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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English IV

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
a. Identify the characters in the story;
b. Comprehend the selection being read; and
c. Reason out well
II. Subject matter:
Topic: The Young Head of the family
Reference: Bridges to Communication, Heidi Grace L. Borado, pp. 20-22
Materials: Pictures, charts
Value: Leadership, Responsibility.

III. Learning Experiences:

Teachers activity

Pupils activity

A. Preparation
1. Review:
Last meeting, we had read
the story a bout A Visit to a
Who are the characters in

Very good!
Who went to Celsos
Very good!
Do you like the story?



- Maam!, Elena and Ramon

- Yes, maam!

2. Motivation:
(Showing of pictures)


Who are in the picture class?

What they are doing

Very good!
Who is our head of the
Very good, The father is the
head of the family.

- father
- sister
- brother
- Maam they are cooking,
sweeping the floor and washing
- Maam the father.

3. Presentation:
Today we are going to read
again a story about the young head
of the family.
Class, Bring out your book and
open it on page 20.
Now class, who .wants to read
the story?
Yes, Chloe!


(Chloe reads the story; while the

others listen and follow silently).

Class; did you understand the

Okay! If you understand the
story, I have questions for you.
Who are the Characters in the

Yes, maam

Four sons
Three daughters

Very good!
Who are the main characters?
How many sons that the
father have?
How about his daughters?
Are they good children?

Maam, the father.


Yes!, maam

4. Discussion:

5. Generalization:
> The children will answer the
questions in the book.
>The teacher will sum it up.
6. Application:

(The children will make a letter

for their father or they will make a
card with letter and design it).

(The children will bring out

there materials in making a

IV. Evaluation:
Write the letter of the
correct answer on the blank.
_______1. Who thanked the wise
child in the story?
a. 3 young men
b. 2 young men
c. 1 young men
_______2. Who is the man did not
suppose in the story?
a. old man
b. father
c. mother
_______3. Who come riding along
on a water buffalo?
a. old man
b. young girl
c. father
_______4. How many sons does the
father have?
a. 5
b. 3
c. 4

_______5. How many daughters inlaw are stated in the story?

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
V. Agreement:
Read the story The Young
Head of the Family and write its
summary on a whole sheet of paper
then submit tomorrow.

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