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1/2 kg fish fillet or 1 canned of tuna
1 small tomato
2 fresh Kaffir Lime leaves(daun Jeruk Purut)
1 stalk of spring onion, chopped
1 stalk of lemon grass (Sereh/Serai), take only the white part
2 fresh lemon basil leaves (optional)
50 ml water
Spice Paste
4 shallots
2 cloves of garlic
2 red chillies the more the better! (But if you dont like it spicy you can
substitute with paprika powder)
1/2 cm ginger
1/2 cm of fresh turmeric or 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
A pinch of salt to taste (or you can use 1/2 block beef seasoning mixture)
A pinch of sugar
1. Blend or grind the spice paste
2. Heat the oil, and then fry the fish. Set aside.
3. Saut the spice paste with leftover oil, together with lemongrass, kaffir lime
leaves, basil leaves and spring onion.
4. Then add the water, salt (or seasoning mixture) and sugar.
5. When the spices already mix well, put the fish inside. Leave it cook for 10
minutes and do not stir it too much because it would make the fish falling apart.
6. Serve with warm plain rice (nasi putih).

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