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Sunday, July 24, 2016 8:37:10 PM

Acceptable Use and Bullying

As a teacher, it is our job to teach about cyberbullying and how to deal with it before it becomes
a large issue. If students are aware of what cyberbullying is, and how they should react to it, it
could not become a big problem. Bullying is something that should always be addressed in the
classroom, and students should always know they can go to their teachers for help if they are
being bullied. Students should know how bad cyberbullying is, and what the consequences are
for bullying.
Teaching about copyright rules and fair use to younger students could be a challange. In younger
grades there is a large possibility that students have not yet used technology for academic use.
They are most likely unaware that it is against the rules to copy other people's work. Students
need to be shown what copyrighting is, how to prevent it, and the consequences of stealing
someone else's work. There are many forms of copyrighting that they should be familiar with,
including copying from a classmate.
In response to activities in textbook:

Your Districts AUP, Page 258

Copyright Lessons, Page 268
Cyberbullying Laws, Page 271

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