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Clea Marie G.

Mission BABA4A


Mr. Francisco Bundoc- The actions of Mr. Bundoc were very commendable on the first part of
the case since he prevented the tuition fee increase in the state university considering that most
students could not afford expensive tuition fees. However, when he was influenced by her wife
to maintain good relationships with Mr. Agao, he became more accommodating with him. He
did not stand on what is right and just for the students because he did not push through on
opposing the proposal of Mr. Agao. Mr. Bundoc enjoyed the benefits that he and his wife is
receiving leaving the students and their family in financial distress because of the tuition fee

Dr. H.C. Agao- Proposing a tuition fee increase in a state university without relevant purpose or
need is a very bad action for Mr. Agao. It is unwise to increase tuition fees without valid reasons
since it is a state university and most students that are enrolled would face financial problems in
order to support themselves. Moreover, Mr. Agaos attitude of being unable to accept defeat lead
to his bad actions. He manipulated the wife of Mr. Bundoc in order to bring him down by luring
him with the income and benefits that both of them can enjoy. Mr. Agao is a selfish person
because he would do everything just to get what he want and not thinking of the damage that
might affect other people.

Mrs. Bundoc- Having an opportunity to do business and gain profit is the purpose of Mrs.
Bundoc for accepting the offers of Mr. Agao. I think that Mrs. Bundoc was innocent since she
only wants to return the favor to Mr. Agao by telling her husband to be friends with him.
Although her actions seemed to be a pressure to his husband. If Mrs. Bundoc was already
enjoying a lot of benefits, she should not have meddled with her husbands relationship with Mr.
Agao. The pressure and influence that she bestowed upon Mr. Bundoc caused her husband to
soften and take sides with Mr. Agaos proposal regarding the tuition fee increase.

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