2 (Y Y − H X)F
Y |X, H , H I ) =
p (Y (6) Since all the links H0 , H1 , and H2 are statistically in-
π 2nD K det (Q) dependent, by letting Nmin = min {nR , nD } and Nmax =
where Q is the 2nD × 2nD matrix given by max {nR , nD }, we obtain the moment generating function
(MGF) of γSTBC-AF as follows (see Appendix A):
InD 0
Q = N0 . (7) MγSTBC-AF (s)  E {exp (−sγSTBC-AF )}
0 InD + G2 H2 H†2  −nS nD
sΩ0 SNR det {Ξ (s)}
With the amicable orthogonal designs of X [10], [11], it is = 1+ (11)
RnS KNmin ,Nmax
easy to show that vector ML decoding reduces to the following
symbol-wise ML decoding problem: the ML receiver chooses m
with Km,n  =1 (n − )! ( − 1)!, m ≤ n, and the
x̂n for xn , n = 1, 2, ..., N , if and only if Nmin × Nmin Hankel matrix Ξ (s) whose (i, j)th entry is
 given by (12), shown at the bottom of the page, where
x̂n = arg minRe tr Y † Q−1HA n − j Im tr Y † Q−1HB n p Fq (a1 , . . . , ap ; b1 , . . . , bq ; z) is the generalized hypergeomet-
 ric function [15, eq. (9.14.1)]. Using the MGF approach along
 2 2
− Q−1/2H F x (8) with (11), we obtain the average SEP for the OSTBC X with
M -PSK in (nS , nR , nD )-MIMO AF relay channels as
√  π− M π  −nS nD
where j = −1 and nS × K matrices {A A n , B n }N
n=1 are 1 gMPSK Ω0 SNR
the amicable orthogonal designs of X, 
satisfying the condi- Pe = 1+
πKNmin ,Nmax 0 Rn sin2 θ
tions [11, eq. (33)] and forming X = N  S 
N n=1 A n Re {xn } + gMPSK
j n=1 B n Im {xn }. · det Ξ dθ (13)
sin2 θ
where gMPSK = sin2 (π/M ).3
B. Symbol Error Probability †
As nR → ∞, nR H2 H2 converges almost surely to Ω2 InD
On account of the unitariness of A n , B n , ∀n ∈
{1, 2, . . . , N }, skew-Hermitianness of A nA †m , B nB †m , ∀m =
n ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N }, and Hermitianness of A nB †m , ∀m, n ∈
3 See [16] for more details on the MGF approach, from which we can easily
2 ThisCSI means that the destination has channel knowledge of the S → D extend our analysis to arbitrary two-dimensional signaling constellation with
link H0 , R → D link GH2 , and compound channel GH2 H1 . polygonal decision boundaries.

nS 2  2 sΩ1 SNR
Ξij (s) = G Ω2 (Nmax − Nmin + i + j +  − 2)! 2 F0 Nmax − Nmin + i + j +  − 1, nS ; −G Ω2 1 +

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by the law of large numbers, leading to (nS, 5, 1)-MIMO analysis
 −nS nD simulation
sΩ Ω SNR 10

lim Mγ2 (s) = 1 +  1 2 1

nR →∞ RnS Ω1 + Ω2 + SNR nS = 1, 2, 3, 4

Symbol error probability

(14) 10

Therefore, the asymptotic SEP with fixed-gain AF cooperation

for fixed nS and nD is given by 10

 π  −nS nD
1 π− M gMPSK Ω0 SNR -4
lim Pe = 1+ 10 8-PSK
nR →∞ π 0 RnS sin2 θ Ω 0 = 1/16
 −nS nD
gMPSK Ω1 Ω2 SNR -5
Ω1 = 1
· 1+   dθ. 10 Ω2 = 1
RnS sin2 θ Ω1 + Ω2 + SNR 1

(15) 10

10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB)
C. Achievable Diversity Order
Fig. 2. Analytical and simulated SEPs of 8-PSK OSTBC X versus SNR in
The diversity impact of fixed-gain AF cooperation on a (nS , 5, 1)-MIMO AF relay channels: nS = 1 (no space–time block coding),
2, 3, and 4. Ω0 = 1/16, Ω1 = 1, and Ω2 = 1.
high-SNR slope of the SEP curve can be quantified by the
following theorem.
Theorem 1 (Achievable Diversity Order): Let
[13, Theorem 1] for the double-scattering MIMO channel.4
− log Pe However, the noise at the relay is also forwarded to the
dAF  lim (16) destination and hence, as in (8), the ML receiver should
SNR→∞ log (SNR)
decorrelate the colored noise vector with the whitening matrix
be the achievable cooperative diversity order in dual-hop Q−1 . In contrast to the diversity behavior of the fixed-gain
(nS , nR , nD )-MIMO AF relay channels. Then, the diversity AF cooperation, the adaptive-gain AF relaying or distributed
order dAF achieved by the fixed-gain AF relaying is given by space-time coding can recover significantly the diversity bene-
nS nR nD fit limitation of the fixed-gain AF cooperation (see, e.g., [17],
dAF = nS nD +
max {nS , nR , nD } [18]).
⎢ 2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ (nS + nR + nD − 2 max {nS , nR , nD })+ ⎥
− ⎣ ⎦.
(17) To illustrate our analytical results, we consider collinear
geometry of locations for three communicating terminals,
Proof: See Appendix B
as considered in [2], [4], [6]. The pass loss of each link
We remark that 2 max {nS , nR , nD } ≥ nS + nR + nD − 1
follows an exponential-decay model: letting r0 denote the
is the condition under which the achievable diversity order is
distance between the source and destination, then Ω0 ∝ r0−α ,
equal to nS nD + nS nR nD / max {nS , nR , nD } and hence, only
where we set α = 4 corresponding to a typical nonline-
when nR ≥ nS + nD − 1, the fixed-gain AF cooperation attains
of-sight propagation. Let r1 and r2 be the S → R and
the diversity order dAF = 2nS nD . It is clear from (17) that for −α
R → D distances, respectively. Then, Ω1 = (r1 /r0 ) Ω0
given nS and nD , the achievable diversity order for the fixed- −α
and Ω2 = (r2 /r0 ) Ω0 .
gain AF relaying increases with nR and is limited to 2nS nD .
Fig. 2 shows the analytical and simulated SEPs of 8-PSK
As a double check, we can readily show that the maximum
OSTBC X versus SNR in (nS , 5, 1)-MIMO AF relay channels
diversity achieved by the fixed-gain AF relaying is equal to
with nS = 1 (no space–time block coding), 2, 3, and 4. In this
2nS nD using (15) as follows:
figure, Ω0 = 1/16, Ω1 = 1, and Ω2 = 1, which correspond to
. collinear equidistance (i.e., r1 = r2 ) between three terminals.
lim Pe = SNR−nS nD · SNR−nS nD
nR →∞ For each value of nS , we use a general construction of OST-
 π− M

· sin2nS nD θ · sin2nS nD θ dθ 4 In the high-SNR regime, we can ignore the noise relaying (i.e., Z 
0 1
. 0), leading the fixed-gain AF relay antennas exactly to active scatterers and
= SNR−2nS nD (18) resulting in the same diversity behavior in the presence of double scattering.
Note that in parallel to (17), [13, eq. (10)] should be corrected as
leading to dAF = 2nS nD . Since the relayed signal is subject
nT nS nR
to Rayleigh fading twice (i.e., double Rayleigh fading) during dSTBC =
max {nT , nS , nR }
two hops, the overall channel behaves like a kind of cascaded ⎢
⎢ 2⎥

fading channels due to double scattering [13], [14]. Therefore, ⎢ (nT + nS + nR − 2 max {nT , nS , nR })+ ⎥
− ⎣ ⎦.
the diversity order achieved by the second-hop relaying trans- 2
mission is limited by nS nR nD / max {nS , nR , nD }, resembling

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(3, n , 3)-MIMO
(3, nR, 1)-MIMO
noncooperation (no relaying)
10 -2 no
10 nc
Symbol error probability


Symbol error probability

p er
10 ati
( no
r ela
10 -4
QPSK yin
10 g)
Ω0 = 1/16
10 10
-5 Ω1 = 1
Ω2 = 1
-7 -6
10 8-PSK 10
nR = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20,∞
SNR = 20 dB
Ω 0 = 1/16 10
n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 100,∞

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 10
5 10 15 20 25 30
r1/r0 SNR (dB)

Fig. 3. Analytical SEP of 8-PSK OSTBC X as a function of the Fig. 4. Analytical SEP of QPSK OSTBC X versus SNR in (3, nR , 1)-
relative distance r1 /r0 in (3, nR , 3)-MIMO AF relay channels: nR = MIMO AF relay channels: nR = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20 (solid line), and ∞
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 100 (solid line), and ∞ (dashed line). Ω0 = 1/16, (dashed line). Ω0 = 1/16, Ω1 = 1, and Ω2 = 1. For comparison, the SEP
Ω1 = (r1 /r0 )−4 Ω0 , Ω2 = (1 − r1 /r0 )−4 Ω0 , and SNR = 20 dB. For of single-hop noncooperative communication is also plotted (short dashed
comparison, the SEP of single-hop noncooperative communication is also line).
plotted (short dashed line).

10, 20 (solid line), and ∞ (dashed line). For comparison, we

BCs presented in [12, Proposition 2].5 It should be noted that also plot the SEP of single-hop noncooperative communication
a transmission rate for orthogonal space–time block coding (short dashed line). This example demonstrates the effect of
with M -PSK reduces to 12 R log2 M bits/s/Hz due to the half- nR on the achievable diversity order. We can observe that the
duplex dual-hop relaying and orthogonal design. It can be seen maximum diversity order is limited to dAF = 6 for nR ≥ 3, and
from Fig. 2 that analytical and simulated SEP curves match increasing the number of relay antennas beyond nS + nD − 1
exactly. does not provide further diversity advantage on the slope of
In Fig. 3, the analytical SEP of 8-PSK OSTBC X at the SEP curve.
SNR = 20 dB is depicted as a function of the relative
distance r1 /r0 in (3, nR , 3)-MIMO AF relay channels when
nR = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 100 (solid line), and We have derived the exact SEP of the OSTBC with M -PSK
∞ (dashed line), where Ω0 = 1/16, Ω1 = (r1 /r0 )−4 Ω0 , in dual-hop (nS , nR , nD )-MIMO AF cooperative links. It has
and Ω2 = (1 − r1 /r0 ) Ω0 . For comparison, we also plot been shown that due to the scalar-gain AF nature of relaying,
the SEP of single-hop noncooperative communication (short the maximum diversity achieved by MIMO cooperation is
dashed line). With no relaying, the second-hop time slot might limited to the order
also be allotted to the source for retransmission. This yields a nS nR nD
nS nD +
single-hop direct communication at SNR of 2SNR. This figure max {nS , nR , nD }
shows that as nR increases, AF cooperation improves the SEP
and the number of relay antennas greater than or equal to
performance significantly and approaches its asymptote given
nS + nD − 1 is required to support the diversity capability
by (15). Also, we can observe that symmetric geometry (i.e.,
formed by multiple antennas at the source and/or destination.
r1 /r0 = 0.5) gives a near-optimal performance in all values
The asymptotic SEP performance attained by increasing the
of nR , as addressed in [4], [6], [9].
number of scalar-gain AF relay antennas has also been inves-
Fig. 4 shows the analytical SEP of quadrature PSK (QPSK)
OSTBC X versus SNR in (3, nR , 1)-MIMO AF relay channels
(Ω0 = 1/16, Ω1 = 1, Ω2 = 1) when nR = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, A PPENDIX A
5 For the general construction in [12, Proposition 2], the dispersion matrices
Dividing γSTBC-AF in (10) into two parts as
An , B n }N
{A n=1 necessary for ML decoding in (8) can be found as follows:
A 1 = InS γSTBC-AF = H0 2F SNR
B 1 = ⊗N−1
0 1 ! "# $
−1 0 γ1
A n = ⊗N−n I2 ⊗
0 −1
⊗ ⊗n−2
1 0 G 

† −1/2

1 0 0 −1 +  InD + G2 H2 H2 H2 H1  SNR
    RnS F
B n = ⊗N−n I2 ⊗
0 1
⊗ ⊗n−2
1 0 ! "# $
1 0 0 −1 γ2

where n = 2, 3, . . . , N , and ⊗n A is the nth Kronecker power of A. (19)

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we have Proof: Let μ1 , μ2 , . . . , μm be the eigenvalues of S. Then,

 ∞  ∞ ( m  p
MγSTBC-AF (s) = Mγ1 (s) · Mγ2 (s) (20) 1 1 + aμ
f (ξ) = ···
m! Km,n 0 0 1 + aμ + ξμ
with (
   · μn−m e−μ
(μi − μj ) dμ1 dμ2 · · · dμm .
s 2 
Mγ1 (s) = EH0 exp − H0 F SNR 1≤i<j≤m
 −nS nD (28)
= 1+ (21) Making the change of variables σk = ξμk , k = 1, 2, . . . , q
(≤ m), we have
and Mγ2 (s), shown at the bottom of the page, where W ∼  ∞  ∞ ( q  p
W̃Nmin (Nmax , INmin ) and (22) follows from [13, Lemma 1]. Let ξ −q 1 + aξ −1 σk
f (ξ) = ···
λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λNmin be the eigenvalues of the Wishart matrix W. m! Km,n 0 0 1 + aξ −1 σk + σk
Then, using the same steps leading to [13, Theorem 10], we  n−m (m  p
σk 1 + aμ
get · e−σk /ξ
⎧ ⎡ ⎤nS ⎫ ξ 1 + aμ + ξμ
⎨N( min 2 ⎬  2 (  2
⎣ 1 + G Ω λ
2  (
Mγ2 (s) = E   ⎦ · μn−m −μ

σj σi
− μj
⎩ 1 + G2 Ω 1 + sΩ1 SNR λ ⎭ ξ ξ ξ
=1 2 RnS  1≤i<j≤q 1≤i≤q
−1 q+1≤j≤m
= KN min ,Nmax
det {Ξ (s)} (24) 
( 2
where the (i, j)th entry of Ξ (s) is given by · (μi − μj ) dσ1 · · · dσq dμq+1 · · · dμm
⎡ ⎤nS
 ∞ 2 ξ −q(n−m−p+q)−mp
(large ξ)
⎣ 1 + G Ω2 λ m
Ξij (s) =   ⎦ =
0 1 + G Ω2 1 + sΩRn
2 1 SNR
λ  ∞q
−p n−m+i+j−2
· λNmax −Nmin +i+j−2 e−λ dλ (25) · det (1 + σ) σ dσ
1≤i,j≤q 0
which can be evaluated as (12) with the help of [13, eq. (138)]. · det p n−m−p+2q+i+j−2 −μ
(1 + aμ) μ e dμ
1≤i,j≤m−q 0
+ O(1) (29)
A PPENDIX B where the last equality follows from the generalized Cauchy–
P ROOF OF T HEOREM 1 Binet formula and the zero-dimensional determinant (when
q = 0 or m) is equal to one by convention.6 Note that the
The proof of Theorem 1 requires the following lemma. integrals in the first and second determinants in (29) converge
Lemma 1: Let S ∼ W̃m (n, Im ) and when
 . /−p 
−1 n − m − p + 2q < 1 for q = 0 (30)
f (ξ) = E det Im + ξ (Im + aS) S (26)
n − m − p + 2q > −1 for q = m (31)
where a > 0 and p is a positive integer. Let the exponential respectively. Therefore, we have
order of f (ξ) be −κ (m, n, p), that is, f (ξ) = ξ −κ(m,n,p) .
Then, we have κ (m, n, p) = q ∗ (n − m − p + q ∗ ) + mp (32)
⎢ 2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ (m − |n − p|)+ ⎥
κ (m, n, p) = m min {n, p} − ⎣ ⎦.
2 6 Here, det [Aij ] denotes the determinant of an n × n matrix with the
(27) (i, j)th entry Aij .

sG2 SNR  2 † −1/2 
Mγ2 (s) = EH1 ,H2 exp −  InD + G H2 H2 H2 H1 
0  −nS 1
sΩ1 G SNR †   −1
2 †
= EH2 det InR + H2 InD + G H2 H2 H2 (22)
0  −nS 1
sΩ1 Ω2 G2 SNR  −1
= EW det INmin + INmin + G2 Ω2 W W (23)

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