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1. Fast Pace (n): rapid rhythm
Technology progresses at such a fast pace that from time to time it is difficult for someone
to keep up with it.
2. High-Tech (n): (technologically advanced)
Some people are scared of high-tech devices/products.
3. Access: self-explanatory
Everybody should have access to the internet.
Advance (n): self-explanatory

2. Have Sth up your sleeve (Verb)

Im sure Tina has got something up her sleeve. Time will tell.

3. Pull your socks up (Verb)

Katy should pull her sock up and start working harder. Otherwise, she's going to fail the

4. Stuffed shirt (Noun)

Please, don't invite Tom. He's such a stuffed shirt. I' can't stand him.

5. I take my hat off to (Verb)

I take my hat off to my mother. She's been so brave her whole life and I really admire her.

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