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Internal Structure of

the Earth
By: Immad Alam
Internal Structure of the Earth
Physically not possible to go deep in to the center of the earth
but some hypothesis have been made

Crustal Rocks
Density of Crustal rocks is 2.8 g/cm^3
Density of Earth is 5.5 g/cm^3
It means there is some dense solid material inside the earth
Internal Structure of the Earth
Oval Shape of the Earth
The theory says there is some liquid inside the Earth which has
bulged the Earth because of centrifugal force due to
Study with the help of Seismic
Three types of Earthquake waves

1. L wave/ Surface Wave: Travels along the surface of the crust

2. Body Waves: Travel inside the body of the Earth
Types of Body Waves
Two Types-
1. P waves
Compressional Waves/Push Waves
Move material parallel to the direction of its motion
Can pass through liquids
Types of Body Waves
2. S-Waves
Called Shear or Shake Waves
Move objects perpendicular to the direction of their motion
Do not propagate through liquid
Internal Structure of the Earth
Internal Structure of the Earth
Till 103 we get both P and S waves
No waves after that till 142
At 142 we get only P waves indicating the presence of liquid
inside the earth. The gap between 103- 103 is called S wave
Shadow region
The gap between 103- 142 is called P wave Shadow region
The P waves received are sometimes 4 times refracted. Their
speed has increased which indicates a solid and dense region
Internal Layers of the Earth
1. Solid Inner Core
5150 km below the sea level
Radius= 1220 km
Nickel And Iron

2. Liquid Outer Core

2900 km from Surface
Thickness= 2250 km
Ni, Fe, Mg
Internal Layers of the Earth
3. Solid Lower Mantle
2230 km thick
Oxides of Iron, Magnesium and Silicon

4. Upper Mantle
Extends from base of crust to depth of 670 km
In a viscous state
Upper mantle just beneath the crust is solid
Internal Layers of the Earth

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