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Morgan Hammons
Texas A&M Commerce

The definition of a professional is one who has obtained sufficient knowledge and
experience, to engage in a paid profession. Professionalism in education is when the student


becomes the teacher. The roles are reversed and the teacher must now be the leader and catalyst
to transfer the content knowledge of the subject matter. My expectations are of myself, my coworkers and administration.
Professionalism begins with self-expectations. When a school is willing to pay a salary to a
teacher, this individual must learn how to operate successfully in their environment. It is the task
of the teacher to know the rules and comply. Additionally, a teacher must know how to conduct
themselves in all settings. For example, parent-teacher conversations, the teacher is the paid
professional; he must maintain successful communication no matter the situation.
Also, in this type of environment a teacher should be able to require professional
behavior from co-workers. This includes assisting new teachers to learn the particular methods of
the school. A professional environment should exclude negative conversations about other
teachers, difficult students and administrative decisions. To be professional is to know how to
cope with difficult co-workers, disruptive students and administrative decisions that are not
favorable. Once again a professional remembers they are being paid to provide a service.
One can expect to give professional behavior and receive the same. The administration of
the school must be willing to resolve conflict between teachers, parents and students. A
profession2al teacher will stand behind the decisions of their superiors. Likewise, a teacher
should feel confident to lead their classrooms with the support of other teachers and
administration. Therefore, professionalism is a two-way street. It must be modeled by the
teachers and returned from the other professionals in the working environment.

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