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Week of February 27
(Please initial and return this form daily with your student)

Day Homework & Managing Parent


(Star of the Questions

myself initials
Day) Reminders /Comments


Tuesday Remember Gym

(Hayden) Shoes!

(Lucy B.)


Last day of
Friday Chocolate Sale
(Blessen) Library Checkout Today!
Red word HW due!

Here's what we're learning this week:

Turn over for more information

Reading: This week we will be making connections between the two nonfiction
texts we have been reading. Both texts have a foundation in economics.

Phonics: Students will begin to write and practice spelling two syllable words
with blends.

Writing: This week students will choose their topic, determine their best
audience, and begin to develop strong reasons to support their opinion.

Math: This week we will finish up our fifth unit in math. I tentatively plan to
review Thursday and test Friday.

Social Studies/Science: On one of our more interesting weather days, I plan to

have the kids complete their weather observation. Students will observe the
temperature, wind, sky, and precipitation.

Other news:

Conferences: Conferences are held on Monday, March 6 from 2-6. I look

forward to seeing many of you!
Chocolate Sale: The chocolate sale is finished on Friday, March 3. Please
turn in the money or the box of chocolate. Thank you for supporting
New Groningen through the chocolate sales!
Star of the Day: The star of the day will be asked to bring in something
to show their favorite activity to do outside of school. This could be a
picture showing them doing this activity, or an object that is connected
to the activity. An example would be a picture of their family at the
beach or a tennis racket because they love tennis.
Skating Party: Coming up March 14, from 6-8pm at the HOME roller rink
on Holland. The cost is $5 per student.

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