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This is a fictitious case. All names used in this document are fictitious.

Book Used: Number the Stars by Lois Lowry

Lowry, Lois. Number the Stars. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1989. Print.

NAME: Annemarie Johansen


AGE: 12

BORN: Copenhagen, Denmark

PARENTS: Mr and Mrs. Johansen

SIBLINGS: Lise Johansen (Deceased) Kirsti Johansen


TESTING DATES: 09-30-45 10-01-45 10-02-45


PROVIDER: Mrs. Johansen

TESTS GIVEN: Multiple Intelligences

Myers-Briggs Personality Type
Kohlbergs Stages of Moral Development

Purpose of Examination:
Annemarie Johansen experienced World War II through the eyes of a ten year-old. Living in
Nazi-controlled Copenhagen, Denmark, Annemarie assisted her family in the transport of Jews to
independent Sweden. Annemarie helped her best friend, Ellen Rosen, escape to Sweden to avoid
religious persecution. Maturity and childhood fought in a tug-of-war with Annemarie as the
reward. The test hopes to give society a better understanding of the minds of brave children. This
twelve year-old single white female was tested with the questions:
1. What intelligences are most common in children grown up in dangerous places?
2. What personality do these brave children reflect?
3. What is the aftermath of the dangerous setting on the moral aspect of these

The most exceptional children are often those accustomed to danger from an early age. Children
all over the world learn of their stories and aspire to meet the greatness of these brave children.
They certainly inspire many, but, in order to score among these kids, their psychological
characterization must be analyzed.


Background Information:
Annemarie Johansen is a 12 year-old white, single female. She was very young when the Nazis
took over Denmark. She participated in illegal activity to save her friends from the Nazi at the
age of 10; she encouraged civil disobedience. She and many other similar children grew up in
dangerous settings and persevered, each with their own unique story. Psychologically, Annemarie
displays immense development after her immersion into political danger. At first representing the
naive nature of a fairy tale character, Annemarie soon experiences multiple events of loss.
Annemarie was forced to participate in actions some adults cower from.


Medical Status:
Annemarie is healthy and does not require any treatment or medication.


Law/Custody Status:
Mr. and Mrs. Johansen currently retain custody on Annemarie Johansen. Annemarie has
committed the following crimes:

1. Helping Jews escape Copenhagen (no longer applicable as Germany lost control
of Denmark)
2. Smuggled illegal items and lied to Nazi officers (no longer applicable as Germany
lost control of Denmark)


Social Status:

Annemarie currently goes to public school in Copenhagen, Denmark. She maintains ties with her
family and Uncle Henrik. Her family and Annemarie communicate frequently with the Rosens.
They previously networked with the Nazi Resistance Member, Peter Nielsen (deceased).


Multiple Intelligences:
Annemarie Johansen fits in three intelligences. Annemarie reflects spatial intelligence, bodily-
kinesthetic intelligence, and intrapersonal intelligence. While Annemarie waits for her mother to
return after escorting the Jews to her Uncle Henriks boat, Annemarie spotted her mother in a
lump of grass. She definitely understands her external environment better than her friend, Ellen,
and sister, Kirsti. In her run through the forest, she relies greatly on her hearing and less on her
vision. She often memorizes the landscape of places. Annemarie is intelligent when it comes to
physical tasks. Annemarie saves the day with her running speed as she delivers the secret
package to her uncle. Annemaries weak spot is academics, so she relies on her physical ability to
compensate. Annemaries last and perhaps strongest intelligence lies in self-smarts. Annemarie
knows what she is driven by and her capabilities. Annemarie stays to herself and does not rely on
others. Annemarie resorts to memories to guide through troubling situations. Annemarie is an
athletic, externally aware introvert.


Myers-Briggs Personality Type:

Annemarie scored an ISFP (Introverted-Sensing-Feeling-Perceptive) on the Myers-Briggs test.
Annemarie has few close friends and prefers to be surrounded by close friends and family
members. Most of the time, Annemarie is in her own head and quiet to the rest of the world. She
also relies more on her senses than her feelings. Annemarie wants concrete evidence, which is
also a reason for her spatial-intelligence. She also lives in the now. She acts the way she feels.
While confronting Nazi soldiers, Annemarie uses feeling and memories to communicate with the
soldiers. She is also extremely perceptive. She analyzes others and contemplates its meaning.
Annemarie is very sympathetic and extremely self-independent. She is not afraid to venture
outside and explore the world.


Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development:

Annemarie falls into Stage 6 of Moral Development: Universal Ethics. Annemaries actions are
justified by what she feels is right. She breaks the law to help her friend and do what she believes
is right. Denmark is famous for how it united to save the Jews from Nazi clutches. Annemarie
and those close to her actively rebel against the Nazi government to do the right thing.


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