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Frederick Bird Primary School - Reception Curriculum Overview 2014-2015

Aut 1 wb 22nd Sep 24th Oct - 5 weeks

Spr 1 wb 5th Jan 13th Feb - 6 weeks

Theme: All about me - PSED

PSED School routines / Golden Rules
CL + UW - Me and my family / My senses / listening to stories /
instructions, Birthdays
ICT Paint programme
Literacy describing self, my favourite, lists of jobs to do in
the home, telephone messages. Introduce RWI
Role Play home
Maths Counting / Recognising / Ordering numbers to 10/20,
Number songs and rhymes
Story focus: Brown Bear, Brown Bear..
Enrichment stories: Owl Babies, Not Now Bernard, Peace at
Last, The Large Family stories, Busters Birthday, Golden
Rules stories
Enrichment opportunities:
Explore school grounds.
Looking / Listening walk
Autumn Walk / allotment / Forest school / Pond
Visitors from in school (dinner supervisors, head teacher,
kitchen staff)
Opportunities for Parental Involvement
Celebration Assemblies to begin on.
Photos from home to be shared
Aut 2 wb 3rd Nov 19th Dec - 7 weeks

Theme: Help I need somebody! UW

PSED Helping ourselves and others + Stranger danger
CL Sequencing first, next etcto organise ideas.
UW Jobs People who help us in community
Stranger Danger E-safety
ICT Walkie-Talkies
Role play Drs surgery / Hospital / Builders
Literacy prescriptions, captions and labels.
Superheroes, design superhero + describe.
Maths solve problems, positional language
Story focus: Limas Red Hot Chilli
Enrichment stories: Little Red Hen, Cleversticks
Enrichment opportunities:
Shrove Tues 17/2
Chinese New Year 19/2
Jag partnership visit Safety First
Police visit
Opportunities for Parental Involvement

Theme: 1,2,3..Who do you see? - Literacy

PSED - Marvellous Manners / Turn taking
Literacy story maps, story boards and letters.
CL - Telling stories, story maps, making up stories in our head.
UW Making maps (local area, route to school) ICT - BEEBOTS
programming a route, talking tins
Bonfire night and Diwali traditions
Maths 2d/3d shapes troll bridges, houses for 3 pigs
Role Play 3 Bears house
Story focus: Golidlocks and 3 Bears
Enrichment Stories: Three Billy Goats Gruff, Three Little Pigs
Enrichment opportunities:
Bonfire Night 5/11,
Diwali 11/11
Christmas performance + Party
Opportunities for Parental Involvement
Bedtime Story session
Invite parents to sign up to read a story on Friday pm

Theme: Circle of Life - UW

PSED Likes and dislikes, same but different
CL How and Why questions
UW People, Plants and Animals - Babies to adults, Planting
seeds, growing our own food
Easter traditions and Easter Story
Life Cycles caterpillars and butterflies, tadpoles and frogs,
Chickens. ICT - microscope
Literacy - captions, labels, recount of farm visit, shopping lists
Role Play Fruit shop / Supermarket
Maths Height, weight, size - ordering/comparing, money
Story focus: Jaspers Beanstalk
Enrichment Stories: Jack and the Beanstalk, Olivers
Vegetables, Hungry Caterpillar, Lazy Ladybird
Enrichment opportunities:
Farm Visit,
Pond Visit
Class caterpillars,
Mothers Day 15/3
Easter 4/4
Opportunities for Parental Involvement
Mothers Day morning activities invite parents

Sum 1 wb 20th Apr 22nd May - 5 weeks

Theme: Happy Ever After - Literacy
PSED Working as part of a team
CL Connect ideas, talk about why things happen
UW Pushes and pulls
ICT Imovie / puppet pals to recreate story
Literacy Story writing / recount bags (building sentences)
Maths Weighing + measuring
Role play Story sacks, masks of characters
Story focus: The Gingerbread Man
Enrichment stories: The Enormous Turnip, The Runaway
Chapatti, Red Riding Hood
Enrichment opportunities:
Family assembly
Health Week
Science Week
Opportunities for Parental Involvement
Wednesday Family Assemblies to begin
Invite Parents in to demo Chapatti making

Invite parents in to talk about their job

Spr 2 wb 23rd Feb 2nd Apr - 6 weeks

* Although themes have a main focus e.g. All About me PSED, all 7 areas of learning are provided for within each theme.

Sum 2 wb 1st June 21st July - 7 weeks

Theme: Splash! Maths + UW
PSED Memories of Reception + transition Y1 Make
memory book,
CL Talking about past, present and future
UW Floating and sinking, Water in our world and its uses,
boat races/investigation, the weather, magnets (fishing
game) Pond dipping
ICT Metal Detectors
Maths Capacity, More/less, problem solving
Literacy - story writing, letter to new teacher
Role Play Pirates / water guns outside
Story focus: Pirate Pete and the hat
Enrichment stories: Rainbow Fish, Billys Bucket.
Commotion in the Ocean
Enrichment opportunities:
Canal visit,
Paddling pool
Fathers Day 21/6
Opportunities for Parental Involvement
Fathers Day morning activities invite parents
Funflower walk

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