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Battle of the Books

Rules and Guidelines for the Timer/Buzzers

1. Each match consists of four rounds of 24 questions per round.
2. At the beginning of each round, conduct a buzzer check to make sure all the
equipment is working properly.
3. When a question is read, students have three seconds to buzz in. If neither team
buzzes, time will be called and the next question read.
4. Once a student buzzes in, you must recognize that student by either Red/Green
1-4 or Cheney 1-4 before he/she may provide an answer. Students will receive
one warning per team if they answer before being properly recognized.
5. Students have five seconds to start an answer after they have buzzed in. They
do not confer with each other.
6. The buzzers need to be cleared before the reading of the next question.

1. When a question is read, a student has three seconds to buzz in. If neither team
buzzes within three seconds, CALL TIME. The next question will be read.
2. Students have five seconds to start an answer after they have buzzed in and five
seconds to complete their answer. Students may not confer with each other
once someone has buzzed in.
3. If an answer is incorrect, the opposing team has seven seconds to provide an

answer. They may confer before buzzing in. If an incorrect answer is given after
an interruption, allow for the question to be reread before staring the ten second

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