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Dialogue in


Hernndez Morales Leonel Jiram

GROUP: 206

Subjet: Initial Interaction of

Teacher: Laura Prez Ramrez
Morning Shift

Dialogue in class
Leonel: Hello! Axel
Axel: Hi! Leonel
Leonel: can I borrow your pencil?
Axel: clear
Leonel: Thanks
Teacher: Hello! Good morning class
Students: Good morning teacher
Teacher: How are you?
Students: Fine thank you and you?
Teacher: Im fine sit down.
Teacher: Axel comes forward and spelling dictionary
Axel: Yes, D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y, dictionary
Teacher: Very good Axel
Axel: Thanks I can sit?
Teacher: If you can sit
Leonel: Teacher will review the homework
Teacher: Yeah, thanks for reminding
Leonel: Your welcome
Teacher: Leonel can you spell the word otorrinolaringologo
Leonel: Sure, you spell O-T-O-R-R-I-N-O-L-A-R-I-N-G-O-L-O-G-O
Teacher: Thanks sit down, open your book turn to page ten
Axel: I can you repeat please?
Teacher: Yes, open your book turn to page ten
Axel: Thanks teacher
Teacher: Your welcome, so work in pairs lessons five and six
Leonel: Axel you want to work with me?
Axel: Clear, work together
Teacher: sorry it ended or class bye see you next class sesin
Students: Goodbye teacher

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