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Front cover
Bright and bold colour
to get their attention.

Used a big bold masthead

to attract their eyes.

By having a model that

is a young female I am
addressing my
audience since the
majority of my readers
are female between the
ages 16-22.

Since my audience is always

interested in what music
that are on the top chart, I
have put some of it on my
front cover to make them
more interested to by the

Contents page
My contents page is build up from what
the audience would like to read about.
Its divided in to sections so it would be
easy for the reader to find what they
would like to read about in an effective

Double page spread

The article on my
DPS is the same
artist that is
featured on the
front cover. This
again will attract
my audience
since the majority
of the reader is
young female
between 16-22
years old.

The language would

be the type of
language that young
girls will be
interested to read
and comfortable,
because this
language can be
compared to how
they talk.

The interview on my DPS is an article that my audience can read and just relax for a bit. Not
think about everything that is going on, but take a little brake. The artist is also talking about her
personal life and that`s not something she does a lot. You will get to know her I a new way

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