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Name: Amal Yousef Karam

ID: H00330254
Date: 7 March 2016
EPC 1903 Practicum 1b

In my 7th practice day at Ajman Academy School. I arrived at the

school around 8:50 so I waited for my friends to arrive together.
Actually, in this week they confirm us in grade two with
My partner Haya and I started our day with Ms.Kathren. As we
enter into class, Ms.Kathren has started the lesson about sounds
of letters (Air sounds). The students were sitting on the carpet,
and each one of them has a small board to write the sound they
hear from the teacher.
After that, the class changed and other students come from
different sections. So, they were almost 24 students in this
category. The lesson was about using their imagination and she
let them imagine what is in the box? By using some imagination
keys like a: I found a..., one sunny day., I think., once upon a
time and how did the box come. Haya and I walked around the
students and gave them more idea to help them imagine.
Then, we had a break for twenty minutes. During the break, we
discussed with the teacher about our teaching in school. Also, she
gave us her e-mail contact with her.
Therefore, they had an Arabic class. In this class they had to use
Ipads to found a short story from the internet. Then, she asked
them to set into three groups and she started to explain the
lesson about how to use some Arabic methods.
After Arabic class, their math class began with Ms.Kathren again.
It was about missing numbers. So, she divided them into four
groups with different levels of worksheets. I walked around them
and helped Abdulla.I try to explain to him how we solve the
missing numbers. Actually, I proud of him how he answered the
other parts without I helped him.
At the end of our TP day, it was 12:00pm and we have to go back
in this time. It was really an active day and I learned a lot.

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