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Global Warming

: a gradual increase in the overall

temperature of the earth's atmosphere.

A fairly logical point is that homeowners

worry about keeping carefully their home.
We all want a nice house, with its garden,
your patio, your living room. Because that
way we feel comfortable. This
convenience helps us feel good, and that
others visiting our home also feel
comfortable. It would be illogical to think
that the house itself could perform acts
that are deteriorating home.
However, that is exactly whats
happening to humanity, and their home,
the planet Earth. We are destroying the
environment in which we live every day.
We do like it like if it is not ours. When in
fact it is our only home.
The earth is a perfect habitat; it
regenerates, nourished by itself. It is a
natural process. The way we handle the
abuse of natural resources is hindering
this process, and one consequence is
global warming, which in turn generates
other phenomena such as climate
change, floods, among others.
Global warming is the gradual increase in
global temperature. The atmosphere and
oceans are experiencing an unusual rise
in temperature, causing several negative
consequences to ecosystems. Science, on
the one hand, has shown that our planet
has gone through normal processes of
heating and cooling along through
processes of thousands or millions of
years. But now, the accelerated pace of
life, in all aspects, is causing changes in
the composition of the earth in less than
a century. Activities such as deforestation
and the excessive production of gases
that cause the greenhouse effect, among
others, have contributed to producing
global warming.
Now the most important question: Can
we do something about it? The answer
is yes, and its very simple, all you have
to do: save energy.
The hardest part is being able to create a
sense of responsibility in society, but
even the smallest attempt can make a
huge change.

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