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(Day three) 25th - Oct 2016

Today I arrived at 7: 25 .I went to the academic admin to ask her

about the layout for the observation task and the student list. It
was 7:45 I went to my class I was waiting the rest of the student.
After the rest arrived I ask them to stand in a line because I will
take them to the assembly to say the national anthem. We came
back to the class court then I told them to stand in line because
its the time for the morning snack. At 9:30The MST make a revision
for the Arabic lesson and the religion. Then we went to a workshop
about the traditional items and the instrument was the (mahfa). I
had fun with them I helped them to stick the straw in the paper to
create a (mahfa) the fan. Todays activity is different they will go
to the playground and they can play randomly whatever they
want. Last hour I gave them the letter M in Arabic and I started
giving them a nouns start with the letter M. Then I mark their
worksheets to see their performance, who need heavy revision
also, to be sure that each student can distinguish the letter from a
lots of letters. Today I left at 1:25 because I didnt have anything to

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