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Resume of English

1.- Present Simple:

a.- Estructure:
Positive: S+V+C
Negative: S + dont / doesnt + V + C to beS + Verb. to be
+ not + C
Interrogative: Do / Does + S + V + C + ? to beVerb. to
be + S + C + ?

2.- Past Simple Tense:

a.- Estructure:
Positive: S + V (past tense) + C
Negative: S + didnt + V + C to beS + Verb. to be
(was/were) + not + C
Interrogative: Did + S + V + C + ? to beVerb. to be
(was/were) + S + C + ?

3.- Presents Continuous:

a.- Estructure:
Positive: S + am/is/are + V (-ing) + C
Negative: S + am not/isnt/arent + V (-ing) + C
Interrogative: Am/is/are + S + V (-ing) + C + ?

4.- Presents Perfect:

a.- Estructure:
Positive: S + have/has + V (past participle) + C
Negative: S + havent/hasnt + V (past participle) + C
Interrogative: Have/has + S + V (past participle) + C + ?
How to describe an image.
1.- Place or Situation
2.- Position / Physcal Appeareance / Activities
3.- Personal Opinion

At the back

In the front

On the left In the middle On the


Likes and dislikes:

Absolutely love.

Quite / really love.

Like noun

Be keen on verb. (-ing)

:l dont mind noun / verb. (-ing)

dont like noun

Be not keen on verb. (-ing)

Really hate noun

Cant stand verb. (-ing)

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