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Global warming and species extinction

Nowadays global warming is a serious matter because of which a lot of

species are going extinct.This is a very serious matter because not only
human lives are indangered but also animals.If we continue to be
careless about global warming , the day , world might come to an end is
going to arive sooner.Everyone must wake up and do something to stop
the climate change because the only way we can make a change is if we
do it together.
Global warming not only affects us ,humans, but also a big part of
wildlife. The rise in temperature is causing the survival rate of many
species to decline due to lack of food, lower production, and poorer
living conditions.
The global warming shortens the lifespan of the planet earth. Heat
waves occur more frequently, rainfall becomes more intense and sea
levels rise. Extreme heat and the lack of rain cause drought. When rain
does arrive, the rain is really intense, leaving no time for the water to
absorb into the soil, causing it to flood to lower areas, washing away
the top layer of the soil.
Climate change is a serious problem that is not easily solved, but there
are a number of things we can do to change this world. Regreening is a
very good way to help the nature because Recent studies show that
planting trees can contribute up to 37% of the carbon emission intake
required to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius.
Global warming affects everyone on the earth.It is our fault for creating
such big mess ,but the least we can do is take it seriously and try to do
our best at fixing the things we have done.

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