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e Elean
nor Roo
osevelt Paperss Projec
er Internsh

More tha an any woma an of the tweentieth centu

ury, Eleanor Roosevelt in
nspired citiz
zens and nattions
to hazarrd all they have
h to build
d a world go
overned by ddiplomacy, citizen engag gement, and
democratic policy. Her
H example of o peace buiilding and huuman rightss advocacy thhroughout h her
life is a model
m to be studied and applied nott only here in
n the United
d States but aaround the

Since 200
00, The Elean
nor Rooseveelt Project ha
as worked to o place ERs voice into th
he written
record. We
W make rigo orous, imporrtant scholarrship availab
ble and usefful to an incrreasingly div
and ever--expanding audience.

The Projeect offers a variety

v of in
nternship exp
periences th hat lets stude
ents exploree the many siides
of history
y and historrical researchh at a docum
mentary editting project. Students ha ave the
portunity to o work with pprimary souurce documen nts
d conduct reesearch. We seek studen nts with a
ssion for hisstory who arre considerinng careers in
uniiversities, m
museums, arcchives, librarries, or

Ouur summer in nternship prrogram bring gs students from

acrross the Unitted States to o the George e Washington n
Uniiversity for aan intensive e research prrogram. Our
summmer studen nts are expo osed to all asspects of our
work at the pro oject, are tra
ained to use the Library of
Con ngress and tthe Nationall Archives, and tour a
number of
o local sitess related to Eleanor
E Roos sevelts timee in Washing gton DC. The e ERPP is
committeed to offerinng interns a wide
w range ofo archival aand editing e experiences including g
research,, organizatio
on of docum ments, web de evelopment,, transcriptio on, and prooofreading wo ork.
We also encourage
e sttudents to use
u part of th heir time witth us to com mplete independent research
projects on topics reelated to the holdings off the ERPP orr other colle ctions in the e DC area, an
many of our summerr interns und dertake rese
earch related d to senior th heses or othher long-term

Beginning summer 2017, studen nts may chooose between a traditiona al history tra
ack and a diggital
humanitiies track. Alll students will
w receive so ome trainingg on the digiital side of o
our project, b
those on the digital track
t will ha
ave additionaal opportuniities to learn
n about DH a and will crea
ate a
final projject using DH tools. Studdents interested in the D
DH track do not need sp pecialized
experiencce with commputers, just an interest in
i learning.

To Applyy: send a cov

ver letter, re
esume, and one
o letter off recommend dation to Ch
hristy Regenh
at regenh u. Application ns are due no
n later than
n March 31, 2
2017, with p
preference giive
to those received by March 1.

Visitt us at erpap

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